The Huron Expositor, 1902-06-13, Page 5Shoes thio
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,ruNE 13, 1902
nee- •
Forth Notes.
--Mriel Richard Coulter, of _Portage la
Prairie, is viliting her sister, gra. Rob
rows, of Brunner.
Lorne Roberton, son of Dr. J.
Sobertson, Stratford, arrived home latit
;week from. Montreal, and will preetice With
bee father.
--lie a runaway aeoident last week,
;George Dark, ot Atwood, got his collar bone
;broken, and waa otherwise badly shaken
; -Mr. and Mrs. Roberb Hird. of Mitchell,
'returned home last week from England after
;spending six months among friends in the
old home -land.
-Miss Maggie Anderson, daughter Of
Mr. and Mtn J. Anderson, of Avontort, who
;has been in Scotland for several years, is
home &Owns .
......eingh Northgravee, of St. Mare%
ishilst shingling a new:, barn at Selene',
Otear Eirkton, one day laat week, fell off the
'roof. He came violently to the ground,
breaking both. arme. .
-Mr. Harry Metheren, of Munro, iti
'about to rano the annex to his barn and pat
a cement wall nutter it. Be will use the
,basement for the. accommodation of hogs
and poultry.
-Mrs. D. H. Dorman, of Markt, Miehi-
gan visited her brother, Mr. D. Dation, in
efiechall, fast week. Mr. Dornan is snill in
the woollen nein businese, and doing well sit
. -Ma John Levy, of Fullerton, left ori
Tuesday morning of last week, to take a
look at New Oatario. He inteods to visit
the Temiskaming district with a view to
settling there next year if he likes the -canto
-Ma James Wilson, an old resident of
Ntornington, living on the 5th Hue, dieda
ehort time ago. Abont a year ago Mr,.
Wilson got hie foot caught in a horse poste
and has suffered more or lose ever since with
injury. .
-Mr. and Mrs. David Rankin'Stratford
On Thurscloy of last week celebreited their
golden wedding. Thia respeoted couple
vera the recipients of general and cordial
bougratulations from old friends in S`ratl
lord and in Zorra, where they long resided.
1 -Mr. E. S. Turner, who has been ad-
' ertising solleitor for the Stratford Beacon
or the poet year, left last week for Wined
g, where he has Bemired a lucrative porti-
on with the Farmers' Advocate. Mr.
urines home is in Parkhill.
-The number of teachers employed in
erth county is 119, 57 males, 62 females,
holding first, 67 seeoncfand 50 third elms
certificates. The average salary of male
teachers ie. $376.50, and increase of $2.13
Over 1900; the average of femaleis $282.10)
an increase of $3 46 over 1900.
-Mr, John Atkin, of Mornington,
brought into the Milverten Sun office on
ay 22n1, a heed of fall wheat in the
inhyro stage which he had plucked froma
ld of similar heeds that day. The head
Was not more than half an inch in length
itt was perfectly formed.
-,..--Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jefferson, of Hib
e -
rt, return,ed home last week after spend -
ng ten, daya with friends an the Manitoulin
' Bland. They went oat to attend the mar-
riage .of Mrs. Jefferson's youngest sister,
Mies Nettie Watson, to a : merehant in
-Ma James Pequegnat, jeweler, of Strat-
ord, offered a gold medal for the scholar in
the fourth ferns of the Collegiate Institute
telo- would take the highest !tending ie
odern languagea during the year. It is
ouneed that Mr. Gerald Megan has been
erteeeneful fa winning the trophy. His
ifiiende will congratulate him on his .success.
-The coal and wood yard belonging to
the M. F. Goodwin estate, Stratford, bait
lam sold, and will be managed by Mr.
Charles Stewart, ef Guelnh, who is a nephew
et Mr. Felix Devlin of Stratford. Mr.
tart's partner is Mr. Frank Frank, who
cotuntabseimilar businesses at Guelph, Ber-
lie, Woodatock and Preaton.
-Messrs. 0. B. Hacking and A. E. London for Tait
OX s of Miteleell, left last w P for Mon
and sail for Liverpool a three
enonthe tripThey will visit r
he Coronation and take a run up to Soot -
and and over to the °outlaw:ea visiting
aria and other points. They should have
most enjoyable trip.
-Two' young men, named. Varnois and
.liege, went out in a canoe one day lately
ullia, students at the Stratford 'Businese
n the Jake in that' city. Not being experts
n the art of managing a canoe they were
upset, but forte/lately were noticed by a
num at the boat house who got a boat and
hurried to the rescue.
-One night a short time ago, as the even-
ing train was pulling into Brunner, it came
lzery nearly being derailed by acme atones
on the track. It is supposed they were
placed there by maliciously baclined people.
There was also a large stone throne through
the winder of one of the railway carriages;
and barely escaped the conductor's head.
1 -Mr. H. Wilkinson, soda water manu-
facturer, Stratford, met with a severe aeon
' dent one day last week, whioh. Will disable
• him for a coapIe of weeks. While engaged
in bottling, he was cat by flying glass from
te bottle which exploded. One of the main
. arteries of his forearm was severed, causing
i bonsiderable loss of blood. A half dozen
- atitches were necessary.
. , Seamus. June 12 1902
leall Wheat (new), Standard.. .. _ .... $0 78 to so ea
per bnehei _ _ _ _ _ _ .. - - 0 44 tO 0 44
sae per bushel.- - _- - - - .... 0 75 to 0 75
eiley per bushel- --- - - .... 0 67 to 0 67
Autter, No. 1, loose_.- - - - .... 0:15 to 0 15
putter, tub- --.- - - ... ----- 0 16 to 0 16
Bogs per doe-- -- - ...--.._ 0 11 to 0 12
2 00 to 2 25
• gstr Per ton new- - -..------ T 06 to s So
-Hides per 100 s _ - _ ___. - -... 6 00 to 6 04
Sheep Skins.. • ..... - 1.1 . ea • O. sr • • • • •... 0 SO to 0 40
' Wool- -.... 0 18 to 0 15-
Bandeau per bush (-newt - ...- - 0 Se to 0 if
Salt (reiiail) per barrel- ..... _..... 1 10 to 1 0
'4,..,W30d-Per "rd(len€0.-- - - - ..- 4 00 to 4 5
w 3od per cord (ohort)..- ..... - -... 2 00 to 2 26
plea per bag- -.„ -- - ....... 1 40 to 1 60
me Seed- -...:..- - - - ...... 4 60 to 6 00
mothy Seed _ _. -....._ _ 2 00 to 3 00
- 7 60 to 800
04 to 0 96
Dairy Markets.
IxaEusoLT,June 10 -At the Cheese Boaed
here to -day, 1,010 colored cheese were offer --
a& being first week of June make; 9g to
9 9-16c bia ; no elates.
Ibil nommen, junta 10 -Cheeee--The market
iii steady. Ontario makes, 9, to no ; Que-
bee makes, 9.1: to 9ga. Batter -There is a
fair demand for finest creamery, and the
market is firm. Fittest township creamery,
19i to I91,o; good to fine creamery, 19 to
19c; seconds, 18t to Inc. Eggs-Th.e
market is quiet at 13:i to 14e for round lots
of etraight receipts, and at 13 to 1:4-.1 for
No. 2 per dozen.
LEN:MAY, June 9 -The first meeting of
the Victoria County Cheese Board for the
Ileum was held here to -day, with a fairly
good attendance. There were 762 boxes
offered, and Mr. ninon° secured firat helee-
tion at 0.e, and secured, 335 boxes.' Mr.
Whitten then cleared the board at 9c. i
Conenesversoe, Quebec, June 9 -At the
Eastern Township Board of Trade to day 87
factories offered 2,031 boxes of cheese, 126
creameries offered 2,021 boxes of butter.
The cheese" were allsold, but 238 boxes, at
ail to 9e ; 1.040 boxes of butter sold for
e, 330 at 20, 145 at 20o, 160 at 20tc,
and the balance sold from 14- to 20c.
T000rro, Juner 10 -Butter --Offerings are
liberal both of dairy rued creamery, and
the former are gradually increesing in favor
became ef their grassy flavor. Prices are
steady, We quote :-Creamery prints, 19
to 20c- solids, 18t to 19c • dairy tubs,
shoice, 14 to 15o; medium, 13 io 140; choice
pound rolls, 15 to 160 ; choice large rolls, 14
to 15e, and medium dairy,13 to 1342c. Eggs
-Prioes oontittne to have "an easier tend-
ency, but are &All mointshitid at 14o. De-
mand has fallen off slighely and offerings
are liberal.
Horse Market.
TORONTO, 4Uoe U-Oomo good heavy
horses were gold a;Grand's auction on Tues
day. A pair of by geldinge, four and five
years old, brought
MO, '..A bay gelding
six years old Was knocked down ab $170,and
a black gelding eight years i old at $132 50.
A pair of brown mares, , seven and eight
years old, fetehed $250.1 These" were all
home running about' 1,400 pounds each..
Other horses of the some elate, but not quite
so good, ran from priees qnoted down to
$120. A lot of neared -hand , fair workers,
sold at $50. to $97.50 ersob. About forty all
told were disposed of. [ Tho demand was
not as brisk as it might have been, but fair
prices were obtained for what were sold.
a i i
Grain, eta, .
TORONTO June 10- heat -Red, 78 to
80o; white, 83o, spring,4 - goose, 64 to
693 per bushel ; peas,84e ; barley,50e ; oats,
44 to 50o per bushel ;; bey, $11 to $13;
clover, $8 to $9, and . "straw, .$5 per ton;
fleeced wool, 18o, and taiweshed wool, to
per pound. Mantled -48f steady at $20 to
$20.50 for ears of shorts'end $18.50 ' to $19
for bran in bulk middlefieights. Manitoba
millfeed is firm at $23 for cats of shorts, and
$20 for bran, sacks included, Toronto
freights. 11
, Potatoes.'
TORONTO, June 10 -The ptices are quoted
at 70 to 80o per bag.
LiveiStock iVIajkets. ,
Lonoon, England, Ju el 10 --Cattle, are
steady and unehanged at 14 to 14io per
pound, (dressed weight); refrignrater beef
is no per pound; choice Ainerican cattle,
Canadian cattle, 111d.
LIVERPOOL, d une 10-Censehan cattle 7td.
Trade steady. F
MONTREAL, Ione lo -The, bathers were
present in large numbers, arid there was an
active demand, and firm prites were paid
for good cattle but the cemmon stook were
rather numerous and brought lower rices.
Six of the beat Cattle were sold at 64o, and
other sales of prime animals i were made at
about 6o per...pound. Meditun beasts Sold at
from 4i to 5,eo, and the ommon stook at
from at to 4o per pound. eines were rather
scarce and higher in price, selling at from
52 50 to $3 each. Shippers paicl4e per pound
for good, large sheep, and the butchers paid
from 3t- to 3eso per poun for the others.
Yearliugs sold at from 4 o Jeko per pound.
Good lots of fat hoga sold at from en to 7o
per pound, and heavy hogs cet about iio par
pound weighed off the oars. The email
pigs were frem15 to $ weeks old, and abld at
'from $1.50 to $2.50 ewe ,
BUFFALO, June 10 -Cottle -en inse steers,
$7.25 to $7.60 ; choice 1,200 to 1,300 pound
steers, $6 60 to $T ; faie to good, $6 to
$6.50 ; choice, 1,000 to 1,150 pound steers,
$6,25 to $6.50 ; feir t4 good, $5.25 to 56,
choice heifere, $6 to $6.30L; fair to good,
84.50 to 55.50 ; common co fair, $3 to
$4 25 ; beat fat cows,. 5550 to 56, fair to
good, $3 50 to. 55; eaoners and carman,
$2 to $2 75 ; eaport bulls, $5 50 to $5.75 ;
butchers' built!, $4.75 to 55.25; sausage
bulls, $4 to $4 50; freeh coves and springers,
steady to stronk ; choke, 545 to 555 fair
to good, $30 to 540; common, $20 to 528;
stookera and feeders, steady, choice feed-
ers, $5 to $5 25 - fair to good, $4..50 to
$4.75 ; stockers, 54 25 to $5 ; shook heifers,
$3.25 to $4. Veale -Tops, $7 to $7.25 ;
few, 57.50; fair to good, $6 50 • to 56.75;
common to light. $5 ' to .$5.75. Hogs -
heavy, $7.35 to 57.50 ; metliums, 57,20 to
57.30.; Yorkers. $6 90 to 57.05; light York-
ers, $6.80 to $6.90 ; pigs, $6.70 to '56.75 ;
roughs, $6.75 tit 57; stage, $5.50 to 55.80.
Sheep and Lambs -top lambs, $7 to $7.35 ;
fair to good, $6 to $6.50 ; culls -and com-
mon, $4 to $5 50 ; yearlines, $5 50 to $5.75 ;
sheep, tops, mixed, $4.75 to $5 ; fair to
good, 5425 to $4.50 ; culls arid common,
$2.50 to $4 ; ewes, $4.25 to $4.50.
TORONTO, June 11----Cottle-Export-
Good loads of heavy shippers axe worth $6.25
to $6 62,1 ; xnedium exporters185.85 to 86.10
per cwt. Export Bulls-Chcice; heavy 'ex-
port bulls sold at $5 to 5515; light export
bulls sold at $4 25 to 54 35 per cwt.
Export Cows-eExport eon% t old at $4 85
to 55.75 per owt. Butchers' pattle-nChoice
picked lots of butchers' cattle, equal in
quality to the best exporters, 1,10n . to 1,150
poundseaehotold at $5 85 to $6.12i per cwt;
choice picked lots of butchers' heifers and
steers, 925 to 1,025_ pounds each, sold at
$5 35 to $5 60 per cwt, loads of good but
chars' sold at 8.5 25- to 55.40 per, cwt; loads
of medium butehers',' $5 to $5.3Q; Common
butchers' cowte at $3.75 to $1.50 per cwb.
Exporters and Butchers' taxed -Loads of
mixed buechers and. exporter,. sold et $5.50
to $5 70 per cwt. Feedere-Feeders' steers,
weighing from 900 to 1-.000 pounds each,
Bold at $4.25 to $5 per cwt. Stockers -
Well -bred thrifty young g teem, 400 to 600
pounds eaeh, sold at p 50 to $3 90 per cwt;
steers, 800 to 850 pounds each, sold at $4
to $4.75 per owt ; off-color, ill-bred [steers
and heifers are worth about $3 to $3.50
per cwt. Mich gows--Miloh cows
and springers sold Et $30 to $50 each.
CI CI 1(11 $2, to
a yes- vea so at f
$10 each, or from $4 50 to $5.50 perowt.
Lambs -Yearling larnba sold at $4.50 to
$5 per cwt. Spring Lambs -Spring
Iambs are worth $2 50 to $5 each: Sheep
-Prices $4 to $4 25 for ewes, and bucks
at $3 25 to $3.75 per ewb. Hoge -Beat
select bacon hop, not ;less than 160 pounds,
nor more than 2e0 pomade each, off oars,sold
at 86.87t per cwt.; lights at $6 621, and
fats at $6 62tt per cwt Sows, $5 to $5.50
per cwt., and atags, $3 per ewt.
MCCALLUM-OLDHANI-In Toronto, Pn June Ilth,
by Rev. Dr. Ma3Intyreoof Beamsvilla, Mr. Dun•
can McCallum', of the Seafortla Milling Company,
to Mies Jessie .01dhamo Aster of /tits. T. 0.
Kemp, of Seaforth.
BRIGOS-MoDERMID-At the residenste of the
bride's paraeto on Jone 7th, by Rev. F. H.
Larkin, Dr. Charles le_ Briggs, of Clevelana,
Ohio, to Miss Jean McDormid, youngW daughter
cf Mr. At.ous McDermid of the Huron road,
HOLTAND-STEWART.-At the manse, Emoted-
% Me, on June lith, by Rev. N. Shaw, Mr.
Teodoro Itnil nd, cf Morris, to Mise Sara A.
atawart, of Eznionolvire.
IIDNDERSON -NE W -I n Whiteehorch, ' on June
4tte by Rev. A I. Brown, Mr. Charles. HA:fender-
son. to Miss Enzibeth New.
HALEY-PHAGEN-In Math, by Rev. Father
blenamin, en .tune 2ntroil.r. P. Haley to Mies
Annie Phalen, of Morris.
MINERS-PARLMER-At the residence. cf the
bride's patents, ensafi, on J4e 4th. by Rev.
Oeorge Jewett, Mr. Getirge 511 re, of Exeter, to
Miss Kste Parimer, daughter of Mr. Thomas
LUXTON-WILLIS-At the residence of the bride's
parente, oil June 3rd. by Rev. C. W. Brown,
13. P.. Blr. Percy Luxtan. of South Bend,
f innerly of Exeter, to Miss Ida, youngeat
dough: er cx tfroThomas Willis', of Exeter.
AlcKENZIE-BoLL-At ths home of the bride's par.
ente, Tucketsmith. on June 5th, by Rev. N. H.
Sa ttr$g cf Brumfield. Mr. Alexander McKenzie,
to Miss Arnie, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs,
D. Bell, all of Tuckersteith.
GILLESPIE-RITCHIE--at the residence of the
bride's par nt., Morrii on June 4th, by Rev.
John Ross, B A., Miss.
Elizabeth Ritohie, to Mr.
Wm. M. Gilieopie, cf Ripley, and former'y of
'WEIR -4e Seaforth, on JIM° 7th, John Weir, aged
65 years and 6 menthe.
BEATTIE-In McKillop, i on June 6th, Margaret
Smith, wife of Mr. Thomas Beattie, aged 65
yeats .
HA1tR1SON-,-In . Luokiaow, on BUY 29tb, Lama
Amelia, wife of Mr. ',gm. A. Harrison, aged 67
years and 9 months. 1
WIGGINS-In Goderich, on June 1st, Erie C. Wig.
ea, ns, aged 65 years, 9 menthe and 14 Clays.
MURPHY -In Exeter, on May 29th, the infant son
of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Murphy, aged 27 days.
I HOMUTH--In Turnberry, on June 2nd, Elizsbeth
Gingrich, wife of Mr. Wm. Honauth, aged 62
years. ,
1 GIBSON-In Grev, on June 8th, Margaret Moses,
relict of the late trainee Gibson, in her 70th year.
MOKELLVI In Wroxeter, on June 6th, the wife o
• Mr, S., 1. MOKeilvie, of et daughter.
ELLICOTT in Wiligham, on Jnne 3rd, the wife of
Mr. W . ElOootte of a dauglater.
McGIL,L,-4r1 Turnberry, on May 291th, the witit cf
Mr. W. t. MeG1111, of a son.
FARQUHA SON -In Wingbam, on June 4th, 1 the
wife of . W. Farquharson, of a son.
MoDONA -Di Ethel, on June'3rd, the wife of Mr.
John Mc.Donald of a son.
MLNN-In Hulett, on June 3rd, the wile of Mr.
Moo.Mtuin, of a son.
IteitmEti-in Clinton. on June 5th, the wife of Dr.
and M a Ge E. Holmes, of a daughter.
FAIR -In C intent on Juoe 2nd, the wife of 111r. Nor-
ma el cf a son. . -
COLE -In 0 ?titan), on June ard, the wifa of 'Mr. W.
, R. Col , cf al daughter.
CARRICK, n oilman, on nay 29th, the wife of Mr.
Robert (barriik, of a. d, ughter.
Grand' Trunk Railway
"nuskok nakes."-A beautifully illustrated de-
seriptive e blioation cif Lakes Muskoka, Ros Oatl
and Joseph n the " Highlaeda of Ontario," givi te a
complete He of hotels in the district. ,
" Lake ot Bays." -A description of what is kri wn
as "The S i zerland,of America," with oomplet list
of hotels, guldcs, eto. Illustrated.
"'Meng t a 80,C00 Islands of the Georgian Ba •
Desoribing Lhat charming locality located on the
Eastern ai cf Lake Huron. Illustrated.
"Rawer.•a Lakes." -A publication dealing wi h a
northern Oh in of lakes 'located in the counti s of
Victoria an Peterhore, °inane: Profusely lus-
trated, with liet of hotels.
"Mountai $ of Now Eng and and the Sea." De-
scriptive of he White Mountains and resorts on the
-Maine Sea 0 ask giving list of hoteleirates, elm., po-
graphical re 3 enhanced with direct reproducti ns
from phot g aphs.
"Trail ot he Red Deer." -A publication dee ing
with the h ting confines situated in tte "H gh•
lands of Oi,t rio. ' '
orroesa Niagara's Gorge." -A description, o
" Trains 3' nd 4."-A, booklet describing tw of
the popular us a txpreisi gains of the Gland Tr nk,
with dsei i tive matter regarding the cou try
through v. hi h they pass.
"Hay Fev r." -A brotihure dealing with the at-
mospheric e.nditione in the " Highlands of Outer O."
A publicate n sppre iatod by eufferers from his
annoying d1•ase. 1
“Ste. Ante de BellevueP-A desotiption of he
fishing and s miner mortis 3n the Ottawa River.
" Charm n Summer Retorts on Lake Huron." A
new publi a toil this year dealing with the res rts
that appeal t swimmer tou.ists. Illustrated and is*
of mamma d tio.
"Mount C eine e." --A pamphlet devoted to he
City ot Mou t Clemees and or interest to those ut-
tering froni rheumatism and kindred dime es.
13eautifuil tinted and illootrateci, and contain ng
list of hotels nd boa,dng houses with their rates
"Royal M sko a. -An intore.ting deseription of
one ef the nest surnmer hotels in Canada, leca ed
1,000 feet db ire aea le% el on the kluskoka Lake in
the "Ilighla s di Ontario."
' " Haunts o Fi h and G. ne."-An exhaustive •e-
scription of he fi.h and game rtsotts on the lin cf
the Grand runk, tellicg vhere to go for the •if•
ferent vaii ti a Ilneludes a resume of the fish nd
game laws of Moth States an) Provinces ref.rred to.
Abootktstr ppeile to the angler and eportern n.
New thea
"Lake Nip seinr er d the French Rive o" -A s • ry
a the msny attractione .of this beautiful north rn
locality tees ly told and containing, a fund of in-
fNaerithisutati onyeth,o . the', camper aod lov er of rod and • n.
"Routes p.i d Fares for Si mmer Tours."--Cnnt k-
ing a list o • eatable tours with rates and value le
iufcrniafjjcp c i tile summer t raveller.
" Orillia, an Ceuchiching."-Describing ti o 1 es
and resorte n close contigt ity to Orillla and Bar le,
dealing min 'fatly with Lekes Elimeoe and Cou hi -
chine as a. Stars for the angler and a charm ng
locality fee he summer tourist. Beautifully il us-
treted and eci tli,s 14sa of hotels, eto.
Any of th above publicationwill be Fent ee
upon applic ion to O. T. BELL, General Passen er
treTaile,koe at nAt t, rand Trunk Railway System el n•
f Commerc
Eight M On Dollars $8.000,0
Rest, - $2,000,0
A gon 1 banking business tra
ssoted. oriners' Notes discount d,
and spocioi ' attention given to t •
coliection of Sale Notes.
SAVINGS BAN K. -I n'tis rest alto
ed on deposits of $1 and upwards.
Special facilities for transaction of
business in the Kiondike District.
Money Orders, payable at any bank, issued 'at the
following rates
Under 810 .08 $20 to $30 .12
no to $20 .10 i130 to $60 .14
F. HOLM MED; • 0.13. PARK'.
Solicitor. Manager.
On Sports.
Pm not midi inoloined to do much
blowin' as a exile but there's Whiles whin
I feel oonsttrained to git out on tie. shtreet
an' yell " Hurroo " or Ilse call up all hands.
' I fele that way {built wake. Furst th' Hurons
asphyxiated th'' Berlin Rangers by a score of
sixteen to nothing, an' scarcely that. Thia
th' Bavers wint down to St Marys an' viry
gineronsly doneted th' Alerts wan 'gool, bat
brought foive home wiel thitn. An' th' Col-
legiate club wound up th' wake by_tratin' th'
Instowel -lads to a Snpring frosht-foive
above zero. This is e great shtartlfur th'
sayson,an' they say "a good shtarnsl half th'
battle." We have good rayson to be proud
iv our byes. Cllancy says he oonsithers it a,
great privilege to beallowed to live in a town
that can bast iv slat an aggregation iv
gladiators. Me frind Finnerty remarked th'
other day that there waen't a town iv it's
seize in Canady, or Manitoby either that
oud above up as manny midals as we can.
An' Finnerty's noshted. -,
Thin there' e th' Bawlere. I tuk a
walk down to Mishte McMoionaers sum-
mer Telma th' othe day, an' Mishter
Shteele, ,th' genial j niter iv th'. Bow -
lin' grane, viry keine er sbowed me over
th' grouts s. He ru s th' clippers over it
ivry day av th' wea her kapes aff, an'
shprinklea it wfd Flo idy_wather Tooedahs-
an' Froid e. He tay there's -about- forty
mimbere pw, inclooct if hiresilf, wid t'ree
places to h 'ar From. e says ,His Worshie,
th' Mayor, jined latel ; but he hasn't done
anny plaein' av anny account as yit, as it
takes up s mach iv hi toime superintenclin'
th' movein nte 'iv th' 0 ild Byes Committees,
an' kapin' n ote on t 'Major. . All th' laist
faenilys be onge to th' owlin Club. Maley
jtned lath wake, au I've` a koind it a
durthy n tion to " b ol th' bools " mesilf
this summ r av me fay rite disase th' Lune.
bagy kape a sefe dieh anee. It's altogither
loikely I'll have some i ore to say about th'
Bowlers b fooreleighi ' gits gcod.
Bed lid,' neatly forgo to mintion th' races!
An' they ci oupy a viry mportant place in our
Town spor s. They'v come to_ ehtay. Ye
may ixpic all th' bis horses from a dish-
tance an' ther'places n th' 17th an' 18th iv
nixt wake Th' shta eles an' grand o shtand
have bin thoroughly fumigated, an' th'
thrack h ie bin noice y sand -papered an'
ivryteing tett into pr per shape fur th' big-
gest two ay's stpor we've had fur some
toime to a me av th' «eather shtays away.
Au' luk o t far th' lo al horses. Kape yer
oye on T m Brown's Deuteronomy in th'
3.47 pace r trot. An' wuddn't wonder but
ye may he r from Ju 'Iter on th' 18th. An'
Jack Carr e's Bronchi .1 Tubes can move some.
I say kip yer oye on th' local horses !
Mebby e'll beed a •ew pair iv ahoes fur
th' RaCee ? Ye'd ni er diebgrace th' grand
ahtand wi thim oul t'inge, wud ye ? Go
to Richer son an' McI 'is an take a luk at
their Mete k iv th' let eie an' bile to be had
fur love o money. s e' av ye play Lacrosse
or Footba 1 or roll th' "wee boola " ye can't
do betthe than. give Richardson an' Mc-
Innis a cal. That's right!
The St
Not by
crowd. Our
quality, in al
We make it
ing and. sellin
3 pounds eleame
box, for 53. B
regular price 15
ing Powder,
regular price $1.
cans, worth 25o
Prunes, large an
re That Attracts Alt
that it says, but by what it does, is the one
rices pverage the lowest in every line of go
ost every article we!
point to kap evert
ds good Brown ISugar fOtt 51. 5 pounds ilelected Valent Raisins for 25
selected °tenants, in 3 pound boxes, 24. Parlor Ma, tithes, 1,000 in
at Red Salmonaa new Wend, if you try ;a can you w 1 .use no other,
, but to get them introduiced we give 2 clans for 25a Forest City tale-
uaranteed pure
Apples in gallo
, 3 aans for 25 .
ds of all kind
ea), Wheatlet
ke specialty f
ted Kiji Japali
utterand Egg
for cash o prodUcp
hat draws th3
d.8, qvality for
11. This week we -talk about Grocerie
ing in this Jile clean and I fresh, and buy.
puts us in aposition to qiote prices like
pounds in sealer, worth 25c, for 20o.
25 per gallon, oar price,$1 for Implied g
for 20o:- The best brads of Corn, Pe
fresh, very anode', 3' blinds for 25o.
such as Swiss Food, Forae, Topeka, fleatb Food, Co
Graham Flour. etc. • Choice Pickles'in liottles, at 10e au 12ne. We
Fine Teas. We import our Japan Teat o neat, and oan give the oeleb
Tea worth 30o ter 25o. We pay the hie esb price in easel or trade. for
We Pay 14o for Egg's.
Maple Syrup,
lion. Caone
s and Tomato
"Breakfast Eo
a Meal, ()et
Agents for A
shiem 8ho
erican flor-
s For Men.
O.A.siEc co-INTmiIRI
cliINNON & 00j; BIL
" If you want a fashionable' at or Bonne, it will pa you to
call bef re buying. We alwa s hav.e the latest in the arket,
. and our prices are the lowest. Just received, another shipmert of
Sil s, Muslins, orsets 4nd r
rice assortment of S raw Hats for Men. and boys
Try a pair of �ur Plow Boots.
mint this week.
Try our japan Tea at 25c, try ou
sprials in our Boot and She depart
Black Tea at 25c and 35c they ar
d h di. il b & d ft IL 4,4,
di dIrt_tio 4. 4 do
We are cleaning i out at from 2
roll up. We have this year's n
Am rican, patters, and we tri
free if you wish i
G -G -IST,
60 DAY
Canach n Northwe$t
At following retura fares •
Winnipeg, Man.
Arcola, Asea.
Binscarth, Man.
Elgin, Man.
&toys n, Mee.
Grand View, Man.
Miniota, Man.
Moosornin, Assa.
Swan RiVir, Man.
Waskada, Man.
Wawanesa, Man.
Moose Jaw, Mita. o
Regina, Assa. $
YOr :t ton, Assn. J
,sno Pr: Albert, Sask. ).$
LO MacLeod, Alba.
Calgery, Alba.
Red Deer, Alba. a er, 0
• btrathoena, Alba. 1 al
Our Mail 0
Wireless an
Noiv has many stu
like 'it ever given. T
inal. The results ar
for partieUlars. 'Ad
5 Central Busine
11." 8
Good gr,ing-,Tnne 3rd, June 21th and July 16th. Tonga and Garrard sts., Toren
Returnu g wIth.n ep ono 8 front date of issue.
Where to spend the Summer.
Muskokakeo Lake • of Bays, Kawartha Lek
Georgisn Ba, Di the Illehlends of Ontario.
The Royal Ju; )(Oka Hotel opeus June 15th, 19
Ticket-., descriptive folders and sil anion ma,
from agents Grund Trunk Railway Systetloao
‘ge ntl, Seaforth.
n ts
e c
e in
Nothinis nomP
d. Write
12. Grand Trunk
MIAMI Veit Man. -Bring Let No. 9 in, the
Concesaion of the Township I f Hay, kitua
on the London Road, containing 100 acres cf Ia
and on which there is a large 2 -story brick dw
ing, With elate roof and good -fair out buildi
The farm is all in it good state of cultivation,
drained and fenced, a tine bearing orchard
abundant supply of good water, and is well situ
as to ma kets, being only 3 miles from Hewlett
2 tulles f roin &aster. Potwession can be giv
suit pure neer. For further particulars appl_
MILTON MeTAGG,ART, Owner, Hemel' P. 0., o
G. .1. SUTHERLAND, Conveyancer, general.
I 18
nd .
fte Election of a Member to the Le is-
lative Assembly.
Notice is hereby given that wider the nrovi one
of the Ontario Eleation Act, William D. MoLea of
the town Of Seaforth, Publisher, has been appo ted
the &tangle) agent of M. Y. McLean, Esq., a • di -
date fry the Legislative Assembly, in room and
staid of John Weir Esq., deomeed.
JOHN LAPORTE, R. Officer South Mir
Zutich, June 9th, 1902. 180.2
The Listowel Trotting Meeting cl see
amoug the beat in Ontario. Seven ra3e are
given of $300 end $400 purees each ort une
25 and 26, and all the fast horses' in the
country will be there. The, track e ip-
ment is unexdelltd and the managemen is
strictly arst class. Single fare on all ail -
1800 1
- -
Ho! tor the M
B g E*Cu rsib
A Big Ex aursion. will
Under the , auspices of !'the
Farmers' Institutes, on it!
The fare sail d time of leavin
le mtsttoalltow::
Hems 11
Dublin .
' Atriving in Guelph
Tiokets will be good tele
return on lny train up to qna in
Jnue 21st, rom all ata$ionsll A
leave Centr ,lia at 6.40 a, m. 1Exe
7.03; Kippen, 7.09, and Bru eflet
a ith the regular train et Cli ton.
Belgrave, Blyth and L0nde&To
morning train to Clinton. 11 Re
train will leave Clintorint -1 35 p
and intermediate points,. Oz4 will
at 10.40 p. M., for Belgrave &$d in
This will be the only' excur n 1
the Agrioultural College tibis s
person shotild take advents e of
modatioth trill bis provideA
will be served at the College y th
D. fdoINNIS. rms.:mos LL
Pree. South Huron. Pres. East
e. rn
7 22
6 62
t 10.
o the
nd F.aat Hurqii
. ,
1 1erent stations
dull Child
$1.26' .65
1.26 .65
L20 310
1.20 .60
1.15 .60
L20 .60
1.26 .65
1.20 .60
1.26 .65
L25 .66
1.25 .65
1.20 .60 ,
1.10 .55
3 . m.
e train, valid
luding Saturda
OW train
r,6.62; Henson,
, 7,.17, connecting
Plaissengers froM
11 take regular
lug, a special
. for Centralia
a3 0 RAM Clint=
ediate points.
this County
n, and eve
t. Ample &mom-
bstaatial lunCh
Government. ,
uron. Secretary.
•Corti it Main
Ontar lo. I
The Largost
Dly Goods and
Concorn in
Four Ccuntios:
u. it ow -our past-b4ond, competition alines
hi seas n we are doing better than ever 'witt new styles
nd ate novelties and. clearing lines, which will not be
1,1 this vicithty. More sp?cial values and more
ng tnan ever before in 6ur xperience. We take 4
rip f the trade by con`stantly a dinc special values to
ock and taking 4very bit of extravagance out of the
orth see
See us durin tJUflOe We have m4iny lines of goods
ere t you. Every department has, something inter-,
* 71.
lothing De
Clothing a ;much 1ess than the re lar whol
now clothing values...will concede our present- offerings
ing valnes they have ever had to do -with... Thqe
our clothin
ese ae Ma
t ons of one
akes at a
mers the
rns, etc., a
i e., our $6.
s it worth f
ur stock.
pale -cost. Those] who
are the greatest tktb..-
verything to 0017111LeEd
to favorabk) clonsideration-itylk Ifit, workmanship, de. Ali
• ifest iu the t,ollection. As tolqua ides they are the best produc-
of ,the best manufacturers in Canada. We secured all their over -
cry low -rate on. the dollar, and we a e now going to give our mi.:.
w ek we wilt offer 100 men's suits,
sorted sizes, colors, pat -
a reauction of $3.00 a suit}ricer range from $6.75 to 811.06,
5 suit is now $375 ; out $LLOb suit now $8.00.
' 1 .
$.1.00, you choice of any of MI* for $1.0.
- .
many specials m noya and youths' slits. It will pay you to see
speciticlearing lines. Childre *s nits, flor ages from 5 to 9;
!WI fr
e latest in shirts, hats,. ties, col ars,
1 en's silk underwear, at 50e eac11, is
pet pp. rtment
1 ,
. , This season our cartaii and carpet s °cllis bigger than. ever,' better than
ver, rhore ariety, more high, class qn:alities, rare exclusive novelties than' we
ever h d be ore. A m re hiAt of what you' I iind, will convince you that it
ill 131;worth yOurtwhilel,to ecrae ,andisee w at we are 'offering.
Two pieces of English Brussels carp t, r boleti patterns., for 750 a yard,
Specfal linriof Lace Curtains, three yard long,-foit-75c per pair.
Another special line, three and:half vat s long, choice patterns, at $1.60
er var. 1 I - -1
etc. ,
proving a great MOMS
ee o
r'ss Goods epa1tnent.
We haveSecured many special valuetli f t you in this-{ department; i
. .
A table oiemnants, from to 6 yar-- each, your choice for ,half pricey
1 1'
r 12c mus ns.
. i .
La 'es' Par sols, worth from $1 to $1 T .95, your choice for 75 .
. i - '
Two speck linIes lof Ohildren's Parasols at 25c and 38e each.
1 I
Twenty pi ces German prints for 12
oods ; colors are uaianteed absolutely fas
Another s ipmenrtof Venice foular
Tw cases f Flannelettes, 28 inches
Tw hundred ends of pillow cotton,
Tearing these at bargain.
See ur e tra heavy ihirting at 12c
styles and
is perfect, and w
We Isell a
insertion on both
We have
pink and l'nen,
c a yard. These are regular 16c
s regular 2 e goods, :forie.
wide, heav cloth, for So a yard.
tom one to veyards each; we are
stock of white and colored Shirt 'Waists contains --all the latest
ovelt es. The qualify, workmanship and Mail& of every garment
have secured this season some eiceptionally good values.
white shirt waist of India linen, with all -o'er embroidered
sides, new tucked cuff sleeves &c. for $1.00 each.
just opened out this week itie new Gibson shirt waist
pretty 'wait for midsummer wear.
cities in shirt -waists expected to ban
cial v Ines in ladies' hose, vests
have this season a larger range --of laces t
I 1
ou w 11 find it very little trouble to Select a
his s mon.
new aces
er no
itt blue,
we have ever
retty trimming the
_prices paid ifor utter,
and Wool,
Opposite Town Building,
**et' Ste., Sestorth,