The Huron Expositor, 1902-08-08, Page 5I912 nizatiwasors• ing Sale to our Mid - store being prices. in a ze room for be cleared for you of irst of Sep - 50 a pair. Trunks and Forth the wheat is. int haa exam - here, wad hes the b ' arn and ed. Although ometimes ite a we believe, iorning, Rev.. eg to- the chits - will deliver a ite a number rich on Tuft - disappointed, hnnew, who ia fll Wingham, Mise Mary, last week. - tent Sunday at krty baa been d Miss. Young am at present. after epend- home in Bea. g people pur- this week. •e're went to LY a friendly enf received a being 29 to 5. players around hire i5 no use re neighboring " tger at every a team awn e day, and re- aeason. The .avier team in seniors, wilholt se a visiting eley was our of it raining who intended [though there rich, besides a he town very >Ye had a nice oped towards went over to there, bit on g heavy they eivate Archie last Canadian eulay evening. a of soldiering, uture to help ubt he will be e Ireland, ac - Pearl, drove are visiting !a. T. Poulton, e sent visiting ROS8 let • visit Wed - his friends. - el W. John - 'couple of cars ---Messrs. J. tholm arrived ioaed of their se busy getting he threshing in these part; .11 have one of e known for as Mrs. Frank coped church tulle Monday 7 is at present lecturne.-Mr. sy, is visiting week. -Mr. Ruh, who- has years-, ie also friends. -Mr. f Hamilton, la eks holidays, rich and Bay - up the 'eke& iison, of LOA seent visiting (Ir. Edward tenclieg a few Habkirk, of s last weak. - has been es Ernigh, re - eek, -Mr if our publie ing in Moose - wall visiting he fire brieade sting. It is a more fires to of Dungen- e Sunday. NCE. 'o -Day :y half price. il purchase. Lvard. each. 4tig sale - now- villa0Como • 7 aTlis AUGUST 8, 1902 Brussels. NCTBS.-Chris. Zilliax, who recently sold the Central betel here to George Brown, bas purchased the Queen's hotel, in Liens- Inftom his brother, and took possesaion last :Week. The price paid was $13,000. - Messrs. Beattie & (Ark, late proprietors of the American hotel here, be.ve purchased lintel in Wallaceburg.-Last Friday evening Blyth base ball club and junior foot ball - team dreve over to Brussels and played' two -iendlY games. They surely were playing in herd luck, as they were badly defeated in both games by the home team. The .base ball rosalted in a score of 29 to 5, while the foot ball ended with Brusselit'hav- nig 6 to their credit, and Blyth O. -Misses LIzzie and Hattie Downing returned last Friday from a monthht vide to Sougog.- Johu .Donaldson has purchaired the fine bonze and lot, on William street, from Mr. Henry. The purchase price was sii450. Mrs. Henry will remove to Toronto in the fall. -Miss Line. MoCullough, of Loaclon, formerly of Brussels, is vis'iting the Misiee Downing this week. -Rev. G. J. Abel, of Preston, was calling on old friends here this week. -Atex. Stewart and Miss Maggie, Queen street, are away on a holiday trip to friends in Dakoea.-Mr.ViUiam Ballantyne returned lest Friday from si two months' visit to Manitoba. -Alfred Baeker has disposed of the property recently 'pur. chased from D. .A. Lowery, to Henry Woods, of Grey township. -Mics Dora Shaw is enjoying the lake breezes at Grand Beet:I.-Four Hake of our bowlers weut to Ooderich on Tuesday. -Waiter Smith is back from s. tire() months' visit to Manitoba. Prank Oliver has purcha.sed W. A. Crielde house and lot, on Min street. - Galt defeated Brussels in a well conteeted gains of football, piayeri here on Wednes- day evening of thia week, by a &tore of 5 to -3,-Remember Brussels races, on Tuesday and Wednesday, Auguat 19 and 20. Perth Notes. -The crops in Downie towneltip have been badly damaged by the recent storeild -3: max, of Brussels, has purchased the Queen's hotel. its Liatewel, from his darother, George Zillion. -While feeding his horse the Ot'ner morning, Mr. Patrick Hardy, of S. Marys, was stricken with paralysis. -The barn of Mr. John Isler, of South Eaeshope, was struck by lightniag on Sunday last, but no damage was done. , -The Elmo. Cheese Company shiPped their first half of July make of cheese on - Friday last, to Hodgson Bros., Montreal. The price realized was 9io per pound. • -Prior to leaving Stratford for the !Soo, Mn H. W. Thompson was presented with a handsome gold headed cane by the Stratford bowling dab. -Miss Annie Francis, B. A., of Mitehell, who recently graduated with honors at che Normal college, Hamilton, has been ,ap- pointed to the modern Iangua,g,e departMent in Elora high school. -The Mitchell high school board met on Wednesday evening of last week, when Mr. L. liewie, B. A., of Detroit,was appointed English master at a salary of $800, and Miss -Grace McDonald Waterworth, of Ridge - town, commercial teacher, at a salary of $650. -Mr. A. A. Goetz has sold the Hotel Dominion property at tee station, in Strat- ford, for $4,000 cash. The business and, con- tents were also gold for an extra amount. The purchaeor is Mr. Albert White, of Port Colborne, who takes possession on August 6. Mr. Goetz has not deoided Whae .he will do. -Mr. John Waters, of Logan, shipped from the Mitchell station on WednesdaY, of last week, two thoroughbred short horn Durbara cows, to Mr, W. D. Fled, of Hamilton, for which he received $325 for the pair. Some short time ago Mr. nett bought another cow from Mr. Water, for which he has since refused $1,000. -Muriel, daughter of Mr. S. R. &Part, of Mitchell, met with a painful aocident the other clay. While climbing over the ver- andah railing she missed her hold and fell, breaking one of her arms at the elbow joint. The fracture was a bad one, and the child had to be placed under chloroforni while it was beteg reduced. -Mr. Conrad Dilater, of Philipsburg, was hewing timber at Gadshill on Thurs- day, and severely out his foot with a broad axe. The aceident nearly cost him his life, as he almost bled to death before medical attendance arrived. A eliver on the side of the timber he was hewing caused the axe to glance off, and strike his kight foot, splitting it almoat entirely in twot - Mr. Ben Williams, foreman of the Stratford woollen mills, has purchased a one-third interest in the Mitchell woollen mills, and will move to that town at ; once and occupy the position of manager over the weaving department. The firm will here- after be known as Dalton Sons, Waterhouse and Williams. -A stock show, after' the etyle of the one annually held in Galt, will likely be held in Stratford next sprirtg. An enthusiastic meeting, with that object in view, was late- ly held, and a stock company with 510,- -600, capital will be formed to carry 'it through. Shares will likely be placed at $10 a -piece, and assistance will be asked for from all parte of the county. -The barns of Wesley Reynard, about one mile out of St. Marys, were destroyed by fire after midnight on Tuesday night of last week. All the hay crop, 'farm im- plements and machinery were lost. The cause of the fire is supposed to have ; been the overheating of the hay. The lose will probably reach $2,500 ; insured in : the Blanchard Mutual. -Daring the thunderstorm last SiMclay afternoon, lightning struck the barn of Mr. Harry Bonis'on the 8th concession, Blau- shercl, and the building with twenty five tons of hay was consumed. The Boni s farm is leased to Mr. Thomas Freshney, who will lose on the content. The barn, which was a large one, being 105x40 feet, on a stone foundation, was insured in the Bien - shard Mutual for $600. Oa the coutents there was no insurance. --Abont 3 o'clock on Wednesday after- noon of last week, little Norman, eon Of Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Miss, of Stratford, was play- ing around the boat house at the pond and fell in. Het slipped on one of the rollers used in rolling the boats and canoes ie and out of the boat houee. Mr. Frank lileLean happened to be near by and heard the a -plash in the water. He ran to the tsssiste mace of the boy and waa successful in patch- ing him just in time to save his life. He was pulled oat and soon recovered frohn the shock. -.An old and highly esteemed citizen of S. Marys, passed away on Saturday, Jody 26th, in the person of Mr. Daniel martin. He had reached the advanced age of 83 years, and until. within a few weeks ;of his demise was a bright and lively gray haired boy. Mr. Martin was an Englishman by birth and was a native of Huntington. Along with his wife, who was from the same place, he came to Canada over fifty ! years ago settling near Hamilton. Some ; years later he moved to Nissouri, where he pur- chased a bush farm and made a horne for himself and tamily. Leaving Nissonri he went to St. Marys and has resided there for years His wife, whose maiden mania was Caroline King, died 25 years ego. ; -During the heavy rainstorm on ISatur. day, much damage was done in the south eastern portion of the township of Enloe. The principal sufferers were W. H. Cdultoni whose silo was blown down; Jacob Litt, whose barn, lot 15, concession 3, wail par- tially unroofed ; William Moore, who had several fruit treee torn out by the roota, and John Kiehna, who had a chimney blown over. Charles Moore's- horse rake was carried acmes the field, but sustained little damage. Fences were levdllepl in every direction, and as a consequence many of the farmers were under ths neoehisity of 0012 - fining their catele eind horses in stables and yards to save their crops. During the Mole dorm, lightning Strireka ladder that was leaning against al hay • Stack an the farm of 3. Vanstol,...lirt 17, noncession 3. MIART:n-Tel„ -1* Sroxosas, Ans.,. 7 ' 1902 ffl Virheet (n4w), Standard... Et0 76 to 80 76 OMB per bushel- -- .4 0 48 tO 0 44 - Parke per bushel- -0 76 to 0 76 Barley por bushel - 4, 0 67 to 0 57 easter, Na 1, low.-- — 0 16 to 0 16 Buttor„ 444-- 0 16 to 0 00 Eggs oar 0 13 to 014 815 6 60t. 5 26 026 0 40 0 80 Floor, per 100- OM es 1•.•••••• • •.• 2 00 to mei per ton sew_ 6 60 to Hides per 100 5 03 to Sheep ... 0 30 te 0 18 to P-itatoes par buah (new),— 0 60 to smt (retail) per '3Arrol,.. ••••• 1 10 to 1 10 Wled Per 000(1o10.- 4 00 to 4 43 W3od par oord, (st.ort).. - 2 00 to 275 Applea per bag._ ' 0 SO to 0 60 Mier Seed-. • fr 60..1..4 es...• ••• .111 f • 46* to 6 00 Timothy Seed- - 00 to 3 00 Pork, per 100 750 to 800 ralrowr Per - 04 to 0 05 DE,irst Itlarke* LINDSar, August 5 -The Vitoria Cheerio, Board met her to -day, ' with itie buyers present, 1,825) boxes beteg an the board, three faetoriea elling ati9 9-16c the rest at 91e. uguat 5 -Eva -The mar- ket is quiet, w th sales of straight receipts at 15 to 15e pr dozen, and No. 9 at 13 13e per doze Cheeee-Theret is a fair amount of busi ees at ateady prieec ; 6,000 to 8,000 boxes f Quebec makes field on the wharf at 9o; nest Ontario ooloted, 9i to 10e ; finest On ario white, 92 to 9c, fineet townships colo ed, 9 to 9ke ; :finest town- ships white, 9Ei to 92c ; fineat Qaebecs color- ed, 9E.1 to no fittest Qaebee white, 9i to Ke. Butter- lhe market ie quiet rincleasy., We quote army townships creamery,; 20 to 20e, fin at townships creamery, 19g, to 190 ;finest etsbec creamery,19g to nice finest Oatario creamery, 19 to 1o; fine creamery, 19c, dairy butter, 164 to 16c. TORONTO,AU USt 6 -Butter -The receipt% of Oleic° dairie are fele and the demand is, about satisfect ry. Some of the stuff com- ing in is not od that might be expected.' Prices are stea v, We quote i -Creamery prints, 191e to 20c,. eolids, 18 to 19c, choice dairy tubs and pails, 15 to lfic ; med- ium, 13 to 14c pound rolls, 15 are very fain b usually is at th much probabili month. Price and 14 to lnic stock. Cheese active. The here are quote CAMPRELL,F0 bellford Gimes were offered. Hodgson,325 a ; culls, 12 to 12ic ; choice to '160. Eggs -The receipts t the demand is rilow, as it season, and. there is not y ,pf aay imprevernent this are easy a 15c for selected, for the ordinary ran of fresh The demand is not very arket is steady. Job lots at 10 to 10/ec. n, August 5 -At the Camp - Board to -day, 1,480 boxes he sales were as follows 9c; Ivlagrath,700, 9 7-16e ; Brenton, 60 at 9 7.16c. Balance refused, 9g to 9 7-16a TORONTO, A 800; white' , 72 67 to 800; bar feed, 53 to 54c per bushel; timothy, $10 t 820 to $21 for bulk middle is steady at, $2 for bran, stinks Grain, etc. • igust 6-Wheat4-Red, 72 to to 85c; goose; 77c; spring, ey malts 5:51 to 60o; barley ; eats, 50 to 514 ; peas, 74lie 3i, old timothy, 818; new $12; straw, $11 per ton. liay. Shorts ore quoted at cers, and bran 'at $15 in eights. Manitoba millfeed, fur cars of shone and $18 included. The:Onto freights. Potatoes. • TORONTO, August 6 -The nfferings are quite liberal, the demand is ooly fair, and the marke ere is easier this week. Potatoes out store are quoted at 50 to 55o per bushel. 0 Live Stock Markets. LONDON', E States cattle, sheep, Wel ; Moser -awe present in rgo dull, and pr Thursday's m beeves on the of the best cat pound, and fr medium b eas from 2+ to 31i paid from 1 t bulls and lean 82 to $12 each. for good, brae from 3 to $i7a Lambs sold at Fat hogs sold weighed off BUFFALO, A 58 to $8 25 ; choice 1,200 ho 1,300 pound steers, $7 to $6.25 ; choice 56 25 to 86.75 choice heifers, $4 to $5 25; best fat COWS, $3,25 to $4; to $2 50; exp °hers", $$.75 t 83.75; good good to chili good, $35 to attackers and f ere, 5423 to to $3.50. Ve to good, 625 to SG ; grass Fairly active: ed, $7.80 to $ light Yorkers $7.70; roughs, 56.25. nheep others steady, few fancy, 85. to $5 50; cul yearlings and tops, mixed, 54 to 54 20; ewes, 54 to $ Tote rro Gaol loads of to $6 40 ;-mel per cwt. Ex port bulls sol bulls sold. a Export Cow to 84.65 per c picked lots quality to the pound° each, choice picked gland, Augtist , 5 -United 7+d ; Canadian cattle, 7d; ade slow. ugust 5 -The butchers were d numbers, bat trade was ces continuo as low as on rket. There were no prime narket, and only two or three le sold. at a little over 5c per 111 that down to 40 for good s. Coremon stock sold at per pound, and the canners 2ic per pound fer the small r cattle. Calves Sold at froth Shippers paid 31-c per pound sheep, and the butchers paid per pound , for the others, item 52.25 to near 54 each. at from 7 to The per pound, e cars. gust 5 -Cattle -Prime steers, 57' 50; faiir to good, 55.50 to 1,000 to 1,150 Oiled steers, ; fair to good, $5.25 to 56; 55,50 to 56.10; fair to good, ight to fair; $2 75 to 53.75; 84 75 to 55; fair to goodi canners and common, $1.75 rt bale, 542.5 to:84:75 elant- 54.25 ; sausage bulls,83 50 to fresh cows arid springers, e 550 to 555; medium to ; common,' $•20 to 530; eders, iu good demand, teed= 54.75 ; Etoekerse heifers, $p tnps, $7.25 to t$7.50 ; fair to 57; common o light, $5. 'elver', 53 50 to 4. Hogs - heavy, 57-90 to 87.93; mix - .90 ; Yorkers,$7.75 to 57.801; 57.65 to 57.75; ig2s,, 58.7 76605 too $; 6.50 to 56.75 ast ad Lambs-Lernbs easier ; top Jamba, 55 60 to 57.75 n to $6 ; fair to 'g'ood, $5.2p a to common, $4.25 to $51; western, 54.75 tO ,55 ; sheep, 4-.25 to 54.50 ; fair to good, u11;1 to cummon,0.25 to $3.50; .50. I . ugust 6—Cattle-e-Exporters— heevy shippers are worth $6 inm exporters, 55.50 to 55.75 ort 'Bulls-ChoOe heavy at ex - 53 to 55,50; light export 54 75 to 55 I per cwt. -Export 3ows seid at 54.40 wt. Butchers' Cattle-Choiee of butchers' cattle, Equal in best exporters, 1;1,00 to.1,150 eild at $540 to 55.75 Per cwt; lots of butcherail heifers apd ateers, 900 to 1,025 pounds each, rold. at $5 to $5 25 per cwt; loads of good but- chers' sold t 54.75 to $5 per ewt ; loads of medium b tc1ere'.54 25 co $ ' 5; common butchers' ca a, at 52 75 to 5 0 per cwt. Exporters an ,Butchers' Misied-Loads of mixed hutch:s] and exporteralsold at $4.60 to 55 25 per c t. Feeders -Feeders' steers, weighing fro t 1,050 to 1,100 !pounds each,' sold at $4.5. eit 54.75 per ow, and light feeders, 800te 900 pounds each, are worth 54 o 54 25 per cvv4 Stoekeass- Stockers, 501 to 800 pounds each, of god quality, are °Oh 53.25 to $3,p, per cwt; off -colors an poor quality the sane weights are veorth 52.50 tot i$3 per cyst. Milch Cows 4 -Milch cows and springers sold at 532 ti $48 each. Calveiel-Calves sold at from 53 o 510 each, or from 54 to 55.50 per ow . 'Spring Lambs -Spring lambs are worth 5 .25 to 54.60 per cwt.' SheepH Prices 53.5 to 53 65 per ciVt, for ewes, and bucks at $2.75 to $3. Hogs -Best select baconhogs, not lees than 160 pounds, nor more than 2 0 pounds each, off cars, sold $7.37i pe ewt. ; lights at $7.12+, and fats at 57.1 le per cwt. Sowe, 51.50 to '55 per' cwt., a d stags, $3 per cwt. - ducaticiti Mut iye your attention. The new catalogue of the Central, Bushiess C011ege TORONTO, WiU interest you. It explains about the best wprk required tor a good peying situa- tion. It tello you why our school is the beat plane in Canada to attend. Write for , The Fall term opens &literal:ter 2nd, but you may start at once if you wish. No va- cations. We have 12 teachers and 100 tydewtiting machines to place at your dis- posel. Good results certain. Address , W. H. SHAW, Principal. 'Image aerd Gerrard eta, Toronto. 158642 Births. BARNAIRD-=-In Wroxeter, on August ist, the 'wife of Mr. Joseph Barnard, of twine, eon and daughter. HULLER -4n Holmesville, on July 30th, the wife of Mr. George Huller, of a son, RAMSAY-In Westfield, en July 29th, the wife of Mr. ID. Ramsay. cf a daughter. HUDIE-e-In Goierloh townhsip, on July 27b8, the wife of Mr. George Rutile, of a daughter. BACHAND-At St. Joseph, on July 28th, the wife of Mr. IL. T. Bachand, of a son. BELL -In Goderich township, Bayfield line, on July 27ththe w fe cf Ur. W. Bell, of a eon. MolVOR-In Godr rich, on July 26th, the wife of Mr. DanlellteIvor, of a son. TAYLOR -e -In East Wawanoels, on Jut). 271h, the wife ef Kr..Thernae Taylor, jr., of a eon. Marriages. HUDSON-e-LIVINGSTONE-At the residence e f the bride's parents, Gry, on July 23rd, M. Wm. H. Hudsop, of Detroit, to Mai Euphenna, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Livingetone, of Grey towl1sblp. TUDTIOPit--THORNTON-At the re.idenee of the brldn's father, West :Oxfard, nett.' lagereoll, on July 24th. by Rev. E. R. Hutt, Mr. II, M. Tud- hope, of Wingham, to Miss Margaret $., daugh,er of an.; W. R. Thornton. Deaths. GoLLEV-,In Morris, on July 80th,Nargaret Hunter, reliet of the late Jos.:ph Golley, aged 76 3 ears and 5 days. MT.:1013.e-In. East Wawanosh, on July 2h Mr. Rob- ert Untoh, sr., aged 76 year and 10 month. 1..M.PORTANT NOTICES. , mo LET. -That very comfortable and commodious 1 dwellmg, lately occupied by D. Bethune, op- posite Vlotor.a Park. InimediCe possession. Ap- ply to F., HOLM,ESTED. 1808.1 TOR VILE .0 -Home and Lot in the village of Bruce - fie I. Appy to MRS. IWM. McDONALD, Brueetiolcl Ontario. ' 1808x4 TEACISZR WANTED.-Fcr fall term of the Sea- forith Publia Schoal. one holding a Normal School Gertificate. To teach part two of firrt, or eeoond lioelt. Saler,y at the rate of 8276 per annum. Applica ions -received by the understzned until AuIIgust he 16th inst. WM. BALLANTYNE. Secre- tary of °ea 1808.1 f i &STORE FARM FOR SALE OR TO RENT. - Le* 12, Conceesion 6, Willett, 100 acres, 20 acres go61 hardwood bush. Balance all in pasture. Therela a frame barn and an orchard. Plenty of goad water. Will be sold cheap or will be rented for pasture Ifor the balance o't this year. Apply to MRS. %O. DAM, Constance P. 0. 1808x4 Transfer of License. Notice is hereby given that I have made applica- tion 53 the Licence ammissioners of South Huron far a transfer of hotel !teens° for the Centennial Hotel, Hensall, to J. E. Illa _kali, transfer to take place on August 19th, 1902. Objections must be lodged ritb the Inspector on or before Anguet 18th. GEORGE SCOTT. Voters' List For 1902. Township of Tuckersmith. Notice it hereby given that I have tranamitted or delivered to the persona nreptioned in sections 8 and 9 of the -Ontario .Votera' List Act, the armies required by said mottote to be so transmitted or delivered of the Itsti' made pursuant tI:e said Act, of all phrsona appearibg in the last revieed aesessment toll of the eaid mnbieipality, to be entitled to vote it the said muniolpalIty at elections for members of the Legis. lative Atesembly and at Municipal Elections, and that sa'd list was first posted up in my office, in the t3wn- ship of Tuokerswith, in the county of Buren, on the 4th day nf August, 1902, and remains therefor inspec- tion. :Electot s are called upon to examit 6 -the said list, an If any ornisions or any other errors are found $herein, to tram immediate proceeaings to have said errore corrected according to law. A. 0, SMILLIE, Clerk. , 188-3 MISHTER GROGAN On the Buffalo Moth and other Enter- tainments. Av itts, not wan t'ing it's another. 'Tis a great world this, fur tormentin' ineicts. An' Ivry now in' thin we clo be havin' la change by wan iv varoiety. I suppose th' bed bug alwaye existed an' nobody pays any attintion to thim. Ivirybodys accustomed to thiin an' we ali, take tbim as a matter en coorse. Thin Sornehod invinted th' • petaty bug an' we're ig jai e used to thim too. I raver hear annythog abotat th' kissin' bug now a days, so I goiss its reteired from business. , Th' latest!arroival in th' bug loine is known as th' Briffelo bug an' its a dandy. There's no rist hir th' wimmen folks whin it gives ye a call. !Pm not much posted on bugology but me frind Clancy is. He used to be a school taohee an' be knows th' habits an' Latin namee iv nearly ivry insict that f was iver invintleci to make ioife unaisy. Re says th' Buffalo beg furst eaw Us' loight iv 1ay in th' city iir Buffelo N. Y. He says its Latin name! is Buffaloineuss Carputch Wilpieries wid th' accint on th' cues. It's no wonder it does so much damage wid a name loike that. i Mary Ellen takes up th' caiputs ivry day, but she haen't discovered anny yin an' I dont Suppose she'll, be happy till she does. We bean two earpute, wan in our own bid - room en' th' other in th' guest's chamber. They are about Vree feet wan way all' mebby two 4et or more access an' we've had thim in th'' family so long we wuddn't loike to have thim diahfigured. Mary Ellen has been nein' a mixture iv binzane an corroded subIiinate an' th" place mills loike a paint shop. Av its not wan t'ing its eatother. I Mete to corrict a shtatement that has been goin' the rounds lately to th' effict that me trind Jim Fox an' me are to run a fut race nixt Monde.' noight fur th' hundred yard championship iv Irishtown. There's not a wurdiof truth in it. In me you g days I wee arty ixpurt wid me fate, but thim days te' past. Av eoorse I Will be an inther- isted Epectator iv [th' sphorts in Iriahtown nixt 1 Monde? an' Toosda' neigh a but me runnindays is over. There wil be dead loads, iii amusemint there widout the, loikes iv melt thryin to take th' slid:inn' ohampion. ship frone a supple young athlaite loike me hinch jim. About the only koin4 iv runnia I do how a days is to run into debt. Per- haps you're not aware iv it but there's- a grand ohance jist now to procure a supply iv bOots an' shoes at way dovvin proices. No onlii Atonic, moincl ye, but fiurst class up-tq.4ate footwear. I The ould reloieble firm v Richardson an' i McInnis are giein up busi eis an' their big ehtock is goin' to be same end. 'Tis a ivurld iv changes. Av its not ant t'ing its anolter. GROCAN. ; A ypersen desiring to secure a good pay- ing 1obt and shoe business will do well to com 4nicate with the above firnpaa we are pod ively retiring from business. ,I Rldhardson & M'Innis Still G This week WE mantrfacturiar's st fine percal and fa iisert4i�n, r gular at 25 qui pricest 'We are clear cut a , have five c I brokei lots laced them nts per pair. e show .a fi offer ck of ucy' rice 5 ckly 11 0- 0 and n o Lt • -ter pagains• er){. special bargains in shin' waists. We bought a overmakes at half price, in new, up-to-date goods, in sliU, detached collars, fast colors, some trinimed with c to $1. We sell/the $1 line for 500, and the 500 line yon want any. We won't have them long at these children's hosiery regardless of cost. We have picked Id sizes, ranging irk p .ce frora 8c to 15c per pair, and bargaiii table, and gi e you your elliIice of the lot at i 1 e ra ie of children's fine cashmere hose in double knees, high aplicecl heels flad t�ubje soles, fine ribbed!, fast black, in all sizes, at 15c, 20c, 25c, 30c and IC/c per pair. . Ntuv, DRESS 4 oorOs. I ihave receaveol Or first shiptnent of n w dress goods, wrapperettes, etc., in venetians, horn 'spun ,!vicunas, broadcloths, he 'riots etc., in shades of brown, grerd. viTe y,We b ,vnavy bla nayitle and heather ixture , from 50c to $1.50 per ya p1eabd to have our lady fiends c 11 and inspect our new d,ress goods, whethr they are ready to buy or Inot. •••••••••..00.•••••• iskTM loKIN (t, 00., We Most housekeep this line, b' ina I druggists have meet the chea lines but ih thig. have been turne useless for the i4 ow have a St THICit, SOF whakyotr N ack o r and arit ; FruitJ ars. IZIOM • Rings s wth appreciate what we are offe4nabthem in artily Eick ot the cheap and nastyl kind that n 'thced to keep for some- years in order to john" competition, Which has affected so many t -bas soon worked itsown cure; fok the riligs oub Iso thin and hard that they are absolutely end d purpose. ; gob_ rings worth TDo per dozen, but they are 4 EIL4ITIC, and WILL AEA', your fruit -.1 They are fee; t FIRST DO OF PICK -CTC+G-TaT.710 RD,I\ToRTH E,XFRIK Afients for The Sovereign Shoe. I - -,o• —0.0_4_ tif 4 11,164 • 4t-te So if. r this year we have not been troubled with very nanch war. We Sher, but we 'gill have it yet. HJust bear this in min an be prepared foj an emergency. The best way to ' do t is is to look over, our tock of heat defiers, and pick out a few of the best that are left. t \Ale-th t Weth t VV'eath t VVeth t Weath Shirts Underclothing Hats Sock Suits Are Aug Eve Fur Pad giving a sp st. Our fu y person wit iture deliver r Suites irt -CT 40T, cial d'scoUnt on all Finn nitur; stock is larger than be de Welcome. No t d. fr; of pharge. Will ha few a ays. - a 3 This depart obli ing attentio Night calls God „rich street, r? oto ent criv prolin eafo Z 11 • la 4FORT11. Ox & 00.9. T ture solcl during the month of e want it at thiffIline of the Year. ouble to shoW you our gpoos. e special bargains in Couches nd coraplete-with a 1 ro. to this branch Of he tly attended. tci , opposite the Me b. rri I Will Pay TH1 CANADA CHAT Has issued its ann duri tg last year. do you think of it prev °us year was , cedi g that, 230. sho ing and incre sOm thing ? Fall tern,,er 2ad. If i and andsome cata 180f 6 b. Mc 11 est. n tp.e End. selectiOn of the best goods au busines13. ur Undertaker, Mr. S. T. Holmob distt church.' UK+ ESS CGLLEGE, oNT., al lis of etudenta placed be n mber is 360. What Tie number for the 04, aid for the year pre - Doe thismagnificent ing teriiand not tell you rm .pens Tuesday, Sep - teres ed, write for list ogne ACR AN s& CO., °leathern, Ont. GRAND TRU N gsMiriEea 4 or° n Day, Saturday, ug. 9th. oda tur s San tur . elu ngle fare beim good going ing good until ECIAL EX UR Francisco, Los An . Good goin Aug ive. valid unti Sep eep, ugua Aug enver, Colora wodd Springs, Col Deadwood, Hot 5 Dakota. Return far , good going for return until 0 ickets and inf WM. S Agent, o S ;9g ring icke s ugus raet 11 statione in Gan' 8th and 9th, re - 11, 1902. NS. - $60.60 to les, Cal., and ree let to 10th ine ber 30th. tags, Pueblo, Cslen-' , Salt Lake,Utah,, nen puster, South, at single first-claes ls, 902.ettio4 1th, good .froin Agents. RVI LLE, eaforth. 11 8 0 0., PulT -40111111m0P--" he 'Oeaforth a 8tcorre 1 °orgies. Main end - Market Sreets Seaforth, Ontario, Ills Largest Dry Goods ant; Ciotaing Concern in I Fool. Countieel • TO BE SACRIFICED. ****Strt****** Greatest Clothing Values eve olie ed the Pe4le in this viciusty. ou can get all sizes of fruit gems at nst a shede over Cost. Cell and get my rices before you buy. Also all kinds f sugar from the darkest right up to- edpath'S best g anulated ; syrup il and eking molaseee, aleo all kinds of vin - gar white wine @ider and malt vinegars or pickling; pickling spices and flevor- lags ; perk, long clear smoked hams, boulder e and r4110 ; best lard, Fresh butter and eggsi all kinds of canned goods, salt by the barrel, herrings in boxes, fieur, corn1rneal, all kinds of oat - meals, graham fio r, rolled wheat, cream of wheat, and al the different kinds of breakfas foodre flour, rice and rice flour, cooking fi s 8 lbs. for 2.5ta 4 lbs. best raisins for 25o, boneless fish 5 lbs. for 250 e green Rio coffee 100 a lb., or 11 lbs. Or 51 ; all kinds of china and crockery and glassware very cheap. I have a lot of g d soaps, which I will sell 12 bars for 2-c. A cordial invita- tion to all to call and get some of the cheap goods. Wanted, good fresh bat- ter and eggs, for which the highest market price will be paid, either sn cash or erode. I also keep a firse-class article of coal oil. .1 We of Lear dollar. this seas G. AU LT SEAF OMR And We hay Men' Boys' l Wits .frOtrt 11•09 up Odd tweed pants 50� up deli+ 0 0 ave purchased the clothing stool - yd & Co. at a yery low rate on the his stock is 11 new, bought for n's trade, cons sting of NI S • --YOU HS', BOYS' Childre s Clothing. also added Kt ny clearing lines of our own tock. 1440 lrofli $2•00 4-Vg-,2."1144-*--f-tAlk,“,tt-t-eAtte-e****“ 04r id -Summer Sale 11111Aul= CONTINUES. Every Oepartment has ,sorme- -th ng to offer. Everyday sofno- line' .of goods is brought out tobe cleared tt, 25 percent. Off all Ladies' Shirt Waists r cent. Off all A11 -over InsertionS. ne- bird off *lies' White Muslin Dresses. 25 Pe 3411443010614343114044 Highest pikes paid for Butter, Eggs and Wools WM. Oppost 0 & CO. DIRECT IMPORTERS T wn_Buildiugs puler Yak and Market. ffito.i Sf3aforth. 110 •