The Huron Expositor, 1902-06-27, Page 88 gut fur, I to Place Your Order With Us T for ca DI -MATTE R cc STRIOT GOLD MEDAL B A GOOD AproiNTIMA --im-Front t T. bel Crest Cree i Ohio,' ne Bin'der Twine. line Advocate, publialed in Cree we learn pf the advai cement to 4n excellentli t is pro and enviable position in h*' 88ion of &� ate of the! w -boy, a, d,&, gia former Huron no itute. The Advok] t t 0 A. FULL STOCK OF Seaforth CoIW�Iate '�Mr. M;callum, Of WS city Cate Pays 'for th p 11AY FORK ROPE has been appointed 61.1urgebu, Uer eral �for th n 0. 0. T. Oak, and tQ'14. It & G. R. R., epi t AIA611NE OIL Local physicians and aur 'eons vw ill bed 9 eJd, GaIi an 0n nated by him at a C JRF 'EN ENGLISH PARIS Bucyrus." 0 GOOD FOR THE C -*ADI NS. —.;he anadii FORKS, SCYTHES an girls have been di0inguishing themselve4 t for. nursea in connec� I AND IIARVEST TOOLS at the training Behoo In with'Cook's Hospital, Uhh ago. clue of 80 who triedi the second year e xam t� the tol At Right Prices ination three Canadian girls stood a of the lisk ani of those Misis -­BqlIa cKen e kAaforthl, 12nd4 zie, of McKillop, neo,r w a When the results welre nuounded t e Igirl on hot days Gooking ia made easy f ttlei� Ihoisted the Canadiat i flag in hoi to by using a victory. Mies MOKBLzb�s Mary ol fz�ieudh hereabouts will unite in extend �ng o9ng - stand g she hah latione on the excel] ent WICKLESS BLUE FLAME STOVE. taken. i?� were %oke� TRAvEILBRs.—The fol OEESNEY SM11BY by W I ia ed this week to distant poil $aceessora to S. Mullett & Co. Somerville, railroad an stea ,,hi� sgenl�: 9 �urr Mr. Robert Armstrong, Xkt 4; 'tt at d fa Mr and Mrs. S.Mulle mily, DOMINION BANK. Greenfield, MuSsohmsetO. MV: kullett-will'- engage in Young Me6's Christian Aseq cia�tion railway work ; Rev, T4om&sD&vi4. CA 1TAL $2,500,000 son, P (Paid UO), wife and twol children, of Var I oa, �o $2,5 RES 000000 Glasgow, Scotland, *he�e they will spend. mer, at Mrs � Davidson's natiNie the sum SE�FORTH BRANGH) place. They nailedbyiiie Allan Line fro' da�- Montreal, on NVednes Main Street, Seaforth. A ideneral Banking Business trans- TEE L-Ew CouxcnLo�._T e meeting -ale Notes collected, the town hall, on Mondgy evening last, fqr Farm ers' S acted.' $g. a councillor 4o and advances made on same at lowest the purpose of nominat fill the unexpired term of the late Mi, John Weir, was not largely 'attended. Meaer4. ts in Canada, Dr*fts sold on.all poin mes Gill 16 and James Beattie, Ja he U�l ited States and Europe. Broderick were nomin ted he nomin —interest SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. tions closed, the mayor as ointedichai -%deposits of One Dollar and, allow�d oi man an the candidate& nd ot era ad ress0d Ids. M Beat.ie upwat the meeting. Since th' W. K. PEARCE, Mr. Brodericki have w thdrawn, an R. S. HAYS, Manager. Gillespie has been deol�red lected y clamation.' Mr.. Gilles ie ha ..been a mem. You take no chance6 when you 'ber of the council, off ad o , for a gre t many years and is, o?nsequently, in o d attend the Popular hand at the business, wd . ill, no doubt, hi' discharge the duties d evolvi g upqn 0 with care and efficiency, THE f SpoRTs.—A, schedule ame in tbe of the C the L. .4. w A intermediate series STRATF6RD, ONTARIO. played on the recreation grou do on Frid�y You� are sure to get the best business or evening last between Bright ud the shorthand education. This is the school vers. Rain.set in' shoirtly er the' gat e arted, a4d although not eai7 enough o whose graduates are in strong demand as at stop the g te ch a in business colleges, and as; sten ame made the 0 n a alippe y ographers and book-keepers for prominent, and spills were frequent. �s the scole busiue�s firms. Write for catalogue. Ott abowsthe Brightboys' were ntirely giving the teaVers an easy thing,of W. J. ELLIOTT, Principa,l. it. The score stood 1 1 to 2 i fa'Vor of the ill b with 8t. Beavers. The next rn W' Marys,jhere on July h, th day of I e t Huron Old Boys re-unioh.—On Saturday e JUNE WEDDINGSO Hurani played the return ma Ah with e Galt football team, los*g by a score of 5 new We have just put into stock a and Impidn- goals to none. This gives Galt t ie cha well selected line of High Grade Silverware, ship. suitable for Wedding Presen to. Remember, we h S�ve no old shelf worn goods. Only THE OLD BOTS �Arrange�ments for th a Up-to-date articles� to choose bright, new, re-unio7n of the Huron Old Boys, at Seaforth, rom. Our prices are also new. Saturday, July 5th, azke��now well advanc(d.- Engagement and Wedding Rings R The committees have been working ince is- pecialty. antly and have compiled a p gram r me f ai�nment. Everything of interest and enterb and th 3ir will be done to give tbe' Old B ysi Countefs Jewelry Establishment, friends who come to Se4forth o meet w� th SEAFORTH, them a royal good �ime. Apart from the formal reception a oplendii programme W. R., COUNTER, Manager of sports will be carried, out. These will in. oInde a football match, betv 6en Bruss Is Bitycle �Season 1902. and Seaforth _; a sche4ule laa osse mat b, between St. Marys and SeSfor h ; a tu - f. war, between teams fromidiffer nt town 11ps W, N� WATSON, North Main Street) i in the county, and a relay race ir the school SEAFORTH, boys. A big drawing card forlth,e day Will -Haa on hand a good stock of the latest high ade be the celebrated 48th HighIsAAers' band,� of up-to-date-. MASSEY-HARRIS and GODEMOR Toronto. Thd 33rd regiment and will &�so BICYCLES, which ­w1H be sold cheap for ouh or on take a prominent part, ho that there will'be short time. Prices from $26 upwards. A few good ovenihg secend hand bicycles on hand which will be sold no lack of excellent. music. It the there will be a grand open air concert, futn. Call and examine my stock before purchasing, ished by the 48th Highlanders' and 31rd ither *t my office or at Herbert J. Rorrison's ahop. regiment bands. t�e'ldom,. if ever, has � a All wheela guaranteed. for the season. Also dealer n R&kMOND and WHITE SEWING MACHINES, better programme than' this been put up �y and G�neral Insurance A. any town, and any per On who miseen oom. IV. _ArrSOW, ing to Seaforth on July 5th, will mi a time of their life. Gen.eral Insuran6e Agent, and Dealer in sewing Machines and Bicycles, NORTH MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, LOCAL BRrEFS.—In �the results of the June examinations of the Coll ege- of Phy- sicians and Suraeons. Toronto, D. E. Hoi 19 - Henderson's Photo son, of StAffa, -passed the inte mediate i x_. amination and J.F. L. Killoran, of Seafor h, Stu d i o. and J. H. - Bennett, of Gortie, the primi ry examination.—Oa Sunday eveniDgl ab(nt 125 Workmen and Foresters of theC&nadian Special Prices on all Photos Order, marched frc!m - their lodge room to on the 5th of July th� Egmendville church, where they" listen - The Huron Old Boys' Day edtoanexcellent and approprite sermon -Mr. Jo�-n by the pastor, Rev. Mr':, Shaw,— Fall 'stock of Mouldings Ho�yo, an, elder brot"r Of Mess James aud and Picture Frames. T. E. Hays, of this town, has Feen visiting friends here for the pas Rays t week. . Mr. it of Halville, Water. Photo Enlarging a Specialty. was formerly a reBidej Ioo county, but for i ' �ears �e has resided in Manitoba. I Rev. Mt. Davidson, P, HENDERSON, Seafor-th. of Varna, and Mrs. David O !of �on, Oith tw J 1761 their children, left here! on Mo hiffi-ay for he — old country, where both bav'e numer us THE.CANADIAN relatives'and friends". They xpeou to be gone about two months.' Thel have MB ny friends among our reaaets wl o. will unite Bank of Comeme. I with TuE E.�POSITOR in wi8hiu , them a a ife ,CAPITAL (PAID UP) journey and a most enjoyable i isit in th��eir native�land.—It'igsaid,there as a falli of Eight 11ion Dollars $8,000,000. anowou Saturday, last, June 21st. It *as Rest, $220000000. scarcely visible.—Mr. 'Moffat, priDeipall of the public school, haq teased he Prender- gast residence in the north is SEAFORTH BRANCH. moving into it.—The lawn, arty on be A general. Banking business tran- church grounds in hgmondvill onMon4ay eacted. Farrners' Notes discounted, evening last, was well attendeW consider ng and special iittention. given to the the cold evening. It was not 0 ion cotlection of Sale Notes. when ice cream could be taken with rel, h S "VINGS BANK.—Intorestallo*- butdespitethe drawback of cold weat�ei �A ad on deposits of $1 and upwards. all present seemed to 'enjo5 themselOes. 'ecial facilities for transaction of The Egmondville ladies are g So )od bostesises business In the Klondike District. as well as liberal providers, an I if any came Money Orders, payable at any bank,isailed aithe away dissatisfied it was thei I own fadit. followin- rates The 33rd regiment band kept,� things 1iVT1 IY under ale .08 020 to 9W .12 1 $10 to 820 .10 83.0 to $50 .14 by their excellent music.—Tb(rewas eno'gh frost Sunday night to make ice, on flome;� of F. HOLMESTED, G. E. PARKES. Solicitor. manager. thewater troughs..!—Miso Wnnifred Kilmw�: 1624 loran, of Dulutb,-is apendillg� her holid4ya with her mother, Mra. John Moran, JQ'hn Our Bicycle Store street.—Mr. Wm. Soole, of Belmont,,' is Paying a visit to his bro'uher,, Mr. Cha�ieq Soole, and other friends in town. He I is Is just as prominent a part of our business a: as ever, in fact, we ate prepared to do a 3companied by his daltighter. - 'Mr. Soole much larger business in this line, and have has disposed oi 4is business in! rerests in el- m staff larg.6 enough to handle our Piano, mont and will take a holidav before eettl rig Organ, Music and Sewing Machine busin down again. —Mr. R.' M. Dick� on, barrist er, without interfering in any eas of Jangdon, North Dakota, an I formerly of way with each otheN and have capable men in every de, Brussels, "Was calling on old friends in town on Thursday of last week M . Dickaou�is partment. doing well in -the west. �Mr. Mullett Ond The Cleveland, Hyslop and St6arns are family left on Monday for Gre field, M",oa- among our leaders in bicycles. We also Nlu lett urposes thk- have a stock of forty second hand heels, Fbussetts, where Mr. . I whielL)ve are fitting up a fast as possible, lng a course in training prepa atory to len- -and wbioh we are selling at from 65 to $lr), 9391ng in Young IN,Ienlgchristi up .0,800ciat on and guarantee them to be good value. The work.—Mt. Fred Beattie, Of he Bank of Maeon & Risch, Bell, Nordheimer D i Commerce, Chatham, is visiti�g his parents, omin-- ion are among our pianos. Bell and I)oQ11n_ Mr.1 and Mrs. James Beattie�J—Mias Hays, of;Oxoderich, i -3 vis, -i bi' g: her brother, Mr. R, I& ion organs, you know them. n � OUR GENERAL REPAIR SHop Hays, and fanily,—Tgesday iext is Don'in ion Day and apublic holiday.—, Thefollow�ug ha's and always will be our ME6iu depart- were ticketed to the west *�ds week �by ment, This is where we started,,and it Greig & Stewart, 0. I?. R.- Ogents : N -Ir. always has our special attention it all Hector Reid, Stanley, t -o Ed1�2t0n. Nor h - repairs of Bidycles, Lawn Mowers, in fact weat Territory ; Mre. � Cam , e,, and r. any old thing. Remember the place, Arch. McDougall, Dublin, tol Moose W, Northwest Territory ; Alike. F. M of A—Z McKillop, to Hartnely, Mani oba, sit G, 3K. Bgcl.win, Seafortht as d i p I Ic p 9 i C ,U her daughter.—Mr. W, J. Di keon, of he neral Repair shop. north grave'l radj Mol1lop, hie week a Id JU 0 OR T URON EXP S1 Hip H 279 1902 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - iding a week or so relatives here. cream organ who was prettily dressed in die sper wi Way to �Saulb Std, Marie, um Mr. Robert Wt�ler 88 prime' steer They are on the MER' I average aboat 1,500 Pol inds eact, HURON OLD BOY th lace trimmings. The groom was sup, iding mr6 'of the hey w i orted by Mr. P. B. Brown, of Chicago 0 where they intend spei ield Mr. Dickeon about V k wi d wil 3,600 i1a th Mrs. GilchrisVe sons.—Mrs. gad come Went to be present on the o'co wee if Senny"low (nee Miss ob. % ey are, to be shipped fo r � the old AT ceremony Mr. and Mrs, George Murray, untr� n ext.—Miss Oouse, 04 sion. After the NECESSITIES, McRae left on the North Pacific for Seattlf Matilda McLaretr) accoinpanie byher son, a, is vigitinj Mis..J. D arrived here this week on a visit -giving eams-0 andthe Sound cities. The young ooupl( isaBeatfloo8dott,daughterof Mr.! very pleasan im;- SE A F 0 R T H were the recipiepta of many beautiful au� their relatives a oad surpriee.— I&E-H ames 8 Ott, of this Own, has just comple�.l cRae will.re: Rov. entertained costlygifts.- Mr. and Mrs. M W. J. and Mrs. Poherty AT YN WANT d a bril. iant course a � the Toronk Qonserva-� the choir of St. Paul's church Ion Mond cry of Music, 811 aduated in vocal muslO SATURDAY,. JULY 5th side at 155 eleventh avenue. The briq sky is well known in Staffa, where she residoc evening I&bt, On which o3casioni, Miss -0. Le ith hoi ore, bein8l, 911th in a class of 23 Mid -E I til a few years ago." Touzal, assistant teacher wh6 is leaving IS SURE, HER aking it ie drgr6elpf A. T. C. M., In pipd' MORNING PROGRAMME.—S to 10 A. =—Atilvaf un here this week to atteni the� Normal, at rgan, i a [so, she� sthod first in her class an of cit zens from all paito of the county. -10.30 is, m. r a Valued mem- .1 —Grand gathEring at Viotorls Park of tho citizens of Lumley. Hamilton, and who has 'been a, THI used ibh first-class honors. Miss Scott's Hurob county to form a procesgion which. bo3ded by ber ot the choir, was presented with. a 3 with I us in 9 of Mounted In. Fnom MANIT013A.—Mr. James Fyfe, 0 Now that the war' rn weather is at hand vve, umerou a friends will unit4 Oc� the Sard Regiment Band and oorp beautiful Oxford Bible accompanied by a ending �o her the� most hearty OongrabuI44 fantry, and oompotod of the odloiall Of the Munioi- Snowflake, North Dakota, is home visitin ddress. 'The address was have provided for the ,comfort and the very flattering a emen;a.—It w1a pallocs of the county, a company of the X;,00gl �bis sister, M -re. H. Neil and other relatives Pleasure of our customers. ions on her splendi aahiev presentation Militia and the Cadet Corps, Fire Brigade, and I Edu- read"byXlre. Doherty ai ntend o ha e, & iblic holida in tow no will 'We have a remarkably good selecti e t y *' catlotial Institutions of the County and Citize 'Mr. Fvfe left this neighborhood over made by Mies Mary Johnston.;, ­Mrs. Short ion 'Of t�o account of the co � i ;go and has made his fortune In th even the small items on which we offer n Thu day ro march to Station Square where the incoming trains yeari 3 returned recently from visitiog, friends in 2 5TOR IdBoyefrom abroad will be met and, with extra values to the women *h ooeedings I Vilig been � eolared with the 0 e.—Mrs..Tho im Bell and Mrs. istioni the 48th Highlanders Band, all will Joln�.the piroce -far country. His many friends here &� Thorndal vantage of the opportunit 0 take ad— he holi ay wal can 011ed and tl z bus nos sion and return to Victoria Park. lt a. m.—Koyal pleased to see his genial face once' mo C. Hunt, both of Beetan, a Ire- bera- Epending a 50 ft. v laces 1 ere olm n as uouakl-� f Banner to the old Boys He is accompanied by his youngest dau wi 3g t? Welcome and Presentation 0 few weeks with relatives --Mr. J. W. Ott- b Inent erious illness Of tie king the coronati at victoria Park, and abort addree9es ter. Now Is The Time. 1001t. 11 arranged Jor Thursday in citizen The visitors to be enterb!iined at=heonJ wein and daughter, Mra., Shoirt, were in ervices AFT4NOON. — 1.30 p. m —obamplonship Lik, Seaforth during the pas � week.—Miss Han- Vbomao'church we indefinitely postpon . oro�se Match St Mars,ve. �csvcrs, -of Seaforth.1 Port Albert. Select your wr weather tift, aye were bffer up A recov4ry :Lope�tolo�whlpsof the County, W NOTES.—Mrs. John Schoenbals a nah Ortwein left here this week to visit ?r for h Tog of War. friends In Thamea�ille and Chatham, and shirtwaists, parasols,zailor and uring ke week.—S: be pulled off during Intermisslons of the Lacrosse daughber Maggie, left for Milverton W hate, hosieri, gloves slid the Mai very it 6y at nbo Entries to be sent to the Secretary �v I from there intends accompanying a party of V Match. otherbeeded thin now, while the day xchD61 in St. T emas' churol: is now in Fooil neaday mornijug.—Mr. and Mrs. James ( I y m. July bt.h. lot prize $12, 2nd prW, so. Detroit on the excursi 4.1 ladies to Fort Waynne, Indiana, where she are is eace, I!orotito,:. is a' — . 1, intends remaining a month. Or so.—Dr. he MD]ning.-i- ball match:' Bruasela vo Hurons, of 3eaforbb !Rel&30 Whinney were to bore in plenty. III Mr. W. Peace, of �he Race.—Open to teams of four bons fide. pupilai fro,;� —Mies Alice Hawkins was home fr m her biot Wed are visitir 9 1 Ew Campbell was in the vil lage On nesday Possibly the very things you -want here. Public or Sepirato Schoo's In the county. *h10 &% I Detroitlor a few days.—Mr. and Mrs. now. They' may not he here later� omi iion Bank. r. Win. Fuwlerl tv eis with certificate of teachers as to pupils, !to be last.—Mrs. E. J. Spackman, of Exeter, was deri�l i, The choicest, goods go first. has b Be n here ',vi i i g his mothe! and oth r sent B. Hawkins and Miss Jeckell, of Go to the Secretary by 10 a. m. July 6tb.. 194 y las�, calling on frien� si: left y�ster ay for his ho ne in D, iL- )rize, Picture of King, framed, valued at 16. Second were in the village over Sunday. Th in the village on Saturda According to our judgment alI the tbing u 0 friende.—Mr. a*d Mrk Jcso'h Ellie left a trIze, Fooboall, valued at $3. ih P we offer you are choice. Bu kota. Mrs. Fowlet siad child -an rempap was no service in the Presbyterian -he fore pait of th weeki to visit rela- t, that is EVENING AT REOREATION GROUNDS.' owing to Rev. Mr. Rutherford's abse c here t terial,:come and judge for yotir eeks yet.—Miss Salvage,� 'f imma to sess 0 tives in Manitoba.—A picni6, under the Mitche'41soonp'eaJSunday with M . H. StO . - By kind permission Cf Lieutenant Colonel Macdon- attending the General Assembly in auspices of the Epworth League, was held enson.1 band and the lacrosse club aid and Officers, the Band of the 48th Highlanders in Toronto last week.—Mrs. T. S. Joy,1 —The at Grand Bend on Thursday under the direction of Mr. John Slattar, will iender Nashville, Tennessee is here On a visit - I drove to Brussels o a Thursday, t 6 take P'061 the followiDg rogramme a9slated bydthiatpri Regi. I Visit- A Milline "Whisper, in the celebraltion there.—Master Willie menb Band, ordeafortb, under the ireo ion of Mr. relatives. —Miss Grace Richardson is h� �! Hunt, of Clinton, was I ere this week ry T. R. Browb. —The garden party in 0 j of thi: 5 village.—M iDg Mrs. Hunt, ps. A. McKay., son of Mr. Wm. McKay, o "United Empire" Hughes fr6m. Mdile6ka. Murdock has been visi bing i4 Holm�sville, Although our bate are genera 1he English church here w Uy hot sp-� onto, land form c f Seaforth, has dls��Oii March Milltarle. nection with 4t a i cepted by all fashionable women:ag bigh e Bands of the 83rd Regiment and 48th Highlanders her former home, during the �'past week. e Quite a large �number lRe aTt, -we guiehbd himself in %e recent e aminatiQ 8 2. Grand National Fantasla,,Robert Bruce,Bonniseau decided success. from neall and atandaid in'millinery at th stand n Introducing Patriotic Airs of Bonni Scotlind i Are great. 8) ool, Toront 9 at ly elated by� the success they Solo Samnambu I vicinity attended the irner stone laing at, 1 the ho 'or p i Als in the R at year x- 8. 01krionot 1% y the Kippen, on Thursday fternoo'n. Aesson. amontTechni n � I " Soloist, Thomas R. Brown, accompanied BaYfleld. ttdried tbia for Hu On b] amingt�om —The d e Drict meetin It is not strange! though when �011 , Mrd Regiment Band John Fraser, Conveyancer, Notary Pu der of ddfello A lar district, Independw t Order of Regimental Marches of the Famous Sootch�'Regi- Agent for J&nadlain Express Money Orders. the beautiful creations. There is an lent� arranged by John Slatttr. Band of the %mount of money to loan at current rates of intere was eld here on V 7 adnesday ev Ing. '; Wo elegance and refluemenl; to the style, 48th Highlanders. 179l.t The fam Ing id the inclement weather, ore was a erivate funds 6. solos on the Great Military Baggipei. NOTES.—Mr, Peter antelo6 went to the which appeo�la to the careful drene small attendance of. repreeentativbr. Mr, fi. An American Sketch, Down outh, Lyddleton BLOWS.—A large number of our citi a 3s West on Tuesday last. —MissKate Halliday We will put, our very besb H. G boon, q an elected diet icb and of 48th Highlanders. took in the excursion from Goderich to I el workmanship _f Lucan, w and Mrs. M. M. Card H also went West. upon any hat you may choose to i h pelit week.—Mrs. John Whiddon hf� ave depu y grand. master Aft r th 4 31 INTERMISSION. i troit las We wish them a plessaat trip,—The weather trimmed. 1 et ren wer . I i blo th-an * taineT , upp,or P, sit Oiends in I I .—C6ronation Day the b - h e enter t h lodge I Scotch Reel In Cootime. 1be-British Flag,kapply here on Monday,: to vi keeps very cold for Ju 3e Sailors and read� to wear hats -are here the ueen's hotel, by the Seifo 2: Iuapwial Fantasia, Under . NorthweA. —Mrs. James Armstrong, of it 1P Ilk Y, Introducing National Aira-ef the British Colonies Bronson line, also went to visib friends it,i was observed at Brussls and Belgrave, in good assortments and at most temptio'g Dr. ampbell, of BrDoklyn, Ne, York,7 8 Burgomal3tLr Luders this locality.—Heqjnq will be late.—Wm. little prices. S. 'Selection Great i visiti Band of 33rd Regiment —On Wedn .01) week, 1A ig o r en a in and around Seafor't Dakota. eaday of )a 4r Bernard and Annie Craig were married on —Mrs. 0. E. Ral,, of Detikoit, has be n 4. HumorousPiece, The Chantieleers, Hartmann nie, second daughter of Mr. Thomas gqr'� Band of 48th Highlaudors. J1 Wednesday last, at -,-he residence of the Fretty Fabics '.Fnr Summ.er her siste risou, was united in marriage to M.�, iii thei March Boys of the Old Brivade bride's mother, on the 7th line, and Harry spenc ing a few da h here wit 5. 3rous young farmer of Qed- Mrs. B. Sprost, nd her in ther, Mrs. 'Banda of 33rd Regiment and,4fth Highlanders Proctor, a proap( Duncan and Annie Sp r, of the 4th line,. on Dresses. -for thl Jam IR id, who is still here.—Mrs. F.Cape Auld L&Dg Sync God Save The King. erich township. We wish them long I the same evening. Nea�rly everybody got a vere illn60.- and happiness.—Mrs. William ownse d, No lack 'in' variety- The light, is im )roving from her recent se bid to the wiBddin af ADWISSION:--w-Afternoon. Adults 25c Ladies 16c, visi I g party held rs J —;.Th;re are 42 gir. a and 392 bo3 8, making a formerly of the Bayfield concesnon, vist 4 Graig's, on Wednesday evening, June 25th: dress fabrics -that are being worn this abi summer are;mow i i tot nee -Children 10 Evening, Adults 15�!, Ladies 10c, friends in thisT vicinity lately. -Mr. 00 in 91-VI'Veomm" Snit - t ie Seatorth I ()ollegiate Il tit exarhi' J. H. BELOADFOOT—W. K. PEARCH,—J. L. 11MLORAN, W, of Porter's Hill is laying ceincri't ary Alichie went; to Turnberry prominence here in tlai's store. al of 14, wiffingbri the entri I Miss M at I UtP Mayor Chairman. Treasurer, Secvet%ry. sday.—Siatute labor 18 The Intf-resting Souveuir Book of Reginient-* The & week. I floors for J. Fraser.—Several picnic ps�xt.oa over for another year. Th doun i met on Oar displays show -sururner stuffa in ex"P. ';Marobes of Famoue Scotch ReTiments, nicely ar- have been to the take this week, bu� the Monday . last. —Anew radli4 has neen built tionally diversified and promising hues. f tb ranged for Plano, coin be obtainel for 25eentq y eDjoying 5 an4a U-] 1W,111 the plot era o e Maitland- weatheris rather coldfor full The new cotton! stuffs were never more tn. 1 1802-1 - at Badmin bridge. The job 4onia was'a grood bank 6me to have their plots olcined 0, ed otell,gurely day at the lake front.—Sam M ore appeat tieing than they are'now. Y and sidd kindly call at cemetery At oncj�htd 6ee ------ one and niuch eeded. say so too, ',hen you see tbem. what �,he� I ant done, as I desire to Yet everything before Reeve Stanbury, to answer a cl� ith! ps cleaned'as soon as poisible. D.McLBiNAN. 180 farm as well as the animals kepb, around the of assault and battery, and got off w to 25o rri Butter.—Wo offer� I for institutions. All were highly deli$bted log costs, to the amount of $5.—A g�rden SUMM'er Underwear 20 I be' delivered di4ring with what they saw and the attentioni paid party, under the auspices of the Pres�yter- st t mee tube or bo i of buttei DEATH Or, R. C. TRE.' nqz.—It be- t market the oollege and farm officials. Your Chafice Is Now July, 5c, 4.o and 3c a pectively, over highes to them by ian choir will be held in Mr. Lewis �'boM- comes our sad duty recor I the death of price. G. E. KING$ il Igham. he home trip was made in -good time and son's orchard, on the evening of Fgiday, T one of Exeter's most opulat and promising Have you h6 -need for additional light W :LL McLEOD E 1%Iways gebting in Now the trip was concluded without any 'unto- July 4th, when a splendid prqgramm, e of '6 the berson I R. C. I X , usic and Musical In trumonts, aliso sole agent for young business men, of weight underwear ? Then we have In ward event occurring to mar the enjoyments music and other amusements will be 0. T'emainet Bi A. Sc. On the 14th, inst. this store a fortunate chance for you. the Famous Gerbar Heintzman & Mendcl�shon r P Piano'sJ One 6 ootav Orgaa for ,all , cheap. Xall of the day. These annual excuraious� seem Remember the date, July 4th.—Mrs. (Rev. he was compelled to take t his bed, with An opport4nity to choose from all the 9 -VaTiety .c. and see him. ftut aide of C'u;TBit's ie*elry year by year to become mpre enjoyed by the Dr.) iqcrimger, of Montreal, 1a visitial her what was thought to be rn�mps, but later pppular kipdo, in all'the.different :sizes, store. 1102.1 people, and there is now not a more popular mother. Mrs. Gardiner. ionly a few d VENCE MACHINLS.—We are gents e in the Province for a day's out� Dg than fever was feared, and it was,, aye and at priceB—well, the very owet 5 41ozen 4 a i o that his ailment was �,ronouuced per- Wine wom�n who are -look-Ing Afer the t a1g 'OL e ,Londo�'� Fence Machines, price $9. C 11 and ex i� th&e7eUxperimeutal Farm. The ;,railway an ll �f &zen i them. Sills& Muidi , Seaforth. 1802-2 Zurich. e se�lmed somewhat prse's interests, abould know what I i thorities did everything possible, u0er the better, but dariikg the night took aturn for good, cool, servioable underwear vots 3 Big shirt waist 3 le at Picks, d1a on S4tur- circumstances, for the �otufort Ind pla!'ety of MATRDIONIAL.—The following rorn a e. I the worse, and n W ednes sy m6kning, at at this stor, 4 dozen day afternoon and even ing. 1802-1 the pasaengers. correspondent will be read with interest ly I 1:15 o'clock th spirib �too its flight. On In the - *hitewear department, Alsq, thera 01dr PLANTS FoR will sell the re- athe rev. gentleman's many Old friends and 9 dozea Dr. ight, GO Tuesday evenin his uncle Are. s�mo g' d offerings. mainder of my plaut, c n Friday and Saturday, 5tine i logo parishioners in and around this vi 11 JoZei 27th slid 28th, regirdleas of plicc. Mrs. 0. W. Diiblua- of Toronto, a d his� daughter arrived, 2.1 At the comfortable residence of M 0. these ere he )nIV relatives 8 dozen, Papal i, eaforih. 180 will �be �ime I T It doesn't cost a cent and it Maunders, Morrie township,'aouth of Bras- and Sensible. Floor Coverhigs. Alother big sbo offering for Saturday. well event if you'll come and look i at the eels, a very pleasing andi happy mEi ial the deceased ad ear h m. In r social, 66 pairs men's laced on I gartsr booh, regular sp and choice 'materials weare selling" for:' dainty tri 0 athletic aildbuainess ir'cles alike,Mr.Tre- Linoleums 16r your hall, kitchen, b&th�: air. !Sim. engagement was eutere� into Wed,�e.qs room. Straw mattinge for your bea- $ oDds, on Saturdkir mly, 98 cents I-ery maine will be much missed. I His genial dia- yet serviceable r3ummer gowns. In our Mus- pica in South windDf. W. H. I illia.si(en or evening, 18 h inst., when Rev. John H, Irr position, large heart i ud wi� won for him a rooms during the summer moutbt. (;eoqe.-A. Slater a 0 1 1SQ2-1 wne, Dimities, Ginghams, etc., the Methodist minister, tied the nuptia b D Both these duralile floor coverings lead -001- are good—the patterns are ''good—the host of frie 3 doze,, no 1� neEs to the� roome do no 1104 M)NEY 0 N.—, o oan n first 'Class d, between Rev. Charles Finkbei r, pas, r f nds. He , v" a kraduate of the n oril �a4e the sum ly Lt Tam EkFo81- materials are good and remember it doesn't Toronto School of Sc ie ice kd- a Rractical OU 600. App koph, the Evangelical church,. SebriDgville, Pe th I like wool. Always fresh!T"4h"t and TDR Office or to Jacob Buxer or Joa(ph Kraus costwmore thau the trouble yoa to";. to see an I- electrician, being join ; ?roptietor with Mr. OZP_n exect tois of the eatata of Cebaqtioz i Weis, D,ubliD county, and Miss Lizzie, the, second Charles Snell, in the F etet Electric Light cleam, 6 d these pretty stuffe. They are hereL, at The ter of the hostess. The ceremony 1891-,3 r- You'll not get better opportunity tis M�kk P. 0, I 18021 CompaDy. He was On y 26 ye*rs -of age , - - I S dozeu birds, lormed on the lawn, under an we.;g son than now for selection; E. McFaul Co.'s, Store Seaforth. eve 0 n a reside Eal 'Exeter for fiv 4 dozen: E a that will batch - exhi:)ition Fic.xic%—The people's popular ptpuic, to arch from which a floral bell was suspe�n 1, and had bee of e froir bwo pens of Bla! 3k Hiaoreas, la Ve in 8iz6 and years. His death hall ast vi gloom over the true standard color, th besb layers if large eggs of be held here on Dominion Day. promises to The bride looked charming in a. very b�c( all I wig, satisfactior guaranteed, �1 per i8ciiing whole village. Home Decorations for the - be a grand succeas'. Good prizes are sure to ing costu* me of white orgp6ndie and car-rie 3 a 0o a full line of b Aeepors' supffles. I ly. . BRIEFS.—Misa Lilh, ust n, daughter of Wind I B36"wax bring good sports and keen �compotiLion. boquet of rosee. !She was attended by .118 OWS'Etc.. wa.nt,A'� Wm. Hartry beatorth. 1,790 Mr. H. E. Ruston, is di- The magnificent purse of $24 for the �tug of Davey, of Toronto, who was tastef 11 i. I wi &pen Over 100 dozen f ago bought lat a sacrifice itio, at Crediton, whE eh has been en- When YOU to -see QUf lace burtaial fbr U� for decoration ir b old chc�p war contest will certainly bring -thb best tired ia -bluel.organdie and carried p,x k 0 a lacy, a h'.Posesf Will 1892.1 at roses. Earnest MayAnders wa the Mi gaged as milliner. —Rev. Mr. Knowles, of You 11 say they are a PickArd & Co's, $eafoll teams that Logan, MoKil�lop, ibl ert and a T oil] 3- Visitors to 8 th on the 0 �oys"Day- tackeramith can produce. T is si billed man. The w�dding march was playe I y Crediton, preaobed in James Street Metho- in eff t i3,d a3 handsome as you - COO— t diet chu I rch on Sabb t!h.— he strawberry ask To' havre them. Satisfaction vited to take hand refre yta lidi of'St. Thomas rch in the a re foinieriy oc- letio a' orts, with dancin it, d6io by good style. Congr�atulations over the we d I " 10doz a al Ohl e to with the for 10.30 a. m., so come early. ier ath- Miss or& Maunders, sister of the brid I P go an social, held e L dier,' id Society of free with every pair we sell. p by Greig & M 18ftX1 M &in Street Method it t Ichur Browns orchestra, will entertain yo i during ding party sat down to well­la�en t�bl a h, on Monday Besides lace curtains, it io here yoxi VVIII .10 -doz, ATOVED �Mj Broderick a remo I ing e ;.a assured even, e a sl find the i fun of rielt R I theafternoon. Aroyalgoodtim where the best of the land was.served. 1 9' e ing, was quit luccee I some 69-6 being other draparlef, 6 doz, bis h rness shop twc doors Nopm of his pr�4enb realized.—J. G. Stanbuiy, rriater. attend- coloring, r' eody " make your row� tb everybody attending. Come an4' enjoy wedding gifts were well chosen, valus e A inviting. Splendid choos- a An into the store formerly occupied by Stark & I ours�lf. and useful, "d in addition to those fm n ed the "s -zoo at God( rich -la 3t weeki where secluded an %a ay, in tho'Cady I lock, next door to R. Willie & he secured a -1 me t for $1,200 for his ing between the art zateens, Muslim D. r 1801-1 his locality came from Toronto, Galt, LiE t t client,in a bre 0 of promi �e action.—Mr. and cretonn'es. M FROHANT TAILoR Busi For F��e a Wmthro wel and Mauiboba. Brussels Method i it i see Do ipe and Taman, 3 a.fl but fresh up to date stock of t eels, hat4 and Sabbath school, in which the bride wai a Robinson and Al The best is none too gnoil for ou. nt,e furnishings &Iso tallorei complete outfit, furni- BLACK CAT HosiERY.—The sale !of this teacher, presented a nice silver and cryitil of Blyth. pen Suaday with friends in are the best of tbeir kind-. They are�*!-, AIC �r�pid 6 V nstone an daughter, Of ways to berbad here. ro nd furDiabings. Best stand In %,illage kf *hich famous stocking is increasing ly' berry dish. The groom bestowed a d town.—Mrs. I : - - I %eb maybe had, On one other tailor in 011%ge Xiothers are learning its true worth.' Boys Brantford, who were vi3iting the former's watch on the bride, and a gold bracelet ut TREFOUSE GLOVESI o ovei-900populatiou. No better opeDiDg. #PPIY are realizing how hard it is to we6r them sister,, Mrs. (Dr,) Amos, have returned G J.Sutberland,l,'cii3voyancer,Htnoall, i6gentfor 0 1 ot. Reasons : They have triple! heels— to the bridesmaid. Rev. and Mrs. bome. —The -M IE'838 Mina a , Marie Thorn. -BLACK OAT HOSIRIM. re-, Mary Ellen Pope, adminibtrator cf etitate of the d e and beiner left WednesJay evening for a 3 18 CORSETS, te'J.ohu Pope, of Hen"ll. 1892.1 triple knees—good yarn—gocd y ding trip to Niagara Falls and other po lbs ton, of Woodstock, are the guesto of Mrs. CROPTON good knitting. This ij why theV wash bet. Fowell.—W. H. Trot is recovering from his thss W -If H.6USEKEEPER WANTED. — Iqimediately,. r better than any 1 1 other line on Of interest before returning to their, hom n 4TANDRD PATTERNS.- .must have experienc , good cook, re iable and iust. ter and wea, recent illness. l Sebringville. miortllyk� Apply to E e Ball poet othc& �or to Lqt 15 the market. The E. McFaul 6o. are; agents Entiiv ion J, If ay. beral wages will be paid to on a BSE for Seafortb. 18021 t s itable pelOnk Jol Paterson, Fariu6n 1802-1 BlUevale- Hen'sall. I w NOT_9s.—QLAte a number frcdO tbi place $ 1 NoTzs —The funeral of t late Whitfield *The One horse, Ch on and buggy for*15ale took advantage of the cheap 6xcurs on 0 J. G. Stanbury, B. A.,* Barriliter'Solicii 3r I 11 I - �c eap. Apply to 3ey & Smiley, 86aforth. � � Notary, Conveyancer, money to loan, Exeteo, Ont Jermyn, on Wedneed y of lait week, was. 0an4dia 1802-1 Guelph -last week., —Mr. and Mrs. N a, o At Hensall every Tuesday, 171,2 largely'attended. r.'Jermyu died from a Minneeota, are visiting friends i an E* CFAFL Seat& ei Big reductions 11 11 through the* Bto�e in Ickardo Saturday al n and eveniug. 1802 1 around tbis vicinit�.—Rev. Mr. ever LOCAL BRIEFS.—Quite a large nu er turnor on the brain, e used by a blow from West o k Adv t, a failing li 9 preached his farewell sermon in the et o- from Heneall and vicinity t o a gat mb, some rr�ouths a o. A few Tende're will �e received ul :to Monday, on Friday and Saturday last, of -the o4p, �lays before his death as thought to be Dry Gooes Cu:- Fine Vt. June 30tb, at 7 p. m., I or the excluswe booth �rivi dist church, east of here, on S�nday. — ri excursions to Guelph, Sarnia and.De t improving and v as ab eit up among his Gerinan n dly 6th, Huron ing to the absence of Miss Simeon, organist a at the Recreation Grounds Lo ard 81 West 01 ,�10�1"drloyo'celebratior. Addresetendirs to M PROD of Cavan church, her poAition was filed by The strawberry festival,. held on the 'Th f amily, but af tei ward i4to a deep sleep c4th's reatest Cash and manse grounds, on Tuesday even.og from which he nould no bel aroused. Re Miss Ida MeSpadden last Sunda .—Mr. last, was largely attended and much 611jOy'.. was 47 years of age ad lea�es a wife and weeks and Mrs. Robert Morrison, of Bru efield, Dry Goods Store. I I CLEAN Up. —Fox the past col le, of ed. The 33rd regiment band, from S five children. Mr. t'. ermyl removed from ry inspector, � and visited friends in this locality last S nday. 'Major Anderson eanita, enlivened the proceedings by, a numbel )i Wingham neverd yeirs ag� and took up 'We are sorry to state that' Mr. Wm. his k taff have bee a busy cuttiE g the grass selections. The grounds were nicely �epo._ farming in. Tuberry, and last spring —Mr.1 !, James an of 0 and, noxious wee� a on the stree a and 4ong Galbraith is still very poorly. ated and brilliantly lighted with electricib r, bought Mr. Joryu Bo8mau�s farm, n th Swal Blu 'vale, gave sadd the' iidewalks. T 24 i major has I pit the street Nicholson lost a valuable cow last Week.— e isna and sposkers while the refreshments were all that 04 d Bluevale road, re'he resfded and wher Only a few of the music in good shape, but would like �he co- olper. Mr, John Aitcbeson has returnedl home be desired. The gate proceeds and sale i if he died. He w 8 a miamber of the : ethod. announced t6 take part in the programmo izen in this wi irk. Unless v.�er spending -a few montbe with.frl'nds in represent, butin thenoisend oo ation of every cit ice cream amounted to S108.—Mr. Jaoies ist body, and w b ri d. fr6m �their church. we peo de keep their Own lots in good shape and Detroit and other plsoes.—Mr. and Alto. u4ie of serving freeilloe-crearn and other refresh- fe from weeds, t is next to impossible' to Fowler, of North DakoLa, visited friends Dolgaty was in the village' this week,J v i r. m. Sorr6rvill),-who moved o the ents in the building, speeches wore not ing his sister' Mrs. James Sparks.—Mr. village from Palmers on, a U three years m ha the streets 6oking' well. With , this here last week. 'bra' 8 band kepb- much missed. Lucknow a W. J. Miller has got established in his ne ago, died on Sunday evenin after lan ill- ajor has ask, ness of several weeksd He leaves a widow their appointment, rain or shine, and.neirly in view, the )a us to re I � - i I I new two storey cement shop Mr.and h aw.i que! t the property owners to I nd their aid Staffa. burst the hall'and innumerable ear p A. Dent, of Mitchell, wore in the villag( (in and grown-up famil'. The remain were, an thusletviaitin'sto town see what a Bub what would wehavel.done without- !Busy times at The E. McFaul Co.'s Monday,vitibing Mr.and Mrs. J. Sutherla� ffl. taken toPalnierston for builal or Wlednes uld be n and pretty ld ice Seaiorth is. On July S —Mrs. Mallough Mi 4 U., MZOU , them ? We are sure their mnetal 'wo eal tore, Seaforth, There's a business reason The Masons of this village, together 90 It h day. Is L an gh 5b j Ek large number of the old oys and, old very pleasing o u� tBidep and we will doubtlew ng div, ud M why they, are always busy in there—Dry visiting brothers,� intend attendi no a iss Nellie May' McKinney viited in h%v-.e an o,pport�nity of bewri iirl'�i will be back here, and oui town shiOuld Goods valu,)s are genuine. A " Bay so" in service in Carmel church on Sabbath el'T.2- Kincardine recently. -Sixty-three 0 ng it in it'spro'. Is beF t on that day tor "Or" - is repeated be looking it' th�e paper is a 11 do so" in the a e.� But we ing first.—Miss Grant, of Thornyburst, is bought their tickets f6r the Model Farm at per placewhen the garden arty started to tell you that now you get an ex. tht the manse visiting her sister.—Quite a Bluevale station, on Tuesday of last week - Over $36 was :taken In, which covers *I enBes, and the; congregation bas reason to Bui The collent chance for chooFiing material for a _e EYFICIENT IJTETI,�N large number from Exeter attended 11 the smallest number wehavie known for a -on such a night. thanks of the Poo le of Seafort are dutl Mr. d inty summer gown. Nothing I thankful it fared. so well I ieking in strawberry festival on Tuesday evening 13 t. good many years.—Illre. Wm. Mes­ Somerville, agent (if the GreW Northwbat- p�etty mueliDs, Dimities, Lawns, I Ging- —Miss Katie Robertson, of this villa 0, been cn the sick list f late�—Mrk. and Mrs, —Garden parties at Belmore and Gorriezaud 4 dozi a church affuir it Molesworth, on the earns ern Telegraph Q,ompany, fDr the �very hame, Prints, etc. The prices ar6�nteresk- this week received the ead tidings of a �v� y John Bosman of ipgha�,n, formerly of night, shared in our misery, To cap the, 6cient bulletin service he unfortunate accideub which bappened, d Morris last thatl - 0 . laupplied the in,g in their lowness. 1 o Blaevale, visit, d rien �n climax some sueak entered the boll pub,i3 in the ma Aer of the lines% of the LoCAM.—There will not be any service in her brother Angus, who is foreman of a 4 io week.—The Willing Wbrkera of -the M etho- Kin:, and the subsequent diab chure night and stolo several baskets of vncut-,, POBTOnerr`64t Of the Staffa Methodist church'next !'Sunday, lumbering company in Minnesota. h will hold a gard�en party abort- eskes and other dainties. We hope they the 3oronation c(lebration. Through these owing to it being the service in the grove, pears be was engaged in loading* care h ly. —Rev. W. J. WeE t,l M. 1 A., exchanged went hard on his " inards." bull Ains, the pu b tie were ent bled to kpa n as in former years. In the morning, at, 11 logo and one of them being unexpecte �y pulpits with, Rev. Mr. Stuatt, of Belmore, as n tkch of the affair on Tuesqay as app�ar- 0 clock and 7 in the evening, Rev. M r, Hart, pushed foriward by a falling log, he w Sibbath last.—Idi�ses Burd tte Geddes, of ed in the d ily e pere on V� ednesday,f al. of Atwood, will preach. At 2m o'clock in caught by the car and knocked dow i. Brussels, and Mabel e , of Morris, a't- �One of the'few remaining pioneers thol gh, of 0 urse, the apers yvent rno�ei in- the afternoon Rev. Mr. McAillav, f Mi6. While his, body fell cleat! of the tended the garden party F1 dwy evening.— North Easthope passed away, a 0 to detail. b is not in this ilistance "lY, chell, will preach. The follo'willg'Taesday, his legs were caught, breaking both of the r Mrs. Hall and�i ebildriu, f Toronto, are ago. at the homo of her sonkin-law-, that! Mr. Sprntrewille, has furnishe&' ithe eiiou8ly than the other. Wef') visiting at the manse. 'Mi Je D videon, buncan St-swait,lot 23, concession 1002 1�ews to the pubi , but on the Occasio, July lot, there will be a picnic.in the grove. one more a, of Wroxeter, v:j,itBd �cr r�n a f he n' Of Tom will be served from 5 to 8.' The' Mrs. Chris- the person of Mrs. Ja­neb Hart, reliet o re will lieve his brother John, of near Chiselhu it, A I I any importa t e 7i int, we knoN 7 of it alnJost also be speaking by different ministers, and intends g(da out to see him as soon as cs- topher Moffatt, last . kwler, late Hugh Har�. The decased lady bad,, 9 as a on as itl has o 3curred. 11r. Somqr�ile games. —Little Bertha Carmichael has been* sible. lathe meantime hein-being 0 eeswater, vi ated Triends, on Ithe Bluevale reached the advanced age of nearly 88y.ears,� Df road over 13un('ay.--I� B yKe, of Mil- and had been i to Ain -a a vertoD, spent Su tiday with ial Biste�, Mra. fewmouths of her death, which 'Was, no days, and no one thou' bt her case was so I has one all �his gr%tuitously,a 3d for his sler- called home. She was only sick a couple of cared for by friends and -by the member Ir. B ri good health up W vice he is entitl -A to the gt titude of the 9 the OJdfelIows of'which society he i dor 11. of �ale roadi—Mr F. B. doubt. hastened by an acoiden citi, no of &af serious. Herdeath was quite, unexpected. member.—A social und"er the auspice� Wm. Maxwell, Blue' t she receiv Her remains were laid to rest in the Staff& the junioeE b and G� ajo. rs. Hart was born ia, pworth Leogue will be held GO Scott visited in 'Xuelp 11, last week. 'a short time nTHE AR_.�IIER4 ExcuRsiox, —The far'm. cemetery on Monday. Her little companions Robert JarroWe laWU this (Friday) e a. —Mr. and Mrs. obeq King an� children, of �Terthabire, Scotland, and ci*me to Canada ers'excursiodto tie Model Faim,atGu�lph, and school ma�ea marched from the home to ing.—Mro. J. G. Sbanbury and -Miss F 1, Goderich, visits th�ir nu e�ous relatives 1842. 8he bad lived in .Nrth athOPO und qr the auspief a of the SAO and East the cemetery. of Exeter, were in the vi!lage on Tue. V and friends hereaboutk, this ;webk.— Irs, J. since coming W Canada. Stretford, was tb& Hu on Farmers'I stitutes, on Friday last, MARRIED ix BRrrisH COLUMBIA. A oor. calling on friendr.—The funeral of the Robertson, of Wr eter, !is Ivisiting her —St. Joseph's Mr.,1ohn Pupe,pn Friday afternoon, as daughter, Mrs. Rober Bla te was, in every r epee , a, success. The respondent in Vancouver, British Cot-umbia cil. , W hat would scene of a quiet� wedding Tuesday morning MissMakry,eldest dau r weather: was de i htful, bein neither oo sends us the following, dated June 18bh largely attended.' A service was held ini he have been one o the most soccessful, church of laetweek,wl. day col nor too w!arr il There e 200 tickets ",A very pretty wedding took place on Metbodist 'church, conducteA by the P&G r, gatherings in y are vy as sp iled, on Vri of Mr. and Mrsf� James Gollinn,, of that dltYi happy bride of Mr. Wme gol ab Seaforbh it ation, an tie other; sta- Wednesday evening, Jane llth, athe reai. Rev. G. Jewitt, assisted by Revef. LODg ind evening last, w en th i gentl 4ut persistent became the tiono along the ri it �te must w re been pro- dence of Mr. Dugald MacMilIan, of 13th Henderson, and 1wu of a very impreel me rain began to fa I on the t lee, stands and era, of Saginaw, Michigan. Miss Kate CW- -preparati no of the no sister of.the bride, was ncharacter. The' specious ch 17 other esbyterian gar- Ii bridegmaic por ionately well : epresent . There were avenue, when his eldest daughter, Jennie urch 11 C. C. crow brother of the two trains, conta aing 27 coa es, and�they Boyd, was united in m%rriaige to Mr' ded. The Masonic and Canadian " r. den party, laid ut on the rounds f Mr. Mir. John Wate'ra, of Luj;an, a were all so fill that even a anding roorm, McRae of this city. The ceremony. was per- der of Foresters lodges, of which theil de- Henry Diment. Coulusion ud diss�ppoiat- groom, was beat man. The ceremony -was at a prerniu . Guelph w�s reachefdl, in formed by Rev. G. A. Wilson of tbe Mount ceased was it member, attended, wh 13 it ment reigned upreme for the first half performed by Rev. Dean Kilroy, D. hour, and then the compuy filed to the the presence of the goo� time, and t e gues s war(! most h6spit. Pleasant Presbyterian chur,3h. The home the grave - each society conducted v near rlatives and' eta from adis� Wj received b Principal N ills an& the was beautifully decorated with plants and solemn and, impressive funeral ceremon, Foresters' hall, here ic�oinfuajn was supr6me friends. There, were no guc nir was quiet, owing t other officials of It ie college. flow -ere. The bride was gowned in' cream, Very muoh� sympathy is felt for the wi w until bed time, but, slap] 0 tment gave tance, and the 4a 0 th& were en Mr. ind and five young children. —Miss Mabel . place to laught rat t) le Mi erable'and uni- recent death of 'the bride's tather. tertainedat lune after which the ex:c,�ur. � silk with trimmings of chiffon, and old point 3mployed heir time a'ried a ton, of London, was home this week Or que predicame t, Rev. W. J.- West was Mrs. Waters Will reside in�­Saginaw, where Bien sts 4 exam Ding he lace yeil and orange blossoms, and c r 0 h ipir, w a DJ le ,h experimentalplot a the several departniel2te bouquet of white carnations and smilax. &day orso ona I visi . Mrs i o riot, I'd chairman, and Rev Messrs. Hobbs, of Mr. Waters -b", a good position with 11 Wingbam of iinstruotion and bhe various parte ol�, the She was vitteuded by her sister', Miss Flora, her daughter, M�s Martha, of London, I e D�nn of Whibeoliarch, and min-wg compaD __j