HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1902-08-22, Page 8-2 4 if ., I � � j i I , 1 1 p i ul p A- -,T g fi t4, f. -A v 0 7 J, N; it' 4 A A p It I A. Coltplete Stoc GENERAL HARDWARE HARVESrl-' TOOLS HARVEST MITTS -BINDER TWINE MACHINE OILS ETC. ETC� At Right Pri Seethe new All Steel Whiffietree are better and stronger than v Preserving: Kettl Vur 41 Creacent"granitware is une �,tkoid-reoisting qualities. CHESNEY & SKII successors to S.. Mullett & D"MINIGN BA CA PITAL(Paid UP), - $2, R EST., $2, 8.F,..AFQRTH: BRA Maia Street, See-fo A Genek�al Banking Busine a0ed. Farmers' Sale Notes and advances made on same rates. Drafts s old on all points in he,United States and. Europe. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. allowed on deposits of One D up*ards. RM 9. HAYS, W. K. Solicitor X Fall Term opens Septem l 0, STRATFORD. ONTARI A school that ocoupiea front ra tho'beat busineca colleges on this Those desiring the beat in busine tiou are inviied to write for our W.S. ELLIOTT, Pr Pic�cle Season - i W. NY, AV, AT&ISON, North Alain SEAFORTHI, Rea on Land a good stock of the latest ga.date MASSLY-HARPLIS and B I IES, which will be sold cbeap fo :hody time. Fricea from $-26 uowards. eoshid hand bicycles on baud which ch 9W and cxamine my stock before ither at my office, or at Herbett J. Morr All wheeli guarantw�d for the.seasou. n RAYMOND. and WRITE SEWING and- General Insurance Agent. Gleneral Insurance Agent, and Dealer Idachiries and Bicycle@,. NORTH MAIN. ST., SEAFORT i7 J, ft 'rGUST 7 AL 22,1 '19^2 _N *P( s .-TT—n- the lar$e.d1rowd at attended the funeral A. III i O'Conflo Ile now carro'i�g o4 t on St. dium-, at, of Brotirlyri, New jo k,tuA a former e, nee the r, Carry "Uring. Augg 't 0 ecit It'.beiDg one o, the largest that ha k of in the Mi -ter P -t ( " � a here.' show _,p us S s1lub %a exteopi�e. buaiae�3 Oqesota, ban ; onal qwee ;i W. eaford boy, is vioit Ing Id friend 11 son, 'town bearinq his name 4nd of which' " waq ei Winthrop ; M and Mr. Mrs.l. 0. reig e this wee o mies, .:Came n eav k n, �been here for a npraber of years. His rela !tives have the aym th: of the whole Com- +VU founder. Mr. J. 0. Laildlaw, of 8i fqrthtl Mro. o "Misse and C. M. I 3rry, i� trio to Moatreal.—A0. oh� Rogers, who is w t 16 -, Mks, munityin theirs, iot6 Days Sumniek alton. , sea tit some mont! 4 his a" ter .—Miss Belle Rab- tiAL DISTRIOT MATTE a beenjn,,�he emplo of Mr. Cut 1*6' r for out th e years an is enjoyin , jood� D. Job isan" left on Tue da�,, foi Tdronbo, 'kirk, of Brussels, isiting here for a few ikes the a untry and t itowi�L MATRIMONIAL— e followin 01 Ping where 3 will visi b fr end _�Ilh Methodist, 'days this week. Mr. MeL( health so he HURON OLD B6ys xT ' ThE VAIT -The 6e of Epiecoo and Pris yte a congregarao, 1 49 itkt an ex, Godds at Zero P i which is jis located. from an Alpena!,, M iohigan, pape will changed pulpits' Rev. M r. McNeil rices Huron Old. BoyW Association, Of T)r ato, intereeb to n -,*any of 6ur readers, the of Bayfield, on S' nday.! The litter preach - will have'a tent on he fair gr6udds Vi being an'old'Hun gi`OOm will uni 'in a Sabb s -'ooi -exettruion to ed two very acceptable, a 3rmons in St. An!! .1 the Milite: "Miss 'Mary 61am- Goderic � next Frid �tb�229ch inst. The' c a accommodation 1,11 Huron Visiloro 0 BoNy='G.�—Oivio holiday was a lig day a, and ill day Ion and eron and M�. Pebei P. Kennedyi wer 'Mar- train l4ves Seaforr t 6 'clock a. 111.1, and 'drew's church. --Miss I: dary Nesbitt, of xpositiop, Ot TD f 3r the 16, ml bowle CanvdWs greatest !1 ernard" chur a in ing,, returni �g leaves God arfch 0 even_ is at present V siting her parents do4e, possess C 4 untilla f ter dark -the grepa was scene ried at Sb. B p ch thi at. 7. in th Detroit., Value and big ones at that, A Father 4isF Belle Flannery. M am- a.—Miss anetAt ersonwas -,c thopower to interest the public in Everyone is invited to make this- heir Ily Rev. W� ' c f strife.' he 0004ion- was a tout ament Ing, th all�wing a long day; at I the lake. in tow me of headquarter@ while at the fair,; An:, in., 8* The fa -ear a erom te f th i bride, acted as b ide! nd, is the successful fie olars w io tried for a first- thiase hat, sultry times TE11 I ietween I rin Ka chosen from the clu them. will be'the i B a Iamb y, of'Auguat days. formationi that may be required, wil maid ".".'ar a 31sas certificate at Clint �r. RIc iard Dignan as beat I an, c a at the recent px- be furnished by'communicating witb I iers, and ti e,gamen were as keenly :' atest. I extreme y rr�oderate— 1). D. Wilso Nevertheless, we -will kee? up the a amination4.—RO After the ce ernon� elabora �e wb Ing Ving ap. y Sims, who has been Visit - is nard, (d as th6ugh some rivals from outaid * towns and �M - Cardno are aga a busy bu] intereat. The more you loo forciolle. cesseoretary,i' R. A. i&Walker,, 40 1 1 1. 1 luncheon'wu�eaerv( dab the homf of Mi �� a0d I Ile, h 5L Lre- 4 to carry off aft the honoi . The 'plea fo . Rhiptuent to the old country. Mr. ing his grandfatb er, ini' I "lattavi a racbe the better you get to know true. avenue. ere Try,' Mrs. John W,;'Fit2 Oatriok, ion I rifth E 0eet. Wilso, 'turned home. rat prim won by ad ty aban an y a the rink ski I"a 'that wh ile t d t Er Goods' worth_tbe nearer DIED IN CAMFommv.—We have rOc )ivei Pic rd' and compohed of Messrs. ;�. Mr. and -Mrs.! Kenti6dy left on an ext 31aded crop, a proportion ill, not be fit for come to us. Just now thOre must be a,.. J I Dubli STORK [nty, O�na, Bright, T; F. Coleman, and W. trip to Niap ata. Fa Ila and Thous ad Is inds, abiplaf ecount of oto. The Snows 4- all6arance, of summer good�- , we have the follov Mo4oc 60 11 ntbLi 09ne L �ing from Alturog, and wil - o e r r turn, n�ake'their home snd�Sfies ar�a ealmost u eas on this so. 'New lunch -room,,, Tank of Commerce the goods—you hsvethe'�mo Qalifornisi,: Mr. John- Cluff, from� 1 01101 ickard p. The Second prize Was won ney - you a. They this city." - BO ft. -W-1 y D. Tj pburn's rink composed In Dek, #eaforth. opens Piturday. August IpOth, - I pab, Ne%if died at the Rues ho�il 'Bat: a fol count,.*hile the Duche are quite, clean. 'Bli needthe goode,we need'��the money. The has become an importan cod. W. apple crop t Dinner 10 cent@ and 15 canto. 181k-2 -What's the whole thing ii2..& nutshell. Franscisco, on August 6th, trom men owe:: 0. eMiohael, H. Jeffr( --Do ft. lb monia. N r. Cluff was a nati of nad Iment"a & D. T. 1�epburn, skil The LocALBR�EFS. *i8ses Edna and Clara factbr in Canadian ex�ojr6.=Mr. James NoTEs.—Mr. and Mrs, Thbinael Green, of WiD rid our shelves of thwse"on!a ma�. e rd whieled t � Exeter on. Fri last, McNamara has bought thie Seaforth e money, to si IV OM Hi )ompe t: ri�rfor the th0d prize is as t an- Pick& cider 'Mitchell, were the gu lestd-of Mr� and t4ials and use th and,was 52 years and 5 month� I , *, i I : usi a two bro. iher, 'aished.; On Tuaiaday#ternoan thr �a rinks and spent %,few do !a witli fribnds th re. 111111, SpId W-111 hav', W. V. Si Ono, �n Sunday last.—Mr. Th a. wife survi�ss him., � He leaves y 0 i � 112 operation by Sep- In paying cash for large qu liti Sri tim,of mer� VabEgnioad returned M ulllg�n has re�prned � from Lis trip to t e ohandiae soon to arrive." The things in Seaforth, one f�n Detroib and:a si�Rter-in Iroin Goderki�ch came dolwa for a Tiendly Mr. Box� father O'� Mr.. W. H. Box, this tembeil 18t.—W. R, es. law, Mrsr-Georg)Emton, of Modoebo aty" to Tor g none the worse 4 t e U ga e,wbich resulted ip a*iotoi for'Gode., town, was here for several days lasit eek. nto lasi Friday, %fter spending the old oonntry, loo.�in we have now must move`iout at -once, y i tio m these so present pticee will help� both you and _0 U qualledfo California. Hewas i 130sin-14W �f mr.t h by �O shots. Mr. Box'is of ;6 pioneer settlers f the vacati n at his homeKtre and in Bayfleld,— trip.—Mr. Joe Miller is out of town wnship of79tephen d still ri-sides the Mr. and Alm Thoma i G. Scott 'and children days, on his sian &I hollidays.—A large mum- us to equalize our Robert French, of Seafortb." to E Possession@ most an near ly �with -and Rentlemen were farm in thab town ship, x, iter. unda friends. ln"Goderidb.— her of our young lad iea TRAVr Elm.—The fp1lowing we ticket- He is spenb 8 rapidly. GOING TO DAIWTA.—Mr. Wm,'..H.!;D nes, d'to die ant points b� W. Samer i own nearly 90 years of ad is a All emark. Mrs. W. 1). VanEgmon ad daughters, all prepared fni a trip to Bayfield- on San. a m fore thk who has been a respeoted resident �O; this gent of helGrand Trunk Railway ugh ably active for hi; a�Ea`x&s, and 1poke as! if he Fergui "and kath, re, mrnedl ho e Saturday. day last, but tho horses and carry -s-11 were 4 y for thirty years, lef b on Thu da' sylor, �- Hudlptt, to the Norma c ool might reach! the ce tury mark. --Mr. Joseph aftera month's caml ink � at Bayfleld.—Mps. all that was lacWnj to� complete the trip. belon y for Hannsb, North Dakota, �w4ere tiawa:;� Ahles Gillibspie and Miss a ri3e 'ill fair better next Fly) vicinit h P Weber is finishing ioff his ban Isom e ra8i- Jack I arvyn,of Tor( �nt�,;and little son, ire It is hoped that, they w Extraordinary chancel' in Sum ini. dence on G9derich otreet by the ere(tion of Ki Harpurhey.—Mr. time.—Miss Besoie edley, of Brantford, WaiSt% ete in, 0*,8 tends taking up his - -abode in hiturel vibiGir) at mer Shirt Salo Alr� unchatd, to resume te ing at Be moville I wa "o'. Dynes has a-brotber and other relativi li ad Wiartoa; Miss Ma Casey, t Silver a commodious vera ridsh along ti e fr uit and S. Mu ett was in t( or a few h is the guest of girs. D id Aikens.—Master t r1eady 11 8 n ing in that vicinity. He goent ver sike, N oik ; M ra. amilton, to' h er' east aide.—The nioat of the f [ax in this Wedn sday. —Mr. F obett Scott, of W. Weber, of Seaf6rth, is spending his Do you need afresh, pretty 8hIrb Waist? ou� ,6w V i - P&IL weeks there this last spring, �,nd ome afj� BeOrer Dam. Wiebonsin R V. M.r. Nicinity has-been pulled and' is being drawn who as been here vi�'i ing his broth�yer holidays with his unclel ake. White has-" phii preferencei this Ifleagonl, and iUt- well pleased with the prospects Pf th�e Mw errow,� of W alton. to Wafton, New York Itothe'mill. Itis �nexcellent crop—Mrs. Jame and friends in to a'and vicinity, andwe have many choihe on" yet. NKand the general alppearance of �he 0 ntry. r. Ar st�ong, Walton' to New York '(Rev.) Dickie of 0�langeville, nee Mi is Alli� left fo home, Thursd 4iss Kate Horan, i Goi+j:e. Prices on all Sbirt WaiBto' are i exci3p- . sy , couple of weeks' I � tionally low—low, not o4lij in wais 2 that he has decided to locate there ra. My -ra 4nd child1ren, to their, ome at McDonald, and he Ilittle son and M r 3. R. J. of To ito, i's epondin� NoTEs.—Thefollo nb visi'tora. p T wirig, are rece ently. bir. Dyne�s_is one of the f6 Date olivar,� lNe* York ; Mr.l and Mrs, 0. Wi Msedonald were i 2� town on Fride1j, the holida a under-Ith parental roof.—Miss . butalsoin Romeother thirIgn that to . -il - in town: Mrs. Dav doon, of Neepawa in the S,. 500,000 men who, by industry and good &Pat and M�ater Charlie, to San Fra cisco, guepte of Mr. and �rs. A. Young, The Evelyn Darwin Tet rn.ea' home on Monday you may be just as needfol_t We men- bage Miss S. J. Walker, of Thameoville; Mr. tibn these few fur 5OOsOOO ment, has succeeded in securing lor Insel, alifo drove downfr'orn 01,inton, where Mrs, �_ickie last fr in a six week i'-vi,s t to Simeoe. She L ra Burns Smith. wife and family, of Boston; a -competency, and he finds- he can ge �mor —Thc:Tollc-wiag were ticketed. thi week and her' mother, re. McDonald, had been was aqcompaniedi hi me 4 Miss Grace 0'- d 'a me '! y I y Grei$!& Stewart, 0. P. '11R. agents :' Mrs. visitirig.—Mr. and Mrs. John L ndabdrough Maho�ey, whose gu fli a 'e, Mr. Nelson McLaughlin, of Minden; Mr.' goo —i NOHI remunerative iuvest:E�ents for hi I was while away - Arthur Crawford, of Toronto ; Mr. J. D. HOSIERY and GLOVPS Dakota than he can in Ontario. . Mr. yn J. Chid olilton, to Winnipeg nd re- left here Thuts Jay r the North west. They —Mi Minnie; �Hill, I Clinton, and Miss PA�.ASOLS and O`UT�NG HATS doubbe f of Chicago; M �as: Lizzie Wi i MI, y? .10 Diek80119 991ne, th. ole of friends here w wil turn; and Mrs. John Landsboro gh, to intend going as far as Calgar� atA per- Edn: traiton, of Goderief Iviaited a couple leiives a large eir i of Toronto.—Our sofibol. opened on Alond" CORSETS and VESTS ss trans- unite with Tim EXPOSITOR in wishin' M�r. and Mrp. i. C. Greg, to haps E onton, ad may r'brr ain in Cal- of da at M-r.'Pete Dahy�s last week,— I Wy with Mr. ougla& as principal and Mi6a RIBBONS and HANIYXERCRIhFR re ew 'George Simpson. Brucefield, 11,o, gary o winter. They also intend visit- Mr. r t H i'll r, tish Clol- C coliected, long life and happiness in his it hom and QaJbe� j1M.r. Br2cefi er 9 Of an�rj)#, Bri istant., r. Douglas' pupils -to h 'A 16613 callinx o, old riend,e last week. Harding as ago TIES and COLLARS I d4a at lowest who will always be pleased to bear J hi�' klault Spr. Marie ; Mr. W. B. Tho Ing Al andebmpugh's uncle and 'other umb' pson, did well at the Papartqiental examinations, well doin in -the land of' the spread eagle' kippon,�! to lViotoria, British Coin bia ; friends in North Pakota before they re- —A lacrosse miatch, in the� semi-4nals of the MUSLIN UNDERW-iAR 9 twobavingpaBsed Parbl.I, Junior Leaving hura]IR intermI f the 0,��IU: I I . I and under the star spangled banner. 1A.13. Smith and Miss Ella Sm. th, to turn. That,they they have art -enjoyable ediate series A., will be LINEN SKIRTS rL Canada, F and six the entra Three of the latter thia if I ort Arthur.! vifib is their nu rous friends played! on the iverea ion gr'ood bhis ( riday) obtained honors ceiir D1JCK SKIRTS tLe wish 0! i n Joseph Rae, Mr. I between Far 8 here.—Mr. and I a. Piapk' and sft�rn� !gll�'.I,�Dd eaforth. SEAFORT11 COLLEGIAT' INXSTI�UTEJ-Th ; I th t on Thomas Rae, Leonard Armstrong, Garnet sinl for —interest following students of the *Seaforth 01 illegi Noiricr,.—A Scotch and Irish dancing M%8ter Charlie, lei IN thi (Friday)m6ming Bo ea�sareing odshape 13clasplendid , PIQUE SKIRTS Tde I I I I t Armstrong, William A dell and George Kr:- ollar and ate Institute have passed the ants, MhOCI Will! be opened here shortly. The (ancinz for their new hom tin Eureka, Cialifornia.— game may be expect d. � The :6me starts s, And �O on. good PC, , por I ught will!bo Highland Fling, Sword Danco, 3ailor!a Mrs. J. E. Tom and her neice, Miss 'John- 03-o'eloe�k.—The cham�lonahip cup for the dell left for the Northrob on Thursday - examination as indicated : Senior leo,Villg�: ornpipej Irish Jig, and Scotch and Irish Rae 4. All I Mrs. StroD is very ill a,t present. aT4a perf ,',ARCE, Part I.—Harvey Brownell, George Btioban', ose wanting le5sons in this line van leave word at ston, of Goderieb, were visiting Mr. and intermediate series Atht" Q. L. A. is just 9 You are very fortunate to h&�e the oppQ, anager. an, Geoffrey Hamilton, Melvyn Keys, Fre unter's Jew, 10y'Store or with Will hicLeod, Danc- Mrs. Sidney Johne and other fr ends in this now oi� exhibition vmDdow of Mr. tunityotsuch goodehoo4tugas wedf- know jol i g mastet.'; 8104 vicin ty d Cons4nce. for seouring, Lawrerice, Lizzie Lawrence, Rose Smith i uring ti past waek.—Dr�! Rose Oscar I Niel's restau ant.,—Dr. W. E. Mar- fer you, An opportunity Fa, y —Maibel Qoven�, All a46oun�s owing John Landeb, rough has leased the sidenoe "of Mrs. J John tin, of 1 Mansfield, 0 io, Apent a few days things to aid you dressiQ in the Istest Cla ton White: Part. II, New lunch roomi Bank of Commerce look, Frances Gray, Geoffre Haml�flton,,. iTuatbe Pildto his succosaorV. Ruechtel, a * once. Weir,'and his rr ther and sister intend this week, �h6�gueso of his sister, Mrs; J. fashion, at the most vab ber 2nd y Block, Seafortb. i Opens 'Saturday, August 80th, inomical coeb. all we t . 31ohn Land'Oorobgh, Seaforth. 1 IM Mabel Hartry, Lizzle. Lawre coming here to r iside.—Mrs. 0[. B. Smith R. Wright. -m -Miss Jenne Wright h 1810-2 and. at just the time wbe you.require nep. , Matriou as re- Dinner 10 cents and 15 cenO_ I Call and seq the Singer sewing ma lation, Part I.—John Calder, Norma Pick�,,, C its at and Miss Ella left I are on Satu -d4y-.,.1 They turned home after a woilth's visit with Big variety of school'shoe.8 for boys and' the things the most. ill HoLd.od's minio store, Seatorth. 1 10-1 intend spending a 3ouple of W)eka in To. her grand -parents at Ayll er. -gilrle,new goods, reasonable In price and of good son, Robert Duncanson. 'Parr, II.—Jame IT I quality. W. H. Willis, 8 a agent for George A. R. Dickson, Irene Dickson, Robert Dutpean We have th� swelleat $2 shoo for ladies ronto and Brockvi.. a, before - gdAg to Porb __4 I i blat�r shoes for ladies and Dtlemen for Seafortb. Al Rodgins, James No ever a qke a look in North window. Been' Arth r. Mr. D. McCallum, has leased athrop. son, John Gardiner. Cot, t ful new Very late3t in style. WE 1810-L Part I 8'�,)rge A, Water shoes for ladies and ce and wi 1 oecupy� it Rioh4rdeom. Junior leaving,, I r H' W11118' Mrs. �Smith'a reaid a Newl lunch room Bs' k of Commerce New Goo —You a -e interested want Wldte,Dress Stuffs. 4 —11 ]a agent —Mr, Wm.1 AmeE 9 Published in last week's ExrosiToR. P* " Sclaforth. Iday art, eotlemeo' 1310-1 for the winter. b has leased Bo,k, "&forth. 0 erg SFr . August Both. to know about them, want to see them that nk among IL—Leila Best, Annie Gourtney, --arol YitwmtM the residence of Mr� C. W. Papib, on Go& Dinner �O cents and ME nts. 1810-9 tbr4 white drem% Uarol ATTENTION.—If You w tit a I goes without saying., Well the first ship- During 'the summer Mon: a At 211 IT continent. Dorrance, Phemla'Govenlock, Helen Kelly� Wee romb of nXeat for the threshing we ask you to erich street, and �'Ili occupy 1 shortly.— Sam' Even though -goods always hold favqr with the as educa- �ner Goods Clearance. ment of dress goods has. arrived and shows thau Josephine Lane, Jennie Lawrie, Alvan Alo� ive us a, � call. Meat delivered and price right. Mr. George Sim ion, of Br�cefield, left it it is Itrue that there are ?at to come plenty Born dressy ones ; their airy folds of white.. YO oultry wanted, Kennedy Bros., Seatorth. 1810-1 hereon Tuesday f( r! a trip thtough Now of hot, sunshiny days, whc n cool, thin wosr, e extra fine NT eaves n Ripley-'@ 11 pirle of eWple. catalogue. Lean', Helen McMichael, X A. &JcTaggart�. finished goods that will' not shrink, cockle neos impart to gowas a dOgree you wig 11 i Now Dime Lunch Room, Bank COm- Ontario, with a vi(� of looking i out a suit- ables Will be much in demand to temper the girliabriess most becoming and go Silvia, Seel, Clara Selater. John Toreancei of incipal. Austin Trotter, Robert Work. Heleal Me,,, ierce 13106�-. 06eng for business Saturday, uguat able location 'foi business. ' --:- Miss Jes'sie unbeamblene8a i of the weather, yet we are or spot; also Vionnae, Jbibetains, Amazons, witching. Then againo tNe se goods coo them. "44-62 h. Stlaks, 04ops, Coffee, etc.,toorder. Farm- Bethune has been ngaged as teacher for -anxione to dispose in a sho t space of time Venetians, etc, Not 19 ag to wait now and Michael and Robekb Love also passed in era and others tp� our big 16c dinner. Open d y end we will have dress goo4i i galore. They are be put in -the wash, taken out and German andFrench respectively,, just giv+l E ight. 1 10.2 the fourth departin at in the* S aforth pub� and at a loss, all our eum of goods. New on the way. The E. M eFaul Co., Seaf6rth ironed nr done up agai# to loolk like ing them matriculation as well -aa junior Will McLeo�d, agent for Gerhard -H aintz. lie school. Miset- Bethune is an excellent. goods are on the way. We -need roorm, you, 902. U leaving standing. roan pianod, all kinds of innsic and musical nstru. beacher and the ads a good ',The F. McFaul Co., Seaforth. 181-04 new. Yo find here teee have get bargaino. i rpents. Call and see him at his music btor , sea. dboioe. Alise MoK y takes M 3a Wa'taon's- 1810 1 NOTES. —Several of t e young people from THE DAINTIEST OROANDIES rib. ;10_1 a on Thursday. Street, f9 place and Miss Ball ntyne the or this section went to t,�J we t for, DEAmi OF �A Pio--TEER.—The St. Marys I hird divi Mrs. THE PRETTIEST LAVVNS VinegO, Vinegar, Vinegar. —Picklin 7 sea- DOTS —Mr. Jame Ha�rb, of Muskaka, Among the numbU, -, Ir) Sanderson, Journal makes the following reference to :1 ion.—We are please. to learn hat Mr M. yiug business trip to this at n Is at haind, "A. Young, Scaforth, has a ful stocki paid a part Is James Cook, W. a ye W. WMITIES one of the, pioneer residents of Blanihar4 -0. Mardife, reeve of lqcKillop, w o has been week.- The funeral of M - Jamieson and THE SUBSTANTIAL , 9" high grade of five Telar old Government proof, Burnett's I nglish seriously ill, is now �o far recovered as to be �s; Thomas Camp. Mr. Robertson. We �ish them a pleasant THE SERVICEABLE tIQUES GODERIGH township,: a brother of Mr. J. P. Brino.,. of I' It Wili vilhite wine, and cider vineg 6r. It bell, CO11Ce 7 MeKil�op, took place on anger.— trip.—James Proctor as started to pull Sunday.- 0 -&I ' M. ' -Mi.07,Neil McNeil, of Lakei�t, I Ur 7Z r cash or on Harpurbey :, Am old and highly eateemed j"pe'nd,'Iar�ely 6n the aze and quality of the vinevar considered out of d r., Joseph GOOD PLAIN MU8L A few good reeident of Blanshard, in the person of;' Mr, ou U813 to 0 8400808ful in r4king good P ekles. Chidley, who -died i - Clinton o Saturday down the old sheds at: the church.—Mro. FANCY STRIPPED M1,19SLINS. ISO 06 full;sl�ftaent of ure whole andl ad visited frieiide in thii locality last Sunday.'— will be sold it, Jewitt and Alnia returned Saturday from late's Ines Brine, died at his home on Esst� Mit. was a brother -in -la of Mr. J. 1C. Greig, o icesatA' oumg'o,Seafor Our Reeve, Url, M. Murdis. i4 on the si6k 1 an, of G derich, one their visit to Llambton� 'county, where Mrs. purchasing, chell road, on Monday, August 11th, this town.—Mr. S. lo I�is recovery 4 tbq list. We hop� to hear of HOUSES Foi� SALM—Two good dw Iling Jewitt`F father a! ad motherlive.—The Broad- isows shop. a4vanced age of 89 yeare. His wife, ho, is - of the oldest grain all erchants in _ uron, died soon.—Mr. d r McIntosh preache Also dealer ouies on John o4rect, Seafarth, for satle che 0 Ap very suddenI t,!Llr'xan d hagen boys bavq' their harvest all gathered are t 84 years of age, has been very ill, for w Veral ly o Mrs. J. S. Porter, Seaforth. 5-8 y on E day He as aroun an excellen e mon in Ca�aa church Sun- KACHINES, The Satisfactory, D e ined as usual on Saturd' ralyi is was th' school bell is again weeks, and bat little hope is enter� B.&Re.4iss We have one new Al'kado P day. —M-ru. Cook is isiting bar aon at Con- in and threshed.—The pMa.- for her recovery. Mr. Brine had only, Ibben an cause of death. Mi. loan wa i a cous tolling, to someload an4 to others glad news partment. stanbe this week.7-- r. Alexander AitcheiOn d one now planjo box buirgy both made by es r V IJ rr T V 0 r thla r fvoi �p Sol P. n 0 ti a;. �n ac ry d r 0 IV, ill a few days before his death -occur oni, Zarioh, mind both first quality goods. T new of Mrs. 0. Willson o( -'i- this of the beginnin# of another term of school rei 4 He I imber Nvagone 2' inch tire. medium heig t, none who has been engin er up at Gravenbuist work.—Mre. Cook, of Winthr in Sewing contracted a alight cold which developed, P so I first cliss, second adi; 3 town.—Mr and Mrs. Andrew '1�oung the past four month has OP, 'a visiting Our deparmeutt of domesti0g" in such to, lietter n%de. A returned hom are enjoyin a dri hg trip to E eter, Grand 0 -the, day.__ e.;— with -her a B., at Kinburn thie week, into pnenmoDiai and he rapidly siccambed. rin wagon with pole and shafts, a snap. 11 1 bove Vi hresh�ing is the or r Quite a _James the home that. requires thp-oods. The R, , I g Reid & Wile , ard- Ben3, Bayfield and �ther south n pdints.� Proctr has Oven his house an. He was a native of Doreetshire, En land,� to be soll regardlom of price, stock is fully prepared W :tmj�pply your n amber from this'pt rt intend takin# ad - but had been a resident of western 0 *io . Ware Merchants, §eatorth. 18 .2 Dr. Sloan, af Toro ipo, was in town this to the other.,coat of pa tit, which adds much to its vantage of the cheap excursion neele in every respect. Tbe goods are suit's for nearly 60 years. Fifty-eight yeaw ago It will b� to iyour interes% to call a Will weak. He accomF abied the reir. aine of the already 4eat al pearan � e. —'Mrs. E. Bloedel a bubbling over with fr4hness, thus t Prairie province on t ie 21st. inst. nA%Ve V%. AV^"" nvow Chn .40 _f +-.h;o M *eLeod's music fitore, Seaforth, and examin the lata Mr. MoCaa he A The dOUtDr seems to- of Omaha, Ni;�raska, ho, has been - sbend- *u o ring Lig t summer suggest a a Henderson's Photo way to settle, with his wife and tww do gerhard-tteintzmAnpinnoa and Singer eewing me- enjoy city - life.—M. sers. John Habkirk, of Ing a few weeks with issWillison,returfied qhinea be�ore buying elsewhere. I& V-1 Brueeff Id prices Wing remarkable hw their little hzue Habkirk, a 'home on Mondi ren, on a bush farm three miles roin and Jar 14 of Winni?- J - 11 1 pde" nee@. Small profits an4quMek soles f to Big v9riety of school shoes for boys an'd Montreal, r. James Cowan, and The?e ik,�J perhaps, no OBITUARY.—It is 40n painful duty to re- da7-A Studio. rich, in Huron county. Later he mov .109, n peg, nephews of I �1 I For The Floor.— v r ew! goods, ireasonable In price and - of good bbtteriime than now for 1pattiog a 00 erino cord the death of M a. M. Frayer, which on all London township, where he lived for 4 W. H. �Wjllls, sole agent for Goor �e A. former Seaforth boft, are visiting friends in k d 6 ly quality. 7 um. upon your 20 years. In 1873 he purchased the 41ator andw for lattles and gentlemen fox Seaforlb. town and vicinity. -.4-A very successful, band 0- 'in .1tchen w �avining room i took place last! at day eveniDg. at the BLEACHED COTTON$ e Full stock of Mouldings 18 0-1 - bat rooradoor, An e just re- 'home of her ne ew, r. Walter Willison. son farm at Shoebottom�s Corners, aw has, concert was held in Ithe recreatipri pgk on 0, -.V UNBLEACHED COTT 8 and Picture Frames. 0h a ia;nva rau;rlarl Good clean Ti othv Sebd anted a � A. Fridav evening Iast! given as a i farewell to c, dved I rorn Glaegow, Sc�tland a shipment 'The deceased ]a w born -near alt. on A fm= Photo Entarging a S,pe Im J. P. HENDERSON, Se Keep Nov Our stock is underselling all co in Watches, Clocks, Rings, Ping, Ch 1*ins, and Other articles of jawe reootation for fine goods, low p hoo- orable dealing, does the buain an& we endeavor to live up to o 'A'6� carry a well-aissorted stock, a article is warranted as repreliented Repairing a specialty with us. Connter's Jewelry, Establi 8EAF6RTH1 W. R. COUNTEF., THE CANADIA Bank of Comme CAPITAL(PAID UP) EiiAtMillin T)nllave QQ Rest, $2,0 SEAFORTH BRAN A general Banking busine aiiiated. Farmers' Notes din and Special attention given collea,tion of Sate Note&. !SAVINGS RANK.-Intepes 0 on deposits of $1 and upv SPOCIal facititills for trans buminess In thel Klondike 01 lKoney orders, paysible at any bank, J following rates - Under M .08 $20 to Z30 010 to $20 .10 $30 to $50 F. ITOLMESTED. G. E. Solicitor. F"LEASURE & PR You can comb ine pleasure and -doaliDg with George M. Baldw dealers in Mason & Rise bij. Bell, N4 Dominion and Berlin pianos and and Bell organa. tried and tested. New Williams, New Home and ing machines. N leedles and parts stock. � We are always pleased to give y concert on the Gram -o -phone whil having repairs done or looking music. We: sell Pianos, Organ phones.. Sawing Machines and Bic I OUR GENERAL REPAIR 'We repair any old thing, umbre r6owere,, knives� scissors, bicycles solicited., We can please you. and atitoe everythin 9- M. BP -1d n Seaf General Repair Sho I I o � ton ieces of the b�tt iti 13 and t D.Ur�.MAJKLMIM Youpg's. 190alorth.� Mr. Thomas R. J3r Avin, who'hasi been I�ader he December 15, 1837, an came to reside with UNBLEACELE SHE TINGS of the band. Ther was a ance c ioice6t, prettiest I r good' atten� is. Not Poo her nephew about fou months ago. Not -be- t4ra WiLLiA.11 MCUAA.—Word d_1 I cialty. pittern' in the whole h d th prices are DF -Ami OF MP SPAPORT11 AS,` A SHIPPING UENTRE.— ast an d an excellent pr deramme wag. presepted. 0 ing in robust health at the time, she had LINEN TABLINGS was received here on Sunday of the eath reae nable. The E. �;4.0 —Mial, 8 1 Co., Sea. wee(k, Mr. John' O'Keefe, cattle deale-, of Rogers, of Toronto, has ret6rned hopes that the chan e Id benefit her, but GOOD TICKINGS u in Toronto, of Mr. William Mocaa, hich. w it visit witl� Migs Ait- f rtb. J 1810-1 she began to deeliuf 0 aforth. this, towh, paid' out $10,783 for cattle, :dch home after a please. iidly, and in spite of IANEN TO ii'VELLINO Blue took place on Saturday. Mr. McCa had 1761 There were seven car load cheson, of Hullett. —'iDr. Ball, pf To !onto, LocAS.—The cor gregation oi the late all that loving hands ud medical aid could shipped. It or t Etc., Etc.., Etc. — reached the good age of 88 years. e 3 Rev. John Ross held the Sick' do she passe y away to her eternal the last' surviving of three brothers," h ea o export steers in t e otr. 0, an ormer y o a or , ca f e 0 0 Mud rt, in the -hall rewar1 The rbmains 0; o1idf a this, Mr. 0' eefe buys and abip 00 f riends in town on Monday.— r. adre* Lord's Supper on Sabbath IaL were taken to Galt were respected pioneers of this connty. For, ing. ari ere, thre!6 car loads a week, and one Scott, teacher in th Brucefield- 1139hool'. has in which they hold 6ervice�, , -A number on Monday morning for - interment. She 1,v go _ not I ATJGUST. —It is H�eav y _1 many years he resided on a farm in ihe! fkorn % distance attended. They had a i the month we vnike u - I Ong :ago he paid out 811,146. added new laurels to the many, which he leaves one . son and one brother and toymehip of Tuckeramith. Some ten or- Th�ae cattle W�ere all 'I)urchased in this has godned in the teaching prof6orsion; To nfinister from Seot'aud.__ Messrs. Charles other sorrowing rola ives to mourn. the clean sweep of all odde d ends, also, twelve years ago be retired from' th I farm' S, S! , Albert MeQaeetf, Ch' rles Mustard, lose of a loving and indulgent mother and much that is not odds a much them iff and -came to reside in Egmondville. Be:has i?eighborhood. !Mr. 0145efe, also, althoug the entrance examiration Mr. 4ottsent up W le r a mpetitors large dealer, ' I Katie Hark, land'Hattie Cameron, 'asister, and b is only one of - several. Mr, 'four pupils, and all were succoseful.- He isees e.r-bright, cheerful face will be. not ends. "We hamr been in feeble health for several years. sud" Brooches obert 'Ayinter:�:ia also a large shipper, and also sent four to w to at the in lor leaving m ho lately tried for Qond dlass certificate, 'much 'missed,* as her! kind, Christian and wool Bid 31 Some months ago he went to Toronto. He' examination, and re again all were sue- bive-been- am I tided 'generous digposition Iry. Our - John McCaa, f Eg-1 �t here are others. When I we add to t hes4 �Ce8affl!' The�, &I atte won for he T r many AO'Butterand eggs take# as cash for and was an uncle of Mr. a ' Wilter Baird, of friends in this v�einityl does shi menta, the ihipmental of horses and of cessful. Eight Out Df -eight is an exception- the Clinton Colleg ate,— goods, and higheat marke prices allow� Threi3ht mondville. When he came to thib ao4ptry em for us, first he worked for a time -with the lat M r. hog i by the several deale�s here, some ide ally good record, a a the trustees of the O,br vi lage, who ha lately been assistant ed for same. Brucefield school me fortunate i I being able a ga e man at the linCon station, has re- Kip en. ur name. 1 riav be formed i9f the enprmouig amoun � o ad every Alexander Broadfoot, of Tuckersmit47 but 183'gned !his position. He � will attend Me ill A Ha ;ey that is paid u6 each year for liv to retain for so long such % successful and Y, Commissi er and Conveyancer soon afterwards engaged in farming 0 his 30 toik in the Ffine agapultural iind Aocli efficient toacher as Mr. Scott,-�—Mr. Win. olle Montreal tio study Medicine, at he wills, mortgages and de awn up. Money loanei u'ut with his brothe He * 11 11. 1 if own acco r. , as aising distriot)6f Which eaforth is the cen. Powell, o� Toronto,,, graduate of TiiE Rx, opening Of tho coliege.—Mr. W. Grab m at the lo west rates of In St. 1740-tf never married. Re was a quiet. indusp-i6us, 1 0 0 0 The tre 4nd shipping point -POSITOR, il visiting is parents ad friends and wife, of Toronto h hah, been visit- CmArBiNG Up -THE LADDER.—We are gmat M kind hearted man, an obliging neighbor �and here. Mt. Po*elj as just returned from ipg iiii our 'neighbi r7ho a". returned 'pleased to make Imenti n of the rapid pro-, shment, a good cit . izen, The remains were ta I 4en to of "a boys, whom we vaterpT I ELECTRICIT h 0 1 1 Y,—The v �rderful growt Cincinnati, where li� was attending the oon- home Peter Camp':ell d..gbride of Ali' gress. of one Hurou 'd in bprese t Seaforth on Monday and wereinterip nte I national Ty waukee, are a n t the home think Kippen can d E s ile F 44 UL elec trio power I or lighti g our homes an vention of the I r pograpbical ul I claim. The one re. wilat , I the Egmondville cemetery. Mr. McCaa J uFAneas places has been, phenomenal. Al Union as - a delegite from To'ronto.—Dr. of Mr.:Oambell's mo her'in Stanl Miss ferred to is W. me n, son o Mr. R.7 of Ithose Manager belonged to a long lived family. i His'! an, whof. ho jizh electric ty for lighting purposes w Thomas L. Rys4 !Mrs. Ryan' and little tffith Sawere left o Satu dai for atham, B. MeLe abo t ne. year ago ac, brother Andrew was 87 whea 'he died from 84ginaw, Michigan, are aid will te'eh school n ar that place.— cepted a position . u large wholesale Dry Goods (�nly`14�ntroduoei some dozen or so years agoi daughter Alexander war, 81 and a brother in c old! i visiting Mrs. Ryan's parente, Mr. and Mrs. *essr?,. L. McConnel a Albert Cameron, grocery house of, f has grown so rapidly into favor, that it a N country, who is still living-, is 82. t T. In 2':'aoat� & co- C4th s Greautes awk, fast displacing all other artifluial lig hte. J. MoMann, Main 3treet, south.—Mr. L. 0. Of thelvillage, are busy with �heir, threshih London, and last week, promoted to 9 It i 3. considered the safest to life and prop. Jackson, left on T&6aday on a trip through t�achioes every day. Both gentlemen hive the position of city tra veller for that firm. Bttl H LIDAY.—Although tba weather Dry Goods rce i civic Orty, besides b!ing superior in other re. Manitoba. --mise 8 idee Scarfe,' Of Brant- good Outfits, Mr. M(Con�?11'0 being a-trac. This speaks well for M McLean, corsider- as een connect. looked threatening early in the mornin., e ape As. , It has, in short, become the p)pw r , is visiting a Mrs.. obnaun'a.— tion engine. They are goo wor men and ing e eugt 0 fore long the clouds drifted away anc left v get their share of patron�ge,—Mve. ed with the business. lar light for tb�' home and business place, Mr. George McMa�n has returned from % ill ' He has also, taken a of this vicinity. She taug t for three`. Monday last, our civic holiday. one 3� ohe $0, rapialy has , blic favor il Yellowl�es, of isibing course at the L i t grown �In pu thal Goderieb, where he had charge of Dr. Ne Bowmanyille, is Vi ondon BualneFs College night yearsi, but was at the normal the pastoim- A 00,000. finest days of the summer, ai� ideal d iy for 'he companies 11 over ithe country 3av Mabee's office for 6reeweeks.—Mr. John at 00 her I home'.—Mr Jag; F te, who re. school, beside hi's daily work, which shows months, passing her ex-stni ion with n outipg, all the more enjoyable, fo 010000. a C OU Roger, travelling agent for the Westmin- cently returned from thba, will attend his earnestness to uphold Huron's reputa- honors. Miss Murray has b I theoffer of ad their PI 6nts. that had coat the days have been none too frequent this,yea oll I e� and (omplete his theological. tion.i thousands of dollars to iletall, not sufficien ster and Preabyte an, Toronto, was in MoGil C eg three different schools so that, the people, The big attraction for the day was ' the to pply the d 3mand,an4 to make a ch lag town a couple of d ys last week in the in- course —Mrb. A. F . Scotivlhai returned from NoTEs.—It is our sad duty this week to with whom she goes to cast 12 her lot are and; ma 'u Bowmanville.—Rev. Mr. Ink �-�v4 of another of the veryforturiate in having such bqnd's excursion to Goderiel fiv, In 1eli�hting macbiner� would enta" a terests of these pu lications and met with visiting friends in mention the cal an efficleab, as tran- fourbundred people availed themselves of. th� satisfactory result .—We are pleased to Hart, of Woodham, is vi8i,tiag at the homis 'honored pionee ' of tbii vicinity, in the teacher.—Miss May pnqrmo�sexpense and the sacrifice of MeIlLis, of Stratford, :ou nted, this opportunity of spending the day on the present plant. ffil learn that the mem era of the 33rd rcigiment of M r Gibson and Mt. Robinson.—Mr', 'person of Mrs.' Willio* Cooper, or., who who has been spend g a mo*th's visit at These ar,q some of the ii 4iateL � in ape t er peaceful Ileat to the banks of lake Huron at the county WWII' A band have recogni ad home talent �in thie 'Alurray Gibson a d r Mary n passed to h a outties that the electrid light companies on Saturday her father's home in �he village, special train left town about half pa St �ig h I McLeod as the i ir lead,- 8at in Mitch- morning last, having Ii. eil to be in her 90bh the past week, returned to Stratford.— t haie to iface. The electric company in thi� selection of Mr. W, arday and Sand& i,h friends t allow - in the morning, and returnin Gods I I I i I g, left town are compelled to make this change� er, Mr, McLeod ia one of the oldest nem. ell. year. A full. r r po�rt will appear Rev. Mr. McLennan, pastor of—St. An. ards. rich shortly after eight in the evening, thus I i and will instalt this fall machinery of ample bere of the band a9d is -a, thoroughly com- in next week's sue. -Rbv. and Mrs. Me, drew's church, on Sabbath �Lorning, will,� Ration of giving the, excursionistailia good long dayat B papacity to supply the rapidly growing de�l patent muRician anq we havenodoubb. but !Lenuan,who have bee on afive 'weeks' preach a memorial service in 1�referenoe to the lake. The excursion was a decided suo. r.—Schoble- under his leadershil) our excellent band will BRIEFs.—This has bee one of the beat 'trip among frie, do in anitoba and the the life of the late Mrs. Coo 0- o8ued at the I - 2nd ue8s and the band added materially to 'the do more than maintain the high reputation y9ars for sports Blyt has ever seen. Every 'Northweabhave eturioedhome. Mr.. Me- are all opened up after the liblidays, and pl.easure of all by their excellent musio' ��l OFF TO' T1iE WEST.—About 73- personi it has so long enjoy'd ando1whichwe are week there are mate es in football or base 1 Lennan oocupie his .12 While Goderich drew the largest crowd, leftthi&statio on Thursday morning on p 1pit on Sabbath teachers and pupils are getting isettled Aowa .14 a all so proud. —Mr. andMrs. Coultlistd, of ball. On Ffiday, the acho�l team, which last. Mr. and Ore. M,, nnan well enjoyed to business for the closing teri� of another their trip and i �eport! g eat prospects of year.—Miss M. MeGregor, of uckeramithp PARKES. Bay6eld received a fair quota of pleasure �heli harvesters"! excursion to the west. The Oshawa, were here'Ahia week visiting their has only be4 beaten ouo� thii season, played anager. seekers, and there were quite a few who follo wini were !ticketed by W. Someriille'� daughter, Alre. D the B I a I team st the, paik, but- on so. abundant crops . lin th' T. Hepburn.—Mr.1 T.,W. is eat.—Me. DAvid who has been successful in paae�ng her -Nor�- fares to �! M 1624 took advantage of the cheap isit Grand Trunk Railway agent - James Bey6e,� Fotheringham, of Toronto, is arending countr;!".`o"t 'starting till i it was rather late, Balfour, of Glaid�tone, nitoba is visiting mal school examination, has tE&en - up p I I I bar — other points. The town was pretty well. de-� iw or im�lson, W. J. Murdock, Bru�"e�- bii holidays at the parental home in they did not'play long ti I it was dark. Our with his brother� r. o n Balfour, of the school -iii No. 1,0 Hay. Miss McGregor is a, oerted during the day, the bowling green el ; Was lHarria, Jacob Morden, Tuckeramith and ith other rien . He team In' anaged to score I goal to 0, but they village.—Mrs. I ndrew 611, the past week, ' ood teacher, and the people oft that vicinity 9 OFIT* being the' only place which showed any lie' 0. Mi!l" �orry 'they Muld 0 ie ingle, Seaforth ; Aliss Ii7Z�6 returno to the city about Sep mbe lat.� were . not -hs�ve played left on strip to oat 0 visit her son and cannot well afford to lose sig4t of her.—. signs of life. It was an ideal holiday land I L �r to halve e f Exetrer,!,on Sabbath. �ti he B'11 a brother, Nelson Stephen, Mr. Win. Smith, og North M n 81. eet. is longe vened up the defeat they daughter. The many1ri ndb of Mrs. Bell Rev. Dr. Hannon 0 _0 we think must have been thoroughly e -am 4on Sta;nley t aship Wi E Bell, Turn� removing to Toron 0, where h d au hters raceiv�d in Brussels. 1,10 n I I a Tuesday afternoon will wish for her i outing and a last, conducted aervices in th'p Methodieb Of icob� have good poEitiope. Mrs. 8 th I ft op the Clinton b 0. Joyed by all. The next holiday viifl� be ber�y ; James �� Cott A�,gyleshire, see ball club played their re- 'safe return. —The wea�thsr during the past church here, Dr. Hannon is Is, most el profiu by L%bor day, Monday, September 1st. 18611�, nephew of Win. So,ott, - Leadbury Tuesda ch 'here . but oar boys outplayed 4 two weeks has been favo6ble for harvest quent speaker, with st-rare-gifti! language, in, & Co., y. Mr. Smi�th is one o the oldest tiirn mat �ames Cook, Mrs. Sanderson, Miss Mo. residents of Seaforlth'; and will be ': isseo them at every point, winning by a score'of ing, and the farmers who were almost andhis sermon8-are !�ch in Go rdheirner, A ! C . I I �! . , truthe, Illy, W� amegon, W. Dunlo on� here.—M as N. Ar 15 to 5'. There was % good crowd to see the down in despairisome wee ago because of Master Wilfred Melli� is visitirig his sister -N OLD Pu ' , L. I Dominion William So - pf i matrong is a) pre t i# ka merville, agent of the Gi�ab� §ta�ce Driscoll, Miss May Alo r ison` %own, visiting her! sister, Mrs, match I which encouragea'tbe boys.—Mr. T. so much rain, ihinking 6at all the crops May. at Stratford. �-*iss McPhailo of Fort - r G. A. Bills. Also the Northwestern -Telegraph i Company, here,, 'Alkerlonsta0e, George, Plumtrae, Alex'- She is accompaniedb astero Meiklejobn, of Harriatob, visited friends in would be spoil6d, are now makiug grand er�s Hill, the past week, was a guest at the, y her ne ws, son, WI: - was.called Utt, �ohn Dodds, Mrs. Huntqr� Harry Pierce and Raymond an J Geraldino town . the past week. Mr. W. Parrot, of use of the five weather in harvesting the home of Mr. and Mrs. Win. I of the [deal sew on the VVI b Sarnia office oiij :&n&r, I I V1 only always in Friday last and was rret a little surpriesd: 'Ro)ert Grievo ad wife, W. Bolton, C!, Carpenter.—The foilowingteacberm fr&a the Detroit, is visiting r�lations and friends in grandest crop jtbis country has seen for village.—Mrg. James Smillie,4 the Village, �Couploll, ,many a yes d Mrs. MoKibbon, is visiting with her son James, !at Lambton,. when. he aRcertained that Ise Wag COUVerOiDg- Xil lop ;! Wm. iCarter, Arthur M. Jthns� county of Huron are attending the London town. —'Mr. D, Cribt+nden and Miss Maude 6r.—�ev. . an ' � I ou a select with Mr.. Neil Carrie, of 'Via Normal School this term : Sadie I an Hat- g: with Mrs.- - and with her daughter, Mrs. $pears.—Mr. e you are qurrie, Minnes;ta.' at, Tuckeramith Gidley' visited in Exeter over Sanday.— of Bryanston, Me vial in rge !A. Si iro Mr. Currie was 'accompapying a -party, of Be ker,4. K. Esler, John Wagner, 'r riett Phillips, Seaft) th; Robert Weir, and Mrs. R. Atellis, and Mrs. 0. A.'McDonell and thildren, of ing. Dr. Jerome, who has bee piacti f ing don. Kibbon's p& -rents, Mr. muspo., over our newspaper editors, who came down. from W guerl Corn ire, Hay township. Pfe of bhe village.— eems imp t a. Gramo- Duluth on an excursion, .8 barn ; N, W. Trew�rtha, Holmesvill ; R- tiatry here for the pamb w months, has I It 'a' ossible to'get Heneall, during the week, were! in the vil- yeles. iand he took ad -1 --Thd follow'Mg were ticketed by ( re. O'Rielly, Kintail James A. MoTa gar disposed of his residence Wingham and hired help to take off the harvest. —Mr. Inge visiting with Mrs. McDorj:ells cousin, vantage of his be' I b !P I 1139 so -near his old haunts & E tew4rt, C. 1). R. agents Miss Jenni Exeter ; Eunice &I.. Morill, 01his rat ; purchased Mr. John Kelly's residence, in- William'Thoms n, of the jondon. roadi on Mrs. John Balfour. to call up Mr. Somerville' SHOP to inquire about, Broadfoot. W . Dynes, E. Hallett, Gertrude Graham, oderich ; Geo uch,. teindin moving to town at once. We hope Tuesday, left. on a four m, nths� trip to IDa- 9 people and things here. In the earlier Pil ar, Miss R. Langstrath, Chester 0 -icb anan, Brussels, aud. John Adison, 01" �on.__-�_ Mr. Kelly does not intend leaving our kots, Manitoba and the Northwest Terri- —Last Sunday night, as Georfga Marshall, IBuy vo� Ilas, lawn- days Mr. Currie carried on an extens f lend purl I ive 4naej Calder, k1r. and Mrs.,A. Calder, We are again indeb, �ed to our good f midst. I lie in too good a citizeii to lose, "tories, after whiah he koses taking a'run baker tor J. hicClay, of Clin�ont was ap- A call mercantile business In Harpurh who-' iE k e et active intere ey � and, Thompeon, M. Lawrencet Seaforth ; Jo 1 Dr.'Cooper, an ardent diaci I of as he always 'tak at in any. through to the emst. Mr. Thomson is.out prosohing the bake shop at the! rear of the, F0_r byrnany ofthe older' P.. Drake, Staff& ; Gilbert Sinclair, I, Isaac Wa for ii generous do thin we guar- will be remembered Itont nat [on of g that is for the good " of , the town. — for a plessent tr �p and to see some of the otore he was confronted wit& four lads residents hereabout. e was the first Blair, Kippen 1 W. and James Da7i so speckled beauties torn his catch on civic Mr. Jarnes Emigh, v ho has been suffering world and our i viah ic tha 3 he wiU have a making their exit through the cellar win - telegraph operator in that place. That *ag M. Moblillan, D. McPherson, S. h6liday, and one ol which -was a real 1prize'4 from Bright'a diseam for over a year, passed right good time.—Miqa A nnie Murray of dow, loaded down , with bot$les of aofb CaR. in 1861 and before Seaforih had an exist- Leadbuty ; Da�id Workman, Joseph. log being fully ter. inches in le away t Wedneads, ngth.�Misls An! I" y and was buried on Tuckeremith, le t, here on Friday last i for drinks from the store. He toolt them into rth. ence and it seems he is still able to man- r Cromaity ; J. McGregor, 01 een g , foln nie Laird, of BI lyn, New V ork, is he Saturday. Decomed was very popular, Pinkerton, Bra 3 county, here she goes to the b&ke shop, and gave thenta! talking to, 3pulate the key, although there have b a, a 11, Mise.Alioe Caldwell, Hensall ; .. t her father, Mr. John IAird, and being a wbole-sonle . good-natured man, take charge of a school. in -J&array is and on promising never to do th; like again,. E many and great changes in telegra h 0 is erty not having an enemy in the whole place, one of the most accom0lis ed young ladies let them go. p "" infriende.—Mr. Will Caurpbell,. druill no y G. oh L. C. and Thomas Jaol a ther J, Ji J, J. . .........