HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1902-05-23, Page 4F, • 4 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS' or The figure between the parentheses attar each one, denotes the page of the paper On which the 1 advertisement will be fo d June Weddings: W. R. A., anter-- g Calves for Sale--Huggh iii hmand-5 Fine Shoe -4-W, if. Willis --8 Eight Big Offerings -Mo f innon & Co, --5 New Shoes -R. Willie & Son -4 Is Your Horse Tainted:? -Alex. Wilson -5' Greatins-Wm. Pickard & Co. -5 The Satisfactory store -E: MoFa it Co. -8 'enders wanted'-Frad. Cecinas-5 County Counc:1 Wm. Lar:e-5 Boar for Service Henry Little --5 arogaa-Biehardaon & ]McInnis -5 Do Not Hesitate -Greig & Stewart -i oast opportunity -C. W. Papat-5 Farm for Sale -Whitfield Groh -5 House fer Sale -sirs. J.A.-Anderson-5 y Horses -James Ca" lin-5 Seatorth Races -M. Brod riok 1 Tenders Wanted -M. Br deriok-8 Wedding P.e exits, &e_2L-A. Young -8 bt non Cxpeoitor. S EAFORTH, FRIgAY, May 23rd, 1902 The Hens a J1 Convention. The following de patch was sent from email by the agent of the Great North - est Telegraph Com any there, and appear- d in the daily paper4 on Saturday : The adjourned meeting of the Prohibition onvention for South Ruron washeld ere o•day. There was `` , fair attendance °legates from the dois:tituenoy, The re - ort of the committees appointed to wait on the candidates to ascertain their position on rohibition was recei ed, and, after oonsid- rable- discussion the convention passed a evolution expressing their satiefection with he pledges of Mr. M: Y. McLean, the Lib-- ural candidate. Rev. G. H. Lang resigned the Presidency of the organization, and Rev. Mr. Martin, of Exeter, was appointed. Mr. ichols, the organizer for the Dominion Bianca, was present and gave an address on the neeeseity for thorough organization for the Prohibition catimpaign. The above is not q u, to correct, and, as I do not wish to sail under false colors, I de- sire to make the following corrections. No committee ever waited on me. I wa.s not asked to make any pledge, and I made Pone. Two queationei were submitted to me in writing,, as follows': 1. -Are you in favor of the enactment and enforcement of as stringent a law for the prohibition of thoetraffiio in intoxi:ating liquors as may be within the power of the Provincial L•gislatnrel to pass ? 2. -If elected, will You assist by vote and %:Lfluence in making effective the bill passed by the last session of the Legislature in the event of the Act becoming the law of the Province ? { The following is the `reply I gave to the above questions : 1 No. L -I fully appeove of and endorse the action of the Government and Legislature i this respect. No. 2. -Should the Act, to bee dnbmitted f r the votes of the electorate on the 4th of December next, become law, if elected, I small assist by vote and influence in making it as effective as possible. II was not in attendance at either meet - g,. but I understand that at the Last meet- g the answers I gave, as above, were Eopted as satisfactory, and, that there may no misapprehension on the eubjeot,I deem advisable to publish both questions and ewers. Both speak for themselves. M. Y. MCLEAti. anomommani Rlif be aE Which Shall It Be ? Before another issue of Tun ExiosiTos th battle in Ontario will be over for a t t er four years, and the eleeters will ha e ided which party is to have the handlin . ;f the reins of power. Although we do n ✓ fess to be prophets, we do not teiak it i cult task to determ hie what the resu i l be. Despite the f ob that polling da is So close at hand, ther aeema to be Iackin that excitement andunrest which usual] i$e4okecs a change, and indicates a feeling o the part of the electorate that they ar satisfied that the public affairs have bee epi ely and judiciously managed ; that th fin nces of the Province have been econom iwa ly expended, and that our natural re so meet have beerkearefully husbanded. or nearly thirty years the Liberate hav be n at the head of affairs in Ontario, an th heir credit it can truthfully be said the ill all that time not one charge has bee riiaae against them for any corrupt expen &time of the wealth of the Province. Dur irtg that time they have wisely administers the affairs of state and carefully and jealouel guarded our interests. To them belong the credit of Lavine saved to the Provino that vast area known as New Ontario, s rich in mineral and forest products', and i the face of stubborn and strong oppoaitio - theyhave defended and 'sueeeasfully main taed our constitutional rights and liber tie. In these: years the party has ha several leaders, all able men, but severely ccititoized and often realigned by the people aridpaperswho are now praising them, just al they are now maligning and criticizing those who are et the head of the Govern- mletlt at the pre -8 eat tiine. At this election we hatre before us Hon. G. W. Rose, who, although he has : served the Province long and faithfully, is appear- ing for the first time before the electorate in the capacity of Premier of this Province. During the three years Which Mr. Ross has been at the head of affairs, a policy of pro- gression has been Established which augurs well, for the future prosperity of Ontario. Mr.IIRosa_ comes before the electorate with strong and statesmanlike policy, and a a ; reood that is clean. Re has fully demon- strated that be is a large man, able and willing to cope. with the large questions that are now arising in the Provinoial arena. To the wise policy inaugurated by Mr. Ross ; is in to email measure due the, rapid develop- ment that. has taken place in New Ontario. n ve of a It g y n e n e e di t n d y s e 0 n n a While openipg up that country for the settler and the capitalist, he has retained to the Province all the benefits that accrue hem this development. The Liberal Goih ernment has been the friend of the agricul- turiat, and the large- sums of money ext. perided in that branch of Previncial admin. tration bare gone a long way towards position not only to conipete favorably with,. u , to surpass, the farmers of the United State& They have prudently and hiimanely e or our unfortunate poor, and in this vett have relieved the municipalities of a e financtal burden. They have been the friends of the workingman in enacting laws to iprotect his intereete. While in the various other branchea of government their poliey has been one of advansement. On the ether silo, we have Mr. J. P. • SIT Whitney. Bat en wh Whitney bases his claim the electors, he has not Although he has been s grounds Mr the suffrage o et made clear ping the Pro since for some time past, l e has failoed be announce a policy that aid be eonMtroed. into a reason why he shod be placed al the head of affairs, in the Proviree. Hi programme has been , on ' of fault-finding rather than a creative ,one, calculated to i spire the electors with oot'Odenee that he, ib the man for the position, 1,0that for hrr i they should turn oat a gbd Government+, one with experience ad , one . that hal showed by that experien that they aria fully capable of progres ve governmentt. While it is not our intenti n to belittle Mr. Whitney, we claim that - before 'soliciting the suffrages of the selectra he shoµld be able to Dome before' them ' ith some fasible platform, thereby showing that he i coni• petent to administer the affairs of ette ae wisely and e8ffioiently as his predertessor have done. t It is between these t then that the electors have to decide T ere is onto one side experience, prog�res and cape ility and on the other inexpedience and n ap parent laok of that °real a statesni nehi a which is required to furthe the best interest of our Pcoviuoe. Whiph a 11 it ba ? 1 Robbing Rural M Dr. Nesbitt; the Cense in North Toronto, and one right hand men, ata meeti in his constituency, laid for his party to stand on. are some entirely new feat which his leader has net y is one which it would be tors of the rural conetituer well, as it has been previoi Mr. Whitney and' seems change in the policy of ti ment they are bent on ma !ticipalitips . tiative an of Mr, hi g reoe t1� own a plc Although ries io i�. fe lidatt >n ey'e held' tf orn there tures 1 iti C.A. 7 THUR ■ �1 D CCS JTZ WAY, M4Y 29th, 1902.• TE8 1N' Ere piitLD. c NSTITI ddingtPn Igo is rant, rant, rockvi le mrac , ..... rue,] ;r rue , Gand wel' ari to ... Duff raisn�� ani li)ur ' am E ])utham W ,. E sse , sae , ort William a' oode,.....) on�tenae engarrye (renviIle. Gray. C dreyt N Grey S Eald imauid Ral n.1 ... .Hamilton, IC...... Helton, tor, W .. , . astitngs, E est ogp, N.... Hastings. W. - ..�, Hurn,]. • . • •.......... • Lake of �t LIBERAL. 00NSERVATIV.g T. H. Prestnn John Feezer, J. J. Zeston. W. H Reid C. A. tetwer A. D. Herring t Dr. Smellie W. D, McLeod Dr. Sinclair W. J. McKee D. C. Cameron W. J. Shibley W. J. Bissell uran, t advanced, there Haran►, well for the elect ent R cies to co eider l ,ing66to, sly endorc d to, E I' Ilam] ton, W Conservative party be p aced is ower.; Senn This is the abolition of th tax on banks, !acne In LOnd n. insuranoa companies, etc. Dr. N 811;41 ani ul mide a strong pieto the electors, f hie idd eee constituency on the ground that thi tax: idd ese was depriving the city cf some $30,0 0 of red ese ion revenue, wlioh should go to lighten t e tai: nem oke' +, rate of the p op'.e of Toronto, But ere they Nipis ing, E ... municipal taxes of Toronto reduced y this NkpiasingW Norf amount the Province generally would e de Nerf prived of just that amount of re enue.'.` Xert Previous to the imposition of ,this to the Kort cities received all the benefr of this seas': beta meat simply ,because the he d aces o the pgta institutions io question wer lo'eated i that Otlta city. It is a well known fact, however, Oforld, that although these head offi sea are stt aced, O fo d, S :,i .. err Sound in Toronto, the general busi Os of the cornI P eel ponies is done principally in the rural unit Perth, N eipalities. Lit right: the that Toronto ` ;E'e` th, S ;Pererboro, ,E ineeg meiei bore, 'W....:. cy and 'in this'' Pottrthur and lair ntribute large-, g t'r sett . q. d. concerts„ an Re. fr�aw, N to be 'th one Dana Rase G vernt Lana king, shoal 1 the Ljeed k, k,S 'W.. Ik, Ik, iumberland, Cumberland, io,.... io, Geo. Binnie J. W. Holmes :John R. Barber S. F. Washington, S. Ruasell 113. 0. Lott A. Dislop NI. Y. McLean M. G. Cemeron 10. E Britton • R. L. Joynti I B. Losses Dr. Jernieaon Dr. NiXon II. Caraeallen J. W Pearce John Dec ideon It W. Ji Hamra A. J. Matheson Waltee Beatty T. G. (larscallen. A. Beek Re R. Gamey Duncan Stewart Thema!' English James IA. Roes A. Mainiffy George Smith . Dr. Willoughby... C Cal et, John Cii„Monteith, ... , Nelson Monteith.... , Jt W. Miller Jos. G. IKing Peter White, if' Henry Moss Dr. Roehon J. H Carnegie Dr. 11. Gt .Lackner Henry ,Cronmiller 8. Madole J. M. Fraser Dr. G. Rautledge W. Taylor. Hon. George W. Ross lion. R Harcourt S. Bridgland a° l • should receive the benefit e f the uu which is done in this coun riding? Tho electors. here c ly to the proepsrity of tthes .P r nee Edward , L is it not reasonable that, theyshould derive Renfrew, 1 a portion of the benefit of the taxes on these businesses ? • Si:bee°, (J. Sajilt 1t°. lklarie Ir isthis view of the case hieh the Gov . Si ooze E nment have taken, and wwe�' think stl Si oo�a� er] y, , and in enaotiug legislation which give the: $15 rnijont Province as a whole the•beneflt of the rev jo on o, entre derived from this source theyare act-` Toronto, N Token o the !interest; of � the ural` To'ron o ing strictly in , municipalities, and are giving to them heir' just rights. Both Mr. Wh Nesbitt are making e strong the hold they have on the citi to Tl to. trey and tDr. Wiete kid to r tain Witte ee, and do so are willing to sacrifice the hiterests of Vir Ili the rural constituencier.! If they are placed ' ' • Weill in power they are pledged to remone dila ! SO; ini tax and as a consequence the ural 'munici. W nt pelities will be bled that Tor to, and other Ye III cities may 138 the gainera ther , y. Ar the yetk, electors ready to submit to ettch an i posi- ' Y I i T e following lddi . regi -et lftee the heat of the bat rit y Perpon Mite are nob go d politic e ate ao °time effective, and, in s it °end uo sly, till bye . par icu arty alerts ibe als ben should the. list as deposited four years ;I, the three Hurons wi side of the victors, and rogrese perity ifill he assured. tion ? We think not. Toronto ar read receives her fair share of then; good 1 eg that are going, and we feel certain tin b th *lectors of this Proviri'celare npt prepare t lose an annual revenue of nearly roc (Oa rte of a million of dollars 'imply to. gratify th whims of Mr. Whitney end Betide' the a er Let the electors watoh these men eloSel then. We must have Or j'tst. rights ; •w must watch _ closely and piotest strorigly I e.ain in power the men Who etclod up foe u and have given us justice in the face of the Thee Last II Call. As the date of the election draws i near, the one clanger whioh stands in . the Way of victory is over confideece. The elhctors should guard against the keno thet the election is sure and that lone vo e more or less will not matter. It if3 jU4 t 18 Epir,i of indifference which May twin the e ee- tion and remove from power a rogress've and capable government to mak room for those whose only aim ieeins te b to get in- to power on any and every pr4xt, ich ch they think will appeal o thcala who re indifferent or undecided. This . rovince of ours cannot afford to take a backwerd s ep now, we are on the road to 'ren ,wel 'pr s - parity, and progressive developreIent ie s en woull be dieastrous to Our hes lettere ta aed to the welfare of the Previa r. We can win and will, bat do ',rot be ed inn) indifference and over cenfidence he victory is not won until the lest, vote is polled, then and then on'Y Oen We re b. With stfch earnest interested iovOrk as We put into this campaign, and With a. thoro- ugh organizetion for bringing Out' the vote, I the Ross Government Will be. 'Ie - turned with an increased. ma- jority, and the three Ithrnne will night. Our oppenents are werkieg air th have never worked before, heed wet mu t meet them along this line. They re usi g every possible mears to win, ahd• We mu4 be prepared to combrit the M yl pettly personal matters which are beiog iMreclue- I ed, matters which have no : f n a ion pa fact, but are caloulated to misleed them who are not in a position to get at the ruth fdr themselvee. Let, us be on Or tglI.Lrd .then • and see that our friends do nob 'elilowl their, - Bellies to be led away or refrain froM !voting ia, too, S :Dr. Thotnaon, ;John' Mutrie James MoEwing R A'• Thompson y River. • Dr. M. James Joe. Michaud E C. Carpenter W. A. Charlton. Slam Clarke Hon. John Dryden IS. Bingham A. Puttallo Milton Carr John Smith John Brown Valentine Stook William Anderson Hon. J R Stratton James Conmee Dr. M Currie Hon. F. R. Latchford 'O.. Guibord iDavid Davidson L. V. MoBrady T. Urquhart gum, E Henry Eilber PhY J. P. Downey Erland Lee ional can nt ; Wes xford, list cand East To idatee are in the field :-North Toronto,' G. F. a Simcoe, A. B. Spencer, Prohibitionist ; trouth el incoln, George Wilson,. Prohibitionist ;',London, F. . R. Ross, Independent, Liberal. dates have been nominated :-West Fligin,N.G. W its op, F. Daly ; North Toronto, Mies • M. Haile onto, James Simpson ; West Termite, J. A. Kelly. er, ng- ly, th e is over. but they law of this ave to be ha.d a majority of eight at a bye lee and reports from that riding point un takea.bly to the fact that he won't ev n his substantial eight this time. Mr. V tine Stook, the Liberal Standard be rer Lashing tegorous,and seccessful camera. 0 up and doing, at , tie is a clever man and deaervedly pop y availab e voter on end is winning the confidence of the ma of the electorate. The Toronto Daily Stan on.Saturd y 1 which is moat creditable to that en has been made in that part of the P in the past few- years, while illust are given of many of the large ind established' there. le Avoid and vete, he Liberal r another be on the and pros - were h Id on Tuesdely, elec ion of the Haultain rit of about 20; in c nn efion with the sett! nt tor the 25t scIme hing behind the i the eiese ;Ion at (Mears 1 pre”ntetion. to Sir bandeau -if' paintintr pus ntaiion was made This token of good w 11 Pre ler. Dr Dewed, one of Ithe the Methodist church, gi ion that it woold be :a e . were Ir. Whitney to die the- honge made." b Mr, 10ibney to pose es a for 10 had no dispoSitio formieg a cabinet for ,:Mr lieratil has slated Mr.'iNel Conservative candidate in of Mr. Thomas Crawford ? thet Mr. Monteith wit/ ha • rth west nd resul Governn again b outh Af . Thee ate that • • of the at wee rid La of him hers of t ppreoia ablest m es it as lace Mr. the cou as ridie to do err itories ed in the en started inn war, the final rumors, but their here must closing of , was the rier, of a If. The alvert, on e House. rt of his d by the nietera of his °pin - Ross, for w to the try were er • OVJ uat In its report of a meeting held by Whitney, in Walkerton, last week, the route World says : " Mr. ViThitne introduoed aa the man who will redee Ion is- ve en - is ar, or- 0- roh ee ies r. 0- aB SI - term from stagnation and corruption: .Alnd the introduction tickled the crowd wig ily."' Wouldn't that make/ aoy per smile ? Such a joke would ticklf The seniors of the Dominion Parham jurit closed was somewhat ,barren impo ant legislation although several import measures were brought upi and deferred 41 next see ion, such as the railway,; co mission, and the bill providing for compui aryl arbitration between railway compan ard their employees. These, with the n franchise bill, should make the next seed Mr. Whitney told the people of New ,0 tario that if he were in pewer he would gi the settlers the pine on heir lots. T value of such pine would ary, bet a h been calculated that in an pine regi'on wonld be worth front $400 t $3,800 per4 Ttia last figure warithe Leath 1 sum paid ,p which purbha. a recent sal front the ro e, and if lie low' for 1 orre hundred acres by a firth INAitiw'• e a limit in the north at right all .. T e'settlera buy their land • ' erament at fifty cents an ac s already beguo is tarty rock on it allowance is made for Whitn 5'. The feet: Oa an average, tberef re, the am on Mont ith, the I paid for a hundred acre 1lot would n South erth, for I more than $40. For this $40 some o Vhat is t become lucky ones would get pine worth n The eh noes are $4,000. There would be a reit rush e to cent nt him- Northern Ontario under su h a polio at ho e. He this, but, unfortunately, as oon as the onti arl iet t- • ploi +eri had skinned their laid of the pine ther • would be a great . rash - out, This is nob i log short of x. die ottani); and blushing bri ' -, s Mr. Whitney.must hem that no Leg sis ture would sant on such a wholesale spot ation of the public estate. Mr. Whit- ney ' remises the seal r something that he coal. Oliver perform, i an endeavor to dotes. This is h idea of an honest r. Thomas Crawfords connection with the 1 akota ranch aeeme to be causing him no and' of trouble in the ; Present campaign. It will be remembered that Mr. Crawford denied, in the T egisiatrire, having had any interest directly or indirectly in the bnsi- nese, mol d joined the resp of the 'Conserva- tives in a fusilade of !abuse against Hon. John Dryden. But now that he has been cornered up, he has to admit that he held shares lin it. Of . course, it is no person's business in what way Mr. Crawford invests his money, but then he should have been " bold ]enough to be honest," and not have denied it; but hurledabude at another man tor just what ha himself had dome. . Bystander, in the Toronto Weekly Sun, says : ; " Sir Wilfrid Laurier ' is an avowed opportunist and a skilful observer of opin- ion. When he denouneee militarism as .the curse of Europe, and warns us against in- jectinglit into this country, we know which way the current of opinion must be setting. Oar people are now brought faoe to ' face with the serious aspect of the matter. To cheer the parting heroes, to welcome them on their triumphant return, to revel in weekly, ' bags' of Boers, to look on at re. views, Sham fights, garrison church parades, has been pleasant enough. Ib has been pleasant enough to feel that we were a por- tion of a conquering Einpire. But now our people are told that they must prepare to tax theinselves for an army sufficient to de- fend four thousand miles of open frontier, and a navy to defend both our Atlantic and Pacific j coasts. The maritime defence of Newfoundland will be added if that island comes into confederation.' There will be no use in !tali doing the thing. An army and navy not strong enough for the par oee ,would be simply money thrown away.. Let this be put plainly before the Canadian peo- ple, and there can be little doubt about the answer; outh Huron Mr. Henry Eilber and Mr. M. Y. McLean Noramatedi An lImmense Cro'csid Present. Polli#g,Thursday, May 29th The nonsioation for Seuth Huron was held at Heniall on Thursday. The day was warm and fine', and as a' corsequenee there was an immense crowd of people Mr. John La• porte, !returning officer presided. The formal proceedinga were held in Miller's Mr.1 M. Y. McLean, candidate, was norninated by Mr.! F. Hess, sr., ot Zurich, !and seconded byi Mr.Alex. Mustard, of Stanley. Mr. Henry Eilber, the Conservative can- didate, was nominated !by Dr. Rollins, Of Exeter, Beconded by Mr. John Middleton, of Goderich township. After -the time for reCeiving nominations had terminated, an adjournment was made to the Otating link, the largest building in the 'village, and , this was filled. Mr. Either ware wedded by Mr. Car- rutherio of Toronto, artd Dr. McDonald, M. P., tIf Wingham, asaisted Mr. McLean. The quettions at issue in the election Were very thoroughly discuated. The speakere were allgiven a good hearing, and each candidate was enthusiastically received by their friends, and, judging from appearau- oes, the audience seemed to be pretty even- ly divided politically. The public meeting was presided over by Mr. John Laporte, the returning officer. The vetting takes place on Thursday next, and.if , this ,meeting is any indication, the result will be a close one, and a large vote will be I polled. Both tides- are working hard and are confident of success. A full, report of the results throughout the province will be given in next week's News of the. Week. QUEEN STILL VERY WEAL-Qtieen Wil- helmina progreseing favorably, but is still v4y weak. She only leaves her bed a short tints every day. Her strength is re - _turning very slowly. COLDEgT Simon 1879. -Never dace 1879 has there been such a °Old, wet May in London, England. The inelement weather has not , only spelt disappointment for crowds of holiday makers but it Ise: aleo HoRRICANE IN INDIA. -A destructive hurricane( has swept over the Province of Sind, British_ India. FOrty miles of the Sind R Mooed were waahed away, and bridges, houses and ertibankmenta dieap peared. Fifty miles of telegraph wires were aleO 'destroyed. Many lives were lost. WATER SPOUT IN OHI0.17-A terrific wind and rain etorm, accompanied by a water- spout, swept over Cincinnati on Tuesday, causing the loss of six lives and injuring many others. The damage will amount to more thao a million dollars in the buLiness section of Cincinnati, and as much more in - other parts of the Oity and its suburbs. . STOPPED C..kNADIAN SHIPMENTS. -The Lackawanna and Ontario and Western trestle in Oswego, New York, which supply Caoadian ports' annually with 500,- w 000 tons of coal, have closed, and all ship- mente to Canada have -been ordered discon- tinued. Local dealers say that they will supply but one ton to each consumer until - the strike in the anthracite coal fields is e over. e DISASTER IN A. MINE. -The worst disaster in the histery of Tennessee. mining occurred • at 7.30 o'clock Monday morning, when bee t tween 175 ind 225 men and boys met inh stant death at the Fratertrille coal mine, t two miles West of Coal Creek, as a result of a gas explosion. - Out of the large number of men and boys who went to work in the • morning, developments show that only one - is alive and he is badly injured. - -DEPRIiSSION IN COTTON- INDUSTRY.- DepresIi M is still affecting England's cotton spinning industry. Foe eight weeks now ploying 48i000 people,' have been running only four days a week, and it is now pro - pond by the masters' estociation that four more Saturdays shall be closed days. The cause of the fewer hours teork is the over production of yarn and the adcumulation of stocks in first hands. • FO FOR 11 OIMONAAIMAAAAAAMOWA young lady likes toi be well dressed for at Every young man an holiday. To be wel shoes, and. this is wh stock of the latest st our customers a good pay. For the holida dressed it is necesotry to wear upleAge re our services come! in. We carry a, les and best makes °quo shoes, and taus assortment itt almost Way price they wish we recommend any 4f the following lines ADIES' WEAR. -Our 1..50 Oxford ShoeP, iwith extension or soles. Our $2 00 extension soled, patent tip- laced boots and Qx. fords, our modern Empress shoes, in 11 the iiewest style -8, at EN'S WEAR. -Our $2:00 leader in Dougola ikid, our $2.50 box our new shoe " the king Edward," Goodgear welted, at $3.00 pair, and the famous Slater shoe, in the latdst shapes, at $3.b0 Itha 4f the 01113t?i --Mita MO lug Oalif-or returned to 3 Mins -Ax, eek toO our windows for the newest in Footwear at all *mos. &ore open W LL S SON, Oeafort Bluevale. Th a ry fabrics of pretty printed hewn; Mus'A a and Dimities are true hot weather oornfo ti when faehianed into , pretty, dres- ses -and you must have thorn fashioned he magic of sprays dots and orals, ly stripes, etc. are all:to be s en in a d showing of wash stuffs at The 11; 1 Co.'s Store, eaforth. And as BOOM the et the g prices No E cenely Stowe t Unive also is Leech, o ing hie Methodi Mr. and worth, v Mrs. Jo ian mane Adam CI far reeov .-Mr. Robert Stewart, un il re - 177 -1 incipal of Goderich Model school, g his old home in Bluevalet, Mr. will resume hie studies at qiteen's ting Bluevale Win, ictevale friends, preached in the t church last Sabbath evening. - Mee. John Patterson, of Moles - sited relatives here this week.ee- n Gardiner is ill -The Preshyter- has been newly shingled. -±Mrs. ghorn, of the Bluevale road, is so ed as to be able to sit up.Rev. of Brussels, preached in the Pres - church last Sabbath, in the absence J. G, eanbury, B. A., Berristhr &Reiter At Hen all every Tuesday. , 17 2 will meet your needs by a special showieg of Ilr have t o or three to begin with and a flew more late on. What colors to buy ? WIt t's swore of questions are awakened by h se May day . This store gives answer 'e d the daintiest styles. Summer underWear ard pain ols-good choosing here. The E. Loc e RIEFS.-Rev. Mr, Shearer1,79stiee- tary of t e Lord's Day Alliance, addressed both the ethodist and Presbyterian con- gregation , on Sabbath last, giving a very interestin account of the aims of the Al- liance for the better observance of the Lord's day, and f the good work they had already acoornplis ed, and hoped yet to do in the near attire. Mr, Shearer is 4 pleasent speaker nd an indefatigable worker in the good ca,us .-The adjourned meeting of the temperan e convention was held in Miller's Opera all on Friday of last week. The meet ng was not as target. attended as the former one, but considerable interest was man fested in the proceedings. The main busi eas was to consider the replies given by he candidates to the !petitions submitte to them by the committee eip- pointed a the first convention. The sec e- tary read the questions asked eech can i - date and he answers received from the . It was th n moved and carried that the e - considers as the mote satisfactory to t e conventio .--The lecture given by R Mr. Coup and, in the Methodist church, n Monday vening last, illustrated by li e light vie a and moving pictures, was fair y dition to he lecture the choir and othe a ereatly_to the pleasure of the accasion.- number 'a the Ocldfellows of Hensel' lodge went to L can on Tuesday evening last, to a re -union meeting of all the neighboring lodges, au report haviog had a moat enjoy- able time, and having been royally entete tained in very respectes-Mr. W. J. Miller, carriage aker and reeve, bag taken out a license as auctioneer. -Mr. Alonzo Ortwein returned o Detroit the first part of thie week. -Mr. F. U. McDonell has recent' purchased a neat driver. ---Messrs. Coo Bros. are till further adding to and improv ing their leotric light service at Linen, b replaoing heir present very fair dynatno bY a mach la ger and better one, weighing over six tons. Miss Hatton, ef Clinton, was be the villag oh Sabbath last, renewing aci quaintano a. --The council have taken ttri the woode crossing at the post office cote ner, that as auperceded by a cement one, and are alio filling up the low platten with gravel, theeeby much improving the appear- ance of, the street. -Miss „Ethel Murdock was in LU an on Tuesday and Wednesday visiting re &dyes and friericlao-The recent ve warm rain have helped vegetation greatly. w v. -The Mifie e Railing, of 'London, spent the past week ith Mr. and ildre. Wm. Mitch of this- vil age. -1 -Wedding bells are more ringink in. ur village. -Word has bane received of It•he s fe arrival in England -01 1dr. James Pett and Mri George Trottel*, left here nearly a morthi ago for the old_ 4 trees on Mein :met nicely trimmed and Odds greedy to eir appearance as well oi- . to their shade b ring. --The friends of Iget Robert Crawler , of the London road, will be pleased to lea n that be has ',monist passed hie final te aminattn in pharmacy et - Toronto, and is ow a fal fledged druggisk -Mr. Legie, sr. of London, was in village dering th 'past week vieiting rola. fairly good pro ise.-Mr. Deniel Stewart was in Stratfold everal days lad week nod reports that city as preepering greatly. -- Weave ;Shepher and Wilis continue rept- lady to make lar e shipments of hognee- Dr. Buchanan, elZurich, was in the villege to his relatives. Our car iage makers have biiggiese-e-Mr. Jo eph Cage, of the vii and his -brother, Georgei of the Lon road, intend Ieav. g here on the 3rd of june for southern Albs ta, on a prospecting tow. -Saturday, May' 24th, will be observed here as a general ohday, and all places of business will be c add, our bueinese mot Mrs. Thompson, f Sault; Ste. Marie, who was here visiting er daughter, Mrs. Frew - cis Marshall, left _ ere for! the Soo during the past week. -With th near approech elf the election con et poll ice are the alit Roes, of Chatham formerly of Exeter, wen here a day dr so 1 t week visiting friend,. - -The cement wal will be continued from the Commercial h tel to the -west eid of ou.r village. i What's wanted in dreSs goods? Thisk about it now. The womaen that visit the Drees Goods secidon of :The E. Mend Co.'s Store, Seafekth, do hot wander then by chanoe-hardl that. ! They go where goods delight oth tee they delight you, but they are meet lik ly to get ignited and. like making .selections torn their offerings.' The assortments .and trim -cif the' new spring you must be uie to get best choosing. . 17147-I menoes in DOblin en Sunday week, 'June 1st., which will b preached by Very Reve Father Stephen, . Mt CSp., New York.; High mass begins t at .10:$0 p. no, -before which statutes of ttee Sacred Heart of Jose arid Saint Anthont will bo bloated, and the which commences iit 7:30 p. m. A oh the parish, Father"' 8tephen's mission will appreciated, and i , he is Only ars moo will reap good hetet& by attendivg the sere ;II in Canada as he h proveti hiroself in States, we feel toyfident that -our reader% mons which will be preached at the Mot*. , ing and evening itervices ' by this distin- NonEs.-Mr. Maloney, post office in- spector was in fain last Week. -Mr• Mon- teith Wet, in town' n:Tuesday last. -Mr. J. with erysipelas, a4d^ Is under Dr. Micheirit Jo J. McKenna welt ThiroPto last week on businese.-Mah m. Kenney is quite flt care. -Mies Carpenter hen gone to Strit. ford to viaib friende.-MrS. Simons lefhm ,, Wednesday last to visit' friends in bite Queen City. -Mist Collia is among the visitor,' in town.4Mr. and Mrs. M. Brode- rick, of Seafortle, - were , the guests of Mr. and Mrs!, P. *Grath on Sundaz last. -Mr. end Mrs. i Davis spent tundar with friends in Sii, MaryS.-Rev. rather Quinlan, of Montreal, paid& short visit to friends in town.--4Mr. and Mrs. Downey were 'visitore in toWn -since Our lastissue.- Mr. John Jordan 44 a buzinees trip to Sea - forth last week. -1 -Mr. 8', inlor visited week. -A number If our town eitizene At- tended the Foreste 133 conceit in-Staffa on . Friday evening.- res Butes is at present ry sick with plenkisy. -Titre. B. O'Connell, Neu Store with the white front, Another Satur ay Night Sale. Fro sacrifice. Fifty night $5 0 All oi Ladle T web night. 7 to 10 o'clock we were c owcled to the door4 last Satiirday night.. lines we will mention, but everything in the .4ous4 will e at a SIDO _ADS men's good tweed and worst d suits, worth $7 'CO $8.504,' on Saturday r new 15e Fancy Dress Musl n on Saturday night 11c a yard. ' 85c Corsets, steel filled, latest style, for 48c a pair. -y-five pieces Earley Silks for Waists, worth 75e, for 39 on Saturday cart KARO NO BLOCK, D & SE4rORTIL erZiek ,'' ftiTil ine iishel:06 2 It a": a I 15:13::::: 4. 6 altil 'eallo -mak:. Wtess; 14:11 been ill the SI bag been 411 booed of th i ten_dike vrtfaortmgin: atlychhellenelltralre, .9;1";011_Pnecgfilial4 .Jvirat_m;B:MFro.otiOtilbeiot:i second year. *-tillearl crehgeia;Idiellistirl' knoovii:8:7.up.nrifbaccar:i.teeetd:11 - -.1-11illaill .escape the ot .an Express 0 Iniana8ulnirebeieEinvic: meiatit. ichifare-1W "2,4, eoncesei, • , : 5btt bit,. Inti_et:Iglixiht Geri n:. d .aiirt: 3,,, , out of emplo - -oS4ffittlr---131:etl4aft41.frreIG77anwc August, 1900 Mr. Jones' JA:aprurilv:1:27t7th:: t fhN vlarr*gl 1313:1:S1;o o' 4 dtc•1 house in Ea- -Gregor W.94 -ofe---can°rEgeoelizArnr7f: '. ellsu.7eiraYrIKangrZeftea Di: if t e -r V8 tlFw: atiet tat h. 7, , ,rit; la ith Meanest --Ottawa, bee -John, New :17.13411 iluar: dtif:- - -iommdbne v7,3.504 itP°Iteb4fil 1 !he:MOP:I:13 etiryt 1°Rpo: YiulextoP ill 'Roxburgh, of - way system, master tnecht B. Whitest, I pail a visit .erected theril 4R:uvica:sealteleanmEi!: the atom anti -ever, the hor .gi.htlbrerr18bsesubbeliglYec°51;;1 what dame It. Weil photograph ,i,a-ull:i.e,W. _he remembe pwseih-veningonft:us.rled:vnej the backgro va<iruntonbensunerenfreeneedecuitill ' 3:411 oePrnan.idet a! 'tie: II: eel et FORT DE morning, at cloud, lit et people of panic strik eitedly fell upon Ants hard Ste 'harbor, culty that over and t Thenomeno whist plot Spain -tome rage agates 'when 'hit states that whichswas been Owed vas arid the 1110111ell