The Huron Expositor, 1902-06-06, Page 77. 7!: jk ON EXPOSITO ju NE 6y 1902a EL A UR 4- 9 E 9 Tke JIVIjoraln A#i-inals. Abqat the Bible. 1 �Ud how o, you ear4 5 our living?" I'm PE.RPETUAL MOTION, -STA ONS which ismost tryin to beat T6 words POPULAW 0 BABYS OWN TABUETS. Ale& C a� crowba 16U suce.11 The priest t may 4e: questioned 'whether ant le is Cod's b ak.' Dr 'hat, spoken convey the it th� �W, but the r river' The 14b w ye what I Cne Invelitor Has AccontriliNhed It mals have', any concep -s, of 33r r), who fately'! at- Ornpallio. tone of the voice opresets the feeling tf nef irliph ise& Ill l sho 6 of morals St(�rj fin lotsof oigeirs?l t in a taihe lventieth birthday,j says: The Best Med the heart. Lot the,� voicei the counts. maneinabaool�of shl6s, said the-, peni- jw Harnessing a eyelorne. as We und6rStand the erm, u d Es se that to 10 icine in the World t i u �fvaw a soft, telut, and. iic % women -was turning -himself It was during the portion of his ca- general sense it would certainly seem look tiporn ible as the book ,;Mh for children of all Ages. nancer then be oteerful. iust the MO t approved acrobatic let' il�814 IL gentle tone. Even in riglite�us reproof se- for, the wor d, t nd I see its iL ivine rner wben he lived In thevalley, of the that they ave. In tb( social sen "1 011, An old! as pli lily s I -see tl -e au - Ate. the tones be quiet, ough 4rini slow yet. f4ahlon in Out 0 0 pews. authorshil aOwn Tablets are good for children SDUth f -k,,of the Big 9)iunflo*er, river tb.ere Is no idoubt as to the answer. To the e a thorshi P pf- jr the tars, _Nhich I T� frout-the tiniest, weakest baby to pointed, and notpitched to 'key una:ttaia wou.%u wh had,follo e 'him to th' onfes-1 is following Stallions wilt, lrx�al during r, the Inventor, take a well known instance, the ant elson of 11902 as followO -of &It ages ig'hyingaile," and Ik When it comes that HDnry Plymsha-q kDOW 110 huina.n. ii echaic, coul Owl, able by the " California i) a looked )n hoVri d hae ELE!saj the W-011 r child, and are* a certain cure family hav,6 evolved a most complicat- -NKG 9 delivered with lightning rapidtty my turn Fat 11 gasped, 11 for the built in ii w'o'rkship And gout 13AL-SH-A R and COX- tomaich, eolic, consti. t a.. snalice on me like made In's most notable invention. This ed social system. which apparen for indigestion, sour a I f Go doo u tly ck in6 sp e; aiid when the critid�, Pij n. had 40 w1fli z! e t I ; I tion, diarrhoea. teething troubles and the SICIEVEADA011% iowc r a�qoy!4 arid. 46- t�vsi 0 it In be d E L t ofine I] iveutl( cyclones. ay, well! it is lve� V away atj the Mbl,�. I s �t Ith, strong,,], works to lerfection, and� that. is more X R4.n"nrim �PrCpri ra, Exeter- ither minor ailments of children. There is tressinz is poattl%ely -ei xol by LA�.�AAJVEX FILLS, One D ftekno n Inventor Plyi�sbawi _711i tlan. can be said for any human sys-. no & 'UcDo_x ler The, From lao Other medicine Sate so speedily, so 86fely V are easy to takearld nove� greatlinatier; f it gratifies Lhe' f .4 funnel mpion itihire i stallion at d cb3�jMpjron *'tr& E a splendid sp6cimen o tem. - In o d earillnesle, care of ff- it oes 11lot 11 Ae c4 arely, and they tontain not one par. Vlh%; She Oalled It. lirt ile; alisi as 0 g as Belbbazzill 1285r). vol� ju, wiming 4 a prize -jud Soo cyc],O�e coming over the prairie, and Uel spring, pro, Islan for fut*e wants and ll, the universitiet in the.w fcom- vi st:nlla onraugWa Heir, Le opiates found in the so-called The L og4$tory- ind. ir All—Oa It th jtiole of tb atest -D tbortitighbred Hackne. medicines. Mrs. R. M. Ness, -would go. outi military discipline no e socl -I d aria not ab 01, 19, W111.6tand at I a Eveter, for lbe reap,ondenb of 8, Me 0 mar him, and I told him *L 8 $jr5 - VPj itoobiling Maud— I` w iitt,ie aneasy in my in ( d he fe'to another I 1& 1902. Teri th ,as of Life- D LaS6 Sunday, a wi. �*ed asked )1'P,)le tbat shall be �so cosilical in its improvemoni1i of stoel Ta an rrie, Ont'r, 0&yS I first began using ji, ,jr a Ith theirs. They are Di London paper 'writes fine young I mighti a, om Aay Now, would y a tudy it since it was evident thati can comp re W usut I coh4ittons. Mare 3 t nt trom a4t;nce fax� d women, over they treat power over 111C11 an s tamily at a I it Was goin, o one side. The instajltt slavel rdshedwitfi irrass. 1796-tt I v�r the He was feverish, sleepless and their slavids with every kindness a mirnd arid heart nd life, ano 84 -ue, I iut abys Own TAfilats when my baby w spaniel,killed the dulf time v�jhfle )roi iitte iolde;s, it Is ti 9 wils at church, b awing �shrub in the Marie— 'No I should call. it a threat." Dd clone�, Ig aight hted us it came� str itself -t.0 ILLIJ hoiceat gittr to n a, and suffered from indige6ti y the c� and the,w )-ming civilization 0 hi-GAI 13LAISDON LM, 16529. -very garden. Hla mast r iioh abnoyed at cros Ion. th was I consider I Lrrior ants de- gr� ea. III heai - atif Ul n't prepar( lea. After using the Tablets be began to get bet- inj our direction. :We were t Lis iured th this ood is either i the sight. of the- be b Completely . I B�RRY & Gzroz5t, Pri prietorn. P fend them In, time of dai: er. ; ... - w. r �g as f In as 7G 'A'a. Book and not inan's ter almost At once, and slept better and was destroyed, and he eat Jim ibh Praise of Walkih 1 0 Canada's Greatest lw�portod Nre Staillion USUS1. r _a hockeV g. I or.this exactIz-,- so all We could do uret for most of �Another excellent eimple I& fur- i no longer aro -Lt this is Cod's' go. I think the Tablets a fine ally th cause of the aise 4 of V�alking," hlr� Leslie �i_ We were just on the point of certalli LS. I 4m tht %Akirld are 'r - . stick.. explaining traoetaible t� e icine jor children, &lid keep them on up wbqn a most ex-traordin T n1shed by tho beaver. D. iring sugimer gi4be Ul der lily feet, nd Inot some- B L A 0 A W L 16529 punishment. One of tho h nifly looked out $teprenpo'Outributee to the Monthly Review .r9anr of th boittyZe, at the p- thill Took fix4At-prize at the 'albad' ]3rne fand all the time, The Tablets are read- olitary life, Itt towards the lawn during 11 'ch, and cried, cha �ml g essay in I hing happene Curious thing.. 'Sort It leads ic ihiil'ill ettrpdater hav 9 ta enable it, r. I st all comers, at vron t1de season. , y ly taken, by all children, and crushed to There is Jim burying t kqy The true wplker,?" be says is one to 'hati rid there it was, Only: proach communities are. 11 ad for he �ve W1 im ri�ive at of tt6ek this ktion that w- der can be given, to the very youngest Eeaso nat in W colamence to winter P* stick ii (4 ldcd-" or And so it was. If by- e Jim had suf- 1 ho�n the- purgulb.is7 of itself delightful; for eo, building. operatto j it �ell for us to re]m ew onele andtb4tdo nafiftyfootw011 I "aby with a certainty of benefit. Sold �o as tk, little ofklivbie Berry,'s Sate, an6.15xcha e took Pa. ge tle riggiall, inough to be stores arelaid up as so dwell- tbatwe can see but a I by fered, 6 e by, interring *holis no) indeed t' ge Stables, the blood nts th, jiddle of sheep pasture.' if !1t I �,A_ should bev �tl druggists or sent post paid at 25 be 1113EI-vt Medicinea, the stick. *bove a deftsialicomplacancy iii the. physical ings are campleted, and e�,ery iiid1vidual truth a a tiiiie. Those of us -who I i - will tot -box hy writing direct to The Dr. Williame iaa ba I two legs, no doubt it could ]jut t( prowess i equire or. d f' 4is pursuitl illlc- from, our you of the conaniqlaity recQgnizO clearly ht read the Is Ueeditd Medicine: Co., Brorckville,Oatario, 6r Schen-, Trose a T4roat, w om 'the muscularl e Fort of the legs il C havc oer and D in e s,rambled out, but it coul"I't, Inflffl3a:med h o initiW 6 ago n ave, be br 'do an, 7-: on, b1a family and' t tilat the iat�rests of t SOU N� Y. gans make' I with,*one. Couldn!t 'We And suchr diseases o if the e pirsto'ry and ove -lily o tbi 't 3 all Other or qubsidiary to the ation' sbimulate� the Colony ir li� their family luediciuft lng� except eNlole. An T. J.!BEgpyl r an e Cold imay sa that are cittite fd as Bronchitis, W ik'L in the �y the eiRrt to the quie; musings and imag d it did do 19thening alld� hgsijth,� Mr. Moody's Gallantry. im common with man Im. or ted 1with- ioings which arise most pontaneously as he life tbey _y other . d_8 Read, and Nasal C kiarith, 9rd tres� hat I never saW a c�Fclone revoly th,it, h�Lvelseer 0111y Jittlre ):Y.'itS at: Cel bra-tedm From One, end of c might a. story in Washington 8, and gi� . neratti e iDtollectual bar - They are tellin #e' an exanip,16 whi h the animals o r ba aund gratef4 marvelcius success. c n striotl�, �Cientific pria- alk hat on e. Mad apparently bedause it a time.- NVe Aiay fancy that wil hav e Sib -U P: R T aeoretary of the navy. M 'Well be copied not only b17 savages, but out the new r. �j The medicated bony whi ih is it e' at u No -1247 inTbrahto' tud oak. Ry Catarrl ozone. mledge, that eiples by ad. mi� sed Plymshajv and 'me rid g t taken broad �lid comprehensive he Cody was riding. on, one of the! Boston sur- vapor of Catarrh )zonc%,-.q4ick1y traverses ;0 t4e MCI k0ton,bas ra of his feet.. The also b cl�lllted communities. of! thel xild, conlPafttiV -prize in t th- y hi t!� rhe! OT d r7swat the Ilk 08 cars, and. was strandiDg on the platform )yCIjst or 1e go)i play r, I am told, cr 'aught So It just bazzed aroun like , e4 Took 2okI 1 1: ree-Te r-ol IZ `bA reached by it is Canadfas 11orse Shc ' j I Tor) to, We season. ege is mr. every air passage pmsible t6 ws op.; Nothing in the'world to sto it. spaking ps we haveq 3�ci Will .ear Robi. On. the Ride-nisxt the gate that protected h himself in th perh nd for the Im3rovem nt jof -'stock 'this uu,V,F rusin'living at 8 anytreatmen't. A,IsCreevaiii, conges- oldsuch ntercourse wit Be"berPa Open gaud. still tiue that we have seek eugere frAn cE�ra coming on the other rikint--the ball or working M -Kogt men— ere men of a tlon�- I - WAS= '0&80�1 . tion and itiflammtion are a,' on'�e disp*ell- ntetvale (if at m6. friwiments ai some� h re )Y ulle Bert'y's Sale at d--Exclisige, Stables, Usek. Xlady- - a Boston lady—came to the ed d D would have been satisfied at gefting! An old member of Ply . outh chure 1rom dyspepsia. MY an by means of the h4alliug-' owers of nachine. Bui tho tr Is pedestrian. 1, y and is :a vat an -wonderfully deep,. HEN�ALL..' ..1796-tf Henry Ward Beecher i3ause, ab far rom dis�rpicting who k w ve 4aoor. of the car, and., as it stopped, started bai h il 4 not having to revolve with, ne Catarrhozone the vktuotod nee are quiclr�- -tat wn have lar and -way an sto y about the and we i=st ilot think t] this familT f to move toward the gate which wa is fav;ora'ble ;o the equable) an e houses and lots, but hot Plymshaw.L tells On ray ly restored WhImre, 1016ts, liezone is used h e� flow f tranqii it and �i -E 7from her by the men otanding beforer it. j "No one ever"kneW percei-yed oiywher - nct�r all that and colds: I"t only ien n"Lutes, 0onghs half an Lbafidant half-coneciou to thinking, and what Was great piedcher. BRE D rO st sums -of abounds in it. and I- grow, u Consul[ tioo, r Asthma Bat walking, has seiv eral weigh elt around the at he id with the. vft The Dible is :1 litera 'Li e'ii W" under the Other side. please lady," said the con-, huri Is d Catarrh 0. i , Xo., -He Uelf. it- nOL I nelitatio * "', stjc�jm, wh Auctor. He was ignored as only a born andl and Bronchitis fle6 as fro fire. A: trial f tier end� �he result? Put a b t r Y i Calne, Very , bf that cycloille just at the top of t money he earned 'as a lecturer," be does not concern i'Self wi th me rehis�- TAREWL UR 21811M red Ulu bred Bostonian can igiotore-aiimay. The lady anyone Of I t estli ne are fain to b e "ECT iised 'fo give money away "S will convince h' tartl than t is,1good'ped from took another step toward tl�s gate.- t �cr ; ing merit Well, set up a i1tynamo, strung wire a -said. .biog�aPhY, nor does it* scek That haeAo,�u hia'411 le. - reme speed. it �O 6100; small y 'vesl q t. off' W" of Catarrhozone. ff There iii noftandar�`-,; horse that 1i "You must gev off the other. i said C. with both :hands and he was as likely off' rts of seized side, I' V. l�t i druggist, 9 the g Tarentumi's FimpaTorin b r Oiling. tolrd M�­ "I size, 25a, Solil bir i ear The liteirary �novemerit at the end of the -an all the �naclilnery and ele to preserve t� 11, da -Y a frietid �he cond*tor. � .1 to give a dollar the scholar,. the thiliker, Irl who bad, $eaforth, or N. C. Polson Xingstou, �ighteent eat ry was obviously due in ights in that part of the country. Re#_ treet beggar a twenty the 'sItates- There Iq iio better . e ,o �g an 0.1 ratter, Win suftered wig to get off this side, came the Ontario.. if. noD mainly, to the renewed. dollar; but hi salary from inic po6t. it is filled w �th re- and substance. Re is :3, na " mra f ble, but lar Niagara for, power. Going ydt. esin go fa Tarrillum I produc�-d out of less than Who" through answer,. it tGneg that congealed that o-fticial o wolkiiia Wordsworth's poetical PlymoUth church 'went 1rect to Mrs. vealings! of things which are.i ullseell 'A' go f' Pi i I ractice jl\�othin_ to sto,,) it, you see. Wonderf ten colts rHamilton a. Pi, Is Care Q6nBtipation. ou -Pills Q1 into momentary silence, Befarre he could utob!�C.gr p w every stage in hi Beecher intact. He never drew any nd 'et it inakes kliowii to s itly �shows h( � In lesse tb 2.1Q. He b Is Tro we of Common Irength, an 0�­ r , . �wilat a! thin& mind is!—H. V. Alarr t " Ither explain Orr expostulae, Mr. Moody Cal ties of the irit, I lif e. Its marze, ell thatcanLgb0 Ist'spealal d 0 ()f I arly I tal ;d1ovelopment was connecte from, the church until. the end the real 0. try th'-s PHIL Car the tyes . I ey Isp a their abil to go bettet t an 2,40, F r siring hig 0 his assistance. 4h so wtk% 'in the takes. The arper's Magazine. us visions bame t sunrigiii Of U crioac n oaTnazerurposeN, e� M9 .�etry aof th yeak. r Then he reTeived a cbeel, 1) gives step ng acted On "Stand to one side. gentlemen," he re. The first care is rest a �nuch attention of diviiia loe, th eal orge of C which started him on a walk after a nigh' of truth, u0i, his full yearls Salary, -and of ood Oss e ideeal anadi.� Writefor imenk as gi the eyes as the ,red a sppiv. Fror Marked, quietly., "The lady wants tc should be given to restin spent in dancing first ft � him apart as I for $2 sinniz;abilitieo al tabulated rL ArDOMEST,,IC EXPE�RIENCE,r *hen r be'diedi n�d is filled with Ye "in Irs. after to dit-ioll Improved, andi .4 imb. over the gate."—New York Time&. feet. One would not thiak of walking, al 44 dedicatod spirit." 'ii walking tour h handed it to� hi's wife 'ings are lovely, 1 wht- stand atj his own i6tab e� ii, Vriday Aid v r th whatsoe e ayj on >r a Coup Outha, d )wnl! -Sat;jrd X dl Etuspeldsle; Tuesdan St. - .Is Of It ay without itt d(; . her should one of artestite, al - F 9 the novel )erformance—r- -e( be did not le;ave much eehh, after javjl3g oils s r rue, whatsoever M,arys; '�ednvslsy ell h Cure That Cough attempt to rn 1 I Once The Itenson One Woyaftnyx COOlc Was e on$ of dol- oever -hiiig' a'e t read r saw BE adily. him to his. flat conskerible poem. Hi thoug std g;� - )�JssatlsftL-d Witli Her Place. t1iings are g4re. Its teachin er for fo, Al HAR ur yeart�, day,'if posSibla, he eyi4 shouid receive chief perf rmapee is tf, e recoid of an ex. lar*s In Ill, lifel but Mrg. Beecher had llV6- th, foot in the great M.6ts of US60 th Even if lcu;�inn o fobt. He kept up the practice "This is e we live in' e Pill& and da oto ied upolil a I ueer ag r.* an4 Works off The Cold. rest the li them. 0,NIDV. ILLE q always re elved her $20,dOO a year, and 'ge enjoye.4 the best7 of I not to be won, th( aarkn(ess will -be a youd- 11busekeeper. "We'te God's 7i'a aiali !; eep ig Laxative Biolno Quinine Tablets Cure land Do Quineey calcal� -,es somewhere wb sighed n comfort ana even luxu ro, Go as His children Not to reaA Dth she live( 'I rY d at greatest of an 4d in one day. N o Cure, �No Pay. Fit agreeable in porfoi Ming tit unation of rest. lindbiple of the erarth',3�dir6amferance he ha just lost a vety,good cook fQr-A -vOy in Bro9kI n till she diefl. He was �]L the Bible is, !therefore to remain I111r_ M'e Pink Pills, aindl -20 ce iug the tired optic nerves. uts. imeasurediou his legs, assumil3g, it appear I think. She tame 0 word to, s&r qu Exercise is also necesex to the eye by absCird reas great man was-Heilry ard Beecher." noralit f the' Most wonderful 1 trutbs to Q�editors. t(lat he ivera' ad ten milai'a'day. D, Nr�t I I � g us about four motAlls ago and was N� tce Women in Germany. the iworld's vast stores of changing the foctis. 1WE is easily accom Quincey limeblf, we are �old, slight ant satisfactory i every wa—neat, I I- i 3n OU the blood. and In Germany, according to an American plished read a v�hile, th��L look i6t ob ects 1 'CaxteJ knowledge. tate ai Rebeces -3, Iragile as her V�iKa, Was i good walker, an A -Oijdity- 'of Lost -In the matter of i,B Es i4easea t a distance, du-9trious, re�pectful . and ast, but died. Iti is tll'e cure such di and different. ngbbs of vision. !Wtj e a squirrel. Opiui i to India to Tt Should be �tu Woods,, I Z Of the 71-11 ladies' journal, when a woman, marries,'her a uld rui up & bill lik It is not necessary to ar]v f 16 r r than possil emost, an excellent cook. St. Vital? dav Do not confide tlic focus.10 ea Ing is for, 0 studies the Bible M t who. Bray' C6unty 'of ce, property becomes absolutely her husband's, ot co'ngenial to walking, yet eve 2 dsl stories of c Ste. a pro nian wif .-field, in hear curl tble, partial pahrulyak C�q ently, bringing �Caleri 8 914s sbe was so very quiet 1, 4�9u d which �s woil,- nd for ever to one object, ; vary it fr dge after beginning the. hab t pea a a finds most in'the BiVe geritlinee He has power to dispose of it Dece a get the nto play and,�4 fowi6g, the orb e WaS'ILS fesslonal li an's housell Id recently ly, 11, tILliq e face of her the muscles i i f WAlkin , 40 miles a day in Scotland, an or not sh reallan pie-ei*- :)tjoel is beraby lv� pumant to t'b:e revised Wit* exactly ag he sees fit, even in t 0 tily of Stu( aids inently illiams." Pin be�ng of vision to haVe an opport� i ty of. perform- Ill ervant fell ill of (11 hth�ria. 'Her 1 it is trut�_, that "Whcsoevc qt%mes fof Ontario, I k P111i for �oppo i with us as we were wl tdjCtYjj ereditori and otberes or sit -ion ; and in case of the couple as we all cuow', the gresit manifesto of t well pleased 1 chsI)ter 1-2 that per -fa tions. mistress itutsed her herself,, through a -against the eat#, 0 It yourdiaJer divorced, the woman's property still remains. ing ita-pro utly press bb new , schoo I of' poetry, the lyrical ballad tier, but aboui six- weeks ago the tro- 11(it, fiona. him shall be of -the said ed; on'�or Re �om- le�y w!U be went When she marries she � To sharpen sig4t, e wit a en.y tedious until she i vas quite well. Str[Li.ion am er Wordswo -th, �vhen'the first stanz i of t e - I When that hap as � establish- 0 thils 23rd y o one, day why wentertained ellso sel, A good"ill" qub,o on or befora tv e iow. or air lboes-for, -with her husband. 9 was augg?st-ed by thE fam,rous w ble' be- n. awq-,yr eveli th, at - whicil he �hinl, about; the 6th day of re . b" A. D. '1902,larib ro- ,gives the whole of her independentye (it sh fingers ov the eyeball ill c ward the ims py result w I Jure. 1002, to which . will be fdun(I to :Rreatly prevent send br' post prepild--6i d6liver to WillIAM ia. Dr. Willi%ma! Medi- an ever be said to have any -ad confers oil Ma iner"-we!e composed. re, informed the s giveii in a', recent -tesidm0ny ,)a Anciew ed, the mild. immediatel. at _7� blurri po doi: On presiL Q e, or to the tLmdmigned her husband absolute power ove - her. ng. 6larkable jl'U�trmiou ol the whole in rid d to, leave Mar 1 of 11ev. Dr. Acilry G. NVest -'solicitor of the wi It theiT ebAstian and vir- mistress that she intend gean camp a Ila,' I saidi 'we don't care to 'e a, Cal �)eml -Zes and jd�aerivtions, full par al her to work and Zoo anythi An eye bath ones, or twip a week is bene- i If �fldence might.1 b. given from the cases 6 Vddt it :1 � the statement Of Lunion. 1 of the .901ai and shl ficial. Use a. s= JI glais 0 , whichcomes pite of lamel- tertain. except a, few choice friewlE service. The reason of the mald!S de-' dent oi The01091 th -ei which is lawfal for Women to do cobt and Byrpn. Soo ar i-cj -1 bs, )r the eye ba ore than wc Parture was ithis—'f "I could not, live *ith v In a, Publ, ddi t4 And 111C 11iture 61 the seourft (11 nny)beld then ;It costs m on X fberm,. Ard fultbe no relief or prot aliould he prove a�a,. delight6d s`nJ, Ar for the pu rpoae, and in lw1I f , twenVy an'd Dow and or- 'fifty years 1: 1 �ve read xe; New Iti d d t o pji a mistress ho has been Waiting �ha i4ged road, barsh or unkind, exc�pt public ialo%� fill with t�epid &ter an A few, grains of thirt� miles ai day, an( , -in climbing crags$. can afford, an& 'we really don't eat -c �h, yet itoro will proeee ite evide6tly this is not Testament tlirOW=�h last IlleoL one 4 e tbe, said exect ;Some weathy English and American girls4' ealt, (or three dr Pa of 'Wi I as pre4- It.rulabing o his � atr6l] Pth of his - arms t, herself.,,! Qu to distribute the assets :c� tbe -de ceased among tim 0' for it.' I never go to -6 meeting nd ear ip, e eyes are opev�( in PaLrdes 4ntitl,d tbe-Ao,h&vb4 rogard onlir to -the e'P onw who ELve �vedded German nables, hav6 f erred) ,, th the water!, !retnedV ttie 4,mblingi. he 'Your house is just as handsome if is L or in-,; t2er without feellink' claims f wrhlch they 1,V I cleansed and of his foot. T raere indifE�rence to ndne,. man r( sorrow, nd I t! A learned to their sorrow how )Ila enable 31in to -saturate his- the slave 0. ,ad a IC11% crushed with dif q6 in that way thorougkly f terwards ly str iwent on. 'Other peo gratitu he girl was cimethill, r ne tfiatthe�safd-oxes Adth team are dim, jea�r a nybody's," sl e 1 dp. that I have ed s uteri w, I not be li a vie I me comfort ferent the laws regarding women and rinsed.' ind wit i loo altrad iti, ins, and - the- passion PaL erlous infl ce. o caste rtrtber# 80 'been e fill noticehiiil � jiOt have with Him.. woraen!s: property are in the! Fatherland Morning and niyht bathei t iem freely with ple that Ive. I lv�d witb entertained aI that my9t il'19� that cliapter ref d. o1ii to any jierzm or �Per ha r walk rig idder di ficulti,s showed the lit� up into ainute sections. from hear Of NLvboee (.I-% and tepid, water -el. ]Reasons should JUalF9 by the , at � tb from what they are in their own countries�" a soft soorige or linen cloth Hch an leai)ad him to three. the time, and b r houses weren'l which sp w hy t1;e, 10,time of grUQL ution. Z anly na, aire or it split up ev c6n LEWIS Godorkh P.L I wj ax he - eye% ning the as yougs. Bible 11illin Tears bedi generatio Is. Mron's . lameness was too near as, pre y "ary. sake fil lor as r nice every model n soclety,! as our daily text, book: We be, at rest, 10 1 ds While the to i 'rowing :JLChrist- Woods Issbells ne* I join, �.'xecutora �of -the azi sight and inflarning the L d Seems likely"tol, iiever be strong'an& 9 �QUTIY 13Dking FverV Woman Nebds It. avers Idailt of walking, and thdrefore all You ever v6 anFthing but a c%j, ery ancient ociety, ands which m6isten!- e ig : i t it is' • hia UPASL - i 4 1 y have their which would hate meeting once in a*hile. Why didn't split up any future society thal 3ans unless *e do. If 'V is IDatea the Oth day of X's e times when every woman' it; tnrmente( th� unhol -sorite huni1ore A-; 1 02. There ar • sa sweetiv Copious ove'XI W Is injurious, if day remia Vrirtue, a 0 innagiIle.—Lo don' Satur 'fay ftobltg skin and would give anything for relief been walkcdl� off it 0. Rood cross -count y ssible t book close, WO ml i teas', and� receptions, Mrs. PO you 'have Theyeisapreserption known as br. Chase's Oint frequent:' theref?re a. e ing tendene of the oq,oa,&.� world of beauty y March acquindlated � his brain and:c-aus d to taRe7thee- Review. Jone vehich is prompt relief for theie sufferings Blank?' Vj e m u s t 'Women peiza it both for their own use and for W should be dvoidedi, giving :11 Possible benefit litie 4 ats, thq morbi,I affeeron and 7 efe which it 0. 'my two reasons—that ate y Eezama: to ecious of t e five senses the bich half ruined e "I reiterated Lemon Extract. throu& the world's lfltric' woudeitdi meativeaess in curIng R arge. Mif a6rd walk py tell b we couldn't spend money' ia that wy (Mre -jar, the r9o8 mason i th& ecald head, ehafing,and the various, -skin diaemes o human body possesses. ohieveM4 1�t line ntell 'A lemo� ex-U-aet that One Is d dangerous paths withOPt o see. childhood. 11 an i of his time.; and that we.,Preferred simple:amuse- say ik pure can be easily made at home. Grate light which yod has provided'for -us GRAVEL (0) RED.- meluts. Ella idn't seem satisfied, but in His Word, and which shin�s no- Clever Ants, Thes off enougb of the oUt§1 e peel of lem t ex - The its i, American Writer. the matter , as dropped. Last e Own. In thecarrent number of the F ons to fill 4 small bottle, to -king care wher"e else. V .must e with - a, trial hid trciable da none.or the white rart as Schroeder Rem' arkabile Case f a'Quebee y shelask6d to sDend a week eriences of t of the rind P ghon Irvi the first of. th S at e. divine ever n c for Entomologie, Dr. Chart Wasbiti Ag is one. giyes a Carious illustration ofthe wonderfat Gentleman—Passedi S 6nes Four I home with liler.sick. 4unt, antli a ut knowinglof tha teat Am pans whb m r in, a is will give, a bitter taste. 0 as sad on both sidps gets .dreary iotalligence of ant& 9 iter was I- couldn 't -well �efuse, she departed. TO- ready and adequate, w� 1. -U,Le Bi Years Ago- 11ow He Of a tio, sinU 1he, as a wr When tbe,*tle is full, ('over witpure Vine old port wine 1 DtjringL the summer of 1901, he 8aT5, 0jr most as mu6h Eng)ish as , American. I e day I received a PoStalL I Card from ber lone discloses. To ente�- in lo sor- to: which hap eeM L L e d, owing th oinf ort ith jeacs, ith -his family in Was Gu�l alcohol ari4l set awaY for three weeks. ithout, kn C gentleman went, to live. w PRea-ist, bitor4n, biographer, novel sb couched in tb6se words: �dl"& he, time. i At the end! of that time th contents row w I know Him. cottager near a forest, and a day or two lat.or rms hich the 1-161y 5criPtures �b g to Aand Iiii vq orks in eac� genre were the ge' "Dear Mrs. 031ank—My aunt Is bett�,ir I Barkth proortions. Jane 2' —Air. 11 f f ttle should be strained, on ants, appeared from all directions and an- BwsToL�, Qae A1 (Special) 0 itf I developtlien �9. nt b 'of the bo and i, - to cut on lul, U -back. I've got a .-a explare. He we ack to God's child on 's S94 approved by th�- but rm not coining C Ci r f noyed him and his family greatly. Hoping 'Reuben Draper I ei,! had the. gravel. 4he, early liatory of jAinerica, to its d' the extract is ready for use. An even off. from the divilie sour 0 rength ore and more. r stylish place." Ually to get a do:ctor,witb(,, is pen revealed teaspoonful' of this preparaticiii. will .,,lid- joy. To go into life's battles rid of them grad he destroyetir but was not sure, and aenf jery and -roic days,jand h 0 pharmac9poetas is knowin of the pr the ideal, bracin one of theielargeat n *d in order tha�'t no good results. �'Americani themsel�ee what "a wealth of flavor a quart of cusjti�r or other sim- without visions 9* urrounde4 could. -nised. in the Vord of G d for blood giving Iffe-- --they might notenter itagan a A short time afte;ward� 16 had another unrealize(,. romance �va latent in their his- T�ee Rules V or ]Fishing. Dar dish.-' proi V. 3 the fragments with sheets of fly paper. bad attack and sent. foraaotiiier- doctor, but Sol er I:,- G ji: my food. tory. faitws strugglesi i. as if di The ants would have to, pas3 over this a getting weaker all e day as the : Rev. Alar all to no purpose, he wa On 'reneZ, gatprepara- Their 131b e. welit to -%var without axrr�our!or wea- paper if they wanted to rebuild their nest, the time, and the pain he endured was earse of London was strolling, along' 11 : i I t Captain lead 4on is ,housind, heir feet would Certain- i I Where and Ho'v� Pansies Grolw tory 10 told In which th late Lord 'pons or without ' I and he argued that t something fearful. 2 A s b or we i bodd's Kidney In Iddesleigh figured whei m ad the Di a fair. river bank be saw an old man fisliIiig Mr. $taf- hr ojigh. ly be caught in the at icky substance. never find thd way home Wilson S . � He was- advised to for trout and pulling the fish out o: 3 morning. however, discovered in, it possible, ce wh�re he 'Pills by a man who id they oured his Give the ford Nort4cote be 'was appointed iafter the otbor briskly. "'You manaig Id of danger and da� xiess�, 'it thL be said. :"I imagistratefor Devon. ca supposed them to be, Instead of venturing that the ants were not quite such fbls as he mother. In a week. af fer he had taken the they will e shelter 'd from the hot afte'r- stle of this wor 08 nt nei as large as a.. noon son. Cutoff t, old flower4 as they it clev�erly, old friend," first d ' e he paused a e atten d to,� be sworn, Inv'alide I& a -way, &del and keep the 21round m JeffersoWg Ten Pules. NG on the sticky fly paper, tey had spentr bean, and about four da a later another as ellow a;hd ftee ba-ve rassed a good many below wb:y, Bxeter, where b I !n� apare ound with VIC from wet a. They: I Vio jef- the hours: of the nigh t in covering it with IsCge as a gcain of barho mill bloolli well until don't seem to be doing anything." be was banded a book lied r It 'tot Ilk Rules that go verned V:1 together. grass and dirt, and when this was doolo' elief,: and he contir- It -he hot ays of n Isummer. Then their atid what had once been red tape. IN This.gave him great The old man lifted himself up Is daily life: it they, had crowded badk to the r aowere Wr be small end there will not W, ell, yo 3 Ing the appearance of it,.Mm Northeote.. ferson. ained nest ued to improve and gain ltr4itgth until he stuck his rod In the ground. d rro w I : It a 0om and speedily rebuilt it. Dr. Schroeder er. imany of tb�em. good plan to out he SL for 1. ever put off till was soon as well as ev see, sir, there be three rule fist- took out hip knife and cit the tape and bi�d by all ears ago 'he has no ok lat �time (Lad a4w what you cai. d:o to-dayj 1 dingphykemns. a story, and he � Tbi3 ia four y t had �old plants: ba a t. that It AWA d time, vouches for the truch of thi for good trying:it 10 )�o I on openlng� the book di covered what r1aw says that he has in his posseaej on the slightest pain siuce� i rene autumn Ing, aad 'tis no 2. N?Vcr troulne anot4er fOx ledge a portion ithem to w t ;in -on . i readV reel. er, on which magis- : I The first'is. Kee-) was VL is anne. 'May Ladieh' Home Jo rnal. don't mind them. Voll. call do yourself. of Lhe fly papqr. j: yourself out�:of �slght; the second trates ;had been sworn f or about thirty * 3, Never Gpend your Money before isiol S ba, Went Haplp- years. LAWREVIC E A. WFU'�Qr4 CO, hWo.NTxr.^& th Jesus� Cramps are Like Burglars. Down -in k9outh Carol' a mem, Newi Notes Keep yourself furtber out of sicrIlt, *.In you ha;vc. it. a� Pays p; it! will be ai. f FOR SA Uy f urt her Out They come unexpected and when least her of the United -State Senate, I once i 1. � Precioum Hair. at lyou'! do not the third.1s, Keep yoursel because. it- - isiche -ei, _P asor Adolf i Kussulaul, of Heidel- .1. Ne,% 1)UV w1i I W roft 11 dd it." welcome. Be, armed' with a one -minute attended a colored churO. I' The, preacher, of sigbt still. :Then you' t4e crusaders returned from of Job- w 0 'beig, Ger lany, who ir troduced the stomach i When dear to Y01L ves spectabl, a tilking Ags care inr a bottle, of Nerviline, which reli a negro, with big OSEPH re any woree thain the 1pump Int medical etio3, is dead. He the Holy Laind In 10 ey were load- costs lis mo e t hun- J. cramp and, stomach pains in five minuetes. abouro the prophets., He �txft taken an hour !Pump Int It Know Her.' lawWch 91 many PeOP10� !was born ip 1822. Hill, Didn, ed with relics of holy personages who M�L cold dealer �;X Wines h to dure. Th- In Colia, Flunimer Complaint, Diarrhoea, to discourse up6ft the major prophets, and Uni 641vn Wholesale ,,a Re ted Sta ea at has, -become of-Allss of I hav ng eat- nyone to an-- —rof. Robert 6. We liever repent f�ien Indigestion and Tausaa, Werviline is a rem.- then be took- up the minorl oiiet% In course' I H and L! IK�drs. a Drf bad previously been unkno-wn In the I - i e 1. . fMy G I )i t geologi t, and head of the x- who was alwas such a favorite in 00: littl�_ , - oUnads, 0 w at we 0P—In rear of Dqi6Aon edy of remarkable of timehe reached Ho�ea.' bredren,". Ov6rllm mond, on their leaders, ell t t oteucy,ad acta prompt prad by th Nationa est. Bohe th in ition sOnt by th I I ans- or th .0 T) at Giiograph' at your set?" e Jack- teect each AD4 ly anil satisfactory at; all times, is com he exclaimed, 'we Orom now to Hoses. divided between Anselin and certain Nothing Is t: uble iseo formerly ocoa��ed by a. et'e -shall we put isociety f the reodut volea ic 0 ailers4or V position of Poison's N eourider him, to the ihIands er father failed s me eek !!�BTteaer rU OdUe' arviline expresses the Let us T',; churches a dozen hairs which the Pa- 8011 & Son, �roulo. highest medical progress of the age, which eruptions, chartere� a steamer a,nd op -ref ly I )Ch PLin havi coilt us the sea V At that niment! an old ne To gro, and all they bad was sold at ftUCtIO13. 1v him with ed bhe coast %13 far noth as Port- e- trja �Antioch had g en examia :1 leVt.r happened accounts. for its superior Merit, Price 25c. who had been peaceftlily bering in one Poor thin-' SEA, F.J. ',ainst Moths. Macouba, oiaking frequent landings., Ater surance that the Blessed Virgin Ila$ o4, e up� and looked at alw s by the �Sold by 1. V. Fear,, druggist, Seaforth. of the back pews, w landing at LePrechm five miles nqrth of Uow they have to llvd in a tit- Qf rnike 4 from her hdad as she ire ma,,y be Hamiltouls Pills are Good Pills. the pistor. I Hosea 'can t4ke my w3at he plucked )em t k") co Iq protected, e bo se in the uburbs." I u t q e flow she MUS fe I b 'Ping tw6- said, rm sa tired tllai� I am going 8D. arr he walkpd through an area of tl stood—M Dolorosa--by the cross 10. W11011 an t bef ore summer w, active v(]cNj3igm t6 �be laitter place, ind "W11 t a change! -y'! a huxl�- the home.' I I All the xeaj� Round. spq!-,ilc; when very allgi 1 1 1 made a rri nvte ckarbitation of the vari6us it t,,, The Perfect Age of Woman. you have no regular phenomen) diicloaed. In addition fo Ibis ec 0- �hatl ell chpd tbat etreX. Wawl Nlax O'Rell, in his book, Her Royal IT'S so pleasant to tak children cry for it, 1 -Yes. Sbei is so nJu in aand t ured putx fto Rey niall rig power IS Me, Highness Woman, protests that he cares but it's death to worms o� al 1,Tnds, DR. �OWS work of i o vestiga io the profeshor resciied ier best friends would not recok- Wha' ena"i be,'c e '5to Int 'Ird immense. hOUS8' WORM SY XR, Price26o6 ealtil". e mer )oor people of Le A b tb* docior's �ocket.—Chica Nye, m These not for bread�and-b utter miises. His in his ate er Ili the street t:)- aig 3ur nize 1, er, I inet 1) KAMMI and A pat �ch Who �venturqd back after a i6y stormy petrell th smallest web- . I i irm the most d6l'"to opirriou of the perfect age of women is ex- -id did not twow her at all, poor_ t cial Attention a and foln:i themelves ia a9i f ul belongs to ev-_ Its is a pt Pat Told lki!in. theiri�o�b presaediur bid wise footed bira known. BURDOCK BLOOD BITTE ireli vagetable CO )�orsesho_eing Ikeaut odor soon- ronomc r i eryLsea, that In a fisfe and ni'tural %jits directly in the air_ Cam An as, m wasicnc� t�rying to, explain 'dabg( ind, although o seem g frail, combination, �ced Ir, is at forty that she eniroys the grace �of I - y w1 the le�rth *as round —Eki L CoOlilge, circulation mana,gAr I 1 17911, KIDNE ts� �.je Utmost, f 1: torin upon the J30WELi, L 8 Anil 'AT -001) General 011. U perfect gelf-pouaef-sion. She has tact, and to an Iribbn*n thab ry or the s I � L- _ j MAUR ,carry g the entre system of all imputtles. faul teountr Of but Pat could not unqey, s��Ad howi it could apap',er), hed PUZZ]erX.r It brea le oleansh) obtuctiona that pols -*' h elight, on, ac, dresscs fauldessIv. Her knewledge of the of the N sw York Qommercisil (newi ()o the humors sod ob n;,,t a Wood mad street d. be possible... After' som�! discussion the was almc at instant,' out inquisitive oun. skimmin ith Incredi '�rfch i ed. and ab a tild tlj createdise"e. God world, her experience Of life, all help �to resetied the agents; eMPI'Cye -; - is it tliat �people trough 0� the waves flnd gliding rap astronomer suid., 11,Nowt �wber does the other peAple were ipy red Tuesday, Ma 27 make her a more delightful companion than. OV i b,eal,-tngdoTrff'Vr of a temporaryLA(e- 1'0-%VTIID- are always saved ju"f Idly er tqeir snowy crests. Petrels fa Every - ever. The love she has inspiced is written sunr rise. In the taitit-, And. by the f roth d There i's no form of 10.1ney tro a[ Op a baek- 4aid Pat OTel Ud Eighteenth street. own t, or the third q1n. observed 2, P"ay' Pas r L in One: D8 ir the, walk at Fifth aven they are ing d 000 miles from aocedwnto i8rjkht',# disease, that DO N'S KID - Al on every -one of her featurer. Her eyes where does the euu� s40" _qoired I go C, bl i 1 11 . Some of thb�,e hard ay d ie. Those ho W.Ey PJT�Lg will not rdiqe or oure.! i Ta.- -eta- Beg j�e astronomer. "Sbur in tb west." nearest I OL 'If u Are trou'bled With ATV kind th sparkle with joy, her month expres yo pill �of Ik dricy. co.m- 9- nale to ge, M t fell wer part of the erowd eathered to it." returned the fath.dr, ii'alut, use Doanls Kidney ecstas of past and preeeno bliis, and also "Then bow does' the s' ma aney if it, f, I& to a is on each box. back again to the eus-,0 a sor tebed his, mall boy alwaYs Picks 0 Lit that I, po Vh�- watch tt e parade o Militia in jhonor of the gratitude for the kisses that have been im- s,14nd looked per- v161 mbeau Com is- A Paradox. TO MiKE nowEy it _h Plear t of the Frenc P-ocha I beg o notifyiYO ag ism nezesti ary to bo pressed upon. it. Ye, the woman of forty is head for a few iftiii�4te urlan'swerable questions to asli-?" "I wo�ld rather be right than bc Lr;ght brain, a 000l head res from p in. a d stron�, higi eat Cas6 Prices I ) hundred people were t t rrrr city. Twi I' ur !a Hea4 t1v "Shurei , it he llroiaj joy, an intoxio&ting and incomparable i6v* pleed. At last his face 11 lited.up, and he hioll t t man r U ;0 to a husband. Tho woman. is ie�ven more shouted, quite tritliMpli on the 8 d walk w gave way, and they presiden said the s a PR Vigo -1 1 nerves. Milb P1119 0 go Old: Rubbers, 11. !1 gthen t ELd:y to go- )2 - . P itated jewanty feet into n ex. "WeIV :Eald the frien�, "It's a llftl( Invi.gorate and brighten the brain at ifetting, rel were pr c p lead, !n4rva udj brain Pawter, rid remove all -I Zino, d- beautiful phycically than she ever was. and ear, it slips back in t�.,,e d4 nerves, a C pper, 1pras . 1 a�va r a new building, and fell on ilea Not buib or' His Traits. radoxical,'but I'suppolse,iVs proper, tr6ublee.l Clean Me irst, time her gran n I — 1! j� 1 i C pa T i 1Mparl*# here beauty is of such a differe t t f m t* " ype of build ng n ly Hen d 04t. 1 You sl nee, t a 0 9; WVb d Bm ha it was at twcaty, that I c wet r�n mpleteiv g4 in , - G OD UEALTEI I ii regular materi4l. The accident occu�red said Noo, Marl -0 an 6&1 Darwtilan. are you!" said -,%IQ.P it; lin substa hit1or the sak( Old -Gaeae the kirk. and' mind hi i head ofl t is parade had Pa sed d TuZ,y Fee here Horse Hair, derst 3riously fall i -Then you don't I you aze willing to be 11 .try it'r There'01nae- and how a. husband can B( n The world js fall 41 sickly, dels of beln, right aciou nj the bo�eels. hillburn Uxii Iver Pills ' pendent, the cio ei. eli, cure conga ool Pickings, hbep, Skii e to sit love; with his, wife a second time. All thtis is . )i are- lieve, ke Were mde o.f dust" left.". reKulate the ;bow ion, dy-spepsia, W tired, enervairted pebp1e, 101 h9ping to bel T S, a fer"lo elephant of I the Am a, and a J .1 rig of the o� Clean Bot a d Old RoVff- �rk, so ye ax -litt is truth, my dezkr fellow. And don't even ill don't beilleve ou were.11 repliM his bihousness, tick heAdao ties,. qu tbe, churvh all rig. well some day. The;suresi roa to hea pajugh a i s qcu i, killed a man �Ved- organs of digestion. Pri e -25 ce tj. All druggists. be -afraid of white hair. With a good oom, Strong r4ugh with V-10 tin FerroArkne after' "Dot settles occasionallyr JYOU. When you get t r ting when is along the way of tak Ayt a ithe sho� E rOun6 Of thd'eirou u in -one bg,t plexion, a cheerful expreasiori, and two t'g, meals. - Ferrezone is a gre' andl need izer, Brootyll iera Inint'n amimps teleloh o. 72, or -s;nd word t* began. to, a.pe ippe The vi�ti n was Josebli 1V nt, kuow. Wif Are you sure you 'cau,-,bt thl3 rsir'Cholers Xorbu black eyes, nothing goes better than WUite Colic, Diarrhoe k, b3'Kett'ry,and Summer mploint, -and, shouted—" Eb, _Ofr t n lyne, Ina. Hb had. been. fol ow- 11113 enables one.to eat planty 011 w f1i e hair, and the whiter it is to better. hole, ome foodl oMdr fish?. Dr. Fowltrls Extractof Wild gtrakberryls a prqtnpt. Pon you. pay you to aav0iny -she' ,one tor ton e ieen derstood. $. f ello_or Cor -Opillk favlk had y -a -wrici gie without fear of iadligesti . $n or Oyspepaia., ing the ci time, and had Kisun Mr.,G u rs.e. safe an& sure cure,thSt h%s been 3, Cal sy the Here ia Max's. golden r�lle for choosing a Thier results in the i di formation of ani of i :above! arti� for us, as p 4pi employ d by it but not regularly. He for nearly 60 YOATR; $e life part tier: 3OU Wif alizhig UIO (1, wi I* hig�est -cash price." abundance of red, 6 lich went t t, Is elep� t The animals ere Borroell�Here's that'r ar1rr.15prompt to relieve nerve . a. i of - I qbould sa V wittioub exception, ill puy 4o3 per A man should marry a wonian balf �hls a I I I Eii e last week. a Brithb, Troop Oil Liniment if;. NOTICE To FA-P-31yr !I wj will restore the ve se and waitin f r their eakfast, and each the 1011 Ile' a'n ee 1. it@ ,--What's the matter? Didn't ullyd me overboard. the mostleficetive tenledy for Cuta I Wdu is, ;1vere, assh. foriomy Irind you like. and you will End it wor r- ot In- d es 110 age, plus seven. Try it at whatever !�gre vigor, and nourish an'! f everyw orga Is Wig-wa, It Tt oil' IDWgy id,-,. sore throat, P n Of bi 'b t stuck put trunk to ak �y� eta. prjoe, ks: -Vi y Open Sores, Rh6uniatism, Biteii Ati- is on;- Tinley rac iihoes, old Vo 'g -1 . 0 or wagon gegrin, r # the body Forrozone':is alilideal ato.rative hand: as Blunt ai ed down in front of ou IjLe it? rk etc. A 1r�e bott-to 25c. Oet id imn, Bringinja r I lo) a your well, taking for granted all the while that, sects, old stoves. In.f all de of and invig'orant. It is a tobiclof nequalled them. I 1'eing the on itom of the trainers to 1-1 Is 1 d e n. after all, a man as well as a woman is the . . I youl old iron, e c,, 6t0uh for iho Piazza- merit that a4y,0138 con e with bciriefit� saiLte a)h elep ant with !& gentle tap. DoubtfuL age that he looks and feels. i�,--Wbat do u mean by. I L Pride 50c per hox. orl, �six boxes foi $2 50, a, be r � laFts in his hand an t �KMdp Dir e -902. 1 may be msdO� in thf�' - — I � "W., s her hair always blond?" U-?, , C r at Blunt b I "quiet K , box seat druggists, or N. C. P, reQUA 0., �Icingiitonli when I e Tops " be. sho C -RF.LTEF guaranteed by using UU- proac. ed her ,_x, Have a W S T AN, T l ii—well, I have a dark suspic�on blow in the solar plexus. -- the usual greeting rap, P. 0 - Ontario. . i Wvyve. - h;.: i be 16 or 17 BURST STERLING HEAD011E POWDERS. No Ut her, in'tead of )LUR11M, R �c that it wasn!tl—Philadelphia Bullet rucii. 1 depressing after-efte.et. Thial ai b 'iseemed o offend her, and in an in j o Ej.N s, D ROW ri. Cqu id or- a forto R 0 Pridev� and as. long as W�Ofesge R, and Metal Doder b& Pe ance.i CHARLFA5 LITTLE, Col wedlor, Wfntb�kop P. 0. Terrible stant a is ise;zed he man with her tra�k this box maY Immune. ounciltor. "o) wond P_0 Xt, coull of &1orth F*G An. lmas-e mar JAMES 0"LOUGRUN, Wamens' First Duty. A Correa ouden t ol �tha udon i Speciato� aind,� i0ter hurli g him violently te th )illows, eta -v P AW� ]EIMALD MeGILFG. em E "A 0 RTHO tio sore long P. 0 ing a tells how a fees to an Iris a saying trite and true Affild time.hebor% JoHN 0. XORRISO'K, i .. ith our, Annie Swan save The first th Toung m cam to Coil groun 6elt on him and crushed hith t erk, h IThat pride goes before a fa.11; �Bu� now, With Joyous look. DAM M.,ROSS, Tresi urerp P.O. j,'n W.1-th Woman I Keeper CE me to the rescue! to oppWite Bide Workeb or dravi atight to learn is to know exactly Irish tprieat in Lond L whtse qxp�erience df dea 'Iris easy quite to trip a man. He sfn gs his arm', s ecure, from 11UM P. "pepter.: SOL03tON J. S1jANN0 �7, J. when to hold her tongue. it fel Dw 0.6antry woUId all late,! Ination .,took. ,h as- sails, are, rf Some pedple the humors of h Tbey dr ve Tops back an4 r - Who tliinks he knows It all. ng Or Leadbury P.. 0. �teot against, stfO have a nasty, querulous manner of speaking tb e body. O.UrUaL a book. 1*ell, rn ma said the prie0 movio Cal ervirl mak:6, the lightest in Joural. Z tilt NJ L b ating reve� r un h I Orr i[h M ,V I U. & CO nep 'tio