HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1902-08-01, Page 88 - A Complete Stock of GENER.AL HARDWARE HARVEST TOOLS HARVEST MITTS BINDER TWINE MACHINE OILS ETC. ETC, At Right Prices See the new All Steel Whiffietrees. The§ are better aad stronger than wood. Preserving Kettles. Our " Crescent" granitware is unequalled flo aoid-resisting qualities. °Emmy zz MILEY, Successors to S. Mul ett & Co. DOMINION BANI. Wit not peo tot DISTRICT ATTERIE,, i DEATH OF MR. HUGH PRIVOLE. advertentally omitted meation la the death of Mr. Hu h Pringle, onrred at his residence, on the cession of Hibbert, n Thursda July 17th. Mr. Pri gle. had re good age of SO yeare and he ha feeble health for sev ral months. removing to Hibbe a h was years a resident of S afor h, bei here on the Grand Tr nk ailwa man. He wan a qu et, ndustr doing man and a good cit zen. behind his aged partner aed a fa sons and five daughters. The re interred in the Egmondville oeme ry. • ACCIDENT IN . To ONT .-The Ifo lowing t wastaken from the oron o Worl o Mon - .day. The doctor's any atiends are e will congratulate him on his fortune a escape. It says : " A dangerous hole in Italie reed - way on Anne street, near. Matual I Was the cause of an accident yeeterday lefternoon that would perhaps have eatulted fatally : to Dr. J. H. McFaul but for the iim ly aesiat- awe of a passer-by. The doctor waii diiv- ing to a aiek call, and on r achingi the spot his horse stumbled in the hole a d nearly turned a somersault. As ib wa the ani- mal's head, chest 'and legs er& badly bruised and the harneas and sha bs of the buggy broken. The horse was a au to bolt and run away, when it *as ale cap. tured by Mr. Suddwayi of 2 utual street. The hole ie said to have 0 iathe -:,-._ roadway for some time." • ' THE BOWLERS. -Four rinks fr forth Bowling Club took j?art in ern Bowling Association tour London last week, the saipe bei J. S. Roberts, T. F, Coleman, W and J. C. Greig. the kinks B Messrs. Coleman and Roberts w out at an early stage in the comp the other two were in ia till t aVe week of ieh oc- Obb con - evening, 0110 the lieen in Prior to Or many eiagagea as track - du well ft leaves ily of five ains were t • CAPITAL. (Paid Up), e $2,500,000 REST, - - 52,500,00o SEAFORTH BRANCH, Main Street, Seaforth. A General Banking Business trani- anted. Farmers' Sale Notes collected, and advances Made on same at lowept r ates. Drafts sold on all points in Canada, he United States and Europe. ' SAVINGS DEPARTMENT.-Interett allowed on deposits of One Dollar and aipward s. R. S. HAYS, W. K. PEARCE,, Solicitor Manager.! Fall Term opens September 2nlicl STRAIT' OR D ONTARIO. A school. that occupies front rank among the bast business colleges on this continent. Those desiring the best in businees educ'a- tion are invited to write for our catalogue. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. 4444-52 Bicycle Season 1902 W. N. WATSON, North Main Street, SEAFORTH, ijas on hand a good stock cf the lateat high gralde tip -update MASSEY-HARRIS and GODERIOR .381CYCLES, which will be sold cheap for cash or on *fort time. Prices from $25 upwards. A few good eecand hand bicycles on hand which will be sold oheap. , Call and examine my stock lefore purchasing, ither at my office or at Herbert J. Morrison's shop. JUL %%heels guaranteed for the seafron. Mao dealer In RAYMOND and WHITE SEWING MACHINES, and General Inaurance Agent. 4V7.- 1\T., "CiST.A.111S01\T General Insurance Agent, and Dealer in Sewing; Machines and Bieyoles, NORTH MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, isso Henderson's Photo Studio. Fall stock of Mouldings and Picture Frames. Photo Enlarging a Specialty. J. P. HENDERSON, Seaforth. 1761 We Keep Moving. Our atock is undersellieg all cenapetitors in Watches, Clocks, Ringt, Pine, 'Brooches, Chains,- and other articleal of jewelry. Oar teputation for fine goode, low prices aad bonoreble dealing, does the businesis for us, and we endeavor to live up to oar nanie. We carry a well -assorted !stock, and eyery article is warranted as represented. Repairing a Ppeeialty with us. Counter's Jewelry t stablishment, SEAFOR411, R. COUN'TEEt. - • Manager THE CAN.ItrADIAN Bank of Commercel CAPITAL (PAID UP) Eight Million Dollars $8,ocso,coop. Rest, - - $2,000,000. SEAFORTH BRANCH. A general Banking business tran- *acted. Farmers' Notes discounted, Sind special attention given to the collection of Sale Notes. SAV I N GS BA N K. -Interest al I ow - , ed on deposits of $1 and upwards. ,/ Special facilities for transaction of business In the Klondike District. Money Orders, payable at any bank, issued at ti.he following rates :- Under 810 .08 $20 to $30 .12 ' $10 to 220 AO C30 /0 ,S50 .14 1. HOLMESTED G. E. PARKES.. Solioit0X- Manager. 1624 Bicycle Store prominent a part of our besiness fact, we are prepared to do: a rano ! hueiness in this line, and have stsd enough, to handle our Piano, Organ.. and Sewing Machine business Witsimut eting in any way with each other, and bre ca,pable men in every de- partment.. The Cleveland, Hyalop and Stearns are among our leader* in bicycles. We also have a stook of forty second hand wheels, which we are, fitting,up as fast as possible, and which we are sellipg at from $5 to $15, and guarantee them to be good value. The Mason & Ramie Bell, Nordheitner, Domin- ion are among our pianos. - Bell and Dental - ion organs, you know them. OUR GENERAL REPAWSHOP baa and always will be our Irian depart- ment. Thia is where we started, and it always has our special attention in ell kepairs of Bicycles, Lawn Mowere, feet any old. thieg. Remember the place. a. M. Baldwin Seaforth. General Repair Shop. itt the See- the West - a ent at essrs. Bright 3p ed by re bowled tit on, but e 1 t, Mr. Greig's riek winning second p ize in the assseiation match, while! Mr. Btigh 's rink got as high as the semi-finals in' th conso- lation when they had to idefault rder to get home Friday night.1 Mr. rei 's rink was composed of J. L. Killoran, W. D. Mo - Lean, D. Ti Hepburn ana J. C. me, skip, and the other rink was a* folio s ri Bur- rows, W. G. Willis, D. Ilutchis 13) nd W. D. Bright, skip. The trephy ae on by the rink skipped by $. Weld, o Lendon ; the firat prize in the ailleciatioo Jmetch by J. T. Clark, of Londont rind the centolation by D. Rossi Brussels, lati and J Tytler, of London, second. Coesiderin the fact that 43 rinks, representing some 0 different towns, took par in the tour alment, the showing made by the Seaforth players was a particularly good one, and we; congratul- ate them on their succese. The prize won by the Seaforth plaaers was limit' bend- , some candelabra. L 1 TRE RON FiX.PIOSITOit being pulled. rPotapoes and roots of ail kinds promiae well, while fruitaand wiped- tii all§ apples, realise an unueually large yield:. iThe c rips, on the whole, are excel- lent, and we have great reason for thankful - fleas in this rtiapect. . ,i • Taaventrat4,-The following were ticket- ed thie week tO distant points , by Williain Sornerville, taWn agent of the Grand Trunk Reilway : Adjutant Jones and fauailY, toi Toronto ; !Mr. and Mrs. L. Reinke and Mi. and M4r. D. Moore, to Sault Ste. Marie, on a lholiday trip ; Mr. and Mrs. Gandy and nape, to Toronto ; Mies A. Mc- DOnald, to Mount Clemens ; Miss Jestie Thompson` arid mother, to Duluth. They will spend a Part of their time with Sheriff Thompson, aa Port Arthur ; Miss Nude Crich, to Conlon's, Michigan, to pay a visit tol her brother ; Mr. J. G. Crioh and family, toI New Liskard, New °aerie, where they , , have gone to amide permanently. I _ 1 ; s• o : IT° THE 11VBLIc.--Ocr annual mid•surn- mer sale Of boot and shoes, trunks and valises .00ni- rnennes"today c rida3) August lat. Read our ad- vertisement on age it for full partioulars. , Ris0W7.iillis & Son, Seaforth ;V. Kneohtel is now in full possession of John Landsbo Ough's FurnitUre and Undertaking business, See Is advertisement elaewhore, 1 I 18074 All accoun s of long standing must be paid. If not ir d at once they will go into other i wade for colle ;tlon. Take a note of this and Save costs. All ace nnts of recent date time is Itiven' tO suit purchaaerd 'John Landsborough, Seaforth. , 25 per cent., discount off embroidereld8crim-u2s- !, t , lins at Pickard'Kon Saturday. 18071. , In additiora to regular bill of sale there Will be offered .I not previously sold, 1 black mare, 1 top buggy, 1 'nutter, 1 eet eingle harnees. Jowl 180712 Landsborough,lSeaforth. Apprentice; wanted to learn baking. Ap- ply aa once to .4l; N. Colbert. 1807,1 FOR EUREKA. -Mr. C. N;a7. Papst returned home from Eureka, California, las week. Mr. Papst has purchased a book and tation- ery business there and intends r moving from here in about three weeks. repara- tory to this he intends disposin of his residence and household effects by public auction on Wedneaday of next week. Dur - iting his absence he visited several usiness pleasant centres in the Southern Statee, T as a and suitable kilts e to locate in, he prefer ed Eute a. It is a' place of abo t 10,000 inhab- itants, of whom abort t 4, 00 are Ca adieus, 'and the leading ind tri s of the locality are lumbering and flary ng. Bein on the Atlantic Coast, the °lima la moderate, be- ing neither very warea in summer poreold iniwinter. While th re Mr, Pap t met sev- eral from this elan ty, who a e located there, and all of who are tieing well.: He left the business ih 0 arge of al son, who accompanied him, tint 1 his retu n. While the many friends of Mr. a.nd rs , Pipet will join with us lb expressing regret at their removal froni Se forth, we can all wish them the greatest me sure of prosperity in their new home. Since the ' above vies 'in type we - n tice from a Eureka paper that Mr. Papst, in competition with two °there, receive a contract to the amount of $639.39 from the soiled board of that city for school s pplies for the year. Thia is pretty good, fo a start. i FOR TEMISCAMING. M r. J. G. ath ich, who has been a respected esident of Seaforth for several years, and w o is a native of this district, although he las travelled over a good deal of the wotld's surface, left on kard, Temiseaming istria, New Ontario. Wednesday with hil family for New Lis - Mr. Crich has been, ip that couhtry several times and just retuened from there this spring. He has take* up two plot of land .ii of 160 acres Emelt. Tbe lot on *hi h he in- tenis to live ia seven -milts from e ew Lis- kard and a good gpvernment road runs from the town past his place. He has erected a house on life farm and has about two acres cleared. The land ia Well timber- ed with pine, spruce, balsam and! cedar. It is not hard to clea and the timber, for which there is a goo market, will sell for more than will clear he iand. The laad is of the best quality ana Mr. 1Cr ch has shown us samples' of wheat, barley clover, timothy and.peas grIven Ithere a d hey are an excellent sample and in ever way as good as ean be grown on our e t lands here, He says the land all aro nd where he is to locate, are settle and neighbors are quite convenient. He ie very muca taken up with the country ana thinke that in a very few years hla,will have as good a farm there as Any of the old homesteads in Huron. Thereds very little rocky er waste land in the diatrict where he has located. The town of New Liskatd, which is Only seven miles from his place, is bown of about eight hundred people and s groWing very fast. It contains profesaion 1 menl of all kinds, eight general stores, wo good hardware etores, three saw mills, four churches, a good se ool, a good brick yard and last but not lea t, a printing effice and newspaper. There i also plenty of eplendid spring water in the istrict. We. hope Mr. °rich will find his ht h hopes of tae country more than realized - P' ' I 1._ THE HARVEST AND THE Caors.--earthers have had a rather cately time rieouring their hay this year, I The crop wait a hetvy wet, but mosb of ib has icinity. The lest week nd the remoaats ilia ered up. On the whole, one and the weather been housed in this bas been favorable . now pretty well gat the crop has been fa,rly Well saved. Most farmers were careful and only cut 0 small quantity at a time aad get the most of it on, :although some of d, Wheat bakvest is a good many have got moot places it is a it well saved will be sale 'having filled Well. t, hot we do not think arnage from this mine. t crop and an enusual- sown. In seine places y WIN by recent rains, ore difficult to harvest, cases those that ere well. But on the ow indicate a Splendid of which an tiausually eewra, le atenewhat he oold, Wet weather, r of the past reek has et op it and it laaa im- d With more favorable t there will Still be a whiels considerable has , ificent crop and ia now saved in good condit it gob a little bleach now in full awing a through cutting. splendid crop, and i a good sample, the h Some complaia of ru there will be much d Oats are a magnifice ly large area has bee they are lodged prat which will make it and perhaps in some down will not fill s whole, appearances crop. Eneilage corn large area has bee backward, owing to but the warm weath had a marvellous eff proved peroeptibly a weather from this 6 good crop. Flax, of been sown, is a mag 25 per cena discount off white and colored -shirt waists at :Pickard's on Saturday. 1807,1 BIG DISCOVNT SALE.-buring Friday and Saturday, we 11 give 20 per eont. off all gooda, for cash ontry. Rie ardson McInnis, Seaforth. - One-third teff ladies' white lawn and180m7-u1s- ; • lin dreases on Saturday at Pickard's, Seaforth. 1807,1 Another lag special for Saturday. Thirty pairs men's loW1shoes, regular $1.60 'to $1.75 for 760 per pahl. Samples in South window. W. H. Willis, sole agent for George A. Slater shoes, for Seaforth. 1807 1 HOUSES F0R SALE. -Two good dwelling houses en Johmstreet, Seafarth, for sale cheap. Ap- ply to Mrs. J. ai Porter, Seafortn. 1805 8 $15;000 Worth of dry goods to be slaughtered. Oirr annual July and August sale com- mences July 4th. Return railway fare allowed; on all purchases Meer $10, within 30 miles. G. E. King, Wingham. 1803-tf Pierre and organ tuning done in first el se shape. ThonneS R. Brown, Bandmaster, Seaforth. 1806. f 20c to 25e Prize Butter. -We offer or beet three tubs or boxes cf butter delivered during July, 5o, 4o and 33 respectively, over highest market price. G. E. Elam Wingharu. 1802 GIRL WANTED. -A good general servant, highest wages. Apply at °nestles Smillie's hard- ware store, Seaforth. 1806.2 Any person wishing to look through the residence will have an opportunity of lining so the day before the pie. John Landsborough, Seatorth. • 1807r2 .:' • Loom, BRttFs.z---Mrs. D. McKenzie has puechaeed tbe residence of Mr. J. G. Crioh, south of the ;;railway track, on Main street, Paying $500 i'or it. -Mr. Ritchie Common, Of Newry, was in town and vicinity- last . . week calling en old friends. -Mrs. L. Shade, Of Harpurhea, returned last week from Michigan, wbere she had been visiting her daughten-Mr. and Mrs. ' William Mei- Kay, of Torepto, spent Sunday with friends here.--ialr. gohn A. Hays has purchaeed a livery stock . and business in Listowel . and intends remeving to that town. -Mr. John Gowan, banister, of Sarnia, was in town' on Monday and called on several old friends here. -Judge, Doyle had another drainage oe.se here oraFriday last. This one ciente from HulletV and wita an appeal from the engineer's award by Mr. John Dale. The appeal wavdisinissedJ-Mr. Walter And- rews Waft taken to the" London asylum on aCuesday by :Constable Gillespie. -air. and Mrs. J. H. !Piper, of Hamilton are spend- ing some holidays here, with airs. Piper's, . aarents, Mr, and Mrs. John Beattia-Mrs. Thompsoa and Mies Jessie Thompson left en Tuesday Or Port Arthur, to spend a few Weeks with Sheriff Thompson and other 1 friends.-Mes. Woodruff, of Port Huront is ere just no* waiting on her mother, Mrs. illiam Halo:mill, who, we are pleased to learn is recovering. -M re. Gundy, the lady Who was so Seriously injured while getting iff a oar at Seaforth about three months ago nd who hag sincebeen confined at the Com- Piercial hotel. was removed to her home in Toronto, on . Thursday of last week. She was taken into the ear on a° stretcher and made the jeurney without eny serious in- oonvenience. Mrs. Henderson, who has been extremely kind and attentive to her while here, accompanied her to Toronto. - Doctors Araittrong and Irving, of Walton, were in tows on Tuesday. Dr. Armstrong, who has suceeeded in building up an excel- lent practise in Walton, has 'disposed of his Practise and property to Dr. Irving, with the view of taking a post -graduate course in Some of the . noted European institutions. Jlpr. Irving oomes from a'orento. He is a Clever young practitioner and haviog a pleasing, affable manner, Will, no doubt, do well in his new field. He has recently returned froin South Africa, where he was fighting thaBoers with one of the Canadian eontingentsa-We are elad to learn that Mies McIntosh, of McKillop, whose serious alness we mentioned last week, is now im- proving nicely and is supposed to be out of danger. -We learn that Mr. 'John Fairley,a formet respected resident' a 1 Seaforth, has 1. given tip bueiness in Carberry Manitobatand has removed with his faintly o a new town, !tear Edmonton, where hims lf and his son John will again engage in bu inesa-Mr. J. P. Bripe awl his grandsop, Master Ellis °Lean, drave to Brussels o Wednesday o visit Mr. Brine's daughter there, Mrs. P. ,cott.--' Theernany friends o Mr, W. 0. Reid will be pleased to learn that he is re- alovering rapidly from his re ent illness and hopes to be, 'around attendi g to business again in a few daye.-Mr. V Knechtel in - ends to °maps, the retaidenc on Victoria equate, to b - vacated by- Me. John Lands- °rough.- Atile in Eureka, alifornia, Mr. C. We Papst met Mr. and Mes. P. Keating, flormeriy of Seadorth. They gee now corn- flortably located in that city, where Mr, Keating haste good situation at his trade as a carpenter and builder. He also met Mr. P. Deleney, eon of Mr. Cornelius Delaney, of McKillop* near Beechwootl. Mr. _De- laney has been in that couut y for several years, havin gone there when quite a young man arid he le now one of t e leading and wealthy residents of the oit of Eureka. - Flax pulling is now tn full svsing. It ie a heavy prop ant it is not hard to pull this year. .Every man, teoman and child who *ante work ef this kind can ow have it as hands !are ia great deman .-Mr. I. V. Fear ie hay* his handsome eeidence atid Verandah tastefully painted. It is one of the handsomest residences in his part of the country andas an ornament t the Gown. - We are sorry to learn that Mr. Thomas Brown, who has been band i structor here for some time, has resignetthi position here, and will take a position With he celebrated Guy Brothers. Mr. Brown ia a skilled musician and an excellent. i structor and his removal Will be a dietinctl as to our very efficient beatd-Mr. and Mr . French and daughter are visiting friends t Port Elgin at present.-tMiss Lottie Bes hes gone to Hamilton, where she has a .g od position. - Miss Tillie Murdie left for t. Catharines on Thu:redeye where she enter the hospital of that city, to take up train d num work. -Mrs.:Waugb, of Goderioh s reet, is visit- ing friends in Fergus at pres nt.-Mrs. W. Gillespie and daughter are e ending a few i I days w4la friends at Ripley, -Mr. an W. Solrville returned from their trip to t e coast on Tuesday iv ning. had a most enjoyable time nd h pleaeure of meeting with man old -Miss ' Nan Killoran left ednes a holiday trip to AlUskoka. The friends ' lof Mr. Daniel Mac ment agent, will regret to lea been confined to ,the hospital Hat for Some Vieeket with an a At last eports, however, he nicely a d expected shortly leave t e hospital. -Miss S London, is visiting at Mrs. D. -Misses Sadie and Kathlee Toronte, are visiting at Mrs. -Saturday, August 9th, has ed a public, holiday throughout in honor of the coronation of -Miss Harvey. of London, 1 sister. Mrs. (Dr.) Burrows. Frame, of Toronto, and his sister, Miss A nie Webb, are yisitin Mrii. James 1 Coleme n -Mr. James AlcGe , the obliging eondue or of the Seaforth and Eayfield stage line, has had a blisy time of it for a week e more trying to supply th,e people:of Seafort with raspberries. in Bayfield and disposee of t this year, as the fruit has b demand was much in excess - Mr. 1James Stewart has residence on his farm adjoi ville Well under way. The completed and the roof is d Mrs) oliday They d the riende. ay on many onald, imple- n that he has at Medicine tack of fever. aa irnproving o be able to merville, of . Hepburn's. Godbolt, of • . Jo een p the D ing visi Mrs.' 11 neon's. minion dward. ing her George e bu. a them em h re, and en so roe, the the supply. 18 De brick ine mond- rick work is ow o . It is ; nicely situated and when completed will be one of the handsomest reei eines, ill the township. -Mrs. J. M. Beat nd family are in Goderich this week, spend ng a ew holi- days With friends there. -The bri k work on Mr.r James Cumming's nevaresidetwe an Egmondville is now finished, and the cat- pentere are putting the roof on. It isi going to be a handsome resiaence -Misa Nellie Devereaux, milliner, of Bea sville, is home for the holidays. -We notic the °flowing. in the Roseland Miner of Jul 251a " Wm. Somerville and wife, of Sea ortia, Ontario, left last night for the east, eying been in -the city for several days, th guest of their cousin, City Clerk McQueen, Le R i avenue east. Mr. and Mrs. Somerv•lla sp nt some weeks atthe meat prior to OOM ing toe °Boland. -Tbe band will play in the aark this (Fri- day) evening. Tae members of theiband and many of those who attend the eoncerts; complain of the noise made by the phildren. This noise not only niars the pie eure of ; those present, but disturbs the pia ers. In the interests of both it should be stopped. We have no objection totthe ohildr n enjoy- ing tisemselvesibut they can o thatawithout becoming beisterous and i terfering with the enjoyment of the older peep e. -Miss Thompson, dressmaker,, is spend ng her holidaas with her brother at Waln t. -Mr. Paul Godfrey, ef Norwood, 0 tilde, a genial gentleman, was in town aev rat i days this week eaning cbimneys. e hap been at the b ,sinesa thirty-two years and knows just hew to do it and makes 'a good job, which is more than cen be gaid of a good many in his buiiiness.-Sacrainental eervices will be, held next Sunday in the Methodist church. Love feast at 10 a m., seerament at close of the morning service. H In the evening the pastor will give the senond ser- mon of the series " Five words te young men."1 A short, bright service for the hot weather. -Mrs. T. D. Ryan, Cif Ann Arbor, Michitan, formerly a residen o Seaforth, is visitin with her daughter G ne arie, at the residence • of Mrs. John Kill ra .-Miss A. Watson, who has bean first a sistant teacher in the Seeforth public schoo f r a great many years, has resigned er p sition to c:. accept of another in Port. Ar hu .-Bert, son of Mr. Harzy Speare, fell f oin a wagon on Thursday and got a bad cut on the fore. ! I head.' ' ' • ,Bruoefield Another big special for Satur pairs men's low shoes, regular $1.5 to per pair Samplea in South wind° . sole agent far George A. Slater Sho s, When feshamed into pre airy faleri ' of pretty printe lins, Ditni les, eta., such as ed at The . MeFaul Co.'s are trne h t weather comfort is the tim -jusit exactly th money to uroha,se a whole the comfit t you seek. FARM 5 ii,D.----Mr. A. J. R splendid f: rm, on tire Lon on ley, near here, to Mr. Jame Tuckersm th. The price paia i lib contains 1 0 aciee, except ve a off by the railway, which r na It is a spl ndid, farm and ba go on it. M . Petrie gets pose ssi ber. Mr. ROES intends taki • g year, and ill, probably, tak a Manitoba and the North -es locates pe manently again. • Beechwoo Anothe big epecial for Sa pairs men's ow shoes, regular $1.5 per pair. amples in South wind sole agent f r George A. Slater elm ' ' NOTES. This week the hu has gi en place to the clatte Fall w eat and barley are fa crop 11 round is heavier past. We hope the presen will continue, for three reas to enable the farmers to say Tf oWhr ri7tti5sy0, ✓ eaforth. 1807-1 ty g;wns, the ewns, Mus - re be ng clear - to et eaforth, i 4 ed. Now ti a for little o t :a1i8n0g7s-If o r ss he sold hia eo d, Stan- etrie, of $ ,225. • It was taken ough it. d buildings n in Ooto- eest for a trip& through before he ur ay Thirty to $1.175 for 7513 w. W. H. Willis, 3, or Seatorth. 1807-1 f the mower the binder. g Sat. The n' for .yeare ne weather , : lat, eie bounti• th fat harvest ; aridly, for the 6oronation cere- mony at London, and last, b t not least, for the the lawn festival at Itishtow . -Some blame the managers of these event for hav- ing them so nearly clash, nd taink the coronation manaeers ghoul give way, as they had their day fixed before, bu we eay sicknees must be excused. If they had -Dr. Bethu e over there he would have pulled His Majeety through for th first appoint- ment. However, we don't think their en- tertainment will hurt ours a y more than ours w 11 hurt theirs. If our premier can t come t the lawn imolai he will certainly be represented, and we see t at laird Dun- donaldi has arrived, a.nd Lor Minto is on the way and that will even thing's up all right.-aMiss Lizzie Kelly a d Milse Lucy Evans are home for their hol days, and both are looking their very best. Mrs. May and children, of Chicago, are v siting -et her mother's, Mrs. J. Hughes. • Wroxeter BR1EFS.-Frank Sanders° , 'Chicago; is spending a few weeks' vac lion with his parente and sisters here. Miere Bestie Smith, of Galt, and Miaa Tur hula!) of Wal- ton, are visiting their cousi , MOS Tena Smitha-Robert Miller epe t Tharsday in Torouto.-Mits Jean Ds,vids n entertained a number of her young frie de to tea on - Tuesday evening: -Rev. A. haw and Mra. Shaw, of Benmiller, former r sidents of. the village; called here last weels.-Mrs. Pass- more returned to Goderich on Saturday, after a week's visit with her sister, Mrs, John Hamilton. -One of the most pleasant social events of the season was 'the garden party held on F. V. Dicksen' lawn on Mon- day evening, under the aute4ea of the -choir of the Presbyterian church eplendid pro- gramme was given by the choir, aseiated by the children of the Sunda school, and everything was done to make it as pleasant as possible for the large nu ber ho had gathered together. The rec ipts a onnted to about thirty dollars. -Bur e W lker, of Nia are Falls, visited relatives htre over Sun ay. -Mrs. Barden an children, of Wingham, are guests of Mrs. W. M. Robin- son.-Cofton Thompson, of uelph, is visit- ing hisagrandfather, John Go ton, and other relatives in the village.- rob. Hyslop, M. P. P., of Walton, was in he vil age Sat- urday. --Rev. R. S. G. And mon left for Muskoka on Wednesday, here he will spend 4 month's vacation.- les R. Wendt, of Mildmay, is spending a w d ye here , with her brother, J. R. 'Wen t. -A load of you g people atten Ja elitown, on Th Mrs. McIntyre r reday, having is es- mother, JM rain on'Saturda d to take plac owel ma that e s McKelvey, o of Montreal, s. her, Rev. I. A Th ls,tt the bill Lis Mi isb bro hig pla de Ti wo an west of the i7 Th Tines Steele, of to his friend, Mr. ev ning.-Mr. a M sd MoLsgan, o M . i„.and Mrs. W ite, of Stratf af el' spending a E . Drake.-Mis Ci y, is holidayin M . John Sadler M en Wm. Trick N r is spent Sun r. Robert Wli p t in the past, a n returned to • y Johns, of w t friends in t H c gson is visitin Miss Lucy Hut g e t of her broth r. and Mrs. onday at the he a d family. -Mr. oday in Dublin ed the garden party, in reclay evening. -Mr. and urned to Cleveland on ent some time with the 9, N. Alle.n.-Owing to , the game of football here in the park with ening, was postponed. - Stratford, and Miss Par- e visiting the former's McKelvey. the prices are Now is a eV. hmouosFea-usviifec for her to cription, She k ngs, Table L onsGs.-Mr. d, was renewt • taffa. lar, the qualities are ood time fur the econ o purchase " domestics.' .'s Store, Seaforth, is th o for Cottons of ever tinge, Pillow Casings 1807-1 ens, etc. mit Sperling, of Beeoh 'g old acquaintances illage on Sunday. -Mr ublin, paid a flying visi lbert Norris, on Monde. Miss Thompson, and Logati, spent Sunday at unbar's.-Miss Lucindjs rd, has returned hom , eek with her aunt, Mary Long, of the Classin 'at the Carlin House. - visiting his daughter, of London. -Mr. Albert y in Logan, with friend . te, of Manitoba, who h month in Stratford, h s r. Ed. Drake's.-Milis Egmondville, is visiting e Thomas his brother in Grantori. hieon, .of Seaforth, is t e r, Mr. F. H. Hutchisoi erbert, of Logan, spe t e of Mr. James Norr s and Mrs. Sam Gill spe t til V arna. GLOVES FOR ARM DAYS. -The WOM n w think gloves f kid too heavy for da a 'oh as these, op they who like to keep a p ir of cool, thi fabric gloves in reser e fo ninety degree weather., will be pleaa d w th the choosing at The E. Molaaul Co. S ore, Seafortb. Summer corsets, Hosier ✓ sts, Under M slins, etc., are in plenty, o 1807-1 , DOTS. -Rev. M Sewers, af Brucefieldi p earthed mornin and evening in the Pres- • tarien church n Sunday last. --The Rev. ri Sottly, of T ronto, preached at Bay fi 1q, Goshen an Varna churches dnri g t a absence of t ir pastor, Rev. Mr. Je tangs, who is spe ding his well earned holi- d ys fit the home of his parents, in Parkhil The annual rden party, under the • sipices of St. °Ian's church; Varna, will b aeld in Pathin eter McAshaa orchard, on edneaday eveni g, August 20th. As usual, a •ig time is exp, oted.-Harvest is in full s Mg, and the rospeots for a big yield w re never bette The hay crop was very h avy ; in fact, i anall round, big crop. Miss Jennie M enzie and Mr. John 4. R bertson, of D troit, are home on a visa-. Mr.. and Mrs. Munahaw are visiting at t elhome of her arents.-Mies; Vanorman, o Belgrave, is vie ting her brother Charles, o the Cook hous , this week. -Mr. Eppis o r genial' blacks ith, sports a handsome d iver. .1/. G. Stanbury N t ry, Conveyanoe A ensall every Tu .11'par4ea ind la e John Pqpe, of II a d settle sa;me as th 8 therlaocl,;Hensall M ri.. Mary 41en Pop es ate. , LOCAL 13RIEFS. Mr. Ambrose Smith,w1to was tellernin the lolsons Bank here until o cently, bits reel ned in order to accept a b tter Position as accountant in the S vereign1Bank, t Exeter. While missing Ps r. Smith from ur bueinese as well as soo- i 1 ircles; we um e with his many friends i wishing him ontinued prosperity and a vancernentaT-T e weather so far this eelk has ibeen v ry favorable for haying, fi x pull* and:: ervesting, and good use is b nig made Of 13; !-Rev. J. S. Henderson 1 ft here tbis we for a month's holidays. Messre. G. and J. Petty are having their d elling nicely painted. -Mrs. Rieharti J nes intends lea ,ing here in a couple of ears to loin her husband in the West. -r-• eY. Dr. Medd d livered a sermon ih the A ethodist chum , on Sabbath evening last, hieh is aery big ly epoken ot. There se" n lervicelin the hurch, in the morning, ow - i g to qu4terly ervice being held at Beta - e de, and eit whici service quite a number f oin hereaivere i atteniance. In the.eve - g the eommunion was dispensed. -M . C. A. Reamond eturned laet . week from oant Clemens, ichigan, where he had n feeling con iderably improved. -M . int en for areatme t for rheumatism, and s . ailoore h sold his fine two story b iale dwelling, o Richmond street sout f r iiagoodlfigure,1 to Mr. Alexander Joh s oe, of St. Louie Michigan, wile; inten s moeing here hal the court° of a mont . re Modre hae added to the appearan e o our vil age, b erecting quite a numb r o fine bri k dwel ings, and we hope he m s:e hie w y clear to erect yet another. -e- . Johnston has! friends here who speak h'ghly of !him an we weleome him to o r vi lage.-Servicel n the Carmel church, w e h la on the lawn on Sabbat evening last. - r4. J. GI. Troy:r and children left Tue d y morning to v sit relatives and friends in nodstock and olenie.-Mr. J. E. MC- D nell returned ome from Clinton hospital o Saturday e ning, and left Monday m ening for Lona n to visit his sister, Mre. B nnett. 1 Mr. M Donell ia improving nice- ly +Mr. Arnold ' nd Mies Carrie MacArtlahr h ve returned frq Ailsa Craig, wbere they 4 ve been visiti g. -Miss Gatti° Kaiser is vi iting her ti ter in Hairiston.-Mi s B atrice Urquhae left on Tuesday to vis t h r aunts in Lon on. --Mr. Ambrose Smit c lied on friends 1 in town last week. -Mi s L ttie Kaiser an nt a few days in Clinton la t weeka-Missi Alene Arnold, of Buffet N w York, forme ly of Hensall, is visitin re atives and frie de here. -Mrs. Wiliam O lwill, Misa Eth 1, Mrs. Harry Welsh an M.S3 Sturgeon rip nt several days at Gran nd this week, Mies Alice Petty epe t t. 1 day in Lon on. -Mies Ingram, f t oledstock, it via ting Mise Ethel Colwill. 1 e Misses Mcalerdie very pleasantly ente tv/7ned a number f their friends from th lage on Friday vening laat.-Mrs. Kyd d Miss Hami ton, of Brooklyn, New Y rk, who were ere spending a few weekla w th their sister, 1 re. G. N. Babcock, left this week, accom taxied by Mrs. Babcock. --a _ D . and Mrs. Ca pbell, of Zurich, th village on Sal) radthocekv,enminrgs.visoitaimn a d Mrs. T. M w gei ri beeM1 li p rents. -Mr. W J. Miller, reeve, was i Z rich on Tuesd y. -Mr. Kenneth Ma - A thur, of Aisle raig, was "in the village th s week visiting his brother. -We regret th a week to have to chronicle the death of M . George Park r, of the tawnship of Hay, w ieh occurred, a ter only a few days' ill- ne e, on Seturday last. , Mr. Parker, while n t in very robust health for the past few years, was feeling better than he had for so 0 time, and hie sudden death was quite a bock o his family as well as his friends. T e dee ased waa a member of the Metho- di t church and a Conservative in politics, an 'was possessed of. many good qualities. 11 a ,rem ins were interred in the Hills G metery in Sabbath afternoon last, th "fnuncee al being argely attended . Much ay path? is felt r the bereaved family. --L R v.1 T. . Blate ford, of Thamesville, arti- er) pani d by his ife and little boy, ar II vi iting r. Blat ford's brother and sister he e and elativ in the vicintty.-Mr. an ensall. 13. A., Barrister,Soliciter, , money to loan, Exeter, Ont sday. 1792; bted to the estate of the mall, will please call at once estate must be closed. G. J. . 0., agent and collector for , the. admistratrix of the said 1807-1 It AUGUST IL 1902 Mrs. John Lennox, of Wingliam, !Tent part of last week and this with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Higgins.-Alr. D. Urquhart hair been improving his °uncle end repairing his fence. -Dr. McE en, ma of Mr. Wm„ MoEwen, of the don Road, returned this week from So th Africa, where he served in the late w with the second Cita- . Dr, MoEwen was he Ha tas River en - fully r covered. His welcome his safe re- adian Mounted Rift slightly wounded in gagement, bufis no many old friends wi turn. Hil.18 A dollar isn't a pocket than in anot ger in July than in any bigger in one st merely looks bigger Store, Seaforth, bec are so great, and p clashes of summer need now. NOTES. -Mr. Rob Mrs. Charles Stelek for Burks Falls, wh Ronne J was visiting friends day. -Mr. Wm. Ja week. -Mr. James broad smile. 'Its James Hagan visite day. -Mr. Ralph last week to help hi vest. -The farmers and barley. There in this vicinity yet WARNING. -For of young men ha,ve front of my store a late hour, when all retired for the nigh repeatedly warned worse instead- of b boys pereonally, recourse to law, bu bring them before fined or sent to jail °nee is repeated TROYER, Gree4. biggee in one man's er's. It isn't any big - ay or !June. It isn't re than in another. It n The E. McFaul Co.'e use ita buying powers rticularly now, in all goods, the thiii8g0s7-ylon rt Stelek and mother, left ma Thursday last . re the§ will visit for , Gard er, of Clinton, in the illage on Mon - tett wa in London laet Parse s now wears a girl. Mr. and Mrs. ae Batifield last Mon- erkmanl returne,c1 home father! With the har- are bus cutting wheat is some haying to do ome ti e pa.st a number created disturbance in d reside ce, ueually at a peaeefu residents have , and, a tholigh I have hem, t :ey are getting tter. know all the do no wish to have I will ertainly have to ma.gisttate, have them or bot , if the disturb - any ore.-GHARLES • St. C lunibin. Another big spec al for Saturday. Thirty pairs mehe low shoes, e4ular $1.50 to 81.75 fcr The per pair. Samples in 8 nth wind w. W. W. Willis, sole agent for Gaorge A Slater sh es, fcr Seafotth. , 1807-1, IT'S GOING To B HOT CAIN. -We have some things yoA need. T ere are a lot of cool things here th t go a 1 ng way toward making life bearabl --even i pleasant, iathot weather. Among the many things that don't cost much e_ mention these few : Shirt Waists, Mural n. Underwear, Summer Corsets, Parasols, HosierY, thin Glotes, dainty Muslim for dresses etc. Summier's lowest prices on all The . McFaul Co., Seaforth. 1 > 1807-1 , THE CARNIVAL, The hadows of the grand carnival and ete charhpetre, tobe held here Monday and uesday, Augpst 11 and 12, are ra.pidly adv acing, al:id the big event is being eagerly 1 oked fo ward to as the best thing in our history.. An excellent array at talent ha been aeOured for the occasion. Among he othet artists engaged are the celebrated DeVerne sisters, Who have just returned ,from a succeeeful tour through the Marlime Provinces ; Mies Susie McGill, of L ndon, a charming little densuese ; Will M Leod, the noted comie ; the 33rd regiment and, an many others. Oae of the beet fea ures wil be the moving picture machine, ender t e direction of Prefessor Herman, ed St. onie, Missouri, which will gait) picteres of tiring events in the Philippinea and Sou la Africa. The beat of eefreshmeate will leo be aerved, whale coronation bonfiies ill be lighted and salutes fired. Don' miss this big event. ' _ 1 Kippeia. , . Hay, Commissioner sad Conveyanaer ; wil s, mortgages and de ds -drawn up. Money loaned at the lo vest rates of 14erest. 1740-t , , OTES.-Mr. R. . Bell eft on Tuesday for New Ontario, - here he goes to erect a new saw mill and lace in the machinery. The people of New ntario comea, long way for good men and t ey make no mistake in having Mr. Bell do theta work -Mrt D. C. McLean has disPesed of la. ear load of fat cattle to Mr. Geoage Stanbury. David- al- ways has somethieg good in the cattle line and that is what Geprge is after every time, -Many farmers are' nowebney finishing up haying, whieh is ratherlan unusual' occur- rence in the latter part of July. The past two weeks have been tryingt the wits of our systematic farmers, in the way of saving hay, on account of so much ralb.-Fall wheat harvest is now general in this part, and betrying the binders oiti account of the heavy crop, which is much lodged. It is also trying the patience of the far- mers. -Mr. Thomas Bell, o e of Winghain's most enterprising cttizens, ,as doing bus- iness in our village on Monday and while eo doing, did not forget to look around and see his old friend,- T. Metlis, and have a pleasaut chat of the by-gons and the yi present. As the two Toms were among the. boys of Seaforth some 30 ears ago, many incidents were brooght to light and many changes have taken place during those long years. Mr. Bell is one of the whole souled and genial good feliows, an makes a good citizen. -Mr. William Iviso , of the village, received a telegrami on Menday, announc- ing the death of his son-intlaw, Mr. Elias Potter, who for many ears was post master and merchant at Po ter's Hill. He, a short time ago, disposed of hia business there, and moved to Zion C ty. Mr. Potter was, for many years, laid as de from the ac- tive duties of life by his affliction. He leaves a bereaved wife and six children to monrn the lose of anlendulg nt husband and father, who all haye the heart felt sym- pathy of their friends of this vicinity. - Mr. James Mulholland, ith Mies Lily Parsons, of Harpuraey, wer vititing friends in tbis part during ' the et -week.-Miss Hannah Thompson is payi g a two weeks' visit with her sitter, M s. Flucker, -of Auburn. -Mr. R. legg haa sufficiently re- covered from his recent allness to allow him to be stepping arouna again \in his usual activity. -Th picnic for the Method- iiit Sabbath school, Which Was on the elate for last Friday, to e held iit Bayfield, was postponed to alat date kintil the busy time is over. --The iek work of Mr. J. 13. McLean's house is now eompleted and is waiting for the Carp nter's touch in order to bring it to comple ion. -The home of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert D ek is brightened by the advent of a young on. -Mrs. B. Blair, of Algoma, is now at t e home of her mother, Mrs, William Coope , sr. Mrs. Blair came home to give a helpi g hand to the care of her mother. Mrs. Cooper'S many*friends will be pleased to hear that she is doing as well as can be expeted, and is now able to sit up every day, w ich gives her great rest. -Mr. Joseph Brine, who bills been a citizen of Harpurhey for the past 55 years, was, during the week, shaking hands with old friends in the village, who veere much pleas- ed to have another shake of is warm hana. Mr. Brine relates th t he is oyi 84 years ef age and that he is in his garden at 5 in the morning and does al the work of the gar- den. Many of us m eh younger might take a lesson from our ol friend rand do likewise. -Mr. and M re. R. acMordie and family picnicked at Bayfiel on Tuesday, and the day was well enjo :d. -The masons and carpenters are now b sy at /he school room of St. Andrew'r chu h and will push the work along in good e ape. -The berry season is now en and the pi kers are many. The crop is 0/2 the slim a de this season. -Mr. - Beverley Ketchen, ho is occupying ' the pulpit of St. Andrew s church during the absence of the pester on Sabbath last, gave two grand -sermons, hich were listened to with much attention. Miss Pearce 'Yelland, of London, is spendi g a three weeks' 'visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs.! R. McMordie. Brimful qf E6nomies is this Dry Goods " KSte°erpe.Cool Wear- ables in Profusion. ; mamas If new goods, lowly riced, attract youe, if greatness of variety pleases you, if an assurance of reliabi ity appeals to you, to- your -intereet tolkeep in touch with I then your own se f interest should prompt you to turn tiewards this store for every dry goocle need. Truly, it's the doings of this store. There are so often Many pleasant surprises in its up-- to-the-minute mercaandise - surprises in price and quality. Perhaps there ier a chance in just thi thing' you need ' now. Let berisii47armesoangupthone eyaolinly tchoemenreace2roiwty, foorf items most ireesistible are selling fast. Among the many things rapidly grow- ing lees, we FwcaAIHINyI0ToyuEr, ssaitleitionwwtAjnomsTisg: FANCY PARASOLS BLAC PARASOLS NEW UTING HATS ' UNDE &I USLINS COOL ESTS 'SUMMER CORSETS THIN GLOVES FAST DYE HOSIERY,. _ ETC., It rc. ' ! Muslin Underwear. Think of what yenta like 'in the shape - muslin underweate Come with the - confidence that it here, and for less. than you have ' ever paid eleewhere its equal. Our muslin underwear la. ----., the best we can procure. Fine taste,. good judgment are reflected in every garment ; all sizes; all popular prices. in Night Gowns, Camille's, Corset Coy - era, Skirts, Drawers. - Laces and Embroideries. For the trimming of your Summer - dresses and waist; we have good choos- ing in the kinda you shonld use be- cause they are extremely stylish' and popular, and been* they ere to be ha& here at such reasopable prices7prioes never less than at Present. There's no, lack of quantity i laces, embroideries - and other kinds of retie trimmings, too.. kow fOr White Goods' We are prepared wi;h goods bound to - meet with the hardest response. - Every waman is on ithe lookout for true worth in, white goods. We would nob e speak of onr stock lin this way if our - prices would not ampere more than favorably with the lowest you could find elsewhere. If iien have been wait- ing for the proper time to buy, it has - come at last. Not expentive, but choice, areeur INDIA LINENS i WHITE DIMITIES STRIPED! MUSLINS CHECKED 'MUSLIM WHITE ORGANDIES WHITE NAINSOOK PLAIN APRON LAwN. TUCKED !APRON LAWN, ETC., ET., ETC. tea -Butter and eggs' taken as cash for _ goods, and highestanarket prices allow- ed for same. MeFAUL Dry Goods Co. C4th's Greatest Cask Dry Good Store. -Mrs. A. Monteith, with her daughtert Mile Sarah, were thie week visiting friende in this vicinits. Mrs. Monteith tame down to pay a visit to Mre. Cooper, sr„ -Miss MarY E. MeMordie, teaeher, of London, is spending school vacation at her home, - Miss Effie Smith is epending a two weeks' visit with friends at Cleveland. -Mr. Kyle, sr., who is still one of the surviving - and one of the few old pioneers that are left in this part, wee in Goderich the 12th and spent a pleasant day's outing with friends. Mr. and Mrs. K.yle are the oldest couple in this part.----Mr.Wm. McNaughton, of Chatham, in company with his eiders,. Mies Charlotte, of Clinton, during the week, were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs., R. MoMordie.-Miss Jessie McLean and Miss May Melia vieited at the home of' Mr. James Mulholland, Harpurhey.-- Mesta's. Cooper Brethere, the past week, disposed of 22 sheet) to a Canadian aheep- breeder at Brantford. Cooper Brothers are the foremost in theimarket .for good sheep. Beignore. DEATII OF A MORRIS i:3 -0y. -The follow- ing, which we take, friar* the St. Thomas Times of July 15, refers to a native of this - vicinity, and will be read with melancholy interest by the many friends of the decessed in this county. The Times says " The funeral of the late Wm. Johnson, of Chicago, took place yesterday afternoon from the residence of his brother-in-law, 0. White, to St. Thornue cemetery. Mr. Johnson was almost 37 years old, and waa 8, non of Wm. Johnson, 5th line, M -orris. He formerly drove on the Miebigan Central Railways running from St. Thornaa to Windsor and St. Thomas to Black Rock, but during the last five years be was in the employ of "the Iltinois Central Railway at Chicago. LB October, 1900, he was married to- Miss Fer- guson, of St. Thomas, who now, with his father, sister and live brothers are left to mourn his early departiire, The members of the brotherhood of loeal firemen attended the funeral in a body and buried their cora- rade with their burial- service. Service was conducted at the house and also at the grave by Rev. Canon Hill, Ep ecopalian, assisted by Rev. H. W. Reede, resbyterian. The • floral tributes were beau iful, and included a pillow with the *or "Husband," from deceased's wife and bre her, Dr. Johnson ;- crescent from Ladiete Society of Locomotive Firemen ; gates ajar, from Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen ; wreath from Unity Lodge, No, 47, B. of R. T.; wreath, -repre- senting car wheel, from conductors and brakemen, and bouquets tfrom many friends. in the city. The relatives from a distance were his father and brather Henry from Morris ; Christopher, Blyth ; sister and brother Thomas Michigan ; Dr. J. S. John- son,' Adrian, ilichigan ; Joseph Jehnson, from Bishop Auckland,i England ; Alex. Ferguson, Chicago, and tie Misses Dela11, of London." WHOl 2 sTab- ` 50 ft. -% 3.00 ft. 1 We mea sold exa be—proi when 13; Of emq 'oak, -do sbautyisiofineg',1 zoweulhaa-v1; Ontario, sre Ti za.53 not s until ro