The Huron Expositor, 1902-09-19, Page 6-4
otLer words, if you c uld gather up all his during which we h ve h d It. e opportunities.
bat I felt the presence of my Lord of ii�ia
I ; he wits the first to leave the it i the form of a big lift, of devising eert o ementy
Work, and pub whick
laogth min
foot high. Even we propose to introduce int it. The rival -If you ide��
room that he miglib be the� ir b to gain the it would lift 3,000 tolls onei
THE ADVENTURES OF AN EINCILISH outer door. our heart does 120 foot tons of work every editor, we regret to report,
Ry is still confined
CAVALIE4- IN THE VOR"04-HOW, to hie home.
Suddenly the 9 �ower of tiny sparks shone 24 hours. Its work,if represented by lifting
ordi, would raise 11-20 tons When the Hindoo editor, wishes to rest
FROM LONDOb , HU, BRI through the dailiness, and heard the in other. w
faint ring of steel on flint; on a spark fell for a time from his labors, he -calmly a -
ht one foot high. There is no engine of
a an do so much work nounces the fact in these or similar we
and spattered, tI �en a fiery; li is,. thin as a man making whi h ras
OF CERTAIN N OBLE LM EN WITH RE - As we ate beginning to f�el the 'physical
streak of light, or apt across t a floor—the on so little fuel (or food) as our own body,
'd therefore we deserve to stoke ib well to and mental effects of a year's unremittin
SECUnfinh ITY, GARD TO THU QUEEN OF SOOTS. fuse was fired. _g
ena6le us to discharge all our duties perfect- devotion to the interests of our readers-, we
1 stood no wel. back from the door I
thought that the four would pass me unob. ly, whether they are the duties of brain or feel it due to them that we ould take the z_udineaft set
We cail. grily y illustra- ors in the
served, but the man called Hay had eyes of bone and muscle. I repeat we can only rest which oar lab r behalf demand
an't we co�e -like a cat. tion and!. a NWvor or two of become a prospero and successful and and deserve and, as a natural cons:cfuence,
Why c
over to your house and Coming of ter Lord Both ell, and 610'991Y are a healthy nation, beg to notify that this paper -will come to
HOW MARY QUEEN OFSCOTS PAID A- NIGHT description in oui catalogu'e pot
play any more? followed by his two cbmpa lonp me and to become health we must, first of all, appear for.the space of four weeks."
tumu he paw
VISIT. P let out-of.-toWn � 1yers know
Because papa gets so standing in the blackness of 't nd. be well fed. Lot us 11 lay this lesson to A short time ago an Indian newspaper
Carter s Silently we foll he� hall a about oul m4gni !cent selec- 'hearb, and, whab is- re, aeb -upon it.—Dr.- appeared with two very cobspictious blank Eat-er Anyl
owed her"throagh;a dimly mad when we make a sprang upon me. So taken by surpr so was
lighted hall, uniii the stopp�d and knocked little bit of noise. I that I did not use on of rincrs. Andrew Wilson. columns on the front page. 1 The editor ex�
Litt, Liv my weap0q.
'Twas W, hat makes him t:l at I heard Hay m itter somi wor plalped this eccentricity thos Wah
gently upon the p�,xiel � of a d' or
opened by one W d The Farmer's Buccess Depends reserved this space for .�u exceptionall and rver,
2 itliag Tayl r, this bo, S�
Pills. w%? prying servant ; then I w liustled down Alltheeelu gempresented
servaI to the prince coneort. the hall, on -to the steps a d !thence upon powerful &I on a:bubj'e of universal in. -
amma says it's dys Upon His Freedom From
pepsia makes terellb to our read u
Is my lord awake asked the queen. him' E�ct the sward below. All the gdodi style� shoWn. eris the last me.
Must Bear Signature of Evidently her coming,was pe#ed, for
iseas'e andS-uffering. $0 qazy,, My Lord Bothwell, ru�nipg across the 4- ment we find that the articj� cannot be eom-
the man showed no surprise ab Iigh4 �of her, preens
That's about the wxy garden, heard the riLcket lind stopped to 'Rir gs appea
d within the two c6lumns reserved
ta pearance nexb. -IG'
and led us into a well. furnishei, be- Ry S CJXkRy CoMpCUND for it. It will mak
yond which WO roy Lord, Da ml to those wbo admire ring r W
it strikes the small bc y. note cause of it. IiIi ihe� gloom he PAINE' week."—Los. Angeles
ier3t.s bed. i'.. - .t - of his fell �v
The dyspeptic has io thought one o' eri had fallen
Thi6ugh'the door IiE d, �4�,to th
chamber. i IS THE MEDICINE THAT HAS M E thcreughbr�
idea of hi own u adown the stairs, and o back a low, beauty, and: the large nurn-
'A bred W=gm-Nt
Mary of Soots passed, leaving the to s
ss or �harf h- warlaing to haste
I be Adinqued to
sonablene 0. for thel fuse was burn- ber we sell ena3les us to THOUSANDS OF COUNTRY TOILJ� 01VES STRENGTH AND VIGOR.
&is Peo-Mmile Wrapper Below.
burden us with his presence.
ness. Uttle thingS Ere ing.,
ot truth to a carry a stoc ows a
"Twere n 811 di not listen lk that all ERB WELLAND STRONG.
magnified and seem 0 Why the three Scots had, act killed me in
for evidence of a quarral in th) a ]joining
splendid justify his quick angi x. tboball was beyond com reberision per-
JLQ U&o as I oom, but in my heart I felt no app.rehene
There are thousands of farmers in our Ian'
There's health for t:Le haps they feared Ito stay a risk a dagger d BUILDS UP TRE S
ionforthaqueen. Jealous as mais irly Lord
who are rich in broad acres and gold ypt
dyspeptic and hapI ss stroke, or exciftenlIlent robb6 them of their CATAI.OGUE SE IT UPON YOU IN GOOD H$<H.
DArnley, and as weak, he was n ith r rogue for the family by t ie wits. APPLI 31ATION. lack that true wealth known as good health.
nQ FOR 017INESS-S-S nor, murderer ; 'mas because he �Earl of
I It is 1% meancholy service.
UOUSa use of Doctor Pierc�'s But I was well outside the house, and to fact that men aud Nip- The Right Fod For' 'Young and
menin f
FOR a. Bothwell hated him. he had pou ed bi3 foul DIA MOND HALL. the country districts, breathing Ole
Golden Aledical'Discov rn and approach the fated chamber Old, For the St,�ong and
ITTLE suspicion into my ear. At It at pioment
C!ry. It cu stoI
FOR -TORPID LIVElf., res diseases of the' v�buld have been sheer madne�s ; therefore t air and drinking from God's bu6- F0
IVER I would Fooner serve DArnley.of Ithe two. Weak. Lot 20 �Cc
t Ing men
I used my legs arid followea the flee* =fountaiissaud limpid springs, are li�-
ach and other organs of digestim
STIPATIOC, It could not have beeu over half !an hour bired Yo;91;e
across the parde- Vaultilll$ a w hedge. -bI6 to the same diaeases and ailments that ed numbet of
FOR: ULLOW hem, I crossed 14na'and rounded Food, time -of sertice
FOR CON the queen remained wiLh her ll;usbii�nd, and and nutrition, and restores perfe 10 Bros, __ st� combination jIm
ct Malt Breakfast
yna thick and fast I o city people. We find
9 -of the phrest Malt and
health and strenth, by enablin after It the come
Iheardnots word of their convsrsation;�? proper proportions r T
184C e sts., rheumatism, neuralffia, debili�y, dyspepai _j
IFOR THE COMPLEXION and as�imika- the anRle of the wall on the� fu Irther side. Yonge a d Ada as, Ilece"t
had the villairoue Tylor not bem present the perfect the choicest Wheat, partiaI cooked and
'�MUWTVAV& MAW kidney and liver troubles and blood diseases
Badly spent, and knowing' the powder
the time would have passed mote pleasantly,
tion of food. ped gested, is the great bealth-giver for-
�5. might do its work and I wa.1 safe, I stop
"I have taken one "tit of Dr. Pierde TO ZONTON almosb as common in the farmer'g family an Pred�
S 0 ay a in 0 t ey
for me, with Mistress Duncan ehtiq at myl Golden Medical Discwqry for indiges U, to tind the fellow H are in, the city homes. oungand old. Mr,-. S. �rice, Random,
CURE StCK Hce.AD eide. at South, Trinity Bay, Nfid, says MADE -
a=d liver (nuiplainy, w_rites Mr, C. ]IIL Faith, knave," he pan?e& 11 1 lost my Paine -'a Celery Compound, Heavew's be
In half an hour her majesty eared anal of Vadkfn CW14 I consider it a pleasurei to write of my
a1pp e, Davidsop hem"i that I might saveLmy skin bu� now bleaBing to the farmixig corrKnunity, has done by ' he�
bade the servantireturn to his maste - then! N. C. ttHa ve had no 1�ad spells sin -1 irience with len id Malt Break.
more for the banishment of dread disease, expe, your splen
run from such a place and at
fast iFood. t is, without oubt, the beat of -
she passed from the house as Eilently as shel commenced taking yqar niedicineih' andwithaswish hewhippedout his and did. I and the building up a
VETERINARY fact,have not felt like the saine inan. Xle- �f health than all other
Y�ord. such an hour 'bwotld be to draw damning
allgrainfoods for inip&rti3g strength to
k the 'Golde -
had come, and I hastened to swilag open the If fore I too t. 1edical Discov'-
n I knew e meant to do�vn upc world 9.
door of the carriage. cry' I conla not cat aiiNt W- The kill me and suspicion n me therefore I stood
z4 thiuz%vit4out combined medicines. Mr. G. J. Smye, a those who are weak and ru down. It has.
OHS IE V. S., honor graduate of Ontario
well known farmer o -Sheffield, Oat., says
fu� distrssi buL no%V I Zan c�t afgllhin sorang back, tha king Go� I had not drop
Veterinary CoUege. A Idiseaaes of Domesti ei
and 1ady Maude quite met my expectations in every partica. th
my ground.
I saw the queen seated sh without having 1133pleasaiii. pod my weapon i the race., There were som soldiers, several offia- It is with great leasure that I teatkfy lar 1 1 may �add, that your �'fod is relished
animals tressed- Calls promptly attended to an I wi
beside her; my foot was upoh the Btep,f I
'Tie a well ti ned f use,'� quoth be, an d ers, and a dozen )ut in the front,
Ohargea moderate. Veterinary Dentstry a special erce's P to the value of your reat medicine, Paine�s
o n e d 100y; -ty or�ed,.breath- by 'every member of m� family." ALI
when suddenly her major Dr. asant ci izene I "all Iva
office and residence on Goderich street, some Celery Compound. or nearly two years
e the seconds yet remain you shall show and before 'all th ut, is xode m Lord
7' of Dr SootVia offi-ee, Somforth. 1112 -ti y Gro6ers sell Malt Breakfast Ybod. he
lessly cleLm�umsa nd regul z I
suffered from indige ion, kidney and liver
you master, my gooO Laid Darnley, the Bothwell.
41 1 have lefb my gloves,
�r Dudley Ath 0
p was is r -ab caugh J eight of me, S. B0'
17 pray you bid Master Tayl6r tch them JA Ly hr'wn on my face the
pose, I are c ied clos6 to thei wall and He made a furious lunge at me, but my that did not effaet�a oure, Idecided
I t Paradise. JT �h he ff troubles. After try ng several m6dicines
LEGAL It was scarcely three score foot from the and a light ring to try Billings Was The 0#6 at Fault.
u d the
steelturned itaide;if theEarlycfBoth cognition m him start, I% your Compound. Before uAng it I was so Yo ronor, sai tterney for the
tile1J. I iaw
carr ag ce, " I wish to prove: Dy this question
e door to the entrance of the house,1 waited. re as low in health that I could not eat or sleep, defe�, �haz ;S t
I off I iumph fl features,
3 L well and his rog a kept resolved it look of tr a bed across his
JAMES L. KiLLORAN, and i hastened to do the qu�een. a bidding,
wonld notfbe I o would.gilide the queen's and he or I could not lie in bed owing to pai th -the witness is a man of q
in a my
arriate it Solicitor. Conve ent and! CHAPTE xiii. ied harsh y of til
yancer and Notary thinking 'twould cake but a oom I I i
restin sition, hard to get along 'With -and on
ftblic. Money 2 81K NO13LEMAN Cl ANGED IlIS
HOW A back ; it was only by * g on my lbows disp
Ihusband heaven ard. We are 'come In time iere stands one b
toL loan. offte eVer PiokAr& )to the ladies not to be kept waiting. oming,' vx�,-ZER-y I I
But even 9#9 our swords crossed there to Kirk o ad knees that I was enab the b,
gain Street, Sealorth. 1628 JACKET� f Field nose place should be at a ow w
led to o erms with his neighbors. N
b ain a bad t
however, to the door of Kirk of Field, I slight degree of ease. Before I had f he ontinued "-whose. farm is next two
j followed b Holyrood !"I n adve acing strai Wa C In
foyand it looked, and though I rappea tharp- As the, a In draw mearer i came a great burst of light y so IT ght ully
VT p reeived tremendous an explosion It stout upon me: W t d h 6, Sir Ii taken one bottle of your medicine I began years
HAYS, ly none replied. on ut sev ;ere ap,;, hat the It y ud-
that not e al peraoiis R. 8 to impove. I have �Ow t '41thereI -a it e i.'4 will at, my btack shook and �trembled ; 'twas ley ?,i aken in &I four- �Well," answered the witn
Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer and Notary Public. Im- atient to be IrEpt s,tanding �'on the proaohii3g, a d while rIh re yet 'a little
a stor of thunAer results. I e
ris 69� aiw ImO, I was way off I hef rd voiee� e7hWen fo�r saadowy t farmer and y day. 'Stop righb there. One at a time.
Solicitor for t p as though condensed in- teen bottles with giand B m, and th'--P'
he Dominion Bank. Offloe--in rear of The men with a lights nd the Boldie
steps When the queen aw
JD Money to loan. 1235 to one mighty peal, and swift 'upon its path h d pressed. close to e � one stumbled
ominton Bank, Sealorth. am in w working e e
upon the po at of knocking lou( er; -when it forms passed me
i 11
in It came a rain of debris,' 4hich beat like body upp th :'ground. Anyone may. refer to meI in regard these Are 'You on friendl terms' with Mr. Bil- mark,
oconrred to me that an undue Doi e- must over t�e dead y
K. BE Barrister, Solicitor Conveyancer, �9 gloom"Go eluoeshen
could have I ut out my hand and hail against the wall and fl' statements, or to any !ot my neighbors liloge-V
ew over my 66 What 'a this othwell. In
Notary Public. Offices up stairs, over' 0. W. disturb my Lord Darnley' I er
ajesty them. 6 6
around Sheffield, wh re I'am well, kn wn. I 1I can't any that I am."
�,Pxpsta booketore, Main Street, Seaforth, Ontirio. God's name, what eevil ork is here ?"
My curio�ity 61
think ill of it there. muit be a 1i a or a was al�oused to' th burn -
and am a living witit orth of Paine's Are v.ou even on spea; g terms with
I warrant all I.Pdinburgh was shaken a o the w
'back erttrance to the dwelling, an this I ing point; could th se men' have any
11627 And snatching a lantern, �e bent do%n, JOHI
thought the end o
determitied to- find, ia the hop that it bminesis with the fello who- had ropped the world was Celery Compound." him!9"
and held ihst light close' to the face of the
NR olicitor, &c. 1 11 No air."
-VI-E Y REATTIF,. Barrister, 8 come but 1, el anding- b,,efo;'e one of the dead.
Money to loan. Office-3a's Block, Sea. m1g �nd what ere they d Ing un- Whose fault is
ht give me admittance I o th i hoise. the lantern
murderers, Irnew that my 4ord Darnley was Revising the Family.Bible.
16,79-tf I hurried around the building, der the wall of Kirk o Field ? Gentlemen," cr eI 1, yonder lies Kirk
pasfilog let t em' buried in the ruins and M4ry-Df Soots ripe of Field' 9, ishattered ruin. My Lord Darn- Have yoia a ed copy of the New on
"Ve his fault, I reck
through a narrow lane shut ia on One slie on for a Foore of gs th'n lollowe rev
AILROW & GARROW,'Barriaters, Solicitors for widow's wends. iOh yes it's his faI you 'reckon
by a dwelling and on the other by� a high go olv t ley, the �uee'n s cot sort, hat h been blown up Testament in the lib ar, Miss.?Reid ask.
cautiously, resolved to e he meaning of US1
-long -has it beensi have ap en
Cor, Haml!iton St. and Square, Goderic4, Out. Hc* meevon
G So shaken were we bot4 bhe shook by gunpowder !"
J. T. GARRow, Q 0 stone wall. At the side of the house there so much midnight mara, ding. ed the young man w io was making an even -
A cry of s�rprise and horror buret from iDg Call.
that for a moment w ptionlm with to him
B. 'the In the'-rdar of KiTk of Field was a
1676 10]1112.1118 GARROW, wits no entiance, bat at sick I made
our sword blades aparte0o d againist e thercrowd. Quick asi. a flash the Earl of No, Mr. Slow," ahe replied, I- regret
h -bout 14 years as neaI as can retnem.
out ia the gloom a stair lead ng upward' garden, of some dimenei6ns, along ;he Bide as
other then I drove al d, gut the oae s] er.
HOLMESTED, succemr to the late firm of od up and faced them all. to say we haven't."
against the wall. f which passed the lailis I was traversin
McCaughey & Holmested, Barrister, Holicitor parried skilfuliy. INLow, isir, I want you f tell this j
It was not so dar 0 Herell a %staunch al d loyal man," What is a revist d copy asked Bobby, ury
k but I --oul diatitiguishI: This-garden'the four men in front of me
eyancer and Notaiy. Sollottor tor e=
d whyl you have not spoken o Mr. Billings
fav Then began between us a uel terrible cried he. "Tis Master. Hay, -murdered who had been permil ited- to sit up later than
CRank of Commerce. Monev to lend. objects near at band, and I fq#nd �that a entered. or4:ssed, and stopped at the rear
for 14 years.
for we. 0 In Scott's Bfock, Mainl8treel flight of fifteen or twenty steps iseconded to wall a short Way behind the dwelli -this E glishman S)ize him, gen. usual.
and silent,. for eaph was intent' on his work by
in the Btu ersary: My tlemen alainL entlemen," said the witnew, turaila L g
an of his ad v he bath tri In Scot, thinkirig You are rather JToung, yc
a door in the rear of the h ot
�t, Bobby, to
I drew �n�arer arid, by uela great
htin with the long Scottish to escape co se us ces of his villain understand exii.2 ma tern," said his sister
opponent, fightin to the jary, -the reason why I haveet,
n so close that I y
Myfootwas uponthe lowr� step when, caution, ga ned a �Osiijo poken tor. Billings for-bureen year is
claymore, menac d me evry'instant with You lie, my lox d!" I arlswered, fiercely. kindly. A revise copy means that 3er- Is
DOIG & Q01GA throughthenight 1heard theil;harp cracki could hear' the a' sligh'tes move,
His heavy aw r but my frailer rapier because tha-L's the length o, time he7s been
Attorneys -at -Law and Solicitors in Clianzory. All of a whip and the rattling of 1
Piritleeli ; it wail ment. Shall I tell whos hand fired the powder tain changes have b n made in the Bible
followed it &is ir follows the lode' stone, dead.
kinds ox Ca�adian legal business will receive special the queen's coach, and, her maj II becom-1 Master Paris bath 1 assured e that all train which were consider d neceeiiary to a better
attention. rAccountis and nctes collected. Deeds, twisting and slinning round it like a Ib needi no to ling, though Master ilay undsristandingW the
impatient at my delay, ha& ordered the! is in readiness, but why is lie t here
Mortgages, Wills, and, all kinds of Conveyancing exe- ing text. Now you had
i .)� Your Neighbors ia�d viper. might, perchance, have answered," � re- better run off tip bed -there's a gocid boy. Al
cuted accurateb* and proCnptly. Offices In the Gowan driver to return to flolyr(;�d. I This wag said from out of the Aloom in a
W. M. Dow, On a more -rapid thrust,than the others, plied he coldly. But yo it shall tell, air, The young man'icould scarcely con hol are regular custolihne at our ist w
Block, SLult Sse., Marie, Michigan. In my ill humor at being forced. to' run. voice.wbic coal hill W 111 TO]
h:made me start. ore
L� L. B.; A. M. Dow, 1,. L. B. Hay came too )ate to the parr and felt the how cotnea;it that, your place being in admiration. assu e you that we are in position to sup.
bither and thither to find an open dbor anal "I know not, for we are pun ual re- y IREPUtz: �
point of my blade at his � breast. At, the Holyrood, ou come fits"It to Kirk of Field, Well, if that's vi hat it is," said Bobby, ply a
the thought that I had been left behind 801 plied another.� y a wi an urest drugs.
Fame time a red spo
unceremo I f I :�
niously, I struck the: banister ofl "The fool hatb turned faint bet rted, or t spreald from his shirt which you a y bath �been bI own up by gun. our family rible is revised, 'cause pa. me ines, perfumes and oilet requisites.
ak.-r. tQ the lace frill at his threat. I saw I had powder.
DENTISTRY. the stair a re�ounding blow with My fist, is asleep, quoth the,* firbt sp� changed it the other day. He scratched out Our Prices are the lowest io town when the
touched him and pressed forward the hard- I saw the trap adl how neatly he had the date of your birth and made it -'.three qual't is taken into eotsideratioi-. Our
�3? bilts almost caught me, but I cried &IOU, I yearelater. Hetold ma'somet disp
vowing Iwould isearch no more for that' shall hold him to a stern accoubtin Art y
er, engaging so In
sure the (i ueen is. gone hing about
F- W. TWEDDLE, Which had been lost through careles4ness. Ha Insing facilities are ux[eurpapsed.-
yl touched. My adversimy sow the advantag And you, my lord, shal expl, io the you and Mr� Slow, a d said that it wouldn'b
y '3�-
DENTIST, Then, stit I half turned, liebitating �vhetherl "I wan at Hot rood and saw! sin t
to go up or make for the stmet an of his position and made a spring backward, queen, and to all Eiinburg] , why you walk o no barm nohow, if Mr. Slow want -
4 t enc
Graduate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons of On h answered a third voice. a Paine's Celery Compound is the medlemw
that his long sword might have better play abroad at midnight lad ihus, when two ed to look at it it mi ht do a good deal of
voice demanded gru.'L4y wha, 'Tie as quiet � a rant- and iiek people. At this tme a bottle iof
for sleepless, rundown, At s
"Then' to work, Mahter Parts or no., but not choosing carefully� his ground and' hours
d fall I o1a m
tario, post graduate courie, in crown and bridge work to- the palace, a heavy ban I I
at Haskell's 83houl, Chicago. Local anauthetic3 for shoulder and 9 the grave but I war since all at Hol ood i aw yon in satin good." piondent, ailing
OMee-Over A. Young's 'a the way, his doublet andcourt re
unobservant of alia I pointed at Presently the youlag� m went away, and
painlesia extraction of teetu. hat IT I
1764 1 did there at such an hour. there be noise enough preaciatly." v1' th e the great medicine should foui Gra-4d
grocery store, Seaforth. foot struck one 0 stones which th him, standing as he ad in -every
This is my own affair, my friOud I'Perh;itpe"' wnturei- the fourth man, as, i -doublet and a family consultation was held. It resulted . ra ne-eir
explosion bad hu, rled over the wall. He Ag he 0. Paine's Celery and in the
F. A. SELLERY, Denidst. graduate of- the an8 13ve
rea banisher of rheum am, nearalgik 0111DW11111
slip hand robe in spite Of' bonnet upon his head.
wered, angrily for I tboug�t it was the who bad not before spoken,." PaIris is in the ped*and his s hosen of rough ost wi It a plumelese in Bobby's pass leepleas night. 9 po U144
lea 0
Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto, a night watch who had spied me ling be,' the chamber guarding he owder- -�om%
You himself. ure
pror t p r
ar stock is fresh and
Egraduale of Department of Dentistry, Toronio hind the house. And as I spoke I jorkedi lordshiFv-" (To be Contin d.) y
University. Office in the Patty block, HensI W�nted- at a times.
Almost by in3tinbt I profited by it,
myself Ioose from the fellow's grasp.1 Hifit 1" whispered tbe voice whi �h start- aWIR visit Zurich every Monday. commencing Mon
lunged within bis guard and pierced his We would like to "k, through the: ool. ATEk. WusoN, Druggiist�f SeaI
Jime let. -1687 But it was 11 T BLETS. umus of your paper, if there is any person Out.
BAD IS 0 --Wx TWO,
my rapier
con not the city watchman who led me. Wouldst wake my L6rd Darnley chest, into which theiblade of Mixed Train -
fronted iustead, a burly fellow clad� with thy howling
W. disappeared to tb a -hilt. - Hay 'shivered for who has used Green7iAugust Flower for the aonm Rape— 1
R. R. R. ROSS, Dentist (successor- to F. in rough gatmenta, and who carrie' of Indigestion, Dyspepsia and Liv Johnny Sc6red. Passenger -
d in hil, The man uttered a muffled oath and the ky nd
DTweddle), graduate of Royal College of an instant, OPIDE.6d. his eyes th
Dental aSurgeons of Ontario; first olaos honor graduate of hand a ruder lantern, a tin box pier�ed f ulf fou'r moved ecir6ha the garden towards the For Weak, Si Fretful It has nI been cured—and were His name was Jahn, addl he was the idol
piword dropped from his grasp, and Troubles the his mother's heart, in sp�ite of -what the
Toronto University ; crown a d bridge work, also 'of holea. In an instant my sword Was out dwelling. t f Ohildren f All Ages. 0
I i this two hands to I he W7 ound, he fell at full, also mean their resu4s, such an sour atom-
gpld workin, all its lorms. All the mostmodern and I took a step backward to give my arm highest pitch, sob, neighbors might say to i hiis detriment.
methods for pain1dias filling and painless extraction of full play. besides I scented vometh`ng more than a length upon the ground -fermentation of f6od, habitual costive- " You'll get my bread tii-day before re -palmerst
beeth. Ali operations carefully performed. 3ffice
My curiosity was at the The strip of ate d had'pierced his heart. If the children's digest- organs are all ness," nervous dyspepsia, headaches, des.
I expected that my adversary wot4d draw simple house breaking. 1 The leader of the iv:
aforth. rk -GOING NORTH�
tweddle's old stand., over Dill's grocery, $e right, the children are:&II ri ht. They ill pondent feelbo turning to school, John,? remax ed is
Never, I thin , was up o t e ea ac any
1640 also, for I saw be carried a weapon at his three rogues was none other than my Lord mother to the boy, while ho indulged in his
trouble connected wi' the at stoll or livet?
fraught under such circunistances.. 'Twas , be hearty, rosy, happ an hungry. Get 0
7 it seemis that I bad mi8iu6 ed my of Bothwell i meal. -Ethel-
hip ; but
the little ones righti! a d ke p them right This medicine has be
man. not till the murd�rer had �een �sent to his n sold for many years
civilived countr a, and w
No Eooner did my bldde'flash in It e Ian-, Keeping well behind and stepping cau- acco in 0,11 Yea, mother," answered he, and short.
MEDICAL. unting and Ste d pposed. with by the use of BabI Own Tablets. This
tiously, I crept across t'he garden and saw dripping 0 no all a I atherl
In �V'sh to ly went forth
sword in hand that the full medioine cures wel troub. correspond with you ad send you one of out his m 4--Wlrxgbam..
tern light than the fellow dropped be tin' the four pass up the steps leading to. the h d be �tioiu hile teething,
lea, nervousness, ir our books free of cost.1 If you never tried
ki ficance of the hour da ned upon me.
;cas " A quartern- of bread—yesterday's—
Is upon the ground, turned hi� back'!
Dr. John McGinnis, door at the rear of Lord Darnle3 Is fesi. try ne bottle first. We wingham
9;hie� Earl of Bothwell ad carried his etc. -These Tablets: contaia no opiate or August Flower,
upon me and bolted so quickly that be was d enoe nd m lien t lie nd had please," murmured John� sweetly, as. be flon. Graduate London Western University, member y were up a
hatred to the end, and the q4een was widow. poisonous drugs, an I at other who try them have never k f its failing. If so .......
heat then while they a the matter h
handled eleven cents of Ontario College of Physicians and Surgeons. out of eight before I could recover fr�m nly� disappeared. whhin I followed, though the ed, Suddenly I rememberel th now i( wit I
i�� once Will not be wit a ser Ou i in for 14he
0 e words the something mon ayment R"ei
Office and Residence-Forinerly occupied by Mr. Wm. astonishment. fiteps creaked under me and I hought A leaves forthcoming.
Molmrd, Victoria Street, next to tho 03tholle Church or a moment I stood stari I landlord of the tavern had I uttered on my . have little ones. IM6. D. E. Badgley, you. Ask your oldes druggist,
x F Ing stup'd] at be-diacoverea
1, AWNIght calls attended promptly 145axis Bread has gone up, my' be -, one cent, --7
i - G. G. GREF, Woodbury, N y
first day in Edint urgh ; th�t the -lord high Woodmore, Man., sayll': " When our little
the spotwhere he had di then� ut when i' had rea6had the door and J. remarked Mr. Dough
a m caught
d iral's ambitiox i might Stop : only at ihe girl was about six men he ol I she
returned. my sword toits scabbard and step,' u hed it gently open, 1 found tha a dwrk When ?" Londola;
p tLl querieii iloh�,, thoughtfully,
throne. There vi ere other ays than- open a bad cold, and was much tro bled with in -
ped into the lane. The queen's gloI mighb haII lay beydnd and no one there. Jpurnalism i
DR- H. H- ROSSo M. B. treason to the crown' of Scot and. digestion and constipation, all d very restless the Orient.; as the prospect f a distast�ful double jour. -JI NOI
remain in my Lord DarnIly's keeptnk uiAil With my 'sword bared in my rigiRt hand, In candor and inge uity of excuses the ney flashed across his mind , Lowd
if on, Ae"ki
Office over Greig & Stewart's Store, I slipped Iny sword, blo'Tad tained as it both day and night� ighbors
the morrow ; I had had enough of X irk f forl I rtSDIveo to strike did any ono onfront average editor might leam something from This morning, my lad-�-if that is an'y
e some B by i i
Seaforh Field, me� I stopped into the haLlI and felt �`he way was, into the scabbai d. Ib was n -W my brought m a Own Tablets, and his Hindoo brother. When the firs� -COPY consolation." business to hasten with'all liepsed to 14oly- in a few days my little one was regular in
Night calls attended to at the office. Intent only upon hastening back to! Hol y- aloLg the wall ; preiaentl� I reached a dooki, of a now Hindoo paper made its, appearsace Jofinny'e face brightenedi visibly.
roo rood and to lay before the 1 proper officers, her bowels and rei d well. I found the
1802 d, when I might, perchance,ilay my ex- and thesoufid of whispering, told mei ihe I recently, nearly half of it consist Bruolafteld
-L to so satisfactory, t.hat n ed of -remarked spas-
- cuses before the Ow always 01nion-
and through them before th ueen, What I Table " Y a, I think jo is, hel
queen and my � minA buev four I followed were within. empty columns. -The following editorial modibally, 11 for it in yesterday's bread I
over the myster ous m' know of the night"s foul wor: keep them in the house0and h, Ive since found LondesbI
DR. F. J. BURROWSs i eeting wi,6, the fl -Ib is he're safe enough," saI -o,ne note, however, explained the vagary -. "We ordered. -
flight of,. the burly gentlemani I was brought I& That the earthquake whi�il Iliad shaken them valuable when she wi a teething. 1 B
re 01graI
"t6 resident Phys.'olza and Surgeon, To sufficient to send my lord straigti) gret that this, our m iden number, should The baker concluded he had no claim.
sonto Gen- to sudden halt by the sound of lootatepo com- 6p to the ground on which I stoo ad rused can truly recommend them 'or the ilia of wliigbam
1 101. oat Rospital. Honor graduate Trinity University, Rea ven. all the inmates of the pal knew - little ones." lack completeness, due to miscalculat'
J - luember of the College of Physicians and Surkeens ing up the lane. We thought we -had sufficient material and
Ontario. Coroner for the County of Huron. The fellow had fled in an oppositeidire "�Hold thy toDgue, fool !" came Irom. my soldiers and citimins were even at that'; Children take then, is Tableti i readily, and '�VhY S-niffle and Sneeze?
Moe and Residence-Goderich Street, East of the Lord Bothwell. " Wi& wake the house crushed to a p-qwder; they I inn be gi consequently, did not trouble to- collect Don't suffer any more a
tiou, and here was another lurking about momdht hastenin i, towards Kirk of Field, iven I with cold inthe alethodist Church. Telephone 46. with thy clatter ? Haab the fuiel xe;&dy,- more. We can assure I our indulgent read- bead,;'just ear y a Catarrh
My Lord Darnley's residence el 0 untO Master Hay and ore many mi antes the truth must be with absolute safety to the at iallest infant. era that this will not o�cnr again. and r 0one Inhaler in
known broadcast hroughout Edinburg. The Tablets can be obtain d at all drug we Your 'vast pocket, uze it no; and again
W and
midnight. Curious to learn who came at Standing in the ar th trust that the quality bf the contents will �Cunton_ —41
such an hour and what might be big pur I firmly resolv)d to reveal. Lord 'Both- paid nt 25 Cat�rrhozone kno&ks BrueedII
d Bess wi �ut the stores, or you can get them pq at you won't have colds.
DRS. SCOTT & MacKAY, door, I felt a thrill of horror fre ze-- my. well's perfidy ; a I mv -obligations to serve cents a box, by writing diree � to The Dr. make up for the lack of quantity." ut a cold in ten minutes-, kills a headache veins, for the purpose of the four vi I Another Hindoo edit�or found it necessary 0
0., Brockville, Oat.,' in live minutes, and hard ng coughein to
the room was plain to me. That wk ith was touched the fuse in the chamber beneath Schenectady, N. Y.1 PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS', ins in him had been Wi )ed -out when the spark.- Williams' Medicine C or to suspend the publicat, on of his paper for half sin hour. Inhale the
Qodarlch sireel� opposite Methodist churoh,Seaforlib eas"t Catarrh -
safe" wag gunpowde and a f ise -was Lord Darnley's room. a fortnight without a warning. When the ozoneI vapor five minutes ur times dail
ark to tun ible the paper again made its appearance it con. and it will cure BrcnehitieI
0., 2COTT, graduate Victoria and Ann iirber, and ready it wanted but a sp Scarcely had 1 4 rawn my cloak about me Lung Trouble,.
mainber Ontario College of physicians snd �house stone from stone, and He Sto��d Laughing. tained this notice W
m �_ord and turned from t is lifeless clay at my feet, e regret that., Deafness, Asthma iand Catarrh in any part
on. 4
Surgeons. Coroner for county of Huy Darnley, the queen's It . uaband,lay leep'lng g to a misunderstinding with a rival
0. MAGKAY, laonor graduate when the loud bur i of voices broke' upon my A hotelkeeper at @6 Clyde aurnmer' reeort, owm of the system. Catarrbozone is the most:di- The
Trinity University, i in the chamber directly above It e -.fatil noticing that some of his customers were editor, in which we f %iled to 'get cIff the rect. modem and scien method, and k r4nS
gold medalist Trinity Medical College. Member ear, and Isaw ap )reaching a score or more tific!
College of Physicians and Surgeonit, oisrio. 'Vowder beat of the argument, it was necessary for guaranteed to ve Fatiefs n.
Like the ninnilla brok-1 the' persons, some car ink lights and others evidently trying to ab their inner in the gi
latood irresolute. In!the first nOment drawn weapons, abortest possi ble tirr o, liest- tho �y should miss us W retire unexpectedily -from -the conduct two months' treatment, 1.1.00 ; -trial -a
red I-Aiciod that flo,,vs thi-dilgil of the discovery * I thought of bur tiing in To slip away Inoticed was impoEsible, the boat, which was' waiting at the i of this paper for the soace of two weeks, 2;- e 'Sold by L V. Fear, d.-uggi
�the door and confronting the Zilld-be thought it would be 'funny to frighten cr N. 0. Polson &Co., Kngsto PROP0 r
the veins has to �onie from RED CEDAR SHINGL imurderers ; bat then, being four �o 6ne cordingly he !went into the back Dr. Hamilton's Pills -curA Con
them. Ac :they might me and room and gave a remarkably perfect imi. MLean I
The undersigned ivishes to Announce to
the publio Aet the spirk, leaving me to be tation of a stearnboa 'a whistle. The joke vice_
that having bought a large quantity of the of red I)Ioo�l
three beeit 1buried by the falling wulls. A sui -er way Oak HW Potatoes.
worked well. The ned heazd the sound
brands of red cedar shingles, and by getting a liberal
folind ill the Soft corc of la. C ir Cult four or five cold boil 4 potatoes :and'
t11 e !flashed through my mind. The villiaus and rushed to the b( at.' t.
dscount for cauh, is prepared to sell them to cus. The "oker laughed Wui era at pr'ces that defy compotition. ould t�ke careful note that- they go, safely six bard boiled eggs in :one-fourth 1dek
C long and loud, until suadenly- ihe waitress
W. G.
allcd tle niarrow;,and r=' -V
�from the house ; therefore the f uZ must slices. Put a layer of pota�bes in a butter -
S. LAMBS Lumber Yard, Seaforth. rushed to him and told 'him that the trip.
"011ie '-;,-Iv Fed blood also c( 'burn for a time before the fire reac ed the
1�hlcs 1 porn had gone Dff wi h their din "I have used your Hair Vigor ed baking dish, sprinkle wiloh salt and pe- 'Dub James
HEMLOCK LMBER. powder- I would stand back a wii ut out 9 or flve years and am greatly per an Harlock - Thom f roni th ners. Then he stop ng. d cover with a layer Of eggs. Repeat
-vinginstookat tho Seaforth Lumber Yard a Healthl,-Ijone Lexnw Kiii;
the spark when they were gone, tru this until the dish is filled. Then cover it
ery large quantity of P11 the different lengths and ing to ple:ftsed wih it. It certainly re -
width?, Is prepared to fill any bill that is preecated 111UP11thy a i- the orip with two oups of thin'white! sauce. 8p;,inkle
c e n e in time. WORMS canno � exist [dren or adult mad color to gray Robb, -Smith,
vvhen DR. LOWS WOR I SYRUP is usea. 25c. A] 'y Ithe very beat quality of Hemlock. I well knew it was a dangerous p 'an, and with buttered brea 'lawes 0=
i har. It keeps in d crumbs' and bake until
ftill of fat.
to save the queen's husband 1 must iok my Jealers. 'w Portland M�. the crumbz gre browned. The white sance 'due P- 0.;
S. LAM B'S Lumber Yard, Seaforth. is Rhe�uniatlsm of the back.
J *uditern
PINE: Sc()tt"i E111111sion i-UA:CS� !life ; did the fuse burn too fast, 'ar t�e Earl The cause is Uric Acid may be made as follows : Pat two -table-
t, until bustnwk
Having bought a large (In. of Bothwell and his hirelings reniI too in the blood. If the kid. Work lad Food. spoons of butter in a saucepon, a ir
ntity of pine from a the long, the spark would touch the I do n Oil* Ayer's Hail" Vigor has:
large firm in Muskoka, I ain gefting pine dress Powder neys id their wor there ot p melted. Add 11 tablesp000is of flour into afteation So am -y -
ed are is any reader of 2 r r"Doeivo V0
be no Uric Acid and till dis&I with my en restorin C01or to whic bave been mixed one-fourth teaspoon
both sides or one side, for siding, flooring, ceiling; I-UOW ati(I while I WaE in the room. b C
would these remarks who v 9
wide plank for water trougba; spruce and balaam Butthesamis mood which had a n1l, in e opinions. The way out of the difficuIties of of salt and a few graine of� pepper. Stir
no Lumbago. Make the b
boxea;llght and durable. Also white rk �jended. gradually our
on one cup of scalaed milk, add
11 'XXXandXXXandX_'Kof bestmake C()d liver od. thelife.oftbe blackest rogue in S�otland sure, positive a instruction in the ecience of fooda and cook- J Ifails to d tog �bolxb
for grarel f'LS, thC 1) U I -e from the tavern out 'Upon the moor �o'save ray Lair for fifty years until tboroug
4acdar shingles X kidneys do their wo' The !eeding the masses properly'ia found in the tj
in Muskoka. large stock always on hand. nd only
prompted me to stay andthwart his qhemes. cure for Lumba ing of those who hav 3 to feed . The work one-third at a time, sitirr til well S. LAMBS Lumber Yar afort)-ii. For 1).'Lle fr* go is Ing -an
He bad.'sent me with the queen h ping I h 3 We mixed, then beatig until mooth aud
:�t77 ing man's wife der iands an needs sue' th cillber.
invalids ind for all IVI)OSe iglb erve hie ends and, perchance, in- Your,
knowledge more that the wo an who has You can roly upon it� glossy. Take no o.
d b his foul suspicions, slay Lord plenty or sufficie A money cater for ZT0.2, 10 eej
y ney Toils
A UCTION SALE OF HORSES, STOCK )()d is thili and pale, SC tt', b
CATTLE Darnley, but that having failed be turned her household. Science has ts o for stoppincr:1 your hair Got Lame Ba'ck or Lumbago,? _'i ;�&Iled a!a i
AND 1:11LO11 COWS, -Mr. John McConnoll
hiiiIiinattucted Mr. Thomas Brovn to sell 1)1(2',1iant .111CI I-iC11 to another way
. ; the presence in It exoorn to feed economically, and cooking must do 'TI -a C
by public Do d As, from f"1111riQ For ke,eping No need of that now. That sort bf pain
auction Yards, Dublin, of sufficient gutpowder to wreck th house for FbI
at McConnell's -Stock on Nood food. the rest for us. Let as be qniba sure of one can be 'knocked out in short order, re Nos -1 and
w _c 0
the following � stock* One good driving horse, i h is fiv times stronger
Monday, Septenaber 22nd, 1902, at I o'c!ock p. m., It 110t Only feeds howed that the thing had been carefully your sca-10 C and far 's Nervilinf h, SPOUSIble Drug,�
great fact that the ioronperity of the indi- on-
-I 111(y 01,
years old, I apt the blood-n'zik' ',rails planned. vidual, as wel.1 aus that of the nation, must r -- L, r than any other, penetrates at once through
ing colt by Royal Scotainan, and the but . For the space of several minutes heard depend on the good d sufficient feeding of aking yo Ir grow. the tissues, reaches the siour dam in elizible for registration; 10 ruilob cows about
ives th SIA0 a Wife. I druZ.-Ists. 130 of Buffering, to calve or to calve this fall, 15 two-year-old steers 0111 stl'C11('rth to do 0 K 16 d e . . ........... driven it out, and thus gives relief almost in-
Z�o pbolse within moving cautiously ab t, and each. A weakly dy can never be an
16 yearlings, heifers and stecre. This stock is ali their proper work knew the fuse was being laid to the black efficient working ma hine. People do not If your iiruiII C inot sn P1 on,,
fint/class and In good condition. Y" stantly. Notmagic,but strength that givep-
Must all be Bold aa MoNt
the propyietor iia short of feel and help. Terms- pile in the fated room. Then I drew back know, or at least they seldom realize, that send Ii�s one duflr tin, Nveill expresa Polson's erviline this po, sr. YOU win
Send for free sample.
Twelve nionthis' credit on approved joint notes. Five ickly, for some one approached the door a human body is an engine or machine which you a bottle. Be 6nile i nd givo the namo think it magic, however, if ou try it, pain Money -to loan'tt
of your nearest exproiz, oflice. Address
per cent. per annum discount for cash. Toronto, SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, Ontario. �tuwllas opened and a man stopped ij�to the can do a great deal of work on very little goes so quickly. Large be an cost only 25, tA 4&
H '0.1
J. -C. AYER Lo,
50C. and $t.00; all drugg-4,ts, passage. I ICONNELL, Py;-prietor; TLIOMAS BR0IJ'WN.NA well, mass'
tionaer. cents. Sold by 1. V.
food. A man's da* work as a laborer
AI3 2 y ar, -druggist,
means about3,000fo
ItwassobletokI could distinguis noth. Sestforth, Ont.
tap- 6--