The Huron Expositor, 1902-07-11, Page 47
.4 to be drai a
utteranoes of Mr. Whitney land
AW The 119u,10 betwean the pareatheres aftar each
porters. Are'they prepared at
denotes tho page of the, paper oni writch their
44vertisemeat wiU be found
re not, tht
position ? If they a t
Binder -ect in their:
be more o1rournep lau
T11110 k1ellualn W 011-5
t Tourist Resorts --W Somerville -6 MO a
Mill reed-CAh MlIllug 0" re careful in the use of t
Ueutoral-F. W. Tmeddle-8 We arp sure that a . mome 111i've
S=mer Goods -R. UoFaul Co -8
them not: on
a laxislueo Chaugo-J. Landaborough- shoulc convince
-,Jjlt� YaWlt Neter Know -Greig & 8 wrill -tolly but the wickedness of t
4 -it i
'4 pi speoial Eargalus-R. W. Jowitt -6
N T 'fie Reduotions--MoKinuon and Co-$ they are purguing, and should ind
FarmeW Shoei W11111a and Son -4
A- to cease their calumnies. But,
ii-, Summer Gools-5-Reld and Wilson -S
71 1
For Sale -John Patterson -S doctor says
GIrl Wanted-Expwitor Ofil: e_8
it is a
Tacad Boots -4-W. H. Will" To say the -
Improve Thur Stock -John S. Brown -5 period of rule that one party sh
Jewelry -4-J. F. Daly-&
Auation Sale -John Thlr�sk-6 a in power So long and Conconserved' the i
few errors, atere
L �j[J,�
people so well ; kept free 40M,
h a go-ahead programme fa ha
perity abounda. and conservation o
tl K-1 po 0,
N- 'Wot
are uninistakable, everywhere4l T
platen must admit that, 4,ud
�,i Cates of the Grovernment h`avi6 haii
it 1-1. - SEAFORT'i FRIDAY, July 11th, l9Ok2
portunity of blazing these tacts
ing, without fear of contradict'
I- I 2.T I The King's Health.
In this position he in as tron
Every person will be: pleased to learn that
souad as in the. Other,, Thel ib
'the most recent reparta announce a very
N, have been in power for thirty yea
decided improvement in the health of X�ng
- t-- Province. During that time th
-he the past week.
S., Edward during t
R T ` 1- bursed man millions of doll 6�rs 0
1;z3g� t�� TZ, P� �recovery haa been unusually rapid. NOL Un -
R415_ i�[ 1 .1 L ple's money ho
W .�i and So liest has
vorabl y
(a a a. mptoms have mauffebted them istration that ver 6�'n c e
A. _ _
U& admin As
solves since the operation was performed, L
that time has 9, charge been ni
411tiOn the-oontrary hiacondition has responsible person, and in a way
itinued toi 'prove ily, unti now 'he has
f 'I
i�� in person making it opulO be held r
kieen pronounced out of danger by his mcidi-
for bis utterances, that one iii2gl
6al attendants.. Indeed, so rapid has his,ra- has been corruptly or disho
it J neatly
pavery been that it is now hoped to have
Now, if thereL has bee In
any Oor�
LAI llr�
the corona -tion. ceremonies at ai much earlier honest. expenditure, -*'by -h4,'
date than was t
i hoped for a few days ago.
pointed put end prov'�n ? it
About the middle of August ia now Spoken.
to Suppose then,L or w'u:ld a
L of as the time niost likely to be selectedi w1d a y so,
R H, believe, that mail who have �xps
AOL di has yet been definitely fixed. hoidd
estly and justly sa Much of 'kit
Al _4
i R, it be found possible to have the coronation would Stoop Or
money conni7e at
U at so early a date, it is likely that most of
T are now bei
fenses a ng �ba�died
-;I-ri jj the colonial and Other dignitaries will ie�
the Cf--mervative pre*s and j! the
main to take part in It th& proceed ivigs,:ell-
tive leader? The ot w t
though theywal nom necessarily
beT onL a
accusers condemn thlem, an4 pr
Much less gorgeous scale thaim would hav
insincerity, if not4o a
T a. The fa
been th� case, but for, the unfortunate inter.
those who make thesp' obargeB d
raption. The, Cauadiaa troopelii, who crossed
arb rris.Ae, for
lieve them. Th.e5
H i�, the water to participate in the coronation
effect and to worl� an the pre
ceremonies have started for home and are
those who are in the h lo
bib of 1 ed
There has not,
expected early, next week.
peopl, to do their thill],zing fo� th
ois vat, been any definite resulte announded
time that this sort of politioal, wa
fro�l the conferences- cf Colonial premiers
being frowned down ly
all good
h the honIi
wit uthoftties.
If public men do wilong, t4y
had, but
exposed and pan' t�ere
__6 -e
El ation Reflections. proof before punishme Id tbiS
punishmdrit ii asked [A d- p oiioua,.c
Rev Pr. D. Spencer, of Bra*ntford has S
Ong letter in, last Sattirday's Gabe, in on'- thQ
-%�-hich he ind uigea In some election refloo.
a 4�U ow. We do not know who Dr. Spencer '18,
Our Own]?roVihce.
or to what religious denominsi he bi
In the rush of eattlement tp the
longs. Jaigling from his letter,. howev�r,
rch-weat a air
of the Cauadian.T\To
we can saftely say he has a level head. andnis
times, dispoF-ed to overlook th"o wor
-T7, - a, close and keatiobaerver of the politics '61
is going on in the new pirls, of
this Province. Indeed, it should do a great
f J;
province. W have be6a in "the
many people: good to read his letter, and a
Ong of 10.01i upon thp newerlau�
perusal of it should improve their morals,
own province as being, unfit for a
politically speaking, and Should make them
and only -valuable for timber �,�'nd
%deal more tolerant to their political op
that our attention has been al,6011t;
oneatp� Besides accounting, in
gar raIIIeJ prOLVIJA
measure, b bed by the p Con,
�N. for the small majority by which the 0 ntarlo: L
had almost, come to the'conctildoil
Goveramenb was auptained at the recen
them alone is there a hom's fo the
election, he direots attention to a very
settler in Search, of a farm hoirile for
portent matter which is too frequently
and his family. This, howeviel is
ea. He
�T :_"'f overlooked by politieinloo on both aid
take, Recent dikoveries ha�`:
says, 'i a
The- one thin that we have in Our own rovi
g, to be regretted above all
trac of land upon v
Others; is the bi Aer ts, rhich mai
tr -spirit manifested, the y he
P prosperous homes may bs foun�ed a]
ersonalL insults, -the pub, had Slanders, the
wilful lying and the extreme, u are prefeirable
ngentlemai in many re eptaL
ly cond not of me� Rapti tog to rule the peo- prairies of the Northwest. T�ese f
Ple. That an otherwise honorable
Cain Comme
stoop at election; times to the meanest, and only now naing to be reializs�
1, most despicable acts is a blot upon aspirants people of the older parts of Ahe
to power. T deserve the- saverest r whoareiri-qaeSt of hOM'ES. Th
hey e-
buke, if not ostrai and would get it
River district, has witbia the
any Other walk in life,, but in politics I �aab
most any kind of three years attracted a goodl nu
act paosw-. The subjs9t L
of `moralethics '-might well be adopted in- settlers and a good work has I en -v
-blio schools
our pu ,
The next
go, therein aqaietway- Audnowt4
IL Id profit by Such a course, even if the
-serii be bey SO ages of the great Temiscamiag
pro ond remed
me. men, who
enter Parliaruent and SGMa who, were ke�t commencing to a4tract the atto
Out, Ought to blush with, shame at the way tending Settlers. We are tol� tha
4 they took to gab there. I read newspapers the mouth"of May 40.'
A speeches. from both sides during 000 acoes o
and hear
lands have been disposed f lq,bhatl
the campaign.' The terrible anathema pro-
nounced on, Premier Ross for his Supposed Nearly halt a million acres, cr�124 to
wicked conduct during thi.� past four yea�a 'have been taken up, �and 10
Would, make a stranger think he was little are now being surveyed for t
short of the worst. scoundrel at large. Hi.s.
Government must have been a 4. neab (if has also been decided by the Qlover�
Uadtors ' to their country, and unfit fo a " build, 40 miles Of now roads thi
r ny
�lace in decent society,'if the language of There are millions of acres of kood
some Were trae� Whatever latituile may land in the iemispambag
be Mlowed in political warfare, the people
are beginning to, feel theit cowardice, MIS- rve3ed, and there is every peaso�
representation, abuse. calumny and false lie-vo that many tfidusands will fi�
flattery are despicable traits, of character- homes, there. The great dra,�,bac�
which ought not. to- have any place
in a re� district is its isolation It 'is -
spectable insi list of qualifleations. It
miles from the head of
would be a, blessing to the country - if the L%ke Femis
true gentlemen on either eida Of where the bulk of the settlementil
the HouB6
Would set the example of national manhoodi tile nearest railway , stawori, 1�
and. frown upon tendencies to brutality and Quebec, In summer a line. of -o
Unbecoming conduct of those who practise
of! steamers 91
qherwi,3e.11 ves, direct co
The learued doctor miaht. verv, well have points on the Ottawa river, wil
gone further along this line and said that lake is an expAnsion, but dULriog the
the Gloverni and its supporters in the months the settlere can only roach t;
Legislat 'de world by making the jourf aey o
ure ate si m- ly the represenLtativea L rl
the people and TnUSt reflect the character This will. he remedied by the railway
and standing of the people whom -they rep' built and operated by the Oat4rio
resent. They are,. &8L a rule, honorable, rev meat, from North B ay to TholliInloe.
'When this road is complete4,
putable men in the eeveml CQLMMUUitiea ald
where they reside i in many instances they improvements now in -course of Code
are leaders in their respective localities. are carried out, the Temia
They are men who are trusted and honored will offar even more favoriabI6 a
those who have the opportunity of for the -new Settler than the prairi a
knowing the N orthwest. The Is,
in, most intimately, 'u
nds can be
private and business. life. Yet, notWith. more cheaply, less machineryL
ois I a
Standing these1acts, certain newspapiers and commence with and conacqueni
certain. public men. oecupying high positions tal is required ; the climate is p%�uall
lig-ve been busily ergaged for weeks, if able, and the best markets
arb mor
not for Months, in traducing tbese eame venient. Besides, on account of tile
Men by .. aciag, them before the publi2 in sive Mining and lumbering operat
tl",L capaq'ity of baillat-stuffera, and have progress in the district, a, home ina
charged hem. with the perpetration of provided for the products of t4e Se -t
Crimes wh ch, if proven againeb them, would remunerative employment is
land the ja the, pr pro -ii
_nitentiary. Now, it. him from the fir t.' It is true Itbatit
reasons- 0 to Suppose that men oeeqp.yi has to b cleared of timber, bi't tpi
, it ng
the hig positions these do occupy among her is valuable and.can be disposedlo
their follows least as much as w
&ad POSsessing in the degrea ill pay -for the C16a
they do the confidence of 110 the land. There
nest men who. is, no doubt, %-gre4
know them best, are guilty of the charges for that Countr and parties
preferred against the a guilty,: desiring to leave old 0 1�'
in ? If they ar atarlo, wi%
thenthose who support t1leir-1,nuat be equally of starting cii. their own accou,
g"'il-ty. The", comp
cae fully one-half of ing larger f arms, should visit Ithis
the people of this Province. bafore dL eciding to leave thei
Now, if the r wit p
charges which are so lightly and So glibly �nd go further west..
made against theL members of the Ontario;
Government by Mr. Whitney an& The striking difftirence betwleen. t
hia newspaper supporters are true, ber of male and female teach a in
or,- have even the semblance
Of, anco at the teachers' suMM6 Sie:ssii:011
truth to justify them, one_h&lf of thi ronto cauried the Mail and Empire
people of this Province: must be as bad a;
S� into this most important mattar,
they- Hence we must conclude that fully se'Cure the views'of eduepitionVil ists , n
on6-half of the people. would steal ballots, Those interr jewad look upon t; )IS die
and commit crimes whish would land theffi� tion as an. evil some as A Sma
as a earious one, and all, gi .1 evil,
cause, the Small rev. arda obtaii ta- le
in the penitentiary., if they had the oppor I'abIthe
t1i4ity of daftig 90. This is simply the�:. profession. ULnd the consequent ref
THE HURON EX-POSIT04 JU 1_1 y 19 0 2
fro the won to an 1tRndtholt1endav�or to t. members. If Sir Robart Peel could d- this The groom was a Pi d ky his brother, Mr.
I his 8 P_ out of ib a. soon as they,� in,if they do re- -witligut any wreu(jh of the oonstitoution, Win. Le _r 2EAFORTH' A- ING SHL0,E STORE.
. , I � mon. A.ter'tbe at imonial knot LE
come teachers. Since 871 ealarleo have h t an absurdity it is to call upon the had been sect;rel3 tied, it�e wedding party is -1)
een 24 Jini downj while 0 � cost of living Xneamlier of a province govetned by Britialf Sat do, wn to an el ibo rate dinner� and enjoy-
ji�jUopt has
sh �uld has b'E n iq a n- along with the parliamentary practice, to resign when he ad the richness of altItla DO
o creasing, e,good things that FARMERS'
us Rud deore% a salary has go the 0t4ly iii- has an actual majority of Seats ! Mr. Rase had be an so boun 3isoosly Orovided; -bul.
a in a number of e femae t9achers is bound to sml:
Xp etives. Oc" meet the Legislature, and when
n the ro 'ince, until �b L they, arel three he does there will heno, fear of the, result."
times ids morons " -th i'mon. A111 inter- Varna. WiAR I N.G1' SHIOES.,
k the view�o ex reseed tho.des! ability of having The rsual protest crop, which now almost W4 I have si variety of bar- llows in Soo
men to to �h the older I boys, hub while vest!ehl on and, you can't �eab iia for low
�otirse prices, viz. A0V"N0%A_A_A A-0- -states for
certainly follows a general election, espec. 76 cent: up. W-. H� Ws, �ools and ohces, Sea -
lie t some ei �ated direct ao4on to rem dy the forth. . I i . - w1l
ially when the result has been close, is daily 1�10aoxs, [ n he �arm, an T�a
in evil, thou b -to This is the Dusy e a d it is, -therefore, xlecetsary that d stia6k
�ga' t otheri irlit, ib Should a ',ef b
—It's' ri bon', time now, sure in
work on b �ts o wj� cure. growing in the Province. Iti is istid that pvery or i wea
he UI
enougi, and you n4ed �hem 6r �ho d b weel su�plied with suitable foot r� We have
for so many.
shoes for m wear ight. or as hLeav
twenty have been filed up to this' da'te,*seven Rurpo ies. It's hore �he are in
fine variety i -a !want them, slioes that
y as. yo f
have A Rai 3al View by Conservativos anid thirteen �y.Liberals. —fine ribbons. .,!Pe ve learned that 1 will give Tou comfort in the'hoiveat6r, and a
(Ull! Situ: 6tion. e $atiSfaetoty wear u _�The Jolarl
Wc need of go rou
Among the number is one against Mr. Mon- this. at ore shows big asso well. ng a no in old 11-oub� shoe s, when you can
mi t' tO 80 The fol �owing remar bono they' ant, and the prices tire little, wol
of the 7oronto teith, of XorthlPerth, and one against Mr.
ets Of! th buy good hoets at pric a as �reasdnable �%s the frollowing
a bringi g nine of Sewforth's ribbon
a Globe, reh �tive to'th p C thu
de t I in West; Huron. In the latter
tical situh tion in Cameron
land businit as right - to he E. MbFaul - Oo.-'s
Ontario, a,'$ of such a lir, moden to and case the petitioner asks for Mr. Cameron's Men's harvest shoes, single soles, for $100 a Own
disquellificatiod, on a3co store Seafooth. 1804
unt of �hfs -having � I _I - -
r t shoe , large eyele. , f -or 01.00 a pair.
f laqoiestia sensibleol. 'a acter, that t ey mueb a. ipeal to been appoin Men'S harveq t
5 a pidr,
ted, a member of the commission ( X0iiE8.-0a Sund�yevening last, Rev. K Men's half seamless slices, specia, price $1.2i
&IL Sermon to the.
to �erlisst the good of the pact le genorall 'They -for the revision of the: D ts. Jeunings pr"ohed a P
'he ja( VO- ominion statu MenLa. earing shoes, heavy exte sion L oles, for $1. 50 and $1.7$ a pair.
Bat, it is said,that this appointMent was Varna 9 g
ther Op- large'�'number of i on7stubberined(ivaterpt7oof),aiso reartleathershoell -a, for S-2.00 and S
are, also, �ia strong oontr*�6t �with th insane Oran, amen PA last iveek _10i
XvIative pres broth on were, pn VF
t.� . M great 4earer .2,50 a oi� the Canse not mado' utirtil after his election.' a as well " a number I
in �eirery raving The a pair. Glob gentleman Men!s Up shoes, our own make, f r $3.00 a air. g b_V tb a I
a eayi w 0� from a distance. ,a r6-veren
a r priat
The by -is, the t4 qt a
wuship of Ashfield, priached am elo an Pp a ser- a as Pren'ler Ross shoi regigr 1 �be- authoriiing the takin of stock -the MOD. Miss! Van Ofmal, of elgrave, is slig-b t ideaof out range, fcome a! pq Sular phrase 9 L to The abovd will give y u a
ty har' ie, m ager of the
'at L is W. �h the Op losition visibin g her broth er C -Sufferiii.
trunt of fifty thotisand dollaks in the show ou our raiage of styles
apros& T) to a*Y-V'a tried olitical &MO Varna hatel. !L4or,
leader, wi; h a clear majority of, t on n, Biruce 19rectrio Rail �_ aY, Was BAD ' DRo'WNINC. � A' lDri,4NT. - r. Thomas
h o a ur a d
:aaL at pree t constituted should b 'Ahr way to' voted upon on Tuesday. last, and wdia defeat- IRI�Sth ell, of the 2ad cancessioni of Stanley,
the �en- an untrie 'let -der who b no a: ma riby of
reoeiv d the sad itelligence y telegram, on I hospitals -
001 t, t c. i r the ma ii be a mitted Monday lsi,66, of t a death of hi son, we,
y rJB4 a, v polled was a very large one, Showing that W I LLI S.
Hous, �, It ad by a majoriy of sixty votes. The
d U, that a. mapprity of one w " Id be R�
y pre- ley, bir dro ning, Ilp t6 the ptesenb4zit. ofth in ely interest in 1he pro- ing no particular a- of the sad! event have
carious t�rLure upon whi h to hold power. the people tookl a liv
317 iany Conservat'ves editors P6 At oat sagaciously position. The lake Shore portion of the bee
u receive a remains arrived here on
min ter in
t iilk the that even he election of 4 Speaker ould at -township went strongly for the by4hw, but Wedn isdi. and ere hiterred!, in Baird's Alex, Johnston, so Mrs. Smiti, of St., Miss AilsA Craig,, i's visiting -Mi
a y
-11 -
Graponsible ofice redul the two �pa�tiea to rmel of the noir�born ae tion went as strongl;y.against Comet ry. Much sympathy is,,felb fo r the 'Louis, L ichigan,-dlaughters of Mrs. Wad- R.,Arnold.-Thel Misses Sui who
aliv�y the floor i I it. The comua was �dell, of mr vllldg6� are at preset t visiting ergr
equ o( the Leg lature. pa y now, intend to Submit a bereav ad relat ives, -Since thol above 91 at Saint
f 14in en din tea, Ste. Maria.
9 In the i illage with �lieir motheir ai id at the Tive n And h aLpendin#:th� This io all qt�ite obvious, but our o ic-ayed sectional by -la and to abandon 16he Dun- writte i, we'learn that, the sad � even 4 took re home
POI IrL158have ooked at ti a otber gannon-Luckno branch cf their r9ad. The place 't Red Jacket, Michigan. The ybung home of Mr. Grant� We bospeal: for our kum e
w �dis- albernativ i. k9,uppose �! Mr. Rose f )Ilowed road ivould, ce�tafnly, be a great b efit, to man as in bathi 1g, r vacati OF One were
an VIE and got i into a deep Americ%na a plea t visit with tb eir friends h (e6r a Tburti Qf last wkfor p
;nd, een their advi:o-although'hels n*ot'in t] ie habit Ashfield, and, I if the proper sa ib Ontario. -Mr. at d Mrs. Fred Drake, of Rev. !Dr. Medidl�- d Rev. Mr. -for
Site Ruards hold and got his 6ot fist,, the -al
of doing ai-and resigned, what would be wertigiven, it would have been inthe inter. Hib�erb, the fore part of the week, at toi
�eaapnj%ble were new Methodist� ministers. The reverend
a s' visitiD With and
th xituaqzon then ? Mr. Whitney would. eats of the township- as a whole to ' C&t- their Old-time fri(nds, Mr. gentlelmen were ery warmly -ve
ie �e ei d iilnd b taku AS
TOO" be in pow 6r in a Minori ' of one, and - as ried the by-law' '-,A similar by-law by W�st .1 Ail. and �Mra. Upshall, of the viUnige.-Our he
3 )inp L long ti welcome by the members -of their F Be
Is. oppon- not now be prime 'ded *ith. Job I Fraier, 0mveyancer, Notary Public. villa
�,de bon- soon as he!,electeabia fSpeRker, if bi Wawanosh wilil- a smiths are k eipt busy
I circui�,ts and ent ed' vpon their work ents allow A ut or J'ariadianExprese Morey orders. A large- U an
le)a 6d him to do so' -he would U in � a a farmer, i in good Sabbath last.- a. Pushelburg of bo- ro in order to keep th ciai ISC 01
7nt'of-money to can at current rates of fnterest� rti6ie�lwith all Machinery rep Our
minirity0ftwo. Themistsand obiourities 'NOTES FROM THE DOMINI Priv�te funds ai:ri 3g. I
Val; 'h of. : ON i i 1791-tf I hagen, Mrs. Mau4so, of Kingstonjand.-M; M of the ele#on have sure paes.
out by y sufficiently -The bion hotel-,, in being im. iv illage is noted for i ba good , mechi Tkics, and -Me'Olymont andmon, ofKing, have been,
61'APITAL. NOT138. ad awa'y t, enable the mostz3aloue f%rtizmi I 1well the farmers kn3w it. -M. - -9- as
by 'a ver ir. Cleggi here during the &at Week visiting thelr-vis� b,# 3 i
0 asei va. to see ths a Governmev t which could at prove dah And balcony along has Sufficiently reco ered from is recent:
P � SOATETArNG ABOUT"TITLES, ter, Mrs. Williant 'Hodgins. -On account).of and M
least vote a resolution of viant of the frout.-The a ixm mler ViEitors to Bayfield
false :illness to allow him to drive ut.-Th
e the e�treme bea orn Sabbath a are arriviDgdaily All the summer cottages Miss4s,parvis, of Toronto, were, uring the servi�e�ut CEkTmef church was ve 3g
confidence! �h".07.nore right to retain toe seals
4vt si their OTTANVA, July 7th, 1902 are now oci3upie and there 'is a demand belndi'vn the in th� 8traff
of office ti n -one whi;h 1w''o.uld fall at hbe -,week" guests at the home,of AIr. ad Mrs. lawn.-,Mias Addle Bell bas returned b I st, The Canadian press is manifesting iome for mcre. Peopl in
first vote. who stimnier here prefer &hn � R, McDonald', Tuckersmi,h.�Mra. seed her'se.
0 haii 8 ccessfully Pa
asurpriae, and in some'instaucis di thin w iy,of living to boarding at the hotels. ir, must. be a' isappdint-
ot be. In view of the situ (Rev.) 4. Barriby a d children- 0 1 Miler- ion yeaer eza
I -poi, ical lowed tha r. oss' resianaiion ment, that the I name of the � Honeii W. -Hayin� bit began 'in this vicinity, but as - I - Mi 1 ion -as a pianist and 1*v_ safled from A,
the c 11 or ton, were visiting a the -paretal home of Ing t� en; rob close hon gatearilaim
S. Fielding did, no appear in the ist of 'the c i i Ily:heavy and the weather
t rop is tinusua
of is aomewb t eenseleFF. TNis think 'at we M. r a. B 6, r M r . d Mis. Wmf_lviso, of exam J.
in fad ibeo n difficult to' save if Re in0ludTing barmony, hist
honors granted to Canadia a by 'Iting very met, U'is vei pan show 1 4at Mr. Rose 1�vould not be act. t, 11.8it v. and Mrs. McLenna
the Provine he preferentia ndition�.-Mra a _
T. J. Barry left ere
.be vi eV.
131, o�her it] C, in the rue interestbf Edward. The author. rt Liar- Wei t n and rudiments.- .30 boriseig a if he -0 and family
iff, which gives to British goods a r6due- rem6v(!d to' Do oit,�. on Monday o . f this lea a on Tuesda) Vfio- their holiday trip to the' first part of last week for th old to retrill
6m is re"�igue&& long as the Nvas a fair chrnee friends M Manitoba and other points. -Mr. .country with a view- of purchasing sud US
tion of 33 1.3 per centi. On the general tar- we Dr.i Met alf'! of. Detroit, occupies
far§ as of securin- ulficient u0port to carr on' a W.-H.ffohnston,Uacher'otNia. 14-schooll bringing ontsonile more entire horsi
W the affikirs of "the c.i Whativiv Y. xiff of the country, was said to be desdiving Mrs�� walwin�s iouse. -The Presbyterian Stanley for the past week, has been Miss Rose Young.blut. accom-0 i9eil b of the 7G. T.
a] Provii Ould be --to be rewarded garden party, 'or Friday evening of .1si
tilMe. - of recognition. If titles are �%n � y.
the coi hencegf III I resigna ion ? An- xeter berforming his -duties as prodding Wate al
'boo' gone 4al ele wrl Id have to e held, Ali "Metimes t visiti1ager pavatitt
i be other examine r at the high school examinations. and f riendsimTw6 Of Aft, Duaban Me8wetes
Id for merit, d hey are and some- was largely attended and waa'� finan on, of Ayr, �a here
.the Minister of a success. rho evening wa elite. X
hcul be for Mri W V.toey could not ele-,Chis Speak- times they arainot; then u fine' and Mr.-Jobustonisan' cient.'teacher and is sons4rehome sp3ndingthe valca�
Financeougbtt haveone; the e6ple who were present enjoyed them
er. If we w the in nd of the p ople, of'
I ft ce is not gene ally known. 'but it never- solve very muel The Salvation qualified for the wOrk laid to his charge. tior.. i They hav4 beenn Glencoe. -Min A� this P vi ice, there is no desire to renew Army
jEh- the d a thA cor*t of another theleas true, th t; Mr. Fielding was offered a bra's land from. Tena 8wan, of. T ronto, is hom
resent and
tu mo I and un I -
Iinton were a enjoying street nbural
, years ago and deal* d it. He gave ;ofne 'fine jeleetions of music. W�njham. the hpliduys.�..; farmers -this -section -young Ii
election. o his. just missid the The One wh ngag bayn and
belongs to that polWcal�scihootin Carlada, choir I urpo as ha ing, another garden party N T -LO -Mrs. R. are busili a 9 are wisbio
bull's a[ '-o Elliott, of ersoll, is
of course', a xious to have fin- g
eves t at titles ate yield is very ood
which beli 'to* ass. at in purebasiug yisiting her son, H.:B. Elliott, ot t4e Tim for dry weather. The
not adapted to in th 3ear ature ma v
other' hoti, because h3 cannot be much the social condi ions of a democratic conuitty an o ,an f r the ne w church,' his season. -Tile friends of Mrs. J. F
orse ff than be is in sWillifin. Riabertson,jr. Ber-
W ny event. now beiag of the ee
i'll reg t to learil
I rp-
like the Domin on. W, her this fact, or orec� Ce stl�l Paterson w that -She is sh-apea and
hard!y iworth while hol 1i ag another eneral .,-Ottawa, is home for his I ioi
IV 'he that the private fortun f Minister of Fin. he ouldn% like to be a proressional q�uite R, W. Murray, ---of tl Ord
eketion ir,i order 1 that Mr W -ibne may
have anot4qx goat the afget, If NJ Raiser Ta�du ot '01"mal schi Toronto 1 ozne ance would not, in his o estimaition,- be D blic PrinciPlils Of the I' , shwo6d. zing the h edason ? Our pu, � a 46 V I
9 k whicli sufficiently larg to Ma t'ain the dignity chool; here dnrin st week visising this par.
were i4l Mir. Whimey's pbsition ther is no' No LJ �s. eachers arei all reedug fro n their
that a Kni ht 0 Dash wood presented a very i ents.-Mr. li�gton MCTRggar%vf t. bur oWn quesl.�o� viii1bat 6 would 4. He wo Id not. 9 ramander of Saint Michael li�bors,jour don,�ists Close their offices at ,
I quiet a ppea,�lance On Dom�nion Day, most of :2ity, is ala himme spending :s.
and Saint Georg) should uphold, can only be noon every Wedvi lay, and the le
�abib. so be going albout endeay.o,-ing to d III a him- the e: t zons a gal fra�
self inCO th� n But for the with his : either -and ieter.-The -,highly.
know in the course of time. pendi no the'day at the 'lake
8 111. On a belief that a minor ty was a while a few 'went to Centralia. -Mr.- Charles ternity,liave agreed 'tolook up&b fourp,1' isti Henderson
r t, Mr. Fielding has had the courage of Windso -The.
ma]orlty. i He would have prom tly bowed- presen M., ever r afternoci -The Scaforth 4 *nti ag- , r, were at HartlB� b, of Zurich, was in the!: village on manim during th past week ti
of his conviltions and declined the ent in V ingliam is constantly gowi t so valtj�s W411311KI
'.�JUB "Ont to blid'decree of the aledt�rs. Sunda3, vi owi g. The! I -Kddand. Miasllw�i_ kqu1ppS&
honor. r6latives.-Miss Flossie theirbro her. -Mr
11L rate, If the Opposition #reas W D11111 Stop Snell ret followilkp') Se %'forth old boys are r ow per- Uton. both of* N aw York- City, Are here W" inji .
urned froo Alma bollege list w
ahoutir g long enough tc conrider th situa- There are not� after �:Il, very any who havi mai sidents he -a : Messre. Bel [ Cline
have refused ng page d her xamination. with honore. ' visitir g heir sfstq, MTs- Babcock.- very -sathfal
this honor When, it came their _M Sparli4 Bennett, Dosens, Jeffrey, 'Mooria,
tiou wi bh i ome calmnesi , it would lot a some r. Art 'ur �G etz, of� Sbratf�ord, spent Lloyd, ' ingetion, Rose and Dr. I eth _*Jill
at C. we it prof turn, no matter what might have been 6eir une. The -A istes WelshL of. Londou�..are house on of the confidence sees to'have. There Sunda d th arental, roof, returing to 4
that an Rienfrew, y - dald, M. P., can also claim a VM Miss Jeiiaie Charteh of Ashhmds
ow election in North early viewa concerning it. . Sir Oliver Stratfa u�r a Dr. Me" to be a,
will be a n rd onda.
Mowat belonged to a parity that was oppo morning.- t1r. Er. WIr- Seafor Wise', sill., form�rly. of Hens*11, �is visitiv
t 1,rif ty Asare�ul ;of theinquirie0of the courts, 'Iert at 1pped acaroad of obeepito Buffellia,* thte0as he taught eii at Kyle's, -1 - ,
a� her griiind parents, vir. and;,Blrs� itobeit �ia
a-, a dqus ma be xK aded in oUb r con- ad, more at that time probably than to -da. corneralwhen. a �Ouug man. -A number of". $ - - sc,
Y, on Widnead-lay.-i b,'the Young Of t a PaTr line.
h �Irlsalf by in June 926t McAllister, -St. P,111,11114 �er vt�lm
to. titles for Canadians; �eb i1i the course of peple,3 our oitiz'pus attended the H
a stituen iesi. Thetewill:bea strong redis- Alliance hold their memi-annual uron 0 Bova' Sabbath . achlooll a Dyed a very
MIS- time he accepted a At Sir," to the disappoint. demontr4tion in Seaforith last Saturday. W_�
position af ainst preuipi'latinLy anoth, r gen- businie All
83 lneeti�g, at which the following �U n us oral eloction. short at way t( Lavoid ment of many of his staunch p;litical fol- report agoo d time. �There isalwa3osome- nual pi,cnio to Bay leld on Thursdgiy, laii .10 1CW
11h lowers. Sir Wilfrid Lixurier belonged not. officQr 3 were, elected for the ensuing term_:
#8 vast that w I I a to str:ng th " n i t�e hands, of the thing to be thankful for. Harold H. got
PreER a A P. Paulin; Vic �pr -,A
air arty, but to Ia. nationa . asident, at Wiudsor, butthe.Ir Works IORO
and party . a eady' ho R; the lead. only to a P IiCy that john.Ben�er recording secret beaten on h sol
PY thad very little u a for stich honors, yet dur- a y, tire. E. ill soon N B. J.1 re -on moved an� 4
surely 'ot a bold hing a suppose t1jat the have beep sold to a good firm and &
I . Pai 11 �n correelp onding iiscretal yj Miss L. otEs._: turnied 8atur-
d wh ch ing the exciteme it and t a demonstration 6 be runni:ig as ai Stove foundry. -Ji mes A. Iiiii Mau �a
GoverDi will iretai North Re ifrew. f. Goetz treasurer, Daniel Weber organist, d ay �� oin a t to Colorado, California
the Diamond J ibilee, and the - pressure �Misa � 1. , Cline and family,moved to Owen 'Ir. t2o_'jmiinda.
to the The IaVe ]Sir. Muniroe's I ority was nearly a doetz as�istant . ound in and B itish Colum is, -and lamlach improved
i L. Milk.
ul in be � th. Fred 4W -hi's &M
Wt3 tre 500. Ito 1 ' vas a Tost ar gent in n which was brought-upo him, More spec' beier� Ilt. the sprit g, but we have now two Ott or good' Oiould,_of Ii Bros.,
�e a ' !ally booausie of is bein a Frenobi-Canad. III 'IT Miss I Seaforth men, J; 0. Rote and Dr. Bethune
but tbe're is Miss L. oiner.-Mr. eek -8 holidays.-
�.Vir� the cowidorabb ar'gin in 5( for a Goetz assistant �F clinto is hom: a 'ijr a w
fan, be accepted the kn ghthood, although in their plaoes.-The weather coat ues to Will Johns has
less pegf�c candid�-ate. a winnin %i tho and Mra. J. �Kellet man intend taking q* tti rned rom a trip Ito
pr(,vI el 21 he assured his riends 6fo ' I PP be very i vetii� but our local newspaper 3 are asi Sarrim' a
Iles bye -e edtio a of tvio or t ree constirmancies rib leaving for -U. D
.. I 'ad ma U , to' to thelwes't next - week. -Mr. John Brown, dr as 4, .-Ab. Bags aw 'and family have re- o:11py p." his Mind I Xbrth 1
y Consorva a !Von London that !,� attack of y Ver. -We have ten doctor, i and a 11 turned from the west, s Ahe �country
now held vi e ref use it. who was laid up it a severe
t 6 ior 97overnme t a suffidient majority tic score of insurance �gents in this fram. the W
meet appendictis,'is abi to be around again. He town, b: ' didWt'al.ftit tbern..-Mrs. . 1, of Godericb.
the House and car' te business'' The A man has always t 'contend with the .1 no Grogiiiin." -Tbe constant 8traia )f mio �Stratforlj, in r of intends going to St Jbeeoh's,i Hospital d- - in -the at of her- grater, re, NV. C. y on views of hi on thia sublect, and there ern life is trying on, the ner 9`118 livered -a loa
whole political his ory 01 t �e Provincashowp. London, to undergo peration�.-Mr. A. ves, bu5 tbe�re' ton. -Miss Elliot ill arl at the R. Piok�
ol' 9 .0 '1 the G:overnm nt is il el y, many. wo an -who ould re- gon and Vin
13 suelf are not, Vur 01 is alwa peace and'reat in Bluevile. ara �06'.F. stor%he a, re r d 'to her home:
tha to mak ject that part of it whic me Shrai has improvedithe pJpears'n-�e of his n �h -
&�yant- gains. 1 W � make )I �ecies. We mere co a their way. house b� giving it at we k. -Mi - Ussie B.anthroro� of Hen' --sville resull
pro. Still, Mrs. Brig , th6 i fe G f RQU. new C�a� of 'aint. a a 138 Uteo. W -,p
riet, are ly point out what i is a easonable v. �3%v for I John. P bas'beei� v�siting h�r_ , cousin
Bright, had a grt ater av rsion� t I Hiensall. M
0 o the honor vas �:
the eleio�tore to taie-ris ij, to tal; e sides T
of in- than even her hu iband h d. It ii's�id that J. G. ;�anbury, B k ie and Mrp. George Willie
wiih the offion roxe p�rty that is in thq beat p t r. have ro rned f*m theii, bioneymoon -.,m
d uriipg Notary, (onveyancer. I loney to loan, Fa- oter. 0 nt
when any differ. -nee of opinion arose be- -a wiaaw 114
the King' Governmei �t, and BRI� .-Miss Cairrioi. Lawrie spent a few At Hensal every Ttresd4y, eased -to note that
I tween *r. Brigh � and b i wife he h 179i are
to 'Ir Miss Laura Gregory, daughter of E c roi�n wh C ih ry emon�irate I in the past its ad only 'days W.Uh friend near tGarrieo-Mrs. T. i i _��
i( hto suggest going o Air. ladatone to acce I FOR SALE.-Hen�all dairy �busi�Jts, I
sei tioin. at g Pt Mill 11 accompani d by !her father, John ' 1 Grl ry, J. P.-, bis graduated farm �of r.
ran th a4d usefu 11ness n administr tion. a cuding ril �s and whole -outfit, zcf town,
what be had So o ten re ected and th f r sale bk tand
at set- Snell, a -a spendin some time with relatives The highei t tender not aoceptA unless satis from the Toledo C ity -on Thuradi
r HospltAL
tied the matter. - Si standing tit
ilfrid Laurier does in Goderioh.-R v. Jam6s Malcolm, of cau have okr_e�s*.oni fit$t Of AUqu-St. Addo D the head of the -class nd obtaining 95� SUP0
0M no PateraoD, ensall.
WE Ships Edito�_ai' t appear to ta his tit to very seriously 88 Teeswa r, preached jin the Presbyterian xamX:
Notes a :il 1 0 nts cent. the possible marks in was ver
-The new
his Moab intimatl I friend; from Quebec etill church on Sunday, ha'vin' BmFF�_ cement wal �et�i. i tion.. W r witt
g exchanged pal. a extend ongratul
W The London Tertisc oaks the truth call him "I Mr. Jaurier. That it 4as been 11
Ad Sp . tioned for � are"� nearly completed.- inebb to Pits *ii h Rev. R: S. G. Andersoa.-WaIdd th, Soutbdott and Lorne Canuhave returned to
)f no poliiici
when 11�yle, of Dixie, Hay township, had +1 i says : 11Jn thi electioit the num. al a, trength o him is very car- Miller i v d AIex.'M a Dan were In Seaforth ktr- mfe- Detroit;, after Pleasant holjiay.-A,�num- e A a b And'it is, well ku wn that the prom - on Bat day. -7= -Mil 3 fortune, during the thunder storm- �f M bar fro
ber of recount been W, thout pre( daub. argaret Forsythe, of here atterlded the Huron Oldoys'
Slow Lt 0 0
farmiog ler has -'been er 9
recommend any Blyth, the guest of r. R. Aithburn._ day afternoon last, to have twobors �s k I d reception at Seafd winnin - - ib
9 � Y,
As a osulti a much great arl. proportiou,of the of his colleagu�ii for the honor 'n that The b on t by lightning. - Thqy' were in th( ti � V- L
he ari belongin" Johnston, teacher,
yet 9 to Mr. at NO. 4, ballots hasicome u der t I r t a -by sido.-Misa W lite, - f &I exa�mination field
I scrutilly of the a0count. standing side
All a- Ad mi orrow,nei village, and ocou- aided at "the depar ment
a er lorie and -the judges no Iding t as a here visiting her 3rother, here a Edith, Sauder 0111 courts tha b There is ther reasoE why Mr. Fie pied si enan by ?. Smith, was destroyed Mount For t. i last weak a left On
good testify to 11heiv a(miral condition. In should refuse the bitle,an( that is hiafriends by fire kb t two 'clock- Sunday ,r,i Mr. Win. White. -The Misses -NeEwep, Tuesday for a 't P to -De ver, Colorndo, Forest laii
:01 tile only ore ri ing, N )rbh as there been have slated for t a leadership of.the Liberal lfhe 'or gin of th 'a unknown. 'g- daughters of Mr. M. MCEWeD, Of - t4e I whereshe will vie -z her sel
fire i The re er, Harry, for
63 ground forlouspioun, ani there an ap- party should an thing liappen to Sir Wil- buildi j and conte2to were insured in he London road, are Ill me this Monti i on !a a few weeks.-Mis , Ballard mi i 4�razd Tru
U ner At B.
peal cc irt Judge r1jects a Of -I rand. " frid Lau:rie'r. 8 ould th premiership come, Howie uhual.- visit. -Miss Rubr I 'Orton, of T 0, w4s , J.. Spackm
I Considerahl improve- si I -for her Tome in IA'atow� and huria
his way� ho',woul be mo a acceptabil to the in the villag � I -as
a ant its been niade in the sidewalks on _a durial, the past week renev�- el, on Tuesday.- as �owid is an,embi
The 0ourter have' refus di to enforce the. party as plain r. Fie ding than as Sir in ing acquaintances.- The Misses - Wi ite" Of f rom I the College of w I as, - doi R
Main 5treet during the -paet we"Iek, -Mrs y,,for his hQU_
William. Exeter, were in this village on, We(
�13 payment to the Do)ierty rgau Company, of Reber �. 31ack is severe at' eadai days
ju Faring from a .-Alex' Martin B A. -i ppub a foW 4 age, wad
Therb-are few men in I Jai to -day Uke evening last- callin '.on friends age. I s2�0'e 11 tack,o �bronbbitis. W1e hope to bear of her g a. G. days this week undler the parentail roof
�Jlt Olinto foraboutl 10,0 0 ir
Is suranCe on its Alexander
Wit`e. Gborge, Bra*n 'and iLhme� if to rel cover,,.- nd MUD. N. Babcock very 1p'leasantly entie rtained Thomas Trick, 'Clinton, has been the in
h plant, n the gro,6nd I t althou the Edward. Blake, - who refused! these titles' roe some friends one evening -this weph. M pol, 8 gro nda th6tit not be Ia dware in ro nts� � received -their guest of George Dr, Han- motter -Ale
Me l0i war ould' -first Ida of Hano er cement. on - Saturday. bert was ai
i0h * I olely on the John McFarlane bas� very MuCh improveld non, the new pasto of J�Jar teet Metbc-
a iesued the lire miums 11 not
id. It May, strik it ia Mrs. Geor e Dine, of ving It FGrest.
t into at of a d Hamilton, pit for th -first
i ome that in the brs g and' demo- -Mr. an the appearance of his dwelling by ha diet eh urch, oceupi �d bi
been pal CAtic country li a Canad% to 1 accept them. are gu Be be of the Ia bter,s T repaini�d.-The addition to Mr. . ti-ne last Sabbath and igav± ex
he' Oub'- not quite just that tb 3 coffipany which politic nother, Mrs. Win. I - eftent ad -
ally Uey were 110 rs of Mr. 111�nerrli dwelling has added greitly to dresses at both e
andersm.-,,Roberb *11 r and Thornas e�rvieea be octorand,
-have had 1 a vaid claim for the Bright and Mr. Glads�on and on this G:ibion ere in SEafO thl 'Ein S%t-urday, at. t will be! welco,mel�
a rob would ap
nd comfort, as has a) so 'Mr. his family to Exeter.- Me- Mee. W. C. i -L premiums, and which by it 3 action i question took exactly the same� v the Hurox 1 01 his Mi
Af ISSU , W. K Reynolds' addition.- I
Ro iew teodin Boys, -T as enter ined her lady
ing the policies showed r, iab it w6.s villiog
ot Mr. Macltpnzie made onlyl two recom- Jo" Ewen, dau.-litars of Mr. ernoon tes.
ol I milton shipped a carload o John M -Ewen, wbb friends on a
o bonor the credit� of f cattle I a -ate pex� bi
are engaged in teaching at -Ottawa, & ' U
tb 3 insured, iiihould Tileridatiovslf6r knightho:)d while in�. office. from th 8 siation, on Mimiday, for th 1143 Win. Bawden left st week for Englandjon Pase Pei btii
a old
thus esoape, respon6lbilit% but that ap ears They were Sir A. Aj Wrion and Sir Wil. country. -Mrs. JAckson, home ading the summer vaeation -Miss business. -J. G. Stailbury and wife Spent
to 0, is p U�Ujey per b
L6 law. 1, that if 1 your liam Richards, both Idist .8 0
J othor be 0 1�ote livel of Torant
nguielhad judge f vi�itinz bar sister ra. Albert iPaulin.- innie Sheffer and brother Norman, of T(.. Sandayat Bayield;-A-drs. H. McCallum,
premium is not pid you ue not iU3urgd. )3utter. lab�'
I routo, were in the villag� for a few days and fam:iily have m
the superior courts. He th)ugh that imperial Robert, nd Joseph Banard returned from. oved to their sammer titiles could only be worn with d 911 Stich a wb6di g trip to LUC n and LO dna las . t a past vi eek visiting friends -A cotta,e at Grand Bend,,. -Urs. A. E. Ban,
was I duri f "i
Josh a Sanford, the y(lu I,-, man wl persons as the priocijJal j idge :of per -am t a ntimbeerlf our villagers attended the Huron net, -of London, was visiting friend
gher week. E Ha law od :r-�enb tiday in
rescued from the well,! rear P burts, who were removk fr I OldBoy re- union in Seafo#rth on Satui -day.
9 ris om many of the- Cliffor�, -,A three mil b" I ce, f town this week.
of tr , obligations of society. ka for 'hiinself hef . ipyv- e a - or a SheepS)d"
"a having been entombed io.- purse 4.f $50, tak Ia a in the park Toes.
robaaod bad resisted the on'tr'eatii �s of Lor�d Larne- dey Dig t. bptwe�v
three njgbt, is not recov �pg as rapilly as- n. Kaake � and Ed. rvon, whc u�. A football teh',� betwe�n Wrox- #t't5JJ1
ition at firot pro sod. en c
edel 0 and Lord 0 had offered him Byra C a' Wi6der
to his I nerves ba this title, said that
M3 con4 0 The 6hook 'the honor direct. Mr Blake in refusing tbr and v good Ice 3, club' Fe
been! very severe, and 0 Wall UDS Uited to our I.- i will also take hin,
Anderson ng
y social conditions, an 'that it wis a mistake place. Rev. R. S. �is reaA
tb ere i�l B t ill danger th it on rn�y be, a week ii Markharn.-Miss Ma-agie*Robert- at leasti temporarily, iml aired. He is. alao to introdnce tnem here. Mr.' Browin was son vi ted in Bluevale set i1week.-By order
of osufferink severely riom 0. actually gazattei a knight Commit der in of t
0eses, calli �d by h 8Z ancil, a now qens 'a o e Pork, per IQ
1879, bat dech ae4 I . There is n ! doubt a 4-40 ME or injuries received wLle in �he well. will be taken on`M(ndai
Iona On the
whole, �e is Still i I. that the Canadian people' a a whol are op
n a
som9what pre(Irious
rke 1s I posed to tfie grantil) ' of titl�s, ank that,
conditigno and hiq.�rledica, Attendants 1while
lor aA4 hoping�for hs ultimate too, on the a p ailtil r, yet forcibly put Kippen. I
e overy, an �unco d Dolit cal ead
did f or bi3 Cai more serious tb nL they fire by their ol - re. - Theei� 'houors D. Han Commissioner and Conveyancer itrhiRg
"up- ate also given fre uently, for p;urelyl wills, m 'ra awn up._ Moi
a that tb, poor al purposes. 'Hoiever, if Canadian 'public 4o
!The only marve olitic- ,Prt gea audiledds d�.
io and posed. I atthe st r%tes of interest. 0. purpose
I +-- 9 "Alik el purpose 3 lrr�- i : men are oig to receive ;hem S oln $ vi : . �ftjLhi
fei furvived his terrib experiencie'l ir William It's Ittil p0ople's store thaVs vobat t fatu his At a!*
f fc r �It Mr. N'Vhitney, the Conf Mulock and Sir Frederioli 8orden have both store I . it's a farail affair; it, a
X. , A 3904 U
lervative Iesi [or in y place X L _c age, sold I
richly deserved tnem for aluable impeiial whore he wholeLhoiIsehold can Obtain, Sty-
rin gialature, is rl�butally in good a Every dollar's worth ered lish d pendable Summer goods, and not pki opf clot: in our house must be cleared ru
ervices read the; empire since hey en- I I- out.
qu re a sui S, 0!
future spirits ver his rece 9 he in- a a o a 3rices. .8 :a re I ese prices� UY, er 0. e
nt ood fortune. But tered the Catini,dia,it overinme f. ace- for every -
n i)�a e you r
inE a auguration of ti 0 enn post thing 3itaining to earin 4nch. A'
a Per ife still a few obstacles between im ap arel; it's Pr -ce of. every suit. Just imagi 0 e
ag lone OR on every s would entitle Mr. MU k to it,,and be parb the rignt store for. h 'ets, linoleums, lace Lp. Abo
ambition o.
deaire and th 'f his life, so that his:
le , JOY Dr. Borden playEd in Sending lit cartai de,. linens, and St8i le r: L goods.
ed J tidging 'from Afri. I
pr(cag- is nol, tit ly Unalfoy 010-00 Suits" guarter oj�
Cain contibgeut wo Id � f-,
ore than ant. tille him The E. McFaul Co., a orth. 18011
COU atr I I
the re dr, Whitney is a I
. p As in the papers ' to the honor. 1 8 00 ISUitS, 7ua Off, 6.0U.
loud ta -ker. or, as the bo3's say, he i ome- NOT's. -Re,v. Mr Br9ndt,,Ffench mi,-sioa- Her
ointe Ikux Trembles'school, Montre-- fy Ar
0 , 1are times "i talks thro gh his bat. atie eldeht Sabbath morning, witl conduct the- 01
Spei king marrige 0 Alis" alyoon kfeps gui
of the condition of the On bario Gover I lent, daughter- of Mr. and tonei
L rs. Charles hOltZ Eervic in St. Andrqw's' church. Mr. 00 Boyst, Lb
with bit one of a rnajority it) thQ Mit ougi the CongLiegating qarter Olt C56.1
clielf, to Mr. C harlps Lemon, a prosper- Brand is calling thr -1 __1 4 towuship
tore, be is reported as hai ing s).id tha " in ou's buailieus in 1 took place ! No goodS Teserved, all must To at this -sale at 25 pe'r cent off 'all 9 4� c. �M�
a ru 0 an 4 at town, of the Vre3bytery gi ing the!people an out. . I I j �.� L J �Country
Great *itainiundpr Simi a circurnstiXiceti on Tuesday after " t )� July , , at, the line of his work in he lower There goods are�alll new� up -to date, made -or t is s ason's tra e,
Att -n in the 4o�se f 4
a g Id imi -iddiately re ailan." d e , a parerits� waiehip
overament wou' bome of the br The Mrs. Philips of Tor nto, the',forie part of T iS StIZI- Oi Clothibg t ;E0 in 'To this the Lon* A mus be
dvei ti I I , I
Ber, replie. that ceremmy was p 3rfozTmed by Rev. M r. the week, �aid a pleasant vi6it
to her
0 'Mr. Wbibney, in making itch a ment, Tehun, of the theran cburch,�, in the fri
i state do in the village, M . and Mrs. D. Hay. .9hest"P.M. e Paid for Prodi -ice. quiet bu
show I an ignorance of i o astitutinnal law presence only ot ir i _n
mediate rela�ivea Of in. MCC yr,
Dd to I the �Mrs ,I ion., Ot York, a Via.
and palliamentary preced t, Sir Ru bf rt contracting partie . The brido was most it 3 ing at tl a home of 11r, an Mrs. T. Me.
on Peel a a �cond ministry wa ; efeated i the becomingly attir& in ,white duche6ae silk, Olymont.--MiFr, Anie Murr
ro pqr�v country [but did not, at )n0e. fe6i of Tooker -
v i th yo k a of Uoni ;on lace, " the vi being smitb, is visiting with friend in 131owick.- Y,
P bouze, andi )rity slatened by orai f MAY 8101MO met tb altbouyli in a min blo�soms, ried in Farmers are busy with the baying.
A . The
s 3-rri -on the election of %: speak -y, struggled' L R, i -on her hand -a large ouqiliet, of bddal roses. crop is., ood and all that is rl uired. now in tho :for sixeel 9 q pound r-4
ka in thti hops hat �its - Dolicy The brideamaid was Miss 11ounicke', of the good weather in Gr&r to. get the crop
I of 'would fiRally Command n ajorit.y oE the Logan, who was also tastefully dro�sed. safely stored in the har B360 X PoirlilL