The Huron Expositor, 1902-09-19, Page 8F
SE MBER 19.4 1902
Mr. Little ing.—Mr. F. 0. MoDolmoll in in G
troit, and Martha Theress' at home. Mr. former rootor here will officiate, Rev. net hotel is closed ab present,
ade an assignment to is creditors. this week acting as: a Juryman.—Mra.
oneet farmers of Hay Hodgins takin —A special having in
M Oraig's pulpit,
OT'OVES 7 and furioll OX1110HOV4 Hagan ipl one of the pi 9 There are a number who will lo a consider- Neelanda in in London visiting her sister.—
oxboro school
of the service will be he in the R
town6hio, an.d at the Bame time one i's Sarah Carlisle returned Monday from
nd now house Sunday ernoon, at.three o'clock, able by it.—Mr. Bove
T on Sunday t etchen will M 5
most inluotrious and prosperous, a
SundNy erian chuich on Sun- To�onto and St. Catharines, where a has
school. Rev.- reach in the Presbyt N W MEROHA-NaN
in the interest of a
owns asl fine a 175 acre farm as one would u n
RANGES411 DISTRICT MATTERS."! Nay next. He is a very clever young atu- been vii3iting.—Mra. Sellery ret r ad to
conduct the services. —
see in any dayB' travel. Like their father F. H. Larkin will
er he Kincardine on Monday, after spending
nb and is much appreciated Wherev
Rev. Mr. Buggin ban been visiting his de
the boy are all good 'rite, and are all pro Dr. F. A. :Sal -
Mrs. James Beattie —A, special pre%ches.
several days with, her son
d ill make their mark in daughter,
We carry the largest stock -of gressive fellosys and Rich.
oil at lery.—Wa regret to le%ra that Mrs.
to the list of prizes won by Huron hor'A D1,SE*
their vario'us callin We congratulate ze of $5 in cash has bion donated by the
Bluevale. ard Warring has been very ill during the
the Toronto fair we gave last week, a! nu br,� Brd of grade
m' Mr. and Mrs. Hagan on being blessed with minion r the best hi
eler, of Turn. past week, but hope soon to hear of a change I
her of prizes blive'oomO this way sinco! then, =9= E9 3=1 .09 9 9
a 0 r
STOVES and RANGES such a f amily, and our. be ish is that they cattle at the Be eth show, the he d to be NOTES.—MiSS Mary Whe better.—O-ar citizens are pleased to
er,in the for thq
At the game show Messrs. Bawden y many more composed of aged %o*,- three -ye ar-old heifer, berry, is,visiting Mre. Peter Wheel
be spared to may lo g a hat, notwibhsta�aing the substantial
lot yo Nr. ol
a herings, ano th t, until they are one -year-old- heffir, heifer cat
Doriell, of Exeter, won . third t f and steer village.- Miss Mabel Coultep has returne
In the Oounty, and if you need a .—Mrs. Jose
filly, third for brood ma�re, second foa ph improvements that ba-Ve' been made of late
abetter world, Itheir family will calf.—Mrs. Oscar Neil is visiting friends in from a visit at Molesworth cool,-. or heating stove this Fall, and second for brood mare with two o' , he years in our village, ncluding- over three G�EAT QUANTITIES
continu to be to them a blessing. and a Toronto.—Mrs. F. H. Larkin returned on Pugh was visiting in Brussels last Thurs-
draught visiting
o n progeny, all in the Canadian 11 aaa, Wednesday from an: extended trip to the day.—Mrs. Cornish, of Mitchel , is miles of cement walks that our taxes are
cill and
while their stallion, Connaught's Haiti - A joy. not increased this yea.—Mr. J. W. Ort -
maritime pt ovinec it. I Early communion will her sister, Mrs. Daniel Lewis. � —M Iss Bur- ARE HERE
i I agents for nterprising merchant, has been
wein, our e
the prize tor tb&beit Hackney atallW APPRENTICE WANTED, Wanted a. good be celebrated . in Stal Thomas church, on goes, who has been visiting Mr i. Collie, re- ST4QR
4 e milling.1 Ap a dealing very extensively in fruit during the
active boy to learn th ply at once to Sunday morning at �hlalf past eight.—One turned to Brckville, on M(nday.—Mis
-very large -number have
$ucles Celebnited The Seaforth Milling Co. Ira. past few weeks. —A
of the attractions of fair day will be a con- Bell, of Belgrave, is visiting he - sister, b
meeting of the board of directors of th, Me-. a special isale of furniture, h excellent Alex. been leaving here daily to attend the pxbi
C o's I all where suo
aRemember th art in Cardn McGee. Mrs.- MoAlli r ban return
gappy Thought Ranges. b
Killop Mutual Fire Insurance Oompati thp Septemb.*r 25 and 26, the days of the Seaforth, 9 ow. on at London.—Mire Ruby Hortoni ha
lot artists an Dr. Ta: do violinist, of Cleve- ad from a visit to her daughter, Mrs. Pilkie, biti 14DO ft. 14
pa a- Special baigaina for all t4e tv�o days. Broadh to, where she ' ha
following motion of condolence was
in (. , e
Box & C S &forth. 1814.1 land, Ohio; Mr. milliner.—The -Misses
l� Over -115,000 now being used i I Cameilon, comedian, of nearToronto. 'MissesAnnie Aitebesonand AhE 00MING.'
a of
q ad That we, the board of direct,
mow] d Miis McKenzie, the sweet, Jennie Elliott and Mr. Robert Aitchegon a situation all
Single Y To LOAZ�.-87,000, private funds Toronto, an
the Dominion. Not a om lys g in Molesworth.—Ars. B here
the McKillop Fire Insurance C ta* part.- were visitin ailey, Noibel, of Detroit' who were -
suit borrowen..
to loan i amounts and on terms to Scotch'singer, of Toronto, will
W1 in 1 WelAmiller, have
buyer of a Happy Thought has have heard with regret of the death r. Miss Eva Duff and Mr. Bert Bailey were visiting Mrs. Job
Apply Henry Beattie, barrister; or to Ja neG Another I priz.6 for our fair has been
who was a faithfu d BeAtic utor for eatite. 9towel'this week,. -Mrs. oseph returned horne.Mr. lGeorge Wren and
ever regretted his choice. 'They Robert McMillan, 1814,
donated by Mr. Joseph Hugill. The prize visiting In Li
efficient, agent of the company from 4 Full �tock of Granby rubbers now in. No best foal of MacPherson and two little boy i, of Toronto, daughter, Miss Annie,' were in Dundas and Opl�iortuniby is now presented for a peep at
perfect -bakers and the Small- is a hanAsome silver cup for the
are I � I
onto recently, visiting son at what Mistress Fashion has consented the day of his death, at, M VY
ck rd' * -Miss
3 � - - , R a T r daughter. -Miss � Spubl, 1 ri Lonrednes�lfro,
d.. more tro�uble with bad wearing rubbers if yo4 vi car 19092 got by Ha Maggie Keboe, are visiting relatives here.
est fuel cons atili D
umers made. desire to tender our sincere'sympathy to he " Granb�." W. H. Willis, sole agent for Se fo rth. I to a prove of for early fall wear.
of Toledo, OhiD wn on Tues.. p
rrived into
1814.1 1 I da, sunder Beeibhwood.
Our Coal and Wood Furnaces give aged widow and other members is al who was here spending's, week or :0 !with
We 6ve nomething new in,mattraBse evening last, to spend a few f t �j here Th 'a a time for allthings,, this is a time
her sister, Mrs. G., E
family." the !OTES. —Messrs. Finlay MoKercher and el
erfect satisfaction. parental roof. -Mr. Mac(jalluVof Dut.
We sell qhe Obtermoore, the beat mattress mt
akde also
-4 this week. -Mr. Pfaff, iron of Mr. If. R. seeing, admiring and selecting choice
has been visiting his son, r. D. J- E. A. Sparling attended a wedding in
the healh mattrass. Ask to isee- them September ton
in- A6 son 2fith,nd126th. Broadfoot,Bok.&Co.,Soaforth. Pfaff, of this village, has returned from, Port ew things, Our store is edeckled
working'do the
rx hyllie Thom
in , MacCallum.. Mrs. M. Thompson, "'ou" Brussels ]sib week. Finlay was best man.
has sold his farm, lot 3, cu the 3rd, cc I ! with stylish goods.
0`08NEY SMILEY, I C61borne, where he had been
panied by. Miss pson,1 of Port They report having a good ti ne, and they
ces cement walks, and h" got a situation in the
sion of Hullett, to Mr. Thorno, d i2( r a f;w days. believe i a one 1,,e ding is apt 6n6 of the great magnets tha draw people
Stove opening �-epbember 25th an th- Arthur, has gone to London fo n the adagl6 th t
SEAFORTH) Michael, who kies across the road.� P the. Intending purchasers will fin Seaforbh flour mill.
d it. profibableito at- -Mine Jean and 9r. Sam Dickson Nora, and
I went to to bring on another�-N to this'establishment "a B
6 of cc&'. and! wood i plandid values.
farm contains 100 acres and. has on, it a� gp�l tend one two days'special sil ach Too,ial,
d1ay.-The pe
Successors to S. Mullett & 00- Toronto on Thurs
house and fair buildings. The price: p�io. ho3it era, 1cooking stoves and ianges. Ve have,,,& ery Mary Hdlland went to Chathe m-- &at week.
large assortment to choose froiri and stoves to Eftlit given by the- L%d' as' Aid of the Presbyterian The latter is taking a course it the Urouline Morris. Neter was a season's trade begun with
Hardware, Stoves, Etc. was $6,200. Mr. Acheson int6udis Q mlin
everybody at Chesney & Smiley, Hardware at d liter- church, on Wednosday evening, was a very
Academy there. They lef b fr( in St. Colum- greater inducements than the press
PUP:80NAL, -M rs. �oseph'P. Phelan and rit,
to town to live, having purchased t res chants, Oeaforth.
enjoyable one. The programmell coneli"t'ng -ban station. -Messrs. W. J. McKfy and so Earl Joseph, an� Mrs. D. J. McCaasy We say so. You'll havef' reason to be-
dence and property of Mr. F. C. G. rder, A 8-6AP.-A ehild's car�ii%ge n I radle
i of musical and lit8rary selections, was Lnuoh he to the &UW daughter Anna,, of Cincinnati, who a 80.
' n
MINION BANK just went of town, for which he paia T
DO ,2�.(, Francis Walsh wanton th
and a d4uble heater Radiant Hi9me stove with smoke
i by the audience.-blir. and Mrs- North w--ost on Monday. h:;rasolildt with
nearer preciated
'of getting and hot and so�ttte. All first lass
Mr. Garden is desirous r pi s, board 6p) hive been visiting friends and relatives in
$2500,000 his work, and will ocqupy th& reBideE ce )o cheap. Apply,to Chris. A. Slarling,
altid wiffite 8X d Thurs- the contingent from St. thl the p�st three mo Goods Show,
John Pinkney 8 Wednesday a �olu ban station. a locality for nthb� left Dr 1119
They intend, stop.
M1 roi
�CAPITAL (Paid UP), re. T. D. Pinkney, of -Mr. J. J. Ryan, of Do is home on a for
Seaforth� d -on Tuesda,
day with Mr. a� home
'R EST, $2,500,000 Louisa street, being vacated by Mr. Fte
London. -Major Anderson and MrI. George
Vanstone.—Mro. C. 1�ethune, has r'en ad earn that on Friday even. week's holidays. He is loo i g well.—We ping over a few d the London Exposi- Ne ver Better.
out f r, a rep-
ao open the
'N James Ott Ion an
E. Henderson Were the first i hope the wisdom, of the tow ship, as d also a We ire glad to I ays Ing, Sep�ember 26bb, the second night of w days at some of the
FORTH BRANOH) Mr. Wm. Dill's residence, on "t" fine pro
SEA wit ramm e wil I e given � I n the 6pera ho use, hunting season this year. They went back La e eiag interested in the latest dress in&.
Mrs.j� Dill's whan w - I B
n w will have ttie pteasure of hearing ffi a 1(?I- ag-
u bef re winter, to Clair, arriving home in �1 terials for fall
and Mr. Dill will go to live resented in the counil will not forget to bl�autiful summer resorts along La St.
to Morris tonshio, on Monday, and b 1. -
wear come to -morrow,
2"in Street, - Seaorth. mother, Mrs. Robert Jones. Ing rtists: Dr, Chirles H.�, Taylor, of Olerelind, have fences pulled low Cincinnati ti a
low 0 liniet; Mr. J. H. -Cameron, of Toroi to, the ge. Pretty avoidethe great snow blocka es of the past to participate in t#e fall f1 I n Lhl i,mh any nd evhat we ar
Ohl ged eight rabbits and a partrid time now, ai
omedian 3 r
A General Bankinp; Business trans, well kn�wn o Miss Fl rence if. Me ionzie, g� d for the opening. -Rev. M'. allwin showing. There is a great collection.
The f6llowing pe re promises to surpass all former years
winter occurring again. Side ines 10 and 11 We
TRAVELLERS.- the @we t cotoh oiq will resume, riexl Sunday evening, his oerie are very bad iu parts of th road. Atten- Goods that suit your individual tastes
,elr s
'*cted. Farmers' Sale Notes collected, 1, sof Toronto; Mies L�ura
;i: St 0 in wishing time 'and a
ticketed west this week by. Grei Miller, t the piano. A old improve their op- join good
and advances made on same at lowes
9 W otunt y and beartl is aoncert. Reserved 8 ats on Of sermons entitl A Five words to young tion in time. The west fe ces caiiRe the al this is the first time ill be seen long before the end the
art, C. P. R. agents : John al r, of por pleasant journey.
�rates. "le aft r this (Friday) evenID, at Fear's drug al ore, men." He has discussed "A young mans variety is reached.
i greatest drif to, and we know �he clerk won't we have had the ple pure of meeting with
Kippen, to Prince Albertt, Sao a ol. w n
11 Popular prie(s, 26c.and 35c. -1 company," and " And a young, man's occ-
Drafts sold on all points in Canada, forget. ster Earl,
Wm. J. McKay, Beechwood, to egi a ; I Mrs. Joseph P. Phel n and Ma
1 e Eome speciall values in a"lof pation the an )jeot next Sunday is A a I
We hav In isdepartmentth popularlities,Home
he U adbury, to rc?la, we regret- tha in
-nited"States and Europe. Robert J. Holmes. Le t the,7 could not rema' you ju;�.t I
Spuns, Cheviots, Vpn4tias, Ripley'll
Sllite3, couches and easy chairs. Don't fail to see
a mon A heaj
young mail -ty invitation Dashwo6d. ley had bpcom
SAVINGS DEPARTMENT.-IntereSt Assiniaboia Miss E. E. Cooper, Ki �en, to them September 25th and 26th. Broadfoot, Box longer, as th a universal fa;vor-
is extended to Noung men to attend this i 11 Pirle" finished Amazons and Satin
-Many Will regret to learn
Sea- & Co., 8�3iforth. SAD DEATH. ites in this locality. e trust they will S. Viqunae, etc,
service.-Misa Jinet R. Grey, of Aiken, of the death of Mr. Thomas Snell, 'principal all pay th
lallowed ort deposits of One Dollar and Estovan William and Feed. Adam 1 Cloths, Thibetaine at*
forth, to Moosomin; Frank J. alsh, Don'tforget to hear Miss McKen,.ie ou qir Canadian friends another
a -re upwards. Minnesota, is bete lookin after her cousin, iur public school, which sad event oc- well represented. Worthy, doublefold
Alias f %ir
Beachwood, to Regina ; Mrs., an b. Her quality of voice is such one oes not 9 of c visit when summer comes again.
R. 8, HAYS- W. K. PEARCE, dress good,;. are now selling in quantities
MiEs Tens Grey -Mr. G. M. Baldwin has curred on Tuesday, 9th inst. Decease any
i get. Balfour, Kippen, to Regina, ; Fre�itl Gal- soon fOr4et- a
anhibition ball NOTFS.-Tb' council m6t on -Monday and at prices ranging from 25c to the
Solicitor braith, Winthrop, to Hartney illiam We would have you make ths..,most of the been allotted a s ace in the ex had been ill for some mon-thE with liver and
-P.-The traction
n. passed a number of aqoou�t
for the fair days, and will give some sple bl6art tr 'uble, but it was not until quite r yard.
g two day i, Sepb�mber 25th and 26th. Lots to 8( eon a'!A 'homa
engines are
Staple@, Winthrop, to Arcola hard on culverts. The ownere
thosedays-the Seaforth fall show and the �and did concerts, parbicularly on the first night
�,-ij Elder, Kippen, to Moosej cently that the disease asou ned a nations will have to drive rn�re cautiously or else Thire is no work about either the
Enter Now if Possible. di8pl%y f millinery, furs and staple dry goods a, the of the Hhow.-'Mr. Walter Scott, of Toronto, nature, so that the news of I is death ca
eted toldistant E.McFeul Co's score, Seafertb. Remember These
-The following were t ethey will have' to foot the bill every time.- etyle, quality or value o these oods.
was in town this week, visitibg frien3a.- as a setrere,Bhock to many. At.'
-T points this 'week by Wm. Somervil a tail. are their millinery opening days. Snell was A deer has been seen on the 6th line, but a n
The record breaking load of fl%x was draw
wav and steamship agent Wm.Ta4e1r- Ali le Boy in Blue just arriel;. JaIll a young man just in the pri a of life, being the season does not open for shooting until A4tumnS New Jack6ts- Would to the flax mill he -re (n -Thursday. The 'a son of the 6etober 20th the pretipy your pdar
son and James Dobie, Hullett, to E and seeitim at Will MeLood'd MUSiC StOriii' le der- only 32 years of age. He
animal had to go. -
son's P�oto Studio, Sealorth. '81 2 load, w
W. G. Smith, McKillop, to V not too early
hich' weighed 10,075 pourds was 1horoughl
a iX;;�, late Wm. Puell, abd we y UP- tatall� jackets fudgin
,algaryl; John Two steam threshers worked near by each, 9
WM loaded in hi- di oaktion, qualities
afield on Peter McGrath
NTED.-A person to do g(neral 3o itie. rig from the number of sale adv a.
bt and Tanly in is other on th ma-
STRATFOI�D, ONTARIO. Applyatthe inanee,Londeiboro, citior by and drawn out o the field, on one wagon, which made him univer's'My esteemed and
C. Steele, Seaforth, to Oxbow, Notohweat
a fth line this week. -James
D, McKillop" to h6s you
Territory Robert Man Davis, who was dangerously ill at his home Looking through- our ne iall know:
in perlion. 1314KI by Mr. George Hudson's team.
letter c`1 pa
The pitch respected. A rtioulsrly sad feature of his
a front rank among Boissevainj Manitoba Mr. and Mre-,,Millar, the 5th line a few days ago, is getttio will be particularly im essed with the
A school that occupie f ' p
ing was done by Ed. �heffer,,and the load on 9
to have
this contineet. Varna, to. Winnipeg Miss Johnson, Hat- Wiq, MoLeod a ent for Gerhard -Heintz. the 'a a' ming styles, the bi h g
9 death was, ct that he was rrade finish
'te beat business colleges on better. -A great mn b oo
man Pia�os and Singer Sewing lw%chfaes and the ing was done by eorge Hudson. We would been marrid shortly. It. is indeed sad' to are at London this
Those desiring the best in business educa- purhey, to Datroit� Mrs. Dron, jljster�in- week, taking in th show. -Taylor Bros. a f the aterials. We
n the quali�y o
beat needles for all makes of maebiue3. Also one like t3 hear from any of the hig load fellows 0' a promising
see one so clever, wi su
-11, Egmoi a-- " de -
tion are invited to write for our catalogue. law to Mre. Campbe adville, ito D 6 ootav� Bell organ for sale cheap at Will ]k e1l)od's shipped a car lo d f ttle to the Toronto WO not do them any 1�justice with
who can beat tbis.-Mis. A. McKean, of
troit Miss Garden, to Qleveland� I Ohio music store, Henderson's photo studio, Seafo' career before him, �cut down, in early life.
market on Mon;;yoof,�tahia present week. scriptions bete- that 6'otild not but fail
at her
The funeral took place to th Exeter came-
W.J. ELLIOTT,, Principal. Mrs. Robert Hayt,, of Lucknow, to New T04�E Housp, To RENT. -To Mount Forest, ho has been visiting n over by a thresh- to 1 eaik theiri'metits, b,nt rest assured
64"-62 ran store mother!s, Mrs. B. M. Chesney, or., returned Ab. Haggibt, who was ru P
York Mrs. Haz3n and vIrls. Sweet, to New house N.O. 8, on the railroad, Searorth,, tery on Thursday, and was la gely attended.
Possession tM, a visit of inspection will be f
'to her home last
1ven ht once. Apply to doott Bros., deafortri. Tuesday, accompanied by ing engine, and had aileg broken, is getting
York. mu�ch'pleaaure to you..
a ong nicely nov�. T p if
�e accideat ba poned
1813 Mrs. Pearson M Chesney, and her little
th week. -The f 11 t ill be nearly all love
hen Se1)te'%e'a'r'
SEWING MAOHINES. Heni3all a the Sunshine bridge, one evening lq�st
REArORT11 SHow.-Thursday and Oar fall Importations of fashionable dry daughter Bertha
J. G. Stanbury, B. A., Bar inter, Solicitor, r Print�d Cashme- res al�d
a dates of the Seafo 1roodeaTe weekly arriving. We invite inspection,
Friday nextara th r
Butter 16 cents. G. E. King, Wingham. 1811-tf Notary, Conveyancer, money to loan, Exeter, Ont m r is out. -Mrs. Thomas
W. NL. WATSON, Worth Main Street, I Varna. j
do m 1792 'Dh line, who had her arm
fall fair, and everything points ost At Henaall e.yery Tuesday. useell, 6 '71 broken Fren�h Flannels Again.
House for sale or to rent on Goderich - I
AFOI�TH. Su, as No waiting for frost to op
SE cc Bful show this year. The c9mr6odli;0ps on the 'Fur,
the store. - Apply to G. J. Sutherland, convoy near for Hen. st week, is doing :A well as can be ex -
street. Also roonis to let ove, g:A
`Twou�d be difficult to
new grounds of the Agiieultural Society A. 0. A' Millinery and Dress Goods burro -the new ands fo sale a uttin will An� why not?
asll,-bas had, placed in bis h very com-
bit, Seaforth. ected.-Corn be all the go
ed ecom- have proved to be just t f ortable Aind'well plane e�o brl,,kd elling in % good fin materials more adaptable to the
2 , -usual
I- have on hand a large and well assort he thing for' next week. The crop is later than
stuffs have come f rth from their cases ripe
For sale some thorciigbbred Scote
stock of first clean sowing machines Ray- h Collie location, with nice I &,' wait 9 an garden. Good
modating a large crowd, and the excellent
for the trade. Nowhere will you find better aw" needs of a comfortable fall and winter
pffps- Apply to Fo%ler & Lo rn convenle ce
mond Whi be or Goodrich, in Cabinet, Drop -nds, additional charm. Th I prize wery, VAefluary in whit we've furnace and all der his year.�A large nu bar of silos are go
durgeong, Scaforth. value for your rn�ney than - antending pur- a d dressin sacque.
l sold a6 a Oil &son.
e Ink
track It very r7le iil�e.o hirt waieri an
ing up this
secur A grand display of these e
Head and covered machines, prices ranging -ing cut;er or ed for you. chasers will be given full paitle Is . Also for Sal gG -co NOTICE -All parties haN
list this year is a large one, and is u The od qualities at In 50c the, yard.
from V25 upwards, also a few good second sufficient to attract a large number a They are pretty, they, are servicable.,
sleighs that require painting would do well ;o bring now, stylish goods can be seen to divantage or to rent frame stores on good oe tral location, on
hand. madhines which will be sold cheap for hibiwrE and sigh-t-8eers, while che add�!ioe�i them in now in order to have theni. ready in time for on our millinery pening days, September easyltermR. 'As to prices and pay ants apply to G. Ba eld'. The patter
ns and the colorings are
J. Sutherland, conveyancer, Hepsa 1811-tt
cash. All machines fully gnaranteedf and attractions, such as speeding 136Lts, etc., the first Weighing. R. Dev,reux's Carnage Worke, 25th and 26bh. S. The E. ILBLOWS. -Division court wag held here be'�iur than ever this season, if that
ote the date
-charge. I d.
tforth. he under ed on Lot
oper in given n. J'�
6d 1
atiructions free of Be, 1813-2 1814,4 Ig Monday. Several� cases were disposed 'I.
pr always insure a good day's fu McFaul Co., Sea, c rtb. cuu. d b.
16 Concession 2, Hay, has his cidt:r mill ready for i
dles, oil, sewing machine at-- B�nk of Mr. JameR Donaldson is away on trip see anvffii,
Dealer in nee tion to the regular prize list, the of. -
LOCAL BRiEF-q.- NOTES. -Mr. E. A. Moffatt, of Landcn, work and wl I grind any day Exc(pt Saturday.
M ts Y�
Mrs. Hare, of Bloom old a
tachments and parts, Bicyoleb and Cream -a handsome silver re. 60 New' Ontario.-�-IWr. R. Pack has 8 A S
Commerce is offering re. have: in con ection a large copper kettle with nt, of Velve unti U 4
and formerly of (t r village. recently p
a e
Life Insur field, is visiting her brother, Mr. L. I M - 1814-2
-Olv�ng tl
Separators. General Fire and medal for the best three colts in the ne ented his Oaughtw Mrs Harry- E. Fair N rq to I t John Elder handsome Bell chapel organ to the Presby
enhein who
k is offqing at the Hen- t. -Dr. Gardiner and 1 wife
ads of "I AiprLE WANTED. Inte *ian church. S oial at 60c the yar We give you
a Faul.-Mies Richmond, of Bl*
prize of $5 in cash for the best herd of 1 grad New Yoi k hoe- ae Visiting relatives in 'Bay field. -Slevekal be r quolity than
ance spent. Risks affected on all, ki olamej and the Dominion Ban' � of Whitechurch, ith a handsome.. Norx
rates. Houses for sale is training for a nurse in a, Ju
property at lowest a heimer piano. Ball vaporator any of go d sound peeling ould have Uon
Office next door to Queens pital, is visiting at the home of .3 It. A. apples for which the highest mar et pricie will. be
aad to rent., cattle. Then there are three tr6tti hg' races of our citizen64re enjoying an'buting t the 0 red on pr�vibus seat no. A heavy.,
paid' 18144
Young. -Air. and Mrs. John Watacn, of St.
or astern fair� this week. -The Stanley, ric milk *uished pile in all the askedi
Hotel, and a running race, as well &; a, �adiee cbrlselhurst. W& EXPLANATION. -Last w ek we stated
ut a Paul, have been makidg a visit sit Mr. W. brpnch fair will be held in Bayfield on the shades
t Menls
hitching contest, which always brings; o n. nto
this You'll not forgA, surely, the two great tha� Mr. W, uVorkman h d gone i
est-.uts. For tb*s a Mr. N. Watsons.-MiBe Lizzie Mcl�ay, f 14th and l5th� of October.
NORTH MAIN ST., SEAFORTH. big field of cont r -Messrs. A.
a days, $eptemb3r 25th and 26tb. partnership with Mr. James Berry, . horse en's Blear
1680 Thomas E. Hays has donated $2 a econd town, who was recently on the; staff of the These elvets are suit-
in8l6n, J. Tippett, A. Erwin, A. �Iliott. Special s, in black.
Midland public school, nas accepted h posi- There's going to 3 much adoiug-Seaforth dealer, of -our village. Mr. try writes us -trimming or s niatierid I Men's Oat
t last week at the Toronto er
in addition to 85 already given �y Mr. a d JI . Fraser spen ah. a isith 'for
iz hibib'on, and The E. McFaul
great fall ex ibi
fames Archibald. From this programmo it tion in a school ia Tarry Town" ew York, hat we muxt have been misinformed, and r� da ress itself. Th values ive have- -,LThe y Won
the' 3nd of This, corn- says' that he has engaged Mr. Workman to
I ir. evaporator �is running eve
Henderson's Photo Co.'s grand milli, ry openin 9.
on Sal 15 )Oc, 60, 75c and 90
will be mean that a full day's profit 'and and leaves for that place about 9 a d 1�rge quantities of apple3 are comi g in. a at o the yard pany will have display, in their store,
September. -The bricks for the new 'linton work for him, but has not tak n a partner, h superior to' the usual lines
amusement is to be go'- at the 8eaforth 11 - ishing is now over #nd the fisherm u are are mue
Studio. tL i 11 post office were supplied by the E gmond- the very choiceF things procured for the and"doesn't want one. We regret that we
show. Everything is ready for a big 6rowd, 1 8 orink their a'ets away after a fairly good ahg,%%,n ab these prices.
Your good judgment will badi misunderstood our in orm nt, a Ladied' Sea
ville brick yard.' -The young bach lore of season'f, trade. a nd
and all 11mt is now necessary i fine saason.-The lamt of the summer visitors
town gav lio Thurs. lead you to this sore to see at low prices, trust th t the item in question has not nd th ottages are, now
a a dance in Cardo's hallo ENGLISH METAL VEL�'ET. This vel -
Full stock of Mouldings weather, I - aft list week 'a p 0 TAdia?.Ast
day evening. -'Mr. George Habk t mil nery, Furs, Dress Goods caused Mr. Berry any inconvenience e4 in produced by putent process and
irk, of the the swellelles closed for another year, On account f the vi
aAl r DEATH OF AN OLD RESIDEsi T. -It is with North Road, MoKillop, spent a C ple of and Novelties. LbCAL B�RmFs. -Mrs. Birch, of California the metal is guaranteed absolutely fast.
cold w at season there were not as many
extreme regret that we announce thi: week week recently wirh friends in Galt and ANNIVERSARY O SUPPER. -The is h re visiting her brother, Mr. Frances Visitors as on' former years. -Mrs. JDr.) It makes up -into prettT Mnd servicable
P shi�t waists. The moLt favorable com-
-Mr. W J.
hoto Enlarging a Specialty. the death of one of the earl " and mo�t'hon- vicinity. Although well up i a the
y n year Mr. Presbyterians, of this place, intend holdin Miller has a very Sr
9 aubury has gone cn a visit to her br r,
d settlers of I biriations will be navy- with silver pin
ore McKillop, in the person of Habkirk is still an spry as most of them and their anniversary iervices on the afternoon handsome pneumatic rubber tire buggy with
in Lo�don, Rev. Mr. Stewart. -:L-k r. Me- sp
Sabbath, October 12th n - .1) i sp t black with silver I pin o_b,
Mr. Charles Dickson, who pass oyed his visit thoroughly. -Mrs, Coon, a ball' bearings, o ' exhibition at his show black
nd evening of Nei a teermons on revivals, last Sunday,both
J. P. HENDERSO, Seif ortb. Ow I
-M silver floral (Ieeio,
away at his home, on the 5th concessi&h, on of Philadelphia, and Mies babb, f Mit- They also purpose givirg a fowl supper on room. r. James Chesney, v torinary.sur wl
') . in ng, were we
1761 orni,�g and eveDi 11 received.
Tuesday. For six months or more Mr.1 Dick- chell, spent Sunday NFith friends in �own.- the following Monday evening, for which geo4, took advantage of the L;,keap excur.
He demonstrated thatA revival of spiri�tual
eon had been in failing hoal6h, but he suffer- Mr. J. S. Welsh met with an unfortunate. the ladies of the �ougregation are making. to Manitoba this week, god intends
a isl sorely needed inour churches �these
extensive pFleparations. sporiding four of five weeks Ln the West. It is pretty as need beJ We have to
ad from. no particular disease. It Was just a accident on Thursday of last week, While dayo.�-St. Andrew's and Bethany a Sunday cb6ice shades 'Cardi I nal and
general wearing out of the sy8to.m� and sawing a piece of lumber in his pum works Mr.1,David Miller, V. S., formerly of thin
Keep Moving. schools have decided to hold their annual silver,
rdJ 40c.
being 80 years of. age, had run his earthly in some way one of his hands struck against V
race faitl fully and well. . The last 'time he i the saw, with the result that the top of one ing is absence. -Mrs. G. N. Bi�bcock ree.
'Full stock of Grantly rubbers now in. No River�house park.
was off the farm: was, on the 291-h turn�ed hothe on ' Saturday last, from
a- I When You Think o� ftyi]Iff
of -M-a, of his thumbs was taken off. -Mr. and Mrs. more trouble with bad wearing rubbers if you wear LargtT va'r,
Our stock is underselling all competitors v
election da , wb en lie went ou a mouth's visit with relatives it Toronto
in, Watches, Clocks, Rings, Pins, Brooches, y t to �c Bt his John Devereux, of the Huron road, just Granby." W. B. Willis, sole agent Lr Seaforth. and Come! To US For
vote in, favor of the 1iberal candidatie, the east of town, will celebrate their golden 1814-1 otb it cities. -M iss Hatton, of Olinton, form
Chains, and other articles of jewelry. Our
ty he had always supported. He was on Saturday. We ex ARLY FALL DIIIJI-NERY.-To-day we can -place, was in the village Aurin NB� -The apple
reputation for fine goods, low prices and par an wedding tend the erlyl of this 9 Wsy ITNts. evapilrator GUARANTEED FTJRS
honest and upright man, always doing what interest any lady wishing to see some of the the,�paqb week, renewing ac uaintances.- will c6mmence work next week. About 30
heartiest congratulations to the wortLy
Mr.1 John Swan and sister, Miss Helen honorable dealing, does the business for us, he considered to be right, �rid always will- COUD18 on the celebration of such an ibn leading styles ln New Dress Goods and hands! will be employed in this inst, u STYLfSB MILLINgRY
atd we endeavor to live up to our name.
Ing to aid in every good work, with an unusual anniversary, and oul best Ready-to-wear 1�ats. We have .1some ad- Swa.1n, have retutbed from Toronto, where t is ilear.-The Ca'nadian Jubilee S�Ingers IMPORTED LS
We carry a well�assorted stock, and -every a worl d Imperial Orchestra will give a concert earnest endeavor to leave thi d otter wishes that they may be spared many vance hats on sale now. BaE what we wish th4 had been visiting thei sister, Mine a CLOTH CAPES
arti6le, is warranted as represented. than he found it, He 'always took a live years yet, and that we will bare the you to- remembe, is that on September 25th Ten6, and attending the Exhibition. -Mr. i thel town ball here on Tuesday evening, Repairing a L-pecialty with us. RAIN COATS
interest in the affairs of the day, in ;which pleasure of announcing their diainoi d anni. and 26 we are going to hold our f%ll mil. G. �. Sutherland, as agent for Mr. Georg utider! the auepices of the Methodist church�,
he was particularly well versed. In to- versary.-Mr. J. N. Reid, of Toled, Ohio,. -finery openings. 'Great crowds are coming Ingjam, has rented his shop o Main street, - "A Cousley has receive the tappont ent
a- 11 show; great crow3s are to the Hensall Evaporator Company, for the
Comiter's Jewelry Establishment, ligion he was a faithful member'. �'f the accompanied by Mrs. Reid anil the r little to the Seaforth I oi division court clerk to fill OY And any other fall neceesit
Presbyterian church, and it may very truly child, are visiting Mr. Reid's fatter, Mr. coming to this stiore. See that you are storing of fruit. I'The compa6y are aying caused by the death of 'the late Alex. lunt.
SEAFORTH, e�.-A number of apple buye
j be said of him that his death is bAt the Samuel Reid, of the Mill Road. Mr. Reid among them. "he E. McFaul Co.. Sea. in large quantity of apple@, and are taken as cash for
giving to were out AarButer and egge
translation from this world to a better one forth. 1814.1 e .0
W. R. COUNTER, Manager !is one of the many Canadian boys i vho are emplokment to quite a lar ge number of through th country.this -week, but ' und at priceB allow-
goods,'and highest mark
beyond. Mr. Dickson was born in Ber. 'forging to the front in Uncle Sam'i land. han4si/-The sacrament of t ie Lord's Sup- t �e N".. . I quality of fruit vFry goal cc in
A DAY OUT. -A young man who was I ed for same.
wickshire, Scotland. Over fiftv.fou'r years i He is now aasiEtAnt manager of 4 large walking along ti a 11 b obeer7ed in Carme '. Presbyterian this s'etion.-The annual, convention of the
,road, on the 10th conces- at w a a
a -th morning. Preparatory. Maitland Presbyterial Society was held in
TH.E'CANADIAN chu�c on, Sabba ago he was united in marriage to Ellen !manufacturing and wholesale and ric tail im- sion, Sunday in rining, was Thore ttari,eur- .++ riday prect eding will be Melville church, 'Brussels, on Tt eaday -e �plement busineks in' Toledo. -Mr. Frank 15
Dod-ds,and in 1853, they, with their, tbrF prised to see a � ieighbor plowing in Ian ad. erv!1. is on the F B
children, and accompanied by his fatber and IGuttetidge has a big gang of men employed oted by Rev. Mr. Ander ion, of Gode-
Bank of Commerce iaoent field. Fi eling sure the farmer' had le, 'Pu rnoon and evening. -The Smale block
rhother, brother George, still living in Ma- I Thle,
eying granolibhic aid ewal ks. Thounusually notconsulted die calendar that mprning, rich� at2:30p. m. -The Met aodist parson- bl�enpurchasedby a gentleman from
CAPITAL'(PAID UP) Killop,andbis aistereameto Canada and !wet season and the scarcity of m n has the young man i ?ant up to him and, asked age into be improved by a neat verandah, Trowbridge,who purpo�.es opening up a
directly to McKillop and settled on the greatly rctatdEd work of this kind so far. how long he int nded plowing; and if he was which was very much needed, and will add general store in the neai future.�,W.
Kght, Million Dollars $8 D00,000.
farm on which he lived till the time of bis !But with good weather, Mr. Guttr,dge ex- doing good wo 1k. The questions A aly to its appearance 'and iomfort.-Mr. Scott land Robert Thomson were in Es HCF,,41! U—L-
Rest, $2,000,000, death. " BeEidee his aged -partner, w10 for peots to have everything completed by the seem to disconcert the ploughman, so finally and Mrs. Abner' Arnold aad family, of ton this week.-Jamps McCracken' and
over half a century has shared his'loYs and jime winter sets in. -Mrs. D. Jai aF on ia Windsor, who have been here for a number family, who recently moved from here to
CH. arrows, he leaves a famil of six sons and 1visitiag friends n Lo the young man asked him if he kueVF what ting Mr Arnpld's parents Goderich, intend returning and on-ce� more y nd on. - M r. Robert day it was. Of course the farmer said he of weeks visi Dry Goold, A goneral Banking busines four dhughters. They are Adam, in M -c- 'Ball of the Sesforth Engine Worki , *had a ere for heir home.on
tran, Killop knew, and it wain't'Sunday, either; and fie and 'relatives, left h b oming residents of Brussels. A
sacted. Farmers' 140tes disc Peter, in Manitoba ; Mrs. Kib- display of engines and other macbi iery at Wednesday last.-Mislai Ste�enenn, Dead an and Miss May left. on Toeiday
td would not be convinced until he went to his �b, h , I 0"th's Greakst Cash
ant teacher in our pu, , _ wag called mornii.3g for a trip to Manitoba. . Mr. �Dead-
U ler, in Warren, Obo ; Mrs. Campbell, in ithe Tosonto fair, and is this week E�' .0 so 4
and special attentl,6n given t: in Hul. .1 'owing house and loobed up the date. He had home to Clinton on account of the illness of man recently shipped 4 car of honey to the
t" Gorrie ; Mrs. Gilber-t NIcMi6hael, atl London. While in Toronto he 'ispesed J 0 votlection,of Sale Notes. planned his work for the week, and had T s ; John and a lee is, taking est. Thomas Ballantyne is spending a
lett ; James., of %agara Fall of the traction engine he had on ex ibition her mother.- Mi a Whitesi Dry Goods ),Store.
SAVINGS BAN K -1 -Interest allow. threshed on Thursday, but as Friday's rain
George, in Chicago'; Thoao and 11zzie at �there.-Dr. Burrows was called to ondon preve charge of her department. -Mr. James few days with friends in London this week.
ad on deposits. of $1 nd nted his work being done for that day
UP"ards- ht)me. The remains were interred in the �,on Tuesday, owing to the illl]eBf3 -Ivlr.' and Mrs. Jares Smith, ofil
Chapman, of Caledonia, is here spending a Port
Of his he forgot about it and counted by his, work
lal factittles a performed by tb� Rev. T. W,
A:rthu'r, are making a holiday i w
father. -Mr. Robert Jones. a fortn�, week or so with his brother Mr. Wm.Cha viBit3 with
r am not by the days of the wee
Splac T;d I ke nDlar-"On Of Maitlandbank, cemetery on Thursday. k. p
business in the Kliol trict. so Phalan, of Strat ord, who was t Neil Cozene. Congratulations being over the
ployee of Tur, E XPOSITOR office, is ho ne on a man. -Mi he latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs.'
Mon. -ay Ordera, payable at any bank, Issued at the oompany repaired to the din�iug room, what&
AN INTF-RFsTiN;(. Gptorp. -One of the
following rtes, 41sit to his mother and other friendi . Mr. here on a visit, returned ho a on Wednes- Millo Postmaster and Mrs. Farrow are
Brucefleld. ample justice was done bountiful
Unider SIC .08 to $80 .12 most interesting fa�ily parties that has J anager of the Times, i paper day. -M re. 8 el hard is visi t Ing her daugh- er�joying an outing at Lnndon and Chapham,
ones is now m
to b h a
#10 to $20 .10 $30 to $50 .14 Nisited Seaforth in r4ny a day, came to published in the pushing town of De] orai The talk of th 3 riah heJov of th�d'mid- worthy hostess,
ine, eat to [HymEnkT, -One Wednesday evening of
ter in London. -Miss Addib Bell after which a pleasant evenwg was spent in
F. HOLMESTED; G. E. PARKES. town on Monday to have their photographs Manitoba, He says that in. their , art of dle clasies I A :)leasing to thi poorl, '-the London Tuesday,to spend a'! u ple of days.- Is week, just an the setting sun had gilded
Manager. New Dress Goo� a and Suiting Cloths it The t �sttree tops, tinging with a golden �ue in versation, games,1 vocal and in -
taken. The varty cousisted of rii and Manitoba the wheat will yield from 30 to Children's day- will be o erved in the he social con
a ac
1624 Mrs. James Hagan, of the township of-HaY, 40 bushels to th xe+ In the Political E. McFaul Co."i Store, Seaforth. They are churches on Sailbatb, Septe bar 28th, and al I I its mystic beauty the clear strumental music. The popularity of the bluel skyt bride was manifested by the large moort- TO i
near Hill's Green, and their family 'of six great varietie i and are worthy goods, all special services w ill be held n arid ushering to its close a bright S
the occasion, eptImber
world, he eays things are mighty warm for in
PLEASURE & PR`OFIT. sons and five daughters, Mr. c and Mrs. the R6blin Government.'� Their tre%trAent of them. And I [ow about millinery, you including song Ber-,ices.- On gardeners re- day, Maple Lodge, the handsomo an(I com- ment of costly nd useful 1�presents whiell
I hich test#y louder thou
Hagan were married in Goderich 39 years ask. Well, this store's millinery ol�eliill port having secured. in fine condition, a m�dious residence of Mr. and Mrs Watson 'she received, and w
of the prohibition legislation has se*led 9 words to the -high esteerk i4 which -she it
ago last march and their home was blessed their Aoom, and the ele�Aors are now only days are September 25th and 26th, and it's very large yield of onions, which meet with A
inlay was the scene of a ve retty held by a large circle of friends. Amon9
You can combine pleasure and profit by with eleven children, all of whom are n this store you'll see the largest, anj rich- read demand and good prices. Mrs. h me wedding, when i their eldest an most
dealing with George M. Baldwin, & Co., waiting until election da� to -send them I y -1 those from a distance who[ attended the
alive. Their children having all gatbered at &wa' cat showing of tylish Hats. 014-1 Manna was recently in Torot to, visiting her eatimable daughter, Miss Eleanore E., was
y back into the icy shades of oppoEition. I I wedding were friends from Toronto Hat -
dealers in Mason & Risch, Bell, Nordheimer, the old home at the 'same time, it was other relati nited in marrispe to Mr. Hugh McIultosh,
Dominion and Berlin pianos avd Dominion thought a favorable opportunity to While here Mr. Jones pnrposea buyiE g up a NOTES. -Dr. Armstrong has sold his brother and vei.-The'Stdne- riston,!Fullarton,Listowel, bitec-hurch and TO W
h carload of applea to take back with- bim.- practice to Dr. Rodgers. The change will man families picniced ab ( rand Bibd, on a prosperouw young farmer -of M
and Bell organs, tried and tested. Also the ave a I OX'llop Seafortb. Mr. and Mrs. Intos left for Ass
photo:of 'such an interesting group,"taken. Mr. Will Hays is on a visit to fr nds n take place soon. Dr. Armstrong has been Thursday of last week.- Miss Bell, of township. The ceremony was witnessed by a., New Williams, -New Home and Ideal sew J their, home in McKillop hat -,�.vening, w-berw
Although Mr. Hagan is seventy years of Toronto and M and.-Mre. Jame Weir practicing in thi a place for nearly td years, Blyth, is taking charge of,'. 4r. E. RannWe cl�er 100 relatives 'and friends of the � con. Grand V je,
I I they will beLnu life under thel oat favorable,
ing machines. Needles and parts always in age, he is still as sprightly and energetic as and the Misses Myrtle and Lyle are , ttend. during which time he has gained t�' oonfi- millinery department. - Ere. Gunn and tr�cting parties, As the tones 'of Mendel -
stock. �many men half his years. Mrs. Hagan is mr- the fair and visiting friends in ondon denceof the community, who muc regret Shaw, of Clinton, were in the village aopns wedding mar elreum tan4s, followed by t6o best wishes t T�o We are always pleased to give you a select on ch responded to the, of a ho:t of frieode. If th4 -are as happy
concert on the Gram -o -phone while you are 58 years old. A prouder -father and Mother this week. -Mr. and Mrs. Charlea.G ulding his departure. -We read in last wee�'s Ex. Thursday of Is Johnetcri, who skilful fingers of Miso Eleanor Ainlay, of To Pri
never trod the streets of Seaf and prosperous as their ma4, friends would,
orth, and well visited their daughter; Mee. R. J. Livit- rosioR of the large eti%lk of corn gfibwn by was here on a i it, has ritturned Ito St. Listowel, the young couple took their places
E\-POSITOR chew, of Hensall, over Sunday. -A p eaeaut Mr. Watt, of Harlock, but we t nk we Louis, Missouri, a . by his mother- he
having- repaim done or looking, over our they might be, for neveT has Ti coompanie( at� the altar, beneath' a floral bell. T wish them to be, no over-&nxious tares, no To 11e�
rnuoic� We sell Pianos Organs, Gramo- office been graced with the presence of six social was held in the Sunday soho I room can beat it.. Mr. Thomas Fraser, in-law, Mrs. Ht n , of this village:-. -Mrs. bride was neatly attired in cream lustre, dark clouds of sorrow or trial will ever fiibv
phones, Sewing Machines and Bicycles. a across the horizon of a lon!'g and happy
more handsome and emarter looking fellows of the Methodist murch on Tuesday even. has one 14 feet gh, with well- developed Broderick has sold her neat little elling trimmed with cream satin nd ebiffou, and
d wedded -life.
OUR (TIENER'AL REPAIR SHOP than. those that followed their worthy iDg. A good musical and literary pr gram- heads. He has ven acres of the best corn to Mrs.:Pope, an i intends,: I I the ctZrae of ca ied %bouquet of cream roses. Miss
father into our sanctuin on Monday after. me was rendered ai A a pleasant time ant Been in the con munity. In the spring, a week or no, goi 3g to Michigan to liTe with May Sparling acted �, as bridesmaid. She
-Mr. William Kerslake. of Crotnarty,,
NVe repair any old thing, umbrellas, lawn. The sons are Peter, of the :Detroit was dresse ORFE
V10013. by �All -Mr. Fran rL S. Beattie:, V. 3.! of when all the far ners were bewail ng the her daughter. Mrs. Broderick will be d in pink dimity and carried a
mowers, knives, sciesiors, bicyclea. A call fire department; James, a farmer ii Hay; Kansas, in visitingl his parents'. Mr. and wet weather for he corn, Mr. Fraser. wore missed by he any frierdn.-Mr!. G. C. bo net of pink caplations. Mr. R. F, delivered to Mr. George D4e, of Hullett'
"down the open 1.
solicite(L We can, please you and we guar. Edward! J., attending Trinity Medical C01- Mrs, John teattiel-Mr. and Mrs. Wealey a bright smile, for his corn,. which vas on Petty bam trak n M12orchor supported the groom. Little the past week, one - of the fin1est two,yeer-
antee everything. lege, To�onto ; John A., a student � at tb Wright vi�ited his sister, Mrp. TrAt, of high, new land, was daily Mr. shed to the b ay, in a op . otless dress �f white old heavy draugbt fillies ever seen in these
a : or h of his brick lock, Por
Chicago' dental college ; Francis :LS. and Hensall, over SnDday.-Tbe annual h rvest Fraser is a good farmer and g9awkiene'l-Sbrop- in order 0 give � his tenants MI nlin, was flower - g4l, carring in. er hand parts. At the Western fai4 London, this
Sea—forth. Lawrenqe A. at ome. The daughters are . i 1 6
G. X. BP.Idv' b thanksgiving services of St. Thomas hutch shiren, which he sells to American 1 b more yard too .- ri. Win, Mitchell has a basket of flowers, in! which was oncealed week, Mr.- Dal secured first, prize forthe
Mary J.J, at home ; Margaret A.,
ia Dollar will be held on S'anday, September 28th, atgood prices, � specialty. -Miis !'Louise been very seriouslyl ill during the past week, the wedding ritig. 'and Master Wyman I colb and haa sinos refused o�yer $200 for
General Repair Rop, Bay; Ada B. at home Xathlene, in Do. when Rev. Win. C [ ig, B. D , of Petr lia, a McColl has retur ed to Detroit. -The cot. but we are pleased to learn' i he Is improv. Sparling was page �oy. The' qeremony I her.
Bon" Mr
b to is cr
vill 10 a cou
a ey etcheti