HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1902-08-01, Page 71902 .1t �va-1,TST 1, 1002• 'lir Vigor elegant for:. keeping the e ends.s'-,= nntfork, 1U. ,g splits :he lain on your friends y hair of [end. Vigor in vent the splitting stop it. gouty you, w oxPreaS 1ve- the name ce. Adti,, well, Mans. THE ?HURON X -ti OsITOR. E FOR 50 YEARS he largest Watch se Gorpapy inj the ].d, whose products e the standard in. I watch Markets. e Stiffened F4°BOSS Gold C.Ara s stood the test time and proved e best value in a tch Case. Guar - teed for 25 pears', ar. All have this rk it in them. HN * B U LG E R, SEAFORTH. ,t of any sort ds--4if he can which ie often ustrated afresh tate Dr. Stew- ging; for 8on]& the doctor out what kind den an Oppartun of a neighbor 3, the stranger remark that he doctor's-r-auti- e that I should especially of a.. is ---if you were Lochaber to- •ahorlld say the Dugald was not • and Great blies of ST FOOD ern Diet for descents. A VARIETY` become famella convalese froin weak di nutritive proper-- ,ysicians. malt; strengthens the , and in a. short 3stinate dyspepo kIy enrichesthe attered system. er the strong and >r. - I- `i3e- ontF for a Sun- paused before a: were displayed ,ime in various In some parts of d is other parts . nited States is rid where 'tis to- y birthday if I we a birthday if 3 your birthday Big flare 1�`' he population is t hag advantages., e is if he is born abroad he is a- y, countin' he be- -but when you t to purchase- for - sally known and largest Gale of since 186, for Ronsumption and s, without losing - le years, you wilt Jnr attention: to, There are so tedies made by are cheap and • but for severe -and especially here is difficult pg during the is nothing like all druggists- in odbury, N. J. tap -hs.. be sure you're - e ball diamonds seem to be in -- tion: transforms e- ra in a row boat kunniug forward. tfi dance to enable - ikes. ,essful iawyera ;. - lemselves of the to his cellar to taring him is hen even -Chi - Diseased false, unnatural s increase your em, Strengthen. the heart will what to take, its a digestion that that is eaten. or, stakes rich, titin eIy the: most engthener known the nerve tone, , makes the fees well. Ferrozone d coats only 50c.,. le Co.,, Kingston, ululate the Liver. baser, of Logan, eve Ontario, last !for several days` d., before leaving, (mite, for which it, as the land: is - expecte to more A Big. Bracing Tonic • . Fine old port wine to which has been added Peruvian Bark in proportions approved by the EnglishandFreneh 'pharmacopoeias is the ideal bracing, blood giving, life, renewing tonic. Such a prepara- tion is Wilson's Invalids' Port s Prescribed by all ' - leading physicians. E WHOLESALE AGENTS; CE A. WILSON & CO.. MONTREAY FOR SALE BY JOSEPH WEBER, Wholesale and Retail dealer in Wines and Liquors. allor-In. rear of Dominion Bank, in prem- ises formerly occupied by H. D. Jack- son & Son, SEAFORTH. tf�E THE GENUINE, . UThAY r itiot. THE UNIVERSAL. PERFUME" For the Handkerchief, Toilet and Bath. REFUSE ALL SUBSTITUTES ! 1796 BABY'S OWN irABLETsl.; Eor Weak and S:.cl1y Children During the Ha eather. Thousand of children laic durin the hob weather months, because au mer a mp taints and stomach troubles corse i sudde ly,l and mothers do not have them ans at hand to promptly cheek and euro t em. Is hetes *here Baby''s Own Tablets are u.ec! these precious little lives can !be saved, l and no home where there are inf me a. d young children should be without hem. Baby's Own Tablets will prom tly ; sure all stomach and bowel tro bles, a ' d ere a great relief to teething hi dreo. TheTab- lets ere sold under a post tide guar: ntee that they contain neither pi to nor ;harmful drug. Crushed to a po d r the • con be given with absolute sxf ty to a .e , born babe. Mr*. R., Fergn on 105 a sfield street, Montreal, says : " I h=ve ; used„ Baby's Own Tablets anhave fo nd 'them the beat medicine I have evergiven my children. My baby hast aliisays b en small and delicate, and suffered s�o much last'sum- rher with his teeth that'I did not think he would live. Then he akin and cough. As the doctor's medicine d d - of help him, I Sent for Baby's Own Tale s, and they did him a wonderful amoun o good, and, 6 he is now getting on splendi • ly I gladly give my experience for the •;neib of other moth- ers." Ii your druggist toe' not keep these Tablets they will be ser t bj mail poet paid at 25 cents" a box by w Wag • direct tlo The Dr. Wiliiame Medici•o Co.. Brockville, Ontario, or Seheneetad , v' . Y. TIME TABLE. Grand Trunk Railway. trains: leave Seaforth and Clinton stations at ,allows Atoms, Wier-- Raeeenger ....... I weenier ,... Mixed Train.... _ Mixed Train ........ Gra Essr .. aeeanger...,... Passenger...... Mixed • Taking haoes. A jovial looking man otla Jersey Cities - Pittsburg train drank f egieatly and deeply from a quart bottle, hied he courteously "offered before each swig to his fellow pas- iengers, one of whom, an ascetic looking Man, refused the bot le with *cora, and eventually delivered lecture on temper- ance, ending with : "You take awful 'lances in clouding your brain with alcoho . When ;you again come into poseessio>i c" vt4ur normal seenee, ;you may be in the; gutter, you iwnay; be in prison, you may jbe in :eternal liuniah- meat ?" After the berthsha. been msde tip for the night, the jovial one staggered down !the anile, putted -aside he flap of that occu- pied by the lecturee a . d asked th Where yoush groin, o],fel'r "Pittsburgh,"-thia se'v+erely. "Y gush didn't tip p p -porter. "l " I never do. It's b. d practice." " You take awful hapoe8, ql' tel'r in ;loxia' your wits not ti . pia ' porter. When 'you wake up yoush m: y [ae in rittaburgh, iyoush may be in Fort Wayne, yoush may be in Bhi-Shicago !" P riladelphiai Press. } DR. LOWS WORM SY UP is a safe, sue and re liable worm expeller. Ac egu$Ily well' on children for adults. Be pure volt Pet Leers. He Aske a : im. "Gentlemen, you ouI'ln't take me to be a member of a milli nai>te's family„ would 4 you ?" inquired the yo ng man. " Frankly, we wool ' n t." "Neither would th mi lianaire. [ asked him last night." 6 S uPOHTII. C'LIMOS. 12.40 P. M. 12.65 P. M. 10.13 P. M. 10.27' P. M. 9.20 A. K 10.16 A. M.. 8.15 P. M. 7.08 P. Al ; 7.53 A. M, 7..38 A. 8.11P.M. 2.56P. 4.40 P. 3d 4.16 P. Palmerston and Kincardine. 111ESS hox,tt, Pass. Mixed. 'Mixed Railmemtert 7.30 p.m. 12.20 p.m 8.45 a.m. eel. .: 807 1.07 940 tela.... <8.17 1.10 1000 %Iuerate...... K27 1.30 10.20 Wingham....... , 8.38 1.35 10.30 Gem Som. Pass. Mixed. Pas3. Wingham... .... Bluevale Brunets, ....... .. Ethel ,Y4lmeraton 661 a.m. 7.92 °. _. 7.18 7.28 8.20 9 a.m. 3.05 p.m. 9.17 3.13 10.00 3 26 10.15 3.35 11.30 4.20 London, Huron and Bruce. 1e NoRTH- London,depart- ... ...... Centralia. ......,.._ .... Exeter...-.... •...... Regina- . titppen ... Brncefletd ......... ..... Londeaboro _.......» .. Belgrave- ....... _. Wingham arrive.... ... 2000sa: Sour Wingham, depart.. _... .. gelgrave.. Blyth. ... _ Clinton_ Brueeflotd .... 1Hensalt .. ,..... -. Exeter L`satraia.... .. .... -. London, (arrive).. -...- Passenger. _ Passenger. 8.15 A.m. 4.60 PA( 9.18 6.66 9 30 8.07 9.44 6.1S 9.50 8.26 9.68 8.33 10.16 8.65 10.20 7.12 30 33 7.20 10.50 7.83 11.00 7.55 Passenger. 8.60 A.M. 8.10 F. s, 7.01 8.23 7.14 3.35 7.22 3.46 7.47 4.15 8.06 4.40 8.16 4.60 8.22 4.65 8.86 6.10 8.46 6.20 9.46 A. s. 6.20 The rilaillop Mutual Firi Imuranze Company. FARm AND ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY ONLY INSURED and the ribbon • oh laces them shows no sign of wear. . Her pique ocke, ties, etc., show no' ridges of blaok a the nape of the neck. Safety pins o{not evidence themselves at her `waist line. ` 3 She is partiailar about using fresh dress shields. Her skirt beidings are not induced to stay on by means of pins. er stbckings a e mended. Her white pet iooate are white nob drag. gled. - Her skirts a hate are treated to thoro- ugh inspection ell the clothes brush. In short, shell typifies that beat of all things, " a± tid ! woman.' Another sug stiou is that she never lets her heels stay n over, when it is so cheap to have them straightened, and. another that there is a liimit so the transparency of the transparen'waist for -street wear. Parson 'v . Lawyer. A caee was being tr ed recently respecting the soundness in a hor e, in whiele a clergy- man, not educated in he school qf 'Tatter- sall, appeared as a chi f 'Witness. i He was a bit confu ed n giving his evi- barriatee Who (Dr - 127 the difference ee arcl y know the differ - and a cow, or a bull -bowing to the, dence, and a :bluster* ng Pray, air do you kn between a horse and a co the clergyman ; "1 ence between a horse and a bully ; only th counsellor-" has no e." J. B. McLean, President, Kippen P. O. ; Thomas Rays, Secy-Treas. Seatorth P. 0. G. Broad. leot, Inspector of Losses, Seaforth P. 0. W.G. Broadfoot, Seaforth; John G. Grieve, WI ; James Evans, Beeobwood John Watt, 'Junes Cumming Egniondv -e ; J. Yeo, Holmes. ville P. O.; George Murdie and john C. MorrisOn, kauditors Puttee desirous to area% loonranoos or trio's- :ottother business will be promptly attended to os Coon Cotton Root Conipouna euccessfully used monthly by over oaoo Ladies. Safe, effectual. Ladies aSk your druggist for Cook's Cotton. Root Coin - d. Take no o thpr, DS all Mixtures, pills and tattons are dangerous. Price. No. 1, $1. jeer -pox;No.2, 10 degrees stronger.$3 per box. Np.. 'or 2, mailed on receipt ot price arnel two 8-eent stamps. The Cook Company Windsor, Ont. 1RV-Nos. I and 2 sold and recommended by all responsible Druggists in Canada. _ Sold in Seaforth by Mex. Wilson, J. S. Roberts sn Rosebery an A story is being Rosebery is the all occasion he went iatei establishment to pu while he stood bare - fitted, a bishop enter and mistookethe ear assistants. " Have you a hat showing his cwn extr Lord Rosebery to "No," he replied a got a hat like that, a wear it !" the BiShop. told of whieh Lord eabject. On one rge Oxford street e new .hat, and ed wa tine to be d op the s me errand tor one f the shop lik(1 this ?l he asked, or inary headgear. k it from him and ex - :before he answered. ged cha ea People Wit Generally suffer fro use Cetarrhozotes In and be cured. The p ozone vapor siaeads sage of the breathin the very root of the the germ, purifies a surfaces. and erradi catarrh in a short ti 'Pare, sweet breat from the use of Complete outfit, g Kingston, Qatari°. hrongh every air pas - organs, aad reaches 'seise at once ;.it kills d cleanser" the mucous &test every vestige of e. , free froin ,headache, ge are quiekly derived Caterrhezone Inhaler. arariteed Cure, costs i • Weghty Words. A " drnpeme ," who was driven to a rail- way station in -southern city, by aro old negro, gives- the result of their converse - tion : " Bose, if you can say over a few big words on de wt y down, I'd be extremely disobliged to you." " How big words do you went " " Can't get lom too big, boss, I's a power- ful hand to'meenber big words, ae' get 'em off when a caIliamitous occasion predomin- ates." " Do you expect to find use far them this morning ?'fi " Reckon 1 toes, sah. My son Abraham works down t a the depot, and whenever I comes around !kio tries to show off ober me, an' makes me :feel small, He'll try it on dis mawning, n' I just want tc be fixed to paralyze hi3 daa' We had albut half a anile to go, and before we react ed the depot I gave him a large and chi f assortment of Webster's Ioegest vocabil aria auriositiee. When we dr w up at the plat ham was there and also a dozer ple who were l go on that trait good opportui 'ty for the son i and he realiz:; ' it, and came f raised his erre od shouted : " Ya, dar, ' man ; hain't 1 tole yo"bout to' hundred !times not to s= gaciate dot stupendous 01, vehicle in de way of de omnibus ? S i ole niggers don' seem to have no rho' i pa of de consanguity of reti- tude dan a a has " Was yo t spokia' to me, ah ?" stiffly demanded the father, as he at od up and glared at Ab ham. " Of oo'seJ was." "Den sir, ' want you to dist stand daft when de co•operatio perialisrn seetp,s to assimilate infringement ' t hereditary ava shall retract ty individuality, -not befo',rli4h !" Abraham's €ayes hung oat, h became ash oe or, and his knee him as if the : epringe were ab way. Ib,was '.a minute before a sound, and fb hen he reached f with the;matlered observation Things attb getting so mix can't telt wec.QIer I'm his son Dr. Hamilton's Pi le Stimulate the Liver. To Londo Sir Robert Bond, Newfoundland, tol scheme for an expr To realize this ide Canada, will have Bay. When thet is go from London to only 70 hours being would go : Londen. to Galway Galway to Halls B Exploite Bey, foundland Halls Bay to Port Basques by tail Poet _Aux BaeqUes pa,y Bay Aspay Bay to New by rail If turbine steam hour were pile` o would be reduced t Mr. Bond wauld harbor fortified lin for British vessels Canada in time af the submarine cabl in 14 Hours. the! Prime minister of repreeentative of censl5r an alluring se Atlantic- steamship 1 the Cane° Strait, in ewslork in 124 hours, spent on the`sea. He y rail 12 hours Nevia Windsor, tell from the second st hotel a few days ago to a deme feet below. The lad was uneono hours. He sustained a se wound. ---ThorneaFlynn; who left eight or nine years ago for t States, ha nob been heard of book showing $800 left a ban and it is t never sen amounts t -Rev. form Abra- white pees - o show off, e rward and uctly under - of the ini- disruptalele iciousnees, ut nob tido' • bent under ut 'to give e could utter r my trunk his fadea" A SWORN STATE ENT. His 'Good. Opinio s of Dc4d's 'Kidney Pi s. 671-. hours Anx 21, hours York hours rs, Making 36 knots an , the Atientie passage 441houre 1, like to see St. John's der to afferd protection a the grain route from ar, 4nd far the safety of OTTAWA, ;Oat:, July 28th (Special). - Mr. George 4. Kent, ot 309 G'Imore street( this city, had Bright's Disease ome eight or nine years age. He had been in bed for mon hs, gradually getting worse, and physiciane ould do noth- ing for him. His case bad eached that stege when he was bloated an in convul- In fact he was eo low that te e doctors told Mrs. Kent one evening that le could not live till moreing. In this trernity she sent for •Dodd's Kidney Pills, and in about two months Mr. Kent was at ork again: He hes made a sworn iste ement of the facts of the ease which has en publiehed in the lopal papers here. . The S Now that the; su monly called, i ha papers are full f e in blue organdie or nature with her d being from the mai New York Journa make which are and practical then Perhaps more th love and respect of the following reaso Her handkerchi laundered and fair grimy or reeking w Her veils are holes, and are alwa Her patent leat railaer Girl. met girl, as she is corn- ingl her day, the news- iticiem, adviee and corn - supposed th0 the girl white duck chengei her ess, and was a different in the cloth suit. The has some remarks to erteinly 11300 sensible n (me girl b e won the fa are always freshly smell of orris ; not th cheap perfume. inue creaeea or gaping s neatly hemmed. er t!es are never dusty, News Note -In the shooting at Bisleyfo theKolapore Cup, 200 yards, England made the best score, 263. Canada was third, with 250. In the that stage of the Ki g'e prize, the beet; Canadian scores were C pcain Rennie, 97; Oaptaia Davidson, 96 ; aptain Mitch- ell, 96 ; Sereeant Smith, 95 ; Major Mac - Robbie 95 ; Captain JO/108, 9 ; Pte. Peddie, 94, andSergeanb Mortimer, 9 -Hon. Riehard Harcourt as received a letter from Hon. George W. oss, in which the Premier says he will rem in in England until the coronation takes pl ce. The Pre- mier aleo states that many nglish echool teachers will make a tour of amnia during the present summer, Mr. atnourt will arrange to have every factlit afforded the teachers to ripe all that is to e seen in On - 'tart°. The Premier states hat he is in good healtIn -Rev. Father Brunesu, p riah priest of Holyoke, Massachusetts, a companied by Rev. Fethet Blondia, parish priest of Saint district, in New Ontario, w ere they will study the possibilities of colo izetion. Fath- er Bruneau hae charge -of ons of the laree'st French-Canadian perishes in the New Eog- land States, and, se a large number of his parishoners are anxious to return to this country, he:has been asked b them to come and see if the districts up no th are all that is claimed for them.] -Harvey Craig, employe in a photo studio in Kingston, was th victim of an accidental stab that was dee ared most dan- gerous. He was cutting oar board and was pressieg heavily on the sharp knife when it deacribed a :half cir le and plunged long and gait° enough for the bowels to protrude. 'A sixteenth of a inch further would ha.ve perforated the intestine. The lad, though badly cut, had the courage to walk -three blocks to e doct wound dreesed. ed, but , von this was not enough fi Mr. Weeks to leav and the o er was declined. -Little Miss Ruby Macdonne kitten With six feet. The several naenths old, and is as frisky 4ny feline pet. The feet are attached to the front le om them just belo ut this is not the onl arkable oat. (nor Reynolds of the Colleoe assigns as a re greater destruction of barns by recent years to the disappearan Trees, he says, are conductors Where there are many of them the electrical energy in small ou earth, and thus prevent damag why' it:is that you so often find destroyed while there_ is ap damage in a fOtest. Where the number. of thism in small voltline, to the joints. of this re ricultural trees together, currents pass ry of, the b walk 20 ouefor 12 ere scalp. Hamilton e Uieited sinoe. He a a bank, as be has hioh now6 or of the Toronto, e agb re- ith a sal; the. offer 1, of nig- the mi - t. animal is smart and two xtra the knee peoul arity sort f r the e of fo este. they carry rents to the, •That is single treea pearaeoe of e are Many through a ground, While where one sten may recetve a current sufficient theory, irtre the best peotect lightning, hut should not be too house. I' British Troop Oil Liniment is, with ut exception the most effective remedy for Cuts, Wounds, Uleere, Open Soreii, Rheumatism. Bltes awl Stings p‘,1 In- seets, eto. A large bottle 25c. Ge one t.p your Tbere is n3 form of kidney trouble, ache down to Bright's disease, that NEY PILLS wit! not relieve or mire. If you m e troubled with env kind o plaint, ust, Doan'sKidney Pills. s alone it o cause its to this an against close to the from back• TO MAI E MONEY it 1,1 ne3essary t hue bright bra n, a cool hes-1 fte3 from pal , and Invigorate and brighten the brain, trongt nerves, +I remove all heart, ner °;‘) and troubles. ; • GOOD HEALTH IS IMPOSSIBLE action of , the , bowels. Milburn's organs of digestion. Price 26 cents. of Ignece Langlois, of the cie to get the x -year-old son Iroquois Hotel, Colic, Diarrhee t, Dysentrev,and Sum safe and entre cure that has been a p for nearly 60 yca•s. Are jus down w make h well. They ings of sinking tim heart b in a a what every ervous, run - man needs to r strong and ure those feel - mothering and that come on s, make the at strong and gular, give eet, refresh - sleep and nish head - hes and nes-- usnees. They use new life d energy into ho have come t think there is n cure for them. clear e Pills en the b rain - 'Ulna regular xa Liver Pills n, dyspepsia, eel -ions of the All dr ggists. ntum, ,ramps, er Co pl pular avoiite BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS is a urely vngetable combination, that in a safe and eater auto directly humors and obstructions that poison the blond and create disease. FROM THE OTTAWA EV D NTS. • An iaoideut in connect ion w th Sir John Macdonald, whieh has never appeared ia print, is worth telling, and, w at is more, it ts true. The Prime Minister had gone let° the Kingetcin poet office to eee his Id friend and supporter, then postmaster, Mr. Robert Shannon. Oa coming out, the careteker, a within, the Premier put his and -,On his forehead and said to himself a oud " There's something I've for °den " Now, Dunbar had been pebitieni g the member and Minister (for ir Jol a was both) during several months f r an iicrease of pay without realizing his 'd sire. No one could hetter appreciate the re dy wit; of the Answer' that flew out on the heels of his own remark," than Sir John Ma.cdon Id, who,with a merry twir kis ip his e e, ensiled and " Dunbar, you shalt get it." era -panel monomania All the mountain of Japan are. of unquestioned volear ic origin, and Fuji stands where Ilend , the main island, is broadest. AbOut twenty craters are still active throu0 ut the islands, but Fujl-san belongs t ,the much greater num1.1)er which are now Inactive. Its last eruption occur ed in 1707, contin- uing More than al SI onth. As far away as Tokyo, sixty miles northeast, the inche or fi mula was or p slope No with view thirt tain all o tse My fell to a Op of seven or eight ion was six eet. At this time rasitic, cone on the sceitheast other mountains in Japan reach n .3,000 feet f the elevation of a d it is the •efore in prominent venues in To yo are called Fnal- ✓ ruji vie in streets, and from t em the ous peak is a glori- ous s eeatacle. A. I inter long the sum - fro 11 overaber t July snows -reign supre e. In t e latter month, how- ever; when the rails up the mountain slopes are laid ; b re, the ascent be- comes feasible allrl remains Sco through- out the summer ia d early autumn. , There l& No Mikado. M . W. S. Gilbert was no doubt pri- mar ly responsible for the belief which is e erywhere Prevalent that the em- persr of Japan; is always called the mik de by his pe ple. Ask nine men out of ten what I the official title of the urn and they will probably think the are bein%m de fun of. Assure the. that the u stion is asked. in all sob tr aeriousnees and they will give than of the title f Mr. Gilbert's im-'• . per! 1 :opera. Fo all this, th.e nine men out of ten w uld be wrong. His maj sty is know as_ "tenno hei-ka," Thu the people o Japan address their f3oy re gn exacIlly1 as do the subjects of t e imperious kaiser. Mikado used .at oneitime to be he title, for it is the oldest Iform of ad ress in use. It has, homey r, fallen i to abeYance for se* They cure Nervoesness Nervous Prostration, Br and , Dizzy Spells, List Effects of La Grippe and General Debility and all from a run-down system. Price 50e. per hox or eat druggists, or m Sleeplessness, in Fag, Faint essness, After ever, Anaemia, roubles arising 3 for $1.25 ed by LIMITED. •1 t. His Excuse. Flirmer-" What do yo you young rascal, up there in my pple tree ?" The 'Young Rascal. " The apple/3' on the ground are all wormy."' -Ma. 1. Hord, of Mitchell, has returned from is trip to Denver, Color do. loader Of hay from 9 acres of 1 nd hap week. -Many of the merche.nts of St) Marys have agreed to close their s ores Wednes- -The amoune Collected a the customs office ti,t Mitchell for the ;past Year , by Dr. Cull Ives conaiderabis over all pireceding road, had a barn raising one ay 'alit 'week. yearse amounting to $10,056. ,z -Mr. Thomas Heal, of the ullarton There were about 150 men present. The new barn is 100 feet long by 38 feet wide, with cement wall foundati n. - iases Jennie and Ma Tho on. of St. Marys, have returned ho e freM Bog - ton,' Massachusetts. Miss Jennie !Obtained her graduating ;diploma in p ano arid theory with isonors at the Boeton onservatory of Musics where she h4s been t achin for the past Year. Thomaon, of Mitchell, ha SLICC ded in graduating as e member of t e Roy 1 College of PhYsicians and Surgeons f the :Univer- sity of Edinburgh. -The Canadian Pacific Railway Com- pany have been advised J.) their Lendon office that bilr.'Rudyard Ki ling, the cele- bratel novelist', and Empire poet, will pass three h Montreal on the tr p whieh he is about to make round the orld. He will centi entad route end w traVel from Vancouver to Hong Kong y C. R. „Em- press line stearriers. What length Of a stay Mr. eipling.will make in t Dorhinion is not kaown to the C. P. R. utho ities, who are also in doubt whether p ose o ppetry is the final object of thileImpe ial mi eion. if 0ne of Our Pet" Itrases. "bid any of the inh bitan escape with his life?" inquire the en Who wants harrowing detail . "1 didn't stop to a.seert in," -answeced the man who is harro gly eXact "It strtick me :that if an body, ;escaped without his life therew sn't much use in his escaping anyhow. Ohi gri in ties lar fac fly in riv nor are fro are ninet Gr loc St e production f grindstones in the States is lmost entirely from and Mic i an. The principal dsltone dist ic in Ohio is included ne quarries and manu- being within twenty - eland. The quarries are along the Ohio farietta and inland ticity. A. few quarries 4inia. across the river he Michigan quarries s Lake Huron, about of Port Huron, near In South Dakota are ies of the Edgemont est grindsto taring plant ✓ west of in West V Marietta. the shor miles no .t stone City. compan 11 No Help Fro Her. "Miss Frisbie-Elle love," said young Mr. Gallagher idly 'I have lost my heart." "I'm sorry I can't heI you Mr. Gal- lagher," replied the alders not un- kindly. "1 ,haven't fou d Ilutual Su rise. idea that you :would s ak away from borne so mnch. He -Well, neither ha I. rie Be be de se so pu fe Two Bi edding Fees. hen Collis P. Huntington was mar- -for the se -a) d time, Henry Ward cher perform d the marriage cere- ny. Huntipaton's first wife had n dead les t an one year, and he ired the sec d marriage to be kept ret Until h s return from Europe. gave Mr. echer a marriage. fee w Huntington returned months 1 r, he went through a clat d. H aye Beecher another of 1,500. T e great preacher had hu or arotased by this sesond fee. ✓ in to H ntington, he said, "Col- d wish o were a Mormon!" 11 An !Okd Custom. ip0 En0a d, still maintains it c stem said te P net ally ever turne, appears o he City or march s to the A a 1 ate 1,000 years back. night at 9 o'clock the attired in official cos - before the mayor's three.solemn notes on ipon," an instrument ilver badges and with he trading companies Spurs. Thereafter he arket cross and gives horn. ere Tell Men Are Faun& e allest men of west Europe ar nd in Catalonia, Spain; Normandy, etnited Stat alcidel,e,neg;esYcldrikitlt rthe titud tedi olden tim,e ndoweil • of bli a the ire, England, and th lets of Belgium. s the thirty-eighth par through Indiana an,t; ky, is as decidedly th en as the forty-secon g cities. g of of !the tho 1 re for the ca cabbaT t phys , Bow nelesers Aro Made. Though no complexities are involveil in the making of scissors or anucla sk4I re is very intereeting. They are orged from good bar steel heated to esiness, each blade ting cut off with ufficient metal to fo ra the, shank, or hat destined to 1)6de-rile tbe eating part, and bow, or -tie t whiCh later on s fashioned into the holdilig, portion. nd this is afterward expanded o the or the bow a smalllhole is plched, equired size by hammer g it on a onical mein, after Which oth -shank hape and the hole b red. in the middle or the rivet. Theiblades ' are , next eund and the han les filed smooth nd burtished with oil and emery, fter which the pirs are fitted to- gether and tested s to their easy orking. They are not yet finishe , however; , hey have to under o har ening and tenapering and be ag in adjusted, after which they are fin lly pUt together again and polished f r the third time. In conaparing the ed es -of kniVes and, scissors it will be n ticed, of course, that the latter are not in any Way so sharply ground 'as the former, and that in cutting scissors rush and hruise more than knives. I pertie.s of Cabbage. cabbage was suppos with marvelous medici mong other things, if as being the only rad- unkenness. Cato, .writ age, said: "By the us alone Rome has don ans for 600 years." The h coo' eigh mater ot re st ,me ty to baste The t great ost d the Is me and] hing4." "Th hp ark 14 11 nglish Cook. the Lancet, the averag "utterly declines t s for cooking; she but prefers to put it as a great favor sh t of the fire, she is it or to put a scree ittle Things. matters are not ewe rtant is evidenced," r ork, "by the fact -th eputation are due solel attention to very, litt Che Mrs. Trott ow's three c MrS. Faster hey're so pe n the doctor Mrs. Fuss -1 1r1 a month. lurs. Flip- er locked up The Age O The weeti The fain iror gain Drib *hi -I bear that Mrs. B ldren have the meage Yes; so 1 understan r they have to econom y all gating ill at on have kept my, last hlr Eating Nig tingailes. As exemplifying- t e pitch. to which Roman epicureenisin was Carried and indicative of a truly iearbaiic nature, a dish consisting ;of the tongaes albne of sters of the air wae regnIsitio ed liver )of a :capon delicacy, and of solid meat _Pork a pears to have been naost relished. The stanch Roman Who did not tak his pleasure homeopathically reclined. head resting on hi left reUeowe sup- ported by cushions. Sue onlus draws. attention to a superb apai put &ected by the extravagant iiero, ; which his meals were partaken, eo etructed like; leg with, every cour e. The Lightninglike Loon. - The loon is the qt ickes living creaa tere. A. loon plat as hard. experience s4e him he seeS yo and has t ken a longings. If you have no gun, y u mak fore he laughs ,at y011 Wit ltha horrid shriek which gives WM 'NS na e -and not st p to laugh - here he ha immense cost to sati cravings of ol of t such a being must h steeped in. wa. eeeee secret -1 secret elli_se lefit now. This yeas the inlaying with gold of steel strength of the blade was not impair- ed nor its temper spoiled, ai gun end -be does he goei instanter. Mood, he someti sees you about rea the flash, he dive F, 10t spatter the water .4 ear me! Dd yen keep, -Ohio State Jourtal. the Cle*er Heroine. g heroine has fled, ing heroine's no more; r loss we aave Instead talks epieerarri galore. _. Diamond. Ft Ids o India. Diamoud fields i India were known from the very ear iest tin es. In th Sacred books' of I din. eiaht lOcalitie are mentioned as yielOd g di mond , qua of these threi have been ident - ile and GodaVery), li aunda (Oh 'ta Nag - It The diamondifero s area of I dirt, so far as is known, e perhaps more ei- tensive than , tha of the rest of the world, and nine -t ths df tbe famous jewels are Indian tones.; ; Elam ill freque ly too salt to fry Without previous .epar tion. Put the slices in teiSid -later • nd let them stand on the !back of the range to soak out the salt, hot t boil, or about half an hour. Drain cry be ween towels, then fry in a hot ider. When a whole am is o be baked or belled, let it sta 1. ove night covered with cold water. 1 rrhe percentage of water is 80 ite plums and grapes, 82 in apples, 84 in pears, 86 in oranges, 00 in lemons and 05 in watermelons. Saved by Her A medical journal 111C111iOnS an at- tempt at suicide by a young woman, who jumped off a suspension bridge and fell about 300 feet, Her clotheS acted as a sort of parade -ate, and she was picked up alive and none the worse for her fall except for a few bruises. I Potatoes and Turnips, Two pounds of potatoes, it is said, contain as much nutriment as thirteen pounds of turnips. • Out of 150,000 houses or Oats in Glas- gow 36,000 were found to have but one room and 70,000 but two rooms. The Supreme Corart; There are nine members of the su- preme court of the United States, one chief justice and eight aseociate juse tices. They are appointee! for life by the president, with the concurrence of the senate. Tree Felling Time. latthbermen say that the best times ,of th year for felling,tireber are mid - The Cheerful ttee. Next to the sutght o heaven is the ,cheerful face. ho h s not, felt its 'electrifying influence? ne glance at 'this face lifts us ut of the mists and shadows into the eautilul, bright and may lurk aroun the door, hut they :never enter and bide t4re. The cheer- ful face will pu them Ito shame and flight Elamti Stockings. Dirt is always nhealthy; so it should not be tolerated. even in an elastic ; stocking, thoutb that is not an article ithat canebeeent to the ash. Olean iit by rubbing it -with a p ece of Menne,. dipped in flour, leated a much as pos- sible in the oven witho t browning it. ess if -necessary. asked. her to be y wif Cha ppie-Ya-as Jove! Then She Kiss "You have not Ileisseca ed, "for fifteen mLnutesi sensitive tooth, hien "What do you "Why, you are An acre of "laid will give 1,500 pounds of rose petals,.froin which five ounces of the attar mai be dietilled, and this quantity has a Market value of frem $45 to $85. The rosewater, a bynroduct, amounts to 300 gallons the acre, Iworth from 75 cents to $1 a gal - London Smokers. Londen alone reduces tO ashes a mil- lion cigars O. week. Glasae Stoppers, Soneething that is .not generally known is that with ground glass bot- tles and stoppers no stopper can ever fit the neck of any other hettle than the One it was originalty Made for. The tiny ridges and channels in the neck and stopper face fift together asn' do the parts of a compliated. lock. I Coat Tar Dyes. i G many furnishes about seven- eigb hs of the -world's Supply of coal tar dyes, its income froin this source. being over $25,000,000 a year., d Him. liable to ache Where "Why do they on top of the se teacher who wa otic lesson. "Please. nea'e Cincinnati Com bolhohse?" asked the ," anSwered the head. e the pole la there." - Silk Hats In Ipn,gitaniL SI k hats continue to be very fash- ion ble in England. Of course the gre test wear is in London, but through- out Great - Britain the -re is expended eac year over $1,000,000 on' this style of eadgear. The Dottkobitors.. T peaceful Thankobhors are the kera of Russia. They are opposed Railway Extension. 21,ie average increa,se in the length .or railways throughout the world is about 11,00-0 miles per annum, equal to nearlyi., 21/2 per cent of the total line! 'existing, . whifch at the beginning st this century, einl?raced nearly 4134000: miles. Edible Birds" *esti. Claverns along the coast of Leyte and. oth rs of the Philippine Islands pre - du e the fineat edible Weds' nWsi lie of the most venient tnings for washing the inside of lamp ,chim- ne s is a piece of she pskita with the wo, I on, tacked roan the' end -of stiOe of convenient length. This eaSy to keep clean and dry eenlelely. To Bingo Bing - wife round to c W in terb y= -Th favor; old man her new •' dres Wife to see it -j Bingo (grimly are.cprolug -for. Sh OW It. I'm gOing to bring my 11 on Yon tonight. t's right; but do me a Don,t let her -Wear I don't want my st now, 1--Whyp that's what we nurriCane hUrriCalle blOWIEg at eighty mi es au hour the pressure on eaelt sq are foot of surface is three and a. half pounds. Fruitful Turkey. otton grows splendidly in many pa ts of the Turkish empire, and so sea do s tobacco. Olives,_apples, pears, all so s plums, peaches, apricots. On , ;squashes, quinces and oranges ab rind. The provinces which owe Id- le lance to the sultan would feed ten times the population. Labor° In Japan. japan has no laws for the protection of 'labor or restricting the employment of I, e In en and children. '1 Kansas 11igit tinia wrandotte county, averaging dilly 70p feet above the sealleVel, is the low - on the Colorado boeder, ;4,000 feet. ebOV.e the sea, is the highest. There is in Maine 8111,11'gs banks $72,- 502;4 belonging to Individuals Vito have tiene no business with the bank -a for more than n. score of years. Dvsk Light. Desks and tables for the use f chil- dren, or adults either., where it is lin- pos;41l)le to have an overitentl light eliould always be so ,aranged in con- twetion ;villa the windows that the light will fell upon the book or paper from the left $441e, Spiovy. _10,320 miles. is lite tnoet dis- tant of titIts frdin Loudon. If the best you Can say about your nel,fr,hbor is in reply -to the worst be said abeut yon. don't say it. -Baltimore One-third of the Urited $tates proper is vacant land.