The Huron Expositor, 1902-05-09, Page 5Ear
is the Ox_
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is again ee-
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-The eor-
Iii be laid on
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eker8: will be
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ads- near Lon.
hall Townsend par -
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tending the
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,-,urday, April
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MAY 9, 1902
M knalMONIAL.-A pleasant matrunonial freigh Geese wheal is steady, a' I ad ef
which one of the prorniainR young men of e lake
000Stion was the marriage of Mr. George 740 fo
Norte of this township, to Mies 'Matilda ier at
43unDing, eldest daughter of the late Thomaa north
Gunning,. of Blanshard. The ceremony was grindi
formed on April 30th, at the residenee of dem
r. David Johnston, by Revs. Holmes, of oft eh
oaten, and Waddell, of Entwine, in the bulk
mance of about 90 invited guestr. The stead
'de Was aseisted by Mies Aimed& Gunning for b
?bile Air. Walter Horn Wed RS grooms. The
.wita. The young couple are kboth popular and f
rung people and their many friende wilt
;mita with us in wishing them all -happiness
end prosperity.
Tin Cotateue-Cannoil met May 3rd ;
.111 the membera present. The minutee of
last meeting were read and approved. The
Maine of T. Elletington was substituted fcr
that of T. Cann, as pathmaeter for division
•firming the appointment of pathmasters,
was pessed, signed and sealed. The court
.0frevision of the assessment roll for 1902
-wv,11 be held at the township hall, Elimville,
on Saturday, June 7th, at 10 o'olock a. m.
The tender of the Stratford Bridge and Iron
Works Compeny, to build on concession 4,
*Warren truss riveted bridgeaaccording to
plans and specification submitted, for the
aunt of $570, was socepted. The bridge is
to he completed by August) lat. A few
small accounts were passed and orders ie -
seen in payment. Council then adjourned*
-to meet on Jane 7th, after court of revision.
Norns.-Mr. J. G. Stanbuey, of Exeter,
was in town Wednesday evening. -Miss
-C,atharine Hill, who haa been absent fro.n
town for about- three years, has returned
intend putting peddling rigs on the road
this sturtmert-Mies Clara Sarum, who has
been residing in Michigan for over a year,
; has returned. -Mr. 0, Fritz is busily en-
gaged in the erection of his dwelling. -A
'farewell party was tendered to Miss Mabel
Finkbeiner, at the home of Mrs. C. Fritz,
prior to leaving for her new home in Se-
bringville. Rev. Mr. Finkbeiner was pre-
sented with a watch guard from several of
his ecegregation.-Court was held in the
town. hall, on Monday afternoon. -The
Woman's Christian Temperance Union met
at Mrs. Jake Mernernnon Monday evening
-Miss Sarah Smith, of Detroit, is visiting
-ner parents and other ftiends, on the 14th
noncestuon.-Miss Petrie, of London, is the
guest of Miss L. Williams. -Miss I. Doan is
again able to attend to her duties as teach -
en -Rev. Mr. Yaeger moved to town last
week, and preached his first sermon on Sun-
day morning, in German,' and Engliall in
the evening. Large congregations were
present at both servicea and the discourses
were very much appreciated. We trust the
.people of this chureh ail' make Mr. ahd
Mrs Yaeger feel at home in their new field
of labor. -Mrs. John Sohnell, who has been
on the sick list, we are glad to say, ia re.
eovering again. -The farmers are busy
pruning their frait otrees. The trees Ian
budding fast.-NoW is the time to spray
your fruit trees.
port east. It le quo
°era east. Spring w
rn, and 821c for
g in tramib. ill
d and firmer at 19
at $22 for oars of, shorts, and $19
n, Toronto freights Baled Hay -
led StraW-De-
ge are , liberal.
track hete for
eat is eteady at
a wheat' is ems -
51e for No. I
de -le . gaol
$19.50dor oars
timot y on track here.
mand is medium and offet
Price are Steady at $5 o
best g ade oats.
Dairy Mar
To ono, May 6 -Butte
butte are fair, with
Choige pound mile, 18 to
rolls, 61 to 1710 ;,,seeond
riltubs, 12 to 13o - lOw gra
Eggs -The marke is ste
demand ; sales at 24.1 to 1
new leid. and at ipie for
The market is firm, tvith
New anted at 1110, and
Mo REAL, Mai 6 -Ch
the arket is strong and
finest township makes, 11
Queb a !noires, 11 to 11
101 llo. Batter -The
and 4eady. Fineet fresh
191c • creamery seeonde,
90 ; choice, large
g des, rope and
d with good
ger damn for
a. react -
e mend.
Id at 1213 -
ea tone of
c April
rket was
creamery, 19 to
To ONTO, May 6-0 er'ngs are quite
scare and there is. a very isreing - demand.
80 to 85c. Potatoes out o store are quoted
Live Stook arkets.
Lo DOW, England, May 5.1 -Cattle to -day
ere u charmed at from 14 to 14to per pound
at 11 to 111c per ound.
trad slow, b'ut ere
M NTREAL, May 6 -Tr de was good at a
aligh reduction in pewee all round. Brune
beeves sold at from 6 ta oio per rouud,
prat good cattle eold ' from 41 to
;5ne,Irnd the commou st e
4,10 er pound. Calves so
.$7 etich ; old sheep sold a
and the yearlings at f
$4 73 each ; fat longa sold
per pound, weighed off th
or lower grades ; ehoic
or beef is quoted
News Notes
-ihe degree of L. L. D. was conferred
upon Hon. George W. Ross by McMaster
-Two children of Louis Saffel, of Toron-
to, were seized with violent fits of vomiting
shortly after twelve otetock on Wednesday
night lad, and in the opinion of the doator
at the Hoepital for Sink Children, wikere
the children were taken the cause was
poisonous matter contained' in oheese which
they had eaten for supper. Mrs. Saffel was
also ill. Thanks to proper medical assi
tame, there were no serious effects.
-The breaking down of a tank car filled.
with oil caused a costly wreck on the Chi-
cago Great Weatern, at Talmage, 50 miles
-oath of Des Moines, Iowa Wednesday
night. Conductor George of St.
Joseph, Missouri, was killed. The tank car
felt from the bridge over the Grand River,
dragging with it three cars, including the
eaboose. The oil -was ignited and the
'bridge, which is 150 feet long, and the care
were burned.
-At the Malleable Iron Works, Brant-
- ford, on Wednesday morning, one of the
moulders, Hugh Hagerty, waS instantly kill-
ed by touching a live wire. No one witnesa-
ed the fatality, but the unfortunate man
was dead when he wail found by some of the
ether employees there, and he had been seen
ilive but five minutes before. He made no
outery, and, because of the fact that the
voltage could not have been very strong, it
is thought probably that weakness of the
heart was at least partially reeponsible for
his death.
-A fatal man lent occurred at Newbury,
Wednesday afternoon, by vvbich Morley
Archer lost his life. The frame of a grist
mill for Joseph Hetherington was being
raised, and Mr. Archer was one of the men
who, were assisting. The chain holding the
-bottom of the bent broke, and it fell, crush-
ing Mr. Archer to death. Two doctors
were at once summoned, but life was ex.
tied before they arrived. The unfortunate
man was married, and leaves a widow and
three el ildren.
-The vayage of the steamship Parirdan
from Montreal, on Saturday, June 7th, and
from Quebec at 7 o'clock the same evening,
gives every promise of being one of the most
lorilliant passages ever made from Canadian
shores. The Parisian will take out the cor-
onation contingent, besides a large number
-of civilian passengers, the GovernonGeneral
and two or three members of His Excel-
Iency's household. On Saturday, June 14,
the minieters, -with the exception of Hon.
Dr. Borden, will eall for the coronation on
the Tunisian. The Minister of Militia, with
Mre. Borden, will eail on May 31st.
Ot from n to
d an from $1.50 to
froM 3n to no,
Inn 4 to nne per
at from 6J. to 7c
,200 t 1,400
fair t good,
to -1,200 pounds'
to. good $5 to
sausage bulls, $3 50 to
and springers, supply lig
SUFORTH. May 8 1002
3ao per ameba 0 40 1.0 0 40
0 11 to 0 12
2 15
8 60
6 00
0 40
O 14
O 40
1 10
4 26
2 26
1 50
8 00
0 06
Eege per doz_ I*
• 2 16 to
Flour, per 100 Zo
8 00 to
Hay per ton new „„
6 00 to
Hides perloo
0 80 to
0 13 to
Potatoes per -1;nah (nevT,_ 0 36 to
Reit (retail) per baercle. 1 10 to
Wood per cord (short). It 2 00 to
60 ; expos bulls,
feeding steers, 850 tp 9, Wands, 85 to
$5.15 ; common feeding eteers. $4.40 to
$5.50. Sheep and Lam s Stroug
higher ; clipped lambratops, $6.75 to 6.85 ;
fair to good, $6 25 to $6 0 culls an com-
clipped sheep, tops, mixed, $5.751Ito $6 ;
fair to good, $5 to $5.50 ; culls add com-
TORONTO, May 7-t-dlettIe- nport-
Good loads of heavy in:lingers are prth $6
per cwt. Export Bulls,- 4hoice h oty ex-
port bulls -sold at $4,50 to 5 ; ligh I export
Export Cows -Export 30W sold ell $4 40
to $4.75 per cwt. Butchers' Cattle I ,Choine
picked lots of butoher cattle, e.gual in
quality to the best eaper ere, 1,100 to 1,150
choice picked tots of bu. onus' hei 0 a and
steers, 925 to 1,025 loou d each, 13 Id at
Exporters and &tether ' Mixed- ads, of
mixed butchets and exp rt' re sold o $5.25,
weighing from 900 to
MITOHE In Ether on A.pril 25 h, the wife of
DRAPER -In Gioderl h towraliip, Base line, on
WRAYealn;Tuienberr3t, co Anril ,22nd, the Wife of
einnittLet; ;yth, on pril 30.h, the wife of Mr. W.
SHIELL-In E t NV !mesh, on A. II 29th, the wife
Deaths. -
Ideede;t dank,* of _the 'lite . Broadf ;Oa of
HA'WKSHAW-in Louden, n April 24th, Mary Ade,
1 McLaughlin, wife r. f r. Wm, J. Ilawkshawi
_! aged 20 yeali 1
Teo, wife of r. J. J. Denman, aged 46 years. ; -
Dugald themibei, *gel 30 years. I
lira. Samuel' umball formerly of Goddrich
tiovership, arid Meter of n. W. Dodaworth, o
the 16tie concession aged 64 yeais.
HENRY -At Weatfaild, on April 80th, Mr.. Georg -
Henry, aget1166 'eters.
GARDINER-I U erne, o May 6th, Airs. Peter
OLMSK-In Moirlson May ph, Agnes MeCulloUgh,
1 3: months.
YRA1N-In Detrolfa on May 2nd, lktrgenret Mooney,
1 wiffoof Mr. W. T. Frain, formerl of Grey town,-
, 814' aged 5# yelars, 11 montlus. arid 18 days.
In., At iEgmOndville, LI usehold Furniture,
Horse and Rigs), Thom a nonce, Proprietor ';
Horse Market.
TORONTO, May 7 -Trade was a little more
&dive at Grand's auction ia Toronto to -day,
and scene sixty animals were desposed of.
Some useful general purpose horses brought
very good prices. One,a grey gelding, eight
years old, weighing 1,200 pounds, brought
'$120. A pair of brown mares about the
same weight, sold for 5325. A' grey geld-
ing, five years old, fetched $150, and a pair
of grey geldinge $365. These were all gen-
eral purpose animate. In drivers, a six-
yeareld bay mare, standing 16 hands,
brought $200. A chestnut mare fetohen
the same price. A pair of chestnut geldinga
sold for $300. Another pair, a bay mare
and gelding, fetched $340. From that the
'driven ran clown to $100.
Grain, eta.
TORONTO, May 6 -Wheat -The offerings
are light, there is a good demand for home
milling, and the market is firm at 750 bid
st-Feederel ,steers,
pounai each,
pounds each, sold at $3 30 to $3.60 ger owt;
steers, 700 to 800 peund each, sold at $3 75
to $4 per cwt ; off -e lor, ill-bred steers
and heifers sold at about $2.75 to $3
and epringers sold at 1311 to p each.
Calves -Calves send Ian from $2 to
Lambs -Yearling lamb said at 5 25 to
$5.50 per cwt. Spr ng Lambe Spring
lambs are worth $2 50 tol $5 eac Sheep
select bacon her, not ese than 160 pounds,
nor more than 260 pou del evich, oft eel violet'
and stage, $3 per cwt.
eless Telegraphy
Is in the air, an it is in our
So ool, the
Central Business College,
SR?; of ireless Telegraphy in-
s umente, and We are now pre -
pa ed ive instructions in this
subject, ither personal or BY
Addreis, H. SHAW, Prinoipal.
On rife.
The i..orpast
Dry Geode ond
Concern in
Four Counties;
-1VrEN111 BUG r FOR SALE. -For sale, a new
oLaugh in bugkag. Will take- sio leas than
Fon SALE 011„ TO RENT.I--For sale or
to rent; a eomfortable frame house on Ord
street, Seaforthf ; In good eepair and haa good stone
fouridadon. Apply to GEO. BALE, Egmondville.
' 1796x4
IJLL FOR I SERVICE, --The undersigned will
LI: keep for eirkee thla Beason the American rep
'stared Hereford 011, " Krager " No. 106981, on Lot
11, -Conceasion191 -Hullett.1 Terms.. -$1.25, payable
Jannery, 1908. I Alec) young Hereford ateek for Bale
at any Vote. E. L. FARNHAM, Conde:roe, Ont.
The above caption i highly a propriene
to the reeien in the " }lighten e of On-
tario " known " T e Lake f Bays "
district. Is is replet ith natu al beauty
and loveliness, and co p ises so e of the
most beautiful water etr tohes and pictur-
ing army of touriate. The soeni grandeur
of hill and mountain, he eauty of
the lakes, the lovely rinerts, are not sur-
passed in any country. One tho sand feet
above the sea level. o hay feve , absence
of flies, aplendid epeckled trout shing and
good bathing and boat nn assured Hand-
some illustrated descr ive mat er giving
full particulate can be ad for the asking by
applying, to J. D. h cDONAL , District
Passenger Agent, Gravid Trunk Reilway
System, Toronto.
TURE, HORSE AND RIGq.---Mr. Thomas
Jonea has instructed Mr, Thomas Brown to sell by
Public Auction; at his residence in Egmencrville, on
m., the fellow ng property, viz : Ote parlor suite,
Thursday, Mar '16th, 1902, at olio o'clock p.
cook ethee, new ; 1 double heater tor wood or coal,
°hairs, tables, carpets, eto. Thla furniture is all
nearly new. ilalso 1 good driver, 1 road wagon, 1
of other vendee. Everything must he sold. Terme.
-All sums of $6 aod under, cash ; over that amount
3 Menthe' credit will be given on furnishing ap-
proved j Ant hotbi. A discount of per coat. per
annum will be allowed fcr cash on credit amounts.
Auetionekir. 1795-1
win, B. A. Mr. Sidney DOImage, of cKillop, to
hIcLAUGHLAN—FLUKER At the resid nee of the
bride's parents, Clinton, n April 80 h, by Rev.
Dr. Stewart, Alias MS 4, eldest aughter of
DEWAR-WATSON-At the Maple Grove Farm,
John Wat-
Bauble line.
i April 29th,
adour, both
30th, at the
A. Stewart,
ey, to Mies
RM FOR SALE. -For sale, Lot 16, east half of
16 On and Coleenion, also nrrth half of Lot 16,
Conoession 3, larey Township, containing 200 acres ;
170 acres cleared, the balance in bush. There are a
large frame barn, with stone stabling .waderneath,
84x76 feet ; log house and frame kitchen, a good pig
home, etrew )301180 86 feet square ; also ia good
orobard of choice fruit ;and shade 'trees. It is
watered with t a spring creek and two wells, plenty
of good waten all the year round without pumping.
The soil is rich, ae it boa been a 1 ng erne under
paeture. It le well situated for Markets, churches,
scheols and post office, a good gravel read leading
from it in all directions. This s one of the beat
farms in the towoship, and wil be aold cheap.
Apply on the premher or to Mol swerth poet office.
Address. AVID THOMSON, soltssorth. P. O.,
An' Pm restih' me hands ah' me fate, 1
But how logg Mary Ellen wilillet me remain
Bayfi. Id, Miss Ada, de,
son, to Mr. David Dew
Mr. Frank Delionty, to
of the Sauble Hao
hter of Mr.
, aIso of the
iss Annie
on, on Apri
residence ef Mr. J. Bnildpr, by Rev.
Mr. John Thanras Jerirfe, of Stan
Janet (Nettie) 'Agnew f Clinton.
HORN—GUNNING-1n B S shard, ai? be residence
of Mr David Johnston, oa April 30th, by Rev,
Mr. Ho'mes, of Gran n, assisted by Rev. Mr.
Waddell, of Elimville, r. George Horn. of Us -
borne, to Miss Matilda mining, eldest danusghiter
cf the late Mr. Thom Gunning, ; og Bla rd.
That depinds.,
to plant, -
Cud I coax Mary Ellen to give me .a hand
Au' liebilq fur an blur or two ?- e
That deprave
M y is alwaye our big mo th for !millinery, and this sea ia we have made
gre t preparations for it. We have just received andip asled *nto stock
a 1 rge assortment of the ewest things in Sailors, Welkin ats, Ready-
to- ear Hats, uutrimmed atein new designs, Llso a 1 assortment -of
Flowers, Feathers, Bnckles, Chiffons, Mouselines, IT immings of all
i ds. Miss Stewart hasicha ge of the milliner clepa bum% 'and will
be -leased to take your or er or any style of t you ish, and trim it
in he latest style,on shor notice. We wil e pleased o have you visit
ou show rooms and insif ct t e new sty s, whether y u, are 'ready to
bu or not. z
We show a great range otOor
selves to any one ma W
and select the best rom 4ch
second to none in, the county.
and buying in large quantities,
Os this season. We do
examine every manufa
ne, which makes our
We carry a full stock
we get a reduction in pri
Ladieb' good jean (Millets, all•ei
sets, straight front, at 25c 35o and 506.
form, in, fine satin, jeanian'd coutile, 5bo,
turer's samples,
took of Ocrsets
in all qualities,
dies' summer oor-
& 0. Corsets, in long or short waists ereet
eta in all styles, including thvn•celebrated watch
rOmptorne celebrated °meta at 75e, $1 ! and
oisTm PRI
00., BL
Wid its boodle an' epaches an' fuss,
But will it be ilber lePr wilt it be Mao
That we'll si d fur to represent us ?-
Says Clancn to enea'" Mac's diction clepiods
On th' vcttera in Stephen an' Hay, I
Av they end be indoticed to give Either it&
That'd settle it-Lbut, as ye say -
That depinds.
Now that !mate s got so high we'll be soon
forced to live ,
On oatmele Ion' all sorts iv slush,
Cad he ltibor on onions an' mush ?-
I That depinde.
Now I always, maintain that a laborin' man
Shnel have mate whin he feelein th'
An' a little, oetmale is all right in ite place,
But ie *one th' shtrongest iv foodn-
This yeaes new Am rican designs and latest
colors in ingrains, wit 'special value in borders.
We have also a numb
suitable for kitchens,
to clear out for 2c an
late for these bargain
c. that we are offering.,
per roll': DoWt be
AL Ha. S
• .--1;01117.tc4•C+ISE1.,
Now th' arrriers are' happy that We so
An' denvand fur farm produce imminee,
But wud tnet• be happy "as bate took a
An' egge shnd go down to six chats ?-
That &pilule.
Tom Riohardson's Footwear is always•furet-
Whether heavy or medium or light,
Some favor th) " Sovereign" an' 'some' th'
Ile sane ionIY fur cash, an' Lie *ices are
An' kindly,allow me to shine,
In reply to al gelation I often hear axed,
V, May
yr's rug Etore
We are ready for business in our new stand, and on Saa rday we will open
our Great FancY Fair with su h' a whirlwind of bargains tha if .falling prices
could be heard, this store would sound like a boiler factory. The Papst stock
will be sold at or below Mr. Papst's cost price. An invitation is extended to.
everybody to visit us in our new stand, See the great bargain 'dump -tables at
10c and 25c—they wilt surprise you.
Come early on Saturday, and sty all day.
RichatdsOn M'Innis
Ileaciq4artrs for Bowliiig
FEAR'S Drug ,gtOre and Fa cy Fair,
SDffl_Ar OIR,11`
Are uneanalled as wilnter layers, and ;44 dreesedi
fowl bring much more money than commoo stack.
hens mated with a fine, large, Well marked cook, late°
bred from a r ersistent laying strain. Eg a, $1; per
eetting of 16.
The following Stallions will 'travel during , the
Season of 1902 as followa
THOMAS DICKSON, Prop! ietor,
Monday, May Eth —Will leave his own stalls,
of John Fertur.e's, to :Edward Roach's for night.
Tuesde.y.—To Patrick El annery's, St. Columnan, for
day. -To Robert Campbtirs for DOOD thence to
Debee for night. Friday.—Ta John Dale's for n ion ;
thence t3 Ira Johns'l f.n• night Sa'urday.—To
Monday, May 6tb.-Will leave Ws ov tpilAe;
%Worth, and yroceeilby way of Roxboro to Wm;
North 14 miles and we.,t 14 miles to TELOMEtti Beattre's
for noon ; thence west to James Reiells tor night,
Wednesday. -By way ,of Harlook to Henry A len'a
for noon ; thence to David MeLaugh'in's, 4th Con-
cession, Melcillcp, for night. Thursday.—To
ander Gardner's for noon ; thence ens; -on the 14th
and east to Peter Eckhart's fore noon thence to
John Malone's for night. Saturday. -TO his own
THOMAS DIQKSON, Proprietor. .
Monday, May 5th. -Will leave his own eteblel, Lot
16, Concession 3, Tuckersmith, In le east of Kip -
pen, and go to James Rosa', 2nd Concession of Stan-
ley, for noon ; theuce to John _McFarlane's, 4th Con-
cession, for the night. Tues•lay.-To John Steep's,
fltia Concession, Gederich Township, for noon o then
to John Green's, Oth Coneeseion, for night. 'Wed-
needay.-To Archie MoDougalPs, Porter's Hair for
noon ; thence to etonnesville, at H. Elford'e, for
night. Thureday.-Ta Ralph Tiplady's, Bees Line,
Hullett, for noon ; thence to Laton Broa„ We, End
Tuckersmith, for tight. Friclay.-To James
Martin's, 3rd ConeeSsion, Tuckeremith, for noon ;
thence by way of the', Mill road, to Robert McKay's,
4th Concession, for night. Saturday. -To John
licleellan's for noon; thence to his own stable for
night. , 1795x2
D ly to JAMES HA ILTON, Staffs. 17963E2
Dissolution o
partnership. The praetio
Ross. All accounts due t
to eiV‘er Dr. Bethune or Dlr.. Ross on or before the
lst of June next.
will be continued by Dr.
the firm must- be settled
The Court of Revisit n
K llop will be held at Le
21st of May. Any ehang
since e assessor was aro
CI rk cr attend council,
right on the Voters' Liats.
1796-2 JOHiT C. MORRISON, Clerk.
for the Township of Mo-
dbury, on Wednesday, the
in ownership or tenant
nd will please notifa the
that the na,mes will be
lha)ie purchsecil e
ARK Evt,, MA
Victoria Day
a tow rat
the .Pollar.
have also purchased the
ermakes of one of th6
ON Clothing anu
facturers of Cana a
low rate
We have also:
Return tickets will be issued at
Between all etations in Canada ; all static)
in Canada to and from Detroit, Miehtn, Por
Huron; Minh., Fort Covington, N. Y.
'shied Pond, Vt., all atatione in Canada to;
•Good Goirig May 23 or 24,
Valid returning from destinatior on o
before May 26th, 19 .
Tickets and all i fortnation frMii agents
,J,S. D. hleDON.A.InD„ District monger
H est prices paid
and Woo
Opposite Town Eeding, Corner Main and Itigicet Sta.. Sedertili