HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1902-09-05, Page 8TJJ F- R W A. - C. &I 17 j7 Z 4 _1 0. rllituil Al i 4 Hu; iITIEI`�' t C, R R Will, I 11 -Ur t: N U ,z A. A. 2 an 7, A - R it 4 Z!, Z! 4 N I A i4 T, ­ f H F 2 �i 6 N E it if P-4 J-1- iT -rl 4 I ske MUM (Expog, DISTRICT MATTER NEW OWL I We carry- the largest stock of LABOR DAY.—Monday last. bei g Labor tetials and use the we ey to 1 �Uant: -day, and day, was observed as a public hoil� 6,111WIVES and RANGES ani�_s `eP ho:use 74 feeb. A lot of chickens ' all Insirien was suspended.: Thal big 't* traction for the day seemed to be jBayfield. were leo lost. There was an insurance of The Methodist church oboir had Oheir an - In the Odunty, aud if you need a nual picnic there, while a number Of privaue I �cotik- or lteatihg stove this Fall, �icnle, parties spent the d4y pleasaurfly at : �call and see our lines. We are the lake shore, The weather was perfect and made picnicing a real pleasure. A �,aqents for number took in the circus at Olin 011, some fite w, atever. Whether the building was oor 6 team, went to Woodstock with the loorts, Bneles Oelebrated while others went to different poi � a, until Xapp.V ThOULyht Rvnges. there were but few left so home. be rail- way traffic, however, was nott as he4vy as on 1, former years, many evidiiintally wsiting for �Over 116,000 now being used in the cheap fares in conne4tion witifthe To- the Dominion. Not a single ronto and London exhibitions. I buyer -of a 11appy Thought has Tnr, Sr-v.DAY-&RooL ExcuRsipN.—The ,ever regretted-hig choice. They annual union8unday school excursion to are prfect ba,kers and the sinall- Goderich was hold on Friday 11%st and est fuel coinsV41ners 'made. a most enjoyable outitig. The =rwas ,Ouir 06al and'Wood Furnaces give perfect.juatan ides�Uday for ating at he lake. A speoial!�tain left an 0. t satisfaction. here about nine o'olock� landing the five C�l ateu� athletes. Be �ides ein olaa� lead. - Ve hundred excursionists in the co ty town OHKBNJ%mp ) & SMILEyi about ten o'clock, and as the ret, tri train 67 did not leave until seven in the- evening, it SE, . &FORTH, gave every person an opportunity� to get pa , of Goderich the full bentfib of the lake breezis. Four Successora to S. Mullett & Co. rinks of the bowlers wen' ton the excursion Hardware, Stoves, Etc. and spent the day with the Godevith play - ,mme# and in oprinting. He was a mem- are. In the morning game . the Beaforth �"OMINIOIAVI BANK. players won. but in the afternoon were changed, the Goderich the tables holidays in ys in �nd players guest of her hun won, so that the hoxi6re were even all. tA I PITAL (PaIld Up), - $2,500,000 around. Kennod5 $2,500,000 A NARROW SiiAvE.—Two yo;ng men, BEAFORTH BRANCK H MeCrae and John Murray, of h�;d from Seaforth, �U8 Miss Rose Stu then. a narrow escape a sari acci- Main Street, Seaforth. dent, while wheeling into town or night, Workmen had been 'Monday repairing �A General Banking Business trans- gra Grieve's bridge, on the north ' el, road, si�ted. Farmers' Sale Note s. collected, and had neglected to place a lig I it on the 'd advances made on same at lowest barrier they had put up. The yo, ing an rAtes. did not see the barrier in the dark,i and ran iDrafts sold oh all points in Canada, into. it with somewhat serious con Jeque ces �e U�nited States and Euro -pe. to themselv es and their wheels got off with some bruises, but iUrray Me rae Me had ISAVINGIS DEPARTMENT.—Interest. a rib broken and his wrist spra' ad. The Al�owed on deposits of One Dollar and -same night, a man named Fulton, � ho was upwards. then wheeling, ran into the same ba�rier I and �R. S. HAYS, W. K. PEARCE, *as thrown on bin headi receiving a a a vie re Solicitor Manager. a�akiDg up. The township authorities � in Oeaforth. :�reet, erviceO[ at the hou4 and the g ve. A a be more careful in future in � thin , re - 6 :Jould ecD, or they will be having a beety bill of' F,11all Term opens September 2nd d mages to pay, ceived by the bereavod family, fro many musibal directrf A GE� ;TLE HINT.—A eontempora�y Tbi says h t h.—Several from herb at- �6 e editor cannot call at your inquire if there is any news. if FiLlIts . V u k n o* Killoran left Lhe of any hand it in. We he nev�s STRATFORD, ONTARIO. there is, hub no man can g er> all. 1i Just :A schcol that occupies front rank among 'anxious to mention your companyl.�'or visit - ors as to mention those of your 4eighbore, the be8t-busineas colleges on this continent. -bat probably your neigbbor, giveo'us more , Tliose desiring the beat in business educa- assistance in I a urink the facts. ',-Hand tion are inviced to write for our catalogue. your news ite s. We -want �the " Th�s �e W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. applies to TIXB ExPOSITOR &ISO. are -62 :lways please to receive local �ews. If I I Mrs. Somervilh, ny of our readers know of an gociden -a SEWING MACHINES. personal itern,; ak runaway or anyt4ing that of Mr. S. Dioks)n may be of general interest, if t ey would .' K. eares send it to us either personally or�by­-Toa�lq W. N.Y. WATSON, North Main,Street�, we would always be pleased to -eceive i�ll SEAFORTH. such. Write it, in your own wa . All -we 'the month@ of J we want is Ltbe particulars and.. facts, and, 'I have.on hand a large and well aesorted if neceveary, we, can easily put: i in read- atook of first class "a ing machines Ray- able slape ourselves. -1, Whi nont te or Good in Cabinet, Drop some prjzs has been keen, and !this $e9i the Head and covered mainee, prices ranging TRA-vE;LLr'.R,,;. —The following wi ite tick(t- from $25 upwards, also a few good second ad this week by W. Somerville' T. "I. h4ud ma&hines'which will be sold cheap for -uptovin agent . Oa the second harvesterb' caph. All machines fully guaranteea, and excursion t) Manitoba, on Mondi ky proper instructions given. free of charge. a last : Mrs. 1. nu Barrows nd 'Wm. Bar - D�ialer in needles, oil, sewing machine at- rows, Walton -, D. B. MoL Kip- t�rahments.and parts, Bioycleti and Cream pen ; Donald Rose, 'Leadbury William S�parators. General Fire and Life Insur- Hartry,Ansa Sparling, Q. E.� 1'rabb and a4ceagent. Risks affected on all kinds of James WilliE, Seaforth; Mrs.1 Thomas property at lowest rates. Houses for sale Gemmell and ion, Stanley. T their I a - and to rent. Office next door to Queen's apective schools, after the rri.daummer ecentt when holidays : M iss Campbell, to Windso.- -V;-Or_A_rVS4C:)W Mine Brett, to Huntsville : Miss Agnes . 1). NORTH MAIN ST., SEAFORTH. 1680 Rayn, to MiDand ; Frank Sille, Janies Ryan, MoKil lop, to Sandwieb.—Obhiar to bb bred and owned travellers is. Sharpe, - of the Babyl , On While playing Henderson's Photo line, to Desba rato, Algoma ; Wm., Muleaq, each group to be to San Fran(igoo ; Harvey Brownell, 10 Studio. Detroit ; Rev. ;R. E. Welsh and siat4r, , gon an I had �ir, to Li'verpool, En Mrb. John We �laud, by also offers a � second prize the White Star Line, from New York, Fri - Fail stock of Mouldings day ; Mrs. Clament King, to NeW York 'Fowler and Picture Frames. Mrs. Wm. and nephew, R4sa son went to Parkhead Fowler, to Enderlin. Worth Dakota ; Mts. 0 in- Murdoch Carr. pbell, jr., to Obicago. Photo Enlarging a Specialty. —The follo ing were ticketed on the a Toronto firm. harvesters' exaursion by Greig & Stewatt, P. HEINDERSON, Seaforth. 0. P. R. ageD bS : W. H. M-.Int0hb, Brn6e- McNab, jr., is laid field ; T. Weis6, E. L%timer Mr %nd Airs. '�o father2o here, S. Mullett and two children: a�ll Winni. ;Vvye Keep Iffoving. peg. A GOOD 6END OFF.—A number of tle being threatene with typho�,d more imme&ate friends of Mi, Wal6er cloth ooat with a real finder will greatly ol�l Baker entertained him at a farf_w�ell coin- tar oo it. The by leaviag the plimentary supper at Picili's hotel, �on .Our stock is underselling all competitors Thursday evening. At the appointed bo,iur in Watches, Clocks, Rings, Pins, Broo cheap about forty gentlemen surrounded the foo- I 011ains, and other articles of jewelry.-; Our t a board, an d partook of a �st such 'as rep% reputation for fine goods, low prices and th"Is hostlery is so justly famed foe,, Durijag honorable dealing,,does the business for us,- the evening a . very pleasant in6,ident 6.c- aztd we endeavor to live up to our name. curred. This was the presontatipu to Mr. We carry -a well-agsorted , stock, and every Baker of a very handsome gold hunting c se article is warranted as represented. watch, accort paraied by a , comolimeut ry Repait,ing a LapVialty with us. addreso, to w iieh. Mr. Baker mad;'e a fitti, g a and and feeling reply. A few hours wer6 v _V Counter -'s- Jewelry Establishment, pleasantly slenb in toast, song,;sentim t moved his and social converse, when all oepai SEAFORTH, feeling regret that they were so soon to p4rt P.. COUNTF,% h1snager with their friand, but consoled 4ith. t �e hope that in his new home and field of lal�or THE CANADIAN his sphere of iaefulness�will be enj ad a his prosperity increased. Mr. iBalarglef n' Rankof Commerce I Saturday for Durbam,'where he��takes position of firatteacher in the puWic school Sunday there. Mr. Baker has been�princ�,pal of t�6 CAPITAL(PAID UP) Egmondville ichool for a great mJany yea�a� ,11 -fight Million Dollars $8.000,000. and haft prov �d himself a most 'eompetonp and popular i istructor of the youb . g. H61 is Aest, $2,000,000. also an enthp iiastic patron and stipporter of 10 for Pf'our all manly apb Ip, and many of the athelet'i SEAFORTH BRANCH. clubs here w4e no", a little indebted '�o Mrh 'd ' - �A gene -41 Banking business tran- fo h' ki anp r is a advice, We have no dou I he -will be eo "ally successful in his prof, wacted, Farmers' Not*& d; I *counted, sion in Durh� m,' and we :mn aasurehim ti. at isnd 81pecia-1 attention glVerr to the of Sale Note&. be leaves beh nd him here a large circle I.of caliection SAV_INGS B-ANK.—Interest allow- friends who will always hear of his succiss with very great pleasure, and will wa W�h- ed on deposits ol'$.l 1 and upwards. Special facilities for transaction his career with �much friendly intorest. 1 of pres. business in the Klondike District. DEATIT OF1 OLEVER YOUXG MAN.—We Houey Orders, payable at any, bank,issued atthe following rates made mention last week of the' deathlip Under 810 .08 $20 to $30 12 Toronto, on ithe 16th of Augu t, o f IN I r. 810 to $20 .10 930 to $60 :14 James Gray. i Xr. Gray was'the eldestson, F. HOLMESTED, G. E. PARKES. Of Mr. John ray, of Toronto, , d grand- Solioltor. Manager, son of the late Mrs. Alex. Gray f th Mill 1624 if Road, Tucke.-smitb. He wa 0 s 21 years and Gerbard-Heint;nnan Piadoa at' Mueic Store, at Hendersm's Photo Stuliot, age, and was 6particularly brikhb and pron�-' F)LEASURE & PROFIT. "'IngYoungnaxi. The Toronto Naws says!: Die at Bayfield Mr. James-yray, the wall known stude4_ You C an combine pleasure and profit, by athlete passed away on Saturday 'mornhig, after a lingeriog illness of some iw'o diesling with George M.. Baldwin & Co-, dealers in Mason& Risch, Bell, Nordheimer, duration. lqr� yeo�riil Gray went to !�Califor 11'a I)ominion and Berlin pianos and Dominion two years a " the change v g6� to try the weater�. air, E Id 4 so beneficial: tha� in a i r &�id Bell, organs., tried and tested. Also the N'ew Williams, Now Home and Ideal saw- y the doctors Pronounced him entir' ly ree)v- from iog machines. Needles and parts always in ered tui�rculosia, but while �oeut rid ag his horse raii �Nvay We are always leased to give you a select with in a d rr ad him ten Miles. at a krioi g, , �t"l 0 pe a a concert on the Gram -o -phone while you are X Vciae affect violent a ad �his lui ga and oause 1, a relapse, lue, )a- havi.ing repairs clone or looking over our music. ' We sell Pianos, Organs, �, Gramo.- came steadily- �wnrse, and four onthe onthe 0 came home tp I die. Mr. Gray's,demise phones. Sewing Machines and Bicycles. at the early age of 24 �'years, will, be lame �d OUR GENERAL REPAIR SHOP by a very larg� circle of friends. He wa Is We repair any old thing, umbrellas, lawn. former stud ut at Wellesley $ehool a A Harbord Collegiate Institute. He spent !a Toowers, knives,. scieaors, bicycles. A call year at the z chool of Science, but forec A Solicited. We can please you and we guar- the study of mining and entered the aubee everything. ical -School. He completed hii: first it, M G. M. Baldwin, Be -&-forth. years there, �ad was a great favorite w th t students and professors. When be loot �ia * General Repair Shop. health and was advised to go to Califordia, be was presexitrod with an addrea'a au4 a John street, has returned home after spend. Girl wanted ia small amily L. i _A_ Ar tetials and use the we ey to 1 �Uant: 110 S ani�_s `eP ho:use 74 feeb. A lot of chickens ' year, or abouffive dollam less on an assess - were leo lost. There was an insurance of ment of $5,000. Mr. James Cumming was! $3,35 on the buildings and contents. How 12 re -appointed collector at a salary of $90 be t3 furnfiih the usual the re originated is a mystery. At and he will required 0 clock his neighbor, Mr. H. Warren, hap- amount of bond for $10, 300. Mr. Gutter- -idge for $500 as pened! to be up and saw no indication of the wes given a cbec* part fite w, atever. Whether the building was payment on the Sproab i bridge abutments but by the set o fire, or whether the grain heated it- �Ilill which are completed not paseed self, remain ( mystery. -Certain it is TIM HURON 1, ;XA Osn at an* time. Mr Snell has been particular- at Strong's hall, on Saturday, October 4th unfortunate ; in 9 tha ouee and con- at 110 o'clock, a. m. 00 roe of $140 in gold by t a unall and 1). T. Hepb0n in. visitigg her P�ir �ts in r) as dur.pg his y re eit col a dents, It w: Oshawa'. --Mi. � Harry Scott, so of D r. 10 a that Mr. Gray tol lk tirst oe i hmolbfg 800% left 0� Monday to. atte ad oodetook C�l ateu� athletes. Be �ides ein olaa� lead. - Ve college.—Mos Nettie Johnston, Littlejohn, Buffido, br6, are or in thet4university gym ati was andhire. Ja as �n visit to thei of uts, Mr. ph mpi.6n athlete of the univer ty fOr two Captain of the tepim 1 900. at present o a and M re. ill am Johnsto pa , of Goderich I "Pool ally excelled in hurdh and broad strestand other friends.—MrB. z Ken-. unips, iin putting the shot, t2row.i3g the I nedy, of L%poite, Penusylv an socom- an Is ,mme# and in oprinting. He was a mem- panied by h6r three children, a 't a pleas - r of. tha athletic board of the Uni'versity, ant two weo'ks' holidays in ys in S rth, the S at, A of the medical council. W hille � Iie was guest of her hun b Mrs. John Dorsey. It is A pupil at Wellesley be wae a memilber of 15 years sin�e lira. Kennod5 was I in Sea - oiz the first basketball team drgaa ad in the . forth last, when she was -- ti an known as 'city, under the ptaiiishi of Mr. Miss Rose Stu then. be, snd sh Her mat notes many friends here. 4-ohn Sooles. Itt was owing o excessive 9 changes since to h ter such a study at the hospitalluring v atiOn that abouts were pleased see r af tic he coutracted tuberculosis. he disease long absence. She returne r on, ITuesday "Who was not nuopected until he br a down in �k last accompanie I by her bus and,. had the championship ga as of the autumn of come here,' Ithe previous 8 turday.—Miss �1000. The funeral took pla�e fr6m his Grace MoFaulwent to Toron o on 8aturday residence to Mount Plesesnp oeme- for the week and holiday. Sae returned on ry, "Rev. W. G. Wallace, pastor o� Bloor Tuesday, accompanied by hei friend, Mrs. ?resby terian church, conduo ad the Ellison, who will make a Visi � in Oeaforth. :�reet, erviceO[ at the hou4 and the g ve. A a —Mise May Kemp left -�on Thur# day for 'large number of flqr4l offeTings w re re- Montreal, having acoeptqd �a position 38 ceived by the bereavod family, fro many musibal directrf an in a lsoiqs college; near h.—Several from herb at- �6 thatleity.—Mies Winnif4eo Killoran left Lhe A HANDSOME Plaziu.—The prize list@ for last Thursday for visit her sister, Toronkj� w Mrs. W. ere will rendergs;at.— the Seaforth fair,� on the 25th 1 an_d. :26th of Mr. and Mrs. R W. Twedd: e: and family a September, have been issued. 1 The� list 15 a went to Maple rove, near Grand Bond, on large one and should bring out 1 a big entry Saturdiy. to ab 6y the holid y - time with list. One of the-, handsomest.. riz*_4 offered from Mrs. Somervilh, of London. The fa,�nilies was, however, inadvertently omitted of Mr. S. Dioks)n and Mr. .' K. eares the regular list, that is tLe silver mAdal, of- returned from Bayfield, where they spent fered by the Canadian Bank of Commerce. 'the month@ of J aly and An at, 'on Tues. In past Y.ears the � competition for this hand - day.—Misi Killoran spent las6 weak at some prjzs has been keen, and !this $e9i the Maple Grove, with Mrs. Soinerville, of Lon - rivalry will be op�rited. The directors have don, who has a cottage vit that xetork — decided. to give the medal to th horse Miseen Nellie at A Bess Young went to To. breeders this year, and have offer - it for rontoonTuesdiyto visit with frieide.— the beat groOp of three horses—two. ear -old Harvey, the liti le sod of Mr. W. H. Willis, yearling and foal—in the heavvy raught, met with a pair ful accident i ecentt when general purpose and t6grioulturil classes, all on a visit to hit � grandparen a �in Isiels. to bb bred and owned by the a ' xhibitor, and While playing with some other children he I each group to be of the one, olaso. Mr. th ' wn out whiskoeh3o7lIr of a small w gon an I had Thomas, E. Hays also offers a � second prize dislocated.—Mr. furnace andall m ern conveniences and will be so'data very r6allDnable price. Intendihz pur- George atter- of $2 for the ladie i' hitching contea�b. son went to Parkhead on Tuesday 0 in- easy terrap. As u) 1prices and payments apply to G. wil spect lumber for a Toronto firm. --4r.1 John LOST. —On Sua� ay, August 2.4th, between McNab, jr., is laid up at his father2o here, Staffa and Du Un on; I he Centre Road: a la We brnwn being threatene with typho�,d A fever.—Miss cloth ooat with a real finder will greatly ol�l Russian lace co ge the owner tar oo it. The by leaviag the Solater is atten iing the mi�linery - 0 enina sime at J. CumjuinglE POSITOR Office, So-Jorth., stace, Dublin M. Pren� or &� ergasit. Tum Ex- in Toronto this week.�Walter M6. B rgess, Cornish, Of andbilggles shovild birlIng them The ceremony t ok pla3e, at 3 o'clock in the siodg 1812 -1 wife and ohildr3n Mitchell, and kew days this week with Boy wanted at �oaroyd & Col 0, �eaforth, spent Mrt. MoCrae.--Mr. a and . re. 0 man Ontario. M Will; has. moved his Reaves and family, of Sbr ily, of Sbr tford, *isited I OVE D. 110cLeod to all, and the the evening train, for the!ir parents in Seaforth on Sunday and MUBW store to Her Renderion will still dorson':j Photo b a hunrl in ii%me Studio. Mr. Id place. 1812.1 M0.111day.—Th'e, I Septeniber has Canadian Lumberman an excellent ortisit for Pf'our Solid Gold Lad �es' Watches. We have 1 old friend Mr. Ci' Manitoba, David MoNa t htj of. �Rapid me thein in stook. 10k tbam wor", 820. 14 heavy M1103% ft good welght. J1 c 124, 14k hen It sui ted with Ws6l- ier, $30. 14k able for bu ya'ess man of and a one Sesforth. piominent the portrait MoNaught is extra eDgraVed. pres. loo�s as natural as life. Mr. To , n & Case, of entation. $4i.60. Us Bulker, Jeweller, Seaii jally sold for orta. 6 to 160, John 1812-1 now a retail lumber merchanti in Rapid Call and see the Singe4 Sewl 9 i�nachines The good City remit Tuci7e h, and people of th the surr a ill Road, ubding neigh- and Gerbard-Heint;nnan Piadoa at' Mueic Store, at Hendersm's Photo Stuliot, Will MolAod'o Saeforth. borhood had tbeir annual pie Die at Bayfield return I ad to their home 1812-1 or.Labor Day. They turned out in large On sale Saturday Miosses' oil numbers and Bnjoyed' a, has most 'pleasant beeii improv V.ebbleboots s1zea �1-12-131- He 82 cents. W. H. Willis, tole 1'agent Shoes lar n Se0orth Gewleineo t 85, or �Or ou�ing.—Mr. Petez-D&ley ing his, already cogfortable - 'reiidence by I George A. Slater for LaOies and 1 of Parkhill, was here - 1812.1 having! a verandah create d. He has albo had NOTIC .—A large num er of ood, second it freebened up Edith Hannan, with a coat of of Berlin, is pa'iht-__4'Miss visiting Miss hand wood heaters will be Sol cheap for new goods at Chesney & Miley's ii 0 Har ske room ware and 1812.1 Jennie�l Wright. Mrs. M. Chesney, of Stove Store, Seaforth. . John street, has returned home after spend. Girl wanted ia small amily Days hot or I aR' they in be, ILpply to ing the summer in BAV field —&-iss Laura Mrs. M. C. Chesney,joha str t, Seaf rth. 1812xl Hall, of Now York, has , b en spending a. Apprentice to the dru busi ess 4anted. few dayewith b er sister, Mral J. A. Wilson. Appli at Feay'a drug store, So forth. things you are about XW 1812.1 —Miss Isabel atoon left cintMonday for MmN WAN-TEDi , ---wanted 15 work on cement -walks aud drain% In men to Seaforth, Waterlo6, where er in the' ublic p. she has a position!" teach- school. —Miss Rathwell has Highest wagoo paid.'; F. Gutteridge. ate. Soon our 0110eks 1812.1 accepted the position reoefitly held by:Mias Home grown Timothy seed and Delaney, of Wingh!am, formerly' of this oeed fall Kemp, a� organist of St. Thomas church.— wheat, full stock at'Hamilton & Kere�ake r-AR-51 SOLD.—Mr. i Senforth. Miss Alige Dan as spent Sun6ay with MrF. Housr!,s FOR SALE,—Two od dwelling Hugh Stepbenson.—Seventy.fiv,6 have been tiold ti ate in Seaforth for Toronto so houses on John stre6t, Seaforth, formlechemp_-Ap- the i sura of $5,600. The west.—Mrs. James -Murray, on Monday far. The number of visAors to the fai - this ply to Mr.a. J. S. Porter, Seaforth. Our fall importation& of faoliion.� 1805.8 le dr year promises to be unusually large.—Mr. goods are v6peelfly striving. We invite Butter 10 cents. G. t. King, Winghani. ion� op"ti 18114t And M r. C. Lave been spenc Duerr and children, who ing the past ouple of i 7eeks For, SmL.—That well known I r"staurant with Mr.. William returned to their McMichael, home in of Hullett, Cleveland, on RDd ice cremi parlo r, kDown as the Itoya Pale. Up-to-date in every respect. for limited Apply Cafe, for �pler, did chance optoe to F. -Thursday.—Mr. George ateon, ol the a man with meane. at Government pr�nting offices Ottawa, is n L. Willis, Proprietor, Seaforth. 1911-.2 town visiting h a parents. r. Jame# Me - GIRLS WANTED —wanted at I the Queeln's Qua�-de and his Ir. Mis, sister a M,arRaret, are Hotel, 8eaforth, dining room girl ani Mrs. Tbomm Stephens. kitchop girl. 1 U-2 visitioR friend in Toron and' Wood-' House for isale or to rent on Go rich bridge. as, follows : So ' hool section I No.� I—For gen- left bere"o'n' Mond -@treet. Also ronnig to let oier the store, A. G. Ault, Seaforth. A ly to 'A I 2-tf LAcRossE.—The Beavers scored a notable Ladies fine tailoring. We avo: secured victory on Monday, fast Woodetocc when they defeated the team, champions in their the services of MiesiPurecli, who has I perience in two of Torcuto's leading ad 4 good. ex- silorinK ebtab. district in the senior district of the C. L. lishmefite, to take charge of our ladic i' tEllorli de- A., by a score -o! 7 goals to 6, in' art exhibi- partnient. Mies Purcell ecines to recommended. Wo would advise lade@ is i ory 19 n h ly elhof tion game, play,,d in that city, The Wood - work- done to phoe lordere early and e icap 3f Ithe rush stock people an rather stuck7'on their team, and wapleasantneis of %,aiting too 10D;! fo� their and looked on t ie Beavers as, an easy thing, garmenti. W. Pickard & Co., Seatorl h. 1$12.1 but their vanitv got a seve'e jolt, on Mon' LocAr, Bumps.—Tvlrs. R. S. Rop'!ertb has day. The first Beavers scored eye-opener barne when the I the firat goal: in 30 seconds, purchased Mrs. Ryan's reside ce, near the before the ball had touche� a Woodstock cider mill'and has removed the a. Shp paid stick. From this out the me was a hot 911, $500 for it and 'has get a nicet Co foitable I one, the best exhibi r4on of I crosse seen on home, very chea p.— a Friday set Mr` Job, Govenlock, of McXill P, Shipp .. �en heavy �and - . the Woodstock end of the thL-d. i grounds this eason. At the qdWarter, 6odatook were draught mares a impor e -8;0611ion to- I one in the lead, but at this III: 6i6t the home Fort QqAppelle!whe by his son, who is tbeywi,l edis posed there. The marts are players *ant to pieces. The fact that what .of for breeding pu�poses and the� w�re an ex" they considered turning out to would be'Aw! easy thing be the toughiese proposition ceptionally fine lot. The stallion.1 was im. they have struck, was too �6uch for them, ported a few weeks ago Hensall, fr h by Mr.i . T. J. terry, ' it and the Beavers scored thr � joals-to their of OoNr., was;pu�lchased.— -B. one, winning he game.* )i� Woodstock The many fr(i'endws J. McLean, players took their defeat bad grace, county councillor, were please to:fmeclrt him d at the close I'very of he gao�e resorted to in town chis week. Mr. e an sal trea�,tment for the been 'of rowdyism that waqqa nythin �'but creditable undergoing a ovai a to them. The ban met t !a boys at the cancer from the! undtr lip, W ic4 is very train on their r turn, and pr erly welcomed severe and bao!redue'led him cou�jderably, but it is hoped �iO will be f uliy Ireec ' ' vered the conquerors rowdyism afte hoZ In thematch,1 ference to the he Woodstock- soon.—Mr. Thoinias per part of the 61d - Levy is h 3�1 s1v " n bi�` foundry bu i Id g 'P' fitted Sentinel. Review accorded the SeaforE j says 11! 'Jacr h6 . treatment a team at the up for a reside�ce. When 'the improve. . conclusion of the exhibl tinn ame yesterday, ments are completed it willi bO a I most pleaean6, comfo ' rtable and c6nm0dious by some of the Woodstock i�i was most 41risportemanlike, ayers and their place. Hd intends having the ldwer� part ympatbizers, and was excieed.nRly unfortunate in'view of fitted up for his�liverj stable, for �vhich it is the good' reputation the Woodstock team admirabl,F adapted.—Mra. George ortance. of McKiflop, -ha , 8 pur6hi �?o , i ventry'.s has bad during Reviw, the sesson.1 the The Sentinel - the house on Goderiefi street, at present i occu- by Mrs. Colin Cl3ethune, as well local team, deeply as maii'ag�ment !regrets of th� occurrence pied an4 will oc- cupy it shortly.' Her farm in Mol(illop was . which has tullied stock as � a sporting the fair townL me -of Wood- To outsiders recently dispose d of to Mr. William Bhbolz, of Tuckersmith,'. who has taken pooseablon,— there was no apparent conduct , towards prov' Cbe visi cation for such ore, who, while If any person' 1 wisbi.ng to travel would watch the authorized Grand T �unkiRailway occationally indulg�'ng in 1 ugh play, did, I advertisement in THE E XPOSITqR saCh week t nothing Elo meri against them. b such measur The commit a as were taken ee only regret they would often be saved dipappointment the injustice done Spai orth." and inconvenience. The raieO and other particulars in connection with sPecisl I ex- la�fiett- cursion days arealways announced in th� ad. vertiseme tits. —�M. re. D. Joh&t(ra I pent a'few OPPORTUNITI FS D -TT ST FOREVER. — days this weekVith friends Jr, -4terloo._ They come and go. A bargain is an Mr. Douglas Wilson was in tuwn. this week opportunity. , ou in'uet secure it. quickly, on his way to Winnipeg, having beentrang. or the chance ay, pass forever. Do you ferred to the bianch of the D(Imiqton; bank want any of tle warm wea�ther goods we in that city._�Miss Franci a Gro 6! t on have lef� ? If so,"you know ihe store,—The Tuesday for Toronto, where she i I take a E. McFaul Co.'s. S-aforth. we,.have on course in mu8io'.—Mi8s Gro 0 Berlin, is sale new Fall Dress Goods and SuitiDg visiting friends in town,—M 4d Mro. Cloths, includ:ng rhibetaine, Caahmeref.4, James Fisher, 'of Stratford, s mt'tho holi. Vicunaspil Serge , Satin Clot s Homespuns, days with Mrs., Alex Wilson Wilson Mr. A'ex. etc, 1912.1 won several prims matchesia Torontolast atj %lid -rifle tmr.� Will FULLER PARTICULARS.— he follo%,iog wee .. fuller pa�liculas have been received of the McLeod has moved his -music 181torp. -into part disastrous fire whi;;b destroyed the barns of of J. P. iffendersoln'a photo P�10-�Miss Mr. James Sue ' 1, on hlonda� night of last Black left last week for Wi nip6g, where week: At 1:31) a. m. M r nell woke up shewillvisither brotheraM_ qt�er friends. and noticed the tit s�emed nusual,ly lighr,, —The band go to Toronto � o4 Tuesday and was just about, to turn er and. go to next to furnis�j music at t a lindustrial sleep again, when h saw t a flames, and Fair.—Mr. Allan Bond, of To onk.6, spent a waking the fam i'y fie' hur'rie( out in, order to few days this week w ith frien -+_ - a. � A smash save what be� Mold . I The bp rn proper was a UP was narrowly averted in thr o�ation yard mass offlames, as if the fire� iad been burn - here on Friday" morning last, 4fter the ex- ing for some time, Apparen ly starting at cursion train hadi kone out the �r44eman; as the south end. In the stal )to was a two - ,he thought, fixed �he switch 0i He ap. year-old thoroughbrod bull, which had last patently did n6t nderstand a 1*1orking of been sold, but 1 ot *delivered ; this he was it for when th I r rain put out it waa not able to sav(, but 6 stallion and another open, and as a ro ult t o cars �,eiiai derailed. bull in the she p house be mpaged to save, Fortunately th train as -n t g4ing at a although the a Ilion three times made at- - of speed or the res high rate a i ight have In tempts t o get ok in. It �as with great been worse. As! it was nothiD U f ribet than difficulty thatthe driving shed, some dig- s delav of the tr in was the ou cc me. -Mrs. tance from the stable, was saved, as it was i John Weir left'o, oesday To rn g for To- s couple of tiTr )s on fire. the barn contain - toi where a ill be joine by her tornther ad the cro off p 10 acres of !fall wheat. 16 I and �Wgether they ill go to of barley, 33 o: oats*, 10 of pass, and 40 of Scotland, where Mro. Weir isit rela- bay, with 6 z umber of Gplements ; for- tives. Hat: manj friends her w 11 wish for tunately his! rei �per and -binder -had been left her a pleasant ttip.—Miss ilo i of Strat. out over niglit. The buildings burned com- ford, is the guest of Mrs. 0 a Xeil.—Mrs. priaed a barh 1 R5 feet long, stable 115 feet. Ar EPTEMBER �5* 1_002 Puring AU 8� S Iry Days SuMmOr Goods at Zero, PrIce.s. Values, and big ones at th alone1 poseem. the power to interest the D,"Iio :in these hot, sultry -times of August deyo. Neveith.eless, we will keep 1 up the interest. T he more you look for close pricts the better you got toknow true, Dry Goods' worth —:t a .,nearer y*u come to us. Just ndwltbere -i oust b& .clearance ofaummer, ode. iWah-gVe 11 6 the gooft—you ave libe mod' ey : Von need the goods, we uied * mo nZ ThsVs the whole th a �zuteh: T_ n- 2 STOJ 50 ft. I 1co ft..` we na our shelves of he.oea�onle M&. tetials and use the we ey to 1 �Uant: 110 S ani�_s `eP ho:use 74 feeb. A lot of chickens ' year, or abouffive dollam less on an assess - were leo lost. There was an insurance of ment of $5,000. Mr. James Cumming was! $3,35 on the buildings and contents. How 12 re -appointed collector at a salary of $90 be t3 furnfiih the usual the re originated is a mystery. At and he will required 0 clock his neighbor, Mr. H. Warren, hap- amount of bond for $10, 300. Mr. Gutter- -idge for $500 as pened! to be up and saw no indication of the wes given a cbec* part fite w, atever. Whether the building was payment on the Sproab i bridge abutments but by the set o fire, or whether the grain heated it- �Ilill which are completed not paseed self, remain ( mystery. -Certain it is engineer. Accounts were pas3ed amounting that Ur. Snell ha I no fire around the barn to $95.57. The ne b meeting will be held at an* time. Mr Snell has been particular- at Strong's hall, on Saturday, October 4th unfortunate ; in 9 tha ouee and con- at 110 o'clock, a. m. tents were burned down ; in -five years he butalsoin someother tbingi, tho 44, has I st five imported horses, worth $5,000, D hn. and d1iluring 12 years there were 11 deaths in . JOTTINGS. �ReV. ather Fojyart� has gone the house. He is one of the - most enter- to St. Marys to att ud the forty hours de- prisiog farmers in this section and a great votion.—Rev. Fathe Canning, of Toronto, de6l of sympathy is manifested for him. is a V'initor these do yval ab the presbytery.— Bein without st�bling, it may be necessary Miss McKenna went to Toronto on Wed - for lifni to fell off his ttock,' etc., but at nesday I"t'to assist at the ceremony of her present he is utidpoided aa to what he will_ sister's profession, 7ho.made bar final vows do. in Loretto abbey, on. August 28. —Mr. Fred Morjrow, of Allisto�, is Spending his holi- Vo stg6nce- days� at the residence of Dr. and Mrs. OnI sale Satu sy 30 pairs Misses' oil r I Micbell.—Mr. George Simons left on Mon- pebbl� button boots 11eill-1218-1-2. Regylar$1,85, for 82!lcents. W. H. illis, sole agent in Siaforth for Gentlemen. day or Clinton where he has - secufad a lue- rative position with the Grand Trunk Rail - .Georgb� A. Slater Sbo forLidiveaul 18124 Way. —Miss Vinucans spent Labor Day at NoTES.—Miall Charlotte Millson spent her bome in- Arthur.—Miss Durkin, who Sunday af�, Mr.' Allen'.11, Harlock.—W. has teen sp8nding bar holidays with Mine Hugill intends h virig an auction sale on McGrath, has returned to her home in Monday next' to �lear out his stock of'bug- .8trabford.—Miss McQuaid, who has been gies. � The'buggie� are all well made and up- speniing her holidays -in town, has returned. to -date and should bring a good pcioe.­The to Detroft.—Mr. George Kidd, of Iowa, was Brod'hagen boys are drawing thei� grain to a visitor in town last week,—Mr. Thomas market and exchanging it for greenbacks.— Piems went to Lon on last week o - n bUsi- George Stanley was visiting his father, nese,—,blies Colrinsi of Kinkora, was last Jaines Stanley, for a few days. George ie a wee] c the guest of lit r cousin, Miss - Kenney. resident' of Sault Ste. Maria, and is always —Miss McGrath is visiting frie ads in Lon - welcomed back to Kinbnrn. where he spent don. —Mr. Gormley took charge of the sep- hie yl�uthf ul days, —Some.of our citizens are arate school in the absence of Miss MoKen- enjoying themselves at thaToronto exhi- Da it. Toronto.—Mr; Thomas Mulligan is in bitioothis week.—Mies Kate McRorie is ParkbiA visiting frionds.—Mre. Cauning,of fast -egaininghe health andisnowableto Seaf )rtb, is visiting at the residence of Mr. eDjo�aplaasant rive iniheevening. Jamas0anning. istaffa. Porters' Hill. N6Tr,s.—Mr. G i orge Dalton, of Mitchells Bkw,,.� BuRNED.—.Che barns on the farm spent Sunday in t a vi llage.— Jeffrey Ham- of Mr. ilames MoDynald, -lot 27, coircession iltoo, of Seafortb, , is spending a few days in 5, oddrich tbwnsh�o, near this place, were the �illage, —Mrs, (Dr.) Hotham, of Kirk- des royed by fire bn Wednesday of last to�,�is visiting he father' in the village. - wee The barn �as filled with the crops Miss J�ssfe a distichurch choir entertained the bletho.. on Wednesday evening of of t is season �and t a whole was destroyed. Th fire five ic�olodk, m. last �week. I It bei ngber birthday, they pre- occurr6d about p. Mr. WDonald and all his family but two sented-her with a beautiful berry dieb. All daughters were awiy at another farm about W air; delighted with the pleasant evening a mile Oistant when the fire occurred. When t� 8 spent.—Mr. k. D. Hutchison spent first n0iced the whole building seemed to Sti�day in'Seafor h.—Several from herb at- �6 be an eloped, in f1l 6mes, so that nothing tended tbe� servic a in Friends" church, con d a saved, Foi �tunately there! were no Gowrie, on' Saudi y evening last.—A number, &Diz.6als and only a fe�v implements in the will I go this week to Toronto, to attend the building at th i a, time. it was, �owever, Exhlibition;,—Mro. Sellery, of Sesforth, is filled f orn flo [ or to' rafters with ay and visiting in StaffA. —Roy Hodgson, 'who has grain. It is supposed the fire origi4sted by �e 8 spending this summer with his brothers coffib a , pion among a lot of hay in anton, has k St Teturved to his home in :ponts�eous I toiled in the �, t o of a mow over which UGUST.—It is the month v�e wheat was pile Many of the zi�ighbors clean sweep of all odds, anq' ends, else were s6on to t a r a,lde. residence � and e ue and Mr. MaDon- 0 a stock ot hay pear the OTHS.—Mr. C riarles , Agia, of Saginaw, barn wBra sav6d by' hard work. Mr. Mzc- Michigan, who has been' vis'iting in Morris the past few Vleeks, returned on Monday of Donsl4 had an ins rance of $1,200 on his *will this week.' -It is long time since he was here' before.—A g)od many are not through -proper eidera y, but his loss 16 more tha� amount to con. - i this amount, althou h' 9 yet1with to t�e the havest'—Another excursion west took place on Monday of- this he wil has fee not be a mc , enoug on ch inconvenienced as he 310 Other farm to Put his I $took through' t a winter. TIM week.—Th a soun( of the thresher is heard �ver.—Misses 1. � - I ;j -------- F_ - all V ard Lizzie Michiet 8th line, spent bor * Day in, Hespeler. — H 3nsaH. Jo - urrie, the ell. known auctioneer, in J. G. S n u,ry, t. A.., Barrister, Solicitor, dea .—A good mi ny -are sowing wheat this Notary, Conveys" ar, J money to loan, Exeter, Ont weck.—James ' Do Mrs. Hall'bave gone to -At Hensall-every es ay. 1792 - the in west.—Miss . Kellington, 4th, line is dangerous ndition.�W. Michie ;as u er conveyancer G. J. 8 - an 'I. sall, bas had plac In is hands for mile a very cem- out�to Auburn t week, to see Mr. John fort&ble and well I ann�d brick dwelling in % good lacation, with nioe lawn, walks rind garden. Good Mills, many Who is aFgellouoly -ill.—A good are Itaking inthe Toronto show-- furnace andall m ern conveniences and will be so'data very r6allDnable price. Intendihz pur- Th pea crop is a poor one in ibis locality. chasers will be given'lull paiticularp. Also for asle or to rent frame stores ofi good central location, on Indeed it ooks a though some of the crop easy terrap. As u) 1prices and payments apply to G. wil be,,,'in ul om at show time.—Miss -J. Sutherland, qqn-leyancer, Heng, 3811-tf Pa ker, 6t , line, is ill.—There are some LocAL BRjtF§.—Sb. Paul's church, Hen. fin fieldebof buokwheat.—Com in doing mall, was the a��ne of a quiet, but happy we Some potato rot is spoken of. event on Monde, �, the let inst., when Miss d1"welling which they rece-nd purchsad, y V sma. I Bertha Hodgin s was unitbd in the bol - bonds of matrin any, tp Mr. A.' P. Smit $PEGIAL � NOTICE. — Those havin lorise .... u'tant in tl a Sovereign Bank at Exeter. tireo on their wagon andbilggles shovild birlIng them The ceremony t ok pla3e, at 3 o'clock in the siodg ani have the Property set. Every wheel afternoon in the presence of only the im- gusianteed. 1 florae r-eing a specialty. Nothing mediate relatives of the bride And grooin. I ut hand made shoes EP09, flart's'old sW I an steel corke us.d. Erness d, Vatna. 41812xI Rev. S. L. Smith; father of the groom, I NOTES.—, Rev. t Parkhill and Mrs. Miller are visit- gisses officiated, apsistpd �y Rev. W. J. Doherty, rector of St. Paul's church. , After the ing at .-Minnie and In& this we0k.---oThe Andrews, of Parkhill, who ceremony, the holy sacrament of the Lord's were visiting seq sintances ere . for two Supper was administered happy couple to t o to all, and the the evening train, for weeks, returned I 11 number ome on Saturday last.— ' from here left on. Galt, Toronto, ad other points, amid the Ite ( the harvastera' excursion for Manitoba many and hearty wishes of their friends. on Monday lasi. Among the number AThe bride appe re in a stylish travelling were Johin 'Sparrow, George Foster, Joseph suit of navy bl , d carried a bouquet of. W rd, W Reid, Harry Armstrong, and superb roses. U Mrs. Smith wil ta n their return, Mr. and a up their residence - in M. StayTer, of Brucefle'ld.—Mr. James binders going and four teams dr4wing in a. Ar strong' has rented his evaporator to the house owned by Mrs. Crocker, in Exeter, To , n & Case, of ' Clinton. i They are now where thay will be. �t. after September' 17.6. home to their Wends Both the contract. busy renovating Monday next, and it, and intend starting on will be prepared to buy a ing parties are, Fell known in this vicinity I large quan�tioy of apples suitable for drying. : and enter upon Itheir married life, followed by the good wio1hes of all who know them. — —Mr. Charles Johns I b e in. Chicago om and w ife left for their (in Thursday,�after a well Miss Bessie Urquharp was in Clinton on 4%r'nad holiday w thiriends here.—Mrs. R. Tuesday last.—Mies Smith returned last MdCool aiDd child.,en return I ad to their home week from attending and vi I siting be� the millinery openings sister in Hamilton.—Rev. in Drumbo'on W dnesday.T-Mrs. John Bar. her Oliver Uoleman� son � of Mr. Francis Cole - bo dir returned. to n[ o Thursday last.—Mr. home I in Gray county and Mrs. J. J. man, of tbl-.E Village, 11 who was here on a K�yes and' child, who have been visiting visit, returne& to the west the first of this relatives and friends here for the past two week.�Mr. Short of Parkhill, was here months, left for �heir home in Nashville, during -the past we k�'visiting his father -in - Teianessee�'on Thursday Reld "an last.—Mr. Samuel field )aw; Mr Andrew obne'ton.—Mr. and Mrs. Hunt were b 3 re Atly viiiting Mr. Hu Vs n erVat ban excellent stock tak6n fioni of corn. A this field measured 12 m othe?.—Miss� at Chap - man was in Lou - ',Visit fee 6 ino as. I. th:is year. This is pretty good corn for I don this week D:g her brotherh.—Miss Maggie Buchanan o'home from the west. Her many friendF_ re pleased to see her Newton, Ttickersqith-� a0in.—Mi. of Ingersoll, was here I . a recently visiting hi 'cousin, Miss Gilgan.— Days hot or I aR' they in be, da , ye cold,,days web, dry or 0 ou'll us in trim to Monday last abo Day, was observed here 7 "d ly as. a general olida .7Revda. Crossley and serve you exad to I -your merchandise Hunter pas a tb ough here on Saturday 'their needs. eyrebi inte ding g�od-bye to Summer in last on their wa t new field. of labor �Yha goods, an� resting i opreelven the in the nortb. Imet in with a number i things you are about XW require. to At present of their friends at t 4 station. and still r a - we can YOU Dpess G000s tor 111 SULP1,Vg the and Fall, serviceable stylish tain a lively interest in their, converts bore.—On Monday! last Mr. Joseph weaves in homes �uns, Borges, viounaB, vene- Bla , ney re2eived the. sad intelligence �bis ti,no satili clot�s. ate. Soon our 0110eks of the desth of only sister, Mrs. Willi be complete. Th6, E. �IoFaul Co-, Sea' Delaney, of Wingh!am, formerly' of this fo�tbj i I I i I 19121 . village. and at once left for that town.— r-AR-51 SOLD.—Mr. Alexander Gordon, of Mrs. W. R. Hodgins: left here -on Tuesday EgrnondvJ,le, has! gold hiii I farm on the 4th last for Manitoba. where she intends visit. concession L. R1 S.,,Tuc�ersmith, to Mr. ing her son William, and friends in the James Strong, foi the i sura of $5,600. The west.—Mrs. James -Murray, on Monday farm contains 1QQ acres and as'Mr. Strong last, accompanied i1er grand-ebildren, who he i s had it, renteo 1 for, two years, he has, no had been here on a visit, to their home in doubt, got good value for his th Mr. Wingbam.—Mr. A. McKenzie's daughters don thinks of going t' thd Tyrt-hwest t I �om ingh retntned this wee am, where had been pring. they visiting relati ves. —Miss COW.Nom. —Council met at Daly's hall, Olive Wright, who was spending a few days E�moudvi�lle, on Saturday,, August 30�b,.all with the Missew Ballentine, has returned to the, members war present.. The rates were Exeter.—Mr. J. 0 "lausen left here Ahe struck as follows : For, county purposes,$2,. first of this week U Manitoba, taking ad - 11,5.55, requiring a rate of. 1.1 mills on the vantage of the chaip excursion. rates to dollar. For general township purposes the combine business'wi t.� a visit to friends in the - 'Bum Of $4,323 51, requiring rate of � 2.2 weet.—A pleasant piicnic, in connection with In ilia on the dollar. For public school pur. Carmel ehur.oh, we eld at Grand Ben , on poses as required by section 70 of the pub. Tuesday last.—Qu te &number fromli-en. lic schools act, 8�,671.67, requiring a rate of mall'and vicinity a anded the circus held at .8 3 mills on the dpllar. The various amounts Clinton, on, Mond r laab.--Mr. and Mrs, as ad for by the boards Pf'school trustees is Walsh, scoompanie by their little nephew, as, follows : So ' hool section I No.� I—For gen- left bere"o'n' Mond Ilast for British Colum- er il purposes, $ .14, requiring a rate of bis�, where they.ba 'alnumber or relatives, .3 mills on'the do lar , schOol section No. Is and may remain t a, if vleamed with that 10 7 paying debe�,nt are No. 0 $220.56, requir. part of the country.—Miss Eliza Bell, of . ing a rate of 'No. 1.2 mills, on the dollar. the London Road, his returned home, after Sc hoot section 2, the sum of $328.57, spending a couple of, weeks very pleasantly requiring a rate of 1.5 mills on the Aollar. with her aunt, Mrs 'Bishop, of the Thames Sc hool section No. 3. the sum of $27COI, re- Road.—Miss Rolli !o, of Exeter, was . in the qi iring a rate ol 1. 1 mills on the dollar.. village during the iit week, visiting Miss behool section No. 4, none ' required. School ie. Mr. Ethel Clim rank Marshall was in @a 3tion Nd. 5, 82)0.4-9, ' requiring a rate of Clinton Monday I �,—Mrs, J. P. Wells, of 1.4 mills th d)llar. leeld. School section No. London, who was re spending a Week or 7. none r; a i r School section No. 8$ so with her husban eturned W the city V 49.42, requiring, a rat;.of 2.6 mills on the on Monday Imt — Js@ Ltwinx Cook dollar. School a set,.. .9. $361.35, re- in in Toronto Ibis Weak, attending q�iring a tate. of 1.8 mill# on the dollar. the exhibition sul Vi9itiog Wendt.— Sqhool section 0. 10, $104.02,' requiring a I Miss Jessie Bell, yoll gest daughter of Mr. I rate of .7 mills n the dollar. Union No.l. James Bell, who let, -ned both typewriting mlfoKillop,� P, requiring a rate of .07" and book-keeping a I London,'haa gone to mills an the dollar. Senforth separate Toronto to take a , )oeltion as � twriter. school, $131.210 �equtriag a rate of 2 mills She joins bar sister. 1 fellie there, in an- 0 the dollar. ITuckernmith ratepayers will gaged in book-keeping.—Mrs. F. Rae re - pleased to lerra 'that their taxes will be turned home this wqek from amonth's visit ut 1 mill on the dollar lower than I&A with relations and fi1"andR__Miftn PhalAn- nf EPTEMBER �5* 1_002 Puring AU 8� S Iry Days SuMmOr Goods at Zero, PrIce.s. Values, and big ones at th alone1 poseem. the power to interest the D,"Iio :in these hot, sultry -times of August deyo. Neveith.eless, we will keep 1 up the interest. T he more you look for close pricts the better you got toknow true, Dry Goods' worth —:t a .,nearer y*u come to us. Just ndwltbere -i oust b& .clearance ofaummer, ode. iWah-gVe 11 6 the gooft—you ave libe mod' ey : Von need the goods, we uied * mo nZ ThsVs the whole th a �zuteh: T_ n- 2 STOJ 50 ft. I 1co ft..` we na our shelves of he.oea�onle M&. tetials and use the we ey to 1 �Uant: 'Paying cash for large of mev. rZe chandise zoon to air a things, we have now must O*a 'Out! at oneei, so present prices will h Ip bot you and us to equalize our the hint GNP Meet, rapidly. pro -pot �e DUCK SKIRTS 1 moat* pe PIQUE SKIRTS Extraordmary Chs ces 8-d=_ __T J latter, is tho p) mer -Shirt Wai ts, ttb, Yon are very fortunate to have the Do you need :8 fresh, Pret Shh't Waist so ou'r White has the pref erince --thin 4"8402 and we have many -hoice nee the oppi _yet. Prices on� all Shirt Waiste, wre ex -eq. istrafion�. tionally low—low, oot only i a Vaist-I, "Pro-Vit-ag., butalsoin someother tbingi, tho 44, t1he lateii you may be jast as nqedful. I inw- fashion, at the most economical tion these few HOSIERY and (4LOVES require - PARASOLS and 1OUTINd, HAT'& CORSETS and VESTS RIBBONS and HA DKE�ORm TIES and COLLA: MUSLIN UNDER!WEAB LINEN 8KIRTS DUCK SKIRTS 1 PIQUE SKIRTS And no Oil. Yon are very fortunate to have the oppa tunity ot each -good eboosing as we of. fer you. An opport4nity for se -things to aid you dreosing in t1he lateii fashion, at the most economical coet. and at just the time i ?ben you require - the things the most. WhiU Dress Stuffs. Daring the summer me he.. hits drAGES1 goods alwayt hold f with the'. dressy ones ; their airy do; of white­ neso imparit to gowns a d I a of simple - girlishness, most be 30m, g and be- witching. I Thenagaii i, th.. se goods can, be pu ia: a was e.z i a an ironed or ; done up I gaw to look like� new. You' find here THE DAINTIEST ORGA�WIES THE PRETTIEST THE SUBSTANTI&L ITIES THE SBRVICEA]BBPE UES GOOD PLAIN MUSLINS' FANCY STRIFTEb-MUSLI1,0. The Satisfacto:U ome ic De;& partment. ar deparmentt:of " don�estice in such t4 -the hoine that requiris th ood", Tn-ht 'stock is fully prepar�d to pil - PIK uee!]* in every reened. V agoods sa bubbling over wh� freak new, thus, ,offering bright summOr anq astions. the price@ being remark4le for their httls�- mess. Small profi and ck sales on all BLEACHED C UNBLEACHEDCOTTOIjS BLEACHED SHXE UNBLEACHEQ SHFXTINGS- LINE, X TABLINOS GOOD - TICKING$ LINEN TOWELUN<;S, Etc., Eto.,.Eto. UGUST.—It is the month v�e make clean sweep of all odds, anq' ends, else much that is not odds, and riiuch that is not ends. zirl�utter sn'd eggs taken is cash . or goods, and highest marketpFlues -allow- ed for same. TIM I le FA J �'U'L J Dry Good s (y -,4th's Greatest Cash Dry Goods )33t Orre. k f. tratford, is visiting the bfiso4 Mur&& and other friends, who are pleseed to a&, 'in I er the village Again.—Mr. drew -Wolr- i a i;a Oil Sprijogs, visiting relationa an& frie�nds.—Miss Ella McPherson �Vaa in zvi, a ter on Saturday last, epending a davor zo-1 with her siater, M-,rs. J. T. rien.--- 0 , f S P =Ir o aulls'ehureb, acco apanied by' me friends, spent a Veiry Vole taut day"o- outing at Grand Bend onSatwrdaylseb.- 11 liss Gibson, of Brucefiald, was ft the villarp, t aii week. ' visiting Miss Harvey�— Rev. J. S. and Mrs. Hendere6n retained 'Bed home last week from a month's �vaeat!611.- 31 iss Aisthorp, of St. Mi�rys, is visiting her mister, Mrs. R. Beck.—Mr. an- Mrs. Alex. ohnston, of St. Louis, Michigan, have �a r . il ved here, and are moving i o the 11W6' d1"welling which they rece-nd purchsad, y ota � Mr. William -Moor.e.—M William �If oo're has moved into Mr. Jacabi!s- d welling, on the corner 'lof Nolsojw • id Oxford streeta. —Oar pabli�seboolsrt- • ienedon Tuesday last. Ilion TnnieUar- rZy;has�,een engagedtotake t plaoe Of MiseLiTouzel,who isattendirgthe Nor - &l. —Alf as Bessie KemVinvm"t[nig friends 3 1' Michigan. —Miss Hicks, of lAi Mrs. Hbrneston.—Min idon, is fbe- X*ud Hit - eot of g no, of Winghs'n, spent part . this week v siting Mrs. Robert Higgins. —Mrs.. D, McLeod left here thiiv week tio viRit friieind# it Toronto.—Mr. William Weber left ken I*ebweekfor Manitoba, where -h -lissre'- 4v6s.—Miss Gertrude Tilley., A` Mitchell, was in the village during the pai t weekre- D�Wing acquaintances, —Mr. and Mrs. 0. A- MoDonell and children returntd home thle fro m Forest, whoa they had* beso V iting Mrs. 31 cDonell' parents �—Mr. 8. is was in the villag this wo iek looking a and hearty after ta�ing off �hs harvest y d from 600 scres, anti was _�Mong the, two -v�ry first to get through. He' had binders going and four teams dr4wing in a. jr�od deal of the time. I