The Huron Expositor, 1902-08-08, Page 1902
attract you,
ses you, if an
peals to you;
ereat should
Eig this store
Truly, it'a
m touch with
rhere are so
ses in its up -
a — surprisehalla there is
gs you need
necessity of
ners now, for
selling fast.
adIy grow.
Otion to
la the sbapc
!me with the
and for lese
elsewhere for.
under -wear is
Fine taste,.
:ted in every
lopular pricer.
5, Corset Cov-
roar Summer
!e good ehoos-
ould use, be-
y stylish arid
/ are to be had
There's- no
, embroideries,
Limmings, too..
oda bound to
eat response.
okout for true
Ve would not
vvay if our •
re more than
you could
we been wait-
() buy, it has
.rpensi ve, but
as cash for
Lt. prices allow -
t Crash
ler daughter,
iaiting friends
Lth came down
0er, sr.—Mise
>f London, is
, her home.—
. two weeks'
J.—Mr. Wm.
the surviving
;era that are
erich on the
'a Outing with
Lre the oldest
MeNangh ton,
his ulster,
during the
rk of Mr. and
Sasie McLean
t the home a
- past week,
padian sheep
Brothers are
good sheep.
'---The follo-w-
St. Thomas
tive of this -
h melancholy
the deceased
i•s..ys : " The
On, of Chicago,
on 1--orn the
C. White, to
.11Ohn8on was
eon of Wm.
He formerly
raI Railway,
1 Windsor and
L.. during the
• 1.ploy of the
Chir.:ago. In
to M iss Fer-
'KM, with his
a are left to
'T'he members
men attended
:-‘1 their coin -
Service was
/._!! at the grave
Lan, assisted
yterian. The
and included
•i -hand," from
/r. Johnson ;
otherhood of
from Unity
-reath, tepre-
nductors and
rrisaiy friends
m a distance
Henry from
sister and
r. J. S. John-
eph Johnson,
/land - Alex..
lases 1.3-unn, of
• .7",.740 .
art*. -11
- -
IDAY, Al GUS 8, 1902. _1
-50 ft. wide- 1
100 ft- long 1
Ground Floor
Upper Floor
Half -Price Saie.
Twice in every twelve months we devote a feN
We mean by this that evoything we advertise to be
sold exactly at that figure. There is no humbug ab
be—proven by the great numbers ,of people who bo
when our half-price sale took place last February.
Some curious people ask e eau affoicl
Of course, if they want to know, we tell them, but th
look, do not say much; if they see the gods and pri
satisfied, and they proceed at once to Make a few
days to a half-price sale.
old at half price, shall be
t it, as can be—and will
agfht their season's supply
o .sell goods at half price.
wise people come and
83as advertised, they are
°liars by their saving in
Our Goodsare all iReliable.
We offer nothing but honest-goodk The sam ood. lines With which
we have successfully built up one of the largest clo king trades in. Western
Ontario. We have nothing to do witt, goods, no Matter how cheaply we
could buy them, which another man has been unable t • sell-; and, therefore, you
are taking no risk on anything yQu see fit to pure as at cur sale,
The Following List fo Six Days.
$15 00 men's suits
14 00 men's suits
12 00 men's suits
10 00 men's suits
8 00 men's suits
7 00 men's suits
6 00 men's suits
5 00 men's suits
7 00 boys' suits
6 00 boys' suits
5 00 boys' suits
4 00 boys' suits
3 00 boys' suits
5 00 men's trousers
4 00 men's trousers
3 00 men's trousers
2 00 men's trousers
1 25 men's trousers
1 00 boys' knickers
75 boys' knickers
50 boys' knickers
10 00 rain coats
8 00 rain coats
6 00 rain coats
5 00 rain coats
4 00 rain coats
3 00 rain coats
1 50 hard bosom shirts
(150) 1 ha
1 25 soft and hard. bosom
shirts (15), ha
1 00 soft and har 1 bosom
shirts (250) ha
'75 soft and hard bosom
shirts (90) ha
2 50 straw hats ha
2 00 straw hats, ha
1 00 straw hatsl ha
75 straw hats ha
50 straw huts ha
2 50 pail soft hats
1 50 pearl soft hats ha
3 50 summer coats ha
3 00 summer coats ha
2 00 summer coats hal
1 50 sumraer coats ha
2 00 fancy vests ha
1 50 fanq vests ha
1 00 fancy vests ha
50 ties ha
')5 ties
20 collars ha
15 collars ha
half price $7 50
half price 7 00
hal price 6 00
hal price 5 00
hal pride 4 00
hal price 3 50'
hall price 3 00
hal price 2 50
hal price 3 50
hall pride 3 00
hal price 2 50
hal pride 2 00
hal price 1 50
hal pride! 2 5
hal pride 2 0
hal pride 1 56
hal pride 1 00
hal price 624
hal pride 56
hal pride 37
hal pride
hal price 5 00
ha pri e 1 00
ha f pri e 300
ha f pn e 2 60*
ha f price 2 00
ha f priee 1 50
f price 75.
f price 621-
f price 50
f price
f priice 1 M
f price 1 00
f price 00
f price 87
f price 25
If price 1 25
f pri
f ridefi1 15
f price 1 50
pike 1 00
f price '45
f price 1 0
f price 5
f price V! 0
f price 115
f price 12
f price 10
f price
The sale prices do not apply to all goods in ..,tock at above ptices. S
cash, and no goods on approval. - Goods will be ex banged at selling price
not satisfactory. Sale to begin Friday, August 8 b, and to coatintle every
until Thursday, August 14th.
Greig & St
Johnson Bros.' 0
• I
(Written for THEi EXPOSITOR.] -
Department of Agrieulture,
OTTA.WA, July 30th, 1962.
Aftet:the Parliament of Canada paseed
the Frait Marks Act in !190i, the Minister
of Agrbitilture directed that every oppor-
turiitylehould be affordeii the fruit growers
and pa kers of the Dom nion to meet its re.
quire eats and to fulfil their obligations to
the pu lie ; and for a y ar tbe work of the
Departerient in this re peot was informa-
tional end educational. Thi, year ' some
amendinents were made to the act as origin-
ally passed, and to -day the not, in all its
provisions, is as plain aa a pike staff, and
every elause of it so simple that" he who
runs May read." N4 farmer, or fruit
grolvve*, lit• packer who i honest in his en-
deavors); and straightfo ward in his trading
need fear any of its o1use!. The act is
being enfor3ed, and the iuspectors appoint-
ed to execute its requir ments have been in-
straoted to do their dut . They are the
servants of the orow • Parliament has
definitely :pronounced le judgment upon
the fa se and fraudulentl packing and mark.
ing of fruit oeneignmen 13, and these men
have 4en selected to carry out the regula-
tions laced on the statute book for the
purpo e 1,of protecting honest traders from
unpri cipled dealets, and of preserving in.
violate the fair commer ial fame of Canada
from anecrnpuloue pacl4orH. In other words,
the at will enspre to the • pablio of the
Dominion and the ;.lom issiou agents and
the patine generally in Great Britain and
elsewbere that the fruit is correctly marked
and henestly packed. ;
Thit, principle sectiont of the act are
Se4itha 4.-1very person who, by hint -
self or through the agency of another person,
peeks' frit in a closed package intended for
sale, abed' cause the pitekage to be marked
in a Plain and indelible manner, before it
is taken from the premises where it is
'Harvesters' Excursion to Manitoba and the Northwest
on August 21st, 1902. . All information
can be olIained
With the initials- of his Chrietian
nd his full aurnae and address;
(b) with the name of the variety or var-
ieties; and
(c) wilth a designati
which shall include on of the following' six
markt :, For fruit of the &at quality, No.
1. or XXX ; for fruit, f the second quality,
No. a, tir XX ; and f r fruit of the third
qualityi No. 3, ot X; but the said mark
may elaccompanied bs any other designa-
tion f grade, provided that designation is
not i oointistent with, lor marked more con -
spilt outly than, the One of the said six
mar which is used op the ectid package.
Sebtiipn 5.—No pars n shall sell, or offer,
expoee pr have in his possession for sale, any
fruitpacked in a closed package and intend-
ed int- sale, unless each package is marked
as required by the next preceding section.
Section 6. —No pereon shall sell or offer,
expose Or have in his posseseion for ea/a any
fruit packed in a dosed package, upon
package is marked any designation
whi epresents such fruit as of No. 1 or
XX.., inesb, best or I extra good quality,
unle a such fruit censist of well grown
spectra as of Ong variety, sound, of nearly
umfarrp size, of good Color for the variety,
of *Mal shape, and not less than 90 per
e from scab, orm holes, bruises and
For Canadian Pacific Railway tickets and tplegraph, Do inion
Express Ootapany ; Elder, Dempster & Beaver Line steam ips,
n of the grade of
other c (steam, and p4perly packed.
cent, fr
S &ion 7.—No pereon shall sell, or offer,
exp se or have in his possession forsale any
frui pecked in any p &age in which the
faced Or shown surfa e gives a false repre-
sentation of the cont nts of such package;
and it hall be consid red a false represent-
ation when more than 15 per cent. of such
fruit ie substantially sinalter in size than, or
infeirior in grade to, r different in variety
froi, the faced or s own surface ot such
pee a/
tak n -
con raty to the proviaions ot the act, in.
ape tore may, after notifying the packer by
let er pr telegram, place the words " falsely
peaked " or " falsely' Marked," and a fine of
$401m9.y be imposed for illegally removing
theinSpector's brand.
anations of it
hue: On pao
application may be
ages packed or marked
Will not take any_respons
the 0 mtnispioner of Agr
ing, vain waist in seourin
age s ace on oceantateam
triablei be given ae to the
the d
, It
tie of shipm-ent, an
ill pay to senonl s
individual q
rather than in 1S r
necessary to have the
peeked on the green or fi
they mee7 be delivered in
dorn ip such h state that ti,
the re
will no
led with a very mai
or dee
sale o
ayed ones by
hands they
ity„ but, through
'tare and Dairy.
p1 Cr cold stor-
if 'early inferobable quantity,
he destination
apples of
an packed in
els. It will be
plea piuked and
side, so that
United King -
y may be hand-
tagof bruised
ail dealers into
from the whole -
Ottawa in a
B ' J. SMILLIIII, T Ant oe
led b
I was
Of sue
of a
'As o
the p
in fac
Jost i
it be
to 5,
I for i
w hol
I halls
of 0
I Win be notic d that only " closed}
pa kages" need be nj&rked. A closed pack-,
ages is defined to be box or barrel, the coat
tents hf which canno be seen or inspected
when uoh is cloeed. Baskets, berry orates,
or er"y boxes even, with veneer covers, are
noti qrnaidered " losed packages," and
th*eflpre, do not r quire marking.-Cran
bet ieti and all wild ruit are not suject to
-th previsions of the Act.
erchante are h Id responsible for the
fru t hey offer for e le (or fruit in their pos-
ses io for sale), bi t the original wrong.
do r, f found, will i i every case be presto
cu ed
iolation of the law with
and marking is not lose
to and not more than
e ; for removing an in -
dollars • for obstruct.
25 to $560. The finee
etween the informant
ven large powers under
ises for the purpoee
ion and to detain ship=
it same 'purpose. The
mply protected by the
ediate notice mint be
r to the packer when
mete is at the risk f
d or detained, and the
s his authority is sub-
h Ipenalty for a
ref re ce to packing
thn wenty.five ce
on d llar per peek
s et r's brand, fleet
in Ejfl inspector,
are d' Vided-equally
• tie crown.
uspectors are g
th Alet to entei pre
ro 1`g an examine
in At Of fruit for t
pa k however, is
sti u ation that im
gi ,en by the inapeot
fri ib,which at all
th Omer, is brand
in pehtor who exeee
t to a heavy pena
h main points
ro 'cl p as follows :
' 1) The face of al
fe, riyi represent the
2)1 Closed boXes
ip ruled with the na
pa kr, the varie
gr de ;
13)1It is an offeno
thi Act to sell, to
in peSsemion for sa
or ,marked fruit, ev
se ler are ignorant o
f this Act may be sure-
fruit ,paokages must
ruit throughout-;
and barrels must be
e and address of the
of the fruit and its
within the meaning of
ffer for sale, or to heve
e, fraudulently packed
n when 'the buyer and
the fact, as well as
whell one or both aye knowledge of the
; (4), The Act does not prevent the packing
sr y packed and ma
5) The Act does
tip &lion of particul
pleat of the buyer
'aePing of any gr
de of fruit that is prop -
ked ;
not provide for the in -
r lots of fruit at the rb-
r seller.
(6)' Commiseion merchants who, after no
e, tandle fruit put up contrary to the
ions of the Act, will be proceeded
ai et.
1(7), There is no d
ed "No. 2," "X
lAlteady the bene
being felt; and w
diebtineety in peal
finition of grades' mark-
'' No. 3," or 61
eial effect of this Act ;is
en it is fully known that
g and describing Canade
firuit does not exist, an enormous
tut will be given to our fruit industry n
the markets of ithe world. At preseat
quiries are being made concerning the
na-Atlantic shiptnents of early Canadian
plOa. The Department of Agricultute
of a dream t e piot
etropolitan city brea
for the first time.
the parliament buil
ill, from whiph the
ndiug country may b
c pict
LI ye4re
, and I
o meet the h
us cycloramic
1 panorama !
and a histor
ese will be at
not aware unt
f 73,000 people
h costly buildings or
nese as Parliament
capitol of the tvorld
ding the high at an
not far from t
urselves besid
omanly woma
e stands there, look
st seems to came.
thetic.peaceful tou
e that Queen Victor'
ti dead at all, it see
day. Three more
ill and link it to a
Whose:ehould the
Ear for the answer o
heir names ? Jacqu
McKenzie and Sir go
reamily, reluctantly
dreamy reveries of
possible that a quart
one since I heard M
00 people in Sealed
seems familiar, t
that time—yet an i
was MacKenzie at
outlook reminde
ustralia. It is gr
t and full ofvariety
—greater than the
to what is to be, a
found nowhere else
tawa dispel all coin
in vain to the insp
ords to picture in
mantic) beauty so
ated. Resemblance
days in the land
." The past and p
ridge " the great b
era between Sydney
orgeous as the
resque beauty of
a upon the be-
ne is naturally
tugs to Parlia.
whole city and
Been stretching
What a stu-
iece I Such a
ho only to turn
re of national
ed n memory.
day, I was in a
had not d reeree
each cultivated
Square. What
as such a site ?
most interesting
band stand, we
ssive monument
queenly queen.
g up!, how close
er fethreeching
makes it hard to
s sollong dead,or
like a dream of
nuMents endear
h evernents of the
e ?" Need we
ore than men -
o Cartier, Alex-
We I
turn away,
collection. Can
✓ of a century
Kenzie speaking
The bronze
gh I' saw him
reset= was left,
his , best. The
of SYdney, N. S.
nd, hold, rolling,
and the legislat i Ye
eatness yet, and
a g-gantio richl
Can da. Vision
n vi lens and one
tio of dreams
her imaginations
tura apd yet s
arrri tine back t
" t ie Souther
sent ieem to Meet
tween." My min
e.nd here.
e gran
the tn
ores we ramble on,
ders back,
o conjure up the s
barren track."
Sem likeness awak
soon, the halcyon drea
le with the visions
day -dream reveries
vent of the present
ver -present immor
ed, and mueh of e
away on what is not,
beer." Hence this drea
lar, fitful, uneven and fr
dremily languid, for,
fond memory wan
across life'
m mories, an
reVisit us an
•e think more real
make us dreamil
Ooneentration o
1 Nov is neglect
enoe: is fritters
but '4might hay
y pieture-Lirrego.
meritary, perhaps
"11 cannot dream brig dreams-agaiu,
The ancient fire is od '• i -
No ardent lights illa e the brow,
As in the days of ol "
om Parliament Hill e lock again, and
ing north, see the o't of Hull, across
Ottawa river, Imost at our
with its immense umber mills and
. Eddtde match fa ories' and rolling
• ground of wooded I ountaine. To the
t is the Rideau Ca 1 with its locks,
further east the Ri eau R vetI
t joins the
wa. On the Quebe side the . spire of
ineau Roman Cathol church rises up,
past it the Gatinea iver soon mingles
the Ottawa on its «ay to the St. mLaw-
ie.i, Two imense asseiger and two
ay bridges bring e t o Provinces
closely together, a' make Hull but a
utary suburb of Ott: • a, thpugh it boasts
eing a city able to alone, The west -
bridge is among th busiest thorough -
s I have seen. It is ight at the mills,
re thousands of h de re employed,
continually wet fri the spray of the
udiere Falls, one of he t Ikecleof eighte
ttawa. The clear , oar run to these
s, cross the bridge, ai d co nect with the
11 electric line runnial to ueen's Park,
ylmer, nine miles us the Quebec side.
er places of interest each d by the or
Britannia -on -the la andi Landedowne
k, where the race co rse a d exhibititon
ldings are, Roekliffe nd the rifle ranges.
many perks and foII i tain are beauth
and break th ' mo t tony of continuous
inci al streets are
of ;
f ul
ro a of houses. The
wi e and clean, aid th
or amental and o stly.
ha 1, on Elgin $treet,
m nument to t e Ot
he oes in the Son?h Af
of his civic etre tura
of hich Rev. D M.
m te, is pastor. He r
an " castles in the a
at eet and west o Ride
po toffice stands ut i
buildings manly;
In front of the city
here is 'a worthy
wa district fallen
an War, and south
ands Knox church,
msey, an old school
ails boyish dreams
." Facing Rideau
canal bridge, the
bold relief. It is
ong the first place strangers usually
k for in a etrange city. It is here we
the news fr m ho e, or, perhaps, an-
er of whom w drea and want to dream
he railway li the Canadian Paci-
the New Yor ttawa'and Canada
'antic ;1 the w s,the Ottawa iteelf
of Parliament Hill,
t to Wellington
ootpath about mid-.
ottom of this pre -
sheltered by shrubs.
squeo seclusive and
he " lover's walk,"
ng, oath here and
d drinking places—
be lots of "lovers'
en one, or felt the.
ife's master passion,
t this is unique, a.
day travel. It iei
g, inepiringly mitt
ive, and yet within
est legislativt bane
lectually great peo.}
and PADS
! In all the latest) shades and tints
and at low prices.
ainhther for first place, and summer reitorts
are full of ilummer borders.
We have had in quick succession,
paogit'e and Sells Brothers circus, Nor
Rdwe's trained animal show and the"
ton Belles' lease ball team in bloo ers
right." They played on the exhib tion
is &
013. -
undo two daps in succession agams
tional (deb hero. The turn
s large, ' bloomer curioeity a
in attention, but as the g
Were hotly contested many were pleas
s e hew well the girls could hold their
gainet the professionals of the Ca
nd curiosity yrs changed to admire
gain, by wa of contrast with Sydne
dd the Otte a people different, vastly
tent. Here there is little eviden
trot -
d to
, we
e of
'eglish arietoeracy, no common blendieg of
tioos.lity or' tongue, But, instead, the
aracteristica of two provinces of cliffi rent
extraction are brought together; and -yet
iemain separate and will. Each are clieging
the habits, enstome, religion and to guts
the great old lands from which they
rung. The average will stick
hia gibberish and talk it, unmannerly!, be,
re those who don't understand. He 4.4 less
ogressive than hie English speaking neigh.
r, And is in many ways many years behind
•e timer. Nearly all important institu-
inns; industries and factories aro under the
management of English speaking men. -The
Toro4ao clergYman, who lately expanded
himself on I 't multiply and replenish, the
iarth," and Added, that- was " wontan's
bief!mission,' shouldlive on the Quebec
"de awhile, te even " lower town" Ottawa,
here there i "too eauch child," not half a
1 !
ozeta or th i
ine even drawn at ten n a
amilte Fr q iontly there are upwards of,
twelve, som t ines-fifbeen, and occasionally
twenty is reached. These may be seen
;tiling the str ets and lanes, like the rabbit
est "et Austir lia, or animal like and ragged
scranibling for a place around " a basia of
ea oup ' hit a "chunk" of pork. The
city of Hull
he capital,
. 1
tSbhtaatta garo f
erienoe of
rovince. 01
ED Wherever
hil '," making prolific hot -beds of die ase,
, notably am 11 pox, from which the_ eati is
never free.:. hese are some of the broken'
kaleidoscopic pen pictures of Ottawa, , to
whieh you end your M. P.'s to make laws
rel good. The best may be left
Oa are
and the Rideau 4anal
round the riir str aid
fr m Wellingto
at eet again, thee is a
w y between to and
ci itous hfllside,rnost1
It is beautifully pictu
dreamily ipoetic. It is
a narteri ef a Mile
th re sheltered Beets a
water only. There ma
walks," who has not t
gl wing rhapsodies of
a d strongest fo
culrio not found
antioally en
gestive, clreamil excl
the shadew of the gre
'of 1 a morally and int
pl .
Like Australi no, tli
ofj sporte, hunt ng,
brLU, 'acreage, th atre
cirsions ot daily
g rden parties end la
! .
n ev
all French, being so clote to
iVes more color to these tee
es of the French quarter of
fly corroborated by the ex -
tench life in the adjotning
ildren in hovel and hut, child -
you go, verily" too much
for the gen
ut, the pelt told rambling and brief, the
hole certainly, as in the outset, dreamlike,
nooinplete,l abrupt, broken and jumbled up.
at little hsl been written on so young a,
ity4 and in eh left drifting in vacuity,
ay!be caught, by another dreamer, and be-
lie* a grander part of a greater applied
dream. " Right thinking is the mainspring
of right aeti n," and the greatest inven-
tient and E,40 ievements of man are first
ahaped in vis one of the mind.dreams. '
OTTAWA, Jaly 26th, 1902.
--t-Lightning, struck the barn of Athos_
lioffman, a firmer, living -a mile from I Mos -
bow, Lenndx 'county,. The barn was barned
andall its hontents, being 40 tons of hay and
14 leads of wheat. i '
.-It Ohs ;s 'money to run an electioni in a
city. The election expenses of Mr. 4.13.
Fut in South Toronto as given by his agent,
were $3,04918, and'the expenses of Mr. W.
B. kogers, Mr. Fop's nrisucceseful opponent,
are 'given at $1,535.95:
---tA very severe storm, almost a cyelone,
pasSed over n portion of the city �f St.
Catharines, l o Sunday afternoon. Houses
were blown, own, trees uprooted, barna de-
mofished atdether damage *as done, in all
to the ame t of about $300,000. Fortn
'ere no liver! ere lost.
1 '—John O'Meara, of London, attempted to
'jinni) on a ifilet moving freight train at Inger-
sol; on Monday night last and was hutted
ante. att, 'where he was found with a bad
I gash on th head and one arm bi
roken. Ers
injuries are believed to be very serious.
1 n -F. w.i Holt, a New Brunswicker, who
is at present engaged on an arbitration case
in the 'Tithed States has been appointed by
tha Minister of Railways to look iato the
question of cattle guards On railways. Mr.
Holt will have a prominent business man
aeshoiated with him. ,
e -Bert Varner, of Ottawa, while robbieg
sparrows' nets, climbed to the top of the
barn and reached into the nest after the
eggs. What he got was a large spotted
snake.- The reptile wound itself around his
ante and he had considerable difficulty in
sh4king it loose. '
e - Florence, the five-year-old daughter of
Joieph Hanley, of . Walkerville, had her -
right foot so badly crushed by a street car,
my Wednesday of last week, that amputa-
tion was necessary. The child etood wait-
infor her father on the track, and appar-
ently did not hear the oar approaching be-
hind her.
Thompson, staryeeotuncagr ladyin
that ao t
T1;01411:087 Mariawhi l while rid
y on Saturday, gotfrightened at a shower
of , sparks emitted from the motor when the
fate was burned out, and jumping from the
ear alighted on her head, receiving such in-
juries as to cause her death a few hours
r ----.The Department of Agriculture for
Manitoba have decided from repoets re.
eeived from each municipality that at leaet
1S,000 men will be required to take loff the
h rvest of that province. In addition to
this, 20,000 more will be required in the
'Territories, making an immense army of
38.000 workmen.
Ottowans are fond
ing, boating, base-
d horse racing. EX-
ccurrence. Picnics,
n social's jostle one
in Canada. I received weekly numbers of
letters from Cenadiaus already here and
from others proposing po come, all wanting
berths. Let -me again; repeat, a young fel-
low without five handfed dollars ought not
to come, but, having that sum, I think he
could use it to better advantage in Canada,
at any rate for some time to come."
—Daring the eityy leeotrical storm about
11 o'olook on Su day xihb, lightning struck
the barn of A exan dr Campbell, about
three miles fr in inchester, Dundee
county. The ou handlings, including barns
and 50 tone o ha were burned. The
stock was saved and early all the iraple-
mer Vs and curia ee.
—Rev. Dr. C urtic , of Toronto, editor
of the Christian uar ian, recently suffered
a stroke of pare ysis, nd is now at Mini-
mer's Point, Mu koka. In a letter received
in Toronto recer4tly i was stated that he
was able to go oiJt cai oeing and it was ex-
pected he trout be quite recovered in a
month's time.
—The weather in Manitoba and the
Northwest is said to be favorable for the
maturing of crops. It is expected that
August 14th will star the binders at work
in the southern part Iof the province. In
the Northwest Terr taries it will not be
much before Septernb r let, with cenditions
as favorable as they re now, when harvest
commencer,. 1
—The Ontario Edu Won Department is
sued new regula ions on August let, to the
effect that in the cou se of a year or two
public school t aches will not have to
qualify on Latin or ot i er classieal languages,
but will have to pars a chemistry. examinaT
tion. Next yea , the e will be no publid
school leaviog or par I. junior leaving ex.
—Isaac Groff ' a attle breeder, on th
outskirts of Elm rin aterloo county, sol
1,200 export tea tie or July and Augus
delivery to one Of t e largest dealers i
America, Mr. C. W. ampbell, of Chicago
The 1,200 head will average about 1,40
pounds each. Ir. ampbell is reporte
having made thelatat ment that thie is on
of the best lots expor ed from Canada.
—Mies Rubie Ad ms, a popular yonn
lady of Toronto, ,whoovith her mother, were
visiting friends in Tenawanda, was drown
ed in the Niagara river, near Tanawanda, on
Monday evening last.' When passing from
one part of a pleasure Yacht to another she
fell off into the water and was drowned. De.
Howard Gray, a young friend, who wais
with her, jumped int6 the water to vase
rowned. '
Watson, of Portage I
in Ottawa a few da a
her and he, too, was
—Senator Robert
Prairie, who -arrived
ago, says that there will be a record crop i
Western Canada aga
cations all point to
proportions, and if
the railways busy to
ale. The wheat alo
reach 50,000,000 bushels, while the oth
Bing I equally well.
d that 2,000 deeds will be
partment of Crown Leticia
f land grants to obi and
modern veteran t This numberis now ready
for signature. 1 Altogether about 118,000
,claims have -been received from the , veter-
ans, and a staff of officials are busy' ascer-
taining thoee entitled to grants. Ordy the
veterans of the Fenian raid who saW active
service will be givemgrants. I _
—Last Friday night when the echooner,
New Dominion, washiff Long Point, I a ball
of fire shot out of the sky and appeared to
make straight for the veiled. Whoabout
ten feet from the stern it burst overhead,
shooting fiery piecese in different directions.
The report of the burst-ing of the meteor was
louder than the beriitiag of a cannon. The
crew were stunned,' and the captain, who
was at the wheel, -
thought he would be
thrown overboard. !
—Miss Lizzie barnpbell, daughter t of the
late Daniel Capb*11, of Duntroon, near
Colliugwood,iefti on her journey to Benguela,
in Angola Territory" West Africa, on Thurs.
age in
Missionary Society Id Boston, and expects
to be absent for , sothe years. Miss Carap-
bell is a native of Nottawasaga, and Was
educated in the so eels there and l at the
Collingwood Colleeate Institute.
—Richard Hodgehn, lumber dealer, a Well
known and respected citizen of Sunderland,
died suddenly on Saturday afternoon, 2t3bh
ult. He was assisting at the raising of a
barn, on the farm i of John Farrow, &beat
four miles from the village. About 5:30 he
was Been to throw back his head and fall to
the ground. He scarcely breathed after the
doctor reached his side. The deceased had
a thia.year. The Ind -
yield of last year s
his is so it will keep
guard against a bloc
ewill in all probabilitjy
grains are prom
—It is expect
issued in the D
in a few days
!—Thomas McKee, county clerk o Essex,
dropped dead at his home in SandWich, on
Friday, at the age of 76 years. The de-
nee.sed wae 'born in Sandwich in 1836, and
aId lived there ever mince. He had been
ounty clerk for 37 years and Wa8 the
ether of W. J. McKee, ex -Whip of the On-
ario Liberals. _
l—J. G. Jardine, Canadian agent to South
rico., writing from Durban, under date of
ly 5th, encloses extraots from Natal pap-
s referring to stranded' colonials. He
Says "Large numbers of returning refu-
els, Boer prisoners and discharged soldiers,
maining here are beginning now to
abor market. We must remember a
he white population - throughout
Africa numbers less than 200,000
three milliens of natives and coolies,
nig expenses are three times what they are
glut the
so that
to over
and liv-
day of last week, w
missionary' work.
out under the au
here she will en
Miss Campbell i
pices of the A
always resided in
on basines as a de
Ho leaves a widow
—A local teleph
ful operation op
miles this side of t
Union Telephone C
at vicinity and carr
ler in lumber and wo
and ono daughter.
ne system is in sum
t. Joseph's .Island,
e Sault. The Farm
mpany is the name of
organization, and not only have the vi
ers on the island been connected, but
majority of the far:ir.ere have instrument
their homes. The area. of the island
about 600 sqaar
400,000 acres of
wooded throug
pertino one of t
communities dn
—An electric
visited Kingston
last, and did co a
ning struck the b
ing near Croyd n
stroying the barn,
hay, two home va
hogs, buggies, w
plements. The oi's was over $2,000, with
$625 insurance. ightning also struck and
killed a valuable trotting mare owned by
M. Conroy, of Kingston. The animal Was
valued at $900. , !
—The Southdown Steamship Company's
vessel, Rustingtonwhich went ashore on
the west point f Barnaby Isle, at 11
o'clock last Thursday night, is the fourth
serious loss that has occurred in the St.
Lawrence river this season. It is the eon -
census of opinie among the shipping in-
terests that seta further action should he
speedily takenl t awrenee
route more saf
possible every
stated that t4
increase' the
made and to t
lessening the
—On Thar
tremendous st
while Mr. Fre
coming down a
lightning strap
top of the ladd running down i one side turned to Rockwood, wbero he was joined
and crossing qv his •hody, andl running 1 by a friend, and they returned to try and.
down the other eide, stripping off his c °tin overtake the runawa . About three miles
ing, even his sock oat from Rockwood an on the add° road
the whole of is s to the body of Mies McColl Wag.
his feet, knee i found. The deceased luta apparently jurnR-
he fell senselese t ed or was thrown fr m the buggy, and is
miles, containing ne
!Ace rolling land, hes
originally, but now
ost prosperous far
orm of unusual seve
on Sunday after
erable damage. Li
rn of Isaac Harrison, liv-
s of
MoLEAN BROS., Publishers
$1 a 'Yearlin Advance.
less than a miracle. ! It is the first 0/118 of
the kind ever heard of, when a person is
struck by lightning, the whole of his body
burnedand almost entirely etripped ef his
clothing, even to his socks and boots, and
notinstantly killed. The patient is now
doing pretty well, and the chances for his
recovery are very inuele in his favor.
!—Growing rye, eeven feet three inches ill
height, has been received by the Dominion
Immigration authorities in Winnipeg from
the farm, of Paul Bredt, of Balgonia, near
Regina. The growth of all kinds of grain
in the Regina district this year is said to be
phenominal. ,
--Three prominent Texas stock -men have
come from Dales, Textue, to the Canadian
Northwest, where the intend to engage ex-
tensively in ranching. Heretofore Texas
cowmen have been Be ding cattle to the Da-
kotas and the Wyoming country, but next
e experiment el tieing
Leh le said to be more
ble to nieet disturb-
horities. The Texas '-
pasture about 200,--
anada next year.
lder, who for nearly
fleeted with the staff
errety as teacher of -
d who was widely
ireles throughout the
spring they will try t
,a Comedian ranch,
convenient and less li
mice from public au
:combination expects t
009 head of cattle in
: —Jacob M. Hiroo
:half a century was OP
of the Toronto Uni
Oriental languages, 'a
'known in educational
,Dominion, died on S turday last, aged 83
'years. Mr. Hirschtel er, who was a native
of Germany, came t Catiada when ten
years of age resided for a short time la
Quebec, and then removed to Montreal and
'from there to Toronto, -where he bad re -
tided ever since. The deceased. gentleman
wrote quite a number of books, and is beat .
known by his " Expositor,'' and his
' " Answer to Bishop Colenso."
—Sanford, the young man who was buried
ia the well near Paris is slowly improving,
but the shook sustained by hit nervous sys-
tem had been bard to ;overcome. The yeang
well digger, so the dootors isay, will yet be
able to earn his livelihood, although he will
have to learn some new occepation and will
begin it practically Penniless. He is now
able to walk about the streets. The ab-
scesses from which he suffered are now
gradually disappearitin, and evidi his ability
to get out it is expected ' he will regain
his strength. ' The nurses- report that San-
ford is still quite nervous and cannot yet be
left alone at nighte.
—D. J. McKinnon,' of Giimsby, the own -
orchard in Canada,
the crop of pears and
t will be larger than
as large as in 1900.
Addington county,
ogether with 25 load
ued at $300, twenty.
gone and all farm
er of tha largest pea,
9,000 trees, states tha
peaches in that distri
last year, though not
a a Creelman, superintendent of Armen'
Institutes, has just returned from a trip
through Halton county, and reports a good
orop of apples, except in the northwestern
portion, where a hailstorm did much dam-
age. Buyers are already in the orchards, -
offering $1 per barrel for fall fruit, and are
buying orchards in bent and taking chances_
on a windfall. Generally -speaking, Mr.
Creelman says, there is a good apple crop
throughout Ontario.
—The citizens of Gaelphein the neighbor-
hood of the street railway poWerhouseshave
been terrorized for the past week by the ap-
pearance of an enormous reptile. Several
persons have seen it, and they judge it to be
all of mee en feet long and several inches in
diameter. It first made, its appearauee
somewhere in Sleernan's flaitt and is now lo-
cated in one of the quarries on Waterloo
avenue. Oa Thursday eveoing of last week
e number of young men itt that neighbor-
hood turned out with guns and clubs to do
away with the monster, but the snake
thonght it safe to stay under -coven it is
thought that the snake is nue of the pair
that escaped from the !Fourpaugh-Sells
menagerie. 1
—Mr. WM. Harris, secretary Of the Tor-
onto public echool board, has received an
intereeting letter from Miss Augusta R.
Hoover, a Toronto Junction young lady,
who went as a meMber of the Canadian
contingent of teachere to South Africa. The
letter is dated Concentration -Camp, Fetch-
efsstroome Tranevatil,South Africa., June 19,
1901 Misa Hoover States that she has just
seeded down to work teaching in the town
school. She says alie'finde the pupils quite
advanced and eager th learn. The principal
of the oohed is a, 'Mr. Dove% a nephew'
of the Genetal, and his method of teaching
is greatly admired by the Canadians. Mies
noover adds that the concentration camps
are fast breaking up and farm schools beiag
organized. They are very comfortable and
have plentei of luxuries:
—Richard Benjamin VanHorne, 8011 of
Sir William; 'chairidem ef the Canadian
Pacific Railway, lies in the -quarantine hos-
pital at New York, di with fever and the
effects of What is supposed to he poison,
given him for vengeance by a Cuban -cook in
camp, near Matanzas, Qaba. Mr. Van
Horne has been chief engineer of the new
Cuban railway, wide his father is project-
ing.. In Cabe he die
man, who more he
ening to Aloof Van
man left (maw, and 1
render the St.
nd to remove
ment of danger.
vernment will be urg
ts that are now
additional steps to ,
ere which now exist. I -
of last ; _week, during a
of thunder and lightning,
Teeter, of WalIaceburg,
adder from a haystack
the ladder, smaithing
fa as
b is
d to
barged a native work-
ould get even, threat -
erne on eight, The
ter got backennknoWn,
as cook. I Mr. VanHorne complained. of
poison symptoms for
sailing froze Matanza
was taken violently
When he a 'ved at
severe,' rlays before
for a visit home. He
ck on board thealdp.
6V7 York his temper-
ature was 103. His recovery is considered
ear* Of age.
ars ago, David Parent,
mato a young woman.
hey 'qu reeled and sep-
doubtful. 1He is 30 y
--Twenty-three ye
of W-indson, was mow
A few months later t
arated. The wife wen Detroit to live.
She drifted- entirely out of Parent's life.
A few da s ago a y ung marl called on
Parent, w o had con inued to live in Wind-
sor and carrying on h n gardening Wenzel*.
The youdg man a flounced _ himself as
David's son. Parent ad never heard that
heaves a father. ,Af er some conversation,
young Par nt told Ins father that he wished
his paron would liv together. He pleaded
hard with ,the father, and filially gained hie
consent tP a reconeil &pion with hia-evifte.
The son brought bis other back to Wind-
sor. E lanatione °flowed. Both were
t of the blame, and it
that Mrs. Parent _
er hueband's home,
willing to shoulder pa
was fined y arrange
should eo e back to
the folio mg day.
iss Maggie M
about 20 years of age,
away accident about
night of last week, n
(waged left Guelph ea
James cAteer, to vi
wood. The horse wa
train, and in a sudden
nese. Ma McAteer,
the horse kip premptl
the rig and stunned.
the horse had gone
Coll, a young lady
was killed in a run -
11 o'clook Thursday
ar Guelph. The de=
y in the evening with
it friends in Rock -
startled by a passing
hitch broke the her -
in his efforts to pull
, was thrown out of
When he recovered
"th the rig. Be re -
and boot, burning al
dy from his shoulde
him from the ladder, and
the ground. Medical aid
red, and although terribly
cal man pronouncedthe
to prove fatal, although
against the sufferer. His
eath ie nothing more or
W&8 at once to
burned the ed
case not likely
great chances are
eseaping sudden
supposed to have had
was the daughter of
Drayton, and had
with her aunt, Mrs.
few months.
her neck broken. She
Mr. Ifegh McColl, of
D. making her home
McAteer, for the past