The Huron Expositor, 1902-06-13, Page 2RAL MATH FOR SALE.
WAS FOR SALE. -Rare bergeins in farnte In,
the,Townshies of Et:altett, Kords,and WaWflo.
nosb, fbunty ot Eaten. Isuntire -at once. W21.1
CAMPBELL, Biyth, Oat ° 11144t•••••••tiOn.I.•
Foe sale, a, conuttedientittery end halt le men
with vament oellag end ,nteXerti. ; a gond stable add
heady two aorta -eland t Immediately filttit ot the'
lEgmond.ville menet. The lar ti is well ptanted wit
largwandernall fruits. Apply to Wm. ELLIOrT. 1
1161-tf I
..,___n_. — ----e- •
o �Ac FARM FOR EbiLiteeIn beat wheat hilt
itt Southern Manitoba.. Ninety aeres readn f 0*
iwhaatilaxt. year; 60 acres hey. Good new stebtl
i and granary. Twelve- dams par ace. Severe '
!other improved and prattle` farms- for stale. Writ
!ORA& X 1311A.W,, Box 11, Boissievain, kienitolen :
17574t t
f MIME, '
rtitum rolt SA1E.-1,0t at half 26, Cencessien
U 1 ia the Townaltie rt Hibbert 31 milts eatt o
Seaterth. Larg orchetd, two good wtlis men gee
bank here Ferpartleulart aople le MRS. ELLE,
DOWNEY,225 Protpect Srreet, Matquatt, Michigen
. T .
1 HOMAS OVARY._ Seefoctn P cr BERNAR
1tYCONNELL, Duttlin, Ont. 1791
DARK FOR SALF.-:For sale Lot 21, Con
• coon 4, MoKillnp, conteining 100 acres, atl
of whieh it deartd, well fenced, underdralard wee
a, high state of caltivation. There is a eond
orlok house, large baok barn with stone stabliug.
plenty- of water au& a good ereherd. It le within
two miles- of Seeforth and within a mile front a
eel:tool. Apply on the premises or to deaforthPt 01.
VARISI FOR SALE.--Farirt in Stanley for sale, Let.
✓ 2 osuceskion e, contsimn WO Acres.
c.ear but lc :templet hardwood hushit ist In a gold
state of cultivation, well fended and underdra.lneit
There N on the tarm two berms, with stabling, and a
ergs dwell pg house. It is conveniently situated,
milea 'from Clinton and mile from Baird's anboll
Addrets all irapfirles to JOHN MeGREGoR, on the
premise& or MRS. D. MeGREGOR, 2nd Conceasion;
Tuckerentith. Sestorth, Ont. 1758-tf ,
✓ - sale. the farm tit. the underaiened in the Teeter
_ ship cf Tuckers,nith, adjoining the Villege of Eet
toondvi le. The farm containa 29 acres, nil e1ler4
except 4 acres of rood hudwoed bueh n hir.81
wen fenced. vttli tile drained, and in a first elv
stete et cultivation. There is a, good frame haunt,
with kitchen and woodshed, an& attne cellar fult
size of house. There is a good bank hem. with
eters° stabling, and good pig and hoe house. There
is a good puma bearing ember 1 and a bt tornet
ment.1 trees. There is a never fallinnWe'l at the
house, one at the bane and another on the farm,
It la one of the most convenieot and =Martel*
place in the townehip, and wilt be sold cheap Ant
• en tasy terms. Apple en the pretrites tr add- ent
Egmendville L O. HERMAN BC1101.4.
EIARAI FOR SALE. -For sale that very deairahle
U farm on the Mill Read, Talks/smith, adj
the v Ilene of Egmandvill e It contaies 07 aere-,
merle' all clewed and in a zood state of cultivatiol+
and wall underdrained. There itt a ttentfortehl4
briek cottases and fZoid learne, with ran.; settler arri
outbuildings,. The bnibioes are eitueted near the
°entre of the farm and on the Mill Road. It N well
watered, and plenty of soft water in the kitattere
Zt ie aonveniently situated 'or ohurch and s -heal
ani within a mile and a halt of Ssatarth. Will be
sold cheap and on es-rit ter.ns of oetratent. Apply
to the proprietor, ROBERT FANS0141, Seaforth
• 1148-tf
,e eels, Lot 22, on She North Boundary of Ray
Township. This farm contains 100 scree, 85 sierra
cleared, the rest good hantwood besh. It Is welt um
derciratined and eneed. There lea goad stone house
with a No. I ; large bank bean ; impennant
had; sheep house 70e75, with - fitst-eltes steblie
and root caller tuidernenth ; estood orchard; an ;
well and cistere. There is 1241 acres of fall wheat
Rowed on a rich faltow wed menaced ; ee aorett
heeded down recently, the rest in creed ehepo for
. crop. Tble is a No. 1 farm, well tdtueted for
". markets, elturehes, wheels, pod officio, eto., and
virM he sold rests:on...0'v. Apply on the premlees, or
address ROBERT S. DOUGLee,Blake.Ont 1668xSt1
12 9 and the west half of Lot 8, on the 12th conceal
sten. or R-onson Line, of Sttniey. This term coin
tains 150 acres, all of which is °leered, except tone
acres. It is in a state of fireteclase otetivation, well
. fenced and all underdraibednaostly with tile. Thera
le a large frame netting, house as geodes new, with
good atone foundation an miler, large b elk barn
with stone stabling underneath, and numerous othie
buntlines, inoladieg a lerge, pig hou4e. Two goad
orchard* of choice fruit, also nice shuts and orna-
mental trees. There are two epring creeka running
throughthe farm, and plenty of good 'waxer all the
year round eithout pumping. It la well situated foS
markets, churehest, whores, poet nffl e, et, and good
gravel roads loading from it la all directiona. It la
within view/ of Lake Huron, and the boats cen be
seen passing up and down from thehouso. This is
one of the best equipped farces in the away, an
will beeold on easy terms, as the' proprietor wants to
retire on account of ill health. Apptv on the prenal
See, or address/Make P. O. JOHN DONN. .1.734-tf
.1EIA1tM FOR SALE. -For sale, Lai, in the Town
U ship of Tnekeremith, Conoeesion a, ion sores of!
land, 95 acmes clearedwell un lordrained. Splen -rd
farm for grain or stook, well teetered, a nutmeg
L epring the whole year runs through the farm. Also
on the term Is a splendid bank bent, ne tr y new,
tvhieb k 60x54, with atane stabling underneath.
Alea frame house 2418, and kitchen 18x16, witta
good stone teller, and two good wenn This pro-
perty le situated in et very desirable lovality witt
Splendld gravel rods to merket, only al miles tof
Seaforth, Also a good dweillog hon -e in neaforto,1
eitnated on Coleman street, close to Victoria Park.
This house is eempised of 8 rcenns, vvoil detailed,
plenty of hard and sott water, and kitehon
Withpantry and waah roora atttoaedt and a good
woodshed. A good stab e 24x18. All of this property"
utst he said as thte undersieneti le matting to tbe
nited Stites. All partionlare coniernine this
Prnparty can be had by applyine at The EXPOSITOa
face or to the proprietor, JAMES IMHOF:, Sea.
rth, 1.752-a
Hardware. Store.
Spring Goods.
• Complete stock of ready mixed Paints,
Wall Finish, Whiting for house cleaning.
New Ptook of Spades and &ovals, Garden
Bakes, Hoes, Manure Forks and Draining
Get our prices for Ellwood Woven Fencing
Coiled Spiieg atid Barbed Wire Seaplee, ece.
Builders' Hardware, Naila, Locks and
Bern Door Hinges.
Spectial attention to all Gelvanizei Iron
and Tie Work, Eevete ughing and Furnace
Sins 84. Murdie
Counter's Old Stand. Seaforth
Landsboroug h,
Upholstering a specialty, and up-
holsterinz coverings always on hand.
Also Window Shades fitted and put
!Curtain Poles, Pictureand Picture
i All wrongs made right in every de-
mtment of our work at our expense.
Undertaking Branch:
We have a large and varied aesortment
fm which to ohoose in time of need, and at
peiees that have been a matter of agreeable
• sorprise to all who have dealt with us.
Two fine hearees oa hand for summer and
winter use. Night calls at my residence,
corner cottage in, re er of Darainion Bank,
will be prom.pttly responded to.
Dr. Talmage Draws a Pen Pictu e
at ths.iit Lineamieirits.
Some of Christ's Mental skid piritual
Characteristics Recounted -A! Sninna-
thetie Irace-Porgiveriesa fin Ufa Fen -
tunes -Record of the So
by Love -Divine Love Ntt
Entered According to Ant of Pit: Halladot of Can-
ada. in the year 1902. by Wittit ut Idelln. of To-
ro:AO, at the Dept of Aerieut uro. Ottawa.
Chicago, June 8.-A p it. picture of
the lineaments a the djv6el face- Of
Christ is presented by I v. Frank
DeWitt Talmage in this discourse on
the text, II Corinthians* 6, "The
face of Jesus Christe" •
Character is stamped Upon the hu-
face. By that I do I not mean a
good man necessarily ha i e. beautiful
. .
face and a bad, man a IIhemely face.
1 ,
Some of the most sief le men have
the handsomest ranee. 1I1e Imorally
corrupt arid evil minded 'E1dwai d IV.
of England had a face o ueh singu-
lar beauty that it beLau1e the idol of,
London. When 'the kingaeked a rich
lady for 1`.1.0 to help eai•.ry on the
war against • France, She replied.,
"For the comely face thou shalt
have twenty." When the king kiss-
ed her with his smiling lips, :the rieh
old lady made the gift Lee instead
of £20. On the other hand, some
of the kindest and best men hatt4fa;
cial features which shock every artis-
tic idea of harmonious proportions.
But when 1 state that eharacter can
be read in the face I mean that if a
man is a goad man thette is general-
ly something in the sixties af his hp,
the glance of his eye, the Wrinkles of
his cheek, the •set of hie jaw, which
suggeetts that he is a god man. If
a. man is bad, there are telltale signs
in the face which prove that he is a
bad man.
By long and bitter expeeience you
hitve learned that the revealing pow-
er of the face is true. erouI have also
learned that your wife tan read the
character in the human Ifaee a great
dteal better than her hueband, ,When
ee younger man, you leSed* AO - -tering
your friends home to sPend the even-
ing. After those friends_ had gone
you would tern arid sate, eleer dear,
how did you like Mr. Sol -and -se ?"
Your wife would ansvrek: . gri, (10 not
like him at all. HO is nott, a Man to
be trusted. You had eietter -beware
arid not get miXed up. in any busi-
ness dealings with that man. I do
not lihe his face." or your wife
would answer: "I likeOlaf man. I
wish you , would invite 4iiinl uP again
to the house. I like hi eye and the
curve of his lip. I, 11 e his .face."
In almost every case, s you found
out later, yourwife's estimate of
your friends' characters, was .right.
She judged them by the face.
Now ,Paul declares that the glory
of God, was revealed toemen in the
face of Jesus Christ. Aa we have no
authentic picture 'of Jeelus !I -would
try to paint a word pihture of the
divine ,face by recountiegsome of
Christes mental and speriteal char-
acteristics. • .
This ;was the method by iweitch we
obtain's:I'm picture of my *other al -
his de Ilse he "-not' been to a.
lied ter he was dead. F6r e - ens hefore
photographer. So after the °funeral
we toCile to an artist alethe pictures
which nist brother ha.d taken in, his
boyhood. We also • too lie a lock of
his hair. We told. the artiet •about
my brother's happy natUre,:told how
the jokes which he perpetrated would
be revealed in, his smile andelaughing
eye. We talked about hie nature, so
that the artist might paIntthat na-
ture in the young Mares; fate. ,
Emperor William I. iaf 'Germany
wanted an artist to paint the face of
his mother, Princess Louise, es she
was; in, the prime of ber . physical
beauty.. He took all he different
pictureof the dead empresp to. the
artist's studio. There tee royal son
told thtit artist the characteristics of
his mo tater. From. his ' verbal por-
traiture that artist pain ed the fa-
mous ideal picture of Pri cess Louise
de,.scending the steps of 1 her palace.
May God help me to-dar to paint
aright the face of Jesup Phreet !
Jesus must have had ae intelligent
face. Plireuologists teac-h .that the
.‘, at of the brain is under the dome
of ee skull. They asseet that° cer-
wet characteristics of the brain can
be read by the contour f the skull,
as a blind man with his 1 ngers reads
by the raised letters of Ithe Braille
alphabet. But the intelli ence of the
braie can be traced in the face, as
well as upoL1 the top of the 'head, in
the formation of the mouth as well
as in the phrenologicel charts • map-
ped off upon the back of the ekull,
The thin lip of the Caucasian is en-
tirely different, from the thiek lip of
the African; ' the deepset eves and
overhanging brows of the uhiversity
scholar are totally differellt f rom the
twinkling eyes and narrow frontal
bones of the Australian ;aborigines.
Some men's faces are so 1 expressive
that. when they turn their keen (et!. es
upon you they seem to liore a hole
• right int o • the heart of :your , very
being. If you try to deceive them,
ilea look, upon their faces reveals the
• hue that they know you ere not tell-
• ing the
-Jesus Christ's face was ale° a seen-
pathetic' and forgiving Cache How
many men we have seen *hose faces
represent ed int elligent . tioWer„ but
without mercy -faces suet" as you
could easily imagine a Robespierre
might have had or a 'Frankenstein or
lute- of the great leaders of the in-
quisition ! Those were the I faces of
men like Napoleon, who. hearing a
marehel of France after *I bloody
ha t t le express regret over !the awful
slaughter of human life, replied: "Oh
t hat is u'othing. In order' to make
au omelet you must break a few
eggs." Those were the fanes of men
likt. Prince lestertte, who drove 143
Brie ish prisoners into the Tile& Hole
of t altattta. se •stifling nitorn only
eigh 1 eon feet square. and lieft them
there tot t il the misery of 1 ell but
twenty-three was ended br suffoca-
tion. Those were the kin( ` of faces
that. must have been posseesed by
men like Nana Sahib,' the -fiend of
Can- emir, and women like Catherine
Cl' eledici, the evil spirit off St. .Bar-
t holoinew's massacre, whoa, 30,000
French Ilueuenots were slaile in one
day. and 1.); Deriliah, the betrayer of
a Samson, and Jezebel, the destroy-
er of a Naboth.
But all stronz faces are Oiat evjj
lete US. 1110 Of ene stem:west lac
we have ever seen haNe been tle I
sweetest and Most ratagnanimoues
These faces had a 10 a attracting
power for the beholders, like the fa e
of old Dr. Plunier, one of the stron -
est- men the American pulpit ev
produced. Dr. Plumer's face S was
sweet ant'. tender and loving face, a
though one of the strongest of face
One day,
up to hi
looking u
-1--a face
ness agai
mieter, a
• So we
face only
of power,
as he was, walking across
rg park, a little child r
and tool: his hand; thei
into that great good fag°
hat novel had any bitter -
1st any oast, bue. only foe -
he child asked, "I __say,
e you God ?"
nust not think of Christ's
ts an intelligent face, a fa e
but also as a loving, sY
forgiving face. We mu
think ,of I 'm as having the' same kind
of a face your earthly father may
have had You remember when, aln
the past, you di4 what your fath r
had forbi den., you came to his si e
and burie your fax in his lap a
cried, "F thee, will you forgive me?
Then you, remember how he took yo
up in his great, strong arms. What
a sweet 1 • ale came into his Iovin
face ! H ye his lip trembled and has •
eyes filled with tears As he sae
"My boy, my dear little sT4n, 1 w s 1
in hopes that you
as you have done,
most breaking, my- .hild, because yo
. pot it was brea in- tl e
use my hi tle son id ot
-es I father and ask • to le
And th n you found th
which tri kled down youlr
eot t ose which cameo
eyes aloe e. Mingled with
the 1 ars which floweil
earthl parent' e eyes.
Christ's ace, altho-ugh
e, was nesympathetic fac
Christ's face must ha,v
giving- fa e becaease it wafs
telligent face, He know
e have one and suffere4.
• knows, how hard sone.
re strug led in our ow
do rigb He knows hot'
rappled each of es with
'setting s n, which we da4e
O any 11 man ear. Ble
, he k ows-e-how impo
for us to succeed in batt
sin in or own strengt
e come 1 o Christ to as
resist th evil present an
he evil f ture as well
it the eV I past, oh, the' ,,
face of 'heist becomes b.
pathetic forgiving fa-ai.
r's eyes vill 111 1 with tear
✓ Saviot r's lip will qui -
etviour's look will be on
and of u utterable love,
a scarred fac
e one; please d
rest's face is
have it:away
ace as the most
by man; I hav
face was as beau -
ace described 1._
t carved upon at
• of Tiberius Cad -
was plain ani
ea was withau
ould come to Xr
My heart was a
did wron
• more beet
• come to
the tears
cheek wee
• from your
them wer
from yo
Yes, our
strong fa
And m
been a fo
1 such an i
I all that
I He also
; of us ha
strength tl
- we have
his own b
,not tell
knows -ye
sible it is
ing that
So when
for help t
to avert
to wipe o
the strank
tender, s
Our Savio
of joy.
er. Our
of pardon
Christ's face is
• "No, no,"1 says son
not tell nee that
scarred - /ace.
thought o Jesus'
• beautiful ever owne
always believed his
tiful as the Christ
the exentisifte portra
emerald by the orde
.sar : 'His ;forehea1
very' delicate; his f
spot or wrinkle, be tutified with
lovely red i his .nose and mouth wer
so formed that nett ing could be rep
rehended;: his 13esirci was thickish, i
eolor like !hie hat, not very long,
• but forked his It eek was •innocen
and mature; his eye • were clear an.
quick. Ile' was a n an for Ms esingui-
lax beauty ,surpassia g the children of•
But, my friends, that • portrait o
Christ's feee which was ca,evee upon
the emerald by Cite 'ties orders has
been proved. by the trchaeologists t
have been a descrii tion taken from
spurious tiblet. - was a forger
and was n it writte until 200 years
after chri 's •deatt J So, in order t
find whetle r or,: no 'heist's -face wa
a scarred lace, we lust- turn to the
words .of te e Bibi . Was his fore-
-head searr ? Oh, en; the crucifter
plaited a cfrPwn of horns upon -hi
head. .As he 'sharp thorns were riv-
en into theiWhite sk a the blood thus ti
have floweele, the taki must have been
lacerated. Ilead fee n Isaiah lin; 14„.
"His visage' ,w was io marred, more
than any enan, an • his form mord
than the eans of me ." Turn to th
fourteenth •cha:Pter f Mark, '`An
some began to spit on him and to
cover his face and to buffet him an
to say- unto him, Pi ophesee and th
servants did sirik-e him • with th
Tabus of their hatsde." After th
agonies of the crucifixion coul
Christ's face.. be &ear than a scari-e
face? '
And ,Christ's face is a scarred fac
because it is the inlet: of one wh
realized the awft4 nature of sin.
Though Christ coeld forgive u
our sins bl,? the salcrifice of blood,
yet he could not Wite aWay the pun -1
ishment lot sin. . So he offered his
own face to' be laceritted. Ile offered
his lips to ,' become parched :- and
bleeding. lie offered his eyes to be-
come glassy in death. Yet the scare
red. and disfigured face of Christ will
be more beautiful to the redeemed
spirits • in the heavenly land than if
• those diviee feat tires were without
spot or blethish. The scars upon his
face will appeal to US in the same
way that • the wrinkles upon , our
mother's feta touched our hearts
when :he lay asleep in the casket.
1Ve looked at the VT takles and said :
"That wriehle came when she, took
care or me' while I 'vas sick with
eiplitheria. This winkle came when
my brother; :died. That 0 t her wrink-
le came when she wt s preparing my
clothes for •college. Yonder wrinkle
CUM(' the nigh 1: I ws s ma rded and
left houet.'' Therefore to us - children
those wrinkles were emetiful because
they told the story of her vicarious
love and site:eying. Yes, in heaven
we wa n t 1(1 ' see our enother's wrink-
les. that enme as the battle scars of
1. life while qghting Nu* her children.
I In heaven ,we also Want to see the
ecaried fa4 of Jesus, which scars
were cut into his faitskin while suf-
fering for on r redemPti en.
The scarred 'feta df Christ is an
i II Unlined ftiee.. liate you ever seen.
a sad eolint mantel- light up Witii a ,
smile ? Hate you ever heard a little
child burst .forth heft tt. 1;1001 'a the
midst of a ne of crying -laugh when
1 cheek 1?, Well, 1 hrist's face,
a tear is yet Os t ning upen the
though in one ;sense sad face, , a
scarred faceis yet an illtunined face.
It has joy i» the eye j 0Y on the lip,
joy on: t he ' cheek, • joy everywhere,
when one or his lovv i ones has been
saved by tiie,. sacrifice of his blood.
There is. nu. tea joy in that divine face
; over one si leer 1 he t repent eth than
over - umetv anti nee? just persons
that need ne repents • re.
If Christ'- had not been an. illum-
ined face t. ie little thildren would
not have lo -ed to ru '1 to him. Chil-
dren pm . atl raeted by u. smile, They
ei• afraid icif - tears.. Yet EiVeryWher •
'I tTeStill'.. sniffing face appears,
o n hear the Cli,ildren calling to o
a other: . "Come, i come 1 Itere
J sus 1 COme, COMO 1" If Jesus' W
t an, illtentined face he could nev
hive spoken such triumphant wor
a those which lee spoke tohIini,s
o the palsy, -"Son, be of goo' echee
t y sins - are forgiven thee1' 1
c uld never.. have spoken such wor
o commendation as those he spol
I reference to the centurion,,TVeril
I ay unto you, I have not' found S
g•eatfteith, no, not in Israel." And
O my brother, if our sins aro mile
i g the Savieues face such la sa
I t ce and if our repentance wile mak
C :nest's face such an illumined fac
s ould we not be willing to bright
u• our Saviour"e face since et h
i's leered so much. . . 1
But the sweetest th6ught t74 ine
a 1 is that Christ's face is a fece ten
. w nts to be loved. ' &ante Pertraie •
• h ve ; an- ineescribeble sorhethin
ai out them which 'proves that thosis
f es crave affection. Tf the closet
li e, could speak, they- Would say
I " liVe, for others in order that otlie
ers might live for me. 1 love Jo or
, d r that 1 CEI.11 be loved. I suffer in
o der that others can -be .lnade ban
I p . And, being 'happy, they cen
p ur out their gratitude upon inee'
only awoke to the fact e elev.
.y arS ago, that Christ's -face wieg:t
fa •e that wanted to be loved 1 iisec
t think that I must love Ch est be
ItIlillSe Christ. could aril would . SaV
in • if 1 asked him. But how- 1 ha Ir
le rated to love him because he lov
m mm
and wants e to love hi. 11
lo ap me with a love that paese,s a,
en derstanding. But that love is in
coeupleto unless I respond f to -it ant
lo d3 as I am loVed. Mr. Moody toll:
a pathetic story how a short • tin).
.af er his father's death- .his cid'
br1other ran away from home Mel
hel descrilted hONV his mother esed t
be continually watching for the i
tu.'n of tee' prodigal, how she, wou
Se id the children every clay down t
th pastoflice,to find out if there wu
a letter from her absent boy: T1i4,
W uld hear her preying, at ,night 141
th, eetura of . her son, that he i mig
gi 'e her his love. Well, to -d 3
01 rist's iface is a face cravie
aft ation. -
Jut, Sad to- relate. after all ChriS
has suffered' and done for us, his fat
entity be a condemning face/ Tbe di
vine love may be great enough t
su -pass ell haman uniderntanding
ye the diviiiu love is not blind. •Th
sp rit of God will not always; striir
WI k :Alan. itt Ezekiel we read, "At
fate will I •also turn from•thein." Oh.
th a awful. moment - when Christ's f ae
on teecount of our unrepented eine
silt 11 heroine I, condemning feed! Thi
is one characteristic of Christ whiel
:all unrepentabt settlers and 1 sorzi
ini tisters preaching' in the sacr e p 1
pi e are tryilie not to seeBut?
.Tutis• is not, tohave a cendemeh
fac , for the 4tnropcntant shelter • ho
cal you ;tee° inte for the parable
t h shepherd separating. the .1 ;she
fro n the goats ? There is gong
cot le a day sehee Christ shall 4.
bef )re the judgment seat of Ched al
the etatitens Of the earth. Crash !
cra:- h 1 crash 1 - wi I I go. every !tom
Sto e . The mausoleums ellen 1 roc
an have as . the Philipp* Jai
ire ulled during the night of •Paul'
an, Silas' incarceration. Every gal
ant :slab door, will fly open, 'Tee tell
cell etery Fhafts ellen tumble ta;
the walls of ,Terlcho at the blitSt iet
the ram's hoen. -The bodies Of tit
sai ors sleeping by • the coral reefe,
the emigrants, who died when •ros
in' the prairie, the arctic explere.s
buried under the, snow ;and ice : tl e
Inf. s i o net r i es wh 0 died IIJ) - the Co
po they shall, all come up.. T1
dead which slept under the done'
a e al Mahal atedi the poor unl-noe
raccht who died in tb0 county hoe-
pitt 1 and Whose )c.itiet was buried in
-the potter's ;field ,shall come up • Tee
bodies of thelrich.ancl the poor alike,
the black and the white, the Jele'r
and the Gentile -they shall all come
U1).- Then Christ shall separate this
me) tetu de , which is gathere-d before
hill as a shepherd separates ° his
she ip from the Oats. Towards the
'she p the ,Saviour will turn a foie
givi me face. but. towards the goats
he -hall turn a 1 condemning fare
when he aays, "Depart from me, ye
eureed: into everlasting fire." .
If 'Christ is not - to have - a ' con -
donning face to those who have not
rtptInted of their sins, how can you-
account.• fot• the scene in the para.ble
of 11c fen virgins ? As we read that
pureble Nye see the .live 'foolish ' vir-
gili* who had not prepared for the
Bri degr oom's coining st and ing withei
oat; end pounding upon the door of
the ;le-tuquet hall.- We soon hearthem
trying : "Lord, Lord, open to ; us !
But. he answered. and said, Verily I
say 1 unto you, . I know you not.
Tee'? men shall he working he t
fields: the One shell -be taken arid ti
other left. Two women shall le
gi hiding at the mill; the one shall te
taken and the other left. Two ine-
moAttis • :he I I be standieg at the
inallriage altar; the one Shall be tak-
en end the other left. Oh, my
fritelels, 1 beg and plead rilli you to
loole into the forgiving face of C1ri4t
whi ti . th t re is yet time! Do not let
the Saviour's face ever become to
you a condenneing face.
Iniercise the nrood Mare.
T le brood mare should have regu-
lar leherase, it ehould never be
cariied Lo the point of fatigue.,
Personal CharacterIstles of Youn
Alfonso XI 1 I.
A mother's love and devotion have
gie en to Spain anleing worthy of the
.throne, soys the New York World!.
The new sovereign is a boy-ae king -
at sixteen -but he comee to his in-
11CritalleC wit h. a. character matured.
fee 1sey0nd his years. Called ,hiS
boyhood to greatness and reSPonSi-
bility, he accepts his heavy duties
modestly and seriously, 'though, not
• Bqrn with inherited weakness of
the mind and hady, exceeding frail , -
*a evzse and gentle woman has treined
and guided him until he has become
sturdy physically and gained a enost
at tractive character. His mother
madtt him lit to be a king. The new
sow .eign, to whom an loyal paid
lookwith reverence and affecti4n, ie
a fit e, handsome boy. His mind is
heal hy and spirited. He is tendee
hear ed and impulsive. He; is chari-
tabl , energetic, friendly and has at
will of his own. He is a born ; sol-
dier and is a good One evennow.
He 1 decoy patl-iotie and religious.
Ile speaks Engli.h, French and Ger-
inanj as well, as. his own language. He
is devoted to his sisters,
A Sluggish,
I tii
c 3. Liver
,.- i t 111 '
. _ i 1
'When a-oq liver is clogged by the inac-
tivity of the kidneys and b,o els, it becomes
torpblood, thus producing bit ousetess and a
id and fails to filter the bile trete the
general impairment of the digestivesystem7
The tongue is coated, the head aches,
digestion is irn erfect ; thee is aching of
the limbs and back, feel' gs of fullness,
weight and soreness over t e stomach and
liver; the eye becomes y Bow and jaun-
diced, and the com_plexi n muddy; the
urine is scanty and highly olored, and the
bowels irregular, constipa ion and loose-
ness alternating. There s little use of
treating the liver separatel i
, as t can never
be set right until the kidneys and bowels
are made active in removing the wasternat-
ter from the body.. It is f r this very rea-
son that Dr. Chase's Ki'nev-Liver Pills
have always proved so wondcrfully suc-
cessful in miring the most chronic cases of
liver° complaine-bil i ousnesS and complica-
tedailments of the kicineysliver and bowels.
TeegOarioneoretso.p.i101 r7Eciods,mean2ssonc,en.Btsataiesboxec. Co.,!
. Or. Chase's
Kidneptivr Pills
rrincesses Irdercedes• aii •Alaria lie
esti. He IS fond of4thh?ties and
swimming. , 1
The king; has two lri:11-col,s, which
have superseded the pony cerriage
and OA which he is °Rol seen in 30a-
drid. Ills playfellows have , been the
children from the fan flies . of (..h.:?,
Duc de SotomayOr E am other gran-
dees, and his principal' liv-ahi..nt tool:
the form of platoon e -ercisi:s, tit.?
handling of arms and f drills. As
his Strcrigth increased ti Ore were . long
walks withofficers, an 1 indoors he
Played billiards mach t nal With con-
siderable skill.
Sjioi et1 ( Mid's ‘I ha)g. •
"Sit down," said tie fierce . old
male, and: the tremble) r ;Nutt. Obey-
ed. "iVell what is it
The unhappy % young
bbs throat,
'`.t have came, th a e is, I have
come," he 'began in stIminicring ac-
cents, "to askyou for the baud of
your daughter, Ruth,"
The old Plan leaned) back in his
chair and intently regerded his vieit-
"Does my daughter 1.-satit you," he
asked. •
•-Yes, :sir; I am sure he Idoes' the
youth replied with sone ;eagerness.
She sent Me to you."
• 'The old Mae sighed.
"Tbe whims of that c iuld are really
unaccountable," he muttered. -It
seems I bet a. day Or two ago that she
cried for a 1(1011. Then I • Was a party.
Now' it is a monkey. 0 colurse she'll
hate to have it if he I irants it.
That's all. ; Good day.' E
man cleared
POintori Porogr:
Women are jealogs 1 erhoe's • be-
cause they get the last word.
Truth prilvails in the 6n.q,Ibut a lie
• always leads in the stretch.!-,
The; calendar maker ha S a good
deal to do iivith nunibeiing our. days.'
A bachelor says the only certain
thing about women 1 their uncer-e
• The rdan on the sideaik sees more
of the procession than he drum mte-
joTr The
ntiSt has a.pul that cal-
eulate.d to fill the 'pan icien's heart
with envy.. •
In order to he a, first- Iasi theorist
a man muse have perf ct ediefidence
in his imagination.
We are told that. w)alth doesn't
bring coneetam.ent-and many people
are sure thee. poverty, d esnet.
Many a wan goes ter yunci looking
-for trotelsle,• and the mi ute he meets
it he has a hurry call 'a %nether_ di-
rection.--Chitago Daily News.
Ties CoM ea vironSit 'pa ,Of
• The young man who 'abandons the
church voluntarily rcuts himself off
from the niest exalted thoughts that
ca n en ter the human heart. He puts
himself mite of the cone any of Ra-
phael, and ltubens, and ThorWaldsen
when he might live ilti the atmos-
phere that made them great. - 11
Michael Angelo, and Sh Christopher
Wren, anti inigo Jones welcome him
at the door, Mendelso hu, and Bee-
thovee. and, Bach greet him. as he
enters. The, organ may be spavined
and wind -galled. The ehoir may lee
an aggtegation of tunelehs tyres, but
if the young man has rought any
worshipful music in his soul into the
' church the same upliftix g sentiments
that, inspieed the "M ssiah" and
"Elijah- will sweep ti e chords of
his heart as the organis teuches the
keys, or as the choir cl,ars its col- .
lective throat and sing -4 "phi Han-
dred."'-Ladees' Home J?urnal.
Row 1
ow se Make s Mirth ay !Rook.
Take as many sheets as there are
days in the Year. Paste at the head'
of each the date and bescrebe a le -
geed .from your favorite poet. Leave
a space for your friends to write
their names against the day of the
yehr -.when they were bottle. •Bind the
w4o1e between stiff cardboard, and
tici it with knots of ribbon, drawn
th1ough holes made with • a large
ne die. If you are clev r witb • pen
and ink, yeti may embellish your
book .with 4rawings. her ;and there,
or you may:insert at in creels a pic-
ture from an illustrated paper. --La-
dies' Home journal.
Ceearn 'of Current Co tnent.
Do your diuty and do ft make a
fuss about it. It's the cmpty wagon
that rattlesl-Chicago Deily News.
People abuse you nowt, but think:
. Goftie.h)cnice things they will say about
you - after yen are deada-Atchison
Silent colitenipt-Teae which is
most valuable to us when the other
fellow happens to be th tla larger. -N.
Y.l'osay he laug-hed "a hollow
Y .,
laugh, the sinner !" How could that
be melee he'll just had iiis dinner?
• Kricese His Speciel.
Teacher -1 ou have name d all do-
mestic aniin Is pave one It has
bristly hair,likes dirt, a id is fond
of med. W11. Tom? om (shame-
fecedly)---Tirtt's me, m ss. -Sydney
'Town and Country Jour al._
- • ;.; ._ _._...
In jrhis Locali y.
The medieine dectIere in the place ay that there le
no preparation on the merket to.dav tame has any.
thirg like such an enernoul sale as r. Chase's Wa-
tley -Liver Pills. Would this extrao dinary demand
for Dr Chase's ILidoey-Liver Pl3 nonttnee and
gradually ineretee if potpie were n t Mug be efit-
ted and cured by their use? Cert ioly Wt. One
pill a dose, 25 centn a hex.
Suitg th
Sh' Ws. 41
Sock, th
Hats th
!Hot Oathirtas been a long time c
d,,every day now, you will
'defying cloth�s.-• Our store is the pia
t are 4001 but -.dressy,
Mize .t tat is
,,000t bza good
at are the roper thing,
F • 1.
t keep the eet cook,
t izep t4e, h ad cool.
Everythingt,atbut the qua!
,coolness. i1 ur money's worth in. co
mg, but it is here
needing S01116 heat
5 to get them.
ear _brtg,
is not sacrificed
ort and quality.
For To-pid. Liver, Flatulence,
Constipation, Biliousness and
Sick eadache, TAKE
'Safe, - Mild, Quick -acting,
Pain1e4s, do not weaken,
land ¶as give eatiefection.
A most ref able, tiouseito 4 Me- Line, can be taken at any 4asort, by Adults on
AU druggists sell "BRISTOL:pk._ pp
' Pe
441114'41-411,-‘1$1'.1. 1i1. 111./.4 '
ip *4
On account of great reduct
e are now able -to put fernituir
i g purchasers wil do we to ea
date furniture are. old [.-t right
n in expenses, and man
on the market cheaper
1 at our warerooms, whe
u actming special
t an ever. 111 intend,
re full lines of up -0- :it:
a a
, This department is dompl te with a large selection
Obliging attention given this branch of the business.
Night • calls • prompt] att nded to by -our Undertaker, *r. S. T. Hohnte -
Godeiich stre t, Seaforth,loppol3le the Methodistt church.
•o the best goods„
B 0
Page •Aci,ne PO. Itri 14ettin
s elosemeehed at bottom and does not require
board support at edges ba g strongstraightNo. 12 image) at • top, boittom ancL ineentre,tinntit
midis easy tceetect. The a a eutome" flitting
emit appearance,, very durable Ind. cheap. W.
make .farm and ; ornamental fenee, gates, sails
-tattles. The nameof Page is rur gnarsintee0finuilftr
The Page Wire Fence Co.,,L1 ted,-Wagkervlikiiet.
A Standard R
Used Ifl Th
tanada fo
and has
• toigive satisfactio
.1.1snds of Ito0
nearly 51 .ty V
never ye
as in 0
Ijiarrhtha, Dysentery, Cholera,
Cholera rorbus, CholOra. an -
turn, Crarnps5 Colic, Sell, Sidkiness
and all Sunmer, Compl
Its prompt use will pre4ent a Cn
great deal o unnees5ary Sulffer- jjluirammi
g and orte re life
frice, 53c.
T. Milburn Co.. Litnileti. To
our Clot,es
ito nectstity of g Woe
rill seed your lest y ar's su ; to the
obi clothes made o Ion lib e 13E1
141:ling Gf I3di(S. an gentn men'a elo
nel satisfaction gull actee A:I we
• nteed to give gond . etiefac ion on
hawls, etertains, et , a -t edetate
do not fail to give tn a cell. Butter
in txchenge nr work .1
1/92 Oppesits th taut; ry, Nort1 Main 6r
hes a spe
1 enode
and e s
.nd r
e racKinq mutual, Piro
Insurane Coinvany.
ecial Attenti n
Cco Horseshoeing and
neral Jobbing.
Goderleh street,
De ere
oe xeaL
J . In :teenean, preside Eippen P. 0. ; Thowata
. . •
Freeer, ee..p,-rresident, B
efield P 0
Reel. ti yes. eat. Seale It . 0. ' WtThomas X
. G. Dived.
: toot. Ini actor of Loa 1eatodh P. -0.
it lis.
, W., G. Broadtoot,„ &ate rJohn G. thieve, int
; terop ; George Delo, forth., John ItenneWe
esaehtvond ; John Wait,
Btateefield 1 Jeltn4B. Mca
u ,...x: ,iii, .ari7und:boli.._,,,,,iriso.:16:0:efins„;ogirvionragnota,e6;
1 Jamee COmming• F.,gtnoti
I vine P. Q.; George Ititirdlis and John D. Igarrispossi,
I Ily, Cltaton.
: Lean. Kippen ; J.aecesi
. IPersite desirous to eet -_, Inettrancet et Seaste-
tot -other ,bneinees mill be =aptly attended 1st ow
'Seal rth 1 TiAllmtl n to any of the a a 01006 age-rignetitt
1 3/441 zes lilyseest 0W0 8*.
. Melainanx gesfsaigil
W. Yeo, Holme'
the blet
clog 1
The Meis
put on wite
wile not
SefiarAtor )
thee tes
Drills, Win'
• Aratots, al
WAJ" 1(ER,
good* at
ae !ISS ''OSi
irefl setidied
• Mat johk
Mettotth. „*.
Mee it tbeb..
sod tureite?
wen. 11100
Seartal, I
Aze Melon
given the hoe
that time nee
sant nepai
yew old tithe
way of skin:
Ahrattem IWO
luakeeTit Crt
debtor. 1st 1;
much caster
There ism*
eremite? site]
Miaed Zrali
-Mixed Teethe
ixid Tutu:,
Rowe NI:8MS
• BinevaIe
nise Roo
Cent -reale
- Mengel--
Win: glister
• Venni -e-een.
Idaving /)1
ran64 lor I