HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1902-07-25, Page 7OSITORS
The Gimlet Se**e TH EP
itstaralty aim spy af"VNext Point.
41stamee to. cover. They a crew, t of a ll�tl&
d t4ao HUMBLI E HAIkPf
4j th
after service there i i a church parA6, �vhen like t a in t ae early dayi -of The T h el 9 he Ide
BAByS OWN TABLETP.J. a Dora m' ost,of the d ayt and f i o. Tnited States
ach out olit You, Thought ew 1ts D7 lit of ollitrs
all the young men a 2d maiden: i look � at e many million
a such M111tv ry academ�, at West Point- the bi d
men jD,
Qa OTg
�betwtlen 60 and 70 yearn of t
other but forbear ipeakin Decision Uses, but The e Are Others. 0 ts I'a to
work, Winter and jeummer, anon ks I il� for men b stood bl�gh-in flie graduating ven r.
bial ero The c(mpreh
Little Ones Well During Sunday, each would- as boned t �.rroaches
a �ido, ' h so en e merits of the
ot Summer Months. the maideu.of hie h wd the ing air of the North 11 cicalled Ad the f1rst to all i observant
I Doctors P -7-d Yms nee.
-The ous bOW, I and, flrro- 1p� jpdgel five iames' on Oe list of '.graduates. hairpin ire know her rea, aso
HAG� LRD'S YELLOW OIL cuts@ i prid briAses n clal lue In surgery is Accident insurance companleg regard
or! "Or not4 have !always beeo made CdnSpiCUOUS men. Its special
whether he is accept ble as a -chilb4inEr,labings of
soreeo�ounds cuts trostbites,
bares inesots.,b ft
t in A
you wautto keep your little ones Oa Purchase Sands ilis conse4t Of urns: soalaef coninsioula, etc Pri0e 250 by hILV111- a Stft placed after them. asserted Py a.Nwiter�, _1jeriegn Njed- the! pbysician as a better�, rl3k than the
Hair rigor t F and full of life during the hot and guardians is sou ht, th1a vqoing dur surreon, and they regard t4e cityphys
falling. Wo Own Tablets the i I I i q
oosessioo _ 1, . I The wen who arz less fortunate and icine., Itj Seems that etter than his bro�her praeti-
e give them Bal ng the week has elk hap aiser ves. an b
rat ap a sof tho
hefi ow th� K who stand nearest.the other e.44 Of the almost anything w#h a hairpin. He
they.show signe,of being out of or, 'Sunday witnesaes t �o er in theountry.
Braidwood, 111. various lovers befo The rman Eipperor endeavors t.) follow class are known its "goats The des- call I, e ibones with close
any Way. re the wer a actual or I it, probe anfl
urea all forms of bowel and the so of lifel" laid down. lly hill-,
oi ni i; ignatiou "goat" Isl comp�Lntive'ly Dew
-Iuw . Her
-rideg unds, !pin h cgs Mood I i
medicine 0 prospective brides eina brideg 0 wo A R carryoff so many 6rtal.1'
THAT THE ISPOTI its n as iollows E %6 fruh for! one and took the lace of; "Imm,
sch troubles, which p .&
r Vigor break iat �ruit for lunch., Avoid vessels, use it to r 'move foreign bod- bas been
the summer mouths, and Uman witliout armr
ones during Cry ly, t btatees 1 t
thing in the w " 't�'V$ght Right in tb small he back.� pastry� nd he . jj� from any natura passage!' And "as Christchurch, NTc w Zealand.
best for ileepless- Doe's YourIft &lUe t cakes. 0h ks p Some years ag) a m6mber 'of' the In ri a
eco- T 80, it is Wel he !coffee. graddati class 1�arned that he would ies ay SOD -was placed #pjDn the ftUrtbL
If I to fnOW t r a
tooth- once a 'ay. Don't; drink te 6r rette for crap VLw ma The ring
ji,erveousneasi irritation When ousehol Do you eVe get a pain there? ',Iimn�ortal'l �ebtion, And a cul
Polson'st Nervline, a h or: ur miles every day., wet oi fine. be ill e
If Walk ill ubt the w Dmen toe of her left foot.
atiorl 0 It; is,
its at the mediciiia for hot And no
W stomach paina, cram), tootha lak head- so. do Yot know wha it mean* 7. Take i )ath every day. We sh 'a face w1shl Lig to spare his pffr6nts th6'eha- terial."
ables first, because it always I f
er trG ache and the In ifold ill Outar t doctors can a'a gr at deal, more with
narket and second, because it can is a B&CA&C 0.0 every ii ght in warm water.' eight -rin of seeing him among the "low ooit t gift a
children., A few drol a of -Wer U a In, owes -her that MQ� .ed a d versatile o E hu- -do any harm -guaranteed free from hours ery night'1." The Raiser wribes men," he telegr4phed. to his fat
ropologi Ith a quart
sued water makes a )4eaiant ri k, it, nevet A sure sign of 'Kidney TrIc ubld. man implemeinAts. have Tprklsh soup is made W,
"Cbances are I shall be an immortal,"
bira. W. R. Baesam, Kingston his ex lent phy4l�al condition to olme ad.
119 W_ ay. fails to quickly'relim �... W�ery 1, e is a:s good I the It of - 7,eal stock, Adding two tablespoon -
of vice.
term would be under lacies, clats, only ur- -coela
:kemuchof tka, the doctor in eme -ge thjnk ng that the n oget4er. Iu the f ub of pearl sagor soalied
-,,I began naing Baby's 0 w Don't ne6*lel,.,t it. stopitiaelme. heron o this,al ever done Justice to
h n my little girl was- about three bo If you serious K ne Troubles keeps civiftation Ru 0
MIL LING HEADACIHE POWDERS is m ueh unt I transparent-, beat tW4 egg yolks
Got Nervilin from V
ing ttle. Bt RN'S STER stood at home. haEkdo -Irlsentire y great it
old. At that tim.
e she had Indiges are sure to rV, OW. _tat- of',,
jet to -day. drqg
Sold by I. r. F Ve to twouty min- In replyhe receiv
dru cure th4 worst headaoho in, from a ed a I r c
'dfar- gi b�g d I b -after-effectio One migAtter thav the word 6,r, for that
Xdly Ating and hacT7 ane add halt cupful of creIant, Addinf;
tantly, and &I had, an au �:wdj�, 10o, 10 powders 9-60, he assurance e plo hat I
cons t, matter, th the plow both, to the soup; season with tIV ravenous appethe, her foAd did Dr. Hamiltor0s, Mandrake for Head" that his parents would e present a A _r,
gray , ;she was. von I PILW f th ftked stick, pl6p per. The soup must boil after
hairgmw, though she A estorth. t as, save no ad wder 6o, ulating him, conVeyl,11r
Ior to gray for but a develophaQ.o
nQ goodand she, was very thin.- Noth. commencement And as �� rew�rd Ick I Yut a Me eggs are added, as it
A N ;V Occupation for xnen. an(I what is -'the f e 9't* will curdl.
Diabete 01 - a s
belpedheruntil we began giving her. cure Backad e, Lame 1§ his "Immortality" antial'check.
M1 &'Uslists. A ad'aiety for the diffusion of knowledge I there
a_owuTablets, but after qiving her. A Piper's Lamme Dropsy and all Kidnek nd Bladder "The best part 0 modification of the
f the story is," said
COW, was an necessity a woman co Tro, erhing election laws has been e4tablish- Id
vomiting and diarrhom ceased.: ubles. -,smate, "the 'immortal' cadet dis- y The fr wing me, *ere in it 3 Fiae er has' 194 birtbe
M ed in ]�' ndon. Wks Bertha B. a clai U�l 10eus In, iat _Vs itb a V )r� over a century, up 17
-UPPIY YDIXI began to improve almost at once.. I ohn MoD. Praser, Highl d 'per, of scratch the d saccess�glly M
We %Viu price 50C. ag 1: or 5 for J�.1.2 S. all d68J"& been im As & fello4 of it, having q uafified by tinuished himself after- he left the 'I - England. -ad to�
is no work wei
-the nanie, since used the Tablets for other troub- Embro, and are addr ased, to I fr. Peattio, n fac: there� e t&ied in 4uke h
hairpin now.
certaia examinations. he ii especi- acad(pny a. y not pay $150 for the birth f a.j� eldest son.
DNEY P-1 CO. nd earned the . 1 title 'Immor-
01lice, have found them all that could be of Harrington, broth 3r of Mr. Tc DOAN or play in wfilch s(methbig ma
ve a y in 3rested in arousing interest :in dif- tan I the service of big country."
red I they are the best medicine, I ha inerchant, of Seafort % They fi ij Appea oronto. Gat, oncerning political . mat, I be accomplishk by means of 1-t
used for a ohild.` fusing information o tb Japanese )men
are -readily taken by all ed in th6 Embro Review, and re ishe ters Am' )Dg women and in securing I women Dullards will tell you at W e
1: Japan the man of I
a Tablets engineer r app�a d one mom- Is political posts -now open -rsnlps aren't so�, inve tive a a take
[no W& ! here by request 9, t4e Sirda to fill X4 them, Poison in Pa men;L don!t
y, of iron, and can be given to the smidlest,
ing U f e sder a, and expre n for es his steN out of at* alk. If the
Any tents. e�y, don't
0 at the cam- err nd is one tuds opeed,,
lufaut by crushing thom to a. DE&R FmEND 0 1 it s tt curious fact out so in
be, mote liatio word a his diesppro of certain which off Sold at drug storeet, or yon can r fealtdres of the work. In ung officer, True Enoug4- the
V, who cut Thy gift to hand the niobt T6 I Mon diblepal'sniP-P','StLn,"c,'L$Wtiva- to. With airpin all that is do-atle fore legs
Dost paid at 25 cents % borx by"' Wr rrr ne. ith a womau the rider dismounts, ties
school a can hairp �of L
children -took to, stood back addreasilog The oaaher of -a class in a 0 1`1111. w Id becomes be animal
ok ja them p hiah lib me with 0 light ry 90 r together ni gftlks vIT
edi-: - a loc pull Et
can, ting direct to The Dr. Williamrs' bl. his chief, tieinl nded : "Am b had be u cArefully explaining the parable of can pick cork, �perel a n'ap
To tell the trath an be polite. i skin poison acting upo the cuticle
.Bible that woulcl --ville, Oatario, or Scheneo- railway, E-ir, l ou? he Sirdar re- the son; and was now testiog their brisk.gallop on foot
-inner of, Rhys r
B Ca.,Brock Thou'st �een a f lend to me. p ple, dr ' out a nail, beat an egg, see at EL
somewhat after the m,
v that he shoulcl, My deepest th Ige of it. All went well u�til she if a J
oughts I nlovv, inivil tireq. I do hot know whet )r this story knowlq; oilitlof meat is done, do up ababy,'
toxico(lendron. Another 'peculiat fqt;
y *holer oul,,he t� dmi&�,. be.tiue, btX lo know tha't*he director Of ne do the close, when she asked: I I fag- Soldlerst Consd1le ra.
And with m on's , ar nous, when di'l out a,� sljver
small boy. prising Eliza. 0 see ntinieres.. rank -which. Is
In r. e 11 V -.* to wri�a railwaysib So Lth Afr N W The eq
Stir jes is Lieut.. -Polonel 41 r�'176111 me who was 4ot,pleased to Is th t is especially polso
Pennsylvania farmer, is d W i h ihougb whe Pi Each
d ten a door, hang up a plate or
ro" w6 four or five! 1 igal son when he came �om again --pecullar to he French ai
0 Roberts% ip'y'lehivirubl"than ce, to the�"_ Giroaar t ele is ubon it,
;it 1 it I I w- Open a can, take up a carget, rer air a
my boy ask., ugh, to do, but he bait always been: `dire�tor of r�i ways in ian SUu- To heribouaternatiDU she reiceived he fol aid to.be pefietiy saEe.
the I gyp,
ol te has a woman ttandant w-bor
#ly 44 Wh baby cafrl
pprec con
ipefu rio, aout his othes. Until a short. To till how I a dan low reply from a youthful scholar dce,, I in tbd- former Ution age� clean a lai�p chlinnery, regiment -o the
nman orhadnotbeenknawn: to� bay a,. Ty gift*rbis more th n 1 can te Plea e, malam, the fatted calf." up a cur rak'e a grite jkre, cut is a sort of nurse and consoler t
d ago b I - smar I rash. 1 eciall, r. She Is not
I St -e a 'fork, a fisbho'ok, ai� dwl, you 3g soldiers esp
boT. W suit of clothes for years. The. ones he, Bat I'll return one som or U.. en and HEr Che Soi ie years ago in a. olsoning case a pie, nra�
ung or handsome, as ja lip, -And 1
imprel3sec o ofterx patched and ra-� Though can% joa i tell the' I rk ea, BOK1011E, swelling of feet �nd ankl4o,,puffibZ
,w)Mhslt been a �fr case mletj a chisel, a pa�per cut -.er, a
T e latest d -as is o� of teu the whid i. or yo
under tole oyes, Irt quent thirsb, sdanty, eloudy,b'Wrh v tal the doctor in at- a gi ftea
US own versa ptchea that not, a, bit. of the original warp In place how to po . ousatc, I married to -a' soldipr of the r041-
witq the lat6s fade -is cpoffly the revival of l coloAd urine and all urinAF3,' troubles lead to clotbesphi, eg�ulate a ranKre tin cer a 70 I y -gone days, trigntlsdiiease, dro sy,dlabetieta,jetc. Dnn', Kid. tendance kept the pfirsn ps, regarding ;me
aavisible. Th;s personal eleven.. I quietly sit to, coid mplate
a Woof W .; I a time-honorAm3 oustom.' 41'a P s op ai leak
he part of her husband a source' The noble differenep relate e ney Pii1t4re a sure cur(r. the identity of which'the e could be no seing machine, I, i the
when bhe spiming- and we it g were don
4ess; on t I i calk i bole
ob of i ne 1. b 4 as they conta ed the�. tooth "root, tu
orconataot annQvance to Mrs. Roberts wh6 'TwIxt thee and n by the fair h�a As of the da el herself, it dou 6tir I
11 1 �'attej: w- hip
1 pair of ftouse I
%,v- from big villag o eptional neatness. She, speoUve br d *to mil -e an fLB RN INURT'AND NERVE PILLS cure ho ba eaten them. in a I s -world Is the
ilks.woman f exe L TI ie highest pas in the
�Durin ame so ashamed of ME Most men will preac i with Bring aij, behooved the )ro A Weakness,
Belli rvousneae, sleeplessness, ssu d In tb2 gas
d the f�rii ubsequently plaut d them m, reduc the --p re I
9 -lopgago bee appear-: To deal with h*onest 04 lady start t4i ar u shina 'of her n -ineiis or lie and crea Ibi Gamin, In the Hi�arl Iyas. It IM
k unfair, Palpi t ro ing, Faint Spel's. Din elpts --o I file,
t h the 3assiug of 'd r bridal cheat I p3variEhed Blood, D1q. n 'garden Varg m se
and he, hardly that she: would; no longer aocompanY 4. the eter, keep bills and re v
ut, Wib
To beat #;.friend they 11 split 6� b 61, nyv con I i. n ar'sin" team m o be the re 20,4 57 feet abov, v. I,, ind Is:clo d
ELY friendej whom rarding. Thl"I singum att
to a to do htir t I tile eak (lean. S tions spiitad butte4 cut P. tikhten
to. w pinning whie and the hand -130m, and oraered VeR or 111p. Just why the e trRnsforma now from May.
a hm, hfvw And snatch the I nest p�rt. by Novemb
.ze CST, characteristic of he farmer is not owing'.. trie a knot,
over, Whilat thou, with.'get lal soul 'ag a re. coming of the department, a �c rq, the chest from -poisonous to Id windows, cledu a 'Wateb,
nonpQ sonous shou
aUda- anest, f he is a. liberal man in,
porturiou f legat d �o the past I and plumbig,
7 was re e Obildren, are often attacked Ftudealk by ps-Infu 1
Wouldeb give a poor ;nan 0'er'� hi 3r sh4re taker place has not �s et been''niade varnish floors', do r. racti The HUM
M Let, Once knew a, :1
lona I, e Brat now the Americ
his. dealingf,. long since he went t an girl has revived d%ageroas _Co'ic. CravipR, Dareboea, 'Dypentery,
Though thou art not i mill P TI ie Ruinanitar%ns
afternoon to do a little adin , and to the utter this most deli i htflit of all ane exit customs, Cholera Aorbu,4, Cholirs Infintum, etc.,Dr.1 owler'to out. reduce the astb ma of - t, bacco pes, �Wrzre a shirt studs bvitt6nhole�f too,
:t m Thou hast a gene rous heart. Extract )f Wild Strawberty Is a prownt Ond sure pry
he�, town to visit, ent, of the. to he purchased a, I The long-negl: ated cheat hai )een dragged cure , w: x1ch should ativays be kept In the house. Wt In, London,
Cltaracti.-r Tul Langhtex.1 small for the]m', fix n hot
f clothew for himself. His nevi parr, a Gerinan. Hebr
a younger daye- �Imw suit o h Thou hast abroad and social mi 00 1 from obscurit-, and many am dden with no �r . 'Thtir PAR -
i on's character is shown 'restore dan anicaj to.ys, wres- 91 r '
Standing 0 the a package,. ana, e b(L L LINIMENT 19 good for Clearly a pers ingM modh cipl as, got forth in Th� bee
olothes were clone up irk Which keeps thin . art andr Sol -resigned immediate n�a rimonial proape As - is gloat.
BRI H TROOP Ot he- exclaimed P&Qrkag�a on the wagon seat be.: etk ier the cents its of a' well- man or i eut. Relieves pain,reduces swelling, all "y" by the manner in which he laughs or, tle with rerar&ory
o .11, 2� the To work in every wa refi%ed, ing in Becr bee� s rs, trim as of the Re1igion:of1:God,11 writteu
should have, that night sprilas.kshiff - 1(
inflammation-, cures cuts, burns, bruises' 0
ted home, he chest itsel. may be any- Ich he' ina' in 1866, include p tranri-
ei�o, him when he star And kind in ever y act filled cheab. l3rge rather, by the souDd kes, provise suspenders nboi is, in- d
J tism, to. A Ml
Your husband,, a�. box to 11 j,3ints, b tea of insects, rheuma e,
I� was a dark night. Farmer Roberts h !�Juropeaa psy-: spect gas hurnein% saw' 'cake, jab
above the hin 1. plain unpainted t b migration Of souls.
a naucapht ut ho tttons, ooks
And suiely bh&t's thing from 6 ottlo t( to cants. it is maintained byt a
i -half way home when a brilliant id airved oaken- brase-mountod treasure tha
Who ewdie W C ollowin according to' oduc'eaft al buttons,
and he his horse where ones 'contaiq:d chol(
IT do it
11 ever, The. - we- mlill river. 1�10 we
love, past, The f
-.3trajok him. He atoprpe �-dm who a �)j the outfib t & colonial tramps, pr
The last; red ceDt nff A Red*Hot Season.: him, are uDerrin, illdica Ong: i and -eyes.; se*, kni- and darn, I Utton Colored
the.. road cropsea a To Speculation's ind bride. over-heatel
1� but, soon recov. idr Ejrj&� - - -
sarprias ' Thereupon the farmer Durin ghe Mt season the blood gebs "Those wbo la* in 1-4! or who, gloves and shoes, pat up awninge., doc
Al - - , . I Batfewpro eative bii4ei. 4re the. fortun- the dr%i on the sy4tem is tieverp, and the apiltTte For bright color In tAe garden uw--
taker of �aid, -ldiugli� vainly und like .191 e. frank, loyal' utomobile. -In sporf, 9h3 can
m sorra, ta, - upin the wagon and began to ff The narrow Wei wil it, ate possesson of oak chests Bu * ock Blood Ritters purifles and in- make it so tor an pelhinlas, popple , hloxf, eschscholtzim-
Zoe 9 cften )ak rd
is still Brooking, the Pat n antiquity. ticking these�. �hey make ac- vigorate, the blood, tones up the system and testores. 'and -�ovem'e& and do hat she lwautq, to. e ti�eds no
ched and repatched olothesi he had Where in the mind 6 culture1in and Cond of bustle and -nasturtiums,, for climbOrs, nastur-
ra now.)>
Wom sor long. As he removed 9, gar de by the loit applatite.
meut�" To Fortune's height Ma ceptable sabol itape-or hAv hem ma are p enerlly of a -versatile char4cter. other instrumlant. tiui is again, flowering �be�ns;, morning
it ad tossed is 9 41P-
. -of plain wh ,'El are�phleg_ A Into �tpe Rollnsobl
he, tosped' it in the creek, unt be h Without one single friend. the carpentet Is pine boards. the fjosc. who 1,-iu-h in if.a woman wet cucumber;
NIS -UVER FILL% Tapan hop a .9
D-iscoV mrLB1A LAXA reZulate gloi ies, vided with cas- Wllouanesi,
t iem altin and had nothing on but his shirt agei rot ious box, pr� boweli, cure conrtipatio: ' dyspepst mati,-, and, melancholy Crusoe line, she cot a -but and for edging sweet alys�u-n I cindyttift
Rat tho,4gh such folk have e
ery- This nap n, Id build
a hip i -ed cove
in trying Catarrh- beap their wealth, to Fortpu kiost tors and r, and neady line -k haWache, and all aff -Otious of
Gresn�apple ease,.'-* he exclaimed, 41 won)ij To d bhe organi of "Those wbo laugh in '1',! as most cbil_. make herA ebat oiC tbe sll�'In of it golt and lobelia; for low bedg, erbenas, -till their den ise:,, i -i -
r it cures cola in f lim, ber surprised !" Then Farmer Rab� They hord it mere witili cambi )r pxper, i t en adorned out digestlo*.
i i ' do, are timid, irre
his olute, 'candid, by incans of the ha pin. She will rev-.
penetrating vopor ert& reached for the. package containing For'other folk ito spend. I wardly in a Ni ribry of ways drea
k i . Told of L to wbrk
h tly covered
d passage o seat. Farmer h a abou6here. or' olutionize u . iigeipy with� �.t in time., por Inca and aillrdia.
Ln denim, r ea y to wbrk
,f the o Athes. It was not on t rt may be!r ao, ffectionate and ever'
one bre, a. Al-eanwhile the in, le ch rurgeons are
In th it belts got. down and reached under the He�s aged, he's del�d, he's now X c moi es most i A FORTONATE RESUINIBLINCE TET P the s
, 1 in which case it often masquemd AT AID FO X-tnt Sherbet.
agar Was not ts not
r.0 the Millions the pack there. Then He sleeps beyond: that unknown hore,� nocently as a, ittle divan,'without arousing HIS DINNER. os�- who iau�_ii -In '0' arei gener". doln- th best they can U
ona of the wagon: And all his wealth of millions fc Ir of its contents. t:1 I For a mint sherbet add (rushed mint
organs ailld to be belle0d. that they ljrfj�-e mn
felt all over the bott red leaves to boiling lemo
suspicidpanad. 0 the nature he Radical ous, old.and self confident. nili; strain anit
dnutes� package was not; anywhere on the bot:. Are scattered God knows r i,ete. An effiidtive!c Verin 1 o concealment W,h4n Henry LLboachere, t
g, wher a
memb r of �arliament for Northampton, 'IT ose -who lau,-,h in U1 are misau-. i the full myAtery of the bai-T pin. freeze.
F rose up in the wagon Perhaps to heirs he did abhor T ;obacco-brown
is made 'of
7ou that -Catarrh- �4rmor Roberts is neces3lary,
looked back along trhre pitch dar ore, I ud( ad with bin t aftaichee of the British legation at
k road. Who cursed his grey hairs to, tb o was an, thro es.1
satisfactory and leather,' at se headed nailso
'"'e're Thle
sent to Boston to keep �In.
ton, he was Nriteu o2nen
abetelimbed back into the seat, and Because, heL did not die before. and finished 11 ith the han4a am Le brass hinges VVash.
Too Soon For Her.
&Y the horses, went for home. The night To leave each cup a share. Icish patriots. He regis- Such a b
Lung- Tro.uble.L and handles )btainable ny hardware his ey on some L, ue �nd c y as is raised about B_ htal a is "the countr�r 4o t1m
25 tered j � a Amall hotel in. a -poor qlxarter of se,whi) never.' enjoy en r Un4 ,he The
Dt ou re.
u: chilly and there were three miles to 90. store. t4e exti gince, f the w, quantities beirig fo
ime and I envy not the shglle�v trai Ugs tr
;,gist. SeafOrth, or henlvmer'Rob An artist set is pro. the cii 7 yLuder the name of Smith -,'as it was the I uxury of a -carri'all, save when the erts reached hc ado d by IDnrn' (lay, and yet iit th court.of:St. M Greeks called it Albion, -eh
'17 The But much rebuke thom with dis 111 ntial that hie identity , should not be
e M-1,
igot0lit,of the waeon he paused. with the toot that come :for that purpise, dea on -e.s fo: a free from the
i , I r' b h� got � there in a dress of'v�iv t emb�oldered with eltller -Whi.t0j, or
�atoul 04taria. ut rll Who pride in aught but treasur a i, vain pd. Afewdayeafter
-er, si'des and disclos' hn &Old, -M wh teness
Pill& Cure. bull iaadidn�t work, said. he decorative i gn upon the -oi r! to the cemetei
�prisedEtim. That d mean, at, When t.he the hotel was seized tor debt,'aild the pro- �y ,hich is sld to ha�e cost o les� of 1-ts 5shore� Or the high
Bilious. t niatdollars that I- an And live so close an ends of the weltimade cbel 3on (Lin Maclaren) told of little, at
Z . del -Akedicis rocks on ihe wertern. coa
el 1y upon the box �e up Wftt� than $1,500, Marid bad
d two it breaks my heart in t �Iv design i -to i i placed diroo niRe in!
did,,- but when he got up in, the, morning Aix nwr Many prieto� oalled upon the guests to settl fth al 4n,
a brilliant, aw t ip and their accounts an i own
To see h d remove their baggage. girl I standing at Fifth a' 11 'with 3-2,006 pearis and
aeu of GaneAa, went to the barn clad in the hired m&nig the wood shtald be smooti and white e 4s a ow
Is bound by mad Misfortune's i1ain hort of money tietb- street, New York. .3,000 dl clothes ou that he 11
Us and saw his package of new f not too har4. r When the ox -is first' cover. Lab ohere waa so a mronbS, and. her! examp'e was I k. MmLnsx Labor Xim TA)A I I 'of COA11.
*eat asequen
tly gedi little thin-, nd'she wa represent AL
Bal from the To bloom through life ui 1 6en. ould ot py6y his bill in full'; co rsonages, o T hre tons. of steam a�
Igr by, its string to the bra0ce haadle ad with leatUar of adelicate shade of tan, 0 =I �Vate 1� followed by less,, x - Pe
of e
f the aide o ghbarnedupo taelestber, i of twenty.
,tr, of the Seattl little out- I I the he haO toleave his trunk as a pledge tbe� carriages rolling ?ast �Vllth
I the wagon,. he. was, a brave
new4paper writers I like to see & person nd the desi' cheerfully ex-pend�d more tham their m, l!s labor for a
I but t1le expensa �te solvency, while he'sent posthaste wistful blue .. i I
rioad. himself. effelat, is much richer MO so lade'la i . pre- yea rg: One square mid (f a -seam Of
(ther man, or wa. Enough to make hfindelf behav too is the to Washington for a remitita,laqe. While Incomes on town.
also greatly sligmente , ar ell, pajdl� ving i depth -of if(tir feet 0 d d jt1D would eoUr
*e I r and little one, . 'IS s
Urs. XcLure,, wife That he might look ahead and labor, since it is a difficult m ter 6 adjust awaittng its airri7al his funds ran lows 0?11 C1.011 tones �tbat their arers I'd coa� ba u like to own one of t ose cart ge§. -Y
t the Seattle Post. Tol Cure a Cold. in One Day For waning, age confined lowerl and on one occasion, while eating in yo scarcel move ab ut in t eim Mme. rep -esenta as much PoNhar as a MM, iofi
I I the Wapliable leather neat
e?er a slave Y. yes turned up, a there quar-
fake Laxative Bromo Quinine T4blets. A 'But why need he �.e than a che&pr restaurant, he discovered - that be 'T1 e blue e A beauty -who reigned AN odled men could e�[ej it in a
;9, while mor i i nportant span th(
TI de Mon.1
,eal from St. to to cure, Through all this liffe for fortune crave i 0=. ney enough to meet his check. were tears in their cornels. 1! 1 i - I I
gr hadn" mo at the . cour Ouls XTV., Nvore t ter of a ceiatury of Active labor.
n one gr. t c6urt j
they atte ded' uggiata refund the money if it fai go to, hi the f are apt to ra -y according to Whil%co iidering tis dilemma he noficed I e ju a kerridq, 13h: t of I
W, Grqvo's, signature is on each box. 25a -And rich (,%hough poor) !e the n6rces4 ir remosenosrs of the' wediding ni ever rod - i - estival :"a 'gown of
and are stay,. , S, that t e waiters, all of whom werb Liab, Me I � r U
a e n And legive his wealoh behim he-' ;here are! no Ic iu�l kospo6t 8,111 sof tly. "I ittle day. W g(kId'and. overthat gold rieze
few days. Mrs. to e a watched �im with great interest. Fiiially old on -vineg 3-r W h nd,
Hortioultur Bat Robbie man, what, is the uE 3� matden d voes he'r en rg laborat p born!" stitched %vit!U a certain go i3ak-e tarragon a
al Notes. the, 'liston af e wa, Id
ne commander for MU one 0 them.a him with an af -ndfu
Arfd 30 Battenburg c mter pie6s, _T r it:�
the A roidered doil: one 0 -es I -he -h t has nicely a ha jrf a-zon, V
.jaco.abeea of 0evereuee. U�Ost &V dr3
Some, womert are: -natural florista, and th9y For wt to ponder, whine ies and yarq�: of hems�itch d ruffliag. These ishing show of ine stuff tb
Ars, able to make dowers grow and bloom he Give every subject (wan( eriag I ose) ered the waiter. Holitt and E artsi acco 80r le boiling vinegar n. it, i cover and
order in ex� J��'xauee me, sir wbisp ig to the
ever beon Agin rdirg
-,o- eat if by Mag, The right r hours Strain 'and bottlO
g to choose us roa( commit her'to nothing.
gia. They r bi7thday i nniveri b
iy,r�of wbmen and makii. & studyof their �Yf� e8 Of Cir r Labou�herej A�'but akewt you on one of Ili 4 late n 0], Mine. ista nd -a fe�ll
o humpr go we'll cumatancea,� abo remains I a Spinster, she ai he out ove o �Villiam parteg371.1cs -virittei y the,�pe
Kement aiid direa. and understand how t take ours and what , re saries Senator H w ote t for use.
- , i � Leb idlers ourse wLh haiah abui a ; 1 4 so ion that tbey Meagher, the patriot de Sevi ne.
ad. cheers hernolf wfth th.. r
them as flowers have to be humor just the clike tbat Labou- rat%ilated him up+
9 will still do*for Cbristmals resents. Her The question was Evarts And cong
We:11 lot the giat -,,n9si!p gooEe
with I have seen pruning d,ou6 in summer tor f id Courts.'
cbes't belongs tQ the ty:).- yet if she oheril, needed. on his length of year In his reply
er Old Tbnes oLt the Clavita h
and a imulate fraft production have 1just the op- Prato in L ovi a abWe. atiVe, ht placing 6. finger Cr
atiVe, maid speaks 11 S -s sh !" he whispered, j
the aged IqLwyer said' it b s, in, the Shetla:fi ISUU-49-
be young a#d, attra - iL re lively -.and pictur- e crow
an invested on his lips, and the Wai a ing y T - En -land wh and a effect, becimee, it was, not dLoneL int01 i ou her inform 1a in in," calling the ho
Let rosuips ch ide ho w'er t they, m iy openly,and lquize unbla ter retired to mind an old d timm regular as at stated. -n, timels
pruner Would thin the small- 1 2 i e establishment y ue Incidents v
Nina assess- e tly. The g(f 1he em- the otiber employees of th esq Thich e
I and. take Wheeor there's one "Iii 0afe to I cheat I Wilb the comin prince, a friend about me -ce, au&
�kms, and ther te_utb limbs, or go, up the large Umbs ginal "rmise was correct, for had occasion t write t is moved Wall usually In. the" sa pa
There Ird twenty m re with heal ;Q, alay I broid'ejed n�pkins are add A to the doilies that their orij and enjoy�d*_in Ash ington 9ne
19ometimes a week or m fund whi ut every other branch.. Ia. this. - way many fike, the some mtter oE ft in -importance ore is ent In
9� I an ce These bouchere did look a good deal almost to tears over the comm )nplaqe f the f1ruitimbearing branches were remo ached the� end of the i when the
nd wood- growth I stil. I I fur'ber art�imulated. And when e w ItA ably, a, no quality: of r ux A thread linen ted exile nature of his Own A daih� tr3 Ing the cases, and
p-thly meal Was finished t4e diner -the fac he Potomill: evellY. rises the condemned
used t�
e To stand for truth i bright ar are. The is are either hem. When tb thirteenethbpa e awakened to bathe ft t
-der 40- yearar of he; correct method would heive been to ba4V Y. eat 18 jinches equ py
'a p
p g
" r at
"Ik k
rest ay embroidered. allied to the csshWr, and throw.idg do:wn that sl ad been4rather diffuse -An,
qng Each-prattlej �e r qea stitched op. fringed,! thi n
vItk!esi to i
i0h can ved The ma d 'tra teces. 6ri made prefer- L
-traordinary stress no sip times. John e Wed bu th&
a, 0, 10i ef o U, re
I YL li bt because t1t ey bad.
a.ded bok the more- vigorously grow f _- at day
-nc d. made pretence of -reaching
ra A)� carrie T ve he' ows.51 !'Bit 11 used for the lie check, gevit
_6 circul r While coloied silk$r are- added, "Pleas excuse -',my Ion bite Hou.;e. and
berehip, o ahesi and not to have touched the small fnhiswalleb. The cashier' stoprisd hu�. no bathtub 'in tUe W
f Low- purpose, the latest fa4cy, is for the solid' aiie said Wintural. 'Crystal
aj view to develop- or which the fruit would have been ot a cent," no on I] him.
But though Such folk o scandal k' floss Not a- oent, sir ; n ferent forms -of mt-
.pen a Oier 10,000 dif
Typ to BI me.
white embio�dery. done w tb a linen Not President yloj
,ax,, Baxter is! 'formed. As I have. said before, the �It read m O. we are honored to have a man like you eat s Ta used t,6 w 11: about
it Should chance to he&r, or that laund"'p perfe 13wers, a deli d younga horess,%ra ral crystals ha -ie been observed..
nu I .
has paid to the; ducing of ar foliage of a tree limits its at them 1, 1 ea tere.1 Maylahakehands with a brother The talente the town and stop and chat wit every U
This solemn fact, tb Cate conveli al deal n. !a monogram, or I Dowers of Vou amd more Lor less strikes at. the Would never dawn[on then. �'ion patri t, one who M uffered so much for most in tears- for.r a b tting 1v used. ow�-be�f met, like a policenlan. recep-I VVV_ — R ; 4 UISLO k; e - I
he Ladies; of the 0 : the tree; L. t-6" in use -of Irelandi 9" - 7 In tbat ILevieW Or My - U: 4 +Ika za rin ug I I
Let, h To theux remalln 4UQUV11 When thip a amse Uled )e re r, e eu- - % L
rion in the VV hitt, J10—
with -the Macaw- It those WhOL desire -fine. green law- Gr vely Mr. Lab6tichere shook 4nd g.,rave- Inovel in thli mornin't'S paper," she Qi!auges may be kept for 2everak
And lot their tonguf a 0.0main, unclean, gagembalt iai�annouuce , t e �heat is further i bv - the 0,
thrifty shrubbery or, flower beds, and who f' the restaurant,.- a "t Is if spread out on boar z a in a toot,
follbwed Srellpved of in onotony 1 only
1Y, he stelked out o y graphiFal. e I de
As swine enjoy tl�_e tilth� they'rc �n, said, "You made kple the W
0 IF 0eat rush Of gu sts, who tra
ced are in the habit of sprinkling them every enriched by� the iiintiest owels. Don 01
very pronoun I I I nolel., y room.
Lot gossips live the: same. I e. by 'he admiring glances 'of the j entire, i 'hy terical ah ow''L i'm to toueb
jj think for N. oment of ro -made towel ff anj called it 9 9 Donot allow
-inch drain pipe I th Off one nother's! ba6l;s.' A -u -
day, would sink, some tWOL
omankind. In an ids 6 to -day biXyfj 1, e finest of hack&- sta c 0` lel ea�_h n over le*.ry two, or
The br hat wasi t a tlypo Lphic�l error, in the da other. Tur
in, her opinion, ut threeT feet below the surfacte about Now dear friend Rob, 141 have D closep f of , di3pered ,asAy Grown. Mada other resl6nt s(t up room . nd relnovel il ti -a aret
me ni," said the litertry edi or, yrith th,
ear aij a back, the aintiest; q Mushrooms rL -1hundred p:)uDd cbees4 and lume, ree days a
two rods apart, and turnthe sa 'nt y rep 8 a six
selves: to b mou-1 'Tis midnight, tiate nimble fingers da m aged
for daniask, a4l With hee own at All.
_now' use -ooms iii his a. rosty eye.
sibilities of family of water into these pipes that th to doze
My weary brain begins: vited t on�e ih's nd belp
makes,her n towel�, hlamatitching bhem Any one may raise mushr �e multitude to c
That is to �on the,aurface, they would probably obtain 'de prDeeeded
And thoughts infuse to flo or &en it�liis attic with very sat self, whI6 the multit
m r
houl lawns wet and unfo to walk- lot the b eat that gro iys� 1i rs. Dasb—Tbe -idea of AU S. Rash dry ink for, 1, s is inade, fif a
The richest bounteq God bosto 1. ty d
I rtly because it was certain to vhich M." d str,
ha Fringe h
to have th I or tagoLing- hem as t4e cese may 1�.e. collar Th Differjuce. it A Tra-ve,�Ier%-,s
mch better results, and would not With -purestL grace 11,enevoleucelkl[lows"
upon- In f&�te Frin e is thing ofthe pa at. as isf a ctory results. to do. L
Is sh I wish th
Y, the wi ont,, rill t'ho L y departed— Up should' have a bed -Y ly 's e
-much less water wo I c e y, aspirat ousl Nyhy, e of a poian
nd, showd, the hno- aid be suffid 08 is her Jai- e quani
depad'any ay in the wash -L -and now all shallow 1 1�ox, and this I n ZCI so 1 t -9
she shoula be like. �evaporation would not be as rapid. It would con'ist -of a Distant WePtUtle. pound OJ!
Upon his race b4low. a peiddlcr!� Of powdered. galls, h
hopla The period of man's whole history Is
_e beat. of the means Ilea tend to send grass And other plant roots to, a -ow of drawn work is sometimes or- ed green vitrlol "'Laltour j.Du
towehs� are matitched. Vy ien the material
S be filed -witli a -dirk, ric-h loam fait er was nces
I warran '- -. Da.%h—Y�s; she' to W
iaown deeper, thus making a stronger gth to e A t6 �he depth of, say, efghe inches'. It s entiM� too! f' express. train der,
I I i beient for
As long as I have exen nono- not sut 01n of powidere(� gum. The in eomblDiii-
urn uld be in a dark plqc and a dam Sbeou ht to Alf the distau
Mrk strong Aud
grawth. We believe the best; irrigatian i my fyrattp added, andi he maiden's ir Mal or A ang b ck ilntll e
111l.consc;erca sore w p wa -d. forg en yo traverse h ce to NePtUD ,
[a kept de ther rt ht weft in4elible iul:,-
During t� -9 period, the obeit i place also as our gr from
For what thouI w' 'seeking- to- gr�sp
Inbtea& of ;i done for, ta. casc!, in y (I ea r,
man!e. - daty, thab 9 S I - le j aE t i bove the hdm.. slio'
W Put the- water below the surface, and to Until I something inll return gram work% I in whit �V in i es and h. water will
approval by & . , is beneficial, I Lit if be uses peqple bav otf t. No' I T -the eal 1,L Thoug tion.wit
community. allow the, plants to pump it up, Eim 'uffies, and the k by andf 4 f ails in
corously c
ealed by de r
ICcan scarcely, Co.
r., prehend
t. Cauad-lam women Putting it on- the, aurf&ce to sink down into So, muoh I malre. it my concern I; An 4�ttic the room may be kept dar si ich di
jouqly avoided by 1, wha was a peddle tances.
ief,�,4d stern! - subject of chests is stud. hea' y curtains And the darth (amp by -0124
edge, 31 7
Boll- I make this pl both br V
ack independence, t inti -
the girl, a4 iough vou may be sure thal aveta-e tem- re afie flousant
fre4uent W.1terin1g. An 1,000,000 Miles, a d he , 1 1 &r baby's
t into If thou be il learn I In Lbudott a bool�: I but AID
.rest them- spared, soon sbalt,'V 0 s
Tjrue Orehim. 1 i I I
are L-rees I . . t b that tb�,,
mates into the mysteries. fo, -,0 de' t of them Nh�nff: e staod on
s sufficiently-,. but MORE; THAN SKIN DEEP. P,11 do a's mu'ab for thee. V ace ment o t e en- perature of IrOm 60 "The other nigbt I t 0 - a n 0 pi Ilow to insure aptUe$� p RduCatl
0 ter st of the pla tjie yery last.
With th.0 )ublic annou. net�,,
ely in, the home. Id bb milintained. Almost Ali s.eeds- .
dmuded bf rLfflas, sbou bin- s ar -o- 14 pat 10 fts bath
When giveth thou, thy soul t iodi gagernent0he chesti' s o f a an. d d r eat ed som t the outposts Of tl le matters, 'and in � �e y
may 6,V78 public 0 en Klng�
d to men sell the spawn tee of- fin a
Thy bones asleep b neath the 4 do� r forth. 'It is again referre brieks and 1vh h me' 1 01 "ruaran 4cw success.
be, a, model- wife "RU311!bving oti Liniments and Oils e atande bold sl)�Wii should goin., tbroull., sin g-rcws dim and small Ini 2,11 a 9
ay every mi openly, arta , to contents pr Dudly i displayed tho'bed is :repared the "Did the dr
M ad U ava de;ep ai� broad, '�Omp t
Uces were given by WM Never Cure Sick Kidneys. p elm rue?"
-face partic the distance. NVc r WilD.
Siog praiaes tG thy Dame to admiri visit -or be broken into fine su-, leg MNl wile
"Yes; d
elf, perbaps,. is the when I aw8ke I found
a - ; IRI� to make ddiations, linen drth. I . I I mOms womilp-
sia Friends!� I j list coveeed with th a e. se, tL
That it may make the sel Perhaps the nlost!el)
yet People ular I iii; 1 0 gh my pdcb, IA mern in,
will d- belief, _,one thr efs. I g�uess
Lo -wpm, ArjNDsopt, NT. B., July 21st- Br4ve bonest, upri e g1ven to bt e 3ride-to-be, an I
Ubstanding �1� I
ght, free i ji fraud j; showers o the Ch �s io be U
"ot)v Rae*
Tranship in
such is the cmaeral �rijutjou of bath she is sharp nou,�h the worlJ eve who
d the chest eceives co I _y( S, I'm nd tu
(Special). -Oar local postmaster, Mr.. T.�H Tha"'vn. the coldt S t hesr't be-I.V lawe nytIg gh The You iii business, for
Belyea recites a ve�ry interesting aeco.unt of . a cloths, I em mitahed sheetep hroonis do not come up in a ni, Tapan. Men lilly
To a warm. pathetic Oam 44 towels, w, 011r.or'f ve nigbts, and be able to -agnite Pairs
f Myself, but I doift seeg to I to 1
hite'xperienees: with DodWs I,' idney PU14 a& Pillow cas��q, table cloths -6 d napkins daint- butthey do,in ini itut �Prodigy., 1 are prou(
PI 'ch It wy will
-oh a P
Yams eir g.-Ojvtlj is: Tery- eet'with any success cL
ce for wlit?a once. uy th , Of
I etire, for Kidney Trouble. Fi ily hemmed by hand. 1he e is Visitor (to ittle,l Freddy)-Letls� see in 140
through the act owel, 011. The Sag(L,-Nobody. ever Meets wit tU ovy it leas, of good
nble, but us - a iary dish t ra 1) id.-Ex6ange- rne4 in your seh o
Nri, Belyea had been sick for years. �At even the '13 Is
ore is any person what you hav� le:t b e, accord
Wh, according to old business, ��Oung man� e USt over-
times he would have very bad spells, which also the ir 1- holder, wh -ag S� 1 imidc(111,1tCl.Vjp lit].
�at Flower for the Up. Oomni Now, can you teii.me the diffqp�upe. v ge
'were so severe that waK almo;t laid Nerve Wrack d an I #�� OU8. si ;nifioance. :
he tradition, b i w an esped All the S4vhe. take It. ----- -
avy j -d r bemeen ani -0 eytyr attd lVilowers.
Pepsi& and ij As the w; dding day a the mtpmertof thenation- Tlov
Liver Plasters oilsan.d liniments on the G"It- Everything goes wrong,het%dj feele h0_ table B
with trange fore- a n I During an enca
a, -and th's eat Y.
c red 9 1& rt� I Ireddy-Tba S bee; ith 1 a
ide, and doses, of all kinds takan internally, and dull, mind is Iled aud bed Holm, neatiq Is r eed a n d' care, I . I the poo -,.-,t qmr nd t
Alount Dtklt?arb ed the ;7 It t(qra a -ane-
as. sour stom-1 of 4ilpi i . You eed k down I "M OE Pennsylvdnia at an� a thea[ itb U'ea.rly air
ah omaeh i out o' ard the bottom a I 9V, I nl beet, j ull of! water.-
seetued to havve, no good result. Several bodings, fit fully f Id d' wor i P tb(re:l iis
r s ag a peace of inluV of LOBA-10n
bring back sever,,11 yea :I§he disturbed. my
o n at the top for (I
habitual,, cosbivO-j -4100tiora tr ed. Me. a good tonic like.. reezon.6 u 'D 'e�' �,rotira party of of- X(w York Times.'
of the ch t, to make r o
headacheop. deo-� ied to oure him but fail Ty flowerpot ln'the"VindOws-
your lost appetite %nd diges :,and- cleanse f1c(il-S 0 r1low V -.1 ys
I - tri mined garments wellt out gor a str 11, and, hap-
illowy, lace
Uesa,-iafact'any! s "Ga r-1 llece of hers-"
ve given rrozone is a d07 and beribboi ed that the chest n- to pass a ftirm iouse near the me a ]p
lKidney Pills ba, me the blood of all in puritie . . =.&j. .1 11 ; . - � Te
e atomach or liverT medicines wonderful invigori ut and s6r6i thener that air- I I Wcurn W
more benefit than. oll, the other at first so,, rge and. so enip �y, is �t last f * lit grounds, One of thcm sum & i
years (),icailipme "Were you mitive ough Nvhen you 1 Wl in the bead.
to n 910 to d the yo'u ftnneL
tended1to marry #
Id ior many treatments I hewe ever used. They will banish gloom3 deprosidoul And quickly ly runuin4 over with )ri lal array. --L-The n4RL
and we jc�tj topriing in for a _lass,of�milk. To allay , a
hAve completely cured me and I feel as *ell restore yon toL a h(althy vigoei, u(s couditio Old manl sma
Brown Bc� r. '.yard they were. Blackenl�g the nose, pe ct eek�s and and -face tale a
Nothing ad goo r'! goil t
�Reucl Y.QRL ona of ds Kid:zle of mind and body. d for 0 ills;dc tb hi daugbter?" ughly, and ap-
ever I did. I believe that Dod y d has been found an fi 11 with salt, beat th
f you never tried nd debiliepte s: Ferroione. 1114�t lj)y the farnicrq (Iaugjitelr, who 'Yes, but be was, gative."-Cilacia- the foreheft effee,
'Pills arez the beat medicine in the world for tho Eink, weary a DR. L04 WORM. SYRUP I I safe, sure and re ve Of snow blind i ig6s.
Q th tual preventi to the affected -P
bottle- first. WV e 50ci,, at Driiggists,.or 01601111 & 00-,. Ii.bl, worni Acts e jus Ily well an children '4 it Can of buttermilk and
If 80* lildney Trouble." Pric poller. Commercial Tri e.
Kingston, Ontario. i or adult$. sure you KeVU)W3.
s a y n1g,
s0j id turoblers,
Hamilton's Mandr -�rs C A Maditenin A Gli
ake Pil onsti-
th tie with
ma. r of milk we eg itse Ceinlen
:'Tbis is tm only L-1 d
Courtiniz Sundays in ]ELOILIand.
I i V I .. jj young Ml Ln Ai st.� Mende was driv- emeD' t may be
PO4 hire." -Gn- VIT-
Pation. 70 A simple yet st IAND P
�ood r a place-- where M )a in pu Outlying glass and ft%
bu _r, Holland iaL primative cue- ML
Two ob I bo Poe fter each of the party bad taken a e jL mad by a legacy of f 1, From n&,ng
rder made to use me
10rfla abound. Traditions. are. sacredly Story of Lord K 0henero district o: the banks rf hi � Tweed take tne ,,z olic or them ren4arked: ie moment the mo ey earr e. into his In e white �Of Curd
(Ir earthenware b dButingr th, V lermi'In iaal�aPofl*vi I I
Toast. handed down and observed, and thia veher- everyday. postmant Oae. of re Beat V -p cer—,
in his s wa s U bulk of water,. IT
de 1- ub d6 &ter that's 1 frne!'- Can't you r ossession b d by thd is a
witil in j Lord place of t ) all egg it.
%tion for ancient things- has kept a -live i the By GCQV.!,rc. r�rl j. ,
r po tb ig between to th consist- IF
w diah, add ons COUntry what are know �rting gum. aterE and exact g. But an them w mord?" fear of losin,, it and Always cartied it brin" _0 Imporiazt-
.a as cou ten in, j lea a d earned le�111
oil s with he nine
4eh of salt Kitchener and I ay. $, e ias- thus s- lki vj� some tholD-ughly, then Wrl
_and One' days. Thmgbaub Holland the four Sun- amusing stpry- is Id of him (jairo, says nally i4ade a 1 8 Fe ,Ch
brevA and thls;OE but icanty pay 'lie lass �cplledl about with him. ency of thin , pastd With Powdered FL RO x , -
[,ceff of stale L -ter, �0 illu his e1ppreci- her livelAbod- far Tt �nust be used liamedi�,O- t Sti,,- WestjorelfttlY,
and brov m. Or' days of November are kqpt. as fete days. a 'do' r many! ears. The othe -j Gra'.ce Watson, yes-It,,Lk-6 11 0 a-nL, We feed ire of it in the In Of notela And quicklime.
11 Lt Onf
They are named tieverally Review, Decision, ood m kn. the *ailway for -W 3
ddl rea, tion of a 'dona all 'the parcel -o blow, out. .11 16S its Vilt4e.
s bralos, ly 61,.it Wi
-nty year anywoy ttlen attemptad 1,
gri w., ng, riven 111to the des 11A und'ez the has for tft it �o the pi's
t e e, and, Possession Sundays. On, Re- was bei -k,
i via' wo: bub nothing
&do �na pil officer 0 ry-hea r --London Ob
to a y(tLng Ganai f post delii
ViOW �uuday everyone goes to, eharch,; and direction
jrnmediately. �j