HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1902-07-04, Page 6� I f . �L - z. , . I . !_ I . i I I I I - 1 � 4 1 . . . I t t" I . � I , - It I I- , - I . , I . �11 �4 . I - � . � . - . � i I . � 1 4 to � 11 � � - F I __ 9U iA - - 1-4 , 3. _j�, Z. � � � , - I � - ,,� '' :-, .." �, ­ .� M � P7�� - �14 ,�� i � I _. .- I - ., � ,_�­ - . � i - - . I : , 'y I . - . . � . . . I � - . � - I � I I � I - . ,- � � . � I I � . � z - i I I ,IF ; . � . I , � , I I � . I - � ,t � AUNT TABITHA!S BISCUIT BOX. ' I Tilr STORY OF A WEDDIXG GIM UY '%VALTER C. 11OWDEN. 11 Daisy ! Da-i-sy ! It bar, come at last - the present from Aunt T&bitha. Oh, do hurry down, dear, for rm all impatience," and Daisy's mother looked it as she stood at the foot of the staircase and contemplated the box newly delivered by the parcel van. 61, I knew the dear old soul would not forget . her, and W8 so heavy it must be something � �an ....... e.11 th, mamma, what can it be?" cried Daisy, putting the finiahing touches to her toiler, as she hastened downstairs. "I do hope it is one of the silver afternoon st�anda -they are. so cluie and stylish, you know, and no one hereabouts has one except Lady Hightoff. Her presents- were put in the Faiers, you know." 44 Call Susan, Daisy ; we could not get this lid off ourselves, ignoring the fact; that ' when she helped in her father's grocery store i6e was an adept at op3ning boxes. It was befitting� however,that, the arrival of 6, mar- riage present from their one wealthy, rela- tive should he accompanied by all the pomp and ceremony at her command. - So Sassn's help waa invoked ' and with the aid of the kitchen axe the box was open- ed, and the artiale it contained, wrapoed in ailk paper, was carried to the parlor. An unclosed envelope was attached to it, which 40ontaiped Aunt Tabitha"s visiting card with this written on it-" With befit wishes and the hope that her grand -niece will priza, this for her sake." f" Lor, mum," eaid the maid. as Phe set it down on the table, 11 it's heavy. I do be- lieve Ws solid gold." 11 It mig4r, well be, coming from Aunt Tabiths to her name child," said Mrs. Elder, . smiling to her daughter,who, was unwi.ading the paper with a digrity that would have graded the unveiling of a public status. "A biscuit box !" they exclaimed in . chorus, when the tbing stood unveiled,. It wa ' s of rather an anciFint type, a relic of i,he days when it' was considered a virtue in a biscuit box to have the propertie4 of a mausolenm-ma,Wve and solemn. -Ib con. sisted of a majohica jar about the diameter ,of a drain pipe., and quite as elegant, fixed � in a silver-plated stand of a c-L,ffia-mount istyle, i and with a! lid df similar metal. 11 Isn't it hide ' ')" i d DAiay on recov- jus . crie aring �ber breath. " W's-it!s not what one would have ex. pected, of Aunt Tabiblia," sighed Mrs. Elder, in a dilsappointe4. tone. . . Sa,-an having 4eard the Elders boast so much of the old 1,4dy's fabulous wealth, and � thinking,she might havel filled the box, with sover�igns as a set-off to its uglineks, lifted the lid an:d peered inside. We capacious emptiness gave Susan a brilliant idea. . " LQr', mum," she said, "it 'ad mhke a beantiful-coal scuttle." - This was a reflection on her relative's gift, __ however, which Mrs. Elder resented, and the girl was thereupon reminded of somo household duties which required her else. wther6. 96 I could not show it amoing my presents, mamma ; every one would laugh at it," said _Daisy,� petulantly. "And I've been telling everybody that it wasas a solid silver tea fiervice Aunt Tabitba was sending yon -how provoking " said the mother peevishly ;, I don't knDW what to say 2)1, now. 1-- '"Libok, mamma.." pointing to a trades- man's label on the paper, "this is where' it has b�en bought. Couldn't we exchange it for romethiug else !" "Yes"Dais we migbt-something useful -spOnsandloIrks, say;that would save your pa,pa buyiDc, them, and the old Wretch M would; never know." " And I don't care suppose she did ; it would only serve her right -the spiteful old thing., PLizer it for her rake, indeed Iivould pitch iV at her if she were here." 46 Do you know, Daisy. what I think we should give out that she has sent?" said the mother, suddenly brightening. " No ' " replied her daughter, evincing some. � curiosity. "A�cheque." . " Ob., ca'piml !" cried Daisy. " Tbe-very thing -I& large amount ; a hundred guineas, ,sh ' all wa say? That's what all the grand people are doing now. ID will sound quite aristocratic." And so the firm of silversmiths in the dis. tant town where Aunt Tabitha resided, and I from where she had purchased the biscuit I box,, were communicated with, and after I some negotiations. a change. was effected. � They Were strictly enjoined not to let theex- ch - be known to their client for fear of ango her being offeaded. The firm in question had congratulated thema6lves on having gob rid, of a piece of old stock, and the salesman - had a lively recollection, of the prim old lady with bnow. white Aide c.urls, to whom he- had sold it. " Shaw me something suitable for a - wed- - ding present," she had said on entering the shop. ' A atimber of articles had been an ' bmitted for her inspection, and at length a biscuit box was an.grgested. � I " Could I see them ?" I I is Yes, mem. we � ba,ve some very pretty ones just now," sail:d the salesman, scenting 0 a chance for getting quit of an old 11 shop- keeper," and producing the one that finally -reached Daisy. " Here is a really handsome one��the neweat pattern -real majolica', *are -and--" " I don't want your newest pattern--4new and nasty ."' interposed Aunt Tabitba. "Show me something like myself -old and antiquAted-the ol des t thing you have b3 the place." .- " Well, mem, this is really the very thing you want. When I say it is the newest. pat. - . tern I mean the style is quite up -to -date -it never goes out of fashion, you understand ; and it is -yes, I believe it is the oldest ar- Ode we have in the shop." . " And the ugliest ?') snapped the old lady. " Well, I wouldn't jaxy that, but-" _ "' Say that it is and I'll take it." she said, adding, "Howdoyoucleanit'!" , " 04", it's easily kept. You unscrew ,this - nut at'�he bottom and the tinware comes out," explained the salesman, and a bargain having1been struck the article wassent home to Aunt Tabitha's and then to the destina- tion already known. : It had not been many days in the silver. ainitWs show case -after being. exchanged when the old lady again put in an appear. ance at the shop. Her errand, she explain. ed, Wa I the sarzie as before -a wedding pres- ent. � I " You haven't any more Inewest style' his. ,nit boxes,,," she asked with a smirk, of the shopmau who had served her on the previous visit. 1 tb f Yes, rnem 11 he answered ; 11 very - curi- "' 01181Y there happens to be another almost identical to the one you got. It is not quite , the sa T e,as You will perhaps observe," plac . - I - I -,�_ . z "r time � � � .. . .e ! to-fig4t consumption, with Sec,tt,s � , � Emulsion of cod-liver oil, is long I in advance. If it threatens, youcan resist'; and you may overCOme it. i Don't be afraid; be brave. , . But I tackle it ,- don't Waste tjme.�� . � . WVXD row fritax a UP&C AND TRY It. *C*Tr- A, bowkc. S;.,*,T14v 11tys'. t*1010O.- . im__ sw. and I aa", ,____ . -- I - - 1. � pvvv� 5-1 111C _ - - Which the work -i and succeeded in the wife has no gins before. his i as a rule, 4,ud mi � . . , — . i . . I � i I j : ! I � I I J � : . . i ! : J ULY 411-190" .. : �� � . THE H U IN EXF SITOR ! I \ i . I -, - '� LL. . I . I . ., Q` ___ - I.---- I . 1� � � - , , . -M=====__=_=W_� . -1 I __ i - " .1, I . � I ; I . I � . . � , � I =:TT!!!!ft � . I . . . 'J � , � I , . - ! , � . I . I � � - i deteruiinO on siplan 4aampaiul;, If the I � is to despise counsel.; they who are pa t, \ i together objectionable, in'facti. I - - - : I . �. \ i I I I . This a the __ . 6heque ,W%a still hidden�m the nit box, a counsel are past grace." " It is a good an 1 1 0 � etkap very Of ten even with i work -Lug Iner, of ,; i ' . . I . . 91 ri as—autbors, or pargous, . j - ten chances to one that Tabby in lut r ignor- practicable rule to have always two ex or I" 19 Afnh ge, i . Doi 0 -Dapi , . , — . but it is par4joularly, apt to or p,%iutertJ._ _. - I � I I ance rid i8implicity. Would riot havo discov. enced and impartial friends (one of hight r � . .� - : . . 1 1 � � � ' . 66 R ' I I qW I undmployed ; such, for i: be so with the . I cred �b,� "i'd Daisy felt that if she could but OU atiSM5 W_ condition) to conpuI6 - upon emergencies -, Y" , � . astance, as ;ba . ,: . I . I I d. ; man h s fouilit for;, 1' this must be upon' ain", honest, fair and fu I neip Men who have retired � . . . 1� gain �eijnoorary possession of it sh3 might . ' \ i , or wh 11 , I - r 0 are b, . � I I 014 , .: � : tai�i4g is soyme1thing, find the hidden missive and appro riate it, , . statement, 'concealing' nothing." " Oboe - f batiWass for I a abort tim�- The # i P ; I -piri a Rh �_ P i I % I _0,C � 11 I u w 0 ,6, . , \ , - � , , , " .re in. Her (ky be" for w�ait not just as much hers as Tabby's ? 0 � your friea6 among the wise, and yo r i 0 , I mischief is never tb a lose for a job for � Ithy kidneys are the ngs ! Is Uric Ac' in the bl od. ends ong after it,� Unhea I R1, , � pater. I . The fbl?owing afterno,bn the latter was I among the virtuops." 11 Well began is half �_ � : ; 11 fatnillas if it: catches him idling and In a i i ig* h ( her,r,est ij L I . sed o receive at visit from cause of tie acid being 11 Exam - i I I .�. I in ' about----�neitber at , alig_ "' I considerably aurpri ended." ine4 enterprises go oa 0 ;1 gl I work per, at - 1 1 L 11 ,� I rokem I v tliei aby there. If thi i kidneys acted I 1% ; - - her stylJoh cousin. . boldly." I i , . � it Otire up 'his bile and p4y. . - � retf ul ne s as they sho Id they would I -I I . I , , 1, . .. L irritability Ter s� 1 Thd�' I do, Tabby—Mra. Jack, I . i el , and IficiteE him to -Y , 7 I 11 Sow do you lik � the reforin o r � I y L - , ealthie t 'VV m a n, , strain --the Uric Acid out I I . We can only by'i4ustra- f do- - - should 4ay ? And Pin i eally ashan ,ed that . � niestio duties. - A, of the syste -n and rheuma- I IT LEADS AND SAVES. 1 ti, 4 inuist -W64Tr out', �nder� . I . -------�--O--� I - ­ I I've 6em so Ion a ir, callio a on vou a- ter vour I -1 , tion and a word or f'Wo of I - I . . I t1§111,WOUICIr E occur. Rh u- ; I I such a s rain. jWhat! - —! i Pimples, Blotches andskirL . * * � marr�agp� but I've been! s� bu;y, yoi know; I ; description in our catalo�rtje, I �can be e#pected, then' it ta viatism. is .4L Kidney Dis­: I I ; of , tiiose ,�omen� �ep� au,6h a time before one gets such a case. Doda's Kidney Pills PAINE'S CELERY COMPOUND let ou�_of_town buyers kno'W Eruptions. I � I , t . . , I 1 large house as mine rea IV in vrder. You a great part of, , ; about lour magnificent selec-" How unsightly, sometimes ,even :disgust . ' � I ' 1 I I - � very mo,r . I who �re weaken-, have Isuoh a sang little place, Tabby, and Dr. Phelps' W6nder-Working I % iag, Znd certainly . - 1, I � . I b,y vvprnan-i ! what� a 11- . -vthing in apple pie their reputation curing � e tion d rin-s. � ufferer. They are werel bifying W tbe. . I We room Ever Rhournatism. So get at Medical Prescriptiou. � Z> 1\ Y an evidence . � I � . j f , . 1, disopes? 1 1 ordez11 !"�aud Daisy's swift glance took in the cause of those feaif�l - I � mpure, po . ' � . I isoned blood, and lowered I , I - vit . All tho, gems arerepresented. ity!,Qf the elementar�organa, ,which v&n t - , �Yonier� . � q�,c - I . AI_ . erith�ng in Tabby's parlor,her eyes finally shooting ains and st'ff, Paine's Celery Compound- is the world' a 1'�", I OV . I �, I I changed by taking I k� who are, 11 �e ., I weak, I I glass shade on the chiff6bier. " Oh, was thin ,1 i____-0, resting bh the biscuit box placed under a aching joiiits. There is great leading medicine and life-sa t -I Ferrozone cleausee �the blood lif 14 I I but one sur I e way- I ver. All thO; go-od styles sho�M- Jqeal Perrozone aftek, - " � : has no,equo6l for feeding exhausted nerves�; �, I w 0 ir n -out� ;from Auiat Tabitha V -she continued "-Igot 11 poisons arid eruptions, makes it r � i .3 4 t. :I i.0 I I PRNI'FIVI! and r -m -down, ill fin4 newl -� one the'Very mme,but %s I had ever so -many . : it sum, a rat as a u der OL bus WeRX S1111 corpuscles that manifest thernsetv AU rea . if shattered tiervovs system.. , i " R�rie " Rings a peal � es in & , I life v St ingth; �n thet, already!l bad to get it exchanged." , - 'It,?.- _411 I ,P heotby, ru"y eqmplexion, ' � , e a, ) til - ,� Paine's Celery Compound has long �jb to th �e who admire ring I , Ye ,�','said Tabby, I I that was a presen " I., . To hav , _� use �ofl�Dnjre"Pieroe s Fffvorite I t � , . pare) soft skin,ind,tod coin � I " - I . . , Ir PrescrIption. It establishes, fronr Aptit Tabitba ; wamn't ib kind of her Dodd"s . . ..11 proved its power as a banisher of dyspepsia, beaut3 �. and the large nurn- _ plexion airup, . - use' Ferrozone ,regilorly. p � I. =atity, driesil wea�_eningl ever to Wrik of me 97f - . �', rheumatism, neurqlgio. kidiney disease, liver i I - I . ,iift 500. per � li�_ I . . or , 46 � . "' I laint, and as a purifier of the blood. ber w sell enables us to bo:e,,., or six boxes for $2�-Z_o at Dmggiats, or . heal� i flarnniation.1 0 you know, Taiib'y ng to a by mail from .N: -C. PoisoZ & 00. I . - oomp . �, Xi4p . h ,' and � ctiresl visit 6 one of these day and I I Thousands of men and women, tired on carr stock that allows Ontario. I . " she's ,� and , s: do mi know - ; tolat I I I 0 't .1 sleepIcss, nervous, morose and deepondeu�, I �. ferna , 1, it �uakes` what Tit, to do about th bi it b, x. She Kidney , splend d choice. - , . 0 iscul I Try Dr. H$Iwilton's Maudrake Ping. , I wedk wonieu strong and doesn't nowIchangedlit,andBlie%beaw- I i have been given perfect health, streogth and .1 - 1-, I I I I . I , a I buoyance of spirits through the well a UPON , ! , - � '11 sick worrien W4. ! i fully offinded if sho.doo4n't see it �ot out ! I CAIALOGUE SEBT . i vised nee of Paine's Celery Compound. I; � : Ready Wit, R-e-a-dly.- 1wone.y. I I I I Sick people a e invited to� Wou�d you mind letting� me have ai loan . oi Pill 1 � API PLICA.T101 X. - I I . .1 - . ' ' S has given � fiew and b ife to a va 't The University of Pennsylvania han not a. - consult Dr. Pierce, by �,Ietter,'� your#,? 'i vr know." ,1 , appy I ,� number of �people who �oncem were tired of li�e I -DIAmOWD HALL" large endowment, and that it free. All correspondonce is: , " Wo Id there be no Obance of he� looking � . . I finds the � .1 . ffl� � and suffering. I 1, . held as strictly private and!; in on. in �9" suggested Tabby, humbly. " I'd — . . I I s- means to pay its current eixpeum, an . . ox to do scri be at a � friend's house th a o bh or If your health is impaired ; if you see . . buildings is .,due in .great d put I sacredly confidenti,lal. Address Dr, R. V.' he so ve�od if she did and the biscuit b I � up 4pw � tue'aaare to . I evening, and was greatly --interested in her 'with any Weakening or painful its provost, CharleeC. Har . away . I I r"on. 'WN little r Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. � " " , .aine's Celery C Ryr ie, Bros.; - ittlo ! t' I suffered with feinafe wca4kcne is abovit eight � " 6h o, she's too grand to come here . views of certain prob dady, use F iompound to- - I . . � , , , lems of I life, and ber mE - I- - black subscription b000k.if; well known to . ' Yongo y � � vears -tried several doators but derived nobenL-1 but I d i'sked you up to. 1a,, e tea with her clear graiip of thg recent events of this his. day ; it is specially ad ad for your case i; ma � a down town offioe-t o woll.knclia� .. 1� n1leo 117 's- t, Irl, , apt . ` and Adelaide Sts., � i n 0 1 ,i$ or I , I 0 1 1 . lit until I began using pr. Pierce'� IFavotite Pre- i I it will make you well 6nd strong. Mr. R. .& at m h d u ,Soo:? So if y u don'b cry ma ing epoch. - , promment broker, told him not lorig, - I . I - . ' Is * . 6 - n t, take any Ball, Chatba t., says : ! I Mr.1 Harrifion was pleafling per. I � scription," writes.Mr.s. Jobn GIree , of Danville, � in, On � TORONTO. slsteb�ly - I � min I J1,`o'aI'd jo Ytobake it, with me 'I am glad m dear girl$ I i3oyie co., Ky. - lmiii; inc(ii6im was recorn z us now. I y . ,. ineuded to ine by otheir patients, P bav' taken' 46 I �i I was so seriously: ill I was obliged 6 . � with him for a t - bat in mll .. w uld used to aak;Tom, my auaband, interest in such r, ings," said a proud moth- ; I subscrip ion,, 6131, � . , J __ To - ers .11 : ! take to my bed, vfhere I lay for fo�' I � . . six bottles and I feel like anoilici i1i. 1� first ' su1bmittod Tabb � I . r [ J, . . or glancing . fon I I at a group I of girls, i FinkMy th6--broker said : � I � ;1� � . I : I � . . . The dealer who offers a si tbkit te for ... "I 44 I . . y.; e of whom would for a months. The doctors here and in Toronto E=NWNENNNC1CNk� , . oo4t.iees gracious,,Tabby, can you do Don . I � : . ",See here, Mr. Harrizont 1 will give you � "Favorite Prescription," $s ciily seeking notling � aekiny your Iiis n buspected o any such a thing, or,, in- said my treable was Addison'8 disease of t e something On one c I .. - � without � 49 t deed, of entertiining any opinion upon kidney's. and told m I medical man witl!i the stomach pump ? Not I . ondition" � to tuake the little itiore profit piid on leav ?" �s�ornfully retorted Daisy ; ,bu . e'I would never wal he ; he just had 4ne or two fainb sym " Very well, Mr. T-- � " said- the prAD. , . ' . ptoms I —1 the sale of less meritorious medicines. pleale yo: u!rself. When Vvill you kno w ?" matters of greater moment th4n their own again. In November la,3t I commerical of uneasiness, which he quickly dispelled by V00. 11 Nameit." . I I � I His profit is your loss.. Ref se atl sub- � CA Too qomes home at� Ave." personal adornment. . . � to use -Paine's Celery Compovnd. After a few well drawn gapes, much after the 6 I 'The condition is that yon -never corng I . � . ; stitutes. � � At, �4 1 - . � Vell'XII look round in the ever. ing. I'm I wish to goodDeFS they di'd !" respond- having used a, number' of bottles I was on. manner of a ale I baby. Then he walked intl'� my office ikain t until I � .ask you to 4 , , � Dr. Pierce's Pleasant P, e should be. ed paterfamilias with a sigh, 14It would abled to attend to business, and felt like a o . 130.3.11. 1 � 1, I so fr ght�o6ed Aunt Tabit�a might turn up I I . about for a time .and presently accegted an � : . � I . I , . used with x, Favorite PresQ.-ip ion 11 when- at ax y nioment, It will be so kind of you, be refrophing to ear somothir g talked of at new man. I can affirm with confidence th t . . . " Certainly, Mr. T_�T--, I 'agree � `0 � I )) � I �� - invitation to. Jou u in a game of ball." )1) t ever a laxative is required. . . born() besides driess and ple Paine's Celery Compound saved my life." . that. said the provost, � pro a_ve . ; asure, and as I I I . � ; � TabOy, th lot me h I - `1 The schoolma iters observations have. led mptly. ma 4-ammmu-"M -..I— MOMEMM" , '117E , M T 1--' L 1_: :9 prett Sim 1c*+.nn,i ana rathar . Ar,, -- tho . - I I Walked A111- Q.-r%M_ -,+U I - — . I � __ . ing it before her, and not etten blushi . ng, but you could hardly tell the d;p nee."' I " P " Are you quite sure it is not the same . one?" Aunt Tabitha asked pointedly. "Perfectly certain.," chiiped the bbop- man. � . : " Then unscrew it and show me again h . ow! I I you clean it." ; I i T The young man went throuf h tho same operatic , n as before ; but thl's t, �me a, folded, slip of paper fell out from betwo'en t is ware and the stand and dropped at I be oR 'lady's feet. Pickivg it, up she unfolde.l. it. ai d look- ed at it, and then, turning to i Ile sh npman, ,said : . : . " Do you know, young man, w' b6re liars go to ? That's the same box thatI boug,it from you about a month ago.; bat Il �aupp)ae it -'a your business." Anti 1with al�tv011inkle in her eye as if she was enjoying the oke, she paid for the article and ordered it t� be sent home ; as before. ! : . I * * I * � i , * Stephen Elder, railway isigmalmah, was reading in the local ne.. ar-r-r! 'the accouut of the wedding of his niece,.:" i�iss labitha, (Daisy) Elder, and his only. d�ughter, also ' about, to be married, was look�ng 0 er his. shoulder. I i! "Ay, Tabby, this will pleass�your uncle ; , it'ooa'ad'fas�ionablemarritig�.'? Joan aye . �, wantedtobebig; that's how�awertto be a grocer, he couldna bide th6 ipoleaki no; an� whenhe married the grouler`s_lldaugh�er an' got the bu%iness, he was neith�r to "ud nor bind. And now he's a Bififfle ian' a)! what " " and they t.ell me he invited �; 'Aunt tabitha to the marriage ; and so eh6 ent t4e pres- . I I F ent." ! � -Her name's on the top, of the list �f prei!- ents. father ; see, ' Miss Tabitha lason, g.rand-aunt, cheque.' -.How much. won d io be P, for, do you think ?" 7, � 11 Ob, mayVe five pounds, x) it rni'bht be ten ; but you- maun mind Apin b Tabitina's no' so rich as John's foike make�her out Ito be. It's their big way aga,in." , 1 i � " She'll no' ken about mine, father,"')" said I the daughter, -demurely. - 1 1 1 1 � " Ay, Tabby,. she does. lao�ntlnerlwo'rd. She asked me to write to het at antri� times an' let her ken what's gaun on, ':and 'I sent herwordwhen your mother d I ee'd, 1. and i tho--ht she would like. to ke ' about your marria2e.7) - 1� i . _, - "She'llno' think oisendill' �e ouibhiug, � father; I couldna expect it, fo; she's � never . � ; seen me." . " Tbere'.-i nae say&; you're, nam � after her, an' no' thinkin' shame 6' t1ho nar�e an' Win yonrael' ' Daisy."' . I i While thuz� chatting a neighbor IDO . ed in at the door. . , ! t. 0h, you're in noo," she sail. "Tbere's been a box left wi' me ; e porter' brucht it doon when ye were baith Oct. Y,'Imicbt gang ben for it, Steen. as it .'sc gbyan abavy. " "It'sforyou Tabby,'" cried her tather, returning with the box in bi 4] a aTma .' ,1 an' I wouldna wonder but it might be som�ething 9 � 11 1rae Aunt Tabby.". I " It'll Ve the waddin' cake,, �abby, "llaugh. ed the neighbor. I . i � 1 1 . The girPs clear brown eyes 'I 6d as ,gliate she watched her father undo th Is co r and prize open tile lid. . � I " I hope ' it's no' a cake," gM said, "for that has to be oaten ; and if sh4sent ine any- thing I would like to have�. it �for A� keep. � i I S.Ike." � ! � � " There, Tabby, do the rest ybuneV " said her father, on placing the pateel- o the kitchen table. " My hands 4r6 a we thin ,. I 9 coorse, an' I might maybe break it. " hat's . . that ?11 . I I " IL's a card -Aunt Tabitha's," cried the girl ; " and it says-,' With best wishes and the hope that her gran'dn iece will I priz3 this , . � r ! for her sake.' " � I . ' i i L . The neighbor, as curious to see wh4t it wag as if it was for herself, fedU to and help- � � ed Tabby to unwrap the paper.; At last i b stood revealed -the; same �iscuit box that had undergone a aimilar or eal of inspection a few weeks before. i " Megsbie, it's grand !" ,eX;clai e the neighbor wtth uplifted hands, --I � : I � I .11b's ower grand for "me, Jlonnie " was Tabby's comment as she stood with �Ionder I i � in her beaming eyes. 7 " What is't for ava V questioined the fatb- . er, looking round it as it he o4ected to see windows in it like a lighthouh.e.5 � . t I " It's a biscuit box. fatber.� IVs no'llikely I I'll ever use. it ; but it's awf a . I 47,ind of.1 Aunt Tabitha to send it, ,and I'll k � bep it Or her sake." r - I I � Some months later Dais?ai husbE nd-a commercial travel] er-re lated to her a funny story, t'old him by a e . � : commercial, about an old lady sending an, ii0v 01i Vie- cuib box, with a cbeque biddon� lizi it, as a wedding present, and the box 1havinj been exchanged withotit thd cheque, bein )r dis- covered, and then re -bought *by; the sa ne old lady, and sent out anew as ano�'her nu rriage I gif t. i I I "And the curious thin .�� , ,g lIp, 1 'he F dded, "that it was said � to be sent to jsqme c ne in . our neighborhood." � � I ! i Daisy bit her li.p with vexN�ti m Wes that indeed the object Aunt Tabith had it view In asking her to keep it for hpr sake, a ) that the cheque would be dventually� discov Bred ? . And the bificuit box had been at th i sec- ond time to her con . @in? Sht) new I *Iabby had got one the same-servon are iseful purveyors of news if the mi3t at x1l in. quisitive-but she bad not � r alized until now that it might be the verits le onE that she had returned. I i � . An her husband had knowi . i t ot ing I about the return of the present-hei eally eliev., ' ing Aunt-Tabitba had sent a 0 eque as an__ noutioad-Daisy kept her own 1,couns and � . . en o ac ca e orne a w v ex- J r - is I to the very natu oat deduction that a boy a, . st 4% umque jar �11 plairied inattero, and Tom, a good-hearted market, why not try another plan, and see The Captu- . 1 $1 000. � � � i rb of Quebac condtlion is in rpany ways different, from ) . � ' I . _� or so later the broker he�ad I felloiv, e%id if Tabby wished to oblige her if they.cannot belmade into i tellilgent com- T that of the trained strong man. The latter Almopt . 9 . . 1 iouain by all means let her have a loan of pani6ns 9P ; `1 . UWthe river came the fleeb. ' a knock- at,his door. . � i C I I . . ,th heroic Wolfa�znd-his dauntleS3 Men, could not eat thc things a boy could,, be- __ I "Come in," he 98114' . . : ; - = T the artiole. � I moved dis3reetly out of e4roh 6�t at this, . , ,loping 80011 the French to beat, cause his fitnes is mainly maseul&r,'w.hile and �,n walked Mr. Harrison, He - bad 4im' :, . - � I " But it 10 a' irty," said Tom ; but Inioticed thatt'he relationgi And change tse s4ord for the pen. I the boy's is, in a black book under hih arm. ... . . � oks a triff I aldition to being mascular, I I � , addi6g With a laugh-"' I wouldn't like your two Iieemed rath r strained foi, the remaind. . 1 I . . " Good morning, Mr. `he'&�e.f , �� The strong rock organic. The in�an may have a sluggish I T—,' . aQJ - I fine 0'ousiin to tbin.k tha� we hadn't 9. butler er of the evening. I.Orl'ass of Quebec, " I 'Want you to -help me a little wi,th. " - a . I � Its stout wall] r1stilng with maDy guns, � liver or faulty kidneys, and still be a strong " I I The lady bachelor is a k I Loomed proudly tip � f rom the river's bed, � . man, but the boy'� who runs and romps and un, I am -"- - I � i to polish, up our silver p ate. I'll give it a drild Of woman . reity mat'er . I . cleari after my tea," men like to meeti' like to mak� friends with, Defying Britain's a no. I turns somersaults, and shouts and laughs, 4 I ook her4 M,r. Harrison " - the bro -r " I . I P I � , im I And 8; he set about tBking it 'tc pie es, and,, � shall I whisper it, like to marry. contnued, " when I gave that last th awk �' , , I c It Was then proposed by Townobend end twists and burns and shouts, liflan't a . -OU1414 , ' : - - dollars, wasn't it on the express e �­ ;; I and was In the act of doing so wben Daisy Therefore, youug�ladiei;, - if yop Would avoid To climb the towering Vault% � single blemish. - I - ondi -- : � ' " Is � -twh , . paid ihqr -return visit. -'The kitchen blind being "old maids," be " , aqy bachelors," - -And on the 131a'na of AbmhAm I I , that! you wouldn't come into;my office . ........... . i I a . you may not long be I Asthmk Can be Cured. unti� -1 invited you ?" vain was not'drawn down, an I the young couple and who knows b r, Fight the sturdy Franke. : . � 11 , I I L . I . . . . . . . -t41 seate'd fit the lamp arres �ed Daisy's atten- dble to claim that title, but ill have sub- " , i 1 , "jWhy, yes�" returned the pro-vost, . , ; - - . ' Wolfe, repeating Gray'o Megy," I Thousands of � testimonials conclusively 111; - tion.' She saw a slip of paper fall on as Tom uted another, given to on ,by some : believe that was the understanding, `%t � t 9tit L Said, in a tone of sorrow. prove that Adtbma can be permanently I unsctewp� the top. honest, purposeful man, who Will lovo you " I'd rather b.e the 4'uthor of that poetn I - y " come in "' justnow wkeiz I - ; Then take Q4ebec,to-morrow." i cared by inhaling' Catarrhoz"one, a vzgetable didn't you sa 44 W; 'hat is this, Xom V she heard, Tabby for your sweet self., - �, . � . antiseptic that destroys at once the germs knopked V : . , I . I .. excl M. I a-- I i . Tlieysay the 6heque this time , I I On the early Be tember morning i causing the &�ease. Catarrhozone gives vas for a# 2et we see-iVe like a bank note wifey; THE: 1 BREAKFAST TABLE LEADER I 'A . five thousand. : - � I I - , I - The two gresearmles met : i immediate relief � to the dietressing tough I ! . . I �! : - � F � no,Ws a obeque," was T(M's anSwer. 46 B I — � Both leaders soon we're wounded', i ff, � . � i *_ . I � � � I _� I And died befpre s�nsel. I and an ocating q� at' no , makes breathing to Rheumatim . gum q listen -'Pay to Tabitba Elder or I � . no' 'o Vatuable Advice � . MALT BREAKFAS FOOD ; easy and regula I and insures undisturbed r I ! E�t meat sparingly, an bearer the sum of one hu dred pounds ster- But Wolte live(t long enough to know � aleep. Catarrh��one cures Asthma that d take -very little I I I I -_ � - I ling. .Sigried TabithaM son.' Tha a yours, That his heavy taek was done : . ang4r. Avoid 'intoxicants, llreffl.- Away from - Has No Equal in th World. � doctors are unsole even to -relieve and can I - � I That the French were.badly rooted, ; - v ,r 2 . Tabby ! Good old Aunt I ' "abitha !" And the victory w" won. : cure to ThIr'u'Catarrhozone inhaler is da pness, waer abu d'antly, and At- '.. .. . I i made d 'line as "The dear old darlix g," booed Tabby, . J. '*T. ! Yofulhar . bber fits� into the vest ways rely on Nervi ,1 nick relieV4,�r of 1 THIt MOST MORMILER - RUN' " - � " The old wrotab," was echoed from the , CONCENTRATED FORM OF � I F ��� . - � 1 164 McPherson avenue, Toronto. Age 12. � pocket, can be u ed at work, in church, Mi Rheumatic pains. Being I times stronger, _� �; outside, an the baffled Daisy turned on her. : WOURIS] I : � t * 'Power � - � than ordinary remedieB, Xervlinets ; . . _1 . the street, in be -any place-ar, any, time. I . . I : . . :1 I heel,,haviog no further interest or concern __�_ I :� I � To Cure a Cold in One Day . Two months' tri i tment (guaranteed),,pricei over pain is simply beyon-Abefief. Is -enres " -in Aunt Tabitha's bia uit box. People's As a hot weather I 1 $1.00 ; tr al sim, 25c. Sold by 1. V. �_Fear, also Sciatica, Lumbago, N�aml, , nc I i gis, a 1 a . Friend. . . I breakfast diab, Malt Take Laxative Bromo QuinineTablets. A, druggist, - Seafo - h, or N.- 0. Polson & Co.., pm , whether interval or external. . Iarge I I i Breakfast Food has no equdl in the world. ' , bott� I les, price 25c. Soldby'1 V. f,earidrug. � � ' � - ' — 0- druggists refund the rhoney if it fails to 6 K �� . , . W�� : - . I MONTHS C F PAIN It is health nourishment in the most c,rice,* E W. Grove's signifture is on each box. M,o ingston, Oi I I 0. I ; gist I - . � . trated form. It is delicious ,to the taste, . i.- % Try Dr. Ha Mandrake Pilla- i Seaforth. a - I i . I . . izing and easily digested. I I - I I I "ton's . . ' I I �� - . I I �. ! satisfying, appet . . Usborne Council. T� - — Bo�tblack made and i lost- M. . Caused bv a Tumor of the Breast. Malt Breakfast Food e4er ! I Respe6i For the Law. I ? . . . It gi and invigor- ­ 000. t, I . I ate@ body and brain. onl sensible Council met as court of revision of the as" . 1i . I _� 9 - I I i - y This stor I Id by Judge Pennyprck D�ae-eyed Herman I I � boot � � . I onJnne7th. All the mem: I ,- - I - is Ze hot weather. Be )ginni'n;lic response to a toast at a � th * food for, young and old in th , sem ent roll, er, in. b( � , the " May -WO - , . .mbers, of E(awliesbury, I blac ," is back agaia - im fronb Mrs. �J. M. T Tells Your Grocer reommends it. � bore were present. As there were no a I - , shinirif, shom I � RowzShe Obtained Relief After ; P' Penraylvania-G rman, banquet in Philadel- .of t a city hall, says the Yew Yark:R- - I - . 11 peals the roll was carefully revised and the 4 - - Doctors Had Fail�d. . . . I I assessment adopted. i I phiv. The at ty, he said, showed the ald,:after-an absence of ne00y a yp,a, aui. � � . I Curiosity Of IE14E redity, . Council met for - business. at 1:39 readiness of thl, J?enusylvania Dutcluman to ing 'which time, be has woo and l0t �klor- From the Post, Hawkesbury, Ont. -� I o'clock I . I .- L ­ . � It is one of the Curiositioi i' of heredity I obey those in authority. I '. i . autes of -the last meetin - �jissw Mrfi� James M. Timb p.m. The mi tunei. The story of his Poverty, bisc -_ L ers is well L nown to that w%e the children of yet ng parents are read and approved. g. werp in 1861 Sheridhni under order., burned -his �umble was told by him in a :15howev . I -erybody in Hawkesbary, Vanklvek . e ery barn from �' a valley above Rtaunton tears. � �- nearly ev " I Hill, and surrounding country. She was Usually righter than the chi dren of older I A deputation waited on the council, ask to� a . i�� parents, the children of old p?.rents develop certain point below Winchester. A . iff somefooW A a . -- 11 - 11 . . ing for a grant to the Exet�r - Union buria b nd of agg ebels followed this raid, 'in B�ooklon' � born in Vankleek Hill, but ein;e her mar- . � I ! 4mau 'is married and lives . into the moat intelligeAt mea and women. ground. I ry. r 4 He has never told ; 4�luqy W& . . . . . riagej twelve years ago, I as lived in Hawk watchin for a Q'Inance to pick up the strag- j�_ � . - A good Ilustration of �his is to compare the 9 . the 4,est -of his Pame, and -14.1 won't diagm - � _* . . " - esbdry, and is greatly . eemed by 11 who Moved by J. Moir, no seconder, thatjbiq glers, Among others who fell into their it ii0�,wi," he said the other day," In.1110 .. Itioul � - . know her. Mra. Timber is one of ie many savage r,aceo, which ni�rry ati, a very earl " council grant &2_5 to the Exeter Union burial hands was a lit 4 Pennsylv�%nia Dutchman, , - I e proved the great value age, wit4 �he white, races, whioh is the latest ground. - I - of ,distress."' Previous to just Junp be W- i . thousands who hav , I I who quietly tu od to his 4�aptoia and in- i � I _ - - � . . J iumarr�iDgof all , . Moved . ! b .doing businegsintheeity hill pAr1ri -, of Dr. Willianis'Pink Pills, and g'veb her by J. Hawkins, seconded by J -1 - � ' Teachers among of the south r quired : I . r and I bree or four Mayors, Van wynJusmapt- il , experience for the benefit of other a 3ffdrers. . ' . I Ballantyrie, that no action be taken in, th � ippines, in " Vat are �yc ulz fellows going to do mit ther-A, were his steady patrone. - � in the RAiI lynes a and in Aus- matter at present. -Carried. - I . _ I ..... She says :-" While nuff iog my first child ' i ! � � t1lis me 1)" ; was the foundation of his fortune I . � tralia, tblI us that the dark-skinned . r . I suffered f r . cbii- The tender of the':: Patterson, I I.. . . a brighter than �be Wholihan Co., to build concrete abutments - is I � om a nursing tumor under the dren in their schools ai A; The reply ca no short and sharp : left breaet. The first sy ptorn was a sharp anIdtoprose � racimg its brittle ' w4lls,' -Witb ' ' . . white cfiildren, yet we ievarlook for great and steel and cement top bridge on conces. 'Hang you." . � capi�al of $46, * which he h1oriously avr-: pain followed by a growt . which g -adually :6 .. I ... 11 .. men among these racei Veil," he said, meekly, 16 vatever is de cumulated, be won $300in an uptown garob-' - . 1. and. W,e would n]ot sione 6 and 7, according to' sp � � - I increased in size until it� )ecame as ,arge as I ! ecifications' rule." I i ling house,' and the next d � -he went to Ike 4 ,I I an egg. it was exceedii igly painf 1, and find them if we did look., i ! submitted for the sum of $270,railway extra* - I I SY - " . I . I All of, the great me:i of the world, like was accepted, the bri 0 His good na r!ed reply.threw The :Con- race itrack. I � � .. , dfa to be completed I i � .. I caused me much suffe0l 1g. I ristotlb, Bacon, Cuvin - and V i federates into a r4ar of laughter and Fisved - - 1) I I ; doctor who I ranklin, ha lat. I ; . . oring the first week, " he maid, `5 I *00 -1 i ,gave me medicines, bu it did I I I ; . I his life. 3 - - F � I I : , , been a na of'very oll men,'� .When em. Accounts amounting � - $8.000 to the good' and when the 1_9_80404_'-,� , I me no good. Then I -000: julted anot ler doc. 1L � � i to $187.25 were pas? - — H - 9 J - g David,' � - inent ... n like- Kin �the CatO& of sedandorder � . closed, I had 840,00� put away in,old 6oft, � . � tor, who said I would have to un ergo an Rome, a isened ip payment. I HAGYARDIS Y L 0 OIL cures sprains, btuisae - I I I . . � I e elder William Pi4- and certain Council than adjourned, to meer sores, wounds, on , rostbiteg, chilblains, stibIzis of under the carpet and in the ref-rigerstorAt 1. [operation, Inthe meap.ime however, t I ., on July � I I the branchei of the, Dana, Lee and Livingston 5th, at one o'clock. ; i insects, burns, seal si contusioug, etn-. PrIoe 25c h nri�, None of tb - I . : i . e moneyever v � tutncr broke, but would 1 [lot heal, a rid, as a , : 0 � !eut iinto ' families f America have' Boni late in life ; - . ! � - ban and my wife thought I wik* stillrtt �� �reaulb, I was feeling very' much run down. � I 0i � I . ' e .next gen I � � RuE slan Riddles. e d stand down here doing tho old -bus. i At this time mv attentim' wcks diractIO'd to the emi ence is continued in . DR. LOWS WORH SYAUP.is a safe, oure and ror : th I , I I I . � - I I � eration, 'but when emi liable worm expeller. Actkequally weil o iddlee which the boys Sometimes : I gent ,en like Ark. . n childreri Here are som and iness. with $�,'000 in my pocket i Dr. Williams' 'Pink Pills and I began tiaing . . ! � ,- � I . . lito putwer- byton,iCuleridke,'Cromw or adults. - Be iure-you get'Low's 4 over the old route with.the kit - - ;,' these, I soon felt that they were giving wrig r I ell, : I . i girls in Russia I uzzle their heads over, See I we un - r me inoreas6d strength, an I af t�r u6ir g a few Pate t4e Great and Oolomco' have sons �*T � m you can gueES without der 0 u8t to keep -my pride in eliedir, - ; - ' I ,how many of thh .! � y arm j I . � i - o . . . in early life, the emine4ce iminediatoly dis- BoYs With Go�d Appetites. ' . butoll thethne�- waspWiningto builds -1 - � boxes, the tumor dioapp 0' ired, and I was as . � looking at the a i4wers : I � I I - I . - � I appears.' � � An English schooligaster has just C�mo � (1) I am b nd, but show others the big liouse up iri the m�illionalree row., along- ' , I . I � I z well as ever I had been,: My etren ' o ' ,th has Anothier good illustration may be found plated an exhaustive research into the sub- way ; deaf ang I !durrib, bat know how to side6f Carnegie'a. ! ; . - ,since b , good, and I - cann6t op Ak too in t ) . . I , � I he, B�itish nobilib -E%ch�l, noble famil jeot of a boy a cap�cityjl for food. In sum- count.. "de a few bets i* i highly Ile Dr. Williams' T'ink Pills.', Y. y .. Paring: the winter I mi . - ofrl - . 04 - . � ; These pills cure troubIP3 like the above begins with an eminen man, and tfie noble ming up the case he is I frank to admit that (2) People pray for me ard long for my tb6 pool.rorimIs and lost them. Ibpeuedtbe � , I branch is oontinued.do n to tIlle eldest son. while he found a superabundance of capacit company, but � irectly I appear they hid � nwilth$24,000cal9b. M. y luck chwaged'.1 ibecaufiet4ey make rich, rod blood, and - I . in April a . . It has b6en's frequentl obser�-ed fact that there was actually little or no limib.1 I themaelVes. . : Id bank roll' began to �=Ifti ' ' Arive &IU: impurities fr3m the aystem, ce is very rare cake, both fruit anq (3) I have four !Iegs and feathers, b rt am down rin ,be - i -y 'At 44* - : Thro 6od they also the eminen * ly coL tinued to the Perhaps, after rich . . Ap 16 , I played animosit, ., I'll i ugh �heir action on tie bl -L I ! I I . third generation, and usually lisapp,3aro in plain, the first in, favor. according to the neither beast no - bird. - - . 1 sknA the old cripple wag beaten a blook'byy ,� - I � . Icure such�troubles as ap, ia, hear palpi- . I I . 0 1 . the second. It is trueTi that -minent Men schoolmaster, is condensed milk. This il (4) There are four brothers iinder one A#Jowk � ltation,, er�sipolag, scr 1 , skin er! paoust - 4 � luckT star. � That Irace cost me $10 1 1 ! I have been produced in �hese r oble families, often eaten without a /spoon by simply mak h%t. I � . . #ron�_thaton" added Herman, mounifully. -. ; I i ! . . irheumatiom, 8t. Vitua' cki nee, and the all. . . . . � but dUrikig the 800 years in w ich, the law ing two small holes in the top of the can 1 (5) Fonr brot - ev�iytbing I touched went -wrong. , � the liv�j ' b side, but "' �ments thaqt�make of so many wo. I ers run side y . _ I -L"t- ;men mieeiable. The gsyq� due h1ways bears of prim6geniture has been ii� force every and placing the lips against them. Thea.�' never catch, one ariotber� - � I week I sold my kit for $1 and put the ldollsr`� I . . such case has come about through some t c- after this comes oboe . On a,-20 to I shot, and tb*t waa,tholastofj�,! 'the full name, " Dr. %IV Iliams' Pi6k Pills I I I 0 . olates of, all descrip-' (6) What is it ithat walks ,,upside down I � I - I I . i -, I . . cidest Which has eliminated the eldei&of tions, plain 'Chocolate, chocolate cream over -head I big I I ifor Palo Veople," on thl wrapper around i . I 91 . � � f rtune: Shine,airl" ' - I . the eldest; arid bag brought in some younger chocolate candy, chocolate cake. . (7) Who are �li_ Herman dashed away his tears and adw levery box', Sold by all a &lore in mad' i t. , e two brothers - that live In 'clue, branah to inherit the tifle. . ; "It may be thought I am exag on the opposite of the road, yet never see ,a rush for Mayo,r Low, who was just 100- Jor sent post paid at 50 (ents a box, or six I - gera ing, I I -for $2 50 by addrossing the Dr. Wil- I �y I - 'boxes The conclusion to be drawn from thia'is says be, "when I sa that l'bave seen a bo one another ? . . ing t ae city hall, but the mAyor Low was i�p " - that young men should 'not marry before aged ten years eat in a single afternoon I � (8) A pack of '; wolves ran by, one was a hu . - . Iliams' Medicine Co., Bro,ckville, Ont. ; �,,rT auddid notatop. Hermau's. thief- �� . � - , ­ i t, - 4 a ot, how man remained ? . regret , was that hit wife had not- Aci - - i , .they are 25. Neither should 'hey remain enough food to satisfy an adult party 0 h y � I . I I . 10 I old bachelors beyond 30., Unmarried peo. twelv persons. I have myself known ii Answers .- (1)! A milestone. (2) Itain. qr_irod the habit of going through -bit � - * � . - . No Old Maids ow -a -Days. do not live as long!aa little efrail boy to eat a portion of a rich �(3) A featber bed.' (4) Legs of a table. (5) pock�ta at night And appropriating _". . - � m4ftied people � � � . - � . You have noticed, no doubt, that the and nocreature is so mis i cake. a third of a one pound can of coil- Wheels of a eart. (6) A fly. (7) Your � In I - I . erable as an ol .money her judgment told bar e woulat,ot, � � term "Iola maid" is not nearly si) otten bachelor with relativea.�Ev 111ag Po8t, ;� densed milk, four ounces of mixed chocolate,' eyes, (8) One-_�he dead one. need lexb day- - . -11 ... : � � � - � � I lused as it was a number 1,c f years ag), Tlie I - —6 � 1. a an ful of assorted 'sweets, two oranges, ! a i ..... ireason, is not merely a ch.a uge of iian ie for a 'heap ? OU43 apple, four lnger�read cakes, a dozen One LAXA-LIVE I �PILL every iiizht for tbirtN HUSBAND AND WIFEL - - t 06, . Does it Pay to Buy Q 9 I y . . I �certain tv but a cha in the tyl, a i a days makes a complet� cure of bfhousness and cod. I - . tself. I Brazil nuts rid two lar e pieces of pepper - di L , � I 9 4 edpation. That is --146t 26 cents to be cured.- . IThe ' 6:01 maid "of for er days is d splaced A cheap remedy for coughs and colds is mint candy , I - I ST' HirpotYTE, Qu�e., June loth._4800- yr all right, but JU Want something that will I I , I I -0 I I . - by the " lady bachelor ?'--alert vivacious, . 11 Did ir, make him ill ? Did he lie down I . Is,]) Mr. L. A. Paquin and his good *if# __ i - I . I . . � I I relieve and cure the roore severe arid dan. i g . * more Or f0s intellectual, keenly interested and grown and await � the comin of the , Really Extraordinary. have!tbe kindest things to say for DoAd* . gerbus results of throat, and' I ng troubles. - I . Two -Irishmen yot a job to clean some Kidney Pills. � .. - in some pursuit or othei.-it may be from What shall You do ? Go to a warmer and ___ . 0 � , . lofty windows. Having no ladde , 'IL I.. � Inecessiby, and to keep t.�e wolfe from the . r how- Mi. and Mrs. Pacquin have both been 0 . . !door ;; it � may be just om more regular climate ? Yes, 1;i possible ? If , I ' ever that would reach the windows, they tcTh,� foriner -was so sick thathe was unable �� I - i done, not possible for you, then in' either ease Intedinal - 0 . 6 k 'Ho bad Kidney trouble, wbI& : - iWork�,�or because sometbing ia to I . I were rather puz2 e'ed how-to gb�' to them,. wor - I I'll I Isametbingthat needs tlu doing, li3s close take the ONLY remedy that bas been intro- I o n " Pat," said - Mike, "I havO it. Get a gave 'him great pain. I I � i - I I lat hand. � duced in all civilized countries with success Ind'igesti Hit wife W bad a si,mil trouble .some, � i t � . iu.bev,ere throat and lung tr�ublef;, 1, Boa- � ; I plank, Put it th o h the wi*w. 0i'll sit � AT 1 1 . ' I 1 y chee's German Syrup, 3) � g time,before, ond had been complete,' . Be i he reason what � t may, tl e - lad There are forms of indig the plank o t�ide and yoif sit on the . ly on.re& bachelor is a worker a It not only healB estion and dys- On , ndi�a thinker, rid fills . pepsia which can never be'reached by plank inside." i by ]Dodd's Xidney .Pills, and when Mr- . � and stimulates the tissues to destroy the - . qui i self -1, he the , her. own definite niche iq, the ichem � of the germ � dise'ase, but allays the iriflam � ordinary stomach medicines and so-called All- *eub well till Mike, on I the outside, ra in foun , veiy. il Ukbt . I unive sa just as .aertainly' as docs a is who . matiozi, I i � he . . . I � causes, e% digestants, The kidneys and liver are cried,out : , I � would try, lie re ed: his wife bad -forind, ; i occupies the hopored and honoiable )osition and though the stomach may � so valuable. I He says : - I I sy expectoration, gives a good . 64 i night's rest, and cures the patient. � Try oNr!. involved, ! be . Oi let the w i adow leather 411. " � , i of Wife and mother. Thie lady ba-ahelor, all right, it is the part of digestion which " All right," r, �Iied Pat. " Stop where "' We are both now Ruitz well and able to, ' bottle. Recommended many years by all . 1P I moreover, is not to be co 2f ounded with the druggi-sts in the world. 'You can in ; th intestines that is yez are and Oi 'll got ib." do on, r work as well aR ever. I I Dr. ! . - I Dodd's Kidney almost extinct I I old. ma�i , " who, f u 3sy and , get I el i 1, We keep G. G. Green's reliable remedics,4t,J ,� S. imperfect. . Away went P It , Pills on himilt -y'acidulated, hav rig Niled in find- I ., - - . i I I downstairs and getting , I . generAll .. All over- the copritry are people who into the street, exclaimed : and [use them occwqionally: if we feel th65 I ea Robert's drug store, Seaforth. � , . are I I I; I � I , ing someone able and or to make a home I � slightest indisposition. � I I i suffering from just tbi's kind of indi on. " Be jabers, Mike, you're down here . : I ; - I for hqr, finds it diffic a I � . gesti . It to foigi%e those The don't get first,' Which way did you come 9" 1 1 a I y Nvell. because ,they ,. ; -0 . I I : more lf�rtu_nate, and la, nches venomous I Wise Provo'rb�- � don't use the � riglit medicine. Dr_. ! I ! . Diftbrent Vie-,ws. - I I . ; H.* C. I I . I I I - All.. - little speeches at such her friends and 11 Be not wise in your own] con;eits.,; as Chase's Kidney -Liver; Pills are admiiably " P? �ou �ever- go� to chu'rch:?" asked A` - MILBURN'S STER � ING HEADAC IE POWDERS Cit nery of a ,. man who had ,contemporaiies as have ,arried happily or man in not a gdod judge in his o n case-, suited for this very trouble., They act ,ure the worst head4e in from five to twenty win- t , a : I I I I y m 0 � applie& I re a ut- to do so. � and some ti meu'th ere ��e large sails and lit. directly on the kidneys, liver and bowels, utes, and leave no'bad, after-effeeb. One po%vder 5o, o, him"fe0'r ap , sistalice. � , e 8 ty i i I have i 614 ,No, I , � - . I 44 r I Th woman of th mind tle ballast ; and only a great deal.'pf things remove the cause, and make a permanent ' 3 powders Ion, 10 pa w4ere 250. . don't," was the , rep y.. - 1U. . i - . I �maua so to keep mar iii Ilously y)nng in bilong to all things." 11 Two heads ire bot- cure of intestinal indigestion, backache, and ' i - fact is, I ain�t got fit I things 10 wear. 317', i ; q ; � rar r � I X I heart, whatever I years .may be, ter than one ;" a single conversation with diseases of the filtering and excretory , The Stay at Home If iisband. husband's been out c�, workso long I've I . � � I , I . ad i8lilways ready with, iympathy and ad- a wise man may be betteir than ten ye 8) organs. I . ! It its surprising: how soon.a ife tires of out o' thingi,6 and, !',snihow; me and jn,Y I I I I I iee in the love affairs of aer Aister woman study. " Many go to destruction, ir Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills are veg- I the company of A Man who is too much at husband have such di,Trent Views, rd bsv-0 hen �hey are confided �c her. own way that would not with their frien ,9, � etable in, composition, and remarkably home. Men are w�se in gettin to go alone it I went at all."! � I . g away f rom ; Thei lady -bachelor has i ot clultivated the advice, Therefore, seek and listeu: prompt and effective in action. They are �; their roof -trees R� certain porion of each � 'p) : I .. ' I patie t- � � " What are your views . i many wo n.bon- ly a . 64 airs arid graces which so ad kindly to good counsel ; it is above hept ia thousands'of homes as a standard ' day. They will pr�obably have a little news . W, ell. I'm a M-effiodiflt and my has- Biders part and,parcel of her mani: old. at- all price. Reason is the crown oi human medicine, and have proveri by years df ' of the busy world � to 7 b me, and the band,i he's o0e o" these heit Knights 61- _. brim I � tiractions. She hasn't ti4lne to 4equir 3 them. nature ,'and has the natural, right to corn. trial to be without a rivaL One pill a ; Juaby will be sure' Pythiall. )I i i . i tbing I i � � d would find no use for th�m waen tie.. mand." 11 Reason will b : if dOSe. 25 cents A box. At all dealers. or , exceptionally brifli4nt and-preeDcious. The I I * . I �,Iuair I e, heard �; for, � ; � ed. She goes abouth our Edinanson. Bates & Co., Toron, : Why She Loved1lim. - � . ��, " I a%-, ) J _� I fW6 11" i � i � � '�' , ; 11 It 1�0 - le I� - � - - . : � iy, and with a calm er duties i atural- you refuse her, she will surely rap y I to. . i general events of! the day will afford topics i - . I . sense of power which is knuckles." " Conscien,3e is like the be'p ; I Of conversation more interesting by far than Mrs', Jon "!---111 don't :see what She - xeassu�ing. Generally' ip aki6g, sh( is Well use it w,611 and it will -give you honey ; use � if the whole hou I h Id had 4en together wanteil to marry him for ; be has A oork � posted in the stirri I Dr. Chase's I I Is tions of t us " Obstinacy is from morni 111�ic,h ) . � . is, ng qu� n to men am day, it ill and itw.il sting you." Y) ug till g t. A V�ry littIQ in- leg, a lag eye d false teetih.� . I �nd a pleasant compani well the worst and most incurable of all vices. �:� ' = too, will elicit the fa4t that men . Mrs Smith a�l Well, my dear ;youknov . I I as those of her own sex. 1 " Thefirst degree or folly is to hold o Ki 8 6'ey-LiveIr Pills home all 1d " I apt to be wome alwaysAid have a -hanker* liftw - neself I I I - . �,re ,,r, I 1 1 1110 i uOt GU911 5 WO]EIS my &a I ha re tried . wise ; the second is to profeas it ; tho third ��, , I fidgety vad gru= d " tartering-al- rerain ts. - � � i � I � p y.$ an in I I I I * . i . I t t ; . —, ! I � � I . i ; I . � I I I � I - . i . I � I I t I I . ,� I � � : . . . I . ; I � . I - . I I - . � � � . i � - � I � t I . ; � . I I . I � I � . t I � � .1 1 , i , 1. . I . ! � � � i a . . I . . . � . i � � : - - , � � I � . i i I . I , . i 1 � I I I I'll � I . I r ; � - I - I � i - I . � i ; I f --- I - - - __ -EL, ­ . m - - 4 ` OURE � I I � � V), � - � I T011N GRIEVE *J - Vtterinaty' AnImalatreaud. _zbarges MOdIET-Att ,office si&d rebldei of Dr scowl . � JAMEE Awiute�r solid, y-abljo, Money -1 #WzIn,otreet, Slesb R, - ,BartlaUr. S01101to v3OUPAt-G.r TOr tbO -13 pominton Bauk. I I �_ L JM. -BEST,; . . wotazy,rw papsVs bool&ton I � � - TTENRY � 13BA .rl money to �' ,orth. I - v I � - � - AIR I ROW ITZ -10 4G �Cor. Usma!lll � ; r . I I - � U76 � 7 _m . - 70 'UOLMMSTIM 'IN _0 X-0016UghV � . Za at, ILI 31= Of ad lor gale, -Office� uAtarth. L ::�� , . - . - .! I . fe )N - . Graduate of 11op I I ,bano, L"t gmdul ffit Haskell'o 8',ffio J I ..painlom extracti lank, seatortu, � ; I I w L - D11. F. A. SIV RoyAl colle -honor graduate � trniversity. -0fl wx- -vwt �Zaeiou - day. Jude let, L DRR. �R. v -Tweddle), .� _t rgeone of jons 2 rbuto rhiveraft LE;01d Work in U111 � I I , . metbods for p", A5eeth. All operal t,wt�ddla?a j,old sW - I ­ . I - - . Gr I . I . - , I , Roe. Gradu&U; at oftn"relo Of ftee und Re "WAe . I I 11 . A � - 0-W in, i Gffiee over . Night ,wille:M.-.2-14h I -'slal ILMAtaL � �wtzftber of -the I - ont"10. I Df Kee ."d Raild � -dettodist Zhu " - ]DR& -S - PUY-811 - -Go4eilch streek- . � -4. Q., SCOTT, gi . - member On surg"UM& I - -.0. lUvRAY, t*,ld=1MX' ollego,01 z R ED � -- 11 � P,ml , The Unders! � that bavding bho brands of nd, 4iwcoount for o towers at pr'oes & LAMB-'�" . - . I Having In sta n- � *very large qu midth%is jxep - -Of the very beaf S. LAM, ` - I . Having 11 �� I � Urge firm In . both sides cr wide plank 1.�r for Rrarki ... -cedar 8 gles In X I �� S. LAIF1481�. `;Old in S 1. V. F"T. -on . . I I - - 2100b, 4 'very - A4 -cedar 8 §v n�% � liome e. MiR Vhm their - was marrje,a 'Wilmot Rev.M: 1. Lr, - Imediate. , I of the bridio _ i I . I � I . � . i � - I � � - � i � � ­_ ! ­ ,T_ I l , . � I I : i I ... � ;_ . I � . � - - I . i I i I .. - � I : I - . I . i - I . I S: . I � - - . � � ! i I - :� i .. - . I I I - , I . - I I i I , : : . I � � .. i I I - I . . - _ I � . . I I : I . I � . i . 1. I . - - I �! 7�_.. I � I �1_ - 11 -- - - . i . I I � I � � - -1 ,� 1 . - - - . -_ - I I � . .1 . . � . . I i - � I � - . _:_ I ­ ___ .- - � . _ - _;__ __ - .- �� ­ . I � .. J_ - -'_______1_-_:- -t,-�--�4,--,�-,�--,---,-------,.--,--�---I.-..--�. ­�_­­. 1--_1 - � I I -­ - . I .. , .. . . � .1 I . ., I I— ­ - - I' I - ­ ­. - - ­, , . - _____1 ------- ___l —L-A - .. I - " : . . � . � . i . .1 i I . I � � ­ � : . i I � I , I - . I I � i ! . I i M_ � I : � I ! . -1 � i . - I � . � � . . - � � : � I I =� I . I i . . I � : I � I i � ! I � i � � � I I . 7- . I I I I . I . ; � .. � i : . : I ! - I � 1 4 1 : L - � . I L I I ; - � . I - ---­ . - I ­ ; . � - -_ ­­ . ­ _. _­ . .. __ � _1 --- -1 I _ � - - I - '. . - I-!,---- I - - - . - - � : - ____ . .- .] _ . I— __ � ­ I _­­ . ., ,. - - .- - - I - . .. A - - ­ � ___ , ___._ �_ .1 ­­�_ -­ __ -----i _­_ ,­­ .. ­­ - ­ _1 ------ ­ ____ - - . __11-- - if,