HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1902-08-15, Page 21 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE.
For sale. a commodious story and hilt, heuse,
nearie two urea et land ; leamedlately north of the
Egneondville manse. The land le well planted with
la eland eanall fruits. Apply to Wm. ELLIO1T.
LUBA FOR SALE.—For sale Lot. 27, Con-
- • melon Molitilop, containing 100 aores, all
0 *Wilt dilated. wall fenced, underdraiaed and
a high stets- 'ofeotaltivation. Thom is Frood
Pie SY Of water and a good orchard, It, is within
leo miles of Seaforth and within a mile from a
eahool._ Apply On the preraises or to Seeforth P. O.
WM. GR IT5743
IMAM& FOR. SAIE.—Farm in Stanley for sale, Lot
E 29, Concession 2, oontaming 100 aores. All
meat but 15 aores of hsrdwood bush, It is in a goad
state of cultivation, well fenced and underdratned.
Them ison the farm two bean, with stehling.and
ergo di -ening- house. It is conveniently sibusted,
miles from Clinton aside mile trope Bairdes schwa.
Addrees all inqrsities to JOHN McGREGOE, on the
premises, or MRS. D. MoGBEGGR, Sad Concession,
11, and south half at Lot 12, Conceselon 4. Stan-.
eontaining 150 acres, 90 acres (steered. and in a
faarlitate of cultivation. There is & trans dwell;ng
ho*ek with cellar, bank bares with et3ne etabling,
stone pig pen stave silo, two good wells, einem river
.vu est -the baslok of the farm. It le convenitnt to
schoolaand markets, being 8 miles from
Brueefleld and atones trom Seaforth. Apply on the
remises or addresa THOMAS GEMMELL, Bruce -
1803 -13
Ttdall FOR SALE, ---Lot 81, Coneetreion 8, H. R.
,L S., 103 &area; school house on prem see ; within
five inieutee walk of chunk ; 5 miles from Clinton
orchard, oaoetly winter fruit ; good weile
oietera ; 2 barns, one barn 48x66. atone etebling
underneeth. other bare 23x84; Arivine shed find hea
hot*. Apply to WHITFIELD ORICH, Clinton P.
0. 17,97-xtf
-DARN FOR SALE.—For sale that very desirable
le farm on. the Mill Road, Taokerstnith. adj ening
the 'village of Egmondville. It' contains acre.,
hemey all cleated and in. a stood state of ouleivatioe,
.and wall undetdreined. There is a comfortable
bre* cottage and gond barns, with root cellar and
000311E1113es. The bnliclings me Vended near the
centee of the farm anri on the Mill Road. It is well
watered, and plenty of soft water in. the kitahen.
Ifs ie ctenventently situated for church sad sehool
and 'within a mile and a half of Seaforth. Will be
shid cheap and on esisy terms of payment. Apply
to the proprietor, ROBERT FANSON, Seaforth.
sale, Lot V, on the North Boundary of Hay
%cleaved, the rest good hardwood bush, It is wen un-
clerfirained and fenced. There is a good stone house
with a. No. 1 Geller large benk barn ; implement
obeli; seaeep house '70x75, with first-olaes stately
wale), and cistern. There le 121. aorea of fall wheat
sowed on a rich fallow, wed manured; 40 wires
seeded dawn recently, the rest in good shape for
crop, This la No. 1 ferns. well critueted for
markets. churches, school% post office, eto, and
besold reasonaley. Apply on the prendece, of
MIAMI -FOR SALE.—For Bale, part Lote25 and 26,-
1! Conceesion 4, L. R. S., Tucker enith, containine
100 &ores ; about 90 cleared, the rest good hardwo
bush. It- is well fenced and underdramed and in a
firet+cletes state of cultivation. There is good brick
bailee, with kitehen and woodshed attached, good
cellar and cistern. There is good stabling. with
stone foundation and rooe cellar, 35x55, also an im-
plettent house. There le also a good bearing orchard
and plenty of herd and emit water at biros and
house. This excellent farm is Blunted within six
miles ef Seaforth and four milee from Brumfield line
is convenint to deur& mei school with good roads
leading from the door. Wili be sold cheap, apply to
the proprietor A.LUC. GORDON, Egmonciville P. 0.
CIPLENDID FARM FOR SALE.—For sale the east
0 half ef Lob 7, on the 17th Coiner:Mon of Grey,
contalaing 50 acres, 3 acres good hardwood bush, the
• remeinder cleared, well fenced, drained, and in good
state of ouk.vation. • It is all eded to grade but tee
aerate, There is trams bun 36x56 with stabling and
a frame house 20x28. The buildings are he good re-
pair having been built about six years ago. IS is °tie
Lot gt on the 18th Concession of Grey, contsising 64
Bored, an bush. There fan lot of valuable timber on
thia lot. elood soli and dry all seasoes. This prop-
erty will be soid without regard to value as the pr.).
eprieeor is going west. For particulars apply to the
propedetor on Lot 7, or address DANIEL MoMILLAN,
altrin P. O., Ontario. 18074f
✓ sale. the farm of the underalerted in the Town-
ship of Tuokersmith, adjoining the Village of Er,-
nioneivele. The !arm contains 29 sores, an cleared
except 4 acres of zood hardwood bush. It la all
welt fenced, well tile, drained, and in a firat cluse
stets of cultivation. There lea good frame home,
with kitchen and woodshed, and st3ne t3ellar
sire of house. There is a good bank bun, with'
stone stabling, and good pig- and. bee house. There
ia a good young bearing orehard aad a lot of once
rrienini trees, There la a never failing well at the
tepee,. one at the barn, and another on the farm.
It, is one of the most coavenient and comfortable
pleacia in the township. and will be sold oheap este
Egmondvilie P. 0. HERMAN BURGLE, 178341
r 9 and the weet half of Lot 8, on the 12th conces-
sion, or Broneon Line, of Stentey. This feria eon -
taint 150 acres, all of which is cleared, except ems'
&Greg. It is in a sesta of first-class ou tivetion, well
fenced and all underdrained,raostly with tile. There
iiSa large frame dwelling howls) as good as new, with
good shone foundation and cellar, large bank barn
with atone stabling underneath, and numerous other
buildings, including a large pig house. Two good
orchards of choice emit, also aloe shade and onus -
monied tree*. There are two- spring creeks running
through the farm, -and plenty of good water all the
year round eithout pumping. It is well situated for
marketer, churches, schools, pest °Moe, etc., end good
gravel roais leading trona it in all directions. It is
within view of Lake Huron. and the boats oan be
seen passing up aud down from the house. Thie is
one of the beat equipped farms in the °aunty, and
will beitold on any ternm, as the proprietor wante to
retire ou account of ill health. Apply on the premi-
ses, or addrees Blake P.O. JOHN DUNN. 1734-tf
VI FOR SALL—For sale, Lot 1. In the Town-
ship of 'ruekerentith, Conaeeeion 3, 100 acres of
land, 95 acres eleeted, well un iterdrained. Splendid
farm for grain or atook, well watered, a running'
apring the whole year rune through the farm. Ale°
on the tarns is a splendid bank barn, neer y new,
whioh is 80x64, with etone stabling underneath.
Also frame house 24xI8, and kitchen 18x18, with
good otone cellar, and two good wells. This pro-
perty -it situated in a very deeirable locality with
spiendil gravel reeds to market, only 31 miles to
eleafetlie Also a good dwelling house in Seaforta,
situated on Coleman street 01030 to Victoria Perk.
This house is ectapoeed of 8 rooms, welt finished.
plenty' of hard end soft water, aud kitchen ?axle,
with, pantry and wash room attached, and a good
woodthed. A. good states 21x18. All of this property
must be sold as the uadereigned is moving- to the
Office or to the preprietor, JAMES KEE10E, Sea -
forth. 17524f
eleelesecePerue /"RIM
}laving bought eat the Furniture and
Vadertaking business of gr. John Landshorough, I
now solicit a continuence of the large patronage ex-
tended him. I have had experience in the manufec-
turing of furriture for over 20 years, and shouli be
able to ledge as to its qusiity, and It win be my
'effort to buy only good goeds and sell as low as is
consistent witn safe businese.
A renge of the various lime will be kept in stook,
Or eecured on short notice.
Special attention will be given to
Odd piecca will be uptolatered to suit your taste.
Your old furniture may be recovered to look Hee
new, and at moderate charee. Upholstery stover -
lege mut materiate always on hand.
Undertaking andlEmbalming
Wil be under the efficient ineeaeement of Ur. Wm.
Leatherdale. who holds a diploma in the Cheu3pion
Cc liege of Embalming.
Nixhi oath will be answered at my residence, cor-
ner of Gourniock and. Victoria etr eats, la rear os De -
minion Bank.
Drop in for a moment even if you Jo not buy. 1
wish to make year acqatintence and talk bueeless.
The Sin of lily oeriaiTiso letrtke
ItYo Bo Not 4 diced." 1
acia. in the yearnieni, !by W haft/Beni,
Frank De Witt, Telma e this
awn on the; teXt ,
'el edge not, tenet lye he t, jud
After Massi Ion, the real ourt
preacher oi I -mice, had inished one
ed hirie to hi side and aid: ` as -
salon, how is it you im ress m as
orators preac., They re rly ale ays
please me.' Btlt When yoe preach in-,
stead of being pleased erit you, am
:it, your Maje ty, is because I am.
always preac ing against my elf.
what is the si which you have -herd-
est work to attle. toeday? And
when I preac against my own. lies
I generally fin that there are-simil—
ar sins in other hearts which I lam
also preachin against," ;If there is
any truth in the woreis Which Mas-
sillon spoke to Lo:uis xriir., this Ser-
mon will carry a message to every
pew. Of all sins there; is, none mere
easy for speaker a8 well ale hearerito
.fall into than ehe sin of ihyPercriti-
The sin of eensorious criticism. is
;almost univereial because one is t
;to commit it let first ,unconsciou ly
'and without Premeditation Or fo es-
' thought. If a, party of' yotrug peo le
,are together*, it is not herd to II d
:tor, and- the. dressmaker, and t e
neighbor's wife and child and leo e
,and all that, he has. It ie not di
'cult to fay the 'reputation of an
!absent member upon the dissectiog
table of tradecement and eut and
:hack it into pteces with cruel, sharp,
.a. "disagreeable:opportunity to repeat
.the slenders arid the vilifications and
:the defamations and the whoiesaee
condenmations which have, been. cir-
culated about :the neighborhood in.
reference to other people's,thara.ctere.
Now, my teXt is a divine proteet
;against the hasty ;me the uneu4t
:judgments with which. we condenita
:our fellow men. It ie a Wine_ pr -
:test to bring men and wo .en to the
:realization of the awful damage they -
:are doing tfieMselves, as well es
.others, by the pernicious habit Of
censorious criticism. It, is a prote t
'to prove that, though We can hon r
nen and Ivo men and praise men
and help men, yet we muse not hate
men or deride men or condemn men.
:which will shatter everel leinnan hand
That tries to gresp it and eo hurl it.
,Condemnation is a poisonous fang
,which will destroy our own 'lives as
well as lacerate and instill the fetal
poison into their fleeh. ,
: Personally we should not condenan
men, because,7heving imperfeetions in
;ourselves., we -have no right to expecte.
land demand perfection. in others. lf ,
,we were holy; perhaps we might haee
a right to expect other people to "lie
holy, 11 we were pure minded, We
might have a right to expect other
people to be pure minded. 11 We
loved the Lord our God with all °Lir
tear t and soul and mind arld
strength; if We were perfect husbands
and. perfect wieee,„ peefect !parents
end perfect children, perfect: in ottr
love for our i'ellow men, we 'night
expect others to be perfeet. Bet
what right has the raven to croak.
because her young haver wings 4ts
`black as the night?: Whitt right lets
tire Pharisee to stand dp and cop- '
remit the poor, publican, who stock]
tear off and beat, his breast, moan: -
ter," when the Pharisee! himeelf was
so sinful that he Was like a 1 whited
eeptticher, ''which indeed ttOtared
beautiful outward, but , was within
fell of dead. men's bones. and all un-
clean?" And what right :htthe you,
0 hearer, to say yotir neigh! or is ,a
D.: condemned when you yourself have
bad man or a bad weenite ant should.
an evil eye and have not vet, by the
grace of God, piecked it ottee When
es 011 yourself have an' evil band or
foot and have not yet amputated it?
When you youtself have an evil
tong -tie to speak or an evil ear to
kart -
What would you think -of re disse-
e judge condemning a prisoner, at
the bar for the sti.tiete sins of ierhi eh lie
himself was flagrantly guilty!? Why,
such a hypocritical and unjust judge
weiu Id be submest•g•ed under a tidal
weee of popular scorn. Such a ,
mercilessly: as was that, hinge, who io
the darkest days of Rome's lefamies
undertook :to sentence some conspire -
tors to (teeth white he himself .wes
one of the. conspirators, ITe would
And. yet this eire :of condemnink
others when we OUTSCIVes are. gu It ee
of sin is a ;habit whieh, can be laid et
many a door. We ettpereiliouely de-
mand perfectio,n in others wIlie We
And the ead fact about hum n CO el--
dem:nation is this: elite more e our -
Naives have goee astray, the./ tore tee
ich the
• have
ginned in mead or in aet leot yet ,
been found out, by the world, the
more Best are we to condemn the
shortcomings and weaknesses Of
others, evee as Lord Jeffreys, the ue-
aethough he himself t that
time was the greatest crimin M
England. t is not the good father
who is ha dose upen the d ughter
ourselves have followed too in
devices and the desh•es of o
hearts, the more we ourseve
AUGUST 159 3.902
teat nas g te astray; it is [toe bad -
waywardl c lid. It is not he good
brotther eel is unwilling to leortes'eintruhei
wayward; ister; it is t
brother, twh would and doe demand
that his isis er should be mo ally all
To illuistr te thel truth. hat the
'more. dee, o rselves, have go e astray
the more we are ' apt to on epan
from a leaf out of the book of Mem-
ory. . I rem arbor :many years ago a
lady's clear cter was being asseiled
on- a hotel! porch. 'A member of the
party at ithrit time denounee the ab-
sent w au so seVerely that I. turned ,
arid sited:, "Madam, you have no
right to eh/. Hely naake a ch rge like,
that agaltiS aay one. Eye if you,
had cpoei tive proof that what you say
is true, ou should keep y ur lips
firmly se led, beertese no one. knowe
but that ..eie e day the blooldhoundS,
of standee in ay be hunting your own-
traeks." rk xis lade, was very iodig-,
neat. She aid that I cli'llged her
with the is e crimes of hich the
absent wpm re was suppese to be
guilty. -Wit in one year tha woman
who was so bitter in her cri icism of
her sister' w proved guilty of the
same eflten e which she charged
against alacither.
My father in his younger ays had
' No mad should rashly condemn. ane
ether, beeatine it is often inepossible
for him' te realize what were the mit-
igating cfremnstances in whech the
sin.' was eoliceivede 11 all men were
born free !and eciettl, as the Ahnerieen,
Declaration of lndeelpendence oPtimest-
ically dectlates, you, could judge them'
in the eulk. Yoti could juOge any
two men as you might test tlwo bars
of steel Whieh come from tile same
mold., You eould judge there, as you
might say that a pound ef coffee
ought to weigh' as much as a pound
of tea; bet,all men are not born free
and equal. • We are different in. hered-
ago at a coeventien of the Women's
Christian:Temperer-ice Union a dele-
gate read the record (Ala woman with
criminal tendencies ,who died in 1827.
The name of this woman, for obviou,s
reasons,. was not told. This woman i
of eriminel itendencies had had up to,
date overt , 00 descendants. Steven,
been crimin le, and all *ere conviete:
hundred; of these descendants have'
ed a.t least once and most of them
more thee mice for crime. Thirty-eix
of those, descendants have been mur-
"the blood of th
tion in eee, ity year,
•for trials and exect
properly teeelen or
not the eliood that
hfinpeidlyin rereeleleellitrs
We are different 1.1
of babyhonici and b
aid the speaker,
t one woman .of
has eost the na-
'over e3,000,000
Woes' and for the
ows in' your veins
from that which
of those children.?
yhood and young .
n never knew the
love of a, Parent. ' Their father and
mother died 'when ithey were . very
young. Inetead of being able to get
an educatian, as you and I have
been, they .Nre puebed out into the
great world unprepared for' the strdgf
gle of life and LOld to shift for themf
selves. We, are as et fferent as flowere
are differette. Some ere planted in rich .
soil, othees in poo h Some are care .
ed for by ;loving le ncls; others havt
to fight fOe their lives among the
bristly Ogees and t
to incubate and dt
just enough shower
continually sting s
droughts cat 41 deluged by the freshets :
We are al differen
temper/en:wets and
Holmes, te. quaint, poet and phieoe
sophere Cede wisely said, " Every
child's trakeing should begin at
least 100 years before that child ie
born." Halve you and I- any right
to condemn !a man s actions unless
we ean Put !ourselves in that man'e
Place ? Then, after we have ieut
have we a right to ,0.1firm that we, in
our own etrength, would have done
differently !than he has done? If we
do thus affirin, we are not /honest anci
true to oerselves, for some of the
mightiest and best men of God haye
testified jast the opposite. Glorioes
John Newtee, trumpet throated John
Newton, 1 -lo y Spirit inspired Joint
Newton, Otte declared that he never
saw a -Murderer being led away
to the gallOW8 hut he . always
said to nireself, "Tgere goes 'John
Newton Ole s he had been saved
by the grece.of God." Horatio See, -
governor of New York,1
igious meeting once sol-
e of. the state of New
had to examine -hund-
ations for pardons. Af-
the lives of the
d the influences
*riMes, I am free
I had- the ea.me
s those men heel,
enough sunligb
velop them. am -
and dews, t
•orched by the
in our inhented
ur power to re -
Oliver Wenclell
in a.Iarge !re
Neely declar
reds of appli
ter I had. car
fully -enteeed into
can victed tree rest I i'
which caused those '
to confess t rat had
'influences ab ut me •
in every ce I have commit-
ted the same crime-, if not hlacketa
Ones " my brother, instead of
I condemning you brother put ;yourself
in your etrilig hrot wids piece. Get
down on yeti* knees and offer a pray -
er of gratit
.been tempted
ought to g
and thanh
,lesser tempt
been k in d le
fill heart.
No ix ante n
his neighbor
loving tear
:de tha you have not
as he tempted. 'You
'od that, even iri your
Mons you have ;been '
by an inspiring faith in
which May neVer have
id your brother's sin -
being shoeld . condemn
because it is: ouly the
f pleading sorrow that
earl count* the 'five: of Sin' and not
the sharp 'toneue tie t "breaketh the
bone." It is only t e wetrm, gentle,
friend that. dtawe the sinner toward
God and heasen; not the clenched fist
minister Who became a better min-
ister through the fault finding of hie,
congregatiOn? 'Did you ever lc nOw of a
kvifo who nee -hue a :better wife be -
to his neigb.bn•s? Do you know of
tone htunan being who was' brought
being derneal ed in the eyes of his
ploser to Ypu heart and to Gbad by
iellow 'men. ti rough' bitter deneneta-
No! No! 'le ander 1 and vilification
and tradeteen mit and dieparagement
and evil rem r. repeated by your
lips, never softened or purified a
best of men. The sto y is told that
painted a wonderful p et r of a, boy
ture wah so wOriclerful tleat the birds
flervi through the' ope Window.. and
with their bills pecke at 'ten grapes
which the artist had di•aWn. 'But
:to Praise, there were till many cen-
sorious critics who c neleeneed the
picture. "Teor," said be evil mind-
ed critics, "if the 1 oy had been
paineed as perfectly a- the disli of
fruie, the birds would have been
afraid to elpproach 1. le dish which ,
the lad is supposed to hold in ,his
han ." It is posse) e to 'harshly
judge, the actions of von the ibest
Men, Therefore it is very easy ley
ands Who, might be save by the
Christlike tongue.
Ne man ehould corid inn xis neigh-
bor, because when he des • es his
brother by evil, criticism
egually destroys hinis lf, ea; re3L:o(-)
ple suppose that my text, Veledge
not, that ye ee! not j on-
ly to be applied in a temptoral way;
that it only allteles to /rigs of
this world; that it is to he inter-
preted ie the sinse t rat i we are
critieisra, others will b ermj est tit us.
The injustice which w :do; to others
with the tongue will lwees as -
ourselves. As Dr. illot n in his
old age is said ,to e betn execut-
he had invented in his
as the prime iminister of otre oi the
French ,monarhhe was onenee in the
eery cage of torture 1 e .had bui ded
lot" his enemies, a cage so short that
the* prisoner in it coul nee lieel /we
and so low that, he c uld, tot stand
ten the very cc/eche/mations-
Haman : ryas ha need t Pon the ra I-
Mordccai, so the tine st 4rillei,/i1:181
Which we mete mit to othees ter' o f -
fatal image of torture enow as the
hugged to deal h by th . spiiees. of 1.11...e
eteneden" -which he h msel lied in -
which we outselves ehall be :Ronde
ed by our fellow men., '
But the text has a deeper and id-
pretation which implies thet if: we
. brothers our brethren I will in urn
;tpeaee similar condemn: Moot/ age not
us. ,R Means that if we corenum
It Means that if 'we Oo not epeak
kindly of those who haee gone wrong
Christ wilt not b.come Our divene ad-
vocate end plead for Or forgiveness.
What: does -the Bible say in order to
impress this teeth upon, out' heartS?
Christ gave us the Lord's IThayee as
the model ef onr applied -tinge. ' Our
ed by thy na.me,' Thy eingeem come.
Thy will be dnne in earth 'es if is
forgive the sins of others .o 1 ray
God forgive us our oWn tae*spaeees.
ie to 1)0 dependent npot om wile ege
mess to forgive elle
Tett 1 .have one thought m *e to de -
man has a right to coedeme his bro-
is -Orme spoken it. oft en ham ens that
it can never he recalled, II( 1141401'
words' which speak to ethers elibut
en abecnt friend, or enemy will ! in
all peobability 1/e repeated. to. . a
second mei a, tiled and fourth party
until those censorious criticinms are
le other, the damage which I we do
unto others will pe, past recall. - .
elms my text has the same kind of
mother taught her little hoy while
(hey were spending the summer in the
wo odS. The little fellow came rd n-
ning :hit 0 the house in -Leers end
eaid: 'elle/tuna, there are Neale ba.d
boys ,out there mocking ree. Worn
I ' tried 'Bello!' ehey shouted back
*llello!' When I' cried 'Keep- still!'
"Ah," answered :the, Christhen moth-.
the -bed boys cried 'Keep still" 'And
er. -My son, those were tiot, bad
Loys answering the `Hell! !' The
mockipg voices that You bi reel were
only the echo of ;your owl .1. You
were the bad boy. If you had called
'I love you!' you would ItaVe heard
sing to me!' they would h; ve n-
tehOlnde of your own voice. If tett
meeity "1 love you!" ehrise Will cell
jestice -I forgive your "sine' " Christ
will:echo back "I forgive eour sine!"
(.11, ury brother and sister. can we
seall -we not., 'here and now enile
we offer the Lord's Prayer, . ay NV i th
sincere and truthful hearts, "For-
give US our trespasses as we forgive
those who trespass against ete?"!
It Di NTell for Women to Hoary What,So
De In 11.13 Emergency.
On the questiOn descussed at the -
public bath, whether a, girl,' skirts
if she fell overboard would buoy her
up or drag her down there seened to
it was agened thee they ,mig t buoy
her up for -a few 'seconds, ut. til the
air that wes in them escapee but ee
So Oe. as they were wet thee Would
tend to drag hee down, and make
swimming peacticelly impoeeible. Of
course, how soon they got welt woued
depend bn the umeerial of wn ch they
were made. elisseClark,- the eacher,
Pointed out that When a wo an div-
ed into the water the air ua ler her
bathing skirt formed a -hie bubnle
which hampered e swimmer, so that
she reached baek -and presset it out
as soon as possilee• But thi same
'itesimal space of time. On t e other
hand, this air chamber lasted, Much
.longer in a wet bathing suit than in
ta dry one, for in ;the form: er t e pores
iofethe. material were to a car ain q -
Leg- so Swelled
Me ouldn'titialk
This of Mr. James Treneman, the
well -know butcher of 536 Adelaide Street.
London nt., is another proof that Dr,
Chase'e'lCi -Liver Pills -are effective in
the most vere and complicated diseases
of the kidn yis.
Mr. Tr neman states e-4•Two years
urinary treubles. Besides the pain and
inconveniere caused by these troubles, I
became d optical, and my legs would
swell uplo that I could scarcely go
around at all. Hearing of Dr. Chase's
continued t e use of his valuable medicine
until now can say for a certainty that I
am entirel cured. I never took any
medicine at did me so mucla ood, and
am firnily convinced that if it had not
been for this medicine I would not be
These pills act directly on the kidneys
and liver, regulate the bowels and ensure
the perfecto.ction of the digestive and fil-
tering syst ms.. One pill a dose ; 25 cents
a box. At sill dealers, or Edmanson, Bates
Or. Chase's
Etidnoy-L.-ver Pilis
eerie olleCt Wlin leer and. ti3f.t air
escaped.. wly.
The sug estion of an undressing',
drill seem el to particularly pleese
Dr. elosh ,r, saes The Brooklyn
Eagle.' like pract cal value , was evie
dent, as . nine ctses out of tea ihe
drowniog accidents as the resul t, of
ans ()vertu elect b :at, and. i'ts ocete-
pants are tot in lathing suits. The
children ueed to seimming there in.
the lighteet poser' /le: attic e, for ex-
cept with the teachers, !the skirted
hatching suit is unknowe, would be
hampered elmosb to rendering their
Ithowledge of sw mining' useless if
*selves with their ,igh shoes, two or
three Petticoats and in the case
bf the :older girls, long skirts and
probably coreSets.
J. is not that. undressing in the wa-
those who swim fie* pleaeure have
probably d ne it„ )ut the youngsters
should :be aught -hat. they cae and
that in an emerg,e icy they must un-
dress sufficeently to be able to , put
their enoVeledge f swimming to
practical use. 0 le or two leesons
would be OA that would be needed.
gestion was u. good and practical
one, ."At: least tea h them to pick up
the front Of their skirts and eold
them ex their teed to keep them out
of the, rvaYs 1 an •a.ys do that even
ming any instance "
A Not Ape.
1 believe there 1 as: been :deposited
in. the Lon Ion Zot; a specimen of a
chimpanzee which i slid to represent
variety, only, of tine, -species of man-
like ape. it- figure under the scien-
tific name of antluopopithecus 'trog-
lodytes. is eaid to have been breught
from the Gold Co tst, and has been
by Captait D, A. Donavan. The
tame, and t, and possibly in
it we may find uccessor to that
ed Unhap ely, the 11)411 like
apes arc, all' e of constitutiom
spent in captivity and subject to
marked :variations of temperature.
refereed to the or inary chimpaneee
specie8 er not wei 1, no doubt, be
duly delete tined by the authorities
at the Zoo The question of speCific
clifTerences in the chimpanzee branch
of the ape ,stock is not settled:
Thertmann 'marks that it is a di1fie
cult questit n to decide. though he,
himself, ad s that, he is inclined to
varieties he has eehmined. The new
ape at the, Zoo niey possibly turn
out to represent e of the varieties,
It is, a notoriously difficult matter
to decide where w leave the limits
of a mere eariety behind. and where
the boundary line of a new species
rruit Jars.
Most housekeep rs will appreciate what we are offering theta in
this line; being heartily tick ot the cheap and nasty kind that
druggists hav b en forced to keep sOme years in order to
meet the cltea john " competition, Which has affected so Many
lines, but in this it has- soon worked its own cure, for the rnags
have been ttirue out so thin and hard that they are absolutely
useless for the ended purpose.
We now have a'stock oA good rings worth 15e per dozen, but they, are
TrtroF, SOFT 1111 ELASTIC, and WILL SPAT. your fruit. They are
what yoit want ; see them.
!i•IERT)Tr220.9,,R,,,,I!ORTI! SEAFORTH.
Fior pure blood, a bri ht eye, a clear
Sixty-eight years trial
It arouses the Liver, quickens th
circulation, brightens the spirits an
generally improves the he,alth.
heee proved it to be, the most reliable BLOOD /swifter kuown. ,
All druggists sell BRISTOL'S."
etleg in
past, “te
you kne)
the rest o
egly and
'which NV
'Not So
with her
course w
the f ore
of the r
tor Sesta
:And ehe
ming A
from tbe
awl ft wa
The fo
effort to
didn't lzn
"The ice
of MO
think of
been an et
she expia
t out
Are, 9iving a special, scount on all Furniture sold during the 'month of
August. Our furnitUre !stock is larger than we want it at this time of the' year..
Every! person will be atae welcome. No trouble to show you our gone&
Furn4ure delivered fre 'of charge. have special bargains in Couches and
his department i
obligi g attention give
ight calls prom
complete with a large selection of the best koodi,
Ito this I.ranch of the business.
',ay attended to by Or Undertaker, Mr. S. Rohm*
opposite the Methodistt church.
OT, BOX & CO.,
irere is an epieede related by ee.
The Soho anli the Soup
at. the Cat leton, respecting his ex-
perience at the SaVoy: :
one night when hie grace was giving
a small private dihner party in the
Patience Room. There was, hardly
room to paSs behirki each guest. The
and serve,d : with 'sorrel, vegetables
and Cream, and jus as I was serving
In one hand I he a plate of soUp,
and in the other my tream. The
Duke was talking- earnestly to _me,
and so intently d'd I listen. to him,
all the cream in a hideous thick
- I made no fees, I gave no alarm.
The Duke went on aeking and laugh-
ing with his gees s, with the back
oT hie exquisitely- tting dress one
or three soft serv iettes, and as 1
served his grace -eith each course I
gave him a rub. iley the time we
Ned come ,to the ic , there was noth-
ing left oe the ere rn except certain
faint, traces, Tor which I fear, his
grace's valet was !unjustly blamed.
—London Daily Ne s.
of the fr
The ra
stems of
wet, tol
In Sal'
first m
Itelips to
With MU
The tei
is of far
-oat the
the soil
well 4
re‘vellers ana, Tourilsts
Travelling fro place to place are subject to all kinds
of Bowel Con!.plaint on account of change of water,
diet and temerature:
:tint Flom I -killed. ,
An English resid 'nt,. of Shanghai,
having made a got d, dinner from a
tasty but unrecogi ized..dish, called
his cook, Wun Ho° and congratulat-
ed him on the exc Bent meal.
those dogs to pr ide the soup,"
jeetingly remarked lie' daughter, re --
wheel haunt Chine. e streets.
leering, of course, to the pariahs
1 tin !Too made solemn gesture
"No killers ' dawg, missie," he ex-
plained. -Him all( dy dean when I
pickets up!"
Ext. of
is a sure cure .for Diarrhcea, Dysentery, Colic,
Cramps, PainS in the Stomach, Seasickness, Cholera,
Cholera Morb' Ch lera Infantum, Summer! Com-
plaint, and all Fluxes of the Bowels in Childrcn and
As effects are marvellous.
ief is lmost instantaneous.
the Bowels in a constipated con ion.
TT 1. • -
Prince of Wales
Contrary to gene
that the Prince of
of most decided ep
his eyea" le "yea'
most .dietiest ly "la
iu The ;Globe.
To Cure al Cold
Take Laxative 'Brom°
druggists refund the -m
E. W. Grove's eignatur
as Opinions,
al opal:ion; I hear
'ales is a, person
nions,„and that
rar this Year we have not been troubled with ve y
eVarn1 Weather, beat we will have it, yet Just bea this in
nal d 'and be repared for an emergency. The be t ,w y to
do I is is to 100 ir ovo%our stock of heat defiers, nd ick
out a few of th best that are left.
r S irts
Hot Weath r derclothing
Ho Weath r Socks
Fio S its.
in One Day
ney if it fails to cure
is on each box. 25c
etse the
nil or
Some ha
none at
of Owl
of the
prefer 21
they sire
candle i
Itself on
Ste lengt
It seem*
St, and
111141 a
an go
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41180 1
my dee)
the bes
The el
13e0St 11
yen yo
your e
and it
;steep pre
the nee
and ever
to be no