HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1902-08-01, Page 3190-2 e now malle ne that is inat what Iota, grave UNG FOGY. We alea rine. Ont. •••••••••••••••......91.9191••F. .et RE. :ieavy p ur- me must be _opaortatui- t• will pay i.)1IS Sale. ELrgans We ra, 110aieTV, anu wa rTH. Zb the its and cnown. IIMMOt tR.CULAFI SAW Good y Cash r iron s, plows, seed rings. old , in fact any tuhbers, I'ewter, -spapers, em. Hen se Hair_ ail kinds id Ropes. sh for it. er, al Dealer H. 1.796-tr AUGUST 1 1902 EXPOSIT() it For Tat. In the peace congresa at The Hague Lord Pauneefote attracted the atten- tion of the delegates by taking notes ;with a fountain pen the handle of which was formed lay the shell Of diundurci bullet. One day the repreSent- ative a a foreign power, ()netted by the heat of the discussion in the inter- ests of eternal peace, said to ;him sharply; "My lord, it isn't right for you to use that murderous shell in this congress. The instruments .used by persona are almost emblematic. They can become a part of themselves, an expressiOn of their ideas and of their personalitY." Lord Pauncefote I smiled, but :said nothing. The following day his critic, wanting to write something, turned to the Eng- lish diplomat to borrow a pen. The embassador pulled out of his pocket an old fashioned pen made of gray 'oose quill, and after the borrower ha4 fin- leited said: "Monsieur, it isn't right for yeu to 1180 such an instrument in this con- gress. The instruments used by: per are almost emblematic. They can become a part of themselves, an ex- pression a their ideas, of their: per- sonality." Not Quite Complimentary. A very ordinary looking nurse was exhibiting the new born sister t� six year-old Bertie. "Look at the sweet little baby, ray dear! Is she not pretty?" ; But Beetle, who has been made pain. aware frOm the servants of the household that the new arrival will /lamp his past privileges as an only ebild, exclaimed with secret exalta- tion: "Asintie says that pretty babiesegrow up ugly." "Maybe they do," assented the nurse, unable to forbear a smile. e But the smile was lost upon Beetle. He stood for a moment in meditative mood, and then, glancing up frone his contemplation of baby's features to those of the nurse e he said with 'child- ish corifidence: "Nurse, you must have been a very pretty baby!" Bro-vraing Anecdote. .In the Cornbill Magazine, in andiater- esting paper entitled "On a Few Con- versationalists," the writer tells an amusing story of Browning and --how he received certain flowers from a lady, Who, on being pressed to give: their English names, shyly confessed they were called "bloody noses." I hap- pened many years ago to be staying in a country house when Browning told this story in his inimitable way, and he ended with the following ! lines, which I then and, there committed to memory, and which will, I think; inter- est your readers:1 111 deck ray love with posiell, cov&r her with roses; Should she protest I'll do my best To give her bloody noses. —London Spectator. For Ingrowing' Toe Nails. By far worse than corns, the ingrow- Ing toe nail makes life miserable for the ..man or woman, and no relief seems to tome from paring thelanall or in wad- ding it with cotton. To give instant re- lief to such pain a mixture usecnby the beet physicians can be made as fol- lows: Procure of the druggist one dram of muriatic acid and one dram of nitric aacid and one ounce of chloride Of zinc. Have these mixed thoroughly 'ley tbe druggist or perform tbe operatien your- self and apply one drop to the affected part once s. day. It win not orgy give relief at once, but it will last all day. Cr 0,#/vatael. flhinf. That was n curious sortOf impromptu coronation j which his Majesty King William IF figured. Things did not go very wel with Earl orcv3-1' govern: went after the second needing of the nest reform bill had been carried by a majority of one in 1831.s: and one Fri- day in Apia they udeuly got tbe king to go own and prOroeue parlia- ment in per on. Somebedy Vent off to the.Tower t fetch the crOwn, and with _acratch b de, of attendee* hie maj- esty drove c own to the houee of lords. , What happ ned there is described in Greville's " emirs." The king ught not prepeilly to have worn the rown, never halving been crowned; bi t wieen he Seas Ln the rob- ing room e said to ri3Ord nftetings, "Lord Has hags, I we e the crown; where is it" It was brought to him, and. when I4erdllastIngje was going to put it on bus head, he Said, "Nobody Shall put th crown On head but my- self." He Iut it on and bee turned to Lord Grey and said, "ow, my lord, the coronation is over!" The crown did not fi yery well, we are told, but the prorosatiou 'was suc- cessfully eff cted.—Lon nChronicle. The Orange In Spain. It is considered a very healthful thing to eat an orange before breakfast. But erho can eat an orange well? One raust-go to Spain to see that dote. The senorita -cuts off the rind evitn her silver knife, then, putting her ferk into the peeled fruit, she detaches every morsel with her pearly tooth and con- tinues to eat the orange without losing a drop of the juice and lays doWn-the core with the fork still in it. Octopus For Dinner. Octopuses are pretty plentiful in Jap- anese waters and have been known to attack fishermen. in their boats. When this hideous molester assumes the aggressive, the only chance the fishermen have is to lop off the tenta- cles of' the beast. Failing this, the boat may be upset and the men dragged under. The octopus is highly 'valued in Japan as an article of food. Lincointe Hay' CrOp., A story of Abraham IIA0oln would have to be 4lder than the one below to lose its cht@cteristie s non In the summer of 1857 Mr. Lincoln 'was sitting in his office wlien he was visited by cne of his n inhhors, an ex- cellent fanner, but one Inclined to in- crease the size of his cops even after harvesting. He had gi en On this par- ticular morning a skillf llyipedned ac- count of th hay he had patella "I've been cutting hay, i tooV•remarked Me. Liacol ket "Why, Alle, are you farmifig?" dyesee t i "What ydu raise?" "Just haj." "Good cr p this Year'' "Excellent." - "How rna py tons?" "Well, I lon't know est how many tons, Simp,on, but my en: staeked all they could"' outdoors a 'd tben stored the rest in the barn." Youth's Com- panion. ,. The Explanation. Knox -1 sat down in my easy chair last night and picked up that new uovel of Scribbler's and I didn't get. to bed until 4 this morning. Cox—The idea! Why, I thought it awfully tiresome. - Knox--Sxactly! It was nearly 4 - oneock when I woke up in my chair. "-Why don't that romantic Star and that emotional actress get a -divorce If they can't beconie reconciled?" `They have discussed- the Idea. but each is afraid the other suight .get the bestof the edvertiseinent. Doi ng Thinlein. M a runia—Bassire why don't you wash the dishes? lt,Is easier to dO a thing than to it and think about it.: " .inainnia. you :wash the diebes. and I'll sit and think about it. Remember the taker. At the court of assizeS in 'Venice, when sentelnce of death is' about to be passed. a r an clothed ill 4 loug black robe' enter the court, and advancing to the ben h bows profetendly to the judges. say ng, "Remembed the baker!" Then be bo vs again and retires. Here is the ex Inflation Of the custom: Three cent ries ago a baker was .exe- cuted at V riice for a crime of which be was n t guilty. When his inno- cence was ully proved, the judges who condemned him invested a sum of money, the interest or, r1icb serves to keep a lam perpetuall lighted in the palace of he doges, th sl being called the "lamp f ' In addition, their fatal mistake has tor 300 years been held i p as a warnieg to ;heir suc- cessors on the bench rwben they are about to inflict the exteenie penalty of the law. Admire a girl's hat. and she will tell YOU that she didn't like it after she got It hunie and tore it all to pieces and retrimmed it. ; A. common table sets sortie men good example—it aever cross4 its legs. —Philadelphia Bulletin. In every town, arid village rr ay be had, the. An nglish King lei D4tine William ufus was killed bY an ar- row, eithe accidental Or !with murder- ous intent. He died le the New for- est, his bo y was striped by tramps and the ne t day was mind by a char- coal burn r, who _pi end the naked corpse on is cart, he ing to receive a reward. en the wa_ to Winchester the cart was upset, ai4 tbe kieg's body fell in th mire. COeted With filth and black with charcoal, it arrived in Wiucheste -, Where it sees buried in the cathedral. A few yeas later the tow- er fell an crushed the tomb, and 000 years aft r the Puritans rifled the grave an nlayed football with the king's situ 1. ,. IIIIMMIning8181.11M.1111110PCNIP 'WEIN=MEMONONO Easily and thoroilothly cured. New, commou-se.40 method, not expensive. rsOClare, 110 lonT.• FREE. A nracticaL ill- ustrated treatise on the abso- lute care of tern0 aw, free if you ask for Pamphlet Mo. 31,1 Fleming Bros.; obemIstS. 26 irons. Bt., West, Toronto, Ont. Cr There 1 little kno eeived his During th "Oliver T that makes your horses glad. o sale by M. Briuleriok, Seaforth. IMPORTANT NOTICES. oe Feed. JOHb EED STORE AT BLAKE.—We will keep hand a sup-ily of Flour and Mi 1 Or exchanged ter wheat. Give us a trial, IRSK. 1788 tf 5TR4Tt SOW.—Canie into the premides of the 1-14 n ,,reigned, Mill Road, Tuckereinitb, about the fit c'June, a Large White Sow. The owner can have he Barna on proving property and paying obargbs, JOHN WALKER, Brucefield P. 0. 1805x4 ES RAY HORSE.—Strayed from Lot 23, Comes. lora 4, MoKillop, on Friday night, June 27th, a sorxe1 hone, five years, old, betweeu 16 and 18 hand. and weighing about1300 pounde. He has two v.tite WIN feat. Be wee list men in the pasture field uthe above named night. A liberal reward -will te 0ven for suoh infolmation° as wilt lead to his IeCOV ry; HENitY h. HENDERSON, Self Irth P. 0. 180341 1k:shank's g‘Fregin," • an intereetieg atorY -very ea of how Creikshan,k con - picture of Inigin. the Jew. • tiri3e he was illustrating -int" be spent dee-4 travers- ing the east end of Lendon in search of a face hat wouldefarreoed with his conce titan of the deem ter. One day while standing before a 'mirror in his dining room "pulling faxes at him- self," so o speak, for then want of something better to do, be aecidentally made the features for Wilkie he was looking. 1 he picture 'therefore of Fagin IS r ally that of Ceuikehank Didn' Notice Inaproveraent. An east rn senator was riding to the capitol on an street ear when a very deaf lady, who sat next to him, asked Eon) e que,tions about Washington tied then apole glied for being deaf. "Why d ant you try 'electrinity?" sym- pathetical y 'suggesten the senator. "Well," said the lade"I was struck by lightning hist suMmer, but 1 dont see that it did me any good.' Whole Story r i4. letter: ctin. Me? (mate Devine I F m Capt. F. Lo e, Police Station No. 5, ontreal requently 886 PERRY DAY s' PAIN -KILLER for pains in the atom- deh, rheumatism, ati nese, frost bite -s, chit - • a, cramps, and all afflictions which fe imen in our nos tion. I have no hesi- art in saying tha PAIN -KILLER is the *rowdy to have n ar at hand." 114 d Internally and Externally. Two Sizes, 25c. and 50c. bottles. FOR SALE. Ftort LE.—One /good driving more, one light Iron!d wagon, one liebt delivery wagon. All ere 19 o11 order. THOMAS JONES, Egmond:llie, Onta ici. I 180841 tTim' R FOR SALE.--eHaving disported of saw m machinery, we ore now offering for sale the I eaire. The bylding is 130x8fi feet a there are is pj Tee 9x12 Inches, , 36 feet long, independent of frac •, would toll this{ separate if desired; near- ' iy 111,1 t mber la rock cht. GOVENLOCK BROS., Wintflorci . 178241 Appropriate Text. a "Hit su tinly do fill dis ole heart ob mine wit joy." began, the 1.tev. _Flat- foot as t e last evaih from the wheezy organ es apedd through . an1open win- dow, "ter see go 'newly strangers Pres- ent dis ralorious Sabbath i mawninn De good book hit say: 'lie war er stranger 4n' A.h took him in,' De dea- cons willt now perceed ter taketup de collecshioe" IIi 01,7o.E AND LOT FOR SALE.—For vale a oom- I to table cottage on West William street, Sea- ! fortr$. ale:URGE BATE, Hayfield. ip. Apply to HENRY BEATTIE, Seaforth, or M ! 1791-tf 1 r 029 AfIllE FARM FOR $ALE.—In best wheat belt ej n outhern Manito . Ninety acre,e ready for I whe n xt year; 60 aor s hay. Goad new stable and gr nary. TWeive oilers per acre. Several other Itt roved and prai e feriae for sale. Write CHAN. SHAW, Box 17p Boisseyain, Manitoba. ' • 1757-tf The Story of the TiCket. "Every ticket has its stoeY," -said a Man acquainted with' the newnshops,- and one of the sad little tales which he told is repeated by the Philadelphia Telegraph. It WRS a bittee cold clay, and. a mite of a boy, noti over nine years old, had ceme'im wrapped in his overcoat This he peeled off and de- posited it upon the pawnbroker's coun- ter. "Give a dollar 'n' quarter" he asked in pleading tones. "Dollar," said the money lender. "Oh, please give me a dollar 'n' quarter!" ' "Can't do it. Dollar." The boy was almost crying, and he begged earnestly for the sum he asked. "I want to get my sister's coat out," , he said as he laid down 8 cents as in- terest money. _ This proposition the pavennroker accepted, and the boy ;went Shivering into the cold" with his ' sister's coat. , "Is your slater going to a dance to- night?" a bystander asked him. "No, sir; mom's been sick, an' Maggie had to hock her coat for feed. She's got ft job now, an' she's got to have a coat to go to work in. I don't mind the cold; I'm used to it." own on I1 Luck. Cassidy Shtop ebeet yer hard' luel , man! Seine moruin' wake up en` find yer!sei famous. Casey Faith, 01111 bet y4 whin thot mornie' 'owns ne-i)1 Ipe iie luck to overslep meeela 1 The tia.e comes W ben one feels the need df t e slumber of dea li, as at the end Of , toilsome day ore feels the need of notber s1eep4 To li crease Il'Our eight. Id, Weak and ameeiat d, and want to Resin and weifght,, you should try Dr. Food. Yon an feel it doing you good ay, aa it strikes at the rept of trouble ew rich blood, Ypu can prove that it Maims and adds flesh if you weigh week while using it. , ggigg J. Sprott, B. A.,' of the Mit- chord, has been appointed to a If you are inereaee you ilhase's erv from day to and creates 1 bui'de ip ne youreelf bac —Mr. R chell laigh professers ip in the Winnipeg University, at an eniti I salary of $1,600. TA- Ll E FOR SALE -FA cottage on corner of ii J rues and West streets, occupied by Mr. Willfmn Edmunds. The iouee is frame, has eight roon a a• d hard and *Oft stet. Good ginien with f reit td a of all kinds. I. is convenit ntly and pleas - anti+ 161,1 uated. Apply o JAMES SPROAT, Sea - forth, o' -to JAMES tEi, McLennan, Algoma. 1802x0 "VAR1. FOR SALE.—F J a 13, Tuckerem abont acres cleared, w and 104 good state of ou well tibered with herd barna, Fi comfortable hou and kver failing well roust 01:laugh the farm. or graio ,growing. It is and la 1.t !thin three quart A.pb4n the premises or JAC LATTA. r sale Lot No. 8, Conces- th, containing 100 acres, 1 underd rained, well fenced tivation. The balence ia ood. There are two frame e, a good bearing orchard f water And a meek also t is good for either grazing ithin three miles of Bengali rs of a mile c f a school. address Chiselhuret P. 0. 1802-tf bor 35: 1N U8BORNE FOR SALE.—The under- . sip ned offers for salt Lot 36, Concession 4, Us- e auwnship, consiet ng of 100 ewes, 90 acres ood hard nisple bush. The g two never failing spring skirting the front and is • r stock raising. Cornier. th kitchen and woodshed,, n 4000 and two outaheds, • res and a half miles from e -quarter miles from Chisel- • as the proprietor wishes n the premisee or 1a8cludr4ess °lee, ed, and the balance faun, ia well watered hav wenn a ad a spring arm suitable for either grain table frame dwelling w first,chias cedar, good ba 2 acre of orchard and is Heriss hural to q F. A. K EYES, Henea and one and thr Will be so'd chea farming. Apply g , AI: fenOed„ 17 aerti first! el and'rfeet and; la farrtil able, chute 0513), a the bp will bt, tor la addrae prieto • OOD FARM FO onoeseion 13 f which 80 are and in a high eta of splendid hard a condition. Th of the best bsrn th stone' stabling rything finished well watered wit r grain or gran es, store, post Oil ew miles from a and best equipp sold cheap and /minus to retire. Chiselhurst P. 0 The Scotch Halfpenny. Englishmen are familiar with the name "bawbee," applied to the_Scotch halfpenny, but to few does it bring the association of a baby queen and a loyd people. Those who meet with the wori in their reading _do met often stop t ask how it came to be applied. It a pears that the first attempt at the poe traiture of the uefortu ate Mad, queen of Scots, wan mad in her in- fancy, and her small face was ere graced upon the Scottish halfpenni at the time of her corona ion In 1543 when she was but nine months old A. number of these small coins are still preserved, and it wilnbe eripily underL stood how the name "bawbee," or baby, came to be given to the coin bearing the effigy of the baby. The halfpenny of Scotland is still common- ly called the bawbee, although the baby face no longer appiars on it. SALE.—For sale, Lot I, okersmith. containing 97 leered, well undenirained, of cultivation. There are • ood bush, unculled and in re :is a ()untenable lama, in the county. It is 78x40 underneath. cement floors p in first clam style. The living springs and is sult4 ng. It is convenient to e and blacksmith shop and ailway station. It is one of d farms in the county and e Ley teinis, as the prcprie. Apply on the premiees, oe JAIIES CONNORS, Pro - 1806 if TEACHERS WANTED. TSV teaOhe mepOe to JO N't t FEMALE TEACHERS WANTED.—Wanted r the Deshwood Publio School, two assistant a for the junior divisions. Doti: a to emu. after vacation. Apply stating Salary required PH SNELL, Secretary School Board, Garr 1805-3 A !Churchinantrs Wayne MacVeagh, Archbishop Ryan and • George B. Roberts, president of the Pennsylvania railroad, were fe low guests at a banquet given in tb Union league several yeaes before th death of Mr, Roberts. M. MacVeag at the time was the legal adviser of th "Penney." Some chaff in the vernac lar oferailroading merk.ed ii‘passidge i the conversation of the evening; and the lawyer, follciwing up a compliment paid the prelate by the president, sal : "Your grace, in retire you migI4t give the worthy Mr. ROerts -.a fr pass to heaven."' "I should willingly do se," responded his grace, "but for one reason—I shoul:d not care to be the Means of separating him from his counsel in the world b' F15 LE TEACHER WANTED.—Female teacher r School Section No. 2, Grey, holding thir elate rtificate. State solar) to be expected. Ap. ns will be received up to the 2nd of August. MAW to commenee on the third Monday in Atiguet and t ding on the 24th of December, 1902. elseX. sere ART, Secretary -Treasury, Cranbrook P. 0, 1805x3 A Wonderful PreparatIon "Rokco Cereal Coffee," pure, whole. 8(101 nourishing, highly recommen¢ied by I ading physicians. Rocko is equal to 41c. coffee, but only costs the price add, is used at me Is instead of poision4 oi43 eas and coif e. By constant isfzi itg_woo CEREA COFFEE will give V(pI.l vim, vigor, v tality, energy, he 1th ;aiiUstrength, an. is a positive cure foe -d Spepsia, indige tion, etc. 10c. pack- ages, 15c. lb. or 9 lbs. for 2.5c. Vor sale by ALL OR CERS. 1, l'Op sale by Beattie Bros., Seaforth 1804•18 yond."- “linle Britannia.” Variations. One of the English paPers gives ti e answers of certain board school bo s who were asked to write down t e whole or part of the chdrus of "Ru e Britannia." One of them' gave the firist line as "Royl Brick Tanner, Brick Ta ner rules the way," a second began it with '"Rore Britanier," while a thi d attempted a whole verse. This was 1JIs version: "The natidns not so blest bis he but still in stern but still stern o God most all this' was the Chelter t e Chelter of the stail and God in Angles, sang the Strang Bulbiatanya biatan a wo'ves the waves for Britains never e 11 be slain." live yo r ClotheS REN No necessity of gett wiill send your last yea SEA FORTI !Old clothes made to °limning of ladies' and and eatisfaction guara .need to give good sa Shawls, ourtaists, etc. d aiot fail to give me in excliange for work. 11792 Oppoeite th E WED. LVNG A1,SAM will po itively cure deepi-see,ted COVIGH CILOUP1. A 25e. Bolt e for a Simple Cold. A 50c. Bottle for a Heavy Codi A $1.00 Bo tle for o; Deep-seatlad Cough. Sold by all Druggists. • , STOCK OR IIRHAM BULLS FOR SALE --For sale, two thoroughbred Durham bulls, eligible for reg- istration, 12 and 18 menthe old, one dark roan the Other light. Apply on 1Lot 26, Cnneession 1, L. R. S., Tuckcrsmit.b, I miles south, of Brumfield. JAMES PATTE1I.0N, Brumfield P. p. ina.tf Easy Enough. Mr. Harry de Windt in his bo "Finland as It Is," tells of a mot A.ndree, the arctic expl rer. Just fore his last voyage he vas driven distraction at a dinner p trty by a ti ative neighbor. "But how will you know, profess when you have really cressed the no pole?" was one of the many silly qu tions. "Oh, that will be simpl.e enough, dame," replied Andree' with his known dry humor. "A north wind become a south one!" . - In new Spring clothes: if yr?u 's suit to the DYE WOrKiii look like new. Dyeingand entlemen's clothes a specialty. teed. All wool goods gnar- isfacition on shortest PotiOe. at moderate prices. QM° call. Butterand eggs Men NRY NICHOL, , aundry, North ?data Stre4 li0ied of Negl ct. Lonis XVII., tithlar king of Fra ce, the unfortunate daupleie, died in be Temple of Parls of abase and negl et. His body was identified and cert1 ed to by four members pf the commi tee of public safety and 'by more than twenty ofliCials of the temple. The re- mains were prieately il_mried in tne cemetery o: St. Marguerite, and every trace of th grave was carefully oblit- erated. The Women of Carthage. There Is a grand old Story told a oat the supreme devotion displayed by the women of Carthage. When their ity was besle ed by the ',lam:mins, r pes were need d; but, as there was no ltix to make t ern in the city, the wo headed by their heroic, queen, cam to the rescue They one ,and all cut off their glorious teepeesand made r pes out. of their hair. , o ee- to r, 8 - ell 111 1 To the Weairy Dyspeptic. We Ask, This Question: Why don't you remove that weight at the pit of the Stomach? Why don't you regulate that variable appetite, and condition • the digestive organs so that it will not be necessary to starve the stomach to avoid distress after eating? The first step is td regula e the bowels. For this purpos Ilurdock Blood Bitters Has No Equ I. It acts promptly and effectually and permanently cures all derangements 01 digestion. At a Dieco;unt. "Edward," she sigh el, "when I your notes my hopes nee raised to happiness.' : "Yes," he answered Moodily, "1 13 was able to raise anything on my except hoe." 6 cad ard 1 AUC'rI9NEERS1. inn hi es ,pe. "Your 'honor, For th rl.:tened, man- o. ;1110 re. to gtt olon1.17 with hi!-- :(-11.`it•.ti., • ours?" "Well," ; 'here's the la 1 tt f.4 On n2 Saki th'..,! at tOriley; ''T t) pro; e: itd hat th v, lose is o , ;•,•-• t.r e ie." ea ne 1)1 t-ttri 4. the w 11 ners,), 119,s far In. and the—'1 t op rie ht thoro. C:nt! linle• AI 1.; li iY ‘vith yr. 13i1lin )a --;?I" "I can't, say that -Are You ei‘' 11 on s: t in term with him?" "NO, sir." "W hose fail t is it'?" nit's his f TO: on." "Oh. :yes; itis his friult, you reckt on! How navel has it been i; ince yon nave spaken tei him?" Abeet 14 years as near as I can remember." 'Now, sir I want you to tell thiS jury why you haVe not, spoken to M • Billings for 14 yciars.' "Gentlemen," said the witness, turning to the jury, "he reason ,why I haven't spO en to Tsr. Billings for fourteen years is beealise that's the length of time hers beep .dead." I MHOMAS BROWN, licensed Anotioneer for the I. Counties of Huron and Perthl. Orders left at A. M. Campbell's inapleMent waremoms, Seaforth, or Tun Exposiroa Office, Will jeceive prompt alttention. Satisfaction guaranteed or no charle. *1708-tf i • 1 , A UCTI0NEERING.-J3. IL phillips, Licensed .t1„ Auctioneer for the counties of Huron and Perth. Being a -practical farmer and thotieughly. understanding the value of farm stock and imple- ments, places me in a better positin to realize good prices. Charges nioderiate. Satief ction giraranteed or no pay. All orders left at Hens 11 poet office or at Lot 28, . Concessioni 2 Hay, 41114111be promptly ttended to. I 1 i 1 -. 170941 1 , . syer °tee • • . Opinions of Leading' Physic ans. I' have been using iitrong's Pilose for sev, ral th mons, with:resuI s that warrant e in reComn.end- ing it to my patients With every eonfidenee in its chinas. R. 'FERGUSON, M. D., Coroner, London, Ontario. I ! , Price, $1.80,. For sale by druggm ists, or by ail, on remipt of priare. W. T. STRONG, Manufacturing Chernis14 London, Ontario. _ 1798-52 A STOCK - FOR 'SERVICE. 110 PIG BREEDERS—The undireigned .will keep on Lot 28, Conoeition 6,14 R. 8., Tuokersnah, s thoroughbred TAMWORTH Pgli also a thorough- bred YORREIII2.11 Pie. IA limited -number of sows will be admitted to each. Terms, ft payable at the Mme of servioty or 111.50 lf obarged. JAMES (ilthiMILL. ' 1608-52 I PFOR SERVICE:—The undersigned will keep on Lcit_29, Concession 11, Hibbert, a Thorough. bred Yo shire boar to which he will admit a limited n tuber Of sows. Tenn'. -1 at the time of sOvice. JOhN ELME, Ohio hunt, Ont, 1771-tf 1 Keeping tfp With Fate. "You well be married within a y an," continued the fortune teller. " ear me!" exclaimed the lady, who wail Al- ready married. "I shell have to begine divorce peoceedings et once," The systematic use Of capital la ers In writing and printitig was not com- mon until about the ear 1430. Pure Coco tot Candy or Children. Take one of a pint of a quarter o these ingr or porcelain Minutes. It i.at of sugar, a quarte• desincated. cocoanut an a Pint of milk. Bo ierne in a. granite -War lined saticepan for h move froen the fire, set the saucepari 0, dish of cold wat ' and stir briskly nntil the mixture is creamy. Pour on a ilghtly hutthred dish and mark irti squrircs while warni so that it m easily: broken whe mcoald. Cocoa deand the Whites - fsiu.ogtahr;a, dt nut, either de ed, -and one Drop on a roundcakeseaak(eisu I 13a oven Journal. , Afforestation in S suLit Africa. 1 t a,kes uld be of two du a Ily me quaptity of coco -iccated or freshly gra tablespiionful of, flan ttered tin in sma ei f or five mil —Ladies' Ho are Very easil Variety.. Be eggs to a sti sinall cupful an Gk The British Goierninent has lost time in grap ding .with the afforest Africa. Rece vernment fore en laid out ne tat great pr le, More th tion problem reports Trani) : nursery, wilt `T.haba Nchui, gress has 100,000 seedling lyptus and pine, transplanta,ti n. also beer, node in .t1 oaktrees, a which night acres has. e been planted anc the Wattle area u 4 der cultiv) n is . b extendeCI. 'ihe c nst and water 1irrsys is intended , to generally, and s‘. - ment acquii es 1atd preserved for foiestr civilized coltntry in izes the graa t i npoi preserv at ion, -fits16 FOt SERVICE.—The uadersigned has on Lot 218, Concession it, McKillop, a. thorough - mod Yorkihire Boar, to which he will ad knit a limit- ed nuInbr of 'eowri , Terms—Vie, payable at the necemary. UGH T. GRIEVE. I 1782-0 Mine of so lee, 'with the priyilere or returning if MARRIAGE LICEN • ks ISSUED AT THE HURON EXPOSITOR OF ICE, SEAFORTH, 'ONTARI KG WITNESSES REQUI ED, A /4 -4'P". • s• • E0 SHAVING, Eatia COOLS, COMFOR'irS AND HEALS THE SKI , ENA- . SLING THE MOS11 TEM - DER FACE TO ENJOY A CLOSE SHAVE1THOUT UNPLEASANT R SULTS. ., avoid dangerous, mast irteWitch Hazel repent' ons represented to be "the same as" Pond's Extract, which gasifysour and generally Contain "wood ;Hertel," a deadly poison. ' ,,, Speoia ro Hore Gener Goderie in out th G show t en maj trees, mainly euc are now ready f Ex eriments ha e cultivati6n 1 1 11 Rob6rt Devereux BLACKS ITH and Eo. giteer Attention , RRIAC eshoeing and WI r al JobbinMAKER-. street, eing continually uction of da s s i proceeding. t stabiish plo.ntatio s herever the Cover 3.rt of it ye . the world real - twice of fore t Sesforth After' IFloors Phosphodine, Vizi Great English Remedy. `b'•-• Sold, and recommended by all drtggists in Canada., Only rell- abiel medicine discovered. Biz packages guaranteed t..o cure all forms o Sexual Weakness, all effeets of abuse , or exce Mental WOrry. Excessive 886 01 To- bacco, 1ipium or Stirnulants. Mailed on receipt of price one paokagell, six, $5. One nen please, six wil.4 . -Pamphlets free to any address. The Wood Company, Windsors Out. I Sold i4 Seaforth by Alex. Wilson,J. S Roberta and I. V. Fear, druggiets. . - - ---' - --I itIcKillop Directory for 1902. 1 _ 11LICHEAL MOROI'S, Reeve, Winthrop LITTLE, Councillor, Winth JOHN sqeowN, Councillor, Sear. rt CHAIM JAMES O'LOUGHLIN, Councillor, Be ARO11i1ALD MeGREGOR,Councilloe, JOHN . MORRISON, Clerk, Winthro DAVID 3M. ROSS, Treasurer, Winthrop •SOLOMON J. SHANNON, J. P., Sant _ ' itemovin Ink Staiiis Irrom Cloth. 1 '1 he removal • f ,iniik stains is I - ways a pr ble , b cause inks a 'e made by 50 nia y rocesses. bcy p and water will reuikIve some inks, while strong chemic Is make lit le impression on Oh rs. The soon r the stain, is tre ted the more easi 7 it, is removed. Vas} nig and sota.kii g in cold water, pre 111 sweet or so r milk, will reloOVe the 0 -eater p rt of the ink, and , fre&icnt1y the sI ai Spots on Washable irtic1es rbould o0 soaked in tank inn water. Rub t e spot and CILUJtEC t1nj liquid freque t- ly. Afterwo or hree days ,- a t stain remains, Wet at with a sero g solution o oxalic acid and place It in the sun. After this rinse ve y thoroughly.—La.dies' Home Journa , : nary P. G.; I ! • c Telephone Stati ns Place the east facilities ef the Tele phone System at the idisposal of every one. Are convenient for the use of non -,subscribers. Publ P. 0. - P. 0. op P. 0. chwocto P. 0 Seaforth 1'.0 P. 0. P. 0. ry Inepeoter, .• Ills "Ilinue lad."0 An English clergyman and a lowland Scotsman _entered one of the best schco!s in Aberdeen. The master re- ceived them kindly and Inquired: "Would t ou prefer :that ghould nitter ((l'ieti ion) these boys or Ithat you should epeer them?" The English clergyman deSired the master to proceed. Be did so with great success, and the boys enswered satisfactorily numcroue iistereogations as to tbe exodus of the Israellive frOM Egypt. The clen-gymeaS then said be would be glad to "speer the boys" and at once began: "How did Pharaoh die?" There was a dead silence. In his dilemma the lowland gentle- man interposed: "I think, sir, the boys are not accus- tomed to your English accent Let me -try what I can make ef them." And he inquired in broad Scottish: "Hoo did Phawraoh deer Again there was a deed silence, upon which the master said: "Noo, boys, fat cam' to 13heivrraele at his hinner end?" "The boys with one voice auswered: "He was drooned." And a smart little fellow added: "Ony lassie could hae tell't ye that." —Louden Tit -Bits. A :Mitisiitg, djecti'vet. : What A temu.. IV rd woeld ha e 'described . 8 a h Oh ended outrage in Utica,' was perp ra ed :recently. t 0 victim bei g a entlernan who prid d himself o t his grip of the Engli '11 language. ,A tieac erous friend ill duced hi -in oTin 1erake to name fo ir adjectiVes endin in "idious." i'Why,"began th 7. expert, cheerf ' .haxardous gt uperedous, trena duons. . A this pont he stopped thin.lz,. He is still thinking. To t three certi. nly 1 olio may be acl-de jeopardou. , ptei op glens. and nef, ,dous—thot gli th ti ird is obsolete; well as u iv and 11 inocessary. So , six more have. been suggested, they lind i; nadequ, te , support in latest dicn onetrice. MODMONEY TO LAN to loan at di per nent on god farm seem ity. Apply to JAIL L. KILLORAN, Barrister. Seit forth. 1712-11 to The Man He Wanted. Senator Clark of Montana bad ocea- sion once out in Helena te hire a car- riage driver. The roads were moun- tainous, and a skillful roan was need- ed.:- On the appointed day the candi- dates for the position appeared. "You know where the road' runs along the mountain, with the hill on one side and a gorge on the other, Lfive miles from here?" asked Senator' CIarit, and all the men nodded affirleatively. "Heir near can you go to the edge of the road," was asked, "without upsetting ' my carriage?" The first man said, "Four feet;" the next man answered, "Two feet;" the third man said that he would drive close to the edge, and the fourth man allowed that If one AVILieel was over the brink he could still turn the horses ha time to save the catriage. At last Mr. Clark turned to a brawny Ldshraan. "Wind woUld you do?" he asked. "Begorra, Mr. Clark," said the Irish- man, "I would keep as close to the side of the hill as 1 cotild without pa- ing off a wheel." "You are the man i want," replied Mr. Clark, and the Irishman got the job. i 1, 1 - NT 1 'ere 1-1 in• s Are made. l mari in the neighborhaed ham wilts complimenting a s pa nen on repairs which le fez p in. In the course , . he, however, incau- " When I want I a - to. London. Th.ey, " Before' leaving red, "By the be, A cler of Not ti htletilloiardincni j o f eon ver ,a.tion tiously ol CrVC good coat. I 0 make them th .re. the shop he inqui do You atitend my church?" 1 "No," was the reply; "when I want to 1ear a good sermon, 1 go to London. They, nake them ther." —London Tit-Bitisl 1 East,. Triray to ',freak Up a Cold. A brisk walk' it recommended for breaking up a 'cold. The per8on thrcatenis sholld put On ex ra clothing and want hard and fast til he is in a free perSpiration. Then, while still heated up, he should Igo home, qu ekly uneress and get hitt) fi% warm hed and te ke a glass of hot waner or hot lern made. Where this course is isuc the chances tire many th t t4rial- th3 threatening sins will havc disappeared the followlng mo The Box Tortoise. Though the tortoise is slow of foot, it is quick to make the best of all its available modes of defense. The box tortoise possesses a singular defensive apparatus. The plastron or shell -cov- ering the under part a the body is so formed that its front -segment can be drawn upward to protect the animas; head, the head meanwhile being drawn back under the cars -pace or sbell on the back of the tortoise. 1 1 The Upper and, unden shelie then meet in front, forming a ckind of box In which the creature is unassailable. When the danger is passed, the reptile relaxes a muscle, and the raised part of the plastron falls, eillowinig the head. and fore feet to come forth, •This mov- able plate is fastened to the plastron by a strong hinge of elastic ligaraent Jn ekyll and Hyde Idians. It IS said that the Seri Indians are a tribe of Jekylls and Hydes. They spend a portion of 'the year In the neighborhood of the boundary line be- tween northern and Lower California, when they dedicate themselves to peateful pursuits and evidently adopt civilized customs, frequently working as farm hands on the "baciendas. When the crops are in, however, they experi- ence a remarkable cbange, dike any of the fewer animals with a. change ef season. It is then that they have et Wild longing for a savage life and emi- grate to Tiburon island, -Where they -lead a barbarous eXistenen even In- dulging in cannibalism, it is averred.- One 113efter. mesill that wilShes every, day -was aturday. ' Pat—And for whoel, Mike? "Shure, and shouldn't 1 nnst take .me - wages ivery day?" i "Begorra, I wish eitery da was San - day!" "Ye do? And for What raison?! "Shure, and shouinn't I get a h011 - day ivery day and draw mei Wanes the day before?" Univertssi Want. Barnes—I wondler why it is that everybody laughs at the cynical joikes that at made, n the stage abioub love. I Howes -HI se SI ec t. it . is becaluse everybody has 1 b en fooled by the little gol of iv r wants to be. ' Ihree fir atest Educators. 1 I The T 1 1 In my humble opinion the t ree greatest educaoiis of the age are the railroad', the -(2.n.oe1s, and the n we - papers. Wu Ting Tang, Chinese lifin- ister at Washing on. 1 I , To C re a Cold in One Day Take La alive Brcimo Quinine Table* A druggist 'refund the money if it fails tn cure E. W. G ove's alga attire is on each bcdr. 25o last wee for an a sisnce of five weeks irnade neceuar owing toihis state of, health He • R. EHgman of Mitchel, lefb risosrumaPee nhaii; , 1 eceitpise,ota? hpunpedliertgoo raenon tuoPernraatnid mtencal lasses et, the end of Au -gust. 1 Half Ilfternriallsg„ "That's Mrs. Glitedge-Bonds, the prominent society leader," said the man in the crowd wno knene "What's she In half mourn:inn for?" inquired several voles. "Three of leer sht fernier husbands are dead," said th man, whereupon the crowd expressed great admiration for her delicacy ot feeling. Not quite Sure "After all," he remarked, It is yonth alone that has real tourage." "I don't know," rs...turned the elderly spinster, with acerbity, "whether it should be called conrage Or foolhardi- ness, but it is unquestionably trlie that the girls: who marry at ail nsually Mar- ry quite young." ' Bnarled- lea Afriea. In certain parts of Alen* It le eon- sidered a mark of 1 disrespect to: bury out of doors at all. OnlY slavee are treated in such uncereneenious fash- ion. The honored dead are buried tin- der the floor of thehouse. - Mutual Adm.-iv:tar:on. Miss Budd (to famous planlit)—That musicwas truly divine, ttlianairair. Monsieur—Ah, ricaufse114. zat is deed praise, for Who bilt an angel would know divine music! MILBURN'S -feTBR1,ING HEADACHE 13mm:ills cure the weave headache in from fiVe to twenty min. rites, and leers -no bed aftneoffeete One powder -6o, 8 powders 100,10 powder, N'D o. —Stratford is to have an Old Boys' gatt- 7tiht.e Mlhell, Miss M. Lanes rim Moore, James Brooks, 4. Taylor. and Vies Taylor, of St. Marys, lien last week for the Notthwesb.