The Huron Expositor, 1902-06-27, Page 3it is here at some heat em. aariiiced foe S titrits ar geeleseetel- Ever* ci I lines All intend of up -to - goods, anav -L liolmee •••••••• as strong as stoat and con elle piece izontal, they rental fences. .ville. Ont. Ss L ON S eavel during the cl 00N- -11R. i.tor, . Exeter - d chempion sire a prize winnine tatraught's Heir, , Exeter. for the Terms. $1.6- ; with a a distance fur - /7964f pvr,, 16529. prietore. i•aire Stallion M. 16529 !rsShow, this stesion. rat of etock this ge Stables, 17964f Proprietor, -e Stallion RT _ iod Book. cease at the e. this. aeaean. t of stock this v..`e Stables, 1796-tf :o 1795 • etre speed. that I: ves that is •with &le-. etyle - re trotter, and or t of lesa than v. a -hewn triala out of common sneaial training Fe- siring high aae perpasee, he la testimonials ae i pedieree. Witi tie. Fridey and ' Tusala,y, St. ORTH. 1796-tle .,ual Firs pany. D TOWN 1SURED- P. �; Therese 0.; Thomas- E. W. G. Broad P. a n G. Grieve, WI John Bennewels, ; John Wets, 41d John B. Mo. Linton. -2"laan, seaforthi W. Yee, Holmes, ;Mu C. Morrieon„ rancee or h3' - i7 attended to ow )4era1 addiessed W JUNE 27, 1902 areenalcaree" Gray "My hair was falling out an turning gray very fast. But your' Hair Vigor stopped the falling and restored the natural co1or.”-Airs4 E. Z. Benemme, Cohoes, N. Y. , It's impossible for you not to look old, with the color of seventy years in it your hair! Perhaps you l are seventy, and you Like I your _gray hair! If not, use Ayer's Hair Vigor. In less than a month your gray hair will have all the dark, rich color of youth. SI.C.0 a bottle. All &mists. If your drums cannot aapply you., send is one dollar and we will expreao you a bottle. Be sure and give the name of your net exprees office. Addrese, J. C. AYER CO., Lowell, Masa. • 4". THE 1902 ELOTTE MODEL Dn't buy a Cream Separator until you have seen the 1902 Melotte Model. One. third to e less power required than others. Machine cut gearing of gun metal and phosper bronze, and are fitted with a brake attachment, found on no other Separator. Top of tank only 44 inches above floor, easy to put milk into; being low down, hes no top -heaviness to cause vibration, which is the thief wear of Cream Separators. Self b41aneing bowl, bowl casing coated with white porcelain, more durable than tinware. Dins are aluminum, which will not rust. The Melotte handle can be taken off and put on without wrench or selrew driver, but will not fall off. A great advantage, as Separator handles should be Iput out of the remit of children when not in use. The MeIotte bowl apindle has only one bearing, other Cream Separaeore have four or five, which means extra wear. Reduced prices, increased capacities, sold on easy terms. We also handle Farm Implementi and Machinery, Deering, Wilkinson, Noxon Drills, Windmilla, White Engines and Sep- arators, also Tolton goode. D. McCALLUM, Seaforth, Ont., j. D. WALKER, Staffa, Oat., Agents. AU goode at A. Campbelre wareroome, Sea - forth. •What people say about this Cream Sep- arator Seaforth, February 25, 1902.-Gentleecten : 1 bought a Melotte Separator two years ago froth J. D. Walker, and have run it twice; a day ever since. It ;bee cost nothing for repaire., I think it the best and easiest running Separator on the market. I am well satiefied both for durability and clean skim. ming. John 0. Sproat. Seaforth, Ftbruary 26, 1902. -Dear Sir: I have -used a Melotte Separator two years. The lenger we use it the better we like it. We can sit on a atoll and turn it easily. The e is no apparent wear to be seen. It looka as good as new. Geo. A. Gray. Seaferth, February 25, 1902. -Gentlemen : The size 1 Melotte I purchased in November, 1S90, has given the best of satisfaction in every respect. In that time we have separated 125,C0D pountle of milk, and the Separatcr was turned by a boy who was 12 years old this month. If I had to go back to the old way of &kb:el/deg, I would go back on the cows. Abraham Hugill. keatorth, February 25, 1002. -After trying eeveral makes of Cream Separators, I take great pleaaure in racommeedieg the hiebatte to any intending pur- theme, 1st. It does all claimed for it. 2nd. It couch easier turned. "3rd. It is easily cleaned. Oh. Them Is no waete oil to come in contact with milk, cream or utenaile William Aberhart. 1787-13 NO SPAV 1 ft! ----- Tim worst possible specie can be cured in 45 minutes,. leingbones, Cerbs and, Splints just ae quick. Not painful and never has failed. Detailed information about this new method sent free to horse owners. Write today, Ask for pamphlet No. f.Ot Firming Bros.,Chemists, 36 Front St.,Wast,TorontoiOnt. ,•• tuff GEAr. LAN N'S Floriga Water e THE UNIVERSAL PERFUME" For the Handkerchief, Toilet and Bath. . REFUSE ALL SUBSTITUTES I Tele• easten. A German professor who is given to great deliberation of speech and has never ,been known to lucreese its speed under the -most compelling eircum-i stances had an ei4using eXperience in a restaurant not long ago. The waiter had brought him raw oys- ters, and, to hiedismay, be saw that the professor had apparently no intea4 tion of tasting thein. "I cannot eat these oysters," said the German slowly, 'Without raising hia eyes to the anxious waiter. The man seized the plate and bore It out ot sight in an instant. He was a newt waiter, and it was with Much trepida+ tion that he laid the second supplyeA oysters before this discriminating pa+ tron. "I cannot eat these oysters," said the professor after One glance at the plate which had been set before him. "I -I think you'd End them all righ sir," faltered the waiter. "I don' think there's anything wrong abou them, sir." He looked miserable, ha - Ing been told that the German was a frequent and veined patren of the res- taurant and must be well and quickly, served. "I cannot eat these Oysters," an- nounced the professor for the third time, with the calmness of chorus in a tragedy, "because as yet you have fur- nished me no fork." -Youth's Compan- ion. TIME TABLE. Grand Trunk Railway. eaforth and Clinton stations Teeing leave S allows: 411:01Ner WEST- ! Passeneer.... Passeneer.... Mixed Train.... Mixed Train. -- Goma EAST - Passenger..... Paseenger- . blitzed Train_... • • • • ••• ••• ••• • • • • ••• •• SEAPORTS. 12,403. M. 10.I 3 P. M. 9.20 A. M. 6.15 P. M. 7.53 A. M. 3.11 P. M. 4.4e -P. M GOING NORTH - Ethel Brussels.. Bluevale.. Wingha,m.... - Citee SOUTH- • Winghani Bluevale • Brussels Ethel Passenger. 8.07 P. 8.17 . 8.27 8.38 Passenger. 6.63 A. hi. .. 7.02 7.18 . 7.28 _ Loudon, Huron "KEG NORTH- Lond011, depart.. • Centralia Exeter _ Etensall- Kippen . . . Brucefield • • Londesboro - Blythe.- •,•••••••••_••••••• Beigrave - Wingham - e. Some Bourn- Wi•eghtsm, depart• • - • • ••• The Public Taste. Several kind Workers pooled thelr Efforts to insure the Waifs a happy Holiday. They rounded up the little Hickeys at a Mission and gave then:ea Free Show. Every Sevipes in the Place was 'a Monday Night Gallery God, so the Church Talent was going against a knowing Proposition. A pale young Man with amber Fire Escapes sprang a line of Parlor Magic that would have queered even a Sim- per Show. The Bunch advised him to back off the Dump. When a Young Lady with Glasses taekled "Stabat Mater" on the Violin they broke her up with Cat Calls and told her to tear oil some Rag Time. They bleated at the Amateur Elocutioilist and acted Rowdy when a Stout Woman got bp to read a Fairy Tale from Hans Chys- tiau Andersen. Then they began to yell for Mulligan and Hicks to come on and save the Show. 'WheretOn two pug faced Kids came forward and did a Hottentot Song air Dance with a Buck and Wing fuel h that killed them dead. Moral. -The Waifs cannot be expected to lift themselves many Notches abOve ES CLINTON. 12.55 P. M. 3,0.27 P. M. 10.15 A. M. 7.05 P. M 7.38&.• 2.56 P. 4,16 P. Mixed. 1.40 P. 2.10 2.86 8.26 Mixed. 8.66 9.17 9.45 10.02 the Public Taste. • Rsin and Meat have no effect oa harness treated with EurekaHarbi IMES Oil. It re- eistg. the damp, keeps the leath. er soft and pli. able. Stitches do sot break. No rough sm.. face to chafe *admit. 71re harness not only keeps looking like sew, but wears twice as longby ths use of Eureka Harness Oil. A Testimonial Worth Having. An inventor, having preduced a w n- derful hair invigorating fluid, sen a case of bottles to a bald editor, w1ti a request for a testimonial, tHe got it in these terms: i . ; "A little applied to th inkstand ias given it a oat of bris les, makin a splendid penwiper at a S all cost. We applied the lather to a wopenny nail, and the nail is now t e . handso est shaving brush , you ev r saw, With beautiful. soft hair gro ing from tthe end of it some five or six inches in length. i "Applied to doorsteps it oes away with he use of a mat; applied. to the floor, it will cause to grow theref one I hair sufficient for a brm,sels carpet A little weak lather sprinkled cver a sed makes it impervious to the lwind, rain or cold. It is good to put 1 side Chil- dren's cradles, sprinkle on the read - side or anywhere that Inxurious grass is wanted for Use or ornement It jero- duces the effect in ten Minutes." ! 1 Africans Wash, but ire -ver Wipe. Great attention is giVen in most of the African tribes to the op.re of the body. The teeth are Idea:lased with a stick which has been chewed into a kind of brush. The hands are washed frequently, not ,hy turning and twisting- and rubbing them together one within the other, as with us, but. by aestraight ,up and do-wn rubbing, such as is given to the other limbs. This manner of wasleinis so ch that an African might . arac- teristic be dis- : tinguished by it from a uropean -With- out reference to the coldr. The sun is their only towel. and Bruce. Passenger. 8.15 a.m. 4.60 ran 9.18 5.55 9.30 6.07 9.44 6.18 9.50 6.25 0.68 0.38 10.15 6.66 10.F0 • • 7.12 10.33 7.0 10.60 7.33 11.00 7.66 • Lon.desbor . . ... Bruoefleld• • .• - • • - •-•••••• Henaell- •-• - Exeter..- Centralls.•.••-••••-„- Laudon, (errife).........e Passenger. 6.50 sai. 13.16a: 7.01 3.23 7.14 -3.36 7.22 ?.45 7.47 a 15 8.05 4.40 8.16 4.10 8.22 4.66 8.86 6.10 8.46 5.20 945 A. M. 6,`!0 Sold everywhere la cans - all sires. 11tade 1)7 Imperial 011'i Company." For isle by M. Broderick, Seaf IMPORTANT NOTIOBK EW FEED STORE AT BLAKFC.-We will keep on band a 1 supply or Flour and Mi 1 keed. Flour exchanged for wheat. Give us a trial. JOHN THIRSK. . 178itf A You MeLy Need 7)01i*Xill For , Cuts Burns Bruises ease Cramp Diarrhea. Ail Bo el Cornpl ints It le a sure, safe /and quick remedy. There's only tine PALINI-KILLER. P-Fnex Two sizes, 25e. and 50C. The Earliest Cigars. ' The earliest 1 mention of cigar* in English occurs in a bo lc- dated 1735. A traveler in Spanish 4rnerica named Cockburn, whose narra ive was pub- lished in that year, describes how he met three friars at Nicaragua, who, he says, "gave us some seegars to sm.oke; .* * * these are Leases. of Tobacco rolled up in such Mariner that they serve both for a Pipe and Tobaceo it- self; * * * they know n� other way here, for there is no such Thing as a Tobacco Pipe throughout New Spain." • AL Change "We must economize, he said per- emptorily. 1 "I'm so gladl" his wifek exclaimed. - • "You take the announcement more good naturedly than use0. "Yes; it's pleasant to i bear you( use the plural pronoun. Or inertly, When there is any economizin need.ed, you expect me to do it all." Quite Loud. 11 his clothes Tudor -Harris gets a ready made naw7 Sutton -So lie told you Tudor -Ile toid me didn't have te. FOR SALE. 111DUGGY FOR SA eux make, ne year. Will be Bold rURCILL, Egroendv E. -A geed top b rly as good ea n t a bargain. Appl e. zeT. Dever. w, run one to J A MES • 17894f TIMBER FOR 11 rein nmobiner tnnher ef san-e. are 18 piecee 9x12, of frame; would eel ly ell timber is re Winthrop. LE.-HaVing (Berm we are novt offerin e building is 60x3 cheg o, 16 feet long. ea of saw for sale the feet ; there edepeedent this separate if de ired ; mar- k elm. GOVENLO K BROS., 17824f REAL E TATE FOR SALE. ETOUSE AND LO [1 fortable coda torth, che ip. Appl or fdR.S. GLORGE B too? nothing. He A white object can be seen at a dis- tance Of 17,250 times Its own diameter in strong uuIibt-t1niij is to say, a white disk a foot acros can be seen 17,250 feet away. FOR SALE. -For e on Wert William to HENRY BEATT TES, Bayfield. -Lot 31, Coneesei drool house on pre church; 6 miles 1 forth ; large frame nter ffult ; 2 goo barn 48x56, st re 28x60; driving s EITFIELD CR1C FARM FOR SAL S., 103 acres; five minutes walk of and 6 allies from Be erchard, meetly w chitern ; 2 barns, o underneath, other house. Apply to O. le a corn- etreet, Sea - E, Seeforth, 17914f n 3, 11. R. rng ; within om Clinton home, good wailer and ne stabling ed and hen Clinton P. 1791-xtf "L1ARM FOR SALE IN STANLEY. - b 6, south r boundary. This farm contains 96 amp, all of which is cleared with the exeeption of 0 acres. It Is in a good state of cultivation: The e is a com- fortable story and a half frame holm w th stone cel- lar, cement cistern, woodehed, fair out h ldinge with stone stabling and never Wing well . It 18 con - cheap and on easy t rms. Apply co Eh premises or addrtss W. C. KYL , Iiippen P. O. • within li irdice of a e Kippen stat.ob. Willbe sold veniently situated for °hutch and se ocl, and is 179941 ,----- • H eEn s e nY o°1 ru. - 08. - .0... -410- It2 kJ ing a good deal 1 lately and I feel iMILBURNS an o casional twinge of pain _4.-','‘. round your heart? HEART& - \ - ) .• Are ypu short ERY1: of unhinked, sense, - breath, nerves . ,..e., • - e_ tion of pins And needles going thrOugh yottr arms and fingers? Better take a box ox two of Milburn's Heart/ and Nerve Pills and get cured before things become too / serious. As a specific for all , TrEE HURON • CUPOLA OF §T. PE Ito Outline Remains an Tin aral eled Idea In Architecture. The greatest of the ambit tural en- terprises Alichael Angelo was callelcl up- on to take up was the co pletin of if -St. Peter's, and he devot cl hi self tlirough pure obedience to thie task, refusing all conapensation, o erin his unpaid services in that way' boil to his master and to the servlce of reli- gion. He had to struggle against th� op- posing ideas of the.architect in c aro of the monument, who heijI by later plans than those of the fir t deiviser, and their enmity and misap rehekfsion loZ what was best aimed at continual thwatting of all his intent1on.. He managed, however, to brin bacle the building - to its original pl n, that of his greatest enemy, Bram nte, upon itatom he bas left this nobl judg ent ",It cannot be denied," sal he, "that Bramante laid the first pia of 5 Pe- ter's clear and simple, a d. all who have departed from his s eme have departed from the truth." We have not the great cp.thed al as Michael wished it, nor ca4 we ee in It the creation of his genius. B t the ene thing that Michael An elo left to s successors in the work s the cupo- 1 , whose outline remains as an npar- alleled idea, as important lan4mark In architecture as his othe records of achievement in painting'an scul ture. It is the mark of Rome ind t e ex - Pression of Rome's grandeiir. - The Kpreans as a people are better developed physically pan the Japa- nese. They are taller and mentally are liberallz endowed. 1 • -The returns of traffic through the Can- adian and American Soo canals show a great increase this year over previous years. The total tonnage Of freight carried through the American carlal in April and May was 6,764,893, as againat 2,48,*45 for the same period last year. 'Throng the Canadian canal the tonnage was 532,.88 ae compared with 151,679 lad year. heart and nerve troubles they can- not be excelled. A true heart tonic,blood • enricher and nerve re- neWer, they ewe nervousness, sleepless - Rees, nervous prostration, smoker's heart, palpitation of Ilhe heart, after effectsi of la gvippe, etc. ; Price eoc. pelt- box or 3 boxes for,$L.25 at all druggist, or will be sent on gee ipt of price by The T. !Milburn Co. Limited, emu% Ont. I Pay Clash for Every- thing. 1 I beg to notify you again that I pay the highest Cash Prices for Old Iron, Steel, Rags, Old Rubbers, CoPper, Brass, Lead, Zino, Pewter, Tailors' Clippings, Clean Newspapers, Old Books, New or Old Geese, Hen and Turkey Feathers, Horse Hair., Wool Pickings, Sheep Skins, all kinds of Clean Bottiles, Bones and Old Relies. When you get through with your house- cleaning, telephone No. 72, or send wOrd to my office, and will have one of my wagons call upon you. It will pay you to save any of the above articles for ne, as I pay the highest cash pelice. , ; NOTICE TO FARcash for any kin of old machiaory, also old bulgy IliERS : I Will pay 40 ) pe cwt. or wagon gearing old axles, horse shoes, Old plows, old staves, In fact all kinds of old iron. firm in all your old iron, eta , and get cash for everything. The Pelican. iv/Died. 1 There is a sly old pelican in Central park which has an almost human way Of noticing what goes on about him without seeming to do -so The other day two herons in the seine cage with him fought over a fish. One had made the catch, but the other had emder- taken to wrest the mor el from ita rightful possessor. , They squabbled overeit like twe boys :who have bold of the same baseball bat. . The scuffle brought them into the neighborhood of the old je1icat, who stood, apparently asleep, jtvith leis big bill tucked a-svay tinder a 's-ving. Then the heron dropped its fish, and the bat- tle went on. I No sooner had it been,E ropped than the great bill came out from Under- neath ihe wing and the fl h went into the pel can's pouch. Then the head dis- appeared again. The pelican was plainly asleep. , When one heron gave up th fight and flew. away, the other 'looked about for the prize. It waS nowhere to be peen. The keeper of the bird cages sol- emnly asserts that he saw a twinkle In the eye which the pelican opened to give a glance at the retreating heron.- Chss Sheri OSITOR. Peculiar Roses. One of the wars of the roses, the :fiercest and. deadliest of them all, was 'fought on a field where, curiouslY enough, a rose. peculiar to the spot • grows or used to grow. It is, a rare 'plant no*, and the reasoe is explained by Mr. Leadman in his account of Yorkshire battles. After 'describing the terrible battle at Towton o Palm Sunday, 1461, he says: '1I can* con- clude this story of Towtion fie/d with- out an allusion to the little dwarf_ bushes peculiar to the 'Field of the White RoSe and the Red.' 1 "They are said to have been plenti- ful at the commencement of this cen- tury, but the visitors have taken them away in such numbers that they have become rare. Such vandalism 'is sim- ply shameful, for the plants are said to be unique and unable to exist in any 1 other soil. The little roes are white, 1 with a red spot on the enter f each of their petals, and. as hey gow old the under surface becomes a 11u11 red 1 color." -London News. Wholesale Rag and metal 00a1er SEAFORTH; Opposite El ctrie Light Works, : TH Bank 79641 CANADIA% f Commer e CA ITAL. (PAID U12) Eight Millon Dollars $8,01,000. Rest, • - - - $2000 1000. SEAFORTH BRANO, • A genera3 Banking business train- sacted. Farmers' Notes disco nted, and specie attention giventhe •collection ef Sale Notes. , SAVINGS BAN K.-Ihterest al low - ed on depo its of $1 a d upwa ds. Special facilites for transab Ion of business In the Klond ks Dist lot. , Money Orders payable at am bank, issued at the ,following rates - • Under �iO .08 $ to $80 , L12 • $10 te 20 .10 $;0 to $50 ,1 .14 • F. HOLMES ED; G. E. PARKES. Ma,nsiger* * 1624 Solieitor. , Cave Anim No animals whatever are fund in the dry parts of caves. Dam ness or a certain degree of moi ture seems to be essential to their exi tence. Under the stones one finds -white, eyeless worms, and in the damp soil all arotind about are to be discovered blind. beetles In little holes which they excae-ate and bugs of the thousand- leg sort' These thousand leg bugs, which in the upper world devour fragmentsiof dead leaves and other vegetable debris, suStain life in the caverns by feeding upola decay- ed wood, fungous groviths aid bats' dung. Kneeling in a b aten Ipath one can see numbers of hem gathered about hardened drips f ta110-ve from tourists' candles. Ther are plenty of crickets also. Is a purely vegetable System Renovator, 11100d, Purifier anl Tonic. A medicine that acts directly at, the sarne time on the Stomachs,' Liver, Bowels and Blood. It cures Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Constipation, pimples, Boils, Hea ache, Salt Rheum, Running Sore Indigestion/1 Erysipelas, Cance Shingles, Ringworm or any disea arising from an impoverished impure condition of the blood. For gale by all Druggists. A yapuishliigl Tip. When varnishing w od, t1e work must be done in a warml room it a tem- perature of at least 75 degrees F. At a lower temperature the noistuFe in the air will give a milky tnd cloudy ap- pearance to the varnis . On the other hand, at the higher t mperature the moisture is not precipitated until the alcohol of the varnish has stifficiently evaporated to leave a tein smOoth ?Elm of shellac. The durability and gloss are dependent on th• is. Mystery Both Waysr Pauline -Just think of the awful things we know abou peopie whom we don't know! Emeline-Yes. Isn't itWonderful! And just think what t e people whom we don't know may e -now, about test. Stimulating Con ributions. Mrs. Von Blumer-eThe minister preached the most touching 'sermon I ever heard. Von Blumer -Hoer much did he aise?-judge. Weight for weight. are valued ten to twe of diamonds. The r'l'ona. Ceylon and In oriental rubies ty foie the price est come froM .la. se! • cr' cil E. cr 5 tC c° s::i.; cp ,.-ft CD Pet -ai re ;•,•,' 03, 1. e -s- CD . et - oleo 1.1 c-t-crot:7;51-3. . nra,..97 3:2111.1.1 @MI. sr ...41 ,4.. H.„ CD i CD CD ea •CD P It )1411111 -GQ o - Why Me -a Pial. The New York World some tine ago . invited confess -ons from those -vho felt themselves 'o have made a allure in life, and a will readily ee -unposed, -there was no lack of re-. -ponses. • Most of tie writers • la.y , - he blame of their p or success npein , hemselves, though some aseeibe it , ' o circumstances. 0 ie man, at leaet, 'harged his failure to his wife, but ' vilh no great show of justice, as is lear, even from his own statement. In tiger case, he should have changed ' tis Plea or held his tongue. One man was ruined by gamblin( - which will ruin any man, no met er how rich h may et, -and anot1ier made a som wmil hat eiar confession when he. says he !came "to. nothing throUgh; trying to get rich too. sied- denlyi One man lays his poor, . -Suc- cess to lack ef concentration and per- serverance, but signs hiMsel f : "Try, try, try again;" and one has dabbled in ;too many thing," made him-eelf master of nothing, ;and conseguently as be says, ;has to, "take the bot- tom place everyWheee." Still another man, -a type of a largo Class fell -air o!ugh strong drink. He heads his sad story -with ..a 1, Ot- to from Emmerson,1 "The dice of ; `cal are Always loaded,1' and - thus; Unties: I 1 fell from an estate of Millie ce, usefulness and ease to a conditio4 of drunken pauperism! because 1 mla ked 1- self-control, pride, ambition, dis ep- line. , I possessed. sora -e pf the minor virtues -industry, integrity, honelety, chastity -but these proved an ,inade- vale bulwark against th p evils of .social drinleng., . Beginning businees at twenty, With a fair edu Ation tnd a good know- lelig-e of stenograp1LY, at. thirty I was in charge o . a newspaper and waS• an official cotrt stenographer, ble,ssed with wife , nd chi dren and a peace- ful home ailrd in the enjoyment of an income ofi abont five thous- and dollars . EnerIgetic, skillful, .apt, T was succesSildiii my 'official and private vocations generally liberal, .. uannse:.111. sh and op n -hearted, II had , many friends an, a wide _acqueint- , • I drank moderately and joined in an occasional game of poker Iwith ti friends, laid an o .casional. Wal_,r .r on cn election, a, hall game or a_ 1 -arse race -never to the material deplkion of my purse -and was neither a 'am- bler nor a rake. Twenty years ince companionable drinking at open bars was more respect ble than it is now and - being in drily companio ship .withe lawyers, coiinty officials, jury - 1 men, witneses and politicians who ' indulged in a social glass, . 1 soon - became a regular drinker. As a coesequence of over -indulg- ence, my health b sgan,to fail, and as custom grew:)into habit, 1 felt. . the need of stimulants when my work was prolcnged oi perplexin-g. I Well remember the si ock to my self-res- pect when, I first ook a drink elone, hut .1 never stopi ed to "breath and and exercise the soul -by assuming ' the penaltiee of abstinence. •t Finally „nervous prostration' com- pelled me to resi .-ia my official. posi' 'Coe and to sell my badly ineumber- ed busiuess, and soon I• was a wreck linanciallyeephysi ally and mentally; , and one morning found me at • mir- ror gazing -.at my' haggard fea ures, if -I had in reality gone mad. 1 Js it possible ry story will ca. -use any young- clrinkng man to stop in his downward way? I, too, was sure that I could neer sink to 1 such illint depths, and I pitied the wrtched ones below me. But here I am, and P isassel 0 there are countless thousands com- ing- my ek-ay. And they forget. that • the dice are loaded. ; MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED AT THE HURON EXPO ITOR OFFICE, BEAPORTH, NTARIO. 1(0 WITNESSE REQUIRED. Cook's Cotton Root Con7o Is successfully. used monthl by r ky 0,000 Ladies. Safe, effectual. Ladieis a k your druggist for Cook's Cotton itovf Co med. Take no other, as all Mixtures, ifl ab - imitations are dangerous. Price, No.11, box; No. 2,10 degrees stronger, $3 per box1 N. 1 or 2, mailed on receipt of price and two Btee t stamps. The Cook Conapany Windsor Cs • t. farlos. 1 and 2 sold and recommended e 11 responsible Druggists in Canada. Sold in Seaforth; by Alex. Wilson, J. S. ROber a a d 1. V. Fear, druggiats. A Bi Braci • 7 0 Fine oldrt •te'rin l to which h s bee added Pe n Barkin pro lioals approved by Ithe Englishand Fr4icli plearmacopneia the ideal !am. in blood giving, if renewing tonic Such a prepar tion is , Wils g Port Prescnbed by all leading physician, • y/HOLESALE AGENTS; tj LAWRENCE A. WILSON & GO., 1i0 ?TN SALE BY JOSEPH *IEB Wholesale and Retail dealer in and Liquors. SHOP -In rear of Dominion Bank ins formerly occupied -by H. son & 4on, , SEAFORTH. in Ali prlem- ; Jftek- 1796 MONEY TO LOA 1 Dioruiy to loan at de per cent oa good f r ity. Apply to JAS. L. RILLORAN, B forth. secur ter, Sea 712-tf Public Telephone Statiol Easy to Stop. William Penn, the great PennSylva- nia Quaker, wa • once advising a drunkard to le. ve off his habit of drinking -intoxicating liquor. "Can you tell me how to e. it?" said the slave oil the appetite. "Yes," answer d Penn; "it is just as easy as 10 open thy hand, friend.'' "Convince me of that, and I will promise upon my honor to do is you tell me, -epl ied the drunkard - 'Well, rnjy friend, when thou findest any vessel of intoxicating liquor in thy hand, open the hand that con- tains' it before it reaches thy Month.. and thou ilt never be drunk again." The toper was So pleased with the plain edvi -e that he followed it. To tire a Child of Croup. Wring flannel aoths out of hot wa- ter and apply ahem to the hroat, • changing- them frequently. Al. ke tent. over the Crib by meal s of , sheets over a screen or um rella ; then place a small tea kettle over am alcohol lamp near the cri and let -he child inhale the moist vapor hicki mayi be conducted inshli the tent. cares being taken thet ti e child does not come close enough to the hot steam to get burnt. the attack is severe you may giee ten drops of vrup of ipecac eveity fif- teen minu es until vomiting itesults. it would le best to keep the patient indoors for a day or two afper the attacla.-E elarn Lincoln Cool dge,M. D., in the Ladies' Home Journal. - Moat Poweifui Souff Know. • On the .Aanazon river several Indian tribes use snuff called parec , which is made' of the see,ds of a sp ;cies of plant. When a bout of snuff taking is determined en the people become hieldy intoxicated and then I se the snuff. The effeet of pareca - is so violent that the taker drops as if ahot and lies insensible fo some time; thoee more accustom& to it are highly ; excited, dancing a d sing- ing as if mad. The effect soon sub- sides. Ot ier tribes use it ifo repel ague during the wet season. • etianndersrood. STOCK FOB BALE. UREIAM BULLS DFOR SALE. -For sale, two thoroughbred Durham bulls, eligible for reg- ittraticn, 12 ard 18 months old, one dark roan the other light, Apply es Lot 25, Concession 1, L. B. S. Tuckersmith, 1-1 miles touth gef Brucefield. JAMES PATTERSON, Bruceneld P. O. 1782-11 DULL FOlt SALE. -The undersigned has for side s _II thoroughbred Durham hull eleven months old, roan in color_ Ileef the low set blocky type got by pedigreed stook of extra quality now in nme pos- eession. Will keep nay noted stock belie Dtike of Hensall, for service, also a pore bred Berkshire hoar. Ti.nns on application. JOHN ELDER, Lot 16, Con- ceskim 2, Ray, Henault P. O. 178341 and wondering THAT'S THE SPOT! Right in the email of the back. Do you ever get a pain there? H so. do you know what it means? It is a Backache. A sure sign of Kidney Trouble. Don't neglect it. Stop it in time. If you don't, serious Kidney Troubles are sure to follow. DOH'S KIDNEY PILLS cure Backache, Lame Back Diabetes, Dropsy and all Kidney and Bladder Troubles. Price 50oa box or 3 for $1.25, alisleislara. DOAN KIDNEY PILL CO.. -Toronto, Ont. AUCTIONEERS. MHOMAS BROWN, Licensed Auctioneer for the Counties of Huron and Perth. Ordure left at A. MaCampbell's implement wareroome, Beaforib, or THE EXPOSITOR Office, will receive prompt attentiori. Satisfaction guaranteed or no charge. 170841 A UCTIONEERINO.-B. S. Plaint s. Licensed Jj Auctioneer for the ;counties- ef Huron and Perth. Being a practical farmer and thoroughly understanding the value a farm -stock and impie- ments, places 105 15 a better poeition to realize good prices. Charges moderate. ;Satisfaction guaranteed or no pay. All orders left at Hensel, poet office or at Lot tS, Concession 2, Ray, will be prOmptly tteladed to.. 1 170941 A - citize4i was riding out. Regina a kew days ago on a when somethint went wrong machine and i he rider disco had no winch with him. M inan the bicyclist inquired w could find a monkey wrench intelligent foreigner, after se his bead, replied: "Jam -Gal keep one sheep ranch over tl not know any monkey- re -nen pAiLEKoNE - ,J ; ,v, p L Opinions of Leading Physicians. have examined the cotaposmion of Strong's Pile. knne, and used it for external aral internal piles with baa results. J. D. WILSON, M. D., r.a-Mayor, Lon- don, Ont, Price, 3L00. For sale by druggists, er byirail, en receipt of price. - W. T. STRONG, Manufacturing Chemist, Landon, Ontario. 1796-52 ide of bicycle vith the ered he ;eting ere he . The etching raith,he Lem me I STOOK FOR SERVICE. 110 FIG BREEDERS -Tho undersigeed will keep ou Lot 26, Concession 5, L. R. aaTrackersmith, thoroughbred IridawbRali Pie, also a thorough- bred YORKSHIRE Pia. A limited number of sows will be admitted to midi. Term, 61, payable at the time 1.1 service, or $L50 if ohargod JAMES GEMAULL. 1008-52 DIG FOR SERVIOE.-The undersigned will keep 1- on Lot 29, Concession 11, 111bl:text, a Thorough- • bred Yorkshire hoar to width he will -admit a limited number of 1 sows. Terms. -$1 at the time of rarviee. JOBN ELGIE,Chitethuret, Ont, 1771-11 1310 FOR SBRVIOE.-The undersigned has on 1 Lot 23, Concession 11, Maintop, a thorough- bred Yorkehire Boar, to which he will admit a Ihnit- ed number of some Terme-760, payable at the time of service, 7111th the priviltge of returning if neeeesery. HUG T. GRIEVE. 178241 A Family Necessity. "Owing to aitIflclal modern life, almost every- _ body suffers 5035 or leas frora constipation, torpid ts liver snd s h ki eys, aas ad ea Dr.Cne'e Kidney- LiveaPills are be m A prompt and tboraouidlh:uire5 for this derang ment, they have came to be consider- ed a family n ed Hosts of famili would riot Placetbe vast facilitiesof it e Tele think of being Without them. One p it 66080 of cente a box. phone System at the for the 1 -Mr. an have gone o in Manitob •every one. Are convenie4 use (4 non-subseribere. Mr . Sterritt, of otherwell, a t months visit to friends fA.d. Relieve t,hose Inflamed Eyes! POrt.418 Extratt Reduced One-half with pure soft water, applied freqnently with dropper or eye cup, the congestion 13;111 be removed and thepain and inflammation instantly relieved. CAUTION dangerous, Ira aiiating N'Sritch iIazeJ prepa.ratione represented to be "tbe same as', Pond's Extract which -easily our and generally contain "wood alco- hol,” a deadly poison. -•••••••••••••• '1i- Bicycle Season 1902. W. N. WATSON, North Main Street, SEAFORTII, Hae on hand.a, good stock rf the latest high grade up -to -dee e MASSEY-HARR/8 and GODERICII BICYCLES, Which will be sold cheap tor Mil or HE short time. Prices from -$26 npwaros, A few pod seeend hand bicycles on hand winch will be amid cheap. Call and fX9.131;50 my stook before purohasing, Ither at ray efflee or at Herbert J. Morrison'e atop. All wheels guartieteed for the treason. Alsodesler n RAYMOND and WHITE SEWING IdACEINES, and general Insurance Agent. W_ rsr WeeSeglISOINTaa General Inearanee Agent, and Deader in Sewing Machinesand Bicycles, NORTH MAIN ST., SEAFORM, 630 4 Blibre" Aire' 177Theoca.'s 1/3312,90501Cainiiiish Reme:. siz. Fear,aldruggits... Tara:obis:ea; direerectot ioninney address. 44 forms Of Sextut WkageakneSeguaSS, 'radii effeettettrof ;tinsel" oar pexrieecess,, onMeeprestaokiageWolirry, 8.1x7 liseersel,. 0:eldrineepleasekof TO - haw°, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt Sold in Seaforth by Alex. Wilsen,J. S• Roberts and lite Weed oputpanys, Windsors Out4 1,1 I drumlins:1n Osavila 'Tell Tell- able medicine easoove BLZ , M�KIIIOP DIrectay for 1002. r,•••••*•esia•HaG 1. MICHEAL MURD1E, Reeve, Winthrop P. O. JOHN SI BROWN, Councillor, Seahrth P. O. CHARLES LITTLE, Cortecillor, Wiuthrop P.O.' JAMES O'LOUGHLIN, Coundller, Beeehwood P. 0 ARCHIBALD MoORID, litiOR, Councillor, &earth P.0 JOHN C. MORRISON, Oak, Winthrop P.O. DAVID M. ROSS,, ?matures, Winithm P. O. SOLOMON J. ,SHAITRIOli, J. impeder. Ladismy P.0, !! '1.