HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1902-05-23, Page 6-a
6 �
lr,= _-_ __ - P � � I - i ; . � .
I I i
� , � I � I
. !
I —_ � � I � INI ft. ST ORN.
I 1. � ; I � �
I . i t 7 I
,A'"BSOLU,TE THE SKELETON 01�OWS- Why4bittlia fi childisso
I . ' 11 I - often .. ie healt�iest of a family of chil-
I grt M r. As sooir as the three girls were alone,tv &60 The reawn seenis to suggest it -
Jim gether, the cloud of reticence that hung over �self. * As child )ws chili[ the mother
, .
them p%ssed- away ; they drew their ehorb -ba' less and jo�sls( vitality . often not
� a �
together, Edgithp oaressinglMarion"n head ; I I
. SEU ITY, and their faces became in a *ioment. eloquotit � enough, for her elf and ii6neli therefore,
. . � I ifo� her:cliild. �
li _f I t
1, .." of hope and fear. . ' I ' � - gxpectant niothers who use Doctor
, i -
. 44 Do you think he'll a av,� E,Igltha ?" as -
I t ��- , ;
4 � . I 'Pierce"O Favorite Fre-
I, *
. Cenulne I ed M..%bLl in a %*hisper. ' , But z �. pt6n find that it �
:I 11 I hope no, dear," able Oswered. I # -
. . ,keeps them in', vigor- .
Marion,,you must be more Polite." - � . -1 0-
� Y . bu,6 healt - 'If,
I I zaft't. He irritates' ��ne. He's atiph 'i -I -
) i . ,4e�l, sleep 'we�l and 1,
an aks , , I � . /Z -
Cartv-,ft r s, - Mabel 1,,�.re .�Oot neritous.
Edgitho. looked shockbo, 674r- 'b � its
*I J� �` priaed. I i � I V n aby coties ..
, 4 Be !' hi p& ent is pra0ically � .
I 'Sh ! You musin'b- s4y tbo t log'I �
� I t
I ainless, and�
Little Liver PHISS Marbin dear. I wish you 4ould. keep wat4h �� ; e
If W �
� . .1 . over that tongue of yours,? Isaid. 't" eld6ot ,-her ig frlade.liap- . ___
. b the birth c f a
. ; � ! ; Y D
Must Bear Signature of . girl. . I I . I � ealt�y child. 1 If you .
� It He in rather good-look$ngt'l put in 08 �
, �
. % - 4 `1 and . ''I would � be a 1i ealthy
_* -ww--# , - youngest, timidly% 11 at Very Blile � of heal -.hy
.. � J I ,1114ther
I " ...... �7 0110�1___ clothes he wo,ars ! Thobdfibrookg4le vill
1111111''11111 i ;v �cliildren use IlVa:mr- A
,1111 1,110 I
11 ; 00 ;E envy us so on Sunday ; &od I know t46y I
Z� , � �?! � Ite Prescription."
4� V will. try to got him away. `J %iih we hall 1 a I
� I I
� tennis court." I I . � ttl will be- verr lad to
See rac-SIM110 wrapw Bdow. ' wsm� a fow words for Dr. I
I I __ These worldly thoughts were promptly �
,lPiercels'Favorite 'res:rip-
I I rebuked by her sisters. � . .S. I
" .tiob. 1)' -rites mrs.
j ,V"y X=&U and as e%W I Doo'giasi of. Alatisonville, :
� "I'm surprised at you,' Mabel,' sold � T-
I I ,proine o., tic 0. ttl)tt I
I %* 10" as 599=4 . Edgiths. "That is not the way for a '
. at - . ing the first four months,
i .% FOR RUBACHL I gentlewoman to talk." vvh-eii I looked forwaid to : .
S . Bat Mabel was mutinous. be0ouling a mother, I 'gur-
� 111111-
CAKTEKS FOR DIZZINESS-� it IL�s all very well, Edgitha, for 'you to , fered ve)ry much froin
' �
: Beck and vomitin and I �
i laff SNE0.1 be always 'talking about �our being gentle- i felt so terribly sill I (ould
. �FOR 1111.100 , . I � - :
I beitig I
I ! FORJORPID LIVE16 womer. But it doesn7t ptievent our scarcely eat or drink art
. U . � no , - I
. ', - i �7 thi 0� "I hated all I �i ,
! R CpNSTIFATION. human, and it doesn't prevent qur having 'to 5 of , � d. At this tii ne I I
FOR- � I L t 44r. ' h1i
. Is i ' work hard and not liking it. 11 -his i wrote to Dr. Pier(:c, an d lie told 'lie' -,to get
MR dUO#,3rJN. Dunscombe turns out nicef,i it will be much . I Favorite Prescri tion' and a bottle of ' Goidei
)JI ! ' Medical, Discover .* '. got a boule of eacli, an -
I FOR THE COMPLEXION livelier, and I sliall say SQ -1* when I )lad take tht in a few days, I felt Inucl,
� '. If 40JWA�wd.aan� 8AUSTHAV111, VA?U "When is the premiumto be pOid, Ed- 'beetter,andwhen hall Lakeu hardlythreeparts
i . ' I .
I =
lic�W:Ii�� 0. . Atha 9" asked Marion in a very low, guilty of �each bottle I I w( 11 a ad coil ld eat as Nivell a i
I � . __ "I I . - . � any onii, and, cotIld (o ray Avork Nvitliout any
i , L 1 4'ro""'W"',* �� voice. � � trouble i(i could not d a nythi ng be fore). I fee I
� i CURE SICK HEADACHE. . - I don't know exactly�: dear," alBswered thankful tolDr. Pierce foil- Ilis medicine,
I — . 44 e
! . er EiAer, with a tronble& look an"N tell all who tel me they are sick, to ge�.k
I VETERINARY .1 say he will see first wheti er �e thinks he these medicines, ot- w ite to Dr. Fierce," I
will care to atay.", - � I I Those who pit r from chronic dis!'_
OHN GRIEVE, V. S., honor graiduate of Ontario 4 1
'Nlati:)n put one foot on �hetende are invited to consult Dr. Pierce,
� J VatorinaryCollegle. A.IdisomesotDomeati I leaned eases . I
salmals Lrested. Calls omptly attended to an forward on her elbow, and stared Ixomily by letter, fteo. All correspondence
cUrges moderate. VoterTntary Dentstry a specialty. at the great jar of ferns ai�d bracken w4'ch strictly privato. , Addre-sp Dr. R. V..
VMce and residence on Goderich street, one door filled the empty fireplace. I : I Pierce, Buffal N. Y. . .
at Dr Soottla office, Seatorth. 111241 . �
� -�44 I expect thewii-that b �111 go. a*ayibd-� � Dr. Vierce's ,"Kasaut Ple lets cure bil-
I e i
. . -L-
i cause of me," she said shii,tly. � . ioustiess aud si�k beadac .1.
: i I .1
j LEGAL � _-,
t . There was an embarassill silence. . .� �. i !! , i
I 11 It would have been b.� tter, I think, ,to rat6otiors, Dili OonEcious of nothing o'In-
. be more—more conciliatio, , it you cquld or6te ex olar's bodi-,? t� I
. iar.-l3tDr- Solicitor, Conveyancer and Notary have managed it." I i . cept thel!alob . .
rub;lo. Money to loan. Oaloo over No-kard'a Store : he whole co4servative'fo ce of'.1the two
.. �
main streek Seatorth. . U118 66 But I couldn't ! ThOt's thew6rat of it. - el ri was' requCred to redece i�� you6g
, I
I I feel myself blundering oii, and I I �nust , go -re luGionist to �si - lence, if nA to -acquil't-
. blundering on to the nd," bu�at ,out i ce oe. T And me�lnwhile the Rev. � Wymond,
R. 8 i HAYS, i I -
I I 11 Marion. . i � i 1. f .
Bar Cooveyancer and Notary Public. � h0n Westertoili pottered piacefully about
. rister, Solicitor, oalze--in rcar of And tising, she stood with her ack. to. � � ;
solicabr fc.r the Dominion Bank. �hio study, absor$ed, not in :onear' -
Dominfon Bank, Seafoqb. Money to loan. IM the fireplace,'ber wbite faice loo4in sullen ' � iDA 11 ,, of ' learn
.. from the very strength.of �;the fea�llu a which � ,, but in financial newspalisrs and in the
I .Iatestbatchof- ig own, plausible pron
K. ]BE , BarrWter, Solicitor, Conveyancer, .
J Notar blio. Offioas up ati6irs, over C. W. possessed her; and pualaing her h�lld �'pe�tuseswith hich the ciiy sharks bait
through her short hair, 49 stared i out ; be- - ; i
: FAI�Jla bookstore. Main- Streut, 888,101ith, Ont'60- ' . � their f uol traps..,
- 1 1627 fere her helplessly; A re-narkable face �; it 4" . ?or the rector1 of Criddook was a gambli�r
- I looked atthis moment, not beautiful, 4ut � '
I I �wcak but obstig,aite, imaginative but cowaidl,
I ENRY BE&TTIE' Barrister Solicitor, &o. showing power in the pr � a man as da,4gerous to his family and
; '� Ojj,,._-,;�y1, Block, Sea. . . L . pinineilt f orthEl'ad, :' ly
� H Money to loan. .. - 1679-tt - power ia the heavy, Equate jaw.! i �
. I
I orth. . Jri nds as a C013firmed lunatic, yet, with 'he
73L �b i i
I " Of couree, a e wenti on in la d4isP, �Elmwtlw a self - edinfidenoe of a child. Xt
416 9 9 P d cing him,
: r 11 Ydu ill � "y ina,'ure, after 0 . mug L
GAF,RoW, Barriattis, solicitors. &o. rich voice, full of. feeling, � t hive
Cor. 1lami1ton, St. and Square, Goderich, Out. 6 . O'l
�! GARROI & Oli, it in such a: little thfia'R, juq,t t con�-tol
J. T. GARROW, Q. C. I L �bei6n shocked apt!be own woi k ; and to re -
I be rud � 3f In I � en, she gave him
� 167.6 � CuAILLza GARaowi� L. L. B. one a feeliiga and not"to r.' Auill" I �stiire her beli L" h r pow
dare say it is 191 iog I wi 1 ,�me 1 daughters toiree veritable little queens,
i 0 eelin'g tfo
FHOLMMSTRI), vuecemeor to the late Arm of people-witht be people who have z jas clevor as they , a good as
Mo0aughey ift Holmested, Barrister, Solicitor eapecially L 7 ,i wire good End a
. Bat*i,;h me 6q woid and Ae r '.
i . I
. I , y were clevc�, he Rsv. Wymondham,.
- I after itbe 1h.,wever, had be! .�en thruat by hii evil fortune
Umveyanoer, and Notaly . Solicitor for the can action always com-le plelting �, L
adlznl�wikot commerca. money to lead. Farm L
. t"L %Ale. Otifoe in Suottle Block, Main Street. thought ; and to ape thil Uto the very Orofesiiion in which: more
! "arth. . after his,uncle's letters about his lmiih' to '
- I : �ea�ily than in aoq other a man may remain
. 9 - � �
rough it a Utle," come own: ,in a 6rst I a ool all his life4fthout knowiag ir,. There.
L 1� . I t I I
� DENTI&TRY. class carriage, got up as i he were going
. 3 0 Ifoie, be continu d entirely unccnicious ':of
a rienw-with duchessea, � nd qio about �
I �his own imperfj ticias and of his daughte6l
. ep ' for L',' lugg'69e, ibigh qualities J'an! while they pi,,ich6d,
the platform pe iDg abou I .
F- W. TWEDDLE, without anything in his P' tt b nds but a
DENTIST, r '' � toiled and s%ve ;� i a housishol, I and i a farm,
I paper-& Bix-penny one �! wyh e Joe, ;the i I 1.�
Gra4u:te of Royal College of Dental Surgeops of On- porter toddled abDut after , En, a et3,gge#iog ihe':built'air cas�tles in his study on, the
tario, post graduatz cour C In Lrown and bridKe work . 1 gIt')wir foundat on of the apers supplied
' t , �
st Elaaktien s 3hool, Chic&go. Local anasthL tiCJ for mountailn of bags and rugs !-m, Lde me � ill, .tothim vkith a 2'bh geneioni -profusion pyl
L , I
� s
I Imialoes extr,.vet;o-j of teetla. Office over Dominion thatit did. I felt that I despi?ed him,, ad,'vertisiDg com any promoters. I
Uanloi,Eeatorth, f%.',r;ntr!y occupied byG.F.BA len- hated him'. And with mTL heatt full -of raize f I
� ; 1764 - , - i it was not un - ati irat that Herbert Dubt,
I I bundled him, off in the7;3 t, ani : elt lad i cc be p'iould fe�61 doubtful about -the good
-oh ! so glad'that Jenny -wants .lip i I,. g, 4
U. F. A. SELLEFLY., Dentist, graduate of the I I pi 441!lh of the peo�le among whom he b�ad
. ' �
:Lth rope. I ,
DRoval College of Dental Surgitsons, Toronto, aleo and that the haruess was *nded W ;=e-, He mado up his mind ithat ni�ht
honor griauaw olDepartuient of Dentirstry, Toronto There, now I've owned i1l and, y on WIlky ! p �
Vialver in the Patty block, Reasall �1 I ito Icu them to t;b8at on the morrow. He was
,effy., Office 1: i ;
V# -M visit Zurioil every Monday. commencing hl,,: scold me if you like." I r Aed before it',,.wa light by the voice of his
. . lb87 it Dear Alarion, I dou�,t! wa�t *0 6�61d 1 ' �,
. day, June lot. . . . . . . . I eja�emy, Mai i,,n, �in he farm yard belo vv his
. ,
.� d She ikas giviiag di er
- you," said Eigitha so I ' ifid, wil,h a t w I a ow. -ins in h
- W. " ` , �
it. R. R. -ROBS, Dentist (supoessor to F. glance so full of tendisi. R'Z�" I . 1�. . --recti,
Twaddle), graduate of ROYSIL College, of Dental I I , I sio nate !ad- Isharp aut.horiti4t
: D I ,, ive way,, and he fall azl�ep
I mirati- n that a etrapger *buld have aakied 1 1 - '
i Surg'oons of Ontario; drat class honor graduate of gain full ofidisgustat her mannish wa�ys
i bond could b whicb� iun'ted �tlhe I ,
� Toronto Univois-ky ; crown and bridge work, idso what the � a . ra her than adthin tion for the self-deniai
I Sold work in all its forms. �11 the moet modorn sisters so closely ; 1; it is,661y, desi 1, that, iso ' " I
� anethods for pa!ulesa filling andi" painless extrautioD of ; , � ;!shown by her ( q�ly rising.
much-dependii upon it "' �1 I � �, !
i ileetil. All operations. carefully p*.rfornied. 3 fEce I ' aviDg laarn d that -britakfast was !at
- . " I know, I know," saiAl Marion ! quickl i I
, .y.. la f-pasit-vight,t had asked be called ;
Twaddle's old stand, over Dili's grocery, Seaforth. . ,
� � 1,640 � I I It's a pity I'm n e tt lei, - �theni be . � � to
i ot - �i , . so C�cl I' se�
. I __ ; 1 t eight oOk lie was ro i. by ,a sharp
— - - i r wouldn't mind my beiog go, rude," alle ad4ed i ra ing @kt his por, .
- . 11 J His mepicions ccu.
I � - I
� . I . : ? in ibe rectjor were con irmed by th
I � � f
. . _M.Kblo,�],. reflectively. . . I ce 0
. ) I � Eqi& � to r?" ' ;
- I " Who is the premium �t6 be i p � fa t th t that gl�ntlsman had evidently only
I atked Mabel, looking up'itiddenly �vith �� an ;7
Dr. johv'i M,c�Ginnis, I ; 'ju tg b to�brcakfast, whichi HerberD
. I ' , 1 1 : .
. non- Graduate Londoa�Weateyn University, member ex-oited face from, herakeic . I I .1 w;could not'ha,ve been the case. if he had
11 Papa, of con � . I I
� .
at Ontario College 0 Physicians and Slargeon rse,J) � i I . 'be n a genuine 11mrn or. On ;he other hai
L � ! id
I Offles, and Realdence-Formerly occupied by Mr. Win. Ma'bel answered by a Rrc an. I . I :th abe-bear- wai ml s%ing. Herbert, feeling
Plakard, Victoria Street, next to the Cathode Church " Then it m M all go li�ei th,6 rest ; like 1
arwight calls attended promptly. 1453XIS 1 : ve -y nervous, hot msolved n)t to be t-iflad
7 .1 my poultry:money, and �[ Mai nla-� money, !
� :
— .. . I wi �h stopped the r totor as I he latter was
. "� ca�me � le ving the roon� a 'ter read ing prayers, - a
� and everybody'&. I Wiah�peopl i4to , ,
; 1) i .
I DRS- -BETH.U.0- & ROSS the world -without parouti � I � - . ,
� ,ceremony whichifol owed br kfast.
Office over Johnson's Hardware Store, I Even Marion was shocked. The YOPIP9 t , I beg your , ar On, Mr. esterton"I ,!b e
� I rebel, however, -was not, - to be frowoed �
Seaforth. . I : ! � �be an, none the �moie warml that the rec�or
. � . down. �, � , I I � '
ALrx, BETIEVSK. i H. 11. Roiis, M. B . I I h 0 t troughout the
I !h again ign red him .
I I "Why didn'b you rn:�nage bldgiWia, ,
� i ' � . al ; 11 but 1 81aal ba gl;id f you will lot
Night calls -attended to at the office. that the money should bo� 0 .
. p id lo you or' to ,in
� ;3 ME know when,�ou can-�wh n you can opon
- i � 'i ; I i i
Marion ?" . � r � �
' . i �
! &R. F. J. BUKHOWS1 " 1 couldn't, dear, I oia tri,i, h � i vo ir plans to lap, i fact---" f
i ; . Pt PP'Pa' � ' Brought to b4yl the 'rectior turned ir-
-son, Toronto Gen. wouldn't hear of it. I di4 iell t,ini i tho4h, i ,
1 .sto resident Playalolan � had Sur. ' � 11i%bly, and soro,ewnat haughtily.
I sx&l Elcmpital. Honor graduate Trinity -Ulativisralty, that Maiion ought to havo ba� shei wanted I " Plans ! W�at plans ? I-er-Where'tj
� ,
! A&amiger of the College of Physiolans and Surgoons of it,, and he promised. thtit ishe Ishould, 4nd , ' 'M�rion ? Marion will explp�a to you -that
� outa:rio. Coroner for,,the County of Huron.
i that you should have you paiu�ing I ,
Dfficc and ResidenLe-G,odarich Street, Eaet of the I . t lessqps ' 1-'ar-1 canr-lt le disturbEd by these
vietAodist Church. Telbphone4d. , and I my bookg." � I 1 7 th A 23
� � ' ' `
� I
. I I � 1380 49 I!don't want any money fo my! less in a 7 Ing. * I I
0 � 1(s were ap hast.
I i � I � . ' i The thTee laii, Herbert
- I only waitt to keep whatit I �ake , by 'imy � a ti4od his g rou u 4' ve ry q uietl 5 ,
1 �, I I
DRS. SCOTT & MacKAY, poultry." � L � [ ! . .
I j .
I PRYS-ICIANS AND SURGEONS, If .11 twi i in, di?i!,.m't ask to J�keeo w1hat Abe I In that 6aii�!, h1r. . Wes erton, if you
� i ! . ihste changed *ur mind about having a
! I . I I �
` !L
;r I ". I
- r t � faill, at
� - 4aderich str,let, opposite Methodist church,Saaforth mhkea by her farm.' : ! m pupil, I u Ppo e I had better go buck
I - I - - " No ; because if she , :did' we 1 should � ?;J I
-, to ilown . 1 �
__ � i I I � .
�. 1. 0. SOOTT, graduate Vlotorla and Ann Arbor. and starve." I .
L i
: of Ph 3tolans I l)g:1tba cam ta a ep forw ird, very pale
I member Ontario Colic sn.d L ' r
� *.' I think it would do p�js good tb starve :
T Surgeons. Coroner for &Unty of g aron. an fi ightened. I i The . recto , forced into
I a little. Why shouldwe lall think 1 noth' ,
U. MAOXAT, honor g�aduste Tr'lillty UnIve "19 :fa(ing Herbert 4ad % difficulty, stood like a
ratty, good enough for him, when�all the ime:� he I
gold modrilist Trinity Medical College. Member r , � re(d in the wilod, rubbed his spectacles
. College of Physiciau3 and Surgeons, Oniaria. just, squanders away every penny be can get 'violently, gl d V i y a ad that. For
f . . I hanks I to a -ay. � . sue lialwa I
; 108 hold of without a -word of'. t � I .
. � I the premium w 0 not paid ; I his unconecion.
I — body ?" � . I i I � I I mored
You don'll pnder3 4nd the � N M -
0, , Sh ! dcar. t abIle animal muOt be hu .
McLEOWS I aricu," h agaiemutteied faintly. -
acholar's mind." I : 4�
. � ut there wakno Marion to answer - and
� , b ' � P
� � - .
" Y6s I do. . It is a thing abiorbed i " 0" ' Ed itha, untill,Ahe last extrenii-y we
S stem Renovator _ . I � 68
y ; [I I I 11 . - . ..
' I � i - _::-_� � re non, Uared a er ere. .
� I I -
-AND OTHER- I. �:� � . it What do ?" he aaiA
� I A&M 1 ,, - � . y .0 ant me tc do
I I t I I
. " ! ast, feebly. i
[_ . m - �- . � 4� lfyouwilliiak me roundyour farm,
A specific and antidote, for impure. weak and I � . . . � - I auld just explainto a the working of it
poverlshed Blood, Dyll Is, Sleeplmnesa, Palpau. - I � . I � Aff ' a
"oulplaint, Neuralgia, Lose . littlia. You see �air I don't.know anything
Non of ther Heart, Ll I , i I � �
� . ?
of Memory, Breach tlis , k : oninimption, Goal Stones, lVe live by our 4 ood, and an iat all about it, ixud and it wpuld clear. the
J'sundice, Kidney d U Uary Visaaaes, St. Vitus �, � ,way. And aftetwa do you cquld make out
Dance, Female Iriegularie ev and General Debility, i . I )y - i. . .
LABORATORY-Goderft. Ontario, it. V,'e thrive or starve, as , 'some p an. : .. I
- I . �
- ! :
! _Ji � 1 11 TD,ke you r6fine the farm !*' choed the
1. If. KcLEOD, Y'roprietior and Manu our blood. is ri or poor. . ieclbor.4vaguely, lo� il repeatinj � ac)me words
I . . he had heard in �% ic ream -TI en he looked
Ve i I � H
fact4rer. Thcre is n.otbing I � ck� � ,,c to U at li*,s interlocutor and grsip3d at the
Sold by JT S. RoIBERTs, Scaforth. � ! �, I ! I
U0141 i� . on or b-. .,d I I I you�pg man's cnntles& on of igu( rai ice with.a
I I I ) ' ' I " Oh ! Oil, v
I , - . gteam of hope. ' ,-ry, well," he
I ! k f
I . I : I
. W 11 C 11 StrCllcrtll 1�4� f U 11 � and vrez4t on feebly, 0 I'll take i
I � � ID I ;� YDU'round the
sn i r * t �i 1, i,- . i f 1 J2 . i I
, I 1 1 , � gh, we "Ure bcill . ? i .
*FISTULA AND POLL EVIV � �` , ".7. I i '� things," added the inex-
t � " I . �.d exp aiq, .
1 I. f -C, �' 11 Cc], 100110 nnusde and ai ij,, i I
� I
� Flerainies Fistula and Poll Evil Cure Cured i:1 b0dy -11 . � I orable'" pupil."!! I �
is Ulld minq' -with cqn- : A cutious noiill�', #ke a Bligh expl(sion,
�anew. scientifac a carton remadr. ) , � . ,
� P, L In 15 to , � W6 from a dist�snticorner of t�e room at
I 0 COST W IT iFAILS. I t1lau-11 flow of rich blood. � 'a erbert glance �
WrIto today for Important. eire�Warll(*.&50 ' I � this, rdy' men f. d Ithat way,
i I .
: FLEMING RR09.1"Ciiem wag 30 Da's This is 11 - ,,, and saw the y abel, who
I . CCLI L11, I ungeat girl, N,J
ii 36 Front St.. West, Toronto. Orit. � ently rasied I r face fro some books
� I - AiVIAC11 Aveak, A low spiriits, :! Pre
! ______�__ i . . I 018 was puttinglogether withl a very red
: I .
I I nm C1_XC-., no s"crint,-when rli§t I faevand a preto6rnaturall eolemn expre&-
I —..r— � Is hut rest and Sleep is nbt 6on,
I '
The undersigned wishes to annouu,!e to the public 1, I . i 61iAnd explain thiaga," gaslied the rector.
4 r. lo� Ircan. But, but you
th it having bought s, I u ge 4unritity of the tbxee� be 5 `_0PrNV,C arc-, Starveld ; our U. I d 11 Tkat- is, as well as
brcu-Is of red- cedar shingku'l and by Kettirg- a If oral ;,.z I)C) � !. k'nowin that thb--4hi prautica,
I I LUtrl_ , pairt of the
discounb, for ca6h, is Drepa4ed to s,ql theln, to C119. *1 0r; thcrC iS Jittle, n 11arniiing Is left c4iefl r, in facitI may'say en-
ton,e t , tb t d;f.y competiti � . . �
LA B" a d.,.' ment in it. :� I tirel;y, t Abat"F." . .
S,"' A R Lumbei-Yar Seaforth. I i . o subord'
I � � , f I As they left tho room togeth0, Herbert
HE)dLOCK LUMBR-R. Back-ol"the blood, is focid-, , ,
' I t 0aught Bight of a loo r of aeut 0 Imieery on
Haviag In stock at the Seaf*rth Lbrinber Yp�l a *o keep the blood rj,ch. . n, Odgitba's face th�t filled him wit� compunc.
Vl�ry far a quantity of all the different lengthl and I . W 11 .
lock � . � all -C , tion6 But he decided to i te�l I
-.,,idth?, is prerared t9 fill any bill th2A Is rreeented, i ,� t� himself.
4of the very lwab. quality of Rem lit fail-, ,5 c o t t '19' Emulsi n W I
. i I I litt was the ,1#se of his ?pdnding 200
I I : -
- S. LAMB'�§ Lum�er'Yard, Sealorth. G -f COCI Livcr Oil. �' It $;CtS tl,�(N hi h affor�, without
Pi N, g� � , ,. guineas, w ic hO cc Id ill
. ,
� I any xeturn for hio mono ? i
. . , I 1 * ' ' ' y 6
Having bought a large oftiant'ity of p:ne from a whoic bod Y ,C:,r,01_-'_1,(r-Ao�'aln-111,Jn - If Wr, Wester�on had r3ho*4 him the
I irge firm in blubkoka, I &ill * ttl ig pine dr0sed v�--,)raan az I id Child. ; Z:> I -. 1 [ least courtesy orAl duess, Herbert would
both Widee cr one Side, for F01,6g,iflooring, ceiling; . ! : i I have felt relacta � 't to put him tb� the cruel
wide plank for water troughs; spruce and bal,am T -,,%-(Il hRve not tri,A iti, 5end for 1fr e � .
for gravel boxeii, I'ght an4 durable. Also White ' I Sam P I'; 4st he was now in to, ui,e. a it was,
" ' I I p. 1_�t yvit. I
C(Aar shlng1e3 XXX_� and XX'K and, Xk f beat 7'ake i,�:- �6 ct. ea' .Ytc tw,- e"w-_ i .., .!C ; J
a. TArge stock al*ays on , ','.- � be felb 4�maliciou ,�_
I In Muskok wn 8,�oT,1,&-BoWN,r.,,4 lcnii_4�s � - I I 4 pleasnFe at tl�'e thought
- �od. I � I . I i � of 64po ing whaV ibe felt was tl�ie rector'd
- , Ya- Toronto. !
S. LAMB'S Lumber' rd,. Seaforth. . . i
I I zuggist& - :' i , entire gnoranoe � of farming. I Herbert
.Ax. and $i.00; all d. I
. "
I .0,_
i I
_Pt E S V
� ", = 11
w . _"o
cabl r=41t D
, 12
i 1�,7 . . .. ; � thoughtl� ithat, iga �rant as he hi self was
� : .
. . I I . il I
, ,�
� � -_ : . � � I I
I I ! . .
I ; I .
11, - � i : ; . I
_ 1 ; � I i i I
� � . I ! I . I I . r
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, I I : I � I i
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� 11, ! I I- : I : ! ! � I � ! I
� - . e I . I
. � I I
I - I I - 11 � I � I i
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i i . � 1. : � I �
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. 1� -7 -
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. .
11 I
" a I I I I ����
the' signs of neglect -vy6uld be is erl where : - I � I ___ I . -1 - __ ,� I
P104 enough for evenihim to see. �
T I his -surprise hovv'ever, they said out . , One of the ost Aanger- I
of a trimly kept ) beautiful gard n, � sweet o 9 an4 repul ve f6rn;s- of - �-
idney Dlsea�d is i �
wi I oldfashioried flowers, and flill Of fra. I I
* � I
gra. t nooks, into a form yard whief gave
an nmietakable evid4nee of thrift, ant. care ; I
w hi e f rom, the gate they had a go( d iew of , i :
y . - � i
und latiog farm land,:,L the well ki pt; fences � - . . I
and Igatee of whioh, together with a i iertai n I I �
pri4 clean look of � to field, �
levery -sepaia I 11
aho*ed that the land was in onlipetent ... r which D dd's 'kidney
hands. I I I
But surely not the Rbv. Wymondl: am's I Pills are the only !certain
Herbert glan(Jed atbis oom i i,j i per- clure. 'In Dropsy the Kid- *
gldxity atid astonishment. ould it ! Mideed" neys are ac 111y ,�ammed
; iter,' which
I 0 *` =�
I I 0
1 N111 ii
,�bl I oi'�
t '---T
IT( I i
, i
� 0 Psy
0 . i
f, r tu� I
9 that mere tbelory, Whiah was n I up, �Lnd .the i ed' In the
lelivia the carrying out of its rules, to girls should be ex ell,
auil laborers, oould accom lish I � Fquoh ? form of urinel flows back .
i p 0 .1 and lodges in the ells of i-
Evep theori�te, however, mus .Uow some- I the fieA and puffs i ut the
thing about the earth thev are a posed to .
I skin. Remo vo t e ffith I
oultivate ; so Herbert, with an Xo 3eding-
I which plu" TN t th drain
ly rhodest air, ventured upon a am ques- Reitore t ea �Gd eys t; -
tions as they w4ked 416i3g the etcei � aingly . health. There is 9 y one
nairow paths whioh bordered the fieli Ia. .
is The crops look mi'very good t ition, . idney Medicine- �
�10 Ig his �- � . I I
air.-don'b they,?" he began, addr651811 . -
remark to the rector'i back, as M.O. V 'eater- I M I I
' .
ton,! in his desire to kilep clear of int I � �rrcga- D D D 6 -
tiou, italked on well in front. i I i
"Very fair, very:, fai )) h �an�awered - ;
r. le - �
haatily, with another long stride or ard. - . a �,
� �
The insatiable 11 pupil," howeve , ( K I N . I I
� 4
his steps. I , I " ' � - ' S il ]
. I 1 ! I
11 Do you approve, air, of th " , , lailage :) I I
system ?" asked Herbert, hi, yo no veiae I -
ringingout on the morning b cz�., and - F iLLS, _�___ __ _'
. .
re6ohiog a startled ear in -the in ad� w bc- -
yond. - ii, I in *b t ith the too cf ome, of her boots.
I g' 0 1
The rector turned half round, like hdzs3 And, im�po tant als the subject wag, :iustiuct
maddened by gnats. 11 - and habit) lade her suddenly�stoop, lay hold
11 It depends, it depends-i'l said ho dog. of a weed at her feet4 and ,with a little &O-
matically. And, in a rash moment fired F istance from the hoe she was carrying, pull
b in , . n root. There
,Lgeo e unhappy impulse to assume 4 know it out deftly with an unbroko
is w�.ich he had not, he aaded i 14 I upon was something in the action' so suggestive
! I .
the breed, you know." .11 that it opened the youn man's eyes a little,
Then, to his g t j he gob rid I f his and prepared him for t e disolosure vhiih,
rea joys I I -
11 pupil; " for Herbert, convulsed wil h half was to follow.
angry, half malicious. laughter, fell, back ; " Very well," said he �ieekly. " Of
and the rector, r"king little of aug � b but course I will go back if you like. But I shall
ealoape, went on his way with ever swifter be glad if you can tell me, one thing I Since
otcpi until, finding a turning which 1 led to I am going away it dDe8U'Q matter, 'you
the house, he flad without! a look 0abind, know. Does your fattier know anything
back towards his study. In the 1 second about theoretical f armiE g ?" � .
I '
d, however, he had to pass bUriom " Not so much as the birdon that post."
Toor Mr. Westerton accosted his laugh- -01 Then how could he teach inel" -
ter ia a fury of indignation, which, h�wever, " He couldn't. Loo� at the advertise.'
as he was on the whole a mild te1inpered menb agiiii. and �yo,u wi.1 fin4 no mention of_
man, she did,not find very fozmi,1'%bb hfi� as the teacher. , I `
'46 I 'a -cher then ?"
You have played, me a trif-h . I. cruel 46 Who was to be the tea . I
trick," he said,' sbakiag from t 0 �errible I wal." �
Motions he bad recent] � , *y ou 11 Oh, oh, Tes."
I I y endured. ' I . I
said I should only hay.,e to vut in 1e! adver- There was a; pause, a very awkward one.
tiiement and copy E lk*itba a lett,rs.i And Herbert wanted to laugh. Marion looked
that objection"le young person h I I 'been almost as if she was ready to, cry.
I . I
follouirig at my heela, ,asking me q4 stions At last he, said I I Oh, oh y,ea " agairl. But
, g '
w4ioh I know ivere meant to be n ting, then, as th,s didn'r, advance matters much,,
�a, * 0 amusement at
. fill I
ad'if I were a �lougbbo,y ! It is o Bid. I and as he was still brirr f
shall ii ever be', iave you, again. Andt I will the ridiculous notion ul lon h ch she had
never, never be induced to take a fitrining acted, he said mildly, I at witchi an inevitable
. I I
pupil any more." - touch of indulgent patronage : "'It was
'Tbis last threat, poor man, seetheti super- v,ery- very plucky of you. Bdt—but rather.
fluouu. He did not Ata to be 6 y, wa,313)
I y comfortpd, f unn u it, ? As f a man could learn
hilt taking off his hat and pwaingi hii shak- practical farmiDg from a j*ng lady &m-
in I g hand through the silvery whi6 aves of ateur !" ' . . .
is jiemem� If he had hurled at h,
hit hair, as if to brush away th �. . ,r.the moat violent
brance Of the beirid nightmarl ro which abuse, she could not have tarn.ed on him
� I I ,
bad jliat suffered, he wont - I 1� I
he on 1; way, with more fiereenEsq. .
leaving pior Marion to bear the glint of 11 Amateur !"'she exclaimed,- 11 I am am.
the awkward situation which, as hei, father atenr ! Look at these fields. Whatever
truly said, was none of his maki4. : you know or don't knovyl abo�t farming, can
. .__ i � you look at these fields and 'believe that I
, � . '
I - .
� CHAPTER IV. ! � � don't understand my work as well as :ny
I I I I man in Eogland ? Do 1—do I look m.
A RErACTOTLY PUPIL. I : I ateur ?" .
� ! .
. I
�And there was the" pupil," in isipeauti- She did not. RemenberLi the fl6wer-
"Illy Out drab eolored corduroy 0 , %i5h laden hats, the little InDe and -ribbon-tritu.
bil smart, light breeches, his ape e gait. med aprons of -the ladiei he �ad seen play a �
eis, his brown hat, 411 as smait d as bay -making at his father's duntry house,
I '
. new as those of a stage farmer, .cc ii ' 3g at Herbert, with a shy side glance at her
I her over the heolke, with an expr)ss 'n full workmanlike apparel, could conscientiously
of so much undisguised m%lice, I hal I Mart. Bay, "NO." I I
o4's di.imay instantly .turned agi in!� o an- " Noi" she went on,; " my mistake was
1 4 .
tapnism. - What right had 04' young not in oyer -rating my owers of teaching,.
. I �
popiujay, Wi6h,his pretty. face and i retty. kat in under rating my powers of making
manners, and his ridionlow IV ! well- myself too offemive to be' tolerated 'as -a
cat'clotnes, to laugh 'at her fathiii ? 1 � teacher." .
. t - -
I Ia 11 01h, no, not at all." .
. She marched up to the fence with" frown I .
o� her faae, prcsenting� the odde t : ; -,a ible 111 Don't answer me im that anering toney",
. ,
contrast to 'h,er oppol I 2ent in a p F rance. slid Marilon,L fl Iming up agaiii into -Wrath.
a .
Nothing smiart about her get-u�p ! , lobbing " The agreement is I cff " that- is "under-
studied but practical convenience i# every stood. , But you shall noz go'back to town
detail. A straw hat, a dress of r . 'I home. until you have confessed I.'am no amateur.
spun, the skirt of which was eigbt ; )r ten Fimt," she continued, pointing to &- corner
inches from the ground, a piki r � of !� strong ,of the field, I I you can, i it on that stile and
boots and high buttoned gaiters,' fe . mod a see me finiah what I'm iboub, I'm thinning
costume of masculine simplic Y, no�, W t - he turnips that were i;)*n laist month."
I I -
out a certain fitness which made it almost 11 Bub that's laborer's work !"
becoming. Maiion had on her - gue a . 11 A good farmer is the �ai-dest.working
sha' y.worded quetition, but befopitlerhe was laborer on his farm. I lapp I is you 'thought
niarpe'nough tq parley she had time to re- farining meant riding a 3out all day on a
� member that she bad' a rather aiA kward thoroughbred, counting the olds to make
I . :
explanation to:make. I I sure they bad not run i 6way. I
'Herbert's laughter � died away [� a - she She was busily at w)rk again, Herbert
ostme up ; for he too had a grieN aria Ei, and standing beEidc her looKing on, and feeling
in truth a much morel logir,imate on:a than foolish. I
I 11 Can't I help you ?" i
hers. � : I I
about I I What ! In that coot . Not exactly !"
11 If you have any questions to as 9
the farm, Mr. DUI1300mbe," she aa�� I very Herbert whippcd his coat off. and laid it
I to I ILS grer on the hedge. Maiion raised. herself from
shortly, " I shall be very happy : ' I
them. My father knows nothing ab';out the the ground sod lock 'd t hi 'in with a grimly
I .
)) i
practical working of It. q ironical smile. Irt I his cordtiroy waistcoat
I I I Really, Miss Weaterton," he an wered and dainty white shirt Ileeves he licked less
sl�iffly, " I am afrtiid to get answers to a .like a denimn ot the wc rk-a-4ay *world -than
I .
few random quesdous wouldn't help me ever- . i .
, -
m!uoh. Your father's advertisement, you " Tri -la -l% tra-la-la P - he 4ang, " Dqar
. I '
m I ay remember� spoke of a course of'practiA me, yt)u only want iibb�ns and a orook." -
I cil farming. On your own sho*i I I M r. 64 You would have made a very nice
P)!l I
Westerton is n o't able to give me &a'b, teacher," said -Herbert, ex4s erated beyond
I . .
� I' Did I everl say he was ?" . I i endurance. He had always , ad very pretty
�The poor fellow was taken abm I � wir.h ladies, but this one put her-
. 1
effrontery of thin retort. i � self, by bar shocking di3couriesy, quite -out-
"' Then I 09.1i onli say,b" be re atictid at sid� the pale. 11 You e so encouragiDg, so
'2 i
. i
last, 11 that bhe advertisement wai 0'i le,td- he' 6 ful 1 1 -
in I g )) . I � I ; I Well," said she, half apologetically,
* I
. Instead of �ebutting this accus tion with " it was too much for you 'to call me � an
iadignatiou, if not m il�h rudeness, se't e. bad amateur. Why, I frig tened the crows be.
expected, MarJou grew fi�st red ao� then fore I was Dix !" I 11
whitc, while there passed over her h xe an It came into Herbert's mind that- she
ex I preskion which was almost pitif I " � Herb- might follow that avc cation ', at it], but of
art grew very uncomfortable. 8 ,, vas a enurse be did not sugge it it. ' He grow tired
; .
borrid girl, but: at ill she was a . knd it, of watoLi,ig her thin ta, nips.!�
I 9 i118, I f
was hard that she should have to !'su�'er for 94 Is this what you wil uld have done with
. .
. I
her fathei'a mi,sdeeds. Her neit I woi ds, -me if I had been going to otay ? ls� that
however, astonisned bim exceedingly. I how you medhnt to te%ch me practical farm -
66 It was all my fault," she said in � A, low, in , leaving me to flan nrip ar i me, while you
humiliated tone. 11 Mine and h' :.�Pitha'a. you grubbed about ?" I -
He said we could not carry it out, �ut we " No," answered M rion, with as much
thought we could. But ib isn't !too late, di,crnity as her occupati a would allow; ; 11 I
you know. If you go back to itown to- should let you go rounc . the farm by your -
night you will have lost nothing xcet 'ShO self this morning, vej y likely ; but this
railway fares, which I don't, sup�ta 'n afternoon I should hav taken you round
objcct to yod." mys-31f, explaining thiu;a, and giving you a
She was looking at the ground, � n � � dig �
. d 9- little history of m3 connection with it..
. . . . i i Lhen to -morrow niorni�g you could have
got up as early a you iked, and %vatebed
Twitching -of the working. TIblat is , ow I abould hs�ve
� � I
; begun." - I
. le 'VIDS "And a very goo ay i too, I should
The N , w lit�
I �, think," said Herbert, 0 s
I - I p at
. ; you would carry out th Ian, if only
)I .
� Mrs. Drinkwater, 5 Water Str t, Galt. to show me what I have misses .
Ont., states:—" My great trou,blo li�s 11 It would take too much time now that
been -with my nerves. 1wasvery eelvous, it would have no object," said Marion short -
had twitching of the ner e ,I uld not ly. She was &martiDg: Under the failure d
get to sleep at night e d quite the grand plan of which she had beenso
worn out and believing that I nee ed -E ome. proud. 46 But I will take 1 you over to
medicina began to. use Dr. Chases Nervie Major Byrne ; he does littl, *farmiag him -
Food. I 'can truthfully sa . y . t at, this self, and he is very kiu � hL manners as
preparation has proven surprisin y bene- etty as you please, an 'would, I dare say,
pr .
ficial to me. It has strengthene4 � .
� . and be glad to have you to t Ik to."
stleadied my nerves, made me ie�t and � I - .
Still carrying her hoe, sheragidly skirted
' �
sleep Nvell, andl in fact built up the lystem the fields towards thja high roa , and, with
generally." - I .I
i I Herbert follo.viing her, trainped about a
In Dr. Chase's Nerve Food is u�.- the quarter of a mile f urt.h8r along' the road,until
ideal toni,: for blood and ner-Yest and they came to a pretty ittle, cottage resi-
through these two mediums every Organ dence, the occupier of hich, a handsome
I in �he human system is benefited. , The elderly Iri&hman, was nailing, up the creep -
Ian u , . epressing feelings d sa pear e a on I i 3 Walla. He hu rried . down to the
I " -
W . , n is great res ra ive is use gate, we coin arion with", e us�en, and
w � it i renewed energy and vigor dise se is at once extended a frien ly hand o' r com- �
ove.-come, the organs of the body per] orm paniop. I I I
the r various duties and new flesh anK, tis- " And is tkis y*r pupi , M-Akon ?'� he ask-
, sue are added. 5o cents a box,,�l all ed, with a twinkle *a his eye. ji
dea ers, or Rdmanson, Bates � Co., ' Gs No,)) i
Toiiouto. . � . answered she, ut with less shar -
I . ness of tone than she lift uscd to poor HeT
I ert ; 11 he Acesn'b think e shall take it, and
he is going back to town, Bu .
Dr. Chase's . 1,0�� as he wants
I to see something of thework of a farm
firel.auld as I haven't muoh time for play,
' Nerve Fo d as you kuow, major, I t ought yon would
� . . I -
I � . I .!
perb p be ood enongk to show him Over
you all ace.,q I I I
is At ,. dear Marion, to bear is to be
Vou. ub me little place is not - 11%
wortl how, inito a man that ebmea 8tr ight
from ,, a beat ept farm In the county."
M a ri n laughed mischievously as she left
them t gether. � Ani then Hetbert be to
see ,I he had been -brought there. "I he
. . Tr
learn i rom the major that thO., Glebe Fartim
had I con brought, under Marion' 8 ear�, to
be a - nod el. on a small scale, Of W�" -a,
profil able farm should be. She had, grjeatly
enlar ;ed it by judiciously taking on - m0r`5
land, a, bit at a time, and wouldi if she
were iot so heavily handicapped, und)ubt-
edly nd by having not only one of the beat
bnt Ott of the laikest farms in the south.
66 gow is she haudi3apped ?" askedl�e b*
. 'r an
ert, vri h much interest- 11 Do you a
by beir g a girl ?"
11 *.(, I mean by being the daughter -of a
- .
a indithrift, which, with all respect to the
ctur6h is the only name one can give I o the
rector, ' Bald the major solemnly. " He
open( a all thO IiIODey he c" sorape tog ither,
or hirrow, in speculations, VHch ailwaye
turn )u t badly ; and the girls have t(
his di6b t a and keep the house goiing as 1 747
- 44 lit theV must be very fool.ish to -7t up
.. .
withitil, said Herbert. .
. 46 ye, well, perhaps. But We 0, foolish-
nessofis loves them for. But.it makes the
work almost to �eavy for me 6 lendid Mar-
twon, to wcrks just about t9ree times as '
hard at she ought to do, to save th ex -
elf �
pense c f extra labor." i
Herbert was struck dumb. If h this
were ti ne, what abrosity he had been Oilty
of in n t putting up meekly with any!treat-
- ment t which this young girl might � have
ohosoin to subject him. After a shortlipaure
he said ia a contrifie voice * -
11 She does,' though, ievengs Aerself
- pret hea-. ily on the men for wbats6e has
eiiffered at the hands of one of them 0,
I It tithis o -servation -only iafl-%me?i the
maj r' enthusiasm. I
. (To be Continued.)
41— �
I I �
To I U Who Suffer From a Run
i Down System.
� ,
--- -
Mrm. -1 ,arriet A.- Farr, Fenwick,' Oat., Tells
How She.Obtained a Curq Aft r
I . Sufferina for Two Years.
� I a '
Thousands throughout thii eou&ry suffer
serioi0a ly from general debility—the result
of itunp verished blood -and shattered r erres.
To all snob the story of Mrt,. Harriet F�rr,
widow. of the late Rev, Richard Farr, Fen-
wick, at., a lady well known throxohout
the',Riagars district, will point the m(&"ns of
rene�Od health.� Alre. Farr sa;vs ? 11 For a
� � - -
/ couple of years prior"to 1899 1 was a great
suffer from a rundown 93 stem. , i --N y . di-
-Iles' i,i was bad.; I had little or no a ' I petite
and wi a in a very poor state ; I a 'ff.-red
from I Dart palpitation and a feeling o, c -on -
tinual axhaustion. Doctors' treatwe t fail-
ed t6 blenefit me and I aradually grew worse
unti� I w.0 finally una�ble to do th least
work. I then began using Dr. Wi harnW
- I �
Pink Pills, and from the very first I noted
an ithprovement in my coild-itiou. T e se -
. I -
verity my trouble gradually lessepe ,.and
by t6e,time'l had taken eight boxes I was
i enjoying 'tbei beat I
agai� of bealth- eapite
my s I ix;y years. I believe that DrJ Wil.;
i llam�" ?iuk Pills saved m -y life, and t ould
strong y -urge all sufferers to give them a fair
tria)i b dieving they will be of great bejefit.-"
Whi n your blood is poor and W tery,
whe our nerves are unstrung,, wbe, yov
Fu er d di , when
Vol �r i pale, langui-i ind completcl -ran
dow I , Dr. Williamb" Pink Pi'la will
promply restore your health by ren wing
and is iriching the blood. a
pro pt.and _.uertafn cure for all trc ubles
bavi g their origin in a poor or watery con-
di'i A the blood.- But only the ge nine
cure and there bear the fall name, �' Dt�
Wil ams' Pink. Pills for Pale People," on
the wr ipper around each box. Sold I y all
- eeai�rw in medicine, or sent postpaid i it 50
cents Ia box, or six boxes'for $2.50 by, ad-
dresiing the Dr. Willi&sna' Medicine Co.,
Brockville, Oat. . - I .
. I
; - , -
I .
rigk elling Englishrian.
The British tourist eat in the car and
g!zied idly across the back prairits.
He felt o* a!i,yht touch 'and, looking zound
foun I that a-ubiformed youth bad_dep�zited
seve Ia] ruddy oranges on his --@eat.
" le didn't wait 1or Ahe money,- I re-
Ularl ed the tourist, gaziDg from the frait to
tole i ipidly retreaLing train boy.
11 it never does," s)id the fellow passen.
ger, w th-'a-knowing iimile.
it 11
- on
,, Lsee�! It is e of the advanitages
of � )u .- grat, railroad sybtem, Freie Iruits
for i A pi,trons.' ;
I .
11 The ritiah tourist was j4at pe,F�_lin the
. I
seca id orange when 4 daiaty picka 13 Of
chocOMW confectionery was deilosit on
his tee., . 1 .
46 Bj Jove!" he exclaimed, entbu, imti-
cal15. "This -is delightful.. .When " re -
11 -.8& paperion t
turn home T shall w ' ex-
oellence of American travel.", '
In,lesgthanten minutes h re-
cipieut of "other packagg. lit.
tloboxcontaijuing a blackci two
matches. � i -
46 " . I ;
Tic wonder you Amerioani like to L '
el," .e saii, biting the end ,of the ti�ar.
The h' found that a comic publication had
fou i to way to his seat..
44 . I
him is great!", he. grinnect. `$I �am
going to tip the.blily.; Wait a.moment !"
T It kain halted and the tourist held out
a di e, . ;
:'� I ,at is that -f or ?*' &eked ibe boy.
oil owe me a half. mlstRr." .
64 �Pie? I thought you were giving hese
thin a WAY."
'F; to -day. The half, plow I
I .
,,i .
1Y 1"'FlAtLo
1 If there is a- post 0-flice i . n
.4 �
31our neighborhood ;�nd you
liaire a Jewelry -,v � ant of a y
� ' ind, we c -.in s-`urply it almo if
as ivell as if yo�i vis'ited s
Personally. I
I Write for our catalQ.-ui and
! thus have. practicallv the
I finest stock of ji-welr'y in
Canada to chcose ifrom.
Besides, our system I
of one i
price in plain figure; and our 1
givarantec�, as to quality mean i
so much to ouk-!of4owa buyers. J
�, - .1
I'Ve prepay , all delivety
c iarges,. ai�.,d if'what we send
di es -not please you in evety �
paq4cular, return it, -and by.
next mail we will cheerfuly
rq,ll�nd your money. I
- -
I I __ ` I -
I .
. Yofte and Adeleide Sis.,
i . I I
� I .
- ,
� -
� �
-��-� - A
. i -
I - I I
� . �.
I �
. I
I . I
I � �
� � MAT - 234 1"2 -- . , "
. I.
_ I
. I !!!q � ��
.. � � ------- Z _--_" � I
11 But why 7b I .
. on you ,,,take the U104W_ - .
when you 1.0 7 the StO.I. I
46 Because neveV sell it ' J)
The tourist r duotwn0y handed , tU
coin, I - .
" G�OiDg to wri'te �baot the excelleboa #-..
American travA ?" asked the fello,w . f
ger. I I ; I pa"eh-
16"Not I," reLpbonded -1 -itish -to
661 , , he BE � Ila -
am going home to tilill the nation _1k
. a -
the train robb?-ries o�er he,te.-,) - *"'
I __01114� -
Newso . I
- - 49-
� .
. : —
The Happy ExPerience of & ��
Napanee MSM, and ,how it eaMe,
, About. I I
�- 11 - — ,
� . �
NAPANNE, Otit., May 19.h, (,8p6Q)_ -
.Mr. Simon Wa�ner, of this pig,(�e *41 -4 ,
cripple with larbe back. .
.� His wife had 1to help him in and ant 4r. 0�
bed, the pain iz� his back Was to very t4
A frie"nd wholthad,been -cured by Doe
Kidney Pills, Jeco - I 4
mmended them .to *
Warner. He u ed them -and wa tu - � -
says : . �Ia . 3 re& &
" We have uied' in 4 about tvm-ty.tvt
boxes of Dodd'i Kidnq Pills, and t1i'm
. _ _
some away to o4r neighbors. �
10 I can ceitainly highly reconizad
. __
DoWs Kidney �Pills as 06 ture our-efor IAM�*'
Back, for they 6ured me, and I uevgt
of a worse ca*11 I UK*
- I I
. -
CtIrling � Song. .
' � � ; I
F R 03M " LI)fE OF -X0J01A'N- MA,UMD;1
- -
i .
Air—" 6me wridler my plaidip.-lil _�
� ��
' � i
A! niolat ih 'Wilas freEAul. a� nicht I VU I
- .
aneezin, 7 ; ,
J . .
11 T&V care,'i� quo' the wife, " Gudem-
o'yer cobgh-11 , an,.
I �
A flg for tb,e ankezia",litrray for the freWle
For the day *�e're to play ,the B. :- I
on the loo3h- ! ' ; I OwNd ,
i I
Then get up, �braw ldddy,p the nroidals*
I ,
mak' rea4y, � 1
� I
For the sun on th6sn�w drift'g .b�egfnnie t4
. ' ' -
blink, ! I , - . I
' ' .
Gie me bannocUs or' britichan. I'm Aff 40 tu
i � i
lochan; I
To mak' the ri Janes &eto the - Tl- Vv- I
the �iink` 41
� I �. I
I . �
Then hurrah fjor the builing Irse iG.iow
to Stirliqg ! - _
Harrah for ;the' lad;s a' the begisitnod
I I �
stainel I I � ,-
Ready noo ! &op it', no ! ,Clap & g6&a
, . t ,
steady no,o I : .
Oh curling s'!bune a! the gamet, st"ag, .
&lane. 1 - ' - ..
; I -
I � I "
� J , I
The ice it is sp4ndid,1 4 c3;nna be'mendek ,
Like a glass �Q cR'11!gto--V;r ifi�t. 'ale -sh
I . .- M
aff yer Ward ',-, ; . �
I j
Andsee how t y gi�tber, comial -.o*re -tU
: brown h atbi6r,� -
I The master +d a rivots the tenant ikid
laird. I � il,
I 5
There?a braw J.i O� �11�6,lie, hie -is tiiere, hU r
. and earlT, 1 ! � - .
Botter curlets tlia� � he or Hugh C,KU ;
I canna bd'; 1 : I �
Wi', the lade f4e *ij*innin�, t�eyql Iftd ..
� .
the etanq's spinhiro, . .
- W12 a whutr and ia curr,_ till they4ib .. -
i .
round thL- " 1. -`� - � .
P . .
Thil n.h rriih for the -cud -
1� �4 in', U �
It's an Un'co` hie siory,__ that b&A W,big I
I � I , ,
and Tory', � � .. 11
I'll, I
� U�un aye coilys:barl i like dogs own _& ' 9
: gy, _� . . . . . . . .�
, bane-, 0 i �' - . I .... � .
I An' that a� de'nomiin&�ions art wattid ii
- i i _. 111 iib I
� padence,j i � I
4 .
For nae kirk,4ill A a to let ithers ilat, -
But the fine fxost weather, let e weet�-
thegitbet', . �
WY I � ; � I - I
brooms hi their lhauns, an� a Stu - * �
, 1�1) - 1, 4
.neeir the � & T1 .1
Then by I � n;�, eerties, ye'll M km �
I I .
113, i 1 : 11 .....
Like rlthers�
, will Iole, -and like brithe-4 I
agree,!. 1 I I
.1 TMn hurrq for the curlW, U.'
I � I
� i � a, '— � I
. I I .
. . � —
� I
Di seaise La-gs It.s kleavy'Hand On I
Kings, 1�rbices, Presideuts, - ,�
the Noble �nd "Weal -thy ai� well _'
las on T.Uose of Low EaUte. .'
. I � �
. . - t 1%
� i �
IrF—,ALTH FM TAE`RULE'R ,AND HIS . . . . . . . . �
i - -
- i I i � ..
. j 1� I q
I � I
I i � . -
Sizkni5se, di*a* ai�d suffiering v*
1 1 1 *t_ ,
neither'ruler nior snbj�ct. The noted ui
high born have �thei� trials and physiog *uf,- -
ferings like thos'sin,hu:t�b-lertta,t�ionC.,-Sod-d
- � I
btandiug and wbalth ca'onot bar the progrm
of dielease'wheig the common r,u - haiwl"&*
are violated. i I � . - I
I : I
I Impure bloo&andweak nerves are rap � ow
aib!e for many Of the zoommon diseAsittf
life. The expdriencedi physician ,W411- t4
you thait men aAd w0mon with pure, 004
coursing blood And �"weft braced nervet, as �
I ? I
never become victims of rheam -tie zw�
I alz%�� - ,
14gia, liver trour leg,� de ilky, he es,qr
sleeplesaueae. i 11 - I - I �
It f oll"s, thOrefdre, that �zlrffersl� ftoni ..
any of the ailmints � reherred to should U- 1
i I
oncetakeproper meamares. to cleswe 00 �
blood and' feed --Ahe: weak -nervo" a
:� . 'Yatm
with proper Uo.4,ritshmoit., I - I I
For the happ* acOomplishmentof ttia-Urt-
portant work,.P,hinels Velery Compoundi* I
the only'saife ag�'n t ; this one great xpedfid �;
I .-
the only Eectirity againit deadly disme-40d
detah. During"- thv'se iprivg disypl, FAIWO � -
. ��
i Celery Cow"ponfid giii'arainitie.a a perfleat Mg. ..
bo � ,
I ularity of the- I welsm, healthy mLnmtu*v .
sound sleep, A ood! dig'eadotl, PuLd i1c0dk_- . -
strong rerves wid clear brain, all of Whitt
mean full and r6bust health. 1 �7
. Mr. B. Hutchinal omo� of the matt prm- ---
�. I -
inent Real'&tate men bf Montreklo sayle -_ _`t
I I About five yeiis ago � .I wrot-e you a lot-
� I � .
. ter acknowlitidgiing -the - wonderful tffed - :
. ��
�w ....
your P∫'s Ciliary Compound had iipolt -
1 1
me. af ter I had.given iti a fair tii,il ; that U
cured me entirefX of neu,ralgis in the -head
from which I had fsuffered moist frightfullY .
for over fif ty yeirs, and -� ialso that it tarid '
me of rbeumatisin in, my� limbr. In fact, A- '
emoved every pain in n�y body an I MWO
,me feel 25 yearayou.-Dger_ IhavonobbA&A-
- I
return,ofniyol4tomplaiint, and theredori
have to confirm all the 4tatements I have ,
ever made respe�,ting yo;3x -Comp.mnd."
� 4
I ! ow
Vegetdrian. 1�eefstake- -
'' �
With the pri6qs of bief still advand4f,
many housekeep�rs are tesorting to TUTOU-11
substitutes, sayi the New York Evenbs
. �
Post. One wniman . w,�o has been diP-
ping iato a vegetariai'd �reOeipt t0*k Jla4v-
that a gAqod v#geta�iiffl' beefsteak ..Can b9 -
made froni split I uo I A ptnt and a hahl'. -1
.. pe, ,
of'split peas sho$lld be soaked over zzight in
. -
water, to which�: a little'; pinah of --god& bilaw
been added. Iii thq' mq'rniU& pour Off -�00' I -
- -
water and put tj�e� peas ato a doublo boult
. I' -
with freali watd�r soondh to -cover tbW#W�
Add as oeasoiaing L� iPri " ... -
. I L g of thyme and*# .
very little garli�lp, two oloves L and is gr0_5
pepper,. first ta * :the! eeds out of the
latter. , When h peos1ava Wen 4te*0*1
until fefider, r of -e fr.iDm the'- firev dtiill�
and partii'lly na%:�h t;her�, beating 16, Mb*
� hot, a tablespoolul Of fih�ely oblapped Jawo*
or two tablcspooi , hile of 'ioelery, also mi*"'* -
'I . , ,-
very fine. Thiq ,mixturei is then mad0ittl0l' '
balls like fis,� �Ueg, and are dipp�d. UW
. I �
beaten -egg a-64! Indiao' meal l6r *0&
. -
. ,
crumbs, and, fr*d. , Thiy may be Bev"& _-
�with a tomato jsau�ce, .R�0- Will be f6nndtp� .
. be so hearty 4 eh'tire_'J� to take the PlW* Df
meat I � -
a., ; I- I �
: . I
- I
I �
� - -
I - -
� ! � a a .-I �__
: �
I � �i
. I � I
- -
Is H-eaLva �
I 310thers
- . i-Aitt
- - Iffealtb is tht
U. is _A.mothee�,
e - it.
, njo3z Moll,
ing iihildren% �
I '. A- ,a
. _96,016dicin 1.
. feet ssifetiv to t,
I -&
the msMY mOt.
i V,alue of thiA'm
I Bar River, 4
safforod great', A
I , , ,
21 stomaloh. b6v4
t lier, but nothlU
least tiff I b,eg
I TAblets, oxid U
I one viras fully ir
i % .
; -tbew
, so ithout
W.Ouide,dviise a
their r-hildren -_1
F,abfg 0 9,n q
of homes in Ca.
f1cial ttsultz� i
. opiite or *ther
sure in their ai'
The very best . �
the z . ,. mach S13
, .0
gestion '_ constij
.,ever. They g
dispel Worms, -1
cure all the i
/ price 20 cents.
I by mail P00 P
Dr. Williamlb7
'Outatio, or Set
A ]
A man is ku
on -looker has t
erafteman. 811
,scene reported
'Stranger in Bcp�
umbus avenue �
-of ,construetiol,
what lie saw, a
he tunzied ,ove.:
4 4 I " 'in give
. zaid Me foret
4, Whe, �
� kil
.oltber, as he sh,
glaves. I
� 4-4 L bi-
ewer. &!��Igkuc
up that bliekt5
-and -we am- ih
wwesther on Us.,
. ,94 Than3c yol
I ,0008 I would �.
.Thirty five Yei
these Astreets -1
toialdu�t find- it'
M -auy 130.01-- 4
Oreeleylls -AdVi
ba:�ve laid tens �
� _y.ed men -
ido&z need Me'
. i
-,y.0,1,a -recognize,
;; -
craft. �
The stva.nge�
A �
tractors inSt.-
Sueae-es -,
� .
� DU
Sacceis In bi
.wapou tha quali,
the Work of �C
as L*r as briffis
ucoiicerned. -
I T_h�y al -WAY -11
idias�ppolnt thi
mond Dye's ar-f
- the same,plici:
imitation B�U&
-progres. Yve dr,
no other ,dy-ea �
=fferi�;r dyesv
loss o.f inaterli
Do not ae,
- -from any -deab
-may recommej
-zold-simp�ly bl_�
-See that the i3l
patkage, you -1
I Send your A,
Wells, ,& Ri
Mountain st.,�
� -bye 34at an,a-',
I _o
I �
. The wed&4
-by i2cr -own V
matter .Gf fac
44wenir!l" tor i
tule of her n
- zemovs it! :&-I
- hand was tal
the ring rai . I
platter. Wit
�enf,orzed remi.
hours, to'he 1_e�
lit to the lincl
Xing mem -wol
years. �Of a;l
to her wedd)
valued a V"eiry,
miLde *1 goU
� Irmall dialnual
Inairket vidue
� ,might he�, 1*1
--pockiet M"
resent .madi
1: rinec-so Viet
- - � teert, he vYU
_adclptian" T
Which he-gavA
engagement --
precious to H1,
dece 11
osor, wb`
this memorab,4
To Cum',
- -
Tf,ke L&IM01-
-dr� u . � t455 , !
Fl. ; 4 I
� -
He n-7--
I -The fallowa.
� I
liwive'g. The I
thiz year, bu�
here -. I
Young W,
� � .
give ,I) your hit
ent, .
Old watro.
-Young wMfel
paid I -or them
Old W2 '
� SU
1. last few inoml
fieed it, -and .
little prtsen
.Cigars. -
At i
.,- Th4stry-In'zo,
,we( n the Aie�,-
by Irritawity, -,
lies, fitful
, .
'the hm"' an c
to Above all a
^&II&h .
safely Ithrough
1)100� ftreaga
-of 0 lemniln
: '% Iola body.
.. :, i .1 -
� - i I ,,, 7L j-: ' ; - --- -
� I . I I I
; I � i � i , .
- � ; .
L ;
. : I
- ,4C ish 11 __
� : � L � - - I '.
I . � � -_ � _ - _. -
I I � � . . . . . . I . � _ �� -��
. I I �
� . I ,� - _'Aim.-,
-1 ------- _:_-_1._. I- �--i._L�_,,__ __ . - .. , _� �
44 Un '.
I -_
,a sale of . . . . . . . -
lAr-emarks -he �
The' Old
beeause I al
11�peetaeie,.� I
� I
. �
'Young once.,
� ,h L
opt yon 'Awi
. -
. .
if to -. __ ,
- �aay sue
Aua faded, s-
she was oil _
bopeful, * W
- - the stalls tic-
� , �
.. :, i .1 -
� - i I ,,, 7L j-: ' ; - --- -
� I . I I I
; I � i � i , .
- � ; .
L ;
. : I
- �
� : � L � - - I '.
I . � � -_ � _ - _. -
I I � � . . . . . . I . � _ �� -��
. I I �
� . I ,� - _'Aim.-,
-1 ------- _:_-_1._. I- �--i._L�_,,__ __ . - .. , _� �