The Huron Expositor, 1902-06-27, Page 5[ng.
for the tan -
d childr+tda
it does not;
Lot accainte-
make ;mealy
.eeerves the
i• the fiaese
and can be,
ade for 'all
viei kkL
bber gee
and leat
id pans
1ce cents
tree year old
tt, the price
ecently pnr-
-John Dun_
eh Columbia.
ks holidays.
. went west-
week. -0a
rriiith arrived
h Columbia,
ahn. He is a
Smith, and
ten y eare.
, is calling on
John Currie
his week for
hretford, for
o• f Stratford,
t the regular
ier of United
rtion of con-
; To Mr.
a and mem-
nt Order of
te thia oppor-
At aympathy
sustained in
We assure
feel deeply
'our children
Wa feel
.,,an give but
a pray that
e ruler of an
afa and sor-
e consolation
1 when, thief
you in that
no more.
, George E..
Wm. Neal,
ihtrguson, re -
:a• Johnston
Lendon, last
the aurround-
ion to Guelph
is at Galt
✓ sister, Mrs.
Iev Galianger
tii friends in
Nettie John -
r parents here
turned to her
ears. MeNab,
els, exchanged
troth morning
readay school
tndreve John-
ef July lat.-
hich Mr. and
sported safely
Larde Simpson
• strawberry
this week.-
acatior .-
a Kenny has
vith frierida in
for Saturday-
, e regular 12 =Id
3 Der pair. Sam -
Cilia, agent for
hirt waists are
:e waists are
e E. McFaul
many different
beauty at the
It and assort -
'este, Corsets,
1802- I
dal under the
et church, will
eerge Dale this
regiment band
slam An ex -
e given. The
ted for their
uch occasions,
will do theit
a refreshments
cal time may
cared ant. If
arter off the
suit t
all clothing
ason's trade.
' :BRIT:FL-FM:, W. Irving, of Toronto, Wal3
town thie week. -Quite a number of far -
ere took n the excursion to the Model
last Friday.-eMr. James Snell, of
desborce was in town Thursday. com.
pleting arrangements for his trip through
the Western.- States in the interests of the
Sheep Breeders AbbOeilltiOD. They are send-
* him to Illinois, Idaho and 'Wyoming
Oates to call on the large ranchers for the
pitrpose of selling their sheep to them, as it is
Ilan. known that no sheep compare with the
Canadian Leicester, arid as Mr. Snell under-
stands sheep thoroughly there is no doube
it that he will make a auceeas of the
.tip. Befoke he returns he intends going o
to California, then back to -Calgary, Brans
don and Winnipeg, where he is to he a
jaage at their fairs. -Mr. dames Forsyth,
of Toronto, visited his sister, Mrs. John
Henderson, over Sunday. -Blyth ministers
ate busy this month uniting couples together
fer life. It is a good many years since there
Was as many -marriages and yet there are more
ta follow in the near future. Ia fact, it
•stems aa though there would be no bacia
• e ors and maids left, if all the marriagee
a place that are spoken of. Mr. John
harm and Miss Healy were _united toe
ther at the Catholic church last. Monde.y
[rporning, before a large •orowd.-At the
home of her mother, on Tuesday, Miss Nel-
lie Stalker was united in the happy bonds of
!Matrimony to Mr. D. Geddes of, Belgrave,
by the Rey A. MeLean, before a large
umber of invited guests. After partaking
of a sumpittoue lunch the happy couple left
on the 345p. m. train for a short wedding
trip before taking up their home at Bei'
gave, where the groom is an enterprising
tailor. Miss Stalker will be missed ia
' musical circles, where she has taken an
, active part, haying sung in the Fresher -
Whin choir for a number of yeare.-A quiet
wedding took place at the residence of Mrs:
' McElroy, Dinsley street, on Wednesday„
when her daughter, May, was joined in
wedlook to Mr. Charles Walsh, of London,
hy Rev. A. McLean. The happy couple left
lithe. 3.4train for tbeir future home in
;hondon, fo lowed by the well wishes of the
hole co munity.-The Methodist choir
iipent last Friday at the Menisatung Park
nd report, having a moat enjoyable- time.--
iss A. Mi Anderson is visiting relativee
end friend* in Detroit at present. -Another
Of Huron'el boys has come to the fronti
Thie timet is Mr, John Ross, a son i4
Mr. Thom a Ross, of East Wawanesh. Mr.
llRoss has leen teaching in the Northwest
or a number of years past, but has now
been offered, and has accepted the head of
the Educational Department of the Kloter.
ike, with headquarters at Dawson. He
essumes his new pbaition in August and we
e no doubt but that he will make a sue-
- a of it as he thread everythinghe goee at.4
v. Mr_ MoViear and family, of Braces
thridge, are at present Dit
visiting Rev. r1.
eLean. Mr. MoVieer preached tine
plendicl sermons, morning and evening, in
e Presbyterian church, relieving Mr. Me-
an. -Rev. Mr. Perthall preaches his fare-
rvell sermon in the Methodist church, Sun-
day evening, and there is no doubt • there
will be a large crowd as Mr. Penhall is ver
popular. -Mr. and Mrs. Beese spent Sunda
ip Milverton, at the latter's parents. -Mies
Whale, who has conducted the millinery
department for Mrs. Graham, left for ' her
home in Drayton on Tuesday.
JUNE 27 1902
Perth N otes.
-Miss Seegmiller, of Hastirgs, Nebrask ,
• is visiting friends in Stratford.
-Miss Jessie Anderson, from Glesgow,
Bcotland, is visiting at Dr. Naismith's, Mil -
'tartan. .
-Mr. Wm. Merrymanager of the Boy'
ain Stratford, arrived in that city la t
, tr
week, from Eogland.
-Mr, and Mrs. H. C. Eford, of Mitchell,
sailedon Thursday from Montreal for Eng-
• land, They expect to be away moat of t e
the price of general purpose ho4s ran
dowu to 5122.50. Drivers sold at $72,50 to
$120, one extra good cite going at 5147 50.
A cheap bunch of horses brought 520 to 550
each. Some thirty -fie all told •eae dia-
posed of.
• SairoRTEI. June g6 1902
t all Wheat (new), Standard 80 78 to 80 78
aeas per bunion- - 0 41 tO 0 44
Peas per buehei--_- 0 76 to 0 76
Barley per bushel.- - 0 57 to 0 57
O 15 015
blu 016
Butter, No. 1.
Butter, tub
OM ••••• •••
grgs per
per 190 Ma- - -
Hay per ten now -
Rides per 100 ftE..
Sheep Skins.... • • • • • ••
WOO L• •••• •••-••• • .•••• •••• • •• ••• • ; e •
EatiktOefi perbush (ne;),.. , 0.85
Belt (retail) per barrel- -.... 1 10
weed per cord (Long) , _ , 4 GO
Wood per Gerd (short). • .. 200
Apples per bag
Clover Seed- - ....
Timothy Seed
Pork, per 100
Tallow, per lb.- - -
O 11 to 0 12
2 00 to 2 10.
7 00 Ito 8.00
5 031to 6 04
0 301 to 0 40
0 13 ]Iro 0 16
to 0 40
to 1 10
to 4 25
1 5401:g ?6, 04
4,0110 1
00' fie 80000
7 60' to 8
041to 005
-Mr. Frank Kerrin, seeond youngest
eon of Rev. J. T. Kerrin, of Jamestow ,
N. Y., came to Mitchell last week, to spe d
the summer on the farm of Mr. W. "h.
Stewart, in Fullerton.
-Mrs. Richard Skuce, an old lady, coph
miffed suicide by jumping out of a winciew
of the House of Refuge, Stratford, on Set-
orday morning last. Her mind had been
affected, but it was thought, she was haqn-
-Mrs. George E. Sawyer, of Mitohereleft
this week for Southern Manitoba, where site
expects to spend a couple of months visiting
friends at various peints in the prairie
province_ •She will be accompanied by Mee.
John Mahaffy, of Hibbert, who also goes chit
to visit friende.
-During the severe thunderstorm of
Saturday. night of last week, the ea rt
house and Hamlet ward school house, in
Stratford was struck by lighthing. llhe
flag staff an the court house was split, aid
the cupola of the school was -partly torn
• -Rev. A. P. Moore, of Christ chat h,
Listoweljbast sent his resignation to be
Bishop of Huron, and last Sunday gave is
resignatiOn of the reetorship to the oong e-
gation. Mr. Moore has decided upon le •v-
ing the miuistry to take up the study a d
praotice of medicine, and will attend one of
the universities for a course.
-There win be about 30 rinks of faur
players each at the Tournament given by
the 'Llatowel Lawn Bowling Club, on July
lab and 2nd next. Entries have beer
ceiVed from the leading clubs in the district,
ineluding a number of rinks from Toronto
and Hamilton. At the Tournament there
will be a trophy series, for each of which
good prizes will be given for doubles.
-On Wednesday of laat week, while Mr.
Charles Snazsl, of Steatford, was cutting
wood with a circular saw, at Mr. Ca F.
`Neild's wood yard, the Raw burst. He for-
tunately dedged the broken part of the slaw
bat was struck with a piece of wood, on the
right cheek, and reeeived a bad cut. pa
examining the broken sew it was found that
it contained a large flaw.
-Mr. George Norris, of St. Marys, •met
with a serious accident a few days ago.
While attempting to lead a refractory horse
which was atteehed to a buggy, the anirnal
reared up, and felling backward took •Mr.
'Norris with It. In the eeneral mix up which
ensued Mr. Norris had his collar hole
-broken and realized a severe kick on the
-The recent anniversery service at Roy's
church, Fullerton, was quite a succeseful
affair. Rev. R J. M. Glassford, of Guelph,
preached two very able and eloquent dia-
couraes on Sunday, and on Monday night
the church was filled to overflowing. The
supper, aerving, singing and speaking were
splendid, amply proving that when Roy's
church does anything it does it well. The
proceeds were about 595.
-Mrs. Sarah Smith, widow of the late
Dairy Markets.
TORONTO, June 24 -Butter -Dem
tinues good for all choice dairies an
ies. Prices are steady. We quote
ere, prints, 19 to 200 ; solids, 19 t
dairy tubs, choice, 15 to 160; tried
to 140; choice pound rolls, 15 •
choice large rolls, 15 to 160, and
dairy, 13 to 14c. lEggs-The m,arket is
steady, with a good demand and liberal of-
, 9 to
eat Que.
to 9io.
her °ali-
o 20e ;
, 19 to
at 13i
to Ina tor round lotof straight r ceipts.
LINDSAY, Ont., June '23 -The Victoria
Cheese Board met here to -day. Mesars.
Flavelle and Fitzgerald were present as buy -
era :
1,350 boxes were on the boarid, which
were equally dieposed of between fthe two
buyers at 9 7-16c.
nd 0=-
1914-o ;
urn, 13
o 16o;
ferings at 14tra
MONTREAL, June 24 -Cheese -The
Is sorrievvhat easier. Finest Ontario
9a; finest townships? 9O to 90 ; fi
bees, 9g to 9o; uridererades, 9t,
Butter -The market fa quiet and re
ier. Finest townships make, 2q
good to fine,r19f-, to 1Ro ; second
Die. Eggs -There is a fair deman
• Gram, etc.
TORONTO, June 24 -Wheat -Re
803 ; white, 78 to 8c; spring, /30 ; goose,
69te per bushel; peas, 84e ; barley, 50e ;
oats, 48 to 490 per hushel ; hay, $10.50 to
512 50; clover, $8 to 59, and etc -a , 55 per
d, 7.& to
TORONTO, June 24 -There is p, fa r demand
and offerings are liberal. Cars on the track
.here are quoted at 75c. Potato s out of
store sell a , 85 to 90c per bag, ace rding to
size of lot,
Live Stock Market
LIVERPOOL, June 24-Ca,nadian
Cattle trade weaker; sheep bad.
LONDON, England, June 24-L
steady at 14 to 160 per poun
weight ; refrigerator beef 111. t
pound American cattle, 71t ; sh
7d ; Canadian cattle, 70.
MONTREAL, Jane • 24 -There were no
prime beeves on the market to-cley, and on-
ly stall -fed beasts ; were a lot of large fat
COWS, which eold at from 5 to per
pound. The best of the grass-fed'eattle sold
cattle 7d.
ve cattle,
, drelleed
12o per
ep, 6-11 . to,
at from 4tc. to near 5c, and the
from 3 to qo per popenl, while t
_paid from 24 to 3,3 per pound for
stock. Calves were dearer to -da
at from 52.50 te 512 each.
• paid no per pound for good. 1
and tee butchers paid from 3t t
, others at
e canners
he leerier
, and sold
rge sheep,
nearly 4o
per pound for theirs. •Lambs were dearer,
and sold at from 52.50 to $4.25 each. Fat
hogs sold at from 6.Ir to fite per pound,
weighed off the cars.
BUFFALO, June • 24 -Cattle --Dry-fed,
steady ; grassers, lower ; pri e steers,
57.65 to 57.75 ; ehoioe 1,200 to 1 300 pound
steers, 57 to 57.25 ; fair to goo, $6.50 to
56.75 ; choice, 1,000 to 1,150 p nd steers,
55.75 to 56.40; fair to good, 5 to 55.60;
choice heifers, 55.75 to 56.25 ; f ir to good,
$4.25 to 51.75 ; common to fair, - 3 50 to 54;
best fat cows, 54 75 to 5575 f ir to pod,
53 50 to 54 ; canners 52 to $2 0 • export
bulls, 55.25 to 55.50; butchere''
to 55; eausage bulls,: $3 50 to.
cows, 52 to $3 per head lower; g
era steady ; choice. 550 to 5
good. 538 to 545 ; common to f
to 533; etockers and feeders,
lower • • feeders, 54 25 to $4,60
$4 to 54.30; stock heifers, $3.1.5 to, 5,3.75. fur a change. Th'
75 t 5" • sn' manny of th' yo
occupy a sate on • t
ia viry well at h
Alexander Smith, died. in Stratford last
week, at the age of 73 years. Mrs. Smith
was born in Paris, France, and. was the
daughter of Mr. George Marshall, of Lon-
don, England. She came to America when
only 18 years old, and after her marriage
s dived for a time in Goderieh. She had been
a resident of Stratford for thirtynieven
BRYDGES-In Morris, on
J. T. Bryclges, of a dau
FELLS -In Wingham, on
Thomas Felts, of a son
BARGE -In Clinton, on June 16th, the wife o
A. Barge, of daughteir.
SELLERS -In Morris, on Jime 14th, the wife
Joel Sellers, of a WOG.'
SELLERS -In Morris, on Jim' 16th, the wife)
Win. Sellers, of a clang
McQUILLIN-In Birth, o
Rev. George McQuillin
'BELL -In Elimville, on J
Thomas Bell, of. a clan
MURRAY-In McKillop,
Mr, Maroin Murray, of
DODDS-In MoKillop, on
,Mr. Peter .1_ Dodds, of
une 19tb, the wife f Mr.i
,une llth, the wife Mr.!
f Mr.!
June llth, the ife
of a son.
e 9th, the wife o
ri June 21st, the ite of[
rJutio 26th, the life of r
a son.
STJEONHIIIRONS-A3 the Presbyterian manse,
Blyth, on, June 12th, hy Rev. A. McLean, Mr. !
J. EL Stratton, of Bra eels, to Mies Mild d
daughter of Mr. and `Mrs. George Hiro s,
DUNCAN-SPEIR-At the reeidenoe cf thetidal&
parents,f•forris, Juno 26th, by Rev. &AU.
Roes, B. A., Mr Heart Duncan, to Miss nnie,1
.d atwitter of Mr. Allan peir, all of Morris.
GEDDIed-STALICER-At the residence o the'
'bride's mbther, Blyth, by Rev. A. Mete n, cnr
;June 24th, Mr. Daniel 4edde, merchant
of Belgreve, to Miss elite, youngest da ighter
iof Mrs. Francis Stalke
WALSE1-111oILROY-At t e reeidenoe cf the ride's,
floother, illyth, by Re . A, McLean, on June'
25th, Mr. Wm. C. W Ish, of London, t Mies
Mary Ja e, daughter f Mr. %Vni. MollroY.
• Deaths.
BLACiiiwnoh-to Holme ville,ou June 16th, Joseph
• Blackwell, aged 62 ye rs.
JERMYN-In Morris, on one 16th, Whitth,11 ler-1
, myn, aged 47 years, 1 months and 24 days.
CORY -At Nile, on June th, Ann Heard, wife c5
Mr. Cory, aged 5 years, 9 months and 141
GAULEY-In Goderieh, on June 15th, Abraham
Gamey, aged .62 years land 9 months.
'DOR SAL .-One (Whir
and t o. Bay in co
LONG, Hen all, Ontario.
CaSh or tin as arranged,'
kj corn clop and oats
opposite the railway
, mare, good size, saund
or. Apply to REV, G. H2
OP FOR SALE. --Corn,
lwaye on hand for sale.,
Drive right to arehonse
tion. W. G. PERRIN;
1302x3 s.
MEACHE WANTED. A female teacher for
J. School Section No. 1., Stanley. Firet or second
elsss certific te. ApplIca ions received until the 5th
of August. Personal appl cation preferred. Duticei
to eon:merle the M nday in August. TAM.F4
KEYS, Secretary, Varna 0. • 1802x4
_Tousz FOR SALE.
J James and West
illiam Ed undo. ibe
ard and eat
oms and
uit treee
fly sitnat
rtla, or to
A cottage on corner of
treets, occupied by Mr:I
use is fume, has eight
ater. Good garden with
ail kinds. I is coeventently and pleas.
d. Apply o JAMES SPROAT, Sea
AMES REID McLennan, Algoma. F
arm proporty of 150 aore4
in the Township of Hib,-
operty fn. retiring farmer
e • five acne of land, two
always some good grade
1802 4 r
MIAMI FCR SALE. -F r sale Lot No. 8. Conces-
X eicn 13, Tuckersm tit, containing 100 ammo
abOut 86 aeries cleared, well underd rained, well fenced
and in a good state of cultivation. The balence is
well timbered with hard nod. Tnere are two frame
barns, a cot iforbable hou
and a never failing well
rune thratigh the farm.
and is withi throe quart
orgrain growing. It in
Ar,ply on the premises or
OR SALE. -A ehoice 1
with geed buildings,
eft. Also desirable p
n the Town hip of Uebor
n crehard, ith good boildings. A few sound
relight yot,ng Mares, RD
oWs otmin in. Appl
Auctioneer, Farquhar.
e, a good bearing orchard
f water and a creek else
t is good for either grazing
ithin three miles of Homan
rs of a mile cf a school.
address Claiselhurat P. 0.
Tallis About he Model Farm
Exc rsion.
erowd iv farmers
neighbors an' their
at the station early
th take in the Model
me- iv thim got there
'Tis well to be punotti-
th' minute th' Grand
or three 'hours ahead
as well to kape oye
ey're wurth watchinh
tuk in th' thrip! "I'm
call a farmer, to anny
cow an' a few hies, an'
they have rimy Byrn ethy," says Clahcy. "
didn't take in th' Ixoursion altogit er be.
case it was chap., bat to spruce u moy
oideas as regards agriculthure an' bins, ae-
ulls, $1.25_ to obtain some practical information, if
$1 ; °beide possible, of the latiat an' moat seointifio
nod spring- manner of countera ting th' efflots of the
5 ; fair to ravages of th' Sar. oseph Scale an' th'' &la-
ir, 525 to vetion Army wurm Th' day was cow10,
0- to 15c bnt that.' got to be koind of chronic) co -
stockers, plaint wid th' withe , now -a -days. It's toinie
Ars wur over-orowded
pg gurls wur foorced to
eir felly's kneea. This
me afterth' ould folks
do have one to bed, but his out of place n
Public. I Bay it's o t of place. The Grand
Trunk slaud putt on more. oars. 'Tis a great
iestitution,th' Mod 1 Farm,a,n' th' annual IX-
eursion is a privileg
shud not fail to tak
him a change of ai
reives at th' Farm
an' his appetoite, a
information an' sau
clifferince betune s
ordinary everyday
out that the Burkshire breed of catte is not
to be compared wid th' Clydesdale f r dairy
Purposes, but is on
learns to dishtingui
There was a big
oempanie by thei
neighbor' "daughter
lasht Froida' morni
Farm excursion. S
ahout fotee o'cicck.
al. Ye den't know
Trunk May be two
iv toime, an' it's just
oi th' blaggards. T
so they are. Clancy
not what ye moight
ixtint, bot I kape a
Veale -Opened steady; tops. 56
fair to good, $6.25 to 56.50 •
light, $5,to 56 ; closing 25e lo
-Active; heavy. 57,75 to $7.
57.65 to 57.75; Yorkers, 57.50
light Yorkers, 57.40 to 57.50; p
roughs, 57 to 57.25h antes, 56
Sheep and Larubs-Spring leen
to 15e higher ; all other grades
lambs, 56 75 to 57 ; fair to go
56.25; culls and common, $4 te
lingo and wethers, 54.75 to $5.
tops, mixed, 54.25 to 54.50 ; f
53.75 to 54; culls and oommo
Tweeter°, Jima 25---Cettle-
generally good, and more choice c
have found a good market. Expo
Good loads of heavy shippers are
to 57 ; medium exporters. $5.8- to 56.10
per cwt. Export Bulls -Choice heavy ex-
port bulls Bold at 55 25 to 56 ;i ght export
per cwt.
at 5485
le -Choice
. equal in
0 to 1,150
per cwt;
eifers and
1, sold at
good but.
wt ; loads
0 ; common
5 per cwt.
-Loads of
ld at $5.50
ere' steers,
undo each,
bock ere -
00 to 600
90 per cwt•
sold at $
to 54.75 per cwt; off-color, ill-bred steer
and heifers are worth about 52.
per cwt. Milch Cows --
and springers sold at $25 t
Calves -Calves sold at fro
58 each, or from $1.50 to per cw
Spring Lambs -Spring lamba are wort
52.60 to54.25 each. Sheep -
to 54 for ewes, and bucks at
per owt. Hogs -Best select
net less than 160 pounds, nor in
pounds each, off ears, sold 4
cwt. ; lights at 56 621, and fa
.ommon to
er. Hogs
0 ; mixed,
to 57,60;
gs, 57.25 ;
to 56.50.
s, steady
dull; top
d. 55.25 to
55; year -
5 ; sheep,
ir to good,
, $1.75 to
rade was
ttle would
t Cattle-
orth $6.25
Horse Market.
Toozzero, June 25 -Some very good sales
- were mule at Grand's on Tuesday. A gen-
eral purpose animal, a bay gelding, eight
years old, weighing 1,350 pounds, sold for
5,135. Another general purpose horse, a
grey gelding, weighing Loa pounds, four
year old, fetched $175. A bey gelding, seven
years old, 5130; and another bay gelding of
the same age brought 5137.59. From that
bulls sold at $4.50 to 55
Export Cows-Expore cows sol
to 55.75 per cwt. Butchers' Cal
picked lots of butchers' cattl
quality to the beat exporters. 1,1
pounds each,sold at 55 85 to 56.1`
choice picked iota a butchers'
steers, 925 to 1,025 pounds eac
$5.35 to 55 60 per civt ; loads o
chers' sold at 55.25 to 55.40 per
of medium butchers', 55 to $5-.
butchers' cows, at 53.25 to 54
Exporters and Butchers' Mixei
mixed butchers and exporters 80
to $5 70per cwt. Feeder -Foe
weighing from 990 to 1,000 p
sold at 54.25 to 55 per cwt,
Well-bred thrifty young steera,
pounds each, sold at 53.50 to 53
steers, 800 to 900 pounds each,
75 to 53.50
ilch cows
$48 each.
52 t
3rietcos $4.275
acon hog,
re than 2C0
$6.8742 per
s at 56 621
per cwt. Sows, 55 to 55.50 per cwt., seed
stags, 53 per cwt.
Will be held in connection wit the regular
work of each department of the
Central Business College,
Special courses in Accountiu , Shorthand,
Typewriting, Penmanship, etc No vaoa-
thins. Students may register fhr a full or
partial course at any time. Circulars free.
Yonge and Gerrard sta.. Toronto.
ISM -52
In pretty Combinations,
you it won't be &instructed me
factiOn. Our milliners know
pointment in thenla As the e'
big reductions in all trimmed.
Trimmed hats, regular pric
and foliage, regular price 55, for $
that th' young farmer
advantage of. givee
• an' bishkits. He ar-
id nothin' but his girl
' he -comes 'home full Of
seichea He learns th'
ut in oats an'smut in
oeversation. e foilide
but sensible ones. When we make a iha t for
ely for its beauty, but kr its utility and satis-
ow to make hats so there won't be any disap-
d of the season is approaching, we will make
ats. '
53.15, for 52 25. Hats trimmed with chiffon, flowers
, We do a large trade in orsets. We suppose the reason. is we keep a
large stock to select from. W do not confine ourselves to any particular make,
but select -the best from th following manufacturers : 9rompton's, Wray's,
D. and A., B. and C., E. T. a d C. We have them in erect form, straight
front, bias cut. We have the in long, medium and short waist, perfect fitting
and Steel filled.
Summer Corsets, in all sizes at 25o, 35e and 50o. A special line of Corsets, in drab
jean, steel filled, trimmed with lac and ribbon, at 500. Corsets great variety, in differ-
ent ntakes, in fine °truffle, satin je n, etc., at 75c, 51 and 51.25.
Ve's s.
We got a great snap r Ladies' Fine Undeawear in Vests and Drav.ers,
by cleaning out a large quanti y Of different kinds. We got ahem- at 75c on
the dollar, and we are now running, them off at 5c, Sc, 10; nic, 15c, 25e, 35c
and p0c. They are worth one4hird more. '
y fit fur table use.'
h betune butther fat an'
butther lean, an' how to separate th' chaise
from th' milk widqtit dishturbin' th' pep-
tonoides He leer pi that th' petaty bug is
of Irish extraction I which accountal fur it's
preference fur th' etaty to all other fru.t.
An' het, but not la te, he learns that he an
buy his shoes jist a at Rich helsorr &
McInnis's as he can in Guilph or an y other
place. An' that's w rth knowin' so it is."
Ricilards n& MI nis
Agents for American Flor-
sl#ern Shes For Men.
The S; aforth
ea Sore
CSEE CD1\1- IF'..ktIO
Gram -o -phone,
This most wonderful instrun
timental ; reproduces every inat
cake walk, a waltz, or lancers lou
op elegy payments if desired -51.
made in Canada, and is sold with
circulars and catalogues. Sold b
ent will sing every kind of at:mg-comic, saered or sen-
ument, or aqui' brass band or orchestra ; it will play a
enough to idance by. Price, 515 00 to 540.00. Sold
0 cash and 152.00 per month. Every Gramophone is
a written guarantee for five years. Write or call for
G. M.-BALDWINtiLi 00,1 Agents for Seaforth
ManufacturM by E. BERLINER, "Montreal.
Bargain Bargains!
And contin e for 30 Dplys only.
• Daring that time you will find all Summer goods in lAuslins, Taffetas
Batiistes, Organdies, Dimitis, Zephyrs, Prints, Hosiery, Underwear and
Millinery, will be sold at sweeping reductions. Everything pertaining t
Summer goods 'nest be cleared out before Aegust: to make room for Pal
shipments. A b* job in Yoaths' Suits, sizes 30, 31, 32 and 33. Bargains ia
several lines of Boots and Shoes.
Is the right phree to get the Worth! of
-yorir money in all kinds of groceries,
florin cornmeal, 'rolled oats, cream, of
wheat in bulk, standard oatmeal, granu-
lated oatmeal pot barley, pearl berley,
long clear ba pn, smoked meats. hest
pure lard, che se, dried applod, evapor-
ated apples, a ricots, dates, e aporated
peaches. 8 lbs. good cooking fi a for 25c,
fresh prunes, canned corn, peas and
tomatoes, can ed salmon and sardines
5e:a tin, a few raisins left at 50 a lb., a
few lake salm n at 5o a lb., fake her-
rings 10e a dozen, great valu'le in teas
and ccff e, gr at value in china, crock-
ery and gta, ware, comb honey and ex-
tracted, syru and molastee; and the
beet farmer's maple syrup. I receive
Weston's To Onto bread fresh every
day; also f esh butter and eggs in
steak. I han le all kinds of1 fruits in
season ; I als , pay the highelat market
prices for fre h butter and eggs in email
or trade. Alcordial invitation is ex-
tended to all to come and. get some of
the good barains.'
A. G. AU
Don't forget the date,
July 2nd, 30 days only.
That will Kill the Bligs,
▪ 4•4
Also put up in 5c, 10c and 15c
packets. -
AL till
orner Maln
silted Sreets
The LarOest
Dry Geoids and
Concern in
Four CoUntine
You know our past -beyond competition almost.
This season we. are doing, better than ever with new styles
and late novelties, and. clearing- lines, which will not be
uplicated in this Vicinity. More special values and more
orth seeing than, ever before in our experience. We take a
rm grip of the trade by constantly adding special values to
our stock, and taking every bit of extravagance out of the
price. See us during June. We have many lines of goods
o interest you. Eveiry department has something inter-
Clothing Department.
Clothing at much less than the regular wholesale cost. Those who
know clothing values Will concede our present offerings ate the greatest •cloth-
ing values they have ever had to do with. There is everything to commend
our clothing to favorable consideration -style, fit, workmanship, eth. All
these are manifest in the eollection. As to qualities, they are the best produc-
tions of one of the best inanidaeturere in Canada. We secured, alr their ;ever -
makes at a very low rate on the dollar, and we are now going to give OUT tIlf3-
tomers the benefit.
For this week we w 11 Offer 100 men's suits, assorted. sizes colors pat-
, 3
terns, etc., at a redaction of 3.00 a suit. Prices range from $6.75 to $11.60,
e, our $6.75 suit is aow $ .75; our $11.00 stilt now $8.00.
Also special cleating iines in Children's Suits, for ages from 5 -to 9
suit worth from $2.50 to $4.00,, you. choice of any of them for $1.40. .
Also many specials in boys' and youths' suits. It will pay you, to ee
our stock.
All the latest in shirts, hats, ties collals, etc.
Dominion Day'Hardware Storq.
JULYBINDER TWINE -Best Manilla at hot
Return tickets will be issued between all (illa-
tions in Canada ; ;all statione in Canada to and from
Detroit and Port Huron, blichigan, AND TO, but not
from, Buffalo, A. Y.; Black Rock, N. Y.; Niagara
Falls, N. Y., and Suspeneion Bridge, N. Y., at
ingle First -Class Fare
GOOD GOING JUNE 25th and 26th, returning
frOm destioation on or before June 27th; also GOOD
GOING JUNE 30th and JULY 1st, valid for return
until July 2nd, 1902.
Single First-class Fare and
One -Third
GOOD GOING JUNE 24th TO JULY let, inclusive,
N'alid for return on or before July 3rd.
Ticket(' and all information from agents Grand
Trunk Railway System.
Agent, - - 'Seaforth.
Itom prices.
Beet Machine Oil for Mowers, Binderri
1 and Threshers' us
1 Complete stock of Haying and Harvest
' Complete stock of Builders' Hardware.
Furnace) Work and Eavetroughillg a
Charcoal Irons, 51.50.
$25 pReErWsonARgt -ingThl:Toerwinalarel ovn;
illle abdeinrieo atnla3+;
conviction of persons pulling down notiose posted up
on roy property. Wfd. GOVENLOCK, Seaforth.
Sills IC Murdie
Counter's Old Stand., Beaforth
Palmerston and iii..mcardine.
Mixed. ° Mite4
PaimerstOn.'7.30;p.m. 12.20 p.m • 8.45
Ethel. 8.07 1.07 9.40
Bruseels...... 8.17 1.10 10.00
Bluevale 8.27 1.80 10.20
Wingbam.. .. .. 8.38 1.85 10,30
Go1x0 SemPail. Mixed. Panel
Wingham.. .. .. 6 53 sem 9 a.m. 3.06 p,no.
Bluevale 7.92 9.17 3.13'
Brussels.... .... .. 7.18 19.00 324 t
Ethel , 7.28 10.15 3.35
Palmereton 8.29 11.30 4.20
Our men's 'silk Underwear, at 50c each, is proving a great success?
Carpet Department.
This season our cuttaan an.d carpet stock is bigget than ever, better than
ever, more variety, more high class qualities, -more exclusive !novelties than we
ever had before. A mere hint of what you'll find, will convince you that it
will be worth your while to come and. see What we are offerirpg.
Two pieces of English Brussels carpet, choice patterns, for 75e a yard.
Special line of Lace Curtains, three yards long, for 75e per pair.
Another special line, three au -half yards long, choice patterns at $1.60'
per pair.
Dress Goods Department
We have secured many special values for you in this department.
A table of renanants, from to 6 yards each, your &eke fot hef price.
See our 1212--c rauelins,
Ladies' Parasols, worth from $1 to $1,25, your choie'e for 75c.
Two special lines of Children's Parasols at 25c and 38c each.
Twenty iec'es Gentian prints for 12-ic a yard. - Th se are regular 16e
goods; colors ar guaaanteed absolutely fast.
Another shipment of Venice foalards, regular 25c goods, for 13e.
Two case of Flannelettes, 28 inches wide, heavy clOth, for 5e a yard.
Two hu &red ends of,pilloW-cotton, from one to fivei yards each; we are
clearing these a a bargain,
See our xtra heavy shirting at 12c a yard.
L dies' Departments
OUT stock of white and celored Shirt Waists contains all the latest
styles and novelties. The, quality,' workma.nehip and. finish of every garment
is perfect, and we hive secured this season some exceptionally good valnee.
We sell a white shirt waist of India linen, -with all-over embroidered,
insertion on both sides, new tucked. cuff sleeves, &c., for $1.00 each.
We have just operAd. out this week the new. Gibeon shirt waist in blue,
pink and linen,' a pretty waist for midsummer wear.
Other i ovelties in shirt waists expeeted to hand daily.
Special valuee in ladies' hose, vests, etc.
I 1
Wo hae this seasOnla larger range. of laces than We have ever sho
before. You ill find it very little trouble to select a pretty trimming in
new laces this eason.
Hi h prices paid for Butter Eggs
, and Wool
Op ositl Town Building, :Corner Main end Malta Ste, Beetfortiu