HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1902-08-29, Page 5RE. t pair of king for he knocks% 1. are' to' tG 1 and 410 We re- ery worthy aers, tan or )mer price A PAfl. orth ed with him. Elizabeth, eder Robert [e died some trnily of aix he married dr. William widow and Mrs Cur- . welfare of iety and for )aored presi- religion be titica, a Lib- lg. hist, the d and cledi- A. McAuley, ed audiences Misa os organist. s bath morn- , or Seaforthe and Mr. F. n. Oa the palpit hable,. Lurch, of To - germ wags, ke, present - of Toronto. reach both antlay.—Mr- , last week rtds- in the fames A.rea- ma returned D. 11. For- a• Sunday, risiting Mrs. offices—The -ery day for day night, an old and , died from Lc acid and at an hour aarater had fling a bird sitting on some truste- e bottle coli- c aid and the' liquid. .tords office, away, and D Tlim, but g gradually liga1. in the en blerk of e number of ere are three mourn their essels cenae- s-he resided resident of HeWE48 a an who was s a high de - P• on nine of [Ind Shine's, tree of grain. hand badly —Oar bowl- s, in a game Friday Mrs., of headache her life was , again now. who is in tents in thia . He oar, re of Ass 1 L, is visiting e Standatd is visiting here this rrived here , sojourning tev,) W. T. oy, acoom- Cardiff ar- eels. e son have le at Van - heir future ale. t1.1 the Is worth TH A GUST 29 1902 seersoloosmtimor Nuns presby /ergo- con Miss El tile guest home.— Brnoef.ield. —Mr. James Foot preached in the rian church on Sabbath last, to regatioue.—Mias May Beattie and iott, of Westminster, who were of Mrs. W. Scott, have returned ev, Neil Cameron, who lately preached lin our village, left last week ler Kincardine, where he will hold services.— Mies Lillie McCowan has returned home m visiting friends in Toronto and Handl. , too.—Mr. Hector Reid has returned from 1 the Northwest, where he purchased aereh of land, 8 miles fsorri Moosejew. He expects to move there in the epring.—Miss Maud McIatoah entertained a number of friends op Saturday hast.—A. nuniber from our villege attended the Varna garden party on Wednesday night last. —Mrs. Simpson sod granclaughter. of Ethel, have been visit - ape at the1 home of Mrs. Thomas Simptoo.— Mrs. Rat wetl, et Toronto. visised last week at the he4ie of Mr. W. Rsttenburee—Mr. • iteurge SOpson has closed his store and gone on re proepecing tour to Saul e Ste. ttarie, where he nosy locate.—Mr. Thomas McDonald, poliseman, of London,who visit- ed recently at the home of Mrs. P. Camp- bell, ha o eburned home.. He took his pipes with him, and gave his friends here some good old Scotch airs.—McCowan Brothers loet a ge Id horse this week.—Dr. Arm- -eteeeg ,{n perty have returned from a pleas- viis Dakota,—Mr. Thontae Alpine, barrister, has returned to his home in Tors' onto. —Miss Violet McCtilly, daughter of Mr. . John Mo ally, of Stratford' R )ad, who re- cently gr duated from the School of Domes.. tie&dem , has been ono -hated a member of the Dorne tie Science stuff at Whitby Led nd him IL A. Southwick,of Dow - ails, recen ly celebrated the twentieth an- . nivereary of their mart i tgo. by entertaining &large number of their friends at their beantiful ionio, when a mot ern nosbic tune waspen —Tho as Rae,- a young lad who trains saddle hoses for Kidd Brea , of Listowel, and who as a clever rider, had rather a - nasty aec dent, on Tuesday of last week, by whith hid collar bone was freetured in two places, m king it very difficult to set. He was putt' g a green horse over the hurdles . when it 0 umbled and threw Lire forward. D.1IARKET-73. S3A.F011;r17.. Azw. fS 100e all Wheat (new) Standard.-- .--- 70 to $0 76 ushel_ - 043 tO 044 shal 4.1. • • • • 0 76 10 0.76 0 57 lo 0 67 1, loose— 0 14 to 014 0 15 to 0 16 ; -Ewa per d 0 13 to eider, pe 0 to 2 00 to 1.Hay per tc4now-------------. 6 60 to Hides_ per 0 — 6 0010 i Sheep 8kin • • e• 0 30 to — — — - • . 0 13 to 1 r3ta4oes er 'bush 0 10 to e.seit (retal ) per barrel— —. 1 10 to virlod per ord(long).-- --.....— 1 00 to W.mdpsr ord (short). • ee_ e, 2 00 10 Apples pe bag . . 0 40 to Clover Se — 4 60 to Timothy —•..•.----... 2 00 to Pork, per 00 7 60 to Tabow, pe lb_ • 04, to 'NW Per Page Per b DerleY P Buttofer40 0 14' 2 15 650 6 25 O 25 0 40 0 60 1 10 4 43 2 75 O 40 6-00 300 8 00 0 05 Dairy Markets. TORONTO, Augnet 26—Butter—The offer- ings contimnue plentiful, and there is a good demand for anything choice. There is a . greal stir lus offering, however, of low grade dairy, w ich is difficult to dispose of. Prices are eteadly. We quote :—Creamery prints, 19i. to 0c;2solids, 18,1; to 19c ; choice dairy titbs and pails, 15 to 16c; common, 11f to 1 3 ; pound rolls,15 to 16o ; medium, 13 to 1 c ; culls, 12 to 12to. Eggs—Re- taints arheavy but not uniform in quality. it Everyth ng has to be largely culled, and the precenta, e of new laid thus obtained . is mall. he market is steady at 154o for strictly resh gathered.; chips to seconds are -quoted a 11 to 13e. MON FAL; August 26—Cheese—Finest 'Ontario olored, sa to 'c; finest Ontario white, a to 92e ; finest township white, !9i to .c • finest townships colored, 94; to fissest Quebec colored, 9: to Wes ; , freest Qaebee white, 93 [to 9tc. Butter— We qu te :—Fancy township creamery, 18i to 9a ; finest township creamery, 18d to 18o; finest Quebec creamery, 18i to ,18:tsc ; nest Ontario creamery, 18 to 18o; Ifine ore mery, 171 to 18o; dairy butter, 14 ' to 15:1c. Eggs—There is a fair amount of 'business at steady prices. We quote :— Selected, 18 to 18o; candled stock, 14 to 16c, in a jobbing way, and atraight receipts ' at 141, to 15c per dozen, and *No. 2 at la to lie per dozsn in, round lots. ' LIN-14AY, Auguat 26—At the Lindsay 'Chem ,' Board 1,770 boxes were boarded, and sold at 9 5-16c. Mr. Flavelle took S00, IMr. Fitzgerald, for Hodgson, of Montreal, , 700, and Mr. Hogg the balance. 1 Gram,,etc. TORONTO, Auguat 261—Wheat—Red, 73; white, 73; spring, !78c ; goose, 75c ; pas, 84e; barley, 52 to 52o; oats, .46 to 47e;. new oats, 33o per bushel. Seed —Alsike,s choice, No: 1, 57 to 87.10; Aleike. good, No. 2, $6 to 56.75; timothy seed, $1,50 to $2.50 ; old hay, $15 to 518; new hay, 511 to 813; clover, 58- •, loose straw, 55. Millfeed—Is steady at 517 to $17.50 for cars of shorts, and $13 for bran in:bulk east and middle freights. Manitoba millfeed is steady at 523 for cars of shorte and 517 to 517.50 for bren in car lots, sacks 'included. Toronto freights. Potatoes. TORONTO, August 26—There are plentiful offerings for the present demand, which is only for local trade. The market is steady at 35 to 45c per bushel out of store. TonoNTo, August 26—Receipts are large and demand is only fair. We quote live chickens at 45 to 50c, dressed at 60 to 70c, and young turk.eye at 111 to 12o; ducker, 45 , to 50c. _ Live Stock Markets. LONDON, England, August 26—Cattle are quoted to -day at from 12: to latc per pound dressed weight ; refrigerator beef, , is 11 to 11.0 per pound. MONTREAL„ August 26—The butchers were present in large numbers, but, the sup- plies being in excess of the demand, prices had a downward tendency all round. A few prime cattle were sold at about 4f-t!c per , pound ; medium stook brought from 3t- to 4to,and theocommon animals from 24 to 3fc, while canning stuff sold at from ld to 2c per pound. A considerable number of cat - ale will not be sold to -day. Calves sold at from 52.50 to 510 each, or from 3 to 4c per pound. Sheep sold at from 2:11 to 3tc per , pound;. Iambs at from 311 to 4.1c per pound. Good lots of fat bogs sold at from q to 7c .per pound, weighed off the oars. BurrAno, August 26—Cattle—Fairly ac- tive,generally 10 to 15o lower. Prime steers, 58 to 58.25 • choice 1,200 to 1,300 pound steers, 56.7510 57.25 ; fair to good, $5.75 to 86.50; choice, 1,000 to 1,150 pound. steers, $5.75 to 56,50 • fair to good, 55 to 55.50; ehoice heifers, 55.75 to 56.50; fair to good, 54 25 to 55.50; light to fair, 53 to $4 ; beat fat cows, 54.50 to 55; fair to good, $.3 to 54.25; canners to common, 51.50 to 82.75; export bulls, $4.25 to $t75; butch- ers' bale, 0.75 to 54.20; sausage bulls, $3.25 to 53.75; choice cows and springers, :steady; good to choice, 545 to 560; med- ium to good, 530 to 540; common, 520 to $28 ; feeders, 54.35 to $5 ; etockers, • 53.75 to 54.50 •, stock heifers, 53.25 to 53.75. Veale, tops, 58 to 88.25; fair to good, $7.25 to $7.75 ; common to Held, es to t$7. Hoge—liteavyq- 60 to 57.65; few, I ei , $7'" 111‘ $7:50 to $7.60 Yorkers, $7.45 to $7,50; light Yorkers,$7. to $7.45;r pigs. $7.45 to $7.50 3 • roughs, $5.75 tolo $6 25 ; stags, $5 to $5.50 '- grassSrs, $7.20 to $7.40. Islheep and Lambs—Top lambs, $6 25 to $6 40; fair to good,$5.75 to $6.20; culls to common, $4 to $5 ; iyearlings, $4,50 to $4.75 ; wethers, - $4 to $4 25n ewes, $3.25 to $3 50; sheep, tope, mixed, 53.50 to 83.70; fair to good, $3 25 to $3 40 ; culla to common, $1.75 to $2.75. TORONTO,August 27-0ettle--Exporters— Choice loads of heavy shippers sold at $5.75 ; medium exporters., $5 to $5,40 per cwt. Export Bulls—Choice heavy ex- port bulls sold at $4.50 to 85; light export ladle sod -at $4 to $4 50 per cwt. Export Cr:ses—Export arms sold at $4 to $4,35 per cwt. Butchers' Cattle --Choice pioked lets of butchers' cattle, equal in quality to the best exporters, 1,075 to 1,150 poem -breach, sold at $4.65 to 55.25 per owb choice picked lots of butchera heifere and steers, 950 to 1,055 pound a each,: field at $4.40 to $5 per cwt • leads of goodbut- chere" sold at $1 to s$4.50 per cWt te loads of medium hatcheratr$3 75 to $4 common butchers' cows, at $2.75 to $3 per cwt. Exporters and Butchers' Mixecl---Loada of mixed butchers and exportere sold at $4.25 to $4.75 per cwt. Feeddrs--Feedeerd ethers, weighing from 1,000 to 1,100 pomade each, sold at $4.50 to $4 75 per cwt, and light feeders, 800 to 900 pounds each, - are worth $3.75 to $4 25 per ` cwt. &reckon— Stookera, 500 to 700 pounds each, of good quality, are worth $3.25 to $3.50 per can ; -off-colors' and poor quality of the same weights are worth 52.50 to $3 per cwt. Mikis Cows --Milch cowa and sprrngers sold at $25 to. $45 each. Calves—Calves sold at from $3 to $10 each, or from $3.50 to $5' per cwt. Spring Lambs—Speing iambs are worth $4 to $4.50 per cwt. Sheep -- Prices $3 40 to $3 60 per cwt. for ewes, bucks at $2,50 to $2.75. Hoge—Best select bacon hogs, not less than 160 priunde, ndr more than 20 pounds ' each. off :cars, sold at $7.25 per ewt.; lights at $7. and fats at $7 per cwt ; 'sows, $450 to $5 Iper ewt. r and stags, $3 per cwt. 1 13irttts. QUEEN—In Roesland, Britiih ColumNia, on Aug. ust 13th, the wife of Wm. McQueen, 13, A., city , clerk. of a son. ARMOUR—In Wingham. on August lEth, the wife of Mr. Wm, Armour. of a eon. TFIONIAS—In Wingham, au August 13th, the wife of Mr. W. D. Thome, el a daughter. r• COOK—In Wing:ham, on Auguat 19th, the wife of Mr. C Cook. of a on, ( SLOMAN—In Clinton, on August 13th, the es.pe of Mr. J. Simon, of a Kn." GLIDDON—In Leaburn, cm August 17111) the' wrie of Mr. Wm. Gliddon, of a daughter. . . Marriages. , BAILEY—PARKER—At the residenae io, the bride's parents 72 Lansdowne avenue, ornate), on Auguse1211e, by Rev. Dr, hieRev, Mr•aIoeeph J. Beiley, principal cf Bleta publib sehbol, to Miss Tetye, daughter of -Mr_ and Mre. I. I. Parker. THOMSON-01AITER—In Brussels, on August 20th, at the residence of the !arid parent, by Rev, T. Wesley Comm% Mr. Wm. hernial, merchant, of Thessalnn, eViT,OniCk, - to Miss Eliza Helen. daughter a Mr. and 2E1r3. Janle3 Oliver, el Brussels. TRELEAVEN—GIBBINGS—In Clinton, On August 21st, by Rev. W. Treleaven. asetere ley Rev. Dr. iii Gifford, Mr • J. W. Treleaven, of Al onte,to Mise Asa, youngest daughter af Mr_ Jo n Glbbings, cf Clintora COBB—ACHESON—On ',Auzust 2111h. n the Firat • Presbyterian church, Perobina, North Dakota, 1 by Rev. Samuel Acheson, father of the bride, as- sisted by Rev. T. D. Acheson, cf Park River, N. D., uncle of the bride, Mr. G. C. Cobb. of Weetbeurae, Menitoba. to Mise Margnerite Stein- berr Acheeon, of Pembina., N. D. 1 ; 1 Deaths.1, CHESNEY—In Egmondville, on August 21st, Agneo Gemmel' relict of the late Wm. 'Chesney, aged 80 years and 7 months. MCMILLAN—In MoKillop, on August 13rd, Rebut McMillan, aged 81. years and ' mont Tuckeremith. an Atigr* 24th, jane Cameron, reliet ofpae late John1 elOIntosh, aged. 83 years. 1, MANSON--In East Wawanosh, on Augneti 161h, Jane Manson, aged 61 years_ EMIG 13 --In Blyth, on Angust 11th, James Etnigh, aged 32 years. 2 menthe a.nd 22, da3ls. CEEIDLEY—In Clinton, on Auguat 10th, Joseph Chidley, aged 32 yea. MAGOR—In Goderich township, on Angust 16th, , Mrs. George Mager, aged 60 yeers. RYAN—In Aehneld, on Auguet 17th, illarry, only son of Mr. Henry Ryan, aged 1 year, 1 month and 28 da3 SI/ANE-1n eGoderich, on August 1:7th, Samue Sloane, azed 12 years. MILLER—At Toronto, on August 25th, Andrew Mil- ler, of Wroxeter, aged 63 yeare and 7 months. FOX—In Cranbrook, on August 27oh, DI ry A. Bird, wife of air. Edmund Fox, aged 40 years, months, a. d 13 days. HUNTER—In Brussels, on Aug et.20t 1 Alexander 1 Hunter. in his 5£4.:11 year. 1 ALCOCK—In Stuartourn, MsTnticba, on Auguet 15th, Mrs. Wm. Alcock, formerly f Grey eownehip, ; aged 84 years. SALE REGIST 'R. On Tuesday, September 2 d, at 2 o'clock p. m., household furniture sind other effects, at the residence of the proprietor, North Main street, Seaforth. Milian) Smith, proprietor; Thomas Brown aucticineer. ammlimINII=11•111=1" You'll Mis It If you decide about you education and select a school before you see the new catalogue of the Odntral , Business College,; TORONTO, A postal will bring it by return mail, and, aside from its artistic vaiue„ yca will be interested in the work of an op to•date Business School which employs 12 teachers, owns 100 typewriting machbees, end sends out nearly 500 young people into good positions each year. - Autumn Session from September 2nd. Eater any time. Write for catalogue. Addrees W. H. SHAW, Principal. Yonge and Gerrard ste., Toronto. 1586-62 REAL ESTATE Fr)R SALE 11 OUSE TO LET.—Houee formerly Occupied by Dr Bethune. Immediate poeseisiien. Apply to F. HOLMESTED. 1811-1 rro RENT.—The house in Scalorth owned by Mre, Robert Coleman, and now oecupied by Mr, John iflae s, containing ten rooms besides closets, pantri( s and all ennveniences, aiRO stable. Possessio about lst. of September. Apply on ohe premises o to Mr. T. E. AYS, opposite. 1810. 11OUSE FOR SALE.—For sole tbe residence on North Main street, Seafortb, owned and oc- oupied by Mr. E. Latimer. The benee is a comfier, table frame one, in god repair. with stene founda- tion under the kitchen. The house contains three bedrooms, ratios, dining room, large eitobee and a summer kitchen, pantry, wash room and closets Hard and soft water in the house. Theral is an acre and a half of land well planted with all k nds of fruit There is a large stable, goed hen house and pi houee. This rifeasently situated propertee, known a the Lee Property, will be sold on reasonable terms. Apply to EDWARD LATIMER, Seaforth.i 1811x4 -VARA! FOR SALE—For sale in the township of _.11_1 Tuckerimith, Lot 1, Conoeeeion 8,1 eontainin 100 acree, nearly all c'eered and in a gdiod state le cultivation, newly underdrained, well ,fenced, tw geed well?. There is on the place a good comfortablei treree house, large new bank barn !with :brick basei ment, about an acre of young orchard jut beginnin to beat. The' farm is nearly all seeded ho grime an is in excellent pondition for either grain i growing o Ftock raising. This excellent farm is Well situated being two miles from a, echoel, post offiele, store an blacksmith shop and six reilee from: Sworn rib. Goo roade in all directions. Apply on the premises o address Seaferth post office. SAMUEL CLUFF, o to HENRY BEA TIB, Barrister, Saeforth. 18114f , MIAMI FOR SALE —North half fof Let 24 and th r South half of Lot 25, Coeceeeion 3i in the town ehp of Hay, in the county of Huron, e ntaining 10 acres of,which 75 acres is cleared ai:i. d in a g state of bultivation. The remaining 2 acres bein inwoode meetly good hardwood and fenced in There is a good frame dwelling and al . barn , 60x with other outbuildinea. There is a good Gram a.ud a fine belt of maple trees along thejeont of th hero, There is not a foot of waste land,•and there 1 two;good never failing springe. The lend is prett well drainod and fenced and is !veli ogtruated on geed gravel road within twei rui10 of Aensall a only a quarter of a mile from solacoll i P9SEeSSi Crilrb0 given to suit purchaser. For f her parti . Wars apply to the proprietor, RQBER CARGIL 1 • liensallP. 0. 1811-4 tight county.: Pianos, Dr EntporlaIna Music Stor er.s. Pears, a he. i . and1 , hall Y. eurld at prieve. piL gest plow Orelhc ar e the nuts 11 f ere September 6111 to 16th. 11118, cto., al 0 sold!rItht froni the Musto C. 110t&B Clinton Fruit Farm and 1811x4 AJNTED.—A first c ass P ern nt p as (mar to plots - TV ter cement linus s, silos, etc. I, bend wages will be paid to a gond toady an, ddress cam- municatiorrs to Dublin ,or He salt. !eta :lag wages, eto, G. T. MoRA1, Ce rent Co tractiir. mei L . i I I 'V XEORMORSI SALE F LANDS IN McKILLOP. .ue —The Excouto s of the will of fliJams Camp- -hal, de eased, will offer for sede by pubile auction, at tbe Commercial hotel In the own ot Seaforth, an Wednesday, the IQth of—Sop euber at 2 ce,cloole p. zn„ the following pro ertee; Lot No. 20. in, tibo Seventh taining by heasuitnee t 100 res of land, more or Conceesion of thitimtowbs Ip of litokilllePt ee less, 140 the lands are create a rarne dwelling house, wfth stone fonda kin 22 28, addlion ,16x20, 1 ono and, a halt stoey hi h ,and a w °oohed 2448. Bare No. 1,cn stone oun a ion, x60,; Born No. 2 °lappet , 3440 : Imp erne a house 14x24. Two %ells, good Or hatd, fairly ,ell t aced and all km a. rdrained ; convenibntito churches and school, five miles ,from Sealed cent, of urchase m oey o he pad on the day of t sale,! an the balance, wit out I teresi, within thirty deys Ircin dey of eale. The p robse r will he at liberty te o on and do 111 plowing and other nee- esary work at once, and to lia li a bedroom for a man and stabling for a t ta of horen, and full pos- sealer). o 1 tbo first day a April 1903. Upon pay- ment of i pUrohasel MO ey the purcha or will be entitled to a conveyance of the .property free from all enounibrances. For ft rther ipartioulers lend con- dit one of side, apply 1 to M to, ALEXANDER KERR, Seaferth P.' O., MR .1011 CAM BELL, Seaforth P. O., the exetutors ot, the iwill of the ' late Thomas sCoalmi et; tboerl if, cOrretxoe a tut; eo .n1311. de i.i signed, P. 'HOLIdE8TED, 1 ! ' )811-2 [ 1 , MISHTEA CiROGAN , g Talks ,kkbokittite, itlarveist EXcursion. , ' ----!------ I Me n'Clancy I whit doWn to h' station lasht l'ade' wale a akeS to ea ta ta to th' big crhard iv lAgr eultueal To iste who wur bound fur Man tobo to s ijnd . their summer holidays at wo dollars a day a& boord. " I had not ion„"itays 0 army, "to buy a ielacuit-boX a ' ta e a brip out there rieal1f but Il ohenged me re ind at th' leant riiosiiab. 1 balm u frind ut there near a place called P airie bob, I the Sas- , cratoh wt. n dishtrict, He una big Agri- eulthural Sure mee R pont an wanted me to teortte out an' b ord Wid hi till th' harvist Was overl at wo cIlars day an' shine in th' barn. But I t'i k I'l ; shtick to th' flax pined," he sa s. " It's orty hard on me kidney eoMpl int, but I t anage to kape nee 4e on 0' hosa, phrth ell, as a, rule?' 1 i noticed me r4nd, Lo Jaekson, th' iitehtantaneoue p Otygrapher, wid his bisheui t -box an' his c; .mey brcbint good-bye to a ,bi c owd is E ondville , girrula an' ahant d zen fro ayforth " 1 m sorry to. see e Elvin' us Mi htee Jack!' 0," I says as 1 h ultil out me n te book. ' An' what part in th' great wha, e bilt are e goird to mithronizt) this Ilum er ?lit I :s, ys. "1 haven' hilly med Oip rte remind 'y ; Mishter Groga ,"'lle says," b t, I Vink ad I be in th' neighb u hud iv Hy rophoby in h' Souris Blazes di htrict. Th re's some g and scain- ery in him parts," 1 e = says, "t they're peel& as hoigh as tw dollars au' in cants a day fu p °fissional h rvisters wi some ex. perien e I ixpict o tiering ,b ok some foine ere s av it's god 1-harvisti ' wither. 'Tien't ivey day ye git an opper onity iss seein' h' ceurathry a two dollar an' tin cinte a clay an' foend an' a little exercoise in th' pi aidll do e no hare . They tell mei," ie says " t at th' slaipi accom- modetion on th' thrai ie . eomew t cramp- ed, but I'm on purty good turrn wid- th' manager v th' C. P. R. an' I' ettiri) a plank ell o mesilf." " Ye want i o be care. ful an' no drink toc4 much Alk i wather whin e' e in Manyt by," I saps. "'Tis a great 14ai remover tbey tell me '1 eays. " A greatt many goes out there fa a change iv hair—in' they get t." I Me ouli fried Mi hter Dynes k in th' excursioniwid th' rist iv th' byes. Twas his intintion to go to, annah, Nort Dakoty, Mishter ynes wint to see Han ab lasht shpring a ' he tuk si4ch a notion t th' place - that he i Curls te a tay there p manintly ae a rule. Wages f 1r expurt w te man- ipulators are purty ell up there his year. An' thatle whaVe h' matther «id Han- nah. Th' WOliarns Ag icultural Shcy was th, principal Ifut-coverin worn by tht tourists. 'Tie a greed shoe fu all keinds iv farms wurk a& it kapes w II in-anny ol mate, an' niyer tur s rancid, Take a luk a thim th' nixt toim ye're ixa inin' Richaf son and Moltilisal bargains. , e Any peIrson deairixfg to secure a ing beet 4nd shoe tu iness would commuosi ate with t e above firm poeitiVel retiring frim business. Richardso & M' ROGAN. ood nay - well to s we are , HURON tXPOS ITO Oorne sin ond Marke reet Sea° 0 ntari ckar nnis GRAND TRUNK Rs'VF.L.Tr'Etiv Labor D Sept.1 1 2 and 31 wiRlIebten tween in C Grand oonneo at SIN CLASS going returning go.d until Sept - Canada's ricop, eat n tickets ssued be - 1 stations ada on runk &- g lines E FIRST - RE, good ugust 30 end, 1902 air, SEP EMBER ist to the 1 3th., Seafortil, to Toronto aud return, good go- ingsSeptembee 2ad to 12th, inolusi e, $3.45. Good ging on Sep ember 2nd, ,4th, 6th, 8th and Ipth, 52.55. All tickets valid returning on r before September 15th. For particula and in- formatioin apply to Agents, W. SOMERVI E, 4kgent, - - Seafort . FUROITU E UNDERTAKINCII Introductory sale dur g the mon tember at close p ices and w disociunts for cas We are riow ready lo may wieh done. couches recovere Uudertaking and em proiArly done. answered at m Goa ,nlock and S ictoria etree any uphol Chairs, lo at modera aiming pro Night cal residence, N IQH Stl-CG SSOR TO J. RN :LANDSBD SEA ORTH. of Ser- b liberal ering you nges, and rates, ptly and will be corner of EL/ otrott, po7 Ur Sal Continue I we ac urgreat Clear ng Sale has been a graOsucce when vertise bargains, they always get the Our clearin sale, when we will offer ieater b rains e interesting to clo.c.o.cash buyers : bag should Black atana Skirts, with deep frill, trimmed with bra Ladies' Shirt Waists, made of percale,. detached collo s, wort tions will be ade in all our Shirt Waibts this week o 4lettr. edges, worth 50o, for 25oin small checks, in black iMett's fancy Striped shirt , a d red and black and whi Worth grea. i yard wide, i pink and cream, worth 120, for 10o White 124-c, for 61r0. Ladies' bla k and colored gloves, wor h 115o, 2 for 100. Wille Prints, fas colors,- worth 12 -to, for 8 ta. ".t s. Jjuilr customers kn ext. week will vripd than ever. The folio , d, regular prioe 90o, for 5 504, for 25c. Great red Men's -straw hats, don 0o, for 39o. Wrapperett snap, at 5o. Flannelet Pique (p. K.), regular pri o, 5o and 30o, your ohoi peci I ale of itv Shoes. We iave picked out a number of odd and childre 's shoes at i4educed prices to clear. will get a bargain. AA to see them. cJSHtA...i•Ti) (2) lines an1 sizes in men's, worne If yo r size is in the 'lot, y 'OM YT ip th P0 at .1 ++.14-1-1.4.44•14 Best 5c Pe c I e have just received, direct from Se celebrated Lead Pencils. Ther aoils equalrto them. We are selli three for Sc. Now is the chance : chants to lay in a stock. ▪ e have all' kinds of School Book etc,, at the lowest prices, at FIRST DOR NORTH sE F PICKA D'S, erman another lot of are not nany 5 cent g them, while they last, or students and mer - Slates Pencils, Scrib- FoFi-rH. HE It m _ Hav Tapestry, SS Why give 1 that much 1 Hav the newest New D This d value obtai you to call. A larg are sellingens Our mi most up to - D. M. GitEil sn $TORE y seem a little early, but the earl just received another large consi oat, Union -and Hemp. Also Lin - or 20 per cent. more when you c you seen OUT Fancy Blousings a hiing in the'market, and are sellin ess Goods Arrivin partment has groWn rapidly, and able in the Market. If you need range ofIopiery and Underwear eap. nd Boys' Clothing at astonishingly liners are at present visiting the ate novelties. buyer always has the choice. innent of Carpets in Brussel leum, Floor Oils ani Curtain get the same quality here f r d French Flannels ? They ar well. - Every few Day 4y? Becausel we have' the bet nything in that line, it will pa received this week, which we low prices. rshion centres picking up th3 McBEATH, 1PRETOD Am to3/7 BLYTH. E8TAliLleHED 1890. D tilATER & CO. !Topic AND BOND ,BROKERS. EJ E3OtTTE(.)=zipmp,p Tiv Domi ion Oo I and ominion Steel on Bos on Stock Exchan e, over our priv te wire, for cash or .niargin. BOSTON, NEW YORK_ ND CHICAGO. We soolfitat ccaunts for the pUrchase 19 Wel mgton St. East, Toronto d stack and lbon4 1811-18 • !PHONE MAIN 4303 ENTR A L Hard are Store. Complete s RoMer Bea and Strap H prices. A 2,000 lite form Scales them ; fully Eavetrough specialty. ock of Builders' Hardware. ring Barn Door Hinge, Tee nges, and Latches at bottom . Standard Steel Bearing Plat - 'or 528. Call and examine ivaranteed. ing and Furnace Work a SHIS Murdie ROWARE1, PCDTVITI ReST yr - oil Sho thand Boo -ke9ping, Basin ss Law, Writtng, Corres- ponde ice, Typewriting., etc., thor- oughl .taught ly experienced teache s at the F rest City Busi- ness a id Shor4han1 College, Lon- don, nt. We h tve rap difficulty in pr Gins comp tent pupils- in good ositions. ,College r -.opens &i ptember 2nd, nd for Ca alogt,e. W. IT stervelt, PRINOIPAL. 1,810-26 B • . FRI OE SALE AY - AND - SATUNDA G. 29 arid 3 tgAlWeeMotPNAISI, 60 pai s Ladies' Buttoned Boots, fine ki usual price 52 to $3 for . $1 per pa 60 pai a Misses' Buttoned Boots, spring he 1 sizes 11 to 2, usual price 51.35 for 75c per pa 60 pai Misses' Laced Boots, spring he I time 11 to 2, usual price 51.35 for 7 60 pa s Misses' Pebble But5toCtiferP tlBoot sizes 11 to 2, usual price 51.40 for 82c per p 60 pa rs Child's Pebble Buttoned Booteasiz 5 to 7, usual price 75c for 43c per pa 60 pa re Child's Dongola Buttoned Boo sizes 5 to 7, usual price 75o Ur 4-3o per p 60 pa rs Ladies' Dongola Oxfords in ta chocolate or blaok, usual price 51.10 for 82c, per pa 60 pa raM:87; 8,rcesior 8 assorted lot narrow p , 2 arroew tis pir p .I5°11feoreraP 7851i0PPears .ptiaa 60 pa rspLriacdeiess; these lots must be sold out o make room for new faii goods W• .WILLISISeafort Soi agent for Geo.A.Slater Sho s for Ladies - and - Gentlem n L. OF- . The Lorgoot ,1,,_ ' Dry' Goode ono ;Clothing Concern in ,•Four Counties2 ÷444.4-H7H 1 11 -1 have been very busy the past large importations of Bri4ish, Prench, gods, which we manufacturers. r4ew two weeks opening up German, Italian, and S are importing direct from the br4+++++444-1-44 ress Goods Stack now almost, Co'mplete We have engaged the services of Miss Purcell, who has had. a good. e perence in some of TiOt0/1tO'S Ailed ladies' tai1oring establishments 'to take charge of our Ladies' Tailor Depart ent Shewill be supported by an experienced staff of assistants. ti-60,1•4*.itikt.**************tt CL.OAK DEPARIIMEN1r4 Our ready-to-wear Cloak Department is also nearly com- plete. We have already on hand the largest and most up-to- date selection of Ladies' and Children's Coats we -ever put into stock. Ladies who are afraid of tem.ptation to buy, we advise to keep clear of our cloak dep4tment, as both styles and pries are more than usually catching this season. See our beautiful range of Wrappdrettes. CLEARING OUT LEOS The following lines of goods are being cleared at ix re- ductions, to make room for Fall and Winter goods: All-over Imerti:on, all Shirt Waists, all white -k wear consisting of Sk rts, Underskirts, Cos t Covers,' Drawer Night Gowns. Big Req ÷-171-1-1-+++++.1•4-1-1• CtionS on all,Prititsthratigh-- . II* Staple Departmeint. CI thing Deprtntent. Our Big Slaughter Sale of Readymade ‘glotb.ing stilt goes on. The whole _balance of the stock bought from Learoyd & Oo„ at a very low rate on the dollar, together with about $'2,000 of our own stock, must be cleared out, in order to make room for furs, overcoats, etc. Men's suits from $2.5p up Boys' ;uits from $1.00 'up Suits wor h $8ito 810, for $5. Suits woi th $11, $12 and ft4, for $8. 4-4-4~44-44*****3443-#3.44. We have never been able to give such bar— gains in Men's and Boys' Suits as the pres— ent. 1NV invite inspection i whether buying or not. Highest prices paid for Butters Eggs and Wool. WP. 'RDA 'CO. DiRECT imr °WEBB Opposite Town Building, !Corner Main and- id arket Seaforl,14