HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1902-08-08, Page 8I A Complete Sto'ek of GENERAL HAFtDWARR HRVESST TOOLS HARVEST MITTS BINDER TWINE MACHINE OILS FITC. ETC. At-Ri - ght PrlceO, Seethe new All, Steel Whiffletrees.. The'ly are better and stronger than wood. Preserving Kettles. Our 11 CrescenV grauitware is unequalled, to aoi&resiating qualities. CHESNEY SMILEY) Successors to S. Mullett & Co. D01 INION BANK -CAPITAL (Paid Up)11 $2,500,OOP ftEST, .,$2,500,000 BRANCH, - Main Street, Seaforth. A General Banking Business trans- acted. Farmers' Sale Notes collected,. and advances made on same at lowe�t rates., Draft sold on all . points in Canada, i �he United States and Europe. I SAVINGS DEPARTMENT.—Interek illowed on deposits of One Dollar and �Pwards. R. S. HAYS, W. K. PEARCE, Solicitor Manager. Fati. Term opens September 2nd 7 3TRATFORD. ONTARIO. i Asohool that occu�ies front rank arnotig �he best business colleges on this continent Those desiring the beat in business educiL: �ion are invited to write for our catalognp. W:J.. ELLIOTT, Principal.', 4444-521 BiGycle Season 1902.; W. N. WATSON, North Main Street, I SEAFORTH, Has on band a good stock ef the l4est high a up-to-date MASSEY-HARRIS mud GODE171.41 ;BICYCLES, which will be sol chesp for, cash or Oil short titne. Priceff from M upwards. A few good second hand bicycles on hand whIch will be s�ld cheap, Call and my stock I-elcre purchasi 9, ither at iny office or at Herbeit J. MorrisoWs sh P. All wheel& guaranteed fnr the seaeon. Als3 de -er xi R&YMOND &nd, WHITE 8EWING MACHIN S, and Genral Insurance APut. General Iwiuran6e Agent, and Dealer In Sew1ugl Machines and Bicyclea, NORTH MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, 'Henderson's Photo Studio. Fluil. stock of Mouldings and Picture Frames. Photo, Enlarging a Specialty., J. F. HENDERSON, SeRforth. 1761 We Keep Moving., Oar,stock is underselling all competitors in Watches, Clocks, Rings, Pins, Brooch6s, and other articles of jewelrV. O,hr :mputation. for fine goods, low prices and 1hotiorable dealing; does the business for and we endeavor to live up to our narrie. We carry a, well -assorted stock, and eve f ry ,article is warranted as represented.. Repairing a, specialty with us. Counter's Jewelry Establishmeiit, SEAFORTH,W. R. COUNTER, THE'CANADIAN Bankbf. CommerO I cAPITAL(PAID UP) Eight Ki1lion, Dollars0,000,0010. Rest, $2,000,00b. SEAFORTH BRANCH. A gerwai Banking business tral:- Anot d. Farmers' Notes driscounteV, 18, sind special , attention given to t6e cattection of Sale Notes. SAVINGS BANK. -Interest allow ed art creposits of $1 and upvvards.! Special fooll'Itles for transaction i0f business in the Klondike District. I Money Orders, piyable at any banki Isqued at the following rat6s Under 810 .08 $20 to. "o .12 Siolo $20 .10 $30 to $W .14 F. HOLKE.STED i G.Z. PARKE� n1624 PLEASURE & PROFIT. You can combine pleasure and profit, !by ,dealing with George M. Baldwin & do., dealers in Mason & Riseb, Bell, Nordheirrier, 'Dominion and Berlin pianos aiDd Dominion and Bell organs, tried and tested. Also the I "Home and Ideal saw - Now Williams, New ing machines. Needles and parts always in stock.. We are always pleased to give you a select concert on the Gram -o -phone while you 'are -having repairs done or looking over 6ur �-:mu�ic. We sall Pianos, Organs, Gramo. phones, Sewing Machines and Bicycles. OUR GENERAL REPAIR SHOP We repair any, old thing, umbrellas, lawn -- mowers, knives, scissors, bicycles. , A �all ,solicited. We can please you and we guar. antee everything. G. M. Baldwin, Seafhrth.� Oeneral Repair Shop. PISTRIOT U#—TTE MAR-RIEDI'NZ TO ON'o.­-Mr.Jameo'Craig x A fQ Toronto, where.�hc left hote on Mon4l was married to iss t Kinsey, OIL WsdrieE day. Miss Kins wi a for 9orr, e time' a resident of f r I well known, ti Seal E & a Is: h many hare. in I pd taud'tha§ "di -has bee .. n a i: g 4 0 01 intends resi To onto. He respected reside t of 3eaforth _f r a giva many years, and I -bile the o I here I *1 unite with us in wiabingihimsel and im ra raig in iness in, their new a tions, 8611 �?gret his rem, val fr101 Seafortb. �l IQLW i _D9 TRAvmLr,Rs.—!3he followingere ticket ed this week to d,i ii&0 points. b Will4n: Somerville railvtay' and Rteams ip"agent Mr. and kre. *c-Kinley� Egm ndville tA Barrie; Mrs. JanIt 9 B. Sproai, t1l Detr4b Mr. Peter L o to Det�roit; Mine Rylan of Chicago, 'ann aubashene�; Mrs. Fe�;tl son, Egmou:dtv%I to Wanistee,.Michigau Mr. Goorgq in 8 D, tD Homer,Wichigan Miss Mali& 00 ran sister, to London England, an th sait on the 24st, by,th Beaver line, fro Aou�re�l-; Ma#er Henq Larkin, to Chatb am. CoRo-.s�Amo.N 8 E Rvic -,s. -�-The 4pecial lot onation services, (ompil ea by the 4rchbishol of Canterbury, un er �he direction of th King,, and orderc d, to I a held in all Angeli can churcLea in ;he Britih doyninions u .the 26th of June, kud i rhich was� poatporxe� owivg to the Kin 'a illness, *ill The held I St. Thomas' oh � ich, )n Sunday morilinij xxe:�b, at 11 o'cloc �_. Tie service will be Ith same an that hpk in Westminster Abeyl. a the coronation, All the sociatiee in town the mayor and 3011110 4 Ilors, � and all lega citizens are invit, �d to, ])a present. Goor) HoRsEs. - -Mr. ho ecker th lof 4be I well known horast 3all �owuship,!. o Hay, near Zurich, was in town Ilast w�ek Mr. Decker broug A in 4 very' handsom driving mare. w iah he had sold! to Messrs Cadm_ Ill g. 'She W" one of team, and was sob I for $180. Mr. Decks bought her last fa I from Mr. � John Tor rance. She is a b auty and is speedy as wel as nice. Mr. Decker Mob has a very han&om heavy team for vi 116h $a was olffered $350 but he would not sell hem, as he canno spare them until f ill. - He wi� likely hav them ready for a fall shows. IlMr. Deck er always ha d hoi sea and! gets good prices, but Guld feel lo8t without show team. FoR PoRT A 11 EuR. --We 6.e tioned las week t1hab Miss ALI 'nie Nate n bad resigue her position as firs) aFs.stant'in the Seafort pabliesebool to t ke a Eimilar,.raition" i th P It A thu ubho schoo Wt; In a 0 a&; t a position as cffered to'M;ss Wat goh. salary I - W0 a 5 ear.j Miss Bel i1h, :atso was also fferbd a boalton in th .Me �.was also ool, but I e 0 ad 1'reviously pro cured a position int1be Wategloo publi school and . will, , I her fore. i ro to Waterlo after t a holidp6yA. 4 flies Rate Cowan ha been a Tered-and hi 6a accepted the posibion ii thePort Arthurechoql, the salary bein $400. Alltbese ladie*6- have baenon th staff ol the Seafo&-h b�ic,, a 6 an the) sreexperieaced,peiUt king an mootoorn patent teachers, as wel�l as eatim hie ladies and the school all �horft ies of Pdrt Aithu and Waterloo could n;ot -b 36ve !:)sell mor fortunate in thei s4lectio3s.—Mias Ell Smith '1'7ho has a! io b en oa tha teacbin staff o. the Port., Lrthur sc aool for som time a, d who is deservedly popular wit both parents and )upils, returris td tba 'ter the holidays. and 7ill-be ac town *f d by her mother,Mr�. M. B. Smith companie who will remain in Port Arllur durin the winter. Seaffirth will, th be wel represented in-PomArthur. LOCAL BRiEFs.— While worki�ng at th i public school building last week,:' r. Win Bristo fell from a scaffold to,the roundlan injure hisback,luhe is aga n. able' t work.- ohn Fowler ha hi d th residence of Mrs. a. elli ol Godq'ric street, and is having it ttedi up; for o.ccr. pancy. Mrs. Bel has go.ie to Cliliton where she will reside with bar' son, 'Mr John I ell.—A young lad, soil of i Mr. Smil lie, of he firm of Chesney & S�nillie, ha the tol taken off his middle fin$1er a Jay 1 days aj ',O. The little fellow was �in thel ti shop ai td while workir2a with, tho shears th aooide t occurred. ---Mr. an li�rs. J. T Hicks,, of 3/1 itchell, drove thr)ugp town oi Mond on their way to odbrich.— Mr and M a. McKenzi 3, of Wo dstook, apen Sund theguests AMr. an birle. 0. W Papa Mr. S. Tr tt hag returned from hi trip to Kansas and other parts of the nit ad Stal ea. He had an enjoy�blel visit ani looks v rell.—Mr. V '. -Govenlock, A the Lon don C)llegiate Irstitute stDff, and t!rLa GovenlDekarespeidiDga po'tioo of thei holidays wiLlifriendain tow ar�d vicinity —Miss Belle Kyle, of Toront , was in towi 'on Monday, on her way hom fr raBayfield where he had been ruati ting, for i si) weeks, and with w aich place'lahe was g �eat ly de hted.—Mig. Lgeornar Smith, o Stra.tf , foriner]), Of fo; th, has �ce visitirig with Mr. and Mrs. . R.. Rankii and otl ier friends i: I town. —The races nde the auspices of the Win.gham DrOing P%r Association, take Flace on Wedi*eaday lau� Thurad q, August 13th and I Ith'.' The surr of $1,5f 0 is -offered in purees. T4ere will b three r xes the. first Jay'aud f0uf the second Wingbil6m b&s one of the best tr�acks ixi, th province and it is toted for it 8 -good rucEs The oce'abion this 45 ear will, DDd'oubt, b4 a successful as usuil, and with faiv ' abl. Or weather there will a a � lagq &o wd. , b/1 r Harol& Broad foot, of Toronto, spent a, fem days at his home hare the be intling of th week. 1, The Shoe arid Leathe J6urnal, ''pub lished in Toronto, � n a recentidate spea4s ir very high terms of 'the wee ily. adveribise ments of Messrs. Richardso & Mcl6nis published in THr�, ExPO'SITOR I in writt n bl Grogan. The Joupal �ho rep. oduce , on ,of Grogan's clever cArtoon-�. The man� friends of Mrs. W. K. :bearce w�ll.regrbt t learn of her seriouE illn�cs. Mrs. Pear6e i staying at Bayfield, an( it is 0 ad th t� th lake breEzes will sc on restore Ille., to h alth Mr. Pearce is� speniing his 4o. idays witt his family there.--� '-rbreyp rin a of �� owler., 1 1 * a lay went to Clinton on Fri, I at � to�. friendly game, but were clefe tail bV som 30 shots.—The baIr d went i o S6tford or Thursday to take:part in th band compe ,tition in connectlon -with J the firemen' tournament there] ut with v�hst success w have not learned t the time of gobig; t press.—Mr. Henr�, He derso' f klcKillop who Ins, a valuab.c horse sever'.1 weeks ago found the animal a few days i ago. It ha strayed as far as lil a town pl§t jof . Grey. — Mra. John MoMaim, in', is Visiting friend in London.—A tic in o ten empty pasBen ger care went weh b early'Tuesday morning They were being takE n to! Wingham t convey exaursioniats from ihak�t towrl t Goderich on theirl')ivia holiddy. -The V�ing ham people were paforlunate�lu -the matte .-LIVI 'R. J. Bellj� o .of weather this year. Toronto, was her6 this week and calle& o several of his frie a in thi,3 rici4ity.—Rev R. E. Welsh, of rand bury, London, 1�ng laili, was in towA thi wee� 'HSitillg, hi �iater, Mrs. Johni'Veir kNir+ Welsh is � holiday trip to Clads! �n 11 He! keaohe fo two Sabbathe iU' Crbecent� Pre8byteria church, Montre 1, and las $abbath b �reaohed in St. AndreWs ch reb, Toronto �where be will offi10 ilate again neixt Sunday Before his return ft) thq old coutitry he in lito-thocout, and :wil tends going throt k f of accompany a depi I. �at io nglish achoo teachers who are Willing to t is � country i questof informati) 2 co4carnir g it�s resou oes &O., so that they 1! iay be the better abl t -instruot their pupi Is in the old land a t EX OSITO" THE: HURO AUGUST 8. 102, MININNOMMUNWAi by and geography of ftiss' the of County Auditor, 0 We writhi 'he is son iewha d.- ames Hackney, and Carse�llpn, who bas.been recalled fr _g improve �he topogr�p ry store are for circuit by the Mepbodist conference,om' the Centieh�ial hotel, and Mr. -V: pittring Augus leadinq6lony of the empire. On 6 d a milli4e to� a t S stil.. Mr. hai O'nducti Of Weir will likely so- 'preme a i elsh 0 rown Mrs sevetAl. years, mud unt�l a few moE the ago. gage -in mission work in China WoHodgina, of the ommardial, have eacli f&rewel mpaiiy him to the old country, whera'ahe She is among 'the mos� pleasant and agree. I sermon on Sabbath last.. Rib on 16ased their hotels, he. fo=ibr to Mr. J. E. try Days Su, 'will prob�hly Rpend the winter. ­7ffarvesting able ladies one would meet in a �lifetime, cessor, Mr. W. R, Manning, of Walkerto�, B�ackall, of Clinto a6d the� latter to Mr. mmer peratfone�� in this vicinity have' been con- anel always has'been a leader in Ni w Rook. will fak the services next Sunday.-�-:Mr- McCaughey, of Cli I' ton, possession to be ider lelaVed by thW heavy rain ef fordhon ton 'social ' , The gr)om has and Mrs. Sweat and Miss Sweat, of Ne�v -given about the 1961 of month.—Miss ably. at, which, while it will not much lately erected a strictly modem 5wo and Jersey, 'are viEftilig at the manse with Mri. Kate McEwen, 6i I gronto, � is here on a 'Goods at Zero Price& e3day I j are I er the standing or out grain, one halt story'residende in the no,,th­weht- (Rev.) ri. G. Jerrow.—Messrs, Win. and P. Visit, acco panied bri Miss Jennie Shef- In ple of wee4a fer.—Mr. Walters, A Lbitowel. spent Sab. are spending a con, ar=' uld have been as well pleased ern part of the city, and the sam will be 0. Neal J ad it beo)a dry instead of . wet.—We are furnished at once and ocoapieaby I,bdm. On visiting relatives and friends in the south. bath and --Monday with, fr1endi . here.—A a number of warm —Misses ain. h peon orry t10 10arn tbat the enterprising firm of beb4f of the very lar$ Iggia , and Maggie Fulto large quantiy of g - marketed alues, and big ones at that, alone pbix� a here during the pas ather the power to interest the publia ich rdso4 & MoInnis, who have been do- personal friends of tLhe; bride and groom the Detroit, are spenaing a few weeks' holida wee the wt we oe trade in Seaforth for a good Trahsoript' eitends —Mr. and M giving thefarmers a chan to draw it out. t Ing a largo'sh heartiest longratu- beneath the pareptal roof. these hot, sultry times of August das. HO I many yea0s, have� decided to retire, aud lations. The 'p a were T�any and W. H. millie and family,of Cowan Avenu —Mre. Brandb, of New amburg, was here Nevertheless, we will keep up the ''iew have commenced a clearing valuable, -'and the happy couple, will be Toroutn, are holidaying at the paren I during the past wee visi �ing husband, with thavv her interest. The more-youlook lie.—Mr. Shier, of 0. T. R. agent� M 6' Brandt and family i Kir -now will move true ut sale. �� We do:not like losing our good at home in their new residence on August home of Mr. Smi priete the better you got to k 0 business naen, and hope they may change 15th. - ton, is iihil �is daughter, Mrs. 06 here as t rL as' Mr. 'Brand t can Dry Goodi? worth—the nearer oll, their min4 before they dispose of all their ling Wagho il. —Ifra.': E. H. MeLaughlid is- t secure a dwel Mrs. Wai. Bell, of Ran- come to us. Just now there must be,#, abook.—Mrs. H.iM. Chesney, of Egmond- L;aroyd & Co. have sold out their ready -prosent,very ill ith pneumonia, bat a over, -is here vl6iting herf, husband's father I clearance of summer goods. We have made, clothing and Inten4 goin� heavier -into the —A lar e and mother, Mr. a2d Mr, -James Bell the —you havethe oney villa, and daughter Ellai have returned home hope so4n to beai of her recovery. sr. goods 50 ft ladies' departments for falll 1808-1 a. W m. i - from a yety pleasan t visit wi th relat i ves gang of !flax pullc re are busy at work in this and other relative n—Mi. and Mr I * TOW and FARmERs ATTZNTI(N.�If � you', want a need the goods, we need the monT 100 ft. 11, friends in'Grand Band, Hensall and lother ighb4hood at'present, Moir ani daughtei, Mrs.4oxeph' Case, Are choice roast 6f meat for the 6reshiilg we ask you to tie: I That's the whole thing in a; ull:h"e I spending a week o 80 in;Sarnia and Court- I southern rts.—Mr. James Horton, of the I We rid our selves of the measoxe, give � us a call. Meat de ivered and price right. I a a Mi I i, wanted. Kemned3 Bros., Seaforth 1308-1 _J Us6orne Mrs. . (Di.) Pergueon returned 41 d Hibbert boundary, who,. was Poultry wright. terials and use the money to ui.& C6nistance. this week from vkpititig �,riends in Kirkton laid up b6r 5 for several weeks with -a �brok. IMPORTANT. —Don'b foriet Phis act, viz: paying cash for lar a quantities of met, .9 No SF ecial sale, but boois and shoos idat as and Exeter. —M r. Wilfrid Stoneman is home an leg, balm. been progressing favorably � since No niatter how,cheap othel storei Bell tbirr shoes we abeip as 'he cheape9j. W. H. Willis, the leadihg -chandise soon -to arrive. The thilip- are never higher and in f xet are uauzll�- lower in this week from. To! nto dn a visit.—Oae of his remova. to his home about two weeks place for �ood values, Sesfortb� ; we have now must move out at onei,. prioe, W. H. Willij, th( leading place for good Mr. T. Murdock's cress straying onto the but he im not yet able to use the injured values In tootweari Seatorth. 1 1808-1 Valu and pric go hand in hand ab our so preserib.prices will help both You anit to us entons M�Oat ago;. railroad track, had a CIO call on Wednes. lim His many friends will be pleased r. to. equalize our poss Will McLeod has been appointed�l agent of store. ne is ne , er found without the othe day morning last, but fortunately escaped a see him mi(tind again soon.—Mr. Gi� M. for the nger f owing Ali And will The va.ue, -though, ie always bigRer thi�n rapidly. this distriot Si tchlAq Chesney, 0 � this town, who' owned the Gil- have �a large stock,)f their ahest designs rn shortly, owing to the. cautio of the englueer.—Mr. 110 Ichriab resj� aline, on the London Road, in aloo, agent for Gerlisrd-ifeintzman pistibs. 'gouth the pric 3. You should see the differen i 6a and Mrs. Coates, London, England, ire W en miner Herisall, ht a disposed - of it to Mr. George sidedfCounter's awelry 8 lore, Seafoxth. 1 1808.2 now W ole'aring our,stook of su visiting Mrs. R% nd, �Ir8. Coates? sister. P., whp is always open for a just as goods &ad in our cottons, sheetiligs, pillow No special sale, but I oots and shojes —Messrs. E. Pie c and J. Marshall, of 4traordinar.y Chances in sum - 0 pu 10 lbrary will be closed cheap as the chexpe9t. W H. Willis, the leadir purebase good deat Ig casings, tickin2s, linens, towelings. etc The Forest, were in th I villaia on Wednesday wer 'Shirt Waists, etc. place for good values, Seafo th. 1808.1 E. McF�ul Co., eaforth.1 ve"Istion on August 119th for two weeks, as the librar- visiting friends. 8aturflay, August 9th, Parties having�any s ood fiterat4re, good LETTJROF CO iDoLExcip.—The follo Coronation Day, N�11 be &bs , �rved here as a Do no-. havii ian will bo!away � for her ' holidas, —Rev. boolcs sor�p book� h3wn book% I - i � i es &fresh, pretty Shirt WaistZ,:_ story bIblea or a co of 4,let �er recently presenten o peneral holiday. icnicq to the lake are the q y as 1Mr. Perrj,J of Wingham, and Mrs. Perry tesbamepts, tracts, etc., to fiepsee of in the intertst 1wate h thepreference this season, have beehl I Perry's of the lumbermen. would Dblige the Loc�l Superin- Mr. Ja as Paris i : DEAi BROTHER,— a, order of the day." and we have many choice ones yet iolidaying at Mrs. tendent, Mrs. J. Lawrence by leaving the same at the me bers �f t i6 Eporth League Society othar's, Mrs. KneohteL. of this town.—, Prices on all Shirt Wai its are exeep is -will be, 1. Mr. andkm Coates, of London, are in Mr. t. B. Gunn's grocery at 3re. on or before the 14th of Kin urn Methodist church, feel it our uric tionally low—low, not only in waisfg f August, 1902. S. J. L%wFence. 1808X1 a ttown,1theldueats Of Mrs. Coates' mother, I' duty tolexpress toyou and your family in BRIEFs.—TbeYlung People's Alliance of but also in some other thin that 7 n I '94 tOr t Mrs. J. Aknent.—Mr. Welsh, of Scotlatid, a All accoulats, of long standing, must be this manner our sincere sympatby in tWs the Evangelical church had an outing at you may bb just as needfuL W,6 paid,� If not paid at once they will go Jnto other IIDephew of Mrs. John Weir, 'was he're, this ba sad bereavemerib, whereby your children Grand Bend on Tuesday. On account of tion these fewt. u& for collection. Take a note of this and save h .Th weeki -on his way rio Colorada. - This is' Mr. costoi All accout4a of recent date time is Oven to ave been depriNed of -the care of a kil d. the rain the pleasQle of the day was some- e Velah's adcond visit to Canada;' he was suit purchaser. Tohn L%nd Bborough, Seaforth. and lov �ng mot er and you have been de. HOSIERY VES l 0 what marred.—Miss Ti�-lie Well, of Tor- 1 1807-2. - "I I illere &644ive years ago.—Mr. John Kale, prived of 9,u a ctionatid and faithful wife. onto is home oppn4ing her holidays.�The PARASOLS and OTJTING HATS in addition to regullir bill .,of 'ale there We tru t you, it your great lose ill t a who has airried on a very successful black- 0 fwllva� flax cro - i so large that � the flax company CORSETS and VESTS a P is a& ri� f %mi lbing b sinese here or over 20 years, NN -M be offered it not previ usly soil. I black mare, 1 your enLire trusi, in the, loving IE �y, have difficulty as top bugg 1 cutter, t einglel barpeas. John j�ather, and thui lead the little ones a 9 t ing h nds to pull it.— RIBBONS and HANDKERCRIBFR�. In rented is shop and disposed of hii�busi- Landlsbor7�gh, S,Afo,th. I 1807.2 Mrs. H. 8. Fau t wen,. to Dashwood on a Iness to Mi Win. Kyle, who has been er;- to your care tc place mplicit confidence Tuesd, to see idr gra�dfather, Rev. Mr. TIES and COLLARS gaged him for some time. Mr. Kyle is Hpusgs FOR S A LE. T w o ood' dwelling in the same Heavenly Parent who ha% charfe.—Mr. Hetiiy Deichert and family, MUSLIN UNDERWEAR houses on John street, SeaTortb, fo sale cheap. Ap- at He will never leave nor f r- stands promis th LINEN SKIRTS a I young n)an who� thoroughly under ply to Mro. J. 8 -Porter, Be fortil.- 1805.8 of New Haven, Mlchiga�, is on a visit to has r his busine.8 a and is well known to the pat- I sake th as who put thoir trust in Hli his parents her., a , e�m t res or - IRT, DUO Piano and organ tuning do4e in �first OlasB Longfol�ow has written Sx 9 tons of th shop. We are glad to learn that shape. T ornas R Brown again started on i ts roun 8 in this neighbor. Bndmaiter, Scaforth. PIQUE SKIRTS JMr. Kale Pd oes not intend to leave Seafortb. 1800.1 f' Ufa is rem life is earnest, 2 hood;—M orgb. Bu "an barrister, of And the grave is �,e a i—Mr.Jo4a Robb, of Tuckeramith, brought not its goal. Sudbury, is eniling a ew days with his And.so.o. i Any pe,"or, wishing,to look throtigh the in 37 head: Of cattle last week, 'which he had residence will hwe an opp�rtuni of doing so the Duat thou art to dust returnest,. parents here.—ble. Wm. Harenomous re- You are very fortunate to have the day before the sale. Joh� Lands oroug4, Seaforth. Was no spoken of the soul. turned on Saturday' last from a trip to Da- oppor-_ b ipurchased �n the vicinity of Wroxeter, to �s - a 1pasture on his farina in Tuckeramith. Mr. 1807-2 here some of his c 4ildren reside. Re tunity of such ood choosing as we of- What a comfo bing thought this must be kta, w and Mrs, 0 of C. W. Papat's ial of Residences. and far you. An opportunity for securing lement King and son . Jaok, to you and all of us who know that our is nearly 80 years old, y at stood the .our. 'New York City,i are here visiting 'Mrs. Houllehold Furijitura, In Lfor!, which' could not things toid you dressiAg in the lde�t bo concluded on WedneEdkv last, on account of laok loved ones ve passed away to be for. ney well. For on u of hiA years, he is quite. a King' a Moth r "Mrs. F. Case.—Mr.� and August rest he a ra fashion, ait the most economical ooet, ___9_ -he time when you require of time, will be continued on Wedobaday, ever at had the assu' nee of a home in active, Jam�s Wright, of Galt, spent Sunday 13th, at I o'olook sharp, when the resideaces will be Heaven, and we now th�t the one w and at just t ho �Jas here With A rq. Wright's. parents, Mr. and disposed of together with the remainder of the gone from as haw left a blessed and lasti the things the most. 1(*orri�- re. housohold effects, consisting in-parf of parlor sulte, MR. PERKI.ss D*D.—Ona of Gerrie's old- bedro3m suites, bedroom: carpets, dr6ser, wash testimony of peace in -'hrist, which ill Mrs. wm.i Payne.. Miss Annie Payne turned vfi�h thern, and will. spend a'� few 't resid( era; n of Mr. Henry p stand, oak deek, large arm chair, revolving chair, neverb forgott6n by tho6e whom are in ttie John mlrrc�r, fancy clecks, piano layrip, cradle, aining room weeks with her sister in Galt. Mrs 1 known. " Blessed are the lead who die In Perkine, postmas�elr,, p:i.saled away on Thurs- 2L McInnes 4nd two children, of Hamilton, chairs, gasoline stove, pictuteB and lJ'ctuqe frames, 4 , 4 the Lo d." Sig ad on behalf of the E d evening of la eek,� in his 67th year. White Dress Stuffs. dinner set, feather beds, 2 large. squar6 linoleum 4, P- Ay visited th,�s week at the residence of he Big- Ith eague, Clark, W. I orii� continuously for window shades, curtin poles, and a number of othe r wor Hugill, R. De3eased lived ter, h rs, lWm. Reidy. They to artielts. I -1 .8. I During the summer ,months, white ress.- returns, Jewitt. las a consiste 1 1808 the past 492 years. lHew tit ad I their -h*6 in Hamilton on Tuesday. Mr life-long membE urch of England, goods always bold favor with the a Artbur'F&bes, w�o had a cataract ret;ved* M ATRI'MONIAL. —The Gal b Ref 0�rmer of rt r�abeg .2 been dressy ones ; their aity folds ;af white, Hensall. and a prominen an, having from hie a a in Montreal recently, retujtned last week has � the following: pretty count master of �6rth Ituicu for ten years ness impart to gowns a degree -of iampfe tanburi,, B. A.,.Uarrister,SoIicit­qr, y i ay evening. Mr. Forbes' many home wedding �was solenmized at 8 a. m..on i and a h mber bf tibe Grand Lodge girlishness most becoming' and 0 home Mo J. G. Notary, T, money to loan, Exeter, Oht 0 friends i 11 be �,Ieased to learn that! the Wedlneibday, at the residenc6 of 'Mr. George a �al He was also an Itchthg. Then again, these goodstan orth Dumfries ry re put in tbe wash, taken out &ad- n ora At Ifensal every Tuesday. 1,79i of British North mer;c operation �vas successful, alohough he ca6not Flat�, 9th concession of N h6norary director of the,,, Economical Fire MUSICAL INSTIIUCTION.—I will take pu- yet go Out much, 'as his eve is not stiong when his daughter, Miss Jesaie, was united Pilo I t J i piano and theory. For further I Insurance Compa of Berlin. The deceas- ironed or done up again to look like 'n Drue It enough tolatand the sunlight. It is hoped, in two daughters, ere to Mr. Willidni Aberhardt, of part 'ITepplyto'Miss Addio Bell, Hensall. Lqn� e4 leaves a w.i ow an new. You find h rrage a however, hat it a short tirrie be w �i be Sea rth. . The bride was assisted by Miss don Road Eleanor and Edi H a son George, of ism -it THE DAINTIEST ORGANDIES fully recoiered.—Mrs. J. S. McNab�and Jent ie,Cochrane, of Berlin, and the groom Toronto, predecea 6'� hi four years. The A RO�'*AL —On Monday even- funeral took plac from the famil two chid en rethrned :to their boiffi§ in by iis brother, 'Mr. John Aberhardt of WELOME THE PRETTIEST LAWNS _y resi. Owoea, $ichigait, on Thursday �a4t, Ing l"t, Miller's�opera hall was well filled Woodstock. The ceremony ��was performed I d allies, on Saturdd, r, at o'clock, 'for St. THE SUBSTANTIAL DIMITIES r after a ni�jath's visit with Mrs. Me.. ab's by I ev., r of by our citizens and those of the adjoining R. E. Knowlesi & A., pa6to S�iephen`s church,' and the interment was� country to pub ome home Mr a father, Jobip McNamara, and bar Knoc church, Galt. At the conclusion of cly weld - in the famill r�, plot ih Gorrie cemetery. THE SERVICEABLE gIQUES I : inade a friends iw d aro' u nd Seaforth. —M r. of- the c remony the "company, which'6onsisted Duncan MeEwer eldea� son of. Mr. W GOOD PLAIN �M USLINS M The funeral was i;hder th7i direction of the, 9 fatt, pria pa.1 of �he public school, and ra. of ity mediate relatives and 'friends oniy, sat McEwen, of the London Road, near H�n- 0 ange ox d eir. FANCY STRIPPED M7LTSIJNS. a dOWIL to a recherche wedding breakfast. sall, from South pn turned'; this week from a hol day frica, where he. had be' Moff&tt, h were -BerviDg ith the Second Canadian Mount visit to i elativea and ftiends ia tce Thepresent8 received by t1ne bride' ad t Rifies.1 Hebad loughtin'the rank& in th St Columan. county.— 'he ma or has proclaimed I ton- both numerous SLd costly',, one being a a engagement at B ar0s River and in which he IM-PORTANT.—Don't forget this fact, viz ,da,y, Aug Rt 18tb, as Seaforth'a civic loli- cheq Is fiom her father for a handsome sum. Y, in c p At 9 45 Mr. and Mrs. Abe hi%rdt lef b on a came nearly sacr, ficing his life ay. o matter how cheap 9 her Wrei,acll t da. lianc a with a request from the a shell- h N heir shoes we ratepayere i —Deb ctive Campbell an A his arm. However, in the words a never higher and 11 fact,4re` usually lower in The Satisfactory, Domestic De-- 9 Ing graz d da gh- mont h's tour through est rn )points. Mr. r e. W. H. the lutding place for good p visit to fr , nds of theold saying, 11 A miss is as good ws a partment. ter Maud,lire at I resent on a Aberhardb his just this w ered values In too e , So �orth. ek been o the osition of co waster 'at the -hd hi friends were ID�lecbive -Dampbell is a nephow of mile," 9, a r atives nd -bar here. mmercia For all 0 via , us *a have ties 11 is such see the young volunteer in ohr For those gains- Qar deparmentt of dom0s Mrs. Jambs Suthq rland, Centre -street,' and Wo proud ito d . "t, syiinpathy. Now is stock Collegiate -Institute. and if he I jainlookngas hale and hear the home that requireO the goods. The a of Mr. 0 tn�bepll, James stree midet � a" 6. Mr. accepts it he and Mrs. Abeiliardt will re. . ty tbe time of year hen we can hitch your stook is fully prepared to your Win. Pier of yore. The ell iirman of the evening on, an M loyee of the Fur'! ture side in Woodsback, otherw 0 they will re- dollar to as heav I a lo&4 as -that amount d factory, b �d the iFifortune to ge Rev. M Doherty, who also read, the espect The -goods W 3 t a I: iece side in Brantford, where M er ardt has Deals in every r 0 of his ic n�tetrodraws in sum or dry, goods, inal '_ 9 bubbling Oar with freshness, this, I dresio r Be 0 takenff c n fingers on Tuesday, by been'teaching for bhe-past ear." Mr. Aber. 1, f nted c n this occafion and wh 0. no, sheetings pillo casings, ticking@, a as owe : a allowing 11 to come in contact with a1 saw hardt is a son of M W Aberhardt, of to Duncein, J. M CE wen, I' table linens, towel ings, et�b. The E. McF&ud rices, in re a h ich he lie wor�ing.—The friends of;Alre. anadian Mounted Riftea, p for their little— wb Tuck�ersmitb, and a %roth`40f Mr. Charles privat n the C C6., Seaforth. 1808-1 ties@. Small J hoe, of this tow r a! and quick �Eales ames Ke n, will -be so i 1 The ci: i rens of Hensall and vicinity desire.. IY to Aberbardb, of Seafortb. Ae� has numerous CORONATION CA IVAL�`—Every arrange- al i d "She still contin frien8o here who will unit6` with-' THE Ex - 9 learn tha use very poorly, to express to you their great pleasure "i or In tit for the p 8 re of the large owds inot havin ;!fully recovered yet from her late POS OR in extending to Limself and hie gratifioa�ion in welcoming you home after a P — BLEACHED 00 NS IT who will atte he coronation carnival trying &mpaign in SouthAfrica, and. a so devere ill ar.—Mr. W. Somerville has sold happ� young bride the most hearty congrtu- h're on Mon and Tuesday evenings UNBLEACHEDC TTOWS y the reside �ce, in the North ward, reca a tly to voice Ae sent.ments of pride which th latioi,�s. na ri6tbing remains BLEACHED SHE TINGS in wo ri Jn'e '012 C, Og ` int W b nh W, toccupied Mrs.J. C. Laidlaw, to'Mr� Ed. feel in. b;vii3g from their community furn_ next� has been made, a ndw bat for the i, eatherl, clerk to furnish ished a *o so worthy as Vouraelf 0 V fine evenings. I be pr mine arranged Daley, for r. aley will hay a a arna. i lunteei UNBLEACaEb S: 9ETINGS a nice, com lottable! home.—Miss Doble! assist in upholdin the honor of the Empire has 9 ra LINEN TABLIN4 Ou�)r waism will go at a w2 ate on, our p OR d will art$ gone to K' and which is, h a been, and we trust always maston o spend her holidays � �b flag, for is mostntertainitig s�ud varied an and i� will 'be a aste of! opportunity on GOO)[)' TICKINGS C_ I be, the pro 'otor of the best interests b supplied the, beat irtists obtainable. she will all C�visib ew York before h r. your,part if you fail to get a waist. White W" I will contain many no ELLI�GS viliz%tion an Christianity vel features and is LINEN TO W of ci turn.—Mn . Robei -t Coleman, of Mitche; 1, Is shirt,waisle are in the greatest demand and No mean such th.%t sbatild attract a very large at present visiting friends here.—Mr. jan- or empty honor i It to belong to the British Etc., Etc., Etc. a have some dainOu ones to clear We arecTwU. tk compl3te chffl4ge OL progra me empire ;I but how prideful and glorious it's is talon, of Clinton, Enron's apple king, was glad to part with any' other summer wea6r- has been arranged Jor each evening, so bat to march of' civilization and 8 in town ol��Thursday, He says the a D � 11harelin the ple ing becessity,'too. The Me aul Co., i�order tosee it all you' will need to be 'rG`UST spiritual and ten poral prokrtas, by exchan'g- crop in H 'ron tbib year is a great d iap. S,�aforth. 1808 1 there bath nights. : -It is;% sure thing that -AL pointment He h s7been in a great any MTURNED FRobf THE *EST.—Mr. Sam- ing the ivili%nf)r the military. garb and if 1you go the first �ight y�u Will want to be clean orchards, d the a is very little fruit fi 1; for actually enlisting one�s services -in this mueh i forle uel R aid, who, has been away ii 9. -three there the second �ig.ht. Excellent refresh t shipment, u account of blemishes, suci- as Mr. W f0Dce of that flag which ".has braved d obliging wait not E r months' trip to Oregon, and m. Beat- y pretty an Pea,b and rm holes. Tbi3 is a misforl - ine, thousand years the battle and the breez am6uts, served b tie, W4 ho has lbeen' in California for some re�ses, can be bad: 'or the asking, and every 1. This you have d for this W! all In p a a a een un er a - im ires- � I a has b a arronged or you, up night ]as t- honor u. Th t our appreciation of eion that 1; a cropiwas extra,,good this year. time,! returnedl home on Taqsday y your convenienc 8 goods Tbe�, both came by way of Bfitis Columbia, may ln�tter lid,w yo -i come.' It will be the P —Mr. W. 0. Raid' whose illness we " ted actions nd our j oy at your safe return t, and repott the crops in the territories and a ant of a life � in these parts, and as a ed fo last week, 0 now recovered tt get Manitoba as magnificient. �! They:' are both be exp I re sad in Li tangible manner, we beg co Ou net att�nd. around nidbly, anq we hope to ee hil, i at you t I apcept this watch which, we trust, a cquence y lookin'g fine, and apuarently their outing will f the old at d as usual in a, few daysi—l�i 1rs. i t me to c,'me, enable you to recall agreed with them.—Mr. Janies Foote, who Wilson, o Silver Creek, and Mrs. A. Y noton-ly your ex eriences in South Africa Ch elhu�st. ung has been in Manitoba for the past two or were in BI th this, week, vii3iting Mrs. Vil - but the ood wil and -sincere affection of its r tbre� years, hoe also returned home. .' The p esentation, in I 01xGS.—.N1r. ohn H�,cka and family, son a 6ste Mrs. �t. Thompnon, and oher donors . the form of w I o have been vi'iting his mother here for friends.— issIda;Dow, of Mitchell, i6i at a beautiful gold atch and chain, suitabl ant th � f Miss Jean fjampb�11.— y the past month, i end returning to their pres guest o Kippen. engMve( , W" made by M esers. Garnet Smal- home in Burford oll Satur4y.—Miss Roland, com1h6 a] d A Taylor, w ho had taken Messrs. G,orge Stewart and John Galb�&'ith D.Hay, Commissioner and 0on'veyancer of 'Parkhill, is tbel guest of Mrs. J. : J. Mac- e shipped a par load of horees to Har ey, wills, inortgagee and deeds drawn up. Money loaned the,initi tive in ettiDg up the presentation Williams. —Mastdi , Kenlieth Eyre was bit- interest. 1740-tt desery d, and much credit is due Manitoba, on Thu�.sday.�Mr. George ur. at the'lo -vest r%tes. of so richl tell on the leg on day last' week by a dog 4M 8 die, who blus been amember of the Boar! of NWTEs,—The, threshing in lls of', our die. to these oung The programme of owned by Mr. obn Fitzgerald. -He 'got License 6�mtpiseioners for East Huron' for trio tare again' falling in line and getting the eve 'ng cons oted of-addressea'by all the i. - - D s 11 off pretty safely ds the iwound was not a several yeairs, having resigned on accou4it of down to another reason's work, which re- resident ministe a, solos by Mr. Wm. 8tone- de� I ep one,aud is d i ng nice�ly. Mr. Fitzgerald his contemplated removal from the iidink to minds he all that the seasons are pa4aing by. ma� an Dr.' Sellery, and instrumen,tal immediately shot he dog�—Mr. J. Coulter selection by Mr. Thompson Murdock on the come to reside in Seaferth, Mr. John Me- Our hreshers are looking f rward !,to a large an' of Hpgall, passed through our 'I's work owing to the ro al being so violin and by M. 'Ambrose Smith and Dr. d family, —M Dowell,, of �M cKillopi has been appoint�il as I hotel. village one da� la� t week on their way home nunlber of a his anocessor. A better appointment could heavy.—Mrs. Hoag, of Sellery on th6 in ndo.1in and yuitar. R �_L% a 6, M ichi. ov, from Milverton.---,�The � diee Aid, of the not have bten made, as Mr. McDowell is a gan, who has been spending a fe months' Mr. Doherty maie 'an excellent chairman day afterx M1ethodist church, �held a quilting bee in the lified pleasant visit a 1 h and added much� to the pleasure of the even - basement on Tuesday with the intentioa of diet churc gentleman'i in every way eminently t the parentE orne of Mr. m nt is and Mrs. T. McClymont, of the villa coinpleting their !autograph quilt, which for the osition.—The announce, V, ing. Mr. McE wen in a few words expressed Wednead ge, made t at,� the result of the part I junior during the week returned harne, her sister, his pl�asure iand sincere thanks for the wx T 11 be sold at tl�eir ica-cream social on 111''Washix leavi aul part I junior matri6ulation ex- MiaslMaggie, going with her, where she beautiful present he had received, and the I has retur Tiiursday next.—Njr. and �-Mrs Redmond, of a y 9 Fal neville. and MI.$ and M t�e. Cartia,lately of amin tioni� will prDbably be sent to- the'lligh ,purpbses stopping for; sotAe time. Lies meeting was brought to a close by :sin ing his daughi acho and -Collegi te Inittitute princip&ls on is one of the krigh� and charming the National Anthem. returned L�ndon, England !were t�,e guests of Mrs. 0 Friday, to,oda, a d that results-" for part Il ynU%isadies o our �inage,, and her many LoGAL Bi;LrBFs,—In compliance with a Wylth twel T.1 H. Eyre on Si �bath 14st. There is con- 13 junior lea,6ng and part Il matricuhili Companiona wi�h her a pea ant visit. — he largely signed patition, Reeve Miller has t a hacki siderable sickness �mong tihe children in this w a will not b�,' sent or t till the 15bb or 16th.— heavy rain of the week has ut a stop to the proclaimed Tue 0ay, August 12th, asi a tie I ighborbood.— ri. Ed ard Ryckman has bred heai There m As�� a large crowd at, A] r. Papat's !sale harv6st for a few days. A 'number in this civic holiday 11 Housall.—Mr. MePherso'n, oo, mmenced thre hing o erations. as has iog the ph on Wedne�day, ard a lot of -stuff was�dis- paA �re still battling way with the ha in Of Forest,' a at i ;ant 'of Knox College, is f4lo this v D. _Xr. J. Fitzgerald alAo Mr. Bri t6ell. posed pf, but night came on before the � !half Ord to get' finished up. —Mr. Thoma's conducting the rvices in Carmel church arid son attend d arberly services at St present 0 Is a prospecting" trip to t during th qu sequently, th i a Aills Green. was disposed of, and, con sale Wolman ia-ou Xii ght.— be co4tinued6,u Wednesday next, !at I westil bath lapt he c ad with much aoce t- o will Too bad to see so many of our fine has Oee t o'clock. young men going Away w4en there is so ance both mo ing and evening.—The antiu. Henry H Exete muclidemand here for hi�ed help.—Miss al Sabbath no oo� picnic of Carmel church I B� nd this a MARRIEiD i -LT D,�KOTA.—The parties #1en- Noble, of Fergus, is vhdl�ing with her aunt, will be held' Grand Bend on Tuesday !A Ripri, OLD ,GE. -04 Saturday next, iq er has pr a' tioned in �he following paragraph xt. a the Alpgust 95h, one I if Eetek's oldest citizens the place which M ra. Tolton, of the villagO--Miss Flossie tie t�llowing Thursday the an. o we take f�orn th� New Rockford, North Philips, of Toronto, iR a guest at the home nual Pic lie of t Methodist Sunday school will have reached Obh� year. We refer ne at is 9 Dakota, TraDscri&,,of July 25bb, are 'Well Of M will be I aid at the same place. Grand Bend r. and Mrs. D. Hay, of the village.— i to Mr. James Borithrun, iwho resides with r dk 8 known to i.hanv of ur readerb in the vicinity Mre.. Andrew Bell purposes in a few days, is becorr ing,mo and more .'Popular as! a hi� daughter, Mrs. R. �R. Collins. Mr. churches a ort.- I Among those camping at Bonthron �if shire, Scot -land, wiell has b I of ChiBelh4rat and! Farquhar. The �bri4e i taki a ti ip to Boston, to visit' bar son, summer1res is a na&e of le the Dand Grand tend during't -he past *ask we have a d has lived in Ifulron county, near Exeter, �N. M. a siater of Mr. Qeorge Van Horn ilegl, and daughter, Mrs. Williams. a CanadianL Hxpreesl office here. T� bum- *—, learned!of the f?'Ilowing Mr. Sheffer i nd f a half cent y, -bein for many years a Martin, B erous Huron an4 Perth friends !of Mrs. family, Mr. Wren and family. Mr. and X3. merchant at Rod erville., We are pleased a !holiday. Woodward will join TuE ExPOSITO:it i& ex- Walton." i G. D� JAJrnold, r. and Mrs. J. Macarth r. tu say that Mr. o:'nthron�retainB al St Un_ L mo to Grand o tending in ist hearty oongratulationg W!her- Come 'With your dry goods thoughts in On Tuesday eve inglaota; number of ire his cl(%'raess of intellect, and civie holid popular store. nr 'mpa o self and ho r worthy hwaband, and in wishin your mind to the people'@ L Young boys dro 6,s out to spend a week (;r,�so k a himself tho.-oughly Posted on current spent last 9 I - . , Some good tbings &wait your Good i ap t a 0. there. --4m Berry returned home t is a 0. them many happy, and prosperous year t van His many friends extend congratu- Thames r r gether. '"he Tr4nscript says A pretty value: 9, bargains, in summer =a, nine- week fro'm the ild country bringirig w�ith lations and best % islios fok another ten years f wedding curemony was performed last �ue;. lins,'dimities,' prints, gingbame. sheetings, him a number of very fine entire horam— ai'least. -Mr. i diy at big noon, by Rev. J. R. Beebil, at cottons, tickiags, pillow casings, tablings, Miss Do.ra Webler is home from Bu alo 1BPEF.s.—Mr. I Holm�eB,Mi4L. Holmes yaare a re the palatill horn,4 of county Auditor and towelings and,so on. The . McFaul Co., visiting "her parents here 'for a coupI6 of and Miss Bowers, of Blyth, have: been visit. Thursday Seaforth. Mrs. Jarnes Hackney, which ula ited weeks. Miss Dier, of Toronto, is visiting in at Dr. Rollins for a f�w days, and left home Of in the sacred bonds of wedlock,R. R. Wood- LOCAL ITEms.—The, weather continues' Mrs. J. Butherl d.—The,Motbodist church fo Bayfield on -T eeday.4-Mr. laffray. - of c4eesemak a ward and Miss Phoebe VanHorn, both of veryi wit and backward fot harvesting oper. wascrowded on Sabbath, evening last, he Toronto, is the g eat of Mrs. John's.—k. W. Xy. Both r this citV. The ce6mony was performt d in atiotis, although the 'majority �f farmers occasion being a, special sermon, a ive a a man, wife an I childri left on Saturday t*1) ago al 2 the presertoe of a ew intimate relatives and got their fall wheat boqaed,l in. good order. by the pastor, I v. Dr. Mddd, on itC 0 in- fol -a two weeks' 7isit with his brother at Archie BO a friends of �he big contracting parties,'after Therop is a heavy onq�. though the sample mercialibm.pp— 1 a friends. -of I Mr. Wa er P rry Sound. —R -. H. Abbott and his sister, 11 n he wei which an elegant wedding dinner was an- is not an good as in former 'years. —''The hum Hanson, of this illage, w`11 regret to Is rn Afra. Tally. of La idon, ��ere tha� guests of 'well was 0, joyed by 'those IfortunAte enough tc be of the threshing machine atid the toot -toot that he is quite 1, having had to unde 0 B-� S. O'Neil and Mrs. O'.Neil over Sunday. the third I present. Mr. W odward is a general met-- of flia'steam whistle will soon b6 - general. aim )n on I a few diya ago, which at --.-:J. A. Stewart Van calle� to London last ago. 8ev4 J. R1. Williamson M onday of his d we�ek by a mensa a death of 1 chant of this city; and has been for, sqveral started .'on ag` is very critical. We ho a, o� the Mt g)l annogeing th I �Gars. .He'is one of the most solid, and this week.—There will be a Sunday school however, that h may recover and enjoy r his brother in I he hospital there.—The the Mothe i progressive youn 13usiness men of the e-xou;ion to Kincardine on Tuesday, August many years, to come his wonted health, — Mines Dickson, o'Seaforth, ve n number, tit about fi James Rivver dis rict, and enjoys a I r 12 t h' A special train will.leave. Brussels at Mr.'Francis Coleman has also' been qu,te have been the gue i 8 of 9 Johns b6 was tax ge ihe M, T o 1 aoq uainta�cesbip broughout the state. he 8.12 4. in., returning the' a poo ly during the past week or no, but we for a couple of da, �s this week.— bi; h1T t 0 ame� evening, r G. Stan- e!s ,bride is tho pretti and accomplished on, sin leaving Kineardine at 6 p. m,—Rev. Mr. are pleased to Le, e yean 4ra that at the date of bu ry has moved this wee in the house of .—it is'Ibe morith we make sweep of all odd's and ends, algo, that is not odda �and much ths-b 10 nds. ttter Sind eggs taken as �oash for- and highest market prices Allow- same. The me Fy A I -M— Dril Goods '"O. s Gre attf st .-Cok ry Goods Store. gham. opposite the CommoWisl� to, Saxon Fitton, entertained a-, bar lady friendsto tea on - Tual- oon.—The James Street UeW- h picnicked -at Grand Bend -Otk ky.�—David Millar, wo has been gton state for some four y"re, ied to town, and Is or, Mrs. J. Rendle.—W Aawden .Tom the old country on Tueed ve fine horses,_ among which it& ey stallionsand several thorough- y fillies.—Joseph enior it atten&_ otographer's association at But- eek.—Miris Drew, of California, is vi-Ating bar sisWr Mrs. F. J. Mra. Thomas Wbitie',' of Windsor, he guest of Mrs. John White.—, uston and fami1j, moved to the'. week, for a hold�y.—A. Q. Bob- omptly erected a ew wind mill�i& of the one destroy 3d by wind 150-z ohe creamery. —Sa 3rament of tht upper -was divpe:keed in all thW if town on Sabbat i.—George Sam- eon vieitin ersoll this week, If Rev. W� Id— &rtin, B. ion 9 . D. returned hoa e this* week for —Cavan church picnic takesplac! Bend to.day. fF -iday), Fxdteleeis - ay.—T-.- A. Ruls'll, of Torontoi. Sunday as his father's homOv )ad. Alexander Bot ell, for manY P4, eidenb of Fullarfox ftownshi evening, July 21th " s� his son, Air. William BOt1Iw61I_,- er, at Hickson, Xford county. vell lived in St. arys a year Or Ong with his sori, the late Mr.. thwell. Aft -or We death of hill ttoHickson to,,,, a. Mr.13oth- native of Quebe , and settled on ine of Blausbard �, iorne forty Years ral years later h 3 bought -a farill- dhell, road, Fullar. Wn, just west,of rwell e4ftch, and lived Mare uu- ve years ago. FDr twelve Ybsrll� collector of FP,,a arton and was * -emed "dent. His wife died resi ago. 9