HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1902-07-11, Page 85
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SXTO� JULT 11111 1902*
ay Oil
W eir ity in a house of nearly 100 members is j u swi it "s
Place Your Order With Us the Is at ivaltz was pl id and the! dance vote to be takTn on December 4, Would Cowan. Mr. and Mrs. Co n are on th season, hhd the contract. One of a major
as o4ej, and by that tite everybooy was say we C wan, of Toronto, Ned ati I
1 grab that the Legisleturol did not wed&zjg tour. -Miss
�oginft:iny-to get 4' They wp're' all see 6t to grant -the' changes in the c6ndibions is spenctiag her holidayip wi�h' friends in this abouli ni andtuck. will liki y wit'.
I wee
1 sy.mpib,hzing with me be �au?i§ I had' to get asked for by the vote,taken at ��e great vioiaity.-Miss Iva Dodds d ughter ofMr. ness livel times in -political circles in On. pV wr
I Unnecessa it oure.
ohn Do 6enl ill with tonsol- bario for Jhe next 12 monthe.-F
CIVILD MEDAL DISTRIOT MATTBR$6 1 tit) to t h school, but 41 didn't bot ier me convention :held, in Toronto, on bruary, : J n Do &. who has al Whea
very 4au h, though I waiiii a little stiff after 1902, and would recommend that a abide ites is'ra pid.'V recovering. r. M., Prouder- appears � be doing very well, at d wit
Tiding so,, e thirty ag
00� odd rr �1'les, walking about by the decision of the Ontario bran0h of the gast, of Chicago, was Visit friends and favorable westher for the next 10 di ys wil Considerin
To CORREEiPONDENTS.�Owitig to a,�Change 9
all do -8 he C. be a fai I N -
j aud dancing all wfi ht, but I trade up Dominion Alliance Convention, to be held:, relative re for a few d Mr. R �r verake.---4'r. Richard Robin6
Binder Twine, in t"he postal regulations, pri�ters pDpy. Collegiate Ia- bad the liaformile to have a valual le, bore
for it t,W next night, ai : Coronati�n Day in Toronto, on July 29th, as to 00 action � Cheswrighb, formerly of tile
unsealed envelopes must be prepai4 a;t t 0 me every da I wish it d�A, come we an individuals . shall take. --Carried. stitatestaff here,bat1no*df Walkerton, die on Mi day from inflammation. It will Summer Goods.
�t a dov.sia% Y. i
rate of two cente for -four on ces ori less,and a' little. o Wrier, if they v -u )uld all be �ike the State of the order : We are pleased to note! has been spending the I past *eekealling on be- a heavy leas to Mr. Robinson. Qa Tue
A FULL STOCK OF 14sto no. There is to be another bio picnic the alight increase in 'Membership still we old f rien Is here. -Mr. George! Getzmeym, of day he -b ught ano.ther horse from Mr. Wil. THI
one cent for each additional two� ounces. i noil %av qis- cKillop, met with a painful accident the� liams, of Brua�els, to replace this one.
and dan a on the lat o' July, aboti�. eight regret it is not larger. No con
Correspondents having envel�pee 'a cone
IT&Y FORK ROPE Vith one mil at I irdal's, but II hope banded and one new' council has been !or- 01her da He was leading a 10ow, when the It ought not cause f�ou a mome4 ern�
as up the river, W
-cenb in stamps will please add the &�lditioual io be 'on the way to Edy ionton that �day, if ganized, in Clinton. The district councillor alpiimal sarted to run laway and Mr. Getz- Londesboro. sinee we have 4one -pill the ineditstin
beforehand, a -no have eVerytbing b.ore
MACHINE OIL one cent stamp until the su ply on i; band is the triln are running, 6 11 won't, be Ule to was instructed to communicate With tile, nl4yer w is thrown against a telegraph pole, NOTES.,—Quiteanumber from here at.
'p . I I you are likely to want in dry go
Mr. and vOith the result that a oinall bonein his left ode.
take t,", run.- gran&seorotary re the coming of tended the social in Blyth on Friday even-
i�. weThere had b 6n no trai4
exhausted, and render account to is offi.,e. eet
rl Here you find the 'wanted things in such
ENGLISH PA EEN ping up to 1hursday, bu they Mrs. bavidson to this district in the month a6 was cracked and some of the cords mis
RIS GIELI f . itiglast. Mr.,Jeffre and two sons open
Ordinarylocal correspouPanc6 wil �requ Te start d, a, Kain tb at da it it is har4 to say of October. It was with regret the'district; $pnday I %st with- ii -ends in Goderich.— variety as assures perfect conformity to
y) atced . He will be r�qui ad to carry his you Ividual taste. 2 ST -01R
FORKS, SCYTHES only two Cents in stamps. how bg they will last. If it'wasr.,' that accepted the reeignation.of Mr. Jacques, of min sling for somr ti 'a, which is par- Miss Ali,e Bell ia at present in Qoderich r ind
eta' Pend. t
tioulari unfortunate at his -time of the Mis I Comparison of quality with qu, ty, pricas� f - V
they un so slowly on th i line, it wo ld not Exete1r, district seer' rV. Miss trying bar tnusic&,6 examinatiom i 50
AND HARVEST TOOLS ABmGHTSTUDENT.—OWIDJO the difl. be da to travel, for the ain is a to be hale Was appointed to the office of moretary, year.—Erry Smith, f�r y are a well known . I . with priceE, wifll prove .-the superiority,
Sarah Barr is impr ving slowly.- Master
of our offers.
culty in disciphering the pub�ishad reaute �itoh a1t any time. and was instructed to forward the thanks of figure about Seaforth, dial in -Dr. Gunn's Lawrene Toronto, is a prose 100 ft. IR
Not much apace for txlkiug� with hundreds. -
of the differient universit t, ka, i this district to Mr. Jacques for his very hospital, Clinton, on Saturday, -286k ult. He visiting t the'ho ' of his uncle, Mr. John of i
f I CU;3tL me
B.no � iexam tria, ioi tem g for mention.
At Right Prices Mr. Lloyd Hodgins, o ev. Ru r I De in S A19D INLAND 6z-,iUB R� HipTs. 'efficientand faithful services as sebretary, had gone there to haye at operation par- gelville.—Qaite a number -intend tilking ill
We and you nine 11 t a satiefied with but a,
Hodgins, Seaforth, wai not. given nything —Th eipts a �1 the port of Gode- also the sympathy of the ipembers in his formed. He was a native !:Of county Cavan, the twelfth at� Goderieh.—Mr. Wm. Mac -
Cu itoms rec J word In gone f about lim
like full credit for the excellent. stand he rich i ind ts outporta dur i6g the ye riding affliction, Mr. and Mrs. Davidson,4 organ� Ireland and was 800 years of age. His only ited few. 4
our I Oonald, A Blyth, spent Sunday as the
took in his examination, in t iesu ),of last June 3Q6 , 1902, were fat follows izers for the Royal Templare, were present relative a this part of the dountry is a Diece, guest of Misv,L. Whitley.—Mr. and Mrs
Cboking is made easy on hot days : . I you can le� much more of their
week. Hetook first-class honork1a his riished us Mrs. A. Worth of Hensill. He left hade 8 friends here.—Mre. worth when in, the slvorb'—gooda speak 4
Qode.-iCh 6131 2 16 apd addressed the meeting, also f uIr an I adayed with
by ushic, a pass, and first-class honors in 1, rialk ish a d ft vocal and instrumental music: on the, estate said to be valued at about $2,000. for themselves.'
Clint 9, 08 56 some in. Staolt-house and daughter, oi West -
history. This entitles him �to field the Winj mandolin and guitar, Mr. McCallum gave Mrs. Giffies, soloist ip Plarliament street
am 6 49 23 6 Id,'spent,a, few days this�'week w1th rels,
w year Methoditt church, Toronto, came to Sea.
scholarship which he 'on in his fi - t an excellent report of'the proceedings at the Bilks.
WICKLESS BLUE FLAME STOVE. r 1�ipc toile il; 4, 9802 t ves her,
I 9L , I
examination. We cougratulat4-'1v1r., dgin8 Seaf 57 x —a— They rustle softly here. son Is,
Wo ('rand Council in February. Mr. 1R. Park, forth on the Hurpn 014 Boys' a cursion, and
on his excellent showin We sell the
Soutl apil ton 3,472'128 of Wingham, was app inted to attOnd the while he a was the gueso- of Mrs. John Dub1m. d a
verybesthin *,and mak a specialty
VIIIJIM7198-NIXY S EMT Dominion Alliance Geovention to bw held in Dodds.—The furniture ctory has been the vtr
LEY) Luck io�w Postoffice 6 '43 1 How easy it is to give -your home a t of Black Dress'Silks, iY
-hearty vote of thanks was tender- closed fc r a we 0 on
AcciDExT.—Wbat might have 1 been a July.' A ek or In re !to permit of ex -
Successors to S. Mullett & Co. of modern beauty by occasionally bu
serious accident, happened �o Mr. Jacob ad the members 'of '"lingham couocil for tensive alterations. The o d planing mill is - yin: 3,
To;al $47, alow yards of.drapiny material, ri" incol- IRibbonS th-e lowell
McGee, the genial ex-mayorr, of moE d- I their kind` reception and general 'hospitality being used now in Connection with the
IP �ho preceding year lending Jupe 30, ors, and replading the old and sha Dby eux - full
ville,on Monday last, While e4aged in extendedtothe delegates from thevarious:, farnitur - factory and a number of new Cases are of them in
DOMINION BANK. '1� $34,426.�Q. In- t;�ins wit :&Ill their charm People
1901� t a collections we ri ainty new ones
putting away some hay in tb( barn,$ he sli - couneils. The session closed to meet at the! m%chines will be placed in the brick build. h d if your home of color and �Uality.
�12,588.07. The !number of ntrias te: q mui re s, for s�ny of its rooms, carpets, .line.
p I
ped &no fell off a platform, wi th the rbHult call, of the district councillor, at a time and ing. This will give the factory an enlarged you bettzE
$2,500,000 cre" �he year jua ii concluded was u a lace curtains, rugs, art � musline, fti,
APITAL(Pald L duri
J p), uhat the hip joint was disloc kted, but� f r- I place to he fixed by the disrrict executive. capacity,—Mrs. Thomas Dodds. of'Mitchall, Gloves, Hopery, &c.,
$2,500,000 0 3,179 he receipts oi 'inland revenue at I - drauinz aterials of an , I -
-REST tunately, no bones were broken. )r- 0 - visited Mrs. John Dodds this week —Miss y kind on t ible cov -
6naid 9�1
ing Mr. McGee's ad,�vanced a�ei hdis now �oderi�'Oh for the year en�ing June 30 lampbell, of ere, welt, �ve Iiave reliable goods, reliabla These Summer� needs are to be seen in
APPRECIATED -7 The young Jady.teferred'� Far us Q Wind1sor public school, prices. The H. McFaul Co., Seaforth. qu autities �reait enough, tand are nice
to in the following which we is's end ing her holidays at her home.— Mrs. us wifla t
ISEAFORTH BRANCH, doing mwell &scan; be expeiRed u der h were'a�l f)llowfi : -paragraph, i
t a On Lica'n 0 $ 170 00 1804-1 enough, the dear knows..
S:�afDrth. circumstances. Th sympa�hy c�f ma, ay ke from the Port Arthur Journal,� is Miss C. Papst and Master Charlie are visiting
Main Street 'Ar ' P. ad 8pirits 1�617 05 "a —Wlisa L. Kennedy, of Deuroit,
friends will be extenaed tox . McPe0, 12*20 00' Jennie Govenlook, daughter of the late Mr. friends-inGlenwillia-me.. Mr.!Papsb,whois JomNGs.
.the hope will be general thiD iq h6me on her holidays.—Ttie Alifees Mc - Muslin Unde4rwear
hiq f4l M I
A General Banking Business trani- 25 ob Andrew Govenlock, of Winthrop, a0d sister, in Califoknia, has purchas�d ai business in
covery may be $'pee4. of Mr. J. R. Govenlock, of thistow L Miss Eu� Ire, and will move his, family there this aid are 41so home from Detroit on their
Farmers' Salle Notes collected, Eipo rie Light Ins Otion 1 a correct in sty -le, rj*ght,
goted. The kind that 4
satisf A&tc
e the� ner.—Mr. John Landsborougb, who has b lk
ffrpt make, and !neat- in -trimming—the
$4',1032 05
apd, advances made on same at lowest a ii i Govenlock'a many friends will r sullo lays.—James Williams, ji., is holiday- in
VISITORS.—Among the ol4J Se�fqr�hi as cause which induces her to retire om the� beer Cal ying on a furniture and undertak- I bis cousins in town.—The farmers variety is greap.
r*tes. g wirih
who -accompanied the HuronJ Old poyls Dn position where she was so much applfeciated, Ing xisiness here, for the past six years. has s em to think 'that they a6re not going to got tage of t!
Drafts sold on -all points in Canada, GiR. �'VANTED.—Competent girl t go to i -
their excursion here on Sattirds IA84', Va )a ft )a n a hub they lhayiweather. Ithasbeeu-impog-
y; i0prygeneral house,work.. Salat $1 will hope that rest will restore her� disF osed of the business to Mr. Valentine a.7Y 900
he United States and Europe. t Linens,
Ton, � Mr, aid iray kt EX1,081TOR Offic.c. 804X1 to the fullness of 1heaUh ono6 mo�o. The n in �si�ble for
noticed Mr. and MrL-. John L� w=... A Knechtel, Mr. Knechtel is well know them, to do anything in that lice so for Sonle
SAVINGS DEPARTMEN-r.—Intere$t Mrs.G.R. Andeison, Mrs.John 8te�wart BarralNurns, Was Ing Mb6chipps and Journal says The closing of- t4e* publiel Seaforth and vicinity and should do a good far.—Miss B , n, who tau rht school hem A veritable feast for housewives. We
allowed on deposlis of One Dollar and
and son; Mrs- Clarkson,and iVessre. Aar(ld Wringei4 If, on want to pu chase any of the above school for the eummek vacation w" marked, busines3, He gets possession abodt the 21st some time ago, if; spending her holiday3 keep good linebs alwayiO—Iineoa mauu-. im-int-diat
upwards. and'Percy Clarkson ; Dr. J. Aeudersoh a ad Come takand we will mak you happy. Reid & with a pleasing event in Miss 0 Venlockle: of the MD11th. Mr. Lindsborou& has not with old friew 8, making her he a with factured from � ure flax.,
Wilson, rdtvare Morohano, talorth. 1l.806.2 0 p
R. S. HAYS, W. K. PEARCE, 1: Mrs. McFaul; the Aliases J6ue9 �r, a d room. Miss Govenlock, who h a �resigaed do ided wbat� he will do.'—Miss Beatrice jUr. and Ls. mes edmond.—Mr. Geo..
BRkOELET LoST.—LDit in Si th on
M atiager. Mrs. T. G. -Soole, th AlcLecd, on account of ill health after ton Dress Goods-,
Solicitor Mr. Ken6o a iyears of i tt returned' home from'Toronto on Bat- !O'Leary andwi a, of Courtwright,Nrbo
Tu sd&�,, a silver ohalu brace ob with heart shaped
a Gz my; . IN' , r. most faithful service on the staff, wee pre- ur ay.—Mr. and Mve. A.� Coulter, Ispending their holidays with Mr, Denni
Mr. and Mrg., and the Miss6 looeket:Att9ehed. Lucketcon �ined two phoWgraph8. Of war: Figured dress goods figured down to
You take no chances when you M- Morris,, Mr. and Mrs.! It Preudetgaat Rowardbo leaving it at Tim-EyF0810OR OFFI-�' sented by Chairman Dobie, on b h If f the Inggreol , spent Saturday' and Sun- 9'Leary and Dr. Mithell, retar�ed to their
1804-1 board, m ibh a gold watch and . a `1 0 1 10me on onday —Miss Clara Me - the lowest prices, but plain dress stuff,
and children, Alies Cobb, M�. �i. J. Cm w- o h a I an d a day [:wit I Mrs. Coulter and other friends in enna. is r`� are in the greaier domatid, so 'We have
attend the Popular I ford, Mr. Charles Hatt Mr. alter Powe I, We bAve a big line of for[ services town-i—dr. James Horto' h
ne laced boots for cheque for $25 as a small tokon n, who had his leg �putting n soma of her spare me wit d Of Plain CaShiner
a splendi
Mr. S. Deem, 151r, Edward Alsh,-Idr, ai A Mies.- ;Y ur obolce of the fo� �owing rnakes�ocorge rendered on the staff. Itr the ton years Mips -i brolLen a shorb time dgo, is still confined to friends i Gode'rich.—Mr. John Miller, Mrs..
Satin clotbs �Vbileo
Mrs. Bert Simpson, Mr John Mcha!ren 111 `1,toria, Be:1 and Pge)l,�w. Afeleamples Sargea, Po
Govenlock has been 'a most painstakiDgi bed at his gibtOr's here, but Js getting along Jake We er and Mr. and Mre. A. H. Bar� print,
nort w ndow, we are IeOera in fljn� f twear I Amazons, an �oth r kinds too.
from Toronto. Also Mea4rs.�IV. McLeo A, 0, tencher, and has at all times had itbe con. as well as could be expected- under this cir. �inan too a trip to Sebringville on Wedne�l-
W. H. W11 is, seaforth. 0
Harry Abell, Herbert Knioh� and Fr d $16.00 worth of Iry goods I to be fidence of the board, and waE loved�, by her cuT3tanees.—Mr and 'Mrs. F.G.Sparling,of day.—M so May Williams took.a. -business
Aaitchell, of London�; Dr. Ifqlaad, bf 'H a r* scholars. Her hard work in our school has, Wibgha , spent �unday with Mr. and Mrs. trip to Saaforth on Tuesday.—Rev. Wn� Curtains an( Draperies. The' -old
; Jol slaughbdre . Our annual Jul �, and Augu9t sale com.
STRATFORD, ONTARIO. i riston ; J. 0. Roae, of Witigharrij 112 inencea Ju y 4th. RohUrn to �lway fare all6wed on im paired her health, and she was -compelled Jam a cMiohael.—Migs Edna Pickarif, Fogarty was in Stratford on Mond iy.—Mr. It's so easy to brighten;up the rooms -Oxf
The k
YouLare sure to get the beat business or 'Jackaon, of Blyth, aad Divid Sproat, o� B 1. all pur6ha es over $10, within �Oniiles. G.:E� King, to give up the work. The aicholarO in her seco. d daughter of Mr. William Pickard, is John Me 'Jonnell has commenced to put -in I with a little� col r here &�Ad there. We
Wingh6m. '1803-tf The Seot
shorthand education. This is the school grave.1 room also presented *,her with a h: ndsome hom frc m Toront(�, where she had been at- !his set of scales at the G. T. 11. stock can help you do i:L
AIT RS. —We have a big variety of bar- i, The VV es'
whose graduates are in strong demand a� Y%R� gold breach. Miss Govenlock 11 much tend,ing -.he conservatory of" music. She 'yards. fo� the convenience of the public- H'
Me". John 1,6ds- a for low pike,, vlz:
YGE 'Ess. f
CHi OF BusIN. Vest L-hOL3 [%ad vou can't beit
teachers in bnsineas colleges, and as aten'. missed in town by a large circle o friends, took honors in the intermediate course in �iutends putting a building over. th -,m ; an Carpets 1 The Irist
I�orough has fisposed f his fuiiii�ture ana u [1- 76 cents uP. W. JU. Willis, oon and, sti(es. Sea -
forth. 1604-1 and in the Presbyterian church. -i which vi li� in truction in the I recent examin. have an �ffice in a be will have kil i TRe bes-t
Pgraphers and book-keepers for prominent X1 1, it, wher I i
i dertaking stock and business io! M V�len- a Not a roll of Garpet ft,
business firmw. Write for catalogue. Ahe was an enthusiastic 'worker. MI -88 Roth. atio Miss Rae Dickson, third daughter weighm iter placed, who will acco nmodate wt i1h price attach-
tineKnechtel who,takes &SsEision on tj [a ScREEk DOORS AND V� �XDo'ws.—The best -The best -
aster Dickson, has passed her first the publib in every respect. a n In the
andcheapeat at Reid & Wilba's, Hardware Mer. well has been promoted to Miss Gotenlock's of Rs*t ed that b t been v�eighed
trang r io. abant4,, 8 i - - - - . i
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. 21st inst. Mr. Knec'btel is rio i 8 eaforth 1834-2 room.J). year in theory, with honor�,ab the' conser- Beale of justice. -,Our carpets represent -
4444 the people of Seaf6rth and vicinity a large, clean, 611-chose-Ja Ato
.621 ham' 9 20o'to 25.- Prize BuRer.—We o�er for vato y of niusic exAminat ions. —Mrs Harlock. ek. The�
been a resident of the toWn and'an emp oyee PRESBYTERY 0 �s have colors and the:. eFigne arp.good,
& Box best'threo Fibs or bloxes of bi �ter do] vered during F HuRo.N.—The Presby- 'Me echi lie, of !Toronto, and her son Archie, JOTTLIT farme
adfoo' and
'Furniture Com )at V July, 5o, 4 icapective uver Kighes; market tery ek, of Nrs. A� Wilson. to 'the un -
of the Bro KL met in Clinton, on the 8bh in3t. Mr Nvere gu to this we �s.—ITbst of the
for many years prior. 0�mmencpd haying, but owing
JUNE WEDDIN to his 'removal o price. G. Win 1802
Mr. and Mrs. 0 rville, of London, Ready-to-wear. hing.
GS Sawere was appointed moderator for, the Some' favorablal weather'are not ma�-i 9 very XOT,
Stratford, about a year ago. Mr. 1�ne )ht al Wli-BE BXRto WS —In values we ensuing ai 'visiting last week ap Ingleside, the rapid pro4'ress.—Mr. and Mrs. Da is
�an do x months. Rev. Mr. Brandt, were I a 0
We have just put into stock a new and fully understands everyd brranch I of the bettorthariRDYhOU98in the c)untry, See ii I Me For every suit th t d suit, your- il
pur $2.50 princi6al of the Pointe Aux lembles parental home of Mrs. Somerville.�Mias Rae, of 34ichi of th4 place" money cheerfully refund) d, and bs-ok it
f crniture business and is a hly re- garden pno our 83.60 farrner'a �heelbarraw. �� Reld & gan, formerly
wall selected line of High. Grade Silverware' thorou school, Quebec, being present, weal invited Janet Se tt returned borne; last week after
I liable business man, in W In Wilson,11 tialrdware Merchainti, Jeaforth. 11803.2 have been! renewing old - acquaintan as dur goee. Our suits fit, 1), they 'sell well,,
suitable for Wedding Presents. Rememberi ho' th �public a to ad reas the Pre8bytery, which 1he did,, having a ant a month very leasantly via t- in , g the p at week. Their many friend; 'twonld be out of th r _ '
Only, have every confidence. ' Mr. I Ltinds ' . Our� r� air trade has dc ubled itself �dunng -1 P 1 0 illary to haver
we have no old shelf wora goods. oroug h tile last tw Ye'Nrs. We aceoZ for It by hi facb giving: a very instructive addrea�. Com. ingfrien a.in.Wingham, Brussels and other were deli hted to see them ain ter one returned. Broken. I
Be 9
bright, now, up-to-date articIes to aboo86 establiahed this busine six years ago, and that prom tuess, good wotk i�,nd moderato obargea missioners to the Assembly gave a zieportof nts.--7Mr. Newton McTavish, brother of absence 15 years. They aare both lookin'
has been remarkably successful in it. VVe are apprecl ted by our numerd'us cufitomers! �Daly, their attendance in the usual, way.- It was John McTavish, of this town, who is a hale and earLy, as though farming j a Uncle
rom. Oar prices are also new. I Uri .0
a hope that, although he is going out f: I)ua[. th,e.watbhi iaker, under the to 1-n clock, Seaf rtb. agreed to increase the Trim �nhags, pric,
Ungagemenu and Wedding Ring number of regular member of the Globe �taff, represented that with them.—Mr!
'Sam's d ainp agreed
pecialtz. nesa, he will still remain a residen of the meetings of Presbytery from four� to five jou 'demonstration here', Eiiab Parsons was the guest of Mr. N. t We think we hi me a dig ay youll an--
rnal a the Old Boys
town, as he is too good a -citizen to I la.e. Ile HAMINIqCKS.—We have beautiful �.qaorf� during the year. The standing cor�'mi on Satur aj.—Mr. Wil I iam Kyle, formerly Of Ad joy. Laces are lacy an U erabroid- Odd -sizell
I cise prices. Sed ; U ko'solil Sunday.— ll�l
contemplates a trip to the weat Inent at voiy ' el ra one and t ams, 0 Constance, last T
comfort during the hot we3th r. Reid & Vv))son, eries a
Counter's Jewelry Establishment he is relieved from b Ho a ther6d lavern,in Tackeramith but who Allan Biothe are praebici r the: ough, Itrimmings are
as - con 0!1 as appointed are as follows M. rig re good an
USiness i th t 0 110 a Hardware erchiints, Seaforth,l 804-2 sional—Kesers. Henderson MCLO Me- now resi(es on a farm in Hay, near Heneall, t1ve)ftb.--A company of invited 9 elabbrate anon �b, 'just �the kind that
h7 lite as-,,
of beriefitting. Mrs.' L%udX�wrou he It Neill, ministers, and Kernick T-eg�
9 FkNo. 011INA, — Alwa�s a nice c�oice Al(��aarrie had�eponof horseskilledby lightningon sembled at-the1ospitkble h add to the beau _ of any ummor gowv
which, we regret to say, has not bec. n a iti stock to ch6ose from. Also alltirgain table 0 which and Sterling, elders. Church Life and Monday ight.' They were; standi g in the Mrs. joh ome of b i. and Ineverytbing we never thin of -lowering
W -P PATTVry Xt- ; ; 4- f 44 1- ; I 1 13 13, a son on Saturdav evenina, .11
Small, Bev. A.
V V4.r UL ou V IV. y autun 80111?8POCIAlvaluggatlicents. Pab-s W orlt,-Messrs. XF. I
Davidson, Sawers stable, hi �viug een driven in when, the flash thpoccasi n be�ing a welcome to our standard of quaility when making
Je%elrv: an Chw.a bto7c, uEoer the Town;! Clo�k. P,
3 f � ih ministers -. Clark, Reid, Bisieb, elders. 'strnek ti am. -Mr. Archibald Hisl0l), M. P. Ripson a d his bride, w he had arriN ed the purchases for our trade. We strive to
HuRo.v BLOOD WILT, TELL.�Mr. Iton P f wee to
Bicyrate Season- 1902. Sabbath Schools,-Measra. James H4mi East H�uron, bore meet the evening b ore.! M Rapaon is well known keep the qualities up
Fowler, k. P. P. for South.Brando% 0. n Lice E)�termioator.-Ear6ka is f -, but pull the
the fita� I re h-Avo it. Buy a Anderson, McLennan, ministers; M�I%lanus: iCnrol 0 d Boys, on, Saturd�y. Mr George I prices down.
'a b� try it and 0eq how d highl eateemes: in this comma ity and i
itoba, has recently been appointed e0ere n
Tom, McKay, elders. Finances,---�Mesgrs. I M cE iven, M. P! was una ble to be here, but a i�
much btttei your cattle thtive �v hen free fro �,n these I h mary riends extend to him and hist
W. N. WATSON, North Main Street, of the Grain Exchange of Manitoba nd We Larkijo, Musgrave, Shaw, I ++q+�0-11-+
peA94 Uei. &- Wilibij, . Hard are Morchaa �'9, Sea. ministerls , Mq- forwarded a handsome donaiion to the corn- young wi 3 hearty congratulations. . They
Northwest Territories, with head uai Va forth,
SEAFORTHS 1801-2 Faul, *rdie, Landaborough, elders. Sup- mittee -to ashiit in the , entertaining of the left for Manit0a on Monday and as we saV']
in Winnipeg. Mr. Fowler was offer a ithis A quan it of first olasE 'pill feed o j hand erinteridence of Students, I
Has on hand a good stock c f the lateeit high fade -.1lessrs. Me- guests.- he many friend's i of Mr; Robert good-bye, we wish them God speed and!
up4o-date MASSEY-11ARRIS and GODE lea posit -ion some years ago at 5 -, ,ut da- at the Seatc rth Milli 'g Co's mi.11, Seafottb. 1804-1 Lean,Dr. Stewart, Musgrave, ministerb; Holmes, . P. � for West. Huron, and editor aess in their good worK.-Mr,
every sue
BlOYCLES, which will be sold cheap for cash or on clined it as he considered a sal ry. not Ri�.AIOVED.-I have re6ioved my 0ental McQuarrie, McEwen,Alurdie, elders. Aug. �1 of the Cl, nton New Era', will regrev to learn Robert Weir -ur popular school, leacber,!
short titne. Prices frarn.4,k205 upwards. -,k few good sufficient. His present ehg ement is for bfficea frnm over the Doniini* Bank to thc�rOoins mentation,-Me8sre. Fletcher, Larkin, An that he has b an suffering! for .9ome time has an ag d with Mr. Alex. Gardiner, of
seerrid hand bicycles oa hand which will be sold I Es Me FA UL
83,000 a year and an ann I incr ABE Of over A. Yot: ng's grocefy etore. F. W. Twed(�"., SIM- derson 9
ministers ; Duncan, McFaul, Tom, !from a mld b�b lingering form of typh0i McKillop for' the holiday season, after'
1804-1 -7
Call Pnd examine. ray stock befere purobasing, $250. In addition to this position h( ips foi f rth elders. 0 Fo . reign Mis3ion a,- Mesa rst. Saw- fever. He is now at the �esidence If -
ither at iny office or at Herbeit J. Morrison's sho president of a hail insurance dor4any:; ; A a want your trade an 11 in exchan� Of his wbich he utende completing his st�dies at! Dry 600 Uu.
P., 0 �will ere, Dr. Stewart, Fletcher, ministers ; REid, father, no ar St. Catharipes, �whither be has
Ail. wheali guaranteed- for the season. Al�odealei fire insurance company, and owns I ge gi�-e on the beat valtic for you! money that i�pq pos. the Norm 61 school in London.-Mr.1 Jamesi,
ar I I
itRAYMOND tud WHITE SEWING MACHINES, sibly a pro ured anywhere. 10y, the,watcbnialrer McEwen, Duncan, elders. Christian En- gone witi the hope that the� change and rest Rapson w)ars a broad smile thes d &Va. i C4th's Gt eatest 'CasA
�sfj4.1 deavor,�Mepsrs, Martin. Cameron, J. A. may rove beneficial. -'Mr. Vm. Blanshard
Fud General 1zsuran2ckgent. ranch in the Medicine Hat distric Al r. and Seaforoh. 1�
Fowler is a native of Tuckersmitib, and He is the 3apa of a bouncing baby boy.---�
Hamilton, ministers ; Gladman, McGregor, is home ji tat now from New Ontario, vititing Q ilk of "'going to�'
-AJ i I uite a tit mber from here ti
son of Mr. W. 0. Fowler, formerly OiTuck , Di D I TRE WEST. :8 ny of our i - oFsre. his fa mill -. -io 6 Dry Ga ds Store.
road- Hamilton, elders' Conference, 'A He eflys busitteis of all kinds is derich (?n the twelfth, while others inten&
General Insuralled Agent, and Deeler In Liewing oramith, and later of Windham also irre v It re ret to learn of he death o M rs. Davidson, Henderson, Sawers, ministers'; boom Dg n the new country. -The 33rd going to Brussels.
chines and Bicycles, a nephew of Messrs. Thornae andl jok*ph Charles HL Walker, whict 'took place it the Clarke,' iiernick, McManus, elders. The regi ant and, of Seaf orth,'will play at the I
i 1 0 i peg, are visiting at the latter's parents' iw.
NOR'TH MAIN ST., BEAFORIX-H, Fowler, of the Huron Road, Tuckergmi�h hol m a of h'pr parents in V 'w:ouver,. Bi itish firstinamed on each committee to be conven- !greatlifete Champetre. lawn 'Social and open 'I
He left Wingharn when quite a 1w 1, 1 itt Coln m bia,l on S u n d ay, J a d 29�h. Mr. land ers. The next meeting is to be held irk 'air o6nee b, at Su. -Columban. on Monday I Brussels. wn.-Quitea number from here intend,
V 1 going to Grderieh and Brussels to the Or.
Mrs. Walier were well known in this Ivitin. Brucefield, on the 14th day of October, at BRIEFS. -Com a to Brussels on July 12bb.�.
his father and other members of the faffiil� and no day evenings'. A�gusb 11th and ange celebrations on Saturd y.�Our bage
Henderson's Photo about 20'years ago. He h no -oDr. Holmes is having a new slate roof put
as beau g -aduall� ity, Mr. Walker having btewa' resid 10 o'clock a. m. th.
nt of M a. George Paterson returned
res 11ball team is makingarraingem ate to go t
a i b- Friday, after a very pleasant visit
coming to the front for several yeari and io 8eaforth- for several year, Irs. 41ker's -1 . &- . on'his fin Mence.-The. Queens hotel
I home las. Goderich to play base ball on -the 12dL-
Studio. nbw one of Manitoba -a leading citivi nu an maiden name was Beatric ' L will Chang bands on Monday of next week.
Georgina Ingram. LOCAL BRIEFS. -Mr. and Mrs. W, 'with her �sons, in L%peer. Michigan. -Mr.
most wealthy men. Somer- T' Joseph Q rrin!will be the new pro rietor, The farmers in these phrits are corulahling,
For eame years � a f1tee She was aid ughter of Mrk George 161gram, ville left on Saturday last for a mouth's iind Mrs. �Croolksbalik, of Toronto, visited at a great deal at the amount of rain we are
Fall stock of Mouldings settling in Manitoba he. NT&S eng q ensall, and a! cousin of A. holida . They intend going tbr Mr. A. le'sithis wee During th last three� months the three having, they not being able to get their
and Picture Fra ;P formerly of, y ong i to t a k.-Miga Annie Gar
Meg. farming and threshing. Ingr m, for'eeveral years $nanager row, who has een attending Seaforth Col - hotels in russels have changed proT rietors.
thfl coast and will stop off at Winui baying done. -Mr. and Mrs, D. Geddes
peg, Bran. _H. Willams &� Son have diapose� of the
Seaf rth eleotric ligbt est; blishment. She don, Biinff and other points by the way. Jt legiate Institute, has returned to her hothe pent a few days with the latter's mother
Photo Enlarging a Specialty. CORONATION DAY IN VIP, W sm L Ht iroo W43 married to Mr. rusaeis stage to Ed. Lowry, wha
Wal �er. about 'seven is a splendid trip and we hope our friends '�in Webwbod, Algoma, for the holidays.- 8eaforth-� 5ast week, before taking uph usekeepingeat
boy, who is located in- TiridaOoll, ar Ice'la years ago. Five years agd,1 they removed to takes -charge August lat.-On Friday even-,
die ,ttlome,t, about 15 mil6s ini n will enjoy it. During Mr. SomervillE Is ab- !Mrs- 0,arslake and Mips Edith Hale, of To- 1grave.-Mr. A. iR. Plu mar was -in
HENDERSO'N, Senforth. Aand � f -on,� British Columbia and aftei Wards to S ing, of laab week, Robert R I h h fi
ronto, vis ted their parents' this week.- F d. ve eas last -week.-M-re-
qaWe, senCe his businiess here will be attended to i reeawater on buei
Innisfail, a station about', mi -way 3etmoon where the the months olQ son of Mr. and Mry Mc-�
1761 y ad resided fc r past! four by Mr. James Craig.. -T a membeks of the !Misa L. ale'ie v1sibiulz-her siiter, Mrs. Cracken,Ced after a short illne s, brain" 11saae Brown was visiting friends in Strait -
Calgary and Edmonton, i,'n a priva;e.le Aer yean. About seven rnont �s ago she' con- Seaforth auxiliary of the Women's' Foreign :Taylor, o A&a.�Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Pat- 1�rd and Beaton tais week. -Mr. Win.
to a friend here, gives an int6reab og de8- tiractad a sev'ere cold whio develope4 into Missionary Spcieby held -- heir regular meat. li I . fever bein ; the cause. The fune�llal took
THE CANADIAN erso , of oronto, spent;, last 'Sunday tit the pla I ce on Si nday: afternoon, Rev. Mr� Cozen@ oser is getting som) pointers on plumbing.
cription of how Ooronati6n 1 ay W%a cele- an, affection of the lungs, E Od the ravakee Of ing on Monday afteriloo , at the residence home' of Mr. Geor$e PAter�on.-Miss Ad& . t I rn Stratford this w3ek.-Mr, MoWilliam
brated in thb wild and �woolly west� H whici the beat medical sk it could not; stay. of mrs. jlmea Cowan. where they were I Barber,- o Gu�lph, �returned. home on Wed- oonductiz) the service.-Mrsi. JohnThomp�i nd boys -were on a lubinesS rip to Pv
Bank of Commerce -does not make any reference to rh King', About two In uths ag 'sh son returned on Wednesday fk6m a �Month'a
0 o went to' V �nesday, & ter a very pleasant Visit with her &r. Pet r 'Rabinsoll,
illness and th� f 41, 1- L an- most hospitably'entertained and ha&a very + TT T - .1 over and vicinity. -Alr. Pet
B -op,
Silk fr-01
CWored I
e uqr(nat vvuvyr 1pv 1, to a hope Lhau no criange ignt enjoyable meeting. -Mr. Newton Me avi8h, friend, Miss iBella Paterson. -Miss Ella XTA C 0
1who -ha
, a secured a go d situati a in 'Owen
CAPITAL(PAID UP) tionproceedin 9. Perhaplthenewfj�ad provobenefi,-ial, but sheilnever reco'vered of Clinton is taking Rev. Air. Ros�' place -��go -
C 4 1 . of the Globe, Toronto, spent Saturd end, Smith, who has been teaching school in in Melvill, t . o ill health. ound, moved bisia ily there this week*
Eight MiRiGn D011arS $8,0,00 000 reached that di trieb at that time.1 H suill, ently 'Lo permit of h 'r return home. Sunday at the home of Mrs. E. RIC Ill.- Port Art mr, is home for the holidays.- church. 0
110� 1. 1 kere aTe more empt houses in Blyth art.
�WT :ay, wing
ever that inaylU, they had th ir ce1qbrat;ion She w!as not qnite 26 yean' I Ir' Ross is forced to take several months
1 off age and, b3- Miss Lizzia M. Dorrance, who has oo 'plated Mr. and Aire. S. Bennett, of: Wingham, old I een. f r a number
al Bidca1er bu band, I ; I Sampleleft for the Soo, on p
C6rouation Pay, holidays. -Tony resent than there b e b
$2,000,000, anyway. He V eavest "o liDtle daukh- her course at the NornI al school, ho been Seaf6rthiltes, spent Sat"urday and Sunday 'd years. -Barrister ackeen spent Satiuk- The
celebrated in ri ht royal,sttylt out li,.A. i -b ters to mour their loop. � he was a kindly, engaged as teacher in, school sectio6 'N I o. 6 with friends in town.-A�ial Wednesday evening of thig wee 1. on
SEAFORTH BRANCH. country, There Were athleti eatlm�able young lady, and !bar death , is a Rullett, a' B Ainnie Sclater, Tu�sday eyening-the football club, (f which 'Jay and Sunday at b home in Egmand- Tile
horse racea at luniaf&il- �ano a 3 8 p op ct gp'i cl 6 ua4t Bevero bereavement to her t a salary of 8300 per �nnum. of Grace Hospital, Toronto, to spending her he Was a P.-ominent �member, presenJted him �ille.-Mrs The
A general Banking business tran- big e�la- The people of that section will find -Mr, and Mrs. Levi Weathe ead, of St. Helene,
�amily and'r holidays in town.
Tindastoll. Idjd'mybest1b;.1 witb an eh gant dresking as visiting relatives in town ver Sunday.
weated. Farmers, Notes discounted, of them. &king id, boith, tives nd wi I be deeply reAretted by 'num- they have secured a most excellen Smith, of Sault Ste. Marie, have been here C�96 and Eiuitably The
I went to Innisfail in the m t tqacher. T -Rev. Mr. McLean �entertained his Bible
and:. special attention given to the raing ;, eroustold friends of the!-ifarnily in this visiting friends. Mr.Smiuh has returmed worded 6-6 Irees. A sumptuous supper had The
-Nlra. Adair,son and daughter, of Toronto, Nee on Tuesday evening, at Ids residence,
=*11ection of Sale Na�tes. 'got in about eleven and !stayed there till count also been r repared for tl�e occasion. -James
i I � home, but Mrs. Smith ihtende to re r -I avin'l h -a tuost-anjoyabl
half -past six. k were the guests of Mrs. Allan McLean over -,hey all report 11 g- -ad e The
tra k ngs Mr -
ins rich this week. Monday was civic holiday j de, these locial gatheri The
' I main a McCracken moved from Brussels to Gode-
SAVI NGS, BAN K. -I n Their regulAr racei
terest aflow- . I as Saturday and Sunday. -For the past week, Couple of �weekq yet. -Mr. Thonias Cameron,
spoij6d1by the recent ra I ime. By M
ad an cl,epoaltz of $1 and upwards. a 01 so I hey ju t t ok A Twrmvi: YL, AIIS' PiS- 6RATE.—The f6l- Miss Kate Johnston, of Pine Grove Vnion pecretary-l-reasurer of 'tfie Usborne and 'Can keep.8 in, touch ---with the young
Spectal , iti� A . -h re. It was proclaimed for that day to
an open spac 1�prair a at d mar pni phe London has been the gu'esb of Mrs. E. y, was in a . t
-201tttles for transaction of ad off lowiny,.Which we take f McFaul.-Mr' gibbert Fire Insurancp Compan eoinla nf hi i Us, is, The
a con r ation - Misi
trac there. 0 9ouz se, prelv�n ad,,,, dve tner, ill be of,inteitbab to the �nany F. town on hursday. ( Hal met the Goirern. give those 1who WLane(i A cnance to go to
buistness tn the Klondike Diatrict- Gutteridge started o� Wednesday to orkvtb, who has be rieiLing in Harristion
t which
ant insp
Atoaey Orders, payable at any bank. issued a; the them from maki, g, very fait time, b -t say.1 frien� a of Pvcv. Mr. Clark imong our [read. clean out Silver creek ctor and had his books exarnined Berlin with the football boys, a ind Wroxeter for tbel ALL thr;6 wtekso re.
following ratos, p atory to the
r, nn �ng C178. a 7r
Under $10 .08 eral of the races -they were all It says ; 41 Rev r' d appro red by that o8cialt-Rev. R. W. place the c4ampionship of the intermediate
.1i ones -were ver good, though they 'w�re day Completed the twelfth tear of his, pas- town. Be
W. - J. Clark y� ter- execution of the drain ep�works of -a ties of the Western Foot�hall Association
$20 to $30 th �urned home MondaYl,
810 to �20 - .10 930 to �50 at work. Ri6kle, of r known here, has
He has a large force of men
more than ordi rily flow in getting, hii igs torate in the First Pre Lan- -People who have been exeoratihg the re a In thO congregation of was to be� decided between four Aeams.
r. HaLKESTED, G. E. PARKES. Van church' ceived a I I �fervol
Solicitor. started. There wass quite a good I ai 6d don Mr Car jol the distill ! Ction weather clerk be Knox chUIrr There we Bts purcha�ed at 1 Wal -tion.
manager. k thus cause of the cold weather amilton, as� successor to a 123 ticki I
I Id ribia station, hence the boys were nod lacking
crowd in town, and you could see all sorts by �eing ihe' b Preanbyi�iian minister in during the past spring must have got pretty 'Rev. Mungo raser. OUR MILLIN-8RY. It alwa,3 Z' represento
-- and conditiona Df peo le, from Indiana to point f coli2luloles service 1�n I fir 11 rootere." The first- game on ��e pro -
P I . I -the city. Dur- well thawed out during the past week.- . I i
the very swell md aristocratic Fng�iaber. ing t4l�� i every detail the very flower and perfee-
ESe tWelve years chai ges have 60cur. Farmers are now busy harvesting t gramme was Liitowl vs. Brussels, w0ch Put ton of millinery consiruction. It has been
heir hay Leadbury, a sudden end to Brussels' chances, a their
Our B1,mycle Store: There was an elderly lady in _a very lomell red iniever� other Preab terian in crop. -Judge Doyle wa6 in town on Monday I n trouble selling our �trimmed millinery all
silk dress, and with one of - these; I pairs the Ci bf the 035 charge,, We have! a big line of :fine laced boots for opponents scored 3 goals to their 11. We �ason but ju
Is just as prominent a part of our business Y. In the Prp�by� hearing'eviden de and adjudicating on a Me- at now, al woman's fancy turns
lidisp. Yoni choice e the (oil WiO makes--Gecrge guess it w8613 our boya' day off. Galt f SOM 't� �r ki"Indo outing bat
of glanes on, a etick, I don't r6. tery ot Lon4on, a,111 have h 4d new paa�tors Killop drain case. -Air. Thomas ira, Bell and Peerless. Afews-imples Brantford i a the] second game, d ef�ated a
4As ever, in fact,- we are prepared to do a member what they are called. S' ppin an &I- Downey, of Slater, Via , tor t� a sailor �or a Storl -8 ju
znui�h larger business in thib line, and have companied by a he w�s ic-� during tbii �eriod. except d W Chicago, is at present visiting friends in this tk��orth window We ara le4ers �n flue fo,)twear. d i tbi e thinek show, st
an ain "a
ouple of young ladi( in laostiowno w1here Rev. the f]iral game with Liatowehothey c
Ravr Henderson 'land vicinity. Our old fri,-nd looks as -if Y ukee Willis"", Se�f rth, 1804-1 1 r 8
Alex ' �Tms out ap InWhIalt-wFahe is after. To sea is -to know.
a 8taff largs, enough to handle a Out
S our Piano, automobile coa �s ' and they all Itri V- Alr.� K�el6o labor. IN� be victorious. A s�ecia trin brought t, e boys T�e,E. McFaul Co�, Sieafortb. 1804-1
n Mr.
Orgaa, M.usic and eWing Machina business elled in s' Clark air agreed with his Irish blood, as he Oeems "�Ve arethe muslin peop a o
tate' i 11 f the town' to he
a a .11 er wagon -, ire went to t a -�ecture room of ;the i church! to about 12 o'clock. ICAL is no the order -
to be renewing his youth. -Mr. and �Alrs. mmer gowns
Without interfering in 'slay way with each seems to be quit a number of Engli o. those who yet require dai4ty
other, and have capable men in every de- ple out east and sh 'p att6ndthe 'eekly rayer rrpetin� last even- James Murray, of Grand Fork -i, Ddkot�', are and we are,,, the shirt waist,, people and the io the day. an rrla'V-- rage,onef al-
outh of rmn!sfail, and thby iugi he was 1 suprised Blvth- The cropr� iS r
to i ihd i had -416ri visiting Mr. Murray's motLer here Ps lbow, parasol pe t le and the lage and embroidery t ough the weather �'f the pa6t, week has
partment. areralW&YO gotten up in great style w on made beauXi I ful with oral d: q -,.p I I
core ions b� !the Mr. Murray is a graduate of TIIE EXPO * ' NOTES.-Reevia Siiins was one of the vis-- n t been too favorabl�.-The fr me work -of
The Cleveland, Hyslop and Stearns are they come into town. 'eople. D, o you require,1 'at low cost, any
As cration. Thal Pasto� ide- office and like all ITOR p
a in bicycles. supper I go lie , an our boys" is oing itor8 to 0eaforth last Saturda to w ]come r. -Alex. Jklurray's :bar raised on
umogg our leader We also t out , Bi, soon, -as I hid ladies of theldongre gloves, holliery, vests any warm weather y r t
. - 1 hic, 1he credit to his early training.-Thit A, I the Huron 91d Boye.-Rev. Mr. olmee, F Iday Of last W The wor of raising
havo. a stock of forty second hand wheels, home,' arrivint, t d starte for livend an interesting addre � 8, 4 edle things wl ever they �ay be it so, goniq eek.
t3l iere shortlf after su.81t, reviewed th� work of the cl 4rch durin&
Phe German band " was in town on Tuead
which we are fitting up as fast as poEsible, (it set at nine ol and here, get t4em right. The E. McFa,ul Co., the new pastor i)f the Methodist church, W 9 done with block aind tackle, and super -
and . wbiah we aie selling at from $5 to $15, in time for the ( -lock that ni, 8 werei
`,rht), and it at perlod of his1pastorate. Adi [,�essg qlao they clairn 'to have come direct from. Gar- Scaiorth. preached two splendid sermons on S�nday. Ivi ad by Messrs. Re rter and Rands, who
ance that Wound u t is delivered byil%lr. Alex. Stul t, K. C., !�Mr. 1, J, 1804-1 1
and lss� ella, very auc e6ful �h ve the are experts in tbis
guarantee them to be good value. The picnic. The dance was held in -the ar)- Merchant, h11r. John Camei �n, 7 postmao many. They make good music. -Mi NOTES. -th _The Presbyterians held a Contract ant
-Mason & Riach, Bell, Nordheimer Domin. 'house at the store, a little a' Ver, Bethune, teaulier in one of the depart ants a new pastor i occupied the lawn social I last Friday - evening, o�i the 'li a of work. Alte. Murray will have an a I
ned on tb I o3- Dr. Arnor tt. During tl 0 evening �111r. of the Brandon publio school, is -n when cc
ion are among our pianos. Bell and Domin. posite Eide from my room, and foe I even- �ba mpleteO. -A la r
musi Ilhome fo -the, "'Ots of t�e churches in'thel Walton cir church grounds. It being a beautiful
-go number
we and Mrs.. Clal�k,were presed'ed w' LA large tin
on ith bas�6ts holidays.�-,Mr. A. M. CamP a , this eek C It on Sunday. Mber of people ing there was a I�rge crowd, the to. f -rr- In Walton and vicinity went to Se4orth
re "'p
'of beautiful roses ; an our disposed of a very handsome, new mike, o to bein $72. IAII present had a most e ble on Saturday., to take In the sports in 'honor
ion organar ow -had an organ, a fiddle and aman(161ia. T1 a d the f.ocial h
y kn ' them. frl this section took in the Old Boys' day
OUR GENERAL REPAIR SIE[op Iselandic girl's are all good dancers and as pleasantly brought t 9
o a clos, wi�h refiieih- Mr. John Ament, of Brussels, and &no her at Seaforthi�-?4r. Finlay McIntosh had2 a y want ov he Huron Old Boys.-
there was just en)ugb t timea-Mr. Robert McKa- 0 vEa t o �of It so
has and almaya will be our' main 0 go around, we hs d ments, served by the young 4diei.11
depart- 'a great time. As all the callin to Mr. George Strong, of Tuckersmith'. He good bee gr�velljing his lape and barn. yard. Seaf rt on, Saturday, expecting to � play ;b6 well rerpresente in Brusels; on the
ment. This is v�here we started, an 9 off - had to a� I
d it has also made Dr. Ross happy by pr i iug There was a party at night, w6re fun and lacrosse aga net St. Marys, but th gl while pt ers vWho are loyal to
be done in English, we weren't botNrod R. T. of Z DIS'iRICT ' ' ' I . . ul rious 12th
always has our ipecial -attention in ilEETFTNCI.�-The him with a very handsome covered gaiety was largelly in evidence, -Mr. Daniel di not t en up. -Miss ly
- all 'withquite soma y equare dance aa� ri Ing laggie F r order will go to 'G' deri-ahr. Apart from
repaiirs of Bioyclea. Lawn Mowers, in fact a a sen -g -annual meeting rict buggy. -Air. Melvin Scott, of Rege
of has soldbis farm at a good fig
alping is am home, they -will
'usual in the cour try. The favo a �urou Dis�! Ro.. man- m le ure. entertained a number of her friends nee- h trip fuithe�
rit d n)e Coun'cil Royal Templars of emperance i ville, spent &tnrday and Sunday �t the fio ' Moncton was W W. I
any old thing. Remember the place. here seems to be the Echo,t,* t, A n T" thei purchaser.- day evening at liar home. -Mrs. als enjoythe bal of Lwke Huron.
s'-he,thought ,a
h, y held at Wingbam. June 24 The Die parental home here. -Amon Mr. John C.iozier had a b a gravelling and a Sloan and son. of'Torouto, were' visitc at 'Th se who, don'rt go at all rrr�at contout
also waltz and p)lka, but never dl�tivc,-s "a �Couficillor, Mrs. Colin Carr p'bell, o u i�d Seafortl g the ormer
G. M. Bald n, Eedo : L cc dancing party the following night,�Iiaying
Wi rth. Pesides these they bad a Danish� �it�a who viFited the old t wl on her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. -H. You g1s, he meelves it 13, or! g in the 4" f2elds at
ance at i
d the chair. There were repn sen tives f om 8 will be ell the go this week and next. We this week Mise
4 couple of Iffighl nd ffillgS, 80 aturday -last was Mr. John McIntyre, of Edith PenhAll is t ying hE busy season.- v. Mr. Catecallan the
we bad qui a Goderioh, Verna, %Vinghan i -The annual bowIing, tourtihment a weather while it is going on. -
General Repair Shop. E eter, eA- Exeter. or fin her eXamin7altion in music at Godench, this nws7 pastor of the' Methodi t ichur.-h.
a variety. They had a little refresh 'a t forth Farqufiar. The repor of the dis ' I
ul� 6pt takes place on Tuesday are going
Stand and Wednesday Quitef a number to - Gode. week. -The �invitations are out for ancther re Chad very &eceptably for t a first time
there, too, where you could buy �c secreiary shav�ed a members �ip of 278, and next. -Mrs. Pafford, of T6ronto, forinerly viob on Saturday, and, no douU, the county W a nes Mr Young
rearn, cigars, cigarettes, ed4ing ne t W d day. -Mr. John ay,
lemonade, so 1 ;the district t crowd it has 'Rose 868 Sund r. Catscall,
reasurer report( � Ill bill aid Miss Aggie McIntyre, wam in town oO Sun town will have the biggeab' had
i - aj I and comes well i re olum
-All the Canadian Mounted Rifles. ex. drinks, etc., etc.: and they must have ma arrived home from Edmonton on' Tuesday C On �nded.-Mr.
and 6, cash� b faiance on bai ap, or cf day the guest of Mr. and Mrs D. Molity for many % day. -Mr. Henry : Stimore has ev WM gton
cept about 400, are on their way home from quite x lot of ' I re. enL139, for a short visit, before leavill for [I h McMillan, of hit, is visiting
'30tit money, for they were *a 11 �tsmperance committee : In to ithe -Mr. and Mrs. John, Cowan, of 10, wa, �re h rothers, who. Dawson, to take up his new dtitiezz. Mr. is !brother, Mr. Dani ok MOM -i an, Of thi&
h Africa. had a well drilled. Bell B'
patronized. it wa�s near four o'clock 'wte a matter of probibition as coal th t,he here visiting at the residence of Mr. Ja as 4ve drille& a large numb r o wells thin and Mrs. Sherlock and family, of. Whini- la e,
A -
F n
5P �-1 i
gji, i
T;l ��4 WE
71 tf
-r: i, Aill 1
A 4 P1
�R -
H 1 1� U
A i
SXTO� JULT 11111 1902*
ay Oil
W eir ity in a house of nearly 100 members is j u swi it "s
Place Your Order With Us the Is at ivaltz was pl id and the! dance vote to be takTn on December 4, Would Cowan. Mr. and Mrs. Co n are on th season, hhd the contract. One of a major
as o4ej, and by that tite everybooy was say we C wan, of Toronto, Ned ati I
1 grab that the Legisleturol did not wed&zjg tour. -Miss
�oginft:iny-to get 4' They wp're' all see 6t to grant -the' changes in the c6ndibions is spenctiag her holidayip wi�h' friends in this abouli ni andtuck. will liki y wit'.
I wee
1 sy.mpib,hzing with me be �au?i§ I had' to get asked for by the vote,taken at ��e great vioiaity.-Miss Iva Dodds d ughter ofMr. ness livel times in -political circles in On. pV wr
I Unnecessa it oure.
ohn Do 6enl ill with tonsol- bario for Jhe next 12 monthe.-F
CIVILD MEDAL DISTRIOT MATTBR$6 1 tit) to t h school, but 41 didn't bot ier me convention :held, in Toronto, on bruary, : J n Do &. who has al Whea
very 4au h, though I waiiii a little stiff after 1902, and would recommend that a abide ites is'ra pid.'V recovering. r. M., Prouder- appears � be doing very well, at d wit
Tiding so,, e thirty ag
00� odd rr �1'les, walking about by the decision of the Ontario bran0h of the gast, of Chicago, was Visit friends and favorable westher for the next 10 di ys wil Considerin
To CORREEiPONDENTS.�Owitig to a,�Change 9
all do -8 he C. be a fai I N -
j aud dancing all wfi ht, but I trade up Dominion Alliance Convention, to be held:, relative re for a few d Mr. R �r verake.---4'r. Richard Robin6
Binder Twine, in t"he postal regulations, pri�ters pDpy. Collegiate Ia- bad the liaformile to have a valual le, bore
for it t,W next night, ai : Coronati�n Day in Toronto, on July 29th, as to 00 action � Cheswrighb, formerly of tile
unsealed envelopes must be prepai4 a;t t 0 me every da I wish it d�A, come we an individuals . shall take. --Carried. stitatestaff here,bat1no*df Walkerton, die on Mi day from inflammation. It will Summer Goods.
�t a dov.sia% Y. i
rate of two cente for -four on ces ori less,and a' little. o Wrier, if they v -u )uld all be �ike the State of the order : We are pleased to note! has been spending the I past *eekealling on be- a heavy leas to Mr. Robinson. Qa Tue
A FULL STOCK OF 14sto no. There is to be another bio picnic the alight increase in 'Membership still we old f rien Is here. -Mr. George! Getzmeym, of day he -b ught ano.ther horse from Mr. Wil. THI
one cent for each additional two� ounces. i noil %av qis- cKillop, met with a painful accident the� liams, of Brua�els, to replace this one.
and dan a on the lat o' July, aboti�. eight regret it is not larger. No con
Correspondents having envel�pee 'a cone
IT&Y FORK ROPE Vith one mil at I irdal's, but II hope banded and one new' council has been !or- 01her da He was leading a 10ow, when the It ought not cause f�ou a mome4 ern�
as up the river, W
-cenb in stamps will please add the &�lditioual io be 'on the way to Edy ionton that �day, if ganized, in Clinton. The district councillor alpiimal sarted to run laway and Mr. Getz- Londesboro. sinee we have 4one -pill the ineditstin
beforehand, a -no have eVerytbing b.ore
MACHINE OIL one cent stamp until the su ply on i; band is the triln are running, 6 11 won't, be Ule to was instructed to communicate With tile, nl4yer w is thrown against a telegraph pole, NOTES.,—Quiteanumber from here at.
'p . I I you are likely to want in dry go
Mr. and vOith the result that a oinall bonein his left ode.
take t,", run.- gran&seorotary re the coming of tended the social in Blyth on Friday even-
i�. weThere had b 6n no trai4
exhausted, and render account to is offi.,e. eet
rl Here you find the 'wanted things in such
ENGLISH PA EEN ping up to 1hursday, bu they Mrs. bavidson to this district in the month a6 was cracked and some of the cords mis
RIS GIELI f . itiglast. Mr.,Jeffre and two sons open
Ordinarylocal correspouPanc6 wil �requ Te start d, a, Kain tb at da it it is har4 to say of October. It was with regret the'district; $pnday I %st with- ii -ends in Goderich.— variety as assures perfect conformity to
y) atced . He will be r�qui ad to carry his you Ividual taste. 2 ST -01R
FORKS, SCYTHES only two Cents in stamps. how bg they will last. If it'wasr.,' that accepted the reeignation.of Mr. Jacques, of min sling for somr ti 'a, which is par- Miss Ali,e Bell ia at present in Qoderich r ind
eta' Pend. t
tioulari unfortunate at his -time of the Mis I Comparison of quality with qu, ty, pricas� f - V
they un so slowly on th i line, it wo ld not Exete1r, district seer' rV. Miss trying bar tnusic&,6 examinatiom i 50
AND HARVEST TOOLS ABmGHTSTUDENT.—OWIDJO the difl. be da to travel, for the ain is a to be hale Was appointed to the office of moretary, year.—Erry Smith, f�r y are a well known . I . with priceE, wifll prove .-the superiority,
Sarah Barr is impr ving slowly.- Master
of our offers.
culty in disciphering the pub�ishad reaute �itoh a1t any time. and was instructed to forward the thanks of figure about Seaforth, dial in -Dr. Gunn's Lawrene Toronto, is a prose 100 ft. IR
Not much apace for txlkiug� with hundreds. -
of the differient universit t, ka, i this district to Mr. Jacques for his very hospital, Clinton, on Saturday, -286k ult. He visiting t the'ho ' of his uncle, Mr. John of i
f I CU;3tL me
B.no � iexam tria, ioi tem g for mention.
At Right Prices Mr. Lloyd Hodgins, o ev. Ru r I De in S A19D INLAND 6z-,iUB R� HipTs. 'efficientand faithful services as sebretary, had gone there to haye at operation par- gelville.—Qaite a number -intend tilking ill
We and you nine 11 t a satiefied with but a,
Hodgins, Seaforth, wai not. given nything —Th eipts a �1 the port of Gode- also the sympathy of the ipembers in his formed. He was a native !:Of county Cavan, the twelfth at� Goderieh.—Mr. Wm. Mac -
Cu itoms rec J word In gone f about lim
like full credit for the excellent. stand he rich i ind ts outporta dur i6g the ye riding affliction, Mr. and Mrs. Davidson,4 organ� Ireland and was 800 years of age. His only ited few. 4
our I Oonald, A Blyth, spent Sunday as the
took in his examination, in t iesu ),of last June 3Q6 , 1902, were fat follows izers for the Royal Templare, were present relative a this part of the dountry is a Diece, guest of Misv,L. Whitley.—Mr. and Mrs
Cboking is made easy on hot days : . I you can le� much more of their
week. Hetook first-class honork1a his riished us Mrs. A. Worth of Hensill. He left hade 8 friends here.—Mre. worth when in, the slvorb'—gooda speak 4
Qode.-iCh 6131 2 16 apd addressed the meeting, also f uIr an I adayed with
by ushic, a pass, and first-class honors in 1, rialk ish a d ft vocal and instrumental music: on the, estate said to be valued at about $2,000. for themselves.'
Clint 9, 08 56 some in. Staolt-house and daughter, oi West -
history. This entitles him �to field the Winj mandolin and guitar, Mr. McCallum gave Mrs. Giffies, soloist ip Plarliament street
am 6 49 23 6 Id,'spent,a, few days this�'week w1th rels,
w year Methoditt church, Toronto, came to Sea.
scholarship which he 'on in his fi - t an excellent report of'the proceedings at the Bilks.
WICKLESS BLUE FLAME STOVE. r 1�ipc toile il; 4, 9802 t ves her,
I 9L , I
examination. We cougratulat4-'1v1r., dgin8 Seaf 57 x —a— They rustle softly here. son Is,
Wo ('rand Council in February. Mr. 1R. Park, forth on the Hurpn 014 Boys' a cursion, and
on his excellent showin We sell the
Soutl apil ton 3,472'128 of Wingham, was app inted to attOnd the while he a was the gueso- of Mrs. John Dub1m. d a
verybesthin *,and mak a specialty
VIIIJIM7198-NIXY S EMT Dominion Alliance Geovention to bw held in Dodds.—The furniture ctory has been the vtr
LEY) Luck io�w Postoffice 6 '43 1 How easy it is to give -your home a t of Black Dress'Silks, iY
-hearty vote of thanks was tender- closed fc r a we 0 on
AcciDExT.—Wbat might have 1 been a July.' A ek or In re !to permit of ex -
Successors to S. Mullett & Co. of modern beauty by occasionally bu
serious accident, happened �o Mr. Jacob ad the members 'of '"lingham couocil for tensive alterations. The o d planing mill is - yin: 3,
To;al $47, alow yards of.drapiny material, ri" incol- IRibbonS th-e lowell
McGee, the genial ex-mayorr, of moE d- I their kind` reception and general 'hospitality being used now in Connection with the
IP �ho preceding year lending Jupe 30, ors, and replading the old and sha Dby eux - full
ville,on Monday last, While e4aged in extendedtothe delegates from thevarious:, farnitur - factory and a number of new Cases are of them in
DOMINION BANK. '1� $34,426.�Q. In- t;�ins wit :&Ill their charm People
1901� t a collections we ri ainty new ones
putting away some hay in tb( barn,$ he sli - couneils. The session closed to meet at the! m%chines will be placed in the brick build. h d if your home of color and �Uality.
�12,588.07. The !number of ntrias te: q mui re s, for s�ny of its rooms, carpets, .line.
p I
ped &no fell off a platform, wi th the rbHult call, of the district councillor, at a time and ing. This will give the factory an enlarged you bettzE
$2,500,000 cre" �he year jua ii concluded was u a lace curtains, rugs, art � musline, fti,
APITAL(Pald L duri
J p), uhat the hip joint was disloc kted, but� f r- I place to he fixed by the disrrict executive. capacity,—Mrs. Thomas Dodds. of'Mitchall, Gloves, Hopery, &c.,
$2,500,000 0 3,179 he receipts oi 'inland revenue at I - drauinz aterials of an , I -
-REST tunately, no bones were broken. )r- 0 - visited Mrs. John Dodds this week —Miss y kind on t ible cov -
6naid 9�1
ing Mr. McGee's ad,�vanced a�ei hdis now �oderi�'Oh for the year en�ing June 30 lampbell, of ere, welt, �ve Iiave reliable goods, reliabla These Summer� needs are to be seen in
APPRECIATED -7 The young Jady.teferred'� Far us Q Wind1sor public school, prices. The H. McFaul Co., Seaforth. qu autities �reait enough, tand are nice
to in the following which we is's end ing her holidays at her home.— Mrs. us wifla t
ISEAFORTH BRANCH, doing mwell &scan; be expeiRed u der h were'a�l f)llowfi : -paragraph, i
t a On Lica'n 0 $ 170 00 1804-1 enough, the dear knows..
S:�afDrth. circumstances. Th sympa�hy c�f ma, ay ke from the Port Arthur Journal,� is Miss C. Papst and Master Charlie are visiting
Main Street 'Ar ' P. ad 8pirits 1�617 05 "a —Wlisa L. Kennedy, of Deuroit,
friends will be extenaed tox . McPe0, 12*20 00' Jennie Govenlook, daughter of the late Mr. friends-inGlenwillia-me.. Mr.!Papsb,whois JomNGs.
.the hope will be general thiD iq h6me on her holidays.—Ttie Alifees Mc - Muslin Unde4rwear
hiq f4l M I
A General Banking Business trani- 25 ob Andrew Govenlock, of Winthrop, a0d sister, in Califoknia, has purchas�d ai business in
covery may be $'pee4. of Mr. J. R. Govenlock, of thistow L Miss Eu� Ire, and will move his, family there this aid are 41so home from Detroit on their
Farmers' Salle Notes collected, Eipo rie Light Ins Otion 1 a correct in sty -le, rj*ght,
goted. The kind that 4
satisf A&tc
e the� ner.—Mr. John Landsborougb, who has b lk
ffrpt make, and !neat- in -trimming—the
$4',1032 05
apd, advances made on same at lowest a ii i Govenlock'a many friends will r sullo lays.—James Williams, ji., is holiday- in
VISITORS.—Among the ol4J Se�fqr�hi as cause which induces her to retire om the� beer Cal ying on a furniture and undertak- I bis cousins in town.—The farmers variety is greap.
r*tes. g wirih
who -accompanied the HuronJ Old poyls Dn position where she was so much applfeciated, Ing xisiness here, for the past six years. has s em to think 'that they a6re not going to got tage of t!
Drafts sold on -all points in Canada, GiR. �'VANTED.—Competent girl t go to i -
their excursion here on Sattirds IA84', Va )a ft )a n a hub they lhayiweather. Ithasbeeu-impog-
y; i0prygeneral house,work.. Salat $1 will hope that rest will restore her� disF osed of the business to Mr. Valentine a.7Y 900
he United States and Europe. t Linens,
Ton, � Mr, aid iray kt EX1,081TOR Offic.c. 804X1 to the fullness of 1heaUh ono6 mo�o. The n in �si�ble for
noticed Mr. and MrL-. John L� w=... A Knechtel, Mr. Knechtel is well know them, to do anything in that lice so for Sonle
SAVINGS DEPARTMEN-r.—Intere$t Mrs.G.R. Andeison, Mrs.John 8te�wart BarralNurns, Was Ing Mb6chipps and Journal says The closing of- t4e* publiel Seaforth and vicinity and should do a good far.—Miss B , n, who tau rht school hem A veritable feast for housewives. We
allowed on deposlis of One Dollar and
and son; Mrs- Clarkson,and iVessre. Aar(ld Wringei4 If, on want to pu chase any of the above school for the eummek vacation w" marked, busines3, He gets possession abodt the 21st some time ago, if; spending her holiday3 keep good linebs alwayiO—Iineoa mauu-. im-int-diat
upwards. and'Percy Clarkson ; Dr. J. Aeudersoh a ad Come takand we will mak you happy. Reid & with a pleasing event in Miss 0 Venlockle: of the MD11th. Mr. Lindsborou& has not with old friew 8, making her he a with factured from � ure flax.,
Wilson, rdtvare Morohano, talorth. 1l.806.2 0 p
R. S. HAYS, W. K. PEARCE, 1: Mrs. McFaul; the Aliases J6ue9 �r, a d room. Miss Govenlock, who h a �resigaed do ided wbat� he will do.'—Miss Beatrice jUr. and Ls. mes edmond.—Mr. Geo..
BRkOELET LoST.—LDit in Si th on
M atiager. Mrs. T. G. -Soole, th AlcLecd, on account of ill health after ton Dress Goods-,
Solicitor Mr. Ken6o a iyears of i tt returned' home from'Toronto on Bat- !O'Leary andwi a, of Courtwright,Nrbo
Tu sd&�,, a silver ohalu brace ob with heart shaped
a Gz my; . IN' , r. most faithful service on the staff, wee pre- ur ay.—Mr. and Mve. A.� Coulter, Ispending their holidays with Mr, Denni
Mr. and Mrg., and the Miss6 looeket:Att9ehed. Lucketcon �ined two phoWgraph8. Of war: Figured dress goods figured down to
You take no chances when you M- Morris,, Mr. and Mrs.! It Preudetgaat Rowardbo leaving it at Tim-EyF0810OR OFFI-�' sented by Chairman Dobie, on b h If f the Inggreol , spent Saturday' and Sun- 9'Leary and Dr. Mithell, retar�ed to their
1804-1 board, m ibh a gold watch and . a `1 0 1 10me on onday —Miss Clara Me - the lowest prices, but plain dress stuff,
and children, Alies Cobb, M�. �i. J. Cm w- o h a I an d a day [:wit I Mrs. Coulter and other friends in enna. is r`� are in the greaier domatid, so 'We have
attend the Popular I ford, Mr. Charles Hatt Mr. alter Powe I, We bAve a big line of for[ services town-i—dr. James Horto' h
ne laced boots for cheque for $25 as a small tokon n, who had his leg �putting n soma of her spare me wit d Of Plain CaShiner
a splendi
Mr. S. Deem, 151r, Edward Alsh,-Idr, ai A Mies.- ;Y ur obolce of the fo� �owing rnakes�ocorge rendered on the staff. Itr the ton years Mips -i brolLen a shorb time dgo, is still confined to friends i Gode'rich.—Mr. John Miller, Mrs..
Satin clotbs �Vbileo
Mrs. Bert Simpson, Mr John Mcha!ren 111 `1,toria, Be:1 and Pge)l,�w. Afeleamples Sargea, Po
Govenlock has been 'a most painstakiDgi bed at his gibtOr's here, but Js getting along Jake We er and Mr. and Mre. A. H. Bar� print,
nort w ndow, we are IeOera in fljn� f twear I Amazons, an �oth r kinds too.
from Toronto. Also Mea4rs.�IV. McLeo A, 0, tencher, and has at all times had itbe con. as well as could be expected- under this cir. �inan too a trip to Sebringville on Wedne�l-
W. H. W11 is, seaforth. 0
Harry Abell, Herbert Knioh� and Fr d $16.00 worth of Iry goods I to be fidence of the board, and waE loved�, by her cuT3tanees.—Mr and 'Mrs. F.G.Sparling,of day.—M so May Williams took.a. -business
Aaitchell, of London�; Dr. Ifqlaad, bf 'H a r* scholars. Her hard work in our school has, Wibgha , spent �unday with Mr. and Mrs. trip to Saaforth on Tuesday.—Rev. Wn� Curtains an( Draperies. The' -old
; Jol slaughbdre . Our annual Jul �, and Augu9t sale com.
STRATFORD, ONTARIO. i riston ; J. 0. Roae, of Witigharrij 112 inencea Ju y 4th. RohUrn to �lway fare all6wed on im paired her health, and she was -compelled Jam a cMiohael.—Migs Edna Pickarif, Fogarty was in Stratford on Mond iy.—Mr. It's so easy to brighten;up the rooms -Oxf
The k
YouLare sure to get the beat business or 'Jackaon, of Blyth, aad Divid Sproat, o� B 1. all pur6ha es over $10, within �Oniiles. G.:E� King, to give up the work. The aicholarO in her seco. d daughter of Mr. William Pickard, is John Me 'Jonnell has commenced to put -in I with a little� col r here &�Ad there. We
Wingh6m. '1803-tf The Seot
shorthand education. This is the school grave.1 room also presented *,her with a h: ndsome hom frc m Toront(�, where she had been at- !his set of scales at the G. T. 11. stock can help you do i:L
AIT RS. —We have a big variety of bar- i, The VV es'
whose graduates are in strong demand a� Y%R� gold breach. Miss Govenlock 11 much tend,ing -.he conservatory of" music. She 'yards. fo� the convenience of the public- H'
Me". John 1,6ds- a for low pike,, vlz:
YGE 'Ess. f
CHi OF BusIN. Vest L-hOL3 [%ad vou can't beit
teachers in bnsineas colleges, and as aten'. missed in town by a large circle o friends, took honors in the intermediate course in �iutends putting a building over. th -,m ; an Carpets 1 The Irist
I�orough has fisposed f his fuiiii�ture ana u [1- 76 cents uP. W. JU. Willis, oon and, sti(es. Sea -
forth. 1604-1 and in the Presbyterian church. -i which vi li� in truction in the I recent examin. have an �ffice in a be will have kil i TRe bes-t
Pgraphers and book-keepers for prominent X1 1, it, wher I i
i dertaking stock and business io! M V�len- a Not a roll of Garpet ft,
business firmw. Write for catalogue. Ahe was an enthusiastic 'worker. MI -88 Roth. atio Miss Rae Dickson, third daughter weighm iter placed, who will acco nmodate wt i1h price attach-
tineKnechtel who,takes &SsEision on tj [a ScREEk DOORS AND V� �XDo'ws.—The best -The best -
aster Dickson, has passed her first the publib in every respect. a n In the
andcheapeat at Reid & Wilba's, Hardware Mer. well has been promoted to Miss Gotenlock's of Rs*t ed that b t been v�eighed
trang r io. abant4,, 8 i - - - - . i
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. 21st inst. Mr. Knec'btel is rio i 8 eaforth 1834-2 room.J). year in theory, with honor�,ab the' conser- Beale of justice. -,Our carpets represent -
4444 the people of Seaf6rth and vicinity a large, clean, 611-chose-Ja Ato
.621 ham' 9 20o'to 25.- Prize BuRer.—We o�er for vato y of niusic exAminat ions. —Mrs Harlock. ek. The�
been a resident of the toWn and'an emp oyee PRESBYTERY 0 �s have colors and the:. eFigne arp.good,
& Box best'threo Fibs or bloxes of bi �ter do] vered during F HuRo.N.—The Presby- 'Me echi lie, of !Toronto, and her son Archie, JOTTLIT farme
adfoo' and
'Furniture Com )at V July, 5o, 4 icapective uver Kighes; market tery ek, of Nrs. A� Wilson. to 'the un -
of the Bro KL met in Clinton, on the 8bh in3t. Mr Nvere gu to this we �s.—ITbst of the
for many years prior. 0�mmencpd haying, but owing
JUNE WEDDIN to his 'removal o price. G. Win 1802
Mr. and Mrs. 0 rville, of London, Ready-to-wear. hing.
GS Sawere was appointed moderator for, the Some' favorablal weather'are not ma�-i 9 very XOT,
Stratford, about a year ago. Mr. 1�ne )ht al Wli-BE BXRto WS —In values we ensuing ai 'visiting last week ap Ingleside, the rapid pro4'ress.—Mr. and Mrs. Da is
�an do x months. Rev. Mr. Brandt, were I a 0
We have just put into stock a new and fully understands everyd brranch I of the bettorthariRDYhOU98in the c)untry, See ii I Me For every suit th t d suit, your- il
pur $2.50 princi6al of the Pointe Aux lembles parental home of Mrs. Somerville.�Mias Rae, of 34ichi of th4 place" money cheerfully refund) d, and bs-ok it
f crniture business and is a hly re- garden pno our 83.60 farrner'a �heelbarraw. �� Reld & gan, formerly
wall selected line of High. Grade Silverware' thorou school, Quebec, being present, weal invited Janet Se tt returned borne; last week after
I liable business man, in W In Wilson,11 tialrdware Merchainti, Jeaforth. 11803.2 have been! renewing old - acquaintan as dur goee. Our suits fit, 1), they 'sell well,,
suitable for Wedding Presents. Rememberi ho' th �public a to ad reas the Pre8bytery, which 1he did,, having a ant a month very leasantly via t- in , g the p at week. Their many friend; 'twonld be out of th r _ '
Only, have every confidence. ' Mr. I Ltinds ' . Our� r� air trade has dc ubled itself �dunng -1 P 1 0 illary to haver
we have no old shelf wora goods. oroug h tile last tw Ye'Nrs. We aceoZ for It by hi facb giving: a very instructive addrea�. Com. ingfrien a.in.Wingham, Brussels and other were deli hted to see them ain ter one returned. Broken. I
Be 9
bright, now, up-to-date articIes to aboo86 establiahed this busine six years ago, and that prom tuess, good wotk i�,nd moderato obargea missioners to the Assembly gave a zieportof nts.--7Mr. Newton McTavish, brother of absence 15 years. They aare both lookin'
has been remarkably successful in it. VVe are apprecl ted by our numerd'us cufitomers! �Daly, their attendance in the usual, way.- It was John McTavish, of this town, who is a hale and earLy, as though farming j a Uncle
rom. Oar prices are also new. I Uri .0
a hope that, although he is going out f: I)ua[. th,e.watbhi iaker, under the to 1-n clock, Seaf rtb. agreed to increase the Trim �nhags, pric,
Ungagemenu and Wedding Ring number of regular member of the Globe �taff, represented that with them.—Mr!
'Sam's d ainp agreed
pecialtz. nesa, he will still remain a residen of the meetings of Presbytery from four� to five jou 'demonstration here', Eiiab Parsons was the guest of Mr. N. t We think we hi me a dig ay youll an--
rnal a the Old Boys
town, as he is too good a -citizen to I la.e. Ile HAMINIqCKS.—We have beautiful �.qaorf� during the year. The standing cor�'mi on Satur aj.—Mr. Wil I iam Kyle, formerly Of Ad joy. Laces are lacy an U erabroid- Odd -sizell
I cise prices. Sed ; U ko'solil Sunday.— ll�l
contemplates a trip to the weat Inent at voiy ' el ra one and t ams, 0 Constance, last T
comfort during the hot we3th r. Reid & Vv))son, eries a
Counter's Jewelry Establishment he is relieved from b Ho a ther6d lavern,in Tackeramith but who Allan Biothe are praebici r the: ough, Itrimmings are
as - con 0!1 as appointed are as follows M. rig re good an
USiness i th t 0 110 a Hardware erchiints, Seaforth,l 804-2 sional—Kesers. Henderson MCLO Me- now resi(es on a farm in Hay, near Heneall, t1ve)ftb.--A company of invited 9 elabbrate anon �b, 'just �the kind that
h7 lite as-,,
of beriefitting. Mrs.' L%udX�wrou he It Neill, ministers, and Kernick T-eg�
9 FkNo. 011INA, — Alwa�s a nice c�oice Al(��aarrie had�eponof horseskilledby lightningon sembled at-the1ospitkble h add to the beau _ of any ummor gowv
which, we regret to say, has not bec. n a iti stock to ch6ose from. Also alltirgain table 0 which and Sterling, elders. Church Life and Monday ight.' They were; standi g in the Mrs. joh ome of b i. and Ineverytbing we never thin of -lowering
W -P PATTVry Xt- ; ; 4- f 44 1- ; I 1 13 13, a son on Saturdav evenina, .11
Small, Bev. A.
V V4.r UL ou V IV. y autun 80111?8POCIAlvaluggatlicents. Pab-s W orlt,-Messrs. XF. I
Davidson, Sawers stable, hi �viug een driven in when, the flash thpoccasi n be�ing a welcome to our standard of quaility when making
Je%elrv: an Chw.a bto7c, uEoer the Town;! Clo�k. P,
3 f � ih ministers -. Clark, Reid, Bisieb, elders. 'strnek ti am. -Mr. Archibald Hisl0l), M. P. Ripson a d his bride, w he had arriN ed the purchases for our trade. We strive to
HuRo.v BLOOD WILT, TELL.�Mr. Iton P f wee to
Bicyrate Season- 1902. Sabbath Schools,-Measra. James H4mi East H�uron, bore meet the evening b ore.! M Rapaon is well known keep the qualities up
Fowler, k. P. P. for South.Brando% 0. n Lice E)�termioator.-Ear6ka is f -, but pull the
the fita� I re h-Avo it. Buy a Anderson, McLennan, ministers; M�I%lanus: iCnrol 0 d Boys, on, Saturd�y. Mr George I prices down.
'a b� try it and 0eq how d highl eateemes: in this comma ity and i
itoba, has recently been appointed e0ere n
Tom, McKay, elders. Finances,---�Mesgrs. I M cE iven, M. P! was una ble to be here, but a i�
much btttei your cattle thtive �v hen free fro �,n these I h mary riends extend to him and hist
W. N. WATSON, North Main Street, of the Grain Exchange of Manitoba nd We Larkijo, Musgrave, Shaw, I ++q+�0-11-+
peA94 Uei. &- Wilibij, . Hard are Morchaa �'9, Sea. ministerls , Mq- forwarded a handsome donaiion to the corn- young wi 3 hearty congratulations. . They
Northwest Territories, with head uai Va forth,
SEAFORTHS 1801-2 Faul, *rdie, Landaborough, elders. Sup- mittee -to ashiit in the , entertaining of the left for Manit0a on Monday and as we saV']
in Winnipeg. Mr. Fowler was offer a ithis A quan it of first olasE 'pill feed o j hand erinteridence of Students, I
Has on hand a good stock c f the lateeit high fade -.1lessrs. Me- guests.- he many friend's i of Mr; Robert good-bye, we wish them God speed and!
up4o-date MASSEY-11ARRIS and GODE lea posit -ion some years ago at 5 -, ,ut da- at the Seatc rth Milli 'g Co's mi.11, Seafottb. 1804-1 Lean,Dr. Stewart, Musgrave, ministerb; Holmes, . P. � for West. Huron, and editor aess in their good worK.-Mr,
every sue
BlOYCLES, which will be sold cheap for cash or on clined it as he considered a sal ry. not Ri�.AIOVED.-I have re6ioved my 0ental McQuarrie, McEwen,Alurdie, elders. Aug. �1 of the Cl, nton New Era', will regrev to learn Robert Weir -ur popular school, leacber,!
short titne. Prices frarn.4,k205 upwards. -,k few good sufficient. His present ehg ement is for bfficea frnm over the Doniini* Bank to thc�rOoins mentation,-Me8sre. Fletcher, Larkin, An that he has b an suffering! for .9ome time has an ag d with Mr. Alex. Gardiner, of
seerrid hand bicycles oa hand which will be sold I Es Me FA UL
83,000 a year and an ann I incr ABE Of over A. Yot: ng's grocefy etore. F. W. Twed(�"., SIM- derson 9
ministers ; Duncan, McFaul, Tom, !from a mld b�b lingering form of typh0i McKillop for' the holiday season, after'
1804-1 -7
Call Pnd examine. ray stock befere purobasing, $250. In addition to this position h( ips foi f rth elders. 0 Fo . reign Mis3ion a,- Mesa rst. Saw- fever. He is now at the �esidence If -
ither at iny office or at Herbeit J. Morrison's sho president of a hail insurance dor4any:; ; A a want your trade an 11 in exchan� Of his wbich he utende completing his st�dies at! Dry 600 Uu.
P., 0 �will ere, Dr. Stewart, Fletcher, ministers ; REid, father, no ar St. Catharipes, �whither be has
Ail. wheali guaranteed- for the season. Al�odealei fire insurance company, and owns I ge gi�-e on the beat valtic for you! money that i�pq pos. the Norm 61 school in London.-Mr.1 Jamesi,
ar I I
itRAYMOND tud WHITE SEWING MACHINES, sibly a pro ured anywhere. 10y, the,watcbnialrer McEwen, Duncan, elders. Christian En- gone witi the hope that the� change and rest Rapson w)ars a broad smile thes d &Va. i C4th's Gt eatest 'CasA
�sfj4.1 deavor,�Mepsrs, Martin. Cameron, J. A. may rove beneficial. -'Mr. Vm. Blanshard
Fud General 1zsuran2ckgent. ranch in the Medicine Hat distric Al r. and Seaforoh. 1�
Fowler is a native of Tuckersmitib, and He is the 3apa of a bouncing baby boy.---�
Hamilton, ministers ; Gladman, McGregor, is home ji tat now from New Ontario, vititing Q ilk of "'going to�'
-AJ i I uite a tit mber from here ti
son of Mr. W. 0. Fowler, formerly OiTuck , Di D I TRE WEST. :8 ny of our i - oFsre. his fa mill -. -io 6 Dry Ga ds Store.
road- Hamilton, elders' Conference, 'A He eflys busitteis of all kinds is derich (?n the twelfth, while others inten&
General Insuralled Agent, and Deeler In Liewing oramith, and later of Windham also irre v It re ret to learn of he death o M rs. Davidson, Henderson, Sawers, ministers'; boom Dg n the new country. -The 33rd going to Brussels.
chines and Bicycles, a nephew of Messrs. Thornae andl jok*ph Charles HL Walker, whict 'took place it the Clarke,' iiernick, McManus, elders. The regi ant and, of Seaf orth,'will play at the I
i 1 0 i peg, are visiting at the latter's parents' iw.
NOR'TH MAIN ST., BEAFORIX-H, Fowler, of the Huron Road, Tuckergmi�h hol m a of h'pr parents in V 'w:ouver,. Bi itish firstinamed on each committee to be conven- !greatlifete Champetre. lawn 'Social and open 'I
He left Wingharn when quite a 1w 1, 1 itt Coln m bia,l on S u n d ay, J a d 29�h. Mr. land ers. The next meeting is to be held irk 'air o6nee b, at Su. -Columban. on Monday I Brussels. wn.-Quitea number from here intend,
V 1 going to Grderieh and Brussels to the Or.
Mrs. Walier were well known in this Ivitin. Brucefield, on the 14th day of October, at BRIEFS. -Com a to Brussels on July 12bb.�.
his father and other members of the faffiil� and no day evenings'. A�gusb 11th and ange celebrations on Saturd y.�Our bage
Henderson's Photo about 20'years ago. He h no -oDr. Holmes is having a new slate roof put
as beau g -aduall� ity, Mr. Walker having btewa' resid 10 o'clock a. m. th.
nt of M a. George Paterson returned
res 11ball team is makingarraingem ate to go t
a i b- Friday, after a very pleasant visit
coming to the front for several yeari and io 8eaforth- for several year, Irs. 41ker's -1 . &- . on'his fin Mence.-The. Queens hotel
I home las. Goderich to play base ball on -the 12dL-
Studio. nbw one of Manitoba -a leading citivi nu an maiden name was Beatric ' L will Chang bands on Monday of next week.
Georgina Ingram. LOCAL BRIEFS. -Mr. and Mrs. W, 'with her �sons, in L%peer. Michigan. -Mr.
most wealthy men. Somer- T' Joseph Q rrin!will be the new pro rietor, The farmers in these phrits are corulahling,
For eame years � a f1tee She was aid ughter of Mrk George 161gram, ville left on Saturday last for a mouth's iind Mrs. �Croolksbalik, of Toronto, visited at a great deal at the amount of rain we are
Fall stock of Mouldings settling in Manitoba he. NT&S eng q ensall, and a! cousin of A. holida . They intend going tbr Mr. A. le'sithis wee During th last three� months the three having, they not being able to get their
and Picture Fra ;P formerly of, y ong i to t a k.-Miga Annie Gar
Meg. farming and threshing. Ingr m, for'eeveral years $nanager row, who has een attending Seaforth Col - hotels in russels have changed proT rietors.
thfl coast and will stop off at Winui baying done. -Mr. and Mrs, D. Geddes
peg, Bran. _H. Willams &� Son have diapose� of the
Seaf rth eleotric ligbt est; blishment. She don, Biinff and other points by the way. Jt legiate Institute, has returned to her hothe pent a few days with the latter's mother
Photo Enlarging a Specialty. CORONATION DAY IN VIP, W sm L Ht iroo W43 married to Mr. rusaeis stage to Ed. Lowry, wha
Wal �er. about 'seven is a splendid trip and we hope our friends '�in Webwbod, Algoma, for the holidays.- 8eaforth-� 5ast week, before taking uph usekeepingeat
boy, who is located in- TiridaOoll, ar Ice'la years ago. Five years agd,1 they removed to takes -charge August lat.-On Friday even-,
die ,ttlome,t, about 15 mil6s ini n will enjoy it. During Mr. SomervillE Is ab- !Mrs- 0,arslake and Mips Edith Hale, of To- 1grave.-Mr. A. iR. Plu mar was -in
HENDERSO'N, Senforth. Aand � f -on,� British Columbia and aftei Wards to S ing, of laab week, Robert R I h h fi
ronto, vis ted their parents' this week.- F d. ve eas last -week.-M-re-
qaWe, senCe his businiess here will be attended to i reeawater on buei
Innisfail, a station about', mi -way 3etmoon where the the months olQ son of Mr. and Mry Mc-�
1761 y ad resided fc r past! four by Mr. James Craig.. -T a membeks of the !Misa L. ale'ie v1sibiulz-her siiter, Mrs. Cracken,Ced after a short illne s, brain" 11saae Brown was visiting friends in Strait -
Calgary and Edmonton, i,'n a priva;e.le Aer yean. About seven rnont �s ago she' con- Seaforth auxiliary of the Women's' Foreign :Taylor, o A&a.�Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Pat- 1�rd and Beaton tais week. -Mr. Win.
to a friend here, gives an int6reab og de8- tiractad a sev'ere cold whio develope4 into Missionary Spcieby held -- heir regular meat. li I . fever bein ; the cause. The fune�llal took
THE CANADIAN erso , of oronto, spent;, last 'Sunday tit the pla I ce on Si nday: afternoon, Rev. Mr� Cozen@ oser is getting som) pointers on plumbing.
cription of how Ooronati6n 1 ay W%a cele- an, affection of the lungs, E Od the ravakee Of ing on Monday afteriloo , at the residence home' of Mr. Geor$e PAter�on.-Miss Ad& . t I rn Stratford this w3ek.-Mr, MoWilliam
brated in thb wild and �woolly west� H whici the beat medical sk it could not; stay. of mrs. jlmea Cowan. where they were I Barber,- o Gu�lph, �returned. home on Wed- oonductiz) the service.-Mrsi. JohnThomp�i nd boys -were on a lubinesS rip to Pv
Bank of Commerce -does not make any reference to rh King', About two In uths ag 'sh son returned on Wednesday fk6m a �Month'a
0 o went to' V �nesday, & ter a very pleasant Visit with her &r. Pet r 'Rabinsoll,
illness and th� f 41, 1- L an- most hospitably'entertained and ha&a very + TT T - .1 over and vicinity. -Alr. Pet
B -op,
Silk fr-01
CWored I
e uqr(nat vvuvyr 1pv 1, to a hope Lhau no criange ignt enjoyable meeting. -Mr. Newton Me avi8h, friend, Miss iBella Paterson. -Miss Ella XTA C 0
1who -ha
, a secured a go d situati a in 'Owen
CAPITAL(PAID UP) tionproceedin 9. Perhaplthenewfj�ad provobenefi,-ial, but sheilnever reco'vered of Clinton is taking Rev. Air. Ros�' place -��go -
C 4 1 . of the Globe, Toronto, spent Saturd end, Smith, who has been teaching school in in Melvill, t . o ill health. ound, moved bisia ily there this week*
Eight MiRiGn D011arS $8,0,00 000 reached that di trieb at that time.1 H suill, ently 'Lo permit of h 'r return home. Sunday at the home of Mrs. E. RIC Ill.- Port Art mr, is home for the holidays.- church. 0
110� 1. 1 kere aTe more empt houses in Blyth art.
�WT :ay, wing
ever that inaylU, they had th ir ce1qbrat;ion She w!as not qnite 26 yean' I Ir' Ross is forced to take several months
1 off age and, b3- Miss Lizzia M. Dorrance, who has oo 'plated Mr. and Aire. S. Bennett, of: Wingham, old I een. f r a number
al Bidca1er bu band, I ; I Sampleleft for the Soo, on p
C6rouation Pay, holidays. -Tony resent than there b e b
$2,000,000, anyway. He V eavest "o liDtle daukh- her course at the NornI al school, ho been Seaf6rthiltes, spent Sat"urday and Sunday 'd years. -Barrister ackeen spent Satiuk- The
celebrated in ri ht royal,sttylt out li,.A. i -b ters to mour their loop. � he was a kindly, engaged as teacher in, school sectio6 'N I o. 6 with friends in town.-A�ial Wednesday evening of thig wee 1. on
SEAFORTH BRANCH. country, There Were athleti eatlm�able young lady, and !bar death , is a Rullett, a' B Ainnie Sclater, Tu�sday eyening-the football club, (f which 'Jay and Sunday at b home in Egmand- Tile
horse racea at luniaf&il- �ano a 3 8 p op ct gp'i cl 6 ua4t Bevero bereavement to her t a salary of 8300 per �nnum. of Grace Hospital, Toronto, to spending her he Was a P.-ominent �member, presenJted him �ille.-Mrs The
A general Banking business tran- big e�la- The people of that section will find -Mr, and Mrs. Levi Weathe ead, of St. Helene,
�amily and'r holidays in town.
Tindastoll. Idjd'mybest1b;.1 witb an eh gant dresking as visiting relatives in town ver Sunday.
weated. Farmers, Notes discounted, of them. &king id, boith, tives nd wi I be deeply reAretted by 'num- they have secured a most excellen Smith, of Sault Ste. Marie, have been here C�96 and Eiuitably The
I went to Innisfail in the m t tqacher. T -Rev. Mr. McLean �entertained his Bible
and:. special attention given to the raing ;, eroustold friends of the!-ifarnily in this visiting friends. Mr.Smiuh has returmed worded 6-6 Irees. A sumptuous supper had The
-Nlra. Adair,son and daughter, of Toronto, Nee on Tuesday evening, at Ids residence,
=*11ection of Sale Na�tes. 'got in about eleven and !stayed there till count also been r repared for tl�e occasion. -James
i I � home, but Mrs. Smith ihtende to re r -I avin'l h -a tuost-anjoyabl
half -past six. k were the guests of Mrs. Allan McLean over -,hey all report 11 g- -ad e The
tra k ngs Mr -
ins rich this week. Monday was civic holiday j de, these locial gatheri The
' I main a McCracken moved from Brussels to Gode-
SAVI NGS, BAN K. -I n Their regulAr racei
terest aflow- . I as Saturday and Sunday. -For the past week, Couple of �weekq yet. -Mr. Thonias Cameron,
spoij6d1by the recent ra I ime. By M
ad an cl,epoaltz of $1 and upwards. a 01 so I hey ju t t ok A Twrmvi: YL, AIIS' PiS- 6RATE.—The f6l- Miss Kate Johnston, of Pine Grove Vnion pecretary-l-reasurer of 'tfie Usborne and 'Can keep.8 in, touch ---with the young
Spectal , iti� A . -h re. It was proclaimed for that day to
an open spac 1�prair a at d mar pni phe London has been the gu'esb of Mrs. E. y, was in a . t
-201tttles for transaction of ad off lowiny,.Which we take f McFaul.-Mr' gibbert Fire Insurancp Compan eoinla nf hi i Us, is, The
a con r ation - Misi
trac there. 0 9ouz se, prelv�n ad,,,, dve tner, ill be of,inteitbab to the �nany F. town on hursday. ( Hal met the Goirern. give those 1who WLane(i A cnance to go to
buistness tn the Klondike Diatrict- Gutteridge started o� Wednesday to orkvtb, who has be rieiLing in Harristion
t which
ant insp
Atoaey Orders, payable at any bank. issued a; the them from maki, g, very fait time, b -t say.1 frien� a of Pvcv. Mr. Clark imong our [read. clean out Silver creek ctor and had his books exarnined Berlin with the football boys, a ind Wroxeter for tbel ALL thr;6 wtekso re.
following ratos, p atory to the
r, nn �ng C178. a 7r
Under $10 .08 eral of the races -they were all It says ; 41 Rev r' d appro red by that o8cialt-Rev. R. W. place the c4ampionship of the intermediate
.1i ones -were ver good, though they 'w�re day Completed the twelfth tear of his, pas- town. Be
W. - J. Clark y� ter- execution of the drain ep�works of -a ties of the Western Foot�hall Association
$20 to $30 th �urned home MondaYl,
810 to �20 - .10 930 to �50 at work. Ri6kle, of r known here, has
He has a large force of men
more than ordi rily flow in getting, hii igs torate in the First Pre Lan- -People who have been exeoratihg the re a In thO congregation of was to be� decided between four Aeams.
r. HaLKESTED, G. E. PARKES. Van church' ceived a I I �fervol
Solicitor. started. There wass quite a good I ai 6d don Mr Car jol the distill ! Ction weather clerk be Knox chUIrr There we Bts purcha�ed at 1 Wal -tion.
manager. k thus cause of the cold weather amilton, as� successor to a 123 ticki I
I Id ribia station, hence the boys were nod lacking
crowd in town, and you could see all sorts by �eing ihe' b Preanbyi�iian minister in during the past spring must have got pretty 'Rev. Mungo raser. OUR MILLIN-8RY. It alwa,3 Z' represento
-- and conditiona Df peo le, from Indiana to point f coli2luloles service 1�n I fir 11 rootere." The first- game on ��e pro -
P I . I -the city. Dur- well thawed out during the past week.- . I i
the very swell md aristocratic Fng�iaber. ing t4l�� i every detail the very flower and perfee-
ESe tWelve years chai ges have 60cur. Farmers are now busy harvesting t gramme was Liitowl vs. Brussels, w0ch Put ton of millinery consiruction. It has been
heir hay Leadbury, a sudden end to Brussels' chances, a their
Our B1,mycle Store: There was an elderly lady in _a very lomell red iniever� other Preab terian in crop. -Judge Doyle wa6 in town on Monday I n trouble selling our �trimmed millinery all
silk dress, and with one of - these; I pairs the Ci bf the 035 charge,, We have! a big line of :fine laced boots for opponents scored 3 goals to their 11. We �ason but ju
Is just as prominent a part of our business Y. In the Prp�by� hearing'eviden de and adjudicating on a Me- at now, al woman's fancy turns
lidisp. Yoni choice e the (oil WiO makes--Gecrge guess it w8613 our boya' day off. Galt f SOM 't� �r ki"Indo outing bat
of glanes on, a etick, I don't r6. tery ot Lon4on, a,111 have h 4d new paa�tors Killop drain case. -Air. Thomas ira, Bell and Peerless. Afews-imples Brantford i a the] second game, d ef�ated a
4As ever, in fact,- we are prepared to do a member what they are called. S' ppin an &I- Downey, of Slater, Via , tor t� a sailor �or a Storl -8 ju
znui�h larger business in thib line, and have companied by a he w�s ic-� during tbii �eriod. except d W Chicago, is at present visiting friends in this tk��orth window We ara le4ers �n flue fo,)twear. d i tbi e thinek show, st
an ain "a
ouple of young ladi( in laostiowno w1here Rev. the f]iral game with Liatowehothey c
Ravr Henderson 'land vicinity. Our old fri,-nd looks as -if Y ukee Willis"", Se�f rth, 1804-1 1 r 8
Alex ' �Tms out ap InWhIalt-wFahe is after. To sea is -to know.
a 8taff largs, enough to handle a Out
S our Piano, automobile coa �s ' and they all Itri V- Alr.� K�el6o labor. IN� be victorious. A s�ecia trin brought t, e boys T�e,E. McFaul Co�, Sieafortb. 1804-1
n Mr.
Orgaa, M.usic and eWing Machina business elled in s' Clark air agreed with his Irish blood, as he Oeems "�Ve arethe muslin peop a o
tate' i 11 f the town' to he
a a .11 er wagon -, ire went to t a -�ecture room of ;the i church! to about 12 o'clock. ICAL is no the order -
to be renewing his youth. -Mr. and �Alrs. mmer gowns
Without interfering in 'slay way with each seems to be quit a number of Engli o. those who yet require dai4ty
other, and have capable men in every de- ple out east and sh 'p att6ndthe 'eekly rayer rrpetin� last even- James Murray, of Grand Fork -i, Ddkot�', are and we are,,, the shirt waist,, people and the io the day. an rrla'V-- rage,onef al-
outh of rmn!sfail, and thby iugi he was 1 suprised Blvth- The cropr� iS r
to i ihd i had -416ri visiting Mr. Murray's motLer here Ps lbow, parasol pe t le and the lage and embroidery t ough the weather �'f the pa6t, week has
partment. areralW&YO gotten up in great style w on made beauXi I ful with oral d: q -,.p I I
core ions b� !the Mr. Murray is a graduate of TIIE EXPO * ' NOTES.-Reevia Siiins was one of the vis-- n t been too favorabl�.-The fr me work -of
The Cleveland, Hyslop and Stearns are they come into town. 'eople. D, o you require,1 'at low cost, any
As cration. Thal Pasto� ide- office and like all ITOR p
a in bicycles. supper I go lie , an our boys" is oing itor8 to 0eaforth last Saturda to w ]come r. -Alex. Jklurray's :bar raised on
umogg our leader We also t out , Bi, soon, -as I hid ladies of theldongre gloves, holliery, vests any warm weather y r t
. - 1 hic, 1he credit to his early training.-Thit A, I the Huron 91d Boye.-Rev. Mr. olmee, F Iday Of last W The wor of raising
havo. a stock of forty second hand wheels, home,' arrivint, t d starte for livend an interesting addre � 8, 4 edle things wl ever they �ay be it so, goniq eek.
t3l iere shortlf after su.81t, reviewed th� work of the cl 4rch durin&
Phe German band " was in town on Tuead
which we are fitting up as fast as poEsible, (it set at nine ol and here, get t4em right. The E. McFa,ul Co., the new pastor i)f the Methodist church, W 9 done with block aind tackle, and super -
and . wbiah we aie selling at from $5 to $15, in time for the ( -lock that ni, 8 werei
`,rht), and it at perlod of his1pastorate. Adi [,�essg qlao they clairn 'to have come direct from. Gar- Scaiorth. preached two splendid sermons on S�nday. Ivi ad by Messrs. Re rter and Rands, who
ance that Wound u t is delivered byil%lr. Alex. Stul t, K. C., !�Mr. 1, J, 1804-1 1
and lss� ella, very auc e6ful �h ve the are experts in tbis
guarantee them to be good value. The picnic. The dance was held in -the ar)- Merchant, h11r. John Camei �n, 7 postmao many. They make good music. -Mi NOTES. -th _The Presbyterians held a Contract ant
-Mason & Riach, Bell, Nordheimer Domin. 'house at the store, a little a' Ver, Bethune, teaulier in one of the depart ants a new pastor i occupied the lawn social I last Friday - evening, o�i the 'li a of work. Alte. Murray will have an a I
ned on tb I o3- Dr. Arnor tt. During tl 0 evening �111r. of the Brandon publio school, is -n when cc
ion are among our pianos. Bell and Domin. posite Eide from my room, and foe I even- �ba mpleteO. -A la r
musi Ilhome fo -the, "'Ots of t�e churches in'thel Walton cir church grounds. It being a beautiful
-go number
we and Mrs.. Clal�k,were presed'ed w' LA large tin
on ith bas�6ts holidays.�-,Mr. A. M. CamP a , this eek C It on Sunday. Mber of people ing there was a I�rge crowd, the to. f -rr- In Walton and vicinity went to Se4orth
re "'p
'of beautiful roses ; an our disposed of a very handsome, new mike, o to bein $72. IAII present had a most e ble on Saturday., to take In the sports in 'honor
ion organar ow -had an organ, a fiddle and aman(161ia. T1 a d the f.ocial h
y kn ' them. frl this section took in the Old Boys' day
OUR GENERAL REPAIR SIE[op Iselandic girl's are all good dancers and as pleasantly brought t 9
o a clos, wi�h refiieih- Mr. John Ament, of Brussels, and &no her at Seaforthi�-?4r. Finlay McIntosh had2 a y want ov he Huron Old Boys.-
there was just en)ugb t timea-Mr. Robert McKa- 0 vEa t o �of It so
has and almaya will be our' main 0 go around, we hs d ments, served by the young 4diei.11
depart- 'a great time. As all the callin to Mr. George Strong, of Tuckersmith'. He good bee gr�velljing his lape and barn. yard. Seaf rt on, Saturday, expecting to � play ;b6 well rerpresente in Brusels; on the
ment. This is v�here we started, an 9 off - had to a� I
d it has also made Dr. Ross happy by pr i iug There was a party at night, w6re fun and lacrosse aga net St. Marys, but th gl while pt ers vWho are loyal to
be done in English, we weren't botNrod R. T. of Z DIS'iRICT ' ' ' I . . ul rious 12th
always has our ipecial -attention in ilEETFTNCI.�-The him with a very handsome covered gaiety was largelly in evidence, -Mr. Daniel di not t en up. -Miss ly
- all 'withquite soma y equare dance aa� ri Ing laggie F r order will go to 'G' deri-ahr. Apart from
repaiirs of Bioyclea. Lawn Mowers, in fact a a sen -g -annual meeting rict buggy. -Air. Melvin Scott, of Rege
of has soldbis farm at a good fig
alping is am home, they -will
'usual in the cour try. The favo a �urou Dis�! Ro.. man- m le ure. entertained a number of her friends nee- h trip fuithe�
rit d n)e Coun'cil Royal Templars of emperance i ville, spent &tnrday and Sunday �t the fio ' Moncton was W W. I
any old thing. Remember the place. here seems to be the Echo,t,* t, A n T" thei purchaser.- day evening at liar home. -Mrs. als enjoythe bal of Lwke Huron.
s'-he,thought ,a
h, y held at Wingbam. June 24 The Die parental home here. -Amon Mr. John C.iozier had a b a gravelling and a Sloan and son. of'Torouto, were' visitc at 'Th se who, don'rt go at all rrr�at contout
also waltz and p)lka, but never dl�tivc,-s "a �Couficillor, Mrs. Colin Carr p'bell, o u i�d Seafortl g the ormer
G. M. Bald n, Eedo : L cc dancing party the following night,�Iiaying
Wi rth. Pesides these they bad a Danish� �it�a who viFited the old t wl on her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. -H. You g1s, he meelves it 13, or! g in the 4" f2elds at
ance at i
d the chair. There were repn sen tives f om 8 will be ell the go this week and next. We this week Mise
4 couple of Iffighl nd ffillgS, 80 aturday -last was Mr. John McIntyre, of Edith PenhAll is t ying hE busy season.- v. Mr. Catecallan the
we bad qui a Goderioh, Verna, %Vinghan i -The annual bowIing, tourtihment a weather while it is going on. -
General Repair Shop. E eter, eA- Exeter. or fin her eXamin7altion in music at Godench, this nws7 pastor of the' Methodi t ichur.-h.
a variety. They had a little refresh 'a t forth Farqufiar. The repor of the dis ' I
ul� 6pt takes place on Tuesday are going
Stand and Wednesday Quitef a number to - Gode. week. -The �invitations are out for ancther re Chad very &eceptably for t a first time
there, too, where you could buy �c secreiary shav�ed a members �ip of 278, and next. -Mrs. Pafford, of T6ronto, forinerly viob on Saturday, and, no douU, the county W a nes Mr Young
rearn, cigars, cigarettes, ed4ing ne t W d day. -Mr. John ay,
lemonade, so 1 ;the district t crowd it has 'Rose 868 Sund r. Catscall,
reasurer report( � Ill bill aid Miss Aggie McIntyre, wam in town oO Sun town will have the biggeab' had
i - aj I and comes well i re olum
-All the Canadian Mounted Rifles. ex. drinks, etc., etc.: and they must have ma arrived home from Edmonton on' Tuesday C On �nded.-Mr.
and 6, cash� b faiance on bai ap, or cf day the guest of Mr. and Mrs D. Molity for many % day. -Mr. Henry : Stimore has ev WM gton
cept about 400, are on their way home from quite x lot of ' I re. enL139, for a short visit, before leavill for [I h McMillan, of hit, is visiting
'30tit money, for they were *a 11 �tsmperance committee : In to ithe -Mr. and Mrs. John, Cowan, of 10, wa, �re h rothers, who. Dawson, to take up his new dtitiezz. Mr. is !brother, Mr. Dani ok MOM -i an, Of thi&
h Africa. had a well drilled. Bell B'
patronized. it wa�s near four o'clock 'wte a matter of probibition as coal th t,he here visiting at the residence of Mr. Ja as 4ve drille& a large numb r o wells thin and Mrs. Sherlock and family, of. Whini- la e,
A -