The Huron Expositor, 1902-06-06, Page 8* • DON'T FORGET SEAFORTH RACES $13800 in Purses. June 17 18, 1902. FIRST DAY. 2.45 Pace or Trot 2.18 Pace and 2.15 Trot 2.14 Pace and Trot SECOND DAY. 3-year-o1d Pace or Trot, mile heats 227 Pace and 2.23 Trot 2,22 Pace and 2.19 Trot Free for All $250 00 $00 00 300 00 $100 250 300 300 Entries close June 12th, and horses eligible June 6th. National rules. Admission, 25c; Grand Stand, 5c;g Carriages, 25c. R. WILSON, M. BRODERICK, PRESIDENT. "SECRETAB.Y. DOMINION BANK. CAPITAL (Paid Up), - $2,600,000 REST, - - $2,50°,000 SEAFORTH BRANCH, Main Street, Seaforthi A General Banking Business trans- acted. Farmers' Sale Notes col ected, and advances made on same at ovvest rates. Drafts sold on all points in C nada, he United States and Europe. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. -Interest allowed on deposits of One Dollar and upwards. R. S. HAYS, W4 K. PE CE, Solicitor Manager. You take no chances when you attend the Popular CENTR4 aTRATFORD, ONTARIO. You -are sure to get the best busipese or shorthand education. This ia the school whose graduates are in strong dernand as teachers in business colleges, and as sten- ographers and book-keepers for prominent business firms. Write for catalogue. IN'. J. ELLIOTT, Prindipai. 4044-62 Bicycle Season 1902. W. N. WATSON, North Main Street, SEAFORTH, /las on hand a good stock of the latest high grade up-to-date MASSEY-HARRIS and GODERICH BICYCLES, which will be soli cheap for cash or on short time. Prices frau 525 upwaris. A few good amend hand bicycles on hand which will be sold cheap_ Call and examine my stock be:ere purchasing, ither at my office or at Herbert J. Morrison's shop. Ail wheela guarante ,d for the season. Als3 dealer 41 RAYMOND and WHITE sEWING MACHINES, and Gentral L.:saran:7e Agent. 1V,., "cST.A.rT.SCDINT, Genera Insurance Agent, and Dealer in Sewing Machines and Bicyoles, MATN ST., SEAFORTH, 1630 NORTH JUNE WEDDINGS. We have just put into stook a new and well selected line et High Grade Silverware, atiitable for Wedding Presents. Remember, we have no old shelf worn goods. Only bright, new, up-to-date articled to choose ram. Our prices are also new. Engagement and Wedding pecialty. Counter's Jewelry Establishment, SEAFORTH, W. R. COUNTER, • - Manage r Rings a Henderson's Photo Studio. Special prices for Race Days, June 17th and 18th. Fall stock of Mouldings and picture Frames. Photo Enlarging a -'Specialty. J. P. HENDERSON, Seafol.th. 1761 THE CANADIAN Bank of ComMerCe CAPITAL (PAID UP) Eight Million Dollars $8,00(000. Rest, - $2,000,000. SEAFORTH BRANCH,. A general Banking business tran- sacted. Farmers' Notes discounted, end special attention given to the collection of Sale Notes. SAVINGS BAN K. -Interest allow- ed on deposits of $1 and upwards. Special facilities for transaction of business in the Klondike District. Money Orders, payable at any bank, issued at the following rates :- Under 810 -08 810 to $20 .10 F. HOLMESTED; G. E. PARKES. Solicitor. Manager. 1624 820 to no .12 1330 to 850 .1/4 Our Bicycle Stolle Is just as prominent a part of our business as ever, in fact, we are prepared to do a much larger business in this line, an1, have a. staff large enough to handle our iano, Organ, Music, and Sewing Machine b airiest] without interfering in any way witI each other, and have capable men in every de- partment. The Cleveland, Hyslop and Stearns are among our leaders in bicyolee. W also have a stook of forty second hand heels, which we are fitting up as fast as po sible, and which we are selling at from $5to $15, and guarantee them to be good value. The Mason & Risch, Bell, Nordheimer, Domin- ion are among our pianos. Bell and Domin- ion organs, you know them. OUR GENERAL REPAIR SHOP has and always will be our main depart- ment. This is where we started, and it always has our special attention in all repairs of Bicycles, Lawn Mowers, hi fact any old thing. Remember the place: G. M. Baldwin, Seaforth. General Repair Shop. ART SCHOOL G4RT/FitiATES.,--At the re- cent Art School eiranduation, held in con- nection with the Education Department, the following pupils of the Seaforth i mCollegi- ate Iostitute obtained Certifieates 7 !Free. hand model and eMoey dra,wing,-Mary Gillespie, Kathleen Roberts, George Scott. Freehand and MercionV drawing, -Della Gillespie* Russell' Harttry, Randall Rose. Freehand drawing, -.-M ry Delaney, "Irene Henderson, Mabel Hodgins, Leslie Reid, Hallie Rose, Annie Smith, Jean Vali,' Eg- mond, Dolena Wilson. i Memory drawing, • -John Aitcheson. I TRAvEr.r.ERS.-The following were ticket- ed this week to distant 'i ipoints by William Somerville railropd an steamship. agent: Mr. and drs. S. illduillett, to OrilliaMr. -Samuel Trott, to Abilihe, Kansas, wh'Sre he expecte to remain a good part of the sum- mer visiting fr1enc4. Mra. Vincent, of Hibbert township, ta 11,aweil, Mass, Mr. Sidney Jambe, to *sear, Michigan: Mr. John Scarlett, delegate to Orange Grand Lodge, Niagara Fella' ; Messrs. Frank! Gut- teridge and George EMurray to Sault Ste. Marie. I* SontAn.-A most einjeyable evenint was spent Wednesday, in tbe Preebyterian church, at the socialgiven. by : the young people of that church. The programme consisted of vocal solos by -Miss Neelin and Miss Clare Pickard, a cluet, by Mias Cerrito bell and Mies Murray, and a quartette by members of the churehlehoir. Mies .Norma Dickson gave two recitations, and Mr. Brown, the popular 'band master, and his brother, accompanied on the piano by Miss Rathwell, each gave ,well rendered ipstru- mental solos. The Pastor, Rev. E. 11. Larkin, ocempied• the chair, and at the close of the programme re and the remainder o the evening spent in a social way. reshments were :served a ENTRANCE EXAMS -.A despatch from To- ronto says : The dates for the high School entrance examinations have been changed. They were originally announced for Wed- nesday, Thursday and Friday, the 25th, 26th and 27th . of Jime. Since the an- nouncement that Theiraday, June 26th, Coronation Day, has been made a statutory holiday for this year tem' boards of eXamin- ere are authorized to nia.ke whatever changes may be deemed expedient respecting the time table for the exaMinations. It is sug- gested that Wednee Lien Friday and Satin.- i day, the 25th, 27t ,1 and 28th of -June, he substituted resp etively for the days mentioned. Any oeher arrangerr ent which examiners, after cornitation, prefer may, however, be followed, with the underatand- ing that Wedneeday be the first day of the examinations, ' ----ii MAnsuaceNeAre-Orelthe afternoon of Wed- nesday, June 4th, an interesting event took place at the home elf Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ritchie, Morris, when their *remind daugh- ter, Elizebeth, was united in the bonds of matrimony to Villiani M. Gillespie, of Rip- ley, men of M. William Gillespie, of Sea - forth. Promptly at 4 o'clock, to the strains of the wedding march, the bride and groom took their places beneath a floral arch, and Rev. Mr. Ross, of Brunets, performed the ceremony. The bride was becomingly dress- ed in a brown travelling suit, and carried white carnations. After a delightful repast was served, the happy young couple took the evening train for their home in Ripley, followed by the good wishes of their many friends. • ! _ 0 SEAFORTH RACES. -As the dates draw closer the indications point to a mere suc- cessful race meet here on-Juite 17th and 18th, than has yet „,been held by the Sea - forth Turf Club. An unusually large num- ber of fast horses will make the rounds of the Canadian circuit. this year, and as the Seaforth meet comes right in the middle of the circuit all these hones will be here. This fact alone should attract a very large crowd. Another fat that the people in this county should be r in mind is that the Seaforth races will beithe only races held in the county this year These two circum - Acmes will undoubtedly have the effect of bringing out a very large crowd, and if you wish to see some excellent races and be with the crowd you must be in Seaforth on either of these days, or bieth days. Remember the dates, Tuesday end Wednesday, June 17 and 11. I _ • DEATH' CT RIR. J. MES LENNON.- We deeply regret to learn of the death of Mr. James Lennon whist took place at his residence, in Lennon, on Wednesday last. About three months ago Mr. Lennon fell on the side walk andfraotured hii arm, and he had scarcely recavered from 'that injury when be was attacked by mincer ef the liver, from which 'heuffered severely and ii which, preyed fatal, ae above stated. Mr. Lennon was 64 years liof age. He was a native of the township of MeKillop, and was born on the old ho estead farm, on the Huron road, a milan San - forth, and which was 81 ttled on and cleared Ia half east of ne up by his father.' Sothe years ago he re- tired from the farm and has since resided in Seaforth. He leaves til family of five sons and five daughters. lMrs.'Lennors pre -de- ceased bim about nine years. When in his prime he was remarked) y stropand robust. He was a hard-wer ing, genial, good• hearted man, and his (c1 ath will be deeply rage -fitted by a large dir le of friends. The funeral takes place to¼1ay (Friday) to St. James' church, at 8 o'cleick, and from thence to St. Columban cemete y. , , TEE Oral Bos. -A eneral meeting of the citizens.' was held in. he council chamber on Friday evening last t appoint conimit- tees and make other ar angernents for the Huron Old Boys recetiotn here on July 5. There was a fairly .go d attendance and strong:corAmittees were formed to take up the differeet branches of the work neceteary to make the reception a euccess. The Com- mittees are already hard fat word, and it is expected that an excellent programme Will be drafted in a few days. 1 It is only threugh the hearty co-operation Of every person in town that this celebration can be made the success that it should ,be.,. It i3 the dutY of every person, whether en a committee or not to do what they can to give the "Old Boys" a good time whee they visit us on that day, and we would like to see all u ite and if each person does sclittlethe flft1 of July will be a red letter, day in the his ory of Seaforth, and a day long to be remem- bered by those who haveleft the county and are going to visit us on LIM occasion. ,* , FRANCIS vs. HAwKEY. This action,which was tried at the non-jUry sittings held at Stratford, on May 28th, before :dr. Justice Meredith, was one•in Which a good deal of interest was taken by the -people of the township of Fullerton. where the land in dispute is situated. The plaintiff brought his action to eject the defendant and recover possession of the lands.. 'The result is as follows, which we take from the Stratford Beacon : "The evidenie was; all taken in the case of Fred E. ( Francis vs. Dan Hawkey. His Lordship held that the plain- tiff was not entitled to any rent; that de- fendant came into possession of the land in question on a verbal agreement for the pur- chase of it; and that defendant was entit- led to have that agreement specifically per- formed. Judgment wive given, ordering that the plaintiff convey the land to defend- ant on payment to ,hilin of the difference between the purchase Money and the amount of the mortgage 1bn land, being in , &I1 abtMb $85 he defendant was no al- io ed any damag.s for trespase nor or the ill gal aeizur of tis goods. The plaintiff w s allowed* ne onth in which to convey . the title and reem e purchase money. The plaintiff is to, pay the defendant's coda in the action. Pent & Thompson appeared d for the plantiff, tind J. M. Best, of Seafirt , , for the defendant." i WO! WANTED. printing. Must he sr roiirrati Office, eafort Good boy to lear od reader. Apply at T the 3 Ex: - 799 Tenders for the score oard privileg s at th Seaforth rates wi I be received up to Saturday ni ht, Juno 7th. M. Broderick, Seorecary. 1794 We make a sp cialty of ohildreri'ei hoes, in foot, we e1aln to e leaders in chIldren's oods. A feW simple in o r north window, but lot more E in idr,e. W. H. 11119 Seaforth, sole agent to Geo. (1) A. Slater shoes for 1 les and gentlemen. 1 99-1 Don't forg t W 11 McLeod keeps all inds of musio and must al inetruments, at the owest possible prioesd Sou h side of Counter's j welry ettre, Seaforth., 994 iGrtir„ WA Ten ,-Wanted, good g neral Bervant in fam ly of hre3. No children. Alply to Mrs. T. 1'. Coleman, Worth,. 1t99.1 eiSee our Brim ville lawn mowers efore buying. A large a sortinent of screen doos and windows to carom els, at right prices. Cjieeney & Smiley, Sesliorth. i 99-1 WANTED..-FOperators and dreeHmi.kers, i steady worx, b4g pay write f 3r particulars. Wens Onetime Co., imitei , London, Ont. 1799-3 ; /House Peinting on short notice. T. Maloney, SemfOrth. , ,,,". 1 98-1 Something for une wedding presel te at Ai YOU0Fea, Seaforth 1 994 'Eggs 14(3.' W buy for cash or rade,' wool, eggs an1 bu ter. A 820,000 stock 1 Dry GOods, Grace- es, eadyrnade Clothing C rpets, Boots and bhpes t sews frcm. Geo. E. King, Wingharu. 1 1 99-tf IRON GATS. -We carry a stock tlf the atm e, and cam procure any size you wish at bottom prices. Silli Sri Murdie, Seaforth. You shouid p ek up at least one ol1 i199the wlti; bicycle ena'da at Baldwins. Forty Se00/1 hand eels to be so d at rum $5 to 816. '2he3t3 ad be turned into cash. B ldwinis, Seaforth. ! 1 99-1 Another bipi ent of Standard Blue Flame stovea this elk. Get one to nee during the hot weather. 8 le ageats, Chesney & miley, l 99. fidafatth. ' thorou hbr d Jersey heifer !caffIor . 1 . eels. James B attic, fiesforth. i 179 Before buying pianoe, call and se the faMoue Gerhard-Hei tztnan piano at Will! 31 Leod's Inneirl store, Senfort l SEWER 134E. All sizea salt glazScl09w-ler pipes„ 4, 6, 8 and 9 in h, for drains or chime flaw: Sifts & Murrlie;, Seafo th. 1 99-1 Attrition sale of buggies, wagons and oarts, on Saturday, jam) 1 th, at 1 p. in., on the Markot Square, Clinton Se e without reeerve, as tIt e pro- prietor has retired ir in the cat riage buiiness. J. E. Bridges, Proprietor ; Thomas Brown, auction 3r. 1'499x1 .1.4.tfon MAanter LOndOn FeTICC Macbi them.; Sills & ¥urdi s. -We are agents f e, only 89. Call and e. ,Seaforth, • 1 ! ,A Orate ofivery nice dinner sets just ea cut. A 312 'set eel 'ng for 810. New toil O W hape and' style, tram 82 up. China te table trete and !fruit eta in great varietv o en1hg cut new gooi a every day. A. Ybu 1 f.:FolaSALE.- Gladstone and r f3Safo th. tired uggy, nearly good as new; for sale New uggiea 1.1Bray on hand. S. Barton , r the amine 99-1 open - sets, sets; Ve lird g. Sea - 99 -1 bber cheap. Son, 1 91-2 WANTED. -A respectable womaii as house1ceeper, imme lady. Win, CAtripba' , 143 N. rt i Main Stre3t, 8 Afort.h. 1 93-2 ; E gs that will hatch exhibition irds, from wo pens cf HI ek Minercas, large in, si• e and tr ie s andard color, t e beet layers el large e ga of al f wls, satisfacti n guaranteed, 81 par voting. Ais o full line of eekeepers* supplies. I B ermax m win' d. W. /her ., Seatorth. l GI L WaTED.-Wanted a good( g neral , serva t. Apply to .,Ira. D. T. Hepburn, John treet, Seafo th. i 1799x1 Ju.b a limited amount of Duthie turnip neer, t .e. Young's, Seaforth. Lneare your order3 early. , 1709-1 Lo An. BRIEFS -Mr. James &nil! O. of Grey, near Walt n'was in town on Mo day. ,Mr. amillie inte ds starting on al trjip to the o d country n xt week. He will e ac- eomp nied by his daughter. It is sixteen yeara since Mr. S Lillie last visited; th old land (Where he sti 1;has two sisters and other relatives. His n rnerous friends Will wish him a prosperou voyage and a ipt aaant ViSit.-Mr. Archbald Hislop, M. P. ' [for Est lffuron,iwas 'n town on Monday vim - in . on his Way home from Goderich, here h had been in at ,endange at the final sum - m nie up of the b llote cast at his electi n1.- Tlie county counc 1 is in Session at Go erich th a week. -The ecent !Mowers and rarm Vi ether have sti nulatect vegetation amez• in ly and -now th country looks beantiful ankl crops promisi g. -Mr. C. W. Papat and Mi.. illiem Pep t leave on Friday !on a preepeoting tour to the Southern S ates. If Mr, Papet, is suited NI ith the countr and clan secure a suit ble business locatio he *ill probably remove there. • II not h will return and (tenth, e his home here. -L -M • R. J. Macdonald re urned home from the west on Saturday. e understand it is Mr. Macdena1dt3 inte thin to remove to Tor nto, fa. t_uriers' agent. The people of Sea orth 1 W ere he will e gage in business, as anu- will be sorry for t is as all hoped he ould aeelange to remai with us. -Dr. Bal, of To ono, a former resident of Saaforth was he e fio week he guest of Mr. :M4 D. Be gh .-Mr.. Jai es Doble was here this we k combining business with plea ure. M . Deible travel between Winnipeg and th coat and exp.cts shortly to move his family from Mite ell to Vancouver. Ori a recent trip to ossland he met Messrs. Thomas Lapslie, ohn Copp and otherfor. rn r Seaforth boy, all,of whom seem to be do ng Well in the new and woolly we t. - W ate pleased t learn that Mrs. George Ch alley, of Gode ich street, who has been 4 jot:telly ill fer th past week, ia receive ing. -Miss, Bessie Yo ng, who has been attend - in 4 Erimeson Coll go, Boston, for the past i twp year, gave aa exceedingly intere ting tal on physieal inhere, in the room ra- ce tly cecoupied b the Y, M. C. A., on M ndey. Mies Young has succeeded in or aniling a large °lase for the study of the su ject with wh oh she is so : thoroughly co vetsent.-Mr. J. E. L. Pangmant of Toronto, formerly of the Bonk of Com ere') here, has been sp nding a fewe days of his 'vecation in triwn. Mr. I. V. $ear is h sing enew verandah e eeted in front of bid resi- derices ' The vera dah when completed will belin keeping witi his handsome resid nee. --l-Mr. Jamee Scot , sr., of Hatpurhey, who ha been ill s? lon , was able to driv to E mondville and oll his vote on ele tion da'. ;If (denten, enerally took as 1 vely an1 as intelligent n interest iu the a airs of he Country it ould be a comparat rely ea4y matter to ea ry elections. Mr. Th mas D rwin, of this to n, who is 93 yea' of age, was also able o come ciut and vote, and is etilliable to get around as smart as oat men 30 years his j mon-We are aorr• to learn of the aerie is illness of Mr. ohn Weir. ' On Satur ay, while mowing his lay, he became over -heated, and co ing do n town took a chill, resulting in a a vere ease of pleurisy. His condition is now con- -und again noon -Mr. and Mrs. Nes, , of dc et rably itnprove ,and we hope to see him arr Lothaire, Manitoba, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Archibald Scott, of Goderich stre The annual meeting of the South H Fatmers' Institute will be held at He ou Saturday next, at 1 o'clook.-A u Meeting of the dir eters of the South H and Stephen and aborne Agricultursl cieties will he hel at Hewlett at 1 o' , on 8atnrday, Jun noents for the fall at IlenSall.-The ary Society of, the a most interesti evening, when the convention in Lon Mr*. Samuel Dorr Saturday, after sp daughter-in-law, 1‘ other ftiends.-A made Mention of a a little son of Dr. formerly of Seafor lea ned th t the accident wati more ierious tha repor ed. The little fellow was play- ing on an sldshed, when it gave wa and in he fall oth bones in one of his le i were bro en. he break was a bad one, 1 ut we lea n that he is progressing as well as could be expected. -Major Anderson and Lieu - ten nt Watson have made an excelle it job of rading and fixing up the road b tween th railway trade and Van Egmond's sill. - Me era. F. Gatteridge and George array are in Sault Ste. Marie attending' o the sei, ing up' of a large brick making's mobile° wh'ch was manufactured here to peoial or. er.-Mrs. Wm. Oke, of the ippen ro d, Tuckeremith, who has been ill, is iM- ving. Her mother, Mao John 'Wine, of Herlook, has been visiting her. -Th 33rd re iment band were in Clinton on TI undo ni ht, giving an open air concert in aid of th new Wesley church. Our band is in gr at demancl.-In our report of th 40th an iversaty of the marriage of Mr. ai d Mrs. ry Watson we referred to Mrs. i ayton, of Lintoni as Mrs. Watson's sister when ah is a slater of Mr. Wateon.--At the ex- am natior0 in Toronto recently, in the do eetio loienoe course, Misses Lilli n and Ge tie Gray, daughters of Mr. Wm. . Gray, formerly of Seaforth, were among te sue - (woeful graduating students.- Mule Lillian won the silver medal, averaging -over 90 per cent. in all subjects. -Mr. J. J. 11,1 Kenna an son, of Dublin, were ticketed Us Prince Al ert this week by Greig & Stewart, C. P. R. gente.--Yr. and Mrs. A. T. Reeves, of St atford,visited in Seaforth on Stiturday an Sunday. -Mr. A. L. Thompsee, of the Sti ndard Bank, Brantford, is visiti g his aunts, the Misees Thompson, William street, also his sister and brot1er3 Mies i Lula and Mestere Fred and Herbie hemp - son. -,Mr. Charles H. Broadfoot has eturn• ed from Texas, where be had been a ending the winter. -Divine servce will bo held in St. Thomas' church on.the morning t Cor- onation Dey, June 26th, at half -pas ten. - Dr. Bethone, who recently sold his 1 raetioe here to D. H. Rose, has'gone to Pri ceton, where be intends prastioing. We regret the removal of the genial doctor, bu trust he will get his share of what is goin in his neve location. -The next championsh p foot - ball match will be played on the recreation grounds, on Friday evening next, between Galt and the Hurons. Gale are the resent champions and holders of the cup, b b our boys expeet to relieve them of the Iri sponci• bility this, year. -George; M. BaldWi & Co. recently dieposed of a handsome M son & Risoh piano to Mr. G. F.Parkes, of ti e Bank • of Commerce. -Mr. Stephen McKay nd his sister,' Miss Lucy McKaytof Tavistec ,spent the past week ia town, vilinting their ousin, Mr. John McIntosh. -We regret W 1.arn of the serioue illness of Mrs. John Me uade, of this town, who has been confino to her bed for some time. The 'wishes of he many friends will be for a speedy reco ery.-- Rev.IFatherl Stephen, C. 0., of Ne York, who has been holding a 'mission iti Dublin during the past week, Will speak in St. James' church, Seaforth, this (Friday) even- ing at 7:30 o'clock. The reverend gentlinan is a son of Mr. John Eokhart, of M Killop, and the many friends of:the fami1 lwill be pleased to: have an, opportunity o iearing this distinguished tnisaioriary. ' • ' Wroxeter. Nonos.4-Rseve Munroe bad a bad fall in hia store on Saturday, but is re() vering nidely, and expecte to be around in a few da th fr a, Si ha ha bein for several months. ---Miss An is spending a few days at her horn Wm. McDonald, of Wingham, is • of his sister, Mrs. D. Bae. -Mi G fton has returned Ifrom Londe M ir ia now recovering, from h ill ess -inspector Robb, of Brus in the village on Saturday. -Rev. O ens, of Lucknow, occupied the th Episcopal church Sunday aft Miss Van Every, of Rochester, i t of CI his 18 co s. -D., Stewart, of Brenda, Visited in village last week. -W. Suttonieturned m Meaford last week, where he spent ow days at his home. --1-A Mr. e ket, of coe, is assisting John Dougla in the dware business. -Mie S Mary a derson returned from Toronto, where he has ere. - e guest al Maud n.r-Wm. 91 severe e wpas H.. lpitisn 10011.- gnet Master 0Minllteyr ou Mr. ind Mrs. V. Dickson. renpe Campbell, of London, is grandmother, Mos, Leckie.- tteneling the meeting of th nail in hioderich this week. • eaforth Races, June 17 and 18. 1799 1 ohn 'Fraser, Conveyancer, Notary Public Ag ut for aanadian Expreas hi )13ey Order. A I3rge un unt of money to loan at ()arrant rates f intrrest. eri nate funds 791-tf you Want to eee the very han somest Mi linery, Silks, Wash Stuff .3 and Fancy Go ds'in the town of Seaforth, conies to The E. McFsail CO's Store, Seaforth. ere you wi 1find everything fresh, criep, fairly alive wi h newness and bearinglprices thin appeal irr sistably to economic buyers. lPiraso1s, Sb rt Waists, Hosiery, Underwear, all the ho weather wearing needs are here t o, and in ood aseortmente. 1799-1 Lows. -John Cameron and W. ander. so left for Michigan on Thursdatt lof last we -k. -Dr. Stanbury is in Toron o this we;k atteriding the meeting of the ¶ntario M dical Association. -- Harry Derrow is ha ing the Commercial hotel overhauled and fit ed for summer boarders. He will have a fir t class hotel when he gets all improve - me ts done.-M.Rose-waslhome from Sarnia on election day. -Fred Atwood went to the So last week. -The many friends of Mr. J. Da will be pleased to know that he a able to e at work again after a very seri us in- ners ---Mr Stinson, of Ripley, is 4isiting his brother, Mr. T. Stinson, of the ISauble lin..-The bricklayers haVe begun the work on the new church, which will be Pushed ra idly fo ward. Messrs. Reich and! Shar- ma., of G demi), have the contract of the bri k work. -Hugh McLeod was home on ole ttion day from Kettle Point.-Dr.i Smith wa in Toronto last week as witneqi on a la suit between the Grand Trunk an a gentleman from Sudbury. -Mr ner of the Valley City Seating Comp Du das, was in town Monday an sea a for the new church, to the b 001 mitten sal way Tar- ny, of sold ilding kippen. est races in the county at Seafo th, on Jun, 17th and 18th. 1h7,9-1 . Hay, Commissioner and Conveyancer ; wiii , mortgagee and deeds drawn up. Money loaned at t a lo est rates of intereet. 1740-tt OTES -Mr. John MeNevin, th past we k, was shipping lumber to Winghi m and Se forth. -Mr. John Squires, of Port Hu on, dining the week, was in the illage via ting with his father and sister, M a. ll, RiGker.-Mrs. (Rev.) McKibben, of Brig - do., is visiting at the parental ho e of Mr and Mlle R. MOHR, of the vill go. - Re . M. C. MeLsnnan, on Tuesday, as at Ma chester assisting at the induet'on of Re . Mr. Small.-M.r. French and Mies Up hall, of Port Elgin, are visiting t the t.- ho e of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Upsh 11, of iron the village, and with ether friends. -Mr. eall Jo n Thomson, a student of Trinity Medi - ion cal Uollege, Toronto, and who lately assed ron with all honors hiafinal examination, land is So- now a full fledged M. D., is now open ing a ock fein well earned holidays at his homel here. 14th, to make arrange- We have net heard as yet where Mr.Thom- how to be held this *ear son purposes tacking up his shingle. -Mr. omens' Foreign Mis ion- Isaac Jerrott went on the ',excursion for a resbyterian chureh, had trip to Manitoba and the i Northwe it on g meeting on Mo day Tuesday. All wish him a pleasant o ting. delegates to the ' re ent -Miss French, of Seaforth, durin the on gave their report.- week, was the guest of Mr. and Min Up - nee returned home last shall, of the village. -Mr. Cadmore, lo Han- nding a week with her sail, who has the contract for the iason F re. David Dorrance, nd work of the new school room of St. An- ouple of weeks ago; we drew's church, is now busy with a ga g of accident which befel men making ready for laying the fou n ation elden, Of Toronto, and of the new building. The work has, alien th. Sinai) than we have into good hands when Mr. Cudmore h s the • overseeing of it. Mr. H. Reynolds, rif Hen- sall,has the carpenter work and Mr. Stacy the painiing.-Mr. H. Shafer, of the vflage, was; doing business in Seaforth on Monday. -Mr. Wm. Cudmore, is shipping fr' m our station many tons of bailed hay. Mr. Cud• more never feels right unleile he is up to his eye in business. -Farmers ,who have large stooks of wheat on had ate now htioging the grain in freely to ear grain market. - Mise Smith, who for eorne time has been at the ihotne of her sister', Mre..R. Menne has gone te Forest to vi8it her snifter, Mrs. (Dr.) Hutton. • Hurondale. Prottio.-The annual picnic of the Huron - dale echool will be held o I Friday, June 13th, in Mr. Dew's rsh. The usual pro - gran -inlet of sports wi I be provided for the entertainment of visiors. All are cordial- ly invited. • Zurich. 000D -TIME. -Oa Friday, the 134h of June the annual picnie.of the Zarioti public school will be held at Grand Bend. All are welcome. Those wiShing to go with the carryalls, should apply in time. In the after- noon, beginning at thee o'clook games and sports of various kin s will be carried on in the Grand Bend park. Don't miss this picnic Ws ib is one of tie first of the season. Khiva. QUITE A FEAT. -Mr. William Holt, of this place'an old andlhighly respected resi- dent of the township of Stephen, on Sunday, the 25th of May, aoo4mplished a feat which many young men would not care to, under- take. He walked from his home hi tibias to the residence of hie son, Mr. John Holt, near Grand Bend, a distance of eight miles and did it in a little over two hours. Mr. Holt is 85 years of age and he acoornplished his self imposed task with so little fatigue that he was able to attend church at Grand Bend the same evening. He is a remark- ably smart, vigorous and active mar for his. years. Winthrop. Remember the Seater! th races, J ne 17th and 18th. 799.1 Make your summer cool and lelasant. Start the hot weather at the very ! start in the right way. Everybody is going to be adorned in dainty Muslins, Lawns ihmitiee, or in dresses made from similar 'Materials. See to it that you prepare to make be sum- mer days happy and, cool for yourself and secure the prettiest materials for your gowns by shopping at The E. McF ul Co.'s Store, Seaforth. NOTES. -The Ledits' Seciety of Workers of 0a.ven chprch intend h social on Tuesday eirening, June 799-1 hristian .Iding a 10th, at the residence of Mr. Archibald Somerville. The Soaforth band will be in attendance and a good programme will be giv4n.-The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper Was dis- pensed in Cavan church on Sunday. Rev. .Mr. Lennan officiating on Friday afternoon, and Rev. E. Sewers on Monday. Both sermons were highly appreciated. The many friends of Mrs. Barwick will regret to hear that she is quite ill.-Theleautiful ) showers lately have given the oroe, roots and pasture a rapid growth. -Mise Mary Galbraith, daughter of Mr. John Galbraith, visited 'friends and relatives in Tor nto last week. • Dublin. Seaforth races are good races, Ju s 17th and 18tb. , 17994 NOTES. -Greg Klihkhamer met with a very painful accident, on Monday, while running about on a pile of poets, with some other boys. His footing slipped, allowine bim to fall foremost to the ground, where he fell on his head and knees, knocking his left knee out of joint. Dr. Michell was on the scene in a few minutes, and the bone, was pet brook iuto place again. He is un- able te Use his leg to much advantage yet. - Confirmation was held in the Roman &their.° - church here, on Sunday last, when; twelve industrious, young pe?ple were confi mod by the bishop. The church, with its large capacity:, was filled te the doors. -Mr. Dan. Hastings and his mother spent Wednesday in Seaforth. -A. H. Borman made a burli- ness trip to Seaforth Wednesday. -Mr. J. Reid, Grand Trunk Railway trackman, will move hie family doWn from Goderioh, on Thursday. -The vaizalat houses are feet' fill- ing up ; there is only one more house ie the village standing idlo. Hurry up and move in some one. -.George W. Simone spent Sunday in Mitchell -e -Wm. Baker, tot Logan, spent Sunday at home. -Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Simons spent Sunday out of town with friends. -Mies G. Wells, of MitchOL was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. James Davis, on Sunday last. • Bluevale. Nonns.-Mr. J. J. Denman raised a large addition to his barn !tat Friday, by the aid of a goodly number of friends and neighbors. -The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper was diepensed in the Presbyterian church last Sabbath. A preparatory sermon was preached on Friday morning by R v. Me. Malcolm, of Teeswa er. -Mies Ruby Duff returned to St. Coal mines Monday. -The young people of the 1 resbyterian cherch in- tend holding a gardez party on June 26th. - Mr. Charles HerberI had his leg badly bruised, one day last week, by a log r Bing on it, while working in the mill yard Miss Jessie Robertson, of Wroxeter, visited Miss Ruby Duff last week. -Mies Lottie Co e, of Trowbridge, is visit4g her sister, Mire A. Kersey jackson.-Mits Mary Thera n, of Wingham, is residing with her gran -par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Gardinek Miss Hood, Mrs. John Gannett and M. Will Patterson attended th Sunday school con- vention in Brussels, on Friday last. Mr. Alex. Craig returns to 'T-emiecaming this week. -Mr. and M7. Hood, of Sun bine, visited their daug ter, Miss Rooc, on Monday. _ All the fastest horses in Caned% n P1 he a the &Worth races CI3 Jure 17th .and 8th. in fact, we claim to be leders in children e °oda A few tramplein our no-th window, but . We make a specialty of childrens1: 9hl more, H inside. W. . Willie, Sea orth, Bole agent lc Geo. s A. Slater shoefor ladies flied gentlemen. 1 99-1 We have lots of nes ( Linoleums and'boor Oil Cloths here, ready to make your hall, kitchen, bath•room cool and comfortab e for the summer. And pretty too, as th de- signs and colorings a(e, better and teller than ever this season. 1 Speaking about Car.: pets and Lace Curtains, we show oars with Mb confidence knowing that we sell n al- most every case whenl either i I needed that we please, as the pries are right an the qualities the best. 'he E. McFaul SecafoourNthc.1799-1 m. D i -Council men Christopher , • , I White's, Leadbury, on Wednesday, May 21sb,1 as a court of revision on assessment roll. There were two appeals for too high assessment, Samuel Regile and Thomas Moyle°, The first was an error in assess- ment netice. Thoma S Moylan, lot 10, con- cession 7, was lowered $200. Peter 0 Sul- livan was entered as ' tenant on east half lot 8 concession 3; John Kneen() was enter- ed as tenant on north half • lot 31, conces- sion 8, for $100; Ro ert Hewett, jr,, as joint oWner on east il1f lot 24, concession 12; Jas. F. Davis eb ered manhood fran- chise, lot 25, concessi n 8. On appeal for Roman Catholic Separ te school supporters east half lot 8, conce Ilion 3, was put in north No. 3 ; also weet lot 10,conceea ssirov2e, was put in west No. 3.With th changes, the assesemen roll was passed as revised and corrected ad. the court adjourn- ed. Councitmet for b strums at the dose of the court. Accounts were passed and p lid, amounting to $84.75, !Paschal Pigeon was peid for work on drat $250. The reeve waauthorized- to have eemen .abutments bui b for three email bridges here drain ore see, and Stratford Bridge ompany to puj steel railing in Grieve' e b idge, where th y put ia steel stringers. On request of ratpayers the boundary line of Logan wa run as far west at north lend, F. W. Fainniomb, civil engineer, was iiequested to' ruri line on boundary. Council I adjeurned to meet in Dublin, on Monday Jane 23rd, at p o'clock, in the Huron hotel. Morris. NOTES. -Showery weather.-Gteatgrowth since last week, but rather too ninch rain. - Arthur Cronin intends raising his now barn onl Wednesday of this week, Should the weather be fine enough -Edward -Laundy had a bee on Monday of this weak, jacking up i his barn. -Mr. F. Martin, 6th line had hi -barn set up last week* and is about ready for the stone masons.--e-Mr. Hislop's majority in Morris is over 50. -County council meeting this week. Messrs. Kerr and Bowman are in attendance from No. 6 division -Robert Clank is home from Brit- ish Columbie, where he has been for some time. -A heavy thunder storm, passed over this locality, on Monday evening: of this week. -Peter Healy and Mies Annie Phelan were married, on Monday of his week, at Blyth.-tiames Thuell is untie the weather at present. i • Varna. ASl GOODS. -The n . so;, asn s Wutuffs for dainty waists and dresses are elting from the counters here like anon beneath a sum- mer sun. It is going to be andther great mtalin season, no doubt of it, and we are pr pared with the choice of everything the trade it likely to demand. There are lotsi of buyers these days -and we'rej doing iota' of selling -and have lots of geode to do lots more rellrng. Come, and you'll not wonder why such pretty fabrics sell so quickly. The E. IMcFaal Co., Seaforth. ri99-1 i GOOD SEND 0FF.-011 Monday evening las, a number of the friends nd well wish - era of Mies Josie Foster n3eb t the homis cf her parents to say good -by o her, before leaving for Drumbo, where sh has taken a po ition with Mr. R. Alcijo l; dry goods m reheat of that town. A; v ry evjoyable ev Ding was spent, the progri mme consist - in of instrumental MUSIC, engin, recita- tions , games, etc. Miss F ster will be muchmitered in church and eo ial circles, as sh was a very estimable and popular lyomig lay. An excellent spread was provided by th4 ladies, and at the Wee ema' hours the co pany took their leave, I after singing IIuld Lang Syne," well plelesed with the ev ning's enjoyment. - I Leadburk We make a specialty of e ildren's shoes, in feet, we claim o be leaders in hildrenar goods. A tew samples in our north winrible, but lots more e 4e V1. election is or, thank inside. W. H. ' is, Seaforth, Pole agent for Geo. A. later shoes fo ladies and gentatmen. 1799-1 oTES.-Th good - nes , !-Wm. Drager, who was very ill, is redovering.-Thomas Irviiie of Stratford, I was visiting at the parental home during the' learly part of the week. -John Menarey and wife, of Grey, Sundayed, with relatives k in this section. -John Marra has erected a tine windmill for pumping P rposes, which will, no doubt, save much' labor. -There was such a large vote polled at Martin's, in Moliillop, that it took the deputy nearly an hour to unfold the ballots.--Adarn Itagey has taken to wife a charming young Ilady from the township of Logan. -J. J. Irvine is giving his retidenee a fresh coat of paint. -A. Hislop, M. P. P., spent election day in McKillop. --The Conservatives put up a great fight in the north and east parts of McKillop and r duced Mr. Hislop's majority 100in these sect ens. On the other hand the Conservatives i the townsblips to the north ofiiere helped t swell Mr,', Hislop's ma- jority. , I I I Lakelet. I BREEZES. -The election is;li over, and as far as we are concerned the result is as we expected. Kr. Hielop is to popular a man to be defeated by an outsider or even by any Conservative in the riding. The vote here was Spotton, 85; Hislop, 61. The Conservatives here worked harI as they / always do, and they deserve to win some day. -A very interesting and commendable event took place at the home of 111r. John Harnilton,on the evening of May i)..l.st, when his eldest &ugh er, Margaret, was united in.wedloek to,Robert G. Nay, a iprorninent young farmer li Ing in the i suburbs, A vaet throng of ii vited guess, dressed in summer's gorge us attire, . witnessed the ceremony, which was perfotmed by Rev. Mr. Marshall, B. A., B. D., Of Clifford, as- sisted hp Rev. r. Stewart of Belmore. After the usual ongratuletidne the guests Bat down to a te Ipting dejenneri at which all ate with avidity. A Magnificent and costly array of presents att,ested to the bride's popularity among her ifriends. The young couple have settled d?win on their farm near the burg, where they will make their future home and where All wi3h them all:the health, happineas, cort4ort .and suc- cess that a kind Providence may bestow , la1) npim them. -Rev. Mr. McNa1. of Walker- ton, conducted preparatory services at McIntosh last Friday.-Mr.nd Mre. S. hi ay have removed to Cliffondi, where they purpose Spending the declining years of their life. They have securest a comfort- able house and no doubt willappreciate a rest after many years' honest toil on a farm. -In his canvass Mr.Spotton said he did not expect to defeat Mr. Hielofe but thought be could reduce his majority. He didn't do it Just the same. The saw Mill men are hard at work. cutting shingle's at present.-_ Mr. John Gowdy raised his ban last week. It took two half aye to get it iip, and now he will have as g od a barn as there is on the B line. ! I .... • ! 1 NOTEs.-There wBer very littli3' exoitement bee° on election 4lay, although there was a large vote polled, only one or two not vot- ti. I in. The tempe ance cry captured a few Reform votes he e, but those, who voted that way are alre dy sorry, an if there is servatives had In ustry hall rnted to re - e another election there is no do/bt but that they will vote wi h their party, The Co. ceiee the return and the Reformers the Temperance hall. -There was a large crowd in lboth halls, a though the amservatives had by far the be t programme, and in fact, at the beginning f the evening, the returns seemed to be corn lag their way, whiolil made them very jubil nt. But as they vered aronnd it made a change, so the Liberals went home rejoic ng that they had elected such a worthy su cessor to Judge Garrow, and that the R:s Government was again sustained by a si all majority. -1 -Mr. Items, of Cheslev, was v siting his son in town this week. -Quite a n mber went to the Ceti:lore (thumb, Monday morning, to {see Mr. P. jHealy jeiued in t e happy bond4 of matri• linony to Miss Ph Ian. After t e wedding, a large number of invited guests returned to the home of the bride, where !a sumptu- ous repast was Prepared for them. After 'this they all enjoyed themseivesin dancing, letc.1-1 The news was received hi Blyth on Sunday of the Boers acceptane of peace terms. Although very quiet, al were glad the war was over. The flag was run up, on Monday, and has been flying e er since. - Mr. and Mre. 1 eeee, accompan ed by the for er's father, a rent Sunday in Wingham. !--.Itr. J. Bennet is at present unning his tone crusher an putting the cr shed stone n Main street. It will certainl be a rakgrt . I an improvement.- he Wingham fo tball team m played our teaevening tthp ynclosaeand interesting e tghaemfierisabthFalrfi.th v re were no go le scored, but our boys seemed to have the best _of it, and they showed to better advan age in the last half, as withii a few minutes they had :1LUZE «J 1902 A Progressive Bu .In People We see Mich people every day; they are in itYee-. and goods thatare high sachcithupeaelorniptaiehrnea nd reasonable in price. - These requisites are strikingly combined le all depatments in thie attire. Don't -coma to this store for trash -you% nob firid,it here. All pmr Itereestrapodiasiew a[ eye! d titsieand the thtbe miea always. Rafe. -WeTellYouTjijs For out-and-out values yon don't have to wait to see what you want mentioned in the aelvertisements-everythkg all over the store is sterling value. Whatever yeureneeds, come and get them Youeaeatagsnearin rn fbtuegyn eeresprices. hths uiyerestoarititecrrottledteeva thing S for the warmer weather wear. Seasonable Goods We leadcRitill,AinhTNesa ssnd e:atid LINOLEUMS o DRAPERIES DRESS STUFFS and TRIMMIN3S MISLINERY and SILKS LACS and EMBROIDERIES. Attractiveness in Wash Stuffs Half the charm of a Summer gown is em- bodied in the material. Every women has her Own individual ideas and Want* to have her own good taste relleeted.hy choosing soniething different, at the same time the dainty material, the 'colors and pattern must command ad- miratioti- This season most any storewili have pretty wash oods ; but ,eorne here if you would eve something quite out of the online , something fascinating; -some- thing 11ith lots of originality and beauty. We have the bewitching Wail . StUffdil plenty. Nee ojng Lace Curtains? Prices for istance. They range from llee per pair to the very fine filmy Detsin the Bo binet, Brussels and Tambeurs.. In Naontdtinvg lipmerCPpratiarii, isw, eat -Sal,ve$11;025.,e4,11.11 esigns. The aseortments are et pieta, and the v Ines something, lay of Floor Coverings. chasten yeteaii extra. Good Dis • LIHOLEVMS For good, lard, eerviceable wear th re is no floor-lcovering for your hall, k tchen or bathroom equalttoa good Li oleum-and i will tools pretty when d Wn, too. There seems to be no wear o1 t to it, and it is SO eerily kept clean a d to look like new. We sell. lots of 1 inolenm these! days. CARPETS be colorings and pettermi ofnur new Ca pets are as handsome at weve ever shorn. The colorings -are -harmon- ious anI any wall deeoration you may have cal vastly be matched. We offer you( at the very lowest nepotist& prices, ' ood choosing `le Braude, estries, Ingrains, Uoim41 st tons, T Heimps Malvin -on : Jhina and Japan mattings that, are ligh clean and tooL Tbeysre just 'the thiilgs for summer ase, and then they arel so ioexpeneive. Oar ehowiog . of these gooda may interest you. Where qualgty and price count we win' in FANCY PARASOLS I' ;JAIN PARASOLS MMER VESTS DER M USLINS MMER GLOVE'S O ITING HATS and TRI 4MED MILLINERY. TheSe thing are moving quickly mitre; come ea$y for your share of them. +++4+144+44 . Th,e eFAUL ,Disy Goods Co. „ Greatest Cask MI Goods Store. scored two Vale. When it got dark Win - ham soord one, bat there is no doubt our boys put ip the best game of the season, and if it h ei not .been the done of the • schedule llhe e is no doubt they would have been on t p instead nf at the foot of then league. Dr..Irwin, of Wingham, emu or of the tnain, aecompamed them her� 1115 doctor is ivery popular here, being an old Blyth bo*L-Barrister Jackson played with' the Sealotth football teann, en Thureday,.. against Burlin. -Mr. Thomas Watson bed - the misfcretune, last Friday, while playing football, to, get hie left collar hope :broken. This will lay hirn off work for the nen monththe aympathy of the eernmueity- id with htn Mr C, Jerome is running krs shop for him while he is laid up.-eaRev.Mr Penhall arid Mr. N. H. Young are attending the London Conference this week, in Smith - Rev. Mr. Penhell leaves this year. Be WIIL be missedgreatly by all the churches.--eTha grist mill teceived a car Of coal and a tar of corn this vveek,' and the proprietor is now better able te attend to the wants of with Bright's diaease, with the - 07 bell, eorfsLtihnin ever. Jaime Ernigh is atr present very 1 very little' h pi of recovery. -Mr, E. Camp - cast his vot election. Bis ;recently, an {stock with !was able to the next mon :turned from ih Posed of his . ar !Misses Chide lboro, were v ex Mr. and Mire, Wednesday,' 'w onse-keepittg. Clas sme. honSaotith trt satie came all the way home to. f r Mr. Cameron in the last employers bad a fire seam hile they were adjusting the - insurance companies Ed. home, but he had to leave g. -Mr. John Danhohn re - west last week, having die - of horsewat a good figure. - and Wiseman, of Londes- ing over Sundny in town.- Orzens left for Walkertoir ere they intend taking up- . eDha art Annienegveevery ya EasuRvoi es :I subject. !telu re re dEt that ever attenlla resent at inauguration of the new track fithase inlittcherldierriacYo87:st unalr,Victoria hf rlateleroeoaTite,hnaeinowagepeadIrpreiirnewg wateehrelselepreigarblitYl rafingtrtyfoorw,omnsst.rGatoi,dor i eh, Clinton, Seaforth, St- and many other neighbor. -The large - 2 &TOR 50 ft. wi 100 ft. 10 Ai asked is oasually of our sto fad our IA you to lei Te been in n for the en prices whi _specials of Warm 4othiog, have filled wiLere our 4 lima of sui remaining, A ovzst below INTC). INTO INTa 415 pair str3, 50 pair ass( 45 pair fine Ligh Hot You c..1 Boys' Ciotti But Me!, 24th and Q. P