HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1902-07-25, Page 8Vt N T h P T 7 5 4 h 6 C I N- A 17 5 P j 4, 4, R TE A� % �A j L? A V I :A Complete Stock of .GENERAL HARDWARB HARVEST TOOLS HARVEST MITTS BINDER. TWINE MACHINE OILS ETC. ETC. ,-At, Right Prices Seethe new All Steel Whiffietrees. They am better and stronger than wood. Preserving Kettles", Our 11,CreacenV' granitware is unequalled fo aoid-reaiating qualiths. 011,100.19NEY �SMILEY) Successors to S. M, �ilett. & Co. - . - It DOMEAV-1 ION BAN K. CAPITAL(Pald Up) $2 500�000 REST. $2,50oj000 SEAFORTH'iBRANOH) Main Street, Seaforth. i A General Banking Business trans- acted. Farmers' Sa)e Notes collected, and advances made on same at lowest rates. Drafts sold on all points in Canada, he United States and Europe. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT.—Interest allowed on deposits of One Dollar and upwards. I I R. S. HAYS, W. K. PEARCE* Solicitor Manager. - You. take no chances Whenyou attend the Popular 3TRATFORD, ONTARIO. Youalresuretogotthe beat business -or shorthand education. This is the school whose7 graduUes are in strong demand as teachers in business colleges, and as:aten- ographers and book-keepers for prominent business firms. Write for catalogue. W. J. ELLIOTT, Prinelp al. 4444-62 Bicycle Season 1902. W. N. WATSON, North Main Street, SEAFORTH, Has on lisad a good stock of the latest high rade Up-to-date MASS -EY -HARRIS and GODERICH BLCYCLES, which will be sold chesp for cash or an short time, Price@ from $26 upwards. _k few good secend hand bicycles on hand which will be sold cheap - Call and examine my stock betcre purebasing, Ither at my office or at Herbert J. Morrison's - shop. AU wheels guarsatesd for the season. Also dealer n RAYbIOND and WHITE SEWING MACHINES, &Rd General Insurance A -eat. -vv-- MT- -VV-_A!N_1TS a �nT, General, Insurance Agent, and Dealer in Sew�lng Machines and Bicycles, XGEUR MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, Henderson's Photo Studio. Full stock of Mouldings and Picture Fizames. Photo Enlarging a8pecialty. J. P. HENDERSONT" Seafortfi. - 1761 We Keep moving$ Our atock is undersslling all compefito . rs in Watches, Clocks, RiDgs, Pins, Broobhes, Chains, and other articles of jewelry. ! Our reputation for fine goods, low pricesi and fionorable dealing, does the business for us, and we endeavor to live up to our name. We carry a well -assorted stock, and every article ia warranted as repreffented. Repairing a specialty with us. Counter's Jewelry EstablishiAlent, SEAFORTI1, W. R. COUNTER, Manager THE CANADIAN 'Bank of Commerce CAPITAL(PAID UP) Eight Million Doh'ars $8,000,000. Rest, $2,000,9,00. I SEAFORTH BRANCH,! A general Banking business tran- 1 *acted. 1"mers' Notes d1scoun-tod, and special attention, given toi the cottectton of Sale Notes. SAVINGS BANK.—Intrerestallbvv_ i isd an deposits of $1 and upwards, Special facilities for transuctidin of business in the Klondike District. Money Orden, payable at any bank,ifiatied atthe -following rates:— I Under $10 .08 e20 to $30 1 810 to 820 .10 ;r6o to ,no F. ROLMESTED, G. E. PARI�ES. Solicitor. Manager. Gur Bicycle Stor'e It just as prominent a part of our business sa ever, in fact, we are prepared to do a muoh larger business in this line, and'have a stsff larg6 enough to bandle'our Piano, Organ,_.Music and Sewing Machine bus.iness without interfering in any way with each other, and have capable men in every de- partment, I The Cleveland, Hyslop and Stearns are among our leaders in bicycles. We'also have a stock of forty second, band wheels, which we. are fitting UP as fast as poEsible, and which we are selling at from $5 to S15, and guarantee them to be good value. The Mason & Riech, Bell, Nordheimer, Dotnin- ion, are among our pianos. Bell and I)Omin- ionr organst you know them. OUR GENERAL REPAIR SIIOP� has and always will be oar main depart- ment, This is where we started, and ib always has our special attention im all :.repairs of Bicycles, Lawn Mowers, in Islet iany old thing. Remember the place. M. Baldwin, Zeaforth.. General ReiDair Shop. RON EXPOSITOR TH-11 JULY �51 Muir, o Pathatruie, North Richmond ai a for &-brief season W1 a reception ten- Killop, is at ill very poo ly, an fears are car of hogs was hipped on Thursday' last I of Us -fit r� street U.,:P. church a Ocial meeting took de ed by Mr. 'John N 01ternan at his entertained for her reco, ery. be is suffer- and another on onday. 'ThdGrand Trunk' Brimfu conoMles s place echurch. Tliqrewas.s crowded palatial home on Indian 4 avenue to his old Ing from the abock received en thrown Railway Compa greatly improvedf egat Dn to give a v0elloome to the young pn�pils of the Aux -Sable aiI school of thirty- fx m the buggv, and of Which w made mdfi- the interior of th ir station h6use here by DISTRI T'M_A'T_, -oi�rgiater�,�� ind the Rev.!, 15. Christie, of Nic- aii years ago. At that time Mr. McKer- t, 11- last week.—We are sorry t learn that rp-pla8teritig an kalsomining the wo11s.1 is this V Ooodo, �y olson stv.4 b church prebijkled. Mr. Ritchie, n�,xi filled a year's appoi tment as teacher rs. Thomas Jones, of �',gmond ille, is still destroying all th disfiguring bills and ad- peaBiOn 4 -k eread a let�or from Dr. Kenn- na, phe school and betwee the able young vpry ill and co�firied to jbed.--41r. Lancelot vertisemerin, an. by thoroughly cleaning FUL I I usid STUD NT.s.—Tho e. SUCCESS edy ex jlsi�g sati8faet,io'n at the amicable te��cher and his pupils th re sprung up that, Watson, of Au�ora,' Illi�nis, and formerly of the place. The I ection men have also madell Store. sults have been ubliihed of he candidates Wk f setr-lernoW which had be n arrived at. Mr. fi�T friendship which lap e of years cannot G?derich, -sp6�t sorine days last week : and an improvement round their tool house byl who tried the in6tion h�re of Muir oao e, said Dr . . . . . ennedy�, with the W�Dish nor separation' im. It was that -this visiting hils brother,;Mr. N. Wat- surrounding ittw th a nicely sodded ter --i n j he having a a illus-' race.—The prese: ice of an ill-loaking tramp the Toronto Conser"tory pf'Music. The beat of ro ommendatio Iready si��!ib of f endship that! I c ernan j!bn �ricl family, of this town; —Tn students were t 11 pupils of "I Mi�qs 0. oble, Ke Coo , maelf a fait iful and an cessful toinvite r1s old upils to his 'ome for an tratpd edition of last S�uurday Olobe 'con- in the village onE day last woe k made al WeR.P.. proved� h and have passe4 reditable exa ina-. ministe� On behalf f the ladies of the el ming of reminiscence,, visit and fun and it tained an excellent portrait 01 Mr.- Win. the lone women!­ery nervous, 8ince tb tiona. The foll owjin�j i.' , thi list of pupils I congreg�h on, jMrs. W. J�ell gracefully dia- was the same fine feeling which led so many Hannah, of tho town, i1o, other with a sliort; erection'of the county house of Refuge we aiki .9 ables, in and their t ling 1: P " 6�y The(ry.— oharged',,ij is duty of robjing the newly elect- toj accept the invibation with: a delight biographical sketch. Mr. Hannah was born are not so often, frightepc d by the Weary 1�irst Ulass - Zel,, T'lare Pi card.. �r�fu4om f tMii , 0 'Willies, but.occasioually a waniering Mike ed miniff$i r in his. gown i of o#toe, and Miss immeasurable. �M Aernan and his on October 21 t, 1805, and is itill remark Hattie Hurlburb andfAlinni Beattie. Hopk Mary H4 per presented I a new Bible, as a' g6od wife had made a e preparatiODS for ably robust for his grealt age.— Are. W. R. applies insolen ' for someil fng to eat. p Ora.—Misses Rie D ckson,j essie McLean. nests and the g, oc things that were Meyer e v IYork State,- This, generally tv�lyhep the men olk are: notl gift froi� he Sabbath Edhoo.1 children. Mr. their g a and daug&r,' N -v Pass,—Miss 0. Tho peon, 1 Ppimary Piano, Muir 4r� fly returned banks, baying that missing were few and nr 3mcimberable. The are spending the holidays at th residence of present to introduce them to the tumi it new goods, lo W13 priced, —First Class Honor Rae Di4keon -act yo�- bn would ever seek to 11nor the traditions elegant and 'spacious h ff a was decked for her father, Mr. Thomaq Kidd --Mr. Alberb field or a wood pile, and the wamed are to if greatness of vori V -W )lypleueslyou if Honors,—Misses Las Job' son and iJeaBie Noe, and hop to live and labor he occasion and the vian� a that marked the RoberLsOD, of Chicago ng hetnjI the assurance of reliabili Hur burt. of the, is here Visiti his seared to do auythi but giv t I Ity appelkle to yott McLean. Pais.— [iss Hattie aided 04',6, guided by th prayers and sym- f"st were esch� a ai at� and distinct mother, Mrs. M. Robertson.— Fred best they have. As they, ahnost wi --ft. lb B oad. th �our own �elf inte ' 4 srielst, should Jun' rPiano. 'FirsO Clas� Vonore. triumph of the The banquet was foot and L. McDonald � are W me for the exception, are well -able to work, they BhOUld Minnie Beattie, H4nors,-4Miss C. Thomp- pathies. Presentation 4 �,were also made lb PrQmpt; you to tur his stor� the Rpt, D. Christie, �he moderator, and iblelaborate couraes &��(d was served by ex- holidays, the fiormer from Philadelphia, and be hunted do W'n and arrested f(,r vagrancy, for ydry o �s Mee son. Ij Mr. Rit lie, 0easkon cl,��k. Addresses of a part caterers. , �i.n.ej�uajc, dancing, cards the latter from Datroit.��-Many of the good —A numbs r ofForesterst from alourt Doug to your interest to keep in Jilcuch _11 tore, A Wzrolw�M.M- PR 011E:R�'­A commotion aobgra� atory,charactet were given by the &lid general socia ment sped the hours housewives of the town are having a busy las attended th( funeral of their youn the doings of this ore are 1110 Rov. 144' man Fraser,, reenbank;' a�way and morning gre the night ere the time fighting the blaffaip, moth, a most d3- brother, Chester Harria, at Wroxeter� o often many pleasan was cauped -in the othodist. 6hurch�� Pine Surprial up_ .g :by the' floor 14tterBeemed half spe Sfirday Rev. -Dr' Ha tingg The reception and structive inieeb which 4as f6um I its way into Sunday. afterno(n. The sudden takin to -the -minute ornir lliert Smith, Kii, we bandi River, last, se aarprie"_ Pilmei, n Place ; Re�. A. J. Miller, Mil- t�hle reunion brought b c many happy re- their re6ide .—Mr. �Collie Kennedy, of away of tbeyo6r y, sad.�Mr. inprice and quality. 7Perha�s there is droppingdown afoot. A tirring sermon nsLthort; 6nd Rev. J. Robertson, Haymarket. 0 lectioneandamone 1 A life' the Palace meat marks met, i ith an un- Andrew Holmes 'a having his h I a chance in just ule .0 misgivings Ouse mu was. preached by Riv. R. obbs, of Wing- d %ble musical. be none oj� h) deel things: You neeil. n en togramme was sub- iliere will eration", that fortunate mishap. - He,was tr) ing to cap- improved by panting.—No, urnt grass now. ban. Cause and �ffeot.-- inuardi Re- view. mlitted' the choir.". all who were h4r. an I Mrs. MeKernan'a ture an en raged heifer ltoltak3 it to the no withered crops no tkn o freckles Mr. Hobbs �a n.otjd for we:ighty futter- a- will ever 1, feel it w -.11 that they were slaughter house, when �he'aniral attacked nice cool nights for sleepin beauteou3 Let uIsimpreas upon on the n6ceesity o TRtVr1'1 ERS.—The f Ilowing Were ticket.! gthtr!. Mr. McKernan 4 secretary of the biandwith its hor# inflic ances, but thi i is the first 'imo a floor bias �ed d severe, dark green' woQdi i ; green lawn ; good: pa being am�ong the earl cc merls now., for sunk under �ia pfeachirg.: St. Thomas ed thio * eek to distant 1 points jby William� Century Seating' Comptariy and has pros- wound on his side, under the a M. So far ture ; no dust no flies F h glorious Rome most irre istible are :a 011ing f"t Times. SbmerVft e, town agent f the Grand. Truck pered in business, He and his wife -are the injury d;oes not thr6aten t( be serious Glorious Among the many l dly grow - But once when ha.�Iwas p stor of Colborne Railw4l: Mr. Peace, Toronto ;--Mr. and:i capital hosts am d np one -who has partaken and we hop! to see our,�oung f iend around ing less, Wecall Yo r att �n to ra. i. Fortune, to St. Anus, Quebec of their ho9pitality can orget it. The hos't again soon —A petition h a bei ni circulated street Met-hodi t church, id Brantfoo, the St. Colun f'baii- j ro: to ; Robert ma I FANCY SHIR S, Cl Armstrong,: and hostess had further planned for their asking the or to! P)TOCI Monday, T! WAIST gallery collaps d andseVE were 01 , To n I b y The only higi figures about our st'ji eloraia , Manitoba : Joseph Sproat, Brace -1 friends naxt dayla tallyhc ride to the parks, August 18b,, ai ured. It was SuAgested'al Hobbs' 11 The 33rd WHIT E 811IRt wAISIS ini 5 civid iieliday. these days are oil the thermometer, but, by persistent onslaughto on t3le Ohners 'in the b re. D. Donovan, Ni r Falls and a theatre el3tertainm 3ut in the evening, regiment band and'the'town Sabbath schools the � way, we h ven't obe. 0 ir prices on FANCV!PARA$OLS N ra McGregor, 04itonville, ichig%u butowiagtothe ea ran a eeingamong intend haviog:,an excurpionto Goderich on back seats b d weakened, the pillrs.— V m re, nephew of.,Mr.11ale to OW09.1 them that they I ad . d 6nouglit enjoyment that day.—The recent rains have lodge the comfortable, coo, things for a imme�. wea r BLA PARA40LB Woodst6ckSentinel�Revioyv. areeolow,'any;one-can �each �hem. No1v ed home on oats very b get a hustle on,! ind secure the trim tbiq a, NEW TING 8 mic.. kan, his home,j for one time, the party �eturn a dly in some placm This w Ou HATS Y. 'UND R!! -MU,81,1N8 OR.INNGE PRIZES.--�At the Orange 0 ebra- the noon train n axt d injure the filli jg and m ke thq crop J�ore at low prices. Whatever -is d ia coi- aj� W nte difficult to I v est. ---4 In V. Knechtel has shfit tion at Goderich Nst week prizes IV -he Noz I BAD AS IT As BEEN.—For the I set�, vests, gloves, hogieryo hats,, COOL VESTS A Landsb3rough,, fur- eempetitiona were ;awar� dd as fo Iowa : eficourq �DEATII OFMiis. Hi,NrERS0N._Mrs'Wm taken posse al n of the ment of those Who. are.-coaip aining I l- waists, parasols, muslins, an([ the many SUMNER CORISETS Lodge coming th� gr ot the -v cather this yev p, we take the fol-' Henderson, of the 46h concession of McKil. niture tor id is now ru t ings. The E. Mcpa�l S. eat dist nee 8 e av nning the bus' cesary h 1,0 -smith L. 0, L. j Laki side � 1). Calvert, 16win' om TuE EX PSITOR Almanac for' IoP, departed th Is life on Thursday evening ness. ealil retain� t.hal oar Mr THIN GLOVE$ Q Co.j Seaforth. j 1806 1 y I . 9 r I referred to I . shoppiug�- master-69,1E miles, South . larth.count �890. �. he seasoL be in just of', last Week. X rfi. H an� arson had reached Will eathcr� ale, w4ohas be n connected . D I 61INGs. Mr. I Thomas: Dovvhey, of Ch�- FAST DYE HOSIERY Qpibh the bu iij teas evqr �ince it' Beat dressed lod4e—L)g,an, L.. 0. t, be remem- the I commence- busines L., 1P yearp %go, and will, bo doub good age of '74 years. She had been in is -holids th Colu b n ETC., IETC. No.. 908 ; T. W. E�11, B ruhollm, rqas bbredb', many. 1b as The season of 'delicate health for sev-,ra' months, bu't the ment. —Max y of our readers, p�rti-,ularly of cag9 yingy. in this year i the older 8e i, will regret to �earn fiietids.—Messis. IR Purcell peculiar and �ike its' predece end of ' the ssor� ri came unexpected. ter. 1889 w ly aid very p8acefully a t. e7h le r an ti South Perth county.! 0 Best fifer and druinmer c iml� . ined—iW. E. hoted,f an exces; of n), isture. The wintee, ati last. I! A short time bel ore her deabh she death of M -. Matthew Cha bera, which Seafortli. have i4e contract to wiring an I to open 2L: pipi: jeyo took place i i I is: on e 2nd inay. and spr�ng c Nme in early. Thei w� a able to sit Best, Londesborough L. 0 �., ;NL'. 868. v�as u in bad rid converse with dinneapol' ng Rosehill for the grand �etq'here on Muslin An 'not 11th andil2bh.' The illu nihants will '011 Beat banne -' L. 0. L. 7 7, South Perth -ot an& various rhembers of he,- fa mi ly who - ore at Mr. Cha ra was a, brother of the late 9 Orst Ofie weekal of w be 6cetylen6� and gasoline - landtarns and the' Mrs. Thoms oster, a resider. of Seaforth y ay were 8 Think of what you George Porter, mast�r. St. 0. The we4ther,then became wet and her bed aide, an she ent off as if in slee 'd like �ntheabg P. moonli h Mi Alice ' Purcell, of M 3. e several year a, ago. Abou are ago he 9 For the largest Tlodge, !banryde'aborl, lat; 130 until tow, �d. the el nd of June,, Her maiden'name was Janet Habkirk.- Sh I of muslin undvrwear. Com� -with tb d home from �he London d, between Hil confldence that jib is here, a d for '19 Lucan 2ad. then th. i le was a, brief dry a ell that ran wasthe itbird daughte .- of the late Mr. Wm. kept an hotel on the north? r , 1110p, is expec t p hospital this w(W .—A ba�nd of gypsieww1th Sbaforth anil. Winthrop,, a*nd which was For the bove competi i s the �Udgerj into Jaty, when anothq'i unfavorable ebange �HabkirU, and her mot 3er a name was, Janet prarie e a fe@V than you have ve- paid were J. W. Graham, St &rye. afterward u *ne Mr. Joseph Web- their sch6oners anchored her t�,ok p14-ce, and frequent and beavy rains Soobt� Who was a Biate,- of Mr. James 8-cott a days ago. Th I bed anchor at 2.�O ts equal. t)ur-niuslin underwear is I e� weig ru ber has mevie:6 to the c m orta le resid'ence r � ay the beat we can Thompson, co,�inty � insist r South Perth ere le until October making the of! Harp6rhey. ra. Henderson was a sis' is � rocue. . Fine I I p. n).-, the lot e and aailea o the ea p nee. *orat� b and harvest me the country had tet of Mir. Goor on Goderich a ireet east, W1 hich he -has' re- good judgment, a&;r coun Weat Br e Habkilrk, of McKillop. reflected in e!q and W. Bqle- ty in a 9 cently bad qed ul).— lajf)r Ander They promised o return in time for tie Beat fife and dr In b n I not less than knowii.l'�� In October an� well !on into No- She was a nativ of Gra`Iamalaw, Roxboro- Eon and 13g � ar garment; all a1zel, All pol ular i�! fetei champetr .—MeEsrs. Kea -ti d Priem - Mr. Watoo have been! ubily ngaged for a Cor twelve members—S mmer, .1 IJand. �,ud 3o weather w4s all that could be shire, Scotland. She caTe to Canada with I in Night Gowns, C iiemises, Corzet Adams, of Seafb tb, have the dontract for —Edward N. Shier,�bafid !"elter, Kitliton, qesired4 lid a great _61 al Of PlOWiDg and h are to and other members of the family week const u(ting a drain on John street, ere, 8kirts, Drawe -8. :39 Ifet: Jitcbin was accomp ed p July; rust I jr, 8P 4 d in Al Killop. a work wbi(h has beeni I' eeded.—The E ethill amp A and Harry Brown, bhnd mastart txete�. I a -in and settled in Al She was erectIng circus Itale great musical festival �a 1 109 mpany'h aDg of men theatre wh1ere altru* e potatoes, w ioh proved on clay m, rried to Mr.,' enderson in 1848, and has Grand Truni 'Vo 11�1 42 I �.Vie. to be held on A iguot Ilth and 12tb.--­Mr. OLD FRrEzzps bfttT.—Tb( oderich Sig. 1)6nd al#� almost coin�lete failure, and op ever since reside outhe farm wherp she died. at,work corr p'eting the m,ainB wer opposite Wesley Watson has pumhased a valua se nal says that bn Sat6rday, July 1-2th, And. drier so3li about a tbiro crop. Reas did not She leaes a fa ily of six sons vind three their proper �y Main a rest, —Miss Me- trottiag colt frorh James Carlin. If put on Laces and Em voideries, rew Waddell, a fornl'er wel � k�otvn ra�ident �eturn �e aecd. Barley and bats did not daughters, Geor e E. %n4 William, of Sea. Gregor, you ip eat daug�teir of Mr. , Harry : 33 XRu the track the colt may surprise our Ontario For the trimming 61 of Goderic w 0 , on (h, W�s in t9wn to fill weI4'.pwing to exd4o of moisture. Hay forc rissels; James- 0. and McGregor, of Clevelano, is in i this Viet , nity a e yor: r Summer- w I he big tu he lo�ious twe visiting her uncles and Cousi a- In Hallett lk hab. was di cover d�iri dressc-s- and waists, we have -ood choos. see t ont-. on the iftb. und"$ but badly sh*ed." John, o M Il P,_ and �kndrew at home. I an old attic here last week. it Vale sold I y While walking roui5d old i ights and scenes 'Cho da ggh ro e Mrs. Adams, of Seaforth; and McKill p, Mr. McGrego is an: old ing in the kinds u shou d- use, be. J. McCamm, London 184-2. �t is 4bo, it cause they are e romely � t:14iah and 78 Xer� cou�r a a4ntoab, of McKil6p, and Miss Hen Hullett bo and Mrs. McGreg r in also a he met on th4. t hoi is eorge Spsci�la for Satarda�%� 40 pairs child's Mrs 0 three inches talle'r than our 1902 hats., The lie had ellppen q�i at price 7 6 a on r 40 cents r �derson at home. She wa' a faithful wife, a —Mes is. lose McFee popular, and bee e :the.y ai e to be ka atepsn 0 1 -a Hawkins, of Port Albert, h who fo per psi' native of E ul.lett. Saturdayj,�31y. Sizeg.8-9-1 W. H. Willis, Boots 3rd regiment silk is in a good state of repE ir, but- the t such reas able pr belext a fello w miner� in A u itralia. on' July wise and affect* nate other, and was much and Will. h [c eod, of the. X here a a& and the and Shet�j Seaforth 1806-1 idea are as flexible as a concert 12bb, fifty you rs ago; W ai 16 tb e old fimers �rospected in th mei hb rho6d where she band are plly- ng with !'the Clinton' band, never less �than at - reaeut Theres-me-, rim were moving around talk Ug of the d�%ys of hact so looglive e reriiAins w Goderiio o -day (Ori4ay).' Messrs L. of quantity i 2 laces, d : Hous�� FOR SkLF,­LTw0 good dwelling T ere laid to In would remind �ne of a q iarter lack Houses oq 4ohn street, Seafprtb, for sale cheap. Ap� race track. I will'M&tqh the ounty A 1-00 PaUe old, they met Henry Hor n, who also had rest in Harpur ey Ce etery on Saturday. Weir and Kling, aocamps ied by I Miss P 3- and other' -kinds of dre'astriming, tool- orth. 1805-8 trirli whiskers which Will oLeod i will te t oly to M�.04 J. S. Porter, Sei`! Myrtle Wei *i 6nd her 04, Mro. Wang h, are been of their i party jin bi .,Australian i cele- slmoo worth ofl I dry goods to b h wea! r here at the cc ncert on uguat � I I bration of fifti ee old Blaughieq'�., . Our annual J�l and August sale com4l, Bow.�um.—T�e annua inseting of the camping at o Ranch, near B nmiller, this y yearg ago, ind the tbel and 12tb. The f. . Wn, w 0 has been follows got as frisky an y )ungmters in their naien�eisJ y4th- Return,railway fare allowed on Western Ontari Bowlin Association was week. —Mie i I 68s, of to �Ros6b ill �mphithist re 5-0 pair I - will seat 980, pe ple The D ame couce rt hitp lGoods teens discusai g th4 trials and. tribulations all puzch, s over $10, wit�h:a 30 n1il,s. G. E. Kirigi� held at the Te�urnseh I louse, on Tuesday spending thapast few Thonthe with friends 0 Wingham;.� company, Will &Ic4ead, E. Costello,, in at,wl en gold was dr4wing cord to 1803-tf and rel6tives at Toronto �nd ther 'points, Eallarat,wl night. !Prepid t R L. Goane'll, of- Blen- We hAve a small quaintity of Gold Medal has returne home. Columban Glee AaN Uatario We are prepared with goodi bound t, Odd the' antipodes. Ytjim i AleNliebael,of h6im, occupiedie�fie chai and She -had most ei3joy- 1.3 Inder twli�,e yet to dispos 'of. Chesney & Smillie, dancer, Susie ... cGill; Panop,icon batue meet with the iesti re" Seafortb, had come to to tl�iat day there 11 large attendaric of m m,,ers, able time. Rav - Alex. McInt sh, of.,'Bell- nee, ard*ar4,'11crohan,t9, Sedf rth. 18061 75 bein ' Every waman is about 9 scene,,, moving pitures, 33rd regirrient on tOe lookout for -true- wo Een a qua ratif, in� condition of th -8. �:ndrew, Hug' and James Id have b rt te of the youn present.1 The wood, Raw U 9- Piano!, 4nd organ tu ��g done in -first clas3 McIntesh, of '. jondon, and Mrs. Jatal6s� D. band and ligbt r fradliments are a few of t le wort;h in white goodi;, We! uld �nob, est old men ir Huron, for Jimmie had been n amply evil hape., �00mas It. Brow tandmsst;4, eaforth. Lon a , a ire I ad e6 'isa Luc Ta istoo features.—The ess�rs_ Rurle3 and. Kane, speak of our stock in this W�y -if -.our,- a sojourner W'th thern Under Oae Southern Zanop_ e'd" the umb r U entries for thq M 18064f cKay and N were y I i of Stratford erol.the� guents of Mbo prices would not :00IMpArelmore thau crosa on July l2th, 1�852, annual ournam nt, t iey-lbeing far in exceL-q here last o atten i g tb, funeral of Do . you ever stop� �o look into Daly a Evelyn Carliii I t wbek. favorably with the jlowest� -could of any previous ear. T�e secretary-treasi Sadie Mom I U.—The a d w� pot p sly in, ndo$,. 90 80 Gn Ffidayabd Saturday. i806-1 find elsewhere. If y6 ha'vA_� byeoeun *sit. U�-,-FLMI I@xP'E 1._,;cE.—Mr- iv- trers report sho e aba�anceontheoredit the park tb a (Fiiday) evening on account 2ft to 25o Vrilze Bdtter.—We offer for ing for the proper tithe to �buy, it kas I si4e of the assoc ti in's link accou f several o! its membe,s �being temporarily ian, who left iere on the anLtoba excr- 1, r livered during a 0 b int. ' The 0 est th N'tube or botes of �utter do come ab last. Not expentiva, %t- sion, nn Tuesday of lastWp e �k, *riting back July, 5b, 4t and 3o jspectl�ely, over highest market election 'of offi�ers resulted as follows I.' absent. T1 e5 pr6mis a. double portion J. G. Stanbury B, A Ba ris. r choice, are our to friends in town�-iefer-el to some un- KiNG, N" ingh#�. 1902 Piatrone—John aba t, ap London Frank H. next evenin Y. They g v6 a, ' lendid pro- Notary, Conveyan(er, oney t3 lo E n, Rveter, Ont pleasant experiences wbiA tlie exc�rsion_, CL0Cjt9.­All 6 yles 1 �and prices. Daly's .'Walker, :Sheriff Reynolds, gramme las o Friday ev ouing; :and it was At Hensall every Tt Walk rvill 1792 h INDIA LII�EXS N�indow io 1611 of th,!-, n, ey� y one of which listened to I ly near] e r person in � the e y� e irm had met with V� th Wh n in Sur il a snap G derioh ; hono ary Fresident, D. W. Karn, FOR RAL-E.—j=li dairy businesv, in- Ever i uit 'Dal you. 'ay; the lyws04 qan pick;( ne to undo;'' town, both )1(1 and ou and many from eluding rigs and N%hola'outflt,'fer mle' by tender. WHITE DIMITIES the vicinity of Nbrth 1) �ender the o , olock, Soat(rth. oodstock ; ch plain, Rev. Canon Dana, you H.,Brown, Lo�'don - el as crowded. —bd re. The highest tender nob accepted unless sitisfactoi y. STRIPED 34USLINS of the ei�gine jam .. 4he track London ; presid nts the )untry, Th par�l GIRL'WANTFI). —A i�uod general servant, first Can have poEsession fint of Aupust. Address Jo in causing considerabl Gerald Siftcn, 0 ndpp, is visiting at John CHE 8� delay. When thq train vice-president, I V. Jackson, Clinton Paterson, Hen8all. CKED MUSLINS I 4igbeAWages. Ap�lyst,'Phesney&Sniillie's hsrd. got going ag!6 McIntosh'si--is o y is in suO hai gA�boutj fifty ware store 1 Seaforth.� 1806-2 second vice,pre ident,: N. V�. Moore, St. I miles west of Chapl4alui sti t;, ag- I . N I I . I home for her holidays.-4ext Sunday Rev. OrmT Ain Sionviom. The Presbyterian WHITE 01 ANDIES on, i1v was fl A 1%rgo stock of the latest American s3ng 'Thomas,; secretiry-treaeu!rer, James Matti- A W1111 _nee( HITE _NSOOK orh morning and ged and agai a stopped. 'When enquiring so Lo idon ; at ditor J.'S. McDougall and Mr. Wallwin Rvill preac!h;b of last week says': 41 propos- of what was W hits w3t s6rrived at �Will MILeod's Musio store, Sea- said last week about o q n F eachibg ai A the causB of tie stoppagI3 it was-aaceAained fozU 1806-1 M . J. ent, Loi don, evening in the Methodi$t 'church. His sub. pen air pr PLAIN APRON ILAWX F tent services is the ieport of open air sc r- -FoU i ht Mill be"' i�e words to young get therz-1, give i Seaforth clu 06 TUCKED PRON LAWN viceb hold I gatian Cf HeDeall, n that a bridge on the:traokI had been bdined. , Daly Warraiits every repair job to r rinks rom the b are jsct. Li'litowler, of by the co�gre The foreman had Visite the bridge the entirdoatisfactio men apta n and Mr n or refanded. Prices away !:competing at t e to rnsment . in London 9 W.?Rr same morning and �found it all r 'jon., 3!ky him. Dalyt ubder the town clook. Sea. the Salvat ou Army 1 are visitiag the beautif ul grounds beside their ehure 1. ETO., ETC.j' ETC.! igh but this week M rt. forth. and we uri djerotand are giving, a Our correspondent tells 'of the comfort n ! , i �qod v sometime afterwards, noticingl 'a smo k e in account of )hemi e a, although at the Lightowler's p %rents, id1r. and Mrs. Wm. &�'Butter and eggs t�ken A: i As cash for - which all the people!met on Sabbabb. eve�- that direction be w1rit to sEe t6 cause and N I A X WANTED.—, P-Oliable man accustomed me of I 'writing the to4'ruament was not Copp.—Dr. ard Mrs. Mlclntos�, of Cattar. found the bridge &ne. But for' this to farm NV,:rk, will find e-41 yment alid good wages. complet�d and we hE ve not been ab augus, New Yc)rk, are Visiting at the par- ing, and the intereab which a cLange from goodab and highest market prices allo-w- acol" Apply to Wm. Bubolz, k�_,peu Road, south c f Eg- le to the heated buil� ing iawakened. The minis 'Pled for same. ental home in MoKillo� ! this week.— dental discovery, oi bad -,he train 1 come mbndvilllai. procure partioulirs. Th London Adver- p� Mrs. I I .; street, has been ter, Rev. J. S. Henderson, neN er preached along in the night I timo, the conse' ti4er, in its report ot-the ournament., makes W. Hamill, ol Goderich queric.- Call And aiie tbei GerhardTHeintzman withgreater eff-.ct thanto tbelarge em. might halve been a' �tb�e following c slyill, but is some improved.—Mr. priouF,. The trail'., was �Uanc)s bolote deiling elsetkyhere, at Will McLeod's omphme tary referen eriou vitho I tt, gregation gathered in the open air in the backed to the neareist stati n where had sic seu6eth. 1908-1 0 of eaforth's vete an layers. It says : James Sco ith MiasZeatriceand Master - 0 cool of the Sabbi kth 4ay. , Thez e are oth r Thl e and warn to lie until 4 tom , of eaforth, shared with Archie return d on Tue' porary briage was con- . Daly's4ind6w-Ja filled with olock-s and "�Wm.'O R id, sday from a pleas. churches where similar cliange mighb ge strupted. N doul�t,, the enterls,, after the Pyle o fc6m 603 Every clock is a'. M�,. Hay�ard the diqtin tion of being one ant driving br p to Paisiey and other north. d (Fasa 'a 'fu bargam ftjl� ern towns. X. r. Scott says- crops of all made with goo esu�l such experiencee, wpuld b - tha they are aff � ijaarked in plain figur(s. y 1when of the associatio a he Wy. weights. He does aly, un the town do*.-, 18:6.1 � I Rave the .they reachedtheir jOurne. i nd. not *nfine hi self �o �owliag, but is a kinds look o it promisipg and all that is LOCAL BRIEF4-4L football match w plays pa d hereon Tupoday evpni ng troen of all m nly spo to, 11 and now require .8 a few wedlis- of dry weather last* b UL auth goo_� D E. AN:011� 'TYPE 1�][TEPR.—Mr.R_J.Fleming,; lap , ort himself.' said an admiring a f, good 9 A Glow) Bu —TvIr. Alp �ton ElcDat, of ellow In which to eb them, saf(ly housed.—Miss tween the juniors of our village h Ass t Com i-984 juniors of Zurich, resulting in f wor of our the west en Tu�kersinitb, has imade nll� Oner, of 'Toronto a ember. Whe'a noll1bowling or otherwise Olive Willson, Of PortCo,borne, is here for e' 0y$j� ago App] e e card of conlroil the holidays. boys, the scare being I to 0, thus Dry Good S 60. another important 4dditiDn tall his already few d improving his time, 'Mr., Reid engages in addix 9 0 hat � ty fbr a �ype writer for use in' another to the list of their victi a.—Picnies excellent herd,of short hoin; i, He has pur- f t �the hardware bunness, w ich may account om�e this 1 reek a ve fi e lie] his cffico, 6aerw to the lake continue the order o th9day.-- and chased and g 3t h a the b d Wthe moment. being for the fact that be is 48 ard as nails.." � Bayflehl. Mr. Dayman and Mr. Kemp I(ft here Is it yearling bull. This� in a ver, economical 76iood, r6qommended� anima was pur ased Job Conveyancer,'Notary Public.. M4 n Frai er from the well know' that �nqliriea be ma&e by the' secretary! week for a trip to nitoba.—(, uite a! n'uri i- -n breed ers and i port- Agentfor 13 id a Express Money Ordem AAarge ber of our villagers attended tie circusin with 06 ow 'of diBoDVering an, old type Lomr,BRTEFS —MrL m. Mulcahy, of %mount of`ft ere, Messrs W. W.:Pettit & Sons, of Bur- mo 3e to loan at current rates of Intereab ht avyD fi San Francisco, California, is here on a visit Privat Dry Goodsj Z_Tlore. lington. He is of red color and is fro� im. writer 4 t being aaed,,: somewhem in the funda 1791-tf London, on Thursday of last V I tolhis mother, )drs. k Mulcahy, and other BREEZES.— he white cit a on Jowett's ported stock on both sideE. Although pome. city budi ings, that woi,ild meet the neces-, I y Rumball, of Lohdon,-wap here attendin of course., as noticed by the, fri,ands. Mr. Muleah wont west about 8 po the funeral of t1he late Mrs. cGregor. what thin ty. He is HiV- int has U 3g into shape. once again with h e is a beau Eal p emetery-,'. on Tuesday a6ernooll last, WAV city pa�,ers, and a teW' ears ago. and, like all on oys, has pros- the coming ( f July. The wet c An effort is being, made to re -r iecitate o Y1 from the very beat trains of Scotch Slaort days atterwarda Mr.i' largely attended testif * g to the reapeat� red. lie is now engag d in the publiah- has been the means`bf keeping back a num- horns, and Flem�kDg` � 6COivedi a con�munication which hei Pe� band, and to th tend a meetfia g was he werl is ;he onli one f that strain the in which the deceas, : ed Messrs. Pettit bav left and 'they were, handed the ma�yor, who is the head of the' iDg business in 86n Fr4ncodo­ Ov. 'F. H. bee who int nifed, to summer in brezzy Bay-- On Monday oven ng last, 'and we ho, isympathy feltJor the soriewing daughtelro- T(routo and othet board o�,control. -Th ommunication is to, arkin returned"from'his rip to the Mara- field, but with Augnst, warm, dry weather -to see our band icel re -organized preparing to f; hi c andex- and relatives. shows when r. 141coat _(ame aloni and T1 §i �,time Provinces Satur ay and occupied livening our vill ge or having experience the fl, Willg effOlCti I read in the papers i will, no dou6K set in, when we will have a 1 —0 tempted them that yo� have beewordered-by the board of �h 8 Own Pulpit 0 Sunda Dr. and M larger num of visitors than ever before. the pleasure of havin such an crganization, 3, re. to dispose of him. Tho�; have �er ntrol�to get an old ty iCampbell, of B ooklyi a rk, who would not n W li Ce to be v 'Wroxetor. sold nine otb ra thE sam a this 013el that co pewriter. I want to ; ow . Yo —Rev. Mr. i brey,' of � Moncton,' who is we hhoub it. -- have been visiting friends ia this neigbbor- The farmers are experienci'Ing n uch trouble BRIEFS.—Ib is with t1i cere regret ths&, averaged themiovet o et�ctuand dollars make:aO pplicationfor'thego8itiinfor MY I spending hi hblidaya�hdre, preached in the n a' Ihood for some weeks past, left on Tut�sday Presbyteria church -on Sunday evening.— s3curing tbi hay cro we record the deathl of CNester Harris, only each. This � ne their.!� -law. She is�quite old, and I am� this vicinity �imal ill, be a igreat m0 was fo which is a good eld, on ac m o son of R. B. Harris. of benefit not on y to �Nlr. ElcoaVs own herdi aure wall, d fill the poeiiinm She r, 'for Berlin and other point' prior to return- Rev. Air. Jennings is away for his, holidays unt Of this Vill ige. oboe. but wilL be valuable in many, ra associated �vith your friend, Mr.! Ing home.—Mr. James Mullen, of the at present. --Miss Colliday is very ill much raiv.—Miss EOna Neelaw a ha8 been ter had just attained his � aj when be 16 neighbo�hood Bank at and we trust that his en I erprise will meet Frank fence, as a tbrnporance advocate! 'of Commerce, Walkervile, and formerly 'We �ope to s�e her around again In Toronto duriDg the past w -,ek, visitin g was suadenly stricken down, 4nd after preeent. with the rich rewar by whoO she is highly tecommended. Trust� !teller in the'ban r here, has been spending soov.—The'Br,icefielAPresbyterian Sunday her aunt.—Trade is somewhat quiet �n 'very short, illness, whic� defied, the beab colors— which it deserves *he past week wLth friends in town.—The our village' ow" tQ 'Uhe farrr�_ efforts cf medical skill, b Ing you` ill -give this your favorable conp- chool picnicked in B%yfield Tuesday,— '"g assed awlsy Saturday morning. He a gi eral lav- sideratiA." The eipitureappended to th� Ancient Order o-'Fore'eters,� Sonp of Scot- Work on th now church is going on rapid. ers being so busily eing�agEd.—Dr. F. ;ape MR. Jolu,- ISTENVA�T —Many of our Comm uxii,;ation is not give'n. land and Knights of the Maccabees attend- A. Sellery returned home I orite wth old and purig! y readers will regret tb le ly. It is expeoted to. be formally opened ast_ wedk and will be very, Vol ar f the deabh- ed'divine ser the ethodist church about the middle� 'of Augu8t.—The rosp- of vie in after spending % iveek or so wit]: his baren�fl uch- missed by big yotnk, fri-Indo. The Mr. John F. S'Lewartt, of 9' ronto. Ile died ion, Sunday eve ng, when�. special sermon berry season has fairly set in and Conductor and friends in Kineardine and vicialtv funeral, which took plam �n 8 2nday. w0a in the Montr E61 General Hcspital on Satur-, BAtR.. ABROAD.—The following, which iwas preached b the Pastor , of the Bayfi-qlrl express, is taking Quite a number conducted by Courb Wroxeter, Cansdiss y of our,villagers B ttended i4e- day evening, vhile iinderpOiLllg an operation we tsko from the Phoenix -Advertiser, of [I Wallwin.—Mr; Wm 'Peace teller in the large quanti tie 3 of berties to Seaforth every funeral, on Tuesday 'afternoon I s%.pf Mr . Order Foresters, and wa�. very largely at___�_- there. - Only � hor time b4ore a telegram Min0k� Illinois, of Jiuly 3rd, will be of Dominion bank here: i"it 'oni 8-%turday. for morning. M. M4fGregor, of the towushi.p tended, 1-90 F.oreatere fie ling to pay. was received )XI StewEA, in Toronto, inter68L.L :0 many of oor readers in this vie- Toronto. His place' in the bank has SUM3iER VISITORS.—The follaw'ing guests Mr. M­cMahoD, of Brooklyn, New York,bes their last jitss to a d e who had not ven kiown ol 1 tier husband's inity.' i�"be guests of A�r- and Ure. NIcKei- d brothqr. 'been taken by 1Y r. Kirkpatrick,, who has are registen d at the River Hotnl : Mr. W. been visiting bi relatives here during the Miseas Eva and Bessie A-tdbison,- of Harris - illness. She hasteng'd to Montreal, but he nan %1h led to in th& -quotation, are old bee B - n acting 9 ledger keeper.—MrF. Beemis, A. Stratton, Mrs. Hardy, Miss F. Tarrant, past week.- He , was accompani(d here by ton, are vibiting Miss Zallma Blok.-4. E. e,got t r Brool- tin. was dead before Eh e 6. Theretnaius pupils f�:,m the school in which Mr. McKerw of Toronto, is the guest of Mrs. G. E. Hen- Mr. N. Newm�n, Mrsa Newm[an and tovo bis mother, who had been via Black has disposed of his turnit4e and an - were taken to Brusap'la an were interred in: nan t% , gbt thirty -se ears ago, and -derson.—The wet weather has been hard on children. an I Mrs. F, A, McGinnis, of De- lyo.—lMr. Doh rty, of Lor "Ig in ido- brother of dertaking, business, to F�ank 0w-ardn, of' the cometery here 6n Mon ay. Mr. Stew- they as. I ell as he a4ennZtives of Huron th hay. A large quantity of it is out in W. J. I DobeFty,� of tl�iis villsge, this village, who took posisesSion �laet Satur-- e troit ; Mr. McL%uchlia and Miss 8, the Rev, art was 52 years of age. He was -a native of couvt�.;' Mr. McKero�n left Canada in th fields, and the farmers have beeii unable sang a so McLauchlin tf lo with muon accepta ce in St. day.—Mrs, E, Sanderson U vis#iwfriendr, the townsh' P Brussels ; Mr. W. Me- !3� ip A Gre�, and for many ears April, l$35, and has ' been a resident Of to�ge't it in, owing to the continuous rains. Dougal, Mrs. cDougallo Miss F. McDou- Pauls church, here on Sabbath e rening as . in Wingham.—The gsrde� party under. the was engaged in th6 iner tile business in Chicaka,zltver oinc.. 4hose who c Ca OmPOsed —Miss L. Dorrance, daughter of Mrs. S. ret i f the choir Of ithe :77 sbyterian gal and Mi. 0. MOD ugal, of London -, —Dr. Campbell and his bride De ho a auspices o Brussels. He has rd'sided i a' this par were aniong 1�ii first acquaintance Toronto for D�rrance, of town, has pLqsed her examin- last week from their tri p to Ne, v Yoik and church, which was to bave�. been eld on F. good many ye�ra. Airs. Sx wart is a sister in the '. ndy city aud� they have bee Mr Wm. Pjak3,rd. Mrs, Pickard, Miss C. other Arnerican cities.—We regret this -V. Dickson's lawn.last �4 .n In- at�on at the London Normal Sch :01.— A. Pickard, M,as E. Piciard and Miss H. on ar evening. of Mr. John Leckie� of Brm8ela. She: was timat0 fi�j ends ever aiu�e. Al re McKernan, Wle nGtioe the fo lowing in aToronto paper : 'Roberts, of Seaforth ; IV, iss A. Gray. Mks weeN to have to cbronicle the de ith has been posit uniil M , ay, july I of Mrj poned I in Seaforth with the7 Huro a Old Downey, was also a S. T. Ch rch has r' x of Margaret McGregor, wifeof th i late Ma 28th.—Miss E. Moffatt, df Bly b, is the BOYS and former Miss Annie equested Kno S. Gray, of oronto -,,R3v. Mr. Abery, nie X;e and a daughter of N1r. Thomas girls, wid was accomp-a y her you eat SelkfoA�l ana ��ycliffe Co leges to accept his resig- Moncton olm McGregor late of the�ltowris lip of Ha3, guest of Miss Mary 9 71i8s E. Patterson, Miss N. Pat.' fO M-ille:r.—Al, in Hem - W i son, who as the ba�ner b arer for th Old Down�A who is at prdsent hero from Chi, 'hation as lecture in elocution in those in- terson, Alis B. Godall, of Woodstock. which event occurred at her ho no on a- - hill, of Walkrton, visited; his joins, over Boyr. Besides Mai wido , Mr. Stewart oago 0611pi visit to friends. The many friends ' l I at oti:uutions owing to his professional duties urday last at the good old age of 80 yeart. Sunday. —Mrs. T. F. Miller ha i returns&, leaves a family of tiwo s lie, Harold' and of the, P ities ooncerneA will be pleased to �n couneobion W, h the; Caualt.* InBtitUtO for Mrs. McGregor watj a natiye�'of Aegylesbirc, from Godericb.—D At hol. VV t at i I . M. W.41ke, 4 Niagara NIrs. SteN�,art h a many friends kno in i the bustle of businesi and Sbammerers." I Ir. 0burch is 'a native of Blu6vale. 1.,ke Scotlarid and immigrated to thit, countrF Falls, is vi-eiting relatives �u this village, here and elsAwhere, ;who will unite �with social"140 in �.bustling country they can 'Gq'derich townal ip. He- was in Seaforth NOTESS.— Alexander Messer has gone togetherwith herhusband andtwo smaR Roberb Fox, -of Brussels, is the 9 at of bis Tur, EXPOSIT tendi eT_ tcr herself and still enjv� being youug�and that they con. nthe Old Bo 7a on the 5bh, and it was he to Hamilton, M here he has a position with children when she was about th age of 27 sister, Mrs. D. Srott.—Jjimes MtEwezi, of family the a e4t an must heartfelt tinue tdtheriW in re embrance the SCeDea mpathy on, i �wljo composed a d recited rho poem which the Sawyer- Mi seey Company. Mrs.Messer years. Thedeceasedi warsanattached and Midland, is spending bi ! holid s sit his acor 4 of sudden and and aseqc ates of theirlmore youthful da' av Ys oppeared in our eport of the reception,— and family NPU remain in Bluevale for the consistent member lof the Presbyterian home near bere.—T.he *v. very severe b'tiecaNu?,tient. I That : tbi y may have many more such I Nlre. J. McElroy, daughter of Mr. John present.—Mr. wd Mrs.' William Stewart, church and was well! versed in the Scrip. changed pulpits with the! Rev. L. Arm- pleasaln�, � -e- of all. I - unions will.be the wish 8h4w, of Toronto, form'erly of Seaforth, and of Lumn, a pend_in'g a portion of the tures and standards !0f the eburch and was Ftrong, of Milbank, on Suoda�y I N A FoRwER .117RO 8COT- The f4110 is the p4ragraph referred to : he 5 li We aon and daughter, who were on 3 in luevale_�Mr. John Black, of very highly respected by a large circle o Jennie Murray, of Wh*church was the E 8ha 1)f Egmondville, " MinoNv g ong, went to LAIN'D.—Rev. Mr. a seventy str) Chicago �is�t to Mrs. M41roy's old school mate! Thoulrindbayerlry, as purcib lased an attractive new friends and 'acquaintances for bez many ex. guest of Mion M. Hazlewood for week.— has very kindly ha�ded "a a copy o the last S; afternoop, and until the fol- M re. arry Tynaal'I.- of Tuckerami bh, leave phaeton. --Mr. Wm. Sandersonj and daugh. cell.ent qualities. Mrs. McGregor 'was one T.11. Smithl the eye apei :of blors. orn was I # Edinburg News, of �JUIY rJj containing an -lowing an in)1portant adjunct of for home on Saturday, having spent a mogt ter Bertha, (if Toronto are rusticating at of the. early pio eer settlers an, I had. seep was at the 01 excellent port rait 6f 1�e,�r Gofton House h We nesday.— I # the eii eulo I Ralter Muir, 9M , rinetropolis. 10 was a pleasant yable time in' th6 country.�Miss Sloan their old hor ie'liere. —'Miss Ma' is Diment many changes. Her husband I redecease�l Miss Caosio Harris, of Wts Or ! -sited formerly pastor of'UbionA c Litch,Brucefield, echo of t e,olden times,,� an echo that has re- Fg w� ty A ietlurned home from British Columbia last iE home from Toronto.--Mre Stowe of her in the year 1878. As a resu It -of their her home here for a fe d' a t i i week. -- and a report o I his in'd acti( r - to the pastoral verbs I throughouq the'swift speeding �ve'pk. She has . been teaching school in Goderich, is visiting her son� Mr. �ohn union there was born to . them e ght child. Goor e Brown, Of - Otawa. -is spending 6 charge of New Richmof d 'Street church, yearst a third of a �entury and -finally Na I nimo for four years.—Mri Isaac 1 9 -Lang JohngtoD. r . McHardy is, 7e are pleas. ren, seven girls ind one son, of 11, born surr few weel. a' vacation i th his mo 5her, Mrs. th in the Edinburgh, to whico he h kd recently 'been burst ot YIadlnotes,of happy re- calle nion rejoicing. strpth has exchanged his residence and four ed to know, somewhat improved after sev. vive only three daughters, namely,, Mrsi G. Brown. —A football te.ar� went !from hem OR, d. The evern' d gentleman)s former u 1� was a grand ex- &'cr�,es of land connected wit]: it for Mr. L. eral weeks (f serious illness. ----,Miss Kath. E. J. Rambill, of Goderich. Mrs Todd oi on Tuesday to Walkeiton,'to b0e a 9=0 parishoners a ; Bru a e C and hii many empli 0 t':ion of the facq that kind deeds and M6.1ville's residence and lot and -receives leen Swann a E ome from Ftrgu i high school. the homestead, fa m, with a team of that t friends in thii district w' 11 r and Miss I lary Me own. be pleased to good �e I wahip go not unremembered in $600 difference. They exchange in Septem- —Albert De iman returned to Mount Forest Gregor also '. of. the homestead. Slie &is learn of his ow vard 4nd ul�v ard progrehe in this btij bt world whicb�. the Pessimist alone bar.—Mr. Adam Rays lost a good horse last week, a tei enjoying his holidays spent leaves to mourn her death, two brothers —Mr. 0, W. Snell, son i; Of Joseph. the, calling to which �e has devoted himself. sees a r( id. The occa ion in Chicago, S&L. Of the indrictic n the New a a : a IF from inflammation on Sa�urday.—We are under the h m( roof.—Mr. a d Mrs. John Donald T for of London, and Ar h*b I Snell, of Dashwood. has gone -to L#ndon And ollow. urday,eyining y Min. a! or' to learn th 11 ' . sly yjag that intedd so man y at Kliss 'M%ry McIntosh, Messer arri d from Mo6nitoba last week Taylor, of Whigham, and eight nd beenj itud iDg on the induction of e Rev. Walter ooks peq. Pais. Mr. Snell has children. The funeral to the Rodgervill in Boston for some time. le to abandom their summer -fire. as ghter of Mr. Geor e McIntosh, of Me- and will viv iz: Ontario ior nome time.—A jh 10 x 6 in t u it 14 W un