The Huron Expositor, 1902-06-13, Page 7JUNE is, 19020 W0- the tikatless one. Then a kid �* frankly I will help i -N 0 W, h a a aW We MAYS FORTITUD captl -in 'ar fast Re P di nyou ever had a reaA, honeft linuro gh go id T1 matter. Lst tuch L.severely Tried By Ailments thr4ahing ? No Well, hi ireach id rr nkitat go up took on, tho bright" 6euliar to the Sex. loran adja,cerkt nice ban y it Of r I 10, as be took t P-1 0 let her ba ready here goes experiondei No. 1.1 Like 41 up Aloft, bright look, �Vbindhe� veil of her womanly moclesty other things, this kind' of bu nest wai ta when you w doing carefully. Take the 1 cafa It be more frown; and shle, 43d jortitada, nearly every woman suffers job Smi ) if you 4.9 iv Terence a th� of Jargebu�y. He. yea] a. you then I" she win be sought indescribably-froTa time to time, and con- ed for 'Adventure, an4 Is �pareln tis roared.-Gli tinuee: to Buffer in spite of all her efforts, be� sent him up to London td h, dp n alb Pat Qr shunned and Ue. dinary medicine -18 powerltea to do troubles. that d t�,uae or in the grocery line. One V Ora ng 6e Vi 0 oa ill Such cases. Ordinary medicine may OFF d hatied by. sentont,to get uncles allkhat to ea. W�ll -9 temporary relief -even purgative in a brave vIff" '�hat he hung -that hat oaref ally, I p O� 106ce 6f yoojr do -but the one great medical die, waiate ground where a hous( ba4 been pullw ,4very Capable of permanently curing and down, laid in some onkey, nutk end othor The folld eventingaretrtief the Ailment is Dr. franto building food, and son South Per Pink Pill, a., TheAe pills ate not an r 11w st&ti&h. Hadidaltknoww 6r b wannt ProvinoW i inary mecticins ; they are not a pite-rit to go,. so he bookV(1 to the Alrat 01% a hb a jr and on May 11clue, but the prescription of a regularly A on the bills, bought some I lig4t littrat te- tisingphysiolan who ueed thent in his and entrained, re0olviDg - to'l rid a far As ivate practice for years before they were the train went, 11. and pbky tbe� diftene n van to the public uader the name of Dr. N, r ow. though.be aidn't kTo ft� h3 was a on ro lillams' Pink Pills. They are the beau a " circle " railway, and a ro E) All far man. the only medicine for qd No. 1 Deangej- and round t an. Mrs. - John MoKerr. Chickney, 11 the engine �ircd,j aDd' 11 J01 No. 2 W. R. says D. Williams' Pink change here turned 4im, dut. n(f wbdn No. 3 I& have save John Emerged from the v�r r.. e't ""i" No. 4 ne people ahou d me many a dollar in dootor's d- *oudor id I to that whence he tkkd starte No. 5� litiolt 01 heal, . For some years I was greatly afflict. -1. . FS rushing riv with oilments that make the lif,4 of so '"Vis Scotland?' he wat q or yitig-i he No. 6 aft any of ray Sex miserable. first person he ram agains� Was �n ole Pet ir. k DARlected tried many He had been out two hou he truL n that end in ae%th 10 els bat found no relief until 1 began looking for John and the tot at and -he uaeofDr. WilliamePink Pille. Theee In No. 4 t &ad took John home by the ear.,, 1'ri tired iwitchluge dabil. have made me fetl like a new person ; a hum dram existence," icoknpl�ined V, and in No. f V I dull pain in Almost Ontinuolls sufferinU I endured recently. 41 I'll r W VVY4 result k ji�s pealed away and life na longer seems a ixoutatida�pu 411t rut part bWqn, I know r -f & number of other we- crowd.' He doui�ed an old wenrl , 0 oor the east end of London, and prowl i Mau who have b6en similarly bent -fitted, Ad .. I ug ab I" No. 2 enjoyed himself immensely. Ten he pot zoe-S U31ery I � think,, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills . 1, No. 3 - COM. - and, opening him -coat to �toe t ' d and weight in gold to those who suffer I lu"'grys he No. 4 oir I time, a loafergrabbed his Watch and male No. 5 ftin female complaints or general prostra- e StAzdard Of off with it. In thl� bue, a�d' ory hat w as No. tivit-v- ThS hot -ton. raised the you,th i his autiont gar nent v As mmer will, Soon, . !The happincs-4 of healh for both men and mistaken for the thief, and I he a pret d, nervous and ­w0men ties in the timely use of Dr. Wil. severely handled. 11 -Aht W� a Y will be applling il4ma Pink Pills, %vhioh act as a nervd tonic said ho. In Nos. 1, philosopbictffly, as he hobbled home "'I he system, be not slid sapply new blood to enfeebled ay -sterna. m I ustn%. grumble, I want - I . I ballot each - pd !expert mce ficit have cureA, many thoua,%nds, of oases of y hand and I've ther medicine decline," consumption, pains in - had m3tiwish oolv V�rpeqt in the bumpiog the got uoicked' out of No. iebaok.neural ia, depression of spirits, inpu, 9 robust h' It4arbpalpitatian, iadigeatian, rheumatism, No. 2 h t ek d ger -ad partial paral- No. 3 #tiqa. 8t. Vitna dance a *� But substitutes should be avoided if To Cure EJ Cold in Oiie Day No. 4 value your health -, see that the full Take Laxative Bromo No. 5 Qaiaine T&tleta.' l drPggiet refund money4f i� failsto cure Dr. Wil'iame Piak Pills for Pal a, win, pie,-" is cn every box. gold 'by all deal- . W. Grovez signature is on each box. 25c in, 64 n po Paid at 50 cents a. box, or nboxea for - 50by addiesainkthe Dr. In No, I No. 'a three,' ilms' Medicine- C,,., Brockville, 04t. Good Star,, I out with A oonpl? intent on matrimony o ntered a Y she Saw the die. -sale room in EEO i Tuckersmith. urgh the other niht in No. 1 iinted in old tij- IT.79E COL-N-CIL.—C the hope.of pickin�g up some ho nseioid ftli- No. 2 ew- niture chetLp. There was a ;I �e crow V. says the X ouneil. met at On � 1. mem- Tneuday 27th ult., and each Dn like flwers prtsent, ain'd soon the, coupt g,:Dt lep4rated No. 4 T s-tolid Tooki lbqr having taken tlx6 required oath, rt a a R& from each ther. A an taotia I l6okin No. 5 aqurb of revis�ou -on the aaraessment roll. 0 g -up for aued n - d I tarted N -t Ove table was'put No. 6 YOU some -There. were no appeals against any of the ee shillings, The prospee ive h&baa11, throw them thr sisessmente.. Afewchangeswere made 111 roll, in cases where property had h,,g- bid four, to ba immediately, follom by A woman laconle- 64 hands sinee beingaseessed, hud the -en. bid of five �hillinga from BOM0 ome -0 'Is In No. 4 tries, for $17. dog tax were struck off the left. 116 bid t:ix while the p�rs3a V�n h18 beter in MM �oiptrs having disposed of their dogs, since left bkd sevqn. and so it con �in ped. un�til t,�s grow better too�. bilder on the leftwaseclared p�rcbFo- 0. 1 "ay were assesaed. The roll,. as thus !the erat fift�en shillings. A�,,Nrmiauwaftoir N o. -said the we- -amended was adopted as the xevia6d assess f his bargain seeking bride ed ged' th,-ouph t �e No. 3 m�at-roll for this year. Af;or the close o r whereat her rowd, and informed him �b 8 b!ad No. 4 Iders and let the� .44er court the council sat for 9tueral bus' ntfs. Lot 2-2, con. 3. L. R. S., was taken the table. Greitt Scot, M �g i" hE � gr6aue d, C& an bidd a). , I frut ro d division 16 and added to division me been -n' zg�inst ve te people are. and 15i and John Halligtom was appointed -patb- In Na. 111 she, said 'ailter. in Nox w6ter of division 23 inplace of George Mc.- �Ily planted ger. - ur job;i of gravelling in 'BACK BREAKING IN TWO ay. Thirty-fo �ay, and nothing, variousplaceaiathetownship were ler, by know becter than j tcnder*, prices a little higher than last Words Used b an ttawa The. tar. The contract for the abatments to - F my geraniums. ,68proat; bridge haabeen, let to F. Gut- Ladv in Describing er 3 chop off." Com- t ridge at,4.15 per cubic yard, and the Sufferings. laterin Lhe sea- atmet for the steel superqfructure to A. The, c I III& Co, of M it-ebel, for $759. The new (8pec In No. 1 It and the, bu.JS sre (T OTTAWA� Oak, June 9th 1) �Mj .0. -mselvea are any. bi* ge will be (0 feet clear . between the 1. Wm. R6--seau, of 380 Gla4ato e- Street, and in No.'io Any -f-otr6adway Pratt traBs 8 this rzi I ver tifirde years.. �Qlents,. 16 uffered for ol �s V1 m olga'it gerani- f4t high, with 5 paueli. and will- have 8 The pain in her backl; w4la g omethi ig No. I- r6we of steel- ii,iifAts &nd 3 rows Of gas PiPQ dreadful, and she says ehildren. ',They- Eud are, ever so� r�illqg- The floor will be 3-ine.h. rock elm 91 At, tirnes I felt asAf my ba�k- was break_ No. 2 1 he next meeting will be bold iAg in tWo No. 3 And it was- tiiiiarack. T i -A*D1Xou-'x1 hall. Brucefield., on Tuesday, No. 4 a shoots. in the� Morning,, noon and nijht W49 tot - abe July22ad.atl0ealock.-A. G. SunLiEl No. 5 In6nted VVI th a s tupif) ing a zzilaese twd pain ,reen leavr-s with in her bead, which almos u orhple �ely pres- .0 next, , morning; thi�r, the cook wag- trated her, the tea-pot anti. The Coronation Chair. Occabtahallv her hands In No. I I V�ou,M well aiid ell h dis-,rear. i plants. The oronation chair.. at Westminster 6use.her!rnu� tat," she anq*er.. -41lb�r L Ste use three boxes 011 D!od& T�idney i where Edward VII. will be crowned No. -1 on. pills and tas completely eati itt the pressnee of 5�000 per- No. 2 eaid the latter,. was brought to England by the first No. 3 -hing intelligent . . . . . Lonely People. �KiJZXE,3wardirt 1296, after John Baliol :41 or to drive the- 0880ottiah kingr wait defeated at Dunbar' Men V� o iaol&te thenise0es: soointy aowu as the chair of Sri. Edward, it has an have a neat, and defir' fAPlil3l ties 're n No. 6 all ays been. kept, at, the Abbey, and on it 06�1[1108D :uncOm 10 - We do dat ia my- fortable' human b6in man. Byron saya, " Ha t and in No.;"A monarch of Ea -L -And has been crown- piness .9 born a , wi ii h0USc flowers Id I* ancient times i z was. used for the bat the phrase, though- pr t ty. d pQe to, Total n4n Ooes not go far enough. ... e arep regsri 8, .arm sunshine to I earonatioD of the kipga of Scor.land. They looked, 10, ix an aatiqae. chair of hardwood, gaily land not intended to march! t@,ough if e olate. among ther �iatred,, anq a board under the seat is sp- either in doable or single filb. The IT an ter' Oa this reats the fa,- Who cares fo St. Marys a out "' which, pdyted by four lions. r nobodV, and for! wbf m nob.b dy rolver to fill the, m6na Jacow� stone, or stone of Destiny, on 6%re,,R, has nothing to live fc r illat will Blaushard! d on t6 scene -woieh Jaooba head -is said to h&ve rested for the trouble of. keeping aoul and body W- Downie w en he dreamed of -nig the ladder that kether. 'YOUL*Must ha h�ap )f 4mbaO Hibbert kws still in thisir is whed to heaven. The atone was original. to inake a glowing fire. sda#er t�eni apatt Fallarton ty, the roal chair of Ireland. It was called and they become dim mad cIDId. tio haVe Mitchell I �ith, her custom- el, or the Scone of Yxte� There is a a brilk and vigorous lite, you must have a Logan S. EaRthopf od plant%�-* she, tr ition, that a descendant of the 8cottiah group of lives to keep -each other warm, to incourag' It I I thohe that kad, ii is will always. rei4n in the country pos- afford to each other mutual. 6m tit t mistres. iug this treasure. It is also said that and confidence and suppor If you - w ih t stone was taken to Spain by, Cathel to live the life of a man an hot Lbaf, oV,a Majority fill Ad g of the A Heal�th- 1)11t Was broughti back to f ungue be social, ba brother ly,� be cha6tal: It. I bind by Simftu Brech, leader of a bond of be sympathede,� and labouvearaBetly 1br The D the goodof your kind. *04, about 700 before Christ, The gode ro� RX SECURED ATo o t themselves gave the stone to the Scottish P the case ol MY ople, with the promiae* that a scion of Lightning' Rempd3r fdr beir meeL should always reign over, the land Same people hava cramps '-pietty ofV513, that &fuer t �ST FOOD V 110h retained poes- sion of this relic of deafress, It others ouly now and again. But when 3'Q'u 'ATHER. -antiquity. do haOe them i --,'a a mightN q ick relief' 4 Catarrhozoo Tue history of the stone ia given by Sir want. Polson -'s Nerviline is 14 el6fh This � pro" M alter Scott tims . Fergus, son Oi Bria, to rellev6 cramps in 6 V�c sdc6n� �s-it's i4- treatment ii re and Brain ,,piobably a deadeadant of Simon Brech, was stantaneoils, just a few drops� in aw.eia�6 Ld and deafnei -41 iven out, of Ireland, and landed,, in 503 wat--r and the pain is gone, 60'ay a bot As always briak N fore Ohrist, on the coast of Argylshire, in Lbf Xerviline tv-day, avd kbep it baw V. to 'give lHat tland, bringing the atone with him.' Nerviline from 1mlak k, are secured in Is a common boaadhold rdme#,L Nols -a an on it was. brought by Kiag Kenneth and only coatrA 25 cents. Sold byl.' 4r Morning meal Scotland to Scone Oastth�, and the Scottish. druggist, Seaforth. to inhale wkfaat Food. it go were crowned on, it from that time areat b nel i -d, sustains. tha Dr. Hamilton's Mandrakil Pills]Care Con. Price, $1.0 til Edward I. destroyed the royal resi. 0. Mtkit. Break�- stipatiou. (cat energy And -d Me of Scone, and took the stone to Lon- V. Fear, 'r a toiler's friend 1l.w ere it has remained ever since. Not Quite 01 son & Co., I Ir le Scots formerly believed that it g&Ve Hami 11 to rth nine . It might be supposed th t ngI all bpei 6k. ical sounds when. the. rightful . : * I f enture Ing miler Seated himself upon it, but remained people wouldmot; v to t avel in a E"ry DaY, mate when a usurptir was crowned.. foreign country without s)jnel kuo ledge '0 f its language, ba� our co �rymen do so The conveyance of this stone to England ed aver expreff­ "W�a regarded as a national humili%liau by every year. A lady Xelates that she Was� Qne of par�y d&-Y,� ^ad n4va Scots, and in -the treaty concluded be- of English tourists that 1vi ited hladriO. said a, club- 11;een Fingland and Scotland in 132� one Of jL he only one of -i tt e' pir ho we hear it sMd& 8 conditions was the return of the ancien Ahe was t, ty It knew &ny'npanish, and her.1 s ck was. coo- lle is as d:uk traasure. Edward III. gave or�ers that it r�14 of: ) I .1) fined to yes " and no ind " Mil seeral uld be sent back, but for some unknown I m ey 1 4naged t 6 ucn he was not. obeyed. When James Bygneans of gestures th person being, afj� ght, aaceaded the throne of England under Along the first, bfternoen Ituld 0i 11 a. loon mi gh ra t Oil- �-kers 7peaka of theftMeofJamea I. the aforemontioned The next morning, at, breakfast, there i a P' e, b:ut no milk, and th6 par a ,ad as a door 7.,0pheoy seemed to nave been fulfilled. The c(I e Y appe t suine. - T o 4er ismay to the lady to ge sn't know why Stolle is not of meteoric orig' aamanyhoe ins got, the word- for- milk, ��-nd after ttrivi o,ra defunct than 11aintaitted, but a block of red sandstone fig C in vain to xecall it-- she seiz-d - a piece pf .be mad is to be "t3iining an unusual proportion of iron. and V. Pencil an . d dr . e pi paper e1W h ct-pre of a mad us, a hatter, Wag, once carved, �ilded and pain�ed, but I the three con- t - 0 de,cor&t,-ons have entirely disa ?peare d t: e ldraw �e, clear to me� InOdern coronations it is covered with The waiter examine iing criti- baing as dry cally, weiA out of the room,� and returned Oth of gold. Ily pretty wet, promptlywith A. bundle of tiAets- for t iat Li hea,r of a- per- day'�s bull fight. zber, or a% fa -1, as Seeing the Wor d. THE YO(;, -Z(. IDEA. aa aafe as a How to Beautify the Co 1p.xi �n �a ugly as blue Peculiar ideas some boys h Ye Some' have a soft, smooth e. ft Qrn ;ick,-. In fact, * , .. I 100i a r, b Mes they seem. to for, t� ay h To'" 1kin, free 8� odd eompari- 'gat years and yearn before the to. I ive and eruptions and phnpl6. th'f. Mtn e o I-* about in. And we find em, say at healohy and pure. Ferr e � nvigorE ies �h enfeebled,.blood,, and olean4ef it of 'all im- iseful articles 1lixiddenl packing up a few IL t itiee and poizons ; it br c rk -knives, dark pn eins. and pur -Ruch as clasp . i a old t to �be Q *er like thingal that we use I ever? day- lips : and � cheeks,. b rilliarl to the eyes, �as th�& largeElD vvhiten,3 the teeth and Rweetens, 'the- bres �h. 3 Id starting off �o x iew the �worldl Only No tonic omparea -with Fort oz9n 3 in ra pid civilized world. otherday, says a Londbn 'Writer, F* 't. 11noth'ers never action and. permanento T'81sults try 4 tolled, begrimed, anct blinking� yo ath was Prici 50c, at druggiats, or X C. Po r 180114 -lee for Indies- hed -up from t e hold of an a, I h oces, iner. Co., Kingston, Ontario,' V?h8re he had been in total darknei a for "i f Appendicitist Vig' His aim, be said, was to 11 ui -e life." Dr. Himilton�s Pills Chr� Headache �rt Failure., etc. 41 is no excepLtional incident. Q1.iteL re- clean, outthe "utlYin s6notber big boat, a Young gentle- When He woill -suffer. of undigested StOLwed away was unearthed. NOW L On. a w at night re6enttv t�ere as'a 'he liver, atimilk- thundered the captain, " what's your of passenkers on a south�g M ing tr in car. A action of th 11 I rue ?' " I have quitted my home," said number were standing on lh� rea platform, �nok when feel- free traveller, - itt order to ain ex- hes and other among them one. whose do .. 8, CORE r and iloft, The frown vanighed f-om the felt liat �proclaiffied him - a ato r' An loses of' llfteu�s I sea does face. " Oh, nowl understand 11 Irishman. with a Ahort'olky pe c �imbed 'on, it, to, make you 'a he, " I Ou wish to Saullple all sorts 'of and'he waa hard ru board her' tbg ell r- Lonely the, mat- ly Isexperiences that av 1. never gyman said, 66 The?e must e n, o- stnoking e r.- G. G. GreWs reviouely had." 11 Quite ��Iurcet YY assented her Sure, the wind i a low ng it b ;ok U1 lie -1, the poll As t T ON P-AXPO'-, 1�0uq nola !And "V the Fees,, '11, Owl m dag meAd the Irlohme Ch t )lIn' U61 mm" I It doesn't wro. kig'g, 1% velry arming and 'vivacious ritly on a legal friend of an' �king here, You, V r well said Padidy, W1 DV V, befe-Al id 0 consult him on a mat. I T E AR L I f b ate towards climbing t: of Wtereat to er. Bri pe aps, came a tim 46 oift'know, 54 r," she saUrto h6, 6, that �00 t6e late Mr� Pigg diect lie lek M 0 &it a d sate 'below, aw. 9 us all a A tha!Vll bother- is f4taue muoh to my aat�sfaottonj oof Is ha e A th other passengers be qicapp6d it VVIththe nam �O, leimeo. 0 Mgg4� wL hich I , ust say I douD like." W11,1" ventured the lawyer, 41 I pre- aumeW)h�udsow wornan isn'b especially )J'AL EITURNS. ' 146 U �euted by;being loft a Pigg.' ni IsTould sxy 'Pot, she laughed. "Now 0tJTH P TH. rhat X came to a a you about -Wai 'whether 1 not I inuat execute what yrju call a deed. rig its the official returns for 0 02DWRICH T 0 4 oo'nalwtim'l with the A to i6t it oha4ged." 4$ Uui-,er he.luesitMed as if wrestling March ist,1898, b an easier way is to apply to a parson, mAvy S. isT an I'll pay all t e,,,n8es myself. 'Nr but a widow is never A -N mum, H id, 1902 9027 ith a &ea� lega problem, um-.--er--A,ess U R . 1894 1 t:� adden teith�kdek Uonteith Stock C% ght �apj - "and-- she appointed that 11g, �or another coutultation. 28 43 1 40 '68 po:pleasant to take that chHdrev Ory for it, b tit iV duath to woXms of all kliads, DR. LOW'd All dealers, 1 8 106 116 R SY1,XP. Price5o. 10 8 102 81 68 %I 64 61 The Knight's SorrY, P1 -4 Thri 4r)ndnn coireepondent of th Liver 420 001 407 3(2 395 Daily Post i 4 repponsible f or e follow- ro Were thi do rejected ballots, 1,�g stor� The occupants of an omnibus ip a London f tb 9 burb found the monotony 0 r journey BLANSRA RD. by te eutry b bke 6ne worning reaen6ly 5 47 47 8 0, a talt �emale, uccompalaiad by a sMall an Bon' 54 65 43 b)y, wl�6, in place of v. bmt, wore .9 84 27 saucepan on his head. 62 82 57 PnOv idte 'a looka, d1onVe ?" remarked, ET 8 15: 67 .53 64 6e w�i"'-n when she had t a 6 65 so vi bileltfiis lad tried to hide his 41. e be- i himi ph� handle W'bich hung down �in front 411 309 396 268 and 6 there was one rejected t'tj le- tioiu' it fur V erquire,d a worki. iree in all' Inan. ))-lin' it, Nr 1" Puapped Oi Woman cc.9 Vt�arn',aln it o' course rE's been - AF DOWN�,,E pAviril OR aw he ,Var3 a nite, or qumthiLL, 19) an"'e ' rnt�d wo0e calls a 'vlm vr e�dt&'O 'de This Season t6e M VLN '00016aw 'EmMe Co.m.plelbed qM une ;4th. 65 8 ati to Now Steel Stt a acity 3 People cav- .40 12) 42 113 goes an' 6ka the sorsepan on' an :39 95 36 104 now it: w,,Ou1r, come orf, and Hi a ykn, mer 47 7) 59 72 'in to- th e or&e pi t&1 to see whethor- thoy kin 121 i13, 124 39 tR it orf 'inj there." IN -1 LEAVE G06ERACH 10 0. 30 A. r4l. mttn sy� Pre kid V'said the pathetic- 319 431 326 413 remaq one rejected ballot, ill Pare I- id P ratn rted tho woman ; "pore I' me, 4i qhuld sy. 'F, wag in sich urry to k On No. 5 oue. e(I d a U 11 th I t iD ho.n. that'e never looked te see what J iULLA=0 IT. os hin'ir., and Ws gop my blegsed breakfast 121 7) IS 51 ns Due Port Huron noon, Detrolt 4.30 p. n). ide 130 41 60 24 Returnirlg, leave Detroi,t hursd y, June 19th, 1.00 P. M., arrive Goderichl, 9.V., P. M. .58 .) 7. 36 1011il RAD.%0(40, ho-.xcver annol''i ard die- .azein,4r s p-taitively (u ed by I 11�hk PILLS, r �AX-L Fridai h lie June 120 , af 8.00 a. m.� Eastern' time, teave for Detrbl;, 39 43 108 41 11 ey A�e eaq to tt*kes6rd r-evrr gripe. 37 54 F e on D way with baggage, $1.00. 77 32 M' ,and Clin.11" ton. !J,�NGLE$ AN D JES, Special Train 0o Stratford, Mitchell, Diklin, Seaforth -54 261 337 238 raiwas one rejacted ballot. Bind Moonli ht E imsion, at. Goderich, Tuosday EvIngg 8 0, ock, N Ros�,,',radlant, $ul)pl NVIL11 that one's a py; Vr-qb:to love, a bit to hate, C. F. B1. -3LM 'N, Traffid Manager E. H. Ayer, Adv. and Excursioii Agent 69 tist Made my t 7� 7), 59 The� suprerne ail 7 61 67 74 64 81 62 75 Fer hi cicv� 4! .1* 10 59 106 Sig ng for grt:� t Jexv� lace, PrIceless fur. Oc. 48 35 251 307 appqaled to her. i hound Trip F fr afort to Gg.ded 19 01' Iii� were tlif,% rejected! bat-, 1vo, and in No. 4 two. the raonciy 6ave out strife; A r1clier one ui). and he What Do Our.Schoolbovs Read?. New One Nereded. Uai what God first Lo nie-� -the so' Does _boolboyof to -day know any This is t! a time of; year when III= �Chlcago Record.-Ile-ald. 199 6t 93 51 tbiag of L,)�gfallow, Holmoe, hititier, b a up hi i last year's summer str �92 67 73 62 JAmes Ruisill Lowell, afiq Fi reene and ouder i how he oo, td ever haivej worn 70 51 66 35 From the VCV-.,r; st,.Irt. Halleck, whoie poemm his fait er or "ven is Rae a 00 Mg. I slic- is tile Collect tr.allslz 1013 elder bro�her�can etill recite He 'is subb, 10-11 '183 232 148 (jf of that lovel ring, yo a Superior yolling person that w:e hesitate to -Jossph Jette, lad cf, 0kawa, rei were tbr ;a rai ectbd ballots estion him 4a to what he I reall,r knows was drowned 'While swimmin in the t canal C, �qu n he�e were t No. and what he hilis put behind e ong- Saturday." The body was recovere4 10 11C him fl,� 1: and T -Valthful to the las' e ing to, a past 1 age. One often wonders taken to hill father's bome. Finelold p LOGAN. She -The. How- borrld! And ort wine whether be has aband oned reading ever3-i to which J�as been 179 33 76 29 you'vel aiwys told me before that I thing but the current periodiqals and purely vle ptable popu- RDOCK BLOOD 13ITTERS is a added Pekuvian ibination, tnat In AL ttlkfe and natural iwta,i irectly W 90 49 %ras 14e -very first. lar novels, IF the ortbiest j:ast. w6rition9d .13'n Eark; mi prowrtiolar. rk5 upon the BOVIELS, LIVBB, KtDNEYS ' aud I L011), ionNI purl 61 79 75 end others of their day have .,�beeu iaid on.' ap*nveill joy the elem sing the ent re systern of all impuritlo i, faul �0 6 73 65 Addition. the shelt an ar as edheat bsbraet:iona that polson: tbe blo)d- aud 1�n;Hshand French 90 63 QU 68 concerned, w o are their suedeesors Eyes disease. a�s wo, though the were 3harmgc-qppems is Wh�n she w I The moder achool education is urqu4s-1 two, t bradj�& 'oon both nably a gr at advanceme. e is no form of kidney trouble f.mm, back- 286 468 .286 rcre one, you Soo, tio nt over tha Th, # a ache down ta B i ht' d' that DOA�'S X10- blood 91VU19i, lifek )rb was one rejected ballot. But In year�f*ac doctor ca.110d, even twentyy0ars ago, yet is'ib liol possible e7or c u r e. : 4 I NRY PILLS, vill not rt-Hev, renewing And then tho:4e Lwo were tUree. that in some ways its attita e is a trifle if 1 Pou are troubled with ah y kind of kid e y -win- 8uch -a pre*a- 7- too iconoclarsde ? � Conserv&66'111 all cling. Pld�% ase D(,au% Kidney ftla�- fin is ay eetley 07 113 19 124 Ulm Luck. ing to traditi:')ns, are in their7 w 20 % h I RJAr 17 IS3 173 its for a- 0 MAKE MONEY it is neaespary to -brato, 9, 000l bead fro a from pain. and at P1 1 son-S.- 11H.0r ni� me.ii did yoli try to hall c mmercial peDple, and we br) t 42 83 31 109 Ina rry Oef ore 3,OU ot me?" she bowled should be sor cy to uee the people c I to -clay. vigo jug niijes. M11-myn'8 Re:srt and Ne' e FEN ely ignoratit of ail the a things invil rate aid brighten the brain streogthen the grnw up enth e make fragrant the memories of our ne 86 314 70 -406 -e," lie answerod sadly, "And I whiA i rv)s, and. remove all bewt, Ylrd and ri� Invalid 7 . I "Tweli own school days.-Harper's Woekl1r, trou des. NO 04- ire wmi onB rejected ballotli thought to count them bef ore Ad ever loft G(OD HEALTH IS IMP SIBLg1lthout regulmr ither.�'-13aldnlore World. LiVei Pills 3r of rejected ballo'ts, U LyFe Stock Notes. actic ri of the bo*b1s. Xi burn'a IALis P re U ate the bow% I-, cure: i sonsumption, dya po There an he no doubt that� the Eature Of e 6 bila isness, Flok'hexdaahe i �nd 0 aff e&,f ,496 048 3 2115 248 the food fed . fawle has' a great deal to do� orgasoldigiation. rrico,16 oe 3. All drd isrs. by in BY MAJOAMRS. I ..An �stronomer, earnest, butras with the meat of the 8ame-that the taste 0 physIcians. 45 25 'V-V,�ent out on IL lot to view Mar Fe: r Cholery , Morbus, Oh, tars - Infintuni, C 0, me v�lth Et I i'4 gteatly Mo lited. by better 'flavored food s-tutf ry and Suinmer Ccim litat I 9Q The� a Willia4m oat ca 0 Coll% Diarrhc e %, Dy 108 '*I li FwIs -should nwver be all wed to eat un. , I WHO�X�ALC Aar:NTS; 112 87 d,then he saw ll kifids Of.* Dr. Fowhr'a Extraou Qr Will Strawb a mpt LAWRENCE A,� W an a r foDa; in iafe i Lad sure cure that has le- wpilil wiw -PhIladelphia I rests.4 wholesome or to scratch n the anure 1�6014 CO., IfifthriReAt 78 56 pile or in draia�s if the birds are to lie eaten for n ily po yea a. 4 - BY 99 FQtp ALE 103 on the table.. 90 84- H�ndling without C -X- ou -�Yourtg colt cannot commence B ttfih Troop Oil Uniu-te? 1; lb, h Wbat leer*, 10 122 7��s his father� allYway, the oat effed e rezinedy f r Cuts, Woundk too early. He should be taught tw: things 40SEP W BER, Op es, llheum%tistu. MW3 an4 Stingia I In-- before he is a day old, thar, bib has a re 248 336 doyou know? mBe Seoe' Aj.rg bottle 25c. Get one' at 1 your -- Wholess He-Yvs. 'V\'by? and that -he has nothing to fear frain man. i D de and! *tatl dealer in Wiues 4,46 438 433 501 Linults. He told me his father was a. skip- If the owner 9! on IF riehdly terms 1 vith the holding P y Gas h for E 3t i ock 71 per. dam -the battle is half won. it him SHOP -In rear 01 n Bank., lu pre y ises formerly 'at's ri-lit He a bani cash. often, talk.soobingl to biih�, while" a upie b y. H. R.Jack- him gently, et fi rinly, and c�rressj Vg him. S06 & Son, - of Miracl es not Past I ar.1 -philadelpll ia 4/ecord. It is easy to in his confidene'e and on he thing. �.h ;0 'Star reporVer'inveibigated': ill be tame. aty'a Choice. a George Warner, and found, The high price -of beef is calling the at-, I �eg to'notify y6u'again that �pa the Sald I to Mary "Are you hungry' Enghnid falrmere to the' rteen years of almoot total F I tention of New higi eat, Cash Prices foi�. "Yes," said Ybe, "I am.' I had been cured by inhaliD inatter of beef making, which has been prac-1 1 POPUL-Al 8 T A L U 0 N, 9 So "Name your choice," I sald nit Mary 0 A - Iror i,. Steel, Rage Old RUL irs, . 1. I a ticalty abandoned in th'is liection of the, I I I Had a little lamb.. Ci ipper, Brass, Leajdo Zino, Pow er� 5 th4t - where Ca.tarrhcz,)ne, -PhUadelphia Bullbtin. country. It may be tb at. the press it pricios: nt)t be long sustained, bit there, 41ors' Clipings, 01qan New rs,: employed, impsired hearing of beef"will f - Bocks, New 0 d O! Old - Gee e on 0 expect a very in& 'ked de-; citil be cured. Catarrhozone Good *ords Scarce. t is no reas I I , relief, and is w Cline in price i until a crop of'. b�ef ai d Tuikey Feathwa, Horse H r, qu eL arranted gqf 'we can't 'speak well of pAple,, can be 001 P okiugs, Shei p- Skine, all ki do g! satisfact on. All sufferers �Id t produced, wl ioh will. be about thn Years, 4 0 Clean'Bottles, Bot es and Old es. ,4� Hoaring, D"fn'fs3, H( he gentle young woman, "it IS and -there is i to assurance th`4 price will be OP The followng R14111 travel 4*lug Me e Season of IW2 foliowl: - oging in the E�%rs,. are advii etter not to talk of them atall." lowered then. The population of t � 'e coun- IV hen you get throt gh with h use-: Lthrrhozonz and derive the� "Yes, 'V ani3wered Miss Cayenne, "that! try has ilacre sed since 1890' 22 p r cent., 'clea, ing, ti I lephone No. 72, or a nd'wo d tol, b is oapable of affordin hile the nu -nber.of beef cattle hat increas- my office, and I will hi ve one of in WT A TIT g, Is why the.,weatlier is'such a prevalent �tw W gone NAU sl�all size, 25c. $old b y L ic of conversation." -,WashInjt09 ed but -12 per cent. No doubt .. he bee call upon ui It wil pay you- tot av any BAWDruN & eD0,3E Pr-orietors, Exeter, &t, Saafoitb, or W. C. Pol-I combine hits had some inflneice in advanc4 of he Above articles or us, as I ps eThe champlon shire ing the price i to bonstimers, !but i m in[ highest cash price tallIdn ad Amnploa stye -Belahazz, r A866, V4'1, Lnd the -pr ageton, Oat ario. Pei influence in I 4lion Cona4ugliva. Heir., ,Pills: Curi i Constipation. his movement i" the rhortap!e 16boroughbred Hmktiey Supply Unuinited. - N6Tl0H,TO FARMBIM * r Will PRY' 401 pet ovt Vol. 19, will bUnd eir emble, Exote oi caulle an I the- insufficiebt nu ber tn, - 0 Y, for the ny )dnd bt 7 uld i aa D cash for a chinery, also II& i uggy' imprqvemeit of stw'k Or 4-902 torlus. with "Give me a kiss, my charming. Pearl." timate demands of the m%rketJ or wagon georIng. old todes, horse Shoop, i Id In usned 0004166ns. Wit7res; fropa a diet 'A young man said to a blue eyed girL old stoves, 16 fact, 411 kinds of old iron. B np ir4ys the Same. ; n with gra", 1 Ance far- Said she, "You great, b1g, lazy elf, nished, 1700-tt Youi old tron, i�te., oad getbash for everyt ri arime old Water,, help yourself.", I INSTANT BELIEF guaranteed by iffing MI151 TUcker your mouth and BURN'S 8TER'j1;NG HEADACHE POWJ)ERS. No, BLAISD0,Ni-Vr1LL1A-M, 1652d7 aine CI I show; -Chicago ewJL -depressing after.01cat. 3ame decirion t BERRY & R, PrOp*terx. sh e. Not to go; Chas. immg exciLewent The- Worxt Ever. I , Can&Wdae's :Gz a9l portw. ftlt* StsUlon '%Vhi%n It conics. A Bb�'s Leisure laours. I r -1 I ; - "That," said the cheap barbE! , re Wholeshle Rag an'd M�ial 39me band wagon, BLAISDt I - L, t JA M 6529 Horns and drunio easin his victim, "is Wht Ve call the A boy wam employed in a awyeile offio( i Took Brat prize Horse Sjhow, and he hat6i t daily news per t amusl e Can-adian ak pearea cut." � 8 E A F 0- RT -R� illcomerp, Toroato tbleeason. 3 rb e white hc irvee, �15hake R'style of hat newep against . himself wit.- e eg'an to. �Stuay 'French will 8 -viewing .- I � �whdz Xdr he luiprovemeap, 4of Oock this t appin,;s, 'Ali,�r reinarlced the other, anti at the li tle desk became a fluent readel C ppohit( Elect I same t. H3 Light Works. lot I ],yea m4f in the' gla§s. "The mcgt un- On tho old ca. and writer c) lie French laninage. He acli ii�. 16 tf Berr?'s S41e an.4 -E)tchan- StabLOsi t lladesi cut of all!"�-Philadelphla Press, ornplil s by ]a de tile news*'- Ll -o -pe- 'Ting 60.1 I3aine old longing i - Harmonious Dixeor4. 3aper and ,taking UR sorpethingi not si q �Fllling me., I I I saine old yielding, amusing but f more profitable. Same old rush The, other in 11 h�wle�d A: -coach an was of ten obliged to wai OAR FOR S19RVICE —The woAderal Will 01 B koep I Dr service on h, is prrinis4, Nor -h It f T�l After tickets. eir heaXt were full of Ire, long hours W,b le his mistress made calls Ut 22, Go iceseloo 4 L R. S., Tucken . BB mat nd. Pkoprietor� one An they to -ether beat thb- drum He determin t the tit r e. -- Hi i CsiI1,11 8hina Boar. m r an uprov or hire tain Same old vdde shows,: 33 ause itodubbed the har� a lyre. found a Fma I olume containing the "Hula- pay ble at t me of ervice, with privilegre I turn. ]m, rtioUS Saine oll se [Is, -Chicago News. g ing. - Pedil rep.-14aple I eat Hero *66 I owed Samt- old cag,@. ies of Virgi . but, Could.not read ib-, so h I Nav mber h, A901, b red by -Robe 80,L1-TF4P0J�,!T Same old an alls urcb&Fed o- tin grammar. ' �Da* *by da: Bru 0 2n4l owner, Henr little e forth Same rld ext a nebuke. p 0 he, studied t i a d I nail a s%e, d i te bile, Ance Monarab 2nd (i )641 ed b' No, 2�-Y in im 4 Chavve for ats. y inr "to two aook. He �an!t -make out the boat's name�", -Th6 1'. Hen , East G04 Pe fb rap. ;kl, an 1) Took !nd pylzg jv�tha lee-yoar-014,61wst"00 Savue old On ;and i tricacies. JA41 I stress came behind him , ..A - daii�i, Oxfor Choice. 527 (bred by i 1jr- 04nadfau i1ofsa $h0W Same old f at@ We4l wha� diff erence do0s i IVO orees. waitin at & so I .;: one day, as $to by the It L01A n, ti eetts ill' 0 t ),by Britanni '�l uder. ,at k -008 dk -0 for her, end a iked him'wbat he so i 2 (�= J a , 'ei�, .. ftford Wilt stand for e iuPrOVOWeAt, Aft Sains old Ind es' pies , 'I t Hiding nag .302 bred on); Oxford US 27081. -�geAgcn in by. Ing 1) d, HE; M! irem Ath, 0 rrylig Me pi 1zle3, "What. difference does It make! You bently readino. " Only a. bit of V a i dam) , Exclis d spa 4g Be we old is ge. 'lady." W Do you reatil L% 420,�-'Ibyv rt P ani. (1247) t Mademoisi, i.) 211 8A � El "SALL. 17964f -man wbo never had! a ma- talk 1 1'�- Lard Der ue. (822). by Turk 00 b Pr Same old peplute little, my laa She mentioned t is tb It 16tb, (464), 1 0 rek To eptiae. Grand Duchefs,� by culd- 17D7X4 H husband, who insi�ted tb#,t Dav I Shout vot, r. . I sayffe- old ,Ile Mo 11 i . ff ENRY 11' havea t to instruct him.' I a fe Same old i(e Sams anu n ement Oh, Joyl on Gtddy girls . are filled with I gieel� f-� years David i'beoame a learned man, and wo .'4 for many ye *rs a useful and belovel ininid,� p As of bld AREX, 2 sklpsi :blic elephorle When the; north wind L r Stafion4 Of the concer� TbatthiiyT bold For It brings the ­chaps, you 5�0, ter of Scoblarp. . I I I'l Tbat box shown, ifm abU ty to fire told to open and shu gates tb' I There f�s n St*ud ird ra boroe sSame decision tVo heir ldubF IiPIL A boy w e the� vast facilities of th le- Not to stey- i1a PrenL let teams,in &�d out of an iron pime. 'Itb BIW, Style Same old via* m, le Sistem � a tf There to Ao bet;rr bned 1008, v ; I a log %�a day by the aide� of e gat4L 0 t the ej a -trofter, jod Same Old W XY I ai te.e. H D is s A Itival For' Geovires et. eat on r would Oiss b fore tkle eve ; one. Are convenient fD the um Iao pi.odiaeedtatiot leasbab . . i ..avd subst -notursl b Same old dies p- Sometimes a nI hou eti co fask. Taon hoWn Pointment, then Clieverton-So now we lia-00 tw( teams came, ond thi� he emoloyed o, well usel,'Of Don-aubscriberfi. ten colts Inthis �16 vilty, t%0 t�A bx�e dals in 1898 than LIQ Vow. to never I I i - Ecei is Froduce u 0 �WVQMOD hatchets of national fame6 ! i I *jthout S ftawvg that there mal scarcely any feet i I L histo Go-40.At". 0 I I wart% col that es �n Bh( W, *100ilt 9 anie old t,!at ing List6well-Whose? that escaped his attOntion. He began. wi 0 *Wngb*h tbeir ability 0 go -letter tbat 2.40. -Or I 03 M Dowo of ve- te. a Kbtle book 611 Eaelitill. bistiory which P Dtre�Wry for iocc 12--' 4epin road �sud tam Hame old er ii -ding Clev�erton - Carrie's find deorge's.- tbh e i d ee all h o f C lu *A 1. Wilt e tewumoni*1046 I . . I folind on the road. - H%�Ving. lest i ed th bulated Teffigree. * wa Tudge.' h' ' i.4 - i%Wtjt1j S �&1741 U to hiff", 0 To the strei ts. Al EAL'44)i% Bee, tbrali P..'O.i vil e. V4iday and thoroughly, he borrow of mini ;;er::Go1 ame old clafter, J0 & BROWN,! Counel 1. 0,10. syt'b)s 0 r( 6,01,. The sn�ith'e HistoTy of kr ee 6. )od 4WD d y, old s ; - i g CH RLES LITTLE, to-, P. �t. "d, same cout', thr 0. - ante pick kate, w�s greatly interest.d in hit�, and mnt hi JA ES OILOUGRLIN Mn r. woot I P.O. Marys; V%kelln ,,Mio hell. Same q tbrtat---� rf we believe � what Run;or says a old sweariag In speech both 'nd i funny,,' bobks, find was oftel i se�a at ting (It the I Counciflor, Se*0 P.0 R ESWORTH. ani grave a N 0. X ORR11WN, I Winthrop P. C A cobvcrsiug with hilx about, the : eo0le f Winth P 0. Fla to bust. The -modest people get the prEdse, D rb X. Ross, Ec X0XDV#LE. "adeient timos� Boyq. it will ipay t, i use.. yo r -Micago Reacrd-Herall. The bola, ones get the mo4ipy- J )MON 7; SH lefsure hour$ �Vell. -New-Tork WorIcL 7'0 4