HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1902-05-09, Page 4NEW. ADVERTISEMENTS r The figure between the parentheE09 ,)III ly e,*,,h V, f denotes tbo page of the paper on ch tb, ertleement will be foand bhIng,-Greig Stewart -1 ok Purchasid-Wul. Pickard Co -5 ming Day -1. V. Flkar--6 ,ord Sho,t s -R. Wiffls­& Son -4 wilsm-5 urday ' 8 FeWs-Learoyd & 00-4 llnery- oXinnon & Co -6 ing Merchandise-& McFaul Co -S retess Telegraphy -XV. H. Shaw --8 re-Reld & WIlld-on-9 etion Sale -Thomas Jone" !NYqZle-V1 Sher -6 1108ral-J. Hamilt=-5 rm brSale--D Thomsoa­5 menade, &-ncert-Ladi-s'Quild-8 Isd Notice-s.' 9111lett-8 tllce�-& Stirk--8- .1 WantfA-Mm H, W. Rrown-9 a New StAnd-G. W. P4pst-8; rtneruhtp Dit-solipd-4-Dro. RoFs & Bethute-5 use for Sale. -Y. Gutteridge -8 urt of Revlai iv -J. 0. Morriaon-6 katoeo--Beattile 134a" De" -W. H. WUIW--& tuse to�Rent-G� Bale--�fi rvant Wautv-d-Expo-qitor 06ce-8 oic--2-Will XcUod-8 opreaCce Wwxted-IL Bell -S N -K SOAFORT-H, FRIDAY, May 9t;h, 1902 i The Dominion Parliament. ho T d Ing days of the! sessi3n have been y a!hed,- and as a coMeqnence not much slape b of public interest is coming up, x4ost of the measures being of a routine character, such as genetally come up just V434 T be'fore the close, and are a sure indication t6at'tho: end 18 near. Sir Wilfiid Laurier Was anxious that prorogation might be J reached at the end of this weak, but, at present writing it seems hardly likelythat i 411ti-I et.�� his wish will be grat ifiedi but it is expected that next week will see the wind. up of the business, for this session at Ottawa. With g r tUia,objactia view, thin's arebaing ushed 9 NEW. ADVERTISEMENTS r The figure between the parentheE09 ,)III ly e,*,,h V, f denotes tbo page of the paper on ch tb, ertleement will be foand bhIng,-Greig Stewart -1 ok Purchasid-Wul. Pickard Co -5 ming Day -1. V. Flkar--6 ,ord Sho,t s -R. Wiffls­& Son -4 wilsm-5 urday ' 8 FeWs-Learoyd & 00-4 llnery- oXinnon & Co -6 ing Merchandise-& McFaul Co -S retess Telegraphy -XV. H. Shaw --8 re-Reld & WIlld-on-9 etion Sale -Thomas Jone" !NYqZle-V1 Sher -6 1108ral-J. Hamilt=-5 rm brSale--D Thomsoa­5 menade, &-ncert-Ladi-s'Quild-8 Isd Notice-s.' 9111lett-8 tllce�-& Stirk--8- .1 WantfA-Mm H, W. Rrown-9 a New StAnd-G. W. P4pst-8; rtneruhtp Dit-solipd-4-Dro. RoFs & Bethute-5 use for Sale. -Y. Gutteridge -8 urt of Revlai iv -J. 0. Morriaon-6 katoeo--Beattile 134a" De" -W. H. WUIW--& tuse to�Rent-G� Bale--�fi rvant Wautv-d-Expo-qitor 06ce-8 oic--2-Will XcUod-8 opreaCce Wwxted-IL Bell -S N -K SOAFORT-H, FRIDAY, May 9t;h, 1902 i 4iki �1�- ME H", 0Y EXPOSITOR: 9 902 the prog�ej D TORE. beriefit to each of b"be three' r dirrgsll� io roti-nd blind to thoilk own inis meta. Of vhab not ain attempts to di aredit; isive pain In the region of his heart. About 9 AFORTH'S LEA ING SHO lbito y law It ther moral 'Aevelopmeub policy f theGovernment ah& 'clock 'he passed awa�.! Mr. Thistle was figures, iof $177,000. -To the 'extent then of is a pro 0 pro a to m)b 0 force an ugh , Ind kl to secure a fair' an, 'low it 4ya he has handoned 'all his pro- born in the county Tyron6, Ireland' in the $177l, in thirty yearsppk n Vin"n u4'1 bene. Q I m . . for hi di!aetio4. In itsi madness the Year. 1833, came to CM, iads' years ,peme t of b Y04 I will no don V'tell me sets I ind fit Of I on( n h Ir ago, settling.with his parents town- Ox. rd We4r. the neighborhood f $6 600, have th a bon in Tx ly Shoeslor S ' at a sue 6 law on the stat to books ail ao4etlimea gets� muddled, and th the Lad Is umme the rat pa' ers of this riding been ls�ved by it &Vol res 01 on the ou thorities to as to Its at eleotti then seosithat the Mail does not' shipof Pickering. He afterwards removed y a methodl� of the ,enforcement ra u b let e. to F irview, township Zorra. Forty - the wise and business lik me call elieve I self what It says- aboub Mr. Aos your at, ention to tl�ie diffloulby of securing four years ogo he settled 0 the farm now' Govern ment in dealing �with% tbO p�iblic obiery ice of other, character S &shin' ton, K. C., has been se. occupied by bis,,son Robert, and afterwards The m, uoriths is the laws" of a Mr. W st popular Phoe for women during the� sutnlm�r charitable institu t tionsfor.tte rel.W of un. miiohe siert enfor a Is there one Boll. lected as thwLiberal candidate in Hamilton on the present homestead. Mrs. Thistle ox_ ays -fortunate humanity. Wer.e the muicipall- tary minister n th a ift-oad Dominion , who and three sons remain. ford, or h w out shoe—popular because they are alw eOml-0itable- and cool co -npel I W f'ree, the Diso . west. He ig�, a olevO young man, and with,. -but little lacing. , We are showing a great vario�,y of Ladiew ox - ties in this riding enforces, or � otendel) an 1. -FrodGOrman,of Listowel, while driv. and irequ, re L$ to make up ford �tha the( ist obure ' ? 11 do no r is's gr eason in almost any.style a lady would want t the wo � Conservative candidates in the! I Ing M-. E. A. Clim r a On,, one shoc s this s oul be a Y! - was -heavy extension soles have' nt toe caps, e y a they not an. field stands & good chance of election.. Mr.1 dq recend kicked v badly b the turh sole I, this 841x, ount themselve i heavy = I Some have thk 8, it her' s one ?Vhy 9ther have P yearly burden on the tax myers, 4nd still forced ?, Are they D goo ? Certainly. Washington -is a former resident of Hu horse, breaking and bruiain h li aite have kid too caps, but alI are woxthy shoes, and very reasonaIile in prlce. rcn,l the u ',ortanate ones woui,d notlbe;'. as well Tlllen,!�fiy no; 6nfo,, them Si ply be' he hsvin� studied law in Goderi6h. seriously. � It is thought t left li' will 0 ?n ugh gi us senti. oiently oared for jas Ithey are under causetoerei U t Ireli have wbe amputated. For $10 a lady can buy here - a pair of Dongola .KiC'T Oxford.3, 1134hie, or as I i I - m �Z - i I I ment behind I in - to st�nd b F him ia -The y�uwn daughter of *r. WIM. Liv- soles, kid toe caps and leather lined. thb p'r sent system. But �fshould each munt- this pekorm4i ice of! Mr. wflitney has undoubtedliblandered. ingstone, f ewton, had a very narrow as- For $1,25 and $1.50,:ehoice of agreat many styles of 0ifords Vitli cip%li have the care I of t1he 'Unfortunate Is there la entim t in at6r o. stron e& during the, cape by slipping into &'ciatern 'which was patelit, I g He hag ually advooat , or self tips,heavy sole or turn soles. ones. in theii Qwu looalii,y, he could not enough ito enforce, prob, Itory law so the wiping out of . the taxes on caved in. The little child screamed and the y camp For $1.75 and -0.00, we show a large assortment 3f Oxfprds with the Ilw manifes, ly !weak a �he Man' oba, ldlh- even? mother heard her cries and rAn to her aid. be provided for -as -eoono ically, , �and the corporations, but while -he has taken thli: i. Perhapa so. I ho a' there I but do not : t J The child olung to a board, which, was her extension soles. burden, would be increased know it and whil I vim as taundh a prc- latando t4e Conservative newspapers. arei only support. For $2.00 -and $2.50, the Empress, 'the modef� 6anadian e r a , in t1 -Captain M. A. MoCrirnmon, who holds Whi. elthe Government �ha thus been the hibition at as ther i� in �h a Dominion, I 1noticeab)i silent on the question. They! ­ I am not wome-1141 direct friend of the wuniclipalitioa ;and bag illin.4to.ag�ent to an act -that is a oommierion in the fourth conting'enb for apparentl� recognize the seriousikess. of the� r -re lie in in, For $3.00, the famous "Queen Quality American, hO for wo-men, and who haE been drill so subE faubially relieved thern of � this yearly* radical in its %ara3ier and fa hing error thoir leader has made and are , doing South Af". its results, w thout i definite knowledge of ' struct6j"'t the Collegiate Institute, Sbrat- ueral woull :it not be the forc� of �p .1 their lbes�'to cover up him tracks. The� f drain on their exohc4 ablic �-entfmen 3. tha; I prevai a oFdjo'r' two years,was give 2 a ropaing send. OUR BARGAIN COUNTER, people of this province are not repared to wiadon I on the part of -the' 4lectors to keep in its faivor.i P off/by the cadets and te&oh ng staff of the lose a lar�e ', mount them in power, in prefer6no I to placing at edge n only be � ained by a of' revenue that -the stitute. They presented im with a purse e found odd lines �f Ladles' Oxforfi Thatknowl railway! dompatlies, the banks, the loan ii dur'baryafti counter will'alway.s-b i means of the tefer6n um. Tair or unfair, ib .1 , of money. 6 cle%r at 75c and $1.00 a pair. Some great s s in sies 1.3, 31'an C the hl�; id of affairs me hop instead of comparil9b, ate., may shirk the reBpon#* a 1 2 ur- �: is the 0 In a OP 11, and I i to 3our duty bility f'bearing their fair share of the b( Messrs. Melrose & Co pany, of Milver- and see t' being 11 sympathy with 1 ever y move to as. and m2ae,- It"hard at ton, who are drilling an or besian well for f every nd viJual who den of m eda- i �intainiug our asylums sint in tLis good work,! ha�ve done all in has the welfare o If allows at he?.rt, to do re. Schaefer & Roe, ha the misfortune � I i Mess our utmost :to a that this sentiment cational institutions and so forth.,,. - a to loose their drill last week, at a depth of exists. their power to plao: ob1 atrisetidna in the way, and relegate to the manicipall ties the 175 feet) bylt becoming d ficionnectedfrorn RX LLIS SO Swrhafort If we ave. lot it, is province he num- The Goderich Star, in spea4ing of the the rope.' They put the'Lr lose at about to re;pon8ibilities whi& the iberal Govern. be" r of vo rs i ked flohr, with sym Athies in probablq eaults in the Huions, says In $400. ave.relieved fa,�or of pr6h hit in then ive a�e better MeLt them, of, the eaist; t1r. Spotton Is a young man full of Mr. Richard Gray, of the Whyie Pack- without:euoh in a Jupon thf Istab4te book ing Company, of Stratford, has left thit city improved by the addition of a bay window.- of the lessees of the fla'X mill last Probibi ion�l bett than reE tricti�u, if the, pluck and energyj and Vvith splendid chances for Montreal, w�ere he will, be'manager of Mr.owler, of Godericb, has taken a pf)si- Thursday of -this v�[eek � for lowas,ftere The Grovemment and rohibition. former an be� with W. W. Taman. -The intends making hi4 home in tbe-, - future he fair] enforced ' B It restric- of elootio�li. " M r. Spot ton may have lots of the Whyte Packing Compapy's nevi wfi�ole- tion as tailor ment of Ont 'Itar - than sale business there. Previous to his leavitig be funeral of M w, of London, Mr. Chaes Roa;dhouse, who The Govern 0 is On trial tion, as ffect ve w Oossible, �s ra. Wm. Hawksha pluck and energy,� bat 1he will need. it. all. 1 - as bem to -day. The hones"lect' of the Province prohibit on, it the Bitter has o depend upon 'Strstford, Mr. Gray Was p a formerly ]Slis4 Ada�AfcLaughlin, of Exeter, working in the- Party ound &strilet,". a As -to- hiel:chancesf election, they are about are rubbing their eyd� m' I or less vigor. nunoilty for' its option. gold -headed cane by a xDaml ier of his friends. took place from her fa,tber's residence here turned to town M�onday and is -again ft� I ToTki ABstAnziER. as reMocq as the riorthipole At, the last. ' gaged with Air. Jamea onsly to got out the polirie aust which the -Martha Jones, wife of I Jr. John Love, on Saturday, and waft largely attended. -C. Hill. Mr. Rig - party, 1wtS3 is blowing in*! P'the Pro.ibi- eleotioniL Mr. Hislop h d a majority of 498! I I jr., died at her h6me in Eh is, from typhoid Hersey and Miss Hersey,, of L,3ndon. were knows a good man whejn he hall 0 bitieni-ts rub skilfully thev will 6 d ver Mr. Imooney,,'& loial man, and it is not fever, on -Sunday, 29% ult Deceased was the guests of friends id town over Sunday. E. Livingston was in Herim-11 this ve air the RolZ administration, to t,�. dark de -1 Editorial likely that an-outsid6r will be able to re- # - otl and Coniments . t the youngeEt sister of Mr. Jiimes Jones, 6f -Dr. H. f ilk, of -Loadon, spent Sunday buying timber to he.ep, his fiandle Ilgeteri duce thisim0ijority very much. I� fact, re - of Opp Fition on account 6f its violation of Mitchell, and daughter of he late Robert with acqx esintances here. -The derath of going.-Mesars. Bainton Brothers Jgve-ths According o a empatch �from Ottawa, eports from that riding indicate tbati solemn and oft-rpeated '�ublic pled es Robert Sp car, of Exeter, occurred 6n Fri- 'brick work on thifr tannery �completed sa g � there will be no spr ng militiry camps this Mr. Hi.316p will be elected with a much i Jones, ex -warden. She w a bighly respect - made t) them. We have noi preference for' day last$ 6e age of! 78 years. and the. will a! on have it reaay' to start work. - i � d and leaves a husband and hmall family Mr. Whitney, but if bb at wit the fourth African larger majority than before. This is to mourn her loss. funeral on unday Mr?. Sellars, who wentito Toronto last the pax ty led by year. way the 8tar figures club a majorit for. Mr. � ral on . wag attended by a large week Prohib.ti6nists are not lobRera they will contingent and th coronation contingent y -Mr. Alex� Irvine, who left INUcholl for number of friends of the family. -Te clec- to see bar 'son, Albert, turned bome sse thkb the only. wise course for them t6 Whitneyi the permanent cor has been depleted of the Soo about two months ago, was-. taken trio light company had the misfortune to 'him. He was in the hd pir'a , suffering from parsu6isto tuin down the Ross Govern�. ina� tractors, I so that ;the caniTswill not be Seriously ill, and, 'accompa isd by Mr. Goo, have their wind mill blown d6wn last week. fever, whieh affecied q, eyes go that, Ile meat at th:o present time, and 'wiLh. cqual held until Sbptemb�r. 'The same storm carried away the turrets oottiarob sp�e, but since Oa sco�.unt of the high price of beef, it' Fitzgerald,he made an attempt to reach ­ returned homel' pr i 11 wag on- the Ma 11- street eyes are 1hetter and lihe is now y Mitchell last week, but at Stratford h - Methodist church. omptuess defeat the Cobservarve, part at as thought by many that, the present, a gainin- the fire t opportunity� in theI future, should taken to the hospital, where he was found -.g they Hil.to enac� pro by the us� I hParl of Duridona a, the now commander would be a favorable opportuni strength rapidly, being,lable to walk aroun& hibitio U& -Mr. Nicholls th ty to have to be suffering from -pleuris-, and inflamms D�minion Alliance or� constitutional method. of �the militElkry f ordo,s in Can idall %a Bucces- the emb%'rgo on cattle going-' into Britaial tion of the lungs. Tieadbury. ganizer, is in the i Wost Huron riding A We 'thke the above paragraph from the sor to General 0'Q 60 pairs of men's shoes, regular from $1.75 present in the inte�-estj'of their a y Haly, is expected to from this conntry removed, . buf apparently -Among tile successful Stratford stud- to $3,50, Your aboloe on FrIday and Saturd My for 9' H h assume office abou Willis M r. M itChell. -MTi qmes Anderson is -4. Womerl'i, Journal, the officiaA organ of t e the first f July. Lord all atterwip's mt its removal have been fruit- I ents at Queen's University, Kingston, were Nor pair. 81 mplea in souLh wliidow. Dandonald has see' service ii Son�h Africa, Miss Gertrude Co6k, who took first-class Worth, 8 te agent for Geo. A. S!ater Eh tendings the eeiirld, of �he We Womer's Christian Tenpd Irance. Unirn. les3. In the British House of Commong,'thel ladies iknd g(ntlemEn, 1705-1 Foreign Mission 71 _M this and was one of th' first of the relieving honors in Latin of the fourth year, Others S664 ab London, That any profeekiag friend �lof 'probibiticu fproe to entir L%d smith. Ile iii 50 years other day-, Mr. Hanbury, the president of were Messrs. Charle is and Joseph Workman NOTES. --Many in this section were pained week. could be so near 'sighted and Inarrow minJEd of.age. the board of agriculture, said that the gov-' and W. A. Kennedy. D. D. oairne, form- to hear of bhedeath of Mrs. Gordon, of Me- ernment could not remove the restrictions is most surp., isil3g. To act as the JourDal erly of Stratford, won the hancellor's Killop, Previous to her marriage, 1*8 Miks B The phy tion of Princi al G van 6 oal coq�di t, placed an the importation of Canadian store scholarship in arts and pra6tical science. Kate Menzies, she was a bright, friendlv John Fr'aaer, Conveyancer, Notary Pubhc desires the electors to det 1vould prove a Of Kingstou, is oau�ing his fi ends consider- cattle; but, possibly. Argentine - dbe�sts �Rev. Father Walsh, who is beaving girl, and w favorite with everyone. We ex- Agent &jr o anoAiatl Ex reAs W-iney Ordera. A ]gyp iight be admitted on the- same oon itions Stratford, was entertain one evening a tend our ympath ey -to lo�u at purrent r death blow to the caui-ze it!1 is intended to able aj:lxleti. Priiied al'Grant bals had a n y to the husband and I amount of Mon ates of IntemL­ p as cattle fromi the United States. John I short time ago, at the residence of Mr. J. A. children As well as to the deceased . -ladys erivate funds espouse and chamri=, Th Liberal Gov - return of his old trouble, and from 'which he Bull must have his beef, but he wailts it at Duggan, of that city, and presented with -a brothe Of NOTES. -Dr. Atkinson and family billy ra a A i3:sters, in this their hour 11 iendly to the has� just eebutly recovered. Fears are an. the ernment has always' bee 4 lowest price. He is looking after nu purse of $150. He was alio the recipient of sonoW.-im ;Aem under the heading of arrived from Detroit, to' s,,)end the eurainer temperance cause, and it �'as from Wis 3,1 and the colonies must look after a magnificent pteaching etclIe of- white s�jlk, Leadbury, ient ia by some person lost week, it Bayfidd.-Hariy tertaine that he vh1l not be able to with. bar ow d altrislay, who ba themselves. enbroidered in gold, that'was the work of stated tha i the late Mr. Wallace died at been working in Toront for' orn ti it fit source, and this source only, �hat. advanced stand a eoond aev're attack' a Me, Miss Minnie Kennedy, of 8t.--Joseph'd con- the home of his fath in-law, where spit�al mith 'id f4v64-The nor. and aihcjuato temperance egislation has er- as it the hoi typhq ,bome. 1 In fact, many pei)ple hink that the -Mr, hitney an4' his 1�e'utt:rnantIIII are tour. New's of the We'ek. gregation. should have read ht the home of his son -in- ner stone of the new ch rch *ill be laid on I -Mrs. George Carter, a. highly esteemed law, Mr. Kinn'ey.-Mr. Hislop, the Liberal the twentieth of May, s 'thi i 4 two oWock M' AS iog'thi We6k in ew o. I Ito has HOLLkND'S �,uBiN. -Holland is at present Goveriment have, 6:1 *djffax� nt .00casiona, itizen of St. Maryq, died pril 24th, after candidate; and Mr. SpOttOD, the Conserva- afternoon.' A number f sj?eakers wil .1 1 a nxious over her Queen, who has been; legislal ad in advanc of 1 ij-Olic s�ntimcnb been try ng to stud the peopie up fhere th a short illness. Decease tab bcrn iii Far- tive candi ate, wers both visiting friends in present and a good pt(c ramme rendered. - I :few days ill foradrAe tirile. For the paib her th In tp is, he wa's I f4vor of everything , the Govern. managh county, Ireland, and came to Can- MoKillop as6 week, and orgaitz ing for the With alona these lincs. Fqr,' 1 th at the she -haa b6en ry ill, and grave, hopes are M. Rms has gone to 8 is -�bis weak 6nt,,' ment did for that ada when q uite a young girl. ; After living coming coitest.-Misses Mamie cBweu, a boat load of potat On. part of the provindle, but entbrtaihe,d f her recovery. A. Edw" last skazicii of Parlia;m' Mr.'Rqse had ot� actions F. -iak louder than words, and his in Blanshard the early part of he� married Mary E. Raej and Dora J. "Kinney, our and his fatberare Vsiti"t g fri r Lou* placed, on the stat4to boo 9, a measure �Em-ALE FRANcHisE'. -Women votes in ;he House will be sure to "d him are join Wig theiranchise movement to do. -life, Mrs. Carter and her, h oband moved to popular at d talented young music teachers, don this wak Marshall has granting prohibition t 11 extent of the out, St. Marys.: Mr Carter died some years are each ivinq -lessools to a number of chased the premises� n vn as the �To r OL the ful. mand for:thei sex the right to -vote at Par. b aughtei powex of the provindial &uthbrities subject it ut three Mrs. pupils this season. �-Miss Maggie Davidson firm, on thd Bayfield c, icesion liamenta! r'y elections. ',Mass meetings of L"o, from Mr. only t L 6 the' Although peace overr auto are still in women, most y of the �middle class, hav' Carter. has been home for a' pleasant vi -ib. HEf� Ransfordof Clinton.- I iss MCK-enz, Imm approval of the lelectors. The 8 ! -Isabella, Camero-n, vkfe of John Cama. many frier,da,,both young and old, were McNeil, Mrs 8ft6tibilry Le, L most a d progress they ae ot al owed to it-.'terfere been held in Stockholm and Gothenburg Mrp� :ohn Widd ant friend of prohibition could not 04L eron, Esq." passed away at her home in pleased to have! her b�ck.-Henry Stim-ore and lsa'A.' Whididen- eask for nlore than'this, as,it 13 well known with mil w,ry operAtiona in South kf6oa. and committe a- appointed to present the Blanshardon Monday Altil 28th, ia It' I women's case to the Government. The ter has had axievt kitchen! and woodshed ereat- meeting of the W orhe;* Foreign J' Y Skirmish!A contia�e fre�buently, an'd,�the 42adear., Deceased a L daughter of he ad. Masers. 1�aegy; and Wolfe had the Society in- London. Saturday, April that a prohibition measure uneupported by C Swedish worn In already enjoy imited late George Somerville of Fallarton anJ, job. This firm do their work quickly and 26tb, at the home 1 of his daughter. Xre. a large major ity o -wou . Id be a Boer casha-Ities have been heavy. Manie municipal fria chiie, and have a right to sib. f the peop��e . I with her hulsband, resi'4 Botha, ainephew of the commander -general, 'on boards of g iardi%-no and on school boards. td n Fullarton un- well. -Mei isrs'. Sylvester Stitt, Thomas Elliott, wife of Rev;,jov.ia,�ph Elliott,of waiml, dead 1� til about five years ago', I I an they.removed Irvine and Herbert Irvine have gone to ,,tter, aqd a greater 1 injury to the I DEATft OF REAR- ADIMML SAMPSON.- to there passed away quietly one i,of Bisfielft and Onef Deweb's'. ablest lieutenants, has B Cause o� prohibition than 6an,,'! be easily cati- Rear -Admiral Sampson, who came into lanshard. They *eke Imarried in uI- Stratford t o. work. They are sensible and oldest rmidetiti,,In the -.Oerson of Air. John, been ca. , -?p re ago. Bc- 'well behaved young follows, and should sue- Esaor. During the seventies and eightfei4 tarton about twent mated. And yet it is thtp Government ppirtsarequite frequent. promiuenc d I the Spanish-American id y a VAH 'a r n I Pon nd one daugh ly circulated in Lorliclon, Roberts es'her' husband, one Pon ter ceed very well.-Honry Benneweis intenes trobibly no man In E[u that the Journal so foo­lit4 calls on the war, being �U�harge, of the United. States ron was more widelY will resign a survives. building.an addition to his barn as. w nown thin he. Of his pootion Jas commander in squadron in! t a naval battle oV Santiago gq6d business habitri elcetors to diqoard. Chief immediately after t�e coronation core- ypung ladies of Mitchell, Miss re -shingling it this semon. he!vasfor1ma-nyye&r q�promixientfijureia- h monies, at ad will be'succe ded by- the D Bay,inWhic theffeebof Admiral Carvers Nellie Coppin and Miss� Phoenix, had an ex, -degir uke was deOroye,, died! on Mo4day at Ili or Should the' a of the J., urnal be 'real. buduess and municipal life. For a numb of years he was ole of Connaught. citing time one morning last week. They Blyt ized and Mr. Whitney give� the reins of i home in;',Was ington.1 Almi�al Sampson irk Of Stattle and later 1 9 11 ent fishing, and pulled out into deep water. reeve of B a cl. He was an ardent Tlib-' power, where would the oaus4 of temperan had been ill fo some time, but�the immedi- NOTES. --Our football team went to Wing. ce speech at St. blar a, the other r'i4ht, on a raft. The latter, however, was not eral, and t A an alative par.b, in politi3L be? Mr. Whitney has an'n4unced� himself ate cause. of his death was cerebral hemorr- large enough and began I tosink. Mirs Ooppin ham last Friday after Gon, to play the team J IF in speaking of the pulp oc li- hage. Abopt ton are ago his 0yes"'ht f *1 d Ill I fell off, and of that town V�e scheduled game. Our -a as opposed to prohibition, so � that the ' I would ba�e be�n drowned but and later became mudh e'n'fe�"�biod' sby� ruet EARTHQUAKES IN SPAIX. -Earthquake sions,;Baid the Government majority was boya were betitail, thel score being 2 to 0 for the timely assistance of 1AIr. John S pasted attacks of which rendered perance people can expect t� gain. nothiD ocks were felt, early Tuesdlai morniu& Om- but, it wa�a we predicted, the want of $ a purel� mechanical alljority, and! voted 8h' merville. Miss Phoenix was standing knee th x g much business. from 4'im. This the Journal 1,1 does not seem t Barcelona, I Saragossa, Irun,� Tafellat and oombiriati 13, tat defeated them. Mr. J. him incapable of 0 obediently, without do! beratian. th deep in the water on the rbft when she was About two years ago the' illnessito which he got 80 Murei. ;At th�e last named pl�ce the. A. Jack id as referee, and, knowing finally succumbed, ma a its apearance.. to rea;!ize. But because Air, 'Ross has been with the ppposition I I rescued. how ver, But it was dral and, the.c6nvent, as well as a nua'ab'ar of a I the gameol0 sctell, no Person could dispute a truer friend to prollibition ithan, such. ( x- not the fl�uft of Mr; Whi I -Mr. John Rogers, of near -Mitchell, had i which seemed to be an a action of the nerve, �ney that t a Op- 'houses �ere d maged. The population be- his decisio ;1 rus:vela is to play in our Opposing came ps6ni J� 4 lively ride onMonday ever in17 of last week. 4y) at centres of the brain. IE(59 end came ,t tremista as the. Journal, it �Iwaats to turn position were not a unite In (88 c tricken. At Albetique, in They tried haid enoug He was comiDg down the gan road slid him out of (ffice and a uses were town this ri aing, which no doubt eubstit6te A man who measures h, a's Mr. Valencia Provace, a numb r of he his horse*, which is a spirited one, was acting be a 4at game, as our boys will want quietly, being . hastens bj� -4 staroke Y Marter has testified,but h' better judgment destroyed, wh Is a school building an d a wil Essen w'As a native pf At' is an &vowed opponent of tho cause. very ugly. As soon as t ie corner at the to win 0 their -_own grounds. -There Par ai* prevaile& and he voted Zith the Govern- claurch gustai ad extensive damages. The wa a and!cs a to Canada OV*r White factory was turned tie �rute became, d I I s w very int reating� meeting -last Wed. mean,[ a 6 Orkney Is ��of ment. �t -j� To act thus would at bac seismic distur ances dislodged great masses nesday ev ning, in the basement of the years 41Z He vi4ted hip. native 1=4 ua bolted off at terrific a y years to proUbition, and pe�haps its rele- o i ro 0 ually E -pea ! ka of of rock in the 1 iten-Sante, Mountains' ' speed.. Mr. Rogers bravelyheld to the lines, Pe Woman's Chris veral . time He wag in his 81at year Ab n to oblivion for all timtj to come. The T t Mail con Methodist church. ' the time of his death. I gatio t DEATil or B ET HARTE.—F. Bert Harte, ion held a concert, b IWO a a the Governlent. as the 11!1expiring Govern- the American 4uthor, died in London, Eng. a d turned the animal, tow'rda the stablep before it w a over it turned out a are su.re that the electors of i this Proviyace but instead of coming to a �slt when reach- ared the fence a ng. N a he biberL1 te a] oitize a got very hot atI each other. -Mrs. Anderson funiture factoo, Woodstock, land, Monday night. Mr. Harts had been litioal ment.11 Aebording to the Mail : I ad, the maddened bra political m ti T vo of our prominent -Thomas Wood, k nig'hb fi- man at the have more commou sense that this profet�sed suffering from swollen tonsils since Decom, Government' in Onta'" leaving the buggy and driver behind. For'. sged, friend of � prohibition gives, �'hem.credit f Lr io h s br:66 expiring berlast, buh he! did not consider the attack n p tftnately Mr. Rjgers a-oape iDjary, but the John Moffa is isiUn4 friends in London about 50 pars, sh t himself- through the and will not allow themselvell to! b for nigh on :to thirtylyear , and Still it has to be serious. weak o he went to visit this week. Mr.� Jackson, of Egmondville, head on 'Wedneadsoy night, at his home, fit a lead � by life exiou I I ! b' and harness did not re so well. �h� to inaugurate and cl%irr friends at Ca �arly 'anal was present at uggy y lout a any foolishness, which our Z-41ouio advocates was visitiog his sohfor � few days last week. that city. 'I Wood was i4ontally unballaneeds ;I I progresal lye policy for', devei0pilaw the natural Ilunch as usual he day of his death. Bathe It is the firs time he has been here for 25 the result of an attack of fever. of prohibition,- finch as thO Journal, re resourceslofour Pr9vince t1p the�bletadvant- 'suddenly beca ellill in the afternoon, went Exeter. years, and a [was- greitly impressed with -The weather in Lon0on, Englan,is hit - giving vent to. age of th� vIihole peo�le, It 1 keep'abre: [it of Ito bed and died in a few hours. Francis I our town. Mi.jameal si rig a terly cold, land snow baiI -fallen in vrioug a I I ms the times in the ma ter of eduov � Harte, bolln at Albany, New Yoik J. G. Stanbury, B. A., B i, -rister, Solicitor s wearii I,tion, to as- !Bret ha �, cause, another girl. parts Of EDgI -a is If the Journal would devo. a its. energies Notary, Unveyanoer. money to loan, Exeter, ont ana. Thorie -h v. 'been anow- I ii Big agriculture, a 0. A Pr tty lively c6rp�et August 25bb, 1839, was well known as ran At Hetisall every Tuesd&y. 1 1792 —XiEs Allie- Be4net, w�a has cond- eted a storms at Cheshire and );Lsticai'shi-re and in getting out a fl epresenla- too much Mi )r the world over. His poems a,�d Loc�,u BRiE)F9. -Tuesday was court day dreasmakin wn, intends 11closing Dovdi and other.parts- cl� Kanb bind Leices- ve to suit the lail, it will' find �auth( shop in t tive vote on December 4th, ih vor of the after May 29th. stories, 11 The Heathen Chinee Luck of up for a month, and wi � o to Cleveland to tershire and No ere, but all the cases ente"red had bee rfolk. n 9 secure reductions !of study the latest styles 'Mr. Mitchell, the referendum, it would he,, iRoarin Camp, other pl Obj2ct for and revioualy settled. -Miss liott, of Toron- -The evenb of �.the 1"t session of tu namely, The ceremony of urning th2 first sod of the mining regions won the popular taste, n I a a or an uron 0� which it professes to be at iving, oj, 13 home visiting her mot'her, re. B. V. onserva, ive c and made 11� the poet of the'Sierra8 " One * I convention in an Francisco, was the Temiscam ng of h tekbas prohibition. It would then, 00, I,g O'd t lliott. -Charles Tom has movod� into the Was In Out In idst T eaday.-Mr. A. E, the p tation to Pr. Oron sy. by !the best.reO w iters of the day. His early Bradwin � has re ted !r. Sherritt'A house, Supreme C le Railway, 7hit 11road to be isr10 days were soen� in the mil ing regions of by f, of a ma$nfficent gold offi- the cause instead of d bel hell,�, is t 8 bui ouse on Sun street, lahly occupied ,oing y as ib� is harles Wilson and owned by A. Cottle - and intends moving in At once. Mr. Oak- cial collar 9f 21 links, eMblematic -of big 21 tha Government now doing by publish fro North Bay to' ing su�,h the California. ���La r he engaged in newspaper ev. art n, B. D ley, having I 0oug a ouse- - r. ra or attended th( dwin years of a vice. The obain. bears anon its TemiscAming dietri will take, ork, became a itor of the Overland Month - we quote above. plac 6 c, n w ynod of the Presbyteri n churchi held at is living in, mterjld oon, as links the emblems of the ,order A� a -me Ving in E69 a and the ly, afterwards v as appointed United States Saturday o 'adon, last week. -H Mr..Bradwi � vaqates it. -The trick work He �this we�k' 10ti inst F. o re. coats of arms of countries where the order 1 COLBUI at Cr6feld, Germany, in 1878, and urned home Satardayi fro I;n. on Dr. Mile, 'a pow drug store and oiffice is Sen' R. Latchford, the �rdjvinoikl Commise oner later at Glasgovi Scotland where he re- m attending,Tr. is established. The co t was contributed sible Tal . - 11 ty' Medical College, Tororto.-A. Q. nearly comp etedl.--Mr. George Powell of Public Works, Ivill o�ciate with the mained from 18,1� to 1885, land since then B 3. has to by every member of t a Supremie lCourt, T'ie following letter recently. ap�eared in idr waF3 in Kin' Is put on the r )ad splendid spade' andlit is expqoted that' a number of cardinal last week. where I strong wagon to and the scene when it was. presented was I ' ad resided in London, where he died, g a on buy eggs, th a w eett'elat the Ohiiatian Guardian. It -Is s�-raight to cither`pUbl�io;men wi I a resent, and make starting branch creamery. -The c' dak, also to carry a stock of one of the gr. ractor for the new Afolsona'. Bank ii here grocen .9 rry w1ight nd Rho' es. ( reor 'a is a hustler and is bound gates all. rising and cheering again suzd* the point and should ca , rt addre6es. The brk' of construction is to be puliheld alon iasC as material call thli week, making prepara, 1008 for com. 'to get his share the bu ainess.-Mr. Beene, again. In making the unprejudic Yi Eec 0,X St novular t r p P� t 1b3 I r b t Yi f h t conviction to the mind of ever�.- ed be obtaine Perth Notes. oncing the work._ML r. I onry Bucking. of the-g.risC millo, hat; pu rehalsed a delivery Mr. McOapghan said he was -,commissioned person The mother of Mr. Con. G. Schmidt- ham is having his large resid ee remod(I 'e'd, wagon, and t ow, delivers flour to any part of by the wholeL SUpreme CoUj'j to"say that of Rostock; died very suddenly at his DLE�m iR, -Permit me to pqhnb cut where. There is r L ouble a Ong the Conservatives so i that in future it will b) two spacimg the town. IE oth if these wagons were made was given as a tokn of 6eir love, also f I home on unday, April 27th. hofises. He w by Sim & Lyo is, our local carriage and a an expression in, yourself, togett er with other iminilitete of ' I ill retit the north half. -Mr. of their4baolute confidence West Ht iltov. tro Conservative can- -Major Hamilton, of St,.Marye, has bee n IV W. Ta wagon makeis, w 0 always turn out good in the Supreme Chief' managen3ent of the" man, merchant, ta ilor, has leaWbd 07kosell as quarte m8s.er of the fourth oun. and writers are, in, my opinioo, doing harm didates are the fielld Mr. Colqubou; Ae work.-.Nir. oh " Drumr d,who was one to the temperance cause. or the tingent f ro!m Dr. C. Lutz, the store' it the west si- order. n as 41, ion leaving for South Africa. referendum was d an indepen �nt, and M' (I Main street former) ecided upon ou h,nd they �r Hend.Lie, as, the T) ly prrperty of' A V a ur ay have been finding fault with il had a nortlinee of the oonvEnt On. Thomas Hamhn,.andl w move from his Y Previous to the week part of the brlok wall of Mr. J. Barr's 101 u �ova.i of ib J. perfect iighu to express disapf present quarters in about tep days. -W. 8-t con�ention Hendrieipr6mised h1a support; to livery atahle, at milverton,was blown down. the outeet, but will you'tell-i wh4t earthly -Mir. J. W. Cull, of Mitche , 11, has ool. Heilman has engaged Mr. owe, formerly good is being 4!acompli�hed by1writing Colqahoun`,;.but the nialphine Was not 8: Iii- New to e, with the, white fron-tv I in the a fected $10,000 irloustotr duties during the with Mr. Ziegner, of Crediton, an tinner, same strain every week ? fled and br6ught preilsuiro to be�r on Hall. 8!nd.will add this department to his hard. drie to ta past ten months, which is far in excess of 'ble or other- 7 The referendum, objectionN 6' the norr�ination., Both are v are busineRs.---The Chrisbida Endeavor of prominent ConEervativos with,a big follo;w. I the previous year. wise, is before the people. There is no Gaven church held a very pleasant social w no ing, and as Mr. Samuel'Harstone, who was dro.wn- possibility of amending''its 41r 1a: result theke is -a rx�erry f amily Monday evening. equIrements fight in prdgrees. ad lately in Winnipeg, was &� native of St. Good or bad, it has to be I'lecepted. [Intended for last week]. Marys, and bro6er of Mr. i:Leouard Har - seems to me to be a needless Vaete of energy Anothei 'Satu'rday Ni Sale. to denounce what cannot now be lremedied. -Mr. MitolatIl, th6 0 'servati,,e candidate 1 Stone, town clerk of thattow'n. I�OTES.-A-. H. Hoskins, of Brantford, and' ght jDp -re -The eldoet d1augliter, Mary M.,, of Mrs. Mcs. Hoskin attended the funeral of M What should be done is to fist Huron, is filildiog the mad a very of Hibbert, near Gowrie, IV� Hawlisba , 'on Saturday. ur,e people to In W I -­ ------ act. Stimulate them to ene getic action, up-hillone.� Inhisdnd6aivo, James Colquhoun, �w -George ++ 1- 0 catch the was married on Wednesday of last week, to Eamwell returned Monday evening from in whiat might have t stead of whining about a In n emperance vote he has!�..trangmd umber Mr. Foster Hutchison, of Chicago. ln�ersoll.-F,. 'E. Pickard was in London o been. From b 10 o clock we were crowded to tl� night. e doors lastil Sikturday of Conservatives, who -Some persons broke into the smoke business, on Monday. -J. T.Westoott took I . In the last few weeks I hav I ar tha"a candidate Just a few iine��' we w 11 mention, but everything i a interviewed house in,,counection with Alri George Lark. a demented vaorant to the county jail, on the hous e will go at a a number of prominent ele'' h so easily swayedl by e�ery a rNipen-home of w 'a f action -worthy's butcher shop, Stratford, one night blonday. -Bari ister Dent, of Mitchell, and sacrifice. them standing high in th do f li, �nse�a of the will be o Ule use to t6ir par ty, in fact not long ago, and burned eighteen hams and I is; sister, Mrs. 1 Sutherland, o � Heosall, were Methodist church, such as ex�,prealldents of the�, are afraid he will do them more harm several sides of bacov. callers in town, on Monday.. -Last Sabbath 1p—MOT A S Conferences, and they have frankly stated thAgood. Theoldsw0ingthmarrian can. '-Mrs. Maria Wiley lict of the late morning, the Independent 3rder of*Oad. their disapproval of the cours( you are par. not serve two muter;i is be Ing brought John Wiles, of Peel. (lie t, the residence f )Ilbws attrnded divine ser�ice, Fifty rieni good twded and worsted suite, worth $7 to $8� 5 0, ion SaturJay suing ; their emphatic 4isapp�oval.of the in. hom very forcibly to ab Jalnes Mr. Mit hell. He is of her eon, Air. J. 'S. Gee of Listowel, a. drelet Methodist church, and listened to a night $5.00. temperate and sometimes tigiphristian De- steloquentand instructive sermon from Ian- lea ing to his sorrow that he can't be a short time -ago, at the age guage used by other writer 80 years 8 0 - the subject, prohibitionist and an anti-probibitioniab at ceased had lived in L,*st6wel for some time. t 6 very able pastor, Wov. C. 1i W. Brown, B.' All ou I new I bc� ancy Dress Muslin -on kiatarday 'Eight 1 [e a yard. and their belief that the cause, was being one and the same time. - I -Rev. Y E. Nugent, wboidied in Plaas. on the subject " Justige. Mercy and jured by the course pursued. 1, 1, i I I I Tarl; ) Q, 0 I have meD, also, many -persons favorably 11 1 What ville, was buried'in alitchell,1 on Tuesday of lety. . A number ot Adensa�u bretbren so. Kpo VL# otse s, -s ee lilled, latest.style, for, 48c a pal.r. new proposal 1hals Adr� Rose to ad- last week, A.ldrge nuniber�6f the neighbor. V i panied the local fraternity.—The Victor disposed towards temperance, iwho'say that t . 'i vTivent3 -fiv the one thing calculated to malke them v -van6e'for tfielbuilding 11' of 0 Ab. Ing clergymen. attended the funeral. Mr. aseball club was organized ast week and piecei Fancy Silks for Waists, wo�th 75% fwc 39c on Saturday I a a I I . . . . . . . . . Ote &r 0 Nugent leavpa a vi ife, one son and a Will soon be ready to gi.v xhibitions of nigb�. itinted, un - against the referendum is'the I'll.. nr solutely no Ale.:' Ile has I ln�cined near 0 fair, and sometimes untrue cc of every projectihe mapped,' ly aaughter. go d ball.—W. T. Goodison. of Sarnia, demnation' out an he be- i —The many friends of Mr. Wm. Thistle, a pent Sunday wi 5h friends in Exeter.—Alf Public men who are just as eat in thtir temperance vie air core and hon- came Premier', and hehaIa no p)wer to in- of Downie, were shocked to hear of his: end. E bi're left Monday for Cryapal City, Mani,. wsi as their de- vent any mor�." This I from the Toronto den death[ which occurred a short time ago, t)ba, where he ham been engaged by'Ron. tractors. He went out to the barn at Thomas Green "0 It seems to me that some o Mail.. If Mr.. Rose has abandoned all. his from apopl�xy. way.—Rid Lamoub and ROYD the �temper-. projects for the devOlopment of New- On. seven 0 clook one morniog, as was his usual C leik Bees, of Hay, were In own 'on busi nce people have lost their heA, . They are tarioi,what I the Mail, Conti ally Equeal- custom, an not only not 1 8 d shortly afterwards came back Ws!3 Monday.�Thomss 005more Is having open to reason, l6tit they -are Ing about ? -It contairil' colu U13 daily in to the houie, com 'laining of ' GAR 0 ALOCK, p 4 most severe slousa on LAngbell street, considerillbly SEAVORT13al, MATRIN - to �Iavwa took which 0" 'Var towneth'! 00oosiOnw-A 11orn, of 01 .exanning, *1 rformed < 1&r. David e U-0 *f, W"s ms�n. The, young Ve" ah. .4401CI prt!pol 'T.ffE t�e =so, last meetilli tbwt V1 T- -t 1,4P W4%rd 2; -Arming the 'was ps-a-fied, 'Of revision 4 Awifibe helil On saturda,� --The t�evderl plaus; and -o sum of Wif to -be conWpl sman 1�0wn isued-in pay -to meet on 11 tolvm for -'a tg' t,an . -out thie stimmO been VW'dfi bas returW gaged in -tliZ 1a,rowell pal Pr I to . r t6 I -e -a bringy,118L. � .sented with hie 0049 �e town ball.�� ber parants igaiti ab, a I -e L r.-Rev� 1. WeE-1-1-- a A W. d5y =�nil thil eye*in were verY IL people -of t M:r; Yj�lgi of iabox.�­l on t -bel 14. ;,a coveri prunmg V bUd[djng'f-j Your frui.tt, -The do Upon U�11 L —Two� 01 to, were ,shortly 4ti aight lait� i At the HtI the childt poisonous i ihey b4 i6i also I L 13 tamqe. ther ,with oil rm cago Great -aouth of -night. U0 Joseph, X. fell from ti dragging V- 'bridgi,4-wh were burr" -At 4 for4, -on I moulder -4, I �ed by tou� ed the fato WA4 dead A ,other empi alive bu09 outcry, an. Voltage tol its thought beart wAs- his ldeath.� -A fst� �Wednetdiw Archer lo! -mill !or ; vaised, sui who were' bottom -ini - �iug Mr were imb 0 linot befcr Mau WAS I three ot U' -The v-, from X -oil gives evtr brilliant cilviliau-. a -ad two lencVz bo -the ministI Dr. Borde the Tunlel Mr.-. BOV 'fall wheal" amm ver -j pa%a 13ar a3i.rley-pibr' i3u,tter, -Ew- per 41 Fudes per I shft-p skin W001- agtt fretail wood P" � W.3od wr I A IL L fl, OV611F 'Tim motive ot an -1 solni Some ut -very goo Years vl� V120. 1 sama"W-t ing, fave Of -greyl brought sun Z'OlLd � for I and - I gold -Adrliv era Aar* ligiv The Dominion Parliament. ho T d Ing days of the! sessi3n have been y a!hed,- and as a coMeqnence not much slape b of public interest is coming up, x4ost of the measures being of a routine character, such as genetally come up just V434 T be'fore the close, and are a sure indication t6at'tho: end 18 near. Sir Wilfiid Laurier Was anxious that prorogation might be J reached at the end of this weak, but, at present writing it seems hardly likelythat i 411ti-I et.�� his wish will be grat ifiedi but it is expected that next week will see the wind. up of the business, for this session at Ottawa. With r tUia,objactia view, thin's arebaing ushed 9 t -ough at high speed. The onl Govern. y meat business now before the House is the supplementary- estimates. They wore Vz­ bkought down on W6dnesday, and will likely be disposed of hArtilly. Mr. Field - 3i J ing was given power tb borrow $15,000,-_ ii is not, likely it vill be taken ad - 001, bat i 4 -vaintage of this, year, as he money market' is6nob likely to be. tavorable. The last time El borrowing po-wer was, asked was in 1897. Ur. John Charlton has taken exception to 4 the manner in which diVorces are granted rp. Lt. 14 Canada. He thinks there should be a ptoperly appointed court to deal with these m-Itters, and in, this he is b%oked up by a n imber of other members. A bill has been p %%sed amending the Fruit Marks Act - r The pAcker is now relieved from the neoc a- '�y of stamping his tall 0ame on packages, aid need now only stamp initi.Ale wirh sur. �J name and address in full An item of $30, - 000 hss been for he passed coronation con - rt tin-ent, This contingent will-consiot of 300 mt)anted men and 2780 infantry. In answer to a qacS'-iGn, Sir Wilfrid L%uri.gr stated that a conference of the self-governing r col- t 0 iies would meet in London this summ er to discuss matters of commlon interest. It has bo.,dn decided that t a h MiniAer, of Finanoe, thO P03tM.a&tLr General and the Minister of Clatoms would represent the Government at that conference. It is hoped that-ar. rarigemen ts may be made by them that will materially aid trade. The supplementary estimates total $5,. 739,301. Of this eimount $3,386,201 Is charged to consolidated fund and S2.353,. 100 to capital. For the Interoolonial there is an item of $1,316,000. There to $175,00 0 for the St. Loui3 Exhibition, and $20,000 for Wolve-h amption Exhibition-;, $50,000 for coronation military continge at; 8315,000 fo� Halifax garrison. A large proporUcin of the balance is for harbor improverrienti and dre3ging. We notice among tile other V *tem3, $6,000 for harbor works at, Goderioli, ani $10,000 for dredging in Goderich bar- bor. J� )Relief To rthe M unicipalities. One of the leading planks in the platform of the Liberal Government in Ontario has bem,.and is, to relieve, in so far as possible, the Individual municipalities of th'a' burden of. providiDg for and maintaining their un- fortunate poor, the insane and indigent persons, which bur, for the wise provision of the Government would be a very heavy and direct call on the treasuries of eajh munici. pality. That this class of people is on the in-,rease is a regrettable facb, and their care- w)uld. under other circumstances, be an In. ere �aiag responsibility on the muui-,ip%Iit168 an I a, direct tax on the people. When it -is considered that the population of the charitable institutions In Ontario , in 1901, wails 11,716, the vaabnesa-- of the task V- e, Government has undertaken in pro-vid. ing for ' their maintenance -andloomfort is plainly seen. - The und6rtaking last year cos,� the Government 818�1,731, every dollar of which was expended in the relief of hurrim suffering or miifor6ne. In. vie,�vof the large Bums expended for this purp*se it I 0 1 has been charged that the Goverumenb are overly extravagant, but a comparison of the coat of maintaining these inatitutlokm with. similar institutions in. theVnited States and other provinces of the Dominion of Can. ads. are most favorable' to the _ 0 atario G)�vernmant a'bd is diredt a evidence of their ecO1x)mY and business sibility in dealing 'With the financial affairs of the province. In addition to, the hospitals, the asylums ani orphanages, the Government have under their control the institute for the blind and thi institute for the deaf and dumb, where Viose so afflicted are given a good element- ary education and taught some useful trade th A they m -ay be fitted to earn their own living, and not go to swell, the large army of unfortunate poor, and bee' me 8, P direct bur- den. on the municipality iii which they' re - aide. There has also, in the past ten yea;rs, been paid directly to 1.9 "different counties the aum of $4,000 each to aid i a the er, etion 'an I fitting up of Houses of Refuge. For so long a time'llave. the Government provided for this outlay, and made pro i vision f or this unfortunate class of peop'le that the irldividual ratepayers \sometimes forget the Obligation they are under to the Govern- ment f -)r the relief they have thus -granted tilems in removing from their shoulders a Very heavy financial responsibility. In the past thirty years'the county of B uron has belieflItted to the amount of $532,Nl,53 for I bib. these. purp,3.3es &lone. This would mean a 4iki �1�- ME H", 0Y EXPOSITOR: 9 902 the prog�ej D TORE. beriefit to each of b"be three' r dirrgsll� io roti-nd blind to thoilk own inis meta. Of vhab not ain attempts to di aredit; isive pain In the region of his heart. About 9 AFORTH'S LEA ING SHO lbito y law It ther moral 'Aevelopmeub policy f theGovernment ah& 'clock 'he passed awa�.! Mr. Thistle was figures, iof $177,000. -To the 'extent then of is a pro 0 pro a to m)b 0 force an ugh , Ind kl to secure a fair' an, 'low it 4ya he has handoned 'all his pro- born in the county Tyron6, Ireland' in the $177l, in thirty yearsppk n Vin"n u4'1 bene. Q I m . . for hi di!aetio4. In itsi madness the Year. 1833, came to CM, iads' years ,peme t of b Y04 I will no don V'tell me sets I ind fit Of I on( n h Ir ago, settling.with his parents town- Ox. rd We4r. the neighborhood f $6 600, have th a bon in Tx ly Shoeslor S ' at a sue 6 law on the stat to books ail ao4etlimea gets� muddled, and th the Lad Is umme the rat pa' ers of this riding been ls�ved by it &Vol res 01 on the ou thorities to as to Its at eleotti then seosithat the Mail does not' shipof Pickering. He afterwards removed y a methodl� of the ,enforcement ra u b let e. to F irview, township Zorra. Forty - the wise and business lik me call elieve I self what It says- aboub Mr. Aos your at, ention to tl�ie diffloulby of securing four years ogo he settled 0 the farm now' Govern ment in dealing �with% tbO p�iblic obiery ice of other, character S &shin' ton, K. C., has been se. occupied by bis,,son Robert, and afterwards The m, uoriths is the laws" of a Mr. W st popular Phoe for women during the� sutnlm�r charitable institu t tionsfor.tte rel.W of un. miiohe siert enfor a Is there one Boll. lected as thwLiberal candidate in Hamilton on the present homestead. Mrs. Thistle ox_ ays -fortunate humanity. Wer.e the muicipall- tary minister n th a ift-oad Dominion , who and three sons remain. ford, or h w out shoe—popular because they are alw eOml-0itable- and cool co -npel I W f'ree, the Diso . west. He ig�, a olevO young man, and with,. -but little lacing. , We are showing a great vario�,y of Ladiew ox - ties in this riding enforces, or � otendel) an 1. -FrodGOrman,of Listowel, while driv. and irequ, re L$ to make up ford �tha the( ist obure ' ? 11 do no r is's gr eason in almost any.style a lady would want t the wo � Conservative candidates in the! I Ing M-. E. A. Clim r a On,, one shoc s this s oul be a Y! - was -heavy extension soles have' nt toe caps, e y a they not an. field stands & good chance of election.. Mr.1 dq recend kicked v badly b the turh sole I, this 841x, ount themselve i heavy = I Some have thk 8, it her' s one ?Vhy 9ther have P yearly burden on the tax myers, 4nd still forced ?, Are they D goo ? Certainly. Washington -is a former resident of Hu horse, breaking and bruiain h li aite have kid too caps, but alI are woxthy shoes, and very reasonaIile in prlce. rcn,l the u ',ortanate ones woui,d notlbe;'. as well Tlllen,!�fiy no; 6nfo,, them Si ply be' he hsvin� studied law in Goderi6h. seriously. � It is thought t left li' will 0 ?n ugh gi us senti. oiently oared for jas Ithey are under causetoerei U t Ireli have wbe amputated. For $10 a lady can buy here - a pair of Dongola .KiC'T Oxford.3, 1134hie, or as I i I - m �Z - i I I ment behind I in - to st�nd b F him ia -The y�uwn daughter of *r. WIM. Liv- soles, kid toe caps and leather lined. thb p'r sent system. But �fshould each munt- this pekorm4i ice of! Mr. wflitney has undoubtedliblandered. ingstone, f ewton, had a very narrow as- For $1,25 and $1.50,:ehoice of agreat many styles of 0ifords Vitli cip%li have the care I of t1he 'Unfortunate Is there la entim t in at6r o. stron e& during the, cape by slipping into &'ciatern 'which was patelit, I g He hag ually advooat , or self tips,heavy sole or turn soles. ones. in theii Qwu looalii,y, he could not enough ito enforce, prob, Itory law so the wiping out of . the taxes on caved in. The little child screamed and the y camp For $1.75 and -0.00, we show a large assortment 3f Oxfprds with the Ilw manifes, ly !weak a �he Man' oba, ldlh- even? mother heard her cries and rAn to her aid. be provided for -as -eoono ically, , �and the corporations, but while -he has taken thli: i. Perhapa so. I ho a' there I but do not : t J The child olung to a board, which, was her extension soles. burden, would be increased know it and whil I vim as taundh a prc- latando t4e Conservative newspapers. arei only support. For $2.00 -and $2.50, the Empress, 'the modef� 6anadian e r a , in t1 -Captain M. A. MoCrirnmon, who holds Whi. elthe Government �ha thus been the hibition at as ther i� in �h a Dominion, I 1noticeab)i silent on the question. They! ­ I am not wome-1141 direct friend of the wuniclipalitioa ;and bag illin.4to.ag�ent to an act -that is a oommierion in the fourth conting'enb for apparentl� recognize the seriousikess. of the� r -re lie in in, For $3.00, the famous "Queen Quality American, hO for wo-men, and who haE been drill so subE faubially relieved thern of � this yearly* radical in its %ara3ier and fa hing error thoir leader has made and are , doing South Af". its results, w thout i definite knowledge of ' struct6j"'t the Collegiate Institute, Sbrat- ueral woull :it not be the forc� of �p .1 their lbes�'to cover up him tracks. The� f drain on their exohc4 ablic �-entfmen 3. tha; I prevai a oFdjo'r' two years,was give 2 a ropaing send. OUR BARGAIN COUNTER, people of this province are not repared to wiadon I on the part of -the' 4lectors to keep in its faivor.i P off/by the cadets and te&oh ng staff of the lose a lar�e ', mount them in power, in prefer6no I to placing at edge n only be � ained by a of' revenue that -the stitute. They presented im with a purse e found odd lines �f Ladles' Oxforfi Thatknowl railway! dompatlies, the banks, the loan ii dur'baryafti counter will'alway.s-b i means of the tefer6n um. Tair or unfair, ib .1 , of money. 6 cle%r at 75c and $1.00 a pair. Some great s s in sies 1.3, 31'an C the hl�; id of affairs me hop instead of comparil9b, ate., may shirk the reBpon#* a 1 2 ur- �: is the 0 In a OP 11, and I i to 3our duty bility f'bearing their fair share of the b( Messrs. Melrose & Co pany, of Milver- and see t' being 11 sympathy with 1 ever y move to as. and m2ae,- It"hard at ton, who are drilling an or besian well for f every nd viJual who den of m eda- i �intainiug our asylums sint in tLis good work,! ha�ve done all in has the welfare o If allows at he?.rt, to do re. Schaefer & Roe, ha the misfortune � I i Mess our utmost :to a that this sentiment cational institutions and so forth.,,. - a to loose their drill last week, at a depth of exists. their power to plao: ob1 atrisetidna in the way, and relegate to the manicipall ties the 175 feet) bylt becoming d ficionnectedfrorn RX LLIS SO Swrhafort If we ave. lot it, is province he num- The Goderich Star, in spea4ing of the the rope.' They put the'Lr lose at about to re;pon8ibilities whi& the iberal Govern. be" r of vo rs i ked flohr, with sym Athies in probablq eaults in the Huions, says In $400. ave.relieved fa,�or of pr6h hit in then ive a�e better MeLt them, of, the eaist; t1r. Spotton Is a young man full of Mr. Richard Gray, of the Whyie Pack- without:euoh in a Jupon thf Istab4te book ing Company, of Stratford, has left thit city improved by the addition of a bay window.- of the lessees of the fla'X mill last Probibi ion�l bett than reE tricti�u, if the, pluck and energyj and Vvith splendid chances for Montreal, w�ere he will, be'manager of Mr.owler, of Godericb, has taken a pf)si- Thursday of -this v�[eek � for lowas,ftere The Grovemment and rohibition. former an be� with W. W. Taman. -The intends making hi4 home in tbe-, - future he fair] enforced ' B It restric- of elootio�li. " M r. Spot ton may have lots of the Whyte Packing Compapy's nevi wfi�ole- tion as tailor ment of Ont 'Itar - than sale business there. Previous to his leavitig be funeral of M w, of London, Mr. Chaes Roa;dhouse, who The Govern 0 is On trial tion, as ffect ve w Oossible, �s ra. Wm. Hawksha pluck and energy,� bat 1he will need. it. all. 1 - as bem to -day. The hones"lect' of the Province prohibit on, it the Bitter has o depend upon 'Strstford, Mr. Gray Was p a formerly ]Slis4 Ada�AfcLaughlin, of Exeter, working in the- Party ound &strilet,". a As -to- hiel:chancesf election, they are about are rubbing their eyd� m' I or less vigor. nunoilty for' its option. gold -headed cane by a xDaml ier of his friends. took place from her fa,tber's residence here turned to town M�onday and is -again ft� I ToTki ABstAnziER. as reMocq as the riorthipole At, the last. ' gaged with Air. Jamea onsly to got out the polirie aust which the -Martha Jones, wife of I Jr. John Love, on Saturday, and waft largely attended. -C. Hill. Mr. Rig - party, 1wtS3 is blowing in*! P'the Pro.ibi- eleotioniL Mr. Hislop h d a majority of 498! I I jr., died at her h6me in Eh is, from typhoid Hersey and Miss Hersey,, of L,3ndon. were knows a good man whejn he hall 0 bitieni-ts rub skilfully thev will 6 d ver Mr. Imooney,,'& loial man, and it is not fever, on -Sunday, 29% ult Deceased was the guests of friends id town over Sunday. E. Livingston was in Herim-11 this ve air the RolZ administration, to t,�. dark de -1 Editorial likely that an-outsid6r will be able to re- # - otl and Coniments . t the youngeEt sister of Mr. Jiimes Jones, 6f -Dr. H. f ilk, of -Loadon, spent Sunday buying timber to he.ep, his fiandle Ilgeteri duce thisim0ijority very much. I� fact, re - of Opp Fition on account 6f its violation of Mitchell, and daughter of he late Robert with acqx esintances here. -The derath of going.-Mesars. Bainton Brothers Jgve-ths According o a empatch �from Ottawa, eports from that riding indicate tbati solemn and oft-rpeated '�ublic pled es Robert Sp car, of Exeter, occurred 6n Fri- 'brick work on thifr tannery �completed sa g � there will be no spr ng militiry camps this Mr. Hi.316p will be elected with a much i Jones, ex -warden. She w a bighly respect - made t) them. We have noi preference for' day last$ 6e age of! 78 years. and the. will a! on have it reaay' to start work. - i � d and leaves a husband and hmall family Mr. Whitney, but if bb at wit the fourth African larger majority than before. This is to mourn her loss. funeral on unday Mr?. Sellars, who wentito Toronto last the pax ty led by year. way the 8tar figures club a majorit for. Mr. � ral on . wag attended by a large week Prohib.ti6nists are not lobRera they will contingent and th coronation contingent y -Mr. Alex� Irvine, who left INUcholl for number of friends of the family. -Te clec- to see bar 'son, Albert, turned bome sse thkb the only. wise course for them t6 Whitneyi the permanent cor has been depleted of the Soo about two months ago, was-. taken trio light company had the misfortune to 'him. He was in the hd pir'a , suffering from parsu6isto tuin down the Ross Govern�. ina� tractors, I so that ;the caniTswill not be Seriously ill, and, 'accompa isd by Mr. Goo, have their wind mill blown d6wn last week. fever, whieh affecied q, eyes go that, Ile meat at th:o present time, and 'wiLh. cqual held until Sbptemb�r. 'The same storm carried away the turrets oottiarob sp�e, but since Oa sco�.unt of the high price of beef, it' Fitzgerald,he made an attempt to reach ­ returned homel' pr i 11 wag on- the Ma 11- street eyes are 1hetter and lihe is now y Mitchell last week, but at Stratford h - Methodist church. omptuess defeat the Cobservarve, part at as thought by many that, the present, a gainin- the fire t opportunity� in theI future, should taken to the hospital, where he was found -.g they Hil.to enac� pro by the us� I hParl of Duridona a, the now commander would be a favorable opportuni strength rapidly, being,lable to walk aroun& hibitio U& -Mr. Nicholls th ty to have to be suffering from -pleuris-, and inflamms D�minion Alliance or� constitutional method. of �the militElkry f ordo,s in Can idall %a Bucces- the emb%'rgo on cattle going-' into Britaial tion of the lungs. Tieadbury. ganizer, is in the i Wost Huron riding A We 'thke the above paragraph from the sor to General 0'Q 60 pairs of men's shoes, regular from $1.75 present in the inte�-estj'of their a y Haly, is expected to from this conntry removed, . buf apparently -Among tile successful Stratford stud- to $3,50, Your aboloe on FrIday and Saturd My for 9' H h assume office abou Willis M r. M itChell. -MTi qmes Anderson is -4. Womerl'i, Journal, the officiaA organ of t e the first f July. Lord all atterwip's mt its removal have been fruit- I ents at Queen's University, Kingston, were Nor pair. 81 mplea in souLh wliidow. Dandonald has see' service ii Son�h Africa, Miss Gertrude Co6k, who took first-class Worth, 8 te agent for Geo. A. S!ater Eh tendings the eeiirld, of �he We Womer's Christian Tenpd Irance. Unirn. les3. In the British House of Commong,'thel ladies iknd g(ntlemEn, 1705-1 Foreign Mission 71 _M this and was one of th' first of the relieving honors in Latin of the fourth year, Others S664 ab London, That any profeekiag friend �lof 'probibiticu fproe to entir L%d smith. Ile iii 50 years other day-, Mr. Hanbury, the president of were Messrs. Charle is and Joseph Workman NOTES. --Many in this section were pained week. could be so near 'sighted and Inarrow minJEd of.age. the board of agriculture, said that the gov-' and W. A. Kennedy. D. D. oairne, form- to hear of bhedeath of Mrs. Gordon, of Me- ernment could not remove the restrictions is most surp., isil3g. To act as the JourDal erly of Stratford, won the hancellor's Killop, Previous to her marriage, 1*8 Miks B The phy tion of Princi al G van 6 oal coq�di t, placed an the importation of Canadian store scholarship in arts and pra6tical science. Kate Menzies, she was a bright, friendlv John Fr'aaer, Conveyancer, Notary Pubhc desires the electors to det 1vould prove a Of Kingstou, is oau�ing his fi ends consider- cattle; but, possibly. Argentine - dbe�sts �Rev. Father Walsh, who is beaving girl, and w favorite with everyone. We ex- Agent &jr o anoAiatl Ex reAs W-iney Ordera. A ]gyp iight be admitted on the- same oon itions Stratford, was entertain one evening a tend our ympath ey -to lo�u at purrent r death blow to the caui-ze it!1 is intended to able aj:lxleti. Priiied al'Grant bals had a n y to the husband and I amount of Mon ates of IntemL­ p as cattle fromi the United States. John I short time ago, at the residence of Mr. J. A. children As well as to the deceased . -ladys erivate funds espouse and chamri=, Th Liberal Gov - return of his old trouble, and from 'which he Bull must have his beef, but he wailts it at Duggan, of that city, and presented with -a brothe Of NOTES. -Dr. Atkinson and family billy ra a A i3:sters, in this their hour 11 iendly to the has� just eebutly recovered. Fears are an. the ernment has always' bee 4 lowest price. He is looking after nu purse of $150. He was alio the recipient of sonoW.-im ;Aem under the heading of arrived from Detroit, to' s,,)end the eurainer temperance cause, and it �'as from Wis 3,1 and the colonies must look after a magnificent pteaching etclIe of- white s�jlk, Leadbury, ient ia by some person lost week, it Bayfidd.-Hariy tertaine that he vh1l not be able to with. bar ow d altrislay, who ba themselves. enbroidered in gold, that'was the work of stated tha i the late Mr. Wallace died at been working in Toront for' orn ti it fit source, and this source only, �hat. advanced stand a eoond aev're attack' a Me, Miss Minnie Kennedy, of 8t.--Joseph'd con- the home of his fath in-law, where spit�al mith 'id f4v64-The nor. and aihcjuato temperance egislation has er- as it the hoi typhq ,bome. 1 In fact, many pei)ple hink that the -Mr, hitney an4' his 1�e'utt:rnantIIII are tour. New's of the We'ek. gregation. should have read ht the home of his son -in- ner stone of the new ch rch *ill be laid on I -Mrs. George Carter, a. highly esteemed law, Mr. Kinn'ey.-Mr. Hislop, the Liberal the twentieth of May, s 'thi i 4 two oWock M' AS iog'thi We6k in ew o. I Ito has HOLLkND'S �,uBiN. -Holland is at present Goveriment have, 6:1 *djffax� nt .00casiona, itizen of St. Maryq, died pril 24th, after candidate; and Mr. SpOttOD, the Conserva- afternoon.' A number f sj?eakers wil .1 1 a nxious over her Queen, who has been; legislal ad in advanc of 1 ij-Olic s�ntimcnb been try ng to stud the peopie up fhere th a short illness. Decease tab bcrn iii Far- tive candi ate, wers both visiting friends in present and a good pt(c ramme rendered. - I :few days ill foradrAe tirile. For the paib her th In tp is, he wa's I f4vor of everything , the Govern. managh county, Ireland, and came to Can- MoKillop as6 week, and orgaitz ing for the With alona these lincs. Fqr,' 1 th at the she -haa b6en ry ill, and grave, hopes are M. Rms has gone to 8 is -�bis weak 6nt,,' ment did for that ada when q uite a young girl. ; After living coming coitest.-Misses Mamie cBweu, a boat load of potat On. part of the provindle, but entbrtaihe,d f her recovery. A. Edw" last skazicii of Parlia;m' Mr.'Rqse had ot� actions F. -iak louder than words, and his in Blanshard the early part of he� married Mary E. Raej and Dora J. "Kinney, our and his fatberare Vsiti"t g fri r Lou* placed, on the stat4to boo 9, a measure �Em-ALE FRANcHisE'. -Women votes in ;he House will be sure to "d him are join Wig theiranchise movement to do. -life, Mrs. Carter and her, h oband moved to popular at d talented young music teachers, don this wak Marshall has granting prohibition t 11 extent of the out, St. Marys.: Mr Carter died some years are each ivinq -lessools to a number of chased the premises� n vn as the �To r OL the ful. mand for:thei sex the right to -vote at Par. b aughtei powex of the provindial &uthbrities subject it ut three Mrs. pupils this season. �-Miss Maggie Davidson firm, on thd Bayfield c, icesion liamenta! r'y elections. ',Mass meetings of L"o, from Mr. only t L 6 the' Although peace overr auto are still in women, most y of the �middle class, hav' Carter. has been home for a' pleasant vi -ib. HEf� Ransfordof Clinton.- I iss MCK-enz, Imm approval of the lelectors. The 8 ! -Isabella, Camero-n, vkfe of John Cama. many frier,da,,both young and old, were McNeil, Mrs 8ft6tibilry Le, L most a d progress they ae ot al owed to it-.'terfere been held in Stockholm and Gothenburg Mrp� :ohn Widd ant friend of prohibition could not 04L eron, Esq." passed away at her home in pleased to have! her b�ck.-Henry Stim-ore and lsa'A.' Whididen- eask for nlore than'this, as,it 13 well known with mil w,ry operAtiona in South kf6oa. and committe a- appointed to present the Blanshardon Monday Altil 28th, ia It' I women's case to the Government. The ter has had axievt kitchen! and woodshed ereat- meeting of the W orhe;* Foreign J' Y Skirmish!A contia�e fre�buently, an'd,�the 42adear., Deceased a L daughter of he ad. Masers. 1�aegy; and Wolfe had the Society in- London. Saturday, April that a prohibition measure uneupported by C Swedish worn In already enjoy imited late George Somerville of Fallarton anJ, job. This firm do their work quickly and 26tb, at the home 1 of his daughter. Xre. a large major ity o -wou . Id be a Boer casha-Ities have been heavy. Manie municipal fria chiie, and have a right to sib. f the peop��e . I with her hulsband, resi'4 Botha, ainephew of the commander -general, 'on boards of g iardi%-no and on school boards. td n Fullarton un- well. -Mei isrs'. Sylvester Stitt, Thomas Elliott, wife of Rev;,jov.ia,�ph Elliott,of waiml, dead 1� til about five years ago', I I an they.removed Irvine and Herbert Irvine have gone to ,,tter, aqd a greater 1 injury to the I DEATft OF REAR- ADIMML SAMPSON.- to there passed away quietly one i,of Bisfielft and Onef Deweb's'. ablest lieutenants, has B Cause o� prohibition than 6an,,'! be easily cati- Rear -Admiral Sampson, who came into lanshard. They *eke Imarried in uI- Stratford t o. work. They are sensible and oldest rmidetiti,,In the -.Oerson of Air. John, been ca. , -?p re ago. Bc- 'well behaved young follows, and should sue- Esaor. During the seventies and eightfei4 tarton about twent mated. And yet it is thtp Government ppirtsarequite frequent. promiuenc d I the Spanish-American id y a VAH 'a r n I Pon nd one daugh ly circulated in Lorliclon, Roberts es'her' husband, one Pon ter ceed very well.-Honry Benneweis intenes trobibly no man In E[u that the Journal so foo­lit4 calls on the war, being �U�harge, of the United. States ron was more widelY will resign a survives. building.an addition to his barn as. w nown thin he. Of his pootion Jas commander in squadron in! t a naval battle oV Santiago gq6d business habitri elcetors to diqoard. Chief immediately after t�e coronation core- ypung ladies of Mitchell, Miss re -shingling it this semon. he!vasfor1ma-nyye&r q�promixientfijureia- h monies, at ad will be'succe ded by- the D Bay,inWhic theffeebof Admiral Carvers Nellie Coppin and Miss� Phoenix, had an ex, -degir uke was deOroye,, died! on Mo4day at Ili or Should the' a of the J., urnal be 'real. buduess and municipal life. For a numb of years he was ole of Connaught. citing time one morning last week. They Blyt ized and Mr. Whitney give� the reins of i home in;',Was ington.1 Almi�al Sampson irk Of Stattle and later 1 9 11 ent fishing, and pulled out into deep water. reeve of B a cl. He was an ardent Tlib-' power, where would the oaus4 of temperan had been ill fo some time, but�the immedi- NOTES. --Our football team went to Wing. ce speech at St. blar a, the other r'i4ht, on a raft. The latter, however, was not eral, and t A an alative par.b, in politi3L be? Mr. Whitney has an'n4unced� himself ate cause. of his death was cerebral hemorr- large enough and began I tosink. Mirs Ooppin ham last Friday after Gon, to play the team J IF in speaking of the pulp oc li- hage. Abopt ton are ago his 0yes"'ht f *1 d Ill I fell off, and of that town V�e scheduled game. Our -a as opposed to prohibition, so � that the ' I would ba�e be�n drowned but and later became mudh e'n'fe�"�biod' sby� ruet EARTHQUAKES IN SPAIX. -Earthquake sions,;Baid the Government majority was boya were betitail, thel score being 2 to 0 for the timely assistance of 1AIr. John S pasted attacks of which rendered perance people can expect t� gain. nothiD ocks were felt, early Tuesdlai morniu& Om- but, it wa�a we predicted, the want of $ a purel� mechanical alljority, and! voted 8h' merville. Miss Phoenix was standing knee th x g much business. from 4'im. This the Journal 1,1 does not seem t Barcelona, I Saragossa, Irun,� Tafellat and oombiriati 13, tat defeated them. Mr. J. him incapable of 0 obediently, without do! beratian. th deep in the water on the rbft when she was About two years ago the' illnessito which he got 80 Murei. ;At th�e last named pl�ce the. A. Jack id as referee, and, knowing finally succumbed, ma a its apearance.. to rea;!ize. But because Air, 'Ross has been with the ppposition I I rescued. how ver, But it was dral and, the.c6nvent, as well as a nua'ab'ar of a I the gameol0 sctell, no Person could dispute a truer friend to prollibition ithan, such. ( x- not the fl�uft of Mr; Whi I -Mr. John Rogers, of near -Mitchell, had i which seemed to be an a action of the nerve, �ney that t a Op- 'houses �ere d maged. The population be- his decisio ;1 rus:vela is to play in our Opposing came ps6ni J� 4 lively ride onMonday ever in17 of last week. 4y) at centres of the brain. IE(59 end came ,t tremista as the. Journal, it �Iwaats to turn position were not a unite In (88 c tricken. At Albetique, in They tried haid enoug He was comiDg down the gan road slid him out of (ffice and a uses were town this ri aing, which no doubt eubstit6te A man who measures h, a's Mr. Valencia Provace, a numb r of he his horse*, which is a spirited one, was acting be a 4at game, as our boys will want quietly, being . hastens bj� -4 staroke Y Marter has testified,but h' better judgment destroyed, wh Is a school building an d a wil Essen w'As a native pf At' is an &vowed opponent of tho cause. very ugly. As soon as t ie corner at the to win 0 their -_own grounds. -There Par ai* prevaile& and he voted Zith the Govern- claurch gustai ad extensive damages. The wa a and!cs a to Canada OV*r White factory was turned tie �rute became, d I I s w very int reating� meeting -last Wed. mean,[ a 6 Orkney Is ��of ment. �t -j� To act thus would at bac seismic distur ances dislodged great masses nesday ev ning, in the basement of the years 41Z He vi4ted hip. native 1=4 ua bolted off at terrific a y years to proUbition, and pe�haps its rele- o i ro 0 ually E -pea ! ka of of rock in the 1 iten-Sante, Mountains' ' speed.. Mr. Rogers bravelyheld to the lines, Pe Woman's Chris veral . time He wag in his 81at year Ab n to oblivion for all timtj to come. The T t Mail con Methodist church. ' the time of his death. I gatio t DEATil or B ET HARTE.—F. Bert Harte, ion held a concert, b IWO a a the Governlent. as the 11!1expiring Govern- the American 4uthor, died in London, Eng. a d turned the animal, tow'rda the stablep before it w a over it turned out a are su.re that the electors of i this Proviyace but instead of coming to a �slt when reach- ared the fence a ng. N a he biberL1 te a] oitize a got very hot atI each other. -Mrs. Anderson funiture factoo, Woodstock, land, Monday night. Mr. Harts had been litioal ment.11 Aebording to the Mail : I ad, the maddened bra political m ti T vo of our prominent -Thomas Wood, k nig'hb fi- man at the have more commou sense that this profet�sed suffering from swollen tonsils since Decom, Government' in Onta'" leaving the buggy and driver behind. For'. sged, friend of � prohibition gives, �'hem.credit f Lr io h s br:66 expiring berlast, buh he! did not consider the attack n p tftnately Mr. Rjgers a-oape iDjary, but the John Moffa is isiUn4 friends in London about 50 pars, sh t himself- through the and will not allow themselvell to! b for nigh on :to thirtylyear , and Still it has to be serious. weak o he went to visit this week. Mr.� Jackson, of Egmondville, head on 'Wedneadsoy night, at his home, fit a lead � by life exiou I I ! b' and harness did not re so well. �h� to inaugurate and cl%irr friends at Ca �arly 'anal was present at uggy y lout a any foolishness, which our Z-41ouio advocates was visitiog his sohfor � few days last week. that city. 'I Wood was i4ontally unballaneeds ;I I progresal lye policy for', devei0pilaw the natural Ilunch as usual he day of his death. Bathe It is the firs time he has been here for 25 the result of an attack of fever. of prohibition,- finch as thO Journal, re resourceslofour Pr9vince t1p the�bletadvant- 'suddenly beca ellill in the afternoon, went Exeter. years, and a [was- greitly impressed with -The weather in Lon0on, Englan,is hit - giving vent to. age of th� vIihole peo�le, It 1 keep'abre: [it of Ito bed and died in a few hours. Francis I our town. Mi.jameal si rig a terly cold, land snow baiI -fallen in vrioug a I I ms the times in the ma ter of eduov � Harte, bolln at Albany, New Yoik J. G. Stanbury, B. A., B i, -rister, Solicitor s wearii I,tion, to as- !Bret ha �, cause, another girl. parts Of EDgI -a is If the Journal would devo. a its. energies Notary, Unveyanoer. money to loan, Exeter, ont ana. Thorie -h v. 'been anow- I ii Big agriculture, a 0. A Pr tty lively c6rp�et August 25bb, 1839, was well known as ran At Hetisall every Tuesd&y. 1 1792 —XiEs Allie- Be4net, w�a has cond- eted a storms at Cheshire and );Lsticai'shi-re and in getting out a fl epresenla- too much Mi )r the world over. His poems a,�d Loc�,u BRiE)F9. -Tuesday was court day dreasmakin wn, intends 11closing Dovdi and other.parts- cl� Kanb bind Leices- ve to suit the lail, it will' find �auth( shop in t tive vote on December 4th, ih vor of the after May 29th. stories, 11 The Heathen Chinee Luck of up for a month, and wi � o to Cleveland to tershire and No ere, but all the cases ente"red had bee rfolk. n 9 secure reductions !of study the latest styles 'Mr. Mitchell, the referendum, it would he,, iRoarin Camp, other pl Obj2ct for and revioualy settled. -Miss liott, of Toron- -The evenb of �.the 1"t session of tu namely, The ceremony of urning th2 first sod of the mining regions won the popular taste, n I a a or an uron 0� which it professes to be at iving, oj, 13 home visiting her mot'her, re. B. V. onserva, ive c and made 11� the poet of the'Sierra8 " One * I convention in an Francisco, was the Temiscam ng of h tekbas prohibition. It would then, 00, I,g O'd t lliott. -Charles Tom has movod� into the Was In Out In idst T eaday.-Mr. A. E, the p tation to Pr. Oron sy. by !the best.reO w iters of the day. His early Bradwin � has re ted !r. Sherritt'A house, Supreme C le Railway, 7hit 11road to be isr10 days were soen� in the mil ing regions of by f, of a ma$nfficent gold offi- the cause instead of d bel hell,�, is t 8 bui ouse on Sun street, lahly occupied ,oing y as ib� is harles Wilson and owned by A. Cottle - and intends moving in At once. Mr. Oak- cial collar 9f 21 links, eMblematic -of big 21 tha Government now doing by publish fro North Bay to' ing su�,h the California. ���La r he engaged in newspaper ev. art n, B. D ley, having I 0oug a ouse- - r. ra or attended th( dwin years of a vice. The obain. bears anon its TemiscAming dietri will take, ork, became a itor of the Overland Month - we quote above. plac 6 c, n w ynod of the Presbyteri n churchi held at is living in, mterjld oon, as links the emblems of the ,order A� a -me Ving in E69 a and the ly, afterwards v as appointed United States Saturday o 'adon, last week. -H Mr..Bradwi � vaqates it. -The trick work He �this we�k' 10ti inst F. o re. coats of arms of countries where the order 1 COLBUI at Cr6feld, Germany, in 1878, and urned home Satardayi fro I;n. on Dr. Mile, 'a pow drug store and oiffice is Sen' R. Latchford, the �rdjvinoikl Commise oner later at Glasgovi Scotland where he re- m attending,Tr. is established. The co t was contributed sible Tal . - 11 ty' Medical College, Tororto.-A. Q. nearly comp etedl.--Mr. George Powell of Public Works, Ivill o�ciate with the mained from 18,1� to 1885, land since then B 3. has to by every member of t a Supremie lCourt, T'ie following letter recently. ap�eared in idr waF3 in Kin' Is put on the r )ad splendid spade' andlit is expqoted that' a number of cardinal last week. where I strong wagon to and the scene when it was. presented was I ' ad resided in London, where he died, g a on buy eggs, th a w eett'elat the Ohiiatian Guardian. It -Is s�-raight to cither`pUbl�io;men wi I a resent, and make starting branch creamery. -The c' dak, also to carry a stock of one of the gr. ractor for the new Afolsona'. Bank ii here grocen .9 rry w1ight nd Rho' es. ( reor 'a is a hustler and is bound gates all. rising and cheering again suzd* the point and should ca , rt addre6es. The brk' of construction is to be puliheld alon iasC as material call thli week, making prepara, 1008 for com. 'to get his share the bu ainess.-Mr. Beene, again. In making the unprejudic Yi Eec 0,X St novular t r p P� t 1b3 I r b t Yi f h t conviction to the mind of ever�.- ed be obtaine Perth Notes. oncing the work._ML r. I onry Bucking. of the-g.risC millo, hat; pu rehalsed a delivery Mr. McOapghan said he was -,commissioned person The mother of Mr. Con. G. Schmidt- ham is having his large resid ee remod(I 'e'd, wagon, and t ow, delivers flour to any part of by the wholeL SUpreme CoUj'j to"say that of Rostock; died very suddenly at his DLE�m iR, -Permit me to pqhnb cut where. There is r L ouble a Ong the Conservatives so i that in future it will b) two spacimg the town. IE oth if these wagons were made was given as a tokn of 6eir love, also f I home on unday, April 27th. hofises. He w by Sim & Lyo is, our local carriage and a an expression in, yourself, togett er with other iminilitete of ' I ill retit the north half. -Mr. of their4baolute confidence West Ht iltov. tro Conservative can- -Major Hamilton, of St,.Marye, has bee n IV W. Ta wagon makeis, w 0 always turn out good in the Supreme Chief' managen3ent of the" man, merchant, ta ilor, has leaWbd 07kosell as quarte m8s.er of the fourth oun. and writers are, in, my opinioo, doing harm didates are the fielld Mr. Colqubou; Ae work.-.Nir. oh " Drumr d,who was one to the temperance cause. or the tingent f ro!m Dr. C. Lutz, the store' it the west si- order. n as 41, ion leaving for South Africa. referendum was d an indepen �nt, and M' (I Main street former) ecided upon ou h,nd they �r Hend.Lie, as, the T) ly prrperty of' A V a ur ay have been finding fault with il had a nortlinee of the oonvEnt On. Thomas Hamhn,.andl w move from his Y Previous to the week part of the brlok wall of Mr. J. Barr's 101 u �ova.i of ib J. perfect iighu to express disapf present quarters in about tep days. -W. 8-t con�ention Hendrieipr6mised h1a support; to livery atahle, at milverton,was blown down. the outeet, but will you'tell-i wh4t earthly -Mir. J. W. Cull, of Mitche , 11, has ool. Heilman has engaged Mr. owe, formerly good is being 4!acompli�hed by1writing Colqahoun`,;.but the nialphine Was not 8: Iii- New to e, with the, white fron-tv I in the a fected $10,000 irloustotr duties during the with Mr. Ziegner, of Crediton, an tinner, same strain every week ? fled and br6ught preilsuiro to be�r on Hall. 8!nd.will add this department to his hard. drie to ta past ten months, which is far in excess of 'ble or other- 7 The referendum, objectionN 6' the norr�ination., Both are v are busineRs.---The Chrisbida Endeavor of prominent ConEervativos with,a big follo;w. I the previous year. wise, is before the people. There is no Gaven church held a very pleasant social w no ing, and as Mr. Samuel'Harstone, who was dro.wn- possibility of amending''its 41r 1a: result theke is -a rx�erry f amily Monday evening. equIrements fight in prdgrees. ad lately in Winnipeg, was &� native of St. Good or bad, it has to be I'lecepted. [Intended for last week]. Marys, and bro6er of Mr. i:Leouard Har - seems to me to be a needless Vaete of energy Anothei 'Satu'rday Ni Sale. to denounce what cannot now be lremedied. -Mr. MitolatIl, th6 0 'servati,,e candidate 1 Stone, town clerk of thattow'n. I�OTES.-A-. H. Hoskins, of Brantford, and' ght jDp -re -The eldoet d1augliter, Mary M.,, of Mrs. Mcs. Hoskin attended the funeral of M What should be done is to fist Huron, is filildiog the mad a very of Hibbert, near Gowrie, IV� Hawlisba , 'on Saturday. ur,e people to In W I -­ ------ act. Stimulate them to ene getic action, up-hillone.� Inhisdnd6aivo, James Colquhoun, �w -George ++ 1- 0 catch the was married on Wednesday of last week, to Eamwell returned Monday evening from in whiat might have t stead of whining about a In n emperance vote he has!�..trangmd umber Mr. Foster Hutchison, of Chicago. ln�ersoll.-F,. 'E. Pickard was in London o been. From b 10 o clock we were crowded to tl� night. e doors lastil Sikturday of Conservatives, who -Some persons broke into the smoke business, on Monday. -J. T.Westoott took I . In the last few weeks I hav I ar tha"a candidate Just a few iine��' we w 11 mention, but everything i a interviewed house in,,counection with Alri George Lark. a demented vaorant to the county jail, on the hous e will go at a a number of prominent ele'' h so easily swayedl by e�ery a rNipen-home of w 'a f action -worthy's butcher shop, Stratford, one night blonday. -Bari ister Dent, of Mitchell, and sacrifice. them standing high in th do f li, �nse�a of the will be o Ule use to t6ir par ty, in fact not long ago, and burned eighteen hams and I is; sister, Mrs. 1 Sutherland, o � Heosall, were Methodist church, such as ex�,prealldents of the�, are afraid he will do them more harm several sides of bacov. callers in town, on Monday.. -Last Sabbath 1p—MOT A S Conferences, and they have frankly stated thAgood. Theoldsw0ingthmarrian can. '-Mrs. Maria Wiley lict of the late morning, the Independent 3rder of*Oad. their disapproval of the cours( you are par. not serve two muter;i is be Ing brought John Wiles, of Peel. (lie t, the residence f )Ilbws attrnded divine ser�ice, Fifty rieni good twded and worsted suite, worth $7 to $8� 5 0, ion SaturJay suing ; their emphatic 4isapp�oval.of the in. hom very forcibly to ab Jalnes Mr. Mit hell. He is of her eon, Air. J. 'S. Gee of Listowel, a. drelet Methodist church, and listened to a night $5.00. temperate and sometimes tigiphristian De- steloquentand instructive sermon from Ian- lea ing to his sorrow that he can't be a short time -ago, at the age guage used by other writer 80 years 8 0 - the subject, prohibitionist and an anti-probibitioniab at ceased had lived in L,*st6wel for some time. t 6 very able pastor, Wov. C. 1i W. Brown, B.' All ou I new I bc� ancy Dress Muslin -on kiatarday 'Eight 1 [e a yard. and their belief that the cause, was being one and the same time. - I -Rev. Y E. Nugent, wboidied in Plaas. on the subject " Justige. Mercy and jured by the course pursued. 1, 1, i I I I Tarl; ) Q, 0 I have meD, also, many -persons favorably 11 1 What ville, was buried'in alitchell,1 on Tuesday of lety. . A number ot Adensa�u bretbren so. Kpo VL# otse s, -s ee lilled, latest.style, for, 48c a pal.r. new proposal 1hals Adr� Rose to ad- last week, A.ldrge nuniber�6f the neighbor. V i panied the local fraternity.—The Victor disposed towards temperance, iwho'say that t . 'i vTivent3 -fiv the one thing calculated to malke them v -van6e'for tfielbuilding 11' of 0 Ab. Ing clergymen. attended the funeral. Mr. aseball club was organized ast week and piecei Fancy Silks for Waists, wo�th 75% fwc 39c on Saturday I a a I I . . . . . . . . . Ote &r 0 Nugent leavpa a vi ife, one son and a Will soon be ready to gi.v xhibitions of nigb�. itinted, un - against the referendum is'the I'll.. nr solutely no Ale.:' Ile has I ln�cined near 0 fair, and sometimes untrue cc of every projectihe mapped,' ly aaughter. go d ball.—W. T. Goodison. of Sarnia, demnation' out an he be- i —The many friends of Mr. Wm. Thistle, a pent Sunday wi 5h friends in Exeter.—Alf Public men who are just as eat in thtir temperance vie air core and hon- came Premier', and hehaIa no p)wer to in- of Downie, were shocked to hear of his: end. E bi're left Monday for Cryapal City, Mani,. wsi as their de- vent any mor�." This I from the Toronto den death[ which occurred a short time ago, t)ba, where he ham been engaged by'Ron. tractors. He went out to the barn at Thomas Green "0 It seems to me that some o Mail.. If Mr.. Rose has abandoned all. his from apopl�xy. way.—Rid Lamoub and ROYD the �temper-. projects for the devOlopment of New- On. seven 0 clook one morniog, as was his usual C leik Bees, of Hay, were In own 'on busi nce people have lost their heA, . They are tarioi,what I the Mail, Conti ally Equeal- custom, an not only not 1 8 d shortly afterwards came back Ws!3 Monday.�Thomss 005more Is having open to reason, l6tit they -are Ing about ? -It contairil' colu U13 daily in to the houie, com 'laining of ' GAR 0 ALOCK, p 4 most severe slousa on LAngbell street, considerillbly SEAVORT13al, MATRIN - to �Iavwa took which 0" 'Var towneth'! 00oosiOnw-A 11orn, of 01 .exanning, *1 rformed < 1&r. David e U-0 *f, W"s ms�n. The, young Ve" ah. .4401CI prt!pol 'T.ffE t�e =so, last meetilli tbwt V1 T- -t 1,4P W4%rd 2; -Arming the 'was ps-a-fied, 'Of revision 4 Awifibe helil On saturda,� --The t�evderl plaus; and -o sum of Wif to -be conWpl sman 1�0wn isued-in pay -to meet on 11 tolvm for -'a tg' t,an . -out thie stimmO been VW'dfi bas returW gaged in -tliZ 1a,rowell pal Pr I to . r t6 I -e -a bringy,118L. � .sented with hie 0049 �e town ball.�� ber parants igaiti ab, a I -e L r.-Rev� 1. WeE-1-1-- a A W. d5y =�nil thil eye*in were verY IL people -of t M:r; Yj�lgi of iabox.�­l on t -bel 14. ;,a coveri prunmg V bUd[djng'f-j Your frui.tt, -The do Upon U�11 L —Two� 01 to, were ,shortly 4ti aight lait� i At the HtI the childt poisonous i ihey b4 i6i also I L 13 tamqe. ther ,with oil rm cago Great -aouth of -night. U0 Joseph, X. fell from ti dragging V- 'bridgi,4-wh were burr" -At 4 for4, -on I moulder -4, I �ed by tou� ed the fato WA4 dead A ,other empi alive bu09 outcry, an. Voltage tol its thought beart wAs- his ldeath.� -A fst� �Wednetdiw Archer lo! -mill !or ; vaised, sui who were' bottom -ini - �iug Mr were imb 0 linot befcr Mau WAS I three ot U' -The v-, from X -oil gives evtr brilliant cilviliau-. a -ad two lencVz bo -the ministI Dr. Borde the Tunlel Mr.-. BOV 'fall wheal" amm ver -j pa%a 13ar a3i.rley-pibr' i3u,tter, -Ew- per 41 Fudes per I shft-p skin W001- agtt fretail wood P" � W.3od wr I A IL L fl, OV611F 'Tim motive ot an -1 solni Some ut -very goo Years vl� V120. 1 sama"W-t ing, fave Of -greyl brought sun Z'OlLd � for I and - I gold -Adrliv era Aar* ligiv