HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1902-08-08, Page 4_J L AM11 4 1; IN 1 1 1 WNW PIA X.v ji,-:& WE W ADVERTISEMENTS way, as others havelbei in �efore! it. 14 the lalm and I meantime it will be advisable for all to is gal ii Vn -i W The ftmra betweent the parentheles after esoh In� i� preparations for the most eoonoWleal and one, denotes the pAge of the paper on which the me -KID advergeemens will be found use of fuel tion during ihe cokning winter, as it ol,� Halt P�ioe Sal"reig & Stewart. -I m c brav ia%lmoat ertainto'for �One Of, the largest cloadq "o -W. ri T1, i Votere List Notice -4 G Suililie-6 items in household an, I tiusineis exponses, tab13 r sliile.-Mm C. Dale Their W because if coal is searef a�d dea W004 "I thia� Out Clothing.-Learoyd &- Co -8 rl 1; ILO M-1 For Wo --Mrs. W. MoDonald-6 real W equally so. teicherwanted-W. Ballantyn" Fame& Aft m -tion -Kennedy Bro" -4 and plellaigo sad Proft-G. M. Baldwin -8 Calli I'T. tz� are n t AcosounC �­,I: 2-A Trenidudous Cle%rance-Learoyd. & 0" Greai4v Barg%ina-MoKinnon a 00-6 The following lettep IIwere ublisf)ed in IV' g 1 feell a the Toronto World of Tu sday last. !Other August Pdoeff-E. MCF*Ul 00-8 trou VC Educatton-W. R. Sb&w--6 l6tters of a E-imilar impo t have beeni pub- 4-, sewinj Machines -Will Xof"A­8 11 r Shoe& Chexp-5-Wi H. Willi" lished in other papers. The letters ofer to A M 'I'Viii Musie Leseone-Addle Bell --4 ed a statement made by fr.' Whitney aV a ro- -kested To Let -:7-F. Holn -5 41 - do si IF.R_i -, , , -ter Of Licontie-Goorg cent, Conservative g*t rin Traw e Scot" g at H611=4 Iie -fit ; - 5 Now Goods -A. G. Ault --5 r a Landing. We have no, Poubb that e�ery fO 31H he n deputy returning offiierl, ini the ci paid Jlu. Huroliandin many othler countiesii1f not 'C" fami 11 1,5_5 I sill the counties in the Pr'rince, coul& with P Ice pr ely Similar 'i 84 3tats. had equal truth, ma I d SEAPORTH, FRIDAY, August 8th, 1902 �-R ments as those made t a cotrespo a in ;,,Ft or JfV 4 1R which we quote below on a The Coronation. i J. V. Whitney, M. L. A.,4 noti a by not A So far as any person can now tell, the Ai� -port du the Coi onto World the rc of a send g, &ISO coronation of King Edward VIL will take meeting youaddressai in Holland L%udin 46 3 -ange- On July'l7th, that yox B,�ate that Wevery auth I 14r placO to -morrow (Saturday). All ari one of the 98 conatitu4 nces an iorganj�ed at- of tt -a for the august ceremony are now 13 11 men tempt was made to fait albne Ot tw �allota vie E �11AXW splo_jnN. com late. -The, King has returned to Buck- uni P M every polling su i ision�'. IU 'every, puni a I of lo 93 won inggh&m Palace, London, in readiness for onatituaney a great osene anat toe 'deputy carelessness preva, lei a Ong the ceremony in Westminster Abbey.. His ieturning officers." otice by the M%il h ealih is very' much improved' He is Dow t; ind Empire also t4at-you are: ieported &a , T_-3!94`4` f -i i. � - able �o_ walk unassisted, and his medical at- MaLing substantially the eame- 8tatem ant. tuming Gfl�oFr at ollin -1 -g tend'ants think he can undertake his share in � I was a deputy r�_ 9 pare in the towns ip of the iroceedings without fearof after r6s ulte iula-diviaion No. Whitechurch, in the no th riding f , the The ch of York, at th( rbeentl eleotiioil,�at d endi h -i I N H: I A coronation proceedings will be mu ei'lloifiedfrom whab was at. 6cst intended, �Ounty that so far as m ol" hav I wish to say to you, a Z ad, yout� state ext so that th King will not be more fatigued Ingplace was concern Hit an unqualified falr�ehc od I hnow n)oot of tharx circumstances absolutely require. The V ihe returning offi�era in this I constitilency, ther d era t door demonstrations, however, will still aud they are a cla" ol m -n you cannot come inSt be on a large soale, although they will not into this riding and Aell eratoly zlan4e�r ais mad 17 - at Holland Landing in your qipeecli Aid the T likelv be so heartily participated in as You 0 there. There were a number 'f Coiioerva would have been the case had the postpone. for lit returning �-fficers mon tives who acted as del) There Will be a in North York. I w gliAl-nd ment not taken, place. oild like very much- to. fi cti r tbe�o men on tb�stato-� that feeling of gene &I relief throughout the hear the opinion Q 7, R111 11: ment you made. I am perfectly satiAe,d! drai Britiah Empire when the event is over. beco iv A ibere was not one ball9t lltole6 in one Polling i eub-division in this ri dir g, ana a mai,� who i -debt 'a Will There Be a Coal Famine ? at a public meeting woul A m4e the �-harg i b g -egar4 as a c4)%yard- 1 Thia that there was, I wou.d i 170 Tha strike among the anthracite ecal A ly slanderer. I think you ought tolapul6-: a ge miners of Penneylvani which has been on lin the' gize Lo every deputy returning� officer for ovier three months, is likely to be tiding, but from wh pblit- A at I nAv�of you� 14 4 frgu ht. with serious consequences to co ical utterances in the pa it, I hardly bxpect lish sa. A �U! Tg 3 iouto take the mmulycoarse o�doiog , use Mteq but in wbi Is not only in the United 81 ohallbnge you to prov 3 t he a atemel: t, tbat, kJanada as well. The anthracite coal minfa made in my pollin But -division ;1 .751 you find 1 a shi -3 _,R of the United Statea are, practically, under shall await with inter st your either �akin$ can it up or crawling Out, of t a sitiation, �as you the one management. Or,; like: a most t h at -"rf gUf ji-'V i have so frequently done when your state-: every industry in that country, the one J, -!ij ;11� --l' 0 ments bave been challenged in a* 111milat;' the 0 combination controls the whole out ut. So anner in the past. to Be p In 4,, prev f 'N j P14, t 14 that the strike. has actually pat a; atcp to Yours respeof u]Iy, loea NIOLSWX MA):. P i -IR AL, 11 1i the mining of coal throughout the whole the, country. Thesupply of mined coal. is Dow a Otibe by he rb. P u-1 Mr. J. P. Whitney, n of a neatly exhausted, while the stocks held by ports of your addresb At'. loll"d Lan ing on! dealers are alea nearly run out. Thq, out- July 17th th&t you n iai! a the sweepIng ae- I be a Can look at the present time is anyt�hlng but sertion that one or two baltot.'s were stolen! Ri �i are i in every polling sub-divi ion: i the P ovince' pleasant for the coming winter. �As vat t seem!s to be:, peol [I - at the last Provincialf�-le tiou. aubj 4 'rlu t; there is 'little prospect of work lieing -re- characteristic of you, to i nake I sweepi.ng at- abul: �ertione without your b(in able tol prove; �RuMled at the mines. It has become a trial bow but I hard X' ecte4 &'man who thei ly p f endurance between the miners and the ppires to be Prerrliel of a� Provi aoo Ofj but oper Both seem determined to hold Ontario th [arg3 and,j men a -tore. 7 1 1 i �! .,i to slander ;in this w a] _2 orbe rhaps I'may say, respect body if men i on ut, and there is no power that can f Pe ab corn who had charge of the 0118 !A the Contesti either to submit to reason. The miners are on the 29th of May.. belug added and supported by tbeir'fellows T I wish to say to yo, i t�at not one b0o'ti throughout the country. But the expense yvas stolen in my p6 ling au.6-divisi n, aqfl� Brig which you did of maintaining ad large� a body is so great When you include. n a'! xn� Witt re �s tatitig a del bdratel ful tbab the resonrces seem to be becoming eX your assertion, you wc falsehooid, and you� werei doin so W th tb hanatect. Tbisiamanifeatedb the'xiotous y whi itwa, rktrue, be - knowledge that i d Be proceedings on the -part of the miners in 'Could not pollsibly�6a,; e information 110) glo t, of t some districts. To such an extent has this prove its truth. 1, cl 3r yon orf 0 aIIeDg8 eith( in to your friends, wbo:cbeered your utt been the case that the militia have '.had actu at the meeting, to olie tit tle of PI Got f or quell disturbances and to protect property. Af ri iihe statement that you make. I hardl This is, taken -as a -sign that the beginning of bxpe�t yon to take �up the challe:,ge e0ause" priB the and is approaching and it is hoped that I aw strongly of the pinion �l on set of t A 01 such is the case. it to prove E611 the assertions th t 'Volt niece make in your speechea, whEn you isually, this _0 The caus' of the strike was a demand on allow your parcy f4lii a to run awa with -cent 9 the part of the miners. for fewer hours of your judgment, would find rp"If co y U y u labor and an increased scale of pay. The in serious difficul I �-hope, th�t Y, u Willi be n gti. con - mine owners, it is said, have at Ian apotog �o gentleman a b to Ize o tbei mili �g men whom, ace ing to the tepoitis in tbei chur Seated to acceed to this. demand, but they plipere, you del rately: slandered a Rol-, Brig -he union and hence the refuse to recogniza. t land Landing on th5t day. �hey Yours respectfully; continuance of the struggle. How much IBM longer it may continue will. depend upon Ac, J. AlcCRAc -Ei,�. been z latel the endurance of the men. That 'wide- cour spread dintreas now exists among them is Editorial Notes and Comm nta the evident, and it is possible that this may The actJ[on of the Bank pf Mont eal in; cause in8u,bordination-alid additional acts of raising the. limit at which their clqr A ai ea A violence. � Should this. result the strikers allowed to take unto thexnaelves a W from Wal if an 1 come or Zil wolild at once forfeit public sympathy and. 000 a year to, $1, 5 haa� a M a close of the strike would speedily follow. cre36 ad a good deal ot comment i tile' stat long This seems to be what the leaders fear and pres and otherwise. The 'Hamiltoll imes what they are striving strenuously to avoid> remarks : "'The ban clerks are very pop.. son, the The actual loss occasioned by the strike has ii1ar pocially, specialb- in th 15 a a maller to!Wns already amounted to over sixty-five millions from� many of which there 1bas begri a'n: stoo 6xod�us of native young men. � But a fancy dese of dollare. Of this amount the lose to.the the . oung ladies do not reg . ard tl a ba4k� oarr operators by having their mines idle amounts Her a very seriously as raw mat(r�a� f: on t to -over twenty-nine million. dollars, while or shod -bu3b nds. Thev are all right to biactice, I and the. loza to the� men in wages amounts to on) C an ce w i th, flirt w ith and talk t 'jwhen thirteen and a half willion dollars, while po- the eal Salady McKay ip awa'. ' T.1 new, pare 0 regulation will'not bother the1girl§,' lyze licet maintenance in connection with the 'who would have just as much fun 41 Lor�d trict strike amounts to nearly a. million dollars. §tra the limit to �, 12) year cone, raised $15,0qol emi On the whole, all the interests immediately -sixt �seven conicerned would have been over I A Princeton there �as -just been given' 2,00 y port millions of dollars be anor er illustration of the evil' of the craze gras tter off had there noo for sports wliah has ruiped so many c'blleffe Sand been a strike. It is the old storey,of I oss careers. About fifty of the students i relo-� typi and suffering to many and real benefib to none. Izated to their former 31a$"ses fiave bebn,de- land I tive voted and �a dcr'len of ��tbem The loss and inbonveniance to coal con- ! , to athletics I is n( sumera will - be very considereble, alG were n-tembers of tearng. I Twen�ty-fou ' and it rl more of N is nob included !a the above figures. sophomores have been dropplad, and w0l littl Even I Probably have to go thr ugh the freohman' coir. should the strike be Ppeedily ended, there trip year again. Sport. is good, w�hen it �s'and, will be a scarcity of fuel to commence the inattiar of recreation ; but sp6rt is rl�6, or WeLt winfer witb. Prices have recen�ly gone up should not be looked u on as one of the, stoo A" ; and fully a dollar a ton, and even alu ain affairs of life. " 4111 work and no, these pric m lip 0ay makes Jack- a very lull boy." Rat all and play and little work is ju4t as -likely tomak6i ried deoilers can not contract to suppl� iti as they F1 have no maurance that it can be rocured for' Jack a very useless mB n. rich any price. Even should work �t the mines to It will probr--1,bly be oroewha� of a $u+_1 cou! ib be resumed at once, it will ta�ike a good s -ale I prise to inany people, who have labor6& ` while for trade to resume its normal condi- I sEnt 'under the impression that this� has been an ever tions, as stocks all over are nearly exhausted abnormally wet and high prices will be maintained. But, mol ith, to learn th%tj cann Ithe total rainfall las beeui very muchi capi -should, the etrike continue a few weeks 'less than during the Same mlonth `blflilastl longer,, the situation. may become serious. year,�. During July, L902, ther'e was A So 111arge an extent of country is dependent to-! Ul of 5,306 inches Cf rain. while d4rin I' quit on these mines for its fuel supplies that a Jul gi Y of this year it oal If, f 1 Ket y amounted t 3 - continaunoe of the strike- would not onl '98' nolles, The rain days ha I I y �e been ore favo oaca8iotI rutich discomfort and loss t. num rous, rain f allin o pri- , In On 14 out of -L;l fin t a month of a Aysi the JU13 this ear, wh vato individuals, but the result will be dis. :. - y I r eas I I July of last year, it only rained 10� chin in astroua in a business point of view. The 'dar� The heaviest ain dur,ng the frow i paW losa of the,coal will be all -the more seriously month fell on Tuead f1he 15Lh, wh tho� cord felt, also, now that. it is becoming so gener- rain gauge registered. %' fall of 1.22 inc bes. Gen On the 30th of July, Isat year, boweve ally used for all domestic purposes and;wood ri r- , tw hum Inches of rain fellwitlin 64 hours. i likes is becoming scarce. The situation is serious hear enoucph, and high prices may be looked for Several Boer' genler3da alli Other mea evea under the most favorable ,officers. are now in E:iglsnd �axmy , He d circ4metan, i - Their object bitio ces,,whereas ifitheatrike is not soon ended, seems to be health and, r reation. Fir8t ep I St-ror the result will be -go serious that few will c'amef Mr. Stevn, the formier president of to ta L care, to contemplate it.. It is a deprivation or the Orange Free St ta� with his wife and freed which will come directly borne to nearly Attendants. He is I& I hysical wreck and is' the f t�cal �every household and kill cause anxiety in in search of -a place w! iere he can reau,�er,;. finn manv domestic circles. However, it is al. late. General. Lucas Meyer, who was I re'� fault y ways best to look on the bright aide of ever ently in charge of the Free I forces, got b te difficulty, and it is likely the coal difficulty, and Mrs. Meyer were also in Vandon. And ask a ;while there were ente rtained �Y CoIG list him like! most ofthers, will be solved in some 1 ;1 . Secretary Chamberlain and Mis. Oharo,her_ I dar M 19 A iln t a, AU ST THE RON E GU 1902 And 110*� Generals Botha'p� Delarei to bear that so griat a mail an childre 'With the exception that his SEAFOR"":WS LEADING SHOE STORE. awet ore *1 h Bugliah capital, Sad il can k eaning of Sh nea, a d t it hearivigis a I" I defe ative, he has the use I hey a tb: received by the King is so. T is other day, at P tori ben he of -all hii facu ies. HE, is an unusually well - I t a re to be u7ited to witness the corona- was hol ug final r view of inforrne4 man� and seems to have a number d he great and proceedi )g �. It is nice that these his troop . before they and a dispil road to of years yet ahead of him. n W;WW e e'k of oUr a men sh 114 be thus kindly �nd hospi- the far a rikerE ou is no W evening last week Mrs. 0. - Olson, reeses the, I iy the dignatories of Engla I nd. was tofi onto thed In 1 rmeE � the of Clinton, g6t pretty badly bruised and "'hoe Sale, treats MidmSunnummer b is, howl VO, a possibility of over-doin badges v h1oh they earned' by t air' bpave shaken 4. 5ho went to Goderiob on the 7 hoipitalit r. There is ad yet not mueg conduct iuring, the war. Close observers p. m. tr in, and when she stopped at the etween Boer and BritaA saw thatKite'llener was shy, awkward, did statioli, She walked out on the car platform mpathy I P Twice 6 ar--February and%August—we hold a Clearing Sale 0 11 of, but before F he could do, so the Very y e t era to a po isibility that if the former the work bai! ly, and that even t is eep to got, ionized t4 , nuoh by the lattor it may rad-brio4 of h a complexion becam vi,i V train stArted 'shunting, throwing hot violent- get our stock n -h ipe for a new season., The first week of io-ar Mid - Her head and Summer Sale has been very smeessful last Saturday the store bein thampt f4lae impression of the real redder 49 he was doing ME unamust' 04 ly a at thd car door. 'gail' shoulderw n1g in Mp land, -and possibly c�luse work. infacb,thegreat g �era blus — . re�bruised, andshe is still suff crdwded with customers taking advantage of the reduced prices. In a Sure. fib of shy as came over im, �n I he, wall eriog f6m bho effects thereof. ke 'room I �L Alican church Sunday echool. few weeks ou- - .1"alt, goods will be here,: and we must ma for unable to eon rol it." —The An them. 'To ac?.O. - ish this imrvose all� Summer shoes will be clearecl Yorlk fiudge sentenced a barden loonvent lon ao'd ruri-d wanal meeting- for the -rato pri�es during August. This. means a saving for you of We ceiii not often agree ith ch. �Aat bounty if Hufon was w1d in Goderich on out at cut n dies I blue!Iusband the other day, to J u1[y - th It was decided to ears 1 colu no if- he Mon. Thursdi 24 . 16 to '15 per c6nt. On every air you buy here befor0t the first of Sep- '�y d a' w rk at his trade as paittir spP in,the editoria v P x ay 0 hold th aexb� meeting! of the don ention in t treal Star,-bu the f Ilowing is seas.blel-4nd tember. Make a ote of these pricda for the second week: ontracti ir who stated in conit thal 0 Clinton ext , ear. - e following are the officers orlt ensui g year rn clee, regular e6ded allob, p'ervices, the mon6y t , 'a right Mr. hambarlain tbinks V lat Tonorary Ladies' Strap Slippers, urn price $1,15, sale price 9$o a pair. 0 ,�o the Vi a liaoptnion,l.3 more advanc I En I�nd preside t, RpV, J. V� . Hodginaj R. D. ; Ladies' two strap blipp( S, tull n soles, regular Price $1.50, sale price $1.25. for the nupport of tq I I I C R, Gunne.; vice-presi- J�adies' Kid Oxfords, r gula price $1.25, B41e price'95c, a pair. with respect I o Imperial de fence And im. president ReV. orio a time past the wife 1, 8 as, now style, regular price $2, sale price $1.50 a pair. 1�. F I dent, Turnbull ; recording secretary� Ladies' Laced Boots, ex � a do than bensio '401 to support t lie family and hand over lit r perial tra it,is in the colo aii is. ith Mr.. Shpre, of Win� -ham dorreponding *Men's Kid Gaiters, re6 jar price $2, sale prioe $1.25 im pair. '50, sale price $1.98 a pair. money for c rink. The Sentence is Lob respect to Imperial trade, it is to - bo , 4.aid seoreta#y, Mts. Phillin. Man's Box Calf Laced I Gets, regular price $2--' d, * cial one in'the sense that it is fourildei that Can Ida diseriminateE in � f IV04 i of —E&6t Huron License Commissioners met a J at the J Lmeri4an hotel, Brussels, on Tuesday HAI VESTERS9 EXCURSION. t tuto law., ut who shall, Bay tb�Viit is British gonds, while Britail wil hob even otter to gi 0 him such a task than to afternoonofl*vatweek. License wao'grant- stop slaUg4tering Oanadian cat le at �the Parties going 0 t West this montb, should get our es on Trunks him to 1614f n jail 9 The court might, water's ad a (in the ground tha e hj�kVe ad to tl a Ro�al hotel, Wroxeter, on receipt Me have toe�ted the employer with disease here. hich we have proven again of speci 3,1 cenous returns showing t a neces- Valises. We guara 6e owesti-prices at imes. ?ritiy-to uiWthe lash freely in the event and agai we have not. A3 for Impetial nary po )ulation. Transfer of hotel licenses S, a man failhig to giv satisfactory . ser- were 9 ante& to Joadph Querrin, Queen's ;Fur eisinadvandezof bhe re of defence, hotel, Brueselo, and to Louis L. Longeway, for Rn L d earn 0 money paid him. If su the world --if militarism be aill " adva a." W1 14 & SON hmeuts ��Wbre more' common ther the Ethelbotol. George Murdie,of MoKillop, Eui Opean ; the coloniEs 10 be fewek as infeating i the Btibaia-ig are ot. having rebign d as a Comissioner owing to Canada will bar t defend ts own sh0es, eafortb, outside the riding, Ith,in therelnow are. removall to T, wood, will preach morpIng, afternoon and parts of the Provini3e, that the wheat is andwill'b6cone ;evaluabletotIfteenitire in a Mili't, John McDowell, of MoKillop, was appoint- ev�nlng.—A gang of rven. are working at sprout6d. Your correspondent lias exam- �J W �ry Senn as it ee m9a , ore &mined many fields of wheat An ot extending theIliteroolouial I ad in his stead. the' -timber for the harbor � improvement. -here, and h", populous'. 1 But mil�tarism will ova our - ay M64-,treal is no DT la t week Mayor Jack- Dredging is expected 0 bcgin in about 10 helped: to Stow away �some in the barn, and --im men ice o nv Sion Cl I to w becoming ap ish here �uDlasathe �es4avo! a ot. The MIniater of ailways has Just calls it to life. Ron, of iutlo, ded two caaeS of' trespass. da) s, —An American ys 'lit, f corn Cleveland, has not'seen Any6grain aprouted. Altbough -ullett, Was the complainant in John Dale, 1� on her way up the lakE took refuge in our the ke6rDel is not as large as it sometimes IF, )rized t ha for the � I I . h Slatemont t t ear bobh lises, too defeudants being Thomas harbo� from the storm, Tue3day morning. it is birly plump,' and will, we believe, The r��ptd devel4ment of thE great i,13&�. ng June the earnings of bhp toad LivingAtone s�r. and his son. Mr. Dale, above the average. M ter - I tural re�oprccs of �ew Ontario is 1 who is a tru school section No. - 3 exoeed-d: t ie expenditures by'$86,451. Wroxoter. yiell I in whi4 eve -y reiident of Old Cnta,.-ib� is HulletJ, cau6�oned defendanta against tak- Trto the r, verse was the eme, and cast, vitally ilitereated.i Already we re ()M- Ing wa,terfro the school pump, but they NOTES.—OUrfOOtball team WatSUC ful Londesboro. 3y a score o NOTES. —Next Sunday morning, Rev_ has alw been a large annual deficit disreFard6d i), lience the complaint. After in defeating Listowel,j' o rEap the benefite of tbi. deve �.op. d of '06 a�r] ilus. The statc ment is� also mecing a patient hea�ring, the mayor dismissed the in Listowel, Thursday eveniog.-Migee Mr. Konnedy intendia preaching to the chit. as yet there boa oily beft � a case c)mpla nantto ?aycosts. tli gro-und Marshall and Jean Da id aftended the I so dren. In the eve Ing he will deliver & that;thi,, iurplus is pomputed uOder men xe r8i to Goderich from Sam !n'e , o a oo as *4e foretasto of v; hat Will come i I i he wor E is of dismisk 11) ing that Mr. Dale was not Sunday school 6 sermri to the Fore ter. -Quite a number Yin vcg 'o when deficits were o , om- ustified in a ting for the board of trustees. Wingbam, ou Tue a A I rge number f erili prosecu�ed Vigorously and wi e'l 7 a� has took;in the excursion to God on Tues - M W Itef the tmembers of a etho islu church at. so that theisurplue is genuine and not Cunningham sr, who re day." Many, however, were disaPP9111ted, quarterly -neetii a been do 4AIIUSfar.41 ReferrIng othial ub- in Belmor tiDUR. i, it, I*Ej to be oped, therefore, i 41C sides with her son W Iter) at lot *14, conces-. tended the 19 owing to the rain. -Dr. W. Agnew, who this toad' �hich has been so long 4 ject, tbe: Himilt�n Times B&Iya - he Sion of the �� town llett, met lost Sunday.�--Lyal,lmjn ud Miss Annie visiting at the parental home in Wiligham, nilt of-. u VRi iDg-.Nlrs. F. ul rh d rs in the v ei be"M r V. mp ie iss n upGh the �?u.�ntry, will now. not 1 tarmers an npleasa t a3pident, whereby Ireland, of r- acco an' d by his sister, M only Mary Hamilt �n'ba a no.crow to uick withl Mr. with a very -JO me seIf-s�st�ining but th". the immeme she fractured the an of the radins of the Ickson. �n Brtwn[ of To ronto, is spend- calledion friends in this village last week, y 78 a L Clergue, 'who hekail with t a asaistalic,6 of ing a few ill _i home here. -Miss lit ha ed upon the country will I arm ar d disl6cated h r wrist. She was in Mr. Cr!omarty, of Toronto,, spent Sunday the Liberal Governments at I oront6,and radua �.ed out by its own earnf�'a the ac; of vv�lking across the -floor in the arnard, of Hamilton, a vitsibing her uncle, Mr. 1 Ouimettes. Mis. Cromarty basbftn � I ' eat industries at as Annie Martin berel f6r some time. -IMTS. and MISS Young en Ottawa, establishel gr � the summ kitThen, an her fo V;eOtge Barnard, er, Mi 18hou one under judicious ra a Y ot went Sault, w4pre any� men earn gool w ea. - rom T4onto. Miss Maggie I I ihroug k Bpot, throwing her to' the �has tE;burned f are vi Itin friends in Wigham at p nent. resent One Ha as a is meq is E Ow San( Ig floor, ithwa& result. Mrs. Cunning. 'Millbr, of Toronto, is '6pendirig her vacation -r. z urned after epend- to the 8 41t, carload after carload, of e rly t a above . at her home' at Catmosa Farm. -The Rev. ing the coal situation, we pub- ham, ho is p in y8irs, being over 60, -and tbb past two weeks at his home in Bea - a an inde 4 vegetable�, 10tat4s, carrots, bael" be "", of good avoilidupois, was considerably un. 'W. Pteid, of Weston, ia�taki g the wprk of ton.-�L number of our young people the foll despatch from Milwa 'kee es abil I . " ,. etc., b.1sides ourrt6nts,cherri her, nerved by th6 fall �ani I has suffered severely 'Rev.R. S.G.Anderac wfo is haVing-3 P086 taking a tri to Bayfeld this week -- rip o a o ine.'N t fruits i hue the mar at i I : 1 *1 f oal fam: for rt I X. an I Mrs. Thomp- p c�� is in th q, �, season. 'as from tic in Ored mar iber. month� holidayce.-Ali ?I kle ton o� h�rd coal for stove purl! products'U V1 entw rth county is l r7ed, a relict. 'eon, of Guelph, are guests 0 ' Mr. and Mrs. -TI a death of M rgaret Haut r, and a 16ti of cash comes rom t ke 8%ult Of the kati) h G Iley, of Morris, town- 4. Town. -The-- M isso ,'a Hal,,lewood enter- Blvtb. tained a large number of their be bought� i0l the city. It is announced ton Jqeeph G i every week to be expen d ship, oocurre4 at the esidence of her son -in. vouna frieu& No;�,Es.-Oar base ball team went to in view M11the shortage in the suppl � r6o." An so it wi. o M h a ory I g.-MiEi;Effie Powell i4 visit - :Y retailsto 11 b Monday evenin I 1 11 aw, b J. Williams, on Wednesday_ of last Bruesele last Friday to play a friendly dbalers of'�t� city are not in a podlti�n other co Ity in old Ontario. The I IOU I3d8 I week. Dece sad was oie of the pioneer Ing 'friends in Wiarton.,- harles Forest, gam a with that' teamFbut they :received a, epkc�' dons who ployMC of the M ptual ife of Canada, very bad beating, the score being 29 to .5. pt to per a�e of people iwho ee finding am it in reside to of orria, And with her husband, loanlinapector iously pl�cod contracts tor it, as tlie the mires, worksh ps, milli and 'orei It i of lived r ma y years o the gravel road was,in the village for a� few I ays.-Mr. and Unless the boys change their plaersarQnUd I supply a 4b8olutely exhausted. At New- Oht�rid mus be ad, And -he lief Mrs4 T. W. Gibson, of Tor LL to. are' guests and get some other layers, there is no use South of Wi gbam. Mrs. Golley was 75 office �f t�e Northwestern Fuel 0 om: - base of suppli -A is �the farnis, garlens jaInd years of age and le ves oeveral children, of the former's sl8ter,j�- re. F. V. Dickson. of them trying to play witia the neig !lb was Soathil that there was not a tiin orch'ardi foldOntario. 4 hboring 11 amon being 1dra. Thomas Cassels, W. Freneh, of Carrie a ed a carload of teams, as they are, all strong m ribhradite I e in the city which ebuld 1 1 -ar at every i Wing am re. L. T. Williams and Wm. cattle from this Stati n o� Monday. -A position. Our junior football team abe oldevent'u Id customers. Manyoth6r Lally era r , the c ar ing C ror 4tion mber from th 9, er to Brussels the asime dayltind vo- lt Golley Morris ; and Joseph Gollev, V.' S., nu e villa Ile afte ded the funer- went. ov adian'kn&�, merican towns and cities al of the late Henry Per in rie, on correspon ent of the Toronto Globe, it. lone of Tre erne, Manitola. The bereaved will in Gor I i- their -t of the season. The - At ceived first defii n abolit thel'same fix. It is a pity th. I i Saturday afternoon. , ISO a Elsie and of her rccent lattuats wN`�teq from th e the Sympathy � f the community n BruSaels players haA a far heavier team, in ie should b,) put to such straits and a i Cecil, London, gives us a glimpse o 66 �ay their afflictiln. Sirah Allan left on a Ur 'a' for a few ected'to Ve ew there is an fact they had some of their senjors, hieh I I- I I aturday weeks' visit, in Galt.' ic ard Miller, of was ing da 0! i1he article re I - Last 8 1 r, ight, about 11 p. m., at .)rather a mean Way to use a visit uired iw' t4e in whic the colo�ial prem [era an(, cabinet' hile a heavk storm W was in progress, a I Toronto Janction, visit his home here team of young boyB.-Tuesday was our i als of !the elarth and would be availab a ministerp �amploy �heir time while Sojourn- over Sunday. -Miss Alice Hamilton is ligbtuing bol�% struck the bank barn owned civio holiday, but on account of it raini for the at ib ornness and greed of 4 fe' ing in y Mr Edward Sweitzar, north of Credi fri nearly all day, a great many who intend �,whoIaie een permitted toacquire great English metro)011m., It b toll visiting ends in Ch*tham,-Byron Sim- th� ! tbi f Toronto, is tl ie gut at of his par - will b6, seen that even I er villag Bn h barri and contents were burn. Mon.@, 0 goingswaydidnot do so,although there opoly !of lature in tended for the use ar d weigh heavily on � 31a Ld iet ad and very ittle wals saved. The. neigh. auto, Mr. and Mr?. (�eorge Simmons. On cares of tate h , 1; were 140 tickets sold to Goderich, esides a fort o hunomity. is not al anc�'pleasurn by ai �y rr eJ, bors And ople of the village. worked �Friday last, R. Black bad his final bee at gr�at I many drove, eaving the town very heroically an saved bhe dwelling and other the dam, and by ni y1ht t le 11 Maitland She say Sir Wilfrid Liurier has een quiet all day. Tho, -6 who' drove had.& nice he C di li: Baptist says The Be hairnen. The d m is a very bliged to ref in- out bu Iding -. Barn and contents were in. was,again in drive home, as the � rain stopped towards F 0 use ari immense number D strong struc idea;a J frpm the first, been regarded as lie fouod it impossiblo to land --sured in the ay tonship Insurance Corn. -ture inde id., be ng well braced vitations[, n evening. The base baill team went Over tovi I -Moro or leg;'S'diFfavor by many thought- the strain if constant EDOial antervain-- pany f Dr $50 which will hardly cover the 'together and loaded W ith a rly a thousand Godbirich, intending to play tbera,but on while i- 1 fron� of the gates ersor . is count of the milita ments, and Ve b giv'e audif nee to tbc ', irn - lose of the b rn. Mr. Sweitzer j�st pur- !loads of stone, account of the grounds being heavy they i fully fifteen hundred 0& 9 f gravel have triense numb �r of 1people , vho 1 0 Ir to, see chased the f rm from his father a year ago, were unable to do so. -Private Archie ch it ixcites�. This tendency on the: part W( ! a a to been put. The- lower I iDat of the dam 'a Campbell, who left 'with the last. Canadim him ab ut atter' of irr port,3611 0. 1ii nd this lose 1will be 'a great 11 drawback In er he Br�'gad a �'o inflame the warlike Bpi y � welco faced with cement. . Tpe cod to Mr. Black contingent,- returned home Monday �eveniug. public U tera 3ces are alwa ad with- him li� bays h is.-graatly increased �. since the warmest prawe from men sdi�d w an of all -Tile G d'ariah 8 bar Says My has been very heavy, itlileed, but he has the He h ha had -a slight experience of soldiering, al outbre k' of hostilities in Cuba, Sout�h shades Of pol.tical pinion. 0 a fludi it grandji�%t er's clock can welt apply to a satisfaction of knowing that he has a dam and �if there is a call in the future to help --will stand almost any pr'saure. Over difficult to believe hat the Cansdian rri�nis- timeplece in the pose lasion. of';Mr. eind Mrs, Ithat a the otherkud there: is no doubt hewill be �a au� elae',�where.' And it ii not sui Jolla6an Miler, rec4 ntly of the Hotel Bed used. The old structure Ian e�d a as ters bav c oesed be At ticto att a ton of bolts were r to vol- liteer.-Mr. Lyle Ireland a,, h the friend ipg a and promote�s ford. 'It wai i purchs ied frorn'; the maker b Stood 34 years, and th6 foundation timbers tba great co rt 0 remu dal when one vievni, the y corn ainied' by hisiater, Miss PeoxIldrove be.movem rt are beginning to feel tfl the late Thoi aas Me( ullough,in Inniskillen, were as sound as the day th, �y were put in. ug cap de a an� the cow tant. work w4ich frotri Durham this week and are visitl Ball -,y of t k ng some measures to dbeqk absorbs heir attar tion. he,% ing og the County F -Bert Mutch, who, up'fortunately, bad his, I frie d : a ern anagh, " eland, -for zfI0 aterl- in town. -r -Mr. and Mrs. T. Poulton, �nfluence. 'iThe Hampstead council re. ing, nearly a century a o, and was brought chest kicked by a Ste r Ise ; week, has re- of C. Cecil in whic i they are qu artel: A is 9 veland, 0.4io, are at present visiting ly Eent a,; communication to all t a r' Canada in 1839 'oil the two. covered suffiCiently i wing of the rel I: V� a In'Blyth and vicinity. -MT. Row, h like the parlia ant. mildirZE'I'in by him to to go out again. -Mrs. (in, on, suggesting that Wm. Hazelwood and -flying visit Wed bila in' L 1 a I P ood, of ef1forts Ottawa �han anytl�ing a es3er 'era master " Bri g Actalli" W�,1(4 Z136iled from vood nd , iry 1 Hazlew of go, paid Blytka VID ri 9. r with bundles ewspa )er r('�.!,.,ort' Sutherland. It tra velled by ox team 'Clifford, visiued W. C.I�Hazel God, on Mon� ade :to m etitute life -ea d M f of papers nes a! calling, on a few of his friends.- tary drill.! iNot many of our Bapti: through fore t and )y blazed line, until 'day. era, andian 4 ndlese line of peo;ile w Ling Mosert. A4 and W. John- i -_Oxafider Smith �hes !in lc4inada have supported the Jor inter,7�vja�wa, fill �he corridors from Ora- Goderi6h township wim reac4ed, and MF. atone left on Tuesday with a couple of cara ade, and litlis no' doubt -as well that �1 cCull'ough zot settl A in 114 home. Ib is Lead ury. ing until night, and one cannot he p fe ling of horses for the far west.-Meesm Sloan and !havd Imperialism and miiita�- vents of importance to!! tl a whole In a s�lendid state cf preselivation, keeps i No special Sal onto d shoes just as Bell T. J. Denholm arrivea are plant the growth of which have good time,and woul ' be an ornament and cbeap as the chea 8 H. 09 home 8 of their Dorniplon are being put a train ". in 14the is, the lea i sturday, ha ng diaposed too much e4 couraged in'certain q uarteks charmink rooms Which look Ou) Gjj� the relic for admilrere of something ancient and 'place for good Valu 9, Self rth. 1808-1 horses at a good figu aid are buibygetting y�,a'jre_ not- indigenous of this useful. Variety is the spice f lifei Didnt some - Th courtyard of �he Cecil." another shipment eady.-Tke threabig try, an he IeEs we have of them :here !I -Ftom th� published finaticial report ofi body say be On(!e �u_ a, great many machines are all on the go in these parts better. the Methodi0t churches on repatc SLneel then. If it the LondeaborW! 'people have 4-a and the prospects a they will have one of Huryin Not 38. 4 circuit, 6 owingi particu. so, you will find our at ck of1summer goods the busiest seasons they have known for a ra are Cana�ianio pow in Sidne ew South -Mr. C. $ wanso�, of Godericb, ell f r o m_-, ad, sho-tgfi'lie amol mt of n�y raised f6i high ly seasoned. " We' h e liots of variqy y number of years. -Mr. and Mrs. Frank i ladde the i ther dav and broki Lis wrist. the fipan(ialY'ear ending 31 t (if May IiiBri. and low prices too, in usli6s, priAs, ging- Metcalf entertained the Episcopal church I 0s, in a recorit letter to the Globe, given -Ahir., Ern(at Gies, of Ha, r to nehip, has ap�ointment con- hams, chambray@, shirt aist4l parasols, vests The p6op a of Londei boro )at b4rroivi'g picture' of the exist' 4ing choir and a few of their friends, Monday Ing corn gm on Ills farm whi measures tr buld ! 621.25. anii! the peo le of Kinburn and any summer w" iDg peed. The E. evening.�Mr. Robert McKay is at -present a of affair6" due to the extreme and 10 feet high. I a oi t 3ntl$237 ; with a small balance* on McFaul Co., Seiiforltb`� pp tm holidaying at his home in Shelboarne -Mr. ad 1' _ReVJ Dr.l Ste art has just band1ror t�e previous yearj the amount NOTEs.-A nuMber',1 rom here speak of Edward Campbell, f 1;indesy, is visiting aontinu drought. The coming sea- com oted I vT, d Parental the 24th year of his pastorate ot Willie) race uartierly boa-r'd was $804.48 i going to the lawn soci and lentertainment, under the rof he sa�e, i�xl ;expdoted to be the, worst y a q _)jig week. -Mr, ebure i Clinton. a ILI, of the a - 'htown. There Malcolm 0 IPresbyt6rian and t 0 a cpe6diture $769.60, which left ampbe Sault, who history' of tibe colony. Where liake at the Catholic chut Iris hm of the B bylon line, balanje� i he � treasury of $34,88. The is no doubt but that t ose who attend. will been away for the. Past two ears, is Also -Mr, John Decker, a last w at: to Mr. amou t's d sev 'n yiiaia ago there is nothing � but Hay, di4osed of a driver ontiributed to the various connex- I have a good time. -M a gone here Visiting relatibno au friends. -Mr - A. Rose ha rt to-day,� O�he river beds that used t' Kling, of Sealorth. The price as $180. ional un( so' the church Were-: General I 0 !to Manitoba, to visit her Sons.' Well'aartha-D PeterDonglaoof tbeBaukof Hamiltonin y navlgabteptream8 or rushing torrent's -Art ur C. Ylule, of Goderich, 'who confer ne 3, ;4.47 Forward Movement, � M ra, W. Knechtel'is g'Ding tio Manitoba for at present taking 'two weeks horidaym, dry - heir way�' 'Oan Ilow be crossed has bee serving I* South frica, retigmed $10.5 4 dui ational fund, 812.292 ; Busten- 'the benefit of her heiilth, hich 'has not spending a few d 'at -Gderichand B4y- Cattle;,b4iva perished by thousandO, homla 0 Saturday f last Week ind was ayo rationj $192 ; superannuation, $46 ; St:- lbeeri good for some dme. a wieh both field. He then intends going up the lakes sheep by i nlillions, Pastures have been given a e!arty race, tion by the itizens. J-amesf 'ch arc ri, $3.9-0 ; Union 'church rel ief, 'ladia a plea 8 'fe return.- for a trip. -Mrs. !W. Harrisono Df Los Sant trip land a a had, crops �t blighted, and mines para- -During a rece9t thunder sto m, MIalter $4 41 co ngent, $5.48 temperance, !Many regrets are e-4 3ress d'because Dr. An ales, California isat present 'visiting dbytbe*a t of water. concession, Gre�,T, had his ng, 9 In some di�- McKay, ' 17th 83 47 L'Sun y School aid $11; missionary, 'Armstrong is leavi e Ill ving been the her aunt, Mrs. Doupe.-Mr. Edward a 1, �: of rain has fallen for Bev n barn strack tylig4ltning. Tworafters were The Londesboro phyei c-ian for many f ifiss in this section. Taman, of Kineardiiie, is spenditga, few S not . dro a tot 1,1268.1 1 $171.4 1; .5. a. Profp*or E. M.Crookshink, an torn off and carriec 10 rods, but f0ftutlate]Y Alethoais i SlInday school financial report is 3ent English scientist, who travell' , bar a, t on fire, If Dr. Irvine, the gen eman; who takes his bolidaye in town. -Mrs J, S. Habicirk, of as foll6wE : Receiptp-January 1, balance pla�ce, is -as good as bib 'Dam indi6ates, he Brussels, as a viitor in town last -Week.- 0 miles iu%4 interior of Queensland, rt- _Mt was not a 3i eDneession on hand, $19 09 ; June 26, net proceeds i will do fine. -Mr. R. 1. Be, 11 took in the Miss Campbell of Thedford, who has beau , i a Jose h M 6un, of th t io �many parts not a blade Of of Hullet, met vvi h a bail a aident last f rom s ;55.72 ycollections, $5,1 �d the excursion to Detroit,! vim Goderich and visiting her friends� the Misses Emigh, re - a was to b�- peen for miles, and t WIhil �, in �he barn re ai, week.�Mr W.' he vast, week. ring the to 113L.81. ExpeoditureB-Book room Sarnia. He says it wa 3 all right. -Mr. A. turned to her home' y plain pros'ented the appearance of a floor he �iell t irough to the eta a beneath, supplies, 856r.93 -, repairing]l organ, 82 Forbes, a former teaclier in McKlIlop, was Scott, a former principal of our publia cal desertil ith nothing to relieve , We breakin thr(e rib4 splintering! two more, aundri4s: a cco�,unis, $7.98 ; bal4nee on hand, visit I iDg friends in th!is lo lity- recently. school, but -who is Dow teaching in M*000- I scape - $58 90 1; total, 8131.$1. All; there figures Mr. Forbes is now Tearni lg dentistry in. min, Northwest Territory, was visiting , piles of bones and decep- and out is h )ad severely. 5 mirag other states the situation -As farrier named Brown ' E6: 'driving show t�at th� church is in a 0�ro_qperous con- Stratford. -Our lady friend t Cypress River amongst friends last week. ---nThe fir b t ui a d. The western districts into Exc ter oa Saturday with hi, team I and dicion. i a rigade qui d, I i did not improve matt�i 6 mugh' by her nice bad a practise an Monday evdniug, it is -A ew South'! Wales, however, are only �[a wagon US horses yere 84-ru I ik a d killed by little' letter in TjiE Expo_Ri oF. last week good thing they have no more firge to a better O. III many instances the lightni.:, and thel nian Ba�'fleld- There has been, perhaps, e on �-aid on practise on. -Mr. Joe Habkirk, of Dungan- marcial travellers have stopped the r severe sl�ock. Being near ExetEr, he was a because t*y could not get foo to Walk into the village and wis 4akerr Driyou want good atookirig: foryour boys the subject.-Ttlere are comolaints 'in Forne non, was a visitor in town over Sunday. d able er for their horses. Allover the We t home b one f the doctors. His team!, was nd for y( u ? :'The Blick C!LVI is the i r k is Btarvi4,. Victoria, South Au8ttalla, a fine one and -valued at 835D. name of a br�,irlilsof stockings �vo are agents Tasmania�managu to raise a little graqs -A very a 9borate churc for. Th(y wre made in Amer�ca and suid to I wedding' was be the beat Weazina sbockingsiin the world sell iti at farpiae prices. Water is ear. solemnized o Monday of lasff weeki at TRE]111?11� OUS CLEA AN by train forr hundreds of miles, and the Grace oburc Detr for the Tn( ney it, y Rev r, M,,Car- There are tw6 kitids. They oppor m1no,s a roll, abo' retail 25c Eind 35c the pair. to see t Oobar hae been farc6d �ut 200 invi ad guests beipgl present. claee dovr'-a, because the government The conl;racli a ties war Miss I Harriet tbern. IT a ]�. McFa al Co., 8,1aaforbb. 129 p d not undbrtqake this work on a lairger '--took Davis, wel -known ChEto:ll�oung A D 01Uf LE RONVNING.-A oryearlaffair 'August C, eiring Sale' Starts TowDay A'few�yeara ago NewSouth Wal6s lady, anllArl Henry MaraLb, trav, et for occurred ea here on Su Gay afternoon her beef �nd mutton abroad on nearly the Hyd,roate I Wa er Com ny, of. De roit. last, re u ill a 1he death by drowning 6f U y,, shi* tb-�t left her shores ; to -day s a -Mr.! Johr ear wrighb, of ibe. h of two prom si�,� and 11 knowt young men All throu-11 the ]Ln��th oi August we will sell aoods at nearly half price. 2 'Messrs. FiedBurnett ot Supply the meat Stalls of her ot Hullett, had the misfortune to of this vi ini I lose eight _y. and tal. Sheep by thei.- being worried by dogs the Arthur Curryi, of Godetich tOwnship, t All Sumwer iines Lo I)e cka:red out to make room for our big Fall purchase* we othpr night,and Several others wi re iriared. with anobher�young lad son Miles 1which will soon be h re. �e two 0 The flocK. wo So badly scarc d t! at it: has from hims to 'theBa3field river to swim. ti w rth 10c, to Lond' n cpitespondent, who is evident. y Fifty pieces pTi]l 123 c, for6ci a yard. taken Mr. C t il t all hi tit a huating Burnetigot eyoudlis dept1h' and Carry I efamilia wilithe peculiarities of LoId Twenty pie�es Vilirti -%votth c, for 5c a'yard. up the sitray onee. One of the dogH wag went to his r scue. S neith�r could swim, 91 .-henel 'ho" is Juab now the chief shot in t� a act ; a couple of othersl got both wcl�r drrnEd. A third lad Thirty pieces 80 flan at 5c, a.yard. awaV. rite of L" don Burnetts b y out, a d want a mile and a Twent -five pie,128 dliani to be sold at 4c, a yard. 6n society, is combatti g y iff 3 n�eareat ouse " f )r assistance. Balance 0 m 81 ins, worth 15c to 2�c t pr-val!ent idela that he is a human In& -On '�tur ay of last weE k 1:1) a 1 esOpnce alf to I I F all our. 0 I . ., of Jdahta Sco t, of,Wingbaili, had a cloRe Every el (irt was made to resuscitate him, i ;o go at 8e a yard. a and 'as jsuA, quite i'different co t' i Fifty dozen 6hil d' r2n3 hose, all -sizes, at 5c, 4 pair. Ke cqll. ring the electric storm t lightn. but life was qktinct. - The s�d affair has I beings, A3_ ing stru''k a ee ol� the law ill hisympatiy e at 25c a pair, ne and s 'i s of his fellow stru' no 11 "1 1 at d Epl,4 it create , for ithe bereaved Fifty pairs of YoDd c I cors Its to be sold correspondent the gr"t ir)to piewes. he electric fluid F ey�a to a,. F4ed Burnett was !the only son Fifty pieces of enbi 'd s ing tfo tiIis r6lativ erie to be sold at 3c a yard. eral has il%any of the traits of ordinary have gI ced rom 1 the tre, , entEredli. the of Geo a Butnett an Arthu"arry was a I Forty-seven pie s of fIncy silk, worth 75o, to go at 25c a yard. anity� He 'says : "Lord Ki tchenor home by one f th� wibdo�vq, to. -e �Ome son of 44 r Jo0eph Carry, botIlI of whom are f - applauso, �a keenly ambitious, I Eleven pieces. o. wide sFrge'and casbmere,�worth 45a, for 25C a Yara. ov(s paper of' thewalls,1 and pas ed 3ui a, an- well known aind highly resp�ted residents ing himpOfdisousaed, and is by r window ap'litting a w ndow bli d in of this, 'o mdnity. Sevelty-fiVe yarls 0 taffieta�silk, worth 70c, for 39c a yard. is ind�ffer�nt to the smiles of the fair. its pass� I go. t is fortunate 11one of th� in- B_roN4.._ AFive dozeii gentr' shi ts the balance of this lot worth 75e, at 29e each. Ml�r. CharleaDonal son,ofTheas iffera,froail Other men in placi Ing am- mateR ware injured Ion, is re orses for at present pur n a -A Ooder ch towngh re 0 iient his live n& sale at 4ble ic' L -anc , and- everything in the house will go. Big -sale now .be first of man's passions, and 144 LV !This i's a gener I elelifanc n. as I nqver to allow a n hessalon.-A ! - - ing eleb writes Wm, Jarvi T tl u oncert. of vo',,al and -i instrumental ' I be crowded at the prices 'we, g Uomo g enolughl anyth [8, of th �i a`� d �con- grand going oil. S tore ii are givinr. 1�� th I I ke the 8 ro of his life. His cesSlon, is unq ae8ti nably on, of music W,@68 &en in he town hall, Frida . me place o dest quickly beforei the �u s are picked up. om fr female ties is largely due �o a y 'ap OM, ettlers as Wei. as 0 a of the oldi at pe ons P � ',I',,b sum, ner viBitors� in aid of 'i hes act t �at he 'spent so a I t _hn . er I ' ' ce. many years prad- in -the fo DaLp. hould hel live U tili thff the new h bei 1 ecte here. An- H rice Paid or Pirodu ly in the 4eaort, far away from their in- 2kth of ay n axt- nd he looks I o I a hf arty other gonceovill. be on F. -i of next . .. . . . . . . da ad r v p rg h.8 n bi "m bled y n .0 ce, aiad t�e very common and human enouah and at -Ong nough to live fGr a ),00 WhIli h local 0 1 d week foi t a �ame pt rpose, at cl 0 8 yne4B p he deal 1013 er, aE we hDpe he nmy-he wilil" be talent �1'11 ass�at. The mi build - o ack to e�vilized life, for his failur yearB!old, and he has 6 ent' nearI3 58 ing corn teg', are gri teful to the visitors R, 0 f h robably accounts, when inag�ra and y & co nv of the'� many women in love with- years of these Dn for theli' so. 'Cho C I th spot that he Settle( '� on. hji�rch will be to marry him. A great many peopl' He is tb4'fath)r of I children ; of abouit 33 formall;,� I on he fourith Sunday of e eay� will be surprised,if not shocUe3' , grandehi�dren', and f several go August,' w )r. McLeod, of At- PaDNO _B SAFORTHs ev. )at gr6ud. SUCTU oe Oentxal bot -C. yora bit b,, last weeir- Thl Beattria: tb.,e Amerlelaa 't -el in Wallav -%yth baze bail team Arrive ovee, f.riandly games. lock, af; e � all rrsultA -the foot b l7g to je and Hat, ROV frnmA M John I)onaldso- bouse, aid 10+11 jjjr�.� Henry. - OL450, Wn. H. in the fall 1 —1 London former -#be MisceR DOv-' Abey-, of PlrestO b6re this week- kooe, Queen i, -ri to friends olut I? TWA bag dis osed �oi' d fro foods. �Of GA --Sh�rw is eDJ0Y-iP -Bend.—F961117 Til �Goderlch �eu � back fror-1 a wl _-Wra. Frank bouse Galtdefeatei E galne of I notbal day:evening of 1� .,3._,Vemember aud Wednee IV —The crops tor;wL ,a 'the Queei bol 4,rotaibr,' �Georgv —While fbo inorningi V -a$ Itrickeii -wi —The barn M( w. "i-thope, was Ja t jast, bu _-The FElm&': their -fir-at �hslf laa�, t4 Frlday The Vri - ce realiz —Prior to lal mr. H. W. Thc haudsome gold I _i3owling �elub. - —Mi4a Annie ,who ret-entlY $1,; Normal college pointed to t1io, v in'Rldra bighsic —The Alltcho W�ednesdi�y -eve L. 1,ewip, ace e town, comuler —Mr. A. A�' ford, fo� tenta werealso The pumhaaer -Port- Colborne, August 6. Nit 1e will do. —Mr. John -1 rn the Mitteb:1 fro, last Week, tW_4 Durham oowsl Hamilton, _r Vae pair. - Sorai bought.auother: which he has zjj _Muriel, _&u Qf MIt.0-h-111 -Mel 1her aay - W11 dah raifing A breaking -one ef The fracture wa -&ad ta be plaaed -was bemg roduo' —Air. Oonral vat] haw -hug t0 day, and _,-ae_VeT46 amo, Theazeid as -h16 almoat medical 'AtItenal the aide of the I the ax -e 'to glabJ-1 foot, splitting), —Mr. Bien � Stratford wooll one-thiril inter mille, -and will; =d A:wcaupy the, Weaving depar af ter beknovm' and lWilliaraai. —A stock ah, sunually, held I -stratforfil -next xneatingy, with 1 ly helv� -and W t4imugh. 13bai $10 a� - ple0e, an f rom* all Parts A —The barns- Vue -mile - out "o, by fire afterne., quet, week. Al plementaft S-nd 'cause of the f -the overheatir, -Probably reac V Blanchir-& Mu b —D= ing t afternoon, Harry BOMB, - shexil, and tb tons Aof fiay W-11 18 leasedto h 'will loas bri th4 'was a large m stone foundatt thard, Mutual there wai in�o —Aboat z moon of last W* and Mrs. R., 11, -;ng a-roundthi fAl in. H -B used in rollir.0 out --of the be& haPpene- d to BPGLh in the A anceof the bo, ing him just 'Waspulled --olm Ahoefc. —An �old -w mary0t P.w 46th., ja the He had rewl Years, and Ut dernise was * 1307. M1 Mr. , -birth and wai With bis if4 W1 place, he JOW" t avo lettlingn Iztw he in ovi 'Claased A �bus himself and i Vent to i t6 years Brill - 'Caroline KinA —Du - ring day, much A 4%stern porti� The P , 17111113V91 whoueAria, ; Whose barn, 1 tially unin Ally unr ,several frvit: J�Ghrx mab=� -Niver� Charl 4_