HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1902-07-04, Page 44; H I 1HU 4 L J" % pt r If -:z 1% 0 '4 '!t 0'! 1, Id - il t - , t -E! q T,;i it i�"­ tZ t P x wlzk- U i; T ;j 4 It �A 2 T Gil L i't 'J, 7 perance. Mr. Marter, therefore! a', ad NEW ADVERTISEMENTS E ippe A i to them with very consk arable' confidencel AW The figare between the pareatheres Mtn each I One, denotce'the a of the pu,;,er on which th� of success, as he had a right to Go %4vevtls.amentwi1FtZ9 found hopes of sueeess were increased 14 6h ot;� One Moro Week--Grelig & SteA'art--1 f Clearing Sa -5 that the Liberals did notf bri le -W. Pickrird & Co. No- 6, maXillop-4ohn C. Mordson-5 date to oppose him, and moiati, if h0 all�i of Farm For Sale--oThowas Gommell-6 Anythiriz That I& Good -Charles Sher -5 the Liberals in his couati,�,uency. supported Eatray Rorse-tfenTy Hendenou-5 him. He was opposed, however, by Xr- July Sair-G. F-.� Ktnz-8 Teacher Wanted�-­Josevh Taylor -5 Beattie -Nesbitt, a gent*an who is as pro- Writi-g PAper--liklex. winter --I B-ToKillop'Voters'Ust--John C. Morrison -5 nounced in his Tory prod�vitica as. I a lei 4n. Grozan-Rich-rdson & MoInni" different or antagonistic t6 ev erythin n, sav'or- To Berry Pickers�­T. GrIev" I n To School Teacher". Hoggarth-6 ing of temperance and prohibition. In fact, Swell Boot*-4---�W, R. Willi" I A CoreetTalk-Wim Berryman -8 he in aut such a man as the' � br 3vp era and, For The Cld Bois ­4 -Beattie Bro" distillers could rejoice in , doing honor to. A Growing Tim;-WeXinnon & Co -6 Old 90578! Day -4L Willii & SOU -4 And, strange as it may i. acem2 it in still, nevertheless, a lamentable fa . t' aq i in this er in, ie con - strong Conservative and temp' stituency, the life-long arid sturdy 0 ampion�� of temperance and prohibition' �Was nowedl under end the representative of, th bra SEAFORTEE:h FRIDAY. July 4th, 19021 era and distillers was elected b 4 ha dsome, y m%jority, and that too, notwithetan ing be; On�y One. Majority. fact that most, if not all the al a the Libor als i The Rosa 6overnment now has a majority Riding, supported Mr. Marter.' of o4p in the'House, with. the North Ran- One . would naturally think ;iha a I ti�hia fraw seat vocant. The majority was �re- would be considered sufficiient ni hment duced from'three by the deeiGion of Justice for his transgressiona.agaiuBt pa, rty diacip-1 p Maclennan in the. Lenno:k case, given out 6perance line and in favor of his tam e, prin-, Wednesday morning. The Judge ruled ciples. But no, be must be f 0�tiier i �, i that a ballot marked for Madole with a ated. Mr. Marter has, for many yea a,been' circle, instead of a cross., and allowed by the a -vice-president of the Ootarior�Conse va6tive' county judge, was improperly counted, and Association. At a meeting Oi'that 530ci-i that two ballots marked for Carecallan, ation, held in Toronto last wee4-1 at which which were ruled out, should have been Mr.- Whiltney and all the othet:je de a au& counted. The changes give Carscallan. lights were prebent, Mr. ?4&'r't9r W a d 0 Conservative., a majority of three- Judg- posed from hia position, and W146 fo mdlly:' trient was given also by Judge Maclennan in read out of the party. MT. Richarq Bld�b,.z the North Grey case, maintaining McKay, who made the resolution, Jis rdp.6re(t in thal Liberal, in his seat by two majoriby. This Toronto World, as sayinj -. -,,,I nee i not should satisfy, the Mail, and World , atad say that the position _;�is vacant b �cauee� other howlerg and should Cause them to I . - El G. F. Marter, who formerly 6caup ed �it, cease their disgraceful and ur mannerly cack- It has seen 66 to differ frolm bi . i �Ity. , �Ou ling about the " machine," " spoiled bal- t- well know what the itizens,o JTwonto, lots `and such like rot. The fact is, there did with. him for, doing 3o. 1-6� ther 19i y never was an election, in this ' or any other, 96 no place in the ranirs for-, ind pelLdenco� country, more honeatIy or fairly conducted.. "and differences with our leadbr w en a are fightiug for' victory." Art,� we �re The King an4 the 0oronation toldthatMr. Blain's at' toment's were rn.� The tension. under- which people rested dorsed with cheers. Thus ennde�hl.the yi?li-� last week owing to, the very serious illness tical career of Mr. G. Ma4ter. Nc�w, i of the king and the postponement of the what we deeire to poil it mort-) �arti cul I ar-1 coronation proceedings, has been materially ly is that this party, which has'thda iz �grad- relieved witLia the past, week. An oper� ad, and so far as it couldi dlls��raaed T)Ir. ation for appendicitis was performed on His Marter, because of his' adharp�uoe ;0 �bis -Royal Highness. The operation was in principles, is the same politic�l�'part tbat� every way and the distinguished three-fourths of the. temperance, _ eo le � of, patient stood the critical ordeal much better this province voted, at tile last , �611ccbion,� to. than it was ex.-ciected he would do. Siace place in power, and to r6 place a Gove�rn- then his. impr�vement has been ateady and- mect that has given to the people all thei satisfactory and it fs now hoped that he is temperance legislation they havd evei bs�d.j out Of danger" Uader the most favorable may weriob fairly ask these -peblple nowifl circurristance.4, however, it will still be sev- they are not ashamed of hem8elv a ? eral weeks until hd is suffic�ently recovered to' permit of his appearing in public, so that �. Bditoria.1 Notes d Co�n�en s it is still doubtful as to the date when the The following despatch frorl'i JG(deiich, corouation may take place. In the mean. appeE,­.ed in the, city papers ofi tuesday time everything possible seems to be in pro- r X a ' A Derition was filed on Saturday". V. ith W I ac Of the Aigh PR with the view of entertainin1v and oc- McDonald cal registr Co i rt cupying the time of the thouaiLuds of guests of Justice, agl�iust the return�.' of HeTiry, present from all parts of the world. There Eilber as membar for . S)uth Huron The are military reviews, conferences. social petitioner is M. Y.-McLe�Lu, of 8ehforth. entertainments, and other such like doings, gi The Toronto Mail is bvuom i in a ullaIlly so that none need suffer from enui. It is witty in its old age. It turns "id f 011 a not likely that many of the distin-nished minute from the congenia work"'Of er-i parsonages who had congregated in London Ing the Grits and the Rc Ps G61er -merit tol f or the purpose of taking part in the coro- indulge in the following witiciami S;r' natien ceremonies Will remain there until Wilfrid intends tb liv�3 in Iiistory. He that event can take place, as it is impossible has had a Government dredge nairaied a ter to: fix the dmp with any degree of certainty, v himself."' And again!: " No .'doab aome� so that when the great event does take place irreverent person will ' 'e ark,tbat S r Wil - it will, -juiet iam Mulock W -E r beeguse he is a - most likely, be of a tolerably , I Ls knight �d and unpretentious character, compared' -inan of letters, and that Pir Frederick Bor-1 with that which was intenAed. The coil- den recei,/ed the like honor. b�.ca�se h? is� chief of the big guns of Canad,a; I i ordev forence between some of the. leading British. that all may see the point o I - f this laa 1. jqke,�. statesmen and the Colonial Premiers will I we rhay explain that Sirl'WilliaAi Mulock I � likely shortly.be held and the future rela- Poetmaster-General and I Sir Fi Borden 11�1 tions of Great Britain and her colonies wIll Minister of Militia. Both theF6 jobies ap.! peared in the same issue of the Mail. be discussed, although -it is not expected that any immediate definite results will be Recipients of coronation honoil!s liaN a b aen' attained. From utterances already made announced. The Canadian statesm(n whol and hints thrown out from various quarters, have been thus honored His Maje ty are', y no person knows exactly what to propose Hon. William Mulock, Iostm&Aer- ' ne 4: and what future action it will be safe to and Ron. F. W.' Borden, Oanadlan Ministe take, bat all are exceedingly -reticent and of Militia.,, The distinction. has cen Le -1 careful not to any too much. The military es-. ferred on Sir William Unlock-, pmsumably,i corts, it is expected, will return home very because of his success ii securing Izaperial soou. and it is most likely that moot of the penny postage, and Sir Frederic C Borhen Canadian politicans will also direct their has beenslated for dis netion,: ecausE oft -rdaas soon an the Colonial hiz having beenMiniater of Milit.a durin faces homewa conference is 61osed. In the meantime, al- the South African war. Hon. S. Fi(!Id-' Jug),% who since 1897 has brought lo, vn wo, though many have been., greviously disap- tatiff measure's giving a eferen I calto 3ri i,.�h pointed, all will rejoice tl�at the prospects trade, is not mentioned. i4 tho liar.; : �o me for full recovery of Britain's ruler are Uut will grudge to Dr. Bordeh and Mr. MuloCk now so promising, the title by which they, will herea ter be eiitinguished. It was looked . upoq a� a Mr. MiLrter's Hard Luck. ifatter of course that thtey would t�119 be honored. But there wip und,oubtq'dlyl be Mr. G. M. Mirter, the one time, leader of no little curiosity to know, if it. evet is, to the 6onservative party in the Ontario Legis. be known, how- Mr. Fie ding came to be Passed over. It is possible, however, tl�iat lature, has had a streak of exceptionally 'Mr. Fielding may have been; off0ed �he hard luck. A few years ago he was the as- honor and refused it as ther emiaek, C w- cending star, the rhiag hope of his party, adiaii statesmen have do a b I Ofolre him. If this is the case, it is, Tat her ;td Mr. Fic I and his prospects for poFiticin and 'prefer- . 3 i i d-; s credie than otherwise. Ing merit were the brightest. In b -is oaEe, at any rate, it rr�ky be truly said, "misfor, unes Referring to compuNor y arbitratvqu 9 3 a have not com.6 singly." F'rom the higheat means for the settlement Of at 61, ' ri 1 9, ro,es- pinnacle in the party ranks, he has deacend. nor Groldwin Smith, in h� Farmer ' Sin,J ad,. step: by stop, until he has, aL lea-th,been aaTs: "How Could 'a rlybody; ima inE it expelled. from the party councils, 'possible to fix the rateof �--vages:by udiqial Mr.- Martet waa, for years, the ritht I -and cle' i i i ions ck I elsion irrespectively of the flti�tu%t of� supporter of 21.1r. MVretliffi xi ben he led the the labor market and I of changes he party in the tegislature. Whoh Mr. Alere. proQts of trade? By 1w at, legal proc 281 -dith retired, Mr. Marter was unanimously 7could an employer be 6 1 pelled� to continue! selected as the party leader. Mr. Marter, giviDgwages which helcOuld not afford,tol however, ha4l' always been a warm and con- &ive, or an artizan be c6mpelle'd t q gwon slatent sup.po. , fter of the temperance cause. working for less wagea �h4n he-coluld I obti in i When hie got Wo a position where he. could else where ? Mediation rnay b;_, profit-lably do SGInethirig to advance the interests of employed when the temper of !the parties', that cause, he consistently' but innocently has been ruffled.and i'their vi�w of th',eir, mutual interests has thereby bee�n obOour� d. i set to work to do that something, and, In But judicial arbitration is itnp�rac,. cabfi one of his first public utterances after as- It will require a good ',deal atrOnge - argu-, merit than the learned sumitig his new pbsition,he declared his pol- . Profeaborusea in ��isl icy to be One Of aggressive temperance. This instance to convince any persOn who �asi given the Bubject rriuch� thought that., 111 j u;d i. declaration was distast'eful to a wing of his -cialarbitratic)niFjimpr�o�icable.-" 4wo4ild� party, find it Plat the brewers and distillers be a very stupid arbitration trilonnallind ad up ia arms against him. Their demands tha.t would reQuire an a : mployer to couti= giving wages he could, Ocit affoilrd, �r t]6at upon the party had to be acquiesced in, and would require the men !to work f)r Ibm� the result was that Air. Marter was sum- �wagcs than they could 1 in elpewl ere �or marily deposed from the leadership, and Mr. � similar work. -One of �ho princ�pal dutlies Whitney, as being more acceptabl of the arbitratien tribu!n I would be to I rts- e. to the , 6 anti -temperance element, ' 'certain just the amodan employeri co�ld %'ras selected as his afford to pay and what 1, he mitrke; value successor, and has remained in thv6t position i .Of the emloyees labor eally is. Havilag everaince. Bat, Mr. tlarteCs downward 'ascertained this, the relt ould T�e at sy. career was not. yet ended. At the last Bes. sion of the Legislature, he found his tam- -Mabel Garner, a Ilititle girl wao It es perance principles again coming into con. withher mothe - at 5 W olsley str 3eii, � o. flict with the policy of his party il�urae co taining $93 whilai and he :ronto, found a walking on Queea street, near h stood true to* his temperan2e principles. and �l er Ome, a. Jew nighteago. She went immedi tely I to, ,,7 went against his party. When the elections. :the police station, in fib, Andrew's quar'e, came on he appealed to his own constituents and handed the purse to Inspector reck�6 'd, for an en4ctnoal of his course in the Legis- re, While the inspe2tor was ex4mini�g lature. the 01ritents of the puree, a ?Oman Oame �ia Hie cGustitueucy, let zs Bay here, is to iepert the loss Of Phe verv: ou� little and is as. strongly tem- Mabel had found. Sho described i 0 - , b alid 190 2 'J ULY 4 THE' H ON EXP 0,81TOR The inspeo- on businele.-Da.Vid Sp of ­-BrauMbrd, bridesmaids were dressed, in white or die -ADING SHO'_ STORE. lei d that it b +d contained 69 icer, 9 S EE FORTH'S L this eek. and wore black picture batL,. Mias 13uoug- or counted �he moneyj and sure enough, was renewg old acquaintances th re was' t 4e sum mentioned. Then he -Sidney $pell. has purchmed a 200-aor6 farm lass, the flower giA, was also dressed in a thajno, !Y- and its rec6pticle to the in ]London I township, arid moved from here white organdie. On the lawn,at the bride's a XT .9 L. home a spacious marquee had been, erected, w Man. T ajittle girl, altho�gh.the day�h.- Wedni6sday-. -Henry BuckinCharn has- re- te of th papr 1widow, refused to take a 4ol- modeled his bouto, making it int�ol two and there, after the ceremony was 'over, the nuitoN D, BOYS ]a offere& iiia reward, The� police haspec- entirely separate residences, . Ele wiJI con-, bridal party sat down to ik delicious' . repast. to r, howev'er� I prevailed on the Owner to;en- tinue to occupy the south half h#nself, An entire room was occupied by the boa-uti- Dr leit two Pjam to him for little, Ma �eVfl while the north half has been rented1to J. ful and costly presents: received by the The gr I oom's prei�nts to the mem- mother. 4. 8tanbury, who will move into it in� a few bride, I bridal part ially weekp.-Alderman Davis has been laid up bers of the y were aspeo 1 DA i Canada. for Rome d' e, but *a are pleased to report beautiful. To his bride lie gave a sunburst I Ys JULY Sthe sy tha� he is improving uioely.-Wm. Page of pe�rls, and tot the bridesmaids, flower 1,600 Canadian' troops aahod r—About I , A0 and family have moved to Bervie,.where girl, groomsman and ushers, respectively, 'fro'm Durban Natal. for home last Fri fay. Mr, Page ik engaged an butter -maker at A. opal rinRs, necklace, pearl scarf pin an d Tivo thoui . additional wilIstarb for home I; July 20d. Bobier's branch creamery. gold cuff links. Very *noticeable in the a on 111. ul'tia, of Ottawa, a on yc, ra large array Of jifts were qdveral sets of oil- Make thi's St. re yol r he dquaxters Saturday.. ver and cub glaai% Mr. knd Mrs. Culvert You arE )I I eae your parcels or o%aks, marriad, but no family, had,ow of Dubhn..,­ y we ome to, I left f or Buffalo, where they will reside per - hi, lecle sawx) off at the knee7by a cirefflar LATER NOTES. -Dr. 0. McKent a, of To- io ' - wraps in oufr charge so; manently. Friends were present from Buf during the day. If Von get w Q Ed:waids' mill, at New Edinburg,i On ronto, is home to spend. a few holidELYS.- falo, New York, Rxete�, Galt and other Frliday last. Miss Mag' ie MoDaict- and Miss Tess* tire -1 walkiu and rest as oftn a. 9 te �_Charleall. Haya, the -vice-president of Carroll, of! Detroit, Michigan, are in � town thb Graul arunk Railroad :CompaDy�, has for a few diya.-Edwaed Murphy spent the 'Should you require tiythinu in -the shoe line 6 1 we iao�ued an Ord ar to the eads �of all delif 6rt-, lat in to*u.--Miss Julia Myers, of Titus. HensaR. i rn,�ats in 6is �ompany to, loo� for " br i -,ht will be pleased, to sh ods, and give -Yon villa, Pennsylvania, formerly of this �Iace, J. G. Sbanbury, B. A., Barrister, 8 olicitor, YuUng Lima." t indin'g a few days witih sc(mI3 of her old Notary, Vonveyancer, money to 10211, EKeter, Ont is SPE th benefit f -�ur ex, erience as wear ts. Halif�x s*ept by a heavy wind Dd -frisinds.-Micbeal Wallace sperib the Jst in At Hensall evenj Tuesdmy. 1792 peciall-9 ra,nstorm a nights ago which ucq at Toronto. - Jack Bla-ke, of Paris appea�ed in BRiEFs.-The Rev. Mr. Buchanan, of We carry' a veiy large stock of shoes, em-bracilag all least one I ur life. A, treo in Camplpiell town on Dominion Day. -Mr. and Mrs. J- Lsriark,-18 here'visiring his brothers and ce neter5 wn down bk. the- gale d, O'Connell, of Goderich, are the guests nf sisters. --Mr. Graybeil, of Dashwood, ac. the atest styl S and 'best wearers of the leadmo tb own � a t an eleeLrio lijbt pole, brark. the former"s parents, Mr- and Mrs. B. 0'. companied by his 'daughter, was here the in Y the ar and bea�ing�a live wiro� to Connell of McKillop.-Dubli Can idian and Amek can factories, During July 2 or n'a anndal pic. first part of the Week isiting his daughter, , 88 _ we tb 3 grou d. Annie MoDonald, of ("lips nic"was' well attended and everyone reports -Mr. Peter Mun6, of the Mrs. John Pope. n i initend giv g ecia prices all throgh the store. jeton, vi I ho as visiting in the city, passing having a good day's sport. There ''were 2nd concession, of Hay, "d the misfortune 0 I t p d on the wire an4 was iust a 10Y people frow all parts of Western Qhtaiio last week to get his leg painfully bruised, a' " 1 44444 and many from different points of the although no bones war broken, by one of Come and put us to Ithe'testv. i --Dr. W. D. Loeueur, who for 48 yel,'ara States vi6ited Dublin and the picnic on his horses fallinc�an hi , bruising his leg hEiEs been an fficial in the postofficie de r - Tues ay. "nB 4a, and for many years do rt- so that it is with great: difficulty he has In nt of Ca F [Tutended for last week]. been. able to walk 'about'saince then. He is m ntal seer tary, and who waA race 3 bly L S SON, Seam% rth TO superannuate , was waited 'upon Fridayl NOTES. �MiSS Minnie Dorsey, of Grand now !mproving nicely. -Mr. William Walsh was in Sarnia this -week purchasing lum- ni:,-ht,-at hiat-csidence, and p6sented- with Rapids, Michigan, is spending holidays with a imahogaby desk and chair and a setl of her cousin, Alias Ella Dorsey., Charles ber.-The Centennial hotel looks very much cl4asical wor ks, by his old cofleagues in J.h Burnstalk, who had been vikting Jack Mur. improved with a fine vride cement walk Wroxe er :ie second place, Which� as hot- at bar home bere.-W. of a in fronb of it extend�ng, up to Mr. Ur- ly CDDtegtel for, going to E. Bray, o Wrox- town, i his home. - d ant. An adrese, bbautiftill on. ray, left Monday ipornirig for Ypeilaliti, a spending a few days at partm quhart's-mills. Ve liketosee ourvillage etar,. The baseball m tch between , russals W. H. Snellgrove, a a 4ent of -9 e d, as read by Dr. Coulter, Deputy Michigan.�-Mr. W. IEE. McCutcheon left for -tu Eluran P stmst Dr. LeRueur niade a ion on M, beautified wi�h 'ood "ermanent walks, adl Harrisyn was , really g(301 garne. CoIllege occupled the pulpit Chicago to undergo an operat londay 9 p I in the r Iternoon,1 accompanied by Dr. Michell. such as are being laid, ut yet, after all, While the_gama was not by any me, ns free Episco a church on Sunday su�itable 9 a well play d game Jmes P. � pl from error, still it, wa F0 of ton, was The Dr a �Iace is being' filled by.Dr.', Ale- there is something more, and even better, x, oi- Brussels, called or, friends in r. I The�, the village last we w nod t ort Carling- list week. In Donald, df Seaforth.-Miss Kate Kinney we would like to see and that is fire protee- and: the pubic fully appre�iated i j. Maggie Robert� left for,o�onto on Monday morning�:tore- tionin thewa;yofs lirige elevated tank scor;ewas7t:)5infavor oftBrussete. The' sonrettift-ed from Kingstot on Saturd company -it Mr. Meuburn of Hamiltm, h 1 had, aua te in a skiff fro port Cal I �I.lg sume her old clutieg.-Miss Kate Willliarnh with good well and winqmill in connection veteran base )all player, 'Patifill, 0, W, roxeter, where she has spent the past year.-Alqr. ei nd- umpired and his decisions were never qups. McLennan, of London, 0 Alias kate CArOenter are home f is the guept of hie f Fern ;,The night as dark and arid or the therewith, such as -would insure an abu I Nv- udy au� th'e skiff was uplet. Me urn" 81'lnmQr �aason.-The Misses T. and . ant supply of water for all purposes, whether tioned.- ht next on the prog- a was uncle Robert Black.-�ztw.o: 'very succeg@ful ra in I Village , u for street watefing, lamnq or fire protection. thOciotball match between W;ro-x ter and stone.bees were held in the On Fri. in he Ross. Of $ewtov, accompanied by!- Mrs. g p to Fe nc ale about five O'clock 9a' -and Saturday t r the w -dam. Farm - This could be secured it a mo(forate cost )r0stville, Ifftoxeter, winning by a score of day ne mornin a it half dead copdit�cin. er- Colema'n, 61 f Gadshill, were the' gues�ts of I I i tc 91 and would be of ont worth ineao 160. Tire Forestville boys, wbilelindivid- ere in this vici the upset h( know nothirig ind Mrs. A. H. Norman on Monday last.- r�ity showed tberneelieg ntil be f of need, for wh arr to improvo and ually they ar Mr. Black all they could. Many of, our ei bizens went to Detroit 6n the ile'�)we_seek a capit6l players, they, lacked willing to assist hi self on ti shore. vvh�,n able W i4lk I beautify our village, the mportant thought the! proper orribination, play - pece0sary to be went hr Woods to Ferndale. dollbr-ex #siou, via the new steel� stpamer,, c An obatacle race carn§ next. W atsob aE drowned, it i SUPPQEedj� as .-Greybound'i-Mr. James -McIntee is erecting is to provide protection for ib, and we wi#1 out. I - This was wc n by P. Cowan of Rothsay, soon a8 th alli a fine barn', in the south ward. MrI Me. would like to see this matter taken up by Brussels. ff upset. our council and 9upported by. oiir citizens.- W4 A. H3mphill; second. Byrans, of Intee exp"ta to have a heavy yield this summer. -4,..H. Borman has received eev. On Monday ev4ning last, at the hour of Grey, getting a fall,- was knocked out of the CELEMATIO-1q.-Considering the disagrels- an o'clock,'& 'very ha able weather and t1lie poetponment of the Zurich. ppy event took race. The three mile-lbievele race brought erad clar loada* of fine Lemlock lailaber. He coronation, a very- good crowd- ur entr ies, I'st" here last Thursday for the day's celidbrabi6n. the second was place at the home of 1 -Mr. Thompson Mur- out 0 Cowan ea;ily taking fi THE,M�S#RY CLEArED Ur. -The fol ow- ia again restocking his yard with now stock, J ' dock, of this village, �n which occasion his whi. a won - by Kaake, of ingt parag�ap from the frerald clears ur the including pine, hemlock, posts aud'shingles. I The programme was all. carried- out and oc.- M Tstery iiw to at- eldest daughter, Miss Amy, was married to Wroxeter, by a half a WhEel aha'a of E, in onnection with' the st Aikens took a trip eupied the whole day, The Mard regiment I tri iAge -DAvid Ao gan M horse an ig' which was fouD(I tied i6 a tend to eonie important business, on 'rhurs- Dr. B. A. Campbell, Df Zurich. Tj2e care. Bryans. This finished the af ter.noori gamee. After tea tht game in which proba ly the qiere reeentl�. The Herhld day. -Quiet a number from arouud here � mony w med, byr the Rev. Mr. band were here in good time and furnieh-,4 field ne�a as petfOr, excellent music. sa Vs . A.1jummis, of Mtdlqnd, the owtier sent Monday in Guelph with the South' Jewitt, pastor of 'the Methodist 'church, in Wroxeter eoplg t Qok more interest The first on the progmme ofithe horse nd buggy, recently founc b Perth farm re. the presence of only a'few of the relatives of than any otber, *as the football m tch be- me was a football match, between :Grey -And Z i . Morris townships, wblich resulted in p vie - )18. On. Jorou-� Mr Jeffr4y, f the Sauble line, was ih t n the contracting' ",parties. The lvide tween Wrom oter and Brusut 11 1 1 looked charming,beiDg bo]autifully attirid in ation Day, at Brusse, s, the score wa,�, Ito tory for the former team by a score of 2 to n lucedgy E. Boi n- I ; and got his rig. Blvth. white silk orgaudie, tii in favor f Brussels, and 1. At I o'clock- a lacrosse match, betweett Erry haA received a card m Titas mmed: with applique 0 this 60 boy 1 0 - H Sea'forth and Kineardine, was called.. sea-, 11a.1leran ch -�f of -police at imlridland,je- LOCALS, --A number of the Methodist 1 and moir6 silk, and carried a bouquet of determined t reverse, if possible, an4l after forth players bad this game pretty much Miss scribing ;he 4lost property, and sent rd choir assist,ed their brethren at Londesboro I white roses. while the bridesmaid, a well foughi i game thf y succeeded in doi g their own way, as the score, to 9- in their to Mr. Lu!m is that Lhe horse and b with the . programme at their lawn social Ethel Murdock, sister of the bride, was so. I The c:oa binaluion play on both sides favor, W. I 'show. ogy handsomely dreseed in, pink dimity trimm�d was very r 3tty indeed.- During th first Following this game p w: is here. T a I i had been hi�erl to The mas on Thursday evening, but on account of it came the base ba11 contegt-Brunele vs. V� ilbar Bo'd �, a resident of kidland 'on being such!bad weauber there were very few in the same manner I as'! the- bridels dregs. had, the 1 V rroxe er- boys kept th ball i Harriston. Gnat interest was -taken in this Monday eening, June 2ad, and, as Be aen went from We outside of the choir. -Rev. The grocini was suppofted by r. C. W. around the Brussels goal, yet they ould game, and not -until 11 innings were pilwyed st%ted, for tbepprpose of goin to.a nearl;by Mr. Penhall preached hia- farewell slerinon McQueen, of the Queen City Oil Com any. not . score. I luring the last half the all, if ;g p could the game be decided, th6'score hen' town, but, instead of that' he evid(ritly last Sunday to one of the largest conkrega- After the ceremony, refreshments and a soc- anything, :Wae oftener near the Wr xeter - I stood 19 to 10 in favor -of Harr couple left for Goderich goal. Wit w to re I turn the ri tionE; that'has ever been in the c��urc� ial hour, the ybung hin t 'elve minutes'of time being - -iston..-On st�nck off, rict intending ig. I the evening programme, there w -so foot - a isd Ei : '28 years ad trip up, Miller, A Wroxeter, by , a long shot, ball match, between Brussels and Wroxeter, B-wd n scribed aR follow which sho�Ved how the congregation appreCL- where they took boat for an extend 0 3 ated him. Mr. Penhall touched the hearts on the lakes, and before' their retiIin will scored. Considering the Uct that Brussels o ae, ab,ou, 5 feet, 7 inchqst high _4rk the former team winning byoue goal. This h'if and cle n shaven, of stoil bui�d I I cl of a good many, even of those who I have visit Now York and otheF American cities. tea�a is champion of the inpermed-iAte series. 4ddy comp xi uafty, wears' allu been opposed to him because he couI4 . not The beat wishes of many friends will be ex- of astern rita ers have i eason was followed by a display -of fireworkli, r ion an us rk - I which came to a suaden end early in the Clbthes.' be description be blindfolded to bee a3 they did in. the pas tended to Dr. and irs. Campbell. -Mr. to a proud f t emaelves. rNa-rough further eta�tes play proceedin abyamatchfalling intothelaox t at he'is a arried man,. lku& is well It 0 a election. On Friday evening the ladies- of and Mrs. J. -Sutherland 'were in Forest the wasindulged iii4ndthereferee's decisions' 9, of explosives. The gate receipts amounted iq Midland, i, here he has lived a numb 3 f the.Methodist church prepared a fa'rewell fore part of this week, vftizirig friends.- war 3 d1ways accepted without a word. The - to $160. ytare, and i- well known on the lakes. r. for Mr. Ponhall and family in the - church. Mr. Alex. Buchanan was in the Forest City Pin iorton band �vaa tt ance a NoTEs.-Ozi Tbursday afternoon of ItAt Lkimmis stathd that the man hd beei an After part�king of the good things provided this week. -A laekely attended garden anj played Nery well indeei. Intheev week, Nellie Mercer, wife of No_rmanMc­ erigineer on yacht beloDgiug' to a Wes �hy b3� the ladies, M iss Pen ball, who has been party, under the auspices, of the Junior Ep- old fi iend, J. N . 5a uder f worth League, L Wa 03r o, gave a very pleasant eor", low resident cl t at town and that a rewai d is organist for the past two years, w" pre- a held on Mr. Robert gr'ont surpii-,..I� Leod, died af ter an illness f mout* -being the cause of death. Do. consnmption cilared for' B dens arrest, a warrant k 6' seu�ed wit�b a well filled purse, after Which Jarrott's lawn, on Frid�y evening of last brought with him a splendid lo' . of fire - 07A for that ;urpose. It is to be hoped t�agt tlae�e waa:,a good peogramme presut6d. week, on which occasib,A �Rev. Mr. Jewitt, wor�_s, whint, were Fet off from 1: the lawn of ceased waa in bar 24th year, arid had beert - 9. re6ident of Brussels for about eight yearna. tbeautho�it'�s will be tible� to locac, �he Mr. an.d MrB. Penhalt arid Miss Ida left on who leaves this week for� his new field of hie father's residence, and for o�-. ar hour The funeral to - f 0 fl Tuesday morning for their new field at At- labor, At. Wardsville, together with ts. J. W. gave as a good lEntertainnien ok place to Brussels cemetery, measure f �h t. tl4ief and givo him the full a la�w." wood, Mi�q Edith Penhall remaining � for a Jewitt, we're each pr/isented with 'hand. OTES.—J, J. and Mrs. Stepiiens,of Tees- Of' Saturday afternoon. -Lai6t Saturday fternoon, Ada; -the little daughter of Mr. - few days i4tending to'try her examination, some oak easy chaRl's, -which were ac- watr,lare'gaesta of -Dr. and Mrs. Bra n. - in music a� Goderioh, next week. ---,Reeve "cOmPanied by mos�/flattering and kindly Win. and Ge Drge Kaal a have r�iurned from H. Moore, fell off the floom, at- the mill Bayfield. dam, into a boat, distance of about nine Simms, received aminvitation to attend the worded addresses expressive of the v Muskoka for a few & a, here they are ery. ya., 4obn Frais er,'Not-ary P blic. mmer cotta), ;3. �J. , W. Scnder- feet, and received a broken arm and a W I reception to the Huron Old boys, meeting , high esteem in which the revefend'gentleman arec,ting an e --I A,-entfor,�an�ianE.xpreFaMoneV,Ordera. Ala'rge h in her face. -Oar base ball and foo- -.1hountof mo0y to loan ata�rren'�'iatcs of hit:rebb. at Seaforth. on Saturday,, from Mayor, andbiaw'ifeare held, -of the prospetity, son,� of Toi onto,,. one of Wroxeter'i old 9" Pjivate funas i 179 L-' f ot,-Mr. and MrF. John Wilkie, of peace and advancement -that had characer- SPO�tai, spent Dominior Day 'in I the village. ball teams went out to Wroxoter on Dor-` Townsend, of Tucker- Pine River, we're visiting at the residence ized their labors here, 'coupled Nrith the re- -A rs. Rathburn, of Duiubh,' 18 6pe air,_, 1ninion.D&y4 The baEe ball team had Hair- ijiith� is via .�ing her brother, Dr. Staial ury. of Mr. John Moffat this week. -The first of gret felt at their departure and the bcst somp time w th her fat nei, John Knut on.- risten for their opponents, the game rwulb- '%Jr. and h�s. McKenzie spent Sundi at July was-opent very quietly in town,% great wishes for Lheir future %61fare and proepar- Miss Tina Ri 6e visited in U 1towel Ing in a victory for our boys, by a score of ly " to 5. The football:boys weredefeated in many going to other places. Quite a num- ity, in -the work of the Lord. The addresses last week. -Wm. and amep Knox at4 9 C, --The genvall uotts of Mr. A. M; Kenzie. ion to the M del "Farm lastj Fri- sommer visitors are begiunling to arrive bar Eitaye4 at home till evening-. and, then were read by Mr. E., Rannie and the pres- the excurs their game with Wroxeter by one goal. - with July. 1 i Several cottag s are already drove down to, Londeaboro to the lawn enta.tions were made by Mr. J. W. Ortweia day. -Miss Carrie Launie visited WinVham A nurnber Of sports from town L Went uOOCUpied.bv artieR from Cli ton, Seaforth, social at Mr. Arthur Jarnieson's. It - being and Mr. J. 0. 8toneman. The Riv. Mr. friends this week. -Robert White le t for the 16th concee4on Lof Grey, last Friday Nlitcholl an Wiagham, altho gli the season one of the "few nice evenings, there was __ a Jewitt very feelingly replied for himself Toronto �n Tuesday, where he will r.��ccive afternoon, to hurit for a couple of bears that h�s been we Breezy Bbyfield in likely to large crowd and- all enjoyed themselv . and Mrs.Jewitt, assuring t1he donors' of trea.tment for his eyes. v!L;),has � been tot- bad been 9een in that loc,allity.-Listowel Mr. Wm.!goser and Miss Ida Taman t es their heartfelt appreciation of this, amon ally!blind for about a the result of football el6b has won the protest of the Wive its usua� number of people who spend ook 9 the summ, 't Lake Hlaron. First of July part in thal programme in a very �eceptable the very many expressions of kindness they iufi�mmation of thb eyes. -Mies Maggie game.played here -a couple of weeks &go, in b [1 r Mil 11 a a- ,iought aiela�ge number"of picnic partiek no manner.�Oarfo.ot ball and base ball teams had received from the coneregation aud its er retu-ned to Toronto junctica on the intermeiat series of the WVater playo Belgrave at their coronation! celebra- societies, and that they would always ok We aday.--Nole le�s than rties besides a r um- lo �ve on hrid Mrs. GerrF, of Football Association, :and as a consequence OeN �n largo p% b6r of arriallor ones occupied Mr. Jow Eitt's tion, both.wi�ning, the base ball team by r, back with feelings of pleasure to the "tV ree Bly�h, forme - residents of the ill ' re- the game will have to be played over agaw. v ag grove All 'enjoyed themselves and w happy years Tuesly.- Arrangements are beig made whereby the to 6,and the football:team by 4 to 0. But our the had spent in renpall.- newed acqu intauces here on y ho'me'molv44 to visit lgayfie4d soon agair,. base ball team met their Waterloo on the Mr. JamesBell, sr., was in Clinton this Miss Kirkw d, of the Seaforth Coll�gft%te game will be played in Berlin next Mondty. Ist, when they went to Clinton to play the week. -Miss Sproiat, of Seaforth, who wa: lv!t�itute,is tie guest of Miss A. Hamil On.— On that! day four teams will meet there and -�A botly Yontested football match was p ayed b tw4en Kippen and I . �ayfield, which team of tb I at town, but they miss th'� ser. here during the past week visiting Mia Misses Jessie and arjorie Gibsou,. o To- thee-li"pionship decided. Clubs will play Q i I Mrs. as fol w r�sulted in one goal for Kippen.-One day vlees of some of the players they had -last Bessie Urquhart, bas ; return'ed home. ronto, are vii itin'g the formers sister, lo's, : Brueselo ys. Listowel ; Galt I ' t week th 31' sad news arriyed here from year', and, in ecinsequence, they got a bad -Miss Hazinahl of Wingbam, 'is via- F. V. Di-�ksoa.-Mrs. G. Spotton, ol Ar- vs. Bran#ord, and the winne�s of the two �1 iting . Thomas Hemp- ff.-Three rinks, D�stroit that Miss Bertie Walwin, young- �eating.� iss Clara Moffatt, who has -been Mrs. McKenzie and family.- thu�, is the neat of Mrs games to play t in Toronto for the past six t, 9 f 'ur' 'bowlers took in the ton - rna� es�l daughter f Mrs. Walwin,� of this p ace, nonths, is at Mr. James Taylor, of Toronto, is visiting hill,! jr.-Mu. Leonard and Alex. I Lee d 0 0 � Listowel this _ week. - a burned t. death by he present visiting under the parental roof,_ his parents in tkis village. -Mrs. R. R. of Si�newall, Manitob , former residen Oi meat at W14 t r clothing cat.bb- i ts i�g fire. froul a stove in the room in w ich Mr. D. D. Crittenden paid his usual visit to Collins aad daughter, Katie, of Exeter, this.,vicinity, have been c%Ili g on old fr ields J- A. Stewart, of Toronto, is here relievivig: To Mr. Grayin the Standard lbank'w.ho is Exeter on'the let. -Miss Jane McCreight spent part of last week And this with friends in the villagm-bliss Y illy I�Iayford or a wa em eye he body was ro �ht I 11 is at present visiting her brother Sandy, at bere.-Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Wren, of Dandas, ronto, is visiting her a star, I Mrs. -A. Ale- . Mrs. Stewart and h ireand.,was followed to,thegrave by nearly al the people of Bayfield, by �whorn she *as Hol�tein.-Mr. Laing, of the Bank of are spending their summer vacation with Lean. -W. Irench, of Carri�k, bipp5d a children, are also bere.-Willi'arn Cameron Hamilton,'visited his brother, at -Dandas, their parents and fiiends.-Mr. Dvid c I en seriously ill during thapast week. hf�ghly esteeined. Her mothe'r has the �in- ar load ofeattle from Fhis station on Mon- has be cq-,e Eympat�y of the whole community.,l thin wcek._�Mr. Elam Livingstone returned Wren, who is studying for the rnini8tr. is day.! -C. Goodfellow, of Wiairton. :is visit- -Robert Thompson shipped a car load of from a very successful business trip to the also here on a visit.-Tbe Rev. J. S. Heu. ing 4t his home here Joh Hanley con. butter to Halifax this woek.-Missos. Amnia Soo this week, having sold a great amount derson delivered a spevial sermon to be duc�ed the entrance e-, amination in O Grieve and Clara McCmcken were -home Exeter. I of g6ods.-Quite a number from here intend Masons on Sabbath evening last. Wich last wet k. -Mrs. McIntyre and Miss rom Paris this week. -R, W. Wynn, of going to Seaforth on Saturday, to There was "a very large attendanee Sar Allan, of Clevela d, arrived on Detroit, is spending his olidays with -his S4IBRIEF. . T. GoodisoD, barrister', of the Old -_ S 13 here. -Rev. Mr. Holmes removed nial spent,�'SundaV with friends in town. Boy's reception. -Mr. and Mrs. James Sime, of the brethren not, only from the local daynight, to attend t ei� mother, who is p3rent I of to Blyth'on Wednesday bf this w --�Algcie O'Neil, of London,� has beel in with their daughters. Carrie and Margueritei lodge, but also from Exeter and Zurich. The seriously ill. --R. Gib on and' famil eir. Rev�T. Oarge of O'Neil's Bank, owing to the� ill- viFited relatives in Brucefield this wQ6k.- brethren marched Kleinburg,. are spendi g the, holidays with W, Cosene is his successor here! -John Mt - to and from the service in their usual mauner. cher, Bain, of rout- n old friends iiiiss of Joseph Davie.-Misqea Niva and The byterians are holding a lawn social -Mr.1 arid Mrs. Mineis, the formor'a ister, r . W S. McKe ITO 0', was callin evening. -Mr. and Mrs. S. H. of - Exeter,.we�e in the village this wEek -MrA. Van ].",very, and M'S8 his Pre' a�) l4cre on Pominion Day.- Goidon, of Marie Thor6ton, of Woodstock, have' re- (Frid ew YoX tt�'rned hOm6i after 9; pleasa . 't visit �mith Gidley wereVi8itiDg relatives in Hullett on visi �iug M r. and MrR. Palmer, ner's Van Avery, cf. Phil phia-i spent several Forest, 4pent last Thursday in town. -R. MO. Powell.�--J. A. Stewart left,on Satgr- Sanday,-�r. W. Walker, of Wingham, paren-ts.-Mi?p McFaul,'of Lucan, is, here dayof last week with MrE5.Wm,.Dic1-Fo,u,- Morrison, formerly of Brussels, is renew-, dq for Ne' York, to accompany his was in town this week with a load of far- visiting her Eiiint, Mrs. T Murdock. -Miss Mrs. and Miss TurribuI, of Walton pent ing old,, acquaintances here th-is week. - b -1 th6r, who milliners, Friday �vith Oliver Sith.-Miss es Don't. geb that Brussels will celebrate lio is. very ill, to his Home, near -niture., He still retains a certain amount McConnell anJ iss MpAulav, � rl, TV'ra. J. G. Stanbu,ry and Miss of the Blyth trade, by giving good value have returned to their homes ior the a, Black, of London, i 0 tio 11 July Ath. on to. 8 spending t be va C4ra F owell �:Dent the holidays in Toro' to. both in mAerial and price. mer MoDonell, of Exeter, --�Dr. and Mrs. R.Ferguson and ebil, 'Of is visiting her brothers, -Mr. Cornelius P$ntlac) igan,have een.here vhid� CookwaBin Wroxetert4iswe(k renewing rooks, of Cl a uaintances.-M-r- F. C. acDonell is in friauds. g Lunaley. ac';i 25- Per Cent all. Clothtng tr a holiday ere.-Mrsi Emery and c ild- NOTEs.-Miss L. Williams, of London �Detroit this week, where hs wife -and re o gust of Mrs. J A. spent a few, days this week visiting friends �,cbildren have been on- a 'visit. -Mr. Thomas A, A A A A A &6�of .0' is th! �Bell, of Beetor, is here vi voal Irene Rogers, of Parkhill, ii in this vicirity.-Miss M. Horney hm re. Biting His father, i'iting wit4 MLs. R. Rogers here.-�The turned fro 'in a pleasant trip to Kincardine. Mr. William Bell, and other relatives. eral of MtO. Allan, wife of Alfred Allan, -M IsseB L, -and E. Horney took advantage of i,000 "'Worth '-of 11 RAmad I un ade of!town, toolib� place on Monday afternbon, the cheap rates to visit relatives in �Ailea "Wroxeter. to! Exetet ametery.-Mrs. Kettle la�d Craig. -Dr. F. Hackney and bride, of De- dolughter of 'Mitchell, were the guesto of troit. Michigan, are visiting at Mr. Hack. TnE CEL-Fl1,RAT1OS;—Wben the er) Aeped thing th� iisa Kinsman this week. -E.1 J. ney's mothers, of Hibbert. We w ish' him out on the morning of Dominion Day, it met 10 Spackmam and family spent Dominion Play proapetity.'' many anxious faces looking towards it as if at� Spriqgbauk. -Alfred Dr;W, of Lon on, CONGPLATI L CLATIONs.-The young lady who asking the question, are you going to hi vioited his b�jother, Wm. Drew, on tho� 118t, was the leading figure in the pleasant event in your glory to-3ay, or will you bid" "'a At a r de on $ on-, -Manufactu'rer S. - Price. -On ThuiadA r _v last, June 264h, the m4r1ri- chronicled, below and the particulan of usual Confederation Day brightness behind a ag�, of Miss attie McCallum 'to Mr. George which we take from a recent issue of the cloud ? Old Sol in his wisdom did not reply tD took lace at the residence of! the London Adverti-,er, is a niece of Mrs. eil, at once, but, took time to consider and no E�eiy dolla 'a worth of lothi in our huse mn8t be eltared out. If brido"a fathq, Mr. T. H. McCallum, �-ev. of this -place, and has hoste'of friends in this doubt his decision was influenced by seeing yow reqinre a suit, these prices sh uld a-ke 1you buy. 'One-qua-rt6r off the R. E. Mii ya d officiatilik.-Wm. Jamie�on, vicinity. The_A&5�ertiser says One of the preparations made by our sport commit - who, h f the pr,,,, of eve y suit. Just! iniagiae Igivin: 7 5 pq cent. off on every Suit a avisitin- g his son, the M. P � P., the prettiest of the many June weddings tee for the amnFiement and comfort 0 at Durh retui ad home this Wei which have taken place recently Was solernn- public in this Yiciniby and -a -more suitable �n its 6 r off, Trii�4nden. of Blyth4 was a vi i',or izsd at high, noon, Monday, at the Col. day could not have been desired. For the 816 "7-00- Dayman 9:10. 0 q a r -M in townl on. !Vuenday.-A van Iciad of Maoons borne stree� Methodist church. It was the past fifteen years, Wroxeter bag been noted aarter off, 6.00. orvins at Carmel Presbyte�ian marriage of Miss Cathr�rine M. Bedggood, for the splendid sport it puts up on Domin- its,. w(ut to tl�e 8 O� Sz chu ens�ll, on Sund y evening, , -�Jisa daughter of Mr. J. H. Bedggovd, of 356, ion Day. We have one of the beet quarter a a ;00 Suits, q -Fter o, 0 drig t- if Toronto, who was:, herb packing Central Avenue, and Mr. Andrew A. Cul- bicycle tracks in Ontario and for foot. U so0al effects of her cousin,!, the ver, son of 41r. John Culver, of Buffalo, and ball and baseball games, one would not ask 2.00 Boys' W1, f -S la a R. 0. C. Tremaipe left for her homO bn a poputlar youag citizen of that city. The for finer grounds. The committee, as, in the gaar er 6aiturday. A�rs. R. H. Collins and daftg6- church w6s ailed with ftiends of the bride, past, tried to have the sports as athletic as No goo Is reserved, all must g) at t4is Sale at 25 per cent.:off 0.11 dothina tor" Kaitie b�',vebeen spending a few d was lavlahly decorated with flowers and possible, and they suc dmirably. wi�th frien Is in HenEall. in t�e hoau. These (tao s &Te all new, I Aip-to date, made for thiszeason's trade. -The little da gh- palmf. The wedding march �vas played by At 10. 30 a. m. the r trot was called off. tei of James F. Russell, died on Satur g ee� Wingham, 1- ay, the orgyanist,of the church; and the bride i irst place was won by I isher, of Tbii� stGck' cf clothing mu A b anldwaa uriod on Monday.-Tbei fare#ell was led to the altar by her fixther. Follow. Occond by Moffatt, of N�orFie. The running seimcqin o Roy. C. W. Brown, B. D., vas ing her aR bridesmaids were Misses Georgina race also brought out qve entries. Myles' High6st Pir ce Pa id f6.r Produzce,. p6acbed in James street Methodi8t ch4ch, and tuella.Bedggood, comins of'the bride, horse, of W-roxeter. eae ly, took first place. IaA Sabba h ft �vening, to a large congroga. and,'Riss Ann& Douglass, of New York, ,while second place was iotly contes-ted and � ew : n �v 91 blo, t W6 Aft ti n. -A pui#ber from here Ruended ;Bo- made a very, pretty flower girl. The ushers �won by Rae, of Wraxetor Hyslop, of thir4 a#nualereunery picnic, at G' Rowick, coming in third. The afternoon radd were Messrs. Samuel Charlton and Fred 'd 1 -to BOA on itho! 26th, and repor.t a sple di 23. Re�,- A. K.- -Birks performed the sports in the park were opened by a bicycle 0 YD' C0411 tiq'ie.4-Wo ar� pleased to report 141se il ceremony. ',The bride's dress was of silk race for boys of sixteen� astance one mile. I'* IEEuston'is convaleacin sati0actolitly. crepe de chi*e over white taffete. skwith This brought ci�it threell, ridprF. The firab SE ORTHR -Mish W4 Toro g X, � it6 went to 0, On Monday, trimminga of applique and ebiffon lace, The place was easily taken by -S.. Robinson, of GAIRDN BLOO ;LF nt 31 11erat and Vnis raturnea from Vert,011.-Mr- jerl -from Dawso i , into , amily - -Nir �.snd Mrs. He= Iaturne d f rona.: guient of her ct ;4eorge Bleker x-er mether.. all, ;of i u.,rdo of A41 New 17" W. J* Yager a -some dayo at F-uss and M N the V-111age wil Rev. .,1m.r,ough hore t his new field o .bere tie w --;s tb The HeYTOck -sold to MT. 811 -,$6 5-00.—The school, �ou thie�z -their-anntlal -44Y next, at t-1 August, vill .All -business V_�' -'Mr. J*hjP fossor of philo) saw Yorl"r, is' —Mr. ana.N who ijv�ed. in E � h; are visittag 't i Rik;_and Xing.: -Mr. T. S. -elected a'4441ag 8"Ons A ugust UeN Miss ruar ,St. Thomas, ix Many to ts3we Mac been in the -err -ary Company . . * rolia for Piet -M-r. -for-merl-V -bf Sti .in pbysbai-at I rairied -to the. ment. --One of. -V-44, zuiture4 Mu., -for srrrie Un3t in ihsit tit-Yv li ea +,hemftWe ner. beirl, throv-94 mavcv, -to W- 4 noxt -week to i ad -A.Ulaner One A b;dly torn -aril �00 V�Ork- for �Rq __-�Mr. Edw-i ,1, Ellie, hud: throw up a b 20 teams And Auy and by -ni This is a rieoi -Mr. A � Mathieeon, *f pa-ased the M_�' 'Roy -41 Militia! -ieng in "to In 10 -The hair Doherty, -of -8, happy 12uptitl W-heA, theird& -Tied to Mr. jid -city, Rev -james Qhur-ch., —Dr. TAME f Ord last w4iels-" succeReful Pali -m-ontrealAR-t1m. �artrker -with iort, one �of —viian Viol Ji)hn McCull! Normal courel .1)-omestic �-801 diploma. '14i 1%dy f rorn th4l. -Domestic Selt —Mr. Jud James Trow -.1 J �Week for Xan -obtoaned an it bookkeeRer oompauy and Q_irelB IDf friei popular- -Th, aucce%s in -the —was Rot been uttendi -&hodl df -dorn reeeived,wor4 45he i5tood firm 'mine stibients: Ter -eent. T conneetion V_J intends retur —Mr. J:O) with u nasti vreek. He the ha_ ridle. -board, alippel Ills arm. Ih Mated �P. deep. was �caed required abi Philthey, wilt mouth A ---There P� ilau t,�erL . . . . . . . . . . . persou.cif M, Jobn Mocrf­� in 10 incidental tc 19-A borne �u­j time ago Wt .paralytic is�t 40athonFri husband -die a family of t _yEr. V� auage , r of facture 11 fi_� 011a eveting Been the &Men, re. pleasantly s of an addim 161000.E. mr, Xnechtel tb� the addre Main -=-* str —Mr. JAI Fore� fl,21a9pU0, of 8tratford er, :a M, 'Out on I -_elk �eame and 'Whenawt1i it. The h -put three tracti ER v� _botwe came wtat vf MR .......... perance. Mr. Marter, therefore! a', ad NEW ADVERTISEMENTS E ippe A i to them with very consk arable' confidencel AW The figare between the pareatheres Mtn each I One, denotce'the a of the pu,;,er on which th� of success, as he had a right to Go %4vevtls.amentwi1FtZ9 found hopes of sueeess were increased 14 6h ot;� One Moro Week--Grelig & SteA'art--1 f Clearing Sa -5 that the Liberals did notf bri le -W. Pickrird & Co. No- 6, maXillop-4ohn C. Mordson-5 date to oppose him, and moiati, if h0 all�i of Farm For Sale--oThowas Gommell-6 Anythiriz That I& Good -Charles Sher -5 the Liberals in his couati,�,uency. supported Eatray Rorse-tfenTy Hendenou-5 him. He was opposed, however, by Xr- July Sair-G. F-.� Ktnz-8 Teacher Wanted�-­Josevh Taylor -5 Beattie -Nesbitt, a gent*an who is as pro- Writi-g PAper--liklex. winter --I B-ToKillop'Voters'Ust--John C. Morrison -5 nounced in his Tory prod�vitica as. I a lei 4n. Grozan-Rich-rdson & MoInni" different or antagonistic t6 ev erythin n, sav'or- To Berry Pickers�­T. GrIev" I n To School Teacher". Hoggarth-6 ing of temperance and prohibition. In fact, Swell Boot*-4---�W, R. Willi" I A CoreetTalk-Wim Berryman -8 he in aut such a man as the' � br 3vp era and, For The Cld Bois ­4 -Beattie Bro" distillers could rejoice in , doing honor to. A Growing Tim;-WeXinnon & Co -6 Old 90578! Day -4L Willii & SOU -4 And, strange as it may i. acem2 it in still, nevertheless, a lamentable fa . t' aq i in this er in, ie con - strong Conservative and temp' stituency, the life-long arid sturdy 0 ampion�� of temperance and prohibition' �Was nowedl under end the representative of, th bra SEAFORTEE:h FRIDAY. July 4th, 19021 era and distillers was elected b 4 ha dsome, y m%jority, and that too, notwithetan ing be; On�y One. Majority. fact that most, if not all the al a the Libor als i The Rosa 6overnment now has a majority Riding, supported Mr. Marter.' of o4p in the'House, with. the North Ran- One . would naturally think ;iha a I ti�hia fraw seat vocant. The majority was �re- would be considered sufficiient ni hment duced from'three by the deeiGion of Justice for his transgressiona.agaiuBt pa, rty diacip-1 p Maclennan in the. Lenno:k case, given out 6perance line and in favor of his tam e, prin-, Wednesday morning. The Judge ruled ciples. But no, be must be f 0�tiier i �, i that a ballot marked for Madole with a ated. Mr. Marter has, for many yea a,been' circle, instead of a cross., and allowed by the a -vice-president of the Ootarior�Conse va6tive' county judge, was improperly counted, and Association. At a meeting Oi'that 530ci-i that two ballots marked for Carecallan, ation, held in Toronto last wee4-1 at which which were ruled out, should have been Mr.- Whiltney and all the othet:je de a au& counted. The changes give Carscallan. lights were prebent, Mr. ?4&'r't9r W a d 0 Conservative., a majority of three- Judg- posed from hia position, and W146 fo mdlly:' trient was given also by Judge Maclennan in read out of the party. MT. Richarq Bld�b,.z the North Grey case, maintaining McKay, who made the resolution, Jis rdp.6re(t in thal Liberal, in his seat by two majoriby. This Toronto World, as sayinj -. -,,,I nee i not should satisfy, the Mail, and World , atad say that the position _;�is vacant b �cauee� other howlerg and should Cause them to I . - El G. F. Marter, who formerly 6caup ed �it, cease their disgraceful and ur mannerly cack- It has seen 66 to differ frolm bi . i �Ity. , �Ou ling about the " machine," " spoiled bal- t- well know what the itizens,o JTwonto, lots `and such like rot. The fact is, there did with. him for, doing 3o. 1-6� ther 19i y never was an election, in this ' or any other, 96 no place in the ranirs for-, ind pelLdenco� country, more honeatIy or fairly conducted.. "and differences with our leadbr w en a are fightiug for' victory." Art,� we �re The King an4 the 0oronation toldthatMr. Blain's at' toment's were rn.� The tension. under- which people rested dorsed with cheers. Thus ennde�hl.the yi?li-� last week owing to, the very serious illness tical career of Mr. G. Ma4ter. Nc�w, i of the king and the postponement of the what we deeire to poil it mort-) �arti cul I ar-1 coronation proceedings, has been materially ly is that this party, which has'thda iz �grad- relieved witLia the past, week. An oper� ad, and so far as it couldi dlls��raaed T)Ir. ation for appendicitis was performed on His Marter, because of his' adharp�uoe ;0 �bis -Royal Highness. The operation was in principles, is the same politic�l�'part tbat� every way and the distinguished three-fourths of the. temperance, _ eo le � of, patient stood the critical ordeal much better this province voted, at tile last , �611ccbion,� to. than it was ex.-ciected he would do. Siace place in power, and to r6 place a Gove�rn- then his. impr�vement has been ateady and- mect that has given to the people all thei satisfactory and it fs now hoped that he is temperance legislation they havd evei bs�d.j out Of danger" Uader the most favorable may weriob fairly ask these -peblple nowifl circurristance.4, however, it will still be sev- they are not ashamed of hem8elv a ? eral weeks until hd is suffic�ently recovered to' permit of his appearing in public, so that �. Bditoria.1 Notes d Co�n�en s it is still doubtful as to the date when the The following despatch frorl'i JG(deiich, corouation may take place. In the mean. appeE,­.ed in the, city papers ofi tuesday time everything possible seems to be in pro- r X a ' A Derition was filed on Saturday". V. ith W I ac Of the Aigh PR with the view of entertainin1v and oc- McDonald cal registr Co i rt cupying the time of the thouaiLuds of guests of Justice, agl�iust the return�.' of HeTiry, present from all parts of the world. There Eilber as membar for . S)uth Huron The are military reviews, conferences. social petitioner is M. Y.-McLe�Lu, of 8ehforth. entertainments, and other such like doings, gi The Toronto Mail is bvuom i in a ullaIlly so that none need suffer from enui. It is witty in its old age. It turns "id f 011 a not likely that many of the distin-nished minute from the congenia work"'Of er-i parsonages who had congregated in London Ing the Grits and the Rc Ps G61er -merit tol f or the purpose of taking part in the coro- indulge in the following witiciami S;r' natien ceremonies Will remain there until Wilfrid intends tb liv�3 in Iiistory. He that event can take place, as it is impossible has had a Government dredge nairaied a ter to: fix the dmp with any degree of certainty, v himself."' And again!: " No .'doab aome� so that when the great event does take place irreverent person will ' 'e ark,tbat S r Wil - it will, -juiet iam Mulock W -E r beeguse he is a - most likely, be of a tolerably , I Ls knight �d and unpretentious character, compared' -inan of letters, and that Pir Frederick Bor-1 with that which was intenAed. The coil- den recei,/ed the like honor. b�.ca�se h? is� chief of the big guns of Canad,a; I i ordev forence between some of the. leading British. that all may see the point o I - f this laa 1. jqke,�. statesmen and the Colonial Premiers will I we rhay explain that Sirl'WilliaAi Mulock I � likely shortly.be held and the future rela- Poetmaster-General and I Sir Fi Borden 11�1 tions of Great Britain and her colonies wIll Minister of Militia. Both theF6 jobies ap.! peared in the same issue of the Mail. be discussed, although -it is not expected that any immediate definite results will be Recipients of coronation honoil!s liaN a b aen' attained. From utterances already made announced. The Canadian statesm(n whol and hints thrown out from various quarters, have been thus honored His Maje ty are', y no person knows exactly what to propose Hon. William Mulock, Iostm&Aer- ' ne 4: and what future action it will be safe to and Ron. F. W.' Borden, Oanadlan Ministe take, bat all are exceedingly -reticent and of Militia.,, The distinction. has cen Le -1 careful not to any too much. The military es-. ferred on Sir William Unlock-, pmsumably,i corts, it is expected, will return home very because of his success ii securing Izaperial soou. and it is most likely that moot of the penny postage, and Sir Frederic C Borhen Canadian politicans will also direct their has beenslated for dis netion,: ecausE oft -rdaas soon an the Colonial hiz having beenMiniater of Milit.a durin faces homewa conference is 61osed. In the meantime, al- the South African war. Hon. S. Fi(!Id-' Jug),% who since 1897 has brought lo, vn wo, though many have been., greviously disap- tatiff measure's giving a eferen I calto 3ri i,.�h pointed, all will rejoice tl�at the prospects trade, is not mentioned. i4 tho liar.; : �o me for full recovery of Britain's ruler are Uut will grudge to Dr. Bordeh and Mr. MuloCk now so promising, the title by which they, will herea ter be eiitinguished. It was looked . upoq a� a Mr. MiLrter's Hard Luck. ifatter of course that thtey would t�119 be honored. But there wip und,oubtq'dlyl be Mr. G. M. Mirter, the one time, leader of no little curiosity to know, if it. evet is, to the 6onservative party in the Ontario Legis. be known, how- Mr. Fie ding came to be Passed over. It is possible, however, tl�iat lature, has had a streak of exceptionally 'Mr. Fielding may have been; off0ed �he hard luck. A few years ago he was the as- honor and refused it as ther emiaek, C w- cending star, the rhiag hope of his party, adiaii statesmen have do a b I Ofolre him. If this is the case, it is, Tat her ;td Mr. Fic I and his prospects for poFiticin and 'prefer- . 3 i i d-; s credie than otherwise. Ing merit were the brightest. In b -is oaEe, at any rate, it rr�ky be truly said, "misfor, unes Referring to compuNor y arbitratvqu 9 3 a have not com.6 singly." F'rom the higheat means for the settlement Of at 61, ' ri 1 9, ro,es- pinnacle in the party ranks, he has deacend. nor Groldwin Smith, in h� Farmer ' Sin,J ad,. step: by stop, until he has, aL lea-th,been aaTs: "How Could 'a rlybody; ima inE it expelled. from the party councils, 'possible to fix the rateof �--vages:by udiqial Mr.- Martet waa, for years, the ritht I -and cle' i i i ions ck I elsion irrespectively of the flti�tu%t of� supporter of 21.1r. MVretliffi xi ben he led the the labor market and I of changes he party in the tegislature. Whoh Mr. Alere. proQts of trade? By 1w at, legal proc 281 -dith retired, Mr. Marter was unanimously 7could an employer be 6 1 pelled� to continue! selected as the party leader. Mr. Marter, giviDgwages which helcOuld not afford,tol however, ha4l' always been a warm and con- &ive, or an artizan be c6mpelle'd t q gwon slatent sup.po. , fter of the temperance cause. working for less wagea �h4n he-coluld I obti in i When hie got Wo a position where he. could else where ? Mediation rnay b;_, profit-lably do SGInethirig to advance the interests of employed when the temper of !the parties', that cause, he consistently' but innocently has been ruffled.and i'their vi�w of th',eir, mutual interests has thereby bee�n obOour� d. i set to work to do that something, and, In But judicial arbitration is itnp�rac,. cabfi one of his first public utterances after as- It will require a good ',deal atrOnge - argu-, merit than the learned sumitig his new pbsition,he declared his pol- . Profeaborusea in ��isl icy to be One Of aggressive temperance. This instance to convince any persOn who �asi given the Bubject rriuch� thought that., 111 j u;d i. declaration was distast'eful to a wing of his -cialarbitratic)niFjimpr�o�icable.-" 4wo4ild� party, find it Plat the brewers and distillers be a very stupid arbitration trilonnallind ad up ia arms against him. Their demands tha.t would reQuire an a : mployer to couti= giving wages he could, Ocit affoilrd, �r t]6at upon the party had to be acquiesced in, and would require the men !to work f)r Ibm� the result was that Air. Marter was sum- �wagcs than they could 1 in elpewl ere �or marily deposed from the leadership, and Mr. � similar work. -One of �ho princ�pal dutlies Whitney, as being more acceptabl of the arbitratien tribu!n I would be to I rts- e. to the , 6 anti -temperance element, ' 'certain just the amodan employeri co�ld %'ras selected as his afford to pay and what 1, he mitrke; value successor, and has remained in thv6t position i .Of the emloyees labor eally is. Havilag everaince. Bat, Mr. tlarteCs downward 'ascertained this, the relt ould T�e at sy. career was not. yet ended. At the last Bes. sion of the Legislature, he found his tam- -Mabel Garner, a Ilititle girl wao It es perance principles again coming into con. withher mothe - at 5 W olsley str 3eii, � o. flict with the policy of his party il�urae co taining $93 whilai and he :ronto, found a walking on Queea street, near h stood true to* his temperan2e principles. and �l er Ome, a. Jew nighteago. She went immedi tely I to, ,,7 went against his party. When the elections. :the police station, in fib, Andrew's quar'e, came on he appealed to his own constituents and handed the purse to Inspector reck�6 'd, for an en4ctnoal of his course in the Legis- re, While the inspe2tor was ex4mini�g lature. the 01ritents of the puree, a ?Oman Oame �ia Hie cGustitueucy, let zs Bay here, is to iepert the loss Of Phe verv: ou� little and is as. strongly tem- Mabel had found. Sho described i 0 - , b alid 190 2 'J ULY 4 THE' H ON EXP 0,81TOR The inspeo- on businele.-Da.Vid Sp of ­-BrauMbrd, bridesmaids were dressed, in white or die -ADING SHO'_ STORE. lei d that it b +d contained 69 icer, 9 S EE FORTH'S L this eek. and wore black picture batL,. Mias 13uoug- or counted �he moneyj and sure enough, was renewg old acquaintances th re was' t 4e sum mentioned. Then he -Sidney $pell. has purchmed a 200-aor6 farm lass, the flower giA, was also dressed in a thajno, !Y- and its rec6pticle to the in ]London I township, arid moved from here white organdie. On the lawn,at the bride's a XT .9 L. home a spacious marquee had been, erected, w Man. T ajittle girl, altho�gh.the day�h.- Wedni6sday-. -Henry BuckinCharn has- re- te of th papr 1widow, refused to take a 4ol- modeled his bouto, making it int�ol two and there, after the ceremony was 'over, the nuitoN D, BOYS ]a offere& iiia reward, The� police haspec- entirely separate residences, . Ele wiJI con-, bridal party sat down to ik delicious' . repast. to r, howev'er� I prevailed on the Owner to;en- tinue to occupy the south half h#nself, An entire room was occupied by the boa-uti- Dr leit two Pjam to him for little, Ma �eVfl while the north half has been rented1to J. ful and costly presents: received by the The gr I oom's prei�nts to the mem- mother. 4. 8tanbury, who will move into it in� a few bride, I bridal part ially weekp.-Alderman Davis has been laid up bers of the y were aspeo 1 DA i Canada. for Rome d' e, but *a are pleased to report beautiful. To his bride lie gave a sunburst I Ys JULY Sthe sy tha� he is improving uioely.-Wm. Page of pe�rls, and tot the bridesmaids, flower 1,600 Canadian' troops aahod r—About I , A0 and family have moved to Bervie,.where girl, groomsman and ushers, respectively, 'fro'm Durban Natal. for home last Fri fay. Mr, Page ik engaged an butter -maker at A. opal rinRs, necklace, pearl scarf pin an d Tivo thoui . additional wilIstarb for home I; July 20d. Bobier's branch creamery. gold cuff links. Very *noticeable in the a on 111. ul'tia, of Ottawa, a on yc, ra large array Of jifts were qdveral sets of oil- Make thi's St. re yol r he dquaxters Saturday.. ver and cub glaai% Mr. knd Mrs. Culvert You arE )I I eae your parcels or o%aks, marriad, but no family, had,ow of Dubhn..,­ y we ome to, I left f or Buffalo, where they will reside per - hi, lecle sawx) off at the knee7by a cirefflar LATER NOTES. -Dr. 0. McKent a, of To- io ' - wraps in oufr charge so; manently. Friends were present from Buf during the day. If Von get w Q Ed:waids' mill, at New Edinburg,i On ronto, is home to spend. a few holidELYS.- falo, New York, Rxete�, Galt and other Frliday last. Miss Mag' ie MoDaict- and Miss Tess* tire -1 walkiu and rest as oftn a. 9 te �_Charleall. Haya, the -vice-president of Carroll, of! Detroit, Michigan, are in � town thb Graul arunk Railroad :CompaDy�, has for a few diya.-Edwaed Murphy spent the 'Should you require tiythinu in -the shoe line 6 1 we iao�ued an Ord ar to the eads �of all delif 6rt-, lat in to*u.--Miss Julia Myers, of Titus. HensaR. i rn,�ats in 6is �ompany to, loo� for " br i -,ht will be pleased, to sh ods, and give -Yon villa, Pennsylvania, formerly of this �Iace, J. G. Sbanbury, B. A., Barrister, 8 olicitor, YuUng Lima." t indin'g a few days witih sc(mI3 of her old Notary, Vonveyancer, money to 10211, EKeter, Ont is SPE th benefit f -�ur ex, erience as wear ts. Halif�x s*ept by a heavy wind Dd -frisinds.-Micbeal Wallace sperib the Jst in At Hensall evenj Tuesdmy. 1792 peciall-9 ra,nstorm a nights ago which ucq at Toronto. - Jack Bla-ke, of Paris appea�ed in BRiEFs.-The Rev. Mr. Buchanan, of We carry' a veiy large stock of shoes, em-bracilag all least one I ur life. A, treo in Camplpiell town on Dominion Day. -Mr. and Mrs. J- Lsriark,-18 here'visiring his brothers and ce neter5 wn down bk. the- gale d, O'Connell, of Goderich, are the guests nf sisters. --Mr. Graybeil, of Dashwood, ac. the atest styl S and 'best wearers of the leadmo tb own � a t an eleeLrio lijbt pole, brark. the former"s parents, Mr- and Mrs. B. 0'. companied by his 'daughter, was here the in Y the ar and bea�ing�a live wiro� to Connell of McKillop.-Dubli Can idian and Amek can factories, During July 2 or n'a anndal pic. first part of the Week isiting his daughter, , 88 _ we tb 3 grou d. Annie MoDonald, of ("lips nic"was' well attended and everyone reports -Mr. Peter Mun6, of the Mrs. John Pope. n i initend giv g ecia prices all throgh the store. jeton, vi I ho as visiting in the city, passing having a good day's sport. There ''were 2nd concession, of Hay, "d the misfortune 0 I t p d on the wire an4 was iust a 10Y people frow all parts of Western Qhtaiio last week to get his leg painfully bruised, a' " 1 44444 and many from different points of the although no bones war broken, by one of Come and put us to Ithe'testv. i --Dr. W. D. Loeueur, who for 48 yel,'ara States vi6ited Dublin and the picnic on his horses fallinc�an hi , bruising his leg hEiEs been an fficial in the postofficie de r - Tues ay. "nB 4a, and for many years do rt- so that it is with great: difficulty he has In nt of Ca F [Tutended for last week]. been. able to walk 'about'saince then. He is m ntal seer tary, and who waA race 3 bly L S SON, Seam% rth TO superannuate , was waited 'upon Fridayl NOTES. �MiSS Minnie Dorsey, of Grand now !mproving nicely. -Mr. William Walsh was in Sarnia this -week purchasing lum- ni:,-ht,-at hiat-csidence, and p6sented- with Rapids, Michigan, is spending holidays with a imahogaby desk and chair and a setl of her cousin, Alias Ella Dorsey., Charles ber.-The Centennial hotel looks very much cl4asical wor ks, by his old cofleagues in J.h Burnstalk, who had been vikting Jack Mur. improved with a fine vride cement walk Wroxe er :ie second place, Which� as hot- at bar home bere.-W. of a in fronb of it extend�ng, up to Mr. Ur- ly CDDtegtel for, going to E. Bray, o Wrox- town, i his home. - d ant. An adrese, bbautiftill on. ray, left Monday ipornirig for Ypeilaliti, a spending a few days at partm quhart's-mills. Ve liketosee ourvillage etar,. The baseball m tch between , russals W. H. Snellgrove, a a 4ent of -9 e d, as read by Dr. Coulter, Deputy Michigan.�-Mr. W. IEE. McCutcheon left for -tu Eluran P stmst Dr. LeRueur niade a ion on M, beautified wi�h 'ood "ermanent walks, adl Harrisyn was , really g(301 garne. CoIllege occupled the pulpit Chicago to undergo an operat londay 9 p I in the r Iternoon,1 accompanied by Dr. Michell. such as are being laid, ut yet, after all, While the_gama was not by any me, ns free Episco a church on Sunday su�itable 9 a well play d game Jmes P. � pl from error, still it, wa F0 of ton, was The Dr a �Iace is being' filled by.Dr.', Ale- there is something more, and even better, x, oi- Brussels, called or, friends in r. I The�, the village last we w nod t ort Carling- list week. In Donald, df Seaforth.-Miss Kate Kinney we would like to see and that is fire protee- and: the pubic fully appre�iated i j. Maggie Robert� left for,o�onto on Monday morning�:tore- tionin thewa;yofs lirige elevated tank scor;ewas7t:)5infavor oftBrussete. The' sonrettift-ed from Kingstot on Saturd company -it Mr. Meuburn of Hamiltm, h 1 had, aua te in a skiff fro port Cal I �I.lg sume her old clutieg.-Miss Kate Willliarnh with good well and winqmill in connection veteran base )all player, 'Patifill, 0, W, roxeter, where she has spent the past year.-Alqr. ei nd- umpired and his decisions were never qups. McLennan, of London, 0 Alias kate CArOenter are home f is the guept of hie f Fern ;,The night as dark and arid or the therewith, such as -would insure an abu I Nv- udy au� th'e skiff was uplet. Me urn" 81'lnmQr �aason.-The Misses T. and . ant supply of water for all purposes, whether tioned.- ht next on the prog- a was uncle Robert Black.-�ztw.o: 'very succeg@ful ra in I Village , u for street watefing, lamnq or fire protection. thOciotball match between W;ro-x ter and stone.bees were held in the On Fri. in he Ross. Of $ewtov, accompanied by!- Mrs. g p to Fe nc ale about five O'clock 9a' -and Saturday t r the w -dam. Farm - This could be secured it a mo(forate cost )r0stville, Ifftoxeter, winning by a score of day ne mornin a it half dead copdit�cin. er- Colema'n, 61 f Gadshill, were the' gues�ts of I I i tc 91 and would be of ont worth ineao 160. Tire Forestville boys, wbilelindivid- ere in this vici the upset h( know nothirig ind Mrs. A. H. Norman on Monday last.- r�ity showed tberneelieg ntil be f of need, for wh arr to improvo and ually they ar Mr. Black all they could. Many of, our ei bizens went to Detroit 6n the ile'�)we_seek a capit6l players, they, lacked willing to assist hi self on ti shore. vvh�,n able W i4lk I beautify our village, the mportant thought the! proper orribination, play - pece0sary to be went hr Woods to Ferndale. dollbr-ex #siou, via the new steel� stpamer,, c An obatacle race carn§ next. W atsob aE drowned, it i SUPPQEedj� as .-Greybound'i-Mr. James -McIntee is erecting is to provide protection for ib, and we wi#1 out. I - This was wc n by P. Cowan of Rothsay, soon a8 th alli a fine barn', in the south ward. MrI Me. would like to see this matter taken up by Brussels. ff upset. our council and 9upported by. oiir citizens.- W4 A. H3mphill; second. Byrans, of Intee exp"ta to have a heavy yield this summer. -4,..H. Borman has received eev. On Monday ev4ning last, at the hour of Grey, getting a fall,- was knocked out of the CELEMATIO-1q.-Considering the disagrels- an o'clock,'& 'very ha able weather and t1lie poetponment of the Zurich. ppy event took race. The three mile-lbievele race brought erad clar loada* of fine Lemlock lailaber. He coronation, a very- good crowd- ur entr ies, I'st" here last Thursday for the day's celidbrabi6n. the second was place at the home of 1 -Mr. Thompson Mur- out 0 Cowan ea;ily taking fi THE,M�S#RY CLEArED Ur. -The fol ow- ia again restocking his yard with now stock, J ' dock, of this village, �n which occasion his whi. a won - by Kaake, of ingt parag�ap from the frerald clears ur the including pine, hemlock, posts aud'shingles. I The programme was all. carried- out and oc.- M Tstery iiw to at- eldest daughter, Miss Amy, was married to Wroxeter, by a half a WhEel aha'a of E, in onnection with' the st Aikens took a trip eupied the whole day, The Mard regiment I tri iAge -DAvid Ao gan M horse an ig' which was fouD(I tied i6 a tend to eonie important business, on 'rhurs- Dr. B. A. Campbell, Df Zurich. Tj2e care. Bryans. This finished the af ter.noori gamee. After tea tht game in which proba ly the qiere reeentl�. The Herhld day. -Quiet a number from arouud here � mony w med, byr the Rev. Mr. band were here in good time and furnieh-,4 field ne�a as petfOr, excellent music. sa Vs . A.1jummis, of Mtdlqnd, the owtier sent Monday in Guelph with the South' Jewitt, pastor of 'the Methodist 'church, in Wroxeter eoplg t Qok more interest The first on the progmme ofithe horse nd buggy, recently founc b Perth farm re. the presence of only a'few of the relatives of than any otber, *as the football m tch be- me was a football match, between :Grey -And Z i . Morris townships, wblich resulted in p vie - )18. On. Jorou-� Mr Jeffr4y, f the Sauble line, was ih t n the contracting' ",parties. The lvide tween Wrom oter and Brusut 11 1 1 looked charming,beiDg bo]autifully attirid in ation Day, at Brusse, s, the score wa,�, Ito tory for the former team by a score of 2 to n lucedgy E. Boi n- I ; and got his rig. Blvth. white silk orgaudie, tii in favor f Brussels, and 1. At I o'clock- a lacrosse match, betweett Erry haA received a card m Titas mmed: with applique 0 this 60 boy 1 0 - H Sea'forth and Kineardine, was called.. sea-, 11a.1leran ch -�f of -police at imlridland,je- LOCALS, --A number of the Methodist 1 and moir6 silk, and carried a bouquet of determined t reverse, if possible, an4l after forth players bad this game pretty much Miss scribing ;he 4lost property, and sent rd choir assist,ed their brethren at Londesboro I white roses. while the bridesmaid, a well foughi i game thf y succeeded in doi g their own way, as the score, to 9- in their to Mr. Lu!m is that Lhe horse and b with the . programme at their lawn social Ethel Murdock, sister of the bride, was so. I The c:oa binaluion play on both sides favor, W. I 'show. ogy handsomely dreseed in, pink dimity trimm�d was very r 3tty indeed.- During th first Following this game p w: is here. T a I i had been hi�erl to The mas on Thursday evening, but on account of it came the base ba11 contegt-Brunele vs. V� ilbar Bo'd �, a resident of kidland 'on being such!bad weauber there were very few in the same manner I as'! the- bridels dregs. had, the 1 V rroxe er- boys kept th ball i Harriston. Gnat interest was -taken in this Monday eening, June 2ad, and, as Be aen went from We outside of the choir. -Rev. The grocini was suppofted by r. C. W. around the Brussels goal, yet they ould game, and not -until 11 innings were pilwyed st%ted, for tbepprpose of goin to.a nearl;by Mr. Penhall preached hia- farewell slerinon McQueen, of the Queen City Oil Com any. not . score. I luring the last half the all, if ;g p could the game be decided, th6'score hen' town, but, instead of that' he evid(ritly last Sunday to one of the largest conkrega- After the ceremony, refreshments and a soc- anything, :Wae oftener near the Wr xeter - I stood 19 to 10 in favor -of Harr couple left for Goderich goal. Wit w to re I turn the ri tionE; that'has ever been in the c��urc� ial hour, the ybung hin t 'elve minutes'of time being - -iston..-On st�nck off, rict intending ig. I the evening programme, there w -so foot - a isd Ei : '28 years ad trip up, Miller, A Wroxeter, by , a long shot, ball match, between Brussels and Wroxeter, B-wd n scribed aR follow which sho�Ved how the congregation appreCL- where they took boat for an extend 0 3 ated him. Mr. Penhall touched the hearts on the lakes, and before' their retiIin will scored. Considering the Uct that Brussels o ae, ab,ou, 5 feet, 7 inchqst high _4rk the former team winning byoue goal. This h'if and cle n shaven, of stoil bui�d I I cl of a good many, even of those who I have visit Now York and otheF American cities. tea�a is champion of the inpermed-iAte series. 4ddy comp xi uafty, wears' allu been opposed to him because he couI4 . not The beat wishes of many friends will be ex- of astern rita ers have i eason was followed by a display -of fireworkli, r ion an us rk - I which came to a suaden end early in the Clbthes.' be description be blindfolded to bee a3 they did in. the pas tended to Dr. and irs. Campbell. -Mr. to a proud f t emaelves. rNa-rough further eta�tes play proceedin abyamatchfalling intothelaox t at he'is a arried man,. lku& is well It 0 a election. On Friday evening the ladies- of and Mrs. J. -Sutherland 'were in Forest the wasindulged iii4ndthereferee's decisions' 9, of explosives. The gate receipts amounted iq Midland, i, here he has lived a numb 3 f the.Methodist church prepared a fa'rewell fore part of this week, vftizirig friends.- war 3 d1ways accepted without a word. The - to $160. ytare, and i- well known on the lakes. r. for Mr. Ponhall and family in the - church. Mr. Alex. Buchanan was in the Forest City Pin iorton band �vaa tt ance a NoTEs.-Ozi Tbursday afternoon of ItAt Lkimmis stathd that the man hd beei an After part�king of the good things provided this week. -A laekely attended garden anj played Nery well indeei. Intheev week, Nellie Mercer, wife of No_rmanMc­ erigineer on yacht beloDgiug' to a Wes �hy b3� the ladies, M iss Pen ball, who has been party, under the auspices, of the Junior Ep- old fi iend, J. N . 5a uder f worth League, L Wa 03r o, gave a very pleasant eor", low resident cl t at town and that a rewai d is organist for the past two years, w" pre- a held on Mr. Robert gr'ont surpii-,..I� Leod, died af ter an illness f mout* -being the cause of death. Do. consnmption cilared for' B dens arrest, a warrant k 6' seu�ed wit�b a well filled purse, after Which Jarrott's lawn, on Frid�y evening of last brought with him a splendid lo' . of fire - 07A for that ;urpose. It is to be hoped t�agt tlae�e waa:,a good peogramme presut6d. week, on which occasib,A �Rev. Mr. Jewitt, wor�_s, whint, were Fet off from 1: the lawn of ceased waa in bar 24th year, arid had beert - 9. re6ident of Brussels for about eight yearna. tbeautho�it'�s will be tible� to locac, �he Mr. an.d MrB. Penhalt arid Miss Ida left on who leaves this week for� his new field of hie father's residence, and for o�-. ar hour The funeral to - f 0 fl Tuesday morning for their new field at At- labor, At. Wardsville, together with ts. J. W. gave as a good lEntertainnien ok place to Brussels cemetery, measure f �h t. tl4ief and givo him the full a la�w." wood, Mi�q Edith Penhall remaining � for a Jewitt, we're each pr/isented with 'hand. OTES.—J, J. and Mrs. Stepiiens,of Tees- Of' Saturday afternoon. -Lai6t Saturday fternoon, Ada; -the little daughter of Mr. - few days i4tending to'try her examination, some oak easy chaRl's, -which were ac- watr,lare'gaesta of -Dr. and Mrs. Bra n. - in music a� Goderioh, next week. ---,Reeve "cOmPanied by mos�/flattering and kindly Win. and Ge Drge Kaal a have r�iurned from H. Moore, fell off the floom, at- the mill Bayfield. dam, into a boat, distance of about nine Simms, received aminvitation to attend the worded addresses expressive of the v Muskoka for a few & a, here they are ery. ya., 4obn Frais er,'Not-ary P blic. mmer cotta), ;3. �J. , W. Scnder- feet, and received a broken arm and a W I reception to the Huron Old boys, meeting , high esteem in which the revefend'gentleman arec,ting an e --I A,-entfor,�an�ianE.xpreFaMoneV,Ordera. Ala'rge h in her face. -Oar base ball and foo- -.1hountof mo0y to loan ata�rren'�'iatcs of hit:rebb. at Seaforth. on Saturday,, from Mayor, andbiaw'ifeare held, -of the prospetity, son,� of Toi onto,,. one of Wroxeter'i old 9" Pjivate funas i 179 L-' f ot,-Mr. and MrF. John Wilkie, of peace and advancement -that had characer- SPO�tai, spent Dominior Day 'in I the village. ball teams went out to Wroxoter on Dor-` Townsend, of Tucker- Pine River, we're visiting at the residence ized their labors here, 'coupled Nrith the re- -A rs. Rathburn, of Duiubh,' 18 6pe air,_, 1ninion.D&y4 The baEe ball team had Hair- ijiith� is via .�ing her brother, Dr. Staial ury. of Mr. John Moffat this week. -The first of gret felt at their departure and the bcst somp time w th her fat nei, John Knut on.- risten for their opponents, the game rwulb- '%Jr. and h�s. McKenzie spent Sundi at July was-opent very quietly in town,% great wishes for Lheir future %61fare and proepar- Miss Tina Ri 6e visited in U 1towel Ing in a victory for our boys, by a score of ly " to 5. The football:boys weredefeated in many going to other places. Quite a num- ity, in -the work of the Lord. The addresses last week. -Wm. and amep Knox at4 9 C, --The genvall uotts of Mr. A. M; Kenzie. ion to the M del "Farm lastj Fri- sommer visitors are begiunling to arrive bar Eitaye4 at home till evening-. and, then were read by Mr. E., Rannie and the pres- the excurs their game with Wroxeter by one goal. - with July. 1 i Several cottag s are already drove down to, Londeaboro to the lawn enta.tions were made by Mr. J. W. Ortweia day. -Miss Carrie Launie visited WinVham A nurnber Of sports from town L Went uOOCUpied.bv artieR from Cli ton, Seaforth, social at Mr. Arthur Jarnieson's. It - being and Mr. J. 0. 8toneman. The Riv. Mr. friends this week. -Robert White le t for the 16th concee4on Lof Grey, last Friday Nlitcholl an Wiagham, altho gli the season one of the "few nice evenings, there was __ a Jewitt very feelingly replied for himself Toronto �n Tuesday, where he will r.��ccive afternoon, to hurit for a couple of bears that h�s been we Breezy Bbyfield in likely to large crowd and- all enjoyed themselv . and Mrs.Jewitt, assuring t1he donors' of trea.tment for his eyes. v!L;),has � been tot- bad been 9een in that loc,allity.-Listowel Mr. Wm.!goser and Miss Ida Taman t es their heartfelt appreciation of this, amon ally!blind for about a the result of football el6b has won the protest of the Wive its usua� number of people who spend ook 9 the summ, 't Lake Hlaron. First of July part in thal programme in a very �eceptable the very many expressions of kindness they iufi�mmation of thb eyes. -Mies Maggie game.played here -a couple of weeks &go, in b [1 r Mil 11 a a- ,iought aiela�ge number"of picnic partiek no manner.�Oarfo.ot ball and base ball teams had received from the coneregation aud its er retu-ned to Toronto junctica on the intermeiat series of the WVater playo Belgrave at their coronation! celebra- societies, and that they would always ok We aday.--Nole le�s than rties besides a r um- lo �ve on hrid Mrs. GerrF, of Football Association, :and as a consequence OeN �n largo p% b6r of arriallor ones occupied Mr. Jow Eitt's tion, both.wi�ning, the base ball team by r, back with feelings of pleasure to the "tV ree Bly�h, forme - residents of the ill ' re- the game will have to be played over agaw. v ag grove All 'enjoyed themselves and w happy years Tuesly.- Arrangements are beig made whereby the to 6,and the football:team by 4 to 0. But our the had spent in renpall.- newed acqu intauces here on y ho'me'molv44 to visit lgayfie4d soon agair,. base ball team met their Waterloo on the Mr. JamesBell, sr., was in Clinton this Miss Kirkw d, of the Seaforth Coll�gft%te game will be played in Berlin next Mondty. Ist, when they went to Clinton to play the week. -Miss Sproiat, of Seaforth, who wa: lv!t�itute,is tie guest of Miss A. Hamil On.— On that! day four teams will meet there and -�A botly Yontested football match was p ayed b tw4en Kippen and I . �ayfield, which team of tb I at town, but they miss th'� ser. here during the past week visiting Mia Misses Jessie and arjorie Gibsou,. o To- thee-li"pionship decided. Clubs will play Q i I Mrs. as fol w r�sulted in one goal for Kippen.-One day vlees of some of the players they had -last Bessie Urquhart, bas ; return'ed home. ronto, are vii itin'g the formers sister, lo's, : Brueselo ys. Listowel ; Galt I ' t week th 31' sad news arriyed here from year', and, in ecinsequence, they got a bad -Miss Hazinahl of Wingbam, 'is via- F. V. Di-�ksoa.-Mrs. G. Spotton, ol Ar- vs. Bran#ord, and the winne�s of the two �1 iting . Thomas Hemp- ff.-Three rinks, D�stroit that Miss Bertie Walwin, young- �eating.� iss Clara Moffatt, who has -been Mrs. McKenzie and family.- thu�, is the neat of Mrs games to play t in Toronto for the past six t, 9 f 'ur' 'bowlers took in the ton - rna� es�l daughter f Mrs. Walwin,� of this p ace, nonths, is at Mr. James Taylor, of Toronto, is visiting hill,! jr.-Mu. Leonard and Alex. I Lee d 0 0 � Listowel this _ week. - a burned t. death by he present visiting under the parental roof,_ his parents in tkis village. -Mrs. R. R. of Si�newall, Manitob , former residen Oi meat at W14 t r clothing cat.bb- i ts i�g fire. froul a stove in the room in w ich Mr. D. D. Crittenden paid his usual visit to Collins aad daughter, Katie, of Exeter, this.,vicinity, have been c%Ili g on old fr ields J- A. Stewart, of Toronto, is here relievivig: To Mr. Grayin the Standard lbank'w.ho is Exeter on'the let. -Miss Jane McCreight spent part of last week And this with friends in the villagm-bliss Y illy I�Iayford or a wa em eye he body was ro �ht I 11 is at present visiting her brother Sandy, at bere.-Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Wren, of Dandas, ronto, is visiting her a star, I Mrs. -A. Ale- . Mrs. Stewart and h ireand.,was followed to,thegrave by nearly al the people of Bayfield, by �whorn she *as Hol�tein.-Mr. Laing, of the Bank of are spending their summer vacation with Lean. -W. Irench, of Carri�k, bipp5d a children, are also bere.-Willi'arn Cameron Hamilton,'visited his brother, at -Dandas, their parents and fiiends.-Mr. Dvid c I en seriously ill during thapast week. hf�ghly esteeined. Her mothe'r has the �in- ar load ofeattle from Fhis station on Mon- has be cq-,e Eympat�y of the whole community.,l thin wcek._�Mr. Elam Livingstone returned Wren, who is studying for the rnini8tr. is day.! -C. Goodfellow, of Wiairton. :is visit- -Robert Thompson shipped a car load of from a very successful business trip to the also here on a visit.-Tbe Rev. J. S. Heu. ing 4t his home here Joh Hanley con. butter to Halifax this woek.-Missos. Amnia Soo this week, having sold a great amount derson delivered a spevial sermon to be duc�ed the entrance e-, amination in O Grieve and Clara McCmcken were -home Exeter. I of g6ods.-Quite a number from here intend Masons on Sabbath evening last. Wich last wet k. -Mrs. McIntyre and Miss rom Paris this week. -R, W. Wynn, of going to Seaforth on Saturday, to There was "a very large attendanee Sar Allan, of Clevela d, arrived on Detroit, is spending his olidays with -his S4IBRIEF. . T. GoodisoD, barrister', of the Old -_ S 13 here. -Rev. Mr. Holmes removed nial spent,�'SundaV with friends in town. Boy's reception. -Mr. and Mrs. James Sime, of the brethren not, only from the local daynight, to attend t ei� mother, who is p3rent I of to Blyth'on Wednesday bf this w --�Algcie O'Neil, of London,� has beel in with their daughters. Carrie and Margueritei lodge, but also from Exeter and Zurich. The seriously ill. --R. Gib on and' famil eir. Rev�T. Oarge of O'Neil's Bank, owing to the� ill- viFited relatives in Brucefield this wQ6k.- brethren marched Kleinburg,. are spendi g the, holidays with W, Cosene is his successor here! -John Mt - to and from the service in their usual mauner. cher, Bain, of rout- n old friends iiiiss of Joseph Davie.-Misqea Niva and The byterians are holding a lawn social -Mr.1 arid Mrs. Mineis, the formor'a ister, r . W S. McKe ITO 0', was callin evening. -Mr. and Mrs. S. H. of - Exeter,.we�e in the village this wEek -MrA. Van ].",very, and M'S8 his Pre' a�) l4cre on Pominion Day.- Goidon, of Marie Thor6ton, of Woodstock, have' re- (Frid ew YoX tt�'rned hOm6i after 9; pleasa . 't visit �mith Gidley wereVi8itiDg relatives in Hullett on visi �iug M r. and MrR. Palmer, ner's Van Avery, cf. Phil phia-i spent several Forest, 4pent last Thursday in town. -R. MO. Powell.�--J. A. Stewart left,on Satgr- Sanday,-�r. W. Walker, of Wingham, paren-ts.-Mi?p McFaul,'of Lucan, is, here dayof last week with MrE5.Wm,.Dic1-Fo,u,- Morrison, formerly of Brussels, is renew-, dq for Ne' York, to accompany his was in town this week with a load of far- visiting her Eiiint, Mrs. T Murdock. -Miss Mrs. and Miss TurribuI, of Walton pent ing old,, acquaintances here th-is week. - b -1 th6r, who milliners, Friday �vith Oliver Sith.-Miss es Don't. geb that Brussels will celebrate lio is. very ill, to his Home, near -niture., He still retains a certain amount McConnell anJ iss MpAulav, � rl, TV'ra. J. G. Stanbu,ry and Miss of the Blyth trade, by giving good value have returned to their homes ior the a, Black, of London, i 0 tio 11 July Ath. on to. 8 spending t be va C4ra F owell �:Dent the holidays in Toro' to. both in mAerial and price. mer MoDonell, of Exeter, --�Dr. and Mrs. R.Ferguson and ebil, 'Of is visiting her brothers, -Mr. Cornelius P$ntlac) igan,have een.here vhid� CookwaBin Wroxetert4iswe(k renewing rooks, of Cl a uaintances.-M-r- F. C. acDonell is in friauds. g Lunaley. ac';i 25- Per Cent all. Clothtng tr a holiday ere.-Mrsi Emery and c ild- NOTEs.-Miss L. Williams, of London �Detroit this week, where hs wife -and re o gust of Mrs. J A. spent a few, days this week visiting friends �,cbildren have been on- a 'visit. -Mr. Thomas A, A A A A A &6�of .0' is th! �Bell, of Beetor, is here vi voal Irene Rogers, of Parkhill, ii in this vicirity.-Miss M. Horney hm re. Biting His father, i'iting wit4 MLs. R. Rogers here.-�The turned fro 'in a pleasant trip to Kincardine. Mr. William Bell, and other relatives. eral of MtO. Allan, wife of Alfred Allan, -M IsseB L, -and E. Horney took advantage of i,000 "'Worth '-of 11 RAmad I un ade of!town, toolib� place on Monday afternbon, the cheap rates to visit relatives in �Ailea "Wroxeter. to! Exetet ametery.-Mrs. Kettle la�d Craig. -Dr. F. Hackney and bride, of De- dolughter of 'Mitchell, were the guesto of troit. Michigan, are visiting at Mr. Hack. TnE CEL-Fl1,RAT1OS;—Wben the er) Aeped thing th� iisa Kinsman this week. -E.1 J. ney's mothers, of Hibbert. We w ish' him out on the morning of Dominion Day, it met 10 Spackmam and family spent Dominion Play proapetity.'' many anxious faces looking towards it as if at� Spriqgbauk. -Alfred Dr;W, of Lon on, CONGPLATI L CLATIONs.-The young lady who asking the question, are you going to hi vioited his b�jother, Wm. Drew, on tho� 118t, was the leading figure in the pleasant event in your glory to-3ay, or will you bid" "'a At a r de on $ on-, -Manufactu'rer S. - Price. -On ThuiadA r _v last, June 264h, the m4r1ri- chronicled, below and the particulan of usual Confederation Day brightness behind a ag�, of Miss attie McCallum 'to Mr. George which we take from a recent issue of the cloud ? Old Sol in his wisdom did not reply tD took lace at the residence of! the London Adverti-,er, is a niece of Mrs. eil, at once, but, took time to consider and no E�eiy dolla 'a worth of lothi in our huse mn8t be eltared out. If brido"a fathq, Mr. T. H. McCallum, �-ev. of this -place, and has hoste'of friends in this doubt his decision was influenced by seeing yow reqinre a suit, these prices sh uld a-ke 1you buy. 'One-qua-rt6r off the R. E. Mii ya d officiatilik.-Wm. Jamie�on, vicinity. The_A&5�ertiser says One of the preparations made by our sport commit - who, h f the pr,,,, of eve y suit. Just! iniagiae Igivin: 7 5 pq cent. off on every Suit a avisitin- g his son, the M. P � P., the prettiest of the many June weddings tee for the amnFiement and comfort 0 at Durh retui ad home this Wei which have taken place recently Was solernn- public in this Yiciniby and -a -more suitable �n its 6 r off, Trii�4nden. of Blyth4 was a vi i',or izsd at high, noon, Monday, at the Col. day could not have been desired. For the 816 "7-00- Dayman 9:10. 0 q a r -M in townl on. !Vuenday.-A van Iciad of Maoons borne stree� Methodist church. It was the past fifteen years, Wroxeter bag been noted aarter off, 6.00. orvins at Carmel Presbyte�ian marriage of Miss Cathr�rine M. Bedggood, for the splendid sport it puts up on Domin- its,. w(ut to tl�e 8 O� Sz chu ens�ll, on Sund y evening, , -�Jisa daughter of Mr. J. H. Bedggovd, of 356, ion Day. We have one of the beet quarter a a ;00 Suits, q -Fter o, 0 drig t- if Toronto, who was:, herb packing Central Avenue, and Mr. Andrew A. Cul- bicycle tracks in Ontario and for foot. U so0al effects of her cousin,!, the ver, son of 41r. John Culver, of Buffalo, and ball and baseball games, one would not ask 2.00 Boys' W1, f -S la a R. 0. C. Tremaipe left for her homO bn a poputlar youag citizen of that city. The for finer grounds. The committee, as, in the gaar er 6aiturday. A�rs. R. H. Collins and daftg6- church w6s ailed with ftiends of the bride, past, tried to have the sports as athletic as No goo Is reserved, all must g) at t4is Sale at 25 per cent.:off 0.11 dothina tor" Kaitie b�',vebeen spending a few d was lavlahly decorated with flowers and possible, and they suc dmirably. wi�th frien Is in HenEall. in t�e hoau. These (tao s &Te all new, I Aip-to date, made for thiszeason's trade. -The little da gh- palmf. The wedding march �vas played by At 10. 30 a. m. the r trot was called off. tei of James F. Russell, died on Satur g ee� Wingham, 1- ay, the orgyanist,of the church; and the bride i irst place was won by I isher, of Tbii� stGck' cf clothing mu A b anldwaa uriod on Monday.-Tbei fare#ell was led to the altar by her fixther. Follow. Occond by Moffatt, of N�orFie. The running seimcqin o Roy. C. W. Brown, B. D., vas ing her aR bridesmaids were Misses Georgina race also brought out qve entries. Myles' High6st Pir ce Pa id f6.r Produzce,. p6acbed in James street Methodi8t ch4ch, and tuella.Bedggood, comins of'the bride, horse, of W-roxeter. eae ly, took first place. IaA Sabba h ft �vening, to a large congroga. and,'Riss Ann& Douglass, of New York, ,while second place was iotly contes-ted and � ew : n �v 91 blo, t W6 Aft ti n. -A pui#ber from here Ruended ;Bo- made a very, pretty flower girl. The ushers �won by Rae, of Wraxetor Hyslop, of thir4 a#nualereunery picnic, at G' Rowick, coming in third. The afternoon radd were Messrs. Samuel Charlton and Fred 'd 1 -to BOA on itho! 26th, and repor.t a sple di 23. Re�,- A. K.- -Birks performed the sports in the park were opened by a bicycle 0 YD' C0411 tiq'ie.4-Wo ar� pleased to report 141se il ceremony. ',The bride's dress was of silk race for boys of sixteen� astance one mile. I'* IEEuston'is convaleacin sati0actolitly. crepe de chi*e over white taffete. skwith This brought ci�it threell, ridprF. The firab SE ORTHR -Mish W4 Toro g X, � it6 went to 0, On Monday, trimminga of applique and ebiffon lace, The place was easily taken by -S.. Robinson, of GAIRDN BLOO ;LF nt 31 11erat and Vnis raturnea from Vert,011.-Mr- jerl -from Dawso i , into , amily - -Nir �.snd Mrs. He= Iaturne d f rona.: guient of her ct ;4eorge Bleker x-er mether.. all, ;of i u.,rdo of A41 New 17" W. J* Yager a -some dayo at F-uss and M N the V-111age wil Rev. .,1m.r,ough hore t his new field o .bere tie w --;s tb The HeYTOck -sold to MT. 811 -,$6 5-00.—The school, �ou thie�z -their-anntlal -44Y next, at t-1 August, vill .All -business V_�' -'Mr. J*hjP fossor of philo) saw Yorl"r, is' —Mr. ana.N who ijv�ed. in E � h; are visittag 't i Rik;_and Xing.: -Mr. T. S. -elected a'4441ag 8"Ons A ugust UeN Miss ruar ,St. Thomas, ix Many to ts3we Mac been in the -err -ary Company . . * rolia for Piet -M-r. -for-merl-V -bf Sti .in pbysbai-at I rairied -to the. ment. --One of. -V-44, zuiture4 Mu., -for srrrie Un3t in ihsit tit-Yv li ea +,hemftWe ner. beirl, throv-94 mavcv, -to W- 4 noxt -week to i ad -A.Ulaner One A b;dly torn -aril �00 V�Ork- for �Rq __-�Mr. Edw-i ,1, Ellie, hud: throw up a b 20 teams And Auy and by -ni This is a rieoi -Mr. A � Mathieeon, *f pa-ased the M_�' 'Roy -41 Militia! -ieng in "to In 10 -The hair Doherty, -of -8, happy 12uptitl W-heA, theird& -Tied to Mr. jid -city, Rev -james Qhur-ch., —Dr. TAME f Ord last w4iels-" succeReful Pali -m-ontrealAR-t1m. �artrker -with iort, one �of —viian Viol Ji)hn McCull! Normal courel .1)-omestic �-801 diploma. '14i 1%dy f rorn th4l. -Domestic Selt —Mr. Jud James Trow -.1 J �Week for Xan -obtoaned an it bookkeeRer oompauy and Q_irelB IDf friei popular- -Th, aucce%s in -the —was Rot been uttendi -&hodl df -dorn reeeived,wor4 45he i5tood firm 'mine stibients: Ter -eent. T conneetion V_J intends retur —Mr. J:O) with u nasti vreek. He the ha_ ridle. -board, alippel Ills arm. Ih Mated �P. deep. was �caed required abi Philthey, wilt mouth A ---There P� ilau t,�erL . . . . . . . . . . . persou.cif M, Jobn Mocrf­� in 10 incidental tc 19-A borne �u­j time ago Wt .paralytic is�t 40athonFri husband -die a family of t _yEr. V� auage , r of facture 11 fi_� 011a eveting Been the &Men, re. pleasantly s of an addim 161000.E. mr, Xnechtel tb� the addre Main -=-* str —Mr. JAI Fore� fl,21a9pU0, of 8tratford er, :a M, 'Out on I -_elk �eame and 'Whenawt1i it. The h -put three tracti ER v� _botwe came wtat vf MR