HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1902-05-30, Page 5#i 1902
gave in sell..
to clotee the
.ta stock. We
one counter
a Pair.
A. for oue day
, of tire bride's
ly decorated for
tulations, ail sat
[inn dinner, At
airple will leave
Colorado. On
received at 393
eideat &mon
s Brayton, 400
Int and bright,
rid by all who
eilent qaalitieet
n- Wilsou, the
3. He OaTTIS to
.go, but by hat
secured a gooa
ater Mechanicia
ad ea a valued
log man of whom
rpokerr. Suffice
.now him is t�
.sarld The many
lung the worthy
re st et or na that
ave witnessed in
aboat o'clock
The wind waa
1 ley very large
barns were un-
ehimneyst glees,
all externs _nee
ad Miss „nnaies,
,nd Mae Hector
united in mare
mann, in Christ
A. In Moore.-
apected reeident
rnY at the mai-
_ F. Paton, Port
the 24th, heart
cause a death.
aside with her
hail years ago,
iased was, in the
e remains were
nonday, for in -
1 here some 1.2
team got quite
he result of the
;towel with the
rya thought they
team andl moat
owers strength.
in a acore of 13
bite in the after
o our bays' &-
leis Herald has
;pratleman from
the busineest-
my victory last
tyth club came
.-G.F Blair
rg in Zurich on
Se interests of
vith expecte to
trip to Mani -
.y hold their an -
h, Coronation
rove to Lucknow
e billed to play
owing to the
ratil too late,the
ku areh win be
a Weetminater
end, "'Canada,
mpire," which
d at night.
South Norwich
'committed sun
carbolic acid.
fit or melan-
throughout a
her charitable
St. Catherine,
a-, which took
May 26, 1n42.
prominent eiti-
uatee board of
urch, of which
rnber, attended
tulations. Be
.be night thet
on fire in the
dtift over the
ins. Mr. Pay
A. Part, of St.
ellar crowded
d make them
t Ready made
Lee, and right
tiails reserved.
•tt- •
MAY 30 1902
Perth Notes.
-Mr. W. A. Watt, harness maker, of St.
Alert's, has received an order for a pair of
leather gauntlets from Trooper George'
-Meagre. Stuart, of Mitchell, have 41tit
'Graham, Sonth Africa.
down their flour ening for two weeksk 'in
order to make some important alteratinns
and improvements.
-Mr. Thomas_ Aitohesern, of Downie, as
received bis diploma for apples from , he
Glasgow exbibition. He received a similar
one from Paris.
-A. deputation of Peterboro gentlernere
visited Stratford heat week, to iuspeot the
schools of Mannal Treining and Domenic.
'Science, and were much pleased with the
schools in that city.
-Mrs. W. G. Dowling, of Mitchell, inlet
with a painful accident last week by up-
settiog a pot of boiling water on her hand.
'She is now under the doctor's care ad
carrieg her arm in a sling.
-Mr. Peter Tarr, of Mitchell, who eft
for New Ontario some six weeks ago, re-
turned home last week well pleased with
the country. He has taken up land and in -
intends moving hia family there next spting.
-At a epecial meeting of the parsonage
board of Fallarton Circuit, it was deoiderl
to fix up the parsonage at Fullerton. the
old kitchen is to be torn down, and a !row
brick ones put up, and the rest of the house
is to be brick veneered,
-A very pretty wedding took piece May
-2Ist, at the residence of Mre. E. Smith, St
Marys, when herdaughter, Miss Lottie T.
Jefferson, was married to Mr. W. J.
of Hamilton. The ceremony was performed
by the Rev. G. W. Henderson.
-One evening lately, Master Will Little,
eldest son of Mr. Wilson Little, of Ceram -
muck, fell from the fence dislocating his
shoulder. The same evening hie little bro.
ther ran & pitch fork in hie foot, whrch,
however, did not prove to be very serione.
-The Hada & Cotten Milling Company,
of Stratford, have decided to put in a Ster-
ling boiler, made in Barberton, Ohio. 14 ie
-expected to arrive in about two weeks, nd
will have an the latest improverneistsThe
new engine plant win cost $6,000.
--As Mr. David Harrison, sr., of 1 ar-
ratinnuck, was standiog at the back of the
wagon preparatory to driving to the fi dd,
the horses suddenly started, throwing 'Ell
backwards, his head striking the gro nd.
Although Mr. Harrison has been confine to
his bed since the accident, not being abl to
help himself, he is alavyly improving.
- -An interesting event took place the
• other evening, at tbe residence of Made es
L. Rae, when Miss Bella Rae, who is I •ey-
ing Milverton, and who has acted in the ca-
pacity as secretary -treasurer of the San ay
school for two or three years, was made the
recipient of revery handsome teachers' Bible,
accompanied by an addreag. Miss Rae
-thanked the donors in suitable term,.
-The residence of Mr. and Mra. Hazel-
wood, sr., of St. Marys, was the scene of a
-pleasant event the other evening, when
their youngest daughter'Mi Tillie, was
united in hymen's bonds to Mr. George, E.
Darling. of London. The nuptial knot was
-tied try Rev. A. S. Anderson. The presents
were many and costly, showing the high es-
teem in whioh the young couple are hell.
They will reside in London.
-Alex. Middleton, en, an old and es-
teemed resident of Elma, dropped dead on
sSunday of last week, from the effects of a
' paralytic stroke, eh the home of his son
Alex. He was afflieted with cancer, and
bas been in feeble health for some years.
He was aged 77 years, 10 months and 27
days. Of the family three children survive,
via: Alex., of Elma ; Thomas and bdre.
Richardson, tbe latter of Washington.
-Mrs. A. A. Benson, of Mitche11,rec4ved
a telegram last Thursday morning that her
husband fell from a hotel window in Peter-
borough and was killed. No particalars
were given. Deceased was for some moths
..manager of the Hardin Engine Co., and
from there he went to Peterborough, but
his family still remained in Mitchell. He
was a well educated man, and had naoy
friends who win be very sorry to heat of
his sad and untimely end.
-Mr. T. J. Palmer, late organist atl St.
-Helen's, Ipswich, England, has been ap-
pointed organist of St. James' church,Strat-
ford. He is very highly spoken of by
eminent men in the old country as a •01a88 organist and choir master. They also
speak of him as a good all-round must ian,
well skilled in. theory, harmony and ocraoter-
point. He will •doubtless give lessons on
tbese subjects, as well as on the organ, in
Stratford. His arrival win be an acquisition
to the city, as well as St. James' chtirch.
Reis expected about the end of May.
-The Oddfellows of Atwood and neigh-
boring lodges, to the number of about 100,
attended service et the Atwood Presbyter-
ian church, OD Sunday, May 18th, in •com-
memoration of the 83rd anniversary of the
order. The brethren assembled at the
lodgeroom at 2 p. ma and marched in a
body to the church, where a, very eloquent
.and appropriate sermon was preaohea by
Rev. Brother A. P. Moore, of Listowel.
Brother J. H. Stuart, of Liatowel, sang a
solo, Calvary," which was geeatly ap-
•precitted by all, as was also the musio by
the Presbyterian church choir.
River, in the northenn part
by falling off a log.
-Mr. H. A. SteWartn' inspeicior of the
ei, had a Most
Manufacturers' Lifer Insurano Company, of
Toronto, who reach° • Montre IS, on Wed
nesdisy night, froth b. Vlincen,
exeiting eaperienoe, hatlhe is ely not to
forget for the rest of his life. Mr. Stewart
was a passenger on the Pickford and Birk&
steamer Oruro, which was given Op for lost
for some time. The stearriet-Inft Trinidad
on May 3rd, and, after calling at Batbadoes,
proceeded to St. Lutlia, Whorls eiders were
expected to call at St. Pierre, but, as the
oa,ble was not workiog, the expeded orders'
did not arrive, and the steamer proceeded on
its way. Had the cable been working, the
ateamer would have proceeded to St. Pierre,
and probably have Met the fate of the other
vessels which were in the harbor at the
time of the terrible eruption. the Oruro
was only e few none' frorriSt. Vineent when,
the great eruption from lia ,Snuffilere took
place, and Mr. Stewart nays that tindere.
fell in "great quartti les f on thesteamer's
deck. Mr. Stewart' esotines Ore condition
of the country as so etielog terrible.
. .
MA. K0181.
the tionntnie
Iper Own Miloh4 Cows--Miloh cows
Id at from 8.2 to
$4 to $6 per own
ambs sold at $5 to
pring Lambet-s4pring
50 to $5 ,each. Sheep
0 for ewes, and the
per own Hogs -Best
ot lesa than 160 pounds,
ono& each, off oars,sold
lights at $6 75, and
irevti:' Sews, $5 to $5.50
$3 per own •
27 -The butchera. were
and trade was good,
el for shipment to Brits
of the beat cattle were
pose, the prices paid for
to a little over 6o
oes of all kinds of oat -
y higher than on Thurs.
(lamely as high as on
Prime beeves sold
61121 per pound. A lot
teem were sold at 6a per
stook sold at from 4i
mon intimate at from 3i
he calves were a rather
t from $2 to $5 each
r pound for good large
ere paid from 3 -it to na
hers. Yearlioge sold at
ound. Lambs sold at
each. Fat hogs were
eemed to be no demand
sold brought 713
- anti springers ;sol at $35 to $48 each.
Calveg--Calves ,
$10 each, o ifro
Lambs -Year ing
s are Wor
-Prices: $4
tan Wheat (new), Standard!.
3 de per bushel- - -
Pate per butetd- — a
a erley per bushel_ _ _ _,
Butter, No. 1, loose_ _ e.
gege per doz
F•our, per 100 Zs
Hay per ton
Hades per 100 its._ e ,.....
8 raw)? Skins. • ..
Pateteee per buah (new
Sett (retall) per barrel
wefed per cord (long)....,
1V 30d per cord (short).
LPO&Tfl May 20 1902
etc 80 10 00 80;
0 44 10 044.
- 0 76 to 075
• 0 50 to 0 60
- o 16 to 0 16
--al 0 16 to 0 J6
0 n to 012
• ..-`• 2 16 to 210
▪ 8, 00 to 850
6, 0) to 6 04.
80 to 040
- -• -• .... 013 to 0 15
030 to 0 40
• jiOto 110
e 00 to 425
- -• 2 00 to • 2 25
Apples per 1 40 to 1 60
Clover ffeed.--.-.-...- 4150 to 5 GO
Timothy 200 to 3 00
Pork, per 100 Rs- -..• 7' 60 to 800
Talk:yr, per th---------.... 104 to 0 06.
Dairy arkets.
TORONTO, May 271i-Butter-iOfferings are
Purneroue, but poor grades iriredominate.
Most of the choice better iis now being pack-
ed i tubs. Prices are steady 1.vith & atrong
demand for anything choice. Creamery
priots, 19 to 20c ; solids, 181- to 190 ; dairy
pound rolls, choice,I5 tis; ltien large rolls,
cheice, 15 to 16c ; rnodiur, 12 to 13c ; low
grades, 9 to 12o E s --T Onifteket is firm
at 14e. The demand is strougand offeringe
are liberal.- !
MONTREAL, May ir -"CheeSee-The market
is weak in anticipation of arrivals of On
trade new make. There was cidiite a spread
between the views of different buyers on the
subjeot of what was paid at the wharf this
morning. One or two firma reported having
paid 9no, but another large b011si3 maid that
the hulk of the offerings sold at Oic ; prob-
ably half way between would not 'be far out.
We quote :-Ontario new made, loa to
Butter -The market , is dull and
easy. Vide quote ;-Finest township cream-
ery, 19a to 1901 fineet western creamery,
194 te 19i13 ; seconde, 1S to 19o. Egga-
od add roxind lots of
pis sol4 at to 14.
News Notes.
-Senator Clemow, of Ottawa, who has
been ailing for more than a year back, died
Wednesday morning. He was a strong
'Orangeman, a Otnservative, and in parlia-
ment had taken a prominent interest in the
building of the proposed Ottawa Valley
canal. He was cns of the largest property
owners in the capitol. Mr. Clemow was
educated at Upper Canada College, Toronto.
He wag a director of the Ottawa Electric
Company and the Ottawa Gas Company.
-Steven Farr, for over 50 years a resin
dent of Elgin county, died at his residence
in Aylmer, on Friday evening, in his 77th
year, after an illness of four months' dur-
ation. He leaves five sons. Mr. Farr was
born in Somerset, England, and came to
Canada over 53 years ago, first settling in
Toronto, then moving to Ergin, where he
has Linea resided. For a year he has lived
in Aylmer, his home previously being in
Union. He was a member of the Methodist
ehurch for over 30 yeare.
-Rev. E. W. Wood, Methodist minion-
• ary at Caratairs, Northwest Territory, was
drowned Sunday while attemptirg w cross
a large creek swollen by recent floods. He
sent his horse ahead. with a line attached
and attempted to follow. When in mid-
stream the line parted, and Mr. Wood was
hurled away and droweed. The accilent is
especially sad, as Mr. Weed was to have
-been married this week. He was 32 years
of age and an Englishman.
-Four young fellows left Port Credit,
oa Monday evening about seven o'cloek, in
scow, withthe iatention of shooting gulls.
Shortly after they started oat a gale sprang
IAN and the soow was swept out into the
lake and the boys were unable to steer their
craft. Several times they were near the
lighthouse at Port Credit and once near the
Toronto islandebut they were unable to
make any of tie people aware of their
distress. Aboat 4 o'clock, they were
sighted by the, Chicora. When found two
of the lads welin unconscious in the bottom
of the ecow and the other two were barely
able to sit up to &gnat to the steamer. The
boys were sent to their home in Port Credit
by the Niagara Navigation Company.
-The body of William Smith, son of Mr.
John Smith, of Peterboro, was brought to
that town on Tuesday night. The deceased,
who was a river driver, aged 24 years, em-
ployed by the Dickson Company,was drown -
ad Tuesday morning in the Miseissauga
There ia a go
atraight re
Grain, eta.;
TORONTO, May -Wheat-The market
is rather easier. Red and white are quoted
at 80c middle freights. Goose wheat is
firm, and No. 2 sold* 69eseast. Spring is
steady at 770 for No.- 2, eaarei _Manitoba
wheat is steady at SSo-. for Na. tt. hard, 85o
for No. 1 northern, and 83ier. for No. 2
northern grinding in transit. • Onts-Are in
fair demand and firni at 45a for No 2 white,
and 43no for No. 3 white Miacite freights,
Millfeed---Is in good demand and firm at
$20 for ears of abort, and $18 50, to $19 for
bran in bulk mid le freights. Manitoba
millfeed is a dollar higher for ;shorts, and
firm for bran at $23 for cars of shorts and
$20 for bran, sackg included, Toronto;
Barley -Is steady ; No. n is quoted at 51ie
east middle freights. Baled Hay-Offeringe
are fair and the de and is light at $10.25
to $10.50 for No. 1 timothy on track here
Baled Straw -There is a steady market at
$5 on track here.
TORONTO, May 27 Denutod is good with
light offerings and eteady, 'prides. Cars on
the track here are quoted ,at 85a. Potatoes
out of store sell at 90o to $1, per bag,
Horse Market.
TORONTO, May 128 -Thirty-five horses
were put up at Grand's to -day, and most of
them were sold. the lofferiogs consisted
in the main of drivers. A very nice six-
year-old, a black mere, Omni and kind in
harness, brought $105. A bay geldirg, six
years olcl, uith the ?same warranty, fetched
$130. Two brown geldings, nue five and
the other eight year's old, sold for $115 and
$72, respectively. A bay gelding rieing
seven, ran up to .5150, and a bey mare, four
years old, was knocked dotine at $137.50. A
nice blocky bay gelding, fiye 3 ears old,
broken for family uele, rein up to $157.50,
and from that the price ren down to $80. A
few ercond-hands ssid ata$36 to $65 each.
The demand was not beisi save tor general
purpose horses.
Live Stock Markets.
LONDON, England, May ' 26 -Amer i can
cattle, ind ; Canadians, lido .
LIVERPOOL, May 26 -Canadian cattle,
7d. ,Trade fair.
BUFFALO, May 27--eCatt1t3-4-Prime steers,
$7.15 to $7 25 ; choice 1,200 to 1,400 pound
steers, $6 75 - to $7:,.• fairto good, $6 50 to
$6.90 ; choice, 1,000 to 1,150 pound steers,
$6.25 to $6:60 ; fir th .good, $5,80 to
$6.10 ; choice heifers, $6: to ' $6.25 ; fair to
good, $5 to $5.75 ; common light co fair,
83 50 to $4 75 ; beat fat cows, $5 50 to
$n 75 ; fair to good. $4 25 to $5 ; canners
and common, $2 25 to :$3 e export bulls,
$5.25 to $5 50; buteherebtille, $5 to 8525 ;
stockers, $1 to $4 75 ; fresh cows, $2 to $3
per head lower ; springers ft4sady ; choice,
$50 to $60 ; fair' to good, $25 to $45 ;
stockers and feeders strong o choice feeding
steers, $5 to $5 25 • chc nee stockers, $4 50
to $4 85 ; stock heers, 1$3,25 to $4. Veale
-Strong ; tops, $7 to $7 25 ',; fair to good,
$6 to $650 ; common tsdlight, $5 to $5.75.
Hogs -York weight al 0 to 153 lower; others
steady : heavy,87.30 to ti 40 ; mixed, $7.20
to $7.30 ; Yor kersS a6 70 ter $7 ; light York-
ers, $6 80 to $6.90 ; ronithe, $6.60. to $6 90 ;
states, $5.25 to $5.75. 8,11(0 and Lambe -
Slow and dull ; top larnibs, $6.80 to $7; fair
to good. $6 50 to sq 75 s nulls and common,
$4 to $5e50 ; yearlings., $5.75 to $6 ; sheep,.
mixed, tops, $5 to $5.501; fair to good, 84.50
to $5 ; culls and ceimmena $2.50 to $4.
Torarsero, May 128 -n -Cattle -Export-
Good loa.da of heavy shippers are worth $6,
to $6 40 ; medium exponters, $5.60 to $5.90
per ce t. Export ;Bulle],-Che ice heavy exi
port bulls sold at 51.7. to $5 75; light export
bulls sold at $4 25 to ,$4 35 per cwt.
Export Cows -Export sows 'sold at $4.65
to $5 per cwt. dButoliere' 'Cattle -Choice
picked tote of butcher!? cattle, equal in
quality to the beat experters,1,100 to 1,150
pounds each, sold at $5.4.0 to $5.65 per cane ;
choice picked lots Of butchers' heifers and
steers, 925 to 1,025 'squads :each, sold at
$5 to $5.40 per cwt; loads of good bats
chers' sold at $5.25 to "$5 40 per cwt ; loads
of medium butoherS',$4 85 to $5 25; common
butcheren cows, at $4.0 to ;$4 75 per cwt.
Exporters and Batchers' ;Mixed -Loads of
mixed butehers and exporters sold at 55.25
to $5 50 per cwt. Feeders -Feeders' steers,
weighing from 900 to. 1,000i pounds °Bell,
sold at $4.25 to $5 ' per !cwt. Stockers. -
Well -bred thrifty young steers, 400 to 600
pounds each, sold "at 53.50. to $3.75 per cwt;
'steers, 800 to 850 poundis each, sold 'at $4
to $4.40 per cwt ; off-color, ill-bred steers
and heifers sold ab : about $2.75 to 53
r ,
bucks at $3 t $3.7
select baoon nogg,
nor more than 2C0
at :$7 per Oen ;
fate at $6.74 per
per owt., and stags
out in large n
owing to the erne
ain . neterl y ma; head
bought for that' put
them ranging 'frain
per pound.- pr
tie were coneiderab
day's market, but
last Monday's Mark
at from 5a to head
of 26 head of iggod
pound. Pretty goo
to 50, and thee co
to 4eoper pound',
poor lot, and field
Shippers paid no p
:sheep, arid th 'butes
per pound for 1the o
from 4 to q Per
from $2,50 to , $4
plentiful, but tkere
for them. T er on
per pound, we ghed
a, lot
off the
Is in th
School, t
have just
sets of Virel
strument , an
pared to fist)
subject, ithsr
Zt-TrWrite fo
Address, W
Yonge and Gorr
and it iet in our
mess College,
installed complete
es Telegraphy in -
we are now pre-
nstructione in this
personal or BY
• part caters.
• 11- HAW, Principal.
rd sta.
cfMr. Dante
James Cron.
Mr. Patrick
BLOOfte-In Blyt
111 ler, r f
; •
; .
, I ;
13 hin.
n, of a
, on
c ught
ini b, ou lifey 28th, the wife
an, of a , daughte r.
n May 21st, the wife cf Mr,
t, on hfity 27th, the
y, of a eon.
ay 18th, lthe wif .1 of
tdullett, on May 121h, the
Mr. R sane ran, ole sm.
PORTER -In Cli ten, on May 15th, the Ri!e of Mr.
Audrew Per er c f danghter.
the w fo of
AMES-In Grey,
Ames, of a d
w/fe t 1 Mr.
Mr. J. b. M rdooh, rf a daugh et.
McKENZIE-Iri tfraterry, on May 20th, the wife of
Mr. R. J. Me errele c.f •dauehter.
wife cf
Mr. J.
wife of
r. 11.
on Ma
. fiteG
t, b se 1 n., on May 15th,
ogriege, cf a daughter.
• 18th, the wife of Mr. Joseph
Wingham, eh May 21s4, the
egor, of a son.
h, on May 903, the wife of
HARVEY -In E Atter, n May 18th, the v,efJ of Mr.
Wesley-Harv,y, cf daughter.
bride's pare
on May 21st,
Johnston, cf
on May 21et,
ton, el Brus els,It3 Ansa Anew 1.. MeQuane, of
Ory towneh p. 1
M ages.
RLI G -At the residence of the
.8.111owiek, by Rev. B. J. Garbutt,
Mies Annie Spa ling, to Mr. T. A.
UAR-31E-At ihn rectory, Gerrie,
by, Rev. E. A. Hall, Mr. W. F. Stret-
[ Deaths.
RAISTRONG- n Sca'orth on May 543 h, Isab3111
MeCutohe- n w'fa f lir. Rebert Anustrong,aged
74 cara and 4 mon le
OW -At Rnese dale, en May 7th, Mr. Wm. Dow
aged 80 years.
nipeg, on May 1Fth, George McKay,
Ingham, in his 8th year.
erb, Buren, Michigan, on May 24th,
eatson, foi inerly of Brussels, aged
Mortis, on May 26th, Caroline Law -
of the 1.te Charles Wheeler, aged 83
hrnesly of
Mr. Samuel
75' years.
rence, relict
years and 8
SALE. -1 will be in Seaforth, on
une!Srl, with a . load of good calvee.
, Ate cod. 1793 1
k.e places on
calves for sabo
4th; Setforth.
LE. -I will be at the follow;ng
he tates named with a load of good
: e sall, May 31st; Vatna,• June
Juie 7th, at one o'clock. HUGH
ry. 1798-1
SALE.-lis.ving decided to sell my
111 Off r the collection for We on
y and Wedr e"day of next week, at
an edeilch street. C. W. Parsb,
1798 1
rear tee I
Monday, Tuesd
my reeidence,
1.1 A comfort
of ground, stele
by Mrs. McCc
hie f ame house, with one-half acre
and orchard in connectim. Owred
h. Arp'y to W. IP. HENDERSON,
• 1798x2
'U.STRAY HORS—Strived fr
ti'rin Let 14, Con -
erasion 3, MeEil: op, abut the lest of Apr'1, a
Week broncho filly,, branded on lett shoulder, white
star on forehead. and one white hind foot. Ary
info -loath n leadingto te r reoevery ei 1 be tee
warded. PETER O'SULLIVAN, Eeefoell. 1798x3
I ergire,
entil tge and F
tank, new belt
chopping stone
make. Apply
0 riFIT FOR SALE.-Waterous
erle a separetrr, Champi n erinder,
rescutter, all eomilste, with water
&o,; 'deo one run of Fenieh Burr
, 4.,et diametee Goldie & McCulloch
3 J liN THIMII, B'ake P. 0.. Ont '
H01.73E A.N LT FOR SALE.—Fcr silo, Lot 28,
Jarvis Street 8 aforth, comprising one-fifth of
an are, on whia
ph P a staeie, and a home contain.
Ing nine re- ma,la p .1 r, diniog room, four heirroms,
clo' hes clot et, hi Ja c lett kitchen and hell. There
is a pantry off the lotehen and a god otl'ar under-
neath, and a VOliti3.111 a'reag the while front of the
hot se, and blt herd and soft water indo* re The
plare is well plapt d with rruit trees and berry
bush's, and ev -n thin e is in first-olas areenir. For
fu-th= r partici, ere ai ply to Mrs John Doweey. on
the premieca, or t3 J. L. KILLORAN, Barrister,
Seeforth. 1703-4
3t•Ts MI cM..
Gravaing o the N rth rad frren Fele rth tn
Walton, to pi t en 500 or 601 yar la of gravel.
Council w111 ay f0 cents a dey to T he dumprr. Ihe
erntraetors to tay 76 cents a dey.- The work to be
let by Emetic , at Wfirthrop, cn Tursday, the 10th
day of June, 8 o'o c( -k in the aft( rnecn. Hill to
be cut in 141 Clan ession and Bridge in 10% con.
1798-2 0 ARLES LITTLE, Counuillor.
-- 0 THE_
Cana iaik Northwest
At ollowing return fares:
Winnipeg, Ma I
Arcola, Ana.
Binscarth, Ma .
Elgin, Man.
Eatevan, Ana.
Grpod View, M n.
Mtniota, Man,
Moosomin, Arida.
Swan River, MI n.
Waskada, Man
Wawanesa, M9i.
Good going Arne
Returning' w1tiIn 60
Where s
Georgian BI) nth
The Royal ¥ulko
Tickets, de dolly
from agents G arid T
WM.1 S
Moose Jaw Assa.}
Regina, Meta. $30
• Yorkton, AE1113.
28 lila otieboed,rt'ASI rak. . J$35
Calgary, Alba.
Red Deer, Alba. 1 0
Strathoona, Alba. roof
3rd. Jure 24th And July 1511..
days from; date of iesue. '
end the Summer.
Ake a Bays, Kawortha Lakes,
Highlauds of Gaul°.
a Hot,' opens June 16th, 1902.
folders and all information
uek Railway Syetem.
- - Seaforth.
Ist ON &
-y-riga... •
Of doing business is toisell on a siasall margin, and to look to large
sales for our profit. ol/ e are this seaeon more than ever basing our
prtees with this in vie , and have never before had such values to
offer our custemers. We bought the balance of a manufacturer's
stock of whitewear in night dresses, skirts, drawers, corset -covers,
etc., at 65e on the dollar, and we are running them off at less than
manufactureA3 prices. If you are interested in them, you should
lose no time till you a 0 them, as they will not he here long at, the
Night dresses, made f fine Lo
mod with fine embroidery ticks an
made of fine cotton, length 56, 58 an
worth 75o, for 50e. Ladies' vhite un
emb' oiciery end insertion, go4d value a
mue in and Organdie, profuse y trimme
75o $1, $1.50, $2 and $2 25.
I •
ress G od
Blet,ck Grenadines
wid, very stylish goods;
and plain, at 20c and 250
at 14c, 18c and 25e. H
colo s, suitable for. skirts
' 0.41i.SPC
(Iodate Cambric, length 56, 58 and 60 inches, trim -
insertions, regular $1.50 for $1. Night dream,
60 inches, trimmed with embroidery and tucks,
rskirts, made of fine Cambria, trimmed with deep
$1.45, for $1. White shirt waists in flae littera
with embroidery, inaertion, lace and tucks, at
n stripe, checks and floral designs40 to 45 inches
t 50c, 7p and $1. Black muslinin stripes, checks
Fanc muslins and dimities, in all the new designs,
mespuns venetians and broad cloths, in black and
And suit., at $1, $1.,50 and $2 per yard.
..A.1\T'17) ONE E-)Etidm.
ON & CO., BI4Y1111.
rso Ills rod
Pus is th Safest Policy.
• •
.tg. tie; ,Atit.t4t.,t Ai 4 -,tt-tt-te
Do you know that a 44imber of the leading horsemen o
the country have adopted.
, Alex. Wilspn's
indisPensible artic1 of their
travel with, valuable hors s ? You
wOnderfal efficacy. It's value is
places,, and testimonials received
per bottle, free by Mail o receipt
Equine Coli0 Cure
eutfit, carrying it with theina wherever they
may have heard some.of them speak of its
bting recognized in the ; most unexpectsd
from well-known horserak.n. Price -$1.00
of price, by
wiL sox
5 -
On Educatio
Me an Clancy wint back Brussel. lasht
Wake to attinl th' -nomina ion, an' at th'
same toime to pay our r shpicts � th'
schcol teehers iv Miihter Rsbbni Apia-
• Orate, whd were houldin' t eir annus
• IserellyCtintion at th' arne toi e an'
pia e. • Cl ncy has a dau hther, a orrice,
cla e youl girrul about t inty.wan or up-
• ward's, wh taches eohool a Witt N awy.'
ries , an' nethuredly, he is sapely int erin-
ed i cause iv Iidycatnin an' t eher's
salas tea. He says hie de ghther h al bin
tan red school about , four yearn n eon
she' 1 s000 have about tift dollars to th'
goo av shO'a not too inthr vaygint a id hur
mo ey. lite says a goo many school
thr stees have doied lately id a dis ae cal.
led Conthreetititie or con hraction ivt&
hea t.I It is a vire common theme (widl
echoithr4steea. School techers, as rule,
non jelly coutithry sohool tachers, re not
thr ubled wid an over flushfehnies iv salary
but ids a stippiteehtone,as, it were, t EQME-
betther. A great maany iv ou great
mi wur tethers at wan toime or other.
.)ny Gould, thtinvintor iv ,multi.mil ienair-
tern was a tacher to ehtart wid. 6o MIR
Gaifie0, an' I came moighty near ,leird a
tae er mt ail'. Th' annual Umberell Con -
yin ion is a good t'inn in rnoy opini n. It
giv a th' tacklers an opportoonity voawap
end as an' umberellya an' compare h' dif-
fer nt standee iv inshteuctien an' mi linery.
Th re, waaripresintatives from nearly all th'
di rent tanneries in th' Iaspictorat . Wan
yo ng Is.dy read a paper oa th' subji n "Is
lary iv two hundred an' taint -sivin
dol are compatible wida tailor -mad auit ?"
An ther ewate young crather who taches
th' young oidea how to' eholot some here in
th' townehip iv Grey axed th' quisti n, "Is
a iddy diet iv pork productive ay as
much brain power eir bit rougniss ?' Th'
su jiets, " proper mithod iv apar.ing
ki s " an' "Shall we rule by Love or Leath-
er ", evoked contitnerable diet) seien.
A vizor lovely female'gradoate iv ti' Say.
for Collegiate loshtitoot tontinded that it
imRoSsible to rule by love in hu
este, as tbere wag no b g boys a
at prision Th' majority av th' acheran
eel ned Oahe iv th' opinion that iavSas poei
sib e to kape anny unrul youngs ter in
su jietion, by simply pa the' him on th'
sh wider -ay ye put enough foorce oto th'
pi . I have a greanlove for, chili. er me-
al an' I don't bels.ve in a too free us iv th'
ga , at th' same toimit I don't doubt here is
to mes whin th' taoher foinds it a gr at n-
ig to pet some iv th' young Ha tintats
th ough wooer -ace iv pfmnashtics. It redeye@
th monoteny iv their hum -drum loif 1ard in-
ce aes tl at warm fee in' which shad elways
ex eht betune tacher an pupil. As a rule
th Writers wur we 1 dressed-th' ;ladies
es wildly. Teilonroade suits w r not
m i oh in ivydince, brit I noticed t Cy all
w re good shoes. T11' majority vvo.e Rich-
er son and MoInni ' "Sovereign' shoe,
w oile sem° seeme to prefer th' " Mo -
P erson,' some th' "King Qualit ," en"
eo e th' "Empress,' wid Si few oth rnoines
th owed io fur a cha ge BO to shpak .
•i GR clA*.
ichardsop 14 114'.1 nis
ole Agents; or Ameran
Just Ri ht Oho
parred Plymouth Roc s.
re uneXleelled as winter la -ere, and 51 dressed
tov1 bringMuch more money han comm n stook.
W have a pen weeded from cur best win r laying
hens panted with a fine, large, well marked Ock, also
br d from a rereistent 1 ying $train. Eg 8 $1 per
se tine of 15.
792x7 SMIL E BR S., Bluev e, Ont.
Corner Main
and ;
Maricat Sroots
_• _
Tho Largest
Dry Goods and
Contern in
Four CourrtUsl;
Shred Buyers.
• The ru4a is on. A special sale in thiti store means a
special sale. 1 People are coming to know this betterand
better every day. We have no desire to deceive anyone. we
want to be judged fully by what we say and what we do.
People of t1is vicinity know this store. They know its ad-
vertisement mean precis ly what is said.
In addition to the S
gents' tailoring good; an
ing, bought at a low Itate
something to offer., it
to ibuy, because there are
whatever ybbbuy will be
We don't do -business on
ark & McKay stOck of ladies' and
large stock of ray -to -wear cloth -
on the dollar; every department has
ay be.hard, to decide which or what
so many good bargains here, but
ell worth what you pay for it,
ny other basis—we can't afford to.
Ladies' Department.
Gloves of equal merit ar
assortment of kid gloves contains
beaver, trode, grey and tan shades,
at the price of $1.00 each.
Taffeta gloves in cream, whi
Three spscial lines of silk g
569 a pair.
'Special values in lace silk
From the belt counter can
worn this season. Patent leather
priees, from 18P to 50c each.
0EALED TENDERS seldrdsied to the under-
eigned, and endorsed" fender for Poet Office,
Clinton," will be received at this office until Tuesday,
8rd Juee next, ire lusively, Lr the erection of a Post
Offi:e, at Clinton, Ont., according to plane and
specification to be seen it the Pepertroent of Publio
Works, Ottawa, and on application to the Mac-
pherson a Hovey Co., Clinton.
Tenders will not be colatidered =leas made on the
• form supplied, and signed with the actual aignatures
of the tenderers.
An accepted clarque on a cheetered bank, payable
to the order of ,he Minireer of Public Worke, equal
to ten per cent. (10 p. '.)o? the amount of tender,
must accompany each tender. The cheque Will be
forfeited if the party decline the contract or fall Ito
complete the le ork eontraetel for, and will be re-
turned in ease of non-acoeptence of tender.
'The Department does not bind itself to aecept the
lowe_t or any tender.
By order,
'Depattment of Public Works,
etawa, 124h nay, 1002. 1797-2
Don't f
il to have a pretty
Our hosiery this season
hose, seamless feet, hemsdorf dye,
termed the "leader," we have on
sizes 9 and 9i, the best line
cotton hose, in all sizes, regular 1
ladies' calico wrappers, in pretty
Ladies' fancy collars of Roman e
at 25c each.
seldom Sold_ at pripes'a.s' low as bum 'The
every stylish shade desired, viz.: The 118W
and these :eau be had in a French kid glove
e and black, ,special 'mines at 25c and 35o a
eves, in the same shades, at 39c, 45e and
itts, in cream and black, at 25e, 35c and 40c
[ ,
e obtained:every kind of belt that will be
efts are very popular, and are sold at several
, .
tie of our new coronation libbon.
s particularly attractive. Fast black cotton
at two pair for 25e.; 1 The old special line
land at Me a pair. ;11,1ain Cashmere hose, in
ver offered at 25c 4 pair, Children's plain
c a pair, to clear up this week at 5c a pair.
We have on hand .ths week ten dozeii of
shades and patterns' t clear at 53c eaak
broidery, in cram], !vs ite and linen, to sell
SHIRT WAISTS. -Our stock of white and colOred shirt waists con-
tains every style, elaborate and plain, which has appeared -or will appear -
this Spring and summer. The designs are very pretty1 The material, of what-
ever nature, is of excellentiqaaliay, the workmanship and finish peifect, and
theseeioods will be sold t4 except onally close prices.
LADIES' SKIRTS. -Su h really beautiful top Skirts are scldbm-we
might Tay never -sold at less thai double the price we as for them.. We have
them on sale this week in all the ev, shales, styles' et, from $3.48 to 56.
It's an o'd story of selling at cost. It's an old Story of buying too many
ayyouto se S our waShlgood3.
5c goods, fast ,color, Oloice patterns:, for 13e
n batistes, at 12e and 114c a yard. Phin
goods of certain lines, but it will
Nenise foulards, regular 2
a yard.
Special lines of striped lin
linen batistes at 16c, ]17c and 19
Five pieces only colored n
A full range of organdies
addition to special vait
have this week twenty-five ends
For 100 you can have you
our g
you y
uslin, a bargain at 11e.
nd dimities n white and eolored.
Departry ent.
es in Brussels, tapestry wool; unions, &e, ,
ruseels carpet, 1 yatd 'long, for 800 each.
choice of thirty ends of wool and union tar-
Clothing Deparprent.
Don't listen to the plea
may be reflection a in the
ods to be the best on the
ur money back if wanted.
the part of those who can't meet OUT pricee.
lea, but they are gron11 clless, We guarantee
arket. We hack up 0 'r sleniarantee by offering
We have purchased in t 's department the- ov
leadi a manufacturers of Canada all new goods, made
Thes goods will be sold much' ess than reg lar wholes
you f oji 53 to $4 a stilt. Owi• ngto the purchase 0 the Stark & McKays
the d liar, we can make you a like saving on clothing t
Many specials in men's
shirts, belts, ties, &c.
e This' week we put on -sale a large oantity Of
good in the regular way at $1 each, This line will 'b
111 het priCes
urnishings. All the la
paid ,for
and Wool.,
°prone Towu Building, Corner Main and
makes of one, of the
or this season's trade,
le cost. We can Eave
ock, at a low rate on.
?et styles in straw hats.,
men's silk underwear,
cleared for 50e each.
ket Ste., Seafortb,