HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1902-05-30, Page 8-4 I8 DON'T FORGET `RTax RACH, SEAM " $1,800 in, Purses. 18� 1902. FIRST DAY. -.45 Pace or Trot $250,00 300:po 18 Pace and Trot 0 'O 11 Pace and Trot 3001 81i.,COND DAY. ' 3 -year-old Pace or Trot, I mile heatip �00 2 '27 Pace and 2-.2.3 Trot 50 2.22 Pace and 2. 19 Trot 00 -Frea for All Entries close June 12th, and hor�ea eligible June Gth. National rules. Admission, 25c Grand Stand, 25c 1, Carriages, 25c. -ICK P. wiLsoN, M BRODER SECRETAItY DOMINION BAN CAPITAL (Paid Up), S2,600,00C R EST $2,500,09C H, SEAFORTH 1BRANC� Main Street, Seaforth, A General Ba:hking Business trans -ale Notes collected, acted. Farmers' S and advances made on same at lorwes rates. Drafts sold on all points in Canada fie United States and Europe. 8"INGS DEPARTMENT.—Interes allowed on deposits of One Dollar and upwards. R. S. HAYS, W. K. PEARCE, Solicitor Manager. �7j IYo Not What U Spend But what you get for what you spend. that counts. The beat is the cheapest in the ejad, so it is with Henderson's Photos Rai -Crayon and large work a specialty. J. P. IIEI,�DERSON, Seafortli. 176t You take no chances when YP.0 attend the Popular 3TRATFORD. ONTARIO. You are sure to get the -beat business br shorthand education. This ii the sch4ol who-ze graduates are in stron demand as 9 teachers in btisinese colleges, and as i ographers and book-keepers for promineo basinessfirs. Wiftefor-ca.talogue. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal.!, "44-6� Bicycle Season- 19M W. N. WATSON,,;North Main Street, SEAFORTH, Has on hand _gocd stock (f the lateet high gr�10 lup-to date MA8Z!EY-HARR1-S and GODERIYH BICYCLES, which will be sold che.Lp for cash or pn short time. Prices fr.)m $2i upwar.s. A few good socstid hand bicyQ1e$ on W ud which will be a' d Call and exnisre my e0ek let(re purebas1fig, M% iter at ctlice or at Herbalt J. Morrison's, shop. All wheiI i guaruite A for th(; season. Als:i dea'. et it RA&IOND rnd WHITE SEWINQ jfjQH1NE9 1 and General A,ent. - V7 MT- _V7__A_r_rS (D Mq MALN ST., SEAFORT11, 1630� JUN—E WEDDINGS., E We have just put into stock a new and w0l. selected Jiue of High Grade Silverware, suitable for Wedding Presents. Remember, e have no el shLlf worn goods. On] y bright, new., up-to-date articles to ebooi e rom. Our prices are alao new. i Engagemaat and WeddiDg Rizig, a It Counter's Jeivelry Establishment, SEAFORTEF, W. R. COUNTEPI, Managj r THE CANADIAN Bank of Commerce I CAP;TAL (PAID UP) Ei'ggrht Million Dollars $8,000,00q. Rest, $2000,000. SEAFORTH BRANCH. A gen.vra3 Banking business tren�� ancted. Farmers' Noteik disccuntedl,' mrid spechpi attention given to thil collection of Sale Notes. SAVINGS BANK.-Interestallow ed on deposits o $1 and upwards. Special facilities for transaction of busineas in the: Klondike District. Money OrAcre, p%yala at any bank, Usued t a following rates Under $IQ '08 80-0 to $$a .12 810 to $N1 .10 680 to $5,0 .14 .1r. G. E. PAKES. 8oliokb,.)r. Manager. 16241 7 :1 , 1 -JL- M last week. Ab6ut 120 en 0 *ith 10r. and Mrs�l Hi ritry and it wale'there Mcq de ape iV Victorl Day and Sun oy were invited to Assist Willi th� work. S es ipftit too it t Teeswatet were chosen by Mr. Jul gut futo Orn they have best making their home Jaftheir and bi t: hers h0ie,-Miss Margi iet 'afternoon of k fl, 1 to the better lend, with riends i i Wingh and it, 2. Shortreed, tg I I L fter a ke kheoe.Ased wa ja g)od Christian woman, Mr. mes St)wl art, w has been resi( id and Mr. Robert MoDole, 3ut after a ke ATTER, 4n.d �Qoislstent Imer Lber of the -�Meth eals 'aide c me l i a, I DISTRIOT M . odiet in H ondvil j! hag re oved his family )n contested racet Mr, ShOi treea's 'aide c uhurob., Dsside�l her sorrowing husband,� to th farm, an !the Kipoen road, which be off victorious. , After thl a gat down t3 a he'leaves a fah 04 five soaq and three pqrchased from Mr. o bert. -The. od bountiful supper prepare by the large as - Tub VOTE IX SEAFORTHJ�'-Tke following' ' y .2 I differ daughitei�s, 'JAM ,, Robert, William, David, club have had men' ab: work on the -aloe semblage of ladiee preset , and then a livel is the resut.6f, the votin the Aiffer nb Thomtko od Mrs , 1 Ja e13 Atkinson, of North tr&6k for the past wook, getting it rito game, of football was Witt , ased e're they too polling dividotis in SeafoFO on' Thursday : D%kota ; Mrs. thonisa Ranne, of South A* for the raices on the 17rh and 18ti jof their departurufor homoj'�-A picnic will be Mot., Eilber- Dakota, and Mv I �,�artry, of Seaforth. The Juue'� Enco r ingtrpoorts are being e. held -in Mr� Williamson't rove on Frilsy 7 ter ed in Mo -C . u* 19 ten No. I ................ 48 � )f h ularity of the afternoon, June 13L ic remaifia were tcheou's ceived every WV 0 I POP h, wh h is beiu go', No. 2 ........ 44 Senforth rac a) and resen indicat X no up by the -young people � 1 of 9chool sao ;iiou 35� loQuict,ilry, near I �uss(lsll on WeducsJay. ....... 106 31I No. 3. — I a— -point to the 14r est 8 -jing of horse&- it at No. 12. -The afternoon 11W.1 III be taken 01 -7- No. 4 ................ i -97 28, TRAV R8. he following were tieke�- has'lliver beeril any r 0 mee"b in this )art with base ball, football 1 #nd "other spk rts. No. 5 ............... 241� ed to diet his week by William o't el� Tbial ill insure two' i a' Refreshments will be s6ved and a ood ant pc t this provi rao3 lame!,iinelt co Sometville, risb;:7.1nd steamiehili agent : excel 3l; and so ething to attra! t a time is expected. me all and 1661 M aj Mr. 'Alexanderi M)Killop, tq Davidson, very I r e or wd of ople. -Mr. Jo ieph enjoy a pleasant out 4. --Miss Martha ot4ty for MoLean 11 Mioh*an ; Dan. IMcLeod, "8eaforth, to De- spro it has ilt a kito'en to his bons, in Smillie,, who ha siting with rela- I _. ' to, returned hom troit Mrs. SwI'low Leadbury, to Thorn- Eginbadville. Th w: ther for the i rs't tivea and friend -T6e football sea- hill, part of the w ne Tun 0 r E -.,- i,N1 Manitoba., ohi Shortreed, jr., Wetb Was v�rsagreeably cool, and on Saturday. -The sac i aent of the Lord' non, in the senior series �clf tbe Western on, tt Allegheo V, Pi nneylvania, delegate �to mad4 a, person -feel like 1going back to win- supper Will be dispensed a Duff's church or Football Association, will bpen in eaforth the Qeneral­Afja�mbly of United Presbyter. ter dothes a furnaled'fires.-We are d 8 p- Sunday,june �oh, Pri iparotory service L on Thursday next. June 5tlii � when he Berlin in 1�'bted I !0u; frie per 3on p. �Thesa ian 0 ' ur I ch. I d Dr. Co? or will be held on the one � Friday, �ome deliciou 1:;rook tibut. dootd, is du of LonJes Rdng'ers and the Hurons vkh line % �0 'The oted by Rev. Mr. kiltOD, teams are obl opponents, �Ith hon re alaout 1 Sulc.EssFuL Skv-Dr,;T.-W6 are pleassd to P;111 q nit, an arde tand s4oceasfal disciple of boro. even between them, so th�ti, sdmet�ing good I note ihe.succese i0f one of our Huron boys. W on in hope t4at his excursion i to in the football line may be i ex,pec�ed. The. In t4e Ii3t of ilucceaziful students at the the' rout are It will be many. -Mr. and e Hurons have been praetisi�n� hardj�aud will recent examini tions of Tr 'Ait illitY Medi0al Mrs Harry ampbell, lof Chicago, are i i NOTES �M'r. V. Mi Miller of Bel vie put up their strongest tq�nN, Im-d, as every Colle e, Toronti i�, we notice the name of OJ ing� � dr. Cam bell's 'f �ther, Mr. Mar 6ck visited friends in this Ic 6dity 'last wee i. - game counts, they are dot6rm. in; to win. Tho son pen �,of K3 In tbis,the exami- Cam I�ell, M r4et at 6et. Mr. Cam ell h1iia Muggie Elktingo2 has returned t There should be a lArge l6r4wd orit to see natio of the fi &I year, he has succeeded in has ot been . n good �Oalth lately, an is Guelph sanitarium. ba- d ig spent a wee i a the game. takin honor OtE, ding in all subjects, and is hom to recuperate. Thdre wah a h avy home. -Mr. A. NoiPs : bari� raising, or Dig h n .F now 0utitled to he degrees of M. D. C. M., f' FoOTB_�,LT­-On Friday� 1�st tl�e Berlin roe on Tuesday t Thursday and Fiiday, I at,. wis a deo -de yi-pxrticul��' len success in ever and F. T.'M. C. heard of an dl�uiage'haviog ')e idular' The ool Collegiate Institute foot6AIl' team, pame here I - I - V A I - d6de.-Mr. and Mrj� garry Jeffrey of weather of �the I at Is da3s, has not bee in the hope of carrT'ing avi �aj with� them the Is . " A PLu.ASANT ANx vEmARY.-The home Wing4am, nFent the 2 , thl with Mrs. �,ef- very favora for ga ri�anA root!3roys.- Hough'cup. In years gon� by Oe Berlin of I Mr. and Mrs. Henry Watson,West street, frey's parents, Mr. an, Mrs. A. Cole and r�adson, Arthur, ar boys had quite a cinoh-onithe �u "but time � Mrs. Samuel Bai tlon. p, was the scene o a phasant, event on Wed- Miss Kate Duncan,, of Woodst01c Id visiting her son, Robe in Wo hanged, and from bo showing ..in Friday's game it will be -a e time bef orb lit nesd%�y of last ek, �he ocloalsion beiug the WEI -ng at th home oi,Mrs. E, M CPA It[ - will grace the halls of th Orlin Institute 40,,h ;nla�iversar, of t2e marriage of Mr.*and The driving iope at tfie Broadfoob & 'ox Farq ir. Mrs. �Vat-son. Q, lite a number oi friends and t' me would b a It was expected that 'the a 01ishment wils cut1jon Tuesday nighl �by relatkvei gathert d an,1 spent a most enjoy- sordi i misebiel ous person. As a result the DEATH. -The silent eaper has agai close and hard one; and tlia our boys wo:ld able tjime, as tht o6o6sion fittiagly deserved', visited our neighborh'o) I' and claimed fo have a big contract in retaixiink the cup, but works had to be closed! on Wednesday iwd its victim Mary Jane'' N1 cDougall, bel ve� and w hen tb time came to disperse, all a go d deal of unnecessary expen3e and de - they Brprised every'persopl., y iinning wife of Willi%rn E. M0611 cklin. Mrs. Me t 'a ivent !away exp&snn the wish, that tk -who commi,ted good style, the score s*n ing to in - lay 4 ccu�red. The patties - Clocklin had been in po'o' health for abou geniali best and hoste is b Epared to 08le- the' )ffence had better' - - t their favor at the call of lkn�o. 1� be on their guard 50 two years and early lait! fall 'that d res ded bratelm any moo ani ive:�aries. Mr. and the;i ompany will spar�l no effort to pu:ii"h '43 disease, consumption, be � an to assert itself Mrs. Watson w�re ti a reUpients of a num- t' he'o ffenders. Mr. and Mi s John Hu: nes- After all that medical ai and w!illing hand VICTOW.k DAY. -Th eat or on Satir ber 6f castly preac nts.! Among thos ton nd daugl ter, of 15rookdale, Manitoba day last, Victol ill DaV, w�3 �cool ond damp 8 I could do for her recovery shepaosed peact Treaettwere Mr. Siaw,,,, of'Logan, who are visiting ftiandain th13 vicinity. and hardly as favorable for bo�iday maki fully to her reward early, on Saturday m3rn actediamiaest m u at e beremony 40 years Hurnedton has o the Prai�ie t ine �well in &sit might, have been. H ey"er, I ts!t' agoi, 0 . . I ing, at. the age of 30 y r, and two montbe; I 1dj their f. K bbi dre' and four grand- pro�inice and 'a enjoying a well earned ficlli� . . people eemed to enjoy the sqlv�i. A nu Deceased was of a quiet and unassunlink child on.[ Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell, of Wing- day, while hi.. sons ate attending to the 1 t ber went to Bayfield, so e 0 1 thil races �at dirspoEicion but -alwava, willing� to IenJ a ham -1 Mr. and Mrs. Adainp, Thomas, Wil- farm work in Manitob�.-Mrs. JameaKe i6e, Mitchell and Wingham,j hlle� others took liam, helping hand to ad. 'tit f !and Miss AnDabell, of L,)jan, and who vieibinj her daughters, in any who night be in. ne advantage of the cheap r tai to V1 r�en& Harr , of Detroit. One �Iipappointipg fea She leaveso besides bet parents and five at other pointp. The bard �ent to itchell - Tol6i o, for so e time ' a'ab, returned h ) m*e ture as, the ab nee of 'Mrp. Layton, of on T eisiay evening.- n the report of he brothers, an affiactio at 3 husband an I e to furnish the music for :the Olebration Clint4n, 'Mrs. Watson's oiily sis"er, through educational council on'the art school e family of three small children to mourn the there.� The lacrosse bby4 'went to St. illnesq. Mrs. Barr, ii, i I dow of the late ina 3 cLm- lose of a faithful wildi and mother. rhe ti4 �us held April 24 26, we not ioe Monday, t ce me Mazya and played a frienalyj gaw� with the Char a Barr, of Logan, bnt who ii now in 24 ce -tificatea'fi , i the Hmary course 1, &: e St. Marys team, resulting int a victory for I �Hat funeral on the Kirkton lumbio, w tery,was largely atteaded, testifying that the home players by � 5 gbals to 4. The Britis. h Co as Vridesmaid at the been awarded� to of the Seaforth the bereaved have the &thy of many weddicg but W49 un�ble to be resent. legii6 -e Institute. No ames have yet ymp. bowlers spent the da� out the gteen. in 'Ben friends in this theirsor am iction. y give .-Mr., Mokli rray is moving to the morning the annual g6mb between the FOR SALE.--�.A Gladstone and rubber the �� ouse in gtn6ndv Ile recently vacated president, Mr. James 16;M�cfiaeb and the tired b iggy, no-irly ds go od ad new; for sale cheap. Dubhn. by Mr. Stewart, and Mr. Wm. Ireland, iof vice-preaident, Mr. W. Bright, was New bLiggies aWays on hand. S.Bart6n & Son, Ladies, don't miss �hii snap, Friday and played, the presiclent's side ; seatort 1793-2 Seat rtb, will ocoupy Mr. AloMuri'4 a 9 a yonly. 48paliscbowlate, tan andox-Iloo winniog by five ! shota. i Col_ house. tura Miss Bessie Young of !the Emerson i Ox!ords, re-tilar 61.50, $1.7 a d 8� goods, for $1 pe 9 . fr— . M, lege of Oraltory, Boston, Masq�ohusetla, is prepared ir. No poor gocds I he lot, every pair 5 uar 1xrQP.TA-_\T.-A meeting for the purpom to take a limited nuft�bcr (it pqplla in physical cul. EAst HURON TEACII�RS, -The arnual on- anteEd. Sawpl-,)i ia norl, window. W. H. Willis of arranging for the en I tertairimi�nb of the t%ireovoratory. Free ta�k on physical cultun in venti )n of the Bait A�uran Teachers' A so. seoith, sole agent for Oe). A. Slater shoes fo the Y. A. roogas on Monday, June ist, �t 4.80 citi(n was held ia 1�ruesels on Thurl i lalle3 and gentlenien. 179 i.1 Huron Old Boys' As3ocz'ati!on, of Toront I 0, P. M. 1798xl y who :�,ill Seaforth ni J-ulyi 5th, was and I ?riday of last w�,eek. We have I den- You'd as soon think �f �adding beauty to a held in the council WATED.-A res ect4ble woman as furni ihed wi.h a full re'p3rt'of 'the proc brying to impr ve Millinery at he night.. A co . chambpr, on Tuesday housek 2 er, imni3di,4te&. Vitt. Cainpb 11, 143 1 F . a mmittee io Nort irigs f the co aul Co.'s store,1 1798-2 vention, but it came to Se forth�. The ats select :regular commit et appointed h &in . ! i. toollate for publication in full this a6k. are full of their owntitity. Hats fo al te o take up *the -a ' da I Ad erfising bannei f 'Or race yi,. T. The convention! was a most decided suc(e�s, times and plaaes ; pri. e,s from which t iere matter of arranging the elebratioft and Majou ,Se.fartb. 1798-1 carrying it to a successful 00&IUS�011, This with a large number of teachers in att �tid- is no escape when you ielect your most be - Big !sale of sh as on,% rds Women -s j eneml meetibg I �j ance. A number of very interesting pa �rs- coming hats. No pUoce, like McFaul 9 for committee is to repoit toa g shoes f;)r T6c,a psl Men �a PaTt, Read ad. on a called foy his (Friday) even on school woik, and 1 '!to stylish Millinery. 111981 of thebitizan �igc 4. R. Willis San, ."ady's Block, Seaft rth inatters of interei t, ber of our ap) to ing in the town hall. Ib is important that 17981 the teaching professio: were brought uF for BmEFS -A large num r diidussion. ThevaiiduadeleRate nee! of; the -citizens; as House t i o short notice. - T. there ile a fi�ll attc0a: pain . i 3 who had -spent the 21-h in Mitchell, where they re. it is only by the hearty c cl�erati�n of Maloney, geafor 1798-1 papers ase!dned t%. em, bad evide i ly every b, port having a good timii.-" Mr. John Ia- . I ibpsn const era a y ieir Connell is having the haildings which he citizen that the day can e'�nade'successful Eg i 14c. 3 are cash buyers for choice I e and 6ud' on t a dairy ��d i.-paratoi butt r. 0. E. King, Winghani, subj ots and each pa or elicited intellig6it purchased some time R70 from Mr. J J. Let every person be prese:kt at � the mecting and sho by their presew e that they desire 1798V and aluable diooussiob.- As a relief f -orn a mo e convenient p ace McKenna, moved t ad f th convent on to keep Seaforth in the L ies, don't iss tbi.11.8natp, Friday and the ore terious duti� b h farm. He also int, nds to ba"ve a dry f4ont tank in the a L I entertainiag line. only -48 �Pxiv a 'a �Ithe sechool ho iell 'Mi. McConnell -er. .1. . he d h Saturd c -t%u and ox. an home was' held in �yar erea4ter bl jod xfo-d , rag la r $1.6.0, $1.75 Find 82 goodsfor , ! . I whi proved�EV[Mcsj 0111 yable social a ftir tai ly is a worker.-Miso Anui3 Carroll, of �mjo ir. No o r gis es n jko,l)t, tvery pair D. Da WILSON 1 E(,G O,ASE. 11,111,0 sampt 9 in north window. � W. H. and" eflected Ouch credit on the tc ut Sunday in town ith r N. THE -The %�l P P" schei a! cof Stratford, spe patent caRe of D. D.Wil4on� of this Its, Is-AWagent )r Geo, A. 9: at, r shoo j for lad:ea the Brussels school, Who had the matte.- lin tives. - Miss Mary Donne y a o open un - and 1798-1 town, came up for argumelnti=roe the Su- hand, "A good' progFamme of music and day at home. -Miss Kat K n y, wh has preme Court at O,ta a n Foi�, SALr.�.-Badiw' wheel, cheap, nearly spseches was �' carried I out and 9, t Toronto for some time past, return - I Friday 1wit. empAg- been in w . as .Oloo�, �s new. Mai. T. 0 Kemp, Se3forth. 1703xl , luncheon served. The followin ffileirs The court rep�irta, in ;b ed home Saturday eyeining.-R.. Walker, were very ambigio qa�jy psperS' WOOL.- C,. 6 warehouse, Seatorth, is wersielectedfor the q'nsuing year.: PJ'O�i- who went to S�ratfor4l to' accept . the fo US and we were unable to re - h the pl;L�'e wherayot always get the higheal :price for den6, David Wtir lst vice-presid nt, marishi p, of a new sec'ibn 'there, three weeks make out the reulb. W ilvel siace learn your wool, also wb( it, oats, pe" and barley. James ed, however, that the al �pe al 1 Was' argued Belt'i I Sefcrth. Thonas Mur*; 2ad vice. president, I i3s stgo, moved his family dc.wn Monday .17981 on that da and judgm Ball'arktyne - secretary!. treas ii:cr, John tt- McIntyre, who takes his place y eot r6a6rved. - We Auq�tion sale if we gon% �and buggi Mr. James I , leg, On hope that the decision of h( court will -be Saturd4y, ey auditors, Messtq4' Munro an oved in on Monday. -Rev. Father Way 31i at 1 p. at., at Dlok'a Hotel, d IR 4a here, m favorable to Mr, Wilsonj 'at t�e . evil1ence, Scsifortb, 6 choice imber wagong, n, fac"ured by exec[ tive committee, Mess -s. Moffatt, S�ott Fogarty spent a day ia,Lun'don thii week. w bu an y. and t when the case came up in,th ;4-gh Court in Mr.Rker,of Ki en;,9!s:)1*rc lelonpu d and] 4ile he Mi§sefj Turner and 4iri- y1i .1 Is a 2 second liand I uggles No re serve. Vhymu ney'; reprcsgntative e n ario I [ca. Zur ct.. Toronto, sedmed decidedl' " h* f ' vor, audi Isrowul auctioneer. it was only 41X a Pciat th4t I was- conddered E�gj that wi It -halch exhibition'- bird' tions Associpl6tion, aorge - Dobson., C40 FAP.xFRS' AND Bui DIRS' ATT.Exrio-.N.- an unimportant one by b4thl sides tbat, t as he�cf meeting of the association will b old Spring to almost bere and bu'ldfing.ope ations will he fron, Ivi o pone c f 'lack h liaoreas, Lirge in size and judge &ave his decision against Mr. Wildon, tkue standard oolzr ;bie ba3b layers t. -f large eggs.of in'01i aton, at the 6all bf the executive. soon eomn%et;c.,. You will find us at': the iL-ld 03,nd and it seems perfectly clet'r !to most pqpple all rovils, satisfac-113a g6ranteed, 81 pir setdag. with a full supply of Beich lie Lime, -Lath, Port- land Came it, Plaster of Pikri8 &c. ; We sell chi ap,� that it would only be a.cage: of Also a full line oj beeiceperal suppll�s. Beeswax :Londe boro. justice Kindly SWe us a call Ano t our prices More 'r -O wanted Wm. Har FeAforthl .90 ic- purobasing:elaewhere.- R.' ore & Sons, H 11 we g Mr. Wj'2?zj'§ rig �er from this vi ,h1j to the! p,atent sustained No r.Es -Alarge nu Cu Tenders for rograrnmes, and booth ono, -by th6.0ourtg. 1, p ity aUended the pieni hpld at Mr. Ia�lju- 179 3 privile.- a for the ,.e , for,h 116,ies, June i7th and - fo NOTES -Rev. E. Schue ke- and wife refb 18th, 19)Jl, will weive I up t3 June '12nd by the hat's on Tuesday last. Mr.H6ward Ada ng, C; for Tavistook last week !to isithisfather-jin- FAR.11FRS.' T!he South Huron �eoretai y, M. Brod i ick, 8 alsforth. 1797-2 of the MolaoLa Bank, �,. Thoma, spent blie I Farmer's' I66titute has c?m ! leted arrange. posi i I , 25�h wi I th his parents ore. -A good t me law. Mrs. Schuelke Will remain there while ively th4 call to those still ments ior runniijg a big ile�ourEiGn to the ow was a ent on Friday I tp at the home of Mr. Schuelke is in Germany, whore he in- ing 8- Mullatt & Co., as accounts will be put in Model Farm, a, Guelph,! ofi Friday, Ju courblorepIlecLon Mr. a id Mrs. Jam�s Snell, when they dle- tends staying for abou� three minths, ,ne 1790-4 rch 20th. he committea,lwholihAVe bad he bratiad the silver anniv�rasry of their wed. There will be service in. th� Latbern chu' arrangement of the exc0donj, every alternate Sunday I as long as Mr. have been ding. --Mr. John Menhing, of Woodato2k, Lo(4L BRIEF Mr j Week with his pp�;re to able to make most liberal! tirms with the T. NleCallum, of spent % few d�js t Schuelke is absent. -Rev. 1 W. J, Tager a ad railwa§ compan�, so that�th'b fare has been Newc tle, spen4Viotoria day here with his here.--1lics aham, 0 Clinton, Sundayed family have been to jpka visiting his placed tat the lowest poi brothe . McCallum.-Mim Me- at the home Mr M0 isible not6h, while a Mr. D. 1 J ohn Lasham.-Vay. ther-in-law, Mrs. Valentine Ratz.-D. be I d wife left 1�astl Fidav for Mil. stop over p.rivilege. has� n ��aeo�.uredll which Donga 1, of Toroi to, m as the guest of Miss Mr. Wilson, of the N1 elivered a gragd S. Faust and makes the tickets good e 0 wing Steph a for the holiday time. -Mrs, J. A. sermon on Sunday. mor�ing last, to the 8 lhe vertoii to visit their d %�gh�ter. They a ba3 ed day should any �Vish to - fe al over. A wilaoii idviiitia riends in WoGdot6ek and of Eoj land when Rev,]: Mr. Colpland t. 0 until Monday and had a viry pleasant vifit. special train has been a4r& , ed for from Blenbe rn to Us p.- r. an ra. e t e ap q D - en 0 1;srs L a -It w a hunounced iin �� the 'Evangeli,-al Centralii to Cliton on the I 0 ning of the Papat pent the ?4th in Woodstock. -Mr' spent � 3unday last th nests 0 Miss N. church last Sunday tha� f�r the inixt four excurkion, to connect wi h�� the excursion and hd iq.� A. Yo I were in Blenh6m. for Lyn.- Mrs. onned, of linton, is V* it. months Sunday school w:ould be held at hilf We k 6nd.- 9 . Mr. I L' So b, pas train at Clinton, while speckal trains will the ev Shearer, secretary ing fri inde berp at res nt.- iFS A t tan in the momizig 4nd service at a; rQ11!-lRT4 tb_� 4 Q.eatilralia on' the 91 thQ DA? Alli�Qqo doliyorod pll ex. ��f Bly h, is -th gueat' f Miss Wason, quarter to eleverl. Thel evening service *III houtb, and Belgrave on the' n1orth the a - I 61leab sarmon ir the Prelyterian chur be at the s%me time as usu4'I.-Mr. J. Preot- atne C, ob, or and wife received a telegram last Frid nicyht. This wil) give all �Wse Oing a good �uhdaj eve &at. --Mr. J. - 0. R_ e,-, who Bruce#eld. 6-y 1 0 'wife, .long day in Guelph, Tbepe lex' as been 06C that Rev. Mr.. Roeder's at Part Elgl'n, .1 pursions are ting j bu5er for �he Canadian Sir"T WAV TS ANDj CORSETS. -We I ell becoming more popular each year, and no' Farnituremanu cturers, haq been promoted from' lkrge ani satief�ing varieties of sister of Mrs. Preetori h Id died that d' 0 the poBition o man ger mplllya P-)pnla,- makei ano kinds, for stou A urp. doubt the excuision this year ill be more U of the co - he The funeral took place near Now H�mb Ay' t " a -On Thursday of last !,week, an awful largely patroniz-!d tbain e�er:be ore. Fuller fbctoii�'s in Win ham. The, company has aLim, for long and shor 5of waist, and.pu.,ae articulars as I to the time f and f4res will be Made storm passed over this 1�district, doing: a P xio mistake, in pladag Mr. Rme in this -fiv' ri zbt, price tight No time like i he preat deal of dam -age The roof of Mr. : C. given later. position as he is a I 9ble business Man and present for 3hoosing from our New Parawls, a was ar y 'ff. t: orou Lea; sall bratiches of the Gloves, Hosier ,Vests and Under MusIffia. Z'nimerman's bar tl taken 9 y Mr. Simon Surarna vWdn mill was blow'n AT`?RFCl;kT1ED.-11r T. IA. Ri son :of ork. It is pr )abl�e that Mr. Rose will The E. McFaul Co., Seaforth. 1798 '. dovvn and the shed at the Lutheran -church Mr. Thomas Russell, of U[liborne, is another move ii family �o Wingharn before long. IT-mis.-The polifica melstitig held h re was taken off its foundation and lifted four Huron boy who has don the old county e sincerely rigret that Mr. RC33 and Eome time f amily could not iave remained in Seafortb. in the nteresta of Mr. McLeari',� -wall very- feet away. Several L the village were proud in a wider sphere. a I - U004, so large a crowd&'ilerhapa as blown down, but no 9 hurt. -Mr. nguB Leod, a former resid6nt of -as i f ul ; no,. Mr. Russell has been eecr�!*y of the Can- W14 2 on f urmer occal3ions, bu t the sp�rak I 13g s 7aa adian: Manufacturers Rksoclation, and McKillop, but Who no owns a farm near I gooda�.dt th point. --Mies WGibelon and through his efforts the aa�ociA�ti:)n was made Woodstock, was: callii g on old fij'ends in � I 0 Mrs X,,augbton Epent-le7t4lb irlk ay this neighborhoi d th - end of last week. one of the moat influenti r zations in season i ia LoOon.-John Aikenb6ad' of NOTES.-tilr. HarryJanifs, who bae had the Dominiom NLJ r. Rualsell 1haa s5vered his Mr. McLeod heisij a8t r 3cently returned from Londoo.. was or- Vic'6ria DA' the Commercial hotel reuted for th-e past connection with �he associltion to, ilaocept a OaliforrA, wher he bid been spending the Quit lie three years and a half" has bought e i Dumb. r from here ahended the more lucrative pmiuiou, and, o�.tbe occas. winter, -Mr. A. :irdno has leased Mrs. sion of a bauqaet held in Toronto recently. M egare 'a a tore, n tie east side of Main barn rt�wog at Mrs. McLqai�e, "-;Mill' road, American hotel at Bru, -31a, and intends the members of the asgod' tio'n 1ho W:ed their !street. y Mrs. M(-I:are5 is goiag out of bud. on Sat irday.--Joseph xt ely and 1-Mhs F1' r' ' leaving for that place on Monday. Harry I ence C3ryiler took in t1be races on the 12W,b bai been very popular wah every person, appreciation of Mr. Russ 11's 8�,eivices in 4 I neels.-Mr. S. A. )1ek ion has returned from at'Atitchell. -'Iohn Ri6t�tenbury, of the B Q especially the travelling ':public, who all Most stibstarith.1 manner. In I speaking of. Toronto, where 1, i hai been attending the of Hamilton, 1 Wiagbam, spent Sa-ur ay claim he keeps his hotel in�t�e befit shape,of the affair, - the TNI oneta ry Imes says law school. Mr, Dick oubas completed his " Hono'r was paid to the f secretary of law course and ii now prepared to hang out and Sunday at! hie home bere.-Oar ge jai any in these parts. We jbin* viith the most the arsaocimion, 'Mr. iell, by pre- his shingle. -Mr J. A. Ja*ckson, barrister, pathm ater Mr. Hill, is getti to of our citizqns in wishing him success in his put d�wn ' gr4nolitL- id siJewnag1kfna sohnapeour new place. Mr. J *hn Emikh, owner of the senting to him a gold d chain and of Blyth, spept t e holiday at, his home in L, rent. -Quite a number of our sports hotel, intends taking hold of it a�cl ruDning [�,elligent and Egmondville. tied by a very Main an illuminated addres?. ' - N� 'e were visi Viebori D.*V hing.-Miss Maud i b again, and we have no db:ubt he will keep faithful work rarely faila f &�preciation by Heverethundere rM on Thursday afternoon A ! bc)d epeT -W. S. up its repUtati0D.-Rpv. 'Dr. y wilsor� is vizd ing in St. Marys. Daniels aiid a 8hrewd.b9ainess commu ity' and the last, accompaiDiie by an excep'donally bigh 0 � Baird,jof Clinton, pillid 'a flying vint home Mr. "McN-Ai-r spoke ia� In�dustry a to a whom he served so well re npt backward %ind. No dama :a ia town, but on Sunday. Beatti �, wife and son, of small gathering, last ThOsday evening, in in showing that they val d' -Ir. Russell's in different par e surrounding country Barriqgtou, visited at the home of Win. the interests of Mr. Mitchell. -Qdite a num. services." fences and tr , were blown down and in ber from here attended i th nominations in Soott his week. -Miss Little and Miss Ebmeplaccs buildin,ja were unroofed. I n D.)ugh y, of the American house, are vifit- and rbport !& very lively meet- DFUT'll Or,k', OLD RES�DE_XT OFOMORRIS. Brusseis there waa a aeavy fall of bail.- ing fri rids in Buffalo. -Mr. Case, of Hen. ing, it being tL6 first iimi6 dida es -One of the early settlri of !tl)e township b i 1r. A.,N, Colbe b, baker, has had instailled of Morris departed this'life oia Monday, in a sall had charge of our s4ation here on- S�t. h2id met gince they entered thii contest. - gasoline engine, and other machinery for urda,y, 24th, r6lieving Mr. Gray. - Oae of the worst storms of �the seas the pers' on of Isabella Mc,Qut 1 1 . I . on stra A dbeOD,4ife of mixin&i8 bread� This will do away with : I a our t ' Ia Mr. Robert ArmstroDg, 0 tho 4'-h con lot oi hard work. fir. Colbert is right T_ own at Thursday, b,ut there was no 11ion of that towns damage done -Quite a number from here hip. he 4a d . event up with the ti John Floyd has Walton. oured at the home of 4 went over to Brus,els last Thursday, e. 11 se'll in I Mr. pureba0ed the irlaybroperty,on the corn- If tie �p earance of your parlor carl t" to see the foutbalt, match between Win. H.artry, of this tow , 1, 1w, p peo in , where Mr. and or of James an W'Ib streets. ' He has offend thee, cs sb it off,1 use it in some 'I Mrs. Armstrong had bee fo some time. ;leased �tha house on the corner', which room, and go to The 1. McFaul Co., Sea- -Brusse and Blyth, but- on * account of t e The deceased was born -in (be 0o nty severe storm the match was called off t 11 managh, Ireland, and Wast � of Fer- he formerly occupied, to Mr. Mullen, of -the forth, for the handsome carpet that will next da , when our team':went over aka n 74, eare and 4 Electric Light y I months old, In I f3mpany, and will ocotipy, pleas-. In t eir House Furnishing �D-epa t- and were very b%dlv, ",%ten, I the score 840 ehe ca a io this the h&use off jornes street himself. -41r. ment, at nicst reasonable prices, the'y have standing 4 to 0. But it in �" we predicted country, with the other me bers: of her George,1M. Baldwin is havingthefront of his an immense ra,�ge of beautiful Carpets L n- famil , and s- 2 at the beginning of the 0ason, unless t Is y titled in the Q' I y of 8imeoe. bicycle '[and mus j store frcshened up by a oleums, Matt'lings, Lace Curtains ' a team practised more Gun a' In 1853 she was marriled't' Mf, Aqnstrciig, cOat of paint.- idney Pointer, owned by Drap&ies of m'ny kin coknbination th y dii. 1798 1 rry, JE: would have no show to �W�in. Oae thin 's 9 and came direcdv to wwnship, Mr. E Bosserib of Zutich, took firpt Loc,m BR One.'of the most disks. they have got, howeveri aq,*') that is plum, where her husbaua had ' located two years rr,oney,: �'i a the 2,! �, 5 tro t at M itchell on the trou Wind atl[lrms thitt has visited thih as they stand it till -the ll&vt The ne it 'ince that, ti� e Xr. and Mrs. 240.. This hor 1) was mired b� Mr. George communit fo years, passed over game will be.between previously. Armstrong have been residents Wi4lia;; and Blyt i, I of Morris, Whitle�'H' horse, idney. He was raised by this vicinity 01, Thursday, evening Of I t next Friday. which is t6beiplayed here, at d and man� friends in that towifa�iP will re. Mr. Win. MoMi iael, I of the Hulletb boun- week. The wi 2d blew a - perfect hurti3lze possibly our boys may win �,the one game. gret to learn of her death as i iry, and for a ,ar vy as used by Mr. B. B. while rain fell in itorterits. Trebi w al The reeve issued a, pro pro th and Gunn On his dAivery wagon. Another blown down an I buildings -unroofed. T el the haf, removalof.a dear and ' b loveld f6and arnation to e neighbor, Mrs. Armstro g bad been in horse sired by Sj ( fiey -won third money in effect t the busi a places he -e poor health for some tinie,* and about a year silo on the farm of Mr. 4ames A. Moore w would close on the 24th nd not on tie the 2,35. class at i ie aae races. �Mr. Thos.. also blown dowp. The �torrn 26tb, as some wanted to so those wl o ago they took a trip'thr( ii& North and Brown,'leader of he band, has gone to his in a northerly rection which diatri t f d k, took the holiday tcok it o Saturday, but South Dakota, on a visit 1 �o ti�eir children, home in Toronto to be treated for inflm- even worse tha It, 0 111", , in the hopetha' in our jimmediate vicinif the town was very quie6. number from b the cha: ige ii -ould, be of matory!, rheumatism, with which he bag -The large a com m,odious frame ba here took in the races at ingharn and r !r Is, in9 le 9 rt V lid w ej benefit t' her. It seeme( t 0 wever, that. been suffering for some time. -Mr.' Frank which is being milt on he farm of M port a- good time.-Manag r La she was i beyond human ai their re.� Scott, of. Blueval,�, spe t the 24th with his James Shortreed, was ing. of th e.' raiied on Frid yi Bank of Hamilton, spea i t 11he holiday anj I A 7- Sunday With his mother, in' misae� Stewart, Giffley, Rqb' on and 0 jami I soon, and Messrs. W.. Moo r d D. Crittenden spent the 24th in ti ter. --Mr. Geor�e'?owell.and wife were visit ag fr 'ends SA V itrathroy last week.—Mr. Robert h1c. TISFAC in 8 Kay plaved with� the Clinton Ise, or -80 I eam, 'Mitchell, on the 24tb.—Mro. G. against Doupe dafted in Ripley and, v�cinity the a. Bola o1f Clinton, past week.—Mr. &ad Mr OREN visited their friends. Reeve Simal and wife. the post week.— iss Ellsf Graha, -of Brucef! 31di was the gueat of her a ster, Mrs. James 3ims, over 8 inday.—Qait a nu nber The goods you want, the qtalit-ieg of the, ouing,boys ind men celebrated the please, - the prices that insur's 'Your -mornin of the 21ti by firing off f recra 3kers pulket bolol,- 6gainat a vacuum—At and an-ils, making,quite a noiIs. Oar chief these, wd trX to have here, all ths. �rl tried t( stop them, but there *w zathf r too w him to mauage.v--Mr. Ir rasti3 who W'd;[ kre buy'err . , should all be herenow, aserit filling the pulpit at Belp rave, clailn their share o I t f rhays, -wait. heih of the iful spl, a et&ohtyapu ged with qv Mr' MeLean last 1 beaut -sermous, on f� Ing 414 Sand& .and preao�eJ two aplend d me 9-04a. so ft. forsno a young in�n.—Xlr. ii ohn 1 Moto %If,_of Come i nd exa�i�e the goods Galt,. as renewing acquaintances here the I 10861 th - 100 ft. yo I 11 not �jvant to see A grys ft past eek.—Mis97 Annie 'X[4�t, oj the reizons for� urchasing.now, Edla Bares, of Mines, Toronto, visited her par. ents Ia 3t week. —Miss Ida Tamanj is vie iting frienda in London la� nd Exeter this weeir. Merd landisell Her p never Varies from the Vaima. milk qu�lity siaudaTd .; yet,pricen are quoted 0 Lkdjes, don't miss this snaO w4ich see;nj hard for ma6ny -stom -to ,, riday and t Saturd ClDly. 48 Pain chocolate, tin nd,,ox-blood r n Oxford regliftr 81 50, $1.75 and $2 joc $1. ]PC - .14t* exc4t by selling jauch traah I - o porr goods In the lot, eve pair g7U%C- .18 ever known here. I p -r. an e Samples in north window. W. If" Willis sole nt tir Geo. A, Slater shoec fo ladiE3 ana The rqal,ec:ono,#iy is a peculiar 64raa 1,98-1 ter_ isvic of th4 store. WA8H GOODS. -Could we but deE cribe e them " you " won d have-& fe"t 6f litiliant 0holicest XMinery FaSh-j--0nv language. Such goods, at suchl prie 8 613 The H. McFaul ry Goods Co., Seaf rth, As on revious easons, in vi8itiu are si li cry Dcp ttment, you caung our if. 11ing them are finding 1buyets as. ot h elp but,7 lentilul as burati g buds. Prints, Perealies, b impressed with the splendid diq4y r Bimities, Ginghat a, Muslirs, to. Just of ideas, stylies and novelties. WE the vi anted thin In an inter sting col- Our assortment! of all lectiolo. 17913-1 that fashionable beadgear is an im taking 3�1 t NOTES.�Mr..-T ornas Carr, 6f Bruce ield, alld L , portwt- , �& " has tb a contract of the Ceineni �ou ndati )n of factor, the Very reasonalble- rin. short vil w1B ask isl another very importolut in the H Mr. T 201mas MoAsL'.s Eew building. This factor to beiconsidered befD will be quite an addition to out thriving vil- rie Met Ing I)een 201_11 a purchase-',' of mi! line I ry. lage,.�when completed. -Mr. I;Iake, the -b for oys geoial landlord of the Cooke H6ae, has just Let us be yook milfire1g. We good completed a rustic verandah %hich adds will U ibfied o0y -after having satkfiq th, very materially to the looks Of the Flace. �th roughly. Mr. James, Armstrong bad the contrac% Mr. L oyd, of Seaforth, is busy painting and Bus decorating the house, whi.-bi vrhen com- Wash Goodol Stry. Bovs pleted, will make it the neatest and cs t complete and up to date hotel in, t is section Well, the charni, the daintinee;,3 and effoo.. Bi�ya, of the coutry.-Mr. George Afirews, of tv eness of �ibe Wash Goods . . . I we 6ve ft BOYS Clandeboye, viBitpd in Varna o%Skturday sale prob&b were never-befre eqasjie� last, a 3d took in I he football mate at Bay. in this storq? Boys" field. �-Mi3o Phemey Logan spentl the 24�h vipiiing friends at Holmesville. Each year the jp�tterns grow morexqni BOV-9 do the spote -&-a& Boys'. attlipes untU tiliere is n thing lift for Jobeph. [Inte for -last we�k] th�. mind conceive oor the heartt,o, OYE de ire. 'BOYS! NoTF.s -_ r. O'Brien had the misfor- - tune, on 17hursda last, while �n his w y to 106 as � iard to ic ologue the beatity.'if thftoL Heneall with a lo of hogq, tobave one of good as lu is to attempt fon&lno r or d B his driving.horsee drop dead 6n. the road, prettlest spring flu OYS Wer. thereby breakiag up one of the bes6 driving Boyje� teams in these parts. -Mr. T., McGladery, The. pr ces on theie goods are little of Parkhill attended the test of the Eel ire worth, hun, ijag.up. Bovs pi and E -Lavell cream separators, on Mott day BUS eveDii g last, held at Mr. A. Hendriakfa,- Spealzing out Dress FabjjCj,1L Mr. ' dilljo of London, general agent for Boyie the D � Livell a4arators, was In these rts Anythi 3g we do we aim to do well,- Bj 0 �VS on.M,cndayonb;usineSq. T .40 " J.: E , Tom, 1. P. sea 3on fir us with robabjy� ;tt* B0 8.1 of Goderich, visited the school bar on lar rest a3s)rtment of fatbionable Da I w ys Wednesday of last week. yw GO )d& quality, beauty, utility Boys GREAMSEPARATOR-TES'T.-A Vbry ix1iter- and price embraces everything shit -B esting cream separator contest t k lace is Mmen Ible. befe Alonday night, at Albert 0 ndrick's 90 between the Empire crearn separa�oejr, which We ha�le selectid, themames Boyw few tht, wasIODked I after by Mr. -Bobier, of Exeter mu; twurth. Bqy�l: f t be �e appreciate ther and U e Da Lvell separator, which was repres mted by Mr.' Mitla, of London, and- Taietalinell Cashmeres V01104 Wilson. his lo3 al agent, Mr. fiere was Cre� pelines Tamises h"tres $25 a i �ide at stake, the losink-pirty to for- GrQuadee Poplin's Teloota feit hi. i money fdr the benefit, -of the pbo r of the ut ighborhood. The De L%vcll men spent most of the afternoon in- preparing Good in, #51 1 eladid Array. their separator for the test, expecting to sweep the Empire off the face of the leartbl. There - �e�l_ly a e me ii� be little or -nothing DA Mr. Bobier did not� arrive- until the hour Set t I f�rom this, goods repr*_- for the Lest, 7 p. in., and hev"er touched his WS2 an - e'dn % y t re liet below, I we tau A** tlotbding Y)� g, separa �or until the test began. There were 0 lots f plearaure n jpAig 150 poands of milk rap through each ma. selebtione, T4e3e selfsame fbigs Wh 01 I ere obiae, both finishing about the eame time. b tan4ard quality and of Then commenced the Babcock test of I the V yle skim inilk and cream, which w as or d ted I' " r�es j_t entirely by Mr. Mille, but the ;a er h �Embroideflea TAOM --evien bell decid e ily in favor of the E, mpir ihJDe Parasols Trimm-logs Gloes Lavell leaving five times the a oun of - Unde wear Neckwear Hoo butter fat in the ekirn milk thitt did I the Empire, and the cream from th Er4ire. was 33 per cent richer than the 6r am �Irom For B�auti 4g the Home. the De Lavell. There being 125 people presen �, the contest -was very keen.- ter Take %L walk in 0 our... use FurniabdugDo- the contest was over Mr. Bobier.e�tert ned partment you 'have -taken itept the auffiance until a latehour vi�h spWee hes, towards e cuomy-gni in decorating: song3 and recitations from hill grapbap one the intei ioj A your hou e, you want -to and a short addrafs by himself, after which do � it econ inic&Ily-titid we -know ws all departed for their di&rent horre-, feel- hoe the 4P lortments, the satisfied that the Empire 86parator was -quilities, tb rides, as r4lit as an Ing nby fs�r the beFt machine. H NDSWN1 ' CARPETS Bayfield. RI H LINC LETYMS John Fraser, Conveyancer, N�tay Public E EGANT UATS Agent f ir 01ang6disin Expre,�e M.)n cy Ord ers. Al%rp P ETTY _�ATTINGS 'AMOUUt Of Money to 10311 at 4211treDt latC3 of inttre-A. erivate undo 17914t AINTY L. WE CURTAINS Sam ner sunshine is no brighter than our ELABORA�T­jll DRAPERIES. a' -ore. Truo, we have some beauti, all go- da. The Millinery is beautilul and ecom ng + the-Doess Goods are in rich, worth wea es, and in good assortments ; the , Car�, too I �f LinlDIORMS and Mattings are lite all alive with handawne designs and colbrIngi ; the Lace Ourtaius selem "lacier" and daiati,:'r t ey than ever before; all are picod as FA L should be-leconoinie&lly for you. The E. Et MoFaul Go., Seaforth. 17981 FARLY C Losi.Nc�.-The merchant� of BAY- U0 68 field have agreed to close their stiqles each Dr 0 Tuesd6y and Fi iday evening at � 61 O' from tile lObh f J'ne to the 10� of ep- tember and at On]' J on holidays. �he e Ay c4ths elatest Cash 00 10 el closing in v ment as itatitUted 4ere aat summer, and was' decided sucebse, and there i i no reason hatever to prevent mer. Pry 00ods', tore. chants of other vill ea doing likewise. The -65 Pair 9 -general public, far ere as well as villag, ma, -3 osep, i Kirby a i � son have given up !the .5-0 'Pal -T approve of it and re not incovenien(ed, tailoring busine a:: ere,,& L era stay of abwt. 45 pair for here,anly two nihLhte each week areas ced tefi� months.- I ls� Andre W- Miller spent� and the pleasure aul healthful' benefit ithe Friday and 'SaLL u�qa : in T.oronto.-W. 0. merchant and e es derive from. the Haziewood atte 480 the diatrict meeting in IMP 'last ursda .-W. Keirr of To� outing is incalcuillye In many to�vns Winghain 4� t y S got stores lose each nig t, aturdaya- exceptled, ronto, a former sloe t of this villa e at,6 o'clock, and many places a -half 4y neWed ikeq:uaiAtflfyl34fiLh�reAlonday..-MeM-re., each w ek. We hope to see the mercha s Win. R 0. Pteeseand S. R. take this matter up. McKelvie are ilitteriLding.. the Woodbine VICTORIA DAY.- - On Saturday last laige races, in Toroneii.-Nl r. eLsan of Iffar- numbels of peopl I � e from BarroUnding to Las riAon, was the uestlot �her son, A.- Mc- Hot A and country spent the day here. In he Lean, for a few 4ya.- the storm 4 morning the c klithumpians aMLUaed he Thursday evlenin th Wnin in front of T, childreh. A lintly contested Ifo tb III Filmore"s bake ,op, as -1 blown'dowu.- match, between Varnaand Bay al , k Mrs. R. Black i... ':the guesi- of reWiven hi place on the square in the forei3oon,- a Id London., -G. F. Q�ibson, of Montreal, slyenb, YO winning by two goals to one. Th e a few days of I : is sister, Mr-� Bpye C a ee wit *,%a pratested, and it was agreed �0 pl y F. V. DiAson.­Alin Hemphill, of W&W again hi th�e afternoori, when BAyfleld w n erton, sp�nt Sui i my' a�t his home here.- again by a score of t o to one. Th4e we e Mrs. Tipl�ing Roderich, Was the guest, of 5 entriesfor the 12-m le bicycle race tO Var a her sisteri Mrs. F. Miller) for a few daYN. _J and return. The 2o testanta firihe4 in t e ohn Btawn, of rorouto, "nt a fewoli. follbwiiig order qbert Tlbot,! Fret k days at W3 home I e I re. -Owing to so many, Aldsworth, Henry vans, A. Pit.% of the y�o ng peo p a attending the races -and Cook'. The h%st named had an aci ent on ames I Vioto Day passed 0 Wingh the way out, at the Goshen, corne very a village, -A i as aid quie ly, in tie dropped out. In the old man's raic J&mi is FortLune��, p the village, abioOmparliev'rby Sturgeon was first and Richard Ellio;t. Mrs. Breen, of h) Belmor6i . d. returne& s3oond. from Orillia' n I londay, q ere hey 1184 spent a few days. �Mvs Jennie Miller, of' Wroxeter. Toronto, visited ?. her home, Catmohn farm NOTE3.-Mesers. G, Park, James Bll, 11. this week. -A Vy(menlPa Institute, in 00A- W1 ight V�nd J� A. E Axle, left last week fc r necti-on with the Wrmere Institute, was or-, Muskoka. where they will spend ome ed, last Thnn iday, at tl�ie resideuele of Weeks; eng&Red in V_he timber businear. ' Cnei.1-W. 8, MeXercher. Mis. Armstrong# Miss Kate -Hazl6wood returned the organiz.9r,'frion Gorr e, and Mrs. Laird, ronto Tuesday night, after an - absence f president of 66 Gorrie Institute, wtre three Months. -John Barnard wheeled fro present. Mrs. WilsonlWag & I ppointed 'Lucan last Saturday, and spent & fe �dfiy president and M I Sarah 1�rayll secretary. C withrelsfives in the village. -Miss ;inni The meetings w be held on the thlid E n d. 59 na "d Hemphi I spent a few days with fri�nda i Thursday of eachl110 ionth, the' ext meeting 24th Chelfey. -P. Wallace, of Toronto, Was th being at the b6ir a of Mril Wilson, when guest of Dr. Braun I"t week.--Mrv� Ate two pape;rs willb4 Oven b embers of the ij y m t ison, of Rarristion, spent several da ' I preservg ind canning of ly - titute, on the her sist5r, Mrs. J. E. Black. -In th: foo - frausit. A cordijil itivitatian Is extended t(k ball mat�h in Winglism, on Victoii4 Da all to attend thee �plea " nt 4nd instructivO� sa our tean� was.defeate4 by a score of 12 to meetings. The Big Bic.ycle Stor� and Repair Shop, The largeat atock of wheels and aundrie i ever shown in 18'eaforth. New wheels a; ifrorn S25 to Second-hand, wheels a i f rom. Y05 to The 3elebrated Clevelan k o�ur leader. �, few bargains in these. Oar repair shop is ore of the larg(sb an test equipped ir. the West, and we bav �oaly compatent men employe'd., All wor in�Bicy(;Iee, L-iwn Mowers and other re Pairing guaranteed. R-emembcr, we call for and deliver lawr Wowers and oLEcr repairs. A large otool"` of Piancts, Organs anc' Sewiog Machines, new and second-hand, Tunincy and rep%iring promptly and wel dqne. G. M. Baldwin, Seaforth. GA mera-1 Repair Shop, 7 :1 , 1 -JL- M last week. Ab6ut 120 en 0 *ith 10r. and Mrs�l Hi ritry and it wale'there Mcq de ape iV Victorl Day and Sun oy were invited to Assist Willi th� work. S es ipftit too it t Teeswatet were chosen by Mr. Jul gut futo Orn they have best making their home Jaftheir and bi t: hers h0ie,-Miss Margi iet 'afternoon of k fl, 1 to the better lend, with riends i i Wingh and it, 2. Shortreed, tg I I L fter a ke kheoe.Ased wa ja g)od Christian woman, Mr. mes St)wl art, w has been resi( id and Mr. Robert MoDole, 3ut after a ke ATTER, 4n.d �Qoislstent Imer Lber of the -�Meth eals 'aide c me l i a, I DISTRIOT M . odiet in H ondvil j! hag re oved his family )n contested racet Mr, ShOi treea's 'aide c uhurob., Dsside�l her sorrowing husband,� to th farm, an !the Kipoen road, which be off victorious. , After thl a gat down t3 a he'leaves a fah 04 five soaq and three pqrchased from Mr. o bert. -The. od bountiful supper prepare by the large as - Tub VOTE IX SEAFORTHJ�'-Tke following' ' y .2 I differ daughitei�s, 'JAM ,, Robert, William, David, club have had men' ab: work on the -aloe semblage of ladiee preset , and then a livel is the resut.6f, the votin the Aiffer nb Thomtko od Mrs , 1 Ja e13 Atkinson, of North tr&6k for the past wook, getting it rito game, of football was Witt , ased e're they too polling dividotis in SeafoFO on' Thursday : D%kota ; Mrs. thonisa Ranne, of South A* for the raices on the 17rh and 18ti jof their departurufor homoj'�-A picnic will be Mot., Eilber- Dakota, and Mv I �,�artry, of Seaforth. The Juue'� Enco r ingtrpoorts are being e. held -in Mr� Williamson't rove on Frilsy 7 ter ed in Mo -C . u* 19 ten No. I ................ 48 � )f h ularity of the afternoon, June 13L ic remaifia were tcheou's ceived every WV 0 I POP h, wh h is beiu go', No. 2 ........ 44 Senforth rac a) and resen indicat X no up by the -young people � 1 of 9chool sao ;iiou 35� loQuict,ilry, near I �uss(lsll on WeducsJay. ....... 106 31I No. 3. — I a— -point to the 14r est 8 -jing of horse&- it at No. 12. -The afternoon 11W.1 III be taken 01 -7- No. 4 ................ i -97 28, TRAV R8. he following were tieke�- has'lliver beeril any r 0 mee"b in this )art with base ball, football 1 #nd "other spk rts. No. 5 ............... 241� ed to diet his week by William o't el� Tbial ill insure two' i a' Refreshments will be s6ved and a ood ant pc t this provi rao3 lame!,iinelt co Sometville, risb;:7.1nd steamiehili agent : excel 3l; and so ething to attra! t a time is expected. me all and 1661 M aj Mr. 'Alexanderi M)Killop, tq Davidson, very I r e or wd of ople. -Mr. Jo ieph enjoy a pleasant out 4. --Miss Martha ot4ty for MoLean 11 Mioh*an ; Dan. IMcLeod, "8eaforth, to De- spro it has ilt a kito'en to his bons, in Smillie,, who ha siting with rela- I _. ' to, returned hom troit Mrs. SwI'low Leadbury, to Thorn- Eginbadville. Th w: ther for the i rs't tivea and friend -T6e football sea- hill, part of the w ne Tun 0 r E -.,- i,N1 Manitoba., ohi Shortreed, jr., Wetb Was v�rsagreeably cool, and on Saturday. -The sac i aent of the Lord' non, in the senior series �clf tbe Western on, tt Allegheo V, Pi nneylvania, delegate �to mad4 a, person -feel like 1going back to win- supper Will be dispensed a Duff's church or Football Association, will bpen in eaforth the Qeneral­Afja�mbly of United Presbyter. ter dothes a furnaled'fires.-We are d 8 p- Sunday,june �oh, Pri iparotory service L on Thursday next. June 5tlii � when he Berlin in 1�'bted I !0u; frie per 3on p. �Thesa ian 0 ' ur I ch. I d Dr. Co? or will be held on the one � Friday, �ome deliciou 1:;rook tibut. dootd, is du of LonJes Rdng'ers and the Hurons vkh line % �0 'The oted by Rev. Mr. kiltOD, teams are obl opponents, �Ith hon re alaout 1 Sulc.EssFuL Skv-Dr,;T.-W6 are pleassd to P;111 q nit, an arde tand s4oceasfal disciple of boro. even between them, so th�ti, sdmet�ing good I note ihe.succese i0f one of our Huron boys. W on in hope t4at his excursion i to in the football line may be i ex,pec�ed. The. In t4e Ii3t of ilucceaziful students at the the' rout are It will be many. -Mr. and e Hurons have been praetisi�n� hardj�aud will recent examini tions of Tr 'Ait illitY Medi0al Mrs Harry ampbell, lof Chicago, are i i NOTES �M'r. V. Mi Miller of Bel vie put up their strongest tq�nN, Im-d, as every Colle e, Toronti i�, we notice the name of OJ ing� � dr. Cam bell's 'f �ther, Mr. Mar 6ck visited friends in this Ic 6dity 'last wee i. - game counts, they are dot6rm. in; to win. Tho son pen �,of K3 In tbis,the exami- Cam I�ell, M r4et at 6et. Mr. Cam ell h1iia Muggie Elktingo2 has returned t There should be a lArge l6r4wd orit to see natio of the fi &I year, he has succeeded in has ot been . n good �Oalth lately, an is Guelph sanitarium. ba- d ig spent a wee i a the game. takin honor OtE, ding in all subjects, and is hom to recuperate. Thdre wah a h avy home. -Mr. A. NoiPs : bari� raising, or Dig h n .F now 0utitled to he degrees of M. D. C. M., f' FoOTB_�,LT­-On Friday� 1�st tl�e Berlin roe on Tuesday t Thursday and Fiiday, I at,. wis a deo -de yi-pxrticul��' len success in ever and F. T.'M. C. heard of an dl�uiage'haviog ')e idular' The ool Collegiate Institute foot6AIl' team, pame here I - I - V A I - d6de.-Mr. and Mrj� garry Jeffrey of weather of �the I at Is da3s, has not bee in the hope of carrT'ing avi �aj with� them the Is . " A PLu.ASANT ANx vEmARY.-The home Wing4am, nFent the 2 , thl with Mrs. �,ef- very favora for ga ri�anA root!3roys.- Hough'cup. In years gon� by Oe Berlin of I Mr. and Mrs. Henry Watson,West street, frey's parents, Mr. an, Mrs. A. Cole and r�adson, Arthur, ar boys had quite a cinoh-onithe �u "but time � Mrs. Samuel Bai tlon. p, was the scene o a phasant, event on Wed- Miss Kate Duncan,, of Woodst01c Id visiting her son, Robe in Wo hanged, and from bo showing ..in Friday's game it will be -a e time bef orb lit nesd%�y of last ek, �he ocloalsion beiug the WEI -ng at th home oi,Mrs. E, M CPA It[ - will grace the halls of th Orlin Institute 40,,h ;nla�iversar, of t2e marriage of Mr.*and The driving iope at tfie Broadfoob & 'ox Farq ir. Mrs. �Vat-son. Q, lite a number oi friends and t' me would b a It was expected that 'the a 01ishment wils cut1jon Tuesday nighl �by relatkvei gathert d an,1 spent a most enjoy- sordi i misebiel ous person. As a result the DEATH. -The silent eaper has agai close and hard one; and tlia our boys wo:ld able tjime, as tht o6o6sion fittiagly deserved', visited our neighborh'o) I' and claimed fo have a big contract in retaixiink the cup, but works had to be closed! on Wednesday iwd its victim Mary Jane'' N1 cDougall, bel ve� and w hen tb time came to disperse, all a go d deal of unnecessary expen3e and de - they Brprised every'persopl., y iinning wife of Willi%rn E. M0611 cklin. Mrs. Me t 'a ivent !away exp&snn the wish, that tk -who commi,ted good style, the score s*n ing to in - lay 4 ccu�red. The patties - Clocklin had been in po'o' health for abou geniali best and hoste is b Epared to 08le- the' )ffence had better' - - t their favor at the call of lkn�o. 1� be on their guard 50 two years and early lait! fall 'that d res ded bratelm any moo ani ive:�aries. Mr. and the;i ompany will spar�l no effort to pu:ii"h '43 disease, consumption, be � an to assert itself Mrs. Watson w�re ti a reUpients of a num- t' he'o ffenders. Mr. and Mi s John Hu: nes- After all that medical ai and w!illing hand VICTOW.k DAY. -Th eat or on Satir ber 6f castly preac nts.! Among thos ton nd daugl ter, of 15rookdale, Manitoba day last, Victol ill DaV, w�3 �cool ond damp 8 I could do for her recovery shepaosed peact Treaettwere Mr. Siaw,,,, of'Logan, who are visiting ftiandain th13 vicinity. and hardly as favorable for bo�iday maki fully to her reward early, on Saturday m3rn actediamiaest m u at e beremony 40 years Hurnedton has o the Prai�ie t ine �well in &sit might, have been. H ey"er, I ts!t' agoi, 0 . . I ing, at. the age of 30 y r, and two montbe; I 1dj their f. K bbi dre' and four grand- pro�inice and 'a enjoying a well earned ficlli� . . people eemed to enjoy the sqlv�i. A nu Deceased was of a quiet and unassunlink child on.[ Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell, of Wing- day, while hi.. sons ate attending to the 1 t ber went to Bayfield, so e 0 1 thil races �at dirspoEicion but -alwava, willing� to IenJ a ham -1 Mr. and Mrs. Adainp, Thomas, Wil- farm work in Manitob�.-Mrs. JameaKe i6e, Mitchell and Wingham,j hlle� others took liam, helping hand to ad. 'tit f !and Miss AnDabell, of L,)jan, and who vieibinj her daughters, in any who night be in. ne advantage of the cheap r tai to V1 r�en& Harr , of Detroit. One �Iipappointipg fea She leaveso besides bet parents and five at other pointp. The bard �ent to itchell - Tol6i o, for so e time ' a'ab, returned h ) m*e ture as, the ab nee of 'Mrp. Layton, of on T eisiay evening.- n the report of he brothers, an affiactio at 3 husband an I e to furnish the music for :the Olebration Clint4n, 'Mrs. Watson's oiily sis"er, through educational council on'the art school e family of three small children to mourn the there.� The lacrosse bby4 'went to St. illnesq. Mrs. Barr, ii, i I dow of the late ina 3 cLm- lose of a faithful wildi and mother. rhe ti4 �us held April 24 26, we not ioe Monday, t ce me Mazya and played a frienalyj gaw� with the Char a Barr, of Logan, bnt who ii now in 24 ce -tificatea'fi , i the Hmary course 1, &: e St. Marys team, resulting int a victory for I �Hat funeral on the Kirkton lumbio, w tery,was largely atteaded, testifying that the home players by � 5 gbals to 4. The Britis. h Co as Vridesmaid at the been awarded� to of the Seaforth the bereaved have the &thy of many weddicg but W49 un�ble to be resent. legii6 -e Institute. No ames have yet ymp. bowlers spent the da� out the gteen. in 'Ben friends in this theirsor am iction. y give .-Mr., Mokli rray is moving to the morning the annual g6mb between the FOR SALE.--�.A Gladstone and rubber the �� ouse in gtn6ndv Ile recently vacated president, Mr. James 16;M�cfiaeb and the tired b iggy, no-irly ds go od ad new; for sale cheap. Dubhn. by Mr. Stewart, and Mr. Wm. Ireland, iof vice-preaident, Mr. W. Bright, was New bLiggies aWays on hand. S.Bart6n & Son, Ladies, don't miss �hii snap, Friday and played, the presiclent's side ; seatort 1793-2 Seat rtb, will ocoupy Mr. AloMuri'4 a 9 a yonly. 48paliscbowlate, tan andox-Iloo winniog by five ! shota. i Col_ house. tura Miss Bessie Young of !the Emerson i Ox!ords, re-tilar 61.50, $1.7 a d 8� goods, for $1 pe 9 . fr— . M, lege of Oraltory, Boston, Masq�ohusetla, is prepared ir. No poor gocds I he lot, every pair 5 uar 1xrQP.TA-_\T.-A meeting for the purpom to take a limited nuft�bcr (it pqplla in physical cul. EAst HURON TEACII�RS, -The arnual on- anteEd. Sawpl-,)i ia norl, window. W. H. Willis of arranging for the en I tertairimi�nb of the t%ireovoratory. Free ta�k on physical cultun in venti )n of the Bait A�uran Teachers' A so. seoith, sole agent for Oe). A. Slater shoes fo the Y. A. roogas on Monday, June ist, �t 4.80 citi(n was held ia 1�ruesels on Thurl i lalle3 and gentlenien. 179 i.1 Huron Old Boys' As3ocz'ati!on, of Toront I 0, P. M. 1798xl y who :�,ill Seaforth ni J-ulyi 5th, was and I ?riday of last w�,eek. We have I den- You'd as soon think �f �adding beauty to a held in the council WATED.-A res ect4ble woman as furni ihed wi.h a full re'p3rt'of 'the proc brying to impr ve Millinery at he night.. A co . chambpr, on Tuesday housek 2 er, imni3di,4te&. Vitt. Cainpb 11, 143 1 F . a mmittee io Nort irigs f the co aul Co.'s store,1 1798-2 vention, but it came to Se forth�. The ats select :regular commit et appointed h &in . ! i. toollate for publication in full this a6k. are full of their owntitity. Hats fo al te o take up *the -a ' da I Ad erfising bannei f 'Or race yi,. T. The convention! was a most decided suc(e�s, times and plaaes ; pri. e,s from which t iere matter of arranging the elebratioft and Majou ,Se.fartb. 1798-1 carrying it to a successful 00&IUS�011, This with a large number of teachers in att �tid- is no escape when you ielect your most be - Big !sale of sh as on,% rds Women -s j eneml meetibg I �j ance. A number of very interesting pa �rs- coming hats. No pUoce, like McFaul 9 for committee is to repoit toa g shoes f;)r T6c,a psl Men �a PaTt, Read ad. on a called foy his (Friday) even on school woik, and 1 '!to stylish Millinery. 111981 of thebitizan �igc 4. R. Willis San, ."ady's Block, Seaft rth inatters of interei t, ber of our ap) to ing in the town hall. Ib is important that 17981 the teaching professio: were brought uF for BmEFS -A large num r diidussion. ThevaiiduadeleRate nee! of; the -citizens; as House t i o short notice. - T. there ile a fi�ll attc0a: pain . i 3 who had -spent the 21-h in Mitchell, where they re. it is only by the hearty c cl�erati�n of Maloney, geafor 1798-1 papers ase!dned t%. em, bad evide i ly every b, port having a good timii.-" Mr. John Ia- . I ibpsn const era a y ieir Connell is having the haildings which he citizen that the day can e'�nade'successful Eg i 14c. 3 are cash buyers for choice I e and 6ud' on t a dairy ��d i.-paratoi butt r. 0. E. King, Winghani, subj ots and each pa or elicited intellig6it purchased some time R70 from Mr. J J. Let every person be prese:kt at � the mecting and sho by their presew e that they desire 1798V and aluable diooussiob.- As a relief f -orn a mo e convenient p ace McKenna, moved t ad f th convent on to keep Seaforth in the L ies, don't iss tbi.11.8natp, Friday and the ore terious duti� b h farm. He also int, nds to ba"ve a dry f4ont tank in the a L I entertainiag line. only -48 �Pxiv a 'a �Ithe sechool ho iell 'Mi. McConnell -er. .1. . he d h Saturd c -t%u and ox. an home was' held in �yar erea4ter bl jod xfo-d , rag la r $1.6.0, $1.75 Find 82 goodsfor , ! . I whi proved�EV[Mcsj 0111 yable social a ftir tai ly is a worker.-Miso Anui3 Carroll, of �mjo ir. No o r gis es n jko,l)t, tvery pair D. Da WILSON 1 E(,G O,ASE. 11,111,0 sampt 9 in north window. � W. H. and" eflected Ouch credit on the tc ut Sunday in town ith r N. THE -The %�l P P" schei a! cof Stratford, spe patent caRe of D. D.Wil4on� of this Its, Is-AWagent )r Geo, A. 9: at, r shoo j for lad:ea the Brussels school, Who had the matte.- lin tives. - Miss Mary Donne y a o open un - and 1798-1 town, came up for argumelnti=roe the Su- hand, "A good' progFamme of music and day at home. -Miss Kat K n y, wh has preme Court at O,ta a n Foi�, SALr.�.-Badiw' wheel, cheap, nearly spseches was �' carried I out and 9, t Toronto for some time past, return - I Friday 1wit. empAg- been in w . as .Oloo�, �s new. Mai. T. 0 Kemp, Se3forth. 1703xl , luncheon served. The followin ffileirs The court rep�irta, in ;b ed home Saturday eyeining.-R.. Walker, were very ambigio qa�jy psperS' WOOL.- C,. 6 warehouse, Seatorth, is wersielectedfor the q'nsuing year.: PJ'O�i- who went to S�ratfor4l to' accept . the fo US and we were unable to re - h the pl;L�'e wherayot always get the higheal :price for den6, David Wtir lst vice-presid nt, marishi p, of a new sec'ibn 'there, three weeks make out the reulb. W ilvel siace learn your wool, also wb( it, oats, pe" and barley. James ed, however, that the al �pe al 1 Was' argued Belt'i I Sefcrth. Thonas Mur*; 2ad vice. president, I i3s stgo, moved his family dc.wn Monday .17981 on that da and judgm Ball'arktyne - secretary!. treas ii:cr, John tt- McIntyre, who takes his place y eot r6a6rved. - We Auq�tion sale if we gon% �and buggi Mr. James I , leg, On hope that the decision of h( court will -be Saturd4y, ey auditors, Messtq4' Munro an oved in on Monday. -Rev. Father Way 31i at 1 p. at., at Dlok'a Hotel, d IR 4a here, m favorable to Mr, Wilsonj 'at t�e . evil1ence, Scsifortb, 6 choice imber wagong, n, fac"ured by exec[ tive committee, Mess -s. Moffatt, S�ott Fogarty spent a day ia,Lun'don thii week. w bu an y. and t when the case came up in,th ;4-gh Court in Mr.Rker,of Ki en;,9!s:)1*rc lelonpu d and] 4ile he Mi§sefj Turner and 4iri- y1i .1 Is a 2 second liand I uggles No re serve. Vhymu ney'; reprcsgntative e n ario I [ca. Zur ct.. Toronto, sedmed decidedl' " h* f ' vor, audi Isrowul auctioneer. it was only 41X a Pciat th4t I was- conddered E�gj that wi It -halch exhibition'- bird' tions Associpl6tion, aorge - Dobson., C40 FAP.xFRS' AND Bui DIRS' ATT.Exrio-.N.- an unimportant one by b4thl sides tbat, t as he�cf meeting of the association will b old Spring to almost bere and bu'ldfing.ope ations will he fron, Ivi o pone c f 'lack h liaoreas, Lirge in size and judge &ave his decision against Mr. Wildon, tkue standard oolzr ;bie ba3b layers t. -f large eggs.of in'01i aton, at the 6all bf the executive. soon eomn%et;c.,. You will find us at': the iL-ld 03,nd and it seems perfectly clet'r !to most pqpple all rovils, satisfac-113a g6ranteed, 81 pir setdag. with a full supply of Beich lie Lime, -Lath, Port- land Came it, Plaster of Pikri8 &c. ; We sell chi ap,� that it would only be a.cage: of Also a full line oj beeiceperal suppll�s. Beeswax :Londe boro. justice Kindly SWe us a call Ano t our prices More 'r -O wanted Wm. Har FeAforthl .90 ic- purobasing:elaewhere.- R.' ore & Sons, H 11 we g Mr. Wj'2?zj'§ rig �er from this vi ,h1j to the! p,atent sustained No r.Es -Alarge nu Cu Tenders for rograrnmes, and booth ono, -by th6.0ourtg. 1, p ity aUended the pieni hpld at Mr. Ia�lju- 179 3 privile.- a for the ,.e , for,h 116,ies, June i7th and - fo NOTES -Rev. E. Schue ke- and wife refb 18th, 19)Jl, will weive I up t3 June '12nd by the hat's on Tuesday last. Mr.H6ward Ada ng, C; for Tavistook last week !to isithisfather-jin- FAR.11FRS.' T!he South Huron �eoretai y, M. Brod i ick, 8 alsforth. 1797-2 of the MolaoLa Bank, �,. Thoma, spent blie I Farmer's' I66titute has c?m ! leted arrange. posi i I , 25�h wi I th his parents ore. -A good t me law. Mrs. Schuelke Will remain there while ively th4 call to those still ments ior runniijg a big ile�ourEiGn to the ow was a ent on Friday I tp at the home of Mr. Schuelke is in Germany, whore he in- ing 8- Mullatt & Co., as accounts will be put in Model Farm, a, Guelph,! ofi Friday, Ju courblorepIlecLon Mr. a id Mrs. Jam�s Snell, when they dle- tends staying for abou� three minths, ,ne 1790-4 rch 20th. he committea,lwholihAVe bad he bratiad the silver anniv�rasry of their wed. There will be service in. th� Latbern chu' arrangement of the exc0donj, every alternate Sunday I as long as Mr. have been ding. --Mr. John Menhing, of Woodato2k, Lo(4L BRIEF Mr j Week with his pp�;re to able to make most liberal! tirms with the T. NleCallum, of spent % few d�js t Schuelke is absent. -Rev. 1 W. J, Tager a ad railwa§ compan�, so that�th'b fare has been Newc tle, spen4Viotoria day here with his here.--1lics aham, 0 Clinton, Sundayed family have been to jpka visiting his placed tat the lowest poi brothe . McCallum.-Mim Me- at the home Mr M0 isible not6h, while a Mr. D. 1 J ohn Lasham.-Vay. ther-in-law, Mrs. Valentine Ratz.-D. be I d wife left 1�astl Fidav for Mil. stop over p.rivilege. has� n ��aeo�.uredll which Donga 1, of Toroi to, m as the guest of Miss Mr. Wilson, of the N1 elivered a gragd S. Faust and makes the tickets good e 0 wing Steph a for the holiday time. -Mrs, J. A. sermon on Sunday. mor�ing last, to the 8 lhe vertoii to visit their d %�gh�ter. They a ba3 ed day should any �Vish to - fe al over. A wilaoii idviiitia riends in WoGdot6ek and of Eoj land when Rev,]: Mr. Colpland t. 0 until Monday and had a viry pleasant vifit. special train has been a4r& , ed for from Blenbe rn to Us p.- r. an ra. e t e ap q D - en 0 1;srs L a -It w a hunounced iin �� the 'Evangeli,-al Centralii to Cliton on the I 0 ning of the Papat pent the ?4th in Woodstock. -Mr' spent � 3unday last th nests 0 Miss N. church last Sunday tha� f�r the inixt four excurkion, to connect wi h�� the excursion and hd iq.� A. Yo I were in Blenh6m. for Lyn.- Mrs. onned, of linton, is V* it. months Sunday school w:ould be held at hilf We k 6nd.- 9 . Mr. I L' So b, pas train at Clinton, while speckal trains will the ev Shearer, secretary ing fri inde berp at res nt.- iFS A t tan in the momizig 4nd service at a; rQ11!-lRT4 tb_� 4 Q.eatilralia on' the 91 thQ DA? Alli�Qqo doliyorod pll ex. ��f Bly h, is -th gueat' f Miss Wason, quarter to eleverl. Thel evening service *III houtb, and Belgrave on the' n1orth the a - I 61leab sarmon ir the Prelyterian chur be at the s%me time as usu4'I.-Mr. J. Preot- atne C, ob, or and wife received a telegram last Frid nicyht. This wil) give all �Wse Oing a good �uhdaj eve &at. --Mr. J. - 0. R_ e,-, who Bruce#eld. 6-y 1 0 'wife, .long day in Guelph, Tbepe lex' as been 06C that Rev. Mr.. Roeder's at Part Elgl'n, .1 pursions are ting j bu5er for �he Canadian Sir"T WAV TS ANDj CORSETS. -We I ell becoming more popular each year, and no' Farnituremanu cturers, haq been promoted from' lkrge ani satief�ing varieties of sister of Mrs. Preetori h Id died that d' 0 the poBition o man ger mplllya P-)pnla,- makei ano kinds, for stou A urp. doubt the excuision this year ill be more U of the co - he The funeral took place near Now H�mb Ay' t " a -On Thursday of last !,week, an awful largely patroniz-!d tbain e�er:be ore. Fuller fbctoii�'s in Win ham. The, company has aLim, for long and shor 5of waist, and.pu.,ae articulars as I to the time f and f4res will be Made storm passed over this 1�district, doing: a P xio mistake, in pladag Mr. Rme in this -fiv' ri zbt, price tight No time like i he preat deal of dam -age The roof of Mr. : C. given later. position as he is a I 9ble business Man and present for 3hoosing from our New Parawls, a was ar y 'ff. t: orou Lea; sall bratiches of the Gloves, Hosier ,Vests and Under MusIffia. Z'nimerman's bar tl taken 9 y Mr. Simon Surarna vWdn mill was blow'n AT`?RFCl;kT1ED.-11r T. IA. Ri son :of ork. It is pr )abl�e that Mr. Rose will The E. McFaul Co., Seaforth. 1798 '. dovvn and the shed at the Lutheran -church Mr. Thomas Russell, of U[liborne, is another move ii family �o Wingharn before long. IT-mis.-The polifica melstitig held h re was taken off its foundation and lifted four Huron boy who has don the old county e sincerely rigret that Mr. RC33 and Eome time f amily could not iave remained in Seafortb. in the nteresta of Mr. McLeari',� -wall very- feet away. Several L the village were proud in a wider sphere. a I - U004, so large a crowd&'ilerhapa as blown down, but no 9 hurt. -Mr. nguB Leod, a former resid6nt of -as i f ul ; no,. Mr. Russell has been eecr�!*y of the Can- W14 2 on f urmer occal3ions, bu t the sp�rak I 13g s 7aa adian: Manufacturers Rksoclation, and McKillop, but Who no owns a farm near I gooda�.dt th point. --Mies WGibelon and through his efforts the aa�ociA�ti:)n was made Woodstock, was: callii g on old fij'ends in � I 0 Mrs X,,augbton Epent-le7t4lb irlk ay this neighborhoi d th - end of last week. one of the moat influenti r zations in season i ia LoOon.-John Aikenb6ad' of NOTES.-tilr. HarryJanifs, who bae had the Dominiom NLJ r. Rualsell 1haa s5vered his Mr. McLeod heisij a8t r 3cently returned from Londoo.. was or- Vic'6ria DA' the Commercial hotel reuted for th-e past connection with �he associltion to, ilaocept a OaliforrA, wher he bid been spending the Quit lie three years and a half" has bought e i Dumb. r from here ahended the more lucrative pmiuiou, and, o�.tbe occas. winter, -Mr. A. :irdno has leased Mrs. sion of a bauqaet held in Toronto recently. M egare 'a a tore, n tie east side of Main barn rt�wog at Mrs. McLqai�e, "-;Mill' road, American hotel at Bru, -31a, and intends the members of the asgod' tio'n 1ho W:ed their !street. y Mrs. M(-I:are5 is goiag out of bud. on Sat irday.--Joseph xt ely and 1-Mhs F1' r' ' leaving for that place on Monday. Harry I ence C3ryiler took in t1be races on the 12W,b bai been very popular wah every person, appreciation of Mr. Russ 11's 8�,eivices in 4 I neels.-Mr. S. A. )1ek ion has returned from at'Atitchell. -'Iohn Ri6t�tenbury, of the B Q especially the travelling ':public, who all Most stibstarith.1 manner. In I speaking of. Toronto, where 1, i hai been attending the of Hamilton, 1 Wiagbam, spent Sa-ur ay claim he keeps his hotel in�t�e befit shape,of the affair, - the TNI oneta ry Imes says law school. Mr, Dick oubas completed his " Hono'r was paid to the f secretary of law course and ii now prepared to hang out and Sunday at! hie home bere.-Oar ge jai any in these parts. We jbin* viith the most the arsaocimion, 'Mr. iell, by pre- his shingle. -Mr J. A. Ja*ckson, barrister, pathm ater Mr. Hill, is getti to of our citizqns in wishing him success in his put d�wn ' gr4nolitL- id siJewnag1kfna sohnapeour new place. Mr. J *hn Emikh, owner of the senting to him a gold d chain and of Blyth, spept t e holiday at, his home in L, rent. -Quite a number of our sports hotel, intends taking hold of it a�cl ruDning [�,elligent and Egmondville. tied by a very Main an illuminated addres?. ' - N� 'e were visi Viebori D.*V hing.-Miss Maud i b again, and we have no db:ubt he will keep faithful work rarely faila f &�preciation by Heverethundere rM on Thursday afternoon A ! bc)d epeT -W. S. up its repUtati0D.-Rpv. 'Dr. y wilsor� is vizd ing in St. Marys. Daniels aiid a 8hrewd.b9ainess commu ity' and the last, accompaiDiie by an excep'donally bigh 0 � Baird,jof Clinton, pillid 'a flying vint home Mr. "McN-Ai-r spoke ia� In�dustry a to a whom he served so well re npt backward %ind. No dama :a ia town, but on Sunday. Beatti �, wife and son, of small gathering, last ThOsday evening, in in showing that they val d' -Ir. Russell's in different par e surrounding country Barriqgtou, visited at the home of Win. the interests of Mr. Mitchell. -Qdite a num. services." fences and tr , were blown down and in ber from here attended i th nominations in Soott his week. -Miss Little and Miss Ebmeplaccs buildin,ja were unroofed. I n D.)ugh y, of the American house, are vifit- and rbport !& very lively meet- DFUT'll Or,k', OLD RES�DE_XT OFOMORRIS. Brusseis there waa a aeavy fall of bail.- ing fri rids in Buffalo. -Mr. Case, of Hen. ing, it being tL6 first iimi6 dida es -One of the early settlri of !tl)e township b i 1r. A.,N, Colbe b, baker, has had instailled of Morris departed this'life oia Monday, in a sall had charge of our s4ation here on- S�t. h2id met gince they entered thii contest. - gasoline engine, and other machinery for urda,y, 24th, r6lieving Mr. Gray. - Oae of the worst storms of �the seas the pers' on of Isabella Mc,Qut 1 1 . I . on stra A dbeOD,4ife of mixin&i8 bread� This will do away with : I a our t ' Ia Mr. Robert ArmstroDg, 0 tho 4'-h con lot oi hard work. fir. Colbert is right T_ own at Thursday, b,ut there was no 11ion of that towns damage done -Quite a number from here hip. he 4a d . event up with the ti John Floyd has Walton. oured at the home of 4 went over to Brus,els last Thursday, e. 11 se'll in I Mr. pureba0ed the irlaybroperty,on the corn- If tie �p earance of your parlor carl t" to see the foutbalt, match between Win. H.artry, of this tow , 1, 1w, p peo in , where Mr. and or of James an W'Ib streets. ' He has offend thee, cs sb it off,1 use it in some 'I Mrs. Armstrong had bee fo some time. ;leased �tha house on the corner', which room, and go to The 1. McFaul Co., Sea- -Brusse and Blyth, but- on * account of t e The deceased was born -in (be 0o nty severe storm the match was called off t 11 managh, Ireland, and Wast � of Fer- he formerly occupied, to Mr. Mullen, of -the forth, for the handsome carpet that will next da , when our team':went over aka n 74, eare and 4 Electric Light y I months old, In I f3mpany, and will ocotipy, pleas-. In t eir House Furnishing �D-epa t- and were very b%dlv, ",%ten, I the score 840 ehe ca a io this the h&use off jornes street himself. -41r. ment, at nicst reasonable prices, the'y have standing 4 to 0. But it in �" we predicted country, with the other me bers: of her George,1M. Baldwin is havingthefront of his an immense ra,�ge of beautiful Carpets L n- famil , and s- 2 at the beginning of the 0ason, unless t Is y titled in the Q' I y of 8imeoe. bicycle '[and mus j store frcshened up by a oleums, Matt'lings, Lace Curtains ' a team practised more Gun a' In 1853 she was marriled't' Mf, Aqnstrciig, cOat of paint.- idney Pointer, owned by Drap&ies of m'ny kin coknbination th y dii. 1798 1 rry, JE: would have no show to �W�in. Oae thin 's 9 and came direcdv to wwnship, Mr. E Bosserib of Zutich, took firpt Loc,m BR One.'of the most disks. they have got, howeveri aq,*') that is plum, where her husbaua had ' located two years rr,oney,: �'i a the 2,! �, 5 tro t at M itchell on the trou Wind atl[lrms thitt has visited thih as they stand it till -the ll&vt The ne it 'ince that, ti� e Xr. and Mrs. 240.. This hor 1) was mired b� Mr. George communit fo years, passed over game will be.between previously. Armstrong have been residents Wi4lia;; and Blyt i, I of Morris, Whitle�'H' horse, idney. He was raised by this vicinity 01, Thursday, evening Of I t next Friday. which is t6beiplayed here, at d and man� friends in that towifa�iP will re. Mr. Win. MoMi iael, I of the Hulletb boun- week. The wi 2d blew a - perfect hurti3lze possibly our boys may win �,the one game. gret to learn of her death as i iry, and for a ,ar vy as used by Mr. B. B. while rain fell in itorterits. Trebi w al The reeve issued a, pro pro th and Gunn On his dAivery wagon. Another blown down an I buildings -unroofed. T el the haf, removalof.a dear and ' b loveld f6and arnation to e neighbor, Mrs. Armstro g bad been in horse sired by Sj ( fiey -won third money in effect t the busi a places he -e poor health for some tinie,* and about a year silo on the farm of Mr. 4ames A. Moore w would close on the 24th nd not on tie the 2,35. class at i ie aae races. �Mr. Thos.. also blown dowp. The �torrn 26tb, as some wanted to so those wl o ago they took a trip'thr( ii& North and Brown,'leader of he band, has gone to his in a northerly rection which diatri t f d k, took the holiday tcok it o Saturday, but South Dakota, on a visit 1 �o ti�eir children, home in Toronto to be treated for inflm- even worse tha It, 0 111", , in the hopetha' in our jimmediate vicinif the town was very quie6. number from b the cha: ige ii -ould, be of matory!, rheumatism, with which he bag -The large a com m,odious frame ba here took in the races at ingharn and r !r Is, in9 le 9 rt V lid w ej benefit t' her. It seeme( t 0 wever, that. been suffering for some time. -Mr.' Frank which is being milt on he farm of M port a- good time.-Manag r La she was i beyond human ai their re.� Scott, of. Blueval,�, spe t the 24th with his James Shortreed, was ing. of th e.' raiied on Frid yi Bank of Hamilton, spea i t 11he holiday anj I A 7- Sunday With his mother, in' misae� Stewart, Giffley, Rqb' on and 0 jami I soon, and Messrs. W.. Moo r d D. Crittenden spent the 24th in ti ter. --Mr. Geor�e'?owell.and wife were visit ag fr 'ends SA V itrathroy last week.—Mr. Robert h1c. TISFAC in 8 Kay plaved with� the Clinton Ise, or -80 I eam, 'Mitchell, on the 24tb.—Mro. G. against Doupe dafted in Ripley and, v�cinity the a. Bola o1f Clinton, past week.—Mr. &ad Mr OREN visited their friends. Reeve Simal and wife. the post week.— iss Ellsf Graha, -of Brucef! 31di was the gueat of her a ster, Mrs. James 3ims, over 8 inday.—Qait a nu nber The goods you want, the qtalit-ieg of the, ouing,boys ind men celebrated the please, - the prices that insur's 'Your -mornin of the 21ti by firing off f recra 3kers pulket bolol,- 6gainat a vacuum—At and an-ils, making,quite a noiIs. Oar chief these, wd trX to have here, all ths. �rl tried t( stop them, but there *w zathf r too w him to mauage.v--Mr. Ir rasti3 who W'd;[ kre buy'err . , should all be herenow, aserit filling the pulpit at Belp rave, clailn their share o I t f rhays, -wait. heih of the iful spl, a et&ohtyapu ged with qv Mr' MeLean last 1 beaut -sermous, on f� Ing 414 Sand& .and preao�eJ two aplend d me 9-04a. so ft. forsno a young in�n.—Xlr. ii ohn 1 Moto %If,_of Come i nd exa�i�e the goods Galt,. as renewing acquaintances here the I 10861 th - 100 ft. yo I 11 not �jvant to see A grys ft past eek.—Mis97 Annie 'X[4�t, oj the reizons for� urchasing.now, Edla Bares, of Mines, Toronto, visited her par. ents Ia 3t week. —Miss Ida Tamanj is vie iting frienda in London la� nd Exeter this weeir. Merd landisell Her p never Varies from the Vaima. milk qu�lity siaudaTd .; yet,pricen are quoted 0 Lkdjes, don't miss this snaO w4ich see;nj hard for ma6ny -stom -to ,, riday and t Saturd ClDly. 48 Pain chocolate, tin nd,,ox-blood r n Oxford regliftr 81 50, $1.75 and $2 joc $1. ]PC - .14t* exc4t by selling jauch traah I - o porr goods In the lot, eve pair g7U%C- .18 ever known here. I p -r. an e Samples in north window. W. If" Willis sole nt tir Geo. A, Slater shoec fo ladiE3 ana The rqal,ec:ono,#iy is a peculiar 64raa 1,98-1 ter_ isvic of th4 store. WA8H GOODS. -Could we but deE cribe e them " you " won d have-& fe"t 6f litiliant 0holicest XMinery FaSh-j--0nv language. Such goods, at suchl prie 8 613 The H. McFaul ry Goods Co., Seaf rth, As on revious easons, in vi8itiu are si li cry Dcp ttment, you caung our if. 11ing them are finding 1buyets as. ot h elp but,7 lentilul as burati g buds. Prints, Perealies, b impressed with the splendid diq4y r Bimities, Ginghat a, Muslirs, to. Just of ideas, stylies and novelties. WE the vi anted thin In an inter sting col- Our assortment! of all lectiolo. 17913-1 that fashionable beadgear is an im taking 3�1 t NOTES.�Mr..-T ornas Carr, 6f Bruce ield, alld L , portwt- , �& " has tb a contract of the Ceineni �ou ndati )n of factor, the Very reasonalble- rin. short vil w1B ask isl another very importolut in the H Mr. T 201mas MoAsL'.s Eew building. This factor to beiconsidered befD will be quite an addition to out thriving vil- rie Met Ing I)een 201_11 a purchase-',' of mi! line I ry. lage,.�when completed. -Mr. I;Iake, the -b for oys geoial landlord of the Cooke H6ae, has just Let us be yook milfire1g. We good completed a rustic verandah %hich adds will U ibfied o0y -after having satkfiq th, very materially to the looks Of the Flace. �th roughly. Mr. James, Armstrong bad the contrac% Mr. L oyd, of Seaforth, is busy painting and Bus decorating the house, whi.-bi vrhen com- Wash Goodol Stry. Bovs pleted, will make it the neatest and cs t complete and up to date hotel in, t is section Well, the charni, the daintinee;,3 and effoo.. Bi�ya, of the coutry.-Mr. George Afirews, of tv eness of �ibe Wash Goods . . . I we 6ve ft BOYS Clandeboye, viBitpd in Varna o%Skturday sale prob&b were never-befre eqasjie� last, a 3d took in I he football mate at Bay. in this storq? Boys" field. �-Mi3o Phemey Logan spentl the 24�h vipiiing friends at Holmesville. Each year the jp�tterns grow morexqni BOV-9 do the spote -&-a& Boys'. attlipes untU tiliere is n thing lift for Jobeph. [Inte for -last we�k] th�. mind conceive oor the heartt,o, OYE de ire. 'BOYS! NoTF.s -_ r. O'Brien had the misfor- - tune, on 17hursda last, while �n his w y to 106 as � iard to ic ologue the beatity.'if thftoL Heneall with a lo of hogq, tobave one of good as lu is to attempt fon&lno r or d B his driving.horsee drop dead 6n. the road, prettlest spring flu OYS Wer. thereby breakiag up one of the bes6 driving Boyje� teams in these parts. -Mr. T., McGladery, The. pr ces on theie goods are little of Parkhill attended the test of the Eel ire worth, hun, ijag.up. Bovs pi and E -Lavell cream separators, on Mott day BUS eveDii g last, held at Mr. A. Hendriakfa,- Spealzing out Dress FabjjCj,1L Mr. ' dilljo of London, general agent for Boyie the D � Livell a4arators, was In these rts Anythi 3g we do we aim to do well,- Bj 0 �VS on.M,cndayonb;usineSq. T .40 " J.: E , Tom, 1. P. sea 3on fir us with robabjy� ;tt* B0 8.1 of Goderich, visited the school bar on lar rest a3s)rtment of fatbionable Da I w ys Wednesday of last week. yw GO )d& quality, beauty, utility Boys GREAMSEPARATOR-TES'T.-A Vbry ix1iter- and price embraces everything shit -B esting cream separator contest t k lace is Mmen Ible. befe Alonday night, at Albert 0 ndrick's 90 between the Empire crearn separa�oejr, which We ha�le selectid, themames Boyw few tht, wasIODked I after by Mr. -Bobier, of Exeter mu; twurth. Bqy�l: f t be �e appreciate ther and U e Da Lvell separator, which was repres mted by Mr.' Mitla, of London, and- Taietalinell Cashmeres V01104 Wilson. his lo3 al agent, Mr. fiere was Cre� pelines Tamises h"tres $25 a i �ide at stake, the losink-pirty to for- GrQuadee Poplin's Teloota feit hi. i money fdr the benefit, -of the pbo r of the ut ighborhood. The De L%vcll men spent most of the afternoon in- preparing Good in, #51 1 eladid Array. their separator for the test, expecting to sweep the Empire off the face of the leartbl. There - �e�l_ly a e me ii� be little or -nothing DA Mr. Bobier did not� arrive- until the hour Set t I f�rom this, goods repr*_- for the Lest, 7 p. in., and hev"er touched his WS2 an - e'dn % y t re liet below, I we tau A** tlotbding Y)� g, separa �or until the test began. There were 0 lots f plearaure n jpAig 150 poands of milk rap through each ma. selebtione, T4e3e selfsame fbigs Wh 01 I ere obiae, both finishing about the eame time. b tan4ard quality and of Then commenced the Babcock test of I the V yle skim inilk and cream, which w as or d ted I' " r�es j_t entirely by Mr. Mille, but the ;a er h �Embroideflea TAOM --evien bell decid e ily in favor of the E, mpir ihJDe Parasols Trimm-logs Gloes Lavell leaving five times the a oun of - Unde wear Neckwear Hoo butter fat in the ekirn milk thitt did I the Empire, and the cream from th Er4ire. was 33 per cent richer than the 6r am �Irom For B�auti 4g the Home. the De Lavell. There being 125 people presen �, the contest -was very keen.- ter Take %L walk in 0 our... use FurniabdugDo- the contest was over Mr. Bobier.e�tert ned partment you 'have -taken itept the auffiance until a latehour vi�h spWee hes, towards e cuomy-gni in decorating: song3 and recitations from hill grapbap one the intei ioj A your hou e, you want -to and a short addrafs by himself, after which do � it econ inic&Ily-titid we -know ws all departed for their di&rent horre-, feel- hoe the 4P lortments, the satisfied that the Empire 86parator was -quilities, tb rides, as r4lit as an Ing nby fs�r the beFt machine. H NDSWN1 ' CARPETS Bayfield. RI H LINC LETYMS John Fraser, Conveyancer, N�tay Public E EGANT UATS Agent f ir 01ang6disin Expre,�e M.)n cy Ord ers. Al%rp P ETTY _�ATTINGS 'AMOUUt Of Money to 10311 at 4211treDt latC3 of inttre-A. erivate undo 17914t AINTY L. WE CURTAINS Sam ner sunshine is no brighter than our ELABORA�T­jll DRAPERIES. a' -ore. Truo, we have some beauti, all go- da. The Millinery is beautilul and ecom ng + the-Doess Goods are in rich, worth wea es, and in good assortments ; the , Car�, too I �f LinlDIORMS and Mattings are lite all alive with handawne designs and colbrIngi ; the Lace Ourtaius selem "lacier" and daiati,:'r t ey than ever before; all are picod as FA L should be-leconoinie&lly for you. The E. Et MoFaul Go., Seaforth. 17981 FARLY C Losi.Nc�.-The merchant� of BAY- U0 68 field have agreed to close their stiqles each Dr 0 Tuesd6y and Fi iday evening at � 61 O' from tile lObh f J'ne to the 10� of ep- tember and at On]' J on holidays. �he e Ay c4ths elatest Cash 00 10 el closing in v ment as itatitUted 4ere aat summer, and was' decided sucebse, and there i i no reason hatever to prevent mer. Pry 00ods', tore. chants of other vill ea doing likewise. The -65 Pair 9 -general public, far ere as well as villag, ma, -3 osep, i Kirby a i � son have given up !the .5-0 'Pal -T approve of it and re not incovenien(ed, tailoring busine a:: ere,,& L era stay of abwt. 45 pair for here,anly two nihLhte each week areas ced tefi� months.- I ls� Andre W- Miller spent� and the pleasure aul healthful' benefit ithe Friday and 'SaLL u�qa : in T.oronto.-W. 0. merchant and e es derive from. the Haziewood atte 480 the diatrict meeting in IMP 'last ursda .-W. Keirr of To� outing is incalcuillye In many to�vns Winghain 4� t y S got stores lose each nig t, aturdaya- exceptled, ronto, a former sloe t of this villa e at,6 o'clock, and many places a -half 4y neWed ikeq:uaiAtflfyl34fiLh�reAlonday..-MeM-re., each w ek. We hope to see the mercha s Win. R 0. Pteeseand S. R. take this matter up. McKelvie are ilitteriLding.. the Woodbine VICTORIA DAY.- - On Saturday last laige races, in Toroneii.-Nl r. eLsan of Iffar- numbels of peopl I � e from BarroUnding to Las riAon, was the uestlot �her son, A.- Mc- Hot A and country spent the day here. In he Lean, for a few 4ya.- the storm 4 morning the c klithumpians aMLUaed he Thursday evlenin th Wnin in front of T, childreh. A lintly contested Ifo tb III Filmore"s bake ,op, as -1 blown'dowu.- match, between Varnaand Bay al , k Mrs. R. Black i... ':the guesi- of reWiven hi place on the square in the forei3oon,- a Id London., -G. F. Q�ibson, of Montreal, slyenb, YO winning by two goals to one. Th e a few days of I : is sister, Mr-� Bpye C a ee wit *,%a pratested, and it was agreed �0 pl y F. V. DiAson.­Alin Hemphill, of W&W again hi th�e afternoori, when BAyfleld w n erton, sp�nt Sui i my' a�t his home here.- again by a score of t o to one. Th4e we e Mrs. Tipl�ing Roderich, Was the guest, of 5 entriesfor the 12-m le bicycle race tO Var a her sisteri Mrs. F. Miller) for a few daYN. _J and return. The 2o testanta firihe4 in t e ohn Btawn, of rorouto, "nt a fewoli. follbwiiig order qbert Tlbot,! Fret k days at W3 home I e I re. -Owing to so many, Aldsworth, Henry vans, A. Pit.% of the y�o ng peo p a attending the races -and Cook'. The h%st named had an aci ent on ames I Vioto Day passed 0 Wingh the way out, at the Goshen, corne very a village, -A i as aid quie ly, in tie dropped out. In the old man's raic J&mi is FortLune��, p the village, abioOmparliev'rby Sturgeon was first and Richard Ellio;t. Mrs. Breen, of h) Belmor6i . d. returne& s3oond. from Orillia' n I londay, q ere hey 1184 spent a few days. �Mvs Jennie Miller, of' Wroxeter. Toronto, visited ?. her home, Catmohn farm NOTE3.-Mesers. G, Park, James Bll, 11. this week. -A Vy(menlPa Institute, in 00A- W1 ight V�nd J� A. E Axle, left last week fc r necti-on with the Wrmere Institute, was or-, Muskoka. where they will spend ome ed, last Thnn iday, at tl�ie resideuele of Weeks; eng&Red in V_he timber businear. ' Cnei.1-W. 8, MeXercher. Mis. Armstrong# Miss Kate -Hazl6wood returned the organiz.9r,'frion Gorr e, and Mrs. Laird, ronto Tuesday night, after an - absence f president of 66 Gorrie Institute, wtre three Months. -John Barnard wheeled fro present. Mrs. WilsonlWag & I ppointed 'Lucan last Saturday, and spent & fe �dfiy president and M I Sarah 1�rayll secretary. C withrelsfives in the village. -Miss ;inni The meetings w be held on the thlid E n d. 59 na "d Hemphi I spent a few days with fri�nda i Thursday of eachl110 ionth, the' ext meeting 24th Chelfey. -P. Wallace, of Toronto, Was th being at the b6ir a of Mril Wilson, when guest of Dr. Braun I"t week.--Mrv� Ate two pape;rs willb4 Oven b embers of the ij y m t ison, of Rarristion, spent several da ' I preservg ind canning of ly - titute, on the her sist5r, Mrs. J. E. Black. -In th: foo - frausit. A cordijil itivitatian Is extended t(k ball mat�h in Winglism, on Victoii4 Da all to attend thee �plea " nt 4nd instructivO� sa our tean� was.defeate4 by a score of 12 to meetings. I