HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1902-05-30, Page 3are mere ate in the in eine a nobby Is or ver. ;dal lines LII intend ef up to - pods, ,.-Holrees in p na ao tit to su °um neat srickety Ybeoperr etalga rie, 0 Never Prints, arrived. RICS ;ming and eeeetalty. ade pier- , . se notice. P g se See r- OWN ED . Thomas homes S. ' G. Broad.. e, Wt newels. Wats, IS. &slogan ; . Holmes- • Morrison. or twee I ed Arri I -deemed : 902. - I 1.. 0. wood P. 0- oerth P.O pecter. Omar :cr, Skikl 21241: .MAY 30, 902 1'o/1c/id's "I have kept Ayer's Cherry Pec- toral in my house for a great many years. It is the best medicine in the world for coughs and colds.?' - J. C. Williams, Attica, N. Y. All serious lung troubles begin with a itickling in the throat. You can stop this at first n a single night with IAiees Cherry Pectoral. Use it also for bronchitis consumption, hard colds, and for coughs of all kinds. Three sizes: 2ec., enough for ens Ordinary: (rota; See.. just rigla for broueintishoarse- urea herd cotes, etc.: en, most economical for chronic case& end to keep on, hand. J. C. Al.E.R. Cu., Lowell. Mass. THE 1902 MELOTTE MODEL Det buy a Cream Separator until you have seen the 1902 Melotte Model. One- third to It lees power required than others. Machine cut gearing of gun metal and phesper bronze, and are fitted with a br4ke attachment, found on no other Separator. Top of tank only 44 inches above floor, easy to put milk into; being low don, has no top -heaviness to cause vibration, which is the chief wear of Cream Separators. Self balancing bowl, bowl casing coated with white porcelain, more durable than tinware. Discs are aluminum, which will not rust. The Melotte handle can be taken off and pat on without wrench or screw driver, but will not fall off. A great advantage, as Separator handles should be put out of the reach of children when not in use. The Melotta bowl spindle has only one bearing, other Cream Separators have four or five, which means extra wear. Reduced prices, inereased capacities, sold on easy terms. We aka handle Farm Implements and Machinery, Deering, Wilkinson, Noxon Drills, Windmills, White Engines and Sep- arators, also Totten goods,. • D. MeCALLUM, Seaforth, Oat., J. D. - WALKER, Staffa, Oat., Agents. All goods at A. Campbell's warerooms, Sea - forth. What people say about this Cream Sep- arator Serferlb, Febrnary 25, 1902.-Gentlemed : bought a Melotte Eepanntor two years ago ham J. D. antra and have run it twice a day ever share. It lies cost nothing for repairs. I think it thebeat and easiest running Separator on the market. I am well satisfied both for durability and clean skim- ming. John G. Sproat. - Seefotth, February 26, 1902 -Dear Si,: I have used a Melotte Separator two years. The longer we use it the better we like it. We can sit on a itoel and turn it eseily. The e is no apparent wear to be men. It looks as good as new. Geo. A. Gray. neafcrtb, February 25, 1902. -Gentlemen: The sizel Melotte I purchared in November, 1899, has given the beat of -satisfaction in every respect, In that time we have separated 12e,CO3 pounds of milk, and the Separates was turned by a boy who was 12 years Old this mentb. III bad to go back to the old way or skinmirg, I would go back on the cows. Abraham ilugiti. Eeeforth, Febroary 25, 1902. -After trying several makes of Cream' Separators, I takeVreet pleasure in rnoromerding the Mektte to any intending per. chseer. 1st. It dcee all chimed for it. 2nd. It is much tester turned. 3rd. It is easily cleaned. Ob. There it. no waste oil to come in canted with with, ream or utensil. William aberhert. 1787.18 Ic**-ag-YrInre*,4F.4c-Winn`seen*********** In Use ihe genuine AMR & FLO IDA ATE ei& The Universal Perfume." For the Handkerchief, Toilet and Bath. Refuse all substitutes. ..reele.-esisseeseeessieee-e-, •'• TIME TABLE. Grand Trunk Railway. Treins leave Seaforth onowe : emeo WaNT— Paesenger. 12.40 r. Paseenver.... _ 10.12 P. M. Mixed Train_ _ 9.20 A. M. Mixed Train 6.15 P. M. GO/NG EABT— remenger.. 7.53 A. al. Passenger 8.11 P. M. Mixed .. 4,40 P. M and Clinton stations as Clarteort 12.65 P. N 10.27 P.M. 10.16 A. M. 7.06 P.M 7.884. 2.56 F. 4.251'. Wellington, Grey and Bruce,. Passenger. 8.07 re K. 8.17 8,27 8.38 Passenger. 6.68 A. K. 7.02 7.18 7.28 NONTO-- Ethel . Brussels.. .— Bluevale.. Winghato.. - arena Screen-- Wingirene..... ..... -- Bluovele - Brussels_ Zthel . London, Huron IMO NORTH— London, depart...:.. Centralia . . .. •••• nester_ _ .. .. • - Haman _ Capon . . ......•..• • ..• .• ....... Londesboro - • • • c••••••e• • "AP* •••••• Beigrave___ _..- Winghate .. Seise Soma-.... Winghamedepart.... fielgraxe .... . . .. . .. Clinton .. . Brucelield....----- • }Jensen- -- • • -- Exeter Centralia.... .. . -• London, Mixed. ate F. 2.10 2.85 8.25 Mixed. 8.66 A. K. 2.17 9.45 10.P2 and Bruce. Passenger, 8.15 A.m. 4.40 Pat 9.18 5.55 9-80 6.0 9.44 9.50 • 6.25 11.58 6.88 10.15 6.55 10.33 7.14 10.41 7.23 10.56 7.87 11.10 8.00 Passenger. 6.53 A.M. 8.15 . m 7.01 8.40 7.14 8.65 7.22 4.05 Lee 4.25 8.05 4.49 8.15 4.67 8.22 6.02 8.86 6.14 8.46 6.23 9.37 de. is. 6.12 G -G -S Having placed my breeding pens at J. for. raneea for run, anyone wishing pure bred Barred Plymouth Rock eggs can now have them at 60 oents Per setting 0 H AITZEL, Seaforth, or at J. Darren 179841 ST. PIEFII41E -1'he City Wns UsautIfii, Iretri. «Re nefiare Dean Visited by E4ijqtitkes and 'Ire -Rd Mau #en Originally St. lamina Wee Aladin nn- • tirely _ of stone. Aft.. 'several earPe- quakes, which resulited in terrible toes of life, the inhabitants btfilt their houses of wOode Then the town Was fire swepti, and -stone Wats again used as the gainertel building maierial. After several: eerthqua ee wood once more was nee , but he • place was destroyed by re n eight years ago. ••According to Charles Von triondt, late Dutch I consul in t. Pierre, at last reporte: the beldiegs. ' of St. Pierre were assessed at a;val- +eat ion of $10,000,000: Insurance was generally carried,!, an the Iss will amount to about- $,000,Q0O, which will fall most !hetateily Upon the Northern ,pre Yninlratiftee • Ce Pany, the Sun Fire Instarence Co ne :pony and the LancaShire Laser- 'ance 'Company'. TII lfe insuraece companies will suffer l Iosis of abut $1,000,000, which Will 10.11 mcist heavily upon the Entab e and. the New York • Life. In t Vivo ban "s„ the Colonial and the iDarik de la ?AI ',- Unique, there must lie eh. ett , 000 in gold, specie rthd bils. Mont Pelee has been described as always cloud -capped. The top of tlhe peak lies a slightly elanti ig uefeice of perhaps teltity 4(040 yarde: irregular in outline; sOUthaardly the Morrie- pitches sheer. lizito a frightful chasm,- between the conVerOng of to of those long • corrumitted ;ridges ready described as iliattire' sing . the - volcano on all side. ITrough a cloud -rift can be seen ;Snot ei.* crater - lake twelve hundred lfuet below, said to be five times larger ;than the Etang; it is also of mere; irregular outline. ;I St. Pierre was butt to last for centuries. The devell,xrigS' eVere made with walls three feet. in !thickness. Houses, of the well-t-sIo:i 'poked. like buttressed fortresses: Tiefore the tor- rent of lava and the of ashes fell upon it, - it was steIle built and stone paved, • with yee,r. narrow streets and real -peaked rOofisa Yellow was the doatirn'tate tone ; it! contrasted pleasingly vi Ui the burn- ing blue of the tropicsly abeve. No .: street Was level. ey limbed and. twisted Up the hillsides. Bearywhere Was• the loud. murmur Of -tinningi wa- ter -pouring through the -deep gut - tees conteived betvean the paved • thoroughfares and tic Iiibstirdt little sidewalks that varjec freim One foot to three in width. ; St. Pierre was a ri h city. It dealt chiefly in sugar. Pc verily was h'ard- ly known. There Were I Many rich men there. The Unit4d ;-;Itates. Great Britain: and ()thee troilint4e8 had con- suls. There were '25,i00,01 serails to its. aopulace and 15,000*ln-0e in the vile laga.s that surrounded 411. Morrie lioug-e, 2,000 feet up the 'treacherous' sides of Irelee. held .0)Q pills, who tilled the withOut, fear of the menster on whose slinte. they trust- ed themselves. The roadstead ace s I fine H one. Ships were there alWayis iind 'there was. frequenti passenger e 'r 'ie to the United Statdi and ti e other is- lands of the West, In bee. Cables run to all inipcietant pOints. All the great tradinglfteres. of Amen - ca ,and Europe had agents I there. • science(' seed (lancer. The scheme of caner research adopted by the Royal College of Physicians has beets forma0y approv- ed by the Boyal College- or Surgeons arid may now, reinaeke 1 he British Medical Journal, be Segarc ei as -in being.'' A fund of 1:100,1100 j to be rais- ed, and steps are te be thlkNl : To _ provide, extend, °quilt ant Maintain' laboratories to be deisoted excluisiVe- ly to cancer research., To: encoulaige reseurches On the subjeet of ca leer within the United Kingsliota or it tlhe British Dominions' Bea -00d the efts. To assist in the develoPment of can- cer research departnirite in vat iaus hospitals and institutions Opr ekal by the executive eommittee, and gen- erally to provide meanie fbr sys elm- atic investigation • in VarioUC other directions into the canses., tion, and treatment of Cancer. 'lithe fund will be administered leY a Pre dent, rice -presidents,' five trust[e s, honorary treasurer, general Com nsit- tee, and executive cominittee. latter will control the income o the: fund, which is to be expended on tho above objects, iacluding the as! -lin - merit of funds for theerect ion oa exa tension of laboratories cir for I the equipment of any existieg lahorai.olry in le hich investigatioaa are or Shell; be pursued; for grants to individi iii workers in other laboratot iee,I or: elsewhere; for itivestjgzairms Ira than those in laboratories: furl the collection of statistical. dietetic; toe Pographical, androt her ieforientiOn. • The working staff will. also, be; LP - pointed by the executive eotinnittee, coneistivestegation and his aseistantS. of in- k of a superintendent First Newspapers.i . As it is to Germany ihat we. Iowa the first examples of •printIing, sie AO that country' is doe trlfi H credit of publishing the first reeitiarly it -ea ed newspaper. This was ; th* Frankfare ter Zeitung, and. it appleared first in 1615. This publication • still in existence. ' It was follOveld the yeaa after by The Nieuwe Titatinghro. a Duteli productiota printed at Ant- werp, says a London palter. The first English newspaper :I was , The Weekly News front Ito ye Germany, etc., published in Lond tel .1622. The, Gazette de France (1' ii t,, 1 631) nd others followed. . Thealiondon ;Li- zette was the firat eegulerly is.stied English newspaper that, survives 10 the present day. It -aitpeared in 16,55, and the earliest numbers were published at Oxford. Oltere the eokuS • at that time was torpor:. rily e4itsch- lished. i 1 ••••••=b, To Remember When easekinx a Trunk. If there be 'one principle I more than another to be observed ie paeldk it is that the heavy thiates go at ;the bottom of the trunk. evert though one is sure that it is to stand ion end half of the trin.-X.,,adiess 1.lome J martial; • Daniel Webster's Reply. ; Daniel Webster once Itold a story. in 441. speech, and was asked where he got It. "I had it laid up in my head or fourteen years, and never had al chance to use lb until to -day," he said: Boys sometimes want to know what good, it will do to learn the "rule of three," or to commit to Mem- ory a verse of the Bible, The answer is this -Some time you will need thatvery thing. see. RaliSand a tare no effete karneis tree with Eureka as" 011. It slats the darna, keeps the kcal- - es soft and pli- able. titches no aro break. No ro gh sup face i� eha and cert. Th barnerie not may keeps lookiag like new, but wears twice as long by the use of Eureka: Mamma Oil. Sold +everywhere Is cams - all slue. etoses by Imperial Oil Company./ For sale THE HURON DROLli CORACT EXPOSITOR, ER "COUNSELOR" NOLAN WAS A WIT OF THE NEW i YORK BAR. S me of the qualsi Saying's 01 letureoeue Legal Light, Wh ears Kept, :Gotham's Judges awyero Lasighing. ri a book entitle ,"The Mull! arles Frederick I Stansbury ought together the best of the tes of Tom Nolan, who was k pularly among members of the rk bar as "Counselor Nolan." many years the counselor kept j and lawyers of New York laug and at political conventions he wa of the important, if not Serious; a tions. The counselor was himeel generis. 1s dro • i3ome characteris c stories from lwas indivi terr Sta.nsbuty's collectir are her down: At a political co yention a f asked Nolan: "Isn't it strange, counselor, your friend Croker, who Is an mighty power down our way, doe get a nice political j� for himself The 'barrister drew himself up, ing his inquisitor ove from ithe c of his eye, and then replied, wit ,verity: 'Tis a pean brain' you blaney, to ask me tb t. Is there job he hasn't got?" Judge Horace Atlas II told the fo leg story: Nolan - o ce had a whose name was Mr . Moriarity. her case bad . been Iplaced upon talendar Mrs. Moriarty appeare ery day in Nolan's office with her en witnesses. ' the case rea the top of the calend r, and Nolan on band to try It. Te opposing se) asked for a post one ent frght the postponement with elequence, laying much str ss upo ii fact that Mrs.- Morlarity hid bee to enormous trouble and expen coming every day to his ol1ce wit eleven witnesses. Ji4dge Dugro, *rug sitting, was n t co vinced parently by Nolan's erfe -yid or and granted the adj urn ent. the barrister arose., "Your honor," said hes "has see to grant a postponeudent and, while I humbly subm lag of the court. yet I woul your honor to do me. "Certainly, counsel° replied Judg Dugro. "Go you to my offic barrister, "a d infor Mr that this cas has bee pos ' Witty and keen a Nol once in tiwhi e got th wo counter with a witne s, a ing Incident I lustrates: The plaintiff, ,Mr. goley Mr. W. for damages stistal lessness of defendant In donkey to escape fro 34 hi trespass upon plaint' B la in the witnetss box. 'Barrister Nolan (foe def say that Mr. W.'s alma this injury to your pr s ert Foley -Yes, .sor. ' Berrieter-Where d thiselonkey? 'Folesl-Tied up in d en Barrister -Where d d y him? FoleY-On me prem es. learriSter-How do you now It theaarde donkey? Foley (empha Heels, .-I tied up in the sthabl Pose I'd know yez wh The barrister excus It was. in the old s fore Judge David Mc m. Broderick, Seaforth. • IMPCi " ANT NOTICES. 1 NEW BUGG MoLaughn. original pre e. O: 1 b A. OR SALF..-For sale a new gey. Will take (110 lees than SUER, &Womb. 1795-tf HOUSE FOR B to rent, a 1 street, Seaforth. ! founds ion. Apt . LE centortable hi yto OR TO RENT. -For lute cr hem* house qn Ord good repair and has good stone GEO. BALE, Fgmondville. 1795x4 OOSTRACT F 10, Tuckers building Carter's at the wheal Sate MORTON, &era- ! it, Lloca day , FENcr.-Sebool seolitin wants to let °entreat 42 rode. Contract lobe Man 814, et 6 80 p J7963 No. f.r 14 m. N. - 1\TEPT FEED seoee J.." i on hand hand. Flour excb JOHN T111RSK. t a aged AT BLAKE. -We at 311 kerp supply ot nu: and Mi I for %area. Give us ,a trial. 1186 tt ; You ... /I) For Cuts Burns Bruises It is l'erels , , Me.., 0,1117411er a sure, safe only Two e, oe Player si* Need Cramps Diarrhoea. ; All Bowel Complaints d quick remedy. . PAIN -KILLER._ DAVIS', s, 25c. and 50e. FO : SALE. Oe El FOR SALE 0 eries, flour private property, ferre . A. HASLAM. aa and Wit t Belgrave, Batelle for gra. feed. Will exehange for 1 ham, Blyth or Clinton p o• 1792x8 t BGGY FOR SALE ewe make, near 3 ear. Will be sold I URCIILL, Egnion ati yill A good top buggy, Dee,er- l as goal as new, run One Int -gain. Apply to JelliES . , 1789-tf HOIU8E fortatle forth, cbe or las. AND LOT cottage p. apply GNORGE BAT t OR SALE. -For rale a ocim- n Wed William street, Pea - J HENRY BEATTIIC, Seafor-h, , Beynold. 179 atf OlUalt ; !Orme Nome, iingood f FOR SAL °sheen, bard reps .-For sale, a conieortable .n Market street, : Seaforth. a . soft water, good garden, r• pply to MRS. J. A. ANDWIR. 1797x4 ighn h uen TiliBER mi t mher it a. e 18 p of frame;ivauld ly ell timber Winthrbp. FOR PAL machinery, Barre. Th e..es 9xI2 lncu s is men .-Having diapered of saw e are now offering far sale the building is 60x8nneet; there a MI feet longeradeeendent el is separate if desired, near- lin. GOVENLOOK BROS , . 1782.tf twtm In Ave minutes Mid 6 orchard, cistern Underneath, house. 0. yOB. SALE. 8,103 acres; walk i.f, miles from mostly ; a barns, other Apply to Lot 31, •Concession 8,11. R. a ol house on pretuases ; within 0 orch ; 5 miles from Clinton (lath it ; large frame how°, good int r fruit; 2 good wells and on barn 4Sx58, done stabling 'a -24x130 ; driving shed and hen WH TFIELD 0111011, Clinton P. 1797-4 , VARM FOB. SA I SI 6, L. R. S., I About 90 are; c le rood state of a Itie There is on tie kitehen ; small Ix extra good or chard This farm is plea It is 3 miles from, Neb. Will be a Aptly to WM. MA cession 4, Stanley. E. For sale, Lot g7, Concession L tramith, containing MO acres r well underdreined -and in a tion; the batmen is bush. elee a grad frame house, with .. e: . arn and shed. Tact° is an of 3 acres. Plenty of geed water. an y ard conveniently located. fln efleld and 4 rates fawn Sea- hi1 cheap and on easy terms. gar., Varela, 6r on Lot 20. Con- I 1796x4 STOC: --3 TOR 8 for sera Ice Concessio Improv.d at time cif 10th, Ont. ; 2n P. ince•O» ' • Ch Street by Jcs David, 1;89: Cl tn,man Derry, (63 by Bins RV se al; 9J at ie, vii Faa (i ; art OR SERVICE. Dome Pill keep Lot 22, Oanaiian payable ing. Pedigree.-- November Brunets, Ont. Sire, rhos. Henson, dam, Oxford's eton & Sol, 3028, (bred by King 420, by by Lord loth, (454), attar. 1797x4 - --- CE. --The undersiened will n his pr. mises. Nc rth hal of 4 L R. S., Tuoicerstnith, one orkshir, 1 Boar. Terms. -$t, ice, with privilege of return- Leaf Hero was for owed bred by Robert Nioh I, ener, Henry table, &aorta, reh 2nd (Imp )6412. (bred by ate, Ptte bcrea Einem) ') ; 5271, (bred by Jos Feath Ir- ., Ont), by Britannia Wonder, heraton); Oxford Less, 2708, MI tress 4th, (insp. in dam) 47); Madernois lie, (imp.) 21, r rue, (822); by Turk; Counter.° ; U rand Duchees, by Cult'. HENRY LITTLE. Is a Renovator, Tonic. A the same Liver, It Constipation ache, I ii d i g Shingles, 1 arising impure . and at br BtlFiDOC El BITTERS purel medicin ; ti Bowe cures Salt ds ti 0 Iti fro condieon ; FOP Sabo System directly Stomach, Head- Sores, Cancer, any disease j .000 11 e 0 I yspepsia, Pimples, R eum, gworm. , .....) vegetable ood Purifier that acts on the and Blood. Biliousness, Boils, Running Erysipelas, or an impoverished of the blood. by ail Druggists. i (.3.. ' A Si"cial :o Horseshoehig General Goderioh i It, - .. : I Robert Devereux BLACKSMITH tonn-- MAKER -an. d Opp. Queen ifotel. - Seaforth _ - AttentionnallRIACE Jobhing. I street, , and • - - - ; I ' Public TeleOhone Place the phone every one. use of non it1 vast SyStern -subscriber's. Stations facilities at the Are convenient I . se, of the 'disposal for _ Tele- of the - , This For and ter" has nec- own New For dges ing, one Se.. AU! ual. Mr. set ilend that, IS not • ok- ner se- ve, nny ow. lent fter the ev- lev- hed as nun - elan eat the put of her ho ap- tory hen fit tf the c se, t to the nl- like to ask r." undered. the . Montel ity ported.' ._ n was, he st of amen - the tot w - personal fa r , with pleas What is it? PP ewd was csy sDeg- Hewing his stable Ijnd n. Foley is : I ndant)-tou caused all U first see ant's stable. is next see as I saw Iyez don't yez ep- n yez got 190 e? d- Mrs Foley, peeler court -be dirte. and a jury. an the barrister was tretini; a clise on be alf of the plaint1f int negligence• su t against the Tw nty-third seteet cr sstown railroad, web was eon- te lied by Jacob Sher , who afterWard ga e the name of "bo die aldermen" to ,th world. On rising o sum up on he- lm f of his client Nol n launched forth In o an attack upon S arp, who had in no manner appeared I the case. Rats- _ In his voice to a pi h that could be he rd by citizens in t e City Hall tk, • he concluded his pero atiod as toile s: 'And who, gintlem n of the jury, is Jacob Sharp? I will tell you, giritle- men, He is a man eo lost to al his Sinse of ethics and the rights of man that for the sake of palthry prosPee- tive dividends be woeld run' a railroad tip your spine and Make ties out of your ribsr When the bar of the city of New rk gave a dinner at -DelniOnle '13 in liolnor of former Justice Abraha It. wrence on his retirement free the be eh, one of the re arks Nolan eade w s: • There's Recorder I Smyth. H's a go d judge, a foin judge, he he thinks Ivery man ou bt to go to p Ison alt least wa rice." I Nolan on one occaililon was a ci ndl- date for a municipal! once. and I the cotirse of his canvas be asked a wo- rn n of his acquaint nee if she ould us her influence in obtainIng for him be husband's vote. "Sure, I ill," sa d the woman. "Are we not vete le tingly grateful to frou ever sine you go my husband off f r stealing a g n?" 'No, no, my dear omen," crie the be ster, "not for sealing a gun but fo the alleged steal! g of a gun." • Alleged be both ed," replied the w man. "Come up tairs and I'll bow yo the pm." nee seguing a ase in bells f of ell uts who were salliors and will e in tb midst, of an ex austive displ y of na tical cbolarsh1p1 Nolan was I ter- ru ted by the court: • How comes It, unselore that you .po seas such a vast knowledge o ;the , se .= "Does your honor think," respo Nolan, "that I ,cam S over in a bac And Ile It happens -quite , If made man has tne eetion, req uently tha son who is si de4 the ply MARRIAGE LICE N ES ISSUE AT THE HURON EXPOSITOR OF ICE, SEAFORTH, ONTARIO NO WIIINEEEES REQUIR D. - The Sea Tea St Is now right at th large stock of all kind seeds, all fresh seeds, as the cheapest. I w seeds, which I have clover seed, Blake clov full line of mategold s beet, yellow globe an Also a large stock of'p nips, dutch set onions, 'lot onions and large a gains in all kinds of fruits. Six Vas: new new prunes for 25e, 5' 25e, dried apples, 6o apples,' appricote, eve treated hoeey and corn maple syrup- har' the syrup, black molasses a few fiih yet in Acta at less than cost. T for 25e. Nb. 1 Labrad doz., salmon trout, 50 less fish for 25e, 2 boxe china, crockery and gl tended to all to Come good bargains. Highe butter andleggs in cash forth 1 Ii front with a very of garden and field d as ill sell as cheap name a few of the w in stock. Red ,tireothy seed and a d, long red sugar i anamoth long red. plct top weed tar- otato onions, abal- one ; also great bar - ()eerier, sad dried gs for 25e, 5 lbs. s. good raisins tor ar lb. ; evaporated rated peaohee, ex - honey :also Deets Don or quart, sugar and coal oil. I have which will be sold q ski. lake herrings r herrings 15c per tr lb. ; 5 . lbs. bone. erring for 253, also sware will be clear- ed out at cost. A cor ial levitation is ex - d get some of the price paid for fresh r tittle. UL SE-AFtTIL HAVE you been amok. ing a good deal lately and feel an occasional twinge of pain roundyourheart? Are you short of breath, nerves unhinged, sense. - of pins and needles go rig through your arats and fingers? Better ake a box -or two of Mil ur&s Heart and Nerve ills, and get cured before hings becometoo serious As specific for all no true enri newer, they cure nerv ness, nervous prostrati palpitation of the hea.rt grippe, etc. Price soc. per box o at all druggists, or will of price by The T. Milburn Toronto, heart and nerve trepublestheycan- be excelled. A hedrt tonic, blpod her and'nervel re- usness, sleepl we- n, smoker's he rt, after effects of la 3 boxes for $ .25 be rent oh rec ipt onet.i(imited„ 'CIRCULAR SAW cf , to 10 eee 0 ce- en 1:74 CD CD ea • Pe - 0 E cr. oci 0/1 pr Cu '-CD Pa co O . ea CD CD el. ee el 0 ce ree lei eeel aq, pp O id LI *1 a) et '- Pe ce te.• ce 0 Cu e -s eeia • Pi 3 Cr' 71 Pi Cr' as CD CS, 63 00CD ci-cD ea- se. e• 1 '▪ .5 les .51) cp est op e+ -a CD on 0 SD • an aQ le3 -t 0 elf) 2-, P-1 ct)S1 c'D CC)61,0 !..1 CD tife Instal a CD Cook's Cotton Boot Compound Is successfully used monthly by over 0,000 Ladies. Saf ,effeetual. Ladies ask our druggist fo Cook's Cotton Root Com - mod. ke no oldie; as Mixtures, pills and imitations are dangers. . Price, No. 1,11 per box' No. 2, 10 degrees st onger,18 per box. No. 1 orb, mailed on receipt f price and two Leen% items. The Cook Cojnpany Windsor, Out. 'Nos. land 2 sold an recommended by all responsible Druggists in Canada. Sold in Seaforth by Alex. Vilson, J. S. Roberts and 1. V. Fear, druggists. 1 Farmers ' Attention. If you require any Shingles, it will be to your interest to buy them at the NORTEI MAIN ST. PLANING MILL. A large quantity of the best quality of Red Cedar Shingles at right • prices. N. CLUFF & SONS, North Main Street, Seaforth. 1748 TH cue tan mil tha s ca tio hi s a mu scr litt gre BULLET FRO A AR. odern War Methods T y the I Soldfors' Nerves, da a man may die as soon as the y e guns. hidden away in tee ills - lend topped mountains seven s Way; begin to tal . And over ven miles he must wal!4 with with a wide interval between d his pals on either -hnn . He t 1 0 down at every sh rt halt andte the gr end hurriedly with his e s ade at every long one, for the t hells are sailing toward him, an h gees by his officer's eye and hears by his commands that it Is con- sideredthat he may perish at any mo- ment and that precautionls areneces- over, h w futile those prec ution ' must 1 sary t ' preserve him. He sees, more - be if ne of those monsters howling overhe d should land as near to bim as the la one did to that blasted tree, for In ance, with its scorched dan- gling 1 mbs and the huge charred,fis- sure In its stout trunk, or as tile, one before id to -the team of mules In the ambult nee wagon, now at screaming, struggl ng jumble of harness and blockly I esh. All t Is is dispiriting and appears un - nee stse y. The country on all sides is as hill my' 1 ea of ah qui atandcacuiaet nth.i ext ndi thei( tot noti es: badly reer to gusting the dar klintoe 'ye VS the ithe i if„co. shell,uNi3e,itx-eit•i5 , the high es t he spouts ts s Nf'l ihdellvs n : s h e the battle, afte slee in peace t a dui as his native dale, not a an enemy. Even the great blue ad, on hich be is told the ene- ng gun are posted, looks as the -m untain on a Christmas et for two miles he walks death, thinking only of it be - ere is tithing else to think of, • as t ilight falls bivouacs in d. line, ees his friends run for betwe n the fall of the shells, Otte of hem time his run back lid mee4 a projectile In full ca - part fr m it an awful and dis- offense; and then lies dolvn in 'less With:shaking nerve and ght nit five worse miles still e betw en him and the guns he e is 14nded to take. orning he is awakened by a marched with infihite caution • more miles, shelled the whole shelled even in his bivouac by of the moon and as be watch - reject' es buiiting like water - f fire long his hillside is glad Is tol that tomorrow- will be which if he wins and ay be able to walk and for a space. Fr intall rl IP j'el pool por own ter a meetandunryd 10°11 Thi I pin Lin of cab pe s t ess HIS". Mr. Se do I' t welnatsutleii coin's army, evae ots b i tsl an a Ge er • for ne we 03 fig t, braingamebs or l In e 1 z t Hegoi ogno t own p or 't spent& ges lop bet be twots partroe thel chi dls at OLN S DISPATCHES. any f • Them Were Dated m the War Department. e Is .-ften expressed by Very t peo le that so large a pro- f President Lincoln's most im- telegrams and some of his let - date r from the war depart - lead of the executive mansion 'of th other enera and dra perso better officer 13 I. iss from the riavy, trees- dministraelye bureaus. 17 deemed a very illegal - from it writers I have n the conclusion; that ally liked tiih sectetary than any of the other . While this indeed ap- have it een true, it does not nee - so follow. He certainly held ard in high regard, yet lie Eel - t to the state department. circumstances it was not at all The 'explanation Is easy.- War business of that tiine, and Lin - yes were always bent to the specie ly when great military ere I pending. Eie habitually the djacent war department y h dquarters, *here abode Hall k, his military adviser, s and views. Head and heart renuo sly concentrated on the herev it might be. His fertile w, t , the critical points a the tenti • es far more clearl than his called "ablest gen rale' only ished to know wha was in t e field, but perform d his t nob y. In the heat of ction ucial moments his, orders Bug - and inquiries were fir d off eously from wherever he • Ight e moment, and at such p nods generally "over at the w r de- r with Mr. Stanton. That Is f reason why so many of his es are dated at that d part - d not because be Perhap held In higher esteem than th Bee- f the navy or state or treasury. It metit Sta n to ret. ry a A-1 coal M tityI of Ne askte wh re To Wh fteeossmendIng, Coal. moter of a recently discovered ne in Rhode Island sent a quan- he material to Professor 44- of ork university. Afterward he or a certificate of its quality, pen the professor NV'rote: ni It May Concern; Tilsis Is to certify that I have tried this coal In11 my fireplaces, grates and atoves for se ral weeks, and, having done so, 1 can c nfidently recommend to all my friehdsl that they hurry into the state of RhOde Island on the day of judgment, be- ing we I satisfied that It will be las por- tion of the earth to burn. The Useful blest, E c urage the useful men in the co m nity. Don't start foolish a d un- tru hf I stories about them an dis- cou a te the work they are dol g. If you c nnot do anything for the Public goo ourself, don't discourage thoge who a e willing to give their time and mo e toward developing the commu- nity in ;which you live. Ine ia ouht 114 b Si She Did. tie, Charles Gass proposed to t night." • impudent fellow! Sons body to sit down on him." y, auntie, I rather think °me- detP. S e people seem to think the have to rove theihave a mind by sp eking It. • ID n't Be Afraid of a Scho 1 neAglelyco, teaohe and in explaining some p vions nsgaidma:n called on an Atchison' 84001 Teacher. , "It 'd a !snowed you wanted to went, I'd ,-came and took you." And she married him in spite cIt it. Atchison Globe. STOOK FOR SALE. jyTEELII BULLS FOR SALE -For sale, two thoroughbred Durham buns, eligible for reg - truth re 12 and 18 Moletha *Kona Zeit rma the other nest. Apply on; Lot 26, Co -newer= 1, L. R. S., ruckeremitla, 4 niks mirth of Bre-Wahl. JAMES PATTERSON, Bilecefieldlia 0. 1790-tf ' DULta FOR SALE, ---The unnerslesed has for sale a taoroughbred Di/44121 bull eleven months aid, on in colt r. he is al the low eat blocky type got by pedigreed -stook ci eXtra quality now in my pos. sentient. Will keep My meted stock bull, Duke of lionsall, for service, also A pure bred Berkshire hoer. Terms On application. , JOHN ELDER, Let 16, Con. - oval in 2, hay, Hensell17884f : - THAT'S 111E SPOT! Right in she anhall of the back. Do you eyer ge a pain there? If so, do you kei w what it mean.? It is oa Backatrib A sure sign of K&iey Trouble. • Don't neglect it Stop it in time, If you don't,. se ous Kidney Troubles are sure to follow. D001 KIDNEY PILLS cure Backache, 'Lime Back; Diabetes, Dropsy and all idney and Bladder Troubles. Price $0o. a box -�r for $1.25. all dealers. IDOAN KIDNE, Y PILL GO., Torolito, Out. AUCTI4NEERS. rimenses BROWN, tcezuscd Auctioneer for the Couetleset BuroMand Perth. Orders left at A. M. Campbell's implernent warerooms, Sereforta, or Ms EXPO/NMI-MC% as111 receive prompt attention. Satisfaction guaranteed r nb charge. •1708-1tf ,t 170 ioximum.-4.0. B. Phillips, Licensed uotioneer for the counties of Huron and Perth. Being a practe al fanner and thoroughly coxless ding the Is de of farm stock and triple - went., lams me in prices. 'Charges moder cr an pay. All order at Lot ConcesaiOn ttended, to. tter position to realise good . Satisfaction guaranteed at Henna' poet office or 2, Ray, will be promptly 1701141 STOCK SNRVIOE. BOAFOR SERVO -E. -The undersigned will OAR keep for service a his premises, In Brumfield, a thoroughbred Improa-dd Yorkshire bear. Tenets. -el, payable at time ofereice, GEORGE RILL. ' 178643 110 PIG BREEDERti.-L-The undersigned will keep J. on Lot 28, Oon on 5, L. B. S. Tuckerseeth, thoroughbred TAew RTI1 PM ASO A thorough- bred Toluenes Fie. limited umnberof ilOWS Will be adulitbed to each. Vent% la, payablest the time of lerOoth orLSO If *hinged. J GE1LM/LL. I 1 160842 Tilfi 'FOR BERVIcE.4-11re undersigned will keep L On.Lot 29, (‚once -non it, Hibbert, a Thorongh. bred Yorkshire boar ao which he sill admit a lirnitet 'number cf Rosh. Thins —11. at the tare of ivie JOBN ifLGIJ4 Chive hunt, Ont. 177/41 DIG' FOR SERV CE Lot 28, Comma 10 bled Yorkshire Boar, to ed number of saws, time o; malice, with ii seem ry. ULL FOR SERV! beep for at reuse t isterect Hereford bull, 4 11, Concession 9, Mul eseuaras at any,ans•. E. L. am Also y . -the undersign!" bee On that °ugh - 'attach be will &date It a limit - Terms -75c, payable at the e privilege et eeturning if RlaVE. 17d2-tf IE.e-The undersigned will re season the American reg - ;Kruger" Lie. 10698i, on Lot Lurtt. rerms.--4L25, payable g lIereford 'tea for sale. /LAM, Constance, Ont. 17944 After Woi or Exercise Soothes tired - muscles, re- Ineeee sore - nese and stiff- , nese end gives the b streenth. a feeling of coni.fort and Don't take the Wrkk, watery witch hazel : preparations represtented tribe "the same as" Pond's Extriact. which easily sour and generally contain 0Wood alcohol," a deadly poison. I i Magnet dir It you want the beet eatlitbe Nottr';yeilereanreted:toarn' ind t lelnthd t tjrlitheWidhea7mYetu, vines you that it is Alto the sireplestand siren Manufectured by the Co., Guelph. 'n. H. Ont i ; Sepgator. °ream Separator made, the turnedbuy the Magnet, e with the bowl supported at have otter makes left an tyial • try It. A trial will ten- et all other makes. Itla machine on the market. P Iris -Taylor Manufacturing &MET, Agent, Birrloela 1786-18 aura 1M The W Sold in Seeforthlea 1. V. Fe; druggists, Thorptettink ; English; Retnerhe *s: rid recommended int all in Canada. Only Tell - eine discovered. Lae 91.14tanteeri to cure , all akneas all effects of abuse * _ , fixeessive use Of To- fte nte. Mailed on eeeelpt f Six, $6. One twin pram. . free to any ealdress. paw, Wiadsore Crate. lex. Writon,J. S. Roberts and