HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1902-08-22, Page 6. - It . I - I .. Z ; . � 't I M . ,� _? I � I � � - � � M *1 I - � t 4 1. � � ? - . � - - - � 1A . Genuine � .410D& I y if- M,f 9 " _% opu a A M %.e a., a "it k--1-iD_y e S 0 . W"Is . v N little Liver Pulse Mus -t Bear Signature of . - � _e�" . 5Z — �71' _e : 1e,; -Z1&,. �,;,�-r�-4;�_P,'e;�: � � . : pac lo Wra ,low. ; _c,p& -siml, p,per Be � . I - Vaz7� smedl ama as 021-7 : ... � � to taike as sugar- ] . I I - * FOR HEADACREA ! I I ZINESS. . IffERSF011- DIZ I i Z, FOR RILICUSNESt- I I rrT � I I .. I FOR TORPID LIYEli. I P S - I FOR CONSTIPATION- , FOR SALLOW SKIN. i 1 7 ___ - :FOR THE COMPLEXION . ?,Pft, 4�32M.q,JqU0,]Qq= MUST , "AWRE. I- 14W veva*q- P__61 I �, Pl'� V'UMM, �__ ==___ZV%__ I ! I . . ' I - GURE s10K HEADA,CHE. i . , . I ; L I . VEI'rERINARY I � I JOHN GItIZVE, V. S.t honor gmdoate of Onturi( Nrew-rinary College. A.,diseaat�sofDometsti —t aliTzramied. C;vllb promptlyst%endedto an qha�guomoderAte. VeteirinaxyDentatrya"pecialkv *-&ce %nd r.-sidence on Godarich btreet, one dool i � of, Dr Scou,.'s office, Seaforth. 1112 -It I I — - � - I . . LEGAL . � . . J AM ES L. K11"LORAN, I . � atTfate I Solicitor, Convoystnoor and Notar: 1,ub.,le. Money to loan. Otflue ever Piok&rd'p Stov main stxeet, iesgiorth. 1528. 1 1 - I . I -, R. S. HAYS, , R rigi;er, Solicitor, Conveyancer and Notary Public 111111, Sol 1we for� the Dominion B&nl.-. Offfi.)e—in rear o tiominion Bank, segfiforth. .)aoney to loan. 1285 , - , 1 J. M� 'REST, Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer . -Not'ary Publits. Offices up staire, over C. W p*0.A,k1 bookatote, Adain $trot -t, S.tsaforth, Ontario. I - i . � 1817 - . i - - I ]a ENrtY BFUTTIE, - BArritEter, Solicitor, &C Aloney to loau. Odice­�acly'a Block, Sea iorba. 1 16794f 1 .1 . � . J-4 -A EtktUW & GARROW, Barr' IstOrs, .Solicitors, &c U -(;o;. liami,ton St. and Square, Oudorich, On% I . J. T. GARROW, Q. C'. 1876 CHARLBs GARP.ow. L. L B. � y� i RoWdESTRD, sucoossor to thG� late firm a - . Uoioxughey ai Holme6ted. Barrister, SolictO on 17eyaucor, and Notaly . Solicitor for the Cai -tBi.nK of CowmaTct . &A u . Money to, lend. Fort: ftri a4le. 01noe in Seattle Block, Main Stree Iseloortil.. - . - I I I I I - . I DENTISTRY. . I - - I — I F, W. TWEDDLE, I I - DENTIST, . � Gradu- te of Rayal College of Dent .&I Surzootir. of O. -i . tattia, Vu,45 grwka-xt: cour.-e in ,ro�n au.ck bricue worl, W.411aS4tll,*S�hoj1, Chica,,o. bocalanas�hetie4 1� � Y �' , it -.its extrAotloa of teatn, Ot-4�:e—Uver A. ,jung PIT, 1761 V_�Cery stoge, .1-:eaform. I I . 7 , - R. F. A. SELLERY, De,nttat, grsduats of th 11 . Royal Colie;:e of Dental SurgeocoJoronto.'als ba or graduate of Department of Dendstry, Toront U4dvoMty.i Office in the Petty block, Honest, Will visit Zuriuik every Monday, commeD01119 NOE daL�� June UL 1587 � . I ir-311ke,' R, It, 9088, Dentist (auc W. , � Jul Twed4le);-graduate of Royal College of Dental -1 Slergeons of vomrio; t;rr,t clam honor grtkituate of Tairoato UnlreI9,ty ; cro ,va and bridge work, also . gold work in all its forms. ,kil the most modern anqt1hoda !or painless filling and pAlalega extraction of teeth. Ail operations carefully p(rfornied. :)tfioe Xweddle'a old stand, ovr-z Dilrb grof,eq, Seaforth. 1 1640 � - . - . I : I - . t f t I - . . MEDICAL. I I . I Dr. John- McGinnis, i ' , -goo. G,rstlrsate London Western University, member gg � Ontario College of Physicians and OW9801W I I otoe and ReAdenco—Fortner1l occupied by Mr. Win., ft*%rd, Victoria Street, next to the Oathoilo 0huroh OWN-igltb (Y�lls atteaded promptly. . 145SX12 — - : 011. H. H. ROSS, M. B. Office vver Greig & 'Stewart'a Store, � Seaforth. Viglit cal!i atf,ended to at the ctM;e. 1 1832 ____ — G -R. F. J. BURROW31 . . ow*a to-Adent Physician and Suigoon, Toronto Gain "I Huol'.ral. Honor graduate Trinity University m4tno4r r 4he College of Physicians and'Surgeon . Ontar-o. Coroner for the County of Huron Oleo and Residence—Goderich Stroct, East of iti 40nodler, Oba-ch. lelephone 4,6. . - 1386 . r DRS. SCOTT & MacKAY, PRYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, I Stideriah stre6k, opposite Methodist ohuroh,Seaforib I .. ,0- SCOTT, graduate Viobo�a and Ann Arbor. ant � lyw!"het Ontario COIN64 of -Physicians an( r Umrgeni�s. Coroner for bounty of Huron. U-1 KACKAI, honor graduate Trinity Univenity - i;old modalt4k Trinity Medical'Oollege. Membei "ego of Physicians and 8.urgeorur, Oniarlo.- j 1483 % — � , __ ----- . � RED CEDAR SHINGLE.S. L . The uodersigned wli-bes to aaoouuc!e to th,i public - the.t baving bought a I irgo (Inantits, of the th,ree bebi bimads of red oes.r fthinglo,, aud b�r R"tirg a liberal discount for ca�h, is p, opared t i m i thein 0 CUB *,era at prce8 that dely cowpet;fion. " 'S. LAME'S Lumber Yard, Seatorth. I . HEMLOCK LUMBER. I Having In stock at the Seraforth Lumber Yard a very large quantity of R11 the different leng- h� and i&idth-, la r�r,pared to fill any bill thELt, is Ireecated Ithe very best quality of Hemlock. ,& LAMB'S Lumber Yard, Seaforth. FENE. - I I I Raving bough'. a1srga q,mantlky of p'ne from , lxrg6 firm In bluothroka, I am eettin&c piuo dres8e( both s!des er Ono aide, for siding, flooLing, ceiling� vAde plattic for water troughs; spruce an -1 bul,�&,,' lot gr, I %vEl boxes, I-qht and durable. Alao whit, cedar shingles XXXI!Caad XXX and XX of best maki iu Muskoka. Largo stock alv�ays on hand. S. L -AM B'S Lu m b6,r Yard, Seaforth, . : 1 177 . ! . . I I . . k -J-0 I-II . I Hardware Store, . - BIN DER TWINE—Best I Manilla at Vot toin prives. t Mowers, Bindere and Thresherb' use. Uomplete stock of Hayii�o, and Harvest Tools. __ L, . Complete stock of Builders' Hardware. - Furnace Work and Eavet,rougLing a sp�2i4ty. " . Charcoal Irons, $1 50. __ - I , I ;SHIS &. MUrdie I HARDWA.RE, Oouriter`fs Old Stand, Seaforth. __ 1. - -1 I—- IN _____ - ___ 1. 1 21 � - i - - __ � — L -i ON - � � r I I � r I T HIE A D � E N T U B 12 OV AN VJGLISH CAVALTE-4- RR THE ORTR-�-HOWV FLEEING FROA UYSTDON, TIE Bli.,- 00�lbll ENTA,XGLED IN Ta & PLOTS OF 011',�TAINNOBLE qEN WI,LI,H RE - r I GARD TO.rlf�; QUEEN OF SCOiTIS. � __�� � I I DY F. H, SCRIE YER. � � t i . : I ! CHAPTER VI. � i - HOW TII�E QUEEZ X OF SCO S FOUND;A MES - I . I : 8 I ., � � EzN C; Er, i - � � 66 God rant that my L,brd Both*ell wy,r( here," sai she, " then w aid thes6 traiwn have else beside womtn d oowa�ds to tr! their courage on. You have spoke*, plainly air, but- on stamd guard in my %part 'I _y . � nkente? 1 44 � I By Ord Ratlivenso orders, Imadam I who cho%fi me hapbazLrd from his follow -era. I now staud rea y to ee�ve 7 you . ; I majeaty." I ; I . - ­ Then take the dagge - which �yon bolt and kill me tbi4 ekelet,01 t in armo,". crie( Hhe with A.Ashim, eyes. Then move 04mly 5 I ,1 Bat, no, it would profit nothing. � Go'yoi to the E*rl of B-ithwell and tell him wha you have seen. Holyro d deeecr�ted, hi queen pult to sihai).e, her life , . . of mard0ers. I will truilt you, bie.." - I bawed low over the band she" held. on , � . , to m,. ; ; 11 Your command shall b ! . � . ;: am," Faid I. " but-" i I . � . I Yo , I 41 Speak !" a tid she, , sharply.' " . hesitaLe?" , � "It your majesty N7 I' rernabi in th tower chamber uutil mo ning it will prof : muoh, and, lit-robance, one w;U ,come t I take my place." � She understood my meaning and nodde M I I aGberly. ; t ; : if I will not venture forth," paid. ah( bitterly.' Then pointing tothe liritle doc J I in ther 1apeatry, 41 Go quickly, land ree I not untit von fiud my Lr)rd of Botiwell." - &g The;utairs below are guarded,i madam, � 4 said 1. " I will go throug4 the ou)ter Chan I � ber." I I � � 11 But they will stop on !:' crie,d she, U dignity jof her queens ip givi3� way t womanli weakneus. . � '�, 1; "I have chanced a great,er 6Bz'%riT:" . 5 replied. " But direct me the vva;y 'to fia , the outer door that I m ay not i*aate pr! cious time in wandering aimleally aboL the palace." - She hesitated for - a mon�eut,,thlrt turnc . � to her companion. . I i it Goyou, my child, and s'aow ,bim ; yo do not wear a crown and they wQ1 let yc pass." And 8h& .1 pus the giii towar( � , me. I i I tho ght to see the maid. bano, :bac 0 or . suspicimi of my honesty burt, the was that in thii doll -like lady i vwv hich I ad no,. reckont 1. , 'Tia rue, her cheek tlirned red, tht white and red kRsin, bt t ,she lef her, mi tress' side as'obedient as E6 child a d Walke towardsithe doo,r, thonj h'somewflere witl out she knew was thst ;host in 4rmor an two soor,e rough ,rouges, rekdy to prey upc � her beauty. I I be 't for the iec rid timail over tl 4 queen's hand, backed to the.door-ah,l joinf the maid, wh) . awaited me on �be thre hold. t 4' Sir,1" ciied the q.iqen, sudoenly, fig . send one with you w io is at 1101r.less I myself, and there 'are many viblent m( abroad." � I . 64 1 give my honor, nadam. for the sa conduct." I answered, as long " a,3 I am ab to wield aswoid." . In the outer room th( women ii 1waitic looked �ip curio�sly t.o iee a l,.6y nd a on throat Opes out in comp my, buG; n ne spok only oo*ered in their plaiees, and we we i on to -1the corridor, hera- were -staij leading , o the floor belo w. L Upon I the upper landing atooi one o '� 3 nuthve a followers., but think ; jug me to I one in his lord's service, he 'ILsccod a.3id leaving the way clear. ' ,Bar, ilia I I wou I have d3sciended the ffitairs, tha�kiug ti fates thi 6t the guard was'not of � ani over z,to one dispnition, � mV lady cau�ht $e by t,l . i C5 i sleeve. . . i � Surprped that she should 'hf�itate, au tbinkino her resolutioa wavere�l, T,, bade hi somewb , 4 aharTly to lead tbv ,*ay. Hi eyes w6re fixe upon the -fl or;,, her lil � white au'd her fiagers, preseed, into! my arn . aud I 10#ing dow�n, 1 saw a gre t ;�ed blato boarda ; frory it a pcupson tra upon th t inz to thei stairs, ats Lhough I . led dow . paaw had drawn hil �rush.al ng ead� step. The g6ard laugbed. harshly. I . ' " Look to your feet, my I&qy, ' � said he " 'twaslihere that the Italian Ide - was d, spatched, and he bled nko'st famoully.)) ' And in truth my shoe were �we' with ti 1. crimson stain. : . � With the rough Sbot, loo�in on an a . grinning broadly, I lifted her! in. � . my arn and ran down the stairs, nor unt I all7sip of the red mark was gone did I set, hil down again upon the Wad fljor"r . "Madam," said I, loo iiug into er flushe face, " if I have been ove,r b9ld you wi pardon it?" � � , a 4 Sir, I will show y c)n the � do,br with better will," she replicd, and 'le,� Lha wo I .f down the corridor. 1! . I knew that it woulc] be no easy matte for it was the business of those i who ha seized the palace to see that DO �ne *Passe without the walls -that night, - rd eo , quickly proved, I . We had gone scarcely� a dozen �ates,lan my guide was turning �d a doo upon tt lefr,, when it opened isti4douly anct an arnie , � .Man -atepped into ths r iorridc)r, ctobing Lb doorbe�iiid him. . i z It was the fellow Douglae, he, who ha first stabbed R.izio. - � . I I . I . __ CHAPTET�, VII. : . HOW: A CHAI, . EL WIN OW` WAS DRUKE_�,. � . I � DouglIps &topped on a eing me E4 � nd looke keenly into mj ; en,_ae the slim fij ure of y oou..,1__.._ ,caught his iye, h . startdd and his hand j went to :hie swor � hilb. I I i 66 ) Fo 0 -God '; derninded he' harrshl3 6i � P 1i why thi what you here, i-ir ? And � � ,Ooth, I I woman in ,e corridor " I ,�% ill h&ve a loo I at ber."I . I � He took a step forward, peered int � the maid's face p6nd then uttered' a - brutt, laugh. 1 1 � i I I I � 4i My IL,Ady Maude, se�ekit3g do�btlesi; m, good Lbtd Ruthven, �r ptreha�eu Lor - Darnley We are all w�'ll rnet !" I Quick as a flaseh, befo5e 1. Could 'in'erferE the girl replied, ukiVg a lwomau)S �lt' wher 1 1 1 would have banalen sadly : I . I " "I c�me to my L,)rd Dirnle'� with menaage: from. her ma esty ; I pray yo I fern,h hi�n here." ; � " Ah !" s.iid Doi �8, harahl�., I ass Mary.of Soots Would j�ee her loving huebani and Protector. What says she ? goo� Lord D1 rnley holds converse with $VryRut I b P� I � - . I � . I I � . I 1i I � I 1* . I It, er . ; 7 and c,hild, run dOwn—theke are I I � hundrods—lu&-v if you are n�t one. � I .1 ' I And what do you think. they �want? I They waiit� rest a'nd a etang-e . . i - I and can't get either� � Pity torspeak of it I i � Scott's 1�1:nulsion �-.i -cod', --li'Vl, er oil I Is almost rest in itself I I i � I I 69ND FOR FfICE SAMPLIC AND TRY Vr. I OCOTT & BOWNE CHCMISTS, T�RONTO. soc. anj $r.00; all druggists. , � ­ . : . .4 I � , . ! I ! . I . I � : . � I � I i � . � w I ! .� i I t ! � : ! . . � . . J I ; t I . I � I � I I �1 I I . � � � I . I I I � I . - I . � . I � i I � , I � , . � -, , - .11 � ­­ - ­ ­ � I _. -1 1. I . 1. I I -11 __ ­ - ­ A , __ I _1 - I - . . I _ I - I I .�11.. A6.46.016F& � -W � W i%.r A. I .M,ffi��AL, � ^.P— � � -- . 4 1 1 -P 1 - — - — - - � I I � � I I I � ft I , xwym,� I � -4g— � W� T " "-- ..... - - I � — . , I . I , ­_ ­ I VC I . . 1, I — : i . 1. . � � _ . I AT I � I i I � � I . - I I i �_' � �A_ I � I I I - . I I � i ; .. Z7 -, . . I i . I I en e4eape she s4all thank Yo � I Lord. BothwelPs . 0ice upon tbelmo.or I � - I �A �_� I ! . I � us 1 0 e girl 11 I . t ' � . . . t' I As there ever aulh a 10 &I imai � U . Surmising w at I meant to do, t1i ____� t : ' " " soot , I .1 . � . : � i .: . I I : ff Y d., i . I 1' I A � -1 � i . � 1 ..wi 1 - I I � , land ?" . � I � I - I I caught my arm., i 1 - I I L, x i 's H1 - , ul; , it MDEA — I I . 1) i , � � � I � .- I . ng ,at For shame. air !�' 'cried she. P I � I I . 1." --- ; Q&& - I _,�_ i - -I-- � - . I I .. -E 1 , ! 1 , 1h ,h now the c1ri . 5 1 - ----,hs t : 11 ­ by th. ""Tis nothi r, said she calmly, 0 . !" a a L V zi .g /I ! _.- I . I imeon drop w, trick- �" I wounded man. . I . � . . I I I � I 1: 40, _I T U' � I , f witl i i - swo into .. . , 1. - ;'I I . me, - I . - ­ , I C,as k i li - down her f in, er lips were lout a w1p,rd I tfirust my 17� e I I i . i I � �� ,era an( .11 � � I ; � . I -, f � ; . . I , . � ; i � � I w 3g with Lift a .� . - I pain. I 18 %,IP - I I its sheath. i � .. I I F:3 , i hite 46 11 , : M! -0 " "' Ply bair came out bythe band- -, I - I " . I 0 11 Lsad the - W ; I— , "" "" . vay, mf�dam, and I w3l fol- ria �, - - — , that I may finial i 11 . i . � - ir -,, - - egv , 0 1 , . - I I . I ---- i ,I ful, .. .1 thc gray hairs b _n to . � - I , S low y , - . I - � * t1 I did so 1� those behind I on !" sai, I I st:rly. ) . . "I ! I , 1' God t�hab �1 I Docild y creel) lrl.. I tried Ayers 1-7ai-rVig0r, - i a�r 3 - 4 . � prayll I i - of Kidney Pills Ar" ! I � I � I a fla�ed up I - a thp doors would t�rry at tbei!! ou,69. At, that mot xent dozen torebei I legion. 1 The box is imitated, ' . 2 and It civ�pped the hair from com- - - -*� � �� I I of � If � � - Valiantly she worked uj�:)n "the glass I in the directio �o�.yrood, and at voice I � �. , A ,ai L vr, , " h 11 - � , � n�y out r,,.d restored the color.-,_ . - I : � the outside coat�ng and shape of the called out defy andidg� � to know the �way ; i, g � I J ra, - I I - I jklrl-s K11 1). Gray, No. Salem, J�IaSZ. L, � untile a score of paneu lay gh4')tered on the I ' I. ? 114'. I � - - . f, No-r� " L . I I 1 chapel floor, than� looking � own: ? bad me, pills are imitatcd� and the nanie-Dod,d's but my adveils%ry was dead or bad fe4inted, ' ',�­­ , , .,, -_ ,� � lower her. : � I and the torch bearers, with angry clamor, I.- I—- I , - , I 4- � -� - ­ 7 i I Kidney Pill!3 is imitiLted. Imitations are J!� f, - U, . .. I . I � eurj I I � . , i A i Uer face was hite and the , �' TI-scric's a pleasure ii -Li. " - I I . dangerous. The original is safe. Docid's ,ed towar,la the , gaw of the �hapel .� -- � . ; I garden. i I . f-,' . I � . � . I - � . 0 r, ; I i waist stained red, ibut she u4obio4ed to me I I I -113a such a prepara— � . I �t,lp_L L': 11 I that , nothing binder's ; let � O"C- I I ':-- 1 to tear away thi , he i i Kidney Pills hav�e a 'reputation. Inn'ta, "'I think, F r, I ­ framework� of lead, t - ; I ; I 0 1 - : I . I i I < A, *J � 11 . I leaned ag,%iust t. 10 wall, pas � og 4er hand -tors have none o� they -wouldn�t lmit4te. us seek -the E 6rl of � 18othwell. A hundred t i 0 1-1 a.; Ayer's P, air Vigor. I .- , " of , � . � ! I I I � .- - � I i � . - I . � . I I the' high- ' . : - � 'rods to the rij ht willbribg us to ' . � across her eyes. , � S6 they trade on the reputation of Dotld's - .1. i I . ; � I ) I I gives to 'I who use it , I . � ' If i out � I � . al I the I f I . Catohing the h 11, I raised way" said m, , Companion. �� , I I ! I , , , - f the KidneyPills. Doinotjbeclecc�ved. There Iputoutm haud�to touch her " th - 1117 � i I ; with 4- tl�gger 60, thin fra, ;-;e,W.Wo" r such satisfaction. . I - I I : I . , . I he , - yatch e stage W, ho does th6 Equares, n!iuklla ; 6 opening suffialent, for iii 0131y one DODUS. Dodd's is �the darkness, and felt her swaying. The�lnnexet " - . , I , � I 1- . h a i r be Oficke . _� . ick of es. -aping from firmly tied ropes, g � a MOMeDt she by ft dead weight in my larma ; COMICS , antee tri ge -of "r body. Then I dropped oriemal. Dodd's' is ,the name to be ca� r - ri - . I I I - lo, - I s�ibni'ts to the'bonds Nvith a sillile. H6 � r the greater danger'bting past, a a had longer, softer, apd m ­� _1400-earw I . Phok into �he ooi;idor beside the girl.- i . I .; I " �w -_ � � I I � ful about- : I . . . : 41 orc, . . I I � knows lie cati. get Oulf of the r es th�t , She lobked at B wonderifi . fainfid. I �, � J , � I � , - I i - so � ­ W7!k I 1i , , , gly, bat, I had i i I . I glossy. And you fe " . t , - ale Whig knotted. 1�sut tile samm Va , I - I o i I - � an ifi m, course- and gave her no I ­ el __ " . Vfj1;�lv,6,d u on . � . - - I � . � � I t I . time to s Oak. ; I -41L Such 'an , . le woods .iind let Indian capt )rs � bin 0 IV%. se-ure in using - I ' � ! H! S , T _9 to I - ­ . � `4 - him to a tree for torture and I e Woul, I tihe t , mult,l escape that Dight from . -S H AS FATE DENTIE1 1) YOU A P LEA$ U RE prepara -, . '11H � . . 11 , ; D -0--i —1..T I o I J and refia - struggle tc the last against the t on " I" 1 ble ' - � I . (Is. 3401yroO& If t io fellow Dotrglas� had not I i I THAT TH�USANDS NOW RNiOYI! - J C ; , : P - ; � When the stomach is diseas!d there ; been killed by le. blow that I,h'ad given I � . I I tio-11- '", a boffle. 4, I d Zuts. _ � . � I I I ; I i I .A.0 4re b6nds ' en every hc ur a him, be I woullk� revenge � himself upon I . i . 4 _ roxclats .: '. I , :)eing wov bo t ' � � i . -I-,-,. ...... . . Irm, - - � . I - I ­ I � . I . f . - 11 � S e organs dependent on the s tpAch7[- her ; or ho, being found a corpse, the guard Ey � , 'if Y�u Arol Not Usin ri If yalir druggiat ca ,� . . � I I linot SUP 1, ralliqk �� .... I - , ­ I KIPN Send us one dollar and we ivil ----- - ��� -11 I I 1. eartl lun r,rs, liver, kidneys, e . Tb,;e , we had passed at the top of the stairs would .CXI I -_ -, . I I ; . MALT B OD you a bottle. ne sure and �o xy - e . f 311y of rumkind, is to passivel submit say she had g9nh down with � me -and she . _gll,, - - ' ���* ��� I . . . � of yuur Jaearest !��)'TessRflivi% AA (Irl - ­ I . I t:) the fas; ening of these bond with 00 would be beld an I accomplice' t ! J.C.A'Yrt.RCO -,io-welf, , - 11 I . ­ I . . ! . � You Are �Iissing, Many Ad�ant- ,_..1--"V_ . 1. - , .,1.,;,o-tV,Cl1, -_ - .� � I elffort to e! cape until the pain tll ey cause taking off� I I I . ! - I I I I I PILLS ages A#d True Enjoyments. . .- _____ I grouses fe ir. I � In either ease i were an e�i= that ,, - Il"M z - I .����, ,� , . .�' I I I . " I 11 , r of F . . . Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical I lisc e sbe fall into the hands of so I a ty a - . ' - good.sense and good bumh 3ootiAn�p � - cures dise ises of the stomach and thq r crew. If they ba'A not spared their queer), 11 but there is a little door in the wall.0 � wovild be brough-tout in a d keussion on ��� I � ' PROCURE A PACKAGE 0M YOUR GROCER A'ND 3 the - I - )f he courD ex- And stumblfi)g over the grass and ledged � question why people did go to I I 6r9ans of, digestion and nutrition,' ' t wbat merqy might a lady ( 7 T HOML-. I church. In V. I i dures dis4ses 'of heart, liver, 111! Jgs.:l kit �- Peet? : � I - walks we made for it. � I TEST F i point of fact, it would be. int,er.egtinX .to., I � � g ,�� &I In God'o Dame," I muttered, " if there I 1.1 ' -- #eys atid �other organs, when thes�ldi �_ I Madam," said 1, forestalling wbiit she knoiv why they went to churoh. Refe, , , � r"', - d1ases, as lis often the case, have er raigbt, pay, " tht ppening in t!he window is are rnsny more doicirs to pass they will be If, up to the .eg i I . �resent, fate h%s denied yon to those who absented tbemseiv. ,� . , 1� , froit�e_ -_ � - upon ue. ) i ;! I , ori& in �he diseased stomach, 14rive enough for two ; we must be gone." . the opportunii,ty of testing pure, delicious, church on the plea that the *,ervioes of thq� . "' * C. * . � "For a lotig time I was sufferitig and w a She loo�ed at pe blankly, for the n It is the la3t 1 ba ' ier, but 'bis locked," and hea A a 00 I I I I � . q. I * 91 I go r lu - �� - Ilardly able to get about," writes _MrAndiew J. was 16till upon h 4 and I had pronouneed raplied the girl. I ] to -day to your griucer, and procure a pack- fie was far from denyin 'tha tfiere i . I I I . I 9 i M ght bei-, I cuniug-s. of Thomas, Tucker Co,,W. V,,�,., Box 6 I we " with eml 11 asis, The time for c�utibn was past, and for age of this Popular breakfast cereal food. grounds for this objectinn,� but .the- trw ---- 194. "Was bothered with kidne trDubl,it and , . anE,wer I hurled mi�eeff against the panels. lue pal&te_tiel,-, ling, 4 'peti i _ 1), Whole ystem was out of oiydei; had no " I shall re,tura� to the to er chamber , p z ng and energiz- worshipper went to the Hotpse - of Goa U I � . i� I ppetite, �k friend of mine told ine to tr, I) the queen hath iwad -of me," said she. The Idoor creaked ... nd, I felt the belt give a iog properLies *ill make iti a dish that you meet God and not man. ROligion was tbe� - 11 .� � � � . � I . � I . icrce'�- Gc Ideu. Medical Di.,;coverY. I 1'�Id �(; I Ithid my hau� 'Upon her arm ; ,� the touch little, but it clun$ to;its place tenaciously. Cannot afford to miL�,at the morning meid. embodiment. of refinemento -culture st - - L I I I i nd the firs � bottit: restored 111;Nr appet te. I todk I - I& ..... . � . C_ . aroused her. 8 ib took , I � I . - nl 1)48cc - , - . I , - ix battles )f 'C di ,­ry I aAd out her handkei- At .the second meatilt however, it gave Its many good,,qualitie8 are thoroughly a,p. edulatition, and a man who vtf-�ended ehuraV � -olden Me �m _�.- . � � vith a report� whil could be heard a preciated by youna and old who have made waR doing much to form pul4fe opinion. .W--- � I �onle of tll�'Pleasaut Pellets' and �eel likc�& chief and- eought � to stay the blood which way i V � 0. . V. --- .1 . � � I 4 - I I q u4iter of a mile ih _ the dead silence which -heir choie.0. As economical as common which, unawares, they were! affe,%ed. W -_h � - I . 11 Aew person"I -triekled down hi �r wriot.' i jut : . . , ; air.. , ,* Nay's) I . Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellet said ',I' 11 you -go with me, mad- rtigned about us. I I -_ � � cleante � oat meal, and, vastly more nutritioue. nobler basis of operation, hO ,asked, coul&-, � . ' . � I � I - . . - �. . � � - I . i I I ged system from i--- - am !" ,"Which way ? Where -lies the city ?" i -_ 0 . there be than the progress of reli7v "I I . � the clog — , ---, . I I I - gion *n&_ . ... -- ­ @as= . I I - I I I r = She shook her ead. . I cried, and for thp third' time that night -b-umanity, and that wais tbe purpose I I I I 11 � .7— � I I � . � I I ---- I � i'otbers cannot be interru � . Value of Cheerfulness. Ph of God. W, -.- I., : ) .. . A p;ed by a "Go quickly ;I turn to' the lef b in thei stoo�ed down and liftled the queen's lady ia which they met in the Chur . 1� T - .- - . van ant ) . � chapel. The key'lls on the in er side of bhai� my orrils. I If a man should be cheerful at home, it - � , I Vromank a whim." I . . . *_ , � I lily. I , door," saii she f�intly. __ ... S. � e struggled' t. free, herself, panting.tbat goes without �sayiDg. that a woman -should - . I I - � _ NEVER HEARD OF A WORS& I . iv. The La6 Alaude flushed an6- I � � 0 W.� T-g� . a n1low, ut � dashed through the be, Whatever her "rem and anxieties,, the . ,"Tis the queenla coinman .wouldst I took the hi�ndkerchief 'and' bound it at - OASE. .. I I � , -,- I 1�' disobey her maj.,sty �` demanded she. � about the woun(14,d band, sh g,,i;.ng at me and plunged forward in the darkness. wife and mother ffiusLt, make it part of her I .. -- - � 'A VIR I - . i I - I I Douglas only shrugged his shoulders ; with great'blue 4ea meanwh'Ie. ' Fradtzati role I s,,uinbled on, twice religion to live above them. What is mo,st -_ � . . I 1, _,0q;,a-J % maid'� trick had miscarried " Listen !" said I. " I 11 throup I prizdd in household economy is not a tem- Napanee Man Who V�as a Crtop ­ ;j mas �plaia tbe _11 nearly f allin - VS � th toy burden, and' once I 1 13 , , hich is a by fite an - u., , P window I V;ros,giao r CL starts, u . . , in tha�i the 8'nt had no intention of leaving the I ; M,I?en I am a . the till, brui�si.jg my shou do _49ain�t a tree ; then, perament which is y up for Years Tefls Aow He - _� . .corridor. lie turned reao� up that If I erippped and-p'at bet down. I to -day and down to-lhorrow,,full of hilarity I � :1 . � 1, us together lin the , may oatoh. your wrists. 4 4; . 'Was Cuf-6d. - , '�ne haughtily. -We will go to y Lord of 1' Bo We are rid 01 lho palace, madam," said on ocoaei --ad at � other. . - t pon, I - i thwell, . �tc- ; , one and heavy .as le � i . . � - . � - . * � —_ I 0 wir "" said be. gtaho-r." T I, " but where w a ar1e 'I know Dotv, nor mill times, but itri even sereLir,y of _soul, ,'which ! � " An(l vvbt6t do Y * u here, I I . I I II - ' : she ans7e it b1e prcfi makes peoplei a eaE e!aud happy under the � . - - . 44 Look we, Vto your -reply. We brook no -46- Nay, nay I"' reO, hastily table to wa�der aimlessly ia the NAPAINEE, Oat., ugust 18 - (Special).- ' . ' .� I 1� drawing. back f r me. I I My place is wit� 4ar�ne84 ! direct me,! tlhere�fore- qui,�kly." r roof. _A ho e,in'wb!ch one tureads always Everybody in this ntighborhood k �LAWRENCI t ri fli og. " )m I I * I - � liews- I . I I n aii8wer to y 9�11' n thin ice ca'anot, belLolerable. A cheerful . Simon Warner, and all who know .h'- . Who was the queen . the p�ore so to-nlght� C'auDob . JOLI , � 7 The, hot laod flew -to my face. I A ery came -from an un. 0 1 1 , . I - ' � - � . . - I � kpPoted quarte , for s(idderily, a little way disoosition �wil`i in, u6nee its possessor to know that for a long time.ho was a helplem. 1, � � Chis mau, rr-itor aud imirderer, o hold the lea -e her." I I , � � ' 1 c � . ,,�ay ag"lin t me ? But I atiswered caloly "Madam, MW]hm," I whi� ered, eagerly, to the left, a light flashed out in the ",night, make,the beou, of e'A'I",iting circumstances, cripple with Lame Back. i - - , : ' 1 1 � � * A"% , I I I -- . 64 you must go 74h me. hey: will take and a man bearing it'lant rn ran towarda7 forget the ditcpmfcrt� of yesterday and ari- He i��r so bad tht.t his �wife had t_o lift� - i 4nough : __ ! r .: ticipate delightful, tbivgs to -morrow. To -1 . I liv-SE . " i . -- - - 1 11 I'was set with another to- guard �Ue you from �hoqueen-these.rtffiaps. Think Us him iii and out, of bed for w�ntbp. I queen, and this lady desiring .to leave i you Douglas will . forget, or Lord Rathvtri �Vho be was or wb,T be cA!me alone I knew live largely in the present, doing oue'o"� a e � - wholesal !the ; , .1. � pat, . A n6ghbor who b d b �n 1�ccired by Dadd!fi - . ' - ; � � � ebainVer, I wished to Pee f�er safe. ve, this hc Better that I not,' or whether tb e riciso made b my ruia- is to main;a " an almost, unbroken che'-dri- Kidney Pills recommended", � Eowe ; I lorgi , _�r'a work ? I . y 1P � I . I z'zhis remedly tom I - I sta you to the heart .with my* dau, ning had directed him ; but I saw that he _Dees of demeanor, and of experience, says Mr. Warner. I . ! I Y—�3, � , 0 . gger " - SITEOP-1-n r 44 nc, e inrouy,bly.1 "Get t ti thepower of these traiG. cartied %drawn sword in his right band, Margaret RiSaugeierl in Success. They cured him co , �and he tayn :; �� � � I I . ugh "' he brok _ hai, you fall in � I . . mpleteiT " - -1 isee f*rA, ou gone 1,0 �Iour, post again.' I �;,iii see' to ore. " I t . while with the �Iefu' he �eld the lantern A distinctiOn may always be made 'be- - , 14 My wife and I haive u;id in 411 about 25, - soxf & 84 - I E �,, . �­ � t that, Mistress'Maiide wander not about She undetsto d aDd her eyes widened above his head. I i i I . . tween high ol�lriis, the aiiuguine optimism boxes of Dodd'fis Kidney a, &nd I can � � � . I I � �, he palace alone." - . I with a new 'veri r. I saw, I had touched In a moment I iad put the Lady Maude which makes people gay to effervesence, and . cerrisinly reCoMmeDd them ,v'ery heartily,w � � - - � . I - ; behind me and dr; �wni,my blade. The the equanimity which is a good outfit, -for a cure for lame back, for th�y cured me,tiu& . � - I L-b,w plRifily that Itbe man wa not to be her, and continued rapidly : �ly own . . . I I rar - the liRht from the common - ..... . �. - Is agideby words ; I must deal with " To furtber ;�eir plane r man approached . ; road. In choosing a life part- I never beard of ,a worse caim than mine!'- - � 3� �-_=- urn d ,bey will spare ; I . � - � ,U* � , - � im VilicZ, tl,e -Aould the palace be DO cris in 18col,land, much -legai you, who thellantern fell fu I upon ue , and I saw wi�h ner either a main or a woman ,does v i"el ' 0 - i . 1�40X_M . I ' y � I - . . . ; I n the speechless amazen ent that it, was the traitor who seeks one whose habitual cheerfui,iiess a . rouklod and my errand bAked. have sent away j Messenger o summo i I . The Appbndix, 'W, hat it is. . , I - I I . As! tlbougb about to turn and ascend to queen1ki friends.! You muW le Dot!iglaij who stoo befqre us. will fit him or her for good comradeship. , . I -, ul I I � . go� with m. ' � �- People as a rule, know 1�othifig. ft.ardior.- - � 0 - � -ured the die- f . I�y what m annei the fellow had recovered Much of the lack.of el- eer which under. - - - _� .� � he upper floor again, I mear rom this place, ,�madam. " ' the appendix. They -talk 4bout &� 11� �1. . I Appen 11 I, _. . - -_ - I parated us. Tbea lily ar _1Z eyes for a U y . I . I I . MZ9 � -_ . nderatand. His fore�.`ead was bruised score of iaeufficient heali h. A dyspeptic Lt '.. T ­ ..) ; I profound mystery. Le , e eudv,4vor t,'D- , -_ "A V ance *htcih He m She dropped I instant, then sOt'.ZCkl fromtbeblowIoealt him Idid mines homecomfort'may be laid to- the citis,but tLe orgau d is to 'them & "I'll ; �� - hot:our, and with t,he metal hilt of the faced me with a! new resolution bhiniuq in no - h � mmul tp*- - � , I 'truck him a blow i an swollen, hiE hair matted vrith dried sees the world as t a haza of indi I'll, I agger : ; � I . . ' 9,0' make plain the naturLe of - is cari. . t . - - . )u I'll 64 . . . . Ziatga food ruakes ppor I 10 veet__ A yes,� ao be Went bae ward againht the wall. Go you up, dr, I will follow 1" mid she blood, and an ugly C(I L. Showed where the Inability to assi ige in human anatomic histary The *� � . . soberly. - - I lood means low vitality, and � Etis, kueeQ I . digestive system of man,1 - FL - beuding,under him, he slid Z to I V 9 I I � '' -1 �. I da ;ger haft had � er,, Ilia ek ull. � _ blood, poor 6 ..*;& - I a d that Of aill _11 I! �he R ��ri� , here he! lay as matioaless as I had pained point more easily than I But his eyes burned fiercely, and.he show- low vitality bii'ags, i6 its wake, -an abs�jjee - ;In I., - . -1 - .. 1� I . I at 'or .+." .. ere I - ; � other animals. is a can , � tube, f- . I -0 --- One P�ierced tbrough'the heart by a rapier. -hoped, and I ga �yh I I gml I er no tim to change her ed no sign of weaknesa�; only an expression of joy and a presenc� of Fain, which result ` I , � i ­ - . . the stomach is simply a dilvid "Part. 'Now, - - I *,,-, �]_ �; P W' i of deadly hatred was 1written upon his face. in fretfulness and ricirbidnees. A resort to I . , I I . � So quilk was the action that it Bs mind. � I beyond the stomach we fia4 the itittstine or- - , . �r_ � if Thrusting tl 6 dagger wto Ti y belt, I HOW Close behind th6re rn,i'ght be others I the dentist or the, do6tor, a change of die - ­.�, * , Ro. F cconiplh�hfid a:nrl I at the lady [a side' be- I - I t, bowel, which in man averages aboup %Jeet,- . � , caught the sill i kid pulled ir. yself over it,. cbu d W)t gue@sf, �ur, therle was work in an increased amount of exereiise, more . - � I . , I .ore she CoMprelieuded that th way waa I . . I � . in ler) th. It, i-3 divided iwo the imauin. - � 0 . � I g PV ty at hand. i sleep, less worry will o4ea restore to a - 9 I . 31ear� � J . I . then, dropping �y legs through ihe openin I I I testine, measuring wbout2b feeti'and into- , * . Ref , � , - 11 - - is�pBred,. hoarsely- iato the chapel, ,reached down and drew her ... o sooD,er had t rie man got slight of us jaded mind and & weaii d body the lost . I I .1 11 The door," I wh' I . the large intestiue,wbich mpk,es upla,bout I I tha a he set down Lhe lantern and gave vent sense of happy cheer� an make 'a w I ''t , 11 the oor, niddaff; ; we have o Ilim, er me. I 9 - hole feet of the total length. Whero th,'e amak. I - , - 'm 'N 4 � I e to . up sft I : a - I I - �11 . ­ - � 11 How far is � t to the ob ape[ floor 1)" I to I - -low laugh. The nexr, moment I was family glad where tb�ey h. ve been morrow- - itely:, / . ,_ - ,)He !" 11 ` I intestine, which it the partthat imm�di& 'k ords met with 1 - .1 � Uir, � I e, asked, when ehe was upon the :!sill bebide upon himi and out aw, a shar f al. i �i ch, join, I the lArge, Vt I � Sh sped do n the corridor efor m � p . w I 0 . - I ,; ; succeeds the .atom& - 0 � i I . —_ --"-91 ! .- ring. I � - -0 I I me. ---7— Itenard �� iket'a doz',tn cloeed portals, t J pushed i t rto Slay the Man"and'l i I find the vaecum. This," I e indiN I'll I � � . I . -I do not k iow, but you oin let me It was in my he�r ; . --- i,gaiust one near the further nd ;, then I t Ead Nerv0s 1�rostration. - c-ates, ii? A cul de eac, a kir d of blind -alley), - . ­ - �m " ___ , , down," she Anslyered, and I felt , tier grau drove for.ward fiercel� I coad __ I . I I � -1 � . Ift , ., knowing each se : ; ..i - I P MTF. S.W. NV-ii3t, Drhytoo, C nt, states : "I got 15ijDg below the point of julietior. Attached. - ' irew' back N,;ir,h trembling lips a d gaspe, . lighten upon ini shoulder. was precious, and expecting to isee other - ._� . . - -0, , Is I'he door is locked and the ey id not I . _ terribly run down, an] dn4lly became a Vietini of to the caecum we Bad the iii , ttla- . . . . . . J i - I . ' rd, I peered down into the f the palace. And WWous prostration. 1had ro appetite, seeinctite pendix 1 a li "I — 1)) i . . Leaning forwi lig�itl; in the dire itiou O 3 � � � I 11 tube-like vestige, averagi ... ___: � erei. . � g AbQ4 threw - ' I - -1 � � ,I I blacknesm. but , could diE,t ngu�ih noth. kDOwiug that did the lighted lantern rel� lose inte est add ambition. all I Could scarcely diag inches in lengui, and of - the diameter Oka, � I o g! forward, I shook the door . _� myst If abr ut. 1 Hearing of Dr. Chase's Nerve Fo* I � 1 Springi I I y main standing upon I . -rcqly, but, 'the heavy oaken papel � re- lag. To lowe' her I mult r6verae m : the ground it would used three bov.es with gr.est b.ntfit gaining eleven aciose, quill. if the caecom �3-9 a- blindalley, , , Tt . ! i podititrn, but fck'rturiately tbil le8ge of the serve as a guide u whoever might be look. ,, I I I B .. - t 1�mly ill plac, , I � poundt-. It castle me strong a i I we'l 1, and I had �he'appeudix iss; kiadof �trap, qg ,am I - �;l . [unined I 0. ; � I ing'for us, I cried out"Ics the girl to put, it such an appetite that I wanted to be eating hall the I yi . I - . Grail 11 But thete is another way?" I whi,ipered. windo'Ny was wi8e and io prcv4 LO great , does to the back of the caealum. 1V h * ��� I I I I I . enin- .... � � � I task. I �r up tor, my handi were filled with other time-" - I � - Iftsaw 1eKV0 9 Some o�her entrance V ' I � � I I 0 . i - . - . I . I ! I . 4 ! I I : 11 - digestible things find ther, w the- � . rollows'. :! 8hn shook her head. � With rry, legs iingling int) the' co^rridor, bujiness. I � I - - appandix, cherry -stones, grape seeds and c 1. i �, tj 0 Thrice I- thrusto ai4 as' many times- be � .40100 � _� "Oaly through uhal chambers, a id I doubt I leaned acrot.s �the sill, and, h"olding �. . !Go to Ch ch. even thebairs of toothbroshes,theyeauiv- - aid firmly by the .wr.;stil, ! red, driv'ing at me in turn ; then and. . . . rA"en1r,f..-V_; ;lot 11 Rre deeLpied., Hear you not thesa in lowered her cOunte Rev. Dr. Ptalker, of G n- init&tion, and when this ii�ritati-,u ioea the � P,aasenior ... 4 ; � - . lasgow, who Co i I wit-hin ?" � ; . slowly into thij darkness. . My larms wer: de0ly a dent,- bla-Aness -clouded my eyes, dacted the service at tb � ew length of infl3mmation we'V-t the isilment I �. I Y&x,vd lTralp � As'she t4p6ke the a * und "of voides and � the not extended to ,'their full le )gLh when i3h for'the Lady M ,ude 'bad' overturned the I I e pening of a n � t Vlxid Tmtn. � - Q I lantern. * I � . � church for 0e, U * d Fr e church cougre- known as 41 appendicitis, " t The removal oF -_ - Z�_� - -tases oatne faintly t6ough� the gigni6sd thatheq feet tounhed the, fl jor. al e( I : . I -GORM - , linking of gl , gation of Rothrie2m, At erilten, said . that the appendixisan operaii�7# of mode'ru *or- - T*99011pr-f I e have heldith�t't-o 6ght with 'Swords ron(Iftions I . orridor: Tne traitors were mak'ing merry I lob go her wq'ists, my fiagers da'nip with 80M every now peared.in the public gery,-wbieh, under-ordinai, I 1w- - I . ly I . paa3enior.. at � Owefl from the 0ut in her in blinding dbirkn68 is a proof of courage ' d 'hp . fAixed Tw_.Q.., Holyrood that nigh d t� gain: the . the blood th I priDta in tl'� Scot. both saie and successful. � A . I t, an I ie provi!2s a 'cities o I I palm, and was i and of skill. As io t�e former, it may be, . I � dr I;muat needs paps� through their midst, ' on the poin, of drawing up . I - . . I I � land a disolussion on e quefition why - � I � z my koves when he nois nir)4 of a door for'A man thr"to �at k I A y opt, I I - not whatnor � "The ,window@?" said It p6inting to . . people did nbt go -W : chur h. He was � not - La27 LiverB and islW93& P-alme I 11 the eorridor f t my heart I ounoina. The 811613ects from wh ,ne �'r,ne"Y'o",ow,co'sm the anowei- I I' . �G_Owq Nonni. Oeveral close at hand, 11 Where lead In .1 . I 6 sure that there di Iciss' edifying ; Kidne ' � I I I ta I . � 10 s were J . . , x6lama. ing, I I �k , there'a, none of . ys� I next moment th re was a startled e" blow. But . . - hey?" , il as far as he 'had reitd t em, the reasons- .. I'll - . -Palwemtou,_.� A tion and a voice alled loudl5 : I it ;I�. chance alone a decide the contest,' . When these organs fail perfor& their- " Into he chapel," she replied, " and will I Q ; Rthal ­ ­ ­� -66 an seomed4to be somewhat stereo7po,d, trivial e l6ecomes ' - eIS7.. ­ . �' � In.the dew I's name, what have W a a weak swords n'tin-)nay overcome a proper functions, th -bl;6d Ines I - nrui�, I 0 1 1 - I � Ot open.!, I � - - . and commonplace. Oae wriu'vr �supposed 1131 Qfflurvale, I I � , .. For''E6 moment I liesKated ; i�, I pame U Pon here ? ,Within 1, My Lord DooWas hath master. I I � �i I � thitt, he ha auffered some indignity from poisoned and saffat, , �nd �.,dissw�&Mftw I � WillgtAul_ — . I . � ,no that we Inight return and try the ritair. been murdered !I I But standing the a before the blood 1 commence. This can be av ide 1 eeplil - �, - y the office -be rers o� the church he belonged . 11 � -iGoum Souza.' � : . . way through Darriley'tj ohamber, I But I ADw I:got thtough the w ndo!w I Dever Douglas, with out bl des pressed Close to- to ; anothe had known your vitality at high- waterl-,ja ; I % ;e � - � ogbam_ ..- . I I knew, or Whether I'fell or di d into the � gethor, I had bui I 0 e thought ; th t ]a, Ciiric-tian who rich and pure by taking on4 rrczine � - '%Vi I ad wine! too far to draw back, and to re. I OPP r . a the had turned lreut a by Poe] I I e. For reasons lot s6lter each meal. . I - Rlueval-3 ...... chapel. I � I queent'd lady stoo( to, win or lose as I won or, ! - reat bga�� to the upper story would be to , I like these they allowed phemselves toget I �� Bvisse 9. ­ . , � I . lost, and the determilirfation ca Ferrozone has a mild butl rapid sotion,m-. � I .. - lefea C�Jred not to - - The hubbub i� the curridor w'� a inereas. � � me to me i�lfthel.._ f, my purpose ; be-sidea, I . I to' into a 4ateof chron16 "huff " with the in- I I 1. . I I I ing. I beard t1le rush of feet, ),bud oathjy oieo her safely jut) harbor. Doubtless the i I the -liver and kidneys, and �lis certainly the I ;PalmeraWn I., �-, , ., : ace � the � queen ,% ith uckriowledgment of I stitutions of their ohur h. . But he h � I ­ I - * i and tiome one orled that the ueen wag Douglas Was etermined * to besit me, .ad greatest producer of md.� vitalfiting blood* - I � �Ailu�e. , I : . 4 a ' I Doticedthatthe wr,�era instinctively puit 11 � - Yet ted� gone. Thencaitie Lord Rmhvelu'e hollow :hmt. he wi`,sh�d known to science. I another plan� sugges I itself. I . Po6 t to' take the maid. and Jkl�tlning tiredimit, L 04d( � t I themselves into the poEi ion of self -de ' � voice bid4ing c ttain ones to u . I e, a h �rry to the P891111te he hated e exceedingly, so,,as to �i f"" Langour, Diminesi, Pain in' th; Biok -sod - . Ook up at the Window a Ifew inches as if they kt ew in tt eir ble I)ING NoaTR- . i '1ve, we werei well matched pair.! . arts that it wotild 8ick Headache disappear atJ once 'When Foi- - London, -4 l -tower chamber. � - I res � I I � I I bove my head, then turiied to the L9,dy - I PA . : I be better foi them ifitbey, wer(k conforming � .- - I : The Li,dy Ma�de touched rie in the dark- I rozone is used-. . Gat it to-dlay- Pj*e 50s.1. � � - centraiRa., aude. , 11 . I rJe8s. : : ID , - 11 was accounted 'no po,or swordeman-At the with the cui to,!n of �,oing !to church - ' , _­_ I I Exeter--. "�ladam,"ssill. 11 will - I -,oklisb court. but such reek] at druggists or N. 0. Polson & �Co, Kin I . I I 'It, was lie i the. Custom �f the �eoplo - . 'EvuMll- � I - l4t you up 2 � . es8ness .As the �. I of -1 I 19, I she' whispered bieathit . cot exhibited thtit njOt I have never seen @ton, Ontario. Id oeek 7to open the window." I � " 11asten!' mely. Ell, Scotland, o! the flow' of the Scottish � - I I . 4UPPOU_� - I ! [ er -_ � �o " I will lead ti to the door," I the like of. I i 1. . 1 311iousnew, . I'll, :__-��-_�ayuopfola Without giving herli'opport�nit reply, Holding heyrc' POPUIBUOD to remain- away from vi�nroh. Dr. Hamiltou's Pills Cutre - I 0 cuptou. r . -0 i ; � I hand, I , fo lowed silently 1 It was bate, reMenge,and a desire to; Perve It occurred io en ' reading the - cor- ------ . I cauizbt her around �the wiiiat and raimsed him wh L LLL I-Zial;;" �_ I I -ill. 1 down the long abile 1. between I the great the wierlord whic overcame all c�utiov. respondence that far. m. re of th' Ardennais Horses �inQu4bee: � - "I I -R134ti_ __ L ' , er to a level with trhe t Foi several 'atone pillars an( soroee the roughly, carved It seemed as though the mait could 'see and _ , . � I I �, _� X ei� mind, . - _7�_ Bevmrve " � I . I - - I . - � � I place f � - ___._r- I - . . � I i -7 o,rea�hless moments she flogered the heavy sItt . � A correspondent of the $1ontreal Herald . I . bs which m'rked the re tiug 0 note my movemen a while I remain d in I - _ 'writiDg from Quebcc-oii At�gust;13�h,eaav, �� wqiiio 3aserfient. I I : . - . ­ � 7 1301ma A- , I 'long dead Be tt ish royalty. But suddenly darkness. - � I I . i - f !�. ­Q�_ouxa 81woma . #I Haste madam."If I whiappred 11 Is a I . . . i - - - The new policy of the D,p�rtment i of Agli- � � . ,ber"'rio fa'stening?" : i' . my guide swpp �d ; I heard i key grate in He'attacked me on every side, bis blade 4 1 " � . culture, looting to the jonlorovement .,of Ille I : WjngbArn�, 5 . I - I - I - B0lgMV4­,, � the look, and th uod of ,cold airi beat in my now whistling past my'ear, now whipping I I I ... �f I - " Lift m'e higher" she answe ad. ",But I i breed of our Quebec horses ihas been' insgur- . Blyth., - - I . I IL face. � beneath my arm. until I wondered he had I .. - Lotia IDOtber moment., eir I's i 46 � . I ated. Tftree borses-knomA as Arilenuab-o . .1 - i _� . Where are we'," I asked, for1I could Pee ibted me a dc,ztn timeq. He certainly , � � Cilritft- I I .� from Belgium, have been asported byltir. � � 8tara twinb le in the black I � � �� 4 Ernoefleld I thought 6be was over long' dicovering notbing-but a f � * , I i I department,sind atterthe# havebeen vc- � 7 -1pi - 11 e =no pretence t0 Ruard himself, btit, in. hato. we ought and my blood tj�gled with . A YAour . � . IR its -1- I _�i � heavens. : -stead, be avoided me so cleverly that when I it I .1-en,will - , � , I mpwtience ; then suddenly tber, fell upon "In the chapel gar4n,"61id answered,' I thrust. forward, thinking to uleet his wea- I ! , _1. bibited in various parts of i�e provi6ee, *0 FIX-eur- ­ ny ear th'e tinkle of &Hs beyo�d the wall. . : I I I I I . 11 probably be taken to:Oomp�on &1,ode1,FA1,FJM I . � ' � — I . -pon or find hits boiiy, , 'my point clefti only I - CeAirallsi. ' Igain the sound came, the thirdl and fourth — * .. for breeding purposes. This eircumstaw" I -_ � I . Louftul _10 . I . the thin air. . 11 i i � I � . I I aine, and still I - held her, wait�4g for the � I of this unportai ion ij about, i'aa followe : . 11 4 r erhaps it bad eii 'better to lea Door, . � - . . I - 1. . -Ve tb P I . . � . word to I t her down. i , Whien the , e I S P - � " As Foon as the Hon. Mr. Vorgeon becattliff, . ^ The :: , 41 � . ! . , lantern burning ; I c6uld have seen , what � � - Minister of Bgtieulture 6waa especialaly - X I In God's' name, bave youl found it? I manner of man I fflught. I . - � . I . - One overmastei in fear tug . ou han ' struck with bhe neceEsityi of doing s3mcav, . J -,��, I= vVhy tarr� so long?" I demandied,, impati- are CpnStal . ted .ged at my d�omefy illus- thiag to improve tbd obaraoter of t6e horG(010- 11 - � '. � n - ' 3ntly. it ­ I in � I - - i In the faint It is a, serio4s matterto eglect consti- hoart ; that other I %V e to aid himp fratcid 100 page Catalogue - Of this pTovii3ce. As is *ell known) tbo' _ - .. _� FAROZA � She shook ber head and agal 11,uld C , pation. You iii4y do so fo a �time, only and the maid be to ken captive. . . , p I p . I - � I , I N i J i I I R .9 , FZ, I IUZ '* 'J'� - ' L�_== _181t '=M I t I S I -.I"' 1,41"y b a i 11 �, I I! - t� �c I -,- y � i 1, - � I I I � � � - ! J � . * : 4 tinklingiolf glass 'reached my ear's. I could to --find that yo& - health has b'een under- I I I � wilL I e sent I you on app small, hardy Canadian horsO has very, msVY' - PROP [ � T called out, bidding ,her fly and seek a _li- . 000d qualitics, bixt Vdi *izAl i I- t Mme I � I tan4 it go longer and let her sfide through mined by bodil derangeme ts bf the most . I . 134 sg�we_ .� 1. � . I � � � PjUe of safety, wiffle 11 hold the foe au bay. ca! -ion. - . He is not suitable for heavy draught worX* I I iny arms to the floor.: � . fatal kind. Yo i phould havf a . i movement As he heard my al)pe&4 the man uttered aii �� � ; I . nor is .hestyli,h enough to �ake an attr"- 4� u. MeLt T I M � I " Madim, what foolery ia.this ? We'are of the bowels e cry day. To accowplish Ofit o command -a-- � � I . . h and fell upon me, 00 gereely that his Thi will ce the largest � tive carriage borke, and thos t -1 -&A rawl" vloe� , , I ' � astingprocious moments. If ,the win W this, av il� i . I Zr­ a - , - r � - I H . - ' . oid corm entrabed ooc s, use.veget- fiwics' d ii oint ripped ul�on my -doublet and - � good figure in the murket. � Mr. Targeorij- qz"t holds . ,� � I ! f% b I must seek ano&r way�_- I ables and -fruit! 1 freely, and tak6 oneof Dr. . gro z!d my i ibs - and hoices,tl jewelry stock i after consujta�ion with bii �'eubordiflatts in, _10041 I a baiF,s brieath closer' and 4 . � tuhia Ara barahl I � i ! 47�lftaal I 'I ­ . V� 11 11 4rA 4. : _ I . I 1. . . I I . r Sh he q .T. �, , -d tip her hand so k "'� " "r 'Iore' 13 J� two or three ti aV%1A a es a week, - or � IT; a f; I 136, oftener if be had then finished i-.. I - . . � I I in Canada at our disposal. I - tbe department, -xs well tail iwith Mau Mtn - - .- ' r I . � V, - 84 .: the diam , I nd upon her finger a -he!d. b,e 1 required, � I i q4iekly . tried in defeat a took which must or'victory ; I ch�nged I end i We , are d0i a business on bo .. . known borFe breeders of the vrovince, do- .... I cided that a crots between the Canadian And �100 aQ �7b�f ; � - -R-1 - -1 � in y ey�es 4 It ,,, . . . 8 cut an openint, vc it i M17 r � D I Dr. Chase's 3�idney-Liver an - ordil�ary cntharti,- 'T Pills are not . I �i s- Vinv� Cfi � my.tword- to my loft *fiand. I would1fight 1 I 1. -1 / .the cl)sest b4ssible mart -in � - - the B(ilgium Ardennell vvn6l-d Just abotV 4� � ... I J .- .", . �H-Sirlodk- - I � J Lq&n. Rippm- . my .1 . .7 more poorly, out tria d1nerence in the istyle . I i suit4 conditi(ni in th,s rovince. Accoraing- �� I eir," s 1 she simply. " But a Mo ent � specific and combined action on the kid- of A!ttack might, puzzle, �irn I , I . I of *p*_r9_f1tj, gi, arantec safe he determined to make an (N'xperimentalUn.. Ubt. . - - more -and it would have been ]a ge enou h,2) neys, liver and �bowels, and co*nsequently I t I 11 I - J*moo crunm I � . lHe'drove .at w8 on 1p -e ieft side, guard- I I- portation, and the horses a4 now bere-006, . I Then understood the eou da which I , cure coristipati'n and the accompanying OM 4 delive o _ �t,d� and cheer- I .. � vine P. 10,; !G 11 had liear - the pz%nes of the w udow were derangements thoroughly ond well, by i4 himself quivAly against a thrust fr , il � � wallibn and two mares. T6ey are exos,p- -Z041140" # . twe right. I lungi d 1�rward 'with all my 1 , fully refund !.money- if you, :tionally attractive and s0irftea animakv Fw+Aea do , � D y I i - i I Put Ottisr" bus 1 ) t, to ' I I is 15J hoodirr Equares f colored g1me bound togetherl by removing the c,(uses. , et6 gth, aiid the 1 oodi, steo re thfough - I I I The stallion is two years oh, I I Aripda o lea.d. -- I For the info mation- of those wbo are I are no t lhorotz,ghly satisfied. ' - - PpInuatim -to I bii; hhoulder. ! . . e bigh,audweigbal,350. Hoiisabi%ntbay I � � � . � L, :P�*,L balr"Speou, To! ha re shattered the b�T a Pudden not yet familiai� with ts ' � . �L I I I � ��, 'I L I . . M Il heard! the c'�tt4l r,f hil pword� as ib I I i and is registered hj� the Belel'am. atud booi. - ­ I I ilowwo Id have raised a elfatt like to', be of Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills, we I I I I L CUbL pur ly vegetable t k the ground, 'Id ory rang ouvupon ! I 0 i - The two, m3res also have len'g6hy pedigreWO, - - ) I in Itbat part of the almeq, bu by t, ejiDig t,- and ark. 4 aoy of the colAw a tr w L , . Itu ' I I I . ,eard i mia J - ght add that they are i h(no - h r7iei] .to fly into the - . � and belnpg to the aristoer � � - P 0� , b a -in composition: pleasant ard natural in 13 Ryne � ros., -A& - _� Afto-ot the sheiro po;int' of the diam ' � , Some one t,c nch A m8a upon tbe arm. I � tribe. The aninials were p&taded before - 'f %llen'on� b� one upon the I ey " - �'e inspeited b I , 0or of he action, and renlarkably prom'pt and far- 1* I , . I ; , . " You have kilh d hi V came th , buildings and we ** - r -.. ,=* is . the chapel A, thout, and none save. t pee hing in effe S . e re)n. i y and delaide S13., � psMament . �AF; 10 I I -puty mitisfers of Agd- -- .-. - � I U _ Hei can- � the Premier, the Dk - I - J i , hl�,' � reac �t, 6veniDt.he i6st seriou b)l,jg voice of the (tieen's lady. cc It lx_T� lose by.. �ould bear the noiee, : and i�hronic casos of constip tion, kidney V) . i '. I DfilIXOND - �_ ­ � I not stand in th y TORONTO. � i culturr, Crown I allio Works,, . - The � I I tF_ 0 1 if it and the bold ess of :th e d stom ch trqubles. e t I - 11.h LL, I . auds and �P . . - I � I ..... . 11 � . � � and liver cl­ewles an ," Madam," Paid' 1, ondering that she . : anti other officials of the P FjAce. X No. 2, plan 6116 me with admiration, nd I cumd One pill a'20L, 25 cents a x. ' � st d there, "You have riitd too much. I . I E,ilablished 4854 � . , I The wisdom of , r., "To I'm example. �� tor , .. . I - m 9ft i g% . �s " t . . I 1� r, : geop, . odoubted. - Is t 8. !!! yself I r my impatien't wor -a the ore . - lh6 migh have beta el �iv." i � . . to the farmers of this Country ill U . , - that Upon her hand I ri sork streiik ; Urs, Uha i � ss % . I ."I * c . I - " and there is every reason hqpe� -that this - - r-1-sponsuple a"w P a sT ' . I I * have'not doubted, from the first,! sir, � . - she had �qtherself cruelly a _ plied the P,N 0 nower6d simp y. I I I - . I , - � . � I'm Virift . 9M i5be a I - , .. in - - -, is only the belainning of a Mott importaub � � � : I J I I . 1 Q) . pirture -Of thO - j3wol� Rodele : Liva I RUIZ The wretch u � 1 the! ground i oaned ; I I _. de In the "horse biteding . I�Qjeld in a . p . I . 9 . I , .- � I - I " 'Poro God, madam," sai Is "if the i tooli a step towar him�, remembering my . J t . province of Quebec. i ! . - t 7- V. Fe ir. * I I :q I 1� � � I I . ! .1 . i ! . ! i I I - � .. � . I ; . . i : � : I � I . : 1 7 � I . � i . . I ; �