The Huron Expositor, 1902-09-26, Page 7J ism IBER 24 -SFPTENL Loa JULJM HURON Exposffo&! usual. in t BABYS OVM T.&BLE�s 'in Guelph, a, year or two ago, the 1 0; be, 110Q. Act dy, Want iV �0's schollard, and sure to `011teness In Me co. thought little Of Walking all the way to Jbir FATAL DISCOVE' The I Gentl e4 in Mexico tl ETOPK THE S�HOWER BATH' e tswaiu :Xaklo hey sZe each other. they.shake 'And it son!s residece !a U16 countrv, a clist, , 4 . I hats -when. i HONEST �DVfOE. I i 01ES. AoPle, who Chidren Well and K 0 On givin k ra'na to the 'boa ever t emilez. Zor the �pas.6 Year or 110 0 lki$ o thought. �01 I oked his chia and said. INVENTIONS THAT BROUGHT THEIR 4rove Blin rrom the koatmi- Based on.Rifs 0 Ovaning me Them Wen. beett living with hei tion, Mr. Ww., i �mith. well, lo k 'e �e, m4es hands when(��-er they in et and part, r. alike this Ite� Bv�ek to XPW. Rugland, pors admeant t,, of Eram044, and it Was there that shaipaqae! ere E ' : I I onal - �Ex- VE. they do nbt conslder'ii ad form Them, ar;e1h down'in thD e%1600 have to "After I W perie-noe He P.6coi6-me d 0 ORIGINATORS TO TH their sy peacefully away. ;I leek ol lire journeys, stri14 eg, porsick, weak, aervous. fretful child en, dais soup, abit I if fish; a bi; of'ftumthat stand In line on th ewafks and i�g here! an' esi! t 'S Kidn! Pills., 1 &ia nothing so, good an B%byla d th few mil Dodd owls it eStare at the! la(lies, py_ They PtomPUY relieve, and cure all r their d -One Gf re mi�es ib 411 !t,gether t�ev; wa b� t4ble,qottie., We, haves Sclextille Secretx That the wea rb the'Y� men 0 ]Fox- urtalu rises, nes 6f ianta of lo� e� 7,e e ipping Rest(ore&- stomach a �t4e.Wise- able dottis, Buried With the hats in a theater until the ey from 4 Oze nd bowel troubles that. afl.jet -th 'a ery heavy vs, 1% 0 calls itiirli�lhys "aw 0 1 e I er 9 ior of a rMarientl tween. the ae'ts , n Grel-L A pedlar, wi messed ThemL T and, moreovr, th�y pu, Iktandin litge ones, break up calds, rediace fev�er, and and hat ere t e f 'th in on be- the'' llil6uetfe on Y ourect A1&y the irritat'ou accompanying the edonfidently up td� CAU'Ves of Their Trazie OIL Itag up to look tfiln &o�t, ' . la 00n for a�ou —]&lr, R- Boulanger,,, SeOrot;64 and T�,.oaa_ says t elWorlds W6rk, ever fans even �ng able looking house.'J Wh�rel It ley So Id d urer of the town, says ce, and 4f� separa- T 84io -voice, 141 1 1 � sha I for eyery fa 'The ma-xim whIeh states sfience tion they embrace keep and use Do This cou rds pl, he IAOY -of the manoi, in d h. The Tablet& can be given v ith Can I bee t think it is prndput� itec! aeesorG0'e4?pIe of il� t. vapor safoty- to the - yovanget, feeb eat eac dd"a Kidhey Pills. Jfa inquired, politely. h other take a Shower b nr 'the' Be -vex 101-011, pre ea t4ey are guarantged to contain no R calliagsJ The man ii the imoon, would Is igolden has cost the- worl some of Yes, if ye blifid,11 the. w de'd foot f4311.1,1 ed of Kid - al co, oa4 on the back it they happen to be inti- teen hun I mYself -was etlmple�elv CUr aditiort tbo- 1Ata or . harm.fut drug �114- ave them 4 �llows t%ae greatest discoveries o Modern nev Disease and lUiribaryl trouble by tbis For very, at [all W Of 'You SAM t &�A crush the Tableta to a pow4 wered. What Yom want?" times for- n of mate friends. atotber- voice,' ;"are relieves ri er. Laiv kdv�ocaie �arbor ova the yers�' t I They smok-e everywbc re, -even In fool."' th Gh, really are ypu he mintressi Is e Axford. of St.'Thomaa, Out,, �sa ri, : - I " I was so bad t at I %�asobliged to urin- "Well, what didou: take me T6-, whose names would have been handed - I b sueh i biia i 'some theaters.- They nev r carry bun- "N'ottit all ca e back a ment 4 valQ4 Dobt to 1�ea , Bri b1sh Col Imb a., down to poster! ate often with "Iefoe gvrlag my rttle girl Baby's ( wn ye think Oi ran the! ice -bo' h4 s4.4r rgV much pk,�, lihey have to. ch thgra ig no, X,or ty as public bexiefac- dies In the street, but ec Is- attended tively.- "T lieved me of the pain, rs, to &uthracitzi, Q Coal dmie io. he riv �'s --very low ! Wh t 10i OW :Rue suffered fcom & disorde.-ed che man next ddor?'� she replied er6A. tors have been killed by. their secrets nd the result ery She vomited a good deal, Miners, tio by t ere' is' I to spra; 6verY way are asti6factor rem&1A dijh:26 know! prok )Bob, N Ova 8 30ti before they would conse'lat t 3 divulge a.,l l�io Carr s even the th of It ti Irng in th e Wa vl�t y hat I't I'd larow 1 Thoee who know 31ri. Bmulanger well allnende. %tip tted, and pvie and d te mum I I FIrmers � t Ontario. smalles p e They re wonder-' first, huxidred fee it Will simp& co e also :)erhaps. that yon miohr, be the Y11' I U Ifigelt them to their fellow beings. tit Bronehi . 1�� . d, Embezzl" fullY coar0ous to each ot er, and two down li b; and g. wd alwaya a nervou daug6tor.11 nlyde', Ase. . know how very ill be .00 trial siz In 1895 all Europe was st ke rain � 'by,;yQu'd o n WO, ad how com. r Collector' 116 D auville, Oat rio.' y frie d M DPnd �,ou�self. Onl r Pletely Dodd'F Kidney pjills ave re;sto =&did notisleeP we -1.1. Afte givingher e A - t' irtied b Bridal sjiiA it ii�0 'Debtors, �It) a_goo' deal of time the T t is mWell, that ia tr %, st, seafort� �jrjk U there was a great change. the discovery of a new exp s 9 W' bb r that the pedlar leq with, a $ta idolf, Prince E dward Ie- a called in 2elding which shaR enter sale.. Tiiis a room pro is oin'ething big,, Co e 6tor and waT -believed, sirtford. sch got, better, 'she retained. her to Dd much t�j 1� I I valise. inite, wWC it or�'carrlage first. for Dowel# imcame, regular, and she Soldiers,':to r211, Ontario. would revolutionize modern warfar�e. Marriage B mu 411\70t, 127 Yi Proy. Finally, ch fatter and looks the picture of calltio Speculatois,�o New Town, Vew ruriz- It was the. invention ok Exeter every Mexic it, gentleman -a One Of the queerest f:,ea,�ar.es of Cou I also give the Tablets to xny b, ib on a S e A insists on ;But I �was ther y *ick. � I . , - o The'wate when strollin- n This i wh V 113 1r9pe a arriage iby proxy of royAl his all consi hilt r, a Vis Boozers, to Aye 'Oat&rio. scientist name& Sawbridge, I Lnd sam, S m is sod or when h a not a gentle woicl—bat 0' giving the Olaf th - walk t -q Companion as- a mark ot politeness. egablb Part Of it .14 rd in a et 116 As than three T CaUada, think how liable yoti are not to pure �d J)le of the explosive which -v rere LeSt- ame down, a T'llere area% the present too-. corlk imil they al-aTa do him Food.. I k!ep �o Bober Island, Pri 'a Ed- athoreft. vrhotw a.d Jethe only.: remedy� universally ka6 6 Ward Is ed by the goivernment reveale . the fact nd spra in OY&I ladies Who I have been thus wedd 'a, a rem ind inere b e a Regent use n would not be edy that has h' that its power -w This point is quickly dee, ded, if there that �e� (jut oi�lthe w -1 ed -+the Qu�o lain r"14 .,Vitboa� t+em.' ad ; the. largest f [ Posts, to�Ba�daville, Ontario. as three tinaeg greater �J , of Spain, the Dowager* -are sotd- by mll d aay medicine in the world since station age, but it ut tq d se J"Of 14ndo IQ Id uren of Portugs k ' british r _Sobfs Own Tabtata 18 1 r Anvil Ialtad,. than tha is a difference in distanceo. p own r Bl%ckami�he,� itt t of cordite and a conse. Polumbia. t 6 friends go MnV and reign. kuiv in Canadis the cure and treatuient 'onsumpti: , n .. I . -ice it would treble the range of a tb�ere is not, and the ixi a bathin I w -the ex Quiien of Nsplea br will be'sent. post p,.id at of C quei: gui er to the mai daa as- th Throat an 'VbI without! 6 f, C7? s ilig So�erigns are held tol W Too impo alters, t�, - �ro and cros ; ften so tha 0 e pool -and upo yearns, * i he relative v6sitios a e I Chang be marr4ci m6rtoa 814. -ernment - oc personages to e 0 911"t as grea d Lune tro e1ET9 Footb kenhead, a i dba. rifle bullet The German go) dowa a street t sirea�m that falls t anywhere Is by writing direct to The Dr. 11 il- rA t y fo his in.; d aflae kedicine, Go., BrocL-,ville, or Z populari all these Oritics, to 06rp Ontario. offered- Sawbridge ;E20,000 ged, a. the r' ks with murderous swisi�i wy sit; Riversid4 �be thankful we called y r atten' thAn in their own domini�fis' On the o or on atrioticall li sh a roa, lik 9A Tramps, to Utl ., Oatmrio. new discussion as to all oC_ the ahr and ga"Ia� 1 0 1 1 vention, which he p ,� i e, a railway trai band It is held to be g* for :k spinster as", visitin - ---------- Boschees German Syrup. There Ortawa-&506.8 kers, to elcourt, Que.- refused C11 eceS axy at Whel� 'Itl strikes w, a D g, PY the inside becom i f foo printess of the bloodi, who many ordinary cough remedies m until the home authorities had had the daring to about to Grt011'a ther Farquhar b - � ee.—Toroilto Uo a. hardine�s. At a4iy i aoment 'a veer g dged qeeA �vr r of charmin 5 every corner.1 bloisom forth into a s opt druggiato and others that- are che� fir t ' ion of pur Ing, I W1 g flotio,11-11 follow* chase. But h nd ffilgh to in for e the latter; were about to sea I con- whole mass upoh mportaq positiou t swin4 the Press travel abj�-ad quest ol- cough1f t *rT, of obtained by tae L "Po the marks good for -light colds pprhar)s, but RO�J� )IL LINIMENT Is g"000 for consort. Brou chitis, Cco the tall, slim fl. e tekin ondoir R'11 9 pab triLet with- him the news came, that his A Child tentativ mou up—A.11d e an or held n,reduces,swe.ffinr In order to ruef t thi L Vsborae,, at tht ly for consumption, where there i taftwumation', �tl, A. curious ly on- aY I - R ijfficiilty the -Y SL t burns, brulsei, spralne custom- formerly prevail- fours Ldowii the jagged tal., Hoddij� -4xAminatione held on -September 12,b laboratory had been blown up 1�nd him- In_ on' St. N ed tall a is atl� t L I or itnperial bridegroom elegAtEs -Onef he t bolas day'was.the Aec- tal 440 r"rks expectoration. and coughing dur 4,e o' a or 25 cpnt3� self with It. Llufortunately -he left slope, his eyeglass pebbles guntil] 9 principal nobles of the realm. 410UP-%. which stjLte cheerfu who goov mvnd H&y, 293 Edgar 311 onte it h, 2wo 4 ike no records tion 6b, a boy to xnaitit�ala the 1�y. i A. steady breeze kept tle th nighta &nd'mornivga, here is Dothlo whatever, and althoug h the religiqua.aad civil and fix wich h of v in e Martin Mdge, t),. -n ug#I� I little. the other waL Odding nereruc)ny lul MILEU&N-S LAXA-LIVER P1 US retul%te th, some of the leading experts O_ the ddy b Of the the civilized world. - - III I i - - lettem bowels, cure cojetiption, d3,spe�sla. bffiouane� minutely examined the purpose he was and the s 'ay-6urgeo country a. behalf of bit maaUr,,-,, to her er r adice and authority of a bisb��, for which fall t roul.: ga of, 01,rman Byr up. 8old by all -dr t - out a hewe Clan Stewart, 250, -Vera, Campbell, . it, clothed in rich epis- pr G. G. GR=v, Woodbury, S� debi -is they m Smn ot these classes were &b.,eut. Wok headwhe, ago all axaotiond of !the i ea, pertaining to copal robes �nd wore a �a the other slope. The' king the reap �lgestlou. of failed to discover the s is iter. Dean oarwas. deaf Ina oases for him &nd tendering ----------- ecret, hich 4f—Total 450 marka. Wesley St ue, I lug. bishaudw,ais well ga U Colet, in the statutes f St. Paul's Aek t]:keL Droiver. Probably lost forever. gave i I_ring, at the John Brky, 308. Three of �hs` a Al once the l Ind. Shifted, t e scribed POintA of tht ce�emouy. mission *am abselit. Jr. Thhd—Total 460 ma, ks BACK&C 9 of feA and ankleei' Aboui half a century ago school, exprpssl al. S � that J t[e then her an, Ita -accompanies her to his V*B ado. An Irisuman who traded in -small 44rda I nder the eyes, f qiu clo uki7,hlxh- ha scholars sho d every 01111dermas (in- water swung back, e dowinionev thiraq, scan4yj Cov and in a ftash liwaie.Gardiner,. 369 Almer Stewart, 3 in,%r3- troubles lead to priest named Luigi Tarauti di er acting as her chief eaeorcl .ona phaze-of the dkepb a drakey cart, with which he ie to 33, col rad urine nd 11 ur' human Yetle� Huukirl. .1 vi, it the different villages. On one Kid. a rd 't , ass nocets) day ilis urche _�gure was blotted out mi a -It's diaeue, fop( diabetin,A1. Doatt's method of making stainerj -, come to P�,x eh ha4 hoped. Jennia M04teth, '61 U lBrig thi Aced ing tothe ideie of the 'Rman tO fiad in uge that turned 0. IC C ur � Foster Bray, 3929: Tommy H-odgeribi. :1 ey FUN are i suie ou and bear the chylde blsh:� to a 11-amaton re� he came to a bridge. where a toll 19vas: 1,evfie( 1. o oring o w i was declar equal p a sermon, a ceremoy of this kind Is Flossii Coward, 3 ; Oscar Sael. - a-ud after be at the hyg Ond—that seemed an hour—it play tlylbixidin upon -the Teactupa, dspart_ He found to his disa-ppointment - he hed Im 't to that made by the ancient , whose li asse and the 0 bridegroom theroyKl bride and eaeh ot them offer a �ly, it. seemed ;WiNfe K xy, 249 Flos4le Pasarnore 26., money enough to H79AT r NEELVE 'PILL sp6t fleAdish 'Y manyletters. fxoa� for it. � A! �rjgl t AN S cure secret has been lost. Pe ny to the' tOr deran 'further ceremony, Tar I abaii- -Two ofthis class were abseat. SIC4,plesen."s, Weakness me -horrIfi there; and Jog how: 0 3, 1554, the &k Sce ,nd Uiought struck him. 'He unbarnesi�djtte Palpitation, Thro�bin,,, Faiail Spells, Wiziness r doned holy orders and set to work to chylde bishop." On: Novid standing th n �elts Ostic&l Or civil, suporfluous, an when -604—To Monte donl�e.y and Pat him i slowly it swept'awa tal-4(* markw.. Willipk uto the cart.. T4el, any condition ar 41C rotu Inioaverished Plood, Die- exectite the huadr' any addititna relLigicUS f -7 Auna, Allison, 332 Bert B row -,,3 1 ordered Xervbe or e Lk Hears. bishop of London ordere(1, that all the r.- place rk, but nL, 9 gettiug between the shafts himself, helpllli $1 1 lissions. 0 NAnd then there w tusually Assume*8 the fo of a 4%Te D;uW- emploviaero, donk,'ey 11tandag he received in the s u i Ehould elect a movement 'cti( dy'a, M lohnnieTurnVA�- 19). Three of this c ass ecrecy of b is work- and a solemn beved 3 aftendied by both the cart with the i� Ca it painful, Crawling m0 lement, down th aide d7ati el z1and" an were absent. to the bridge. In due course he waalhN; Ohildren mr6 noon WaAed �ude-)Jy by -painful and shop at 0sfia, elar.Rome. The finest boy -bishops to take part in proces- flwqband and wife, imi�ediately 0 d I thought, d �dgn eyto the i pa, a!hd.1 scrambled do6wn e- a t e us Goltlo,j Crpip, Diarrho�a, - DyFentery, sious -n th -eets of tho' etropolis. Sio arrival of the latter at �be by the toll on1lectior. !1()Te a stained glass windows in Italy were I e isti m -cap'"l of ber could be faun WQRXS eannot e:kist either in children o ' ik I Uor�'uq, Choli ra, Infatutti, eta. Dr. Fo*ler's the rl�et of Protje�t slippery. rocks to hel —Fam r a alt, 11ey, man," cried the latter, "helu Wild gtrxw3erry Is a Prompt and aura made by him, and he guafde�; his Be- ntism this adopted 3ount ilt Doctor., hen DIL LOWS WORK SYRUP !a used. 25c All ;k"Llimat of 'hodld is youth' bleed! g ing, m-qch surp leure , which 41,v&ys be kept in the house. cret well, for when a year hiter h ssed, P t the Eto-n tries, 66-utinued your. toll e was election was suppre found dead of blood poisonin Set Alonteni W 11 11c under an- from a hu s - UP M inter droiver." ot Sewsort.4, other form. The :"b e too dhzed AUCTION X8. In whom; ed H -ruents he employe -it was cloth a Jay.. He �was! still _d theres. no pngBegorra." said Pat, just 4 tl a a conti ua mdred icutsl�, UP to w4ere h I a Londesboro. bS, the pig OY r acher" was a!_ i scnn the. bloo gots over-beated speak. When his b ath returned ax d ork abolt IDDU�nDg jh�eh 'be t the hona known in En land for h ame from gal an Ike yote n is vevert. anid It 1N7vTEs.—Qajre a number from here at. rel 112,ed t�at he bad carried his Secret DX MISTRATORISSrAie f k ramiz, in -the ociolty often lost. 4U Oe c Blood Bitters purtfiesland In - servant r There will be nff To Increase tbo driod i the �p�eslibe aga: n in the Towneh!p of mothera h Youir Appetitb.! I his ext�a glas�e., e perch-- 4xided the. Loadon fair last week.— re. is With him. The cle st orkmen Amerlca.­L�-ndoxi Chronic e. of ifuron. Bell i& at- pres6d vieltiu- her par nta. �d, tones up the eyet em aad tedozes _sj, I fincl, arg �Tothing �wil stimulate a keen, h6itb v 1vigorateg the 4 on. his nose, be Sod: oft. d tor a4a; by; public -f i oneer, on Tbu lop ."The 9ceans fell upon me! Fo;r God Oetober 2,7902, 'the lost appetite.1 C?:hl* rit at 2 001ock t dGmeati r fobd, insure good digest an d -were called In to examine t gredl- I anction by Thoi3q*s ]3rown, A.uotl 0 is. pre- sud frierkdg here.—Mrs. Me -Kenzie, , of el- relish fo lieTin, The 4nallty- of h- ae mentioned are, perfect a-saimilitionli, ent§, but tny 011 ailed to e back to X lit -Premises, that -v%lu&bJe tio aayo a*. grm�e t, last week with her aisle Ferrozone, sake, co�m ew Engl4nd. spen f Penetrate the dead man's seciet. There ably neveri, s a man or the Manning.—hirt. Melvilia apent the most successful tonfe and health rju4w�r i Late James Eft,aiAs, d ecei6red - � being the But I . nt. 4," waa Oked. U a, f e aye' !'Ati I m ression. prob, Arid We we week with friends in Seaforth. Dr- known to medical at-ience, Ferrozoup, !it a 44 � 1 comp woman did not b0faf Lot No. 13, in th 'lie person who could make 0- who. occ s onally need e 7th Oonee4i6n, If Now Iih&Je ai i i presaoa in my head, in the cald Township �of TuCkje*Wjtb� Liu fbe. of Huron ere are on the re ODUDi; a-wered - Mrs - Boils, Pimvlea. Indigesi.-on, Ae pr. aa any 0� y �u came in contact" and:p, hearing. a N -a �log hatue sitiou billiard 411s equ tho the charity ?f those wit whom they could R124 eiupky-� 'McCallum, is, at present visiting friend in positive cure for Anaknia, Imp,uri at to se- of . Th i-iea," an Dyspep a said the te, h, o tell 'me good well and thout one wxe 91 ordUrd,,, n I whal. Ill. Also" Rontreal and other places.—Afra. Pe cey iYory mrotild quickly qualify as a ATURA!L �[�STORY. mil an iriJIpr esic I r would �Turner is at preaent at her home, ear all wel troubles. 'elt oto e I story relating to the sillf -le- 3rreIADf*o40db%rd,,rood buIp* The fenoo are in not, I think:. Stomach and Bo 'at ire, and it is not an impossibl-e 4 rif Yeem,! I a n,J rep] fe110 w lion, Lek fair condition. There wili sis IL .8 or f ,11T at home in arraiig- Bmtford.—A union social, between. the cleanses, strengthens and p�irifies th6 ness o some one it I t 1h 'a o - be "Id at the asme 0 1 the foot of I�h "!An sk, for It has already been 'done. ' I tt-e aud pl eta s. i pre.$11on is a rising that Ostrie4es, live Ito age b tt ace about H eorft vf geod ehort wood. SL L rS. to Canada."' Oatario street League, Clinton, and M e it invigorates the heart and nerves, 11s 68 Ternie-Cash, or at the optjo� dI the purchaser dent..on a laft1spo they d46' no� hope, for �l e honor of ty: yea i 1. , a Scotch ma*ufactur- Portion of the h Md)Jey May Mra. f3mitb� Not siokness and pain, and m4kea ailing _hoclm-t 14ague her% will be held her on le their relce, that it is true, or at The mandarin 1 dul tgage on Bal er put COMPOSLition billiard balls on the Is one 1 I of mv. pu oat perplexia well. Try a box or two of Ferroz� e Hay F ver. o:E tm land lof a Ile YO rther e GWn On A 9 Monday evening nexL. A good peogra 'me Cure iFo r' Cast trea:t It with cb b ble silence, most beautiful qf adupttic -birds. of vae,� or in The peoted h market which wer Oo at 'b tit .:-Maater Percy Jenre ei as cr i land. and I flad yott result will be a aurptise. Price 0 a.', it mcahtime may be ap�,Uogtiofl Ariway - here. Yon, accepted a, position. in Mr. Daly's y Mg druggists, or W. 0. Poison & Co., The mojr, ; oolit, i, of _4111 the ailinen, of, only a third of �tbe price of 'bQse al- as they hope to be treato, . There nev- So voracious CHARLES WILSON, E8q.,A0m1n1 slery iii'the �cod thatlit w-11 trator, seaforth lewe life rb aol� er -was a gre t F. 0 o -131 business of making I &� , is hay �09r. Nud _�bhe care haii ready In use. rV ' ��Jd much at- swallow anythin a , t Ad- Atore, left for Seaforth on Thursday. Wa Ontario. man aeafotth, Solicitor Jo ibaen discovered. But 4Y fev r, i� has usp.., refrained f om Pat- w gi e s in motion. 1111nistdr. Dated atSeAforth We 12th d*Y of Sep- Hamiltoa�s Pills cure Go tillo enting bis invention and mad, tention to g�ssib; Ari eel has tw *hhhlin every avaess. His genial skaile natipa tl2tQq aver tember, 1002, been establishk c an be I froze out of ('ine�. al the o'se arate hearts. 0 e -been' overdoa%, and i Vilt ba mined. b-Ils h fami y womal er Sisters` beats 60, A patient whol has tried this c I imsel , d'Texi his i distinguished ab­�� h ' was a da;e ar� sA the other 0, times a piinut -lere o for goodness' who, was charitable. IG AUCTION SALE ()p NEW AND sECONj). to be iufa,�!ible. ae w7n t - 0 a tb Is prohibited from., sharing W . A Ever the American Maxx� P�_' ladybird can tr, vl. 20,000i;,0000 0 B HAND BrGwEs &N D 1 wA" as I said before, FOR ialbuwal or external use 131AGYARDIS YEL- I wn recommend-,ati6n a � a fri?nd w�o had bben You might well mUspi yourself by times its own Ian A in an ho' going extensivel)- ID110 the Mtt�r 11be tliia wbiter sma LGWDIL c=not be poxcelled as a palm ralteving An Amede&n. girl, pretty and brigbb Ili Trey a� - WOW, to t 1i cold E torige: vaul But Just as he was begbinin o � taste 9t in order to mak; rbein I ha�je Instructed Thomea I similarly af remarking, the ugliness �f p6ople as to to- do. heavy house been spending, some time in Leamthotoli, the truits of his experimeutsl hl was 10, that time a slotl!i e -a' only travel fyy Brown to sell by auction on I n, amuse your"If by re'rIlio rking their at I 6elockt tht foilo%,Ing 6ad England. of a, wholeskle!pro igiohl =Ier. lte� wa, 134urday, October Ah, no opening for one day mortally wounded wn le by' an acei- times its.0 Ag-th. bugines. 7 seeond hand buggifs. I naW,p0j3uM%t16 Bletur Work Lately.. cas Iblel" : 10 new top ons. We are all eeome4 all- dered for n"rjy a houromong the car "8 dent fia his worksho �efore There is no colantry In the world= I solid iubber fired bugg�,, 2 roblem b The aftern-)on before her departpe, e p and di A faults and transgressi A. very of frozen b4l ocks chick�ns an I hams" in a runabout buggy ugly enough,; heaven know and we all new wagons, 4 pretty daughter. One day she was s temperature of tw nty degrees below"freez-- tecond hand *xgoaB, three awoad Jiomely man in Chicago has a very suddenly remembered that .80verai:41:I6 a be could make any statenient.:7 E, which the raven is npt found to be ittin 9 from the public library should be r44,r-ii �Cutfers; I new J11ztA dellve were given specimens of1the balls tive* it is also the o ly bird -known to rake, 10 Net. T -.b� rig# ;,%re tamuteed ppoiatment the urn have too man faults to w rrant us � ry *gou� I npw Mdoor mill retura ext hit knee right before a looking glass. She too the volumes, ing p6int, and sinc then has n�ither sneezed pefts rakk hkv to Landoir -i sallied fort�, ia a be nor wanted[ to, a 6 remedy i' sim !le, e-.-I�. to iil�7ze, b being surpriped at faults in others!- to be firat class and are all out ut in spite of t fact that own ulal�e ana the She dontemplated the reflection of; thojit presently enzountered a youLg Engli�hin&6 ornithologists which of suchiCOSMD- second hand ri Of two faces 'and then asked, Papa, did God whose acquaintance, though brie' they succeeded in tracing t d w3d In goo, ro, : citing and i IS� 1 a is�.; Empire 4� d' n6t be matert- poliLn. character. and some -are a " r make me -about as good as inew., been withoat attraction. als used they have long since iven-up Only one ti tile Can. isusta Xight wonth6l cr,-dit wiU be gIven an *Ved ot exis ng notes and 4 per 0ent allowed for cash. I Ne, vis iotas� Rapt 4ppal Yes dea4"' he replied. As the young man. strolled along, I he -r�- all hopes of bein- able to discover how d Armay- Xobili, ati p d Endeavom And, did he make yocL ?" ; itself in the air. is th� fl g EUX0 Rrowletor; TH03. Bd0,WX,,Auot.*nem Stan ated to the comfort.. The fluest example of 'apil marked: Vlu�nmt r, assi t eneral n- tbOy were'put to-ethei�. Inorgan- dra"gon of hdies. It:;has "Really, now, how queer you ALTB�toah agqr of the Ps,*adi m Bank of ommerce is ization of an a'rmy was (I eytainly. the �he tr,,,�st The only man who has yet -in glide from; Prompt at- Looking again in, the mirror, she deew a u 30e, if about to re*6. fra a the �servic of t iat in- )OCO suc- real w'ih4,11s, bu c, tree A UCTION ULE girls are," he said. " Now 1 8 mobilization of 'the German 4rmy in OF FAIM ST3M of preacritions an& th and reioined -co,"ful in taking photograph, -z in color MNISAND 1(10U3El10LDTUR$,1T beg b buld stitation. tree like a 11yingsquirrel. res you were at home, walkin�, y 0 a!, 18710. - On u)y 17 in that: year, the fa- Xr. Alexand - Sinith h" �Jn 92"1 th a porter I was a martyr to his -disco)ery, the er st and Parent drop "He must lip- turning out better work never be seen with a fellow la ag. all o!e -J. P. 1�y d e r, large i, om The common houe fly usua#Y P Brown to sell by public xuctloi i�ttantioja - I � , 1, mous telegram, the Shortest and most tru lately, iset he secret* of whi 'is lost. omedit M ome years 0 '12, Mullett, on Wnday Septet ber �29th q boo"." Cape To wi 1, $oil Africa, a d who *as ducs the note F in'flying. Mo "Krieg- if must v, A P. ni., the fol MR;ND I mentous ever dispaq To do 19 2 ' - I Certainly not, she quickly and ise'ahly especially I nd to Omnaditi fEi ra d Chicago' -0010 'Pl4erbY, _dZ: WID ago Dr. Herbert F raukl,;n of lo�TQ '3 brate Its, gs 335 times �a One pstr draught horsis eowl exilovir complex. Mobil," went forth'from �lke headquar- ni 4 yeare o1a, i weak,, oat -of -sorts, answered. "If1were inAmerica:�6efef_ man when ;hey w(r in 'Sonth ZriaZ i�nin submitted a number of colord -pbot second. The lione-, r bee sounds rwidetera ooming 8 yeard old,71 QvIng mart UJP- ion, yellow eye� jau;dice, eta.. yield to the curs- d 0 ght ters at Berlin, and With' a f tn' .ey, or liver tronbles, ke powera of LAXA-LIVER PILLS. They are sure low would be carrying them.': Toron apbs--of a somewhat crude. n 1. r posed to be In foal to Sidnev Ally: hich means that is wing vib.rat- Y:: ­_ re of ty ture, I an arm 10 years c1d, 1 d . ra _T rni ers4l e�to the leading Xmerican D, fill ly uni- 11 ou'r 4011d 1W . 0 FLvines Wery. 144 cure. he qust�b �f Okieen's L1 Y of. 500,00a, ni� ught colt er Ving oalts coming i year, id. ful curina mediain# Kingg-ton, I iav'e : 113 inteo Rev. Dr. B rtay, formed, equipped and r3vid with are 440. to the second. dri nUZ of Montrea, 0 e, Orineip eship of the and tb ex) Inilch cow -8 supposed t:) bew.Itb calf, a 6 steer commissariat, was on it� way to the received w� . ngs in 0 c'da An Embarrassing Hoilcm. It isn't Talking That Cou ts, scientif! o 'institutions, cour- lug. 8yeam old, one steer co 2 Id, two It is our earnest desire . to u: �u Univerai W11 D ye%ft c sappoiati you. to th6 I cb! that First Analynxisx-t Aerolites. I heifers coming two, t, in suaceseto te Dr. wo yearl A A certain head of a. government depa t. rugular and pleased customer. WeI i �i� . 1� be built himself' a laborato , piroor niench'frontier. Of couf it muSt b and Plg-&--Four teleestereweN I VOC111M Sheep 0' not In 1796 a stone w',eighlng fi Y -S cue brood oow, one resome arg �nts, remembered that -all i e� 9�d Young boar, two otore plo,!& lumber 01 turke fri� Li rier' eeare'ar who has gainst t1e-wiles of spies, at a cost n f, mentwaa invited to dine with others at a believe in long a -ad ti e men And -Sir VV4 ras exhim.d, In Lond( hens. rop'emelits-on During t e Our large stock oft -pure, drugg propii­�*Y been preilonsly warne(i I ud 0Y­HJLrrW binder jot table with, a cabinet miniateK. )n of $19 his, in- that all just arriveP 6omi 1, 1 Savo Sir, n rid is in 2,000, wherein to &son. - .11 Girls. dmaer the former. -who hap' was said to have f -used thleje one tb V Ith pea b%r_vvsUr- at. pened to be, meditines, perfumes and toilet sp�g i -the prep of his . i6d of mili- allen fromJhe s tacbed, I wed dt'R1, Iulky fty ake, I PrAr -bob- 1 0 ore good hlt4, althu igh tired af er the doings vention. In had been through their: e' plaeed between a. door and a in Yorkshire in the priSvious -in for a. girl,, so& it window;: and and our ialoee prices, will impress y?.t. Decemb r, Slelkhs,, two lumber wagons, no bewol*as egan to sneeze favorably than long newapapertalk don I and Pi ri4 sed a charcoal fire and but this statem had said nothing at all, b ile no xP tary training. -London swers. en young she viever- in Lon P cts to plates he u one cut- was receivkdl" wi LAnCle bUgly, I road jari 1.2 0910 outtOrs, 2. G 94 Are you taking cold Mr. Brown? a ked have a sh rt. htl4y before retur, ing to. (lay when at ork he omitte4 to open 1 gang plow, iseumer, two'se Iron barrows, i t eal more neatneirs to, t HAVE YOU USED IT Canada, a � t t4E middle of 0 tober the ventilators a'd was foun ; asphy�- grea t Incredulity. At that time Sir 0- double dr)ving hamess, I set agle harnpu .......... ahe cabine minister. on _. .1 raot Iffave you, used Paine's Celery sury! v 'arran' for - 1339, 9 !Wall seph Banks was theirLo pulpe, a qantity,of r0outalb ro, L it, president of e field, twov, to*& Apes and orillas are,usually ot, because a boy, t& I believe I have that honor and eas. e f e 6 Inted. He bad refrained fiom divul-- i avd nun)erous otber articlec Iroueehol4rungtwa V P as o Mrs. dng� thaa. E L irl '-ut ,Ure,' answered Mr, Brown, bowing v re- If not, we strongly recommed its uiol it you for;w!rderd, on �uesda ee nd resentful and less addicted to play- society, and h&, noticed strong �e_ -Ohe e-.ok stove, one iva heater, vupb""U, girl, but are nervowt, weak, rundown, or iq'ring Ida S. Me 'I I widow of e I t, in, his secret to any one, and in con- Jables. ebairs'.Muk-tans a Preai- semblance between he York -shire sto e Xes, and MU fflerent sort. not o� on monkey. i � Mal eus w db en due se Ever be d as the DrO- din degt, hich quence, although some partially fln- COm7X otbertbl*. 0 a ould hav ful tricks than the from rheumarsm, neuralgia r blid' for a lai� -Itbing - Sol Srg&Ll,_ roxn Siena pr-etor hu rented fifs fann, IT di people do not e as 'j� : all ifi and one sent to him f, t- �cret re- Indeed the monke ertn&-All sm Celery Compound �sf� the Jul 1 19 2 "t e appri' ?pr Y, E! aly, elf 'Was s d to have fail 'and under sah, over thaf sina G HS&RAC111F. POWDER' qaeea. Paine's y iati(a forl which !shed plate that hid the se UlDt 12 Mgt JW r Wasaytotak%Lharmlesain action andaurstdour most'reliable and c-ffioacious medici, 1w W48 mAde) tW last session 0 the United mained, the way they were reDared a trich�ster botb in �is, -"ild and do - no iton a�proveyjolnt 110tao. dlwokM6-rot 4 it is no n the any headache in from to 20 rainutes. ored] t aRtl from tbt sky. Two pr three yearsl.l t- i before the public for rebuildin lost States Con re1se Is a problem that has baffled scientists mestic state. In itheir p� tive forests cent. for cash on eiredit monnjs aad no, one cares, ggg, er he ree eived an account ofa: fall of Proprietof�.TROXAS BROW*, Auctionem strength. Oar stook is always fre and the spend hours in - s -A vou g g1iihman, named ]ff- ri a loo to this day.- 71� ag forn the y be pretty an# pure. an employee ,nl, a saw: mill at Ka, pil, Worth- Remebering. stones near BexioLres, in Hindusta. A sugp9ft ed nches of trees,: by their. 1% a spot, of Another victilm to his so(ret br. I "Of two evils I have chosen the least," British Cotumbia, waa 6ut wa kin' t; view * i .1 1 chemical analys�s-of the stoine's fr m a Jn .41. i u in, e tails, and chatternigo[ 11 L n bluk. ' , V. FEAR, Druggist, Seaforth, Adams, the inventor o� tall acinx r and the an-ld maat juati,',y the meam are ; B idalv6ils "'jFalls,.dear the 'Idl Men -'a ea, .ara not 'with evident signs of del ght all three sourc�'s proved theW to e'l laced- or from Matthew Prior. Home, a I while cli pre i�ituoutI, greatest discovery in the meto Is Of the Hum - Better Dancer. boldt mexi'ns ei torn, she cannot be To M ilte Of I I I . I !n 19 Identical in composition, and inktred 14- -n we owe The paradial rocky fo ati6ii! �ear ie t� and when _vo% C4 A wildern Two Highlanders -were viaitirig a ag eir me oric origiA, begin eas, of sweets,' d e4 in a Sou Merie mill a waya take eare of ing melancholy and moonstruck ad.- church for -the first time. rpiuioAs. b I W. I �e I ve 'but a .'bard as steel, was on.ly half itIs Wei est. to give way. 1�t;4 if a I I I I 'n1FJ -e. Adams was confident that a metal olle r a hundred ty as to th t qosuhad could be produced 'which although,as Iiih balame a f�ll!lpiokwa de to �h," r�� so employ an for - left his coi -bt h p ,a x Thcy had iv)t been long seate d o the few moments.1%her ente 4g th and price, and after five years' experi- Chriatopher arlowe gave forth th� in. rganw, began to play a lively volantary. -Four �ou�� women of Pc rt 110 Is went menting with an electrical F cets tal- Golf to Blame For Eller Loneliness. ,in Oae Day Vitatfon so often repeaed by his brothe6 in This was aomethinj quite novel ' onton theake,f one evening li at �'ve p A asheringn noticed )-'Ilonqly lady A less public way, Love me little,; lov ence, and they listene with 'in & lium was the result 11 e invention I CRA P TI MY E TABLE ainine; Tablets. row boat. I ni ea eavoring to I Lild, e boat sit�in&. on'a: rock t 'N th Berwick Cied aetaniohment. was t*.ikqn up throughout Am ric, and open mou" no if. to orim, _1011921 sized ad e four girls, h 0 Y lu _pap a �r e of them wp 10 W e La- khittin- and remarked t his compan- OD s shortly roused' f4b D is o1i each box. 2ZO The poet C&mpbell found that Coming ableL to re thrown into orders for tbouaTids of ton of t�e Grand Trunk *- fn Pain �n a )I atal reverie by a, gentle kap on. tl�e ion: "Thats a lone�iome_l okin' wum- -events cast* thtir shadowe before,L as on he metal be -an to pour in from he lead- Tralas leave sealorth and Mton dataot John Fox, iwho at 'eada eachantment to the -0i hand- eede(�oc shoulder. Turning around, he saw an SU _Jue�p6d man. She sits. on that r c a' day ay Tid into the *A�ater d ec 8 atag -ing railway companies. "I I Soule lady -the owner of the peY0--j-who tW0 of theft L I - Stolliteb 1 knittilf, she never spealE� to a livin, view. The ot aer t i Had— ate. The, enormous But it was too 1, 0 to take an adger To Dr. Johnson belongs A good hater, smiled very graciously upon him anit *visb. den a d Atnie Trawin. were dr iw, e,-nd U mental strain lie had undergone, sow] - an uld maid, 1 9 �osell Diarth. 10.,tS P. X J0.W V. ed, of course, to be allow ng with -it., la�jva ik Sind to MacInto%h, in IT01, the phrase often ed to pasa'it� h r -Whilei w'orking at a, bjid e, Daniel Mixed Tndu_ A.M. iollfi Coupled with the serisation o� fli'i'ding "Auld maid?" replled� 'other. "No hi e; no one knovvs -Attributed to John Randolph, Wiae: and il - D Afixed TrAln. 'ras. If we tre%ted I McPhee, who was asaistig A� os fi ninley, Y Y RAST- xaaterly inactivity.12 He eid not, however, take ia the� iitua millions within his grasp, to)k awac' her; I ken her find, er man's a yse�ter ofDatton,lin'the excavation o k t Tyr - n �Wo Poseenger.. tft A. X. s. that way instead Thon�as Tasaer' as a writer of the six ti,,, but, at once whispered to he Connell bridge, preparatory I Ci g- his reason, and he was confined in'an Pamenger.. i t6 con* rx the grindstone, ir� tMenth century, said lea an ill wind Nal na, mem, tak me mate, her4 he w - asylum- He left no records,to explain dixed Trata_ crete abu ta e, as 4.40 P.. X th#4t turns no good Better late than will be a better dancer than me, i timerits under the 1 killed the bther day while w�rking in'- th the rocess, and no aniount of per- White A-himals Amoug the Japwnexe. p 'Choldra M. -M�Nww low M! --!V Look er r" Palm ardine. ,77 a thou leap," and " The trench. �Iihe erth caved in and kil ed hi:_ suasion drew the secret from him, A. white fox is often Mon Ioned in 6e I Ato --Hog obollera' has ag, ,-- I erston andi Yinc ne thaot is rolling can gather no moss." ain broken �o-tit at instantly. A Wife and seven ch Id en stir- which perished locked up in As brain J p; i i i e a a fables, aud a white serpent I - - GOIXG WIDILTIL ' I korb PAN. mixed. Wred' Hickson. Dr. Radd on Tuesd&v 04, l"t. ft_A_� --NOW 1 9 'First in war, ficsi, in peace, and first in vive him. wheu two years later he died a help- Weir pictur Benten, the ........ 7.30 p.m. 12.20 pm 14e hearta of his fellow !itnzens I his week, killed 11 hogs, belonging to Cbarles e Cholera Infa4t S S Ethel.. 8.07 L07 131,40 fountrvraen "-appaar Tke bodies were cremated r. -ThirtOen.eows, the props 'tv of Ct�ude less luati oddess -of fortwie. X - ag th e� 4iryman, near q. 8, al Jap easi 8.17 IAO 1000 _ed in the resolutions Peter d" &�rti aburg, 'Lliese. as among the'anci�n t Greeks and Dluevate .......... Ft. to the United SLates, House ot Representa- 44ugb- Pennsylvania,, were destroy , 'ce tly b 1.30 lIZ-ing' has about 20 head, but the 11 1 . "e re -tivesla December; 1700, . by General Ilenry ter�d were kept separate. An outbtAk y Bell and,aR kinds of Sum. C041 NVIngbam.. 8.38 1.36 io.80 Of attempting to eat dynamite. Tfie etona. eves In The Thec,,ry-. Scytbiaiis, 'Tbite horses 17'(re dedicated i GouNa SoUTIL rags, Mixted, 1 ces the i 'ea that to the gods' nd re.still -attached to hog chatera. has aliko occurred near J3,1�ight, tion could jbe� heard for a mile in e ery di - plaint are qai CUP�d by wingham.. where 40 hogs belongino, to Oharles E'lliott rection. I T130 cows were blo vu in ny feet there are words that affect xi�,, just as te larger te'wples of the c�untry. The 6 63 A.11� 9 aw.: 105 suffered ter- Bluevale ...... .. . 7.92 9.17 Stamach-7and Bo-wel Troubles. are affected. Bruagele.,., .... 7.1S 13i. -I, with great into the ai�, &ud not & SiV& One of li�rd certain colors do." wil.k and butter or W4 tQ COWS were takin 26 -7.28 i .101,15 ig always feeling tr Cramps escaped. "I dunno about the colors, but I'm formerly prized as a 1110 cine. A proptIv satisfactory 'care fr Ethel ........... Odle, Iudige�tion, Reartbuia, BiliousneW Y our Neighbbrs and Friefids Palmerston ... 8.20 i ILSO 44% -d Ave�"S. SOMA- -A h6otingaccide t occarred at - 5t. pretty sure to, froth at th mouth tick 8tem"eh and Summer Complaint, is a W- ho are regular customers at our store will Johu�s W�at,� in Tborol township, bn Sun-, Amlto`1119 a� we'ek I was 2: . a I I ev ery time I bear -'line's �Iisy.y yy An Intereting; T ener. I 18V drops of Nervilin, in sweetened water. agsure you that we are in, w position to: sup- day, whiob �iay result in the de 0 w1v Londono Rurol� slid ath of one 91 1 Thd dominie 'N s try! to explain 0tviline at once. relieves pain and aaffering, ply you with the beat and purest � drugs ot the pri�ci�palg. Two I youni eo;ns f j'obn 9 WORTS - t . 1E i shadicates the cause of the trouble and medicines, perfumes and toilet, reqWsites. Misener, As& and Gro4er, ag �d IS' and 15 the Darwinian theory, to bis class when 0 r e shot- euft- parmaneutly. Polsou's Nerviline is Oa prices are the lowest in town wh a "the, years, reepedtively, were ban iling ftvisible. he observed that they. r a not paying the beat creneral purpose remedy for inter- quality is taken. into cons ideretion. Our: gun, when lGhe weapon h W in the Briggs (sarcastically) -Th was a proper attention- be said, ct that it's Whie J W, ild S "I In kno' n ; it acts.so quickl I that no dispen6ing facilities are unsurpasEed possest a I di me. �'�wben I am tryin- td, x)lain to yon don: of :Asa, wa;s a=Ldenta Y is- beautiful, fine horse you 010 ...... . e.20 'Zarsapari household ahould be vvibk out it. Bav a 25c le' m nkey I wish 11a A RELUBLE FAMILY charged, the,whole . charge of shot; GrIggs-Wasn't he? As I sAid- not a the Deculiarities of tb ' lIOttle of Nerviline: to -day, ies. all righ. Grover's h I ead at the tebaple. d Ii It h4s be used by thous�rids s. yatt WOW' Paine7s Celery Compound is the 0, edicine T "g- -blemish on him- you would look right at m by L V. Fear, druggist, Se&forth.. ered till biwidays fternoon. rh ii is far &Ier-pless.. rundown, despondentJ Wling "No. All inside.11 rly sixty years ave t highly res�e&ed throughout the Pea --i-an we h� Don't wasf. Elamiltous Pilla Cara Constipaion. At b tfl ire. dig- ! 11 P and siek people -this time a Leave It: Qlat 1 -1 :, 8, �of medicine should be fo trict, and the i ad affair, has - cast gloom �o li, ear A,,compWn the great and ij:ieve.. about its,! Acti6n. I Money by ry over the �eighboz hood Tbere is but one rt to 0113it. I _Bec4use lie w&s annoyed by boys, L. A. home. Paine�s Celery Comtound io t.he iof dSuamit in one ?ften cur�d ti -A ma -h vrith, a stick man ta&s knowingly of he Inc'on would ask no other i kD wledge. A few'doses hiiye ather kind. MOatouio, a Frenchman, of Alerrittoa, em- grbab banisher of rheumar T6_ hand and EN 'revolver i' the other, entered Ftancy of Pited. the contentsof a ahotgan. at thern, Our stock is fresh a �id man w- ho knew how, to omit would 6t.h,er remedies Iav'e Commer6 at Seattli Wash' faUd.: Z22 -8,45 and dyspepsia. pure, N"meii and thm P oceeds to tried,. the Bank o - i em bro res he is ni�]�e an "Diad" of a daily- paper -.U. est,ed, Soxne of ths shot tak at all tim". get mad it one ot h incr effi-ot in the arm of vinftn� " - ­ - 7.47 t;w o4e afterpoon, recen tly de right- on.' ...... ntcnio was arrested. ALEx. WrrsoN.-, Druggist, Seafort PleMant. -11 Sarsapa Robert Stewart. Nlt� Ont.i �Vh. the dem was L JStevens Ct on: is apid,, R, -The death of a, edrvenarip a was racord- refused he' used violen lang age a d com- an Eff 8.22 Palestine. 1 He Mail to Di ectual, bot-Ut.; ll drnilds- ed, on londay of last. week. in Guelph, in menced to� i concu sion �xploded ; �lioot. Th:1 L ite r N. Palestine is a,smaH coun not more 911f you'refu�e me,11 c aed Moody, the person of Wra. Smt th, reliQt of the I Called by Anothe I I the stick of dynamite, f tal r nits to try �George its-,, i Dr. Fowler"p. i� tiinks afYOT's and one of Eramon's pion. On one of the Ounard boats a me bar a . I I _��traet of W Id Undon, (AWVC) . . .... 12.45 A.� X. SM. �b;utjj , Sm� . pl�tely than 130 miles'In length fro m Dan to be �y 3ur hea4.. I himself. !Phe buildiT99 w a co "my 'blood i upop . e0g. The deceasid h ?T L Ing ad. acc d* to the the crew -while the passengers wer i ait din )now wrecked,,but the !cashier d te' an avera-e Ireadth of cannot live without -Itra*berry I$ thebrigin41, Bag rel r90st*reliabla records available ante d her ner-picked up a menu, and seein i da thi were the 6nly two oflicials n th 'bank, not more than.fifty miles. Tie drea of Well, self preservation Is the Iler, who Beersheba nd '=3rdyear. ' Remarkable her life s, not- top st Table dho� V1 e, inquired of on of W were unhiirt. The! bank lost ab6ul, a thou- all Syria, includlig, Palestine,'% official- law It Miss. Cooley. t w i, of nafure, rep �d T ng of it. Joe, tak�n ch was MONEY- . 'DYAIY 'in theunusualapan of years which 14t cov- mates the meaviu g the inind dollarsi chiefly in gold di s , I - AN ed, hub also im the viCality and good health ly calculated at 108,000 squ. -e miles, 1�1 simply Couldn't lite' I y1th ypjlA!F_ ReftSe, SUbS menu, gazed on it with a puzzlea air,� lying on the� counter, Cashi r' a I vekich ehe was privileged to enjoy almost ley and moup to I"u. at -Ayer t . home Teller W�IlNco have both fs ien s:� in 0% and the poplation is between 3,000,000 Philade Prew soratched his head, and. said AppJy U JA 'tO'ite very cloee. When making her *it. LeWs risk ad&. I can't make nothixig and 3,500.000. w h e el t nl.o( d ch I t n tha e : - Z