HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1902-08-29, Page 84. 'P'i g, r f� 3� It — Z p qti 4 LNI !I qM­ 1 �-7 4- !IN4 i I Ito Z A A T41 h. ,"'1143.611*0VES and Ike fuVou 9 R, A N G E -.7, DISTRIOT MATTERBI Tim SEiFoRTii'Sjiow.-The Seafor�lh fall show will be held on the splendid grounds We carry the Largest stock of Intl STU-WES and RANGES of the Tuoker4mith Agricultural Sooi�ty, on Thursday and Friday. Sep'tember 250a and Q th. The premium list& are now cut and -6 In the County, and if you need a in addition to the usual premiums, thore iaA cook- or heating stove this Fall, splendid list of special attrac�ions 'which are sure to draw a orowd. The officers and iq&U and- see our lines. We are directors are sparing no effort to �Imal is this 00611 ts for one of the very .best shows evei helid here and if they are favored by the clerk.1 of the BucYs 0elebrated weather, we believe* they will succe0d. It would be well for all within reach tol make H"pylhought Ranges. their arrangements to attend the Worth show and to be exhibitors wi well aqj epee. O�ror 115,000 now beim, used- in tators. They wi�l be well repaid fo, theip tlie Dominion. Not a -oingle trouble. Jiuyer of a Happy Thought has �ra A GOOD MAx.4-The Clinton New P ever regretted. his choice. They last week Bays The Standard elovator, leased -by D. ore perfect bakers and the Small- owned by R Irwin, has been Urquhart, proprietor bf the Hensall 6&�tme�l ost fuel consumers made. mill, with possession September lati, -On ,Our Coal and Wood Furnaces give hi3 finding sufficient grain product ban is, perfect satisfaction. obtained in this, district and nearby railway points, he will fit up and equip it I th the most modern improved machinery or tb,6 AmIrlp A manufacture of pearl and pot barley", Fpli�t 1�ULLNISNEY .8XILEY, p8a8 and oatmeal products for shipmpnt b SEAFORTH, akiisg 1, 11 foreign conntries, also the m �iof a Successors to S. Mullett & Co. kinds of grain foods for horses, cattlj-� hogs, - poultry, etc." The people of Clintoo ba.ve been exceedingly fortunate to get hipld of DOMINION BANK. Mr Urquhart, and if business abili nergy I Q push can make the business in w4ioh b 'has engaged in that town Auooee4, it will b: CAPITAL (Paid Up), - $2,500,000 $2,500,006 "uc ceseful. He is not a stranger �o 0� people either, aa;he has been'in business in RCST. this county for a quarter of a eenturiy, and BRANCH) he Possesses Ina.: high degree the cori -Pdeno,e long of the people among whom he has j� I Main Street, Seaforth. resided. We hope for him a large 1, r�eaeure & of success in the I business in which ibe his jA General Banking Business trans- embarked and we are only sorry he 41,Eks n�t jL�ted. Farmere Sale Notes collected, selected Seaforth instead of Clinton for- hi!s and advances made on same at lowest intended operations. It will pay'th� peop�'a rates. of Clinton to ble good to Mr. UrqubW,rt. Drafts sold on all points in Canada, "a United States and Europe. , A TEST CASE.�­It - has been decia d by', a SAVINGS DEPARTMENT.—Interest test case lately held in Paisley, before Judge 4owed on deposits of One Dollar and Barrett, that the stock of implemen',ts 6&r- u�p L wards., ried by the various agents of the dIfferent S. HAyS, W. K. PEARCE, companies in towns and villages are assess - Solicitor Manager. able. The Paisley Advocate says that the town of Paisley, assessed the implements carried in stock by the various ag�nta of' Fall Term opens September 2nd thati town. They appealed, and las� week the case came up before Judge Barre�t, who A�7 decided that the agencies of the Harris Company and. the Frost & I Wood Company must pay tax ' es - on their � assess- ment. Last year they appealed to the court STRATFORD, ONTARIO. of revision, and the court decided t"t they sho'ulcT be assessed. The Massey,Harris A school that, occupies, front rank among ihe beat business colleges on this continent. Company then intended appealing of the Judge, but neglected to give notice � �Iwithin Those desiring the bear, in business educa. the.proper time. This year both tlie com- 'ioa are invited to write for our catalogue. panies appealed. Evidence was taken ;"a the Massey -Harris case, and it was agreed W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. that the Fxosc & Wood appeal 'a e 4444-52 tried and decided upon the facts f the Massey- Harris case. Council prod teed a certificate, datedl April, 1902, signed, by R. ISEWING MAOHINES. J. Flemming,_ stating that he had assessed W. N. W ATSON, North Main, Street, the Massei-ilarris Company for all their personal property at their bead Office in SEAFORTH. Toronto, but the Judge ruled that th a falls I have on hand a large and well assorted stort of certifying that he had aesep ed the prqperty in Paisley, even if he had the stOok of first class sewing machines Ray- right to do so, for at the date of thio cert:i-- �nond, White or Goodrich, in Cabinet, Drop ficate this property was in. Paisley, The Head and covered machines, prices' rang' ing Judge could not find by the evidenc� s�b- Irpm $25 upwards, also a few good second mitted that the property at Paial had pand machines which will be sold cheap for beeniasseased in,Toronto. In fact ' finds leash. All machines fully guaranteed, and it wL tacitly admitted that it Was no.. iproper instractions given free of charge, Both I appeals f I rom the court of �revisjon !Dealer in needles, oil, sewing machine at - were, dismissed.' Itachments anct parta, Bicyoleb and Cream 18aparatora. General Fire and Life Insur- ;;auce aLlent., Risks affected on all kinds of MonE DE CARTUREs. —Three more' of the ;property at lowest-, rates. , Houses ' for sale oldresidents of this vicinity have passed away within the past week. OaTh4rsday I iaud to rent. Ofdoe next door to Queena i Hotel. of last week Mrs. -Williain ChesEey, of MT. -W-A-rTS 0 W, Egmondville, was called bauce. M re. Ch.es. ,y had paesed. the four score mark, being NORTH MA1N ST., SEAFORTH. 1630 over 80 years ol age, She was no� the vie - tim of any particular disease, butf she gave way to the gradnal wearing out of a once ro- bust constitution. She was a sister of Mr. Henderson's -Photo Studio. Thomas Gernmell, of Tackeramitb, Mr. Chesney died about 23 years ago. 'Tb,6y had no family. Mrs. Chesney 'had beiban re,,i- dent of, Tuck-ersmith for nearly half cent. Full btock -of Mouldings ury. She was a lady whom to know was to and. Picture Frameb. respect, of a quiet and unassuming is . pool. tion, but always gentle in her manger and Photo Enlarging a Specialty. ever ready to render '�id where it vilas de - served and required. A In the earliejr -days when herself and her husband resided on J.: P. HENDERSON, Seafortb. their farm near Egmondville, the: wiyfarer 1761 overtaken by night was always rb&do. wel- come and it was her pleasure, as her Ne Keep Moving. practice, to render willing aid in thiq way. She was a devout and consistent ineinber of - the Presbyterian charch, and in her day did her best to leave theworld better t4an she found. it. Airs. Chesney's maiden na�ne was (Yac 4took is underselling all competitors Agnes Gemmel]. She was born stWhitehill in VV464es, Clocles, Rings, -Pim -Brooches, of Martnaham, Culton Parish, Sedtland. Chains, and other articles of jewelrv. Our —The second death to note is that of Mr. reputation for fine' goods, low prices and Robert McMillan, of Roxboro, M(Killop. honorable dealing, dodo the business for us, Mr. McMillan, too,had outlived the allotted and Nve endeavor to live up to our name. span and was over 81 years of age, but be 1 We carry a well -assorted stock, and every was a remarkably active man for bi year2. �,artiole is warranted as represented. Repairihg a L-peoialty with us. The announcement of his'death ca�e as a surprise to many, as few knew of hi 3 illness until they learned of his death., H( passed Countef s Jewelry Establishment,- peacefully away on Saturday. Just -one week previously he was in town attending SEAFORTH, to . busines - and to,all appearances as ipright- W. R. COUN-TE�% Manager ly as usual. "He took a sever( � cold, however, which settled on his luil ', iresult- go ing in pneumonia alnd this followed by THE CANADIAN erysepilas in the face, culmiw4ed in' his t 'Bank of Commerce death despite all that medical 1, kill and attentive nursing could do to prolon"', fe. Mr. MoMilldn was on elder brother of t e late Mr. John McMillan, ex -M. P fo South CAPITAL(PAID UP) Huron. Hewasoneofthe eariie8t�jiettlero Eight XilUou Dollars $8,000,000. in this vicinity and located on the I farm at Rest, $2,000,000. Roxboroon wbiohbe continued to reside until his death. By industry ard good SEAFORTH BRANCH. ir�anagement, like many of the other Huron pioneers, hea'cquired-a competency. For 'A general Banking business tran- many years he! has been a ent fqrthe Me. siacted. Farmers' Notesdisco U ted Killop Fire Insurance tompatiy, iin the and special attention given 7: the affairs of which he took a most live �y inter. collection of Sale Noteg. est. lie had a family of four sons and three SAVINGS BANK.�Interezt allow;. daughters, but two of his eons bay�o died ad an derpostts of $I and upwards. and there remains but John, who re�i.des on Special faclitities for trarillaction of the adjoining form to his father, and Peter, business in the Klondike District. who has for many years been engaged in Money Orders, payable at any bank, Issued at the railroading in �Kanaas. The daughters are tollowing rates z— Mrs. Rannia, of the Northwest, Mrs. James Under 910 .08 *20,40 830, .12 310 to $20 $30 to W Gillespie, of Seaforth, and Mra. Dddos, who I .10 .14 F. HOILMFISTZD� G. E. PARIiES. also resides neiiir town. Mrs. McMillan is still living. M.r. Me -Millan was a g§od and I Solioltor. Manager, 1624 useful citizen, a genial companion a�nd w a one of those who -did his share in convertin - the'primeval forests of Huron inO ferbili PLEASURE & PROWIT. and prolific farmsteads, and his idea in& es th * k another blank. in the old guard of )ioneers You can combine pleasure and profic b Y to whom we,of,the present day, are, 10 mue I I indebtedforthe corriforteandprlvfeges�'We i dealing with George M. Baldwin & Co., enjoy. dtialers in M men & Risch, Bell, Nordheimer, Dominion and Berlin pianos and Dominion -The third death was that of Mir John 1 and Bell organs, tried and tested. Also the McIntosh, 'Mill road, Tuckeremi th, ich -3 0 - curred on Sunday. Mrs. McIntosh had New Williame, New Home and Ideal oew- ia machines. Needles and parts always in reach- ed tha somewhat , unusual age of 8 3 years. i stock. About three years a go she met witl an ad. We are always pleased to give you a select cident, resulting in the fracture of her le 9 From this injury she neverfully reeovered. concert on the Grain -o -phone while you are having repairs done or looking over our Rut preyioualy to that she was a rna�lvel for ransio. We sell Pianos, Or . gans, Gramo.- her phyiical strength and activity. I fi About ve wee�s ago she met with anotb�r a6ci- pliones, Sewing Machines and Bicycles. dent, resulting in the fraoture of h6r b1p, . OUR GENERAL REPAIR SHOP This'proved too much for her we akep'od We repair any old thing, umbrellas, lawn 11; MAN A A011 , constitatign. She came to this couu�ry and settled in Tuckeramith, on the fari& h ' w er she died, in 1840. Fourteen year* solicited. We can please you and we guar- - aft kK thatherbusbaud diedandahe wasileft iii an tee everything. care of the family and farm. . She was' woman of great energy and dourag;, foany�,' G. M. Baldwin, Seafarth. what would have disheartened man n nerved her to iricreased effort. ShO had a General Repair Shop. family.of four sous and two daughter all of k 2- 77 4-1 on -tin 0 JL T ILUBIVIA E2 ruM hom 'have predeo6oksed her save twO sons, Cobb is 06 etranger to! Pembina people, but propose ats rting a fruit evaporating estab. Methodiab church Su day evening 7Eigh- T �iiliam, in MoKiHlop, �and James On the in beariog awayone of our choilcest, 6wern, lishm nt. They intend proceeding to build t ban tickets were so d �0,b this sLation on DurIL Augusts Sul, - Thursday foe the wes Mr. Andrew Mil. 6meStead. She was soister of the I 'to Ur -thuabsoomea a relati6n, And :�e oozigratu- at =11" an have the e8tablohment ready 'L JugL v�bab we I?se, and beA for uie th Cameron, who resided on th farm' late him for gain ason.-The Alectric Light ler, one of 6r most highly respected and n lieve he will neve relreb his c oiae. ` After /I Comp4ny' purchi'sed, a large, new k uocessf ul f rmers di d on Monday. For t-,jy 'D s Summer 0� te. 'Airs. MoInto In was a mo i* eati- I i It is About 50 ye�rs in the �pa�bolseilady in many respects and wl He her. the ceremony the ri &I party etired to the dyD ofoj se in their worlra here. Mr. b iller resided manse; and parto - of an eleg ub wedding to Oa ; e was mostly for ber own fami , she be it i�ed at the Toronto fair, and vkill t ownship ot Morris. A couple of years ago X11 A -after the fair f a0ing health compelled him to give up ae- er es. W46 always indful of and consider te foi breakfast, after ic4 the co ple, accom- be installed lbere immediately qoods at Z ' o PA, ot4ers and ier memory will be loi and pdnied by a nuirib)r of the bri e's relatives closes. TO company will then havika first tivp work on the farm, and this spring he-, lotingly ohe riabed by till 'who enjoy her and ffiends, drov to %merson, where they ciass plan., and will be abie to suplily all in6ved iato Wroxater, where he bad a nice acquaintaue -. SinC4 he r last accide she took the 0. P. R. traiq foe Winnipeg. and the lights jequired4-Mr.'A. Davidson has residence. He leaves a widow, who will la will - be at lueo, and 3ig onea'at that, alone possess, W" a severt but uncomplaining suffe Mer and after a tour Of eastern Canad in his gard'4 a space 120 feet in length with have the sympathy of many friends. t1it last moo ionger broug hb her a weld me re- home after Septembeg 15th, at Westbourne, one solid mass of isweei peas . in full thepower to interest the public in lid. The remains wer laid to rest tin the Manitoba, where r. Cobb is � tation, agent bloom, and of all colors. They are beauti- Tucke mith. these ho j, sultr times of An tiatdays. Egmondvillt cemetery on Tuesday. on the C P. R. seeived b ful beyond, disoripti6D, espedially in the y 9. presentg r y NevertMless, we will keeP up the TEI the bride th elegan Special shoe sale on Friday and Saturday interest. The more you ld6k for" cloge were It and costly. morning, w6en they are fresh with dew,- Only. See ad On page 5. W. 0. Willis, Seaforth. TRAVELYARS.-Mr's. Stewart add five Many given by 0 than frien Ila were sent Mr. 0. E. Orabb leaves' here on Monday lunipeg, and Mrs. Crabb and prio4betlebetter yougett6kno.w true children o have bee visiting frienda In direct to Westbi Me owing; to customs next for New lunch room, Bank of Commerce Dry G oda' worth -the nearer yoxt wh I T, family go o, Goderich to re'side until Mr. towni left -for her home in Winr14eg on regulations. - Mia ate Aulibson entertain ook, 860orth. Opens, Saturlay, Aug40 80th. come to us. Just now there :must beA Wednesday afternoon. ThdygobyU.-P.R. ed Wednesday Ov i I after tbe wedding, Crablican secure for them '!a home in the Nnner 10 cento and 16 cents. , 1 1810-2 clearance of Bummer goodo. We O'UN CIL M1 EETMG. A meeti I g of the I hsve fr�rn Wingbam. Miss 1C. Cowan aritl[ Miss for Mine Cobb, th o - lb m's. siater, who ar- west. Mr CrAbb has been engaged in the � C the goods-voix have the nigney : you, ST011 4 b need7the g(;ode, we need �thei Mou Annifs Wa on left Wednesday far Port ri ed Tuesday to a 11 the &oheson-Cobb Bell Engfife Works here ever since � they. council'will e heild in Daly's hall, Egmond- eT Arthur, wh re' they have been en ag,,ed as n ptiale. While t ej evening iwas 'entirely started, bu t' his health is inch that hq is ville, on- Saturday, I uguat 3ftb, at) 10 TbaVe the whole- thing io a; 6utshe K 9 bo�ft. V t chers in �he school tk ere. Th ke the in ormal, the gue i 1had a ;vbry pleasant compelled t� seek another home and! some o'clock in the morni g. Persons havin 9 We rid ur sbelves :-of the 0eason's Ms. 100 lot. -1 ey � to �'d .C'P.',R. steamer from wen Souadj$'� The ti a. Dainty ry r a onghly businees wi�h the cou oil, should bear thi tile Inion �meuts we�re served and out -door oo0upation. Its is a thor teriala end use ey: �1 usi n weretioketeI by Grvigt Stewart, C1 -P. R. nqledless to say ei wyone enjoyed themselves competent workman, a good citizan and a ate in mind. gb d paiyiug i ash for lar quautitiei of Mer. a the utmost. very reliab![a young man, and if his OeDtB. chandied soon to aftive. Thb things i -The fo lowing were ticketed to dis- to health im rbves be will 'be sure to do well Walto: we havc now must move ut at o n. nee, Wat points this week by W. Soni3rville, IN THE Smui-Fi$ wherever �e may.. locate. -Mr. Will Me- sa present prices will-lielp Ai�S.-The first of the New lun�ch room, Bank of Commerce th' you and Railway an teams I agent : Miss Me- home and home g . es in the semi-finals for Leod has told a very ' handpome Ger&rd, lock, Seafortb. Opens Swturdey, August Sobli. us To iqualize our poss4ai4s most Naughton, of ig on ville, to Ottawa; Heintzmat piano t3 Mr. George Mulholland, inner 10 cents and 16 cen 1. 1810-2 the 06 mpionshio the intermediate series rapidly. Mr. Joseph Sp oat, to orth Besy ; Miss f Haipar 0y. -Master Harry Scott leaves Special oboe sale on Firiday and Saturday of the 40. L. A., w 84played on the recre- 0 he Gbvenlock, 5o iqxton,� to resume te obing here ou Mo day for Woodstock, where only. See 4on page 5. W.: H. Willis, 8 aforth. ation grounds I i afternoon, between Mies Mary " amb, to T ut Creek, ai i I Mia" Fergus and the B & ere. It "a one of the will attend McMas6r College. -Rev.- Mr. Extraordinary Chances in Sum- Ilespie, tc ER(odgins a family are 6amping in Bayfield, NOTES.—�4ius Dora Xenny has returned Gi Leamingtoa, where. their have beat games seen I ic re'for some 'seasone, and AD ad.Fep�ed po dtions as so lool teaober ; M iss the large crowd pres6nt was more than -de- and Rev. Jennings, of that �Iace, offi- from two Weeks' visit at Grand Bend. -Mr. I mer 3birt Waists,' ciated in F t Thomas' church last Sunda John MorriPon has been laid ciff work with. Minnie Donovan, to. Saginam ; M is . Elle' lighted, althoug ill the final result was y Kennedy, �o Chicago NITS Mall(ry re'! Miss Nell Devereaux, da�ghter of �ir-. % Bore eye. Mr. R. Fras'er and Misses Susie DO 176ii need a fresh, pretty Shirt Waist rather disappoin Ing; both having scored six ;1 d Maud spent Sunday in Elma-Mr. *White has the preference "this aeason, ast, t� goals when wasevilled. . The Beavers Edward D veraux, of the - H,uron road east, an cently the uest ot A iHs Prender � time I 0 didn't seem �lto hav�e t1heir luck with them. left on Tu4 dLda for. Toronto, to- atten 9 e and we have many choic)a ones yet. Chicago re. Wrn. Combes to he [ homei d the George Fet noon has bion on the, sick list ylrjrd,.M chi h R' . N. Shaw, to RoM fall millin(r;y openings. -Mrs. Jack Ander- for the last two weeks. -Miss !,%-.are McCloy Plicesoa all Shirt Waists! are excep- They had the bef t of i the game throughout, son and iss Louise 'Anderson, of New left last we" k to visit her father in Man- tionally low -low, zi�t on� in wais A4 to, Kings co �one rity Mr. d Ear a.; � S. Mullettl but were very oflea unable to's re when a to, time York city, are here visiting relatives and itoba.-Mi�'s Maggie Martin is spending a bat also in someADbber tbil that to� ville ;'Mr. nd Mrs4� - N il Prendergast, t tally looked a cer tainty. Both teamsplayed a I I T �blit in re Newcastle, annsy van a ; Miss Ryad h friends.-14rs. George, Knight and little few days at Mr. W, Murray's.-Qaite a you may be just as needfu' to e snappy game, wi -4 - g6od comb natio6, close 'I. we men-" the home, Chicago, after a visit of som W" daughter re at present on a visit to her number frOn here took in Brussels races tion the�e few twet I checking and fas knA sure passing. It was i With her t4ater Mrs. 11, Broderic Idis mother, rs. Sutherland, Centre street.- last week. a race from the t ir�,, and the see. saw of'the upon. PR th i'c 'I Margaret Taylor, who has bee a uest o Mr. and ro. R, J. Macdonald were in town HOSIERY and GLOVE$ soore kept the the i gged Veda ors on Mre. (Dr.) Cooper and other friends, n Hul,' , I on Monds 6 Mr.#MaCd011Ald,:having -gone PARASOLS and OUTIN HATS edge until the e d', and it was' any persons . q - lot, to Washington D. C.-; the'� Misses into busin, tie in Toronto was seeing about Zurich dual, 310�1 I NOTES --�Mr. J. D. Wilson, of * 0 � , - A game until time *as �called. i CORSETS and VESTS &eaie and Nellie Dev reaux, Miel Aggie the remov 61 of his hou'fl'ehOd effects from road, speO'. Sunday last with his E-ister, -01 Smith M "a Cummings and Miss V biteley �The return g a,�ne1,,wab played inFargus, here to that city. -Master Leslie Reid -is in RIBBONS and HAND4EjR0R1hj?&-, on Wedneada afternoon, the resulti- as Mrs. John;, John. Horton and y -k' Guelph th a week, visiting his uncle, Mr. Thursday last for -Stoc t the fall illinery openings in Tor rito. - daughter Fe2rlelnenf; h TIES and COLLARS 1 - - officially announ'C�d bythe referee, lb g 6 . . . . . . 0- R. B. Re.0, and- other friends. -Dr. and goals to 5 in favoi of Pergus..: At fi,he," end Brandon, Manitoba. Rrs. Robert Habkirk, MUSIAN UNDERWEAR No need �o - pay $40. 'or a sewing iachine MiAs Me Y and Mr. A. D' Sutherland, as- of Bad Axe, Michigan was here lasOwe�k, of the third quarte'r the score stood'fivi all LINEN 8 KIRTS the beit from 0. M. R � dvk in. & play,' �l r siRtant p fmaster, are holidaying in New visiting au her fathe -in-law's, Mr.'6eorge A �,-,,hen you caT get 0 ams and with about seyeii minuteal to DUCIC SKIRTS )earingo and 0 ugbly beb for 830. �V e sell Nt-w -lome and New Villi York thi week. -Mr. R. N. Hays, of Habkirk, fr.-Mr. and Mrs. J. Glenn and nimehineo fitted with ball ra John Jaokson WILi injured, and- the referee Chicago, " in town for a couple of days PIQUE SKIRTS 1 guaranteed atid used by many of tho �, pe4la. blew his whistle f'r 'time on account of the daughter, of Kansas were the giiifeots of G, M. Baldwin &,Co. thii§�week, visiting relatives and friends. their neph( w, Mr. Jar aes Broadfoot. 'Mrs. accident. Just al tee time was called Fergus Ando� on.' Mr. Hayij hQs oempletely recovered his T. Ryckmin returned �home on Tuesday You'll haiie to hurry if you want to get scored, and the goa� was all�wed by the 1 4, 1 1 irkto Will MeL od'edanqiiag school. S.-nd-yolurno-Line referee. IP face (if �uch an t decision health, and lookastronger and more robust last from v isitiDg her i ions in Dakot,a.-Miss Yjou are ve y fortunate to havethe oppoi itj at once. 1811.1 and beA n than ever. Miss M. Bri8toyv and the Mi tunity ot such good 0hoosing.As w the Beavers left hej field. tieuYll were told 'Be' McGregor nd Mr. J. Todd, of Sexaminh 'FURNITU�rl FOR&SAL�.-01,3e coalheater, Laura and 1H nt indon' fer you. An opportunity1for 4ecur toknow.' ,,e a, tkAt if they returnod the Fergus players ilean Dixon, ef I amilton, ape scoompani4d by Miss Rumball, of Lc ith oven; obebedroom U d a lou ge. Ap- the past t 90o weeks with Mrs. Robert Bria- things to aid you dressing in the lata ey re- at Mrs, John McQaeen'a,— t satil3faefi p�y to C. E. Oiabb, aS Gode. i(h street. 1811xl would not coun 5 the last goal. Th spent 8unday V tow, of E' mondville;.—DIrs. John 9 An- Master George Stoneman, of Hensall, is fashion, at the most eeolnom�cal'aosb turned, but Fergus ere uwiffling to co -n- i Another �supply of our famous 0a t derson an son, of New York, &re- visiting at just the time) when yo� require bind. l0bai8 lor 26 fenis. It is a pura, tardo, cede this, and the b a again! leit -the field. holiJaying'� with MOter James Glenn. and at Mr. NV.,. R. Smith's.—Mr. James Me - We have not be rd, definitel3, what"action I Quite a wimber from the boundary picniced he thiogs the most. aundry soap. Try it. Beattle B.'03, Seato ;h. Kinley lei P on Wednesday for Forest, to will be taken iu'the imatter, butwe suppose at Grand Bend, on Saturday la"at, and re- I resume hii duties as high school teacher We can j ve you a (hoice in piait a and the game will be otested, there Eeams Port havin,' spent 8; very, pleasant time. - there. oggans, havin I in stock Ma --)n and Riach, 1�drdheim- ample andjastigalife",grounds reuch-action, MissmaryAnn Earl,lwho spent hervaca- White Dress Stuffs. e�-, Bell,'Dom nion and Berlin Pianos, and the Bell T ed to win tion with :her parents 1here, return with a good che nee I of n g a. protest. a4d Dominlor organs, WO Jd teriowned. cond Zurich. —Mr. Bert Pass. Daring the summer months, wh le and t) rent. In that even the gaTe will h ve to be play- London on', Monday I 'V. e dress h"d pianob a id organs �f or sa. 'pair I hig done by a competent n. G. Al. 130d'A in ed over again, on neutral grouLds. A CLEN �R STUDENT.—'Miss Clara Buch- more has r turned to "�is duties as teacher goods I a hold fav h the anari, da I hter of Dr. Buchanan, of this Way at Belgrav .—tre an� Mrs. Robert Cann, e dressy ones ; their' airy folds 0 white. village, w succeessful in obtaining first- go Jo WAINTED.!— ood Deral servanf Ap- of this Ia., , h e to spend a week 7, A neon impart to gowns a de, ree of eimp 9 a on( in daughter, ra. V. M. Miller of be pl,y to Mrs.J. Y. Smiley, 111, James, street. 1 Highest LOCAL BRIEFS, —Tbe BrusselsPos b, in its clas h 1Y i Eaglish, French and Ger- with th!i�llil girlishn-se most corn, g d be- i I IV% :3811-1 report of the rac m i� that to VVn last'week, mari, at t] I recent matriculatioii- examin- 'nd th Bae 11 ods: ges. Kineardine.—Mr. and *a. M. Miller a a : "Georg witching. Then again, ,,All &caot nta. owing John Land orough say E. enderso , of eaforth, ation at London Collegiate. The young hildren a ent Sabbabh klast visiting his be put ia the washf, ta cen � out and must be paid to h is sucaesso V. Knechtel, A once. gave good satisfaction as starter." He al- lady's nui iprous friends will unite with TnE c d brother, of -"Munro, Hibbert ironed �r done up againito look tike mother a John Land.borough, S for 1810x2 way Mi of this EXPOSITO' tiinexbending congratulations on a - does. Robert Wila3n township. —,Harvest is en over, and people are new. Xon findbere i Wh town, was also one of the judgeEp. Mr. W. her eucce lNeviDfn��"Luc­06-R �m-, �Bank- C omi- I I - busy threshing and pireparing the ground. nWrce Blook. I Opens for bu ineas Sattirday, August H. Willis1has lea.-ed'the residence on-Gode- for fall whOat.—Grfilin is turning -out weli. THE DAINTIEST ORqANDIES,- -30th. Steakal Chops, Coffe , *W., tD rrder, Farm- rioh street, just vacated by Mr. AM'ent. HuRett THE PRETTIEST LAwNS ejs and othero try our big I dianer. Ope day and The residence nc w occupied by Mr. Willis New hinch room, Bank of Commerce night. 1810-2, belongs to Mr Ge6rge Fit2gerald. now of Block, Seafortb. Opens Saturday, August 30th, THE SUBSTANTIAL D1 Hen 3aH. MITIRS �C gto S ano To'ironto, who in -.end returni� th D:nner 10. c( 9ts and 15 cents. 1810-2 J. G. Stinbury, B. 1. .., Barrister, Solioitor, THE SERVICEABLE k1QjTES all a he Gorh rd-Heirilzm u pi safer B nd ne4 also one 6 o e Bell to resi e. BAXY �URNED.—Mr. James Snell, the Notary, Con�e�anoer, mo iey to loan, Exeter', Ont GOOD PLAIN MUSUIRS 1 s i d Singer ee�i,,egtniachi V o� hoap at Will cLood's —Mr . J . 0. Roo 3 and family ,gan, good i s new, for eale c moved from he to Wingharn last as- well-known breeder of thoroughbred stock, At Hensall eiery Tuesday. n�uslc store, §eaforth. week, 1792 7Auguslos S Sum ,e D e I 0 k whi �'d 9 4in 4 EL IV 8, ille 00 w &a 0 113 Mr. Rose' is no ermanen ly located ia had the Imisfortune, to lose all his barns Muswil� INSTRUCTION.—I Will take pu. FANCY!81TRIPPED MUST� MT. SES -FOR SALr --Two good welling n, bein 11@ to instrue"t in piano and thepry. For further 0 that tow manager of the furnitur hl�012. Joh!h street, Staf rtb, for eale c -Ap. Ap- e last Tues4ay might by fire, together with p Aculars 4ply to Miss Addid Bell, Hensall, Lon. ply to Airs. J'� S. Porter' Be ox th. 1., 1605.8 factories there. Mis.'l Rose leaves many their ozitpts, which represented his enVire p3ri, c don Road 181(x2 4 ELECTRIb- APPRE: TICP, ANTED, At the friends in Seaf rth who, while re -ti - crop for p�s year. He also lost.a thorough- Ic nd, conveyancer for Hen- D ng N gret & G. -J. 8 therl e Sa factory on*01c Defwr Sisforth Eleotrio LightWor @, a good, ate, Y.Young her remov I fic �ere, will heartily con-- bred bull lin the flmmeto.' The fire was first sall, has had placed In Na hands for sale a very com- Wsn to le.%ra t lectricLA �usine�s. a 8covere about inidnightVand its origin is partment. gratulate le. gonod ople 0 Wingharn in. di fortabls and well planned -brick, dwelling in % good .1 11 AAL* 4 11 A U V. 113 1 : a. aft— Tt, �.. i-an�aA f- h ­ft QQ nAn 1 49 11. A A i e Be III we ng y. usc - secur ng sue wery au Us u o Ozens as J i 3ca on, w n ce awn, wa 8 all gar en. kx0ou c Y aind weights jin"S r' Inber furnacean ED modern c 4ave all SiZei stock for e;te Mr. and Mrs. Rose. � Mrs, R so was an se. The lose 17ill be pretty'w"611 covered by - in. (Wern c nvenieuces andwl5l' be ur deparmatitt of 11 domestic a such to weddings. 4obn Bulger, Jevieller, Seator . ! . I it of so d at a very reasonable !price. Intendinz pur. tive church -and Sunday echo I worker, and surance. Mr. SnOl had just got the lai 1� the home that requires th goods. The 18114 chasers will be given fall particularp. Also for s;.Ie stock is fully prepared to a in these and other capaciti a she will be his grain st'ored in- the barn the night before. or to rent fro me stores on kood central location, on ply your We n6iier give prem unia wit our 28c ineele ix , every respect. Th goods are to&. we -- I Ye7r r1l 9 to 8atisO. much missed here.-Mro. 8, J. LavFrenoe, easy term-. to pri es and payments apply to G. g�ethequalityau itney a J. Sutherlan imveyancer, Heusall. 18114f bubbling over with freii ess, thim 18fl-I secretary,of the Woman's Christian Temper. Londesboro. Beattle br4.,' Seafoi t1i. I - I �le dr ance Uniou,,desires us to express her thanks -- I BRiEFs.- -The crop& in this section were offering bright summer a tions, ti* i Oar fall importatioDs of faebio y New lunch room, Bank� of Commerce ever bett w, and the f�rmers are having fine prices b sing remarka;ble ;; r heir little-, to the many kin I friend a wh responded so Block, Sca ortb. Opens satu day, Augu-3b S�Lh, n gbods are Weekly wriving. We invite nspectiou. ti, e ]Dinner 10 c ?to and 16 . cbnfs. -1810-2 weatherjq)w for securing them. -Mrs. J ness. Small profi-te an I'Vick: sales - gutter 16 c�nts. G. E. King Wingl*u. 1811.�I; promptly to her request, m de some M 'Mr. James Snell had the mia- White iWl daughter, Mrs. McLeod, spent ago.- for lumbermen's suppliei, an& 'for one NOTES on ill Pretty close to the, b at is; on stock� of i I package in part oular. which contained five fortune tc have his barn bu red this week. last week s t Port Stanley. -The hum of the lidieW ring this )ear, Be the hew i atterna In I BLEACHED COTTON'S threshing machine is hPlard now on' Owl and b ne set engageme t rings at! If New Toalamej to. -,-Next Monday being He had just finish d ba�rveating the evening al er" , ro- 1� the farmer 3 being obli ed to thr early in. UN.B EjEACHED COTTO,�s t� $7.50. We knc%, they ill -please Plu. I N1101 Labor Day, it will b' 6baery d as a public before. -Tho Misses Young, Whitley and NACHED SHEET4N 8 D'ulger, Je ellef, Seaforth. holiday, nd ocisejven�lybusinws will be Riley leave on Monday'to ittend the' Lon - U I � order to get barn roo for their lar ;e orops. BL t 2 1 we ve ot the goods make gowd pioklcs suspended in tl 8 towns and villagpa".-The don Business College, Dr.! L. Whitley is -Mrs- Jo in Macarth r left h041 tab week UNBLEACHED SHEI� I . TINGS spices, vin �gare, etc. Pric�e �ight. Beaftle Biog,, tor North '7,Dako re she 3rothers Collegiate' Institute and public schools open home on a,short visit. He, has been prac- I - I TABLI GS %the in_ LIN N on Tuesday next. -',Mrs. and Miss Thomp. tiaing atRichmond Hill the past few The trip was taken ve y largely it' WANNTED.-�-Wanted three or 10 GOOD TICKIN BOARD EMS 0 eon returned on Monday from a pleasant months. -I -Mr. C. Smith, ofSwansea, ia the tereets of er health, and we units with her four roorocris or boardera. �Comfortab ( and can- . . � to Port I 91ibmay be ,V . * J&MO Str( ielt Arthur. -The many friends guest of r. C. Oaimette.-Quite a number many frie d in the h pe that i 1AXEN TOWELLING$ nt pi be Mra P Hay, R. 1811xl' v a - I f of Mr. M. Murl lie, reeve of McKillop, were of our cit zens took a trip to Bayfield on ve much te -:Mr. and .�,e7 1 6�:, , 'be ri e 6 t Mrs. H. J. Etc., Etc., Etc. ry or a Is, bed'stead �Iith ma tre and xl D. Cook a d Miss irrey have been visit - springs. pply to Mrs. Lyn Beafcrtb 211 pleased to see Mill 1 town iL few days ago. Wednead ky. The : y report a good time. I � I �, Although still weak he is recovering nicely, ing relativ�s and frien I a in God-erich, during FoR S , Lu,.-Tbat we known ;�!`estaurant sod icts erdain parlor, known %s tho Ro3 i I Ok f e, 1 for from his recert severe' illnTss.-The bar- uOlistance. the past week or so.-, vbry large;qaantity It is the 8 ect. Sp, d ohsnee vest is nearly e(mpleted in t�iS ViCillity SLd L ave been g: own here this sum- AUGUST. month I we makq o. - sole. Up-to-date In every re padi BRiEFs, -�-Threabing is n6w the order of of "'Ons h of all odds and grids"also for a man kith limited meana Apply W1 once to F. the crops hav) li�,-en gathered in. The the day. --Miss Kate' MeRone Sundayed mpr.-Mr. and Mrs. Lawleas and � child, of a not odds and! rouch tliwilis 1,. Wilria, � lropriet.or, Seafort' threshing outfit i are now bus'y. There will i London, spent.Sabbath with Mr. and hire. with frienos in Brussela.-Miss Maggie Me - The at iount of 28 cent tea we w1l keeps be no scarcity o straw duri R. Arnold', -Mr. and Mrs. -Macar-thur and ii always I re8b, that is one of, the oecrat P of if a popu- 9 the j coming - Donald is still with her cousin, Mrs. J. winter, and the rain is not �o be c8mplain- Mills family, who were camping at Grand Bend., li Bi attie Bros., Seafarth. 1811-1 Of arlock, but we hope she will soon returned h I bme this week. -Mr. J. I W. Fowl- say'Bu4er and eggs taken' As cash 'for rilyecia ahoe,,sale on Friday An A great be ba'ck i itour midst—Mr. Peter Lindsay I Fj 1) Av , a Saturday ed of, either as -..o yield or sainple. ng his brother, Mr. goods, 4nd highest market.prices allow only, e ad oiipage 6. W. 11 Willis, 3eafortb. many are makii g serious complaint about er, of the Soo, is viiiti Sundaye� As the guest of Mr. Gavin Jam e 'e- Bert Fowl�er.-7Mr. and Mrs. James Moore, 18Ll-1 rot in potatoes, )ecasioned, probably. by the 'son. -Ar angements or I e being made for the d for 4ame. A con Is of students �0s'n find acoommo. Mrr. R. Paterson apd� son James, and Mrs. wet weather. -Mr. F. L. Walker; Who is erection 4 f new sheds in the village. -Miss dation in In family. Ce�tral locatil n. Gentle- A. Dougall were in Detroit during the Past well known in this vicinity, is here just Ida Adsolis spent a fe�w days with her sister, men prele redi ikpply at thi office or ddress Box Y�,ew ly 05 Seafo th. 18llX1 now in the interests of the sanitarium Mr@. W. G. Ross, last week.-Miae- Alice week. -Mr. T. J. Berr has sold one of his fine imported stallionsi to Mr. John Goven- -The L LOST. 1, On Wednesdal night, i i or near at Battle Ore Bk-, * Michiga The main 8 ley took ch'aige of'the League last Sun- l3zniondV1 le, a rubber r will please buildings of this institution were destroyed an look, who -intends shipping him to the . lap r g. Finde I day even) n'g. return to ev. M . 6dgine, ealorth. 1811xi by fire about six mo�tbs ago, but'ha've since Northweso.-Mise Jennie Ross, of London, he Q ueen7 been rebuilt, and it �9 now one of 'the bedt GorTie. is visiting: her brot"r, Mr. David Ross.- GiF.Ls WAN D.- a ted at t Hotel, Sesfortb, aling room, girl and litch6b girl. Ee cF I The citize0s had the h!and engine out water - Mrs. Tbonias Stepbene. 1811-2 conducted and best equipped in'stutiona of NoTES. Mr. W. A Irwin is our new ing the sur An Edison Stfindar honograph with 30 the kind in Amerio*.-It is �ot often that postmast rl, and his assistant is Mifis Noak eets on Tu aday eveninj d ;e g. -Mrs. ap B. Fowler:was in Exeter this week, renew. &st class -ecords. for sale at 'fil McLeod's three deaths o our;i in this: neighborhood from Wirgham. -The' %rty at Mr; Kaine's ry Goods. i6o. 1�uslc sto Seaforth. :181�4 within a week and �11 the deceased l'over 80 p ing acquaintan-les.-The Gray brothers, the vii - on Tnesday night of this week, *as largely ry ill well known horse dealers, were in the I yeara:of age.-Mr.james F rayt f g CA s, Greate-.4 attended, and those preaen� thoroughly en- lage on T "Isday, and purchased ;A couple of 4 j MARRLED in DAKoTA�-The f 31lowiDg is mondville, has bee� serious y ill ':ifor two joyed the meelves. -Mr. James Beswetheriok .,aken fr in the Pioneer'Expreas of Pem- weeks,' I fine rubber tire buggie; one from Brown & - one time h- if recovery was has vene redo his house and otherwise im- Goods Store. and at D6 -iie youn�lady rpi ' 0 that de. _Mfi�� W. H. Gre Clark, and the other 11rom W- 4. Miller.- biDa, North Dakota. I er- doubtful, but wa are glad t learn )ved i r I ed to is the youligest daughter of Rev. S. pr( I gg, who resides The Mimes Bell, who � were here visiting spite his advanced years he i recovering.- a little slath of our, village, has typhoid Acheson, formerly of KIppen. here are M their parents, Mr. an I � Mrp. James Bell, John G.- Troyer. ---Our public school' -will I iss Connor, of Texas, is v1sibing at Mr. A. fever.-* Nelson M6Laughlin is visiti-g I 9 d who 'll left this -week to re ume theiv dutiep.- i e -open on Tuesday ntit.-Mrs. J. Suther- �nany amon our rea ere 1 11 unite Young's, the g�est of Miss Bessie Y011139— friends at Bowmanville and Newtonville. ,XPOSITOR in lextendin oongratu- Mr. Thomas Welsh has been making great land is epen irig this Week at Grand Benid with THE F Mr. andMrs. Neil Bethune are visi�irig Mr. OUR OLD Boys, -Milton Dorland and ther, Mr. A. f,ations. The Express a�ys t 9 a. m.-, Bethune's mot er, 1: Airs. Colin tethuDe, Louis Ho �gh, who'lef t our village some 18 improvements to his electric light plant by with her b Dent. -Miss Ednw Wednesday, Aliss Mar uerite 'Steinberg Goderich stred.-The MiE,,zes C14rke, of taking a courpe inf the raising up -the roof of the present brick Veelands returned home last week.frorn To- g years a and after 9 Acheson and.Gilberb 0. Cobb w�re--unitqd Shelbourne. wh'o have been v Bitinig their Ovv building and putting i. large addition to it Prito, wher 3 she had been spegiling a mum - en und and 'qinton Collegistes, white k -n marriage at the Pre4byterian phurch in aunt, Mrs. Thor iab Coleman, Ind copeession, �respeot i ly, removed to the States, paid' for holding supplies. He is als 'o putting 5er of weeks with relatives. �,Mrs. - Tuckeirsm.i th, re urned home on Thursday. - fine coatii3 p this city, in the presenco of a large coDgre the Beene 'of their boyhood a flying visit, g of -gravel in front of the I rem. f London, Pras here last week - visiting bei � i ises and on the road leading to it. -Mt. R. ouBin, Mrs W- C. Davis. -Miss Fisher, of gation of friends. The Iceremony! was per- Miss Minnie Tiley, who haf been* visitiDg rr ving i� town on Saturday afterni�cn and formed by the father Of the boide, Rov. Miss Hannah F, annery, of T ickeramith, for leaving for Owen Sound on the 7:20 train Bengough and daughtet,'Miss Myrtle, wore 'incardine, was here last week spending 4 her cousin, D�. Sellery.-' amuel Acheson, B88ist d by -bio brother, in Bayfiel the fore part of this week.- ew days wi the past month, has returned toller home in $ Monday iporning. They are two of,.the ,Rev. T. D. Acheson, of Park Ri'.er. The -Tororito.-A ou neriber hae requcated us to Mr. and D, ra. Thomas Murray, who were iss R. 8 b rland has been 8.p�suding the! rig, Mr. Murruy'a parents, left this ast m u;iT friends in cleverest graduates of our publie'school-, and oburch was beautifully deoors4ed with -send his Ex)?OSITOR to anilao' Center here visiti, reek lint0n.-MT.. 9 f tirnish rt markable illustrations of the truth flowers and viries, the yrincipal f gure being Miohigoe, but I as -neglected to fur'ni8h us of week -for Owen Sound -Mr. James Sather. enry Welob has sold his dwisll�rig to Mr. the & �age, 11 The hoy- is father of the land this week receiv d a funeral card from Brandt, railway agent. Mi. Welth in - a floral arch in front of the olta: beneath with his name. Would the eroon�interest. in I Mrs. Hartley, anuoun ends going iont to British Colunibla.,�-Mr. an." They have hold very responsible wbichthevows were taken. The bridal ed kindly drop is a card with his 1�me and oing the death- of her and remu 3erative positions in. San Francisco, procession left the mani a which joins the last address, so that he will not be di8ap- husband, the Rev. Alexander H&rtley, of McKay, dest son of the Ute Dr. 0. Chicago and New York. They visit rela- dhuroh promptly at nine o'clock 6�rid walked pointed when the paper faile be - 6 ronto before retf6rning to New McLennan, Algoma. The death occurred McKay, ate of Formosa, who is attendImr in up.- tives in over the carpeted lawn and passod up - the Word has been received her that Arthur, York cit� their present home. on A 0 -urs' illness, I g eollege i i Toronto, w lon Tuesday =22a.d after a. few'h aisle to the etrains'of the weddi Mr y was a ,ed 64 years. The I t, -visitin Mr. James Sul�herland,­ jIg march, the ben year old son of X .. W. J. Clark, e y �layedby�Mipa Muriel'. ull, ii a follow- formeirly of this towo. but n4 M Of Colorado man friends of the reverend gentle- mong thoa 3 who left here on t 6 harvest In rder 4, Ushers, f. , Cockb�lrn and W. Springs, WPB ve y seriously injured recently wro)F�ter- Meng W40 was n4re last summer a' excurai a for Manitoba, laj�tj' week, we g e son I supper ed b y ; -while play in , �ith powder. A number of RIEFS -,Word wam' received here on on a visit,� will be. e hooked t learn of 1, arned of t e following : Alr.� groom, Y Ma�oAshle 9 n Gald- 1; Esther Shaw, with i in on �illow Ven- children were h iving a fourt Li of July cele. S urday that David, Martin, a citizen of his very sudden death� Mr.Hait'ey was well I ell and da ghter, Mr. Jobu Hortou At& wer g brid-l""irl miss bratio'n, when U h a villa a, while on an excursion to Mani- and favorably know here, hwing been au4ybter, Mrs. Daymon, Miss' I iowe, Mist ease Chen6y, flb -ey filled a li�ttlef wi-th pow- t P V,Ida Harvey ; bride, supported. by her der, and 'oung Cl�rk let a rq , at?h to !* t to a, ba fallen from: the train, near the pastor of the Preslyterian congregation- dies Caldwell, Miss Annie Carl 81e, Harry y . . I . - gather. 'Rev. T. D. Acheson read -the ocr ip- -causing the exrlosiop, Fessultin), i injuries sn�all Vill L�ge of Schrieber, and was in a here and xt Chi8elhu'Bt for;v r 10 years. ackison.-Airs. R. Jarrotl; an4 bhe Misses- ture'lesson', and Rev. S. Achesen,� in a clear, vical condition. Hie was taken to the He was au able preac ier. 181 death will '1a0k returped home last week; rorn Grand lowhich-cmused his do n the 23r or 13 0 ne of July ospital a 'IV and con- -Mr. George F. ja�T home on bes0ifal manner, protiounced the binding retur h t Port Art4ur where his son -in-, notonlyb' mournedbybis fa end, whe a they had the ex- *ows� and the ceremony, though �.rief, was Monday from his virsiti t New Ontario. la�vl Wri. Rutherford, left for Saturday gregation�iu Algoma, but by his many ee!k.-Mr. Robert.Higgi6s eft n apprqriate and solemn. � The picture, � as Amobg other places v` afternoon. -miss L. Nookes left for Gorrie friends here, whose sympathy go Ut to uridon trai last week f( a; AU& aited wig the C n. group stood before the' altar, *as very It .4 on! Tuand where she will assiob W. Irwin the bereaved widow ai id family. -M�is May 1e4ars. He ry and Isaac the i adian Sault, w licb, hl�. Jac son i ays J. Nicb- beautiful and will linger. long in the- memor- marvel, a . kid.a person! can se reel co '44 in !the polLffice.-Miss Lizzie Thompson, of Higgins, of London, ias been vicitin her (Ils4nd Mqo. Louis Cl UNIX- ies of thosel�who had the good fortitne to be of such a,'bive of indukiry e of 'from 6b. Br useelo,, is the guest of Miss M. 8mith.- cousin, Mrs. W. C. I sivis, during the past I art I one of 'our oldest es abljs#ed and mott. there., The bride, in her fres1b.' young servatiom The sections visi d�% hi'm are Mr. and ra. Allan returned to! their home week.-Rdv. Oliver Coleina-D is visiti, g his nterwisiug business mex � and manufsetur, u D' is, has wit in the past r ionW or so been beauty, wag fair indeed, and in heF costume more val able f )r timber an minerals than in'Colorajo on Friday. last, having spent parants and. relative in this nei thbor- I a or a' relatfies here. � Miss Tena hood. -Mt. William Smith, of Ira r. 6f white, envelopedby th foldsofthe long f gricultural purposes.- aptainA.Wil- two Mont os wi 7- 3 ter, dding the latest and most improved maw bridal veil, made a bride whose band any qisibing in Irea - uel equipped oatmeal son is in Toron this i week. comj�etij3g at Sn'ith is esley.-OhIrs. Dobie, was in- the village, this week spending a inery 0 already vt el Oroorn might well have been pioud and the Ontario Rifle A of Qheale: r, is the: gues of, her 'sister, Mrs. (Jay with.� his reladves and friends.- r itill. Mr. rquhart is b ud to be up with I asocial ion's ; shooting I pleased to clasp. The- wu�ddinjz town was matches. -Mr. John Mema, 11 a ipped a R. i Gibso: i. -Wallace , okie, of I Hard ston, Mr. Francis Rae was home from Denfield t be times, a d hie expor not only find a a I f white Eatin, draped in chiffoj�, with pearl lot of very I . ited at �is home o er Sunday. -Joseph during the past week. Miss Nettie Fulton r jarket in &I our leading eities, but also. 'in 4it was fine , orsis n Tu ad Y- Aother via garniture. The "going away " a of new traction e gine al o shipped the -Cowan re �rned 'on onday from Manitoba, has been in London daivg the past week or t he old coun ry market, and -in addition to where he has spent two montbo.-Herman so, attending the miline and I uying oats e has rents I a storehouse in steel blue cloth, with -ecru lace aid panne same dayl� from the Se orih en in 0 works. ry oppnings v�elvet trimknings. ', Mrs. Cobb has been- a Morrison �as received a position on the visiting he(jr sister, MAI oel.-Mr. 4ePherson, --Mrs. J1 Davi , of ndon' s, on;'. a few lied linton. All Hensall now need is more - resident of this city for about a �.ear; and days withIll her , riend iss Sutherland Canadian Pacific Railway. -Mrs. Playter, student of K-uox College, who. a pp , the manufacture re with the _p ash audenterprisfe- 0 0 1 . I Is . herpleasant manners have won her a prom- this week -Mr, and ro. ar es �'Golding Of t ),,is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. s-ervices in Carmel cL ch d the past of thobe who 'are alread'y doin busine", ibent place ia.8ocial and church circles, and go to Aybr on Saturday, to a eAd a few R. amil -on.-Yrank kdw'ards paid a busi. month, lef� here this 'vee' for ;Toronto.- Oerc-Monc ay, Septembe r let, r Days. *bile her many friends, both youn, and old, days with relati es there. -I owilooks as nee visit to Hanover gatu Irday. -Alex. and M ion Smhb has been a -,t�ending t e milline ill be obser wed here as a public oliday.- ry V A w ther in Sep. Mr . Munroe and fa ly a e the guests of openings d),dring the pi st wec r so -and er vjill wish her every happinobe, yet hey will if we are to ha, uguAt It are. MeEwen and G',Ziger a gettiu.9 in riigret that the �hange of relation' hi rel4tives ini Milvertou. M M. McLauch. visiting her sister in E amilton.-'The Misses t. air fine lar ge crop of f[ax well �ecnr6d.­ ip will tember.-The.E ctric Light Com �any has nI)acessitatef her removal from the �0 cietly of sold the McBr e property, sent of the lint' of BiusselB, visiteTat 0. Smith's this Clark, of Shelbourne, were here 1 last week usinesa is $Omewhat quiet in our villag6p- *�'bich she has been'so graceful a p'rt. Mr. railway track, t a o k.-Tikonias Appleby presehed in this spending wfew days ith MF�� and Mks. e farmers I being so busily engaged. ouple of entle ben who WO el Ban a tep, -J A ff if great r. waterp Winter Irs