HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1902-09-05, Page 4.31
4 1
t I-J
48�'I*o ftare between the parentheses after each
one, iotes the t tb er on which the
hilveLeTementwIlMouind " "
Over��UGrelg & Stewart -1
Farx4 For Weo--Thornas AAkinvan-4
FAta y Helfer -M. Sheai--5
Lost, �-U. Preadergas"
B%l Viinted-Learoyd & C"
9: oftThankaJ. MeDonald-6
Toro Alo Wr--W. gomarvllle-w-5
Sept mber Sale-L-Broadfico-& Box -4
iyard-maAa Slioea-% Willisit San -4
Fall non & 03�5
i Leod-8
LFA Mobs". Bulger -8
Spe otioei Ropa-9
Sale --4-W. H. Willi"
0 smiley -8
Girl -Mrs. Cbesnoy-8
App WautW-T. V Fear--$
JK ted -l".. Quiterift"
T Ti
tin Seed-Ramilton & Keralake-S
Teac. e Wanted -T. Townsend -5
Notlba-4ohn C. Morrison -6
Houie 'Xo Let --4. G. Aul"
SEAFORTH, FRIDAY, Sept., 5th, 1902
"Elie Atamtcoba kiarvest.
.T�ere is little change to note during the
M I-
_pas� week in the harvest situation in an'
in which many are so deeply inter-
esteId, Fullylialf thecrop in the principal
whoat; growing dristricts of Manitoba and
the Olierritories has been out, some of it has
been' stacked and some threshed. The
weather thus"'Lar has been extremely favor.
able.. There has been no frost and no rain
to do, !`arm. The only draw back has been
the, acaroity of laborers,the supply from,the
Ea,si bEing several thoua%nds less than. last
yea�. - � !fhere is no doubt but this is the re-
cor&ciiopof the West. The yield �je excep.
tion*jly large, and the quality of the grai a
un, - mptional. The only thing that can
now clause disappointment or impair the
brighi prospects, is a continuance' of wet
weajher, such as was experienoed last year,
and Ithat is scarcely probable.
i� i U
greatest show, the Toronto In.
rial, is in full swing this week. It was
a�lyopened on.Monday by LordDuu.
L I i
Id, the new commander of the Canadian
Tne show id said to be better "d
4,1 :0,
� ,
in ere
t sting this year than ever be ore.
- f
"t - PUP-
��,j a
�ttendance of visitors was larger this
during the corresponding week
9 aL
last 'ye�ar, while the exhibits are fully up to
,iT -
'he ark. The acoommo,dation is better
this ybar thau ever before, as severAl new
14 E
builoings bave-been added, while the i 3pecial
�U! )5-PlilF
attraottions are of a now order. The show
will �!bi4 continued next week and will close
I f, A; ijI
�Ab-_ A"
W 4 �g
witli �;the -week. Following the Toronto
ehbvi� 'Comes the Western Fair at London,
for w&hicb the moat extensive preparations
fire lio4ng de and which also promises to
be b tter than ever before.
hange 1 and Such a Change'!
It !is not so vary long ago since the Con -
ve party of this country claimed al-
�i �At
=,a monopo ly of Canadian loyalty to the
W4 crown and all that is British, wbi le
the t
Ijberals were stigmatised as dialoyal
perff�na, who preferred and worked for an -
'on with the 'neighboring Republic
r athc t than for extended and more intimate
rel at, One, with the Moilier country. What
meas.4re of truth there was in these conten-
tio and. allegations it is not now our pur-
pose �o' discuss ; suffi-e it to point out the
4, 1
then' xi3ting state of case. What we
now desire to emphasizat is the great change
whiefil has taken, place. Never in the histor y
of this country has Canada, her people, in-
tereso and capabilities ocatipied.so great a
share' p f public attention in the old countr y
as th' do now. This change, also,has -�aken
Plaoft'gince 0e accession of the Liberal
party,,, to power in Canada. Previous to
that, Canada, her people and I her prodnets
were 'ttle known in the b4d. country. and
attr4�ed at moot only a languid iateres t.
NOW01 iall this is changed. An intimaev
such was not thought possible a few
yearif ago has sprung up besween the leading
politicians and b-abineas men of the two
coua�ries, while our vroducts of all, kinds
occupy a prominent position in the markets
of th�'old world. Not only that, but our
welfare occupies an important place in the
cons�deration of the British peop16. They
have' within the past few years obtained a
morq accurate knowledge of, Canada an d
her eapole than they ever had before, and
wittliat knowledge the desire- for more
Seely�g toL be, growing. In fact the desire for
this Wormation is almost
i insatiable.
)w,'what is it that has produced this
grea t change in so short a time, '-'and.'L', that
has lmduced this thirst for kaowledg-e' con-
cer�liug this country ? In the first place we
must give credit to the tariff preference
which wag given to British goods coming
into this country ; in the second place was
the�Diamoiid. Jubilee ceremonies in which
our�pq ular Premier tc�ak so prominent a
i p
part, �aud when he so distinguished himself.
Fol i �owing on this the Canadian contingents
were neat to Sauth Afdca, where -:our men
so, signally distinguighad*'tbernselvea, and
bro'ug I 4t oredit to themselves and renown to
the cpantry. Scarcely had the South Afri-
caril: war closed when the coronation of the
Kiqg and the accompanying ceremonies
ca e on, and 0:knada, of course, was largely
-A:d, fittingly represented there. Added to
these events must be men ionei the splen-
did work being done �y the Canadian High
Coniiinissioner and-` ur emigration agents,
motd! particularly Mr. W. T. R. Pre'aton,
amon' whose other achievements was the
Ca4ad ian arch erected in London for the
coronation ceremonies. This arch was
comoosed mostly of Canadian products ar-
ranged� in the most artistic and attra'ative
fiarml 8,�andwhlchhaa elicited more atten-
tion jan ol. created, greater' interest in England
than any other oinge device or attainment. i
It viFM la continual 'Wonder and:center of in-
terest 4o thouaandaj yes.:hundreds of thins-
anda. of people. In fact so interested were
the people in this work of. Canadian art,
,that at times as many as 500 policemen
were required to keep the atreets.'folear in
its neiihborhood. The increased'jinterest,
therefore, which has been created in the
Old country in Canada and. her :affairs, is
due to these agencies which we have men-
tioned and to others which space will not
permit.a reference -to. This stimulated
interest has resulted in the investment of
large suing of British spital in �his co�ntry, i Oiprocity trest� witht'hi country an he an4 pop�lar n� the' county,. left f6 r ani- the never will be defeated. I Of A the y SEA, FO TH'S LEADIN H GI S: OE S
thus encouraging enterprise in �manv 1diree- g in that, direction with a I ttle on. toha about 20 years ago. Previous to this, rough and tumble matches. tb4jt'hays-- been
gemaht from t1j ide- lid j'O w be �ad kept the Al ion ho I at Stratford played in thin vicinity that game ea ily A FTAG
tions and adding to the wealth, and Pros- tl lul I a
'a 8 won
'tapidly, If Sir Wilft �d ould g� the ra- and also the hotel a Xasta rvilk. i taken the cake. Right on the start two of parity of the 3ountry. It ban alsa popular.
-V.eport reAcb�
4fican duties 1 our %g�cilultural pro- t ots Mr. Joseph iddleho tz, (if Hessen, our players. Rae and Brioker, were kicked -6ur NandMade wSh-bes
ized our products with thi cons�umera !they es Pemoved, or ir aterial y towered bid jo ald met with a painf
ul ocident last *eek. He almost. to pieces. They hcbbled! through the
wabupairing a
and given us a better and surer market. for 'ot need to trouble hi h about a mq r ket binder when his I a r to game but wore unable to do an$thing in the U,--ar that F -IR
gny where e% i ; the r sitolfulld take all we caught in the drive ahain, taking - t, io ihir shape of play and were taken to bed as soon �bove tho U�
our products, and it has for ever killed any a
.0 Farm Wear. c0ouldend then jingbi m and Imper am flntr clean off near the first'joint. as the game ended and even t4e following For
*tion o I he b ow, and Sir il. r. Ra S. Peltcn, late editor of the morning were unable to rise frokn their beds V4
smouldering embers of annex earn to be popilar jdab
States which ma� have exiate& here, To ;rid seemh diapmed td�p rider just a Atwood Bee, was tcnder�d a compli enttLry without help. Brute force will often out- this popular o dzq. Spntim�ent supper by the oitize a of that vilage re- play scienep and this was -Goderich?- I
hese and other agencies, direoti ano� indi- �oit -to. j .1 -1 - - 9-+++++++
the 6 fie on Mon.
t y Oil, tight alto P%Qe,bu� I won t y cent y on 6 event of is ep arl ure for day. Bersolit and DoeriAg, of Mildmay
rectly, is due the commerdial prosperity and coun'trie
Paris, where he assumes control (if the Re- were especially notorious I ur heir rough, Wet weather w ill soon: be. here, an d e !very farmer will require soxnething
material growth we have been linjoying :and
difty work and should have be' n ruled out on
amareview. good �n the footwear line Io keep the feet dry, and at the
still enjoying in this c Mr. J. Plerpc in d�gtn, the great A 'er- C ment 9empany, of Dur- of the game. The onlookers wire f rEquen t- not �one boi
onatr'y. also
I give Oatisfactor wear. Our own make o' of shoes will fill; in
,41nows 'What changes for the batter an be can pleutocrat bag a�v?ice in the co ifol hat!011, have dedided o purchase Mr. A. H. ly treated to the eight of Mild nay players
Khg's property i South Eastb 1pe, on kicking our light weight boys �,ben the ball every� respect, d for theEe reasons They are made by wrought by a progressive an'di erlighU-ned of nver $6,448,00,000.1 This irmense1qap. exP113liel Iced
w sch there is a deposit of clay sui �iible for was not near them at all. B, a, i MiIdmay is the bet bxands o
h7 workbnaen'; the are ma&from f leather obtaivable
policy on the part of.the Goveryinitt and ital is divided as follQ 1: Atlantic SViP'8, mi*ing with marl ia the manofacture of not always go brave, as! w( remember e fA tb e first day you wear, them; they are guaranteed W, tter-
�While it is they t th
Ompany, 817%000,000; railroad 83,@38,;' cement.
parliannen'tof the country. about a month ago, when ined up in
t proofj and will, not harden; they willj�l outwear two pairs of �rdi iary
quite true, as is often said,, thei TOO,000 ; indu i trial a d manufaett ring (ion- -t-While working at E. Stoll's �16 - house, Walkerton, and seeing ". ulisual heavy
t a dqvarE- n
in LiistoWel, the so iffold gave avi ay 'and team they left the grounds, refusing toplay. factory, mad� S�,[.Oelq, and are, lbherefore� cheaper in the end. Out p ices ment can not make good times and is � not cerns, $2,12%250,000 ; lbanks, $187, 000,0 1
Meiners. E. Stoll and John at 39 . were, -Mrs. McLennan and daugliber, Ella, re- me'a' last season, and are aa�fLoj;16wo
are the sa responsible for bad times, yet - �t iq equally 'misoallanedus i nterprisel, such as ne
ur4nce thr",own tc, the ground, a distance of 14 feet. turned to London on Tuesday, 13aving spent
ompAnieo, , ete. $980 700,000. He is di -
true that. a Government can i1o, 'much-! -to Stoll got a bad out over the eye t and Bates a few -days with the former a sia ter, Mrs. R. anadian, ki�, $3.00 �'pair; English kip, 83.00 a pair French kip, 3 �'5 a
ectly-intereat d in I kailway�, 13 mqnu. reo�ived a badly sprained ankle �ad a nasty Black. -Howard, E. Snell, of Toronto calf, $3. 0 a pair. All. sizes of I the Oanadia kip -at S .06, stimulate tr�de and in this ay i4rove acturing instal ishme a,�includiag the Steel pair
cup on the right knee. Juietion, was the guest of Jobia and Mrs.
the facilities of the country and thlil, con- rust ; 13 ban :a and i insurance and E uch Mr carryin s6ck And can fit you,hile you wa�it. -80 yera of al
Davi Kennedy, sr., concession' 3, Sanderson., for a few days. -Two loads of
dition of the ike preee)jt, compante If Mor w
,people. or tfie revers�. So :)�vnie, celebrated his Slat, birthday on young peop!e from here attendi d the games
that, let carpers say what -th(y wi Wouder S ould you refer it, 'Oe will take your orde"r and make you jjist :hopies:of his
ail he would 6ke a big am and is ati I hale and 6eat ty. He in Mildinay on Labor Day. P
f he is a good aiter an sleeper. Be she ild, is 4 native of the co nty of TyrDnne, want and whe you want it. -its UnWJal hp
present -Liberal G07ernment- an ro 0 0
0 ever, be &I a to a �Dar clear of the 1))or- lan�� aud nettled on the farm whare he now of zour
robbed of their share of the o��dit for the ae. Tweni year i hence, however he res�des 58 years ago, He had 8; hildren, Luml �ill not likely a any 6 t -D-d
present expimsion of the -country,' the pros- icher than mere of all ipf whom are livii ig but one. NoTEs.-Mr. Fred. Ellerington left here t the ha ,
at, one of the pioneers of Tuesday morning for the Norphweet.. AS.& SON, Se �They -were In
perity WeLnOW oommon humii� ity -,John Gilchr! We
enjoy and the more anii- R.' W I LL a.
5 lk � Mr.- in the rear.
Elfha townohi�, died on Auivus6 wish him prosperity. -Miss Kate Ellering-
able relations existing within this'em ire, Agricalture a the all importatku indU try, Gillirist, was a native of IrWhina a fifty ton has gone this week to the i oronto fair. TADY., Rp�eUZ a X
That the intereab which hap thus lt - While awiiy she will also visiV. relatives in his son Arthur. are spenIi ling a. few days this Week. -Mr. Frank Anderson and Mi
In Ontario, w th manufactures c ocupying L�led on the 10th Oc n asion of
ye ra ago ee
gendered is not on the El he east and her sister, at'tbe rielph saui- at Bright and Rockwood. -The Blla I Anderson are visiting rel iv t *)a we�-
wane, bat is r pidly' 0 econd plac a, where he cleared for hioiiell a fine t e, I eirce we are apt to coonect sttokoto:the greati west during' the Bayf eld.�-Mr. W. Mosier left this. fo -Stawart.-and
I v, I
31, and on which he continuec" to reside 4 r
are Jbe mining ind, atry with far distant ova . MATRIMONIAL. -The bride r ientioned in week were M . Humphrey Daymain, Mr. a cot ple of weeke holidays, Int
growing, is manifested, by events which far tarium. la;e
until i. few years ag:), when; he � redred to int di Z to the sigh1ps _:AU daily transpiring. Fo_ the following sketch in -a daujhter of Mr, Joseph Daym n and Joseph - Butt.- taka in Toronto, Oakvillo, Hwmni as Ban,
r example, therl i4 in yqcotia or Brii4sh Colombia. But I
On6rio Ne:wrytoeDjOYawL.11eaynadren% Afam- Folton, 'D. PC
this country at the present time a alega. I - i i James Fyfe, a former resident )f this place,, M�. Hilber, P. P.. 0 Crediton, during nock burd, and the Thousand Isla sendin - t
miners were n4t idle la�t year. The �lei'iitnth ly, of eight children survive' tb
I 11 US
tion'irom the old country. composed 1f, the' A straw, stack on which isevefal men but who m: oved to Snowflake, Manitoba, th week-, was chatting 4 ith friends in the Mrs.',Blatehford, of Exeter, ivas vi itannual report of the Pureau of ine0i.ha" some 16 years ago A very pretty wed- vi ilage.-Mr. Will McL an, of London, the frien I a a0d relativ I'Ing is her4
head mast we -e at work in the barnyard of, Mr. James es over Sunday L%borr
his parental. Day A0,110 -generally obimm ed h re., most -And t
era of the. lealding'schools in Eqg a to hand ahowingi a total - pro 'n Of one Marshall, on 'the 3rd line oil � Blaushard, fole part of th 3
ding took place at Snowflake, on Wednes'.
land and Scotland. The members 'of this qniuerals in, 1901 &mounting to 81' .83 1086. day evening, August Qth, wheri Miss Katie home. of th bu' iness places Ireeping, 0 an. I The :from town st
�k day last week, fell (over an&two of the men
a compared *ith 7P )
deputation are here to make a study (if the -98,624 in If 00. !The 'weoe seriously hu!t. Won. Fyfe and Mr. W.. G. gandford !were united baseball team went up to Wingh !m to_ -the 14th �COUQ
using was
Iwo largest items -ii, ':th' e I list of Mile With rcat force in the bonds of matrimony. Toe. ceremony B1 ue�o le. play.thab team and suffered a bad qefa topography ani resources of this country m . he thi own against the barn es Farquharson, 0 i )roducth are jni�kle �arkd pig 1r)n. an his back was hi rt. He' was U neons+ was performed by Rev. Jam OTES.-:-Ib Ivan with� sincere regrct we � sc *r(� beiog - 10 to 0. We unde stand
and they seem disposed to make their re value of the nickel output waii � 1,8 � 970 On for an hour, anc it as of Pilot Mound. The bride was very hand. be �rd of the d aath of y. A. Y. Hartley,'; the retur-h match is to be plakya 0 the,
I - w then h� that his
303. !The dislocate( . John Br6 n h d Ook place at his iome-in Algoma on park here next T day, and w,,e'h ur NOTES. -VI
searches rn. , oat thorough. When they re. oind of the pig iron product S1,701,13 sp i ne was somely attired, and was accompanied by her wl,ich t I I . hura
was ri a ifter a fe I hourd' ilneis. Mr. boys will at least not get
)reduction of these tw O� metals in 1 9 broken and thre),others crap idl . a , one d.
turn to t1r6ir schools they. will be in a: poei- sister. Miss Irbne Fyfe, as bride maid. Mr. A4guet 22ad, whii;lwo
Seath of Mr,
tion to explain to their pupils and their d pi iron 85 8 old While workin in a field ats the Ed. Handford assisted his brother through Hartley was over the 4arges of Bluevale We hsve�: no doubt they will ptrt� no at-
dckel514,220 an 7 391. 9
parents all about Uanada. Th hows a EligU fal cff th on utp Of, otier day Mr. J, Sillifant, of Strat Ord, the ordeal' After the ceremony and con. au4 Eadie's congregatio � ftir fourteenyearii. ter g�me'on their own grou de.t occupied y 1�
i forth
is, again', will 4,293 ouncee in 1901 ibeing 244,4 3, gratulatioy'as, guests to the num. �oer of 75 sat HY was a man of uadou ad ability and was Jackson 'and McKay assisted he IS
11 88 ki ed a garter snake with a fo No viusge, -He
add to their knowledge of Canada and ir,-, ompared wito. $297i8ol the year pre �oua. th n 36anakea'were prematurai;-biorn. Tne down to a�bumptuona wedding F upper; The antirring speaker.' Tif -.sympathy of this lacrosse team to defeat Woodst)ek�Dwon- His faln
crease the inter�st of the people at home In! rhe yield of silver wait, 151,400 ounces 'If the� reinarkablethi;gaiioutitis tW onei has bride was the recipient of man -useful and conm tvis ith Mr! Hartleyandthe day, 'and,: both players suffered ratlier �baadly, rea uni AOU, Jim" 3�
alU6; of $84,8$0, as compared with'I 0,612, t* upper an ad be ved fami�� .-Mr. obin Powell,'of De- as McKay has a black eye and JaO-sOri was
its vast resources. There is also here eVt ther o heads, with foil r eyes, wo1mouths: and �eauiful presents. After a L brthwkst.
journmentwas made to the hall,"where a tr9it, visited I is parenta'. in Turnberry, and used pretty ioughl but we have 00 oau
unces in I worth 1$96,367. two tolagues. The ,we heads aie jqined' to� Y)
prevent time a depu ation representing ther . . -1 liked -to bear:
t few hours were spent dej o er friends list week. --Mr. James Tim- but some of the Woodstock U1 eta uld
i — He was 4& irubi
I q .1 gether and are at ri lee. I jkn�other of in neing, music
leading newspapers of England, Ireland and 1; 5 't in I th youngoneshad i a unite in. wising the mi after run dn$ aiust.
10 heidg eaCIL nd. The m;ng All -the yel
At a poillitil a picnic in. We�st Du and recitations. All Ins. of Winchester, for erly general mer also be pretty sore
k o
Scotland. They, too, are here for observa- ear Bowman ille, the iii day n. J.' old, snake was three feet long &ad t a yourig young folks every happiness. chi%ut here, visited in Blu evale last week. He thel- Laing, of tie BaI . .1 �
I . I I i I - �j t . , t;Managr ei t his
. I I - Yin ins 0.1 t
t all alive. -am -and on
an'd Mrs. Ti are i a driving trip up H , a ant Sunday M
tion and examination, and will tell to f�their Ptrattou, Pr vinci go got ff on 3s were in u P as o= illage
�ef ar !and througi . this part of the province.- hom( -on e rink
y Mr. Charles Querengesserl of Logan, to d is of th the
ave se4a mostl-ovr-1, -1
St. Columban., M. a. Reading %ad dau In. er, Alice, of Wing- Bring els bowlers 1 way
millions of readers what.they b in good thing. Speaki�g 0 the p 'l"on hai formed asyndi-cateto t the . arge 9 Xr. W-4no X
came throu h'
8 oil h ny friendi in and about Blue- from tn
this young country. In these and Other �bf the' Ont ko, Gover4nent lie aid Ope'71 r(hase'd in On sale Saturda5 30 pairs Mismea'� oil visited mi Cl*' ton on Monday eve where Dakota, wherl
tir iber limits which lie lately ways the good work is going on, so thpt in' li�" Thet mi i rity of; io�e app Par to, N4W Ontario., Some tenor tw�lve tepe6nla- pebble buttbn booti sizes 11-12,13-1-2. Regular 11.36, va e last week -Mrs. %ney ji spending a they had been, defeated, -and - awed sc. tion w
I I Ole agent in weeks in
eta '6e a great source of qi�,q t is have taken stock, and !we mderstand for 82 cents,. . W. H. Willis, Sesfdrth fe oronto._� vIrs. Fawcett -11
a very short time- all sti quaii itatices for an hour r two4 r.� of
ases in'the ol uietude an uxi. for George A. Slater Shoes for Ladies,and Gentlemen. cdo tinues ver weak. -Flax threshing com- Lgidlaw# who recently eturn& I to i
s4eral portable mil a will at one( be erect- asiness to t e Cc ves. It w d water,
try will become fand?,iar with.: this 0'otintr rrie U14 need on MO day. Th) crop is very good tine a Chicago, - has opened a ranch friendsof Mz� I
ed' th timber out into lumber and placed
and fts almost boundless poEsibilities, and. them tbrribly but the A We are not to- blame if, Yo4 don't avail th s year. - TIP pPan-Am rican circus, whi ch offic
Iministratio were oni thee market. Le at vreek� s� additional yourself of the golden opportuoity now pre- in'Wiudsor Park, one of f4abion- �of Our vill*gei
the good regults can be easily conjec ured 6t at all arix I us oveIr it. The sit tion 900acresof heavily timbereidl4'ni ?'vasi�pur- x iibited in �.Wingham;on Saturda, re- able , fifteen miles out f
sented to buy good goods ati ridiculously y ' he is doi � Chicago. has lately P"
by our readers. Now that so �good a. hl of tbe�l business a who che,eed, and the priospects are I ;�tha� the in- CeIved very li#1e, patron i ge :from the people wherle ng well. A 46 �t W erii#cat
Com- gn in 61aiss-ic
ound himsellin rathe� a !tight pi ce Dan- . vesiments will turn out profitabl( 4ffairs. ow prices. This is about you�r last chance of this districo.-Miss Mella Burgess and largJ brown- letters adornR his A aej which wcmencement he6a been 'Made, lets' keet' � the at our summer stuffs. You aie to blame if M [as a I i depot.
�ially. He could not z!neet his deb is they T -Mr. David Catlicart,a prosper us young Mary King visits in. Goderich over can, 'be seen from the subu ; t7brouto Uoivi
ball a -rolling. Let us not do 'an�thing, by mmel due. � 1�e confid . id, his troubi f sit me' you_put off seeing the new dr as goods and Su nday.--Rev, W. J. V� a n work Runoe has it that the doctor at do
I to a r of Blanghard town hip, and Miss the Uaiversit�
it tsuiting cloths: - Another week ill see quan- with Rev Mr. Ballaut,;' Be, of Molesworth, ryin a Mizhigan -avenue yvoan Udy In the
id Marys &gree, i
worries r he
legislation or otherwise, to ol.irn the good in 'greatly," Li�zie A. White, of St w 3re mar- titiep of new goods in every department.
impression we hav an't, ref C Sometimes I get u and ri�,d last Thursday eveniDg 6t the Metho- on Sabbath . last. -Mr. PaterWheeler went near inture.-Mra. J. Aabk the ministry.
o already made, or to The E. McFaul Co., S,eaforth. 1912-1 toBoissevain, Manitob ' this week.-Clif- is vi iting her son in'town. Ar a
cor all u -Miss Mury- -1,
�walk� the ff igh.t.11 "Y3 eat dint parsonage, St.� Marys. -'The I e, w 0 1
niur the present- fair prospects for the , 417 i . NOTEs,-Over twol thoussin, people at- for 1 Prigh will continue Is studies A Brus- top, e,genial M.P. P. 'for Em t`%
fool,'�'replied� his friend "why Aon' you lo�ked charming in a gown of I hi e organ- -visiting in
future. �ake 4t c0mly! and let the tended the fete champetre he, a here last selaschool.-Mr. Walter, Burgess, of Wood- ino r
e 0 walk dio,was 'ivenawaS by her �h raidat on Wednesday.-( �qit 0 -4 auz-
other. f at1h r The Miss Uaggie is, floor ?" i nth. 'The fete was a graad success in stiock,-spentSunday at tLome.-Paul Jones, ber from hate took in the eircut a � Clinton
e ',on nu tial knot was iE
J serva IV not. t d by th�. ev. Thomas -me Ing at �.her
'the hiberals,,ivho were o� t e anxio Beau, M rining., Only a f aw gueats, !inel ding the very p an Very eEditorial Notes and Commill As. h articular. The expenaes were of Walkerton, spenta !few days at Mr. -on I onday,aud report that
these vbo, Jeft
he were do rig. all the fretting 8�d 'Ming parents of both bride and gebom, ere pres- $190.23, and the receipts, $703.18. -The Robert McPh,-,r8oWs.- Ira. Mallough and good, -Mrs. T. Rose is visiting io Toronto
Hon. G. W. Ross, Premier of Ont�rf_ as ver � the in jority of one. Om I a en�,, Tb6youugcojp ght Rev. Bisho and Min Nell �were X. Miard
r W
pop a le will r side or) M r.: Ri p MoEvey, D. D.,- will of- daaghter, Jean, is McKinney this week. -Mr. George Banifo' d, ' ho ban ir
pa ry For "aley for Mar Gilu�ouj
joint completed thirty years of ' rliams tary Pre� Ve ha d to sati ea Itbey Cathcart's farm, on oanceasiiDnI8, B ansheird. ficiate here next Sunday, at 10 30 a. m., and v ited at Luc now overIpLabor Day. been in � the employ of r. S.
service. A long, busy and useful .��iblic ad been ral lug the cr'3y: tb at tb L-Ap�agitation is at prea foot in' at 7 p. rp-. He will "be aesis ecl by Revs. the I ast two years, has severe& hii 6onnee-
ri on
Fathers Corceran, Rowan, Northgraveo, tiot -,hqe, and left for Owen Soon 1, where
ment majori y was too large. w when the townships of Logan and Ilicer to'have
career, certainly. He has -work, well� ad is I BIVU
I v Ile an I
hey had a a all, he might say a] co lipact, thql villages of RoWtock, uhry i d 'Fogarty, and the pastor. he has secured sogood position.' he daily -SION Q
e ape a of Monday Donald
more popular now both at hokole an4 a road majori -esidence of Mr. p reported -_tha6
ty. th6y didn't seem a bit better KhAora served by a dail in il aervice AATRI31TONI L. -Th
than he ever was. That he may atilU'haVe Weased. 11 1 fr6m Sebi:ing7ille instead If a t i-weekl Janes Logan, Blyth, w the scene of a Suth arlanda, former resident of t i0place, -here on Thuri
'o h' y IjeadburY. pr n struck by a hand car !wh W
many years vouchsafed him to,devote j service as at� present The vilages to tty wadding at high noon on Friday, had bee walk- clealt,-Wit
be:4 de4t ution of th; �our Rainy Weather Goods. -WI) have had A gust 29th, when his d i,ughter, Eliz%, was ing, over a bridg-eat- Pe U�40( bim. n�UornWii. I
ni�tive Province is, we are anre The Inter E a lots of rainy weather. If we , is-ve another trolia,
t ktional Conv )1()ath. be�bencfitteo b th desired ebsiag w -h of a large majority of h, ello� Can. po�pulation Of aboW 500 people, ut it s spell, you surely will have to I ave an um.
is f olic Total A 'aItinenca tjm�n of A e was un ted ia ms��iage to Mi: Samuel B. Gor. off. In falling he, received intetrini-I injuries, adians. th thriving village of Roitrick, wi wl , f London. The bride, who was from which'he died. shortly afteIrwaray. His Adjourned,4111
h about brellifi, and we will sell you a 'Dod* one for ch mingly at�ired in crearn lustre, with motl er and sister, who livIe in Wiug-
ieceb* hel v erx 300 inhabitants, which feels parti -now
At Dubuqfic, lowa.� I
e andsome b ner was hE Union la6k of mail service. larly the $1. If a dollar one don't suit, ou, we ha - ve of allk appli ie and chiffon, and ham, have the sympathy of a I 6tg number Wit VrI. Camd
n%rrowly' 6'0'aped , P (Z courier better ones for a very little mo . We h
President Roosevelt oiered by Lt present t ave tri nining
:or auspicio asi
death or serious injury on Tuesday' The the socii ty under its us Which makes his circuit OE Mondays,� We, cai ing a bea�tif ul be uet of cream roses, of fri ends here in this their bc at O� for
�lnesdaYs a splendid range of Lading' Ne Rain Costs. par,
en red the room leaumum on the arm of her tion. -Principal Bailey and I ridi �arriyed 8ou for plaiIiitfil
and Fridays., P
President and a party of gentlemen' were ihouldBhowt�elargenitili'areasein- Ember- Those that we imported across he big pond
In fat er, to the strains of t ie wedding march; hom on Friday eveningt'aud fo th present nGrafton
.-While the worshippers who w ship at are stylish, and just the kind! o prove that
'd s a at de
riding in-, a coach a hip for thei y;ar.1 This I 'was Zion church, Wellesley, were i �eturaing you can weather a pelting rain P1 ed by he sister., In
eak! Pibtefield, Massa- past
t �i i I nd yet kept lias Tena Logan. inten boarding at Mr. Georl
ahusetts, when the coach was struck id the warded to L' b,; Peter's li Total Absti ae 3 00 SO- from service a week past on Sunc ay, Mr- A Af r the cere ony, wb. ch was performed School started on Tuesday, jith agood next Court aL
dry. The E.- McFaul Co., Sea�orth.. fo I
rear by a trolley 'iety, 9f Pet)�b(orough' a ram jitbac by Rev. W. . nhall, of LtWOOd, the guests suminler attendance. GlIadrapm r --I
'he qnion
car. 'The coach was, up- tario. S. iClark discovered g Rome. 1 1912.1
set and partly somas thing in a field of IM r. W' S. -1 He repaired to th, dining -r om, where covers hed,,wbile ihe occupants onsists of i -bout one born.
housand accioties,
were all badly shaken up.and bruised,, and 4 ran to where it was and found' th i bject of NOTES,-Qaite a number of the younger were laid for �5. The a' [or schenie of the Defendant -tow
any of w lic I people and likewise a few of t43 older chaps decorations was pink an white. The pres- Zurich. -
h "are in he larger c L'es of tb6 brute's attack to be a little g of1our a -the note.
one of the attendants was cilled. the neUnited&tates anoiC nada,so tl it the. year@ old, a daughter of Mrs. Tyl ), of � am. have gone to Manitoba. e I presume the ents were numerous and ostly, showing the .-Mr. and Mrs. P1 H&1104 �into& liangthy 1
President was eat in the face and E greater number of them will return -before erf in Walkerton this week a 10ing the
chievement o the Pete' borough io( 6ty is ilton,wh6 was on a visit to r Fres, orn. high esteem ij� whi6h t 3e bride is held. -.net was �vi
bruised. t
11all the more M onderf ul and oredi at e It The child was pre winter. -There is -the finest iftergrass we Gueota were present fr I Oil City, Guelph, funeral' of their Pi6ce. She wao -clever J. 0. Staabui7
t y badly b4tered UP, have ever seen for some years'. All kinds Lo don, Godericih and arlock. year glady, only 29 years of -age! Swas
'Pow has a M 3t ibersh i p, of Over one b ( isand. bub, under medical are it soon xecoi red eon for dofen&
age up to me our a liot I- -
The Forfst Free Press cites 'the fol w1ug he 'actual in�rease in� the mem6 tip. of from its wound. of Stock will be in gr 0 heir eyes un- I f0THS. -Tb[b Methool t choir assited at at oj ie ti a teacher in ome
illustration - of the way the ral, ways he Union of America til the snow blows. -Mr. AL. Borman, of of oi T citizens are taking in he Upronto returned hdmeo�
during the pa6tjyear a I kwn social 4t BelgraN last Friday even.
in this Province escape their just Foll re of 5,596. rpere were 10,436 a, w Dublin, hasbeen on the round buying hay ing and had a . 'most enj c ab eing fair his week.-Quarttely ser ces Pnll - be visit with wra'_�
era, but th diffe for *ipment. He has purch sad a large
ran 6 betwe Walton -held ia the 14th concession chtt n Sun- �.Elliott, f Xq
taxation. The St. Clair Tunnel Coh�pany n these aleautiful e6ning.-Ift. James Parrott
member' CAL ITEMS, to -note. qua4tity.-One of the hapopie� t and most an([ f Detroit, isited relatives fOj day-, to be presided over b I'A �V. Mr.
mount% rep ii sents lapse 0 -We are p sang amily, 0 y been viaiting
Dwn and operate the tunnel ghii Re
under thi6 St. th �t Mr. .,John Ga7diner has an cessfully jollyi looking fellows to be - 11 ound is Mr. a few days I week. 'i fr. John I Kne-.btel, of Berlin. As a que 206,
success of Ithe PaterbcriDugh
Aerring to th Kelly and.
f of which ih Outario recent e -aminatiorl, (b aining a Theirs Barrows. The reason, of all this is he g
Clair river, one -hal 4ociety, the atholic Ai6cord, of I len, don, ps ised his fa ae beel� residents of this� ther, i will be no service in t le- en !ej. Ical Tues a
?.nd one-half in Michigan. Last year the firt class certificat is. CongidetinR bisy uth. beoapse there Is a baby down at the house. T"Y' who and Zye
says W o e to ise I other so 409 of f4ce or a gr chur 1 here on Sund in n %TXr. But
at in thi present Mr. )J. E..Irvine had upwards 'of 100 loads da� for Gode ch, gues
0ontario end paid in taxes the sumo'f 87 37, da imit to that of terboroug I in its whei h, was a' .
I Pi f at many.t,14 are, left last Fri. MY
fu years 'and knowing th I
��ana' Diet, of Seafort 01 J. -J. A�. !Ste
hey intend mak-
while the Michigan end paid 1 $6,362 or regress, as here ia no. irtue age to receive a first class cer'tifi ate is a f oafte this season. This amOnnt. grew On inj their homi i for the I i ture. "Mr. Kelly Deic iert one day this week. :Mrs. Joh. went to To�-on
nearly nine times as -much. This Pj one of : task which is 6y an means very ei 6sily ac. somqwhat less. than 50 acres of ground. Be. wi I he greatly missed,
ion of whic 'produces�w�hia ashoAime pecially in politi- Wes 6h was in Waterloo this v�eek attend- 'FAriner 16ft or
I omplishe
the inequalities that the Peitypieoe' bill 0 many pal a le benefits I as thelvi trie of d, it spea a well for botl , teacher fore �hey went down, the straw *in some ca circles, in which be- is always taken an ing th6 funeral of her father, or. be vill pa"ne
proposes to remedy. an4i pupil. His m& iV friends will dong -ata. of the fields was fully six feet, long. -'We Mr. H6huer was for many . y1mr; a well -man ond Mrs
temperan a, e practice! of 1vhich a I once aqive part ftor the E form party. -Dr.
raises even de&aded Persons to the ranks lat8himon hissuc3eas and feel assurred hearthatMr. Thomas Leemi�g has par- Jerome, who ecently b ught Mr. Kelly's �kno*a.residentof thin neighb ph(ol.-Mr. _f rorn amew litl
Hon. R. L. Borden, leader'of; the Orposi- f the respecta that he will still r t oba
ble mernbe h of a commu. de step by step to a ye sed the house which was rmerly the pr?perty, is oving 16m. Wingham. -this Milf lord Faust, who has been 01hp ed s mer plazq lbe�
alice 110131 who sailed 1
bion in the House of Comm 1 1 . O'ty' higher )innacle of fame, and' Od anoth6r to boarding house at Kelly'a na, mill. from I f
ns, lefb this We hope that �the tempi .188 of week. -Mr. Q a invi vbo has ran 9, milk clert . in Mr. J. D. Mernees stoiiio gone
week for British Columbia I ori a pol iti 'Panada, and especially tne Cath the noble sons of this banna� COU ty,:who Mir. Simpson. Mr. Learning tends brick- gon for e ell it to Ci andebo e,where he has se ure 'good tinue big 11insi,
Olic socie- W past two are, has giv
�iea, will- during the coming year, emlilate have distinguished thembelves in mental ing it over for a dwelling.- uch regret UPI and left,� for 'Mani -job& on Monday. Bitus ti6n.-Mi. E. D. Miller, A eivlle, arrister
He was accompanied by, two ot ;9ree the noble example of the 3t. Peter's yciety attainments. Although still !a ie�e youth, was felt here on account f the death of Mr. There is n quite a 139�e reity of - milk in Illin dsio paid his uncle, M -,.r Faust. friends alembers frorn Quebec, on6 or two from Of Peterborough and %hat eve' they we would predict for him a bk1li anIt f uture Robert McMillan, the genial a4 kindly old I town and ere is no d6d] it a good opening a 8 orb vieft last week. ins Lavina NTew Brunswick, one from Nova Sco lia' ana n i And a career of usefulness wilier -ever his lot man being known to.nearly ev4ry person.- Deicheit has returned fr is, risit to
t hould not si ceeed n gai�ning the ptijzi for fo� a dairy business, if 3nducted on first ork
�e g :,the in - the future may be- cast. 1 VXV 11 'done Your correspondent was awayifor two or I principles. -Mr. J.IfRous left to assist friendwin Wellesley and Elf i I. -Mr. -bin anna 3everalothers fromOntario. This is 19 ood increase in � membera4i
y Jolinnie.-Mrs. Gal anger, of $den Trove, is - threeweeks down�through S�uthern On- c i as F. K Lbler, of Brampton, w bte n is havil3g a �n*
?olitics on -the parb of Mr. Bord at lesa make substantial i I rease in hreshing the Mauilio harvest on Mon- Ban -
3 1 t
en. There I
t visiting herrelativcs and fdiends in�thia tarioandWestem NewYork.' I noticed day, ngbis old friends a Visit. W* are
during the cDming year I da�.-Mies Allie Doup left on Saturday Miss Xettie X
s nothing which go strength6infis a pAtical vie nity at present. --Rev. Mr. 14cjNabb is that there was no more real heavy oats after U' a two weeks' visit W 11h friends and re- %lw& P Y1
1 Ya iplisaied to have a visit I r m. Mr. Iriends, In Mo
eAder as to keep in close tou�lh withi in "Oronto and will. be absent for about passing Stratford. The peabbea, p6aes, I i ' a in London,' Exet � r and Kirkton.- Kibler.�-Mr. E. Zeller, editor 6� pbe Her -
the a, on Amon have ret
thme weeks. - There will be, no 1mor grapes and apples have a fine pearanqe in Sun- ald, Lad Mrs. Zeller have return a
)eople and to make them fe I h' Perth Notes. Mr. James Moffat, Of StrIbIOLLPLUS DiFFUJIU! I ed from
hnxious for their interests. Be t at 4e 'a -&r. Rol e�t Campbell has dispcE ed of ser rice next Sabbath, evening serv�ce it the Niagara peninsula. �Many of the far plew ant trip to Barnia and Imtro ii
will da� and, Mondi,ay of thiE we -*k under the .-Mrs. covered it In
is hardward business in beheld at the usual hour, conducted I by v. mete in, Erie and Niagara counties, New Schli tchter, of Heneall, was here �or Sunday practice again
kfford the Conservative leader an oppbAun- M itebell to IV essrs ;Weil p#ental roof. Mr. Bre er Zd daughter
Field of, Teeswater. D. B. McCrae, of Cranbrook.-Idi, t ' elatives and -friends. hain, -called o
ty of becoming acquainted with the' re- W a Hugh York,listill crit their grain with cradleb. of Fliameavill ilg his son Bert vial :ng r
N ara- ne Their i farms are small are Clyde White,
iources of the western country and lear I� the bowling tournament at 1 Ramsay's team made a serioi,� runaway o and theO barns little
iheir needs. 'oog dn'the�-Lake,:�Mesiiirs. Sawyer an&j E rritt, da5 last week. Theyran fo61 ofa large bigger4banpig pens. The s�il in those
He will find, however, hat gran
Of Mi�ehell, won first pri d a
iis high prGtectionisr, theori p, which was turned ovia on6 of th places reeemblies brick dust mi#d with red
es, will tiqt he ze in the' lep. stu -8. A. Poppleal
)opular there. In this respect it ma� do A most succesful flower show lwa� held roo's penetrating 01 e of the horseq injhe--vermillion.
d Thnrsday of I t � week asty:' and dangerous
--hen, f B
Xippen. terian
by the S, wound. The lose Will be a
tratford Horticultural Socizy,
uni good also. on- Wednesday ai) breist inflicting a a one' to ale
is a va u ble � one
d C)nveyancer
tratford has been infested by bairglars Mr Ramsay as3 the horse
The death is announced of 1�1r. Reginald D. Hay, Commissioner an the St
litely� The latest place of attack was A. and even should it recover it
ivill b laid up wills, mortgages and deeds drawn up.', Mone
k. Enea" ttreet Meth
a Kennedy, president of the Times Llo for several months. Mr. M6Cu loaned
h 1740-tt �extend Zongra'
w ichi 'ken. valuable young horse last week rbrn 'ndi- Ther'e is nothing in the trad� speaks of Othe Savbrei�,
amilton Mi' ta
u wi n,
The ratpayers of Stratford b a 101). -Harves is compl, �ted and true v�orth in stronger terms t�han do the
> .ur red oil Tuesday, at the age of 53 . ears ting i i lost a at the lo Arei3t ro-te-i of interefb. go
rinting Company, of H I oc- yd's grocery store, 'from w ich $19 F
y aveilassed 9� Miss Hodgins,
Ar. Kennedy was a native of Hamilton 1 and aws voting bonuses to the KOMI) Wasure th I reshing and fall w ieat seeding in the order differ8nt homespuns we have iecured and vrelcome Mrs.
ith put or! sale at 60c and 75c thei 7ard. They eter.
in that city. He f
lis whole life was spent 6�reader fac�tory and the Globe --We icke of the day. -We are agatu Iblese'd w 14 ff. i3t
ctory. usty roads.
are wide width, dependable � code, ever
y Hundreds of pEople are att
was a man of great busines id, of Vu; arton, felt, from ending daily our August cut-piice s
9 ability, an he. �Mr. Wm. Re yard of them, and just the thi�i go for Fall
iad been permanently identified with any tie ladder which leads up Ito the im9w in Wrtmeter. suits or Peparateskirtn. Forw�sr and ser- Thie Montrei
0 his barn, and broke thei middle finger of bis OTES.-Miag Nor& LiridOE' vice get a gooi homespun. Thiii E. McFaul -Ton Pieces 41 11ch *,ergeR and 0�shm 0 and in All the
mportant business interests of the ity. )f Paris, is iir :s, all pure wool,
anagement the Times has be- Y, leadiD1 sha&s, -adian West is
�'nder his m* r ght.hand. visidng* friends hr this Co., Seaforth. worth',15c, for 25c a yard.
Y�cinity.-Con. It is not -a V_
,,ome one of the most prosperous and -At the recent matriculation e" -min--.- and Mrs. Reise via ted friead, in Mild'may NOTE
prDfit- ,s. -Mr. David Cooper' with his wok, but t.
=ons, Alfred E. Johns! of St Twenty-three eces of Black Figured Pess Goodz, -worth 35C, .2tie.
%ble properties of the kind*: in Canlada. Sunday. -Charles Saridarson'l fthe gister,�Mrs. E. Blair, the post Aveek, were The labor
at btie Edward Blake scholarship for p ofiQiency firm i
kbouttwoweeks preceeding his de he Of -Sanderson Bi on, lef 6, � I or V�Iloert6n paying'a vikit at the home of Me. and Mrs. a yard. to -solve i
ich erh language, on Saturday, wherE be has' feel
Fell and received a slight scalp *ound,w iii matberratic and moId ired a sit- Jaines'Blair, Centralia. -Mrs. , ]!Win. Butt, Advicet from
58 inch6s wide, w4th $1.50,.
was not considered serious at) t�e time but -Mr. Robert Acklom' has sold hi farm uat,on in a dry goods store. --M Br�wn of.Torgato, is 'visiting with frien4a in this Thirt§-five yar Is of Black Venetian Cloth, �Officea which ultimately proved fatal. Fullarton, to Mr. George Apel, o Mit. and Miss Gertie Brew f Bt lo, viciniV.-Mrio. Walker, of Waterloo, the t this sale &�.10 a yaid. -for help. Th
He I wa's n are
0 ff
takes 6tter's
uncQnscious for several days'preceeding big c�ell, for $3,206, and gue3ts of Dr4 BrAwi .-John' Hartley and fore part of the week, was visiOug- at the areot able tc
Jeath. town property at 8500.! brkF�_returned from Manitob last ieek.- parental home of Mr. and Mri' Iviaon, of ri�y tione -for labor
-four yards of Black Venetian Clotb,:worth SL 11 1)0
Twe 65' fo
Vi0ond, of 91ma, has rea3Pu to Mri. Black and a n, Suthe land, 'of Ayr, the vil).age.-M;. Win. MoNevin, of Gode. 'In tonsequene
More markets for Ca ywd.
nada Sir Wilfrid be proud of his yield of wheat, Fro6 , five visi 5ed at R. Bla-,k'i for eeve ral dai�ys 'last rich, ddring'the week, was vi'iting with T'loymeni olffic
res he obta I in produ,id,g, 225 week. -Miss Mary azleiwobd is e e u pdiunr! his brother, M -r. John McNe-, ix.,- Mrs. B. One p ece of Coating Se of B:
ivorking bard to Pecure them may be suc a i;d 24 loa-i
s, an a:erage o ra 'or c
Blair, of Sault Ste. Marie, M io iigan, who
.essful in France." Miss
f 45 bushels 0� the a few holidays in W litechureb e, 58 ,inches, worth
T�is is the headin� Of d. Men are -nee&
hn art.i,.,Ie in a paper before I K If ser has returned fmm her - h)m(. An Port for rome time has been visitia friends in mines of the
We �avp , -Mr. Johi reis r LOgO13, !4hen no a, and resumed her tea, him g I in the this vicinity, returned home uring the in aoine t -M . dam I
io doubts as to the truthfulness d iving to Mitchell On' fhu sdRy of junior room.�Miis ena Ra Black Liberty "ilk, all pure, silk, for 39c, a yard.
9 e is tl �e guest of week. ' -We Nvould rernind all of Ithe lecture �Offered S5 ce
Us. ofIthe �e i�
itatements. Sir I t week, his horge stood still f6r ' me- 4 MtU
N Mm Ross, inKinear ine, this wE ek, Mrp. on Monday evening next, in Stl Andrew's
Wilfrid is' alwaysil on
he alert for something to b Ynent and then fell dead'. A few ago M 1'er and Miss Ek a Razle ooc are . at- chur_* under the auspices of tb r� Women's 0111� �Oyards ore to sell of our f m9us Black Luxor Silk, 1',worLh d im
enefit dan- Mr. Kreia refused $160 m P bffere
for the anim al.*r tending the milliner3 openings in -0 onto.- Foreign Missionary Society. The lecture $125, for 6 0 a yard.
da. Himself and three of his collea lies -Naster Sterling Find r, son of',Mrs. Mrs. John DavidsoE returnk Holl Scot- will be given by the pastor, -Rev. M. Me-, and atill
isive been in England r1n0st of the sum
r�ner, George Peart, of Staffa, die on WOnbs'day lan� on Wednesday, where at e his visited Len u, on hie rambles througi Manitoba Hund�eds of B i -gains all through the toe. laundrede �01 U
last week after a pair ful liness f few for several montba.-James M(Ewen, of a ti
nd they are now, and have been, for s4me C and Biji ish Columbia. The pro4 ends are in a -Te at v 't
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ur wwj,
w ks�l duration. Decease was in aid of good cauee and should rp et sith a V* In here opm
7eeks in France, but who r they wil �10 17 th Tee iwater, renewed acquAintanc a in the
villagerin Thursday.-Mrs.E� Black and largetlurnout on Monday evtDing.-Mr. *AO_M the
any better success there remains to be _'Mr John W. Kannerl proprietor I Hi test Price PaiW;or Prooduce.
een. Now, if Sir Wilfrid and hi . I of family spent Labor Day wi�h ElarriRton James eMullen, who for long years has 9 .110 h&Ve
:)uld h
, M rris, ba
is Colleagues tie Commmercial otel an�to 1, rela 4ves. -James Detweiler, [of B'rlin,,is been in! British Colum'bia, and wbb is now in am gone to -Q4
Onlybe indac ad, when they -'ome home, died on Monday. He
8 born in�
direct their attention to the ajuth f tq the the Yuest of his grandfather, - J hn K ititson. this v initv calling 'on friends' the past
elieve tbey c
tawnohip of Ellice in l81S a id we on of -0 ir football team went to' *ifflmay f)n week as in the villa Ing visit to JIU,
2em, they might accomplish sole
,6tj ing ge, pay
'orth while and a a far less cost' e late Peter Kastner. I nil wag tivice�mar- Labor Day and were lefeated � by a so )re of I his unble. Mr. George sy.-Mrs. throuj) tyho'
than,bY ril�ld, hir second wife being A Miss CAv0ston to 0, Mildroay have boasted.pliat bhOy have Thomal Wardell and
ibsidi2ing at ing, children,. of Wood. just now.
eame and that sort of thi L CO
wflo survives him. Hal 6d no oibiliren. n*c r been defeated on their:own gr"Ounds, stock, the fore part of the week were in -soon, se we; W
be people of the United States seein to be Two brothers and four hiat'! re also l� ad�vive ark kertainly if the tf.
30 b
f $ a eia
y have been putting up ke village visiting 'with her' mother-in.-
ady or at least illin- to negotiate a Although t-1
ra. him. Deceased, who 'was widely, lown the tItyle of game they played on ]�Ionday law, Mrs. Wardell. -Mr. H. Ri Aeri, with APUPNO LOCK a EAFORT311- -men. there