HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1902-09-12, Page 4t U, �­i 7 ii 'F I ARM rr a Z�, 4_1�-,* 4 4i, 1� i�N � I ;A Uj t U,;L A f A': i9f �J i R A �n jo f 7 1; !7- al �1­1* -if .�4 t 4 J F A. T f SF 4 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS ilMir Tlie 11gurabetween the parentheies attm t!le, denotes the nsge of the paper an whiel dverduk ment willbe found T!ay Are After It—Gieig it StewA6-1 Nlllin�ry—Mclllnnon & Co -5 Fill ()1othin—Bright Bros -5 F9.11 SOck 0ouiplate—R. Willie & Son -4 S lver'Rall&—Alex. W'11$rn-5 1"I'sw blerchandt.ace— E. McFaul Co -8 For Saile—T. Hill -6 F �Fr 8.-Je-_R4:x St Blyth -5 A Uoti �U 81k I —J. MCCOnnell-5 F aps lrc�r Sols—Fowler & L-twery-8 F ouge, Furbifthipga—A.- Winter -1 F llnt�-Reld & Wilson -5 Weet +n Exaursiors—W. Somerville -6 FoLrm For Aale--W. Rubol" VantM—Dslminion Garment Co -6 F4rm For Sal ---D. McGrescor­5 F4jr Sole—F-\Positor Offic" Slora flouse To Rent—Scott Bro" Xbticd--11_11orton�5 SO-winsr.Machinea-2-m-G. M.Bildwin & C0�8 Flow Repairs—T. Mellis-8 Pasob' Sooial—radlee Ald-8 Apprentices Wanted—Miss Thompsou-8 Oranb� Rubbers -4—W. H. Willis -8 Music-,,% --Will Molmod-8 Baby �Urrlage For Sale—Mrs. J. Wilson -9 No' Hoo—R. Devereux: --R anted—Box 360, a P a— otioo—J. MoNsmars-6 Notice To Crcdlton—J� M. Bes" In Tho Surrogate Qourt—J� hL Best -6 Tlmoth.y Seed—A. Younz-8 Card of Thanks—W. G. Willh—S FRIDAY. Sept. 12th. .The Manitoba Harvest. Grain cutting is now pra3tic . ally ovc r Manitoba and the Territories, and three ai has, begun. The weather for the paistwe �u: been somewhat wet, and a certain ver oluenpas is felt among farmers that th n I 3ay have a repetition of last year's w spell.L If the weather remains cool, lo,' e"r, there is not much to fear from a damage from the rains so far. The weath li�SL retarded threshing operations in to pin,ces, but the greatest draw-baak seems be the lack of threshing -hands. More are e"ected from the east, so that it probable that the gangs will be compl e �I aw- early date. Already considera hes.t. has been marketed, and a gratif 7i perceritage of it has been graded No. I b ai and the balance is of good quality. Uhl something very unusual transpires, all a gi that this yeaes crop will be by all oddE t I r e9t ever �arveated in the west, so 4t1t1h=itieB estimating the value of the --r $5P".000,000. The Toronto Exhibition, which close, i Sa,turday, has been imore of a success th everthis, year. Theattendance has be considerably in excess of former years, a the gate receipts have been corresporidinS large.� The fair has attracted an exceptio ally large number of American visito The �exhibits have also been unusual large., The Tariff. The tariff question has -again come in I a! good deal of discussion. New prominen i was first given to the question, which w considered by rmorne people to have been r, t1fed, for -sometime at least, by res.olut io opposed to che present British prefereim passed atthe meeting of the Manufacture Association, held recently at Halifax, a by a speech delivered to this body by I [o J'. I. Tarte, Minister of Public Works, the Dominion Government, in which he e pressed himself personally as a firm belie v id thei protective. policy. In, a speech, a iiLred a few days ago in Toronto, U Tarte gave further expression to simil ntimentaL. We have, however, the vi 0, an0her member of the Governmer those of Hon. Clifford Sifton, Minister the Interior.. Mr. Sifton is quite as strD int his personal. views as Mr. Tarte and h come ont flat footed as a firm advocate of los�ver irather than a higher tariff. All A hais given greatL joy to the Conservative g0na, who think they see in this perac n difference of opinion a, rift in the Lib 31 ranks, and Mr. Tarte, who a short tim6 a was the devil personified, is now Tairte able, Tarte the clever. ,�IGW,ever, it matters little what the 60iial views of these two ministers may on this subject, although. we know that Al Si�toni has been the better judge of pub _,00niori- The Liberal party, as a part 114 alnvays been pledged, and is still pled g to-16fre-er trade and a lower tariff, and o Po0edito the policy of protection. It w i on�'thia policy that, they were pat in po�werl at Obtawa, and even if the Gover mint so , desired, the people would n countenance a retura to the system whi foil 15. years prevented dL evelopment A' prosperity. Wehavenow had a taste what good times are, and as a consequen we are not desirous of taxing ourselves po ag in to satisfy the whim of the matimfe tu.,ere, who during the* days of high pr teatiorke6re growifig fat and prosporoua th) expense of the rest of the countr E enthe manufacturers will admit Of undei; Liber4l. rule, timetT have been pr( porous, but they are afraid that'when IDo times come they will 1)3 - pinched by t ference, and are not prepaired to ti thAir:Chances of the good and bad as t re,, t h. -'ave to do. .-ather than a return to higher tariff, t feeling, among, many' is that the -'Gov meat have not gone far enough. Th 1�r duAeIi and the British preference establish by�tho.Laurier Government were a stel: tbo riiht dircefion, as great a ate,), perha asthe: conditions of commerce would pei of I the time, but. as opportunity o&rs I -tarliff should be lower6d here and there un th 4 necessities of life are placed in such po� ition as to allow the working man. a th farmer to purchase them at ' the v;e lov�est price. It will be contended some that such a policy would be. disast"p to ur manufacturers, and would tend les�len the value of the home market to t fa4ner. We do not think so. I For years t in nufacturers were pampered and bDl8t,8 ad up by a high bariff,.until now it is U th, y were able to stand on their own ] an give the farmer a chance to purchis hi� goods in the cheapiat market. He h to contend in the world's markets agair all comers, and why not the manufactura Me manufact4rer h�aa '-the advantage co ti , t to the consumer of his war 3 gul-y he has all the natural facilities that fore i manufacturers have., and we think no. 9 wi I di epute the fact that the Canad;ll mechanic iii the equal, if not the superior 02. SIT HUIRF EXPO SEPTEMBER 12, 190 the ple ge to a I ;froui ail in- SE -until o,vas married, following ly took n -Sts f Z -q any other on the face of the earth. The and -is beginning the wqrk of ti the Hamilton AF6R+HIS LEADING $HOE STORE. bo 9 iN to bis trade as a son, Then he moviod, to toxicants until fter tb Bishop DUntry and the weary wAiters rec 0 ag6 of vire dk A] whole trouble lies in the faob that he nl�anu- oh t4 rgu� liv red fact that he will hold on. His ment Usborne, wber4 be lived till seven years MaEvay and ther X b' ravpa de 0, facturers have too long looked to the Gov, isXha Ontario likes. himilietter then it �!ikes' ago, when he ir�oved to his late residenge. feloquent and werful r ons.1 The music he to them- j, p, Whibn of by the - 8t. o)[umbsu�ohoir &0 oro&otra Ott �Of ey, to the extent of the small Besides this he leave a a wife and family ernmanb for their help instead of Our F;d1 Stock oi Foot6wea, ad P ti solves. If they manufacture an artiole of majority, and that he hu,that mu h botter grown up sons and daughters, thirt 0 of whom was all well re dered. i At.the evening ser- Uke shore, m�n-to li� on the a ar's right than- the are in Manitoba. vice, Miss W of Dublin, sang a equal merit with: kthat of foreign Ma4ufac- lliams'.1 ii I eely� L Father P1 it ture, and r 1 Con4ervative leader. I His role be:that , —The Mitchell Recogder of . last week mezzo-toprano solo very r Now com en easonable prie, they'� have of the serviint of the cou#try. Iretill show saya, A number of the stalwart young Ronan, of Mitchell, ssng vespl�rs, :aasiated no need to fear competitio� in the world. by Corcoran', d that, though the task ofi governm K with so men of the 7 th conce sion Hibbart, assembled Fathers of Seaforth an CU. not do.1 The pouutry, will not slight a margin I*S a very difficult one, � be, e.eveniog, Fogarty, of D bli Tb inctos-r This they in at the home of Mr. ivalters, o: i in. � 6 sf, I Ross, is tho man to flo 4. His irgutneut was a vision If entrancing !loveliness, as During the p t six weeks stand for higher p�poteotid'u, which means last week and with ;eams, forks ind other we have been busy oppning up anj p LQU!50, 'is, I If I oaii't govern with a majori articles too inspir ting to mertion had nearly 100 vari_colore�d twinkled as ty"how htly &a i wih one V He gathered into the I arn almost 310 the clus Ing higher taxes, but looks to the Gqverument i into! stock la' �e shipments of Boots, Shoes and Rubbers. 9ft stock is can Whitney finds entire brig of heaven. I in was eligt ta� with every- now comp for a g m wards free' argument, if spring crop before � aybreak the following va� lete and we are] ready for the tall trade. by ,radual move' ent to ea. upon Bishop McEva was trade i that this 6nlarg pon i —iq' un- in the zhipW11 orning. It was, A real old-time harvest lines. and he does not enlarge thing in the pirish am lef t Lo don on u ail Grit e plan4tion bee ith the old-time hilarity promoter.7 6, we h4ve -endeavoied. this season to s und out - answerable. The offici Monday. As �u former ea urro of the curione state of —A short time ago Mr.Daviel DeCoursey, selves with th 3 best looki#g, best fittin d best wearing lines 'Of f oot- affairs in the pro�ince g an Editorial Notos and 0 t 013�mlll B Js that the people are pt;p ty evenly divided, of Looari, shipped from Mitchell station to 5, that mot ey' Lakell y �an buy.1 Every worthy make is repreae�ted in our we What next will: the wtia'th( me and that they had no gr( ti issue to ileter Mr. W. G. Pettit, of Burlington, one year- No' tock, wl ether t be a light dress shoe or a heavy pl�w shoe, and TICS.—Mi�S EV& ]fay, who lives at Mr. )r & 1 them from straight part ' voti th� last ling and two two-y6ar-old Durham heifers, Win. Wallaco's, of for? A plague ot, murder and Y, -.he !17�� con,cession, 4ines this "atio oL amazed Cooerv. for which he receive the nice aurn of $400. visited her r6latives, east of I Lakelet, on Date "r election., This eipl our 3eason are the best we've ever been able to! offer. Our dk Lonon, Enjlanlld, and s36id to have stru atives, and is giving them much fo )d for re- Mr. Wm. Rogers, of the Huron Road, -ship. aim'this Fall, as in- the psiTt, will be to supply out customers' with oots Saturday nigh� arid Sunday.1—The funeral i i pbisror I I I -)n, and thereby sustain our sarlty per one specialist blames it on the weather. flection, inasmuch via it'io & tacit 0 aim, that ped to the same pur'3haaer at the ame time, of the late," Mrs. Win. Wallace� to th Mc- nd� Shoe that will give entire sati8facti re !put majorities were built up for, 5he iGov- at two-year-old heifer, the price aid being Intosh cem'etefy last Sunday! forenoon. was r frid LauOer, wh is at present in putation 'of handling noihiny but reliable and trustworthy goods. we Sir Wil ernment, by Conservativ4s who m 1 �� a 1i an exceptionaliy large One, ttie� cortege ex- zus,;�r France, is not en)-oying L and swallow th6 Conserati 6- policy. rhe; only, I I invite re always pleased to showl, yoi i the r1mr, per 100 V good healt —Bethel is, to have a now Methodist you to call and fee us, as we a tendiug one a�d a quarter miles. ThO de. will go to Switzerloind to way of getting over thi ill is by; %ccepting cured the latest shoe stSdes, whether'you want to buy or not. or Aod rest prior to, going church. The trustees have Be cessed lady ha for yeEkrs been affected with Per =_ the belief t ative ]population promise of a lot on the north-ensb corner of to Rome., The Pr i� Ea. a disease of �the he%rt, and �rec6iitly was Skins omier will remain has been vastly inorease4l in he p ovidee of irring the e rope for several weeks longer. Mr. Samuel Harria' farm, adi i i i attended by a doctor. Last Saturday, while I I � The committee an a bscription late years." cemetery. on her way to her son Robert's whiclives a I id already short distance 1 from bar lio , k -W�od per ebril have commenced t air work aE Me' efie 'too Mr. Borden,:,Co servative leader h The Hamilton Tim a very p�rtiontlY have the handeom sum of ivor $3,000. ld be got F House of Commopla, is :just now W weak spell and died leforei she cd'u W, S SON Sewlorth 414:11 'to its Among the subscriptions. are to be found ra4 Pat laW.- 11 The Mo:itreal Witness 'Wml: to the house� She lei 'behind her a A a 0; 9 iv�a through the west,11 where he will h1old a one family at $400 three at $300 each and i inability to answer the I' estion of a cOrreo- husband, three 'Bons a - d 0)28 4aughter, the series of meetin six at $200 each. Totingest, Th�mas being tb6 ov op fork, per 1. is )y one ge.;� In tW connection the mp6ndentho.wainted to�know w�yw fast MO rls,�maaon, 1 Stratford, dresses. Music W! ill tie furnished by 'Ube prosperous young farmer of I ilLl 1D The Mr. L. N. home. A feeling reference to' her exemp. 02 Montreal Herald renigrks Whil0z ?4 r. lhie of Atlantic steam h1ps shou be;' sub. -Wiarnicke church choir, as woll 0 an orchestra from ceremony was performed by W. 01 1 had a nasty fall At the Glob lary life was iriadeby Rev. �Mri,! Stewart, her k the f stm J � I t . a dized at all. The :!I�ontreal card of Company's factory, which is in of Brussels. Refreshr�erk a will be served from CoBens, in the presence of Borden is west kid migh� as rx vdry7larg 3 corn- astor, at the'�cloae of is sermon on'Sunday. what the diokena they mean, by object,�Dg to rection in that eit3. He was on the second P 6ito'S p.*m. T�e dmi sion fee is small,and p�uy of relatives and friends. Ali. and *rade had not that qu�lstion befof 6 it :h I 'a A five-year-old son of Mr, Chriel. Beubley's I , , , F I OW7 thme who &�terld ill e'sure to bavb an en- Mrs. McIntosh have.4the oo.4 wishe� of a in an increase in the 'I tariff when Provide�ce I I story, nd stepped- Dn a plank which let fell off a load of grain the' other day, and IM'c ty In as will no doubt be the large circle of friends for t futu 4G0U11ty'-Cb" ng He was th a hind wheel tiore 'be a do ', of his head e�er, and had no d1i joyable time i heir Ifefriining him r b i favora them with crops big enough to g�vo I hrough to- the fi t floor. them a living after paying any prices that from its discussion, thou h there mvge, nol -badly shNken up, though he did not realize v )rl. Harrisori,,00,Clifford, atr event of the season, piness and prosparity.—A humbe from I ry ;,.�adly. I Brussels atte'nde'd the, wedding 6 Mies lers ptisezit 1w ek might'be asked torthe thin* gs they vIiant"to doubt, persons there i reEeuting th uu-11 it. He went to work immediAtely, hub tended- to the litt a (Ilow" anj as he comes v- and ad' to go Sophia Houston to Mr. Matthew - 8 mwart, buy. sibsidiz ad steamship vice,,to wllo,4� th was seized with weakness of &,tough, hearty race he �ill likely recover. I crom Y. _eq"Ily b0 on V ledues. -W. ill be all 0.13 , 4 'h' is expectad that he In the ISth coneesFaion of Grey ey !question was a very sent and si,'very home. It —Pvery farmer wants to ttiresit on the same STOCK S A T.r, —Mr. Alexander Campbell' day afternoon.—On Monday � of th, week 1UT.TCA,, at The preference granted by the DomWon vital one. When largesae is flaI13,11g road right again shortly. da�y now, and &B a (onaNuence the poor qation how or why - �A picnic, under the au�spl ies of the threahers are a I t their wit's end to keep all west of this � village, who has become quite odiss Belle Oliver left for Porlge ie. -of TTA, n B�itjsh imports, has fav"br- the retainers do not qu a' ncted breeder of thoroughbred Durham a in the I Manitoba, and on 'arriving a iilirb,, vane they scramble for it, aad the only onel who Frieudb'Sunday school, GoWrie, was held in good humor. �:We think � the gentleman sell out his whole beese. ably impressed the 1 cattle, has decided to . colonial �remiers Who ited in marriage to Mr. Wilb R kker, -c ny I finds fault_�ith the waste is the on i who on the grounds adjoining the chdroh on who wrote in laef we k's ExposiTon wrote hrd. ale on October 14th. 'in I .", -.: boxes. 1,-Prg have been attending. the colonial conterc�iee I does Dot get it. In this q' Monday, Septembe lat. Everything pos- former rebident of Bruseele. a earem er 4se the um er of sense. The p6or thr $-here Ao� not get too Mr. Campbell finds iu' t ork, and is 12 la ale by Out lie -.Von to If in London. Sir tdmund' Bartop, P TioJer 0, anadians who will hav 0 pive ore �,Llue Bible was done to ake this ;�ne of the h it h k.—Rev. ing to Gee(! property, offered for a -her pirice te much for t a , dirty �wo his �arm' �to graFs and raise- ne finest affairs ever h d in the locality, and 1 90 ddky of last week, was ptirchaked IT big roxeter, � pre�ched re- on of Australia, who has been visiting in ()an. than they get, if , the! f a�t line at Lbsidy Mr. McKelvi . of -atoekers. Mr. (.3ampbell has a fine herd and to 0 usual. Fletcher Sparling, the price �eiri $620 the success finaricia ly was more old at!2N. ;�t the adhame goes an will likely be the rule at through, ru�la up into tb mi opening servic1l's in he Methodist church th ada, in a recent speech, said 'thi fs�ncy prices an I Mr. Sparli �been the a�. Th chul(-ch �underwent a 4 uch better to The apsa-king, along with the, vo0al and in- here on Sund st6le. rig has le ee Ontario, Oie colonial premiers age going home pledged to !the money qn the improN ement strumental part of the o'gta!t horouah ren0atin nd is mu'ch i'mpro*ed the property or! the pa�t is OF t pr nine, was t ysar.— ?Vm. Gordon, of Cr nbrook, has pu rehamed tbrw&5s for general usol than a appearance.!— ich rd AamiltGn lef for I lagij3laL , ed t4 foUow the example'of Sir Wilfrid, Laurier ti h much enjoyed. Re v0ere carved ter. -Be and I liioujh� bi by the ladies f by offering to their several re pro- or to a favored compa.� rom 4: to 7 p. Mount Forest 1 Odel- choi6l la't Mlond he hou otn Flora street, fro In -John l Ballantyne, paying 600forthe�aame. Mr. V ly th' 'Y firm in eLyory leavaa )le trade i —two Wallace f f rmerfA were ( rawing -BRIEFS HTTerbert preferential poeade based on Canada'k, ng legislation of 1897. 'This must e,; more With the near approach of w nte� the grain last week and began discuBe ing church week for Toronto,' wher lie will writs on Gordon will take poe�Iaesion bout etcher tion at the tTaivers. than a little irrita� have matters. Each were quoting Sc the matriculation examin Isi —The Grover & d ing to th�ss continuation of the coal I , Comp -d �vh -Constance y goo a 1 strike pre4ota a tione they ;A:)ok, and the ity, preparat6ry to entering for the udy of etoc fi d block een or ing out �Sat wea' y fpr f this justify the posi I$BERS. — TJ 8 k was removed- from the Gar z 4 1:60. -� �ost serious aspect. Despite the ma�b y �ea heated 9e. Bartman rabbere niade. ery pair gua4raq ee I preference. disauesion beca t dl W ITIT law. —Horse. fan6iers are fittil up to Wingham. this week, by Aason D E We 4�` 10 ld is ces so bi the�abolition; romices by the mine owners of ited Orth,.'WTEho was on t4 ad, to come Willis, sole age t 18fi. their driver� for E fall fair, on t ie �3rd.' It! i I Ian larly inv Seaforth. ; I I who recently purcha. ad it.— rhe a -1 ices Were held in Trivitt Mulock, Poetmaster-�' Goneral, -Fly- a oomoaraibively down, E d wite ttempted !new I of Clint he , Sir William clesaation of the strike, op U be refused 4-A to NOTES. — Mr. Gree 3:)n, 7,-Anniveras,ry sery holidaying thie week!—Dewi 5t Holt ies has AIM, enforce his argument.with,--.-,a pitchfork. eon S Memorial church last Sabbath, when the i position inJ a shoe shop in St. me returned home froM Egigland on SatUrday. fliw of the mines are in operation, 4nd these preached a torhperance sermon her 11- secured i stra4bt reel Cro to at the day.—Miga N n MoMichael gave the t Marys, and leaves for�; there next M oi iday.— Bartman was fined $10 an -41 �� co ic building was beautifuh decorated imide is to op In an interview, Sir William said that in not at their full eapscity. The p'os�aict Of police court. He threateu-'s grain,'fruit, etc. --J. G. Stanb�ry was Frank Smith is atto�uding the 0 lege of ague meeting- last Sunday'eveni g. wl buaii Be Monda every quarter therel was a growing, interest is�ate interference lends a little ri 8 0 against Orth for calling him. ilasphemer, 0 Y.—Mi8B. Pharmacy at Toronto.—G. F. d Mrs. supply t - I I 1 1! . Next Sunday eveni'g Miss Jennie c- iall in everything Canadian, and tha —A very Bad accident occurred in- Mit Clark is vigiting,� frie a in Hen this' �diffimdty �lm t the a are the situation, but even should wo k be re- greg6r will ta a the topic.—Mond�y ev n- Blair returned last" Fridav fr their chell on Sunday of last week, -'r eaultiag in ek.—M W. Ta'man ad E. J. Ohriatie, month.'a on� ew' has" eto on unlimited poarbilities of extending our la6med it seeme doubtful if the sup ly 'would ing, eptem or 15th, � Rev., Mr. Gifford, of 'Ne ing.—Will Gr at "on, trade with the m6thet country in �every di culty the death of :the Uttle daughter of Mrs. linton, will a'drejas tho League in, the' In- spent Su-niffay at t a BIO.—.W. M.,Martin, Wingham, were he has joeedred a basition iota- are i4eii, o4ual the demand, while another di George Baxter. The child was Stopping who has been studtg , aw. wi chein an line. as presented itself, It lis feared by !many tereat of the orward� movement 6r n is- th J- 6- Stan- with Anson Dulniager i1i a .9�ner&l i itorp.— an left last week to r�sume hi!s c6urse at i �' her grin nits wh I at motfier Rions. A larg attendance is reqd�atedl� bury Philip Ament's colt Ook paA in tl a 0an- a position to know that a short% a f cars with a' dpare 19 to 20c fr, pail cf�je a in Toronto. A boi ling water io- Toron'to.—W. J. Rean: ap, acco pariied by adian Futurity race, In TorontD,;on Thurs- =Ael nd President Roose;Yelb is not'findiqg his �v�ould prevent the ready.shipment of 11 the wa Mr. Gilbert Jamieson,, eonof Gavin Ja ade demanded, owing to the hea,.,vy ax on Was Stan, son, has changled his occupation from at Mrs. Skelton an y his crusade agair�;at the huge corn- 't� ding!on th( floor, and in;o this the A Miss, s!ttended day of -this week. I child fell back wardi I, which so - a 3alded the the Toronto fair this wee .—'Samuel the rolling stock of the kailwky -,)MP'anies of barber in, Stratford to that of a tra, Blti�er Ili U -1 n. bines and monb� olie's in the United body that d for a firm selling stationary. � As Gilbert!, is 6weet, wife and child returned o i a Mon- 131 p t6 move the immeude grain of the eath folLowed. next ay. The in News Notes, ra. States any easy task. 1qiB persistence along hteet mother was telegraphed for, an she got industrious &no energietic'i he !should a day evening �rorn � six months' trip 1to Eng- 4est. Looking at ;it from its ibrik bl for oelncts she w a terribly L is oyag was n ly this line has brought down on hie shoulders side, it. looks as though coal would, bel�bout home Tuesday eveEing. She w goodsalesman., Weielihimsuez;eAsinh land. The ea v' ot pleasant, The steamer Stevians, of Buffalo, loaded hooked over the untfiriely dea th of her but otherwise thby eplort an eiiijoyable with copper and flour', bound, from Duluth f, as valuable as diaMoudEc this year. !Num- new line of k.—Mr. J.'Butvn and Aft.. l7a edge �aeconds- the disnpproval o many a to Bn&lo, was burned t oftheise, powerful as shortly Ifor th' o th ate a �ng,ton off Clear Creak, Port ]Kowsn ridaynight. child. B. Riley at 70 Vill Brook!a 1 'lots of orders hav�. beer placed with the 0 oi the'sick � hit. i We hope, time- —N organizations, who ave given the President al. west, on a prospecti tour.—We i C aries o ales, UV,,they seem bac�ward­ however, that,they may� recover soon, to understand that unless there is a I.cessa- Johns has re-enterod merchant iloring The crew were all saviid. , bo t filling ord ra t new customers the Blvt1h. though their troubleo��are�of i'a rather seri us fion that he will ha a to fight for the'Prosi- i . NOTES.—Mr. Janies Lees, one of the laaa- nature.—Mr. and Mrs business and h a opened p a stock of.. goods —R,6bert Mackie, s6utenced to tei i years or F robable disappoe ntTent of old one . Je'witt were visit= , ii dency'in 1904. Whether he will ba 6ight- in Brussels on Thursaay �f last week— in Mr.:James Grieve's old stand. —Aarrister in the Kingat6n perii�entiary for si in Dresised zlzici 1� Ing dry goods merchants of (�7h6boygan, Stanbury was at Goderibli for a oduPl 'of the Napanee bank � bbery, has b an re- 70' and c8 ened 6ut by this thireat or not remains to 010 to Michigan, aocompa ied by his iis r, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Albert � Co were vlsi�ing the Stanley Arain'o leaaed on parole, after, serving less than lour AT0 2013 as be seen. One thing is certain, 'that he Perth Notes. friends in Brussels �on', 'Alonday. Mrs. days last week,on age k�eya I I Walker, of Lucki ow, were vi Ati g their the county J�d yeara of his term. Ha will seek E? f 1par- 120 Pe pooni at. could render no greater service to his'fellow Coates' sister is going,to thelstate of Idalho case, heard before ge.— c3uritrymen than by bringing these huge —Wm. Palton, of Listowel, had h [a leg cousin, Miss' Maggie. ForEyth, , the paat Richard Remner and wl"fe have been -visit- don from the Ministelf of Justice this week. —A number of th young people Do broken the other day. while dtiving ir� week.—LaBt Friday etfternoon, the Brussels I combines subervient to law. from Kinburn spent an :eD oyable time I at ing friends ilk Pickering. —JosOh Trickey, farm laborer, and his a, Uowick, on business. I base ball teani came here and d fsated our ai J. Mills' on Wednesday e"vebing.—On Wjd- tn-ye,ar:�-old son were� killed on',- the Grand —Mr. John Wilson, of Mitchell`�, has team, the score be g 9 to 5. 0 it boys put I J rs' Air. Joseph Gould, of Boston, a large ne,jay morning, Septemberl 10th, William Tiunk Railway, at :Bainavillet� Thursday ;moved to Galt, where he has a sitoation in up a fairly average ame of ball, but it was Londe t),oro. nd cattle buyer, writ" the Toronto- World one of the moulding shops Our Lowrie passed awaX from the trials a�d night of last wzck. T -hey wereiwallting n Ivith no dUtil not good enough o win the game of this world. ' 'Ele WEDDENG BELLS.— very pretty home pped out o� . tbe*ay of 4ftre are oarea been ailing for the track. They ate —Before the cold wea, her setJ i4: the team has been got d for the neighboring e are superior to Can. 0 " a wedding was that at hi 7h, noon on W, ednes- an east -bound trieght� and werl str6k by some time, but was -not edrifilried to the h us 'Grand Trunk properties in Stratford a�re� to teams to practice v -ith this season, as �hey esboro, w hen Miss E v in adian cattle, not because of breading, but until the last two months! iffis disease was day, in Lond a M- the west -bound local train, e lighted with electricity. were nearly always e get beaten-.— ter f Mr. and dre. R.. x- because the Uniteq States farmer h a it. at first of a dropsical naturle, but at the Adams, only, daugh av, all —Mrs. Phinnimbre, of Mitchell,' hal, vie - * i lose of at- Mr. Maurioe esbit, of Detroit, was —A destructive fire. together .; or advantage over the! Canadian in a a �nd' week, b t returned laettuberculosis was h William Adams, was married, to Mr. Dum an W. life, occurred at Kingsville, Ea ex 1 unty, b rived home from Truro, Nova Scotia, jvhere ing his parents the past a 'trouble. was a quiet, thoughtful you ing man, bighly Boyd, of'q�icago. O.y the near mlatives -a the E 'a acco -slaike are 4arr a ay, accor4fb ied b hie 8- ance of cheap corn. Mr. Gould a Can- 'a as has been visiting, her daughter. to Detroit on Tues respected by all his companions and so- of the yQ'#ug people were presen �. The Saturday night, whe! demand io Ti —bliss Floasie Hord, of _Alitchell,ret�rned sister and father,the latter I tendi to home of the bride?a porents was tatiefully Company's plant was on fire. Jesse' oin- adian wboapent most of his life in his l"t week from Pan Yen, New Yor uaiiatancee. �cnop -was t hi k, where� visit through Michigan for th few q son, who bad been vnWthe coin since for� at a decorated for the oc'casiou,and the ce mony this meed Ate I country, and he should know w4 t is -'owan,who lives a out its organizition, perished in 'he aiie had been visiting for some tim weekm.—Mr. Win. ( I myrtle talking about. The' remission of h was performqd beneath a canopy of Dding to f We it a duty '—Mr. Fred W. Tiffin, barrister, I of Van- two and a half mile'l west of Bly Jh,bad the - His mother lives in Detroit. companfe, on corn has been the salvation of he Can- InEle and flowers. " Mendelas' hn's wedding March t, c ; uver, British Columbia., has been visiting miefortune, n 8 nday morini ig, to be loss is about $2,000. high. Tho adian live stock business in the j &at few J. G. Stanbury, B. Barrister, Solicitor, waB played by Miss Laithwaito':of G6derich; A small on,4 A p f iends in Stratford. burned' out. IThey can't account for the Notary, Conveyancer, money to loan, Exetar, Ont The bride was supportbd�' by Miss Sadi —A sovere electriosl wind and ta#storrn d e of years. i a e ; vomom I —During their' year jn�t 4losed the fire, as they we �e all at chureb, and, At Henaull every Tuesday�� 1791 struck the St. Catharines district 1 about ng Boyd. of Lucknow, a sister of the !groom. VASIke AI Messrs. Stuart, Brotb ere, f Mitch 11, :tabip- while driving home, saw the smoke coming G.11� J. Sutherland, oo' midnight Saturday night and -las�d for as kocording to the Boston Tribune, nvoyancer for Hen' The groom was attended by Mr. Howard ing to,quality c house where there was of COM- 'itig a 'd 18,000 sacks of flour t la8- from a cornWof th' of the bride. aboui one hour. Fear pe a firm in �G sall, haq had placed In his hands for Ftale a very i Adams, of St. Thomas, broiher -per a feeling is growing strongly in Nevii. England -90W. no fire. They hurt d . the team, but when fortable and well planned brick dwelling in a Izood i the recent cyclone, the people rushe4 from i The bride was gowned in, a beautiful white is favoring reciprocity with Canlada. ICh' —Mr.,Oliver Duffi Id, who has betri. in they got there the ' lace was all iri flames, location, with nice lawn, walks and garden. Good or and remained Op till 40110ie6 ISS114PIC furnace and all modern onveniences and will be crepe-de-chene ovef white taffeta witfi bridal their beds in tart t e emp oy of b1l r. B. Little, e14 and all they were a le to save %as a contra sold at a very reasoriablc price. intending pur. veil, and carried a bouq!aet of bridal roses. the storm pssed over�, The fruit g�-owers' r- manufacturers and! �ueiness men - bav�ling f r some y Beei an all the chasers will be given u I ar eu are. ears, has purchoeEd a =ing table and sewing in chine. so for sale Tile in' id of -honor wdre a bisque colored report damage one o ore al dealings with - th�aj country! fear that b siness in Monkton. furniture, there w a quantity of irrioney or to- rent frame stores on good central location, on easly termia. As to prites and pay-ineuts apply to G. grenadine, rimmed witii Duchess *e ever, —Early last Friday Morning A� fire� occur - J al unless closer relations, and a better feelin� is ohnBtone Buahfield, who' left belbnging to one of he boys, a ounti To lng to J. gutherland, conveyancer, Hansall. 1811-tt green taffeta, and carried pink roses. Later red at the Exhibitigo'grounds, �Toro*to, by L --d&Mn �-ast yejzr for Calgary The sympathy of the who a co . mmun- William in CL is q established betweem where h4 has $40. go Canada and, the States, A NE Fiiak.—Mr Workman, a delightful luncheon erved which a shed contalining the costumes for e gag in ranchini, has been back �n a ity is with them in their heavy. ose.---Miss And whi ourses wl:d pair the ore destroyed. The he _that the Americans. wpi be shut; out of �,bia Mabel McElroy, who left here for Chicago a of Tuckersmith, is coming to our village to iathe-dining'-room, Thenewlywed Kiralfy " Orienj fr-ei vJsit. lHe is doing ell iril b1be west. Aisco ghto. Gn 'eas m trip fire was I 'we market, by the diverting of the 'trade, to the reside, he baviDiz entered into partnership took the afternoon -train- for an'eas vere( by a nightwat6hman. -a- t or _M W. Thomson, O(MitcbAl,;�.and few months Qo, returned last wee' k as a . 1 2 Eurep3an markets. ki'ven the UnitedillSt nwith Mr. Thomas Betry-, in the horse buai. to New York and other points, after which One of the cornpany'i employees . estimated ohigh tariff does family�h",-ave returnedl fro a trip u the bride, accompagied by her husband, Mr.' -at 840 for. stayed or I* ew days with Wright, of Ch�c4go. They inten spending not 0eern to be the! bpon I*kes. : They ness.. , With two such pushing fellows the they will make their home in Chioago,where the lose �ab several %housand dollars� The -�ern, -and 81A be some of our politioWiB would lead u to new firm should do a �ig basinese in horses. Mr. Boyd has excellen businees p ospects origin of there waq not kno-wri. X r. Howard Thomeo at he Soo. The a shot time here before return* g tolChi- branaW r. believe. We welcome Mr. Workman as a citizen of as superintendent of a Mackoli Fire- —H Thomas Greenway hws und�r 6n- lattersold his drug business in Stratford ca 0, 'where 6ey will make t ieir home t 617 foi -cl 9 our burg. Proofing Company. T e groom's gif to the sideration: a scheme4a light all his farm lie 1E at and has since be6 at the Soo. in the future.—Mr. James Hastic, of Wrox- for bre -4 At the Confereuco� of the- Me�booist — L LOCAL' BRIEFS.—M! bride was a boop ri of diamon Is and buildings at Crystal City with electricity, M"itoba m11 Zertiwgeen 50 and 60 Oddfollews ifrom oter, was visiOng friends in towi on 84tur- r. Alfred Carlisle, y church, held in Winnipeg, a lively di86un- S;ratford paid a fraternal visit to Mi�chell. day. Mr. Robert Reaveley, of rand druggist, bf Detroit, i home visiting his emeralds, and to the in id of honor a boo.p and au the same time generate su�fficienb of shorts. w-, e� sion took place over, the advisabilityot lad. lc dge olue evening re6ently. i Atter thelbusi- Rapid , Michigan, was visiting ia to 01 parents, Mr. and Mr Robert Carlisle.— ring of pearls. ManS beautiful pi7esenta power to, furnish light for the village one wh the ere givent b riends and relative The mile away. The latter ant I erprise is7being sackA ineltride aDr. and Mrs. Englan , of Chicago, have 0 y stesod'y at 37 p- s n.,ss meeting was over the members� ad- past i eek.—N xtl Sunday beiriv Sacra ent u Mitting WOMEW to the council of the church, been spending a few d bride i! a y ng lady of ipuch charm. with a undertaken at the request of the citi�ena of re a Sundi y in the Pr(sbVterian o�uroh, Rev. a with Mr. and Mrs. 14 of for No. 3 ext as j(urned to the council 'chamber, wh and although the movorneut in favor of the wi(e circle o [riendm, who all units, in C go ovor the b nquet was given Mr. Wbaley, iof S,�. Helens, will coxiduct Win. Stoneman.—Mi� a Gertie -Kaiser re- ryatal City. -Engineers will. Quiet At SO -a-, to women had a strong f011OWiDg,,particulirly —The bell boy a rned home Monday fromHarriston, w wishing to the oung people all haj�riness nd a w4iter at the A�lbiou the services !on Friday, and at. Mr. tu here groandab.d prepant' estimates. -midiak 11 n- and joy. among the get men and thoBe'of:more h.. tel, Stratford, weTe arrested the �ther Small of Auburn, on ..Sanday eveni .— she had spent several week,4--Mra., Wright —At the Church of England Sy�od, in *i youn ob advanced ideas, they were unable to c I arry i nght for stealing prqvisionE( from the dining Miss elIe Halikirk, of Bruse-els, paid th visiting her brother, Mr. RichardWright, Montreal, recently, while discussion In the ad at'.74c �eam oh a r om and kitchen of�he hotel. Theyl had affyirgvisit this week.—.Qaite a nu bar 'andherejeter, Mrs. Robert Carlisle.—Mr. Brussels. mission*orkof the church was go�ngont aro through, and th women will have to . be been. at it some ti a before being man and- chi Mr. t3a:muel Blake, K. C., 1; &rose id content for a while longer to 'be lookore-on, I �ouud from here attel nded the Toronto Exhi , ion and Mrs. P. C. Stone Id, of St. I�OTES, "An c Id and �all known resident ive Pexr,4w are �qj f an far as the church courts are conceIrne t last week, and relort it ahead of former Pauls, Minnesota, are visiting Mr. Stone- and announced that he would lots,ou tr** 0 'a brothers, William 6nd J. P�—Misa of Brussels passed away on Thnraday of last Mr. L. R. Bridgman, organist, of t a years. There' are B;lso a large nuniber at- Man $1,000 toward miseione in the iociase ef little is ofte:rl d P ce The movement, however, is gaining giound, Ithodiat church, Mitchell, has retirn d tenditg this week.—Rev. Mr. Rigsby, a Bessie Urquhart went to Toronto -0 Satur- week, in the parson of John Me"lum. Keewatin. The announcement w'se'.greeted 'Man as the last time it was broached in �,�Con_ ee a nd .—Mrs. VVm, Colwill Deceased, altho gh in his .84th year, had per ton for or fr in Toronto, where he spent several former Metfiodist ministef here, is attend- day last to visit frie with loud applause, and Bishop Loftus, of ference it was laughed down. It seems i a hospital, having undergone an I ope i ing t ae Gen ral blethodist Coriforence at visited friends in Exe �er thi3 Wecl_mim been bedfast lint a very short time.' For Keewatin, thanked Air. Blake on tho spot. c- only natural that the women, who are as a at ion for appendicitia. Mr Bridgm U . 8 Wiumpegat resent. —Miss Mat de � Gidley May Hagan returned f rom Tilbury on Satur- 801110 Years Past he bad made his home with rch w ould —The;� body of a woman, �aftekwarda 0_ rule, the most active in chu' isit.— his ion -in-law, Robert Henderson, at whose quite recovered. day.—MisiBelleSparlisishomeona v have a voice in its councile. is visi Ang rel ions in Toronto aid Londoi identifie(l as Mrs. 0. L. Whibb, wife ofO. L. at —Mr. W. W. Co�an, ouperiintendent of r. Thomas Ballant7no' visited Miss J. Charters was in Toronto during the place he died. Mrs. McCadlurw died some this week.— few months ago Decemed was a ahoemak. White,lighthouse,16eper, wasfoundon'the LONDO Y. There seems the 8 tratford Bridga� and Iron , WDrk�, his daughter, Mrs. Jerry Griev 3s, in Sea- Past week visiting fr.i5nds.—Mr. and MrE. shore, about amile from Parry Sound on every prospect of a luopative George Brown orre i Exe'ter-on Wedues- er by trade and conducted a shop in' BrU13- ile p ning a. small piece of wood Dn forth, i over u ay. r. elvill 3 Graham, W y to Monday morning. Mrs. White and her son, t trade being established between Canada and p aner i his works t6eiother day, had li�ias of Brucefield, w o recently rett rued from day.—We notice Toronto papers in 'Bela for a good many years. The f awral their account of the unroe Park attrac- took place on Saturday afternoon. —The I re- Jackson,'left Parry Sound n Saturday South Africa. In a letter to Sir William I ft hand caught6in some way and pArt,of British Coln bia, yvas visiting h4 sist— tions I tie gin a sailboat for the ligh�house, d W. t ken off. This is t�e, firat accident� '.N1 Mrs. James S me, the past week.—A I name of Mr. Norman Sheffer, now' mains of John McNei , 8, former resident of eveniv or MulockPostmae.ter-General, Sir Alfre' quar. of tba6t city, and but 7ecently of Hensall, Grey township, arrived here from Winni- and it issupposed s equall capsized; their he Hime, Prime Minister of Natal, says he be. C nhas;evephad,11 tette from the Methodist choir halp,6d their peg oE Monday afternootij, and were taken boat. No trace of the boy or the boat has export and 4 —The sniok6 tack at Beck's mill, e Methodist bre 5hren at Westfield! last Mon- appeirs as one of tb( three cycle whirl been found. ke 'lieves that there will be found there—is a 1 8 riders who gave a we(k's exhibition on Lhe to the:�me ier, Lauchlih Mo- Yet eommon, gv1 W vening at a lecture given in their n a t day a —Charles A. Percy, of is, $7.75 to -I ri Ile, �as d:moli�h6d, one -eveni I ear of rot Niagara he Cra ace wheel and who received favorable comment.— Neil, atbro�ok from Whose! pl ca for the follow. week by an, electric liolt. The stack a. good market in South Afri W�a church, and-Irselport having a good Urn Id 0 poundtL. V1 parativ, I the funeral w e n lVaesday afteirnon. New York, on Sunday afternoon. 8'. ale ing - Woollen and cott' ely new, but the lightning malted Mr. Norman Cook wa' in Torontb during on goods of all corn p rtions of it. C. Saakel, the �nginee�, the past. week, taking a the Exposition aid Deceased died in the Winnipeg hospital on fully navigated the turbulentrapide a to he kinds ; boota and shoes, light and Wednesday of last weeki from a severe at- Niagara river from the Cantilever bricid, feeding the furnace at the time and to- S . C.Clunilban. renewing acquaintances. — Mr. Bernard $5.75 to M n- furniture, doors, windows, frames. sashes i I tack of dysentary.—Our base ball team do- the whirlpool, in a boat of his own colls�ru 4hoice heife and joinery generally ; a . 0 ived severe shook, but soon, -recover§d. GRANBY R BBEi�. —The bes'u wearing Thomaon has also brien in the Qqpen cit, ion. The feat was less exciting thabi Was or CD gricultural imple- his brother David.—Mr. �nd Mr' feated!Blyth on Friday if last Week, by a t $1 to W115 Monte and machineryTof all k'nds, especially 0 —M.r,-*. W. Ballantyne, of Downiel, son. rubbers made. Every pair guaranteel. W. H. v1s1tln tf 9 to 5. Th that of Bowser, which was accomplished ed Ho '. Thomas Ballantyne, has Willie, sole agent for Seaforth. R. J. D. Cooke and Miss Sherrey have re. score Q a game was 1 pla- 7ed at beat fat Dov two ye plows, harrows, pi6ke, axes, spades and f ur weeks' trip to the Maritime provi ces. - CONFIRATATI )N. — i On no former, occaIsion turned from Goderiz,h wherel' they bad been Blytb. —Miss Eleanor E daughter of Mr. ar ago. Percy reached shore �sibout 3 to $4 nshovels. The natives use cheap plows in 20 minutes after he started, while 14-oweer le wil act as judge of dairy cattle a� the did.the St. Cc lumb% a church pres', nt such a spending a few weeks. --Mr.'Alfred.Carlisle and Mrs. Watson Ainla, John st.ree;, was export bdlle p?, large numbere. American spiders or bug- e was hurled about in the whirlpool for], :some U50 -to p ovingial expositions at 8!. John, New heaven -like Pipture of loveliness as that who is in the druggist busi BB at etroit: united. in marriage on Wednesday afternoon gies, two and four whpeled kee,, and cart Fanswick, and Halifax, Nova Saotiaj 'and rhich arrested the attention of 1,200 wor- Michigan, is home visiting.. is paren 0 nit to, M r. of this week to Mr. Hugh McInt,6sh, five hours- fresh COWA he and wagon tires ; buckets IT other W,'ood. a n Al I, R ale d other rela- Common on 0 - beef breeds at Charlottetown, Princ4 Ed- shippers here'ast Sunday. It was I red- a d r . chart Carl enware ; tinware, fencing wire, barbed and rd friends,—M as C ark, of Exeter, cowil. tit plaiii.; nails and other ironmongery Island. letter day foi St., IColumban. At eight tives and Common mining —About two or three o'clock one thorn. o'clock the vil rautt6ms of our 2, 000-poul3d was in the villag(- on Wean aday, renewing a machinery, e1eq-trical machinery and cables, vto oak, bell a a nd ii�lpowor purposes - c4nned Brodhagen, was completely destroyed by service. Tiid solemn dedication of the were in Clinton thiR w 3ek. —Mr. B. D. Bell, �heiferx :$31 both for light a it g last week the house of Mrs. John unounc(d th "first -communion" acquaintances. —Mr. and M - D. Urquhart fruits and meaWof all kinds ; whe -to ry on' fi e. It started in the wood8hed, b!ut the- school took p4ce at 9.15 a, in. The public of Lan�sborough, has, purchased the well Watch� th��';s S�pace and bran ; deals and Beantlings. by cluse is unknown. During the excitement examination of the confirmandi began at known three-year-old ire i a ion On Airs. Detwill6r, who was visiting he This is the way the Toron f r.oa,�.eter -9.45 and the f6llowitig girls and boys passed port" from T. J. Ber This horse has us o correspond. - r rej . ad for himself a gotill eputation around ed. $8 -to a a Holland, Mary Mc. gain light 4o.4 -prees SUMS upthe a of her legs. )ff, Liz4ie - Heneall. he price pidd was $1,2001 —Mr. to ant of the Buffalo E, re. Rock, f 11 down stairs and with honors Liz2i Cann, Cecelia Krau%k( Ma-tthews,- Mon's 5; he political situation in Ontario Xidd Brothers, of Listi)weli Frances Gi Young The' up. Messrs. vli , Mary Kale, M y Kraug- McPherson, secretary ot the to or�0.o., koff. Ague ry arlia- 0 shot of the last week's doings'at tho ipped 21 unusually fine horses t T a Stapleton, Laura lel Ma Christian Association, who filled Carmel ;g he a 8� 'is Leelp 1liere they are entered in variou ence Bollan 0 Klein, church pulpit during Itev. Mr. Henderson a r ose will I holidays, called,upon friends here on:Satur- d! to merit Build ug8 is that Premier R Evans, Flor 11 or Wee for exhibition at the: fair. Among , hem Julia Duchartne, Mary Elart, a�y Me- 6 S� �� hold on na of owo 9t n to the reig to �d a Insilers ere some splendid aiiecimenIa of ladiesi and Ivor, Mary Johnson, Anni J ql� ast, on his way to Godericb.—Miss atlemen's saddle horses and some fine Jordan, Agnes Morr:La, Mary n� M ga say that the word has gone forth td, that Jean Dick has just . graduated from the effect ; that the Premier during his stay rness horses. The, will'be shown a� To. Ovonoolly, Malie' Mitthews, a d ;all, Mack training school for nurses, at St. to *4 se dwa has received h I nto and afterwards taken to Boston and Katie Krauek(ff, Daniel Mstthewi E rd CathATines, and er, diploma. as abroad made a careful study of the difficu It -T ;Carlin, to $3.2 ew York for exhibition. Wingle, Thomis O'Reilly, homas Isb art of legislation, or, at least, of hold$ng on I —There died at bit home in Ribber�, on Joseph Stapleton, y, JOSEph turday, August 30 h Thomas MoOlock. OIC To= r ? with small majorities. HecaniO�back,quie�_ onnor, Fr nk O'Reill�, John 'Klein, Leadbury. I aged 63 years. ;or a short time before Frank Connol , Pat -ick an, Johri! Wall. lawn festival, in —Choicello Wo a t lof lyl went to- his office in the big 6rown lbail.d. Graph, John connection �m h a demise deceased was troubled -with old. Ned O'Conno Vincent We with'Bethel�l Methodist church, a; ing quietly, and haa'been quiet ever isince. 9 lun but the immisaiate Echart, Jerem ah Ryan, Peter Im ation of the gag thews, will be held at the reek ence of Mr. David per cwt. gn This quietness was 4f the 4 say i2othing b t a use of his death was paralysis. Dec)"ed Joseph Murpb , Joseph Fl�rmi anj si id Wil - Boyd, one and a'qaarte - miles east of Lead- L ,ROYD C)I* port bulle IS 9 saw wood ' kind, and Premier 1�cas has Zpj w a a very quiet, inoffensive Man, and liam. Ryan. uring the confirmatim ear. bury, on the a ning of Thursday, S6ptem- bualls o ve ne �V&Y,L Of industrionaly sawing, sawing ti�l he has do- k lily respected by -all who knew him. vice, Bishop cE London, Ivan as. bar l8bb. A number ol -clerical gentlemeni EXPOrt �06 an S, I voloped sufficient muscle to -Jackle the' chain coming to this country at -about 16 yea's of sisted by - F& here Northgraves, Fogarty and like'whis Mr. W. H, Kerr, of the i Brus- GARDNONBIA0 lEp SEAFOAT* t? "40 of of adverse possibilities. h picked He will hol4l, on, ai a, from the Ialqnd of Jersey, he settli id, in and the paator The 41 candidate� melemn- Bela Po t, will be present a djidelivor ad