HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1902-08-22, Page 7t
8 OF FAI 'G 7ho Irishman's eyes grew visibly cis at his Ungs were i Imoat used up
IJF Y0TUJ A CbXS�,Iov 'on 00. th 711. 1
Einorald bei yl 4re pi�u ells ly t
0 YEARS la or, Alaxin !" shouted ti 8 cond�litor
STREW;ft A10 ENERGN'T 1. ud he bad b for - home - 0 die, M r. At -
1; The Tax 14 11115 ivocesses _Vr the jrhe 1wtale Hu
9. �v s( oonids afterwards, jin d s #hird in Car' (,cllorli mian x-eeni-A -to Eat NorAls
d to ils room to co )so or :wh he
Ian retire id SO
rgest Wateh UON�� 11, v 77 F g i ind left thel car. 01 Time the �ish Are C�uall)Lt.
.1 eryc
bY �he la KPI USE 0 a an I" yelle4 ;tal a�
would do. W hits idly ponc pring over h6w i tter VF 11-111 r Than the Vex4ale.
The salmon ca! lit in the sehies and
ofi y that namO to spend his h W r6mah dden lkowis Iter; n the Lancet�
s t In 161 actor as the street b .11, Accordin- to a wr
Compny in! the iing asys, sudden idend. . �i
Wa Urel%,-hed, wher an 014 W)MAM, slowly, inspiration ca a to him. Hei-:decided to lit �o the (a
-he ha gill nets are. nnery the male human needs i�ore food t1urn
r1d., whose proucts an kbt off. jWhen it sarte4 � again take a walk�badk to his ohl Caba4i ' home wharf, co a, Aed an thrown intc heaps.
I . Th. tren0h
-8 Great Heafth and I the fenuile pot only
S4. approached thi i oqudiia0r.' 'Chinamei are ostly emp 10 for. )n liecount of hist
aard in in Toronto Beeswax aial S It jwill' inakc- L
yIit at th i
Gt rer� to get 0 ralila Trunk, He at Zee decided to try be expPriment, -uei i ope ations. They each larger stature, but also because he is
arhets* I t yVU Subseq ope
1ptlij. ,�(l k;w -h ta:. re
said, tapping. his arm, me and the'nexb ay, August,-, 8,5h, 901# he D
Sh,- cut 64 -the! head, tail and. !us, re. the more katabolic f ibe tiwo. The
Com- ail
aited out, w ph his it at it ou -e R'lu in a Vag an1
e is Atc ke."-Montrea: Herald. Wp )t OTt UEDICI� foor t I,: ne lung mqve the s and throw the rest man tend to expend ergy and the
ened ANT"R SU4 IrAPPr outofbuisiues!,$1.00inhip000ke.i;., and a I" evp it for tl,.ztt IV11-en the
al 'rext the wOm. aii to store it up the form Of
lk S. o.a big tub. N
CASE -all of 81 oandiij He was jrujis ,I. of the an.
Wanted. gross tonnage, �ver I t b tlle�n first with the
ed I ed in a t ou_.111 fat; lie burs the
970 old like io ask t ro
Gold e ,e weak at rat- and found it hird work Men 4nd women, afid 0_1 of' .0 wat r r fish Is was
y ung y h t fi� co
y For two wh
to cover a* mi i and a. half a da . I - ere se cral Alves, acting after the difference shqws itsdl� In �the very,
-IDP stood tha. test of your papoi, if' ther is any persoul ieloth sprinklm Nvit'. Slit.
ner c a f Ed cutter, s lee it into blood. The intin has a larger percent-'
araw rank in life, freely adi it that-tihey are more UT w onths,he walked slong,.k pinghisinoney I man
f time and proved consd xua of overta, 0voue - al rength in whwlhas used Gree6'oAu us F'o 'er for tboi m i 11
0 a long as he looked re wabl� no one
actli as. long as the height age Of
OU04 ol Indigestion, I Dfa a sia and Liver �plie ClAn'ef. e sections ( chromocytes than the woman,
the h)t weat y
t uguage.
her than any other. veallon.i Tro Id t.�
the best value in a b�ert that, has not been an -e&�aud we won ke but when hi 1300abae more sections a ShZwinc, that he needs al propor te-
of a can The�� re set. on
use Whou such & oozil, tioni ia epperieneld, weather,*orti and needy4oDking,, it, 000n �Therq is no Vorif in jthe'cbine�e lan-
ec s -v rel"n rder
end and lit �ito three pi one ly
als 3 mean their keflults,� anoo al. Son atom So gmge that Cc live. �s A,Wtiniat�on �s)f larger' quautItT of b#
aulto th t no ot dfor went, we k was h6 tha on one occasion
-The wcqutcl Case Guar Paine's Celery, Cotm4po nd..eords E dvantaltea
ael naentation 9f itu costive-
fe food, 4b �i r,- e -ou ji to f. while to maintain his more ctive combus-
9 and r 3 it ' to out W( fo a meal, ill the caT,'
I he got to out w( piece la en
I C eed' for 25 years, ervous dyspepsia, eadadli ermisdou hat We term Dub] ic spirit, Doi., ij thel'e
ant with benes Tt vi orouRly ch anaea t6 n" 84.
a, des.
n ne 304Y
ty. fact any but was unable to handle tb axe., lott m. the other. are swallec. The fragments7 tio a fact which o associate
n. Pon a tfoelingii, is pleeen.�,ss,_10_
All this lood a reg ates the - v
irdy ap cul� are then 04ced -On tables, an ':,edom from
have L-tici 4� I synol Yin for 13A t: . i t
tr blq connected �vi th the stor Me* or ltval?. LOSIJUIT DSKSE A d the Chi- with big comparatlyb frt
a and encourages . th kiduqs
frengtheaf -o the dans". Next the chlorosis. Moreover, %veTght for weight,
r ia in them c
and en%bles ti ierh to ftlter from th bloo 411 Th rr edicine ban be -riold !to[ mapy Tearp Slowiy and ainfully he. t ampe I on, fol. 460c)zlovel 31 dicine. namen fit them
tteTs in Ml civilived couiitriee, - add. we covers ai e put 11in the caus and Sol- his apacity Js great�r than
zin wast� and v torbid mi t seenjes :willh to lowing tills ties through 10thliftrnia and The ocki-ocli as been Ls�d f�r with yo i eron firin n irves, gives sweet &I d n U all c6rilliallond and se�d y q ol'e. of Oregon. Tbei 1 he lef u the t 'risks o take a 'the IZUS dered. e ller r
b an! peasantry, as a that of the womm wh )s
0. F; f t. 'It J!on. n ver ttied a I I I 1 .1
la-wAht ou bo k res of c4i a hort out., and lost himself t wo days and a After be g Sol, put spiratory need is further shown by the
CL HN- BULAAER, sleep o the perve-tired apd. br! the cans are
i �%m edy in roPsy. ION-ostigntio,"'ps ;y
y' Au&,s.; V lower, tr one b6ttlo first.. We, night in jhe d nee-f6refsta b I t in �.Pite' of it j r 1 .1
In a ord, Piine'a'Uery Compound _fs a Ito hot V. at facility with which sha can w ltbout
itS4 faiijag. er and watched in order to
haVia ' a6ver' know of aw tot It
If so,� all he AaKed n gain streng ib, an� was soon goipeteft perqoiis tliq body
true summer life-kiver �nd beat h-bO� W. si�e if a v bulibles rise, indicating disclomfort d1ininish lie; breathing
aye one day
SEAFORT11. ftofii6el in' g move Bel ilaus is the mat er'with y ll (ti
able to sverag 3 35: miles a, d ve pri 6ciple. Tlds has
U r, J,. Ralstorl, of Nixton, Oat., leaks. Thtse which endure this tsti POAVer by means oi the 4fiset.
1. regon he ibecived the nnip, la tic acid.
yo tk. your oldelit drugiist,
actually Walking 51. miles.
an Iron tank "The great contrast between the
G. Gn� earned $17 Co Unp for somt! hun 'ry sheep, successfu[ty are laced In
attac tf nervous pionstration caused by FN, Woo'dl ury
herdeva, strao are to dyspepaia.,s.64 started and boiled sawlt water. Salt water is metabolic activity -of Me twi
ic dyspepsia, an4-1 could i!ot at it
gehr file,
li oplesp as off again, rich once more, IL utif he reached continues the w er, was f
111T Cry cold inj A used in prqferd 'e to fresh because it
ight; Thi% condition of is � I, h
A B' i SOne Roycroft Humor. The ht.on dal-rium I -was attanded Y er ble e can be ra is a higher temperature.
9 rou ldah%,. Tb '( be, had a- tex ri pe tence brogtLfiome to me by a militar dis-
areirs a story, Writes Elbtrb Hubbard,: !of to
I tramping acro is 173 miles b in hot (huri, Ithe ground buiJ16 lovilc%1 Ito t6e
four of the be6t doctors, a 01� a'gr at tha 6, isirs upon a fteveml t. Aeroll g fof �11 hour nd a play given by -a troop 13f dusky ama-
Of ts f0sturea the me�10* desert *ithoxt food or �ter, no I h, quantity of m6ffidina,' but'all at! ad in eldf i time, t each can �s dcvent do" This means that- zons, with whom were a ISO a few Inale
Msaiou on the- Bracing do t io !the eff,3ct that Ralp �plte
me any good.! I thought I w reached an otV where some adveuttxroue n
0 14 try! V ar of their
,,church. W41 dc tmmeron itnee got tip in the middle d'hole is che I in its top to permit wakriors. The women, ta
cipirit had bv,� gh L Ya., p
irrig-ition r..Olaim6d e0ou Paine's- Cale�y Corn ouud&-. ti er bad of t the course 0 expa-1 d a! Then the daily exertions, were ll �-ounded
,Mting p ight and, ilk:: f his grop- the and'
used four battles the -nervousnelssi and dya. land to produiIe a scanty living. The o helit in lavaAs al- .1 1 1
h. Referring in I i I -Ing Is plum , some very ninel �o,
Tonic. 0 Is I I oyer a co4ir or two �nd knocked I hole is so. ered p, and t4e cook I to single
left ra�, %nd I. have don4 n tore By thin ti(n:4 Alltn'd torigae wal,!.parebed t N-i: is o bad C04- P
papsia wo Ir melveis from do Y' , he family what -not. Emmeron
ished I
rvices: o toxi. years pas and swollen, Imlipa eraoknid, and he was dtictol Itlit 1 t lst o f, 11 yj further, boiling In. salt -wa- muscle showing through the skin, and
Fine old port. wine since uhan I I n6w eDjoy tly for her mate,* and; fi ding that he
f the
to which has been c'ellent health, a6diconsider austed by his privations, so t ter for aln' hour and a_half. If they� it -was noticed that tb(Jr, movements,
it there gurdsed the source of the con -
Stalker r -aid �V -r .1 Iz 1101v whell i gom- completely ex i t h added Peruvian pletely oared"' will much sp that t totk sw'rerai days of water were not "Nlentedl, this second cooking though full of grae la�ked energy:
4 t I - an led; out Waldo coletj aud y ez s e heatin t4e Lis-
ight, be i � rue 'a cal. in alarm,
he tr" . . . . . . Bark in pr9portions he and lowl to rit t him in shepe t a tinue inally each can aud 'go.1 The me
us- )n - I I would burst th n
bv the Waldo !are you ill?" Anil t placi ft.,as lb elow. y tj s
tov6d fleneali. Is tested ing It on the head' were ispare, thefr- mus d�l 6tanding oft
y an ide his wsd�. )e 1 the aid ol, a,
of God to 86114,we wds'. No, my dear, o al Ig warer-
bottle he Managed to cresii the rest -of . the
2ion. was the lishandl�renclx These lines were 'comosed ;by
a grat e- $6 atjs the htory, but the new verhiot with a big hail. f leaky, it will usual- plainlyunder the shny skk.a, and th�-,
1 Wonderl I.Water.
ed ptaiu�, axid cr�ssed into I i
a id, 44t I
eias ir- daughter of the la.te,Mrs. fdcGregor,;!n rutia t is way : Mr. EmmerAcn &t, �up ix ly give back a !nny' sound. in further contrast wihithe women,
Ubab Ithrouf which St ite h� strolled, Il! Ile,., 0(1 10 tl� restored to the
eDded Chu e ideal racing, I t6 7in dW qf the night, and; after f6lfin�
memory of the d4weased - Ing agil
di ruly
I Opinion. blood givin hospita�bly r( eived evryivhere� by the 1�ald kind to na. k e d birds by Ity,
ovat �! is faniily rook ing chair ad-knockinj I
I the
renewing Onre, and the world geel on aqlbefo,o, was a�, lonely railroa( section mea to whom A e )by Piecemeal. bounding about and 'wh r
to 'c. a plaster p iris Cast joff Lhe mantle, e waters o Casdhna�, norh I t,,L, I y u, round IEL
Aid Such, a prtpara,; Sudden1v calted hom tho oll honiestiiad' door, eight o a face1tom the out de world was a "I have bouglit a but which I am a most astounding fashion. The wom-
could. Dear faiihful motbe-, to come ta* nj �4: ri. CoNted b od wife, thus : "'Are, yot
_# 'o ( . 10; t1send. 1 In focf,, at line place; where
tion is real en,-.IaUy anab
religion and& uh, sad is our Lom.. d there was no dawert 1:16W J-1orsern Ish' Sauce. transfoming Intl: a palace," said a wo- ell, In short, were ess
he had"'to face 10, fearful cold :snap, �with now
ill W�'! do,9
purpose. f matches oa the wall, h Plan. "You and the men were katabolic. 1 ma3r,
e Isee, I had a - uIred a man
W*ISO IS Qone, p6nd bbe seasons widowe and 4A 1 [1 zo. "This was in thE a amily took hi'm in and kept For tlorseradih saut:5, to terv6 l� cq
n th rjjt6 �i� 0 chairL;. waist eep)
al! 1, 1 3ar. 'for buying the Insldbg of fine Old
�01 God. floo�, I 0an and. here diaw attention to! the fact fliat
Wreathing be.- grave In blonewti and a -low; ! 1 old n) e.q t Mix tN) 0 tablepoonfluls pf
him tb ee we *s, When 'finally be did
Snow on the bosom thtt ehelt rod us all� dqiwietilmal-chas Qam6iristiiks,�and you t to be larg�r'meat eaters
bro�e Lhem* off.' start C. , tile of the ho se ga� e him a horsel"ylish with ]w"Aablespoot:iTul of homes abobt to be torn down, and I -men are ap
1 That boIlom, of love. d slt, nfl* th6r- all than women, just as t re. *possibly -i
WORU5 413 ki' an'd a 85 LiJ to cheer bin lonely pril a . I ed r
Invalids Nine- t,, add pn,,,I)p r, had fill my ci y apartmeiA with
I a lady heard Qie matches split cff, au� f r in ther's ndt �gone, in consequence ofhis ery fact, more
47 ber room a(id empty h", da 4�, is heard 06 Forape and uhe Crack c ug id st to in; four tablespoonfuls that it -o& a
Home's, not, Fk-e home, ere grimhgp. Th money bas but the w d St. ad, besides, putting a
mern -rae her awa (I: ory of thi b Use a Ebill fresh: prone to drink alcohol 1 a�d to alndL
Angels bai e bc feini all you ill Waldo? again she.callpd it creilw� NNob, �stl good deal 'In st rage. Yet :1 kept on
To har savour ab-* ve. came ro
s a Cr# P6rt alarin. III! Iii Dodling,wby dono yoi ]"IT 0.1T55 VOtl buy Ins. da5 ac ss a well tobacco."
k ?-there i -snow wind and rain ;Drew Dem It V ov M. built but plain
no one. listen
)�w all the sunlight TrIssei itef i2ice. aLy Tbrogh sty�rm and 1) furnished house on
Prescribed by
The arind slogs a dir4 rsr jund the old pla�e, am, luo; ill. I hav an idea, and wanted he plodded.a 'ng. traverair g 01ji I Into IL_
nreqtiited ..ove arove -voun- man Staten Island wt. Ich I c6uld buy kor d kSLEEPiNG HE
leading physicians, E013 illute things. her sayinlre and dok-g.o ietade,' write � t down, but these confouindpd cheal linois, jhro
ug Illivois to N, 'Phiu i- and at
I had'visions of
Oh, how 13L ely it! ke mi t commit sulcide in 4 St. Peteksbutg small pric�. At :ince
-y 71texL of U
matelAs you boug�t off that Cobnecticul Vie t VhtLt Are
Datroii:I he or ied -to" Win Isor, qn-ce m ore AUght
4Lkw WHOLE-SALc AGENTS; gue take every- in or hb walked I otol. IR tran �plr I that he bd:ask�d that house as It' 'would look trans-
Thorriv c f times was the w?y thait alhi tro 1 paddl(r will not Ught-pla canarin, I Frnrn wia(a l9viected to t -Urn.
Al*t: has not its
,-hood knawa� RENCE A. WtLSON & a little &I in thei, treet to �choote irmed. by rie old carved woods,
CO., MONTRM6 Yet, with the sandal of faith brizhuly AM: thi,ag hat comes from Conoadlca�, asy I across to Buff �10 from Bil , o to Lewistou, - i I race
Is there any
Offixibed sbe the Fteps to the rorch Is d Qbd )er which he banded marbles, tiles an mirrors. , Mentally I
.16 know hiam_v Then ere was a nal teratch OP: d where he cros4e� the old S uprsiton bridRe Of tWO Pi'eC'�S I
FOR SALE BY Trustin- h Je-,Ui' sl,�epiiig bero? -A cortespondnt re -
a helple" - i -
and', r I ilobopby 0 me - to M1r, Oompensai and 6e agai 4 landed on Canadian eoil- 11 er. On one en "Lif e "' afid e of attractive -
did it up to, such
'$Aid 11 Well well i� I cently pointedc�ut that tl�e time for the
rid trunk ties and r
Lion 8 �-eficue as h( re 6 twk The g-irl 6o6 ness tbat I Just t ad to purchase it. The
Oft the dell r ayoa grew da, Ic from ;all t iarq The Gra on the :other -
Guiding our untired f -e; tirou-, t. prop
fa had to lift- 0`EPH WEBER ifle! �1 tArs, Wilola'E much. of alo idea, anyvi ay boQe� landed in Tor,Nnto last, Wed �esday, weather- results tLrp justif ying my expectations. thecy that the-
Plaring our future vLisb grace U A"Ith't aas, -will *tore tb Indl
lh�A, 1've really forgorreal vi bilt-it wae-'� worn and wes�hy;rb 1.1 man, weig
tenth of Krishna ;L
Scothing our sorr.rws a t� aa W
Wholesale and Retail dealer in Winei; azE. E very on6 who anters gives an xcla-
a h crawled buck� into,
; b ad. In th
d by Dodds, I A potindh of health manhood, and Houses, of Mgmx. her independence is ne# at had, and
and Vqtwrs. mation. of surpric,e and admiration, a -ad
d1i i moi0i t �ersou !discovered thaT
remedy to Willshe forget thoEe -Abon- ehe car,_ise 6n without, a tra,.�p of --his ok i foe, consump- every nation has some !such Saior to�
f ucy
On the side h The lute
SRO -In rear of Dominion Bank, in prom. Wovt over, lauji hact over, bushed on bor b.. eut!; rior finish
every tg U. ken oc t of her hiah' MOU11t Etna I'm not thr� whom the people- loolzo West country,
ooth�!hd b bro
i, forruefly oceupied by H. R. Jack. With her dea? IuVab1a3 into swc et i est, in the midst of my - ho e cost. or!-inally tens f
and he 1myet ba6kec' comb. ser(ral villa -es
Obildhood'ti inampt rtst. Thisis cer inly a Tnarir 1.1ous record for
Son) e en a x7nan copdemned by doctor to spEfedy of fori�or s�reains with a rustics still believe tlitlArthur did not
m all a6bour, 25� V th d 1'. ars and camefrom all
that in
No, we beHeve she W11 faf:thful will be H6 -vv thEj' Cocaine Ha it Starts� deafh. i the hous I es built o( lai�fi- part ie. Igot it
nie, but sleeps in-Aval�u, and
EAFORTH. d 'Durita Ma 1,�rig framp Mr. -Allen k d ncan Fondly will guard those that praytd at liar Izn6 8 of t gi for almoit the hour of Rritami"s 1 need be will
ry heariody, as irally'froin ufiibg catarrh snuff 413 , i I
1708 That. hor sp,rit will took bar -k Wer death' daik aba
oirltip int, -awake, deliver the la�d and restore,
With h6t three dairlings to be. 36 pv irs of boots and use
To rid ja pu A, try f itisects- stir Ja cot- the golden age.
"ban raWe.'-- is vvellj to remember' that� the o han Iifi could keep track. of. He GIrmany It Is a
dea ly 'dru 16 thr6ug�'
Cured mean& contairin z a' u P; Pm oer, a
clothes t
sci4tutific cure for catarrh iii ( atELrrhC'z)n
e hsve done with earth and It's 01i(i ` t nelpinj; It �lan ite Suicide.
And, Whcn %% a was much irrreaserl with i the un. 1
Mother, dear nix-tht r, will.wLipotnj ua tUere, t4"'ng le of polunas of a in uto four 1parts popular belief that Cpffrles 'V.' wilt
i 4ures by the inhalaii-3h f i�ned�cated kindne6s )is U ot Aith eve. , wbei�, having It is remarkablle bow a suicide by a
To the ame, of the. Llest.
i - . f 6 air� imply breathe Catartho me, and it c f boili6g, wa ter Then take a brush
hing reg�rdijag - Use th aenuilie 11 'Use to .41�jp 4 hod
E a on y in place so -me dny wake from his enchanted
�Iways,p!enty!of food ani (I thee, O� certain ir, in a certa
motb Pro sleep, with you i b"dii t nd apply 1 as poss
c a, your br a r rongh " is ;Ible, to the I M sleep to reign over Germany, Spain,
will ca)re all forms of 0 ta rh one oeqaston di -i he lack will leaa t�ot r of the' same kind.
Rol, weary, hands, that i e� dO to r. at' 4nothe
I I Astbm4', Lung Troubles' �u Dea WWI -when he wat lost in OregoiL'a Wilds., (rcks,aud CD Ivi shelves, etc. Portugal, Demnark, Belgium and H61 -
v 41 best 1 - I ;
is to matim- a, We 1, we liave loved you, but God lovoil Y A surgeonj of the Middlesex hospital,
Every land. Thousands of Jj)Lpench peasants -
endeavor to He willed it, and �aa given yo� est. Mr. Allen was wouderfulIv flurpti,3ed in London,1 -went into a barber shop to
breath from Catarilic, one Inhale
a at I ngth' reacheti; To 0
when be shaved. The ar er spok of a man
Curious vast- ao0bheE, her""" and relievea'* Permanent 1 1 � I, the Be' 11 hold that Napoleon is ionly sleeping
or remed -I
Diarrhoe yst' gt araut.ged, even though (Itk, e a4 ihme and that at some ft time be WA
nstory. The a'Weakens thi as born thez in the early foitie�, and hsd In the beehive p )pqr-ther
tell1ailed. Try CAtarrhez)n6. price 6l.00 who had een risuccessful In an at -
that of all arot 1�0-n tb( Queen Citir 1 for '40 years. i eu, the wor- r bae reappear and rule- And '.Nlr. Newblt
'd 'and it not cheeked -becomes a 061onic a 11� small a ze 2.- P Sold by I. V. Fear, ��'ru tem �ill himself by cutting his
�t to
tienoridream bubheslillf6undoneortwo throat.
9'�r stomap h lid n Sh is a Drake is only listening for the drum
mbej, whereof - Everything hkd grown beyouId his rocolloc- e L f first has enshrined the Devbn legend tat -
N dition. No remedy compares- Nver - n 1drond. i ,
I part, N -ow,. TL, eU=ivc:7.,,, Perf time. -"qoaiorth, rr No C. Polson' Co� d th e ueen is
Of the riends Of his early
line, �vhich in pre st6n, Ontario; ce
he i-atiestirle, or V. -I.- Haadi_-erchier outh,1 much to "Ile coL have mana-ed it 71
pared epecially f Uld eas
and bowel troubles. As a radic U enro, 1or 1) tkmiltou)s Ily deN' !Iope fe all and th ino The Irish peasantry tead-faiffly 're -
a &-bout 29 feet, r Pith, Cure., I iliousneo, their toutual 'leasure. said the Orgeon, -'1had'-he been ac -
Toilet and Bath. 0 0 -camps, Colic, Gas in the Stomac Sam, r of all the L) es 1 e. fuse to believe that Parziell it;
ithe small M�_ 1 .6 aii hia dventuroug lifA ME Allen has 1. � -
Complaint, Nerviline exciels ever thing- is quainted Ith the' untion of the
F, %ad into Pefusc all substitutes. really dead. They assert that his detU
i � - visited every r-,ity of the Uinion, klanilla, Y."
the medical Ijne,J3 an indip a a hdtise- Marconi's Latbst. otid art
PlElps Urimi 1 Trees., car was a ru kep, up about 6&:- apin 13 bilaa, � In all isl perigrinationR se that he W.j�; hold staple, and costs only 25
0 BU 11,
ancr Marconi hazi perfe4el latel' e of a fruit �e is "Where have cut?"' asked
The mirsery pri ba
eve the arnpill he has Ntayed 'In the Fine u8ine L, that of Spectator of.his own f, era] and t t
bottl to -day. Sold by L V. �ar, dr nio in adaption,of his inVentign fo'r� us t
k 9 in increak�iag t 1 ci�calation of 'n�ewspapers. j)art of Its cost by the time the barber.' The surgeon told him. ne when the time :comes U will em�rga
i -t immediately gist, ;eafortb, Oat. C On , the roof of the itioto
on ot �r are..
Lhe large,. wa He has been Tamiued� by pl�lysicians, who poor at once leA the foom, and, not return -cut to give Ireland her in-
ried a ta the bc arlup stage.. To bu� I
from retirem
hich he is touring is n
T, -y Dr. Hamilton's 11andrake n
oon as was dx
fuo�el, -which, when nor, iqua as "down
ills.' ca have b4( a 1z ad to.fthd h rj� is Ing as S
in( perf6ctly free tl ees simply Lee,,, T)ected.. the sur ence. ETery tne T
so i F li se they are c4cap depend
of blind alley, from thi3 wiite plague, and still more i 11
OMT. geon went'to look for him and discov-
as to com' certainly poor eco
Attached The King's Hors fla� pu he roof. When he defix. astnunatid at ;ha ExtraordinaIry meLhod by 9 lieves that when ntl�brist appears
b the hotel wbialh he has left or ered him in the yard with his head'
Mri Laliquehere, in Truth. has,,, -irculdtd m olea;e wtz : - 31ohammed M-ohad , 11 wne and
,,:ienudix, a little- i which -he cur( himself.' 41: t 'a glone. 1. nearly severed from his -body.
the ramor tbir,,the King m litea 8�1_ th - conquer him. , Moor".0 legend de -
which he ig going,�the funnel is j V Orel- of
aboat, three. Conte
sr sit d the DurIn- toccen Cy lone at Khrachl,
e and giving j1p rai -d a perpendicular p Lon, an
diameter of. ling his stud of raniule, hora A Ped Hot Seb[Lson. clars that Bobadil l Chico -sleep's
British India, tralM wer( The Emerim
v. blind alle: for good and all his patrotiage tu�f. wi�l;les telegraph is seb t w ark. Thus y ld In Eftstory. spellbound near the j lbambra and
Of LhO
ibe hA18CMIlon th
I he -w-* 4 which bl
&'Iying as The King is a keen sportsman sind if tl�is Si ikor blarconi, by means lof the wireles Durjn-�, e b1o)d gs over-heatei 6W at The Isr.411tes t a�spected the emerald
Grand otor ho diraitfi on Lho $vdem is ievers _ e force of I Fn that one day he twalie to re -es -
Trunk Railway. ii�ra h and without leaving his m e applute
When in- I Aon J)st. -k Blood El nd,�td �niles an hour. as a. stone'of ec, 11 ana
n. rumor proves true, he will be making a.p4r- tel! t Itotan" rll t h
Tratne lowe Seaforth and ClInbon al B i�Ao( P, lips wid in. the rate of a Ru 6slastical bar-monAe,
Carl! is ble to order his lunch at& :hotel tablish the *0 ers of G
in -to the,- sonal 'eaCriLfice for the aLke qf his pev�le. vigorateo the b1c Jdl tone8 up th4 system a,.d testoxes we al� lz=i the passage, In the
103t I&Ppt:ti and
dititan), says the The ServIans look o King Lliger,
0,110WR: miles
ads and many of whom make horse racing A.0 ecqte thi� or forty the taq
I revelation a44inbow round about
1iom* W3.9T- as"olmr. MUM$. gli. d
�ea, they cawmv for gatribling,- a vice, wKi,,�h thot King has Lot, ?u Talegraoh. The first practical use ge slain by the Turks in 1389, as. 11reir
........... 1%40 F. if. 1-2.55 1% IL de b; washing'a"
-he iox P, m� alwaveabhor d. His'Majisty isa�,,reforin- of tbia adaption is to be mad 3 on motors E ii-lish fadge is the thr like unto an em- final hope, Mid should witzerland
1 Pasoeniter.,.. 10.18 1". K. re -LtV 2� 2 L h
tCvti goes i MIL AXA, 9 R 16LS rmilats the , I w I
; NUd Tnin:_. 9.20 A. X. 10.15 A. constipat.on, dyifpe�,31a. billowiness, I oiled. potato in . erald," an howl he fourth foundation
-t the - ailmo� at- M. er� and Rince it has. -been borne hm ftt�6d u D for use in war. A -pa ty of Scouts bomli, loure d e arm !water
i again threatend b urants 6.16, P. M. 7.06 P. M 1upon. y
inikht iniake a quink ran in us of the'e sick- hnsoache, a all aff Jetion if, t orgmi*. of ugar, � a of the wal rou
of th t �riatocr6li^l and -royal Datrona a of I (I and adding to it ounce of s nd the heavenly Jerusa-
rhe oGO.INQ RAW- g eDL digestion, folklore declares that tha three mew -
a for t 6 i nate o, so is
_My, r
ss7.0 A- X� MR horsej ra.ciog is maiu)y ro,spo�i� m&Chines into Lhe a country, Make teaspoonful'ol car o f da and lem was emerald. In Ezekiel 1-t
bers of he Tell famity,who-are Sleep-
pas3enger'. 18.11 P� M. %.fi6 P. alarniling th of the b gr 9, raiee the
Tnania Uhtir o�servation nulil, Corr
grow BCKACHE, %welling of f"t "d a kles, puffing ounc( Stir nto this Y said, "Sy was�_ by merchant by ea-
o-onditiona; P etti �.�Of uttv I, g at Rutill, near Ihe Vferwald
IredTr:4n.._, 4.40 F., M &J5 F. to their h 3adquarters
amonk the poor working peo Is., is riot municate the result under the ey", ttqaerit thirst, c4lity, eloud�%hizh- degree�. -a oun�% of wheat me
f -the mul ude of the wares of Staten -See, will -rise -rom their, len-
and thea start back before a succesof Ay cut red urineland all-urinat,, roubye lead to
wt all unlikely that he should h IV d
a ;e roeo -dead, roll o occupied in th fairs
Vs'dijeme, dropsy* diabetes, itc. oon's
pursuit Could be organizid.. z everal, car� Brig i Kid- ut td thickness of thl�d thy maldn t h� chanted 'slumber and maln
riah Palmerstaii and Kincardine. to be in�'Ionqer, a pirty to the sp�ead of the a taln Ua.
6c ; nty Pills are. a sure oure. n inch, c A into shapes -ith eme Ids, lrorple
Pak Mixed. Mixed iniquity, evea though ati innoc t Par of an(t bake'
45 rk.nz. hia grea reepon I
y u VLnd broidered
fit�ed in this way are to be u a(. in the nex -London Chronl-
freedo of the land.
Ralf al� Nvot k -and fine 11iien qud, corl 'and cle.
'.PA1memtou.,. 7.30 p.m. 12.20. pom S. Kiug'Edward realizes miWary mauoeuvres. . ;
M11,13paNIS AELT AND bii"E VE'PTUS Pure
erform, their- Fth.l. 807 1.07 940 bili as the QUef exampleir and Ry preact- &naenda, Ndn' 1EUSOM, Sleeplas esal. W�aknelis, E agate," a the Ihigh priest. wore an
13 WORK SYRUP is an f a, sure and r Palpitation, Thw binir. Faine Sp its, bizziiiess 'or T 'Ho urts
bA becomen Brustels 8.17 1.10 1000 L)W' e Pineapple.
ex of th.e nation, and most of his 11cyA subw D * i - emerald on *,he first linger or, his
and dis-Aser, KU 1.30! M20 I 11ablew4m. expeller. Actseq 11� well on children any conahion s0iag from lmpo�e iahed Blood, Dia. i. jects,t though' they may not be s. An averag si,),e pineapple lelds 'do
So38 1.35 10-30 or.1�4UIU. BdaurecigetW" -rvt)e 3r Weak Hear Y right -ha all t�e same as did the When a Ubi maiden deel as hm
I W's. otdered,NL l;;- 11
by keepi - .. i 1' 1 - ce.
will rdoice if the KLDg should th; t t jul
rooma SoViia. Pass. Mixed. Pt8s. 4d prot i I early tw6 pints 0 g exi
t - of the elij-ble 70un
�rk, the bidod Mexican pontiff serving In the temple of the trIbi
Wingbam 6� 6S a,m 9 3.05 pall. again�r, gambling. dren are ef 3D a f
0 . : , MR ttacked On I c ly by pain ul tmd al e goe� - and
errc z T*b,- 91.17 9.13 From the. Yuio L1. dangrus Co'i3 C -amp, Vir oca,' y�entery, of Votau. !with whom and his Isk - she wishes toniarr S
131uevAle...... 7,92 therline de� Blediel. 111fAhwm etc. Dr. ]Fowl Ca Irld crn until -he
.... .. 7.18 10.00 325 Cholara,MorbuA, Obolirs We I itish brotber we e strange points of re- jin his house and grind
MkGYARD'S YELLOW OIL ou y ofj Ellice, ��cdjqi al -ways *ore� a
rompr an
by 'her ind:US_
is braia.es Kr. klex. Ballaribyrie, former, ExtractlotWil0trawlitrry Ill i sure Catherine d3' is sufficiently impress
pid action' ......... 7.28 10.16 3.35 sores, wounds, cuts. frotbites, 1'rhisthipu;t. 'Sti.,rs�of go semblance.i
Ich sb(qld always be kep� in _tL�e hoose, point
ide black sbirt, 1.1 black ed bod-
fTlmerston .... 8.20, 11.3D near &ratford, who left four years- for cure, wjj
uerta,inly he Inselots, burns. scalds, contnalou% etC!,L ric3 25c�
thogoldfieldsof the Dawson districtj ar- try to marry her,.
�r2izfiog: bl6od. FFF 11te with siqeves, a black colla
enyj wbutch Is an
recently. Mi.' Balltintyne BRITISH T1310P OIL LINN NT Isi gocO for one of o walills Jolres.
rivad home I After the cerem
tiredneEs, essweltiol all, iiufT baped, nd' a bood- that ca e
lye in
London, Huron and Bruce. His Name. 106. jog well, speaks favorabl, f bh 5iT - mAn or beisb. Wben a play iitten by !I- man -who elaborae one, the �co le go 'to I
,8` Back aad libia inflammation; cares cuta, burns, br'blees, spra down ip a poiit oTer the forehead.
had ro Vs anger by reading th6 -,vifes house. If S1 ie -tires -of he
An Irishman mi.h. a large clarpat trio in. which he has been, a6d Purposes re- - ints, �b tes of iisede.. rheumaAstri, etc. A lirge
cc, when Fal- London, depart... 9.16 A.M. 4.5o Pm US6d 0
�Ittl. h 26 husband, sh can obt (Jilvor-ce
0.18 6.66 carrying a big umbrella, ha tu!oini next March. can r weddhig of one of his -
d j4st lo6nded r a iiewspap
Price 50C.,
930. 6 from�& Domit -T el homeward trip was bomnieneld 0 Dreall it.ameklux;
King!- .07 a -liner. WU-bin to vat to friends -wa prod�qced, he prevented its m erely throwing his sai Idle ut f 06
re d-epot, b 'b J41 mage S Wit.
. ......... 9.44 6-�8 the Donuveutuo' and as 12 days were spent vik it- - : To mke bread Nami2kis rub togeth, fl14".
�Xlppen ....... ........... 0.50 6 215 e i n b 11th, 1,41 M :1 success by ind : !no 250 f his friends house,'After marriage t iia ho' se
n, it can bel
6 Lin he ing Eaet Orego aean.th�b the jr,four tLiblespoon fills of grated �lieese,
9.58 683 he w'i PeverUl les directed I n his
,,R4iQusaeS9L I I Carr ii- great books. These
10.16 6*65 0 NVtre Dame streei, aN t 0 a U tr is o longer 6 tedious ono. on lablesp and al� their propeKty e: ccept!tb, herds
Clinton- h I- At ear, The late D Talmage once� oalied folk of ,in o OODfUl Of Melt- to attend I
I I i W
travelled by steap*ibo&6 lawyer amd two of h6 pr?,rishioners YOU11211 M. occu e promine: belo to the wife.
Londestiozo 9 West, Reachipg thei C. Ballantyne It I a
oing Notre Dai ne I I �d blitter All little anchovy �T.. ste.
10 si 740 �e m Wbir� thf-reon1vam1bns1-vFjofa private nature. theii books while the,per..; -'are 1-ndi rig
Quebeco. church, he boarded the first car %at Ca us ovor t _Arukoti river, an , far . 1 0 1 A- seats, The,, Hopis parent -&-
alt ll(I 1)"I)l siiloof�lh. ent
rt r 7118 He Ir rolThe right of the- -chililren-1to do as
n eal Heratcl a he took the fo 0
h� 100 "Ali, d otor cried the gr
along (as luck would have it. it wa� the f or un;a U;5 g in- on, and whenever
Wingham- arrive....- 11.0. 1 ' I L '
ff, g
a`rrivedL at Ska G -.3 o d To, Slices of briend without -cruts,
t raj i9g. p7ornie tw of
Sbum_ r the there S any
righ,�, onp) and "t down gingerly ne pplause each one of they please Is never qij est O�ed.
tip - Eprea 14.1
The jou e w vour flock. T us k ithout imper d mixture o �w �thci and brown
V rom an tic, iet, ostiug $20. Utili asi then if winiham, depart.. MO A,K, 9,10 F. X door.' Five or six o,. -her men, a d minjed by 'eatt"Lei if nbved by clockwork, turned
ment, of the co r u was eace, yon re hl�im a black sheep nr in oven.
8.23 completed the list of paseengiiis.,T wate 0
-er a leaf Thd1rustling
... 7.14 3.36 reaehea, white?" 11don't know yet, replied Tal- of the lea H0V%v a Woultalm A seat.
......... 7 John !" etouted the condudtor ' c . - -
Lon4eeboro........ _... pr n_- En have goo Magp, dryly, wh(0..they're black or hite and the S of the men,.-Lbsogbed .44
8 Ardennsi, 3.45 entLy, Lhe street Lid �, u e numb�r of workin; rr n1om Taste. I will tell you how to A larg ng luau a to 7.47 4.16 quite intc ttie Dawson disuiat d iring the p 3,1-,U in readin- in a (1, the performance
Car d but I am veryf eertairl i habj if they rem To tnl:o wn y 11) m�te h�t
his bearers. The er eati oman, N�rhos t gll!,,.e �,showed 'she
ported by the 8.05 4.40 stopped, an e t, a w e 1
e been eX- spri ng an a ara uy. "he daily�� wa here lonk the0l'll be fleecel 0 lete fallure
Kippen 8,16L 4.60 alialited. A hal� minute after .'ar it ey plit a littlj�j would be tired by �to A cOm-
8.22 4.5.5 of one men. is $5 to 86 per day with oar
neared St. Pdter 'street. P te ku- iri., will .......... 8.86 6.10 panion in a I1o;W1V111
ot Ju.m a was somewhat we thpugh L a -n1ring.
Model Farm; nounced the conductor. Anothe, I r spiderx.1 he in q I uLh out Coor -,mgbly. A !Hirit on Sp�a there Is no seat; watcb for two
8.46 6A�,O
weath r was on the whole valit. Ju
Lond0n, A. m. 6.tO Spiders re an unso'c4able, mlsan- Fafher.(io the Oven -year-old son be.
3rcl a the warmeSt day vvx1lee" Mr. Balla men who .11,e in eofl-vers.01on -and
as t thropical race t the be t of times a ide him i,n tile dog cart, cuttingtlie
x.g.eon became, b d noticed, the thermbm ter standink M nXIV. ront of Men,-
ther w
'The MCKU10P MUta�l Fire 'be sun.' The coldest we �,her 4if thie h ith the t 1) L� r I whip sharply 'through the air) See,
lyn usually regard eac s stand right in I
aa especially 90 i7n "Each one NA -111 Ir.1111 11's fl'!('nd
i pro m isin 11z ely for his clill- ze tbe-horse go fast -
6 RDOC -L =1 versioln. This Tommy, ri I I I)Ojite 'o!jL)otlj Of t1lein
f. doing s -)me, U� w6 regiawred at abou. i W q, think lie is v
Invarance Compmy. will t 68 bow. most unco
of the hors(s- MrJ�Ballantyna says that h countrY Is inibitters all social intercour that ioil of er witbout�strlk him at all. Will j
)0,,. oill'.
V, so I Allid oer b,
PLJ asable I getting pretty well opened' u ring b , i accident into Tommy in aq -eager tone of bappy
fl, i .1 i I a knowa, tha FARM AND ISOLATED TOWN 41 spider -NN�nde seats. T1, CIL' aa ver Many, roads ure now mad ail reek and t, 4yed in a man- do, ad ney
T a along his brother%l web is reel discovery) -Papa- why don't you spank
against him. BLOOD is 061a 0asV matter to moe about. The er fails."
ner that if '�a little mo -el thal n kin!' 18 us chil(h, n that way?,
;�.hi h Mr. Ballall-
:raugh,,t workt. Sulphur Creek distri t, in
OMCIMM. certainly thun kin V' -Instead of
ating, ii y no mealis
an, Ekttrae:- i tyab has been oper J. U, McLean, President,, Kippen P. 0. Thomas.
rov g i b ly itertaining Uls visitor mine
ro viceopresident, Brucefteld P. 0. ; Thomas E. wdarin out, but is ateadily' MP "Tbey o9
W. G. Broad-
value- Conditions host either drops by a -fine thread and t
a#� seatorW P. 0. r w r Vo -avis Dill Not ee Irt Before.
.1r. Targ4601'. Ora generall hfive ver -f o0a, lm4pectdr ot Eamm. Seaforth P. 0. T T En R nt ni.
orditiates T Yukion dilltrict, an isappears. friom view op. promptly pre- Much improved in the d Xvilh Miss Ea tside-Tbat Is a lovely gown, re.1
ih mary we though food is s4ill very deiir, here is aleu� pa ros to fi - t him. E viction- is not his- S I'd -his glad'a- but haveWt I seen it before?'
W6. Broadfoot, Sestorth; John 0. Grieve, Wt
-George Dille, Smfo
ys� province, do- ee Kvsns� Beechwood ; John Watt,, teln object, but �c pture, with iflterior de-
rth;. Sohn Donnewela, of; he very beat to eat.4 Miss Westslde�No; I think not I tO
'Dublin Jam Is a purely ve(�etable , 11.1 Int at o�lb W very valuibi
Canadian -and Mr. Btkllautyne� has a fe signs upon -'4'e body; which with a.wise have only woft III at a very few smart
K,; Thomas Frwwr. Bruoefteld ; lohn B. Ko so 1ad ivork to-
�s a beautif iust Pboust' relle'awitlihim. On f'h:
ppon James Connolly, Cliaton. I
f oreth6ught' of the house affairs this sea�qn.
91 ward the m iddle?"
Accordin Renovator, Blood, Piirier'atild W%�c chain, about IS iachiclalng, made by the master'
eAtOdbi rn
IRobt. sjl�ljjbh, Harlook; Robt. MoUllim. 8 hokirg together 15 or am ill-bized gold I'llready de nes for th
-jilimea Cumming Zgmoadv 'e; J. W. Yeo, Rolmew
Tonic. Bat putti a� aside these prudent con- [lip S. 1! 1
-olus-ea7- i nu ow, here I i -
illa P_O.; George urdle and joiza 0. Morrison, 09
aeexcep- A Pol&xes 4 on
i iderations is t grand albeit a sav- -A medicine that acts directty at ji ited- partleb deetrous to offfiet hwuran ?AtLMNIS STEILLING jMADAC)HE POMFoRS age Sig �.o witness i1he encounter ...... r :1 I o d. Garson-,1fave ou hot waer in
lit your
0k ot ht�r businelm will be promptly attended to on the the! to C IV CU40 t) to worst beadache in from fiv a to twitln4y win- house? word wltb two jopposie meajj-
is 15� bandw on 411 -when the c IM -6 well. matched i
same time r batants a�
a, br ivat bV,, pplIcallon to any of the abovef.officam addracmd U utte, a ad leave no bad after-afteots. Ono powder 5o,
I baty reowtive wsj ow,"4 I4ong-Y
eu es.; my
Liver, DoWels and B10 a. 3 p�oe ers loo, 10 Powders 250. "Nervous
for size a --t the'- cautious Enc of b re 1 De .
tid str w1fols mother lives .61,
nd 'VropugWl
"M Stud bo6k. stiu- of
ith a delioitte te are other instances. I
with us. i
hy pedigrele�a, it cures Dyspepsia, pili(5usqessi
sides;1the wily feint,
�4 ew Cure for Consi mption. �hreads on tu I I
of -the eqaine, .14 . .
S.$ -RitchoAthorrs�alh;vs been g;athering in
Bp e re iev dn --Alr, W. W. Nchol, Bo A�,
ook's cotton noot compou-na i1g Hea. 0 -D�ring the S'ev r orm on We ' ea�day Lonstipation, Pimple followed bi�a precip txeat and
Is successfully used monthly by over
inippected bv- Ru9nin the he o sus' ended in the money at th6 �ace meets in the U)3itkd
10r,000 Ladies. Safe, effectual. Ladies ask Ftche, Salt Rheum, SzIires, 'Wild daugh of p a ternoon* of lao t wepk, 1�ightning stmek 'the 'Cat malit er in the LifitoWal high achool, an(I
f fred Y. All n, an jig Delor
ters, o; Agr your druggist for Cook's Cofton Roof Com- �f t lie experiences of Al an 11 then the headlong, ruGh States. Mr. Goebel's little mare.-
accr midair, PNnt 11.�Op at th bluxwell works, St. eldest so
criterio, Is h" apple U of Air. and Mrs. Hugh Mchol, -01
Works, 'Pang Take no other, as allBlixtures, piller and Indigestion, Erysipella. Cal* ola�T:lronto boy, is any d to band), foot March, W". -in we At
1 Ir6itatious, are dangerous, Price. No. 1, $1 _p and death ban M�icbigau lamt Stratford, was M&
pr . . box* ShiInles, Ringworni 0�� i4n' di Mar tearing a le the ioof and Fatting
No. 2, 10 degrees Stronger, $3 Der box, No. $eaSe We overed a cure for Consumption which Y8) she took fi
I to foot, which is rendered very im�ress-. Cairo, n W at nioner
onta I or 2,malled on, receipt of price wid two a -cent Is a; Koch and other lymph compo inders L a* floor on fire. he Place�*here the bolt edneed week. Thhappy bride ij Mi" Myr"
o -,;e, i 3hed Dr hen s to ot, arid' hs
stz The Coak Company Windsor 0 ari�ango from. aa i I h also started " list. I Lis. met 2o� is ive w legs are. broftght�, in in the 2 1 pa2e pr tr d takeu Figgsndthe performed tT
MP in:
4 undoubted Ceremony -W.a
W-los. i. and 2 sold ancl recommended Ali
_opa that this I actj,!�.e requ�sition at Dnce on 0iter struckwaawh(retir.deorge Carr.usu ly second oy a f &w days before at �sjziaaw.
resp eq a map, -1 CoDgre
wisible Druggists in CanaU. im urd conditiori. of t1je 1�10c uly an heroic one, and, effi�)aci us as pla tA
P bc as down stairej at the At the i he made the f8 �fjt heat the minister of the V
hi. �o ind io,� is scarcely likey to ecome side4 Mr. - UaVidaoU1
e-hurch. at the residence of the rides
or is bara t6 jell what might ave, ttat was made, �!� 1
d4ig of the, ale by all Dra, Ist i Ime, 41.
a] ar. .. . ... Wel.
appe wip, Listo
i x. Wilaon, J. S. po&
n Seatirth 4y Ale RoIberts vind Jappo got' urth- fillse, in the slime race'.
U being told by a doctor st San', Fran -
k on
0 0'
9 it y