The Huron Expositor, 1902-09-19, Page 4_7
a E R IN IT08ffOR
4 THE Tu
H amill
NEW ADVERTISEMENTS ment. could not run the Governmental m a*- of hii party iortfollo it is eviden't that the separator out h the barn down an in- many was* performed by Rev. 1. A4' 'MeKel-
AW The fign-e betkeen the parentheses after esoh China with its present small majority 11 that. there are to few of them to make a pr�qper cline, and saved 1.11 -rind one of the threohdre v'ie,,S. T. L.,- of the same pt a. About 90 SEAFORTH'S �EADING SHOE ST
Cabinet. I Mr. Whitney., has the best men got,the horses rom
sue, denotei the pap of the paper on which the another appeal to the count ORE'
ry is not slight 1�urn friends and relatives f yth, 1 Tu6ker-
�r oul, receiving a
advartlearnont will be found of his Party ext to him. it is quite as evi- on' ono,of his armi. Three hundred �ueheils amith, MoKillop,
able if it can be avoided, and that it would Wroxeter, 4 Irey,1 Brown-
ienb good m n to of.-OmtE Tbamez R-�
Clothing and Furs --Greig &- Stewait-1 dent th I and a larg. � quantity of whe 'b that town, Ethel, Bruseels and "t leafoith wer
at ho as not suffic
Faata—ff. Pickard, & Co -5 In all probability, result in returning, the adminl8ter a affairs of a
Millinery openinp—MaKionon & CO -5 1�e provino . A h�d been �hreshed that worni "cre de- prcs9at. day for Ntfii
parties tQ'th� Legislature in -.about the Same': c0mbinatiob� of the boo men in tho two Seaforth Fal"IT-Fair -
Sale—Le%royd & 0" strayed, but the arge atackEi —The Sault Sre..Marie Exp eas of August
16 Da Of o0s and
�Fall 111ner, rties woull improve matters n
sr—D. At. xcBeath—s shape as they are now. To avoid this a6d Pa ob. on y in bay outside the birn were all right, and the 22ad-gives the following account of Ue mar.
li'all Fair—& Wilia & Son -4 departnaent� I work, but i1a general go mrn- oats were thteshed aftei� the fire.1 Mr, r mater I
Furnittire—Ir, Knechtd-5 as there are now no burning questi one. di v�d- 9, former rucefield young -lady
ment, . aud ti �10 Ad natnist aiion would b able Fulford, estimates the losax at $1,000 and pretty thou. h quiet iveddtg took -be Ingger a
ing Parties in the Legisla4 r . , 1 ursday and Frid
Caretaker Wanted—John MoNevia-6 T Of Th
V —Robt;rt Bell -5 ure, 'it 4int1d, to take a -ho �day from votis hunting.01 d all had $600 insurance in the 'We Wawanosh place at St.
, Rent t Luke' n
Auction Sale. s cathedral on Vuesiay
Jex smitb-6 rather than suggested, that �A coalitio that in invo Md therein %�d devote itself Mdtual.
4 �0., I . chief oler'k
.Auctinn Sale—R. Devereax-4 exclusively 6 tbe-welfarel afternoon at two :O'clock-, when Miss Char -
The fulleral
AdwWRtratoes Sale—J. M. Bee" tween the beat men on both sides mi 96it a' In reading t4e Globe edito lof the province., '—Dr�,J. S. Temnant, one of he oldest and lena Jean. -Gibson, daughter of. phe late Sopternbels 25th 2 U
Apprftntice Wstited—seaforth Milling Co --8 kial it doe-sn't take most prominent physician of Western On- Charles Murray Gibson, of' I h. to the El�et
suit in a strong and stable Gover 1 ',ruceaeld, Oa� 7A
Fu,rnitu R&IL-3—Broadfoot, Box Co -8 A I -018111t, two pairs of ispectacles to gee that there is IL 04 V
taria, died at -his home in Lucknow on tario, and Mr. I . a
EdLnuad Pa�ker'!Molony, - -0-NNYW-ow is -visiting f
Money To Loan—.Tame& Be&ttl" which would be a'&eptable to the pe a M hen onw,All though I dopot by an means Thursday morning of last week. He was eldeat son of the late Rev.,C. A. Molony, of
For9ale—J. L X111oran-6 y
was at once assumed by some that this ar i. think that it�means a nevi election before taken ill'with an ttack of Canadian cholera Canterbury, England, wcr,, which m il ana son, OV -4
House To Rent—Scolt Bros__6 to4 in rhe Soaf orth Fall Fair
thb meeting'(;)f the Levialature. Ini I be held on the new grounds of: the $ocie 10� Gidie,31
& ty
'TaRent—T. E. HAya_5 cle had been inspired by th Premieel," a d the previous afternoon from "the effects of holy bonds of matrimony by Rev.; �E. IET. next T and Frida -qes to be the is the jautat
Granby Rubbers -3—w hursd
, � H. Willis ---8 which he lapsed into unc'Ons uses nd Capp, rector of St. Lukcs. ba most succeSsfdl in y�ars.
Apples Wanted—Henmll Evaporator -8 other members of the Government, a f4 a Y,,pronll
rhe utiful During Fair Days o e i
and ComU�e . I
A Snap -0. A. Sparling,_8 Editorial Notes atS � never rallied. on" ceremony was wit essed.� by ab r store will be at your disposal. Leave your
thrown out�asa feeler to test the Opposite 1-1 - Out half a X and
I I oung ou
cider Mill—John Elder -8 Thetnuoli 1,alked of ca41ne of th: —jae. Y , of Lucknow, ied on, Satur- hundred intimate friends - of the contracting parcels in - charge ; di opi in and rest as often as you
0 . Dot., ag like. While -01inton. pw
Fair Da'Te—E. MCFAU'l Co ---a side. This theory has,' however,- beOn de- meat, day 6tvl� U ed 65 years alterl a few parties. The bride was jiven awaV by her takina, in th fair, it will a§o be a good tim
Gerhard-Raintzman Piano* --W. MoLood-4 I packink intoiests in the Unibed States is an, wv e to secure Sul) Ply of on their tft,
00twe r.
Card: of Thanks --E. NeGragor-8 strayed by the Globe, who has since deolar� accomplishe fact, and will come into t moving to Lucknow, the deceased brother, Dr. Gibson, and, sh( nevet looked Fall F Wel weather will soon be in evidence,
Wsntad�Mlaoae, Tondesboro—s ad to the contrary. active O!eka'illness, from stomach tr6tible. 1 Peior a -4d YOU
However the 4elibg wa's a quite so pretty as 9 a did at ;he altar in an need somethin substanti, I in the shoe line.
Stove Operflag—che� ney & ! prominent rouideEt of Kintough township, certainly Mrmdr�v�
smiley -8 opeiation b September 27th.' It 'i� ex -i quisite gown of hit t ff t
sticks, that if a Bathfactory arr y ' e a" After be by,
ang6me4 of Bruce county. He is survived by Ong ceremony of Boot1s, Shoe -s and ubbers is one of the large to
ceeded in 4iiiij nitude only M�ensel. daughter. e' a ' p)rf6ri Our stock
that kind ca by the i happy b ;d I 5b 4e ean e, 11 Mr. st in the Count
uld be made it would be better 11 a;nd embraces all the I arge,'; hei and dty
el combi t --On Thursday of last week, John H. 'f Mira
-tinue th
.and Mrs. Molony est factories in Cana4,a
than to con a Government Xiendo-and the si cereat ;e Yed
ste ere , bes embra es all the leading �ines of the b
i packing oono rns in the St tee. It 18 cZngra Yulatt on Fair Days we will have me special values to offer, values 11 which yott Monday 1i
saidli Hodgf a, an karriei-man; died. at the were showered upo them.
k even
Me a]
majority that is entirely inadequate,"o, cannot afford to,pass ove Ballevi
that it is th undoubted eterminatio i of h of his er, Mrs. VVidiam � C6ok, of --7-The,financial ' eporb of the Nile. � circuit
V0 incur the turmoil and expen er the consolida ests to control all See them.
from -here
Be of arloth of the pa n eo meat inter �10�hal, Dged 57 ears 5 months �and 15 days. of the Methodist Aurch, for he 06r end- a
ow�evet, C ir houses and stock yards o wtek� —A.ITI
�EAFORTIE(, FRIDAY, Sept. 19th, 190,2 electioxi. We very much doubb, h I the� He was a well ikn oWn resident i of the I I th i09 May 31st, 1902, just i sued,; shows 1'r
I company, an save every possible dollt r in" c -in
if any such an arrangement could be ado oncession of Grey for a num�er of years. Ordered V�ork De artme �t-
facturing �nd di tribudon. ' Ca�usq of death wag said to be cancgr Ion the dition fli The pasto -, Re
the cost of nu t�iore, churches a ip a flo irishing con- P n
and, if made, that it would 3anoially�o
be permanent. In addition 4.1 this, all bylproducto will be liver.' v'� M. J. Our ordered Work department is now ill full Swing for the d 'wit -b
Those Pesl-y Politicians. I t L i -All trad� gage
Wilson, with his a In head )f :,as�istants, $ We call
We fear it would requi absolutely oo trolled and efforts made to ma ou ju8b what you W:amt, and guarantee a good flit.
ire more grace t an Is —A company of Clinton capitalists blivO have done well, andl the poop a of the ke
Two events of recent occurrence have Uy up iadu6 ion that are jolosel alli6d. to applied,to the Domi Better leave mentioned 2
on either side of the House to make' a 6ali- b T nion Government, for a coil -
i g�regations deserve great cred t in t6eir nn. your order wi th us
given caase for a good deal of talk and ti the meat bu4fl as@. while 'in town on Fair Days.
i as having U
charter. The company will mannfa3ture mriag energy and libeehlity. 'Xilel raised the recent
ongovernmea possible in this pr0ince,
Opeculation among the politicians; Thefirst 67en were it, desirable. the Liber&18''��onld All pillo, tablets, troelles, etc. Their capitaliza- 5484.46 towards minister's f3tipen4. Shop -
this tal about increasing. the ' i AAAOIO#* AO~ ing gained t
11ariff tion will be $50,000, and the directors are pariton $125, Ebenezer $115i; trukt:a board
i� the attitude and utterances of Hon. J. require that their leader should ocoupk� the amounts to n thing. Ontario won't 'eAnd Dr' Rose, of 8-1 forth; Drs. Gunn an "vdidate it
7tarael Tarts, Miciater of Public Works 4 1 d raised $200, for imisqionary ptirposee! $190 -
11 in first place in the Cabinet., The Cong'6im-, for �a highs i tariff; Manitob4 and thp. Messrs. Cornbe and McTaggart, 86' ; Womens' Missionary S:)ciety�- $63 entered- tb
ilie Dominion e I
that �theip Northwest wo 't. In fact, i looka as thqu vrt here, for a B
ld naturally demand of Clinton. They expect to be in tun W L SON, S_ eaf
4overnm ub. The second is tivea wou Shaw,and ning Sunday school's rs�ised 8157.5%. Sunday R
gh h
n the Adanufaot
ere' 4esociat ion and the Mail —At the Toront Exhibiton in the section for superanuation tl�ere wag.given $45. ed.
A article which ikppeared in the Toronto leader, Mr., Whit ey, should occupy at 4eaA shape by the first 6f the yaar. school gave a dollar,'7pworth leagne� $104: is a -Y�Oung M
Olobe, dealing with the present political
second place. A Cabinet w are the only a so wb� wautlit. The Mann- for drivers 151 bar 1,&iller left for T! routo Junct
ith Mr. Rr,"s al .9 do and under Jessie Ma- neational $13, g(n ral confE ience i $6.85, io a on' ]Phure- bride was assisted by her sistei ')ara;h
i f Mine,,
thi0k they see it in Laughlin, owned by J of LIAO. day, last,, where she will spend a few while Mr. Frank
situation On.Ontario. factdrers bd'C use th 0
one end of the table and Mr. Whitney alt the 'a thicker linin f t y A. Kell� Union,church relief $160, Sustentati'n fund Aldworth, i of Be,
The first is, perhaps, the'most remarkable. or Q months. —Rural i Dean Robinaon, of Walker 7field,
heir ocket3, and the wel, won lot honors out of afield of 25. drew $2, conting6al $1.58, aid all� other assisted the groom.
opposite end, would soon,we fear', engender Mail beca4se i agaijuat The brid and i mber,
Since the departure of Sir Wilfrid Laurier the Government. This mare also won first prize. for the beat purpwes, $103 25 total a ea ' ed the'harve rides- -Septe
an atmoc-phere so sultry as to m u mount raised by ton, pr ch t Thalklagivilkg ser- maid, were dreseed in white F
k h' a 4 standard mare or elding and 'the oweep- the circuit, $16*14. O,i �piecopal 0 urch tench rgan. foi a big Ohc'
f9r the old -couatry, Mr. Tarts has 'been existence in -tb an imp At'a mei Expenses outride of vice in the I unday after- die, trimmed with lace and wh te silk, are -this yet
ant stakee-f a of any age. al purpo . Be
Ulnusually active in ossibiliby. etil of farmers from diffe or the best roadster ma'r' noon. —11 iies Nellie Blac is vifti;ting 'riends looked charming. The- ce many thanon any
r vinceo what speci money was raided for, and
Ralary, .$61, 4 ; -being
politics. He first - made a parts of the n T�ronto, last This well known n are was sold to Mr. Kelly miniptsr's ; _ incide avals 4 5, and
tour of the Upper Laken, and delighted his w1bek, an by Mr. Thomas Mi Laughlin, df Brussels 5 in London this week.—A. McKelvie, of To over, congratulations foila �orz aredolini
org 2, formed, to
t 'ization printing $4 ronto, is spending a few holida)�s, the gneat and 'the
Government � Ovvhership. 1� 11 be .46. guests sat down to a sumpt ous r randi,
nInmerons hearera at points where he waited 1 1 known as 'IT a Farm —Alberb HaggitD, whose home is i near —A. J. Moore, B. A., for over twenty of his uncle, S. B. Mokelvie.—Mifis �Carrie past. it a g
The question ot"Gov, 8800i'ation." The Popularity of the bride was sho by good weathe
M nday, tte numerous and costly prose
Lawrie returned' from Wingham on M
nd other public franchises Issopiation, an v hine —Mr, and Mrs.. 0. Smijth spent A1013day in
ol�rer, by, promising immense expenditures on e1rnment ownership of It Blyth, was seriously injured oq Vednesday yearn mathematical master f ��e Goderic-h
railways a Is to be a nor partizan as ie e ening of last week, at the Suns I ate rec ived. ed thj6 Land
rbors and w is 4gain _nlv �t his.
aterways generally, so as to ing freely: lis� Collegiate Inlotitut6, died end . I Listowel. - Mr. T. N. Northcott, f E, eter, his 11annie, -wh
bridge by�being run over by althreshingeo- home in Goderich on S keniok. Hw 8 taking its annual new Edison phonogra Be I Eiehert. 16f
coming to the front, and is be 1p6ppaiently i raimed along !the lines of the -The I Star i 0 X wi
n�ake: am le provision' in the carrying trade cusse i9anufacture -,9,� Associationi, 0h an gine he was ing from atur ' ph,arid theMis e Rus.
P Su' as- �L tak Brussels to Blyth- b -ad been ill for a co Li�le odf awe 9, b4it had
,h holiday this week. Editor Townsenil and. aellond A; O'Brien, on 'the organ, Micbigan.�
and et, if passed over so far recovered as t b able Ito take W very much to the E)Venino enjoyment. ci-ne insn,,en
qf this country. This was all light,' d in the press and by prominent poitit !sOciaii0n sho ild have a ben'ficial effe e wheel hirn, breaking the family are spending t6 week in 0 e
cians. hi I
and a cot ple, Properly con( up'ted, in shutting off the Ever class at the ine
heldl. rJ
was 4
1 er'a
-c I
N�hile it ititute a gt a t, his d nrl Durham. Mrs. John Bray left
Pat manYpso�ple in good humort P was a miracle he was not du past Among those present from d tance were evenings thi
On his return from EngJ increadag gh bone a�nd� rin Yweek Soun a 0 -
of weeks -a' mands of th; killed. Tn'e injuired man was brought to the for Detroit this-! w&ek, where she will visit noticed Mr. �aind M-rai Louis their milline
id not do harm to. any person' "0 Ron. Wm. M ulo6k, Post ma4ufacturers and Saturday afternoon atten4ad a rneeting
On Mr. and onopol e P rehidence of Frank Martin, nea r by, and two Aidworl 11, of
General, in an i sta. With a united front., the of the pub] 0 for some time. 1 Bayfield Mr. and Mrs.
aterview, gave expres�io� to i library ard, of hioh he had
��arte'8 return from bi3 era-isin* 0 far ers eho Id b6 able were called'to attend to the�Ahm- W, Johnstonj wt
g tour, he to geti their ust physicians been a direc�or far Kiptn Mr. and Mrs. R Cred iton than.evar.�
I In ny years.
deoided views in favar of Government, O*n. dues from Parliament age done.
akttended the annual meeting of the Can- —The - Methodist d
i, Centralia, Mrs. J. Daun
ership, and stated as his opinion that a parsonag Mr. . n cey, SJ &ran ; Mr.
—Miss Janet Glendenning, a well known was the scone of fe ag KiPpOn. London this
n I
a�ian nAlanufacturers' Association, held at 8 ivity on VVednq'sd and Mrs. T. N,- Nortbcott, Mi. and Mrs. visit to $ho
u C'�� " Protectica an settle h ayl
course would ultimately have to be adapted� ent can go tc-. young Winghamite D. Hay, Com 'iasione.- and Conveyan
Halifax, an the renresentative -f +h. -n died at her mother's September 03rd. the o3oasiQn be altbelmar. in car John Northeott, M-- A Tor_
in this country, and gether and %re IDA dissoci wins, mortgages sod deeds di awn up. Money loaned all V-4mes car
that its benefits w4ul r latedo"' sayF the home a thab town, on Tuesday of last riage of Miss: Hutton, only dan liter of Rev. - at the ioves and Miss McKay, Exeter.
t rates of interes;,
Toron! to World. 4eek, in her 06% Vear. Deceased for s Fred 1-4 40-tif
niinion Government. At that meeting the be wide spread. I The Worl� ma be right, ome B. L.Hutton, to Mr. M cD nald, PLOW` AND GANc, Itow
Now w a - have the on- REPAIRI kG.—
manufacturers. passed
some very strong aery but it can -b b years followed the )c6upation of 'dressmaker den.tiet, of Detroit. rhepererr any was per- Don't forgeb T. Mellis who has completed another
e proven by the exoeriencl of in Wingham, and I 3ft here years ago formed by the"bride'a father. ij:ii
atives adopting resolutic113 Ong 010, ilar,
a few busy season in the way of ma 3hinery repairing would %!
iate revision this cb eightec a for the States. ad all in need tQt he is
rosolations in favor of an immad I
11 1 1 untry. Fo4 remind his many customer&
at the tariff, and asking for high protective lines. Al- the British Calumt ConstFva n ye�rs it ome months ago that —Mr. Richard Quinton, of he 5tk con N residences' -at
i . i - now busy pegginF a% ay alon OTES.—Mr. E. Clamp
1 tried and dread disease, 1� the Hoe of all plow and a left here
?u tr ut er ailure. � It was oneumption il I - ... I -
tive Convention recent Ot developed. ceAidun, U8b about six months ago
tly held, n the rea-: arne, met with a very �ainful gan, w repairing.' A full stock of plow repairs to take a respon sible
I Lib p
dixties on various manufa3turies, so as to 1 Until the ral G'overnment lowered he stliong of mould boaids, )low handles, castinp, position in a
She spent some montba at Gravenhursb and accident on Wednesday of last wee � He large dry goods store in ]And. everythi g
skinimers. wheels and bolts odaillines of plow r ssy, hassecured a better posi ion -in
keep the Canadian market c5more fully for ence of Mr. R. L. Borden,. Is der of,�,the' tariff"that thE gre�� VVeat beIgan to dJ spring , nd appeared was about to descend from ti a to of with eirlyx
;P, returned borne fast th
Conservative party, a platform I contai iing, and it. has beE n filling up so 4aickly that ihe -a a pairing will receive beit atte , i tion. A full tack o' ger'
the Canadian manufacturer. I to be greatly improved, but the trouble was straw stack to where he auppos Bd a adder new p altvays on' h Where he is head o —3ft. aud
-a declaring for public o�nershf too deeply rooted. lu afl Hoes of 8,i3nithln r 'J
plaial, 0
Mr. Tarte, in d T P solli f the ode
his speech, of: poor ol or papers are turning was resting, but it not being ti ere, he was wagon and buggy work tten el on sho't not -.,cc an department qw zliSMe just
fully endorsed there resolutions eavy.! of a large S.,ore.j
of the Cat Line, Gode- precipitated to the ground, a distance small profits. T. Melli 1p P.
railways and all publi(; utilities,, I —Mr. Win. Blai`l. straightforward young man and lis 8 a
boliday ait'D
and declared himself a Protectionist!. of rich township, wap suddenly abricken by of NOTES.—Tbe lecture' in St A d ri-. f,, tb b iin. to
adODted. It will he janan f�- many feet, and in thf fall an tJined a badl n np
D4��b 11 i er -111ness, on Monday bf las a number from here
it e strictest kind. Of Course, he was the v. r. arman was re-elected general t week, 'and before sprained arm, seven I pain u bruises and church, on Monday eveqing last, under th took in the London fair this eek.
L .34anitobk.�
they are sincere in their declaration@, pr�om. medical f,
wite-head6d boy at thire. meeting, and wa superintendent. by the MethoJisb General aid could be summoned he had p4ss- a bad shakin,� up. he
f the Womens Foreign Missionar milliners have all returned an
auspices a subscription
ly att6nded.' Rev. M. C�
inent men on both sides of pol' ed into the spirit land: Mr. Blair, who was
ffer, of Hay a dy for their OPehings.-The
Eligh Society, w 9 large etting re%L bla-urch.
'tics in 1 the, Conference atl Winnipeg, and,Rov. Gen f J. about seventy year of age, wag a native of township, was drivin home his cattle on McLennan, the p ch
very warmly reoeived by themembers of th While Mr. Geor� e are
Dominion Houie favor such a course.' I astor, was the lecturer on Maccabeesh&Lve engaged the Jullbilee king -
and a fornier.
as 30 Bond, of Hali ax, was elected editor of ;he Tipperary, Ireland, and one of 1� the pioneers Saturday evening. a two -yea -old bull'at- Rambles through Ma�itob& aLd British ere to give a performance here noxt Th
ciatiOn. ot only this, but the Cc
er Govertim!enrt Chiiatian Guard I of that township. e was a member of tht
aeJ.-V&'tiVer presawho, a few weeks Previously, lan In succeseio3! to' R 3v. tacked him and infli L -ted so e very bad school. oedu
1 While in theory and on pap
Columbia. Mr.'McLennan was out there da
Go Id not find words in the Eaglish language y thid au . nmer and I _V, bile 25th, and there hrt churefi in _tfifi
ownership may look well and Methodist church, and in the earl dayl wounds, and had it not bben fo his presence t description turn out, as the lart:con-_ -no bear on, �,the � be a good
n interesting brought here was sojmethi
Dr. Qourtice. Dr.' �arman has beOn Gene often did service as a 1ocal preacher. Hd, of mind in grabbing t e anima by the horns of what he saw made 11008V
ut Of the a
on year and I ng a
cie "tty severe for his denunciation, 'I*ay 8uperintende't for Eincte face Cf it a. remedy for the evils f r4 ma
be was a good neighboi, and much respected by there is no doubt be wl on1d ha a been killed and instru re lecture, hich d lighted the man, but was very
mono otiv with -his fain
poly, under which the country is e poorly Patro d We
tu cued ih&rply around, and taking him to 4ow preat ii t term df office will be on; of eight all who knew him.
Edwaxd' Tolt
The wounds, though 'of a da gerous char- large audience, The choir furnished special have no doubt this,compan is
4 suffering, to our mind it i3rather a doubt f ul years. Dr. Carman got 144 votes, br. -A happy matrimori-.1 event caused a re r y I � good ne
th �ir bosom, have since been elaborate in a oter, a not Weessa; ily fatal 'mursi and acqnitted theme A little Iat�er
problem. Whether it will w Sutherland 37, Dr. Potts 19 and' and if Mr. elves, in a most and deserves a packed hall.' -
ork lDr. Rime joyous gathering, on W6dnelsday "of laet Edighoffer is not hurt inter'nal y, he will re- ploasing manneri fully t ning their Pe
is h In London Mcphp
cover., Il tated t at the�jbull 8 JL a this week. -Mrs. Wm. Emigh viso,ing
as not been a h wling
_'3 "' and friends
out as w ell 21. showing that the venerab I is visitingelatives, -One *ft
their praisea of him as they were previously ada is concerned, h might be 9 plendid reputation -a Idies of the -so.
Is doctor week at the residence of Mr. Wm. io
in their denunciations. All this praise' still �he popular man in the church, I! ston, concession 10, Turnberrly. The fair' I had not previously 8 0 signs of i bad clty are to be congrabt lat-d on the 'sue. her sister,, Mrs. Allau Bent 1: On 01
success. Our one Gove f -he Ppyner f4n4
e his daugl and temper and took his victim un waree.
Booms to have been toor MUoh forth fiery bride was iter, Miss Amelia, and wn any u ekz hmi
Inrteroolonial, bas been xp6ns$ve The coal strike is still in &ogrosa, and a the happy groom, J)hn ctim un cessful and profitable evening. The pro- Miss Maud King, who has' n
a, very e been� tudS ing
litUe, Frenchman, and, as the boys would Ireland, a prosper- -On Thursday Of ld t, k ceeds amouitted to S20.7 -Mrs. P;%m8ay and for a deamnese in Detroit, for e past y, ar,
A a wee t high noon,
experim I settl6ment between the mine 6wnersand t a
en' to the coantry, an& has prayed oua young farmer of been viei�ing rela_ is at Accepted 01
y wedd-iog at the residence present visiting her Pa re
t m was neatly attired, ind looked very -p-rett of John Tutt, Goderich b ents beb
ay, it appears to have g ivea him ar "Swelled beyond a� 'doubt -that, whill men are h' 4n, y Wilverton -"j
Culroes. The brideF there was a prett her children, who have'
tives here for some. mcuths, left on Tuesday v
he4d." He haa, evidently, taken the, bib in far off as it did last indeed. Rev. Wm. Lowe was the officiat- parties being his t contracting lea ing for VVaahington, D� C,, where ate is
it is extremely dou tep-!dau,htt. , Miss Kate lor Gladstone, Manitoba-. to Complete her Stru
ring. As a result the outlook, bee 8�e was accom- going
btful whether or �n
has nd ecurely tied t ne Allan, o _X-rs. T -A(
hiO tf O'�h and- is running away. 11e a onles clergyman, and he nuptial Campbell, and Clarence EaLr f panied by her'brother, Mr. I be $900 and a
r daily� more serious, For a time it 1109 John Balfour, Mrs. Alex. McKellar, who have
gove nment road cart be made to pay, an be seem d knot. �een in he
be�� n delivering spee3hes, writing letters and Detroit. The bri We Mies Lzzle who goes out on babinees.-Mr. Robert west for the -has wturned-
dt�s aid1w
alers in the -Mr. Wm. Jac son, Ith li rria, McKay and the gro
run on a thorough business basis. th" t only the de past few mouth retur ad
'I , Smaller pla 1es ne, M I h
interviews, and making himself as The were'wi who is 88 years old in I was assisted by Crawford and Miss Elide Cooper left for the home this week, and say the �cropo 3ut T oni-i" B0111
n ew I
ov� attended Toro fair Kenneth Campbell, b7ot4er f the bride. Mr. Craw- there Are just immense. -Miss Clar; 1Y road now being built by�the Onta' thout a supply, but the dealers in west on the same excursion.
prominent as possible. rio eity for lome
In all of these, he last week. Mr. Jackson, th4ugh advanced The ceremony was pe or :ed by R
ernment into the TiiiQis- Toronto have now announced t ford goes to take posit
ev,. Dr. ion in a drug store. tt, Miss A. M. Anderson and!
coming diht rict hat their in ago so In fa ImproymLP,
wc rka on two, leading, Btrings Firat, the uch, thinks it a pleasure to -ake Ure. Mr� W.
is exhausted. of young man and Parrott visited in Brussels n Xonday of Mr. Win
Will b3 a good to supply of hard coal He is the right stamp
e- his gun and hound far a day's sport, and ap- -03'Sanday evening, th net, about- 7
T .1
an arging and extending of oar waterways, at i of the the, wy, rapidly approaching winter makes it nece will make his mark in the west. Miss this week.--riss Allie Ben , tt,. ew�y imporl
a i parently enjoys i is Luok-
it will be managed on t i1i8t as v�ell as a person Be n
o'clock, a -boy who is staying at Cooper will visit her sisters. his week.-iss L. Jamieson -ad off t
go 04 to accommodate the traffic of the con- n ore sary to look to other fuels or winter cO Meae3e- -Lirger num- now t
half his age. Mr. J ekson and M who
business like principles. As k- gumption, and reports from r. William tung'Park, Goder;cb, ound-the dead bad hers than usual attended the London fair has been visiting at her home in Bannobli- Exhibtioa �a
tin6nt, regardlesaof nature', many sources y
a. requirements, anna, of the 3rd li ie of Morris, are said to
ow the park.
r. 0 th, returnedito Blyth -prize.
of 'he park, notified the
equally regardless -of the cost !to th a a -used, while coke will also b&Ve a p ace on Monday. -Mr. MeWilliam and fami,lyar of a man on the beach bel this week. -Mr. David Cc per left last barn for the past man
ing of it has been placed are to the effect that sof t coal will be large] y be the -two oldest nen in the township, Hamlink, manager weekfor New Ontario where he goes to
an in the hands of
competent commission of both Of them being over 88 years ofage, and autbotities in'town by t I hqne ist Mr. R. P. Bell, who is erecting In
business men i d
co atry. the fuel list.
In the, second place, he is bound the How successfully these feu.9 a iting in London this Lutheran -9hu
experiment under th "'a week, -Mr. A. � and the
9 -
Pee ciieurnsta=es can be -used in 9 the ordinary furnace is sofaras any visible appearance goes, may corpse was reniovea to mill. -L -Mrs. (Rev.) Martin, of Exeter, and git ha�d the misfortune, last we ffied last VM
tolliave every article for usa id this'couutry a - ta w np b ndertaker
live many years yet. ek4 to f lilt
will be treated from a ne Brophy. It was-suppo Mrs. J. P. Ross were g�esto at the home of do
matter for individual experiment. HOW.
w standpointl sed to be the body
wn and have a threshing engine iran ov or The remains v
maixufactured, within the country, and to George A. M a L er, Idaho, of one of the four seam] en of the steamer the past 111a
ever, it will likely come to it that peop] a
Until our e aod, of Hail Mr. and Mrs. R. Mell a during
xperiences along the I wi He has bee' !cemetery. -
increase the tariff on all foreign products �ne 0
11 have to do the'beet t f lying in Brub:11ele.eire
hey can under the e t% ave been delivered
-i Government ownership have been mo: e leg.
I of ther of A. H. McLeod, a Melville India who, were lost 4 God, irich on' the week. -The lectur t accident, but it is likely he will have to -Mr. 1K
ne BruEaels, haE received the ht of November 14 b, ilas
nomin. Dig om by Rev. Dr. Medd f Hensall, in the have his limb taken 0688ary to accomplish this result.'( Here re 13 10 -circumstances with what fuel 6n be obtair - year, fr off -Mr. J. Irwin, of
cessful, we mould not be justified in ation at the Dom r ic and P�Pulists Con- the Echooner Al arine C ty.
aga�in, Mr. -Tarta fails to take ed. The increased dem
go] Qg a body was Methodist otiurch, on uesday evening last,, Auburn, who -recently had a meiehi
into 0 naider- end for, soft coal wil vention t6 the REcor.d6rehip of BI ine afterwards identified a i that a a man nam. had to be postponed 'n account 'of Dr. with him, wag in town this orge irun aw; W been visking
into it, more deeply. There is anot likely result in a heavy rise . in I the I price,
he: ay
ati n the requirements of nature. His latest r County, Idaho Th a will me�n, if elec ed, ed Lawrence of Kings;on,'wh) had been on Meddhaving a previou engagement, Bat the worse only badly.shaken up. OlLoane, in S.,
Week not mui �h
of overcoming the aifficul Mo
no very encouraging outlook � and he whiD
ty, in a much I 1as coal to burn may consider' himself richl. about$2,500. Mr.1 Lend ban the. ill-fated schooner. was
1pade is to persona investig�ta the a salary of
ily, I the energetic pastor, R v. Mr. Mallott,
expensive, and equally do affective a ml been deputy clerk of -'The sIght
req�ireracnte of certain matku the same county for equal to the occasion, and that the large of Toppin,
facturi the past four year term. He went from Walton.
�Tg con- ner. The Government has vented in it 4he. crowd present in�ight not be disappointed,
ceria, in order to determine' U power to c,)ntrol the rater4 charged by Huron Notes, Brucefield, Ontario, to the Noithwe,b Leadbuty. he had prepared an interesting musical pro- Full stock of Granby rub
of Orotcation each requires to he the 7th Fusiliers,
uling oAts A�
of London, and took I take this,my first beranow in. ha
make it suc- ;a'rt oppIrtulifty of- thank- gramme, which thoroughly delighted all more trouble with bad wearing rubbers ji
-Reports from Clinton heig
oniers on-pland nerailways, and a suipervision over those -ral hborhoo with the Canadian forces in the, Riel rebel- numerous cust all -for the very present. Every selection on the programme Granby." W. if.
Atate that the potato crop being ruine(,l lllbgraly support with Ws, sole agent for
3 ai which �ey,�a -Davi
4 rot. t ce+l. In short, Mr. Tarte seems to have by a competent and independent r ilv9aY ve favored m Selfor 11L
b lion of 1885. Wi
was well rende6d and that they -were ap"
as timed within himself the entire functions during -my first year's bminqsj jin Lead 1 18144
-A rather complicated case -involving the ssuring them that I.shall endeaVor to merl ra havel
ge hile
commission,, would bringto, the people t lie -RON-iseville is experieneiGg a wave o ownership of a horse was tried in the G' dence with which they have �4vo turned from Toronto Ex
b"Y' LoCAL IT=vs.-All our
of both the.Government and Parliament. a t the preciated by the audience was
necessary relief. The bill introduced ir to pro-perity and fla to -have a ode. 11 rid me so liber. by the hearty applause, Those who took hiition and re art
nother store rich police court on Tuesdayiv ally,,andthat their commandphnd asmany I P thrvw'n t
If qr. Tarts were, simply, a member of Par- The proptietor i4 Mr. John Mulholland. now ones as may see fit will' nore part were Mr. Alvin. and the Misses Lily a good time. -Mr. R. H. and M148 Jeanie
The cot�_
Parliament last session, and laid over uAil McGro red6ve qur prompt and boards in'the
9 would not be so notice- A man i of Kippen Messrs. friends ait� Smith!s
a+nt, b.ia antic. �am�d Alcorn, fro' plainafit- was William ry, of Ash- careful attention in and Mabel Whiteman, Ferguson are visiting
all lines of 11 b 48mithi W. Stone him:on tl�s bi
a member of the Govern- atute books, who had been at� inmate of the House 0 Gragor. man and T. Kelly and Mis Falls, Mr. Ferguson"
McGrory, of 1 14 rmer home. -A lit
would be a long step toward th noilva The younger Me,. -Eva
bid but being next seaeioii, if placed on the at rn Gxbderich field, and defends b - s his nephew, Harold ironwork. A. He 118 sea a fo
)etr goo m W<on -Mr, ic
merit, it is, to say the lea-- Refuge for a month, died Stoneman, Annie Wren and Edna'Neelands d many fro
e control of
u Monday of las and vicinitv. a -a
at, not se6mly for Grory took the horse from his uncle's farm t I t
I this week attending the Weste ; Fair 16t
the railways. Parliament rel of Hensall. Mr. M allott filled t
81 IF . StanIE14 he poEition ra
him� to be travelling through the 'ally has the week, of gangreeo. on Wednesday of I t ask and after an ford. RV hu
m country rerped ' 1 11 Most pleasing mauner. London. -Mr. and Mrs. Jo
-J. W. Yeo, - �Holm of chairman i
Y right to band, without esville, recently sold exciting chase �as aught at Grand Bend We haven't noticed any ha Smillie ate instruct -of of
Putting the to Mr. McPhee,� 4f Zurich, �but tl�ere ought spending a couple Of week�e in Zbrra
DgthiUg Political heresies which are re- country to a heavy e'x and airatited by cons able Gundr on Satur- to be a horse shoe nailed ar d past 14 yearl
pense and the inc�eas, at a fair price, a
P" t two-year-old ge0ing draluVht colt that day morning. y abov the doors vicinity, and will also visit the Loni'don R. Tuck�er, ;6.
the opening iut Me qul o -'s Store, F. G. Waghorn, V. S., ha�'h_ 9�ant to the poli ical party which be ing of our already too large public -A WE`�ighed 1,470 p do. The' evidence as to 6'The E. Usbor�e. -Mr. d
'u' a
ion arm on the that Magistrate Seeger di8misved the case.. kept there all the time, for. one ood fortune PTiu,biples and traditions of that party. Maitland nees8ion, Cc borne, to the 10th insb., the �Ome of Mr. Wil. -So a of our Walton ftiends verin
-ownerobip of the borse was so conflictin Seaforth. And this a should be N0RTHC0TT-ALwoRTm_On the even- attack of blood poisoning, butia ra
-A. E. Allan s borsei 1 0 "lay
repijasentB, and in direct opposition to the competent and independent corcmia�, co Ia rente his f !Oho Ing of in I ,
iug abeit
a is to be a change in the policy o If would do all that the Public owner�&P Thomas BiL Mr. It is underetbad4hat he parties came to In followa-another there incesian'.1 It's liam Northeott was the � scene of a very, wedding of Miss E. E. Ainley, tress
t theof dad t who
f the Att 0: 1 11
ixt that change should be announced in could do and at very much less expe as. move into Clinto I the mew
Ygins, �of Tuckersmith, and will agreement between tb maelves. good foitune if YS`e� happy event, when his thi�rd daughter, Miss the young lady being well
you enteIr their a ore on last.week at Brugge in
the to
-The trustees ! of school: section No. 9, rew Prin le, for many years a aye _P of, -th
duelformby theaccredited leader of the their energies in this,
Let our legialators lend -Mr. And' tember 25bh and 26th the d of the mil- Rebecca, was. married to, Mr. Charles E, favorably known in the village. -
reeident of Turnbe ry townbhip: linery openin shie leg abpve
direQtion and they will do a lasting good. Morris, known as'Button"s, 'have re-engaged passed go. Eve�v 'depa tment will Aldworth, a Prosperous y Olung farmerof Hay nto, where ;
n,,e Toro
Miss Magg away on Wednesday, eptember 10th, in his its showing of New' 'Fall Go do. township, by the Rev. R. Millyard, in the main for a time ati,lesAt.-
1�art�, and in the proper way, through I Campbell has gone to
26 on this yelar's salary. year. Deceased was a native of Rox-- 1814.1 presence of a large numbez-of guests. . At Mnot g
Par)J�iament, and not by a subaltern, mount- What an advance of ", 72nd Mr, and Mrs. David Campbell ar
ie Bielby as teacher for 1903. at will probably re
boroshire, Scotland, and on emigrating to SAD DEATH. -It Wil
I be a save a abock to precisely 8 o'clo'ck the wedding party enter_ tore at the London Exhibi�ion th, a
Don." Thinks About It -On W8dnesday of last week, Mrs. Canada settled at fint in Blariford -town ed the spacious parlor and tbok their posi week.--�-Mr- D. M:cN.,iughton is putting il
Ing the houee-tops and b% -ing on his own the Visi
rk many friends to learn 0 h death of
Thornas Russell, of the 6th line, Morris, had ship. Forty-five years ago he rem Elizabeth Jane Turner, wife tion under an evergreen arch trimmed wil t-111 Wheat tue,
Don," of Saturday Night, has his say her f t
the misfor r. George machinery for the manufacture of barrel
per bU
Of break her left arm between the wrist' and c vent oe u rrE d n a and stocks, while Miss Alice staves and heading in Mr. MCI
on Provincial politics in the last issue tune to fall in the stable and Huron county and ettled op :.ot 2, con iea. Coleman, which sad
What Mr. Tarte's object is in pursui oved to of
r rig so e: Page er buebc
em� rkable a course, no person but himself 'hat ever versatile journal. Although we Ido elbow. sion 9, Turnberry,wh re h res ded until Thuesaday morniDg. !he decea ed wasna O'Brien played the wedding march, The mill. ey - _r Us
i 111AII
11- t kindly d spositicil', utter, NO. I$
seen6 to know. not Endorse all,,or much of what the day of his death. He 'was a quiet, young woman, of mos
Some Bay hO aspires to the
he sa A big load flax was hauled to trtis-: ffenaive man, and obligirrg neighbor, re. and was highly thought of' by al
T 7-- we giva his views as representative of 0 of
per doz-
leadership of the Liberad party, and that he ST18 flax mill, the Other day, by one of Mr. s()peoted by the commu aity bLud a member �of the pleasure of her aCqUE,in6ance. The syrn-
who bad
tea Flour, per
e the Presbyteriaft church. He was 'marrie�d pathy of the communiry wilt be ex ended to phase of public sentiment, and our read ra was considerably over undred p4rsuing his present tacti L. McDonald's me, of Walton.
els with. the view Tber
of s0perceding Sir V�'Rfrid Laurier. can form their own conclusions eighty h to Miss M.. Murray, who survives d husbard. A"oth Days' Sale' irl A —
Others pounds., him ; eight the bereave M ra. Col man was 5 Rides -per 100
The Globe is either beco grn to ' hem-thTee are dea4; only 27 years of age.
ming sene&tion The ramair sMaY Code has been re-eugagqd as a will be _p Skins;
Ak AL A, wle--David, of roled — — — — — — —
school, William, of Montan -pawtoes Fe* b
a, and John at home day, at 10 o'clock. at a one daughter reoides at Mn. McBEATH WI�NS.-_ To start the Fall brade moving i�l fix Wiod per -ctoidl
Thursday leans towards the latter vie salary of $2'5. She is a daughte Judge yle ha's 11 .9w we have decided to cut all
vative party, and that lie will be given the Ross-Wbitney coalition. Its editorial 001n boundary of Morris and Wawanosh,
4ormer lave, and uniting with the Conser in a political way or is looking towardsi a teacher for next year in Uui.on those who remain ar Pet interred in the'Bayfiel 3emetery, on Satur-
again say he contemplates rqturning to his children were b '
r of Coun- other is still at home. given judgment in th leadership of that party Eath suppositions if the last two sentences of the editorial cillor Code
n of Morris townsh a case of Mel eath vs. new fall goods that have just-arriw-d, fol, the bal4nce of this es per
are (juite improbable., question are anything but a bluff ip. -'On Saturday morning, 6th inet., there StanlbY townshipi in which Mr. A 'ex. Me. jug month, We Ra over edl-
It is doubtful if The5'e !-Mr. F. McCarthy, of Aehfield, acet'ised pa�sed away an old resident of the 2 n pealed against the asses ment of t returned from the Eastern markets where %"e have picked up P
9 be is ro use in saying ' England does not love of stealing ogs and timber, which had float- nd,co' - Beath ap 4
coul.4 himself ive an intelligent reason for 1110181t
eoalitiolis" if the people by their vot at his farm, was acqu cession, Grey, -in.. the person of Fin ay ca a wonderful bargai
es re4- In matte of the
ritted by FraEer. in his 88 Lh ear. He was A grand Lo an drain. Evidence was' first aken at
old gentlemen, i atri6us, Aei Varn' t 1 was m ese
is e�ratic actions. He is simply working der anv other kind of government Judge Doyle at Goderich last week. y
n u
g Orly, a, an an adjourhm Ift ads to h rices afto�i, proprietor of V%r of the good. a ease
and PhYsical, by playing to the allety question ought to be frankly disouseed.11 - the IJ and a lo 6ress Good
off 86-ne of his surplus energy, both mentai eible. When the Legislature meets t]o -George Gr Rea n
uf_ Goderich to have furthe.- 'evidence, Th'
9 a
for A: feria Hou6e, Centralia, died -on WednQay was born in Invernesehire, Scotldiid, and judge has decided in Mr Two hundre'd y of pure wool homesplIn
applaiuse, of which he seems al MoBeath's favor 56 in. wide, all the 1�eadiI4
a of 39 years ame to Nova Scotia in young manhood. sment as redu,,ed T0100 -W401,
to b. very fond, tired of these neck -and -neck -races, whica cemed was only taken ill the Mo whereby his asses one shades, just in for fall, ti, $1,00, wilile tbe� *,qt for 69c a yard. i
and han his Chief returns he will settle mean that the winner b ag ndayprevi- Coming -NA-aetward he I Xed in Tuckersinith half, on the understandingtbat the earth to ar S
I have repeatedly remarked, the electors e of last week at the
down y one ss patterns, 5 6 inches NY ide-, P�ain and fancy, all the I' ad -in -tool. weathor
once more within the traces, and by any inember of Parliatnent, then a wilderness, and 30- 3 -errs ago came �; betaken out of the ditch where i - crosses 9' the arkeii I
be held up a single vote ca. .1 One with brain trou'ble. A Wife and Fif teen dre
any Powerful religious sect or by son survive. shades, worth 81.2�,, for 5c a yard.
tend to the duties. of his own department- -The trustees of school Gxey where be farmed on It t 13. He mar- his land be placed on his, land an not on In b "tt
if advaneed, i In the meantime, we can tell him, in all up been attempted re-engaged Mine j' pre -deceased him by 1.6 years. There ar:a this is not agreed'to His I! Honor ill worth $1.65, for $1.20 a yard.
a -ion of corporations. Has some such hol� Tuckeramitb, have Ecotior) No ried Mary r, raser over 50 years sincc. She the road, as directed by! the by- aw. Another shf)ment of our noted :814ok Ve etian Clotli 58 iliche
-a hold-up of such Grant, of -the Londou road, two surviving children, Mrs. Willia- con- ooclng than,
fO]r 1903. T Me m 1ynn, sider a further reduction n Mr. cBeath's Our $1. 50 Black 'Vei:ietiain Oloth� to� go for! $1. 10. finer grads,
kindness, that he in purauing a course cal. one character as to disgust Mr. Ross young lady's teaching abilitie&are evjde.4_ of Howick and Malcolm, oil the: hom6. assessment. T
government with "the perilous situation he costa of the witn ases are -are incliiie.
oulated to lessen very materially the in.
-If ly being appreciated, as ibis i's her, �ou�th stead. Mr. Fraser was a hearty man arid re. to be paid by the townah: Fifty pieceslDress Goods and tancY, black and colored, Avor" 50c�
so, a coalition or an appeal to the country i 3 year at that school. tained his vitality 39 a
flaanc�hehasattainediri the country,and absolutely necessary unless the Governmen p. They will b -11, knged. �'V
y rd, 1:9 to We ; fz
. 'e, ne rl
is willing to sacrifice what the Oppo -Miss MeL Green, oyal, Ashfi�ld -The home of Bernice Payne,Iot 5, con, sional men called to give evidence. Teu pieces plain Serye a3ad Casbwe y all shades these go arlier m
to di inish the respect held for himfland the Up to a few years since, somewhat heavy, as there, were four profes- to 60c, for
confid nee which he enjoyed from b' would call 11 its last vestige of ho sitiO4 townEhip, ban taken first prize, in the cession 2, of the townhip af Groy, was . the a
nestv an making competition which a very fast, worth 45�,,for 25-, a yard. -and paiis, 15,
party, and theL respectability"' in order to retai f a very -sooner he a coupied: fdar haippy event at 5 o',cloek on Inon
ettles 4own to in power days, wibh eleven entries, I uesday after Wr edl
is 'own In many respects a ca i 'but�er cone a Thirty piece Dre' "oodo, doubl
rationAl ways and rational langif' alition would be muc exbibitiou. It wa ar, 6be Toro�to 110on of last week, it bein the oxetle fold woth 2-5c, fer 1221c, they ig 13�
better for him Nlo one, man ae of
a oden to students or eIx. ceasion of the mai6a, last.
a a, the better ilian a vew'eleAion which might re� students a his siater-itla1v BmEm_Will Stowar
can tun th f any dairy or agricultuial c6l- t'l of New Orleans, �atlad.Y3 job 10
All -the leadiDg es a
coun is SULlt in another nelck-3ndleck race. If Urs. Eliza A. Bains to Chades H. Road- is visiting at his i home ine aIr here.-�Miss re arriving daily. Ega-Trde:
rger men than Mr. Tafte have factory in Canada or Uni 0use, of klyth. 'ILe lorlde was very neat- Burgewi, of Lucknow. iFt theiguest of ussian Zebeline, _�'rench opera
La coalition Government could continue in St R -qniry bein* f
E4 lege or butter weav
MI Mrs. la�iel no two waists alik
could, -The bank bar iller returned En, while (alone failed- resist the vultures iwhiab have no glish waisteds, Amazon clotb, Venet�_il
l6ment, n 0 Ve
t only be farm in Colborne,' n On Wm- Stiaeba I's lady's cloth tri-nmed *ith silver' colored from Toronto Junction on Monday, where 1 a ul.
tried it�, and they have igno power for a few years, both parties y attired- in a pretty suit of light fawn Neil White. -Mrs' T. F.1 M
Now� for the second disquietin orpnen epulls.
en., now rented by Geo ge I a t�q). The services f brideomail and she has visited for aomd weeks.-- eorge
9 feeding on, but t ting them, r
the GlObe's editorial. The Globe ad leading and the, Flulford, of Dunlop, wa
Mr Won
week. -W. C. and Mrs. Hazlewood visifted tende V.
ne ney.
Goldwin Smith. The substance of t is arti- ling favors to those element� which have' about noon and in a few it dainty dress of pink kilk trimmed with in Cliffcrd on S hn � Hamilton. finest to-vinali
fuE set fire unday.---4o
hithertobeen able i`,to hold 'the balance of, build �hoip I earls, made a Charming little flower girl. shipped a car load of lam,�_ to Buffalo
minutes the 7 _D &
editoria'l, based on an interview Id become. com � A k bride's niece, Pearly Payne, attired' in a
wi �nitted to a policy of re-! from the threshing engi
an Politicians5 irrespective o 8 completoly de. JToomeman were dispensed with. � The Lackie attended .*the fair i Lond on
f party,i stroyed on Monday of last week. this
Cle was. that the present Ontario power. If Mr. R LEAROY 0 91c
overn- 48 has given the. was in a, blaze. With admirable The bride w on
best men presein i as given away by her brother, Monday, from this station! - E. I lack is -There is: a
I upward nA of mind, the men in a body dre w� Frank th, of Wroxe er, 'and the cere- visiting relatives in Elo GARDNO' B;L0GXW SEXPORTHs
4,-Mis Jennie
'We quate