HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1902-07-18, Page 8Z
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ITI JL -19-02
patent da ter and w t Hagh 'Moln. -fir a few dayail-.—Mr. HeOpy We a, all- years v ae
dw Nedfta�ion
ize� to pr ure the servces of a stayi4 too ago, and t as siiice li'ed r Aired.
Place Your Order With Us ch an, - OU I jig, to gged man and a hard work-
mal�l as i�ector; to supe. -intend th present toil I's in London for a few days, preparatory t aough not a Soot It'vate7a thie was a stro
for out MUM% 6 001t [ificent, spec- at, and was of a q eb, retiring disposition,
drainage korka whi �e in, murae of construe- to comirig here. She wa's al7ra' had to on � ttlahembleTandibas,amagu
- Tuesday and got here the waie an of the Soottish thistIe g
:1 1 1 rolving marri d". Hia,mother and sister,
tio -Acei: unts to the amo int of $660.34 were ight, buo i in his and never
��i The Jirden and of which hp is very prope -who resided w11 him, died some years ago. Unnec6ssariff
PaEsed. I iestreetcomn-Attee-were i4structed net in time to see her dau bter-6,ive. , i i re
GOLD MEDAL. DISTRIOT to look i fter certain tre 3a which 4re born- af ad one, �,and much Oroudandforv�hiohhep eras vitrytenderly. He has a brother residing in Montane. He
ir is a particularly a or, a nd
10 A meet. pin ined o an gr a ck as 11to be in- it atb- will -be felt I )r thiii, bereaved -0-1 - I rey,: Pr 6b ter
privowl;gop�rty. Tbi� council t er and other friend . T4e remains �t was in to n on Thursday, on w5vi wit ere it was
Htizox MEDIOAL ASSOC* �,V;I1,rit,`i i ready to give ar -i Considorin.
o, thi A 1b ister 'Was a kind,, obliging neigh�, was al
Huron Medic94 Ass oiation was lalious ate pr m tioste required. §86d I a the
Binder Twineiiiii ing of the way to Bayfield,'Whdre he will rug He will be much in*
ra. ad- ournel to meet at the call of t4e mayor. wereInterred in the Egmcndvillo cemetery h In 11
held in the city hall, Str$6tf Did,. on Thu 1 or Thursday. for a couple of � weeks. a was at Bayfield community where he had so Ion lived and,
day of last week. T68e 1pr6sent were was so highly rApected. He west G
he where he fda
A Coi;TIUDICTION._�_i noticed I in last I�Iat year and was so alighted with t summalft roqu.s.
Dr. X. M. Dunsmore, St,ra %rd - President
k's is! kvosiToR an accident THE BEAvER,3 CHA-mPioirs.—Tlia Beavers lace that he is' returni ag. While in town a Presbyterian in religion anc . a staunch I
A FULL STOCK OF Burrows, Somforth ; Vipa-ores�dent Shaw, weal :e of THE E t r. W Pickard.— Liberal in politics. The remaine were inter -I THI
lryc Q Mr. McDougall, o nizer for the Sons of red in the family plot in Egmonlville come -1
th t, his, ad to Ja b McGee, ex -mayor are now, champions of this distrl� f h C.' Oe was the guest of m
Clinton - Seoretary-Teda. %iret Turnbull, 1 1 . x-. i rga
of %R gmN,. dville, in wh� OIL his int was L A, series, their victory Over S
HAY stowel I hip jo
FORK ROPE God6rieh ; Rutherford White ditlocat but fortunately no bones were Wednesday securing for ti em t is positiOD4 otland, is in town thia'week, working up tery on Tuesday. It ought not i ause U �momenVa.concaro
-Steele, c y
w blood f?r Lady Nairn
man, Shakespeare ; Lang, OraOon -sad ain, bring" Je Camp. It is a since we have YdZne I I the medit
k have no kn4ledge of the St. Marys came up by special
lust call it in S
iTACHINE OIL Ross, Seaforph Devlin, J. A. b m
Tavistock agir ani ootch phrase, a I three coach loads �f admirerg od organizAtion and new recruits a on eld beforehai d, and hi m everythin
mg with them 9 re
Robertson, Lorne R6b tmoh, Walker, a
i f kno ledge of frum St. Marys, Stratford and Mitchell, anii numerous, especislly Jrom the tanks Of THE VOTE.— he following is
big lee. Neither have I any statement you are I kely t6 w %r t in 'dry. goods.
2 ST0R'
GLISIL PARIS GREEN Hamilton en.—W& 4e H
Macklin, W. N. Rober on.i 17
EN I ar with pleasure
ouIr new nd unknown Tr eyer, as gtill hold these, With a good, crow( from� town, aaW he young To of votes polled i Ashfield on. Ju y 8th, 1902,: ere you fini the wanted things in
Robb, Stratford ; Paul he Huron, Br y variety asour
i an :Mool, Sefiring- 16 ia tit the re -organization of. Forest high 3eifect conformity to"
for and against U and Gre
FORKS) SCYTHES ville. Dr. J. A. Robert of Stratford, ofl6 an; did so fqj th a ant deoa a best match played , tare this aessouq hat, in 50 ft. W
t n credi! to our villsff scribe and n insult T49 Beavers, clinched thi game, earIV by chool Btaff, Mr. James McKinley, of E4-. electric railwey you�r ind vidual basto..
O� th � Ontario 0 ag Y -law
was re -appointed delep .1 to our Ic 3al press t ondville. wee appoinied princi &I, We Comparison of qua t th %1 100 ft. Ic
0 a reid broadc*ar, where- aboring four koala in the !rat quarter. In p F( R AGAINST I ity. prices,
on ra i es, wi
AND HARVEST TOOLS W d4visiop,N0. I priest
Medical Council for TverK r t 0 er. Tin i: EXPOSITO� sad, an4 that is the next quarter St. Mar Is got three. n, g tulate our young! friend on his pro. In divisioit 0.1 81 19 with pri .1 p�ot.ie" til=peri
4,, Perth and Huron couOti an. 1 11 - ovityl-
al�nost doerywhere,isloola base "'falsehood. the remainder of the ga a six 'more gonig, =ion and the Forest people will find they of our o rr.
2 13 84
ng four ot have not made�an Mistake. Not touch a aloe foi ti 1 9, with !ion
.3 3 105 14-n d"dw
At, Right Prices BA NE F;om the numerous! ci� lers at my place it were scored, the, home y
RX BU& D.—D in he thunder of items gging 14 r tnention.
Monday afti eon � big givap much pai� to my intimate friends. them and the visitors tw( ivin, a victory 66 $6 4- 5) 33.
ro the barn of
storm on The can�,ing that leRdB ying is a rot that for the Beavers 'by eight goals to five. If The Bowling iTournament. 66 $4 5� 9 5,�, 6 We and you net b a iafisfied with Imt
Mr.Gilbert, MoMich ,00the4th conces haract6ri. and as 66 so word in, general X�ht A limited few
Must pelfineate the who 0 anything the visitors we -a in etter shape The eighth annual tournament of the Sea- 6 75
0ooking is made easy on hot d alon, of Hullet, was strq-ck by lightning and
ays You 0&0 learn
tl�e post truly said 4 Oh what a tangled than the Beavers, but thi lacked the o0m* forth Lawn Bowling Club was held on 49 99 *aore -of th*.,
7 4i 44
the building and its do ants were � com- Istora-i-goode Al
by using a W,6 we keave w an 6 at we practice to b nation and'scoring abi Was of the Sea-. Tuesday and Wednesday, under 6osb fay. worth when in the
pletely burned. The 4uilain h I
4 was struck d6ceive. I Yours BID aly, JACOB McGEE. f rth boys, and it is th A that tells in a as. i The weather was -6 for them 0elves.
on the went aide and*, t6 wind blowing prabld circumstanc, 306 36
me. The game thro.lpgl Lout was me
at in xcellent, Caretaker Stiele bad* the green to ffie, A
ESS BLUE FLAME STOL strongly from that dir, WkIe we are pl id to learn the par
WICKL action at the time, �e Majority against the by-law, 60,
whole building so akraph I question W48 :Lot co'rred, we are t reotiog. This puts the Beave6 in the in prime condition, and's large number of Bilks.
the fitknies spread o er the
It was which has not
v virry it ippeared in Our column. 86mi-finals, the schedule'f r Iclubs were in atten4ance. Among the rinks
rapidly that nothing could be saved.
They-rustlesoftly h(re, We a the moai'
The building contained 4b 3ut 25 tonsk of hay gi�ve_n t I by what 4e supposed Ito be a �,At been arranred. resent were, London 5, Mitchell 2, Clinton Dubhn all tha�
.401 airs chi make a speclelty-
5, Godeirioh 3, Brussels 2, Listowel I and
OHESNICY SWUM, p Specials for Saturday. very bes' kinds, and
A wagon with a load rpliable urce and was published! in good
Successors to S. Mullett'& CO. of this season's crop. D. ExposrroR. OHN IL;XOuR DRA"D. We t4k&' the a ual price 76 centse; for 40 ents. pie of Black 1)ress f MI,&
a r P
faith. G f 01- Seaforth 6. On both'days there were a larg Sizes 8 o-10. W. H. Willis, lines
of hay on i'v I - i I 121P nly.
which, had juit been driven in- Strrdsy o
M�ber of spectators, &men
1�*ing from the Moose Jaw Times of July g, them being
to the barn as the sto0a came on, was also !,9peci, ion and Shoes, Seaforth. 1805.1
for Saturd4y 40 p3 rs child's 7th Oar readers will deeply re�gret to many ladies. I On T� u0saar evening an -open Ribbons Qy
burned as tho fire spread io rapidly it could DOTS.—hliss Doyle left here last Wed i ! Zo b
ur, air, concert w a held on the green, when an Cases are full aftl
DOMINION BANK. slippers t Anal price 75 can% for 40 cepte p�r pair 6ar of the death of �Mr. Jofin Gilm a Minn(sota, wher R --in all theirchairin
not be removed. 'there wain an insurance of 84turdsy � inly. Sizes 8-9� W. H. I V o nesday.for Sleepy Eye,
illis, Boots
.10. id, California Mon- of color And qua lit 7-1D
%�hich occurred at Ontair v excellent programme wee furnished. The ding ber,holi4aya.—A fevr-
OC)o $600 on the barn and odnt ants. Fortunately mod bhoe i Seatortib Rhe intends spap our t4b
CAPtTAL (Paid UP), $2,600 4ay morning. Early thif morning a tele- band played some of their choicest selections,
600 there were non a
$2,60o: a of the firm Btook in the I Grea eductions on riday and Saturday received by his father� saying that of our town p9ople, took in Vim circus in M
REST, and excellent solos were rendered by Messrs. 49tratford, on tl�e 15th.—"s lhicKenna h%3 Gloves, Hosier� , -&-c.
building at the time, %n4 Mr, MoMichael's We wee John LaudO6401gb, Seaforb�. 1805.1
treawmawe'v'etry low,.:and at .30 P. � in. another and W. -Goderich, f terrusticat - had bef%�
r&ble,. will not his n__ I - Walter Pickard, Prank Willis returned home from,
loss, although conaide 11 GE WATCHE!4. 0 ust a onecial for Sat. These Summer rieed� are to b seen
SEAFORTH BRANCPH announced his death.- sees e au red Hays. The different prizes were won by �a -
nearly go heavy am if it ih boan his barn on urday. . qb 19 size, 20 year, gold filled,l gorew back ing for several ye on the she ea oi Lske Wee great Dough- - -a
I quant and are.nic
86vo nob learn rom asthma, and lastfal' left fQr Cali ornia the following Trophy Mafcb�R. S. Hays, ----�,Geor W. Sim s 6nt Sund I nice
the adjoining farm. We ad of and beve dome fitted with a 7 jew��ed WaRharn Huron. enougb,,the dear - We.
Main Street, SeMorth. moveme � Our regular pri oe is 6 L2 txut M e'll put a the hope that.the change would be bene, Seaforth, lab W. JacUaon, Clinton, 2od.
I any other damage. bavind been done *.in this out of towh. r. James C, Ing took
them oil, 410 on Ssturi.U3 for e9.98. Cash only, cial. For a tim - he med to improve,
Business a lee(
A,General: Banking t locality. Daly,tht-Vatcbmiker, unier the townelcok,Sea- Association Match—Elliott, Mitchell, 'at businese,trip t Seaforth recen .—Mrs. G.
ut afterwards got1worse, MuslinUnn de ri rbox.
es colle forth. I' Some weeks ago E. Weld, Lo don, 2ad. Conaolation—W
&Cted. Farmers' Sale Not Diegal visited in Stratford , uesday. k
e at lo�vest DEATH OF MRS. H. F. ILLI.,ims. - Many a took a very bad, sl ell d narrowly. Pi-,kard, Seaforth, let ; D. Ross, Brussels, The kind thatis act in a
and advances made on sam One( on y. The [mperial ;dusic Co., - carry -all load f 'our young fo a therel tyle, A&t_-
eEvt to learn Of o OT -0 at Fear's drug ' Iscaped death through an ovar'�ose of met- 12od. The winning rink was composed of J. a
rates. 6rofi , will give two fre a concei together Sunday morning, at arly hour, in mako, a in trimmmg—tbe
friends in Seaforth will nd n
r 0 rej�
the death of Mrr. He�&'r Williams, of .9 re, n riday&ft;raoousnd eyertingi when they )hine at a time when.his Rysteni was affect
I L. Killoran, W. D. McLean, J. C. Greig: and setiamil f Bayfield, wher they spent -variety is g
Drafts sold on all points in Can4da, 1") 1 C1
Hartford, Connecticut: hich. occurr' at J91 )d b otheimedioines. he i ano R. S. Have, skip. on tob� likke shore, , i
Is ed 1 11 sell I ir regular 10 sad 95 cout music at 10 y badly was �the day joyijug aul
he United States and Europe. copies fo 25gents,yourow s&ction. Cowee3rly. ned in I T
-in-Ww, Mr. J. M. kffected that his feet were badl� bar be following is the result of the.matches
the home of her brother Linens.
Concerts rcit. taking in the beat of everVtbing that was
SAVINGS DEPARTMENT.—Interest Muir, Waterloo, on Sfat�iday last.. MrF. beefforttoeavehis life, and ainoe which in -detail i afloat.�—Miss Annie Carroll is 3olidaying I
ailowed oh deposits of One Dollar �and Williams' maiden name , Was Emma A. Stool aking reducti sale all next week. a has been unable to lea, Is his bed. _ Dropsy TROPHY MATCH. A veritable, feast J$r housawi_v.eg. Wa
upwards. te David. W. 7 line giv p to suit purchistr. lJohn L xnd6b.,raugh, etinandwastheim ediatecN'useof death. the old home circle. She e pects to eta V keep good line 3s jalJw.ay&-Iineno -inkiii_
Johnson, a sister of the laL Se,forth 1 1805-1 PR�LIMRNARY ROUND. -for several weeks.—Mr. A. . Borman :a
many e%r& a, rlesidOnt of eceased was: prev�ious to his
W. K. PEARGE, Johnson, and,1or -glasses a a the c a ing married j uE t factured'frow, U eillax.
jott visiting relativeia in SebrinL'?Ville this week.
R. S HAYS, Rim469 eye 'to Miss Part, R. S. Haya,� Seafort�, won from Elli
Manager. Seaforth, where she bed a number of If yuu wi t something nice ad neat. Ot t' Doo epaiture for CaliforDia er : I - I I
Solicitor la�ge ony Beach. Mitchell. —The Rev. A. McKeon, of St. Columbian, � a
friends. She had been ia Isufferer 'fr are Porter, S Dress Goods.
OM e enely '� Daly the Watchmaker -y t"isn, aughter of Mr. of He invite
OP Clark, London, won from O'Connell, God. having a scoial next month.
You take no chances. when you rheumatism for yeare,�b t d�riDg t a last der tb Itown clock, Seitc rth. 1805 is young,wife, who scocrnpanipid him, has nd have a. good sporty 06 6 ured dovm to,
everyone to go a Figured dress goo
couple of years her. illne�s li�d been of a SCOT&A1EN'S'ATTENrio,_N-. — Members of he heart felt sympatl� cf bar many Moose erich. 9
;1 C. Weld, London,won from W. Pickard, time. It will last for two Dig ts� the lowest pria8g, b4t.plaia dreat ttu#a:
attend the Popular �four q m. La Nairn No. 55, Sons of Scot and, are re- aw friend -s." Deceased was the youngest
more serious nature, and for about,
I are in the grew, �er amend, so we uye.�� Th I
I months she had rarely be to, able to leave her q ebted q meet at their lodge room on iunday even- son of Mr. and Mrs. Hug C. Gilmour, an Seaforth.. Agd
at 6.80 p. m. sliarp, for tie purpois of
i g, JU13 Mpm
C Mrs. T. Richardson,, Seafortb, won from A. Green. a splendid raiffln P1 C h The 0xfd
k. to- ud win ine worstLip i3 the Meth3dist Chu,ch ths,
bed. About two wee a ago she, with' Mr. )ld resident of Stanley town'hip7.
i. I with her sar
Williams came to wl�%t rloo;ia the �ibope Ancient Prd 3r o u re "rilmour left Oatario, Californi �1 -
'g tht, tForeste 1805-1 Armstrong Clinton. Popular wash fa�bricS, ex uisitely I Satin CIO
E. Weld, London, won from D. A. For. mery an4i dainty, low in pric they are at Amazons, and hl
�. I other kidds too.
that the changti would; beneficial. The Furn a up in p#ice within iusband's remains, on! July 8thj for Moose The Wesi
ure bavinu fro
T7 I I p gh
�44 41. 7ttPo08.1',.h01 d
t, 4 Te'
hove gettlir
19 9
disease, howeve'r,was t deeply rooted, and t �e last Guth you can 1; from us on Friday A iid Taw, where they were I in erred.'.. rester, Clinton. The E. McFaul Co.'s store, S orth. Pari.
STRATFORD, ON RIO. Saturda3 fthisweek, a issthancost. advance in Dougherty, Mitchell won rom e aug so s, a irt 'waists, v a glov Curtains and i1raperles. The Irish
after suffering- excratl �ng pains fr4m a
Sat. 0'rice 0( qisidtrod. John TAnd8borough, Seatorbh. 71 -he best
ton, Brussels. coreets, ribbons, and all tbings needed for Ten go easy t tten up the rQom$-
You, are sure to get the best busineag or cancerous growth, eho i p sited, away on 1805-1 o bi ig
LOCAL BrrEFs.—Rev. J. and Mrs. Ross - Brussels, won from W. Ament, dummer wear are there e, best
ay. T`fie remains we're brought to Sea. too, and in godd with a little ooloz ere and there, We- Tb
shorthand edu�ation. This is the a0hool urd Hou, s FOR SALE. --Two good dwelling edging left on Tuesday Qn ai�. trip to De- -Sealomlh. variety. No time like now -for securixg
whose graduates are in strong demand as forth on Monday and intOrrbd i& the liouses o John street, Scaf ortb, for sale cheap. Ap. can help you do
roit.—Mr. Thomas Levy has had his bus
teachers. in business calleg.ps, and as aten- Maitlandbank cemet0y, beside the' of ly to M . J. S. Porter, Seaforth. 1805.8 FIRST RPU -_,-D. whab�you want_ 1805-1
,Is i
11 newly painted andl ott erwise fixed up. —
ra, '--ra —A book-keeners for nromffient her mother and brother. FOR ALE.—A thero ghbred J4rsey heifer M 11 49 rin W. Lame, GoderiJ, won from A. Wilson, HAPPM-TINGS.�—MiSS Maud arquhar, W to (1.%rnPtq
ra. I la 8, 0 o on o, 6".0 � 0 i I
If, thri w�eks old. Apip y to L. G. Van Egmond, Sol Is
business firms. Write for catalogue. Mrs. G. E., Henderso:o.—Mr. L. 0. Jackson Seaforth. has been visir, friends in DAroit for
he, Orangbmen gmond ille. Tytler, London won from Spaulding time return elnhgl Not a roll of 13 ai p t with pries Attach--...
THE TwEIXTII.—Mo�t f t a me last week�—Mr. Charl es ad that has n)t an wei in this district celebmited the twelfth in Barre' Churns, Wa3hing Ma6bines and fis id Windsor this week, attending a M Olt last weeks ghed in
W-. J-4 ELLIOTT, Principal. ''Tringer If you wan to pure above nic gathering, as repn sentative of Brit- Clinton. -Stelck disposed lof a valuable f . t,
me ta� 'll mike you hapip. Reid & for a round 9, m of U75.
Goderich, where th9re was * an imm ense �;;U I e a large, clean, wi 4414-52 fiase an� of the -- Hays won from Clar 34k Stelk I scale 0 Jus lee, 06 arpets re
and we Fn'i% lodge, Seaforth, There were 103 tick- keepIr t. 3 kiijohosen stook. Tht
�Tbe day was delight- j'ardware Mwerchan, w, Sdtorth. 1 1806-2 t G.Weld won from Richardson. lieves in g-nothiug but the bee
rally of the brethren.' son, to Hold at Seaforth station for Stratford on of Torout 0 colors and the des no are good.,
1902 ful,, and thoEe who we t to' the county 815.000, -worth of dry go�ds to be Tu the occasion being the circus E. Weld worii from J. Weld. Mr. Noah Sheffir and wifi
Bicycte Season flay,, r.
Ime. 'uly Young w 8 in Hamilton on, Roos won from Dougherty. vir-ited at M ' Charles Troyer 3 this week I prjoessiou, numerous i ri onces taly 4tb. Return railway fare allowed on Davis, Goderieh, Pfon from Ranaford, Mrs. Kaiser, of. Pine Grove, i i vieViliEll i Ready'vito- i town say they bad a wo t. enjoyable �ti alaughte i ed' Our annual and Augu-it sale com- A.
There was the usua g w bh tb—inr.
�usiae'sq on Tuesday.—T' e receipta in -,on- C7
W. N. WATSON, North. Main Streo ; ti, speeches by dignitarld'e A the Order and ai'll pure; 4688 over $10, wfth�in 30.miles. I G. E. King, Clinton. friends in this vicinity,—Mr, Tbomae][Jar.
i inghad. 1803-tt bection with the Toronto Old Boys' dem'on-o For every sufl, til doesn% suit., your
SEAFORT150 Zther amuBementa for tht, enterNinme;nt of W I W. Jackson, Clinton, won from Zilliax, rott, principi of the Cou Arigbi t pub ic.
n here, on the 5th net. , met the ex- money cbeerf ly funded, and back, iv.
SORE �,'N DOORS AND WINDOWS. —The best i;tratio home fo- vacation I
the people. It was a rea. : holiday, although List6wel. school, returne, fat ran
flason.handa goodstock cf the latest high grade And chat A a Reld ilso o, Hardware Mer. Oenses and lef t a surplus A $6,, so that no goes. Ou 6 well, they sell well,
up-to-date MAKLY-HARRIS and GODER10H many on their return bar, looked as if i they n ta, I Morth 1804-2 Own f and@ have had to I is used for the oe- SECOND ROUND..' vt ask, atid on Saturday lef tby boat for a "twould be on ol a ordinary to hava
BWYCLES, which will be sold cbeap for cash,or on were pretty tired and "wonid be glad Ito be trip to the Sault.—Mr. James Turner has
5 upwaris 20c 25o Prize Batt r.—We offer for asion.—Mrs. Rae, of 8 tton, sister of Mr. Tycler won from Lane. one returned.
ahort time. Prices trom sq- A illop, Hullet and had a windmill -erected for purn-ping par -
few; good home. Many from Me] t James R. Wright, has been visiting her Hay6won from C. Weld.
second hand bic�vcics on hand which win ba sold Tupkeramith drove into own lin the, r . porn-. bestitbr, tuboorboxesof but'er d I"ered during poses on the Lo an farm.—A large num er.
10141ghest market
cheap. uly, 5o, 14o and 3c respect ively� ever brother and other friende here for the past E. Weld won from Ross. Trimmins a, a od took the -efore purobasin left their rigs h price. 64t, E. KiNo, WinghE m. 1802 of the Orangem n an their families spe t
Call and examine my stock b g, ing, er rain winghE M. Jackson won from Davie.
i week. It is about twenty years since Mrs.
ither at my office or at Rerbottt J. Morrison's iibop. to Godericb. There wert 210 ticketisold'at I W -IT, the 12th in Godric .—Thern will be pra r We think we v a a display yown ta
Also dealer �LBARROWS. —Ip values We can do Use left Seafortb. —Mr. Coleman McIntosh, SF -l"11 FINALS.
All wheela guaranteed for the season. Seaforth, station and as �jbe other atAtions titer tl An atiy house In thle co- in try, '; See our $2.EO sting in the Methodist ch irch this (F joy. Laces ar acy tnougii,, edbroid.
n R&YMOND and WHITE SEWING MACE 60 farmer', hool teacher at Bel ood,. nding 1 Hays won from TytIer. me
and General Insurance Agrent. along the line west of Stratford were i�early arden a I)d our S3. a w neelbarriew. Reid & day) evening. Rev. Mr. Mi latt will tare efies are goo.. Dough, tritatoings are
i �is holidays at,the paren al h 6�m: cKil
Ilson, Oardwara Merchau s, Seatorth. 1803-2 on won from X Weld.
as well represented, besides many from the I charge of the service.—Rev. Mr. Brandt, of elaborate -an gh, just the kind th4
London, Huron and rneelbranchl and HAm �rocxs. —We h ve a, beautiful assort- �op.—Mr. Win,.Price, w to has been in Clin-'
any QuItner n..-,
the Pointe Aux Trembles se 0018, Queb �c, add to the beapt. ,
General Insurance Agent, and Dealer In Sewtng those who drove, the e4e of the -crowd may sent. at very close priqeL4. ge,-�re ooe 4ad take soli I ton for soni'etime, has ri turned to Seaforth, think of
!owfort �uring the hot N�el addressed the congregation Preal y. In everything we Pe 7er
lathei. Reid & � Wilson, 6nd has taken the posilic n of book-kee Er at Hays won from Jackson.
-Machines and Bicycles, .1 1 p ch evange. our standard of quality
I be imagined. Most of tiie Oriingemen� from . teriRD church Banday. onn the rerk wh
NORTH MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, L lardwsio Merchants, Seshith. 1801-2 !Bell' engine works. r. Price's many ASS CIAT16N GAMES.
Stanley and Hay drovii directly to Goderich. lizition work i Lovitr Cans.' a. pur!chases for our zrade. at 'vs�
Fly nd ice Ex be,-minaitor. —Eureka is hors willbe pleas d to welcome him - , -
;, FFAST ]�OUND. keep the quilitie.- upj but pull Ahe'
It was, on the whole, one of the most! suc-' he b -st We hive it. Bu F a can, try i� rind see how i1back to Seaforth.—The exb meeting of the
easeful demonstrationalof -the kind ever held ch be ter your cattle th ive when frOe from these be bel a- - Elliott wonIrorlo O'Connell. Lumley. prices down.
Henderson's Photo! 3eats. I eil & Wilson, Hirdware Mcichanto, Sea. uukersmith council wil d t bixon'a
in the county, and le are
the Goderiph peop Pickard won from'Armstroug.- mere in t
orth. 1,804-2 ball Bruce aid, on ITuisiday, July 22ad, at NOTES. —Most Olt the f4
deserving of credit for the hospitable man Roberts won from Forrester.
RO clock a.
St u d i7o. Der in which they ttntert �ined their visitors Spec Is for Saturd1% AO paira ` chfid's 0 m.—Mr. Arthur' Forbes has vicinity are through haying,! althougb the
one to Montreal, t n McNaughton won from Ament. —MisB Irene. Wb it
weather has been catchy.
0ip0era 3112ftl price 75 for 40 cc nts per 1pair u rgo an operation I _. -
Sizes .9. 0 W. H. Willis, Boots look in holid
0111) .10 SECPND ROUND.
a or tbi remova i aocataKac� from his eye. eying at Sunnyside Rome, Mit
-,�Amsmc. .—The YN7`asttainater of To- atla: . f
JouR and Sho, 11, Seaforth. 1805-1 chell, with rel ives.7AIrs. T, Jaiskson, of
Fall stock of Mouldings Rev. M r. McCulloch, of i arristbu, occupied Elliott won from Pickard.
ronto, a very ably cond6cted i weekly ijour- Ever article in gtoc k sold at, a small mar- the pulpit in the Preab vtorian: church for Listowel, is visiting !'er Ults, Mr. d
d Picture Frames. ad cost 0, ay an I IdoNaughton won from Roberts. par
n ova
an nat which has hitherto been publish r, Friday an SAturda this , ik, _the past t —Mr. Mil tar 1E J1 VL
mainly in the interesta olf the'Presby4erian y wo. Sabbaths,"in thel absence of Spaulding won fromiWilson. Mrs. T. Glenft, of Glenw .064
John LaIldsbarough, ScAfort 1805 Irs.
the pastor, Rev. Mr. in. coul- Richardson won' from Clark. and daughter i 4aw, 3, . Millar, of
Photo Enlarging a Specialty. denomination in Canada, I has recently , been, How lis it that people wbo w air glasses loob is a thoughtful nd able preacher, �Lnd J. Weld won f rom, Dougherty. Bervie, attend the funera of Mrs. T. Dry Go ds Co.
if we may use the term, a' plit up. 00 off- Atted by jDaly are so well; E atisfied', 1805-1 last.—
Alll�ngstand _y I
shoot is an excellent 32 � age weekly, called the good people of Harr'ston are fortunate Zilliax won from Rarisford. Uann on Saturday A v ry sad death
p inigaceount8to 'be paid at to have' such a man.—'. 4r. Th�m;s Look - I- - occurred in this neighborho d last �ek Gr aa, ztest' Vtuh-
J.- P. HENDERSON, Seafortb. the 11 Presbyterian " andIs devoted largely r pey will be put lo other harids toi- collection. TH_�RD �LOUND. w
art, an old MoKillop b)y and a'graduate when Mrs. Thomas Cann departed this life.
I . and G96
1761 igioua e y up and save wats, John Landsb�r-jugb, Elliott won from MQNaughton.
to the questions of int�re�t t0that rel* ' R, 10-08 on
denominatim. The s8cond is 11 �Veat- Oeafoltb i i the Seaforth Collegiate 1;astitute, is She had been ailing for some weeks Dry S Store.
Th6 Spaulding won from' Richardson.
pending his holidnys V i th fri4nds in this i Thursday underwent an opera tion result mg
ntbl' �ional Weld.
minster " a mo on-deomina. istriet. Mr. Lockhart is Zil.liax won from J. in her death. The funeFal on Saturday i ma
We Keep Moving, magazine. Both publications are mod,'els of TRAV ELLERs. —The �ollowing �ere ticket-
�ed to, 4 istant points� � this. week by Win. chool teacher in New York Sta, 6 and has a Lane won from C. Weld.- largely attended. She 7as - married to her obher places.—SoY44 -the old RMrabittv-
general app arancte and Itypro-
neatness in I hart I a -daughter Ross woh from Davis. bereaved husband over 200 years R90 End called on friends here last week. Atu".g
lle, up-town� *nt of �he Grand ood position. Mrsi Look 1 1 4 vall as a Is
Kraphically, and both. a;E abl oond4eted. I leaves a son and daughter as rge
Mrs. Michael Burke and f Rev. Mr. Denby, formerly )f,Varna.— FOURTH others was '34r. Chi as JO h y
rp 'Trunk Railway circle of frie'6 They bave� the sympaph surrogate registrar, aroll 11%; bad beo,-
The Westminster i3 p fUS6Jy illustrated ow W i9s Shepherd, Toronto. is vial Ing at F1,11iott won from Spaulding.
Onr sto6k is underselling all compot�itors and in add !y �daugb6r, to Allistop, for a f eeks' [to, w
-Pins, Broo6hes, ition to mar nteresting articles 1ollda� i ; Mrs. Geor46 Laidlaw, 'of Tucker. re. A. Forbes' this week.—The weather for Zilliax won froyn Lme. of theentire commuuity in th 3ir trial. �er absent about 21. yeare. He *aa delil
in Watches, Clocks, Rings, from avveral of the ablos� writers in Canada
Chains, and other articles of jewelry. 'Our lamith,,and Miss Belle Laidla t Bins. the past week has been 3omew at ohowery Ross won from TytI mother, from Hampton, wait(d on her in to see so many old f riend. ' lgo MY#..
its it Survey of the month " is, a volun'�e of 0 She �vas org! igle called an . Old-
utler, t iind unfavorable for ba 'ki Miss her sickness. anist of the Lilly and Missbj[ar M. �,u
repatation for fino goods, low prices i and information in itself, ItIis in ever respect earth, flanitoba ; Alek. B J'Bathgate, Y MIN E,N I I -F I A 14S. y
y Dakott ; Miss jenniel Ballantyin , to Brace- andas,lof Ingersoll, is vififting JaClMr. 0. C. I thodi3t chuchifor a num and- family,
Bethany Ale bet of friends.—Mra. (Dr.) McCabe
honorable dealing, does the business fo,� us, the equal of the beat Ainitricark'niagazi6es of Arong Elliott won from Zilliax. ing thei_� annual holi-
and we endeavor to live up to our name. thekina and is,,much cbe . sper. Either bridge, Muskoka; bAiss Cuthil�, to Mid- Willson'fl.--�-Mr. Harry EJge h; 8 a I Rose won from 'P,. iVeld. years and filled tho position aweptably and. of Hgmlton,,gre spend
ok, and every land 'ecil Hodging,� to Toro�to - L. C. forop of men employed at Mr. J imes A'rchi- faithfully. �M-r. Robert Ellerington, of days ab the home of bee parant�, Mr. 45
We carry a well -assorted ate publications can be haid! or ST�50 a y�ar or He c4me Mrs, John M -alone.
Jackso to Windsor ; Melvin I Scott, to Paid's -new'residence o13.Vibt6.-ia Square, FIN, ALS. Toronto, visited bin home here.
article is warranted as represented. the two for $2,50. The erprise deFe'rveq up to Seaforth with the Hura i Old Boyel
i Mr. Brown, h nd at the pre3ent rate of going- will Elliott won from E.: Weld.
" Bowmauville, eac er, to
Repairing a Ppecialty with us. and will no doubt achie a suocese �ail ,ph
�Niagar� Falls. eon have it erected.—Mr. Josiah St. coiii mban.
Connor, who is -a find " of the �Veamin- CON§OLATION.
j Tbo following paitzengers weie ticketed IF;erman has his handsome �Ond 'commo- Waton.
star, and whos6 " BlaQk Rock," " The Sky FIRST �OUND. Specials for Satur By. 40 "pairs Chita's
iner i%ir
Gounter"s Jewelry Establish*entit C�, li� this ek to foreigii parts y Greig & dious new residence on NorthlIvIain street, The time of ear has come when all Sunit- slippers usual price 75 t, Per valF
IeLrtgarry I �aud I irly gallop from The E. ly.
Pilot," 19 The Man frbrr arly completed.—Mr. W. J� Dickson, of, O'Connell won from Armstrong. V�Omi
Stewarl�r, 0. P. R. apfents, Seaf6xth: MrF. ne mar goods shouP fa Saturday aa sizes 8 W.
Beyond the Marshes," all appear,
SEAFORTH, edi first 2 horses I rom' Forrester won from Ament. and Shoes, Seaforth.
Alex. �Ieid, Laa(ffinry, to ; Binscarth, McKillop, brought in &bent 0, McFaul Co.'s store, Seaforth 0 the homes
in that paper, opens A w series of �is in- tr to be
W. R. COUNTER, Manit Miss Wei 0 a north on Tuesday an I abipi)ed them to" SECOND ROUND. ABiGMum—Th6fetechatripe a
Fowler, S6aforth, t ofthe'different1peopla different goods for
imitable sketchesin theWeistminste this "i held here on Monday d Toeadayevetiiog4
Edmol on; Mr. and, Mrs. Jeffre�y, of Baf- Manitoba.—Mr. Ruglf Welsh, son of Mr. q all
month, entitled " Glengi rry School Days," Forrester won from: O'Connell. different people—all goods eta adard a - of Mr. r- 'et Ilthund 12ch. romisso �o edipse
b iother H. Jeffrey,formarly of 4. 11. Welsh, who is in HaMiltl)n, came up Augn
in which the fortunea of Hughle Murray Pickard won from Roberts, too. hey can� meet, at low p ices, r
THE CANADIAN I Seafor �', to Crystal City, Manitoba� ; James ivith the Huron Old Bois bin d spent Satur- 'Wilson, i every wan I tin ats, shirt wa.sts, parai anything of the kind a r attempted by 00
are taken up. It is in a riatch work (if this Clark won from 1 9 .0gram i
I Crozi to Port Coldwell, where ho'bas day and Sunday at. his �ome hare.—Mr. F. 'Dougherty won'frorn Ranaford.' hosiery, glove vest.8, dainty muslins, people of St. Colu Th0 Pr aw
kind that Ral Vat
Bank of Commerpel h Conn r excels, and his socure a a Gutteridge had a gang ol� men constructing for both evelaings is a, -1 under procaft
gooa position in aene�ral stor etc. 180511
readers ate promised 4 r re treat, and[ The
Mrs. tich,Seaforth,,tol�artney,, Manitoba, cement'sidewalke at Bra efield last week. — THirm �OUND. elaboration, but it -will be published 11. duet
Westminster in its new form has in tMat as ;he goes to v r. [Mr. Smith, of Stratford, the epgineer in Piehard won from Forrester. LOCAL ITEMS —Mr.. Hugh I IcMillan, who time. The 33rd regimi int b I d and Wil
--his b
CAPITAL(PAID UP) inother features, great aittractiyene;s to wheret tit het daughter ban been visiting rother, left for'Sault
Thom6 i Shillinglaw, Tuokeramith, to Prince �charge of the Seaforth d -ainage works now Clark won from Dougherty. McLeod, -61 eaforth ; E.
Eight MiMon DoHars $8.0.00,000. Canadian readers. Rev. J. A. Macdonald Albert 8askatchwan ; Mus. Thomas Shil- I In progress, was in -tow 1 on '�uesday and Richardson won from- C. Weld. Ste Maria, on Monday last, where he Will. Torouto ; the De Vat ni i Concert COWPAUYv
use as editor-in;-cbief of both papers. lingla ork so visq his sister, prior to his re moving tc his Rest, $2,000,900. contib to Moosemin;.Mr. Arthur Mason, looked over the w far aE it has pro- D&vis won from J. 7eld. home in Washington. —Amex g those vho Woodstock.; 8usid M-
r _�2; -
irst and premiere dia. ease, Of Donam
Bruce �Id, to Moosejw, Northwest Terri. He was on his way to Varna, as a, left this vicinity for M anitoba on Tues ay
SEAFORTH BRANGH.� TowN COU,�QIL.—A regular meeting of tory, 1here he has gone with a iWitness in rho Logan drianage case of Sthn- moving pictures, grand vocal and instm-
Pickard won from Clark. were Mrs. Jame& Shortreed Miss Lizz;e
A 9*niaral Bariking . businoss ti�atn - the town. coubicil was held on Monday horses, Iley, which was being heard ther a that day on Richardson won from Dvis. Shortreed,Mr' 11tigh Stewart and mental music, ice cool drinkli U&
eveningla3t. All the -members were present 1%ppealbefore Judge Doyle. --2,1r. Arthur B' light refreshments ar A few Of the attrN0-
stacted. Fairmers' Notes discour' Spaulding won from AlcNaughton. May Taylor, who will spend a few mo6ths
tted, except councillor Gunn. A by-la-w"providing �Mn �,NCIIOLY ArVAIR. —A very melan- Mason, of Brucefield, shipped a carloa o tions announced. Tie arrangement# 16r,*�
nd special attention given to. the 0 - P � �ffaiir occurred near here on Tuesday ood horses fir Lane won - from Tytler. visiting with relatives and friends ; %nd special train service to and from 0 ; for the construction f C rtain cement, side holy om here to Manitoba on Tues- the " St
Itecttan of Sale Notes. viewing the Flights and scenes of the Pralirie -S.
SAVINGS BANK.—int walks patitioned for,was paEsad,land the �Lklast. The Aliases McIntosh, daugh- day. Mr. Mason accompalRied them.—The.i FIFTH ROUND. Province. —Walton and' vicinty was �ell Columbain ampbithe%tre -are matters Qf*
arest &I tow - work can now be proceeded with. A by. ters o I r. George McIntodh, of MoKillol?, Ancient Order of Foresteraa6d the Sons of Pi-,kard won from Richardson. detail Dow under the mnsideration df t1w-
ed on depoiltar of $1 and- upwair�s. law was also pasaed aiut�orizingthe mayor aocom anied by a young lady friend, Misp Scotland and Maccabees societies will at -1 Lane won from Spaulding. represented at Brussels and Goderich on'the Grand Trunk officials. MuEo, mirth And.
Spectal ftallities for tiaLnumattol n of and treasurer to I borrow money as it may be Sadie aiffillan, had been in tawn and tend divine s6rvice inithe Meth3disb church Rohs won from. Z,1111�'X.' glorious 12th.—Dr. J. H. Armstrong has laughterwill xeign supreme at the feto-
big Ike District. I di3posed of his resi6nce and practice to champetre.
stness, In the Klondll required for current ex"p risen until the, taxes starts for home ab��t 4 o'clock in the after- on Sunday evening, thE 20% inst., at 7'
�ti SM� NALS. Dr. Irving, of Toronto. Wehave not,yet
Money Orders, payable at any bank, inued :� at the are collected. A petiti n from Mr. Wil- noon. When nearing the- bridge opposite p. m.—Mr. W. Peace, w o ban been teller
following rates 0a $20 to $80 .12 liam Pickard asking per t ission to construct Mr. J4 Pickard won from �ane. heard where Dr. Armstrong intends to! lo- —Stratfor'di8tohcld itseivieholldWYOR
Under $1Q 1 eph Henderson s farm And within in the Dominion Bank here, for 86me time, I
$10 to 0-20 .10 .14 an addition to tha- rear c. his. store premises about ;. mile of home,,', the horse, they were has been removed to Toronto, and leaves on: ROBB got a bye., cate.- He may possibly �take a ;ourse in the Aug -not 7th.
I General Hospital of New York. We are —Mr. Charles qgesser� -of Logaut m
F. HGLUESTI&D. G_ E. PARIKES. of wood ard covered wit. iron. was granted. drivi got frighten an start to run- r. Pewce wi.9 one of our most! I FIN N.LS.
Saturday. M
Solicitor. bfanagq. The following resolution was p L ass5d : "I'That Miss cIntosh, who was driving endeavor. popular young men -and while all will be Pickard won from,�oss. sorry to loose the genial doc;or from our turned from -1pissi New Ontario, imt
1624 9 midst, as he will be in: uch misied, not 6a week, where he be ten progpectiug� the petition of James -Weir, J'ohn O',Xeefe ad to )ntrol the ani al, but t le b%riness pleased at his promotion his rh'any friends - I I ly
in his profession but in social dircles ap v Fell,, 'purchased be it g, 4-4 square milail 4,
and Rev. P. Corcoran "king for a cement broke frightening it wors,3, whez� itv became will�regret his removal f om fore Ism
Tucke�smith- where hewas a nnOereal favorite.—Mr-
S aforth.—Wel
walk to be constructed f5om Devereux's cor- entire!] r unmanageable, and both the Ma- are leased to note that - re. R Haxby,wbo �� I timber limits, for which be -paid lair
Our Bicycle Store ner on the south side � of Gode ' New ready-to-wear, hats for women and John Walton', of Veapra, formerly a I esl- price, but as the land is fairly well timberia
I I r��h- street to Intoa young ladies who were h alnging onto has been in poor health for E om a time, is �i L
Coleman street be received, an that the said the Ii 9 were throv'�'n from the buggy, and children too. Every day hats and visiting denb of this place is visiting ith relat �ves he expects to more titaii double -his money,
.16 just as roinent a part of our businem uch improved. enabliag her ;o start for hats, unique and becoming shapes that are in thia vicinity., -L9 Mr., W. J. Dickson ship- —Mrs. Ordelia Bull rd, mother ofmis.
it� way, Miss� McMillan Winnipeg, on Wednesda. of I Let week, to
-walk be constructed in a O'cordance with eon. the h � so pursued 1 4
as ever, Ufa we are prepared to! do a es to Detroit on T�es- David Beason, paseed & vay at the residen0c'
ditions of the patitiono 4iad in, 10ther �espectm still i 0he rig.,v Th('horse continued on for join bar huffbandiii whc has been located stylish, and besides b ing pretty are prile- ped a car load of hors
much 1�6rger business in this line, and have day last. of -Mr. and Mrs. Eas�o i,of Sbratfor
a staff lar26 enouizh to handle our Piano, On the same terms �Lsl'tbe other cement fully i Imile, until a I ibort distance past Mr. there for some time.' Sh) was accompanied tical. Ion find 'the at The E. McFaul a.
walks." The special conditions of the petition 1 McIn;, 8 ga a, w 3n horse' -buggy and all Co.a store, Seaforth inds for women, big ceased was born in sad 89 years 0909v
Organ, Music -and 6ewiug Machine b#nesa P . y her daughter ina. Wor as sinoB and little girlp, as wel� an children. Th(eir eechwood.
without interfering in any way with, each are that there be as R at a length of walk 'I were i et on the ro �dside. M i4s McMilBn . eon received by friends iere c f their saf and came to Canado, n the yearof the Me-
-constructs or boys whol�'seek the o'ther side of a ery Kenzie rebellion. ford,
d in fro'ut�o sit store shows at presen� many choice ribbons F 81 ie lived in Stra
other, and have capable men in every de- the separate school had t, k n the rug fr)m the buggy, laid it arrival.—Mise Clara Dal y is ing at her, 05.1 fence, who make masts of every tre, witit.
partment. property, at the expeat W the town, a was on tbg rase and the I lay on it. She wan aister's, Mrs. S. Cadmo 3, of Usborne, this so much in demand. 18 thy about 35 years ago, ar�d made her home.
go to sea in every puddle, for Tough �nd
Thai Cleveland, Hyslop and Stearns am constrUCLed in front o ithe public Ichool found this way so )n after. was tak- week.—Mr'. R. H. Knox, on( of Blyth's THm COUNCIL.—I A- meeting o f the Tuckor- Mrs. Easson.
i tumble, climbini, frolicking sturdy ch
WO was instructed I t a held at Dixon's hall rviceable suitf ad from e�ff cationon
,clog. property. The elerk to an ho� and medica aid sent fo but she ouncil wilf b pe, —Mr. Robert Rue4li.,of Mitchell, hsA
among our leaers in bicy also notify the Electric Li&b[ Company tha�t the only li ved for about retired capitalists, was i i tow] k on Wednes- Smith c free and easy se marrow escape
have a @took of forty second hand w:iieels, oar. hours. She did Lday, calling on old If -iends. —Mr. M. J. Brncefield, on Tuesda July 22ad, at ten
at The E. McFaul Co.'a at re, Seafo th. iday, of last week. der
street lamps must be ghted earlier I each not Belem to suffer from any particular in- Dewey, job printer, of t. I Marys, came up o'clock a. m. was buried un
which we are fittirig uP as fast as possible, i I They are the right kind of ults, and are Of W
night or that a roductio will be ma� Weluesdav MR., E�WARDS. about six feet of prai el on the farm
and which we are selling at from 85 t 10 $151 1� from juriesiahe had receivt3d, but in her delicate )with the lacrosse boys 0 and EATH OF —Another of ust as right in price. 1805 �1
tht price of lightia James Gillespie state J � health, the fright and shook were - 1 Id residents of this township ham pas ad Hugh McIntyre, Fal*r bon, for some mia-
The 9. alled on friends at Tnt ExposrToR.—Mr. the o I I I
and guarantee them to be good value. with from this life, in t a argon of Mr. Ja as NOTES. The prop airs sple did in big utes. The cave inece I ad While
Mason & Risch, Bell, Nordheimer, Domin. was appointed to re�lalce the late !John to�)m -hforherarI6 reaultedinlher deatb. eorgeBoyd-of Sttatfcrd, came up h if
I r was workine at t
Weir on the several Coi�mittecs on Which TheA LlauesMoIntoalt, although badly abak- he St. Marysispeoial-tram on Wednesday, 'Edwards, ho died Ion Monday mor g part of the banner county. this yes he he 104 Itom, of the pit AMT
ion are among our planes. Bell and DO:min. iaion foe the I nd it is almost a miracle at beescaped witill
ion organs, you know them. he acted. The cotirt of -re an up, were not se.-iously injured. The enewing Old,- aers are hayl his week
acquaintan lee, aria help, cheer last. the 14th inst.. having reached the ge fern ngr in earnest t
cement sidewalks virse �ixed for M�uday horse was supposed to be very r�liable and he Beavers on to victor, at thb same time. of 70yearv. Mr. Edwards was an uncle of will soon make iij for the bn iken weather his life.
OUR GENERAL REPAIR SHOP evening, Augustj 11th, at 7 o'clock p. in. had fif luently-been iriven, by Ithe young Miss Evelyn Darwi;� and Miss Grace Mr. R.'L. Clarke, of Seafortbi He was of the past.—Mi. James! Evan'i , has be lit annual plenie of the Fullsirt(-*
has and aiways will be our' main dO' uctied; to procure ind it is not known what [startled it. spend ng their holi. born in the parish of Glenols, Forfarshire, and Pold several good horses t iis seaso .� Methodist church and Sanday school took
part- The clerk was instr. a'num- ladies 'Mahoney'. of town, are in MJobn
This is where we, started, atid it bar of order books and- to furnish the !chair- aye at the' latter's home in ev. ScotlanJ, in 1832.' He came to . Canada in Mr. James Shes, our local buyer, sold ver place on Tuesday
inent. Miss 14cMillan was a, most eatim4'ble young 1 mooe.—R J al y Ist
7 special attention in all min of each commi4tee �rith a. book so that lady, 12 yeare of She had been stay. is cattlelai e & Woodlefw._�orchard�aid , ery enio.
always has out r. Larkin'expecto to,re urn om his trip',1856, coming directly to the county of 100 head of h A V vAbl#
'were present.
wn Mowers, ini wn pprposes be purchased i res -time was ap, ntby all
repairs of Bicycles, La fact all supplies for to ing at Mr. MoIntos .9 for about a month, o the lower Provinces- 0 Satu day and will �.Huron, and for the first year of his resi- large stock yet. If straight dealing 'me a
any old thing Remember the place. n 'Idence here was in the emp no d.—Mr. G. K. Hol- swing was I p ized, and besi
on the order of the'cha man Of the respec- andmas-rnder medical treatmant. Her. coupy his own p 1pi xt 8 bbath.—Mr, loy of the late success Jim will, a W
tive committees, and t . hat said-* orders �muqt paremi reside in Lancaster, Glengarry nd Mrs. John Laporte, f Dr dale, passed Mr. James Dickslon. , Ike then purchased land did London last- 'week l'; it was b ini- there -was bus ball tennis, and r*060
accompany all accouiA3 preadutbil to the countr with Mr. n the 7th concession of Tacker. ness and pleasure. Hereports having Led- 1for the children. l o ;ether it was -000 Of
,ldwin, Seaforth, but she had eon reatiding hrough town on Weeddne By their way lob 13, 0 -ba&
G. M. Be he took aome�pleasant dr council, otherwise the aounoil will refuse i Hugh' oIntoah, in ondon, for. some years. ome from Stratford whith they had smith, and resided there until the time I of a good time, as ves I -the best icnicathe
General Repair ShOP. payment of the eamit.The'mayor was �qthoz ther had c me west to see her riven and where they were visiting friends his death. He ran ad his farm about twenty to that beautiful resort Sprin Bank, xud for some Years.