HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1902-07-25, Page 2•.• REAL ESTATE FOR ,SaLE. atIll 5FOR SL.—Re barealne in tarms the Townsbip* ot Hullett,Morris, and Wiese. nosteGianty at Eitiren. Inquire at °Me. Wel CA.MPREL& Blytb, Ont. 177441 leeeetOP tan- IN RaSIONDVILLit FOli SALE.— 1 For sale, a coneneelonts story and halt house, , with corneae cellar ant &tent; a good stable and , nearer tem scree of lend ; linmediately nu% Of the Elmondville mane. The land. is well planted with barge and sneall fruits. Apply to WM. ELLIOTT. 17674f ARM FOR SATte.—Irer Vale Lot 27, Cone emelou 4, McKillopi contsining 100 acres, all! ol whichis cleared, well tamed, underdlreitied ant a high etete Ot Aultlealiete. Meet), 18 i ROCA, crick house, large, bank been with stone stabling,' plenty of water and a goal Grolier& It hwithii swe miles of Sealer% and wIthin a mile from eh Apply on the premises or to Seaiorbn Wel. GRIEVE. 175.741 1GIAR-31 FOR-▪ SALE.—Fartn iti Stanley for sale, Lot r 29, Concession 2, coataining1.00 acres. Alf meat but Iff WM% OrlinliWOOd bush, Ili is in a good state of cultivation, Well booed and underdrained.; There is on the farm twa berme. with stsibling, and al sage dwelling houseIt is conveniently situated* Mile* from Clinton and. e mile from Baird's sohoott Address all ingeiries to JOHN MeGREGOB, on 'the premises, or.MRS D MoGREGOR, 2n1 Concession. Tuckersinith, Seatoeth, Ont. 1758-tt- ! 'LIAM IN STANLEY FOR SALE.—For sale, Lot 11, and south halt of Lot 12, Concession 4. Stan. ley, containing 150 acres, 90 acrea °leered and in a fair state et cultivation. There is a frame dwelling house with cellar, bank barn with Eton° etabling, stone pie- Pen stave alto, two good wens, also a river rano at the be:ok of the faro), It Is convenient to cherchee, schools and markets, behig 3 miles from Buicefteld and 9 miles fnnn Seatorth. Apply Ott the premises or address. THOMAS- GEMMELL. Brucer tied. • 1803-13 IGIARM FOlt SALE IN STANLEY.—Lot 5. south X boundary. Tbis tarns °anteing 96 acres, all of which is cleared with the exemption of 10 acres. It is in a good state of cultivation. There fent com- fortable story and a half frame houee with stone celr lan cement cistern. woodshed, fair out buildings with stone stabling and never failing wells.It is con'. veniently situated for church and school, and 18 within le mites of the Eippen station. Will be sold cheep and on e.asy tertaff. Apply on ehe premises or address W. C. KYLE, Kippen P. 0. , 1799.tf DARK IN TUCKERSMITH FOR SALE.—Foe •ee wale, the farm of the undersigned in the Towle, ship of Tuckeremith, adjoining the Village of Ege mondvi le. The farm contains 29 acres, 41 cleared except 4 soros ot good hardwood bush. It hi all well fenced, web tile drained, and in a first class state at cultivation. There Is good. frame house, with nitchen and woodshed, and stone cellar full siee--ce_tetnee. There is a good beak lmra wite etene stebling„ and good pig and hea house. There le a good young bearing orchard and a lot of °roe, meat I trete. There is a never failing well at tee lumen one at the barn, and another on the term. It ie one or the most cenvenient and. comfortable plecettn tte township, awl will be sold cheap ant foo easy terins. Apply on the preirtiees or address Eemendville P. 0. HERMAN BUBOLZ. 1783-11 rtAllef FOR SALE.—For sale that very deeirablis j. farm on the Milt Read,elluekersmith, adjaining tbe village of Egmondville. It coritabts 97 acres, nearly all cleared and In a geed state of cultivation. arid well underdrainefL There is a comfortable bre:1k cottage and. good barns, with rook oellar and ootbuildings. The buildines are. -situated near the goitre of the farm and on the Mill Road. It Is well watered, and plenty of soft water in the kitehem It is eonvemently situated or church and &Moot and. within a mile and a half of Seaforth. Will be sold cbeap and on easy terms of osyment. Apply te the proprietor, ROBERT PAXSON, Seaforth 174541. M IN HAY TOWNSHIP FOR SALE.—For sale, Lot 22, on the North Boundary of Envy Tewnship. This farm contains 100 acres, 85 &arse cleared, the rest good hardwood bush. It is wen un- derdrained and fenced. There is a good stone house with a Na 1. cellar; large bank bane: iraPleraent erl; sheep house 70x75, with 1Irst-oless etablin a d root cellar underneath, a good. OtOlutfd; 00 i iv Ils anti cistern. There is 121 sores °Nall wheae wed on a rich fallow, well ananueed; 40 acres eded down reoently, the rest in wood ahem:, for o op. This is a No. 1 farm, well situatel foe ix(arketa, churches, sehooln post office, etc., an l•he Bold reasonably. •Apply on the premises, ce e dress ROBERTS. D0UGLied,Blake.Ont.1668x8tf AM FOR SALE.—Being Lot No. 91 in the first Conceaeion of the Township ef Hay, situated on the London Read, containing WO acres of land, ad on which there isa large 2 -story brick dwell - g, with slate roof and good fair out buildings,. e farm is all in a good state of cultivation, wee d ined and fenced, a fine bearing orchard and. aliundan1 eupply of good water and is well situatea a to markets, being only 3 miles from =Hansen ant). 2 miles. from Exeter. Poteessioa can be given to s it purchaser. Foe further particulare apply to MUkTON MeTAGGeRT. Owner, Rennin P. O., or to G BUTHEILLAND, Conveyancer, Heiman. 1800x8 ARM FOR SALE.—For sale, part Lots 25 and 26, _Concession 4, L. IL 8., Tucker -mites, containing IQO acres; about 90 cleared, the rest good hardwood biah. It is well fenced and underdrained and in a first-chies state of cultivation. There is a good briok h use, with kitehen and woodshed attached, good c liar and cistern. There is good stabling, with stone foundation and root cellar, 35x55, also an im- plement house. There is also a good bearing orchard Mid plenty of herd and sett water ,tat barns sue heuse. This- excellent farm is animated within six' Miles of Seaforth and four miles frnm Brimfield and ie convenient to chureh and echool with goo3 roads leading from the dnor. . Will be sold cheap, pply tp the proprietor ALEX. GORDON, Egmondville P. 0. 179941 t I X N STANLEY' FOR SALE.—Foil sale, Lot 9 elate° west half of Lot 8, on the 12th concise - sten, or Bronson Line, of Stsnley. This farm eon7 tarns 150 acres, all of which is °leered, except four soiree. It is in a state of first -Wass cultivation. wall fenced and all underdrainedenostly with tile. There Is a large frame dwelling houses as good as new, with god swine foundation and ()eller, large bank barn w th stone stabling underneath, and numerous other b tidings, inelading a lerge plg house. Two good o chards of choice fruit, ;deo nice shade and ornee Mental trees There are twa spring creeks running tbrough the farm, and plenty Of good water all the year mixed withonis pumping. It is woll situated Inc Markets, churehes, schools, poet offl le, etc., and good giavel roads leading from it in all directlone. It is within view of Lake Huron, and the boats oan be seen passing up and down from the house. This IA °fie of the beet equipped farms in the county, ane will besold on easy terms, as the proprietor want, t� retire on account of ill health. Apply en the prowl, see, or address -Blake P. O. JOHN DUNN. 1734-tf i Mleetitt FOR SALE.—For sale, Lot 1, in the Towns le ship of Tnekeremith, Conomeion 3, 100 acres et lend, 95 mores cleared, e -ell un ierdrained. Splendid /ere" for grain or stook, well watered, a running- eltring the whole year runs through the farm. Alse oji the farm is e eplendifi bulk barn, new y new; ich h 60x54, with stone *tabling underneath: Ajlsa frame home 24x18, and kitchen Mile, whit g oci stape cellarand, two good wells. This pro- p rty is situated in a -very desirable locality with s lendid gravel roads to market, only si miles td SJiaforth. Also a good dwelling house in. Seaforta, 8 tinted. on Coleman street, °lose to Victoria Park, T is house is composcd ot 8 rooms, well finished, p enty of bard and soft water, and kitchen 20x16 with pantry and waeh room attached, and a good Woodabed. A good etabet 24x18. All of this property must be sold al the undersigned is moving to the L rated States. All particulars concernine this pkoperty can be had by auplylne at Tile Exeosteore Office or to the proprietor, JAXES K4E101•1, Seal forth. 1752-tf The Seaforth ilrea Store Is the right place to get the worth of your money in all kinds of groceries, flour, eornmeal,,rolled oat., cream of wheat in bulk, standard oatmeal, granu- lated oatmeal, pot barley, pee.r1 barley, long clear batten, smoked, meets. beet pure lard, cheese, dried apples, evapoie ated apples, apricots, dates, evaporated peaches, 8 tbs. good cooking figs for 25e, fresh prunes, Panned corn, peas and tomatoes, canned salmon and eardineS 6c a tin, a few mishit' left at So a lb., e few lake sal -mon at 56 a lb.., lake hers rings Ine a dozen, great -mime in teas and coffee, great value in china, creek'. ery and glaesware, comb honey and errs tracted, syrup and molasses, and the best farmer's maple syrup. :I receive Weston's Toronto bread fresh every day; also fresh batter and eggs in stcrek. I handle ad kinds of fruits season; I also pay the highest market prima for fresh butter and eggs in cash or trade. A oordiel invitation is ere - tended to all to come_ and geb some of the pod bargains. G, AULI SEAFORTIL NOW TO IttST A.WItILE MESSAGE TO THE PHY8 OALLY AND MENTALLY WORN 01.0T. SEPARATE FROM .TH .THRONG Tho Savionr•ilLoow.tho Nee s ottirodand Woary,Maakind and In nod ihens to this Country to /test an Iteestiverato— Way a Iteat Is Needed eta°kills by Overwork. EnteredAccordine to Act of Pa ada. in the year 1902, by Willi ronto. ea the Dep't of Agrieu Chicago, July scent Of the pines . an phere of the country.in by Rev. Frank De Witt the tet Mark vi, 31, yourseives apart into a and rest awhile." 1 •A desert place! WE. mean? I .Christ' bid ciples follote• him over saud? Does he want hi to lose themselves eraon dunes and Jive where I nor bird nor fish nor in Does he desire them_ stricken at the Moan -in mooms or to be smothe lianientof Can- mliraily,of To- ter" Ottawa. I ere are st, • an atmose this Semlrn?. almage froni 1"COnte desert place 1 • ' I ; , tl does that ing his dise great sea. of .companion the endlese either beast eat -can live? tb be terror . 4.1 4 of the sif ed in one o those "awful desert windstorms an be there as completely Ilost 'as th merciless ocean can swa low down a shipwred ere* and le ve. no trace where the watery jaws have opened and shut? No. Chris is net here alluding to a Illesopot mian for a Persian or a Sahara d ert of' sand. Christ -is practically saying to his disciples, who are ph -sieally and mentally worn out fret too • mucl work: -Come, let us go out into th country tvliere we can h alone. Le us go among the hills heLe, we shall be separated from thes rongs of people who are continu follOwin , us to be physically heal . 4nd Spirit ually fed. Let us go o al ne, Whet we shell hear only the ir stlit g o the leaves and the si gi g o th birds and the rippling 1 t le biookst -Let us hie away into na ur 'S haunts where We can see the de r frIaying it the vatleys and where e can ttitsie ble through the wild. v ne gibwing at out feet.. Let us go a ay tb the place where the shephe d eads hill" flocks aneong the fresh a pasture lands." Every human body ne eration of physical rest lel Websterf made his 1 John Adams, the aged said: "I aett as well as nearly ninety years gou be. I' find ;I, am afnicte curable disease called spirit is occupying tenement, and, as fax as out, sir, the Landlord tend to make any m That statement of Join figuratively -right, and wrong. The human bod °nee created out of d re-ereated up to the v the grave. We eat a rest in order to- give and strength to the bot cies and the flesh. An as essential for the ph tion as are food and. light. . The purpose of this , show that every hardw tian, at least once a ye out into the country a cation, a prayerful rest, Jesus' disciples,, who le to tak.e /st, rest. • It is tian's duty, at -least on leave the h.oine, the st tory and have a compl scene and food, When came to die, looking up clan, she said: "Doctor nothing for me. The r dying is because for y ne'v'er take a rest. went off into the coun took my books and pe ed." ;Thousands and Sands of the best brair of the pulpit, the bar office and of ald the C partments of life ha,ve • themselves in their yot and womanh.00d becaus not obey Christ's comrn a. rest. I beg of you, hare% rking -Chris- tian men and women, to leave be- hind, the office, the factory, the home and the pulpit and go off this sun- tiler- into the • country and rest awhile, because those len and wo- men whom. Satan cann t destroy b,y sin he will try to kilt b • everwork. Satan is a g-reat str tegist. He rarely attacks his enen ies in the I. places where he thinks they are in-, vulnerable. He is alwee-s trying new schemes and plans. Wli n Satan finch; a true Christian, who i consecrated to God's eervice, he, immediately calls together his dein niac lieutene ants and says: -That nan must bp stopped in his career of good !works. Those lips of his mu t be Closed. That hand must be in tde helpless. That pure heart must 1 e struck by some poisonous arrow. That foot of his most be led alon the stony Path of sin." No vidi n of eartlii can arouse Satan into su h a frenzie 1 passion as the sight of a good Mit consecrating his years to good works'. Soatan, when he sees a good mail consecrating his life to good deeds, immediately despatches is angels of temptation. First, Satan. offers -Le that. good man all the • llurements of popular applause and -orldly pleat - 11,3 re ds st the recap,- hen:Dan t • -presider' y,- milin of d expecit ty ith arm ine ld age.; Mer every Shaky elecc°-nnotIniaiknr- i- repairs.'( 1 dame was , Which was St is. being ry brink of di drink and n urishment es, the must - r st is just sital recrea- 1WaLer and. , erinon is to rking Chris - should go d take a sae the same as t their work every Christ. e a. year te re, thee fac- te- change cif Phoebe! Cary at her physt- you can do ascii 1 am ars I Would ve.n: when ry I filwasts and 'Work: - ens of thou- s and hearts the Medical ristian der 'imply killed ng manhood they would nd and tate ye sures. Then it Satan fi nds applause and the- wine midnight earoueal, do career cif the good ter consecrated his life to g tries another mode. I. unketmel and uniet bloodhounds of persecut representation and slant them upon the good ma will. let thie paak of dei beunds bury their 'whi his litnbs; I will let hounds leap upon him tear out his heart. Ale many a good man on slander turn and curse have I can destroy this But after Satan has troy this good man by applause and. by the ho cutlerswed situder an Satan has 'one way left. to himself: -"I cannot ra give up his God, but I, with overwork. I oan-p Man opportunities of u,S • t hat Worldly up and the ot stop the a who hats •oct deeds he e says: sh atI th on and mis- er and turn I's track. I ioniete blood - e teeth int0 these-bloot and try t I have made neepent of cti Per - man in thi ried- tp des- roth popular nds of perse- has.' failed Satan saes ke that man an kill him le the Chris.= fuPaess upon 1 V4iglA, tit. gospel mitt ing durin night; churchth have the 1- artieles 10 the stuntu away his viva l in 1). bit of ph kill 1b Kirke Wild :bridge pri- ed Wifliain of age the inte4ect 0 as I 11141,Y0 many; a thatet brai light l I an would ha the Worl Now, n what 1 a that sorn raosti OW, tOoi lose, have gone gone 'fort, graves 'net obev IChri a desert p have, had ness.. Yo, ing too h tell rou t You had child', en.' s sake Or yo ter gO out You ay You!could Y attend yo not want den of -life Better res time.; I !kg o tian linen meriyacat can do same time or ttree mini. try n something hear ;you 'this kturu You, ay time, Gr temp to have' to p ing 1 atur serm. ns hardqr .to you ntVE3 the e rest , your is o trie al reste work whicl to h ty b o yo God. bpt rayei ays it Y 7 Fr evei S 8011 e 0118 Store 'I Wil tht day 1 WU. give -a he 'can attend to; I will ditors write Mut to , send ' their papers; -I will haVe • camp an etings steal aeatiOn; Wi I start a ref_. church; ill sap every teal stren th he hasj will overwo lk, as 1 killed e, by oflerm him a Came • I will kill iim as 1 kill - Paley, at th' -ty-nine years Most br Ili nt• Cristian his day; 11 ill li'll him, burned o e brain of lir inns, by ire work ,before lived lol g enough to ntellectua . arse" which cast its ra. s all- round rratea, y•oung keep him work-. nr. during the him a bigger 1 I friends, '0d know that Saying is ru You know of the b' St people, the tian poop e, and the NO-, We Sould,east afford • to Slibrierted th Pr lives, and !and laid down in their ly becaus Itl ey would not , t's e0111.111 Id and go into . ace and r 1st awhile. You ,iane• pre mi ions of sick - know tha, y il are carry- vy a load". The doctors t you. •'re overworked. irtttter hold: u'. For your - ke and your husband's wife's s ke you had bet - into the c SI try and rest. ti. canner s op and rest. top for I c se of typhoid, could stipin order to ✓ own fur 1. God does 'fou. to lay! d wn your burr . 'until yo1TI4 wfork is ended. hereis yet rking Chris - take a sum- arested ,brain h- work in the Some two entered, the e me a letter oar Frank, in the city no vacation. t afford the If you at 101',' you will for disobey'- t winter the rite will be ooren because Get out of ou owe this o ir church and ired. Minister is study, in n his pulpit. my brain ia -est and best i d 01 a letter her will write ds that the up whii you, her d women n becaus ce as mu $ a tired ars after III father wro ike this: rtend to sta. w ✓ and-ta at you ce t mistaCc ork all sly a big ptec laws. ich you :! bduce and tired brain. all meane. • family, A sick e- ttle use 14 meeting 'r td that Whet oes its cetic atis thejr sensible 1 at t when he trin boy does ot knowtSth well known axle* the. a rested bra.'n and ,a rest- ed bOdy n do twice much work as a! tired physical 6).. anizationt - Every pi Ysician w41 telt' you that it is! an. e; onomy in11.time for tired men. and • omen to gie ff and take a vacation and rest. Ye it is a sur- prising fact how 111,a41 truly good tian . people fel they cannot. their .home aflc church Work for al few weeks l li a, year. , If were ested, they: ould do much. for Christ and do it . easily. 1110.ed, the older. more I bell .ve that most e need to ba -e this advice. • people lOok tired. - Go will, in th store or in great come ry spring and ired, awitilly hen I get up n I lie down y, most peoe pringtime!took as tired as woman wit came to me id said: "Mr. Talmage, t heaven. I heaven for a so tired that want God to e for a thou- a- I have be - , I want to heaven." My lend, if you ork for Christ eat your body eat a tired, horse which worked all. winter. You e off his sloes and turn grass. IV tt must treat as a farmer treats a field been. overa- eked in Pro - He beta it, lie fallow for You ,shoule treat .your attire treat the vegeta- nd the colds of winter so e forces of the trees can tristian work - hen you will vhat you. need do your next, • ediciner but ti and. mental f rest which d sciples when desert plaie. net cost very few 'days into entry and rest ask you a •u have not s, the kind of you to take— much: did bills last newer, -last ter for me. Cold all the very weak. affect it. One eatened with O I had broil - in the store 1111 all Ohri • leave even, "they Moro 0 wor mucli nest - I gre vv. th good peep Mosti gooci whei you the ionie, t and the on plaint that you hear iev suminer le "I ane so tired. I an as tired! in the mo •ning as wh to sleep a night." W pie in the) that't poor one day a don't talk to me aho do not weitet to go to long' time yet. I ant when I conic to die Lf let elee sleep in my gra sanl. a -eat* Then-, aft C0flht thor iughly reste ope my yes and see over orke Christian, f wan to et your best, next winte yommust t just, as y u would t run :down, exhausted has 1 been. would ta him out t your body whicih. has due ti on. awh.1 le, bod tion that lie er have now win as 1 all It s t orma 'or n so • nj to en ex.'s e't t. As a, •C t winter, tch to do,' ble you to uty is. not restl—, complete physic rest:the ame !kind ,ChriSt ga e to his - he ed tht n off into a - To firoV that it veil much out for a the nietu e of the co awh le, I vould like t pert nent uestion. had a; vet tion—that • vacation hrist wants for a Ion while. Ho you spen in doctor' year ell," you wint r • wa1 a hard wit sejemed o be taking time throat was and each draft would wccl I w s in bed th pneu noni 1 a,nother titx chid -. 1 ¼vas away 'Ir ten Lays.' My doctor's bills Were very high. 1 have not paid them. alt e et." I would li:k to ask you anot ter pertinent gee tion. What did your :druggist bills amount to last winter? "Oh,"; y u answer, "I was buyieg medicines all the time-- medi inesfor my. digest on, medicines for my :cough, modici es for : head- ache , tab ets for this and that and. the other: thing." Bu the greatest of 11 advaata,ges in oing dff into a de -ert place to rest awhile; is that We nem Pr to Cludet before. In few men ha think. ;Dail bsorbing ilia s itself utio duty ie do cars -Whirl and brotl in inoreing ns have to -eninle tasks. orks from- s • com ever been work. but stop and come so , duty CroW' as the fir, ing electr and father. store. Fr the clusteal come the "a ntan women's But wh into the e can there han we had his age of -e time to • tusks be- t the 8CCOTId. you as soon se. The rush - the herebands ere to the mita night e seem -Then And, though m to sun, a ork is ever done." the Chris taw goes off untry_tjo re t he can go 1V1RPINNW 41 ON FAPOSITIVI. , -A 0 prey 14 meet:Me sp1r1t with which Christ went. Whet h gets aiadde away from tliP store, t e f ctory, the ome, his rested miii- will begin - to ear'. As he saunte s out to lie -1 ne - doW under the shadows th 6 trees with his Bible,he will twin to re- alize how the goOdness of a od 'has folio ed him eel the day of his life. He' ill begin to see in he ,celietude of t e woods, that even 'n hietroub- les, the hand, of God -11 s baniliersd- ing him, that all thins wbrk to-- geth r for gopd thos, whb love the 'ord. Tgen as he te there in the ord. Then as hel s te there the oods- upon the MIN de tvith the broo gurgling by his ide, he' will thin that he is sitting at (hi 1st's feet, ; just the same; as ' he d''seipies of Id used to -do tin ti e op,n aite Then; he wilt hear g• ehir . W len he 106k up, he will see lit le bird •swin ing upo the tree b ancl 8 over his ad ijio will tur am, read from Mealier: "Are n t teed spare • rows sold lb) a farthint avid one .of t em shall not fall oi thel ground With ut Your Father. I ear lyre net, ther fore; ye Flee armor vale than •man sparro s." As ti e ,C istian wife walks through the fie14 and pick the dal les and clo er tps and the golden -r d and the rigl low buttercu s, she wi 1 re nember the ords Jeais spoke h en , he said that as he cared for the, lit es of the fields So he would are :Or her.. Ther ;is no p ace on earth vet ere a. man tan g t so close to Lod ,as with an pen Bi if the qu etude -of the woo S. Oh y o u only like to t tude i 1)1 r r eefee Fothrprae"r 1 Nvarit you to may '0,11c.; to yot I Tea en1 y 14X t her . If you will not onlyii try:, draw nlarer to yo Fat her, but ypu will find MIONNIWWIWINIEr 1 my brother and Sister,,! T want to go out into the country, tett to get -a phyeical ewe! Wit, the diseiples of old, I Wantoti take Chtlst along. 1 In title quiee 'of the,Iivoods, wit yeet• open , I want you to '1c,ep open , a tive ear !so that yolir Heavenly , end be', alk to yetis you .will de 1 the cam's tr Heavenly that Christ during all the long once -nine .winter , enolielis Will stay very closeEoyou. I tvi'int you ;to get thoroughly ac- quainted with Christ.: 1 want. . you to vitalize that he is -the demfest, the tend Test, thei 'kindest, the infoSt'for- giviit r and the -Most Riving ompaai- iond 1 pardoned sinner soul . ever have . • Du there is one Other adea tage of 'a 81 mmer vacation about Which I ..woul • speak a few ,words. , That ad - :vent ines to all t into whic ler iiIiIti.to; bth : iuI s : heret itcp age is the desire Which c ue Christian hearte :to et back the lateness to do- the', work. Nod hes given tHejin to td.o af- 11 is ended: hoot eacher ie t .s4e-s to • !rectum a Tarty'. of the hildeen to cro lazy to them- eristi an in the 1 to the summer vaca a spring. the tired pt. to co uplain. If: 'Wire did 1 eVe e school teacher? .1 ers only send their because. they ar :care of the ch sel ve a" But after 1. teacher has had -,ry with, Cod she I hen oppertunities, how good God is t ldren t e • C scho res come egin Mire •d s Says; • 'Oh, ) me ! Think of the opportunity of ueefuhless hoes Perhaps by "the • g 'ace di God, shall not only ziallueric dren bet also the sinful whit they come." .After has 11 ' ihdee chile °nide frog. the nL1nister t ' to in the to 0 h- • Ines VeCte May the ex- elig- good o w- hris- suth- eyes urouslt see n earth is the! Lord teen off along wi Chr rest awhile he tongs l'es e O! his ulpit to prsach agai abeu t whom. he bas so ;learnt{ :The mother, the 1411301n fter she has had her rest, c With a. haPpier heart, s rayer len all 'their Ohre love. er, c bac or s:uile -and a gentler seod pity to -day th1:s 1 1S-0111 It who are so phy haue ird that st hey th1iik: lime ' opporennitien for- doing : area' perpetual burden:- se the ier of- reereeitinet rest Ma , all mer tiontlis have their .s iritteal tian raorkers diu-ing the oming opeited. -May. they rept that :the hapPiest duty tle_! Opportunlity to Ors, ..1 esus , (.. hrist .1 One, motnirg the dab iter . Of English king was foiled elead, her liked piliewed near- in ope ble el -1 with her finger 1)ointeise word "rest." The cord !" found in Matthev- xi. ;le unto the all -!-e that' are heavy laden, an 1 will rest." 'Whether ehe ha longed for this - we •caninot now, the was " Cot and yon r est trrier Cheiet in our hearts, if swot.j invitation, we can here.; 'May , his swum r ' vac tion give tu ltIt C iristien wo kers r •t of he -art and soul !. May, _ you, not oule- have phy ical rest, but also - spiritua1 r•st May it bi the sweet, rest with hich Chriet will fit you for t o hist ork of (Air earthly life duri g the corn- ing livinter months! Th n in 1:h fall may it be (iid'swill ,t bring the pastor and qople of thi, chute) toe geth r again' !for hie bles ed ser ice! e .an with Bi- tes -eat" 28, •abor. (rive found ! the ide• Of1 the but i with e ticee1,t his find hie rest Japanese Mille Ja ranese miliet, stands up ver well for a tall crop. Don't sow• it too thick, for it stools mo e than any othet crop. One siiiall si ed..w#1 send up s wen or eight plants to the arise. Iteigl t. If sown too thickly, !i! wilt nett have rooms to stool and it will lodge. "Illicit easier, rjen. to . It elves etterte of seed per az s on ft irly good soil will; stand up all right. , I , NCAH'S AR Said W. Wine the i ed w to rave lieen Faun Loil-,•ed at the Arctic Is Fetrille A. Reid! secretary 1, recently r iterior of Alaska, et-. th Judi:Iles, whose e by :In d. I f! 'keg - turned usre lie- vnest 8 lane rout, alke ate - anent e he believes, fully contesn the previOus -reports that 0 -India s of the Lowe'? Yukon have 0 sees, ce-e an ham nee petrified ship ot the 'P rcu- e I pine River, near the Arct c (peel and north of Itan!ipart Alaska. 1 The In- dian, ; first told thetr sto -y to. 1 . F. Lischle,. editor of the Ko -ule!uk News.• Secretary ittei;d talked With. the In- dians, who cenviaced. hii 1. that they saw tthe great boat wh. ch is 1 -ing partly on. 11.51 side, and hen.; n ked regarding its size, they traced its dimensions on the groun• , indic ting a Ieng,th, of twelve hundr d -feet. The Indians seated that ever 1 thing con- nected with the boat w •s -par fied. Amoeg-the things inside- of ,it I w: s a large safe or !chest. Th pkin here might. be soneething insi pi of his, they rolled it 'but of the shte and down the mountain side, using 1 vere .and -kids for this purp se. hey thou ht. it might break _open, b t in this :hey -were diteappetated,' N leee i ease Old people are especially liable to de - ran ements of the kidne s and bladder and it is therefore not unusual, to 1find the i great admirers of Dr. Chase's Kid- ney Liver Pills. - r. iohn. Lalone, Woodworker, Tren- ton Ont., states ;--"I anal seventy years old and have been using Dr. ; Chase's Kid ey-Liver Pills for,somp time. I have been troubled a great deal with my kid- neys and bladder and at ;times would go two or three days without passing any thing. Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills have proved to be exactly whatI needed and I owe it to 'them that I am in such good health to -day. they ;acted promptly on my lcidneys and hladderj with the most satisfactory results, bringing quick relief and setting these ergans in Perfect working order.'' , One pill a doe, 25e. a box, at an dealers, or Edi anson, Bates & Co., Toronto. Insist n gertin what you ask for and refuse su -titutes. 1 Dr. liage's Kidney ' Ivor Pills tne cnest was 11011011' ii rememea in- tact. The Indies -Ile fi tally became Convinced that the whole contrivance was something conincled With the Holy Spirit,so they left, it, but pro- mised to pilot others, there at any tiMe. Indians fami 1 a r witlo • the are convieced; that the ship is non0. etslier than Notth's ark. VALUJeSt.5.'Filk-ITS. Whitt to Do If it Chilfl:la Accidentally . leneolieli. • - Some children seem o have lihe knee's; of end ingertne 1 11..th' 511111.11 I ivee 'With al at ming frequency, and it 'is well to 1)(3 propz.red lo7- all sorts and coralitiorie- of einerg( ncies. There is thel chijd, for i1,seante, NA 110 has the Mania. for 4tnstlng. No t lehig is said froline , its small i les, . fromsthe dregs left ,at the bottom of lk father's coifedOc.) ' p, - tie frisdinating bottles on 11101-htir'S VczLSI1St &URI . 'this tasting - mania iS 'Very,' apt to end with. the child being pdisoned sooner of later. All lotie`ms and. liniments shonlei be kept unelee leek and key. e,11,,enne cough mixtureS contain . a larcb )ercentagte of ceJitun, a.n.d as. thee hre sweet to he taste, a tiny: Child is eery apt lei se ze the bottles .if left withinits leach and drink t the entire contents' ' , F rtunately wee! po ,oris have the (Stet of makine 'the child sick and so lessenling the anger. . ' But. do not wait tor nettle. to toelieve herself in-' thie . Way, but ive, the little one an emetic madeith two heaped tea - 1 m spdonfuls of m istard, mixed in half a - teacupful of warm water. Should (hie not act in fifteeu minutes, re- peat the dose. .After this child has been sick give, copiou drafts of a artxt water. j i. 'I he symptoms of opium poisoning are, vomiting, . drowsi less, . ending - finally in ,stupor. At 411 costs the little One must be, ke t awake, or, poor mite, he' Will n'vc4.• wake again. Resort to smart slaps, if necessary,' to effect this, and carry him into the: stair: In all casesof poisoning re* i mem-ber: "First—Send instantly for the doe-. 1 Second—Make th t c ild violently' sic'111-1urdL-Keep him awake. , And, finally, I would suggest that. a gilled with a ;"taeting- ,maniet",. ehould be cured of.its propensity by, leaving.ah.an dttracave. looking -but 1)i tter tasting liquid within its i ! i , 1 -------- i Itreedinz F1-3nt *our. Fillies, ,. • Te question'whether it is Wise to bre d flies at ; two, -yelars old, has been more thanionct1t asked by corres- i ! ., pondents in the yese few Months, and' in replying, ce.ution has been, adviSed in'resoritingl to this unless in' cases where theifilly is vigorous and welli developed. ; We notice that the same question is being discussed in Britain, mad from the Farmers' _ Ga-- zette of recent date we quote; "With ' reference to the advisaibility or oth- erwise of breeding from. young fillies, a Well-known breeder of- heavy hoiSes, writes to inform us that he himeelf has, 1 oi years, bred very suc- aninials of this age, and has never known any injurious reselts to havc followed.from the PraStise. Mtici depend; 'in cases of i 1 this kind upon the, filly herself. If the animal b longs to a vigorous famly 011 horses, pesseisses a goo0. conititution, and ' ha S been well 'do e,' itt her flrst anct second seas- ons no great Iliuni may be caused: by IV ing her to the stallion at the age mijtioned, bu1 in the ;generality of cas s we find that . net only is the, foe.li produced less -robuet and less vigOrous in it constitution tb.an! the 'Produce of a fully -matured matte,but that the 'development of the filly hersel; is So much arrested that she very Idom grows into as fine. a mere asanother of the same age, and kept inder the same condi- tion,' but noti bred from until her third ' or fourt year. If indulged in at tell, our extierienceeis that breed- ing from two- rear-eld ;fillies should only be attenapted where the animals are,, as above indileated, of sound, vigorous cons itutione sand where thee, have bee kept in: the best Con- dition right through from the time of foaling. Much may ale° be -done to counteract the injurious effects of early breeding '1 prcautions are tak- en to work th animals lightly and feed them. libe 'ally during the time the are carry ng their first foals." - Grow i n xtrawbitrriec Strawberry sods are so very fine' tha more thar usual are is requir- ed Ito succeed with them. .If ! you hav a Irani , you. might so* the sect in, a flowerpot an1 place it therein, keeping it eha. ed from the sun and fairly moist all the time. Lacing a fra ne, litl the pot to its !rim in- so re hadr place out- doors, placing a p'lece ;of glees over it iintil the seals ei-Fninate. You shodld sow the cede at once as soon» es ripe, wash4ig iheni free of pulp first, tore- CeSSfilliy from Good. He th for Capital. Maletainieg good health is to the majority cf pee- p* the Mos! vital que m the warle, and nature torah no more efflciept strangtnetier fer the *fawn ar4d r sttrative for the ne ves than Pr. Chsee's leery Food. Natural y, gradually and certainly ms nen red corpus es in the blood, Creates new,: he1t14y nerve cells, and puts into the system the En. p, energy and vitality thst defies disease. • p • JULY25 t Weather oods. PAAAA•IyaroA•soifomewo.AAAAA# 1902 Hot weather has been a. long time coming,,b t it is here at last, and every day zia'W you will be needi some heat defying clothes. Our store is the place to cietit em, Suits that are cool but dreesy, Underclothing that:is cool but good weg Shirts that arethe43roper Hats that keep the head coa. Spoke that keep the feet cool, Everything; that is cool, but the quality is acrificed for .coolness. rour money' worth in comfortent inality BRIGH .FURXIS A For CCM Sic ERS, SEIFORT orpid Liver, tipation, Bili Headache, ISTO ipSafai ilddo, •n and always, give 1 s o t rtliabletIonsehold edicine, can childre Flatulence, usness and TAKE • p • nick -acting, t weaken, afidnectiOne e taken at any seas Alt druggis sell "B ISTOLPS. 9 yl Arlo ts -or arnitire Cheai er. On account of great reduction - in expe we are now able to. put furniture on the ing purchasers will. do well to eall- at our w date furniture are`seld at right prices, ; _ ses, and menufact4 rri arket cheaper than. *pre • reroomsi whim full 14i .1.123€2.12x.:1170M;2E.C1120mr.sa-,:o:._ 171\1-pHTRIMAJKII\17 This departme t 18 cOmplete with a large selection of the obliging attention gvcn to this branch of the business. Night calls p Goderich street, Sea t ROAD omptly attended to by our Undertaker, lir. orth, oppalite the Methodistt elnuth. 00T, BOX C sm.A_M10 spi5cial All intena s of up- st good; T. Hahne* E GRIE*T• CASII ur Big Sunli' er Sale is Blast. AAAAAAAAAAAAAANWNAAAAAA This is a amine room -making sale, as we have made chases for Fall whi, c arriVe in August, and before that ti made, and in order o do so will give the. -3ublic one of the gr ties in the County to buy good !oods at reatly reduced -price you to drive miles to secure sona tgaiw3 during this tr -* Space will. nut allow us t •have in. Dress Goods and all line Underwear and Correts, is simpl See the ToWellinvd 3ic 1 See the Carpets at 35e a Several lines of Lae Cu See the bargains we are proofs. ; In the Boot and Shoe I) Hats for men and boys . a Millinery al greatly redu of the b tell all of Prin marvel and lc p dlOc, w tains at ffering artment sweepin -ed prices bout the sale, but s, Muslins, Batistes, yard. rth 550 and 6f:: per ya ear -Mg prices. Men's and Boys' clot irtg and water- frktV so -hea pur- worn must be n stt willpay opportuni- I e dous sale, h4 taaer,gnainoBswoipry, something very special. reductions. McBEAT PARI 25 That IAN 1 Kill the Bugs CENTS PER POU Alsoput 'up in c 'I0c and :I5c packets. AAAAN+www.AAAAAAAA#,~0. !411X, WI JSO PiTTG-G-I SE% FIRST DOOR NORTH OF PI KARD'S, SEAFORTII. The Amer , 1 BFrpc FIELD. , 1 1 This old and'popul r hostlery has recently V been enlarged, remod led and Improved, and ie i now possesses all m dern °Maven enees ler- re the comfort Of guests Conveuient y arrang- ed sample rams, co modioun sitting rooms , 1 can Hotel and eomfor le bedrooms. LOCAL 1:NIPROV Court Of ERvi -otioe is hereby given of th Revision In the, Council - 1)1.) why. August 4tia, at 7 feel etc •of appeals pureMant to th r pecting the proposed cenrea t side et Jarvis. street bet , - H. roo streets, on the north aid b tween Main and Jervie streets. of Goderieh street between eti. or vats- On the north side 01M ke 1 f p.! in. for beare e tetiguilfee:foe b:hautiottri deoodwalkaeriLoab -:rhact 11 Market street n the 8g b 414e ta end leffitn t street Wen *mated est of oot. fila et litattianrortetelgn . futir} e stian'tnisebefievteeleenradinglae%inednthillaiii telinenteef rine nt -to be dee teid war, clop*. 41 Good stabling and commodious sheds st The very boat liquors and eigtrs in the bar. 1 el Attentive ;waiters and a reliable and obliging hostler. Terms reasonabletg'The travell ng pub. lie are cordially invit d. LITTLE, P}oP. DR. C. B 1805 01 ra 01 I Ilifil, and Sperling streets. Th E d sidewalks is 44 °Sets per line &lay will 118811010 eo per te t per cent. of alt thebages. T eased to the lands enarnede 1 due and payable in le awned al and interest corehilled In of 4 per cent. per ennum. .nts to be due and perible et t Molest taxes. Tbe 'fret initial a beein 1902. I ' W o I:3 OP— ;lees set' 404110 W Palette : Mixed 131onto .110 PsImerskt Ethel. . Bluevale. Wingbam Collie Wingtain .Bleavele. Brussels. PAIratirst FAR 4. B. truer Nada& UM, Fa EOM. 411B3l4 eine le. ineffitots learti nut