The Huron Expositor, 1902-06-13, Page 47
r_9E -1
-�J i", H, ,Hurla''ON XIP SITOR..
5t JU TJ
0 on kda af ternoon last, was not as S
have been receive e AT H'S STORE
0. Thiel, dog or, i hall !on Satu
d. b� meet tliI half wev on A. Thl I d SEAFO NG :HO
q NEW ADVERTISEMENIMS, could y and promote y -EADI
the beat that
Dg 0 F: W. Hess, dog oi i largely attended as was des red, hub a very
Zurich an possible the cause of tamperane P. Bender, di
His speech wa3 punctuated with sobs.
h Id, and, a
-he fig -are batwetn the pe,renthe-Ees AMU 0111ch rB
!, will cease 10' future to look upon them a - P. Kaubb, dog o The court was fina, ly interesting meeting was
one, denotes the page of the phper on willch the visit I deserving of consideration. They asaist closed, and the
As Mr. Sobalkburger was leaving'to o4essment for 1902 eon programme Learried 'out. Mrs. Willi is A
McOloy ve ably fi
advertilsomentwiUbe found' other camps, he was besieged by the' Boers, Mr. WhitneI who, as is known, has doola.r d firmed. A cI af revieion on by-law e lie he chair. -
was hel, Mrs. Hannan, of St. T was in h t EXTRA VA�UE N 0
ae Barpirs-Wak. Plokard & Co. -6 them no concession d speoting Logan dmir assessment the
who shook- hands with him and'plied him he would give -Dr. Lori,
S, T1%de?-Grelg & Stemart-1 aE village during thlil past w ek visiting her
Grand Trubk Railway Publ
with questions reprding relatives. ThouB. they deserve to receive the cold stare fro in The alipeala of J4 nes Cochrane and Tho
e administration. Serves them right if Dick were not erifettained. The courts of husband, who is In the e ploy of Mr W. WEARING kOES ek from 3
F*rm for Sale --Milton MoTaggart-15 ands of throats voiced their thanks a d a Cluff, of uckeromith, was we
ion being cloi oil took 61 J Miller. -Mie
Gfogm-Richardson & MoInnis-5 'ey have pro Pd themselves un- revis ed. the coun I his father.
ukbg t a from r
Soatodh Races -9-M. Broderick- 8 doiiieT' unt, a i
burat into a ong of tba 'By Requisition w A A A A A A A
iving as Mr. I eassmore than -one occatjioa i:t- general businessJ the h;re last :eek vi6itivg he a
tHorm for Satc--Win. Bubolz--8 -On Wednesday after -f
Sohalkburger drove a VVhen news of aulting and inconmiatent." police trustees of Zurich and Dashwood aEk. Violet Whi6esidea.
Offlee-4 'of t,
ing the council to levy a special rate- noon last, Miss Kate P rlmer,. youngest I
N*wer#Nepalred--T� MeIlls-8 We are showini some splenqid values in Wearing brokin, aI
peace was received at the Boer laagers, or L
a`nd one mUl respectively, wan IE e this
We noI the follow rig despatch. from mills ISlippom-4,W. H. Willi" laughter of! Mr. Thomas irlmer, of this th
UP -
before the coun3il the requests W( village, was'ha'pily united in the bonds of pMes are not ooly :right,. but the -nd
Iin L%port" prisone mo� Our
r's camps in Bermuda, their cheering P
quality srigh
"Mr. Tarte prom. Ev iy
--MoKinnob & Co.-& Ottawa, dated June 11 The
T�e Attractive Store n the -fore bein
Voues in Shoes -R. Willis & Son -4 and singing of bymns could be heard a granted. At�erpssingnumeroua acconnh matrimony to Mr. Miners, if Exeter. shoe we �uy must pas4 a lose examfnti3n be returned bar
ad ceremony Was performed the miling six
Wedding Rings, &o.-"ohn Bulger -8 wa
admitted i
ised last seelsio'n that before an expenditui -e -ovements the council
New Grocery Store -.T. L. Smith -8 Thi� for township impi I Rev. G.
mairkland. 3 prisoners were-Jubilaut, and I n to 0i stock. In %hi way we are able to give 'our
B made i1or a now wt arf at St. Josep 3, journed until MaIday, July 7th, at cI Jewett, at the home of the bride's
parents. I
Dld horne4ai
the National Anthem was sung uproarious- customers the be efit of , quarte� of a c perience im
W, all Paper-AleX. Wiltion-5 entury's ex
h on Lake H�Iron, he woulfl make a person We unite with their many friends in wish -
I P. in. -miss M
ly.. The principal officers and burg era ing them long and continued hap 1 -1 the h� andling, of footwear. n this wa our castolners can and mr,
to �Ond out whe;hnr tho - accom p Uetis. y
-The Goerno�r Messrs. Shepherd and W.Ilis are makingi peild on us for �hoe satisfacti t 11 times. Are you one of
come ashore daily on parole. u'ry,_ has been in
tio '�ded or not. He lef u last ni St. C) a
n was no' olumban. mentb of live oge.- onsider-
frequent ship, our satisfied customers home agam.
entertained forty of them at, luncheon. a. If not better start in now and gtt the
with Chief $�giueer La(laur, to look All the fastestihorsea in Canada will bel J -grain is being brought into market, and:.
1_CThevwere receiv'edbyaguatd. of h6nor,a the niatter.� the Seaforth races o June 17th and 18tb. 1800-1 able beii6t special prices ia earing qhops -Hugh
of t6se meets with ready demand nd good prices.
'GOP -New line of Qx-
band playing the National Anthem, and SP4CIAL LADIEs.
Mrs. McAllister, of thi villa e, -ie thifil Alen's harvest sho n-, grain lea�.hb'r, single soles, for $1. 0 a pair. ear Kirktol
fords and lae
ad bootq arrived thi3 weak. Nice go d 9
SEAFORTH, FRIDAY, June 13th, 90-') heads were buired. Britis' officers and The re-count of the ballots cast in tie t', week visiti. 'g relatives in Wingham.-The I He A
w shoes, large eyele 'I for_$1.00
at reasonable p,io�! W. H. Willis, eel
Nor 'gen Men's plo
-th Perth election opened before his Hen- scaforth for Gee. Slter shoes f:)r laidiel; - t Rev. Mr. ;odd, of Bothwell, has been ap-
e together through, breaking bot
lion's half seamless shoes o2�ti,4 value, fc a1r.
gon a p
Baers drov ithe island and �l
tletner ir
Pointed by bhe Conference to the charges of
fraternized at the oluba and, or
hotels. - The _,pn Wednesday at le st -Mr. H1
with heav 10 8 i
The Political Situation Judge �arron, 'Op. ETS AND C h 'and Bothseda, ark� is very highly -2tens' n - oI and lar,&,e' eylets, for $1.50 tlad about to ralf
?i OVR IURTAINS Heneall Men w Oes
week, witb�: Messrs. A. B. Ayleswor b y
Boers speak with hearbi full! at the kind- t stocks are la�geriii -ban ever and the patterns spoken of. I I
. . i $1.175 a pair. 0nerneuta
There is no material chv,,ng.e in the politi.
arding, Stratfor :1, more beautiful; If you only want carpet t
8 auring their C., Toront and R. T. 11
nes shown them on a infle
01 situation in this Province during the a pair.
en a r�ubberine dhoes. waterpr of, for $2 basetneut fi
.00 and acting for3he applicani, Mr. J. Brown.; cover a spot or he' wtiole floor, we have
They ap Kippen. and PauI
6 it if you
in: rq� u the�
rem an' OWN !MAKE.
arid Mesa E E D 'Vernet, of Toronto,
imprisonme e �nx`ious to return
past week. The standing of the two parties ht to want curtam
peaceably settled 'their homes a rou will �Mlse it if you (Inn't attend
ain tl-e same as then . nounced. There for tb parlor, oi- kitdben, or for bot,h, w3 0 U gala, Via
again. The beat possible feel' rig "of friend- James Steele, of Stratford, fer'the Scitforth races on June 17th lknd:18%. 1800-1
t will glive'a rich and lacey effectl a
ots Mitchell, Us
4ave been several re-counts of the ball or good Weai- and solid
D. Hay, Commissioner and Conveyancer
linflea exists between Boers and Britons, eut, Mr. J �C. Monteith the Conservative verymoderate priceR. If you need Car t3 T_Tneq6aIle0,f comfort. Every pair. wamuted
before coiInty jaages in cases where the ma- kvills, inortgago' the wDollen
a and deeds dra up. oney loaned
The Boers, who the guests of the M 0 was that at the lo Arefit rites of interest. 1740-
tf 'dian kip, $1,.00 a pair - Frenc $3Z
ember-el'at. The res It NJ r. or Curtains you caul; come too The E. qc- &11 silizes in stock. Caa h k a
joritiea were small. Bat in no. instancebas
Faul Co.'s Store, Soaforth, too soon. British soldiers, are in very robust condition Monteith wag confirmed in his seat by a -ERS A the results as ascerrained by the returning M OM, ND ALL MAcrirkERY RrPA_TR1_NGJ pair. M
Tuesday -max
800 -T. M,1118 is 4gain to tte twat fcr the repairing ofl
majority of two votes, the same as declar d all kinds of Aiachiner3% All anting wowers re-
-Superkritenderib Jones', of th
�,fficerabeen Materia117 changed., In some ning officer. a-mivation `�+` . . 114 I'm look at New
and express appreciation of, their good treat- . NOTES. i I
C&IIII by the retqr The ex aired would brnfer a favor j)y hRvinr thein in in
ment in the prison 'And so on it 11 es the majorities have been increased and - Grand Trunk, has dia'arded " Irishtown the Temisks;
of'the Stratford ballots i howed that five ze- good t1we. A)l wo*rk entrusted will rective the test
goes. and called our new station 11 Saint Colu -a - littentirm. A �cw stoel(of plo*,,, with a good stoc settling ther
others decreased by a few votes, but the jected ball to should have been 3ounted f or l S S.
!n of all plow i co 3 aids, plo try. -
ban," St.'Colu ban h now printed on all airn, and eafltij gE , mouldboardg, plo RE IL NJ Smalfolth
ictualetandingof the parties remain the Mr. Brown "arid four for Mr. Monteith. 0 2e bandles and dll plow and.roo; -scufflar repairin
A)�Iout the Size of It the G. T. R. time -cards. Trai Is for the JAM
ballot coui4ted for -Mr. Moniedth was ie- attended to o4 II notice. �11011AB AIELLIS. WID)
s�me. There is one re-count still to be Speakin� of �he results of the recent eleo- her(
east �stop o at 7.57 a. in. and 3.15 p. in. morningto
jacted bv �he Judge. This made the refit It Pon. 1800-3 9
ade, Centre Bruce, where the Conservative trains goI west atop at 12.32 P� in. aw .,.short ti -ef
tions, the Mite'hell Recorder sizis up the a tie. In, Elma and Ellice, however, t. -Io CURtAINTS and DRAPERIFsl -In these good Mitchell, on.S aday. Deceased.- a irk his wor1kal usic,. etc.-Sainuel Crawf -and Wilson got b
two vote 4.45 p. in.- The.Ituron farmers are going t( -M.
was declared elected by seven votes. Two Coneervatives gainec s, leaving tie we are offe Ing some particularly da 918t year. and Mrs. Wagho attend iek Cl ra were called to Point Fa
situatio very acaurately4n South Huron ward aff
lose money unless they hustle up and adver. --and has a
final result the same fka- 3efore. A re-count things just, now. For this efiason of the year�, ed the Bjapti convention, held Wood- lasti, weqk, to � attend �he funeral of
Is have also been taken to a. superior ir-Guelph excursion from here. Th( he =jury.
and in,S6uth Perth. And as it waq'in these I of the ballots ia South leah commencedon tise the we feet the stock never as in a better stock ai del te !rom this t ce.-Mr. JohrI dawford whose death occurred in
=judge from the decisions of 'the local managers of the Detroit excursidn: by tr I 1v San,
two constituencies so was it, �rko doubt, in WedneEday, but the resilt has not yet been shape -the new conceits everf were more and:Mrp. Jord :Pei dav i Kirkt4m Sagina Miob�igan.. on June lot. MrL -Mr. -and
These are in Lenrmx and E ast o. But witlL a majority of 71 in tempting �00 a pair is not eno with Mr. an4 Mr Fred Ta or. -,N1 r.
Jpdges. made know* and boat have the call at present and ?I ugh to pa�-,! CraWfora bad only been ill about tw �Ion, Thumdy
il I - , ours#
almost every other constituency in Ontario. oh
'from here 0 t golden wedi
likely take a big crowd. visit M
dge deolar favor of Mr. Stock, it it diffiuult to coDjfo- for Lace kiddleoex. In the former-tbe in Cu4ains, et we �ell them as lo,�, Morrow, of T ronto, was a -b his the%urstiog of a blood vese being
�1 the
The Recorder Bay Huron should wake up and get 1, tiI here ive would en.phai Mo row, last week. -'Niios cauie of death. Mr. CrawforI ragu
ture what�� is pponent hope to gain by a 18 �h. an that; b 3-.zo the brother'B, Joseph were the reci
eid the reult a tier, and in the latter the; the gatbe.-Trairei to and from St. Colu 7
z;an;-w o has been vi,,iring frUnda here will aThe result was a cloae call for the Ross re. count. � ineb the abc ve was in ty Pe I Vol curtains we want you to see, our specials ai Katie M�4ad ymp�thize with Min
d .10 ford arid I
11�iberal was declared elected by a majoritY Governmeat, but it is quite -as good as we ban have carried o
learn that the re-count ia South Perth - passengers d
has 61, $1,25., 81[50 and $2 a iir.' The curtaiq fr1iendk 13 Fin 111, ret irriedhome on Mon-, his'liere4vernerit. -Mies Idaisfim
p daugh.fer
it is expected, considering the influences at work. Ing �h. The followieg are
of twelve. In both cases, however, been oalle off, althotgh applicatio 1: . I Air.
the Past Mon , 4 _Mr. U.
)n aa muslioa to sell by the yar are very pretty' day. of Air. avid Frain, f Detroik failmorly of
vel tieing VoU
of them,: R I Castello and D. OroDyn,
Had the Governmeat becli defeated, two made Mt' Stock ther fore holds hiB seat few and inexpenisive. The E. cFaul Co.. Sea- Br'isiels was miirlea, on W"
judges I I F a
ly Montreal ; L. Brew
il like the decisions of the c9untv -for the J?mt
elements could hfk�ve laid claini to the credit Toronto ; A. aaclott 1800 Neti we �,k, in that City, to E. RaI
lea" th prolest, which is InDt forth.
un a Bayfleld. peg,
I be sustained by the superior authority. The chief, we b Ii the prohibit* an; 113yracuse, New York Mids Mtwy
e love was n
10" likely. Wm. Kyle, jr., 'the past Field.-Uhe football match here hist;
NOTris. - W r. h
Krouskipp, Detroit Rev. T. West, Go a- gwaoa 1 tion with
element abd the second �-as t6b campaigU Fiven at t 61 Seaforth Th rada 7 evening, betw%en Wingham likad tl
9 -year-old heavy ra�c_s on j; 17t
After the re-counts will most likely come une t and.
h. 18100 -
fund contributed by the' large dilstillers, rich Rev. J. Tobin, Stratford Rev. Jo it week, disposed of a three hhou
Bruls3els resulted in a -very easy victory for
the protests. But, if the leaders of the
breweca and the LicflI Vitualers' Asac- Blvt draught colt, for the an ii of $155, Mnl'� 11 er Notary Public -The -nut
Ronan, Mitchell Joseph Dowling, Pyr, John trafler Convyanc e
le says it,' the hom( team, the scor' being 5 to 0. jVW,
K takes good hoi sea to bririg il�, A�ent f or'-Jaoadi n Expre�a Mone a. A I arge Perth �couut)
6onservativs are wise, they will accept the ciation. Of the exigLe6ce of the latter, we - MATRUMIC-NIAt.-A v,-ry pretty wedding Huron ; Rev. John Eckhaft, Yonkers, Now y
the dollars.�Crops of all kinds never had a -kn�ouut o( trioney to loa]2;tt current rates of intereat; giv4s Br issels the chanipionship of theiff-
i�ev_itable, and si-ve their money. If o-ne have Mr. Mar"ro autbority ; of the former, took place in St Michael's churoh, BI b, York ; Misa Kill6ran, blies Dann, Saaforvh better appearance in thi� vieirkity.-Mrs� er vate fuG 1791-tt trid in Ie Intermediate series. W
161: 1 q - A . ingliam
44:,,�!' t�4 i we had the vi0ble proofs. Whatever of un- on Jane 2nd, W��ork M.iss Annie, youn Bt Rev. John Guam,'- Hesson ; Rev. F. Mc- I lqer-t
arty commences protesting, the other mu at 9 �MeLeod is home for 0 Wn very confident of winning t i7a R Wm. Ivison' of the :village, ii visiting bee BLONYS Mr John air e do
ty there may be about zhe Govern- daughter, of Mr. P. Phelan, was'uniLed in We Clin�on ; ev. P. Corcozad, he
,nnamin, ga , andwerol well bat
follow suit inorder to kesp the scales even, daughter, Mrs. Walker, of Waterloo. -Mr. his holid4ys.-Mrs.. 'Keegan -has returned e ked by upwards Of meat inajority, these. tivP elements may wedlock'. y) Mr. P. Healy, a prospircus -Seaforth ; Rev. D. Downiej Windsor, &,nd' over 00 ; f -
el Arthur Tolt a and hid bri t w� 50 " roo �ers, but it must h an increase -0
-2 4ud. the only practical result usually-- is div-ide the cred n young fa , bh f riends in
it and. tho borkors betwee r er bear th. he ce emony Rov. . Driscoll, Hqlifax, 1 Nova Scoti d � of Walkertonj home after a pleasaut�visi eve been Wj
a, were. the fore part of t[Te week, spending a H I ibbert.� Rev. Mn' �,UoNeff if, attend Ing ban Is - day off, as oqr-,boys had it
All their li%rvest for the lawyers and the expen4it uro them. We can name at i this moment at took place t 10 o'clock, in the presence of The Tridiuum recently held in the Cathdli I
few days with the former a mother, Mrs. Aisembl� meeting iu� Toron6o.-_O'ev. Mr. ow -1 way.-MusJe4d MoLaInchlin n -her
lQast half a d(.z,.-n constittienicie's where the a large nuir berlof friene, a of the contractipg church here was largely attended. Th d brought into
ag 6onfe� once last Pupi 8 -gave a -recital in the prohibition vot 4re. Nloff&tt' of wn halL on
'f a lot of od money which might better 1 of !the villave.-� way ati�etkdiri
el, pollIIild a I a was qharmingly attiled music was aimplel� but solemn- and appropri Tolton Y Iland *as a aI Thij redaY evening of this week.-R-ev., T.
be put to a di-erent use. ring the past w1ek, was McNeil gon c e e
r unpolled, con-. parties. T3e br'd 9 1
Clinton, iu tb k. -Rev. r.
f The services were all listened to wit tributed lar ely to ther do eat of the Gov- in white sa iin, j*ith spankle trimming ellif- ate. L in is w:
glev -Cosens- will be the pastor in th&
'at ch
vicinity viahing her son and daughter, Mn service iii the ldetho& u!rch ast Sab- e
di ate. The one that we re- fork and I%oi i'a �d h%t to match. The brides close aktentiork. field of 811131
ernmen� can id The Tridium, which is -ociety Method!
t in evening. The Young- People �'. S behurch:here during n
John Moffatt and Mrs. Workman, exb u
-are st, and feel sorest about, if� South maid was D, lies Mary F. Blacki of Clin't n. oemmemorative of the 40 hours spent by th wwas ot Mar-(
i Rev' Mr. Holmes will bestationedatBlyth,4.":
ersmith.-IMr. R. B. McLeiin was in Zurich took the.leervics in_tfi� Pre8byterh h h
An Enduring Peace. Huron, 'where our 'old, trieud, M. y.- Me. She was atirel in pale blue silk gloria, Saviour in the acpulohre,�began on Sunday c urc -but w&z perf
Willi Rois and, ur left
1 Lean, a1ife-long tempe:rance man. was do. trimmed w th Whi'e silk and wore bat- to morning and continued uaLil Wednesday! at w 0 -Mr. and
-at; been se. n
last 'Mon3ay, on buginess'-Mr. Patti __M Jbhn I re home Job' Daman and Colin UcArth
The terms upn which peace h station agent at Clinton, was paying a visit for several day retuined trw �p WeA Mozkday of this'week for a trip to he 01A bert, eturne
match. The past of honor on the gro'orri's noorn. The attpdance was as I'
feated by a nrrow rnajlr allows
ity, in a i iiurong -iond, Mr. Jo4n Me.Kevin, t1' I �MVI r.
on try,
ing -ton &-y8
oured in South Africa are gentrous in the a vote side waLl r. A. F. Kellv. �Jiss Eva B to his -old fr ke nflisday. r, of Holmooille, was c -Harold Creighton is here
i Libural ridiag. There tne prohibitio ell Sanday, 1.011 Monday, 954 Taesda5 I ak, ,
fore -part of ithe week. in! town da 6is week. -W. ustard holi day trip for *a couple of wve4
9 R' �STONF, LAyr 'G. ed 6otball with he Sea- -Islailld. The
extreme to the vanquihed foe.- The con- was not strout4 enou 4 -to elect the: candi. preEided at; thei org The ceremony was %8 ; Wednesday morning, 710 ; tota , front
r, CO -The corn"er of! this Bostion. Reg Fletcher arrived kome',from
-formed 1byi Rev. Rather Met Place, p -age -of XT
duet of Grdat Br*uairr towards her conquered date but it was able, to, brii)g about his Pei Menimark. 3,673. A grand �ete_ champetre and ape I mr. ma tch with B
stone of the now school roo ion forth club in t lin last Chicago on Monday, of this weeirt RAg.
in connect U,
-went foe rt will"' held here some even'
defeat by exacting from -him, a public After the service the bride.1 iparty ir conce Miss Nettie
The is such as has uQver been manifested in
ell a of Seafortl
pledge. In our own riding the -case was a drive, ret�uruivg :in the evenir-g, wh with St. Andrew's church, i will be laid on week. -W. Jowett i 'having fiis bo4bs over. will rem &in here aud look af r -.tb
Miss Dunn, te . e ttle-
before Au s ted fo graph o
large rkur0er of invit(d gues Thursda r the summeA.-Work perating and jewelry basi to.
the history, of nations., She has shown a . y, 226th inst., Coro atiolu D*y. The haialed and paila iness peculiar. 1%1r. tock Iefused to be ledged ts spent he and Mis r !of Strathroyi; sang a pretty -Mr. jam
-arch is' oingrapidly, 1forward. relieve his father, who
"'he bride's eve nly duet her �kday.-Miss Shepherd aI I Be healths mot
�pirit of ral'griamimity, not only in Lhe final by the prohibition Party, and for tha� reason night in ;dancing. P u stone will b' laid at three o'clock, by Mr. ori the n6w ch first- d, Offere,
ti sugh-� " -the fouith fo,
6 r ady for h r f
Mies Ki of! Seafort h Mrs.' and Mies
s1ettlement , but in her conduct of the wag the prohibitiori vote remaiaed at home. In gown was !of black 6 tin cloth, trim ed George McEwen, M. P. This will be f oIL It' is expI6cted to b next Charles Watt, wife and daugh-
Fullarton alone upardil of.- with whhe'satin and race. That a IODg. and illiams, of Dublin, and Miss Kenney, cf 9 ich will he served w ek.-Mr. J,ames wb o wo n1d
the township of f lowed b� a : r&nd tea, wh onalds(I 'a been- ter, of Flint, Michigan, and Mrs. Chwrtos:
f am fir -s,,- to last, vhich is n6t only credit, on the manse grounds from 5 to 7:30, and la d up v�ith an atta'k of r eu �&aism for Stone, of , Dakota, axe here vwt-
thirty votes were lost to him in this way. prosperous' lifb may lie vonobsafed the Toronto, were the guests of Miss Crott modern Ungi
eral ays. re wt
e is the be t
in and in Hibbert, perbaps,more than halt that h st wiehes of their last week. -Rev. John Eckart, of Yonker unmd 0
�ble to herself but which must raise her appy con as the ladie of this congre ati6n re noted sev i. Walwi� I' shortly iDg �at John McCrae's - W H Kerr W]WA
for their liberality, the tea will be one of re oVe to e oit.- -where- she i�l reel delegate i'to the high cou of he �Cansidisn rie New York-, spent last Wednesday, That
�_4 Uhs estimation of the nations of the world, number. On the'lother hand, he 1�:rst very many f cslthe big featnres of the day. 'la the evelI with her au tler_-The stores �l closed Ordar of Foresters, which met in' Qwen
§bLe was P beayilv in Logan by the fiersistuent bircula- JoIrTrxas.- uibe a number of rig day and Friday ith the Rev. Albert a 'tairimilzit wil be e w1RI close Sound this week.,,.
Esolutely forced into the war in the -the you iny an ente;r beld.i cI a ayflvening and I
he was pleaged to men went over to Brussels last Thursday to Keonbere. Hebreached a powerful BEI]. a -The wcoal
tion of the story that n th
I ered by eo1oh Tu
firstP place and r notwithstanding the stub4 1 prohibition. It was even pointed ingb�am at a- -tbe U. F� �G
it church, when addrespea.wi I bel deliv e aT, n riday evenirg during
but by see that t am beat W) game man last Friday norning and left for Berlir
-Dr. McDonald, U. P., Uaborne. �Sold.
�o-rlrxeiz-s of her 'opponents, she treated them his opponents that he did.not de,4 D�Ipiity-Svsaker of the hot wesi r.
y the of football, ma�ing Britasels chaniI of on Saturday;,,
YJARRfED. -A very pretty weddipg W"
�hroughout with the most extreme Madness story when challenged publicly ati Brod- this diAfri.,t.-,-Oar junior foot ball te the House ot Commons ebrge MoEwen� N d and R Wam-
la vi"i .-Miss
M. P., M, McLean, and the neigbboring le 7, of Torant are' home for
4 al ]Hensall.
nd consideration. Had she manifested i hagen and oLher points That. w�s in a played Loniebbora at that place on Tuesday 1. 6 cole�raI at th hame of Mr. nd -Mrs., of Mr. Felt
clergymen. 'Excallent mu3ic will be fur, A McIntyre, i f Stra�br`()y, arrive ere last
use true, for Mr. Stoo k'� reply Was the 'evening an "I'as victo III �ianing -by a pal
Pbi�ip B�ooke, -of Whalen #i:)re rigid spirit and been 1psa ca ref al for I See the running race's at the Seaf*� nished bv the church choir.. One of the w �wk foi the a immer moi ij board- on y
I some in all parts -of tbe'ri4i�g, 0I tbat was score of 8 to 0. If our I niors continue wheo IVIT. Fred elbridge, of W*chelssa,
the comfort of he helpleSeL races on Tacsday and Wednesday, June 17 and 18. features if -�he day will be the reading of a in g at kra. W in. P Ojos.-Ijamdn M.cGee, -W
-41 that he ace
among her op epted the Biiri3h prinicipe that they will be abl�e to beat the team that repre- united in m' riage to U"is AdliBroolks,
-liubury. r lar mai carri� had the misfortune
J. G. St B. A., Barriet S Ii history of the congregation, compiled by the ot Lr popi Aftor the ceremo y, which wm I
ve been so the people's pectt�,d, onted Bly h id the leagt t
ents, the war might not ha' will must �e'res and La ie this spriniz, The' �n
conve to 1(
e. from records kept since the orl to lose a valua 3le horse this week., -Rev,. J.
wa Nutnr.N yanc?r, money t committee *r
a would like-, w a At Heusall every Tuesday. 1792 by G. W. evfinson, of Newfoubmic,
clanged and the struiz hit ver they demand at the ballot, box first base ball match of the -rI II&I -of Alit(
-.91 that demand would be hil§7 rule and' guide. ganization cl� the congregation. 'This celebra: G.� Yell�ud is t Sari: ia attending confer-
)layed at Ithe park N onday evening be- treal -and las
nuel e of the bride, about 80 gaesteat down,
aL 'to
I have been terminated 'with a much less This reply was not Lzufficient to se0ure for tween the Mar d Ud iDgle mer), but, ge- NOTES. We d1bbice by the final drafts tion -wil' 1he a, red letter ozie in thehistorlI edoe. He puri)oiI vi siting friend a a Ohio. I did smple j_
y kistice th -=outha? iiip.
nd le Wedding
163s of both. blood and treasure. However, 1 him the prohibition vote, �bat iu of the-stationitig Committee of the Metbo- of this neighborhood, and t ere 6houldbe Rev. Mr. Mc$eiI*preEched in the Metbo- 'the Coror"It
W&k e8 commencing to tell oil the married men a V lasatdist Conference, that Revs. G. Long and G. a d next feaI after" waich er 'Jaud and -w
op� the are on! very large turnout of th eople Jrom the diet chuich-latit Sunday evenin a tin gaines and conver-
b--d those aterner methods been adopted, enough to drive from him many votes good for a few innipga, as the 'a go y ry eve Ing Iviras
Jewitt, of this village, ate at down fo ry. E Paris'and zoth
ed to prohibition." score aho ed. 1 At the end of the second r surroundiDg! count person will 8 nday morning Rev. Mr.Green, f
Bat' T.he bri iociplent of
the proba'--ilities are that the van4uished Poa Harrow and Wa ideville, respectivel be welcome,'and a rig time will be v an d1gins. of
.- , ' I y. The bt gofd ch: -R iral De' innings 7
the; score stood 6 to 2'in favor of the
on e very mA amongst othere
Id iald much less gracefully than they reverend gentlem.en will both b ma va�luable p e8an
married mein but before the game w1ke ON er assured them. So.afort was in to,%,vn wearkee, -MT. be& fu:1 sidebo d and rocking chair -from -
le on were ahea
missed from our village, as they. are goo I Ouse,
the thodist ch rch of which -she has be=
now do and a soreness might have been iefb Editorial Notes and Comments. the si d by 18 to 7.-N r. Greensla e, p Prieto of the Riv,. H Bullis. atudel
citizens in tha truest sense of the term, an i
'VJohn Wilf ed e yoI
h a erected a ustic varandsh on le west College, went
which would breed future trouble. Under Speaking of the recent eiections� a con- Preached in the Method at Exeter4 organ ist Th
are both very highly esteemed, not only 1 i 2 for a num� bar vf years.
eburch Sun lay Morning in the- absence of Bile of the ho Darrow, of the Cam- ion the lake it
Oxising circumstances, therecan be no ex- temporary remarks The brily urkpi leis their own church!cireles, but by our Vill 610 -le See them &a at the Seafo4th races on Tues. mercial,:has a arge staff of . men L usy mak- peol Ito have the prospqote of a bright futuM
ant their minister, Rev. Mr. ]?enhall, who m as in -the art Of
and country friends irrespeci ive of creoI day and Wediiesdiy, June 17th �ud 18th. 1800-1 an
in alteration and improvements to the d war followed totheir -new home by
useforanythin ofthiskind. part of the affair 'from on stand�oint is attending Conference. the eveningth r 9 upset. butv h
.9 n They always took a deep welfare in WhAl - NOTES. -B. S. O'Neil an R. S. Lang l use, which, when Ompleted, ill make the beat 1wishes -of. their many frien.4 an&,
that so many so called Reformers ref; Bed to was no seirvice.-The Presbyterian chc
It was not in the final settlement alone in ever tended to the best interests of our *i . 'Saturday da a six weeks' t p to Colorado.�. sI aint 113eff. man at the b(
with a number of frien 3a, spent Thursday tie housa very comfortable hurtied. tie th,
i'liat the generoEity of the British was mani.: leave their fields and use the franchise lage and neighborhood, and their respective The Bishop of Huron i3 ex )ected to hold
bly at Bayfi iiigh
ory enjoy eld.-Mrs. Gideon t otive' for th& 1 summer �,i!�torrjlat
dongregations have not only made growth i 2 confirmation service in "rivitt Memotial,
fpsted. Even while the war wast in progress which has been given tb�ejn by the Ref orr" Doupe reeci ved the Bad �ntelligence on Mon- few People, ere dis' ppointed on The I chEl� gee affectiag the, Mit&QU ing traiiin was
�1' I aesday
r.-piritual mattera, but als in temporia n church on Thursday of I his w3ek.-Mr.k I
Ian a, dis ict, it he'Londian conference, -4 re ening, 01
t�be British displayed everywhere a spirit of Government,, The franchise should be day that he�r siF ter, who lives near Ripley, 0 Charles Bro ka, expreps ag nt,, in attending fi ding tie stores el, � d, not Te by
financial, as is evidenced by the fact tbab P e 8 &,ar the f owi A- htaken from the man who refuses to vote was very low ibh very little hope of le- having seen th 37 notic that the atDr a close a rig, Staffs, 8. F
during their pastorates, the existing debts the Grand Lodge of the C naoian Order of
niagnanimity and kindness entirely unpre- i
liefidays and ridays at 6 o'clock, r hav-
for or against, as his conscience dictat.". covery, En �he laft for there on the Monday have been large 3 . reduced.- In the case af Foreaters.-The Isaac W ton club spent T munds ; Moktork C. P. Wells -, Mi placed there I
codented in the history of nationg. They This is a -Aiffi3ulty which a jnvy forgotten which ni lito ieretake�.:k, We CI, V7. B owi� Tco'rvbridge, Robert -PbU-
ocurs more or less train.-Mi,lia Carrie Slatir entertained a There was, ish
t's chai ge in t T e friends of J
It in every constituency fini 6t every election. number of Oer friends at her home here on Mr. Jewit he village, the dob Saturday at Ithe Bend. -T Mr trt ubli I ularly thel f�rmers, he -window �o
no only took the bes possible care of.-- -the st the p parti lips. Re D1. TnoMpson is down for
W. M. Martin, B. A., son of Rev. W. Mar-[
on the fine churc I and parsonage propert, wt,
esda I ever� n a all 'report bavii a mind. re far -and bI o
Our contemporary suggeata the proper rem- Wedn I endeavor to bear big i I The yone 4natead -T-
women and children of the Boers who had. tin, of Exeter, will be pleamil to know thfiI
ou� y i g 9 has been complet -,Iy wiped out. We wiTI
edy. Every, elector whoee name is �on the had a most abl six days and four nights that ih stores Hdn arson for Bn den, anI R WbitfingiO
e time. -Rev. Mr. Pon.
feel their removal from here a dedided loss, he has pasfied his first yes. , examination ilf! -W-r, H.
listis should be required to i�o to th6 polls hall, 11�.el one is so ifillsider. Tor nto.
heen. deserted 'by their natural protectors who It as expfoted was going to a, open, arid fI no
1 Ucturer Stri
but our . loss Will be a gain to the con- lawl standin, second in a claEs of 50, andi
! t 'he IMitchel Recorder of I
*hile they were engaged in warfare against and deposit h.13 ballot on pEkin of fo�feiing Hensall - at th present change, ig going to a e as to' not ant the merchants aeb week
gregations of Harrow and Wardeville.-- inning a bash scholarship of $60. He is 886YO Rev. R. has closed Vie dent
the Ecitiah, by howIlirig, feeding and cloth- his right to the' franehite, providia&, he is Atwood inal ead He and the family will be the two hights'a week'. Store-ke pe s.more
n L The friends of Mrs. E. Sbeffer, of Toronto expected home soon to resume his study in� . I . I flI 4-- him f or -a con
not able to 2i y ou es 38CI66 I I( - conftreneo� term
11 1 the law office' of J. G. Stain bury. -Mrs, W. in bottling, b
inof them free and even educated their chil-, ve a sufficie t and satiii�'actory greatly missed lople, as they are 0I ii small places, have )pg f thrj� years with his
47 1 recently of Hens' will be pleased to learn 11
reason for absenting himself. i very popu ar. , Mies aggie Forsyth is ht ura, very seldom lesm ihan six e In 40arl, ; Mitchell congregs�Uon, and will l"ve At the
drark and all at the expetisq of the British' that she came saf:ly through a very critical J. Heamai, i�o visiting friends in London.- a bottle whic
in Harriston at present. - 1 du Y, sI as t ey are nearly fI a dirk their endPf tbija mouth for his new -field in To-
nttion. In addition to thi3, the immense, vieitiDg fri md� I operation. last we�k, and is doing as well Union s6rvicles were hold Caven chur,hi fe arteries of htli
The Toronto Globe of Monday say'al: "Tbe The council ought to enforce the by-law _,�t,ititv.rywearyiilg,cspeciati.'7i sum- n Vo pastozi will- ever leave an old
army of prisoners, which were 'comfortably relating to aviling the weeds,and grafis 0' could be expected. -Mr. and Mrs. Thornai Sabbath motning and in MTin street Metho- r '�aud ith him to his new a me 4t 1 m, �r and fort at reasim they nea-dithe re- fioe I d bear w
present week will witness the dep-Auro of al' '- 1 Lindsay, 0� near Clinton, accompanied v dist church in the evening, Rev. W. Mar xatio asked nd uni, ord for by,the British at very great ex- wo members of the Government foi Eng. in front of repiIqences, ad on some kitreetal it _i for. Bear in min I t!.he two pr foun&Affection a er,891 popuilarl y
t Mro. Murrlay, Mrs Lindisay's mother, dr6vI tin, t. D., taking both serv�ces. He preach
is getting a rank as t almost cover t�e nights, Tuead "', and Friday, and 5he1re will thazi V r.:Whiting will carry with him from,
pense and inconvenience, shows that thry d. through hereon their way to London Ian � ed both morping and evenin on The Boer be no f art I
a Hen. J. U. ibson and Mrs.- Qibson sidewalk. -rhe Uouseivatives of Blyth her d eappo tment., 1 Mit bell to Toronto. -
Wore actuated not by lust for power but by week, rotArDing on Tuesday, except Mrs, war and lessons to be lear�ked from it,"- itk
will sail from Montreal or Thursday, on were very!umeoy until after the recount, Wha might have been a serious seCi-
a Murray, who in rids remaining in the cit M. I
they expectad � have a number of votes r. Chiirlcs Down took the lJorvices at Jamex den occu red in Mitchell one da,y last week
the most humane of objects. And when the the Lake -Manitoba. The 1 will visA their els.
y for a copple Of weeks with her son, Jame t%treer, Methodiist ohLrch, in! the absence of
I thrown out. tt on Monday, when th y 9 , . I whe a Ise of M.r. F. A. CampbelVe wm
cl-)aing scenes came the Boers were treated daughter, who is attendi Murray, Rev. C. W. Brown, at UU04re ce. N_ Y- NoTo -Th programme I atth per bush,
rig 8�hool in Lon. and family. - Among the ne about taki ig a load of hardware from the storre-
beard that Cam6ron was elected by 22, th y b
J I t �PagE per nolid
v4th tb% most amaziog geueroflity and con- don, aurLalso witness the coronation Pre- cementr]-walks that we learn are soon to :b co plete' for Our eel bration, to 0 held
did not feel so I
� j , good. -Mr. Robert McK hoq� to I the store. When earing the ,3 fhy per bual
ier RoEs. as' previously " anrkouace�, will y laid are those on Queen street and ` e bloc h e on � June! 26bh, and. with favorable brid ge, one of the shafts � f the wagon be- 10,
sideration. Those who have been deprived i in helped S6aforth to bmt St. Marys on
i sail from New York by the Etruria o�n Sat. south of Mr. T. J� Berry's sale and xch Bluevale w ather a velIl enjoyable day will i be spent. over the em- tub__
oi their property are to be aided liberally to : )acroase last Friday. e fk�nge came loose cansin an upset
urday, to attend the coronation. He will be stable, am Nelsonstreet, while i 6 is alm9s b NOTEs,-The garden pfirt.y, unler the T e SeAfortli band has been enga ed to bankment','and thr awing the driver, Matter
fu, lour, vok 10 2
3nake a new start in life, while others who accompanied by his II Mr. G. W�. Ross, auppices of te young people of the Preab nish music �Iuring,tbe day. Tea me so.
c I
t ertain a new cement walk will be boDtinded Hugh Campbellv at 6d its contents into HAy per Ion ne,
un-ler ordinary circum3tancea would have junior.
on Wellington atr3et from Coxworth's b�ll terian'church, will be held n riday., even,2 ledte4 from G and 1 Morris town6hi is will ditc 1, a t of the latter rolling down the Hidesper 100 A
th., ia Mr. Harry pl�� a game of footbali in the mo�ni ig; in hill to r
boon transported for life, are to have their to Mr.'D. Urquaart's mills. This is the ing of next Y,�eek, June 20 P e river. T he horse made a d"11
The re-count of the ballots east in the NOTES.- 'ro-day is civ o holiday in Zurich. second est impo 1ant street in our villag Diment's . orchard, Bluevale' rold. A pro� th� afternoon here w1ill be an i teresting towi irds t
liberty gi,,en to them and will be placed i I tEe front --stre6t, �but wasaught fit ]?Axtow per bi
West Huron election bega- �bc All places 'of bu5iness vill be closed aid from a business and traffic stand point, and gramme wilt be presented', d band will be i u game of'base ball b tween Brusse� and
a -fore His the i narkIt r2qua Exceptin th OR siall) Ve
I e Wag
very person i's going t-) Grand Lo Passes the reeiden.-ea of some of our olde� a b aLtendance, ��nd an erijoyalle time is ex- Harriston, an3 a laciosEe match botween
positions where they may, if they will, ro' Honor Judge Doyle, at Qodericb,.on Satur. whi(h wi�s b re W3od per aoI
I I Bond 'ad smashed, and a ofigirt
ri the prestige of hich the have a go6d �ime on the lake shore with the and most enterprising citizens, besides th pected.-10. John �Urge,F, , I igh auilitor; Lu�krkow, and ineardinle In thel V;ening, dn 'W;rodperaord
_'I cle- 'day mor' I ige to the
g.a y ning, and lasted all thab day and e 1, h,rnees, no casualties es perbag,
children. __7! 4 r.. Charles Shoemaker, of the present plank aid wa t ere is done and; i far the Canadian Orc.J`er of Foresters, ig id th 3 program"me will conaiat a,' fMb A -PP)
plKved as the result of the war. Thia u- r H. aI fire- curred. v
Monday. The result was. that ballots, Dominion 'h)tel, has sold hi.3 fancy driving somewhab dangerous to walk on-af ter dsI ; 4. Owen Soun . d this week, 1attfDdilIg I Ly
plIncedented ganerosiby must have a unifyirig Zinothy Be" -
horse to M.r MaEson, of Blyth, for -Dr. Ferguson and Mrs. Ferguson very Couriti. as are also Mesers. in, J. Jo nto
which had been re-jecued by the deputv re. $15 I(V h Park. pax00
n ajid softening iufluence on the subdued Poo. He purebased it only short time aao fro n pleasantly entertained a riumber of frie A and Thomas Stewart, re resentatives of- turning officers,'were allowed for thq Con -
M 'A r. Wb itfie d III
p�-3. The Boers have shown a spirit of a-mannear Shipka.-Mr. Win. Hass, )f on Friday evenhig last. -Mr. J. A. Court Dotiolas.-I ynl
servative candidate anif fourfor the Liberal Detroit, sou of Mr. Fred Hes.4, sr., was ma r Williams has re-eDgaged at the Observe�l- who was critically ill, is sli; gh tI 7 impr ' 1.1
bt-avery which at cnee stamps them as, ca
ndidate elect, reducing �he' Liberail's ma. ried-last week to Miss Myrtle Hatbawa office. - Rev. 0 iver Coleman conducted -Miss Mitchell, of Wingham, visited at
Superior people and such a people must ap-1 jority of .23, as declared �by the returning of Poutia'a, Michiga. The happy you g services with mu h acceptance in the Moth. Mr. SomIa lost week.1-The meeting4,
officer, -by two votes. Mayor Cameroa, the i a port
e3iate the kindness that has been shown couple spork -ion o.. tho hone 7mg0n abbath mornin
Iymoon t odiat church., on g and even of the Chri � S.ociety, held: bere
IOclared elected the uarerI home he' -Miss B "che Petty was iii K'i itfter the Sd6day e or vice, -pd. being firt
t4em aud will, in all probability, show their, Liberal candidate, is thus i d llill b
re, and received t e ing Inef. vening w I
by a mt�jority of 21, after one of the most congratulm ons of numerous old friends. pen this week: vi!siting relatives. -Mr. M diflCOn'tnue& during the su mer, but will, 9:946c bi -
gratitude for all. that7 has thus been done for
stiffly conte3ted elecDions e:ver held in that The regular mteting of the Zurich Woma�s�l Ellwood has ha his barber shop niceI3, be resumed it Se'ptember. Mr. Wm. Sct 11 $4,000.00 wo Clothinicy, t at a
t4em by uniting in the endeavor which is to I rth of eadymc de b o ug
historic riding. Christian rk was held at the psI and pape�ed, and also put in some erville is recrveiing from �11� severe Is Steady. �O
homeof N11'. Alagel, and wag a very interest. handsome furnitute and furnishings, so that -Rev. W. J,. West, M. A.,J wil [ attend tbd e Every
be made to repair the ravages of war in 1CW IbLte on dalldir on Man tUrE r's price. bee inakess 9�
The re-count at the' baIN t *s week and flair demand
So'zith Africa and to build up the country as in Halton ing andpro t'ablemeeting. Thedevotionalex- he has now one of the neatest and best, General A"0mbly in Tcront[D) th
Bur dollar's worth all newl: a d up-to-dafe i-4 fiband -style. we
a! portion of the British Empire. county resulted in increasing �he majority of ercises war conducted by Mrs. D.Steirkba eqripped shops in the county. -Mr. ak�iIll will also visit in Whitby. - Wrs, John 11 ou rn
After their ading ot the'lesson, all respon Mrs. John McArthur left here the firat paI gess, Miss M'Abel Oliver. -M ss Mary ing bought this'st6ck trem� sly cheafl, and -we are bound to 1941 to Injol
i That this is likely to be the case is showu Mr. Barber, th Liberal candidate by two ed t6 their ames by re ding several verses of the week for Owen Sound, where Mr� and others went on the Fo . sters. excursio
ov6 We. Clothina at your
over the returns- of the re6� ake it iu qull
by the results thus far. W officer, of Scriptui The business part was taken McArthur is attending the High Court of to Owen Sotind, on Wednesd y.�On. EII rin �aul
herk, Mr. Schalk- leaving his real majority 22. The judue, by the pres eut. - It wi Is decided to hold Foresters as representative of Hensall coui t� count of Mr. West'R fibmtkee, no serviced, 0 n Pace Vf straight �6
burger, formerly Acting- Pretiden t of the i I
who conducted the -recount , te fl�e next meeting at -the home of Miss Agnes -Mrs. D. McCall, jr., of Brucefield, w%4 will be hold in the Presbyterian church next, 2 ierd
l, visited a large Boer camp a, few that the
Kaercher Monday even rig, June 16th. T e here tbis week viEiting her father� Air, Joh� Sabbath.
deputy returning officers dq'sery
q3ys ago he made a speech, informing his, ed a great educat ion'o. half hour wt. Iona Caldwell. -The Oddfellowe of Hen8all lodge 50 `)o s' `e Suit orth $2,25, to e so d at 1 50. the Victoria
deal of praise for t1ke ex a led by miss' y i pi w
cellent way in which and lum�4 camp wo-k saperintendert, 'intend putting in some handsome Pe on was h arers of the terms of peace, and urging-, tteca, in.
1 9
their datiel,!iand that they Miss Beatribe Steinbach, and proved to be, the near future. This will add reatly Ito FuIlarton, on' good tweed suitls, worth $6, f)r good attendi
_�atented submission to British rule. The appeared to be lko anxioug that � nothing not on1v in ercsting but instructive as we:l. the appearance ef their already 9 well fur - - - - NOTES -Mises Jennie B%kez and Laura� off-Gred, and I
Haynes left on a three mont4a' visit to' -Aen's Worsted Suits tb'88.50. a;,
ainI 6o v;r4 they � counted THE Tolwlmitip FATHEim'-The dge r r. m. Caldw 11
�oers, he said, should forgive and forget,11 cohld be said ac, �Ilen!s uiLs f6r 85; $11 -
of n1shed lo
the ballots that it might a! ni�at be said that vt6on h�. o this week fro arnia Manitoba last week. -Messrs. erguson an& whitte
with the British form one teat brother! re M
Id here on tbe. 2na inst., disposed returned hom n thej
they leaned against the iniee�fits of the ;of the Be Moorehous,) jare attending 1 the Methodist
`1ood, working together for the benefit of Re. vorial appeals as follows Be . where he bad been attending the form party in favor. of the iCouservatives. Pfile, appeal not sustairied ; Mre. Gardiner, as a repreelentative of the Heneall Me4ho- conference in Sarnia. The r pulpits wer6 Rastera lTow-1
:onet1h Africa. The Boer leaders, he said in, He was pfe Come --to our C1 thi� Sale.
ou ased with the pleab, taken by Mr, McRoberts, 0 Mitchell, at IL
u well marked appeal dis'��,issed ; G. NI extier, property re- that church. -Wei regret to report that Mr. of rO
k10 ba.1lots, and sAid that it gPoke well for the duced &
rk, had concluded that it would be dog off .: Jobn Schroeder, d,),g John WEiamiller, lour enterprisinimeiebant, a. m., and Mr. Thomas Cam bell at 7 p. rn.� creameries AC
-Brown & 1�oger have star ed 4iminal to further continue the struggle. intelligenco'of the people of 81d Yaltork. off; A10[1�6 MeliCk, RESE seed lot 16, L. bas been quite Periously ill during the psI the masou� -ese v
W., -Mrs. GardiLer, asq-essed C. part lot n Sabbath,af tet noon lasta load Df homa.� -Hlighist Price Paid for.Produpe. 91f, to �wc - 1:
wok of Aaron Roberts' I barin.-T
The scene was indescribably pathetic., ree Press slay GCP bly For, McCullough �was doing buflikiess in St. Marye�
The Ottawa F 6: roba 5 ; E. Dodinan,"asseeRed 8 the members of the Canadian Ord )f �Rt;
-Pr c i
1, on Monday. -,-Mr. Cook, of al3d the bAI
mong the thousands of Boers assembledi R. E., iris ead Canada Co. ; R. Picks. arila, has open-'�
the ProHLitioiiist fanatics 4e scir 4 rd Co., eaters drove to Lucan to attend 03vi
ine anni
aflEtessed $�,,600 at Dash wood; H. Bau r, versary nervices.-Mr. and Mrs. A. Me] ed up a harniss shop I a T
there was scarcely a dry eye, and at tl�e' did what they did on� eloction day. Be. aylor's old!
conclusion of the speech the we aerfissed vol,. S.. 141, 154; Mrs. McCor- Ponald were in Exeter on Friday '�arid Satitrn' stand, and isi�prepared to do all kinds of� liberal bothr
men weI tween them and their th'a liquor r. McDonald's' relatives.' -k.-R. E( Bain and James Efeatherifllg-� forraer w
last visil iog M war
mick, asse�aed K. S., 6 49 ; Louis Halin, (lay
restraint. , Afterward the Dutch ke-d at agaescmd 6 con. 6 ; V. Reider, assesEed ' r. k., re6ently the
gfe � harm to the Pro Charldi Wilson, who lef � ton are cn the jury in Stratford this weei.:[ because of th
rnen�tbey wor ;residen.t spoko. tol L R,OY C061
a -on, of the �:Sth conce6sion,
V�oo ere for Pigeon, Michigan, was Jk7e
'doring grateful thanks; vincial Govern ml ent at thelp0le. Theycan pt. 23, D ; Wnl. Yaeger, assese�d in the viIJ -Robert Th�mpp
K. 8 1 0 George Kellerman, assess d ge the first part of this wee -k. -T48 died at his eqn's. He h en L i4 ta
not. be eurprieed if the� Gov(irnment which ecti �u 'aorre time frpm dropsy. H 'remains were
far the kindly trea�rneut the Boers had re , i as bi' sinking for
He 8&* lot 20, J. A. find Peter Marian die�' 'Institute ineeting in conn 0 AL fror
Id that the news of peace was has done so 'ARDN. Bzalocx� ffl� AX5101'"
m1ach in the way�of endeavoring asseesed laid to rest in the Presbyter an cemetery in pound rolls
pt. 18, N. B. H. Thiel, d ith the Farmers' Institute, held in Millef, a
to 150, Id
in, 0
gu t �al
a Butle
ela ts
Iloran 'k