HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1902-05-30, Page 74)4 1909
more thsei I ewe
or other dew()
IS little whneot
Voles to tay any,
PRE faTna.
COMp 0 taxi)
an the imood.
• Seeds of
a our lofty 'noun -
nighty Queen, and
are made of onet
:, BO do the little
ile buildiog up of
claim that fall3r
Lad women enter'
ittle ills and Byrn --
nest develop into,
not banished at
plaining daily of
and darting nee -
'tut in, the side and
Ieepleseuess ,- and
he effects of
eruptions and
pains of tceday
fatal dirseasee that
eople who have
ra Painee Celery
ite remarkable
eud neighbors, use
ad confidence, to
,..f coming tronh-
I, to re establish.
tidily strength, so -
tion to withstand
e the corning hot
ere Peiroae Celery
a thia Beason to -
ed as a god-eencl.
ps, faetories, and
, and mothers in
, Heaven for Dr.
Won, because it
tottle or two, ye
it will give you
ed of --health and
famoua old actor.
the: editor of the
he transmission of
is more than a
ctieboy named
on the pavement,
aace, overlook:lag
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who lived in one
to take notice of
E# to him, saying
eirthday. " And
>u to shake had ...
re seventy years
mnet pass on the
te, and say that
rick—the wife -of
celebrated actor
Reynolds - Mr...
"The Vicar of
emembered that
a evening of the
years of age he
7rban Club, and
# handshake to
ard. Slarly
seventy, trent-
irereased eere-
re with whom it
e wheo he, too,.
were& "
has the largest
civilized world..
;dna:titers never
eke for Iadiges-
tra were scarce,
of Appendicitis,
tart Failure'etc.
o clean out the
m of undigested.
the liver, atitnn-
o action of the
took when feel-
tchea and other
cloaes of Green's
rm, to make you
rionsly the mat -
ate G. G. Green's
Robert's drug
.eferable in that
.,cided oharaeter.
fen, quick to seo
a quently a trifle
, A email nose
one less apt to
#a deeply. The
[I lie in hearing,
tcl ' appreciating.
riee, while they
I have deeds to
noaea are most
ot• their friend -
1. A nose that
i eloquence, wit
I up too much it
lixury. A nose
e thettign of the
t idiom" dignity
ugnacity and re
enote extravag-
of procrastine
n aa to -appear
e nervous energy
When, the nose
is are wide and
g very plainly,
, sensitive affec-
t nostrils uftuaIly
ereat powers of
trn °wards bit -
reeds It.
'one is termeetee
eathing Mr re1W,
, Dr. Cha seit Dint -
r thee!, Buff, ring.
,n TOO sad for its
ig Baby E( zema,
e akin diseasea of
as of a " ket-
never so happy
argeyinn with
never give in
he laird biro -
h Donald, and
On one 000a -
tea discussion
of Burns and
his stand by
d Shakeepeare.
tanent thus :
ay meir abooa
e•ornpared we
e laird, " it is
ae it, Donald.
said Donald -
'newsy Iles the
, Certainly he
la Burns saying
en% that kings
on, but that
1. the back ca s.
re in, and went
MAt 30, 1902.
41 •
idn't Believe it Could be Done,
but Found Out Something
Worth Knowing.
MARY'S FERRY. N. B., Iklay 26bh,—
especial)—Thoma5 Harrison, of this place,
teeeght that nothing mild cure his very
were case of Kidney Disease,
Ire had suffered fcr along time with pains
in the back and a very lethargic feeling,
Orhieh he ()out& not shake off.
When- he lay down it was torture for him
ee get up again, and hewas gradually grow-
arg weaker.
A friend told him that Dodd's Kidney
would cute him, but he knew better--
othing could cure him, he said.
However, his iend prevailed !upon hint
to try Dodd's Kidney Pills, with tlie result
that he was completely and permanently
I Thais six years ago, and. he has riot since
aad the slightest return of his trouble.
- •
I . :Auld Liohts Win. -
time special correspondent of the London
Vaily Mail, writing from Fesn says t
: a If Mr. J. XL- Berried stories- of the
aside between the tiatild Liehts and the New
4800tland were no fictions, to -day they
are being reacted. in the every-aay life of
thepeople of the Hebridee. The Auld
,14ichta are the men who are resisting the
so -anion of the Presbyterian churehes. They
ate acting up to their principles to the full,
Ana mem likely to win. Tbi5 afternoon the
ovenanters of Nets acored a triumph. The
bat. of the extra force of police are leaving
nerthern Lewis and the -men of MossHagare
t+ have their own way.
Item:deal' no modern innovations are to
tuck their church life, no hymns are to be
sang, and the sauna of musical inatruments
eall be banned. To these men music is the
epitome et evil. Those of them who know
• *hat a piano is prouctly boast that not a
piano is to be found within six miles of their
t office. As for a violin, you must go to
tornoway, twenty-seven miles away, to
rfied one
1Years ago Moody and Saukey, the reviv-
aiists, broke down the prejudice against
avert in many Highland villages, but in
Seas it still remaina as strong as ever The
etansmen deeoribe the organ as "a kist o'
vehustlea with a deal in aka key." Mn
Andrew Carnegie has recently been trying
tel remove the Fejt:Wks of the people against
„trade. They reward him by telling a new
Lperabie :
al When Andy Carnegie Came back from
Americe," they say, "he consultedi the de'rl
te know how best he could help his work on
at Scotland. ' Send organe to their
eaurchesa the old gentleman said, 4 nothing
Would do my work batter than that.' So
Andy is giving away all the orgens he can
_get fools to take." .
The pollee are not sorry to leave the
island. They have done their work with
neat tact, for very little on their part would
hews- provoked an outbreak. When they
„firat arriVed, ten days ago, no one would
speak to them or serve them. They could
net get hay for their horses nor feed for
themselves, and wherever they went they
Were groaned at and hooted.
The parish is so long and so scattered that
ale almost imposeible to keep watch over
all property. The polios have bad electric
Leaotrehlights in use, reed have patrolled the
(lark country roads all night. but the via
lame are so uncommunicative and so clan -
that they could not obtain a clue
„against any who had had a hand in the
tomer outrages, and all the patrolling could
tot hinder the. burnieg of the minieters'
peat gawk,.
1 Thework of the police was made easier
r%elect that many of them strongly
yetpathi3ed with the theological position of
the belligerent religionists. Gradually they
-broke down the barrier between them and
ihenoters, and before they left the island
they were thebeet of friends.
1The men of Ness are the moat resolute of
satialnienistaemany of the women gciog
Oh the Reformers. Stories are not want-
ag of wives who are defying their husbands,
led wilt bidet on supporting the minister,
-. While their partners go the other way.
,.. tuatroTiwthaeyeaanrstiaugobiwetreiw3terleeaodueerabodbyit,lt'erslayid;
, 'kali the men of Ness worahipped together
hi the Free kirk. Now there are five dif-
ferent sections, and all because of the at-
e . tempt to go back on the faith of our fathers,
1 het We of Ness will stand by the men of
, 'The men of '43, it may be explained, were
' the body of miniaters who quitted their liv-
ings in that year, seceded from the Estate,
tlai.11eld hcehunreeihteadn Free
rfeoernetheLnirtehne Fmreene baoredyr. en.
Ieines radicals," said one of the most en -
. lightened of the Auld Licht?. "They
-world come among us and sweep away all
- tor old ways. The old religion ie good
I enough for us, and we mean to cling to it.'
1 The Auld Lichts fervently believe, many of
*In, that the United Free church is going
. totake away' the Bible.
The Al:dest Analytical Chemists
Say They Are The Best.
The ablest and best analytical chemists in
the WOrial affirm without hesitation that
Diamond Dyes are the purest and best dye
stiffs for home dyeing. All the colors are
Sularanteed fast to light and washing with
too ; they color more goods, package for
package, than any other dye in the world.
tas there are imitations of y the popular
Diamond Dyes, ladies ahould be careful of
dealers who attempt to recommend the
aerthless makes. It should be remember-
eatbat these imitation dyes are made up of
talsonoue and dangerous adulterations, and
the hands are often iajured by them. Die. -
tiled Dyes are so easy to use that even a
child can work with them successfully. See
at. thet your dealer supplies you with the
1 'Diamond " ; refuse all others.
If you are interested in home mat and
rug making, send your addresa to The
Welk, & Richardson Co., Limited, 200
bleuntain Se, Montreal, P. Q., and you will
ewe free of coat new designs to select
' - Irene
lilaking the Best of Things.
That hawhat moat of us have to do if we
desire to go through liae comfortably.- Ib
"rveS no reasonable purpose to be always
a'aing out because this or that docs pot
'4UstY You. Far better is it to contrive in
- seine way to make the want of such things
itia eeparent. Thoughtful people recoanise
Met it is _teat this failure to do the r'best
h material at hand which is the cause of
rItanany shiftless' and uncomfortable homes
a -t Armes, the influence of whioh, no matter
uew much a man may love his wife and
aladren, almost always end in driving him
tothe refuge of the club or public -house.
Ifie generality ot men, no matter how poor
Ittita may be, wish for a comfortable, reetfal
4,,Nne, wkere they may sit at ease after the
a4's work is oven la means a great deal if
tat wife who presides over this tiny kingdom
MIN as the seeiog is, " anything about her,"
*tall ean. twist and turn to the best advantage
Istun she has at her dispoaaa Soinetimee
hear one woman saying to another apro-
1.4nodthatotente household contrivance which a
hit upon, 'Yes ; it is very use-
a,m4,hatetinIgecomuyldeeinf.ot be bothered to make
Ib would be too much
"bite" You may, with some share of
!eta); deeide that if the home of. the !atter
le eorafertable and convenient it ie because
r ,
its owner has a sufficiency otlererl Wealth
to make It so—her own pore° al e' oda have
had little to do with the matter. I The for-
mer, on the contrary, although the: Value of
her household appointmentsl !tie4 he so
great as those of her neighbor, has the con.
solemn:lege that sheer cleverness andresource
comfort to that of her richer, though less
has enabled her to make heriiouse qua in
capable, friend. •
Questions for. Word
Are you weak, nervene, irritable, wed y ;worried
and fatigued? Do you dread yoar daily work and
feel like letting your dutlett go undeine ? ! Dr. Chasers
Nerve rood will restore your nervnue Sydow. and
send the thrill ot um life and energy, through the
body. hi is slave all a woman's medic n& as its
invigoreting infleenee on the nerves twin • regular-
ity in the functions of the boilly meant
A Week of Ltfe.t
The year had &molly begin
For Waite Wteks, a poor ni n's
He was beet with hills and dun,
And he had very little
I've nothing here but onesTtfE
A bright thought sttuilk hl , arid
The rich Mies Goldrocks :1 I1L
. Wk
'This cash," said he, "w
But when he paid his courkto her,
She lisped, but Orally said No;
"Alas I" sa!d be, " then•I ustfidi
His soul went A her, they sa sob13
They found his paves, and at, a
The corom r upcn them .
A Well Rounded Life .
There are so many elemenee h t enter
Into a well rounded life that I bead be
hard to put them all into mat attic O. We
can call attention to a- few taange t at may
be helpful to some:
Be thoughtful of others.
Be obedient to parents.
Be industriow. - There it
thin world for an idler. When ,y u come
home fromeohool or college, throw if your
coat and go to work. It will de ou good
and please your friends. They will know
you are interested in the home, When a
young person collies hotne and !site dean to
read while everybody else goes. to! Work,
there is the feeliag that that neerabetaot the
family intends to live off the ilaber !of the
rest. No one has the right tol de title. Go
to work. No matter how rich or haw poor,
find something about the hometo d and go
at it at once. Life tomade u of r. or. I
do not think there is any.hap mess without
labor. Prospesity depends u, ea ' it. We
should learn to be inclustrioute in eh r youth
and fill our whole lives full Of 4b r, says
the Pittsburg Press. f ,
Be honeet and upright. Never try to
deceive anybody. Do not clkoet i to the
kind of living that mallets t lie aful to
!cover anything up. It is hard to iv , a dual
life. Keep a clean record. t , '
Stop and think. Observe those whose
lives have been the most suo wilful. , Con-
sider well before you try to de what all
those who have gene before y u hair tailed
to do. Doubtlese you vi ill fin that you are
subjeet to like passions as others. Do not
make a mistake. No young Worn n ean
afford to make light of what re thefounda-
tion-of every true and noble life.:
no 'lace in ;
Cure That Cough 1
- and Works off The Oolid.
Laxative Bromo Quinine Tielets ure a
cold in one day. No Cure, Nei Pay Ptice
25 cents. .
Some Coronation Supierht tions.
- • ,
But few people at the coronaticln ,ill be
near enough to test the truth ,of the tradi•
tion that the coroiration chair 1ha I West-
minster Abbey, Ring Edward' cliai', gives
out a. kounii when a legitimate! heir to the
throne sits in it. In the case ef Op Wender
it is said to be dumb. The soind c - ea, ib
is alleged, not from the wooden fra ework
beneath the seat. It is as wela t : know
of the chair, bat from the acme ef tiestiny
t hie. D, Otherwiss one might heave I Bead that
therevasnothing unusual in a c.airt creak-
ing, especially if it were seldom s t pon.
There is a tradation that wherey r this
stone ahall be a pince of the a
ay !.,h om race
shall rule. This was fulfilled when .Jarnes
VL of Scotland, became Jamesi IL of Eng.
land, With the exception of Queen Mary
all our British severeigna have bean erowned
in it. It was the subject of a ipecial treaty
at Northampton, when it was patinae:I Urea
it should be returned to ScotIlana. -- Need-
less to say, that promise was not kept. This
ideroical stone ie said to be the One which
Jacob used for a pillow. Bat • the Turks
aleo claim to have Jacob's atone t at Jena-
' I
The Koh -i -Noor diamond is similarly
said to endow its poescssor wIlth the POV-
ereignity of India. It is the private prop-
erty of his majesty. Ib was presented to
the late Queen by the &tete laths Com-
pany. A Freneh traveller meestions seeing
It in 1665, when it Wep in the fpoipeutari of
Aurungzebe, omperor of the Moguls. Her
late majesty had Heat in a, broach. it has
been valued at al40,000. I
Napoleon caused himtelf to bet, crowned
King of Italy with the iron crown of ,Lom-
bardy.. The ss.me kind of virtue Is aecribed
to this crown as is credited to; the Koh -i -
Noor. But whether .the %argue had gone
out of it, or, as was alleged, the rown was
not the original one, but a repooduction, one
thiug is certain, Napoleon did not wear it
long. Though it is known • as 1 the Iron
Crown of Lombardy, the only piehe of iron
whioh it contains is an alleged "! nail from
the tree cross," St. Peter's chair . in Rome,
the pontificialtthrone, so :the taaditioq runs,
was presented to the Apostle ' Peter by a
Roman senator, ono of the ear jest converts
to Christianity:
Every one will remember what a disturb-
ance there was when the Briti h resident in
Ashanti carried off the golden stool. The
golden stool is the throne of t e modarch of
Ashanti. The regalia also ine ugs a gold-
en axe and a golden hoe. The golden axe
is carried before the -. Ashantimbeosador
when affaire of more than ()viola y import-
ance are in haled. The golden hoe symbol-
tzes the intention of the king hod- bpi way
through all obstacle& Supern, tem'. powers
lere attached to all three o theme—Tit-
113it& .
I To Cure a Cold in One! Day
'Take Laxative Bromo Quinin T blets. Al
;druggists refund the rnoney if it pits to cure
E. W. Grove's signature is on, erteh box. 25o
Live Stock Notes.
Poultry will pay, but Bernet1hints derends
upon the poultry raised. The bens will do
their duty, but their ownere Must use judg-
e:tent and not crowd the marktet Or condemn
them when prices are low. [
It is better to work with the team five or
six hours a day at first, and then let Orem
rest while the men .take some other :work
that will exercise another set df rnueelars.
Beginning to feed heavily when hard weak
begins is always a great mistalte.1 Ineteaac
the food gradually, so that they will not
lose appetite and digestion.
There are circumstances, and I milk 1 pro-
ducers who understand ho* to ; take . advan-
tage of them. were it is found ,profitable to
buy cows, mak them until they go aryl and
then fatten them for market, baying' new
ones to take theirplaces. That le exception-
al, however. The rule for daigyMen should
be to grow their awn (lows, Weeding Ifrom
the best, using a good dairy bull las . 4 !sire.
There need be nooloubt- about !Which loowe
are the bid, for the
the truth about it.
mere are
waist to eke long
moving al the time.
team that hair kept air
er; t muy pro e
bat been idle no
al, late the m n,
er &d languid in
ey have ot
tee firm •r,
in traini g
ore and 1 me
ly a lose o
&klikken o
ot digest i s
as the oha ce.
if the he via
well fittitil
he spring
pb to fee
cook test
will tell
or begins many fart
sof-hurried that they
aye and keep the team
his may do for a
y busy during the
or economy if- the
of the time. The
comes out a little
the. warm days of
had work to keep
s 'athletes say, to
uring the winter.
muscles for both,
petite, because the
that tired .feeling"
od. For the team,
f sore shoulders and
s is Wit very soft,
spring if t
kee the
There are
and ors i
and irreer
saddle gal
pliable an
FO kite • al or exter
LOW OIL oaanot ba exoa
pain relieving
n Hp
• Please 1 the co
tween eig t and nate
I gav the two o
dam ed t em for
lune ea, w shed the
ed.li 'ena d pub in
dusted the parlor, se
the ehildr n's -cloth
man groc r and but
lordsat d ern to gla
pope then e
"hat ill do, rna
are easy tat ke, harmle
any hoadaehe in from 6
what you did be -
lock on that marn-
en their breakfast',
11 made hp their
es, sorted the soil:
tuba, swept aud
a button or two on
terviewed the gas
put off tbe land.
over the morning
otion and sure to cur
minutes. • -
A dergyrnan onoe
fate of
ring home
s in the
Meeting o
the eterne.
sought to
who watew 11 known
pensitles, he said :
hope !my sermo li
hear wha I said a ou
there shall be waain
abed a earthen on
wicked, which he
some of the. noted
h by perseriel ad.
day an old wciman
her gossipping pro-
' I
as bor. e fruit. You
that piece Where,
axed gnashirtat of
swered the dame,
, it be this—let 'em
' m—I aioa."
ft ir
ell, s to that,'
'as anyehinr to
their teeth as h
LIV R TR 0'811E3, bit
ion, y low e es, jaundice
bive powers LAX A.LIV
to ouFe.
a4 mess, sallow c,omplex
ete ,-yield to tho (tura-
e They aro sure.
Dr. atm ge, durin
in I8'9, . been en
ohurelt in o e ot the
land. On rriving at
it beeteged by a thro
20,000 pee le. Natu
place would; be crowd
thia hz was surprised
ately full. "Why,"
pastor, " don't/ you le
in ?a 'Oh," said he
has peed four shilling
mage !had iatended to
" Wit out money an
chaegI d text.—Lo
e Text.
is visit to England
ed to preach in a
rge towns in Eng -
ie village he found
of from 15,000 to
ly, he expected the
inside; instead of
o find it only moder.
he demanded)! of the
his crowd of people
"each persen inside
o get in." Dr. Tal
each from the text,
ithout price." He
n Chrou i
WOR IS (satinet exist ei b r in children or adult*
when na. LOW'S WORM S MTh' is used. 2;o. All
' Wo en of Martinique.
Tho wom n of St. erre, who only a few
days ago were leading happy, butterfly
life, e e said to have ben strikingly pic-
tureut e arid even a 44 A chatty,
recent wtiter says of hem :
Them love for color is the pastionate fond-
ness for briahtness of 11 the races from
which they spring—n g e, French and In-
dian. Fasittunt cha g not at all from
decade to decade, and be only . difference
between th dress of t richer class and the
poor i a matter of q a i ty, except in the
case o the omen wh act as carriers of
fruit and v getables. ,
an empire own, mad itla'a good deal of
Dew 7 a simpl germent, not unlike
feline a, and drawn u under the girdle in
such a waylas to lefty, t a limbs free. This
gown is always of s late vivid hue with
whioh he golden tint of the !skin contrasts
made telye and as th Women are beauti-
fatly formed, the effe t 'is that of draped
statuary. I
In the wen -to-do el s the sams paesion
for colar is1shown. 0 er a loose, e hite
linen garment, richly broidered,with hill,
flowing sleeves, a go n a worn that is much
like that just dersctib d, but is of Silk or
fine muslin, Crimea., aellove, blue or green
may be tsha ground co or, ia which brilliant
fhwers of !vividly c nt asting &Ades aye'
printed. This is cau h ap by a silk stsh
to a comfo table welkin ength, and a long
seed of th a ' silk is Oreped coquettishly
around thashOulders. The costume is com-
pleted by a -kerchief olf gay colors, tied
about the Load with ctonspicuoue bow on
top, and fr quently a large jeweled brooch
at each side of the fa te lag. •
eh have a t tely carriage that I
seen surp es d. Whether carry -
t of fruit r akes on the head
t the shop r houses, or saunter-
() the waterto 'oe rowed about for
nity of mariner and
orm are fascinating in
The worn
• 1
413.17c never
Mg a bask
to be old
ittgdo n t
emeote ent, their di
statue que beauty of
the ex reme.
The better class ha
the wemen study a
bro de ex uiaitely b
tee to.
from tie neountain heigat is immense, and
the, ba ha are frequen ec. by many beside the
inirlat s oaths house.
he while populati n only a few thous-
Way of accomplish -
T ey have inuaical voices, as a rule,
ad little creole, songs or gay
mons very prettily.
a cleanly pe ple and utilize the
me education and
e music and' ern-
entain Weems to ke p the streets clean,
el as .for baths
es is tee great ab
he alm ' house.
Qae of the show
'w r bath in the court
he force of the water
an s, so thilb the onl ithpression that one
derivesfrom the etre.b hrongs is that of
the native population, ith its colors and
aright este Thane, d not mingle in any
way, there are eno • f the whites to
feral charming eoci and the natives
areLperfectly content to b ignored
—New Yo Tri bun
o. man is e " bor
is an meta one. A
With. 11 that right i
but made. He ma
iastio ts inherited fr
;estoeritle o en ; but
r wile were the
and t oug tfully tra
is far ed e will our
feet g ace. His inst
eave him fiom;the o
manic tioas, but th
altogether. He will
the finer perception
Imam of onor, hu
that g to he makin
audh delipate natu
teade care until the
forme . Without a
beet but sickly grow
°Wei here and the
rodu jog aujataine
1 Cou agelis the firs
acter f a gentleman
elate a ma to be tru
of fiercest obloquy
end,' thanks to the
But c wage that ha
natural gaardleans,
artitaaty, and a
whether he be of th
ts o Born But
gen leman" the phrase
eutl man is not born,
arr ve in thie world
atm ts of gentlehood,
in a long line of an..
sl es gentlemen and
un e s he is carefully
ned ntil hie character
lyln verattain to per-
mits will do Much to
rrnp ion of evil corn-
ea not protect -him
are itably be taintea;
, big courage, a nice
ib,, these qualities
gentleman are of
y need the most
of the child is
re they remain at
e p tting out a bright
00 aybe, but rarely
and abundant crop of
tial to the char -
courage that en-
imself in the face
ittereat ridieule.
principles to de -
eat of a child's
erates into tnere
n is the reenlb,
a or the West
,Without a code of honour a man is
y of hie eve
ed him wit
1 A strong man is either a very good me
or a very bad c ; tne ter one of your wish
washy oompoun s of feeble vices and tepi
virtues. That 1 because; he knows what
Wants to do, an 1 if he lhas been properl
trained he want to do what is right. I
short, he is a entlemttn. And. by th
token May you °cognize hirn—he treels a
other Men as if hey were gentleman, too.
Is, then, the copular conception lof a gel -
tleinati, as I hay endeavored to sea' iD out
et -the beginnin of this paper, tae righ
one? 'I think, i i the Main, it is.!---FeiWi
• ,
The 0 Iginal &lateens.
The grossest injurxi.which Dicken
ever inflicted on • a :fellow! being wa
, e,
his too accurate portrait of an inno
cent man in his Squeers. , That York
shIre Schoolmosters were,1 as a rule,
Is true, bu
r wlio Wa
who recoonize I him
ginal Squeeis se ms
xception to ;the rkile.
membered tliat Dickens
.ator traveled togethe
f England for the pur
ing material for "Nick
ecially ' for :the Dothe-
At Great rid e the
cling school.knownHilaanis
rudderless barque, and the p
mood and whim, o weak,
thing, or, if nature has endo
force of charlotte& he Is a Imo
cruel and wicked enough i
Ithe evirticular schoolmast
recoghlzed ail
:eelf the or.
have ,een an
It, -ill be r
and- is illus
to th north
pose f collec
leby" rid es
boys isode.
visite a boa
Bow academ
of per
. The master,
received the stralirgerS with
auteur and did not p.s much as
ley his ayes from at le operation
aking during the 1 terview.
d the a
d him in t
ct. The per
e ac
t; Boz
iariti lam s of Wi
nizecl n Sque0.s. Shaw be ame a butt
of po ular ridipule, lost hiS pupils ant
flnall3f died of a broken 11eartr Yet
there is aburuflant evident to prove
thathe was a really excell t and kind
e to suffer
heart d man, who was In
for t e misdeids of his
he wi
' Ants rend magnet
ants doctor their:
nd magnetism is p
n. An ardent stud
iessed what may I)
an. ;
I le by hyp-
ved by ob-
t tells how
terined a
scone in Medical science 4 ong ants.
He oa several of these litte creatures
emerge from the hill and noticed that
there • ere some among them twhich
were - eak and emaciatede-Invallids, in
fact. 1 They were accornbanied by
health members of the ommunity,
andeall made thefr way to axd a dis-
*ant ni und.
On fOl owing llheir moveme ts through
a glasO he observer saw onithis mound
a big a # d sturdy int, which made some
tnotior1 In the direction of 1 he advanc-
ing iny lids. The -latter 'vent up the
mound, one by one, and submitted
themselves to treatment. This consist-
ed in th physician ant pas;ng his feel-
ers ove . the head and bod of the pa-
tient in -a manner distinctly suggestiv
of the ypnotizing of Hely 0 and minae
cies pe cticed by human doctors. Evt
ery orl went threugh the • treatmentl
then the patients went b ek, and the
doctor arched off iu the Opposite di-
The r
lug au
Is not f
skin I
used a
They a
the ed ed 1 seals, .otaria— hose skins
are so: highly valued because so soft
and warm. The true seal
enough, but its skin is, only
trophy', and it May be
not, as!
the f
n Doesn't 1 Come Ifileona Seale.
eautiful product us d for cloth -
commonly known !is sealskin
rnished by the tru ' eal, whose
almost useless e cept when
an ornamental mat or stiff rug.
e the sea lions and sea bears--
"In otograpilyi" he explained, "the
negativ is developed in the dark room,
while courtship that iSi where the
affirmat ere is develoned."
She b ushed, but made n answer.
"Let , us," he suggested, l'proceed to
develo an affirmative."
Ther being no pbjectionls, it was so
, 4
; On the Perm.
"Fat 1 r, I am fired wi h ambition
since! , came home from college. I
want a broad field for act'i) n, where I
can :lc omplish something.'
"Wel 1p3r boy, there is the forty
acre lot: which is a rather !broad field.
Yon pi ielit try 'a little ac ion in that
'wail a Plow aud a pair of horses, and
if you .tiCk to it you can accomplish
someth ig." : .•
Mit t rlems C'hildren I111 Japan. •
Jaipur has only: one orp mnage, yet
in no ot er laed, are father ess children
better c red 'for. , Every f, rally cares
for the OlUk, destitute or oriphans near-
est th
est to t. !There is a superstition at
a child ess bouse Is acctirsed, and peo-
ple wh are not blessed with children
of theiown never rest till they have
adoptedsome waif.
Oran g s1 are a !most 'ignoble fruit.
Orange; juice tileys thirst and_ with
few ex! eptions 1.4 well bOrnecby. the
and it t
fast it N
Is common
prized as.a
added that
when ready for dlothing has
ften supposed, the
ce on the living a
with long, coarse,
hich drop Out whe
ler and leave the
me downy
imal, being
deep rooted
dressed by
oftL woolly
ere the Differene Lies.
ein lies the differe ce between
phy and courtship?" he asked
know " She replied.
stomach. It is als'
ken at night or le
Il be found most:
c#'me Jeuknal.
If He Wins.
"Tha1 eastern cashier speculated."
"And of course Was unsgecessful."
"Wh do you jump to that conclu-
"Because they don't °all it specula-
tion when the cashier wins."
queer nig a Bevan
"If y 've got it rival in- the sweet-
heart b iness," 'remarked the Freckled
Fanati "you /lever want to knock
him. V3T at you want to dO is to boost,
boost a keep on boostittg until she
gets °l ired of hearing you sing his
praises t at she hates hine.P.
a laxative,
fore break-
-se • Z
. • •
Re Is Always In Good linnior Trite*
Catching Fliter.
"The alligator Is a funny beast,"
said the old circus man. 'The old fel-
low we have In the Me)aagerie is g
cross tempered chap. Often at feed-
ing time be won't open hiS mouth, and
we tickle the tip of his!role& An
gator's nose is very se SittVet and It
always makes him very mad. He
throws back his upper la* like re cel-
lar door on hinges. Then iwe throw In
a chunk of beef, five potinds Or so, and
repeat the performance utt1l we've fili.
ed him up with abollt twenty-five
- pounds, which it takes o give him a
square meal.
"He's never cross whe he's fly catch -
Eng. That always puts h m in good hu-
mor. One would think Ia fly a small
tidbit for an alligator, hat they eat
them wholesale. Our old, alligator is
an expert fiy catcher. Hi3• throws back
his upper jaw and goes o ofeep appar-
ently. The flies light On his under
maw, and he waits until Itt is pretty
well covered with files -I -Until its red
color seems about changed to black.
Then suddenly he slams'alown his up-
per jaw, and he has a 'fine mouthful
of flies. Alligators would make excel-
lent flytraps for houses where there
ore no children, except that they are
expensiveaias they consumef such a vast
quantity of beef." . ,
Lotteries in horse racing are nova
prohibited in Pretoria. i;
The French army portable bakeries,
which make bread from the grain, will
be put on automobiles. -
The latest craze among the fashiona-
ble class in Moscow is to paint lapdogs
in the newest style of decorative art.
Not one modern factory for woad(
goods exists in Arabia, though it
ports more than $1,000,604 worth of
wool a year.
Venice has done so much in the way
of promoting its tourist industry by
means of its art expositions that Turin,
Rome and Milan have decided to fol-
low its example.
The Norwegian council of state has
decided to negotiate for a loan! of £2,-
000,000, to be Used for the construction
of railways and a thorough telephone
system throughout Norway.;
Korea is believed to be rich in gold,
but It all belongs to the Ong, who gets
25 per cent of, the gross ieetrnings and
whose consent for Mining tMdertakings
Is hard to get. Nevertheless about $2,-
500,000 of the metal was Secured last
German Birthday Cakes.
The custom of having a birthday
cake is widespread in Germany. I
know it for certain that 1-, is prevalent
in the province of Saxony, In Hanover
and the mark of Brandenburg. As
many lights as the one Iwhose birth -
Clay it is has years are stu k around the
cake, or the Torte, a thi k one in the
middle, called. the Lebensl cht, the light
of life. For persons advalneedin years
one candle must do duty, ars otherwise
too many would be requir 4, or a skill-
ful lady expresses the r4ct number
of years in Roman figure X, L.
When Moltke completeil his seven-
tieth year during the almpaign Of
1870-71, Crown Prince F iederick Wil -
Ilam, later on Enloe= FlOderick, pre-
• sented him with a cake adorned with
seventy lights. =
Only he or she who celebrates his or
her birthday may put out the light a
life, It is unlucky if done by any !oth-
er member of the family:I
. ;
Saved the Lamp.
i An amusing scene occur ed at a New,
York dock the other nig , t. A &fetch
/engineer, who wished to go ashore, Or-
'dered.a boaato show him the way with
a lantern. Aa ho was cro sing the nar-
row plank that served a a gangway
I Ithe boy slipped and fell into the water.
II The instinct of the true "Scot instant-
ly showed itself. "Hold on to the lamp,
boy," the engineer shonted, leaning
over toward the water. "Do you hear?
If it's lost, there's a do14.r. gone from
your wages."
After some time the bey Was rescued
half drowned, but clinging to the lamp.
As some compensation for his trouble
:, be was forgiven for losin the bottom
of it. I
A .Lottery.
It happened In the cou1 f clerk's ire -
"I want a lottery ticket,' he said.
"Certainly," replied the, i)olite clerk.
IIe knew a thing or two, did the clerk.
A little thane like an old joke could not
disturb him, "We don't can 'em lottery
tickets, but of course they are much
the same tiling."
Then he 'filled out the marriage 11-
censeand collected $3.- ,
. 1
Dickens' Finan4s.
Dickens did not begin be save money '
until he was nearly forty, and through-
out life be suffered acutely and inces-
santly from pecuniary worries and
anxieties. He was never slaort of ready
money after his great crisis of 1844,
but be was never easy a.botit the future
until after his enormously profitable
secbud American trip in the winter of
1847-68. i
Secrete off ComfeTt. [
Though sometimes sma* evils; like
invisible insects, inflict pain and a sin-
gles hair may stop a vast machine, yet
the chief secret of gomfort lies in not
sufrering trifles to vex one and in pru-
dently cultivating an undergrowth of .
small pleasures, since ver,y few great
ones, alas, are let on long leasers. .
The Egyptian perfumes, eccording to
ancient authorities, were Mostly made
in Egypt from materials tinported from
Arabia, Persia and central, iAirica.
The fellow who keeps grinding is al-
mest sure to. make_hIsouijtt.
The Forbearing Dog.
"A good dog is the best r1end a man
can have," remarked the t bacconist to-
, the wooden Indian. "Won you get
sick, he doesn't tell you hat to Jake,
and when you get well h doesn't tell
you how much worse be ad the same
isea ge."
iloriseleepers Kay Do It as Well as a
Professional Thittelier.
Little though one may tall*, t e
process, or making a bo eless ham is
quite a fine art and one that regair s
no small de ree of skill Ian the uxtd
taking. In fact, it is not every o- e
who can "b ne" a, ham successful]
En the event a ‘houSekeeper unfamill i r
with the alt of removing the bo e
from hams ere tcl undertake tho j b
she wo-pld 1 e atm ,st certain. to beg n
operations b r firet of all splitting t e
ham op n an
the bon byl'utting around it. The r
elide. voring to catve o t
rult wonld 1 d fail re and oexation f
the worst so t, to say nothing of o rui
ed bath T re pro er way to remo e
the bou& woold nee er suggest itself o
the average iouseit eper. I '
The operat r sta ds the. ham im e taa
against a s mporti g block tuad pre
ceeds to carve aro nd the bon :fro"
him to run - as ha id -and knife (lows
one end as eep a it is possi le far
- Into the-. fie 11 and around the bon
Having read' ed th extreme limit (8
far, in fact, s it 'a, possible to exten
the kni0), t e reve rses the ham an
begins entr g aro nd the bond fro
the other en i , cuffng downward unt 1
he reaches t e poi It that he attaine I
in cutting fi ene th end on wh eh h
began, the entire . peration heirig se
entifically co Tect and on the pr nett
of skinning n an ad. The bon the
slipsout cle r and smooth, fret. fro
any adherin flesh. • ,
As soon he this'is done stout ts inc I
wrapped ar mid 1:1: e ham and etw
taut, complctely c osing the ap rtur
left by the r mova of the bona. Ta.
twine is thu mad fast and th ha
laid away fo - a da or two, at Um en
of which ti ie the hole has clo.ied s
neatly that, In slieing the hem. it i
diflleult to reteriteine tbe CXec spa
from which ; the bone eves ren ovcd
This is the p.roper mode of makin
boneless ha , and with a little pine
tice any ho sekeeper can learn to d
the work a NN°011 as a profes Lena
butcher. They will observe tha firs
of all the bo e is surrounded by a tis
sue, end by satrtine the over:Woe fro.
the ends they wiii he ,surpr isca witl
what facilit this issue, dividing ta
bone from t le fieso peels loose fro.:
the former.- .
= `I am afra
hat's w
swlered Far
sa anybod
work as Jos
d that your boy lacirs d
said he neighbor. _
ere you wrong him," a
er Corntossel. `I neve
as determined not t
he Same Air.
Mrs. Home —Jane, open that avindo
and let a litt e freeh air into the haus
Jane ---It is 't fresh airat all, me
It's the same air that's !leen oho t her
all the morieng.-
The W
"You must
wife ofta ge
"Yes; so
how T am ab
--Chicago Re
ar and Tear of Itr
find it wearing to atte th
lus." •
any fools want to kno
e to get along with 'him'
ord-Herald. . -
; A
When the
late one nig
ment himsel
appeal from
t� come dol
game. I
"Emily, d
wife, "I am
peari to be
there are
Urgent Case.
doctor's telephone ran
t, he went to the instr
and received an urgen
two fellow practitioner
to the club for a quie
r," he said, turning to hi
ailed out again, andtit ap
a vory serious case, fo
o doctors already at
Worms affeot a
lect. Sometime
11 yousuepe&i the
Pleasant Worm El,
!with3ut injo Eng
bit l's health to3 sarionsl
they clime convul3icns an
to be present, give Dr
rap, which de#froys the
e child. Price 25c.
Milburn's Stcrl
nePher morphine
Sick Headed:he, N
Grippe, Headache
from any cause w
Britkh Treon
the most eft.ctive
-Open 8OTC3, Blum
etc. A large bott
to n
ng Headache Powd.rs cont -al_
• or opium. They p1 omptiy bur
or.;Igta, Headache, Headache
of eh licate ladies, a d Heads&
atever. Pr:ce 1/.'e and 26c.
Ars • ON"
1 Liniment is without exesptlo
remedy for Cuts, Wound, Ulcer
Miami B4es, Stings of Disco
a 26 cent].
Milburn's Stern
prompt rclief fro
' after (fleets what
Price 10 and 25 ce
I Opinions
I have wed Ste
well as in mv1 ow
• it is an excellent
is intoned. J.
London, Ont,
Price, 81,00.
receipt of price.
Ontario. • .
The followitti Stallionsqui11 travel during the.
earn of 1902 folloWs:
BELHAZZA- and co
BAWDEN & 4cDaNELL, oprietors, Exeter.
u aud champion sire
the prize winning
- The_ °ham
seishaem e
Vol. 19, will e
improvement '
usual conditio
Liahed with gr
111 A I S
n shire eta
55..Vol. 14, in
aekney steili n Connaught's Heir,
and: at theltable, Exeter, Ler the
s. Mersa lie ti from a distance hit-
! Stock for 11902. Terms, $16; with.
N WIL IAM, 16529:
& Gkrozg, Proprietors.
rested ImpOr ed Shire Stallion
ON W 1 I. IA M 16529.
Tock Brat rt- ze at the Epadian Horse Show,
against all 'comers at T nto this Beason.
Will stand 1 or the imp o 'meat of stock this,
season at
Berry's S le and Exchange Stables,
No. 24
Took 2nd prilz
Will stand I
Eemon at • ;
That hag silo
There is no 8
Tare n tures aup
There is no
and substance.
csn go fast. T
ten colts in this
in less than 2.1
mans, colts th
their ablity to:
stepping actionl
the ideal horse
to hie siring ab
stand at Ins a
Saturday ; 11
Marys; %ohm
A. C
Y, Manager and Proprietor.
d importek Shire Stallion
in Toronit Stud Book.
In the thr+e year-old class at the
rse Show, at T ranto, this Beeson.
m the bawl-ems/it of :deck aiss
ale aid E44iange Stables,
HENSA. 14. 1796-tf
NFU 217
his ability
andard Bred
rior in:breed'
better boned
He is a mat
o Hera bat; lir
vicinity, tsei
Be has k
t can show,
o better tba.
for road andi
1 Canada.
rales and t
etable. E
nday, Ru
3Iy ,Mitehel
er, EGM
sire extreme speed_
ree that lives that its
one, with size, style
rel bare trotter, and
duced out of less -than
hat have shawn trials
duced out of -common
bout 'special training
.40. For siring high
arziage purposee, he is
ite for testimonials as
lated pedigree. Will
Friday and
s!e; Tuesday, St.
I; 17;9641
Notic to gi
In the matte of the state of Rebecca
Mary 1 oods, late b the Village of
Bayfield, in the C unty of Huron,
Widow, ' eceared. i
Notice is heieby given p uant to the reeked
statues cf On ario, 1807, le apmr 129, that all
creditors and ot .ere having s against the estate
cf the said Bet eeea Mary , oda, who d'ed on or
about the ilth i ay- of Mel. h A. D. 1902, are re-
gutted on or bet ra tt e 23r 1 ay of Jure. 1932, to
send by pot repaid or e iver to Wil:iam .11.
Woods, Bayfiel post office„o to the undersigned
So;icitor of the executor, tOe r Christian and stir -
names, addreve s and •deecirl times, -the full par-
ticulate cif Olui r claims, tb statemeut of their
accounts and ili nature of t:01 'security tif any) held
by tbern. Aral. fu. a ei take nctiee, that after Birch
het mentioncd1 ate the said executors will premed
to dishibute th Meta cf ihn deceased among the
parties eatitl d te-eto, havie regard orly to the
claims of ahic, they them hall have flame and
that the said eX eutors ad I no be l able for the said
assets, or in pa• t thereat to 4ny perlott or persona
of whose d din] otioe shall n t have been receival
by them at th tline of ewh distribution. E. IC
LEWIS, Gocleri h P. O., Siti &per for WILiatn If.
Woods and Isa clls. nesecte, Executors cf the said
deceased. I
Dated the dth • ay of May, .4 D. 1002. 1726-4
e cld port wine
ta which has been
ileeddked proportions in
roved by the
glishand French
cepoetas is
'ideal bracing,
od .giving„ life-
e:ng tonic.
itch. a prepara-
g Headache Powders give wotne
Monthly pains and leave u bad
ver. Be sure you g0 Milburn's.
ts. All dealers."'
If a child,eats
nf hts and picks i
It has worms, and
Dr. limit's fleasan
tains its own cat
The breath of t
eonsuaiptive. Nc
virtues,' and Cures
nese, and all Sim)
attended to, lead
Usei internally
Tbraat, Hoarsen
Cr run,. - etc. , Us
Stiff Joints, Cent
Scalds, tuts, and
The essenHal lu
tree has firally be
fined into a ,perf
Norway Pile.Syr
antee of sat -Wadi
ravenously, grinds the teeth at
nose you may almost be certain
sliciuld administer without del .y
Worm'Syrup, thie remedy eon -
e pinea is the Lreath cf life to the
rway Pine ysup contsi ts tbe pit e
dourhs, colds, bronchitis, hear e.
t and lung troubles, which, if mat
o coneumption.
'Hagyard'a Ydiow Oil cures Sore
se. Quinsey, Pain in the Chest,
d ova really cures Rheumatiew ,
toted CordMipraine,Strain , Burns,
des of.Insechz
g -heeling principle of t e pine
al successfully separated and re -
it con h raedielne—Dr. Wood's
p. SoId by all dealers on a vas a
Price 25 cent!.
ea Lea ing Physicians.
ng's Pile one in my praetiee, as
es s 1, and can justly certify that
may for the purpose for, willeti it
. CAMPBELL, M. D., lecramr,
or sale by druggists, or.lays trail; en
Manufacturing Cbemiet, Leiria;
Purdon & Charlton
Supplied with either the angle iron, round
rod or wood tracks.
doubt the beat machin s eei
Vav;arded the ouljy medal and diplom
given on Hay Forks ati the Wer -i' Fai
Chicago. ,
7thad at Russell's black
Pres bed lay ail
leadan physicians.
01..EiAtE A
Wholesede nd Ttetaiit
and Lapto
SHOP—In re4 of Domin
lees form ely oecupi
son & Son,1
A. CO.. IffonThrsti•
rater in Wines
an Bank, in prem.
d by H. R. Jack-
Meeting af thell ron County
Count I.
ion of Gad
add in the C
ay in Jun),
The summer se
of Huron will be
Town of Goderi
on the lint Tues
midi of tike emanty
moil Chamber, in the
g at 3 Vdaek Tn.,
Itshhin EverY-
I beg to notify you agein that I pay the
higheet Caste Prices for
Old Iron, 1 teel, RA' , Rubber;
Copper., Br se, Le 'Zino, Pewter, •
Talton? JIi pings, -01 an Newspapers,
Old Books, New or tel Geese'Jaen
and Turkey „Fatah* a Horse Haire
Wool Pi la ga, Sheep Skins, all kinds
- of -Clean, ot les, Brines and 'Old Reim&
When you g
cleaning, telep
my office, and
call upon you.
of the above
highest cash p
ereneg TO FA
cash for any kin
or Wagon gearing
old 'stoves, In fact
your old hoe, ;etc
t through with your bowe-
1 one No. 72, or send word to
will have One of my wagon*
It will p07700 tia save any
rtioles for us, as I pay the
tes: • wel pay 40) per owtt
of old zna 3hinery, Aso old buggy
old axles, horse Shoop, old Vows,
all kinds Of old iron. Bring in all
1 and get eesh for everythiege Sher,
Wholesale Rag and Metal Dealer
Opposite El etrie Light Works,
use is