HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1902-08-01, Page 2r
F4Rms FOR SALE. -Rare bargeins in farms In
, the Townships of Willett, Morris, and Wawa, -
nos County ot -Huron. Inquire at once. WL
CA BELL, Blyth, Ont. 1774-tt
" For sale, a commodious story and half housa.
cement eau and cistern; a good. stable and
It' two acres et land ; immediately portly ot the
oudville mense. The laud is well planted with
Is* and small fruits. Apply to Wm. ELLIOTT.
FOR SALE. -For sale Lot 27, Con-
ceSsion 4, MelElilop, containing WO acres, MI
Whichis cleared, well fenced, underdrained and
* highstate of cultivation. There is a gpod
oribk hOuse,large bank barn with stone stabling,
. ty el water and a good orolaard. It is withio
WO miles of Seaforth ath within a mile troca a
sellool• Apply °tithe premises or to Seaforth P. 0.
10. GRIEVE. 1757-tt
ARM FOR SALE.-Farra in Stanley tor sale, Lot
29, Ormosssion. 2, containing 100 acres. All
c,ear but 15 acres of hardwood bush. It is in a good
state of cultivation, weU fenced and undeedrataed.
re !son the farm two barna, with stsbling, and a
a dwelling house. It is conveniently situated,
rilleitt from Clinton and / mile from Baird's schoel.
A dress all inquiries to JORN McGREGOB, an the
pmites, or KEW. D. MoGREGOR, 2nd Concession,
TOoltersmith, Seaforth, Ont. 13584i
VIARti IN seminar FOR SALE. -For sale, Lot;
11,andsouthhalf at Lot 12, Ooneeislon 4. Stan -I
oontalping- 150 sores, 90 acre, cleared and in a I
fair state of cultivation. There is a frame dwelling
house with. cellar, bank barn with stone stabling,
ne pig pin„ stave silo, biro good welly, also a river
s at the -back of We farm. It is oonventtnt to
churches, schools and markets, being a miles from!
Brucefield and 9 miles from Seaforth. Apply on the!
*millets , or address THOMAS GEMMELL. Brace- t
WARM FOR SALK-Lot- 31, Concesmon 3, IL R.
s., Oa sores I,- school house on premises; within
tiTe minutes walk of church; 5 xnUes from Clinton;
_ and 6 miles from Seeforth; large frame home, good:
orchard, mostly winter fruit; 2 good welIe and ;
(Altera; 2 barns, one barn 48x56, stone stabling
ugerneeth, ether bora 28%60; driving shed and hen
h go. Apply to WHITFIELD GRIM, Clinton P.1
0. 1797-xtf
, gelsthe bora of the undersigned in the Town- ;
elAp- of Tuckers:rah, adjoining the Village of Eg-
mipoctvele. The farm contains' 29 sores, all cleared}
exloept 4 acres. of good hardwood bush. It is all 1
w II fenced, well tile drained; and in a first class i
st te of 'cultivation. There ie a good frame house, ;
with 'kitchen and woodshed, and stane cellar full i
siSe of house. There is a good bank barnwith t
tattle stabling, and good pig and hen house. There I
is a good young bearing orcharct and a lot of °roe- 1
m ntAl trees. There is a never failing we at the }
hi: nse„ one at the barn, and another on the farm. :
It la oneof the most coavenieint and comfortable i
pi ces In the township, and will ba sold cheep and
oe alley terms. Apply On the premises or address,
Esfmondrille P. O. BERMAN BUBOLZ. 1783-tf
ARM FOR 8A.111—For gale that very desirable I
farm on the, Mill Read, Tuekersreith, adj Aningt
the village of Egmondville. It eontair.s 97 aore4,
nearly all cleared and in w good state of cultivation,
and well undordrained. There fe a comfortable
brick cottage and good barns, with root cellar and !
outbuildings. The buildings are lituated near the ;
04ntre of the farm and on the Mill Road. It is well ;
watered, and plenty of soft water in the kitehen.1
It is conveniently situated for church and eoltool '
and within a mile and a half of Seaforth. Will be t
Old cheap and on easy terms of payment. Apply ;
to the proprietor, ROBERT FANSON, Seatorth.
• 1748-tf
sale, Lot 22, on the North Boundary of Hay
Township, This farm contains 100 acres, 85 acres}
cleared, the rest good hardwood. bush. It is welt un- ,
derdrained and fenced. There is a good stone house
wsth a No. I. cellar, large bank barn, implement
ed; sheep houee 70x76, with firstellme stablin
and root collar underneath; a good orchard; oo
wnlls and cistern. There itt12} aoreis of fall wheat
sewed, on a rich fallow, well immured, 40 ;sorsa
seeded down recently, the rest in good shape for
- crop. This Is a No. I farm, well situated for
markets, churches, eohoole, post office, eto., and.
will be sold reasonably. Apply on the, premises, or
address ROBF.:11T N. DOUGL Blakei3Ont.1668x811
IGIARM FOR SALE. -Being Let No. 9 in the -first
SD Concession, of the Township ef Hay, ektuated
oi tho London Read, containing 100 acres of laud,
and on which there is a large 2 -story brick' dwell
log, with slate roof and good fair out buildings.
The farm is an in a good. state or cultivation, welt
drained and fenced, a fine bearing orchard and
abundant supply- of good water, end is well situated
at to markets, being only 8 milea from Herman and
2 miles from Exeter. Possession can be given to
suit purchaser. For farther paetleulars apply to
MILTON AleTAGaaRT. Owner, Rentall P. 0., or to
G., J. SUTHERLAND, Conveyancer, Henan.
WARM FOR SALE. -For sale, part Lots 25 and ?X,
r canceEeon 4, L. R. S., Tuaker:mith, containing
100 acres ; about 90 cleared, the rest good hardwoed
hush. Itis wen. fenced and underdrained and in a
fleet -class state of oultivetioo. There is a good brick
house, with kitahen and woodshed attached, good
collar and cistern. There is good stabling, with
stone foundation and root cellar, 85x55, also an im-
plement house. Tbere is also a good bearing orchard
and plenty of hard and sett water at barns and
, house. This excellent farm is situated within six
miles of Seaforth and four miles- from Bruoefielci and
IB convent( nt to church and scleool with good rads
leading from the door, Will be sold cheap, eppty to
the proprietor ALEX. GORDON, Egmondville P. 0.
9 and the west halt of Lot 8, on the 12th conces-
sip% or Bronson Line, of Stealer. This farm con-
tains 150 acres, all of whioh Is cleared, except four
aeres. It is in a state of first-class cultivation. wall
%need and all underdrained,raostly with tile. Thera
hi a large frame dwelling house se good as new,
good shone foundation and cellar, large bankbarn
with stone stabling underneath, and numerous other,
tralldings, including a. large pig house. Two good,
etcher achoice fruit, alowoe shute and orna-;
Montatrees. There are two spring creeks running:
throng the farm, and plenty of good water all the!,
year round without pumping. It -ie well situated for:
Markets, churches, 80110018, post 0138, ete , and good;
gravel roads leading fron:t it in all directions. It is
Within view of Lake Huron, and the boats can be'
seen passing up and down from the house. This i ,
one of the best equipped farms in the county, and
Will besold on easy terate, as the -proprietor wante to:
retire on account 01 111 health. Apply on the premi-
ss, or address Blake P. 0, JOHN DUNN. I734-tt
" ARM FOR SALE -For sale, Lot 1, in the Town -
of Tunkeremith, Coneession 3, 100 acres of
lend, ' oozes cleared, well un terdrained. Splendid
farm f ir grain or stook, well watered, a running
spring the whole year runs through the farm- Also
on the farm Is a splendid bank barn, new y new,
which is 60x54, with .tone stabling underneath.
Also f ame house 24x18, and kitchen, 18x16, with
good $ one cellar, and two good wells. This pro-
perty s situated in a very desirable locality with
spiend ci gravel roads to market, only at miles to
Seater h. Also a good dwelling house in Seaforth,
situa d on Coleman street, close to Vittoria Park.
This cuss is composed of 8 rooms, well finished,
plea et hard and soft water, and kitchen 20x1.6,
with entry and wash room attached, and a good
woods i ed. A good atable 24x18. All of this property
Must e acid as the undenigned is moving to the
Unite Shtes. All particulars concerning this
propei ty can be had by applying at TOR EXPOSITOR,
Office or to the pr, MEH
opcietor, JAES KOE, Sea -
forth. • 1752 -ti
Te Seaforth
arsa, Store
Is the right place to get the warth of
3}.our money in all kinds of groceries
flaw, cornmeal, rolled oats, cream of
*heat in bulk, standard oatmeal, granui
T4,ed oatmeal, pot barley, pearl barley;
hong clear bacon, smoked meats. best
pure lard, cheese, dried apples, evapori
• abed apples, apricots, dates, ovaporatccl
aches,. 8 lbs. good, cooking figs for 25ei
esh prunea, canned corn, peas and
matoes, canned salmon and sardine
- 51 a bin, a few raisins left at Se a lb., a
f w lakb salmon at 5e a Ib., lake heri
✓ ngs 10e a dozen, great value in teaa
a d coffee great value in china, crock
e y and gladsware, condo honey and ex -i
t acted, syrup- and molasses, and the
b st farmer's maple syrup. I receive!
estates Toronto bread, freah everyl
d ;: also fresh butter and eggs in
s oek. I handle all kinds of fruits irri
e man ; 1 also pay the highest market!
p ices for fresh butter and eggs in cash
or trade. A cordial 'invitation is exe
tended to all to come and get some of
the good bargains.
Ohrlit's Promise to A
•disolp es.
Dr Tailcoat. Shjowa That, to b
fal Pishar A ter sosiis a si
Praphresi t
Lirs avid no roes to That Purpose.
Entered Acoordi .gto Act af_Parlia entof Can-
ada. in the ye tir 1902. by William Baily, of To-
ronto, at the De 'c of A Litman
In tili
sith el
k. •b
-of m
n? h, yes,'
hay% bee fisherman
As lz4ah AN 1ton, the
ing, u ed to say that
, like oe s, ere born?
I was or ith a love
d the reei s little
d rnany a t q I have
chool becau -.I loiter-
• underthe adow ot.
n bridge •o cast, a
sed foia io'k. , Novi
wn 1 Tov t go back
where I as born,
boat and p 11 out ine
hick flows t tough th.;)
• y fat4er .14s. uried and
o my IhOO • he black
timid ere
as much del erekite bee
who 'makes hist living
one who tsh* foie
is bAtveen thC man
make a livit g and the
IS: for recre tiori. It
ce between or* and.
O diffetence b tween the
S sail in he fishing,
antucket or Nevi,' Bed -
ds six long nonths oft
Newfoundlatztd, facing
tempost an4 collision,
ho paddles bout in 11,
!let stream. It ie the
Ten the rnaij who is
the 'dangers of Lake
ost treacher us inland
rid -and the man. 'who
rock on a s inshiny af-
asts hie ekp sive line
for es few *um.'" pas: -
o , brothers, leter and
hom Christ poke the
ext upon th shores of
were real fishetraen.
t dilettanti. They did
• o the court ry for a
a hundred n ollar pole
Imes worth f fish; but
hing their ife's busi-
longed to ia per -
est class of men on.
termen. Oh ist, when
raeading heir nets,
id: "Come, eave ;Our
w rne. Giv up . your
work of cold ing fish aid I will
teach you holw you may use your
energy and b avery and consecration
and will znal e you ashore of -men,
Come with m and I will make you
fishers in the great troubled spa of
humanity an will call. yo,u, mai. gos-
pel fishermen.
The true g
purposed man
a At last Bo
is Entire
Chicago, Ju y 27.
Rev. Frank e Witt
how the,qua,1 ties W
a successful fi hernia
ed in Christi wo
Matthew iv, 9, "F
will make yo fisher
Are you a i sherin
you answer; "
all my life.
father of ang
true fisherme
not made, so
for the rod a
boy, meaty 'al
been late for
ea on the we,
the old wood
'crooked pin
that I eau gr
to the scene
love to take
to the river
valley where
try • to , coax
bass ti;nd the
There is jos
tween the ma
by fishing an
sport, as ther
who farras to
.man, who far
is the differe
play. It is t
man who se
smack from.
ford and spe
the banks of
the dangers o
and the man
canoe on a q
difference bet
ready to def.
Galilee -the
sea in the w
stands upon
ternoon and
foto the broo
Now the t
Andrew, to
words of my
Lake Galilee,
They were t
not go out i
few days wit
to catch a do
they made h
ness. • They b
haps the .bra
earth -the tis
he saw thei
turned and s
nets and toll
o. Ottawa,
go show
be utilize
c, and
4 9
spel fisherma.is ia. one
,., I
, whose lif‘ Is dedicat-
od to the s nglia object. of saving
souls. Every sportsman knows that
it is an impdssibility for a stiecess-
to think o :! anyithing
•sh at the ti e oi fish-
ot plan abo t- buSiness
his line. Te cannot
nd watch his bait,. Ile
of the wood:, and troll
at, the same -Vine. When a real fish-
erman fishes,
tire attention
excludes every
his , brain. II
cinating and
greatest xnen
their recreati
So a man.
gospel fisherman unless 1
trates himself body and
soul, to the ! ne purpose
men. He n ust live an
breathe and s
of bringing sir
Christ. Ile i
sorbed in the
was John Ku
feequently in
to pray. Anc
was pleading
in the work o
chided n him i
back to bed.
ful fisherman
else but his
ng. Ile can
and attend t
read a book
cannot dream
le concentrates- hIe en -
Upon his fiShing 4 and
other thoitght from
cause fishing is sb fas-
tbsorbing, sone Of the
f the world litave 'ound
1 in the spiert. .
annot beco e a' true
e concen-
aind , and
t saving
eat and
cep • only for the , hope
ful men and Fotnen to
lust be as Eep1y ab-
eerk of savir
x, who use
he middle of
souls as
to ariSe
he rnghlt
one night, Whilei he
ith God to help him
saving soit$, hl wife
id teal hini to icome
The great refdrmer
turned and said, "Woman, Low can ;I
sleep when m country is not steS-
ed?" Then h
cations with
God, give me
continued h s ski ppli-
this earnest rry,i o
Scotland or 1 1je !"
'rhe gospel . (1 .hernia n xnu.4t, be as
wholly absorb el in the work oif say-
ing souls as tbo nuts A. 011 sOn is
absorbed in lus inventions has
in his laborat ory,
often stays tor ;, days
and plannit g, forget -
meals until, his wife
modes him '0,1) eat. The
n should bVoine as
in the work of sav-4'
he enthusia. tic :fisher -
t morning
tterly 01)-
0. Christ
tsbers of
a' couch place
and there he
atone, workin
evenfiil of hi,
comes: and per
gospel fisherm
flitter absorbed
itig souls as
man who arise s Carly in th
and fishes att ay long is 1
lietioue of the fligh t of tin
said to- Peter and Andrew
me, and 1 wit /hake you
flan.'' ' Tito t u tant, "Give
HP, holly, mint,. and soul, tc, my ser -
vivo, and 1 wi 1 make you ven more
suoees:iful itt s tying souls than .yott
ore now suece. slut in dr, wing out
t he piscatorial beauties fro the wa-
ters of Lake e alitee."
The true g% spel fisher/Ilan is a
brave man. We have been taught to
regard the sold er as amon the brav-
est of men. "rue. it need breve
heart to sten Alphlanchec amid a
to,rnt of shot and shell an 1 to -walk
up to the can ion's month Own the
bullets are f. 'ling around like hail
pottering upo the pavem nts; But
the soldier rtel or has to ft , great
d n gers: co n ti n o usIy like oae-._ • the
fiseerman has to meet. suPPose
that. among a 1 the differe t classes
of men there -is not one am. ng Which
the deStructim of life propbrtiotatte-
ly is sis great s among th fmen who
make -1f,he haes eat of the fitea 'their
avocation. or 11 e work.
During a rec
Atlantic and
a couple of da
bor I saw tw
dark cloud ah
them say: "W
kad nAght,
nt journey
!ter we had been out
s from New *nick bar-
men poin ng to a
ad. I hear ane of
are going have a
hat is the gwfounci-
tIcross the
ltypc:: r g ban.tc„ - , z-igon tne *nickt
mists )egtin to Seale around us. All
that 2 igli4 the gr bray fog horn
blew. I, 4aid to th commander of
the OtItnat. er: "Captain, why do syou
blow hat terrific foghorn? Surely
the clang( r of collision wirh a pass-
ing stean$ is comparatively small."
j'Ah, "1 at' wered the 4aptain, "We are
blowing e fog horn chiefly, to warn
the fi. 'her ea. All bout these wa-
ters 1 re hundreds 4f little fishing
smack The* fisher en colliehere
and a eh r.' They stay month in
and meant out until they catch their
cargo,L an scores a,n score of these
poor f011o s are run doWn ev'ery year.
We want o warn them, if pciesible,
that ire e coming along." - ao to
any oft little fishilng towns along
the roky coasts qf old S.cot1and.
There iyot will find °Men. Who have
lost fifth 1 s and brothers and :hus-
bands an sons in the awful dangers
of a flithe att's life. Every seaman
:will t II fou that the perils- cif a
lsailorIle are comparativeay noth-
ing if the e are on1 1 sixty 'fathoms
of wa. er' i rider the ship's keel. But
the Ils ter 1 an rarely puts out o the
deep s a. ! He must ,11 h compitrative-
ly ne.ar t shore. Dhen the storms
come ip nd tIireatei. to drive the
frail. c af upon the xiocks. Then. the
-fogs s ttl So thickly that the Steers --
in- an c In Jardly see ihe prow of the
boat ro 1 the steru4 Yes, the: true
lishern-ta.n life, whether it is ;found
on La¼e alilee or dff the 'coasts of
eScotla,nd r in the Newfoundland
togs, is a life of overwhelming :dart-
er. r !p, must be the man ' ' who
• would follfow so perilous an avoca-
So the gospel fishermen, toomust
be br Ire !men! They mast' be as
coura eot S . as were Peer 'and An-
drew, -wild - to becontre gospel .fisher-
men, Feld own their lives fox- Christ.
They *ills be as brave as the heroic
Fathet, D ien, who in order to min-
ister t t sick and the dying went
. to Ma ok the Leper, island of the
Pacific d himself became a; leper
and di .d. They niust1 be as brave as
that ,.. ale Lion Array girl who stands
and sihigs! and praye upon the street
corner a4tcl the seofts and the ridi-
cule o thi passet•sby tilid who, pene-
trates the dark alleals, humaniy- un-
protetde to seek; °tit souls for
Christi. They h.ave • ..9 be as brave
as thtit y ung Christian clerk who
goes fietilin saloon to saloon giving
out get,s0e tracts aid leading in
prayer' wh 4re the prnprietor will al-
• low hitn t; pray. Ah, it takes cour-
age td be a g spel -fisherraan! It s
. takes bottrage t4 la.ue.ch out into the
deep and to let. dowl the gospel net
and bciconfishers o men when the
1iurricanes1 of persecution are strew-
ing the-ropky coasts with the wreck-
age. i
To she,* the kind of heroie stuff
out ofi whilrh the gospel fishermen are
made it wOuld point you to the tragic history of the greatest mission-.
ary of thei Fiji islancts as he person-
ally t Di•-& t to me. Many years ago
the canna Is of tho e islands •lciIled
and a e t• first rills ionary who had
been ient there by tie London Mis-
sionar ciety. Immediately after
that &ttent this missionary, then a
young inc 1, applied or appointment
to th4 n t of dangler. He • went
forth -witl his young bride to what
most of I teir friends thought was
certain de th. When the ship drop-
ped archc»I in the Ntrbof of Suva,
the nhtive chief sent, out word,
"Give us 1,nother miasionary and we
will make! a meal out of him." In
the face 111 that tht eat and of all
these dangitrs. the ycung missionary
and his Wide disenrearked. For ten
long yea.rp they never saw ,the face
of a With p man except when the
missio0aryl supply bOat made its bi-
ennial I Vied t. The !young mission-
becaue0 . h
He • Ii0c1 i
wife etati I
ren were lborn there, in
•'t'wo of Isis children died
had no Toper medicine.
here alone' with his heroic
he transformed the wb.ole
island. Sell is the career of one
heroic ge pel fisherman. Are you
and I re y to .be as brave. for
Christ as were that noble mission-
ary and iis devotedwife? Are we
. ready b )4 inspired vith that holy
learks8ncst and di regard of our-
_ selves t.hit we may save souls for
Christ w1 .rever we an find them,
which all Christ's fi. hers of men.
should s w in his 8 *rvice?
The true gospel fis et -man must be
spiritually as well a • physically, a
st Tong in411. The go. pet net of faith
is a 'p,ficilli net; a loi g net, a heavy
net. and I 'unless supe rnatural power
will never be able to handle it. How
could. btuilties G. Finney been- able to
lead th.o0ands and tens of- thous-
ands of ii unortal spills to Christ,
unless ! hp had beert spiritually a
strong 1 ut, n in his • own strength .
as 'irr • gospel fisherman, he
coald do iothing, but with Christ he
COUld 00 11 things. To show how
absolut03, It,lr. Finney! depended upon
divine • sir ngth for the handling of
t he goispei net, one Of my old -Pitts -
1 ,u rg: di dell used to t,ell me a . re-
markattle le :ene he on.te witnessted in
a ICCN‘i Y, rk theatre _ Mr. Finney
was ptea; ling therenti the build-
\ing wns ..i.cked withr people. After
the noted! evanceelist _had . been.
speakitee : bout ten iiiinutes. he sud-
denly ,;t.cif ped an.d said: '' !Brethren.
t be ITOly: `pirit's influence is not.
here tp-th. y. 'We naest get the re-
enforeenten . of the divine power else
:re are' 1)0 11)1055. Let as pray." Wi go
that lir it 1.1t upon the stage, and he
pr a.yeti in lit ‘ 1 the audience was melt-
ed to tseu • lie prayed, and such
was the re-enforeentent of divine
Strength a that ineetin,g that the
gospel net gathered the sinners in
by the seitre and by ' the hundreds,
although : during the entire service,
Charles Gl. Finney did not preach
anot her, i•ctord, lie simply prayed --
pleadingly prayed. 1-fpw could ,fohn
or Charles !Wesley, or Georbe - White -
field, Or t , eorge Muller, or D. L.
Moody eNtr had handled the gospel
net as 1h01-, did unless they had beeft
spirituallYnspired and strengthened.
unless Ithe.si- had beeit men of deeu
faith a tcl:' rervent prates?
The !lite stian believer 'must be
spiritu lly inspired if he is ever to
become a.. successful ,ht•dier of. men.
My mottle used to ' inipress this
Ihought..up n Inc all thy life, and es-
pecially •did she try•to do so after
I had ent red the gbspel. ministry.
There WO! hardly a letter that „she
sent to me after. my (lnd ina.t 401) that
did nor ad like this: "My dear
boy, it is unport ant :for you to be
mentall, nipped for your _ church,
:But, rclznCI iber, a, true gospel' 'minis-
ter is asst. tia.11y ono Who is inspired
hS' the Ilt ly S)airit. You Ca 11110 1.
lead sqls; to Christ unless you have
been mucl in communion with G od ,
itnless 14 h upon yotir knees .in
prayer. • - must piea.d , at t he
moray eq.in ypur• oirri home 1 you
Ntuitx plead aright 2or -thirlst in ticei
• pulpit." The mother_ cannot becoi,n4
a fisher of men., fend lead her chil
dren into spiritual lives Iuniess sh
hkrseit has experienced ths divine in
sPiration. The Sunday s tote' teach
ett cannot lead his class tc the feet o
Chris unless he himself h s first bee
hpti ed by the Troly Spirit. • Th
minis er cannot &Illy preach Chris
unless ho has first taken Christ in
to his own heart and life. Pete
eind A drew became gospel fisherme
6eeitu e they -themselves ! had firs
sen the Master's face and obey
his vpice when he said, "Follow me
and . will make you fishe s of inen.' i
Peo le have oft en askec me Nvhethl
er •I believed in revivale of religion
Of c urse I do_ Every ae of the
differe it denominations has been
start d under the influence of a. re-
vival. • Nearly all the mighty men
o God, past or present, have • con -
sod' the. SaYlour throue:h ti
ieneS Which has direct], or
lily come froth. sonie ye Iva):
\Ival services can do h inn '
geod• When a great numb
net' .are , brought
t rovh the influence of a
t em. negleetea, nobody f
t 1.em, nobOdy trying to
te converts, , morfody
1 '
ittentified . ivith a. Sum
of ,a1
1 ad
e in-
s well
et' of
o hrist.
revival and
a prayer meeting, a Chtistian
vdr Society or Chr stion work
y kind, 'there ie an awful lack
I •
Imre. ;J t is all n iportent to
Men to !Cheist, but it is also
taut not to let then baeks1 ide
.ver • left them; One ight
y 11
7lecting them afte
been br'ounht te tl
.. i
the trqe gdii
spel .
s workifrig" under t
whether, i Christ's fa .0 18eiiisible
m or no. After re 'et- end An -
became : Christ's litermcn he
eSe brethren, • with - John th , Be-
ved .! Who was 41S6 a fisherman,
id , . °me of theinther disciples, -were
Lsiio• about on Lake Galilee.they
tl ought they were going to be
( a.Wned, but Christ waS Avatching
t eir. struggles, and in . the. fourth.
,ryatch, of the night, or just about 5
(.. clock in the morning,' - JeSti • was
scen 'walking toward then o t the
waves of. Lake Galilee. And ; after
the' Crucifixion, when Pe er a id his
b ethern went back to their
a °cation of fishing, - .1 sus
appeared: unto them by t te...sh
L. ke ! Citlilee and' told .11 em t) east
t»Cir inets , upon the . other- side Of the
b mt.' The true gospel fishermen can.
fclel . that Christ is always ready to
help hitm: that Christ will ttlwe4s
c me to his rescue whell the waters
o , trouble: begin to roll- too high
Old the Mists aro settling toothick-
•1;ky aroUnd the gospel lifehoati
Christ's care for the -g-ospel fisher-
men is a, constant and tender care.
l'a the Scotch - fishing villages the
mothers and wives Anddaugh ers il-
1 oetrate - by. a beautiful etil 8tom :which
p •evails among them - the r eatie.- for
their i sops and husbands and bro-
thers ; who have gone orf . to , fish.
M hen the fogs settle doen upon the.
Oast and the - lighthoties celn no
longer be s•Nn. the wonkm go out
acid. it upon the rocks. Whtn the
rciturning- fif,h-rmen. . begin • to . ap-
-p 1-oach the Ehores .and wii He vet un -
s: en, they start a fisher's song. Tbe
loved ones waiting upon the ; ro'cl.s
listen. until they hear the familiar
notes wafted through Alle.fog,. i kl'hen
tile mothers .and wives and 4augh--
ti rs .and :sweetheartsalso liegin.•-o
sing, alul -the fiehermen, hearing the
N ( ices of their loved -ones., I know
A‘hich way to -steer. So whelk the
gospel fishermen in times of trouble
'call to Christ h. always answers
th NA 1 call. And the Saviour's voice
soiunding -clear amid the .A 04' 's of
th, lovrd mrs who have gon , be-
yond, willultimately- guide lie gos-
pfll fishermen from the troubl -,0 sea
of life into the great harbor f.eter-
mil peace. ,
Are you. and I willing, to 1 ecome
'gospel fishermen? Are we rea Y .to
be One -purposed Christians, ready
to be . fearless, ready t b0.
spiritually inspired, t*
Christ's fishers of . men Ar we
ready' to n surrender ourselves,' body
l'hind ! and soya. to the serv ce of
the Lord? When Dr. l'i-ott, who
for . Years labored among thc south.
sea iSlunders„ was one day asking a
native. to give his life up , to the ,
service of the. Master, the ii14ssion-
-ary explained, "I can only !afford
to pay you 15 shillings a inonth
for your services." With that. thp
native said, "Sir,- I cannot. afford
to ON e up My .time for 1 3t shil-
lings i . a month, hilt I can .,aff :rd to
give it up for Christ." Like the
south sea islander, have vou •such
lore , for Christ thst you are ready
to rOnzwerato your life t� the - -Mas-
ter's service" regardless or remnuera-
I ion. so that 3You May beconae one
of h s fishers: of men?
they have
e feet of
lierman is
le Master's
res of
_ The cost oe a Battle!: ip.
The hattleshitp I3ulwark,1 th • new
iltykrship of the Afediterranea.n awed-
ro i, 'was built at Devonport at a
co.'t pf .1.014,835, tas agairt.tan
es imAte of A2.1,01SS/49. "This
is a:elusive .of -the expenditu on
go is 1 which , was .07,.970.. It
- stat ed that, each of thebatt eships
built at Devonport has. (-est less than
sh ps of the same c1as 1 constructed
at other Government deckya ds. -
Loudon Times.
•:1'o4 The Right NI a» to mow the :Xi art.
: The Int ernationel Kinderg-arten
Un on Convention, held nOt lo1)4'. ago
in I3oston, which . drew such ', arge
CrOWaS I bat ! Trinity Church •was
pre,ised into Service as. • a in i.,ting
plate,, setups -to have brought otal con-
siderable discussion, much: hitin'.t. and.
I11fl1y w om a ti . : "The add ress c .! P re-
sidant Eliott, .of Harvard, Uniyai-sity
was highly histriictive,'•' .:, said ! Mr.
Charles Partoe of Boston, at 1 the
Alt4 .r y MI' -esterdav. "Ire n iltde a.
filef r .the education that ediKates
by 1 "showing 'how," and illustrated.
his pl „a withi:a little story. A Iviend
of tis had became deaf not loini„r ago, .
atm. t te president • asked him tvhat
WI.14 the caUse.! '•I was blowing my
no.: e," the friend atisweried,•, " When.
su de ily I felt sothething• gimp in.
my e, rs, followed by aching end,
dul ness. When ahe doctor Ca1110 - he.
sat 4- had split the eardrtirn, 1 and
as ed, how 1 did it.. I told hi .t.laitt
I ,ardel -blew my nese."
TWeill, if you had opened. :your
mo tth when %Ott blew Vour noe you
wo ad' not now have a . damaged eaL -
drum, ' the doctor answered. h
wa. .41 man, Presideet Eliott p lilted.
out who had lived seventy lyars,
and ..h td never been "shown hof" to
blow his nose. This story nu e- 7-a
.dee 1 , mpression, on •the:I:onven ion;
ing Nerves
When the hod
as it usually d es
nerves are firs to
and xhansted,
indig stion, weak
lang id,' depiess
and *motional de
organs are the res
Yeecan f$1
dein:* you goo d
the rpot of tro bl
blood. You Can
new tissues and
you4elf each wee
Mr. J. McFaui,
Er. Chase's Nary
tion, nervousness
and now, after
lsased to say t
h been built u
isoell. I can Sp
pteparation, know
prolperties whjob
other remedies."
dealer's, or Ed
gets thin and watery,
t this time of year, the
suff4r ; they are starved
Headache, dizzy spells,
action of tbe heart,
ng feelings, weakncss
angemeats of the bodily
It. .
r. Chase's Nerve Food
y by day, as it strikes at
and cr ates now, rich 4
prove th t it builds up
dds flesh if you weigh
while usingit
carpenter, 315 Manning
states :-" I h ;,,o3 used
Food for acutindiges- ,
anOnability o sleep,
thcifough tes , I am
at my nervou system
and 1 rest a d sleep
ak very highly of this
' ng it to possess curative
I have failed tp find in
so ;cents a b 'x, at all
arson, ,Hates es Cr
S 1
rve$ Food
aliti it is sate to say 1110-C,
little kinclergax en 4;hdd will} be told
to otien his at) • inn th when he has
recogrse to his landkerchief.
A Sti:r3 of -Ir. I' n.
A incident in col neclion with Sir
10 4 Alitcdonp,lda Whie has. .nevei-
opp tired in pri 11 is orth [tolling,
and, what is • in .ire. it is trud.
The Prime Mi tieter 1 -,ad• gone into
the I<itig-ston p stoffice- to see liis
old !friemd and eipportpr; ih,tt poSt-
master, Mr. 11.c iert Shnnnon •
• coining' out, t e caret els en, a man
nani,x1 Dunbar, stood ready to open
the inside door Stop )rif.s; in the
lobtele just wIth 11, the Premier put
his hand s forehead and said
to himself:
"Ti'ere's some hingerve forgotten."
"Yes, sir; e u've lorgotten to
raiee my pay.",
Now, n had been pet, tioning
the member and Minisit. er (fel. Sir
wae - ho several
indnths for in increase al pay with-
cet realieing s desires N b one
eoisti bet ter appreciate the' ready
wit of ihe er '1 hat flow out on I
the heels . of his own remar than
Sir Jchn Macdonald!, who, n'ish • a, .
.y twinkle i' his eye, smiled and
'Iltinhar, you $. hall ;get
talA 4 Events.
' -
LH oi‘f. i
X .:11S than a hi lila?' ed year i ago,
4. .1
aeco•ding to the Iriehe taw: lames, a
proeliamation was made at ,I. le Mar -
k44. i Cross of Inverary, Scotland,
w3 -jell warned off poachers in this
mixeii style:
"Ts, hoy! Te tither a hoy! Tn. hoy
th -ee times! ! 1 -an' ta. hoy—whist!
- IlY• command 'of his Majesty King
George, and her grace ta Duke of Ar-
gyil: ,
" if anybody is found fishing about!
te losk, er below te lock, afore te
loek, or hint te loch, or on te loch, '
10C1C _ or hint ' te •loch, tor
on te - loch. --in e te loch,
File's to be persecuted Wi' th-ee per -
Steno ions; first, ehe's to be burnt
syne, she's to be droWa't; an' then
to be hang,'t. An' if 'ever t h comes
back, she's to be perSecutit wit a
fat -wur death. God save te tng an
'• ne.i• Grace ta Di ke aeS Argyll.
1 Poor Openet thirillii•titur w a
''his story is told' of Miss Evelyn
Millard, an. English alress o prom-
inence:•• . .
She was playing in a inelt drama.,
and. in one of heve scenes he was
alone with the -‘..) Hain, . ho he ked the
door and then annoienc od in 1 he usu-
al . style, "Aha proudi dams 1, you
aro .in my power," et., etc. .1disq
Alillard rushed at the diodr, 1 eat ups
on it. violently nnd . wa.e4- immediately
precipitated out of eight of the audi-
ence, while 3,, voice in the wirgs said
loudly, "Bless rue I' forgot to warn
the ;lady that that 'er ' , door opened '
the wrong way!" [ , !
Beware of A ppearanees
Two 'practical jokers once, k-rlien at
a railway steal in, ;observed a rustic -
looking persona, T. who stood gaping
around at etiere body and ev 'ything
in evident astet ishment,
Thinking to lave sone fn 1, they
walked up,. an 1, stai,ioning them -
SOWS On each s'de ,of_lihn, proceeded
to' have 'their s ort.
"Paddy," said one, ,"are ou a
fool, or an ass?' . 1
"Neither," r plied :the 1 -easant,
"but 1m between the 'two."
The jokers w re obsprved walking
away .in evi-den.l disgu8t and looking
very ernall.-Lo don ;Tit -Bits.
1 ;
of ai Bachelor
I i
necessity that is as
k into otherpeople's
en intei theinl Own..
orry So muc abut _
how the other alf 'lives as 1 ow the
'better half live. away 'from ome.-
There is neve arty telling when a
man asks a girl to marry him wheth-
er she is going to eefuSe him and be
ail (11i;21 are.
exp nsive as lu
Tat men lo
niir -ors; small
1V men don't
sorry or accept him aInd be
still, 1 •
Clara ()laugh
theatre every n
hall a different
eh() dd be more
C utious!
Y s, my dear
all ver town
can't getthe s
yoh twice.
ily)-I 'went 1 Ito the
g -ht laSt we4, and
escoet each ti e.
(vindictively) - You
cautious, my dear.
Ill-natured ,
re saying th
me nett_n to
t you
o with
'served Rim
Mites. Horner—"I didn't Wan to at -
but my hush u,id in-!
°beg , Mrs. Neigh -
you en;joy it'? ' •Mrs.!
,1 did.; My o d gow.n
led , and my 1 tisband
it with' o nets one."
in EU Ope is,
eguag It!
tend the picnic,
sisted on my'
bors-"And (11 (1
hat -I to replace
.The longest a phabet
that of the Slavonic 1
has 42 lettere.
• ,•---,—.J-------
•11, The Skin on Fire. 1
So dleadful are the sensations of burnin , itching
e2zems. that victims frequently d4slerlbe t eir suffer -
loge by saying that the skin a all on fire. The
stinging, biting fires of eczama a 5 quencia d by the
use t Dr. Chase's Ointment. The first fe fapplica-
tion may cause a little uneasieees, but ow e is sure
to result, and the ekin is healed mitho- t Ecar or
weirs. •
! 11,011111,1111111
is wan
yards. o
Just thi
inake fa
eta Ornamental Fence. 7f,lene°
1. very hairy and surprisingly cheap. It Is j
for do4w yards, divisiote fences in tOWli lots
chards, etc. iSs•-
on -a-.
PER 111.1NNInG
id. retails at only
• 4. of tt.i Let us send you full partienbirs.
.8 fence, ou1try netting, nails ana staples.
The age Wire Fence Co., Limited, Vianterritie.ent.
-e alon
Our Big
sum et Sale is now in
f 11 :last -
• This is a g nuine room- 6, akin
chases for Fall w}uel will arrive in Au
made, and in order t do so will give th
ties in the County t buy good. goods a
you to drive miles .4) secure some of the
• Space will 2.4 allow tis to tell al
have iri Dress Goods and all lines of Pr"
Underwear and Corsets, is isimply marv
sale, ..as we have made some hea y pur-
ust, 'and before that time room roust ba
public one of the grandest opportuni-
greatly reducel prices. It will Ay
bargains during this tremendous sale,
about the sale, but the barg ins we
ts, Muslins, Batistes, Taffetat3, esiery,
:See the Towe ling at 3,1c and 4c per yard.
:See the Carp ts at 35e and 40c orth Mc and 60e per yard.
; -
Several lines f Lace Curtsins at clearing prices,
See the barga ns we are offering in Men's and Boys' clothing and water-
In the Boot
Hats.for men
Millinery at
nd Shoe Departme
and boys at sweep
reatly reduced pri
t something very special.
ng reductions.
For pure blood briglit eye, a 'clear
comfolexion, n appetite, a good
digestion and r eshing sleep, TAKE
113RIS OL'S Sa.rseLpek.rill
It arouses the Liver, quickens Ithe
-circulation, brightens tb.e spirits 4ud
generally improves the health.
sixty-eight ;ear& trial have proved It to be the mast reliable BLOOD puller known.
,di druggists s “BRISTOL'S:'
Cholera Infantu
and all kinds of
plaint are qui
Pain in the
S omach,
D sentery,
1 Morbus,
SumMer Com-
kly cured by
Dr. Fowler's
Extract of
Wild StrawbOrry.
y thouisands for
It has been used
nearly sixty years -
to hear a cornplain
A few.doses have
all other remedies
action is Pleasant
and wej have yet
about is action.
ften cured when
have fa.4ed. its,
Rapid, Reliable
and Effectual.
Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild
Strawberry is th- original Bowel
Complaint. Cure.
Refuse Substitutes. 'Jerre -Dangerous.
The Ameridan
.1 .1.,
This old and populealiestlery ipas recently
been enlarged, remodeled and im roved, and
• now possesses all meet* cony ences for
the comfort of guests! onvenie tly arraing-
,ed sample rooms'co m dious siting rooms
and eoinfortablebedr o
rs Good stabling and ommodion shed.
The very best liq ors and cigars in the
Attentive waiters aid a reliable and
obliging hostler.
Terms reasonable. Senhe tra veiling pub
lie are cordially invit
DR. C. B. 1TTLE Prop.
e no
r spectei
People in every w lk of life a e troubled.
Have you a Back, eh ? If ou have it
is the first sign tha the kidn ys are not
working properly.
e1g . ected Ba ck che lead: to serious
Check it in cute by tak
They cure ail kinds o Kiln sr ;Troubles
from Backache to Big es pi ar.
50o. a box r for $
all doale or
THE DOAFNorKal N Yrtelr. CO,
SIGN ,011(1
Anything That is no
Good to You is God
'ig() Me.
Remember I Pay Cash
or Everything.
ow is the time to pick up your lo d iron
such as old mowers, reapers, plo a seed
• drills, wagon or buggy gearin sold
axes, horse shoes, old etoves, in fct any
kind of old iron,
will pay 40c per hundred Caelh.
And also Steel, Rage, Old }hi hers,
Copper, Brass, Lead, Zinn, Pe ter,
Tailors' Clippings, Clean Newspapers,
Old Books, New or Old Geese, Heti
and Turkey Feathers, Horse Jair.
. Wool Pickings, Sheep Skins, all de
of Clean Bottles, Bones and Old Ripe
ring all your etuff in and get Cash fo
Chas. Sheti
holesale Rag and Metal 13aler
Opposite Eleario Light Works.
• tf"
ea a
at In
a Part
their I
1 Lord
to -*Tit
old fas
• Ithed s
use 1311
But -
• bi
L ess *
self a