HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1902-09-12, Page 8*4
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a D, andi W. MeXab, of Fergus, were ber of people wt o would not theivoi h and bicycli el at too, 11gh a !rate of on r village wagon ker, who was spending
jo 1OVES and Ing to the had steady wor' 9, and thus the lee e speed in the country, with at any regard a few days at Bri lit, has returned and is A FLOOD
she furn Athr call d erq on inday last ow money Zill F
0 1: .0
�eri III � illness of, their brother John. We go to persons who will gead it right here for the side of the road they- are riding on. again at his post Oq usual.—So. Andrew's
re eased to learn, however). that he is in town for, the necessities of life. I Besides As a consequence any acUdents have hap- church is going thk6 gh a thorough reno.
I V RANG&.% --x. DISTRICT MATTER$.. 0�� 11 �pr vin nd considered out, of den- this a number of men will ha 7e at dy am. pened. I was'�'a arly put � into the ditch vation, both outaW ay of
NE"N MER011 9
ger., Ur M. Y. McLean has lieen finod ploynient, at good wages, in t is mil for the myself one dark ni by a bicyclist. The Fainting, new seatim, placing in the gaeo.
TR.kvELLEPts.—T_ ere to t Is lion .9 for the past two weeki�� ith 'a winter. Such am indus ry is of gre ben6fit township shouldlsv6 authority to regulate ne lights, new uohi latering and other im.
he following Paris bus
We carry the largest stock of
ticketed west this week b Greig;'4 S w. bad c(ld, ub is improving rapidly mod ex- to'the town, and we ar forbu ate in having the speed of bicy
�lists, and them theme ac. provemeiits. Whelm finished it will be o
p uter inng fir at
I ato b at business again in a f w! days. such an e Fhoe head of it. cidents would not: occur. --JOHN C. MORRI- of the finest cburch�es in this part, 1nd will
art, 0. P. R. agen4: A. L Elgiq,� B_ ce. a P lie DIS Fn#
field, and Alex. Gormley, Staffs., tb Winni- r.i A ibald Scott, of the firm of � Scott SON. corresp�pd with 'oe new school room in
peg ; Win. Copp, Seafortb, and Mo Of OP- tro:h to, eturned from a four mon'th I trip FATAL AcamENT.—Word was received connection. —Messrs. R. S. Mcfean and
er, Kippen, to Port Arthur t t on Tuetsday'vight. . W be Mr. here on Wednei day aftornoon of a distre�Bs_ St. Jofeph- h6 are noted for keeping
John MeNeviu, W
IV, the Coftty, and, if you need a
i Boo ;t -left Manitoba, about two we
tpk ago, ivg and fatalawident , hich had befallen NoTzs.—The work'on the dock is being good horses, are taking a number to the
A �n of Mr.,,Philipis, pushed ahead as rapidly as possible. The London
cook or heating stove this Fall, HuRo.N HoRsEs �T TORONTO.—#s u nal, the poa eta were of the brigbtes r an 'Mr. Joseph Ph lipst a I show. . We will look for a goGd TZII
We are a of unt illy large crop. Mr. S a last stationagent,hire.' Tie young inan was stone approach to �the c ibs will be com- share of the red tickets to come thil 1 way. —
call and see our lines. Huron has trais year got her fairl oha r GREAT QU AIN Tj I T1
agents for prizesin the horse; riag,.at the t iidus�trial ea 2, har6emb was considered to be bxosp- engaged in the and iouse in Stratford, plated in another 'Week.—Mr. J. McMillan We are pleased to note that our oh friend, WHOL
y big, buthis year's will be! even arin himal f -for x railroad engineer, is buying all the stone he can get from the Mr. _ Thomas McKa�, who was trout Led with
Fair, Toronto. In the Clydeadales den IM ARE HERE
awden and M o a AS A Consequence pr'ap whif eng' y ow better.—Mrs Frank
Charm," owned by 13 uqd19 of rger. of the bright and a d in couplin g cars pu Wed. farmers.—The St Joseph Land Compan a sore � foot, in Bucles Celebrated to business was boomiing.—Mr. nesday af terno , he v as caught ibetween will meet here thi' bem with
Exeter,got third inthe two-year-oldstal- POO 9 week on business con- Mann, who for some weeks has
lion claw. QTwo ot' orge Steet, of Saginaw, Michigan, is On a them and cru�sh d to death. It seems' that I earning the welfare of our city.—Mr. Big- her fat er at Ingeisoll, has returned home.
im__ �IT 2 STORE
Happy Thouglit Ranges. her horses belonging to GREAT QUAN IOS
them also fiRured.- in the list of pirize-Vin- v sit to big paren a and other friends i ere. — the, 000pling,;wonid not work, and younig sonet's store will be ready for business
r. Charles Wile on has been c6nfi ed -to Philips atteniptefl to crDH8 to the.ot4er side shortly. Mr. P. T. :Denomy has the eon-
ners, Belshazzir taking first in !the aged Bluavale. i 50 ft. -Wi(
Over 115,000 now being used in Shire stallion clue, and April Fodl 3rd for a residence for 1e past cou�l_e�of weeks between the ca , when the engine moved 1 tract.—A quiet wadding was celebrated in ARE COMING,.
the Dominion. Not a single ith an attack I rheumatism.—Mr. chart back and his i y w au on Thursday last, when NoTES.—Mr. Wesley Thornton an daugh-
year-olcl Shire stallion. Milo II.,1 �he pro- ght between thel St. Peter's church' 100 lot 101
ter Myrtle, of Detroit, visited at r. Win.
buyer of Happy Thought has perty of E, A. King, Crediton, got i bbird for. Kemp,� ion of Mrs T"O. Kemp# loft on coupling. lie nly liv d about 15 inutes Mr. John Jeffrey and Miss S. Mosser, dsugh- Sellarle for several d - a.—There w 11 be no
ever regretted his choice. They three-year-old Shire stallion, Wednesday on a Zi� to' Toronto, prior to after the acoide t, hD remains wore not ter of Mr. Nelson'Mosser, were united in. 18
ailod � Nally service .,in �he t�rie byterian chur h next
are perfect bakers and the Small- Bay, owned by $. 0. Wood, Tuo'kersinith, resuming � his stodiem at McGill Cbllege,. brought home, )at will be interred in Strat- the holy. -bonds of mattimony. Sabbath, owing o t e absence of the pastor
got third for Shire brood mare. Montreal.�--Sb. Thomas' church Sunday ford, the -forme home of the deceased. He
Rev. W. J. Wait —Mrs. Win. Sellers is Opportunity is now presenta� for a peep a,
eat fuel consumers made. A4511
school in now belA at 2.30 in the af. noon, -was quite youn 1, being not -21) years of age, Btaffa.l visitinR in Toronto. Miss Florence Jackson at whoti-Mistreas F i
0 asebted
h" Our 00ai and Wood Furnaces give T11E COIV-Nolr.—The regular meeting of —Miss Shaw, formerly of this. i6wn who and was well k kown in town, having only Vi� —Case af ter case of han. returned from stroit, where she spent t rove of for ea
the town council was hold on Mond e 1iiasheen a missionary teachir aino g "the been in Stratfo: d a couple of weeks. The
perfect satisfaction. choice New Good� have just been opened up the summer. -Mr. alter Cairus, of Que-
ing. Little or no business was Wor:e the Indiana at UnioiC Lake, will ad4re 9 the news came as a severe shook to our towns. and put on Bale. Cases of millinery,- cases bee, visited at Mr. J. seph SMillie'o, Morriti. There in a time for all thingk this is a time.
0111 9 , I � pe le, who wi I extend theil sincerest sym- forseein admiring and'gelectin 3, choice
board. A communication was received fr' ladies, on�herwoik, inSt. Thomas' 6hurch og of dreive goods a 0 -case after case of other —Rev. Frank and re. Swann visited in 9t
new things, Our si
OHFaSNICY SMILFAYX Mr. S. Dickson, asking that th� council school rooui u Friday night, 411) - 8 0 oil 0 .— Pat No the b reaved parents and other dry goods. And orthy of speoial mention Ripley last week.- -Miss Annie- Aitelieson c -e is
w ; i
have the stonea tetken from that part of Mr. Harry Stewart is in Toronto thi ek members of the family. he new Jack and the new Furs. If and Mr. James M�Har'dy visited in; Clifford with stylish goods.
SEAFOILTH, Silver Creek running through his property cibusineos and pleasu . r e. —T he I b a are the new Jack
The E. MoFaul 0.:,' Seaforth, dont sell recently. — Mrs. Thomas is Spending a
One of the great Magnets tha
Successors to S. Mullett & CO. in Egmondville, where the - creek is being modal offered by the Bank of coipm ce for Tv�to AccID] NTS.—On Friday last, Mr. draw eople
Outlet, tremendou ties of merchandise this couple of weeks in ivooastock.—m iss cum- a 6�
deepened for the drainage and ask- the beat lb�ree colts at the Seaforthi show Andrew Archimid, of the to this establishment i lendid values.
Kipp�,im road, :I
Hardiware, Stoves, Et1c. fall, we miss our guess. Everything in in mer, of Owen Sobud, visited her sister,
Ing that the fence be left in a satisfactory ;s now on 9xhibiLion in the window 4 J. S. south of Egnor dville, met ith 8� painful ioadiness, everything is right. 1813.1 Mrs. John Fawcett, last week. —M Rs Mary
Never was a season's trade begu� with state after the work is complete& Tbe re- Roberto' drug store.—Mr. Allister C61qu- accident in ratl era peculial maniiier. � He Scott spent saturdfy in BruEsele.—Fred. w .
guest was granted. Accounts to the amount �oun. who has been rel BRiEFs.—Harvest home! services in the greater inducements th&4 e b
DOMINION BANK. ieving in the' Bank- was riding on a dine harrow,, Yhen be fall loffl Methodist he first Hard the press
church will be held on tl y, of TpeswfitBro spent last week at Wesayso. You'llbavo'r
f Commerce here during the i suni- the result being that he broke his left eafloul to be- Ak
of $498.10 were passed for payment. � Coun- ar' in Mr. John Burgesol—Fred. Johnsto is re, lieve no.
Sunday in Ootobar.—Quite a number from
oil then adjourned to meet at the 0�,11 of the mer, left, on Tuesday for Berllin--�-Rev- just above the wrist joint. The accident covering rapidly 4fter his illne e—Mr. this P -0411t],
$2,500,000 here attended the� Friends picnic at Gorrie,
I CAPJTAL(Faid UP), W. J. ql&rk,pamtor of the first! Presby-' was &-painful one, and com Burgees in visiting in Tor to and pecting to
%yor. Ing at this time John
IREST# $2,500,000 in terian I h h L don, and well kn4wn to of year, will give Mr. Archibald a rest from and -report a pleasant time.�Mr. 'and Mrs. Orono.—An unusual . ly large representation Dress Goods Sh6wino
Bio -COR_-,�.—Mr. John Watt, or, . of Har- 'Many I, re 0: Xhompeon, of Logan, spent Sunday with disappoint
1 eafortb nd vicinity, has doolined most of the fall work,
—Mrs. McVey from this district vi�ited Toronto d ring the Never Better.
SEAFORTH BRANOH, lock, left with us this week a stock of corn call to DE of the large churrheo ini Van- —On Saturday last, Mr. Thomas. Hays their daughter, Mrs.bunbar.
and Mrs. 3 H&mil. Exhibition.
which, for size, beats anything � we have couver, B!ritish Columbia.—Mr. R,,, P 0k, of was coming into town from him 'farm on a affray �isited friends at
Main Street,' Seaforth. ton and Toronto I last week.—Miss Jennie Being interested in'the
06st drass met-
sedn, and which should surely carr�, off the G. M. 'B win and Co.'s, Seaf6rft has lead of baled straw, and Wit n in front of. H4Aett. ' 1
Butler visited friends In Kirkton last week. terials for fall wear c !me'to-morro
rize for the longest stock grown Vhis' year. placiad a ne Bell chapel org�n �p t Is neW the residence of Mr. John R. Govenlock,, on w,.
A General Banking Business trans No guarantee wib iout 11 The pirld finioh�.' any time now, and seo, what we lire
measures even thirteen feet, and has on Presbyter an church, Bayfield, Peck Mrs. Obappel s�ent Sunday of last week
acted. Farmers' Sale Notes collected 't A its fair share of grain. It is of the Bailey got the or4er ir. face of strong 0 ition, North Main street, the rack gave way on with friends nearlGrand Belb'd. stamped on the selv ige. Secure dress goods showing.. There is a 9 t Co e0tioll.
on same at lowes one side. The bales- slipped. off, and Mr. C)
ppo and suiting cloths stamped thus and you Goode that suit your in ivu
variety, and Mr. Watt has ten acres of it, Which speaks well for the reputation- of the
rates. Hays went 'ith them, the result being that will know for a certainty�thab they re Rip -
and this.stook is a fair indication 7 of what Bell orgam-, The Ladies' Aid bf th� Fresby- the large bone (f his right arm was broken 'Wingha will be seen long before I he en, of t1w
ley's pirle finished fabrics. You should also variety is reached. i
Drafts sold on all oints in Canada, the crop is like. There should bel a heap of tdrian church Purpose holding a peach between the ell ow and shoulder. Mr.Hays NOTES.—Mr. B. Ell t, of the Times,
p knowthat these golods -will notlebrink, on the nick fat for hree days this ay I
In this deputinent
he Unied States ar Europe. feed In that field. It was feared� erfier in a �oial in the basement of the churph, on does not know whether it W4 done: by one wall cockle or spot with rain. That's the very the popular lines, Home y3u M
SAVINGS - DEPARTMENT.—Interest the season that corn would be a f a0ure this Wednesday evenilig nexb, whim a d pro- of the bales faffing on it r wh�ther the week, but is no able tote down - town
Ing yo Vene u are 'after. The E. MeFiul Co.$ Spano, Cheviots,
allowed on deposits of One Dollar and year, bLt this doesn't. look like ib, and, al. gramme �ill be furnished..—The wor6h wagon passing wer it. The ancideni is bad sgaiv.—Miss S rling, as � bter of Mr. F. 6eaforth
P have a i P�lendid range Of themb Pirle" finished Amaz no an Sat* n9t say' th,"
upwards. thouh the crop on an avera'e will nat show Lisage of the 'Methodist' church ateud enough, but mi 4hb have been con�ider bly G. Sparling, has Dean t flariously ill'for . -in
9 so popular'goods -at '0c,70c975c,856, $1.00 Cloths, Thibetiiiies, Vie, not,, etm., an
R. 8 HAYS, ROB th? phenominal growth of Mr. WattB, still holding a pink and white social, on Tue so, VnTie
W. K. PEA J b- worse, as., had he walon passed over 'his the past ten days, but is no on e, fair way and $1.25 per yard. 1813-1 well r esented. 'Wort V, double fold -
it in a good sized yield, enough to fill a good day eveni Jig next. A good musical a d lit I spr
Solicitor Manager. body, he wov Id un oubbedly have been to recoery.—The new pr rietors of the VV
many silos, and perhaps have some to spare. programme will be rend6red.'R fresh- killed, late lamented National I�r n VVorkg SAD BERXAVE_Alg�'IT. —The many, friends dress good,- are now sell gin qdaiititles,
I are at prices ranging from. 12be to 82 the
If any of our friends can best Mr.*Att, we will also be served. Al. are wecome. rapidly put things in I shape for the of Mr. and Mrs. Win. Lowrie, of the 8th
Blue beav�
Enter Now if Possible. would like to hear from them. —Miss �Osie Devereaux. of the Huron Harlook. manufacture of toves std..,and sit The concession, will regiet to learn of the sad yard..
7ad,.,east',has returned from a p1meant Perhaps Western Foundr Co., this institution will bereavement which mas. befahen them in
'isit you ve promised yourself some death of their son V�illiam. The sad event There is no guess work abDt, eitier the AGre twlli
to friends in Toronto an� Hamill on. — thing in furs fo yet prove a profi able industry for Wing-
FmE.—The residence of Mr. a12 style, %uslit or value of these goods.
ter G. The Dominion bank has dona, ied a' P Ize of the oming winter. For occurred on !We eaday. About eight
Willis, Goderich street, had a narrow escap dependable sma I-pisc furs or fur garme ham.—Two of on prominent business men
a nts
$5 cash for the beab herd 0 girmale cattle go to The E M)Faul bo.'s Sbore, Seaforth. embarked on the aea of matrimony last weeks ago he as stricken with a form of
from destruction by fire on Monday eved.- 'utumu!s New Jackets.
ing. Shortly before ten o'clock, the girl, bred and !owned by the exbibitor, at the Get them &te and y u get them good. week, viz :..Messrs. Halsey Park and George dropsy and frpin th it time until his, death
Seaforth show on September Z��h and 26bb. he was conficed to jed most of t time. Fin dr4�aa
STRATFORD, ONTARIO. who was alone in the house with the 1813.1 Hanna, ai�id this week one of our It's nop too early t:) talk Jacket-
-Mrs. Hikzpn, of Chicago, Prior to his illness the deceased as sp. , 3 children at the time, became alarmed b I an Mrs. 1_1 W. FAR -5i RzNTmD.—h1r. Alexander Smith popular young -ladies, Miss Ads Long, was from thenumber of sales al�
y parently a strong, r) ust young in . He .,.ea made.
A school that occupies front rank among Swiae� and little son, of New York, a m the has rent Married to &!gentleman from Winnipeg, and Looking through our tiew fall S you,.
the smell of,smoke, and on going up �stairh ad his farm, Ilot 1, concession 12,
gU y
eta of Mrs. W. D. McLeemi—Miss ath at city to re was just entering ir to manhood, being onl
the beat business colleges on this continent. found that fire had broken out in the near here to Mr. Tbomas Be ittie for a term has gone to t1h side.] will be particularly impir 3seed ith he
Those desiring the beat in business educa- 22 year's and
ing of one of the bedrooms. She inimadiateL I and Mr. Will Mc.Leod have been en. of three yearn. hlr.-S�nith r(tains the house months old, and his early becoming styles, the hip, 11 grad finish Raiu. or
y gave the alarm and the neighbors ran in� d cone taking off is a sad How to his Pa t d
tion, are invited to write for our catalogue. I (I to take part in a ban art in 'Nel- for his own Use. He lintend i taking a rest 'Frozeter. aand the quality of the Material i. We friends.' Th rer iains .9
and on the 17th.—Miss Olive Willecin has for a time and : ISO were i red in
was beyond their control 9111eeyl ta1lke of oil3g on a trip NOTES. liver Smith, � jr., is taking a Burns' cemetery o i Thursday, and were
but the fire will not do them any injustice i vith de --
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. given up bet position in Chealey for a more toDakota to iaitbis brother and other
the fire brigade was called out. They were scriptions here tbat_000d not bat fail
4444-62 course at th OW n Sculmd Business Col. followed to their I st resting placp by a
— promptly on hand and the fire was extin�_ laciative one in Detroit, and left for that friends, He intends,: bavin-f a Bali of his lega.—,m to speak their merits, blat rest assured
ty this I v6ek with her two brothers, ion illi Harrial has returned from large number' of i orrowing relatives and
guished before it had made much headway�' effects on Se tember 29th. i that a visit of insPection wl
sea 'a vi it With frie do in Brown City. friends., -.be of FinestOV,
a month's vi
SEWtNG MAOHINES. A portion of the roof was burned and con rs. A4' 4nd H. Willson, who:have beeu i
T I - much pleasure to you
—Our foot b 11 te im. has consented to meet
siderable damage was done to furniture by here on a Onit.—A burning chimney on 15r.
Cooper's residence causect the � fire biligade the Mildma" team in Tesew'ster the second
water and soke. How the fire started is
W, N. WATSON, North Main Street, BTOws.—Mr. Holman is removing his day of their N11 exhibition�, But it is doubt.'
mystery. There was an insurano on the to & called�oub on Thursday mornila No & he beat we aring Printed- Ca3huteres aild
a � family this wee to theire home at Sea- ful if As Milldmay te in will agree to Play rubbers made. �Everyl pair gurant.,ed. W. H.
SEAFORTH. house, Which was owned Oy Mr. Robert damage wad done.—Mr. Alexander' ilson
h Their departure is a 4 istinct loss' to where they cannot play in their- own rough wiiiis, soie agent for Be forth.
Willis, bat none on the contents. has been selected as one of t a to i
I have on hand a large and well assorted 1 48 office ill Frenth Flannels Again-
-0 represent the 33rd regiment , in an p at our v age. Air. and Mrs. Holman were and tumble Ayle, �aiid where fair play wilt NOTES. —Mr. P. 'Billey spent last week
stock of first -clue sewing machines Ray- very free and friendly citizen i and always, be expected —Miss McKelvey teacher, of
Niagara -on - the- Lake. —A number of bi- I I S at the Queen city exhibition. He reports a Andw.hynot? 'Twouldbediticulbto
mond, White or Goodrich, in Cabinet, Drop Loc.tL B=Fs.—Mr. and Mrs., W, W- 3&ttie roady W put their hand to & ty g6d work Howick, Vie ad ev. I. A. and Mrs. Ma-
cyc4stswore up before Magistrate B large attendance, a great display, and says find materials more adaptable !to the
Head and covered machines, prices ranging Hamilton, of Syracuse, New Yor�. Visits that wa to be one in the cong egation. Kelvey over ISunlay.—C. Oook, of Hen -sell, 4nter
the otherds, ith riding o the e fall and wi
� I y.0c aged w that everything waE better than in former needs of a comfortabi
25 upwards, also a few good second Mr. Thomas Richardson, on Friday: last. t 6� -, T. iHemphil -ssic
from $1 tgm They id'utified themselves with St. An. was a guest 1. I's over Sunday.
-,hand machines which, will be sold cheap for Mr. Hamilton was formerl in the� shoe sidewalk. 1 83.75 apiece, which drawso.arch ind their pew was never —Miss Pear Suel�, of Goaerioh, is visitin years. —Messrs.. A.- �erguson, P. Gi�lin and shic.t waist and dressing . qe.
y U etty dear ri4ing.—Mrs. Jimes.Bw-trata 1 9 M. J. Rsedy went to Toronto on WXonday, The good qualities cobt but' 50c the yarA.
cash. All machines fully guaranteed, and business here.—.MLr. Fred. Vanstone 4ft on : X enripty on Sunday either me nin r even. relatives in t a village.,— rank Edwards in and Mr. and Mrs. : 1. Flynn went on Wed- -T,,h vicable. standpoint
and ittle daughter, of New York, are via" I—
it- - 9
a Monda for Stratford, where he has secured Ing. Mi. Holman's teaching'abi ties are in Toronto this week,taki g a full course of 'y and tho cu
proper instructions. given free of ch rge. ing Mrs. Bar"& 'a father, Mr.� H. Tov -n. nesday of this week —Mr. James S��& went le patterns and the colori4s are,
Dealer in needles, oil, sewing machine at. a good posision in the McLagau farl6iture of a high order and he has done enb instructions in em'balmin g.,—Inr. and Mrs. to Minden Ci by for sk couple of weeks vaca- better than ev-er tbiiis season, if bab fature abm-
taoliments and. parts, Ricycleri and Cream f*ctory. MuVanston,,e hae been a resident work in �the Bayfield school. They leave T. Clubb, of Thamesford, are guests of the tion.—Mr. M.' J. ll�rray has retn#ned to C0311d, Ic.
PRACH §OCIALI—The LadieO Aid o the Bayfield with the best wi
Separators. General Fire and Life Insur. Of Seaforth for20 years, and we regret very ! I I shes of their num. latter's sister, ra. T, Filmore.—Wm. his home in Iowa iifter a pleasan mlake one I
friends.— r. James Di
ring Prethyterian ohurc� will hold a peaqh Eocial n the ; erous 61gety gave an Rutherford returr ad frorr Port Arthur last in ;S8
&ace apeat. Risks affected on all kinds of much his removal from town. Du be� hie I among friend a' her6 'for about six weeks —
: b"emeni of the o urch, on Wednesday e ening,
property at lowest rates, Houses for sale entire residence in Seaforth he has an tod programme plenty of re- exhausti�,e and very instructive address on week, as David M rtin was not so seriously Mrs. John hlurra�, apd Mine Kato Horan A SIA ment of Velvets. th
P and to rent. Office next door to Queen's employee of the Broadf oat & Box Furoiture 'frohments. Adaiiselon 10 cent�, refreshments the topio, " Ready for His coming," In the injured as reportai. Hal did not accom-
went to Minden on Monday.—Ttie post curl, fwacyl
Hotel. Company. When he first started � with the Preabytel ion church last Sunilay evening. puny Mr. Rutherford �ut continued his 6 * p
r 8 ecial at 50a the yard, We Ove YOM
ffice here is doing. money order and pvstal
om'fany they were doing busimees on a ;at once four apprentices to learn ___ I
c Wanted trip to the west.—Rev. -8.1 E. Marshall, ?f better quality than could ha -06 lift
note business bow. Ib will be very 6nven-
diesetinakink. Apply to Miss iThompaon, ov!r thq
in& I scale, Mt. Vanstone being ote four Leadb�a�, Clifford, presche a ternierance sermon in offered previous seasons. A
NORTH ST., SEAFORTH. L�mWon Bqnk, Seaforth. lent as money can be safely sent to ajay part on
i 18 3xI
1680 men in their employ aj that time. a bas Yea 16would ske a whole the Methodist cb urch , unday evening.— of the world.�Missi Sullivan, of Stratford, ricli silk finished pile inall the asked for
seen the factory grow Irom its ofn !See our �toek of iRewin library to de of shades
g ma'3 ines e ore, scribe'th whole variati, all I he new points, C. Sanderson and A. He p�hill, Walker. visited Miss Fiiauc�ne for a few da�s last
b6yipg. Also get our 1*r1ces. 7hey are the i,owest
ton, visited relatives h re on Sunday.— eek.
ning, and regretted very much sWeribg his foi the best lines and w� save d3lou ' he agent's ex i the fine details, the extra.- nd the —Mrs. E.' Ch' ttenden took in To-
Kenderson's Photo connection with the firm, ut bigger il'dace. penee a In ca !other Hines. 0. M � . quality, �a Mire. James D. Forsythe in spending two Sgecials'� in black. Theme velvets arie suit-
Idwin & vasaing iybu for many other thirgs wragpeld up in the new ronto this week.
menta were held out in tratford. Shch a weeks with friends in and able either for trimming� or an n�ateriai �i
Lu know.—John
i F all merchandise that bag PD into The
long service speaks well r Mr. Vanht aring
Studio. ured
one, GAANBY RUBBERS. IV Mrs. Bray retained from a driving trip on for a dress itself. Th values wb have
[he �e:l E. McFaul Co.'I store, Seafcrth, thin past D db1m.
I r
and we trust he will find ;he 'new po�ition rubbers mxd�. Every pi gQran Saturday. While away -they visited S on sale at 50c, 60, 75c and 90c t4e. ard
week. It it's I ress Goods, ekets, Millin-
Nans.—Mis's Kabe Williams left n Mon* he
an congenial aia the old.— desQrs. A. X,. and W'11'li eole 006nt for beaforth. I Marys, Thameafolrd andl Otterville. —Miss are much superior to t usual tnes Fail stock of h1ouldings ary, Underweaj, or any other dry goods day for London, to resume her stu iea at -sh at these pric
Harold Willson, of Detr, it, were, vi�siting 24,e Ger4ard-Heintzin%u..piar�o an Slngtr want you're af N r, choosing frDn1their tocks Jesie Robertson fA A-p'en(4ng a few days in own es.
and Picture Frames. the Sacred Heart Convent.—Mies 0 rlin, of odd coat
-8. 0. C.� Willson, Setwing MscWne can be seen at Will ?AcL & Belgrave. —A meetin of I the Scale Com
their parents, Mr. and M music
etore,'Hende�soWs photo studi Seafort certainly: ought' -�o pleme. 18,31 9 Daluth,je spending aer holidays at It , e home. ENGLISH METAL VELVVT, This vel -
and other friends fiere thii wiek.�-_Tvlr. pany was held in, John Douglas' ate �every -4sy Fok SALi,—Young driving mare re on of her pirents.—Mii a Murphy was 14b week vat in produce process d.
1. p;eparing Tuesday ey'ening.—We 'are sorry to say pod, s
George Murdie is having his residerwe on Mud -NoTE.—Sow g fall wheat or n tro
i Photo 8,t jig the guest of Mrs. Poyle.—Miss Gal agher, the etal is cruaranteed absolutsl,�y ast.
iboroOghly broken and reliable.'- Also har' the land for tha i purpose is rder this I - -
lWarging a Specialty. Goderich sreet, recently purchased from in 0 - that there in no improvenieDt ia the condi- f�a
ness, Outter Ading bridle a.nd �sddld, lah e J eta. meek.—Mr. James Graves, w �o got,severely who hs been quite� 11, is doin well under It makes up into pretty and aer�icahla
Mr. John ?owler, moderni 7,ed and impriDvea. A snap. Apply at EXPORITOR OMOO. tion of Peter McTavish, of -Howick w 9
ho s
T. P. HENDERSON, Seaforth. hurt by havinp, i loaded wagon run, over his Dr. Michell's care Mrs. Weber is Biting shirlt waists. The moit favoramble com-
-A horse belonging to.Charles Dtxlma of STOREUousE To REN�.—To rent a so seriously ill.—Potdolil Rse and George e Queen :City.—Miss at
1761 McKillop, ran aay on S undsy 4f te�nlloorl houseffo. 8, on the rail d, Skatorth.. tre leg,. is recoverin fasb.—Last week qeemed A Kaka have been engaged on the railway with f4ends in bin ions will be navy with mil*er pin
given �t onc6. Apply torogsk long one to many of the little b6 Baker was E9 vieitor n town last weel�-.—Mr. spot, black with silv?r pIn op black
last. It was tied in front of the Mait)land. cott troe., Reaforth. , ya and section and commenced work on Monday. —
I girls. The cause of 6his and Mrs. Stubbs of Toronto were last week with silver floral deng
bank cemetery, and break �ng away rah for was going to school, Miss M. Hart is visited ingham. friends
a d Mrs. John
0 m A took in which you h a of which, to moat of the children is m� painful last week., the guests of Mr' Carpenter.
We, Kee" Moving over a lie. The horse -"a cut, the, bar- 01
ave 'a c �, Oil businese.—We are pleased, to learn that —Mrs. Nagle, of A Liston, is visiting! at the
mag- lines h im se�,ekal d ff erent manufm0rent is shown
ness broken and the buggy, slightly di byus nPlan6a, organs, Bicycles and de ing Ms. Miss Rosa Smith ban again beeti successful residence of 1 Mr. a d M ra. Ralei It is pratty as need be. � We hAve tivo,
ed.—Mr. Wail Cline, who has,bee . n ]a d up E ippeA. , 1 9 .—Mr. Y11
Wine i G. A�. Baldwin & ib., So%forth. 1 18131 in her examinatione, this ti e obtaining a Shaloe, who has been boarding at e Do. choice shades, Cardinil and for over a week with infla matory: rb um&� D. Hay, Commi isioner 'and Conveyancer Special price the yard, 46.
Oar Stock is underselling all competitors ti8m, is, at we HOUSES OR SALE.—Tiwo good w hing first. claps certifidate.� Rosa a an excess minion hotel for the ast yar,lef b laE t week
rk again, although �e h s by ho i wills, mortgages and d eeds drawn up. Money loaned p
in Watches, Clocks, Rings, Pins, Brooches,- nomeans uaeE on T- n street, Seafortb,, for ilie 0 ap. Ap- i ingly bright girl,,. and never f died in an ex. at the lovest rates of oterea' 1740-tt for Ireland.—Mr. Clement, of Buffalo, is
fully recovered.—Theband wen to ply to r8. 3.!S. Porter, Seaforth. t. 1
Chains, and other articles'of jewelrV. Our Toronto on Tuesday, to furnish music W!b the I A I arge s ate amination. . WE) congratulae her,on her PLOW AND GANG PLOW REPAIRIN(;.— visiting with relative" and friends here.— When You Think of Buy
reputationfor fine goods, low prices and 6ok of the I st anq me t popti- continued suoces .—Mr. VVili iam MeGavin, Don'ttorget T. Mell1i who ha's completed. another Mr.B. Mulligan left�llast week on a business
exhibition.—Mr. James McKibben an4 lit- lar mqsle at Will MoLeod's mupic atorie, 11 nd r I busy season in the way� of imseblinery repairing would D a —
I I i 18'11380u 8 or has got pretty and welLarranged build trip to Ma itob . Mr. Will Klinkhain m-er
honorable dealing, does the business for us, tle boy, who have been 0 a vi his photo �tudio. reAforth. t .1 . remi.ind hig-many customers and all in need that he Is Come 'To US For
to our name. father-in-law, Mr. Obarles Brodie', left on Our fall importations of fash . in along tfie line of all plow and o work, wing to illness. ---rM.r. 114 1
!ind d up and every .,j inge at the new home, -which be ha estmb A f ull itock of I is unable t t 'il
stock Monday morning to visit iroods a iona le� dry lished near- the i illage. We wish Mr. and gan plow repair nz. Kranskoff is ui under Dr. y e&vor to 11je T 0 % ?low repairs I and is
�de we a wel assor re we�kly arriving. We inv GUARANTEED FURS
the Tofonto fair,, Butter . 16 c01 Ite inspeption vin many years of comfort, sting of would bc mda. ploiw' handles, castings, Michell's care.. Th many friends of Miss
ome i� Gaylord;, skimEners, wheals and bolts andi &H lines- of plow ra- STYLISH MILLINERY
t wherein ;to enjcy the fruits of their in- pairl,k ill receive be it attent D6rs_ey will b&eorr to learn that she lies in
ti rr ad as apresen 6 prior to returning to their 0. E. King, WiDghEk i is,,-tf Mrs- McGa
cle is warrgn
Repairing sk Ppecialty with us. Michigan.—Mr. Thomas' iRyan, twho has House fdr sale or to rent on 0od1eri In tis d
ch ion. - A full abook of
dustry.—Some A those who went went on new plows always on and and , all I a of smithing, a precarious conditi n, with little hope of IMPORTED SHAWLS lei
Wed. Also roonis to let over the store. Ap 3. to Ine
been learning telegraphing with Mr. Win.
A.iG. Ault, SLWorth. 'I ' -tf the first harvea t excursion have written w y Wo.. na short nodoe and recovery.—Mr. Fre Davis, of Callen'dar, in CLOTH CAPES
00miter's JewehT EstabUshment, Somerville, has taken a position with Mrl 812 agon and bu'
small profit&
Mell�@, Kippep.: 1813 8 spending his
holid ya at the residence of
Barley, druggist, of Mitchell. Telegral,b ;Vor sale ilome thorouglibred Scotch collie home and say they are makir g money hand RAIN COATS
SEAFORTH, lng p4s. Apply to Fowler & Lowery, Veterinary over fist, and get lots of good i ituff to eat in. NOTES —Aev. D�. Medd, of Hensall, will Mr. and ames Davio.—Mr. Weber' attend -
is closely associated with the rug! busi nesa, du�geons, Sesforth. 1813.tf deliver his popularlecture,'Pni UM13RELLAS
to the bargain.— Now the cru al remark has itled 11 Wooing ad the Toronto Fair this week.— Wil -
W. R. COUNTER, M I &Dager and Mr. Ryan wishes to become profi-,ien
He is a bright young fellow an �Soille choice, clean, home grown T' othy been made that � he Governme A majority.in and Wedding," io the Methodist church- liams spent Sunday wi
in. both. " ( ith Miss Crothe, in St. And any obrar fall neceesity.
seed at reasonable prioes at A. Young'@, Se&6 here, on Tues evening , next, the 16th Columban. Many c
I Ontario is� in safekeeping as the Hon. G. f our townspeople went
will giie a good account of himself., Dittrin 8 1
THE CANADIAN W. Rose garries [t all under hi hati inat, An excellent programme of music to St. Cotumban on Sunday,.to assist at the AWButter and eggs - taken' as cash for
-the thunder storm which passed over towA
1 bMiD oFi TiiANKS.—I deeir6' to e*tend ivill be rendered kip the cho!ir.. A silver col- confirmation servicBs.—Mr. R; O'Rouke goods, and highest inarkil
early Tuesday morning there was one pan t pri
the Me brigadb and to the neighbora.' my ein$erest lection will be taken up ab the close of the who died in Manitoba, was brought home
ed for -same.
Bank of U_ ticularly harp flash of lightning, � follbwe4 thanks for th6i Araluable seTviceg rendered at tho fire TlclKillov-
omme,11ruche lecture. All are cordiall Ta' ited. The for burial.—Mr. Ed, Deighl, of Berlin,spent
by a crash of thunder..� Almost imWediatel� In �my reaide e oa. Monday evening y v desi"gn. of
�last. W. G. We are selling them, ladies' new Fall hats lecture commences at 8 o'clock.—The sacra. Sunday at his home in town.—Mr, John
181.3.1 4+ afterward the fire alarm rang, and man I I
Den't fo eb the dancing scbpol. These new ment of the Lord's supper will be dia- Jordan is doing, the finishing touches'to the
CAPITAL(PAID UP) pretty—yes, more than tha Fur )oat
a thonght some place had bEen stx uck, %land Ready -to -Wear, hats have Dean selected pensed in St.. Andrew's chuFrch the last Sab-� new
in:3 Gur nam early. Will McLeod, daheing 14ter. post office, where in a abort time Mr..
bath in September. --Mr. William Johnston,
Zight:VAMon DoUars $8 -OOOtOOO- _V(orr8t0'u'3znate1y it was only &false alarm.— Rev, i with great care. They have an air Of the Williamaj pottma ter, will,be installed. The.
Rest, WP000,000. 1. B. Wallwin, who has been attepding the graceful becomingne6s that is BABY CA_�MXAGE FOR SALt.,;For ]a a missing in so of St. Louis, is vis�ting with his sister, Mrs.
Winni ex�
Methodist conference in much headwear. The Ready. -to. put-on hat James Miller, of the village.—Mre. D. Hay
SEAFORTH BRANCH. pects to be home� to -day (Fir will baby carriap. Apply to Mrs. J. G. Wi,lson, Sei orth. is to be more 3opulat than ever
if 8-1 this and d4ughter, Mi 9 Agnes, and Mrs. Wil.
unday.—M NoTic.E. ingi cutte s or -RLE1' Fi,�ism—"Pirle"6nieh
occupy his own pulpit. on S E. cFA u) L
v age, are- visiting with
alness tran- Violet Case and May �roadfoot are vietti 81 Ighe that uire psinting would 'do well to :Wng I astonish you. "'he E M F ul' o., ea. fri nd i the fair.— one of the ipcot valuable contributions to
A 9*ri&raq Banking bu isseo e 11 parties bav I season, and our prices, like our hats, will- lisin Moore, of the TnE 11 P -i is
sacted. Farmors' Notes discounted, friends In Sbratford, Guelph and Torow, 0 th im in no ii order to have th Id" 1 0 e for 'forth. a 13 12 Toronto nd taking in feminine peace of rnin.0."—Lady's pictorial. Dr7� Goods 00.
I e
thaflnts!cighing. R.Devereu orkB,
and sPecial attention given to the —Miss Tena. Gray, of cKillop, under, van Mrs. Robert Elgie, sr., of HnIlett, is spend- vention as dress goods, fy I
cotteeflon of Sale Notes. Se iforth. FAR -,Nr SOLD.—Or. Robert Campbell has ing a pleasant visit at the home of her son,, It is a wonderful in
a serious operation on �Saturday last for thO with this rich finish will not mark ot cookie kj#tks Greates� C A
100acre farm belonging to Mr. Robert El harvest in this
Ri 8, the estate ot th3 late Thomas Ca lyl
SAVINGS BAN K.—Interes allow- removal of an internal I i7rowth. The Oper�� I — . with rain. It you ould have a handsome
od 'an iteposits. of $1 and uPwards. ation was performed b� Dr. Gunn, MISSIONAiky AxNIVERSA A i the mp�ell, vicinity is near wodhd upfor another _r
S.peclwl facilities for transuation of of Clin diMiot meeting of the Metho list ebur''hes being lot 20, on the 7th conces3ion. The season and the farniers are now busy ' dress or suit this ia'll, one that you have to, Dry Guwds Store -.i
ton, asBi8ted by Drs. 4oss and BurrowA, 0 expose to all -kinds of weather, ask 'to see,
bUgirness In the Klondike District. inj the Godekioh district, the oi�owingi is- price paid was $6,630. Th s gives Mill their fall wheat in. I A large acreage is being
Seaforth. Miss Grayte many friends wit
siouary au[niverasrieB war) I taran amp a acres in a oc , and sa 8 Rown.— r. John at Th E. McFau' Co.'s Store, Seaforth,
y evinwas this wee Rip�ley'@ " pirle " fin
on 'Drde�,Tyable at any bank, issued at the be pleased to learn th%'t' the operation W51 Golderich, North street ; Cli3t slay land itho t eral of a Ih Mis Mary
110, �.mtes 131
Ito In6 !uccessfully performe& and that she is do �n, he.ca . in go over any part of hi u at Dundas, atten in the fun ished goods. -- 18 spent a few days last week
UadefL _10 .08 $20 to'830 .12 , arch, Onigio sl�reet ; B1 th, 1008 ar. crossing J n a four with his sister. GOOD CoLTs.—Mr, John MoLellano of the Buchanan and Mm rd.— and
010 to *1-20 .10 830 to.460 .14 ing as -well as could b i expected. --!'-Divi sic r 1J the pro[ arty of a be ghbor. This friend.—Mr. oh a Joie F�i
M�gements.� Goderich,victo ia;street, ev. i� a record that m ill be pretty hard'to'beat, Mrs. Ramsay,the forepart 9of the week,,!vtere* 6th concession, receitly sold to Mr. Petri C
at Mrs. Thomas Mitchell and Mr. an Mrs.
HOLUEBTED; G. E. PARKES court was held here on Monday last, Judg� J.1 Kennedy,, B. D. Seaforth, Februar 15, and gives Mr. Campbell the iistinction of visiting friends in Exeter.—Mr. 'James. of Stratford, rtioularly finehpair of William Kinsman were guest* of -and
8*11dior. Manager. Doyle preaiding. The a were a number ofl
16, deputatibn, Rev. A. K. Birk4, L.' B., being one of the largest land owners in the Mustard, who is assisting with hi engine in P for which _ he eeeived Mrs. Robert Traquair during 1
1624 oases on the do ket, w ich -kept th a three-year-old Colts r the fo pary
cket, w a murti i
R. Lough. Holmesville, �'�vemb 1 23, county, and the farms -are "all of the very the thresbing, has purchased an"ew up.to. the handsome sum o W5. Although they of the week.—Mrs. Robert 41exan er, of
Ing until evening,.—Mr. Alex. M01)0n.; 2 deputation, Rev. 1. B. Whlwin� iB A., best, too. Mr. Campbell mys be only date corn ensilage cutter. Mr. Mustard had not been fitted t all, they werel a fine the boundar Usborne'spent
aid, of Sault Ste. Mar�,!e Michigan i and' hoi few d lywb�_
PLEASURE & PROFIT. Rev. M. J. Wilson, B. A., an4 me- bought this farm on speculation, and would has a good outfit, complete in every way looking team, an th price indicate Mr. week with her sister, Mrs. T. [Co 11 i Mr.
was a resident of Egmondville some 20
yea . re ago. was visitin� f Ke'nzie. Dungannon, October, 26, 27 'like to sell it again or reilt it. He is one of for filling siloo.—M . John MoNevin and. M31,ellan always be dles good horseq, One Kernick is getting the matet ial to
old friends lin wn I
R H. M. manuing. ile t a in that always makes money, and we Mesera. James an Robert Urawford are of these colta was sired by Thomas i Colqu. have
You can combine pleasure and profit by this week. Mr. McDonald has �eeri v. Dr. Daniel and cement floors pub in his � iew at es.—
dealing With George M. Baldwin & Co., d. Benmille 19, trust he will be a psred to make more'than this wee the Mimber of those from d the other y Goo. Mr. John Emery -'a new residence wil mom
te R v. Dr. Giffor r,' Octobe k among houn'a 11 MeTopper," an
, Martin's "Pride of Glunick."
nding Toronto fair a4d came up for a few Ray. R. A. Miller. Auburn, Rai. Dr. )an. his own out of hie new pmrchaq�. this pa . t attending the she* at Toronto. be completed.—M.r. Edward 0-yokman was
i dealers in Mason & Risch, Bell, Nordheimer,
I days to see the old t6wn. - Messr Town 14 Walton, Rev, Job -CCIDENT.—riee by TE —The contractors, who have the work of -uTH —Mr. J. C. W od is compe
!Dominion and Berlin pianos avd Dominion .1 n Holme Lo lee. THAT BicycLEA So ND NOTES Iled, owing to the large rush in trade,
i &Case, wiao are erecti ig an apple � -
Bell organs, tried and tested. Also the eva
per- bore, Revs. Dr. Gifford, J.W, and EXPOSITOR Of last ir - paragraph the new school room. of St. Andrews church stor an the old Robinsor weak, in yet in Toronto this wee showing his horses. to start a second threshing ioutfit. This
R. Lough. Tuokeramit4, Rev. H. in reference to the' bicycle, -accident at are pushing it along in order to bring the We expect to him carrying off his speaks well for him as a i"her..—Min
Wew Williams, New Home and Ideal new- of the railway track, expect to be ia r n. N al Other for
Mcmide propert7,, th M�. W he r
ing machines. Needles and parts always in iag shap Manning. Bayfield. Octobir 19, 26, Grieve's bridge, 3 on -4ay that the township new building to co pletiou. As the date 86re of the red tickl,to, an Mr. Woo� show. Ruby Horton, of Hurondale, spealb a �few
a In a couple o , weeks. Th I me R6va. James B. D., and �L. A! Mil� should have had, hitt, place I there an a set for the opening ill be on Sabbath -the ed last year st the Pan-American, Buffalo, days with her cousins,ithe isses F0 d and
�tock. work of the building ie no We arc) always pleased to give you a select �dl I Varna, �October 5, Rev. M. IJ . W4110n, preventative of Acoidents. A! th�ugh some 19bh of October, wh nd won two firsts *ith two of the same the Misses Coldell, before going to Toronto
Harry Edge, who I the Rev. J. C. Tol- a bus I he coutrfi�ct, ls r h- judges have ruled that lighti iej of Windsor, will conduct the services horses.—Mr. Oudmdre,. of -Kippev, Pressed to take a year's course 01%the Liadie�' Col.
poncert on the Gram. -o -phone while you - are ing things through wi a big staff f n. A. dlay-"ed,
havin.- repairs done or looking over our placed at such po nts, I can flE d not In in Mr. Tolmis is one of the ablest orato sy last week for Mr. logo.
—Mr. Charles Powe is HE wen ro oi 'tenty-five tons Of h E
tnusic. We sell Pianos, Organs, Gramo. of Phila elp I P! FLAx.- INDUSTRY, —Messrs. MoEl the statute@ that quires the MI MiCipAlit to thechurch,ao thatour peoplebavea rich John Clark.—Mesers. Louis, and Johi Clark. WEST END NOTES.—Mir. Rall is,
spent Sunday at Mrs. - Case's. e valli &
�hones, Sewing Machines and Bicycles. eiger, of Rensall, who are konnind the do so. Even if. they had puka light treat in store.—Mr., William Oidin were the first we heai d of sowing fall 1wheat, � erecting a silo this week. —Mr4 Levi Strong,
Aocom, anied by a frie d, ore, who Aud �i
T�ey we )m. 1 fl
in mill this,year, completed the har veil ing there, the chances are that i b "would have is ever buoy with the hay, ham his gang of both sowing on Septei nber 2nd. —Mrs I James of Samia, is visiting her patents bere.
OUR GENERAL REPAIR SHOP bers or& party of Phil 0 P lans w . I ,
w 'o 1v ere of the crop lost week. The crop this,3 ear
0 been stolen, unlelf a the council bad placed men and press go4ig and is shipping many McArthur spent a fe4v days last weak with Mr. Robert Plewes, who hais'been 6n the
f some leerson on g as The riders tons from our statloO. M r-. Cudmore is an �ishar,
Wexepair any old thing, umbrellas, lawn doing the Toronto fa r.— he bland 1 sve In % good one and it took a large gan ma be i
baen a rd over it. her sister, Mrs. Sepda, of London.—Mro. nick list, is now reeovering.�
ngaged to furnish the music I at' the man and boywnearly a month to geb'� S t at t
all were returning Seaforth, as they active man, considei ing his many years, in William Horton, of aborne, spent a few of Benmiller, visited relatiVe h inst
mo-werst knives, scissors, bicycles. A call Blyth fair on October 7th and 8th,—Mr. in. Some idea of the value of thi�s ind in -der -the
iolicited. We can. please you and we guar. try were going down ill, it is alt her likely this' busy world—VVe feel very orry to note days with the Misseal Bell.—MTo,! L. Me. week.—Miss Ell& JDbno - is WA
and Mrs. John 'Wilson,' of � t Mg
Constan6e, and to the town clan be gathered from the I sob that t at Mrs. R. Mellis Is at the "resent time COnnell,of Bruosfield, a spendhig a few days Model School at Clinton. -7* H
%utee ever thing, hey were go ng at � a too a, rate of th P r. 14 of
y Mr. and Mrs. James Scott, of Roxbol�ro; are thi �t over $2,$00 was paid out by this speed, and if it� ha been's, rig 'd of a nursing a very sore iAnd, the with her brothers an -Clinton, occupied the pulp at urner
I - . I rM cause bein g a s;xters at Rose Hill
doing the Toronto fair this week R. foi harvesting the crop. This Amount - oes barrier in front of the bridge, accident felon. Her many !riends here will hope vills.—Mr. Arthur C d[well isAhia week as- church, on Sunday last. Met Sundiky the
G. X. Baldwin, fleaforth, R. and Mrs. Ross and'ittle daughte 01oub no, i include ground rent, which is not paid would have been uch worse. e statutes for her *speedy reli If.—Miss Waybtett, of nisting Mr., Moody, of Thames road, ti6 build pastor will occupy the pulpit, d Mr. Bert
I"t week with friends: a the neigh rh)od un;il December. The harvesting of tthim give cities the power to regulal a the speed Port Huron, in vief of Mr. &-cam
General Eepair Shop,. of Blake.—Mmro. Jau Ow M 11 'sr- ore p has given employment to a 16 t at the' home' out silo for Dan an McLaren, Of Hib. Rumball will addreass the We a th� F
of bioyeles, but t9imehips are nc t so Uvoreii and Mro, Alex, Mostin,—Mr. H. Ricker, bert.—Min Jessie 4sbkirk9 of Hiensall, evening,
d 0
teMae, )he 01
01 b, P
t _
j 84
at !Itctia
Ell it.
't for hie
w kble t he
- ---- -----------