HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1902-05-09, Page 2Ithi.- iuse, nn a p 1( lincrQ I v6 ]01 Ott Lmi, 'uo eurn ilia ciatly Drgiz oorn nter, rho ?ARM$ FFOR SAM It Psalm We te the Townships of id # gore Ear* RRA MATS FOR ULB te- --thtLt idea.-- -.J itob n9v w I grow so old that th i, - - . p in 1141nis. lit ll - would prefer a younger -man to. take i 'thirty"sevot th 1' 0, STION:- e. e , o b 11E GRE N: b iL, like to Abe I would able have been of: Huron. IntitAre M anoe.- WX young, and now ini old, After yet have Mot seen the rightdous for;- 4 to resiE -n my ps orate, It CAMPR�Ll,, Bl^ OAL 91 me 1 -life insur- i r is se4�d beg! IX, -jeato of 1[61�r be,- x1n atlently th alceo. n6 Dr 0 skin DIM- ELI D for Dgo 0. ��ollld: The _-6 e dwho cures Ointment Curex Itc JrJRoPKRTy I xavoNDvtLLE For. Sxrx.— A'J M Ig hty Gos 31 P, tam t ba lande tk&nt answered: f6r. t�e For sale, a, commodious story and halt house. be no d,,tnger of that if yo i only had spar -64 ai L d whd numbers: the ha�rs S I clakern ; a good stable and Solved -1 easex and ruvtlona� -pernent cellar ani a W4en modlatel unth of the Y D become of"ou Fh6ai will not let his chil;1ren neariv, two scres of bad ; Imt Fgtobudylile unnse. The lwid Is we I PI y� inted with ixty a sovXyi ars 9,`age, you wa, Mr. James McisaaeE �5 in S.t s ntT Th Divinv Father will 41- Ottawa,.'Ont., wittes:— suffer -d with larpandsmallfrultv. Applyto WmA&LLIOTT. -to a. I cot ld ife in uranck company; waysis" i we do our duty, that we --------- salt rheum for upwards of . ter. years,, purcha e an I A 'OOMMUNITY OF IRTERESTS, ang' . For a, have g I 1 to- eat 4 s ulty,� �!eno� .tnd to-1--drink,6n- the skin on my handi 6racld. ig and k belt vely moderat'. sum 0 nn-ir v�& aM FOR SAI& -In beik.whes' u colila at that i outrh to we -ir and a pldcoj�here we IT e sty es v L C46AA q -.a- y U-17il $Whera MAultdba. Ninety ures r Ili �L a ainuier y late moft that C, s;leep. TE, very one. who.,gives his After trying All sorWor rem Ids In-- I i -A) ag SOVAe alL 4nnU, income an and catching than eve and o wheat wo ald be suff cient t, k9ep yo. Oh'ist Will be, abl6--to - sing -nd. I t next yearz 60 &am bay. Good new stsble �hls gernkon vin, I became di couragei a attractive �rtook of 1-tho su'pr*me nd granar. Twelve dollars For %are, BMW u. from soul lo M -wan thought my SUITerigs oUld nes er Ond. %z!17roved and pralr% forms for sale. Write ]roily of J3ArtV*IUJr Awl y Skills Eternal But I answe.ed, 11*p- ChanxAng's loympli-ony. -He will have ed CHA& SHAW, Box 17, Bolasevain, Manibobik, ire t4 r Wealth, Am 0 0 n g Chase, i Oint- TS live con- S me was p rfectly h'ali, *o I *�Irxro in L4rXV Pose 31 bould n t pass a medical- ex�' at le opportunity to 1 at" spr HATS KIR 1767 'ad In a short it What �;hen ?I I "Ahl" tent with mall means. to seek ele ? 101tion and Pleasuro; oz., 'hatover Else repile'd "he life insu oureR . —Lot East halt 29, 0onoeftlon Ace agent you gance rathdr than luxury, refi nme t FOR SALE. Hous ivlr�, B. Nicholson, Manor Hous, Win- I In the Township of Hibbed, I W miles elist of t4o do not have to p wortul ,,World Can Give. as a m -dical ex- rather thal,fashion, to be 'Man., states Several W4 M SeafoRli. Larga orchard two good wplitand.good 9 U COLLARS, T ES Eta .Pi 6r amina' Dn. 'rho older yo i are and 110 4ble and n' t h baakbarn. Forp.%irtioulaN a LLEN EntaredAccording 61 wdalthy, onths I had Meen troubled wit 001V ti Mae. 9 toActof amontof Can olo rer your h marquatt, Bach 146 in tha year 1902, by Will the p a: th th, � more an- r 'n wvr-v 299 ProR ob Soreis- 1gau &I ift Baily, of To 1 -ch- to s lard think fczema on my ears a d, for i+eeO., or BERNARD ro.nto. at the DeVt of Arioi Xiou 10 company Rppentl :act frankly; t Are the nobbieSt m- ost up-to-date THOMAS QX&RY, Soxfotth P. 4 ouawa. Would be to get taliI: listbn doctored with nuipeg be picke 01. 1791, Ill: th a W bir 'h I p but look PONSELLi Dublin, Out. i you t6 invesi. As soon to babes jai, d physician, but to no, il. I as lnm S Y -OU die t6 ptn,rs ds, IA I lekdi sh [on mmykots. You can't he C c�go, May. 4.—In D'r. , y i 0119 sermon, the co M pail duced by a fellow su rer to. ry dress I, saile Lot 27, Con- Y Will Pdssess, your prin- sage)p with �id6en hearts; to beax- all pyeached by. thel Rev.' Ti ri�nk De Witt Chase's Ointment, and hap to say of our outfits PaTtRularly when A IS, toppe� Off by a- slo 1, IffelKillo cotilbing 109 wres, all, c" rk cheo;-fully, do 'all bravely, await c c- that the first applI Spring suit. Come i a nd Ot whieble et,2&wd.wel[ptenced,uladerdriiiaed w%d -Talmage -In Jeffo-san,�Pa Pre. yter- cAtion, gave, nstat IjAtau Ishnilar . I Way comes to a, Ca.�SOXLS, hut,ry never—in a, word, to relief. I am. completely, citred, and is a good There high stit& of dultivatt0l) itul church, the supir bar- man o in 411 pro eme I 611y of (ou ie, large. book 'barn -with atone sk3blin�, )ab lity will not orlok- I s let�Ulje spirltual,- unbidden, grow yp kave had no return of this troublesome tering aay onE's eterma, welfare in disease.11 live live r perhaps throu th common. Could happi- plenty of water mid a good orchard' . it is with a a CtX the ealin ual- mite from for wealth, OU)Sition and jw1.nt3k two miles of seaforth and within a ye s and Ile sa; vs 31y, cleman �tny greater opportunity There Is no limit to the g q the world fri( school. A ly on the promises or to S"forih P. 0. or wha tever el a rp �nd, mu give me EL 1110l'tgag8 on to exist than these opportunido-'s Itleq of. Dr� Chae's. 0: n It is oeajru�e ent. hown. The; 1767-tt ayour ati �rnal OOU to be f0eclosed at which are I iven by God to all his remleirkably quid1c to reli ve, an pos - shall it for of It- .vely cures each and eer, -is Mark :Vrw 11 a life -ebildmil. 1 ho obey him? I xt 'T t JARM FOR SALE. -Farm in Stanley for sale, Lo -oflt a ma I '29, Orneewdon 2, containing 100 sorea. All pi 6( a a ox, afl interest In he I will give that ive all might go back more con- w,� glv,! YO would L your death,l. and gain the wOr, 4rtliing skin disoase.. mear but Iri acres of hirdwood bush, it is In k coid whole world nd lose h 9,.own.soul?" dealers or Eldmanson. B ites & Co., Tor. state -of cultivation, wall fenced and underdrainei. yol 1110 �e food thati you can eat, tented to pr evevyday duties oflife, There is on the farm two barn#, with stabilog, and a A most mag cent te especiall Q11to. y 410.'e clothing than you can wear, no m -ttter iwhat these IdutieS may SE 01? T61 gedwellIng house: It. is, pouvaniently situated, easy of interpretation a; 1;the present mo. -e h ()Uses iiitee from Clinton mid J mile from Baird's school. time -illan YOU can live in,' be-. I'heth(i- they a:re in the sto This. is pr i min( �tly & cOm- ino -e m 0,ney i:tban you Lin spend, trier nia, brute- on the C-10 - Address all Inquiries to JOHN MCGREGOR, the Q �ice, the Pulpit, the parlor, tile, n nor Woman, neithev man veryw is at your tearthly delniSe I Will nurse y o the kitchen it ro' nor- - hurnan, t tile g�loul without premios, or !K;PS. D. MoGRKGORI� 2a.d Conoesalon, miercial age. E _$f a your at .1* Tuckersmith. Seaforth, On*. her the n: I L gr] ity dollar. not care for Mono, or a soul, we cal-Va cor 061 tioll? Did �o� pure bl6od, a brig] it eye, a clear t we would all go Capita I atriv-6s to beat dpwn every your not. I wou!�l tlia.' bomplexion a keen appetite, ag'ood stoaks, but I will o ily demand .and ihe more ch'arfully, I-,ecause the�har lJARM IN TUCKKKOMIT11 FOR SALB.-For Doreag' sitting in -file ul n I igh t bes ide P pbstacle, that.its rivers 4f, lWold may tah-e aAd refreshin g sleep, TAxic the tarm. of the undersigned In the Town- Yo r immortal souli" Comej or our lot n life the nearer th, hej� 96ittaze, dstaff iii Jitind, leisurely' digestion an ship of Tuckersivltb, adjoining the Village of Eg,- grow, i: into O ans. Pro O -to a m now, l n Are troubles -Ogetlh er - m- �,� co. and spinning and we tl�ie '11 b,ing us to God, Wh('n o has money that by certain i, E 13, F, yol an immirtal- inkn, 'With a �sd'ul garmVnts for the I -phans that moadvi le, The farm contains 29 &eras, of cleared L is all s and poor and help- aT Ile dles is. se except 4 acres of good h%rdwood bush. L V stnient. he cau make ore mone -ne.d., well 9, I all Ii -on well f tile drained,and in a first clumme �hroug�h the co ye4 ilt he 1BRIST, -a -re is no trouble ing a' e wit less, hen Ood -is always ready to pla r feet id.she require a - — -7-,-P ri house" at%te, of cultivation. Thera Its good fra an the �,soul that shall PC the protectlion of a 9,qb6ath law with kitchen ard woothed, and atone cellar fuir hin, to invest. Why dc a �-eal es Mr 6ut wealth of rid more tha- the youn, girl of four- size of house, There is% good bank banwith sta thel radle! of unborn mil- hi a6 It arouses tl�e Liver q1 fekM thL t ecti(;ns upon us, his suffering P ate -speculator buy land! TO make lennillhis, Nvitlij a soiLd thall, shall yet teen I'll a niodern mill, working a Aorta stabling, and good d te house There n circulation, brighten 4 , ; tbii spin* -Atudd When examining a fece of wit riess this'earth gti,sp a -id die of A notcd 1�ondon Preacher was deliv- dozcn hours Pei, dy is a good young bear1nlF1g4t;rd`&nd a lot of orns- monq. ill the close air v improves t:ie ment I trees. There to a, riever failing Y( Property, he pays to hgriselt.,: "If I general13 hearth. old age, 'to enter J[�ItO SL 011 a. C irnioil in an open field. a house, one &t, the barn, and another on. the farm. on- crijig and clanging noi undei hard buy,,shall I be able tol' -, MI lhis ed I" Was there 'less excuse for It is one,ot themost conifentent and oomfortshle. at an tra �t Read the sl[Iniple'statemeat Upon the o itstirts of the . audience* inaste� Sixty-eight ytars trial hav a proved It -to be, -the M�oat rellabik BL60� p4rifier kno, plam In the township. and will be sold chap an I ad,4aliced pri ce ? -9 'suburbO-n of the proposed - agreement. A SIC I the curriage of a faixious Ou S Ll L� Papers, on C", terms. Apply on the preallf3 or addron lialtlea r fethers to JiIn going. to be built�,up�? Will YO rself thi.9 momeatou he -.-­hbNvs crossed ill Atlantic in Kgmoudville P. 0. HERMAN BUBZ. 17834f I s question family. La Anne r�,ikinc (f � 'AV . rr_-., the electi, cars co y or out here profit a man if he -of th' "Wh all 1� J&111 druggists sell -IRRISTOtS al futi X at h si thtin t �ru. is for us ARM FOR S&L. -For sale that very desirable that 0as the nanie e occup, nQ tw onth the e, resident,; have easy shall gain the! wholel world &nd lose le an iistene*r. 1311d n the news of Europe reches us farm an tbo Mill Road, Tackeramith, ndj AfOng" wbe F a0cels to, tile ci ty ? & All I be able his own Egniondville, It contair .97 acroi, -e e by telegraph the. day it hap- the VVage of Soul S the (]Llliy,tll ' Mifli.qte'r tuhled and, faic_ ofI illy bargain to ti;iake enoug out uearlyall cleared and in a.ikoadstateof oniblvatio", co n sense God gli ell yoii. incr t1kis yis pens?" n and well uaderdralned. There Is a comfortablo, the outpijt� of cutting to Warrant 0 reat worldly possessions do not to SOO ller�Eo`lll,-as though she 1V Ile brick cottaga and good barns, with rook cellar and this Ifarm up into streells"nd bilild- nec ssarily imply a life ilteres t in outbuildinze. Thabuiliza are ittuded near the on thq a ion block and lie wa Philolloph felti. John -my. incr lots—enoughl to pay;nly taxes i f contre ofhe farm andL on tho Mill Road. It Is Wall I> Ideed w�le believe those eantime 7' The m6i�chantman's tictioa eel'. ­tly exclah i . Little olintly had '-been g a -IF r fiaulne-As s azin FiA WhIre th t watered, and plenty of soft water In the kitahen. the li in the rdinar o tvtjr* wOks, of life have -e -ch and school toughtfully at his book of animal it is onveniently situated for chu ed th prec c bi, "I till, chief thought is: to decl,e,�se his ex- bette for happiness t 11 ?low g 0, r I po Ssl �)i i ites and withia a mile and a halt of Seatorth. Will ba d an :.turtion sale, and I LL penses ajid th&�b ol pictures, when he suddenly called ncr0se his pro- than t1*s sold cheap and.ou ea.sv toyms of payment. Apply Y e in th her -w,-Llks, The to the p o -11ti011 foi' a few I YOLIr attE 110 I- out: I roprietor, ROBERT FANSON, Seaforth. s. To have the maxlMum, of re- moire I flu 6n a('3count bf areat re, luction in: expenses, and mallu el the 17484 turns for the minilnum bf output he a, h-tdy and h r "Say, pa, does it cost much to sibilities greater �.is re spon and auxi- we ar� now able to put. furniture' on- the marlk sends his buyers to Eurlt)&. T o public salF, feed a lion?" st chepe i � � r eve here otie s. A ARM IN HAY TOWNSHIP TIOR SALE -For F 53le, Lot M on the- North Boundary of Hwy they] can buy th a IV hat �Was the W t* but tle It1d,* is Ilie-principal and 14e Yes. ing'purchasers will do well 6Q call at our warerooms, Where f�ll A-Dples ime- of 0111 "ITow much?" Tovmahl�. Thistarm contains 100 norei, 86 acres wire strung rotind the Otore so he Object. tht I wish to 'dispose �f 80 pnces- your U4 ? IV 0 u ai; , no a great t 'ih nt tinie. There are three ()h, lot of nioney", olearedithe rest good hardwood bush. It Is well un- pres date furniture are 1� -t right can ispense with his catsh girls. H mei chan awyer �or PhIsiclan or dertf6ined mid hPae-d There Is a good abone house or I 4 �"And a fox� would be enough for a tly e d. The first bavn,,iimploment P fOr his dds 10 avail or senatort Is -,his your is 1withaild. I oellw;larga bank &ys promp e bidier's in the fi I' gov ernoi shed; sheep house 7045, with first -cls a at-%blin hims It � of tbe, disc It., tro hworld. Well,' and what will olf�, wduldn't it? sup,,emejy ixient No, and root o.11ar undernea aPpy W 6th.; a good orchard; 00 more trade he 4as his w Yes." 'ure.' That CaL "A: W nur ing Illy 11 a Is 'Will not d nd a fox could make a meal ofl. I -sowed on a rich faltow. ell ma ed ; 40 acres 9 _UMT:D'E11RrX.A_ wells and cistern. There is 12i acres of "fall wheat. YOU answe ',the happiest time of you gilve fci*t her? 'I will giveriches, Ons stationed in the� #eig)�hbori honor, PIC iI I found Ill the present, ��ho iq, worh more thap that, f :r. 'a hfi:wk ell, 4ded do" recently, the'res, - Kood sh.po for town -e i Q -.ie pa 0 �V �'J Ill L1 6 ri efies she will livel when riclies,. honors ani "I suppose so." s cuAomels. iti hus ac- but in t t. This department is crop. Thls� I& a No. I farm, well situated for 00, Plato with a larae select' of �hebfst com odated. They do not have to a CRY inallsio ld markets, churches, schools. post offica, eto., and and cloiln ry home, obligi �g attention given to this branch of tisfied I be sold rea�onably.' A their buh'dlcs homt-�" "And the hawk would, b e Sa pleasures ol i the world. have passed the business.i tjly on the P-emises, or car These r(sults of filia cir,tl Eluedess do w II address ROBK&TN. DOUG ASB1&ke,Ont.1WxStf -ease It tv Yo u i cann o t, ha ve her. TI with a 'sparrow? ;701 increase the profits �,a'n'd cieci ie not brill g . to me peace of mind and ht calls promptly attended to by _Under'jaker, Lo t expeilses the larke corPO,Ltions are eiitn ent. T lddbr is the devil, Well, anid "Of course." our Mr. S. T, 'floj*w -For sale, con he happi�'I, time of AR31 IN STANLEY FOR SALE. Gade being formed. There �N U gi,ve fof her? 11 lr- i � I "And a big spi-&ar w�uld be a good streei, Seaforth, 0 3posite the ethdistt c Fa and tha west balf of Lot. 8, on. the 12th conces- re the steel my life tVas when a. poor man -Une, of SitNuley., This tstra c0a. triist, the oil. t1rust, t 6 t!in - can J lived 5n a, amall king, slon, or Bronson the rdoins of the earth W, wouldii?t- it, Was 1-60 acres, all of which is ole%rcd, except four y, Though 'Y of therg,J That IN, t, the sugar trust, e tobacc, ages wer 0 J, r c, I yet had h 0 ;pa?— notes, It fa In a. shie of fifst-61&51� ouIlvation, wall :my W, woWd it.not, pa. DIV "Yes -yes., trust, the coal trust, tht flour trust, not dd, for!. he will contintle to ex- f6aced said all underdralned,moskly with tile T elloughAo marry on: ii.. W911 XL true, Is &large frame dwaffing house, as giod as a w, with the meat trust'i primarily the -ingdoms of the earth B trus not lme6d for the sparro B -OADFOOT, 0- trust�. A ist when "An� a fly would Ile e1iough for the �g(?01, noble W, fe. Wd Lartedi.out in o reg late the o goodatorkefoundation, and,wilar, large bink barn formed t iink prices; and hglory of theiii ave vanished Isplder?" us other -oc ms, he babl,es c with atone stabling underneath, and nume.ro two sinall I ame I ormed to 'rhe sniall sa &r s buildings, inaludiag a lir but, seedudari y, trust .one by,ene- y wa, ike t .9hqdcws o� tiT6 night befo' "Sure." pig howae.. Two good Ile lorch-virda. of choice. fruit, %* nice sh,3de� and orna. t lie rAi n re are two spring creekj runniog mental, trees. The Thirty or fdrty mell, the i4amd aa;l 11 car tile voice of ali- all the fly would 'want wouldn't it? through the farm, and plenty ofkood water all the clothing for 4 furnish, food and line of business come to er. They l'year round without pumping. It to well situated for We always-bW enough to eat_ ur other Pidder, and who is that? AVh-,j,� "Oh, -stop your chatter." inarkets,churelieo,sch6os,omt.offi3e,ete., and good say to each o, er: the L6rd J i Christ. Well. wh6t "Dut wouldn't it, p4,?, At is the -0 T E 'AT C AL lessen the cost of prod -u':' . g s, in, You cannot have bei molasses �yvould,be ;soiiiehow able to stetch enoiigli to But list "And a drop of 9,.3 :giar.menU could de 'LDY CO �d. . Never fy . I I rcaU lea graw ding from it In all directiond. it is good of trying to flnanci, ly cut each will yil IlL -will "Yes. ;ifthin view of Laks Huron, and the boats c%n be Wea r. air of birds h &ppier hat�cliing gi ol cr grace 4ere ind h fter "Well, pa, couldll't 0. an �qBp ek This is other's throats ? Why 6 have a, out Lhei eggs in a. dpvecot thatit my *ert passing up and dawn from the house. anj I IV I'LIP 1 !one -of the, best equ ped farms in the caunty, and community of interests ? Instead of -itancle lion 'more than a year oil a pint of f wift anc I in our lilttle "i'lut If n, Ist. ol 1)11�� will be3old on easy ecm3, ai the prorrietor wouts to. having ma N ny different o,- e 4e can ot away,' These molasses?" Mire on account of Ill heal' b. Appylon'thepremi. s �now, in.-tead :)f wo' ilIg Cis a I me- and th 1; Ifad h r, al ofte.- Instead ZTDUNN.� 1734.tf or en ap Jsn, or ad4resa Blako P. 0. JOHI hdael's 13011 contend for th� Dut jus' have one,big centr chanic ten hours per, I am Plan- t at this point it was w Suit... 'd of havin thirty or foriy difterexxt posses., ion� of soul—your soul, mV covered that it was time for li tle ning niost of, 1he tim. Am afraid X ship ef Taickeramith, Concession, 8, 100 acres of ill a�id th Ven,Y one that ohnny to go IV - FOR SALE. -For sole, Lot 1, In the Town- presidents and see 11 stri hol X,u At An and trea- the men wi so a soul of e to bed. e stirers and ca -shiers and cOr letil -into: the world. One ).lid Qd, DS acres cleared, well un!erdrained. splendid Gr N1.411 ' and I Ile. Uy PO farm for graim or stook, well watered, a. ra-ining ents and general mana��rs we can tni ove,work, will not t i. niust accept. The choice Novel .Cu. We are show' '!e�id rain, flrod ft re for H �prlug the: whole y2ar run* through the farm. Alan ing a magnificent range of 11 Clothing, wN6 The decision. rest.4 "This 'most excellent an arrived -this week direct froui the Man-&aeturrer and ca now oflo you *I maw have each department ur a single mut le ii on the firm. I% a splendid 'bank barn, ne kr y now., ITIA me sleep at night. I ni w6rt-red' imai te r head, If we are in the I brialc busi- with '.00u. every onb failing cute for.nervous heaft�ls and nc bby suit at a remark �,vblch is 6Ox54, with ttonb stabling underneath. liecause r fear that if should die, Cod h e of its Po decide ari, Alga frame house 2448, and kitchen 18rT6,wlth riess, we Carl liave th'� briel,yard luy children could no ght. 'for wht 1bly low price. stral tell Out P lsic d8tone cellarland two. good wells. Thh pro- which I every- ha inan if he should says the a:postle of I is nearQst: to the Re of r is situated in a very desir-We locality with the estate. he might lose "is the sim ktil 01 I V- I Also a nibe assortment Of Hat$ ald Cap$. le act of *&I -I gravel ro ida to market, only 81 miles to tk 11ole world and lo -se h i.91 war -d. jllst tl,y it son,* ti 4tf proposed building mak: e bricks thin Indeed, the e is but little a i - n t Ile %N, orth A -so, a good dwelling howe to eatortil, mild thus sae; expense i�f cartage. "O plea5ur� in b�ing h. and owning have any doubt of i t. I have Vot to . . . . . . uated�uColern3 gtreet,.ologe to Victoria Park- The tie which inds the �eaders 'of a �IUYOU heed a Waterp house Is compoa*d of ro3ma, -ell finhhed, iil.lorl. hbilses t an ou can live in, roof Coat, we have lots of I them i pzices -that lEn of hard and soft water, and kitchea 20XL6, now-- save ydu money. hay piness. A C)ur Customs reversed. ledge its efficacy after ritb- pwntry and wash room attiched, and a good, timent, but ona of- fit pro -A good, atab.e, 24x ood9bed. onainer t is the world's taxget Allofthla prope ditors as kine, of r4y text, talks to his Christ, in 0 EL Curious wky 1 y has yet disco -meet the person who did great 6'rpolrat [on is not one Of sell- tane (toes' 113t ssure el t!o I ie sh t at. Me) IU'LttCr what is The Nobod, ,ed fQrm- Some Special value h Our Crpet Departtrim.t. It ulr llec�ion of busi ason why such a proCe9f; dtbasoldas the uadertigned is nwylug to the7 h ddin xing,, li�hck pays to bay though they W(re a co i 9 Wai'd, according to; u United St.Am. All particular& cowerainz this bitioi nlay be, de- iol , I ould 'bring sucil carpet I lore, for you can get o v� e of pn-ces. rpot ves and 'a al ir n iions.' sh 111oice and you have the a� pro rty can be, had men. He! actic all'. isrepres- f4m� i.1,16u an; 31ande� a nd m' Physicians s iless pr -B I by Applying at TuB McrostToit i a certain reaef, L es or to the proprietor, JAMES KRIE01C sea- The Wdnlea flolks wear fore you settle 'the quest the trousers ay that pekhaps, it is the n of your p t tion never tire 0i ll.Wn I ing Now goods arrivirig- (,,Vely feNy -days foro epar�merft 17924f his 1 reflex act -ion of while .1nell1wear skirts. The -hus Ile WO- the brain,, and t n eternal destiny I w 64 to enter t�rac 's. 9 'he �re 0A Pikn-'Y'S ar't1Ci' hair short, while tli� ,drives away the pain that, when pro�- 'ics, I -xe gospel m into son maidtural -objects fo ridicule. A tll4 creas- ducedl by nervousness, is the result men �,w arm, A A 04 A it you to put do wan wn ct 4ng it with �ilk and linen thread' of to6 much�golng forward. ' How- CENTRAL 1101 lid mole novel- Ls an v respe t of aper all C !the world. ng eagle. !The men do 'I dressmaking while ever, :there c6ixes a. feeling of every- the riches or %tr e broad wings of it flyi Phice there the value of the gold of , the el - ebst, PRZTORIA M1 !e- cattle on ountless ines and of t' mad4 this solemn heavy ork. (111110se books eL lowed� by relief. This rolief Is ally RbREATHY BLOCK e tb e women Xly burdens and do the till' H.8dwal"Un 8totmat tar ig � being reversed, and, this to f91 - tion awye% on it thousand hills, rl a �pi there the are read 61. at at llexA: "In my ti#e .1 hive offien �backw r call foot_�' va�pe of the i; � ackw ds, and what w certain, and generally Speedy. Palaces 0 ings and el ng. am b no mmn,% per- notes ced a -W�o dond wrl y tile Pl, �l minutes s the longesi I' have var 01=9 Goods. queens� The value of the reat com- f0t. Du befoile 040d I an lie "llaille of & Chinaman e y Page. Oomplete scook of re�dy mixed Paints, mei eta in cres s o Put sul a y. e1e0- onlel Stations for the ords I ll,,1ve qpo all these values down. 44 tile lg� Po er, a ifd the comes �.11,-St nd wbat we would co An entry or a long room is a gop 117 Wall Fillkh, WhitiO foi house cleaning. ell I have p(rforindd w! th 1�sid - h is ir, tin O's last. 9 ures up. Then from, th ci 9 t m They, ado, but V U rd 0C Pla§e the *aat fagiliti, New stock of Spades and Shovels, Garde aggrega- i Ile e com plade for such a an of the Tele- befteri than thl s n lolle3t nd most 'unselfish and Iserve during 'the Rake Hoes, Manure, Forks and Draiaing tiom of nuni-bers,subtract, 0e Value Of early part! a long poreb, pho#e S 4em slt th the pui est. of. njoti�6 I have been �Of tile ef yo r immortat s6ul and dhold what 'Upon meeting you, in-' a secluded walk in the opefi VP. the most bittePy asql1iled. if it every one.' Are 0nv nient ,r the voii ha-ve left." stead !of shaking Your hand thek, shoul 4 walk very slowly,: Iltting xet our prices ior Ellwood- Woven Fandina W1 ere not foi- the fact Ithat I am try- use of non- ubscr��ra., not l i �shake theii: The Chinesq dressi ball- orf your 00iled 8ptiag and Barbed Wire Staplei, e. Atathematics call R Two and foot tou�ch iho i*g to live by 'iprinci�le and do i L 0 0 MY Is �Vhlte at unerals and they wear: first, and then" the h 1; J t jBiiilders' Hsicdware. Nails. Looks sad LW6 always make four. lr�n times se m 1Jg ountr'inen filonie good, I �rnovrni W iD-3or Hinges. ten- make 100. -Twelve Ivided by eddings. At wleddings! way, In fact, that' ne should, in t fOuk always giVeS three. Pire vgould h1V0 giVell llf.)-�Iie struggle of tli h 18peaial-atteat ory, walk forw ion to aU Galvaniz,-d Iron from le old', women as bridesmaids: ardTut W ich in p public lif� long ago."I Sue(ess may I i i A . Ali Iiiing fe a,*d Ti -a, Work, Rewetrouihing and Furnace five leaves nothing, eom�,i,l'et us try of YoUng girls. The tice is SO rar done. Does -Cmg UbHo bW ways IR OKMOV 4re rcqub blim W, :Of all pro- theameof wire Aqd posts at loist-one-ro'l to Solve the greatest instead of prow- y launch 'an Irlat opportuni�ies for useful- their sbip "What shall it pro �t a Man if ar - oil, and th y in4jint their horses from ADY Person building1encef9f at4t inaterial i be t jalso means tears aifd lie t e El ITTER., A Skilitu.1 Karkoina Uche'. all ary gain the whole ioprld and onies. It meauh that if the off -side. The Chinese compass at the CC86 Cf reffilov&I And oonstrucUon 4d wire fences, to be in 0 tAX los4 his own soul you aire to accomplish any. great Points 40t to tile north but to the The most VVOn4,eTfu1-iiarksn*A a:t* !psid Wi*1 Is M u rd ie Ile the United Stateg 69,pi� t;41 is withou$ JORN MORRIS lie WOL"Id you niust also be south. j Verk. goo Ile -who solves this d n o go-spe problem rasil, i th6. llius't realize that lie c&,,;J)nlv get a LU HARDWARE, cut and Iashod,and i4mimed. The U -ins Bad Blood in' n Assi T Dated this 2186 day of April light 119:, Brazilia11 Minister e begim -his CLP-, -Counter'S old St�Lnd. Seafolth life ilrterest in thp, wor 0,11(i not a rull-f . play u the,,4igged f fis of Geniux. prentice6hip IIA shooting on 414, f -p(, heights O' a tall mou ain hor 6asier --- ------------------------ title deed in pei �tuit.v. Tory would The Uln 'who wrote ` twinkle, ther'd� ranch, where as a lad h 1745 clothes V than thC3 strike into the ich I0 -6y care- t] e stiA " had the satis-. the c, be purchaser of a home i., bt' twinkle lit t)nstant companion of t4 ful bout the � tiL lo'W. 'The bird which Ilies 11 arest to V le deed.i Mien a Ile little star foi- quero W' , -ched uiclj�_ s and hunters, whom I Landsborough, illan is about t6 buy a, hout; the 4un ll.as its in -s 3coi _q low his insti, h 1sorn e, he has lictions. their own craft- qxcelled at Spring you er than he little wood robin cool- S will ni2ed Ills own lawy r 110 county happiness was vouchsafed Both foj,-his own diversion. A Ila neccality 0 I nX its tlirot4 by� the Dimintain somethi gel Vr f he records. e�tortainment of his frien ake, a that ll send Your SpriogrIathe3 it Y.Op building and I the liffior of -R04 on, thou dark strea m. P f,' the night are Itn Ye The ttorn-ey traces last &Visult o the -mAFORT Y --l- lie songs 0, the �k`story of d dectin, �-ol WiniSter still practices sho eling the, weetest of- all so 11rs. 6tiriM A tired, list ess te rou ht that land from. owner hey are o r 1 4EAF0 a WOM-8 bact to owner the e(Itially deTightd home ho. uses a very qku he -ongs sung ��y a I'll, all r1fr4,`. until he comes, to the or1lidnal set- '*elltle 41n Nylib 'cordially said, "Illow terh beigclogre dotboWmirde t2 iook ke new oken heart. 11 on y the sys Old it Dyeing nd Wh _m tl to a delicate peAr of pist4ls, , -buti d ntlem Vl . . . . . . . ONTARIO 111alli Of thr text gains a I)Iow, 4 cunng0ladfuiland tler who bought the land from the "lou winter wln�s b a for-. weo,,pon -he has, ols Oothes a spedW -1 d b. losing g with. which atiqlaction gm� -4136,1 Iroodo 0 st in Ue w�i th riteed. AU r( 9 and g or tile 11I C thei4e is illy Raw oul, hq unkeiinels and U1.1- 0. -gal r antcedtogiveg afaction n shcrt.st vd1T&_ It' his c wn I iedord is a. Fr A h rWe DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF life �nte finei� with mpuritie§ which' have I I la ed dtirin' the win -ter. Shx% Is. en , ina, eta at �demto pri,cs. 4040 in any 44e�, tile accum t made In Paris MI. 91i@1,D*n 9 - me 16 Cal). Battbf and eggs,'Sken le�xshes the bloophounds of his lower do not fell to �'ve Wolild be buyer Muses tol"Piurchase. Sabbath. tions. No prof tgola Hilo Twein'let.ii century\ oe urdock Blo6d Bitters is the FURNITURE,, p4ssions. He enters into lie &ays to himA11% a ontract in exchauge f. work. 'lye Li1re told that the I' t d ever did mora exact or delic + afraid would v future gF, be I I - -require. 'th � sNatlLn the sarne as iie ng k L, to �-& m ill Ol jomp lea e anOt4 reried, XRi a promissol"V not to 11 s -credi- tivilizfttion 'of t h'e tw ieth con- thly. ac 6 It you atI eiLaundrTl Kcr�h HL111 04'ert, Children iai i�nt tILOile co les to tilry" roquir(s that `, �Lbbi�th observ- and his fr It h,Ls no equal as �a spring 17'92 opposit PHOLSTERINC i�t 111 - 1, this propL I or. As a merc 400 fl J11 ILI 6 rty taken from tih�m after and Salbth make qua-druple t49 Jnd6W IA 9,, r 41# sh uld be am dead. I wl hiln ance questional(ble prd)positi'�,n. He aws fe- :Nay, this i t:� if 04P oula n i k ows th medici ie. It ll�Ls bee' i sed by rho jg a Fift —AND�- titl , e is not-perfeet."' not J Y. The if greoi profit. I axed. is t� ne reason ceivef as a dplOm&tj# - Why th Ivo 001 a �Llld be iliainta ned and quafter of y sh( travel abqvt on t ousa i s or w 11 accrue, that if But." says ISO he §t me one, possess ',,ell gt ened. At ihai, whel: jai is a life ititere&t in the w i does what, this 4luesLioimble -wopoi- -e the Afmq-. Zra4l-1 06tt6q�s DERTAKINC S with unelualled or her means a very great deal. T11i tion demands hei must i Practice de- abbat I law Was re-Procl, il� ed did hus6arid's skili b h4d, JL a FARM -AMR i 180LAED TOWN ilk those TT brevc MO-1V1111Z on at or a 4ueirtor 91 a do lari bet aatj,�, r - i C41t. lie lies 4 two oll -three tle succesq. aLwake! I *601, pholstering a, Specialty, tored aWay I - PROPERTY1 ONL,* IN$,URED and np- all �,thO klolieY r three m�les till houl., lleed a law to fingers a V' Stateg!�Itreasury! ni ho g coverincre ht try1nx to! Isterin al*ays on hand, decid wh'etl-, er or Protect ",the -------- against an 6verstr&in m. Think of Possessing the jewels no P, 0. Thovat 0 ay, 8 fitted and PUt of Englan and Germ EIERE IS Iso Window hade At ast,. In hiore thAn the engine f will be di�hones . ers� _:d The Art of rinswile. UZ PROO a-ny Lpd Wissia th,. n1dnigU lio�ur, h6"yields He who driiVe their Iron dragons. a\mile A financier is a man w1io nikkes F rnwft T to 0 do t,l:Bmftfid1Vr. 0.--, Thom" V. lilinu W th hnd o lThir�k of ir pr4tctj cally C lis 8 and. p, hi �kl;ing yot a -p-, I 0.1 W. 0. BMS4. Urt i i ata into his bed a n the thr6ttle, lots of money,, isn't he, fa S. T. Skin'e bf Sh le I I igalvake, Que r a -in Poles, Pictuies Slid Picture lardrobes filTed with tj t1i t of ropm. W1, "No, Freddy; fl 'qs Jos ing! he g eye on Ithe track every power alert? a nancier is a an r t es I have tiged Burdock gloo" F ncy dresses now being made it'!Ahe.lr soLys: "Non d' lig go, I 01 resolved to 4d those doen farmers Ose who gets hold of lots Of Motiey:oth- ,litters a. a sprit W. G. Dr IW&fw& Ablin 0. PrIeve VVI tablishments of tli' from w4 Ig fo tile flast W110110'a made right in every de- es e Parisian ijjo� be! dik honest. I ntend Ito be a. Shy, plowingj�bee ]Plislia was called 7er People make," Cour yearian George &i 6'� SeXfor h ; Joho Ilenn� 0 - 0 to\ b d don't t Iiink there is R4 equ-111- Dub ames ZvAqs distes ! Think of all *)hu%b; Reechwo, 1%; John wau, new b6n- loqk and demand the ftill pound of. a pro 0&rJ L 111#111ent o our work ai Otir e:Kpe11S1 nets one could hat dtroivs tired al�d have no o* Thorn" re oade John 19. *o- onio't 11e*h earest An heart. 7 Warning. B Give gion a ir odern Plowing bee of. 18,- to e6afl get 'a bottle of B .13 e could drive, all the st hin yachts As L XX d builihs tip tile. con- t ie bl3od on nd I am Willing to self did thwie faraiers, 90-98iPing as th4Y ItaRing'00"Ut honor in i rer thana4 which would ride t I Ilia su ccess, a Hewitt—That fellow sin, aliclibir in front Y04 illy soul.. 111hen a Mali comes kePt ste�) wifti. their slow oxen, need little thlogs. other reincdV." Yen ITOIWW �ndertaking Branch, of One's summer home �ideed, it tolsueh a decisi4n as Ville P. XK rcue hat, ha ha- a-Sabb4th lyore 1han. the nRpan i Jew0tt—I'm glev,d You -told me;i I'n fe in eN(� thw �ste! audl6on as though, to have a ter- wer part of r Saw -mills, who Iwnranaee or t#&W-- *a have. a large, and isried assortment looL tutall let s 1,00.96 t1e O' illy eye on my uinbraila en wh orh which to choo-se: ia U M6 of need, and at est in the world'is 11,4 nature As 4' merchant he be- a hundred thousand feet of J0 prl4ea thati have beea a mat -ter of agreeable 'lot to �e' despjs� aw eftel a is around. pat businow ed e V�en though ; we must �;,surrender a m re money m king nirich- I umb �er dt y, nd -------- Having need lily biedin lWation In isay iritllkrAb"ove _! Qs* A"Ires"d 0 '"' to all. who have -It with u,. 111TYst' Watch the g per i at J. Dor. ing circu'. )r dea A a a lawer� who political swif ce'ri for un, anyoo6 xvithing pure brcd Barred TwL i te hearses on hand for stir kilt at the brink of Ina' ,.ran ilk respeca" VM o�600_ mer and lar- saw, lest it Depressed and Discouraged. F lym Guth B ockegga c" nbw have them 0 centa Satan's offer is not �o libertLl profen nM+, be becomes. an Aaroll take olic o witter use. Night Oalla ab my residea f t lein for a, log? Did the it is reniarkable h9w tho Setting a H AITZEL, Ecafort), or at J eel rig ti i D gor. roughly the whole sketem er P e0r' 'Or co-ttage in rear of Dominion Bank t h ;es.tiniate Dorrane MnPlOYCE of Eoaz, where capital said i'��\thrown Out of order when the nerves become J'w*( ak wil, be, Promptly responded to. tile I'mults. The Other V% I 3 I I . Was while there othing in this to labor, "I'lie Lord be with you, �04exbau8bad- All energy owd ambition ae' MICITEAL MURDIE, I eeve. M brop P. to tho M� i W1 0 , ep B, arepresenta-41vo of a wo�ld that: can ble co ared in value and I& )cw answered "The 41 the mind wanders, memo I Fy.411s: aud,doe* JORN S. BROWV, 6 3 &V r�h P.9. ILord 8�ppftr, TRA SFER OF LIOE NISE, d &I �OU aijY. � I sai I to an imm ort 1, bless t e, Sabbath I on 0110Y reigne supreuiwi. Dx. Chale's Neive Focd JAMES gremt lire insurance, cOmp I � OHARLra LITTLE, gutclmor N UNDSIROROUG text does h rquire aVV hiul- gel gives I Is hereby notified that I 1 ave.4pEed 0TOU611LIN: Conn- II 'r. wood 10Lve a horro o not ilo'Ry that il a intan his for Prot ction of servwx1ts more tha ARCHIBALD olr� a wc� n Puts new vini hul energy Into the brain, nerves "d "I NeGREGOR, Cot n 9AFORTH, ONT tolhh: Men Comminioneri of South: lurpn for a jolIN 5fk and helpess., )111 to Christ 1-i "Y Jnthft P. I do ot wanf sc shall have r othing it is reql� iced by the millions of em- odyi,builds up the system :and prever 1p9jaiyal transfer of esse of the River uct.-J, bayftald MORRISON., 01i 0 lie' DAVID X. RON9 Trea wrer, V1 intbriop P. -0. -day, wih.ose m4l,ggir is Inei- to be a worn-out Lilliste Who has but poverty !lid. hun IJ ion,[ prosttation And ineanity. to Ge tho P1 oyes t or J. SHANNC N, J� 11 "im UqWW# E Groenalw3e. 179 THOS. 19T�PH�a buu "d fain Wn. If ub I X 0. en tbi thlAVIV avd4be4 lam" Auxed� 0013" mixed its kie L* ae-Vill � ,Ite, 01 Urns -AMR' Ithi.- iuse, nn a p 1( lincrQ I v6 ]01 Ott Lmi, 'uo eurn ilia ciatly Drgiz oorn nter, rho ?ARM$ FFOR SAM It Psalm We te the Townships of id # gore Ear* RRA MATS FOR ULB te- --thtLt idea.-- -.J itob n9v w I grow so old that th i, - - . p in 1141nis. lit ll - would prefer a younger -man to. take i 'thirty"sevot th 1' 0, STION:- e. e , o b 11E GRE N: b iL, like to Abe I would able have been of: Huron. IntitAre M anoe.- WX young, and now ini old, After yet have Mot seen the rightdous for;- 4 to resiE -n my ps orate, It CAMPR�Ll,, Bl^ OAL 91 me 1 -life insur- i r is se4�d beg! IX, -jeato of 1[61�r be,- x1n atlently th alceo. n6 Dr 0 skin DIM- ELI D for Dgo 0. ��ollld: The _-6 e dwho cures Ointment Curex Itc JrJRoPKRTy I xavoNDvtLLE For. Sxrx.— A'J M Ig hty Gos 31 P, tam t ba lande tk&nt answered: f6r. t�e For sale, a, commodious story and halt house. be no d,,tnger of that if yo i only had spar -64 ai L d whd numbers: the ha�rs S I clakern ; a good stable and Solved -1 easex and ruvtlona� -pernent cellar ani a W4en modlatel unth of the Y D become of"ou Fh6ai will not let his chil;1ren neariv, two scres of bad ; Imt Fgtobudylile unnse. The lwid Is we I PI y� inted with ixty a sovXyi ars 9,`age, you wa, Mr. James McisaaeE �5 in S.t s ntT Th Divinv Father will 41- Ottawa,.'Ont., wittes:— suffer -d with larpandsmallfrultv. Applyto WmA&LLIOTT. -to a. I cot ld ife in uranck company; waysis" i we do our duty, that we --------- salt rheum for upwards of . ter. years,, purcha e an I A 'OOMMUNITY OF IRTERESTS, ang' . For a, have g I 1 to- eat 4 s ulty,� �!eno� .tnd to-1--drink,6n- the skin on my handi 6racld. ig and k belt vely moderat'. sum 0 nn-ir v�& aM FOR SAI& -In beik.whes' u colila at that i outrh to we -ir and a pldcoj�here we IT e sty es v L C46AA q -.a- y U-17il $Whera MAultdba. Ninety ures r Ili �L a ainuier y late moft that C, s;leep. TE, very one. who.,gives his After trying All sorWor rem Ids In-- I i -A) ag SOVAe alL 4nnU, income an and catching than eve and o wheat wo ald be suff cient t, k9ep yo. Oh'ist Will be, abl6--to - sing -nd. I t next yearz 60 &am bay. Good new stsble �hls gernkon vin, I became di couragei a attractive �rtook of 1-tho su'pr*me nd granar. Twelve dollars For %are, BMW u. from soul lo M -wan thought my SUITerigs oUld nes er Ond. %z!17roved and pralr% forms for sale. Write ]roily of J3ArtV*IUJr Awl y Skills Eternal But I answe.ed, 11*p- ChanxAng's loympli-ony. -He will have ed CHA& SHAW, Box 17, Bolasevain, Manibobik, ire t4 r Wealth, Am 0 0 n g Chase, i Oint- TS live con- S me was p rfectly h'ali, *o I *�Irxro in L4rXV Pose 31 bould n t pass a medical- ex�' at le opportunity to 1 at" spr HATS KIR 1767 'ad In a short it What �;hen ?I I "Ahl" tent with mall means. to seek ele ? 101tion and Pleasuro; oz., 'hatover Else repile'd "he life insu oureR . —Lot East halt 29, 0onoeftlon Ace agent you gance rathdr than luxury, refi nme t FOR SALE. Hous ivlr�, B. Nicholson, Manor Hous, Win- I In the Township of Hibbed, I W miles elist of t4o do not have to p wortul ,,World Can Give. as a m -dical ex- rather thal,fashion, to be 'Man., states Several W4 M SeafoRli. Larga orchard two good wplitand.good 9 U COLLARS, T ES Eta .Pi 6r amina' Dn. 'rho older yo i are and 110 4ble and n' t h baakbarn. Forp.%irtioulaN a LLEN EntaredAccording 61 wdalthy, onths I had Meen troubled wit 001V ti Mae. 9 toActof amontof Can olo rer your h marquatt, Bach 146 in tha year 1902, by Will the p a: th th, � more an- r 'n wvr-v 299 ProR ob Soreis- 1gau &I ift Baily, of To 1 -ch- to s lard think fczema on my ears a d, for i+eeO., or BERNARD ro.nto. at the DeVt of Arioi Xiou 10 company Rppentl :act frankly; t Are the nobbieSt m- ost up-to-date THOMAS QX&RY, Soxfotth P. 4 ouawa. Would be to get taliI: listbn doctored with nuipeg be picke 01. 1791, Ill: th a W bir 'h I p but look PONSELLi Dublin, Out. i you t6 invesi. As soon to babes jai, d physician, but to no, il. I as lnm S Y -OU die t6 ptn,rs ds, IA I lekdi sh [on mmykots. You can't he C c�go, May. 4.—In D'r. , y i 0119 sermon, the co M pail duced by a fellow su rer to. ry dress I, saile Lot 27, Con- Y Will Pdssess, your prin- sage)p with �id6en hearts; to beax- all pyeached by. thel Rev.' Ti ri�nk De Witt Chase's Ointment, and hap to say of our outfits PaTtRularly when A IS, toppe� Off by a- slo 1, IffelKillo cotilbing 109 wres, all, c" rk cheo;-fully, do 'all bravely, await c c- that the first applI Spring suit. Come i a nd Ot whieble et,2&wd.wel[ptenced,uladerdriiiaed w%d -Talmage -In Jeffo-san,�Pa Pre. yter- cAtion, gave, nstat IjAtau Ishnilar . I Way comes to a, Ca.�SOXLS, hut,ry never—in a, word, to relief. I am. completely, citred, and is a good There high stit& of dultivatt0l) itul church, the supir bar- man o in 411 pro eme I 611y of (ou ie, large. book 'barn -with atone sk3blin�, )ab lity will not orlok- I s let�Ulje spirltual,- unbidden, grow yp kave had no return of this troublesome tering aay onE's eterma, welfare in disease.11 live live r perhaps throu th common. Could happi- plenty of water mid a good orchard' . it is with a a CtX the ealin ual- mite from for wealth, OU)Sition and jw1.nt3k two miles of seaforth and within a ye s and Ile sa; vs 31y, cleman �tny greater opportunity There Is no limit to the g q the world fri( school. A ly on the promises or to S"forih P. 0. or wha tever el a rp �nd, mu give me EL 1110l'tgag8 on to exist than these opportunido-'s Itleq of. Dr� Chae's. 0: n It is oeajru�e ent. hown. The; 1767-tt ayour ati �rnal OOU to be f0eclosed at which are I iven by God to all his remleirkably quid1c to reli ve, an pos - shall it for of It- .vely cures each and eer, -is Mark :Vrw 11 a life -ebildmil. 1 ho obey him? I xt 'T t JARM FOR SALE. -Farm in Stanley for sale, Lo -oflt a ma I '29, Orneewdon 2, containing 100 sorea. All pi 6( a a ox, afl interest In he I will give that ive all might go back more con- w,� glv,! YO would L your death,l. and gain the wOr, 4rtliing skin disoase.. mear but Iri acres of hirdwood bush, it is In k coid whole world nd lose h 9,.own.soul?" dealers or Eldmanson. B ites & Co., Tor. state -of cultivation, wall fenced and underdrainei. yol 1110 �e food thati you can eat, tented to pr evevyday duties oflife, There is on the farm two barn#, with stabilog, and a A most mag cent te especiall Q11to. y 410.'e clothing than you can wear, no m -ttter iwhat these IdutieS may SE 01? T61 gedwellIng house: It. is, pouvaniently situated, easy of interpretation a; 1;the present mo. -e h ()Uses iiitee from Clinton mid J mile from Baird's school. time -illan YOU can live in,' be-. I'heth(i- they a:re in the sto This. is pr i min( �tly & cOm- ino -e m 0,ney i:tban you Lin spend, trier nia, brute- on the C-10 - Address all Inquiries to JOHN MCGREGOR, the Q �ice, the Pulpit, the parlor, tile, n nor Woman, neithev man veryw is at your tearthly delniSe I Will nurse y o the kitchen it ro' nor- - hurnan, t tile g�loul without premios, or !K;PS. D. MoGRKGORI� 2a.d Conoesalon, miercial age. E _$f a your at .1* Tuckersmith. Seaforth, On*. her the n: I L gr] ity dollar. not care for Mono, or a soul, we cal-Va cor 061 tioll? Did �o� pure bl6od, a brig] it eye, a clear t we would all go Capita I atriv-6s to beat dpwn every your not. I wou!�l tlia.' bomplexion a keen appetite, ag'ood stoaks, but I will o ily demand .and ihe more ch'arfully, I-,ecause the�har lJARM IN TUCKKKOMIT11 FOR SALB.-For Doreag' sitting in -file ul n I igh t bes ide P pbstacle, that.its rivers 4f, lWold may tah-e aAd refreshin g sleep, TAxic the tarm. of the undersigned In the Town- Yo r immortal souli" Comej or our lot n life the nearer th, hej� 96ittaze, dstaff iii Jitind, leisurely' digestion an ship of Tuckersivltb, adjoining the Village of Eg,- grow, i: into O ans. Pro O -to a m now, l n Are troubles -Ogetlh er - m- �,� co. and spinning and we tl�ie '11 b,ing us to God, Wh('n o has money that by certain i, E 13, F, yol an immirtal- inkn, 'With a �sd'ul garmVnts for the I -phans that moadvi le, The farm contains 29 &eras, of cleared L is all s and poor and help- aT Ile dles is. se except 4 acres of good h%rdwood bush. L V stnient. he cau make ore mone -ne.d., well 9, I all Ii -on well f tile drained,and in a first clumme �hroug�h the co ye4 ilt he 1BRIST, -a -re is no trouble ing a' e wit less, hen Ood -is always ready to pla r feet id.she require a - — -7-,-P ri house" at%te, of cultivation. Thera Its good fra an the �,soul that shall PC the protectlion of a 9,qb6ath law with kitchen ard woothed, and atone cellar fuir hin, to invest. Why dc a �-eal es Mr 6ut wealth of rid more tha- the youn, girl of four- size of house, There is% good bank banwith sta thel radle! of unborn mil- hi a6 It arouses tl�e Liver q1 fekM thL t ecti(;ns upon us, his suffering P ate -speculator buy land! TO make lennillhis, Nvitlij a soiLd thall, shall yet teen I'll a niodern mill, working a Aorta stabling, and good d te house There n circulation, brighten 4 , ; tbii spin* -Atudd When examining a fece of wit riess this'earth gti,sp a -id die of A notcd 1�ondon Preacher was deliv- dozcn hours Pei, dy is a good young bear1nlF1g4t;rd`&nd a lot of orns- monq. ill the close air v improves t:ie ment I trees. There to a, riever failing Y( Property, he pays to hgriselt.,: "If I general13 hearth. old age, 'to enter J[�ItO SL 011 a. C irnioil in an open field. a house, one &t, the barn, and another on. the farm. on- crijig and clanging noi undei hard buy,,shall I be able tol' -, MI lhis ed I" Was there 'less excuse for It is one,ot themost conifentent and oomfortshle. at an tra �t Read the sl[Iniple'statemeat Upon the o itstirts of the . audience* inaste� Sixty-eight ytars trial hav a proved It -to be, -the M�oat rellabik BL60� p4rifier kno, plam In the township. and will be sold chap an I ad,4aliced pri ce ? -9 'suburbO-n of the proposed - agreement. A SIC I the curriage of a faixious Ou S Ll L� Papers, on C", terms. Apply on the preallf3 or addron lialtlea r fethers to JiIn going. to be built�,up�? Will YO rself thi.9 momeatou he -.-­hbNvs crossed ill Atlantic in Kgmoudville P. 0. HERMAN BUBZ. 17834f I s question family. La Anne r�,ikinc (f � 'AV . rr_-., the electi, cars co y or out here profit a man if he -of th' "Wh all 1� J&111 druggists sell -IRRISTOtS al futi X at h si thtin t �ru. is for us ARM FOR S&L. -For sale that very desirable that 0as the nanie e occup, nQ tw onth the e, resident,; have easy shall gain the! wholel world &nd lose le an iistene*r. 1311d n the news of Europe reches us farm an tbo Mill Road, Tackeramith, ndj AfOng" wbe F a0cels to, tile ci ty ? & All I be able his own Egniondville, It contair .97 acroi, -e e by telegraph the. day it hap- the VVage of Soul S the (]Llliy,tll ' Mifli.qte'r tuhled and, faic_ ofI illy bargain to ti;iake enoug out uearlyall cleared and in a.ikoadstateof oniblvatio", co n sense God gli ell yoii. incr t1kis yis pens?" n and well uaderdralned. There Is a comfortablo, the outpijt� of cutting to Warrant 0 reat worldly possessions do not to SOO ller�Eo`lll,-as though she 1V Ile brick cottaga and good barns, with rook cellar and this Ifarm up into streells"nd bilild- nec ssarily imply a life ilteres t in outbuildinze. Thabuiliza are ittuded near the on thq a ion block and lie wa Philolloph felti. John -my. incr lots—enoughl to pay;nly taxes i f contre ofhe farm andL on tho Mill Road. It Is Wall I> Ideed w�le believe those eantime 7' The m6i�chantman's tictioa eel'. ­tly exclah i . Little olintly had '-been g a -IF r fiaulne-As s azin FiA WhIre th t watered, and plenty of soft water In the kitahen. the li in the rdinar o tvtjr* wOks, of life have -e -ch and school toughtfully at his book of animal it is onveniently situated for chu ed th prec c bi, "I till, chief thought is: to decl,e,�se his ex- bette for happiness t 11 ?low g 0, r I po Ssl �)i i ites and withia a mile and a halt of Seatorth. Will ba d an :.turtion sale, and I LL penses ajid th&�b ol pictures, when he suddenly called ncr0se his pro- than t1*s sold cheap and.ou ea.sv toyms of payment. Apply Y e in th her -w,-Llks, The to the p o -11ti011 foi' a few I YOLIr attE 110 I- out: I roprietor, ROBERT FANSON, Seaforth. s. To have the maxlMum, of re- moire I flu 6n a('3count bf areat re, luction in: expenses, and mallu el the 17484 turns for the minilnum bf output he a, h-tdy and h r "Say, pa, does it cost much to sibilities greater �.is re spon and auxi- we ar� now able to put. furniture' on- the marlk sends his buyers to Eurlt)&. T o public salF, feed a lion?" st chepe i � � r eve here otie s. A ARM IN HAY TOWNSHIP TIOR SALE -For F 53le, Lot M on the- North Boundary of Hwy they] can buy th a IV hat �Was the W t* but tle It1d,* is Ilie-principal and 14e Yes. ing'purchasers will do well 6Q call at our warerooms, Where f�ll A-Dples ime- of 0111 "ITow much?" Tovmahl�. Thistarm contains 100 norei, 86 acres wire strung rotind the Otore so he Object. tht I wish to 'dispose �f 80 pnces- your U4 ? IV 0 u ai; , no a great t 'ih nt tinie. There are three ()h, lot of nioney", olearedithe rest good hardwood bush. It Is well un- pres date furniture are 1� -t right can ispense with his catsh girls. H mei chan awyer �or PhIsiclan or dertf6ined mid hPae-d There Is a good abone house or I 4 �"And a fox� would be enough for a tly e d. The first bavn,,iimploment P fOr his dds 10 avail or senatort Is -,his your is 1withaild. I oellw;larga bank &ys promp e bidier's in the fi I' gov ernoi shed; sheep house 7045, with first -cls a at-%blin hims It � of tbe, disc It., tro hworld. Well,' and what will olf�, wduldn't it? sup,,emejy ixient No, and root o.11ar undernea aPpy W 6th.; a good orchard; 00 more trade he 4as his w Yes." 'ure.' That CaL "A: W nur ing Illy 11 a Is 'Will not d nd a fox could make a meal ofl. I -sowed on a rich faltow. ell ma ed ; 40 acres 9 _UMT:D'E11RrX.A_ wells and cistern. There is 12i acres of "fall wheat. YOU answe ',the happiest time of you gilve fci*t her? 'I will giveriches, Ons stationed in the� #eig)�hbori honor, PIC iI I found Ill the present, ��ho iq, worh more thap that, f :r. 'a hfi:wk ell, 4ded do" recently, the'res, - Kood sh.po for town -e i Q -.ie pa 0 �V �'J Ill L1 6 ri efies she will livel when riclies,. honors ani "I suppose so." s cuAomels. iti hus ac- but in t t. This department is crop. Thls� I& a No. I farm, well situated for 00, Plato with a larae select' of �hebfst com odated. They do not have to a CRY inallsio ld markets, churches, schools. post offica, eto., and and cloiln ry home, obligi �g attention given to this branch of tisfied I be sold rea�onably.' A their buh'dlcs homt-�" "And the hawk would, b e Sa pleasures ol i the world. have passed the business.i tjly on the P-emises, or car These r(sults of filia cir,tl Eluedess do w II address ROBK&TN. DOUG ASB1&ke,Ont.1WxStf -ease It tv Yo u i cann o t, ha ve her. TI with a 'sparrow? ;701 increase the profits �,a'n'd cieci ie not brill g . to me peace of mind and ht calls promptly attended to by _Under'jaker, Lo t expeilses the larke corPO,Ltions are eiitn ent. T lddbr is the devil, Well, anid "Of course." our Mr. S. T, 'floj*w -For sale, con he happi�'I, time of AR31 IN STANLEY FOR SALE. Gade being formed. There �N U gi,ve fof her? 11 lr- i � I "And a big spi-&ar w�uld be a good streei, Seaforth, 0 3posite the ethdistt c Fa and tha west balf of Lot. 8, on. the 12th conces- re the steel my life tVas when a. poor man -Une, of SitNuley., This tstra c0a. triist, the oil. t1rust, t 6 t!in - can J lived 5n a, amall king, slon, or Bronson the rdoins of the earth W, wouldii?t- it, Was 1-60 acres, all of which is ole%rcd, except four y, Though 'Y of therg,J That IN, t, the sugar trust, e tobacc, ages wer 0 J, r c, I yet had h 0 ;pa?— notes, It fa In a. shie of fifst-61&51� ouIlvation, wall :my W, woWd it.not, pa. DIV "Yes -yes., trust, the coal trust, tht flour trust, not dd, for!. he will contintle to ex- f6aced said all underdralned,moskly with tile T elloughAo marry on: ii.. W911 XL true, Is &large frame dwaffing house, as giod as a w, with the meat trust'i primarily the -ingdoms of the earth B trus not lme6d for the sparro B -OADFOOT, 0- trust�. A ist when "An� a fly would Ile e1iough for the �g(?01, noble W, fe. Wd Lartedi.out in o reg late the o goodatorkefoundation, and,wilar, large bink barn formed t iink prices; and hglory of theiii ave vanished Isplder?" us other -oc ms, he babl,es c with atone stabling underneath, and nume.ro two sinall I ame I ormed to 'rhe sniall sa &r s buildings, inaludiag a lir but, seedudari y, trust .one by,ene- y wa, ike t .9hqdcws o� tiT6 night befo' "Sure." pig howae.. Two good Ile lorch-virda. of choice. fruit, %* nice sh,3de� and orna. t lie rAi n re are two spring creekj runniog mental, trees. The Thirty or fdrty mell, the i4amd aa;l 11 car tile voice of ali- all the fly would 'want wouldn't it? through the farm, and plenty ofkood water all the clothing for 4 furnish, food and line of business come to er. They l'year round without pumping. It to well situated for We always-bW enough to eat_ ur other Pidder, and who is that? AVh-,j,� "Oh, -stop your chatter." inarkets,churelieo,sch6os,omt.offi3e,ete., and good say to each o, er: the L6rd J i Christ. Well. wh6t "Dut wouldn't it, p4,?, At is the -0 T E 'AT C AL lessen the cost of prod -u':' . g s, in, You cannot have bei molasses �yvould,be ;soiiiehow able to stetch enoiigli to But list "And a drop of 9,.3 :giar.menU could de 'LDY CO �d. . Never fy . I I rcaU lea graw ding from it In all directiond. it is good of trying to flnanci, ly cut each will yil IlL -will "Yes. ;ifthin view of Laks Huron, and the boats c%n be Wea r. air of birds h &ppier hat�cliing gi ol cr grace 4ere ind h fter "Well, pa, couldll't 0. an �qBp ek This is other's throats ? Why 6 have a, out Lhei eggs in a. dpvecot thatit my *ert passing up and dawn from the house. anj I IV I'LIP 1 !one -of the, best equ ped farms in the caunty, and community of interests ? Instead of -itancle lion 'more than a year oil a pint of f wift anc I in our lilttle "i'lut If n, Ist. ol 1)11�� will be3old on easy ecm3, ai the prorrietor wouts to. having ma N ny different o,- e 4e can ot away,' These molasses?" Mire on account of Ill heal' b. Appylon'thepremi. s �now, in.-tead :)f wo' ilIg Cis a I me- and th 1; Ifad h r, al ofte.- Instead ZTDUNN.� 1734.tf or en ap Jsn, or ad4resa Blako P. 0. JOHI hdael's 13011 contend for th� Dut jus' have one,big centr chanic ten hours per, I am Plan- t at this point it was w Suit... 'd of havin thirty or foriy difterexxt posses., ion� of soul—your soul, mV covered that it was time for li tle ning niost of, 1he tim. Am afraid X ship ef Taickeramith, Concession, 8, 100 acres of ill a�id th Ven,Y one that ohnny to go IV - FOR SALE. -For sole, Lot 1, In the Town- presidents and see 11 stri hol X,u At An and trea- the men wi so a soul of e to bed. e stirers and ca -shiers and cOr letil -into: the world. One ).lid Qd, DS acres cleared, well un!erdrained. splendid Gr N1.411 ' and I Ile. Uy PO farm for graim or stook, well watered, a. ra-ining ents and general mana��rs we can tni ove,work, will not t i. niust accept. The choice Novel .Cu. We are show' '!e�id rain, flrod ft re for H �prlug the: whole y2ar run* through the farm. Alan ing a magnificent range of 11 Clothing, wN6 The decision. rest.4 "This 'most excellent an arrived -this week direct froui the Man-&aeturrer and ca now oflo you *I maw have each department ur a single mut le ii on the firm. I% a splendid 'bank barn, ne kr y now., ITIA me sleep at night. I ni w6rt-red' imai te r head, If we are in the I brialc busi- with '.00u. every onb failing cute for.nervous heaft�ls and nc bby suit at a remark �,vblch is 6Ox54, with ttonb stabling underneath. liecause r fear that if should die, Cod h e of its Po decide ari, Alga frame house 2448, and kitchen 18rT6,wlth riess, we Carl liave th'� briel,yard luy children could no ght. 'for wht 1bly low price. stral tell Out P lsic d8tone cellarland two. good wells. Thh pro- which I every- ha inan if he should says the a:postle of I is nearQst: to the Re of r is situated in a very desir-We locality with the estate. he might lose "is the sim ktil 01 I V- I Also a nibe assortment Of Hat$ ald Cap$. le act of *&I -I gravel ro ida to market, only 81 miles to tk 11ole world and lo -se h i.91 war -d. jllst tl,y it son,* ti 4tf proposed building mak: e bricks thin Indeed, the e is but little a i - n t Ile %N, orth A -so, a good dwelling howe to eatortil, mild thus sae; expense i�f cartage. "O plea5ur� in b�ing h. and owning have any doubt of i t. I have Vot to . . . . . . uated�uColern3 gtreet,.ologe to Victoria Park- The tie which inds the �eaders 'of a �IUYOU heed a Waterp house Is compoa*d of ro3ma, -ell finhhed, iil.lorl. hbilses t an ou can live in, roof Coat, we have lots of I them i pzices -that lEn of hard and soft water, and kitchea 20XL6, now-- save ydu money. hay piness. A C)ur Customs reversed. ledge its efficacy after ritb- pwntry and wash room attiched, and a good, timent, but ona of- fit pro -A good, atab.e, 24x ood9bed. onainer t is the world's taxget Allofthla prope ditors as kine, of r4y text, talks to his Christ, in 0 EL Curious wky 1 y has yet disco -meet the person who did great 6'rpolrat [on is not one Of sell- tane (toes' 113t ssure el t!o I ie sh t at. Me) IU'LttCr what is The Nobod, ,ed fQrm- Some Special value h Our Crpet Departtrim.t. It ulr llec�ion of busi ason why such a proCe9f; dtbasoldas the uadertigned is nwylug to the7 h ddin xing,, li�hck pays to bay though they W(re a co i 9 Wai'd, according to; u United St.Am. All particular& cowerainz this bitioi nlay be, de- iol , I ould 'bring sucil carpet I lore, for you can get o v� e of pn-ces. rpot ves and 'a al ir n iions.' sh 111oice and you have the a� pro rty can be, had men. He! actic all'. isrepres- f4m� i.1,16u an; 31ande� a nd m' Physicians s iless pr -B I by Applying at TuB McrostToit i a certain reaef, L es or to the proprietor, JAMES KRIE01C sea- The Wdnlea flolks wear fore you settle 'the quest the trousers ay that pekhaps, it is the n of your p t tion never tire 0i ll.Wn I ing Now goods arrivirig- (,,Vely feNy -days foro epar�merft 17924f his 1 reflex act -ion of while .1nell1wear skirts. The -hus Ile WO- the brain,, and t n eternal destiny I w 64 to enter t�rac 's. 9 'he �re 0A Pikn-'Y'S ar't1Ci' hair short, while tli� ,drives away the pain that, when pro�- 'ics, I -xe gospel m into son maidtural -objects fo ridicule. A tll4 creas- ducedl by nervousness, is the result men �,w arm, A A 04 A it you to put do wan wn ct 4ng it with �ilk and linen thread' of to6 much�golng forward. ' How- CENTRAL 1101 lid mole novel- Ls an v respe t of aper all C !the world. ng eagle. !The men do 'I dressmaking while ever, :there c6ixes a. feeling of every- the riches or %tr e broad wings of it flyi Phice there the value of the gold of , the el - ebst, PRZTORIA M1 !e- cattle on ountless ines and of t' mad4 this solemn heavy ork. (111110se books eL lowed� by relief. This rolief Is ally RbREATHY BLOCK e tb e women Xly burdens and do the till' H.8dwal"Un 8totmat tar ig � being reversed, and, this to f91 - tion awye% on it thousand hills, rl a �pi there the are read 61. at at llexA: "In my ti#e .1 hive offien �backw r call foot_�' va�pe of the i; � ackw ds, and what w certain, and generally Speedy. Palaces 0 ings and el ng. am b no mmn,% per- notes ced a -W�o dond wrl y tile Pl, �l minutes s the longesi I' have var 01=9 Goods. queens� The value of the reat com- f0t. Du befoile 040d I an lie "llaille of & Chinaman e y Page. Oomplete scook of re�dy mixed Paints, mei eta in cres s o Put sul a y. e1e0- onlel Stations for the ords I ll,,1ve qpo all these values down. 44 tile lg� Po er, a ifd the comes �.11,-St nd wbat we would co An entry or a long room is a gop 117 Wall Fillkh, WhitiO foi house cleaning. ell I have p(rforindd w! th 1�sid - h is ir, tin O's last. 9 ures up. Then from, th ci 9 t m They, ado, but V U rd 0C Pla§e the *aat fagiliti, New stock of Spades and Shovels, Garde aggrega- i Ile e com plade for such a an of the Tele- befteri than thl s n lolle3t nd most 'unselfish and Iserve during 'the Rake Hoes, Manure, Forks and Draiaing tiom of nuni-bers,subtract, 0e Value Of early part! a long poreb, pho#e S 4em slt th the pui est. of. njoti�6 I have been �Of tile ef yo r immortat s6ul and dhold what 'Upon meeting you, in-' a secluded walk in the opefi VP. the most bittePy asql1iled. if it every one.' Are 0nv nient ,r the voii ha-ve left." stead !of shaking Your hand thek, shoul 4 walk very slowly,: Iltting xet our prices ior Ellwood- Woven Fandina W1 ere not foi- the fact Ithat I am try- use of non- ubscr��ra., not l i �shake theii: The Chinesq dressi ball- orf your 00iled 8ptiag and Barbed Wire Staplei, e. Atathematics call R Two and foot tou�ch iho i*g to live by 'iprinci�le and do i L 0 0 MY Is �Vhlte at unerals and they wear: first, and then" the h 1; J t jBiiilders' Hsicdware. Nails. Looks sad LW6 always make four. lr�n times se m 1Jg ountr'inen filonie good, I �rnovrni W iD-3or Hinges. ten- make 100. -Twelve Ivided by eddings. At wleddings! way, In fact, that' ne should, in t fOuk always giVeS three. Pire vgould h1V0 giVell llf.)-�Iie struggle of tli h 18peaial-atteat ory, walk forw ion to aU Galvaniz,-d Iron from le old', women as bridesmaids: ardTut W ich in p public lif� long ago."I Sue(ess may I i i A . Ali Iiiing fe a,*d Ti -a, Work, Rewetrouihing and Furnace five leaves nothing, eom�,i,l'et us try of YoUng girls. The tice is SO rar done. Does -Cmg UbHo bW ways IR OKMOV 4re rcqub blim W, :Of all pro- theameof wire Aqd posts at loist-one-ro'l to Solve the greatest instead of prow- y launch 'an Irlat opportuni�ies for useful- their sbip "What shall it pro �t a Man if ar - oil, and th y in4jint their horses from ADY Person building1encef9f at4t inaterial i be t jalso means tears aifd lie t e El ITTER., A Skilitu.1 Karkoina Uche'. all ary gain the whole ioprld and onies. It meauh that if the off -side. The Chinese compass at the CC86 Cf reffilov&I And oonstrucUon 4d wire fences, to be in 0 tAX los4 his own soul you aire to accomplish any. great Points 40t to tile north but to the The most VVOn4,eTfu1-iiarksn*A a:t* !psid Wi*1 Is M u rd ie Ile the United Stateg 69,pi� t;41 is withou$ JORN MORRIS lie WOL"Id you niust also be south. j Verk. goo Ile -who solves this d n o go-spe problem rasil, i th6. llius't realize that lie c&,,;J)nlv get a LU HARDWARE, cut and Iashod,and i4mimed. The U -ins Bad Blood in' n Assi T Dated this 2186 day of April light 119:, Brazilia11 Minister e begim -his CLP-, -Counter'S old St�Lnd. Seafolth life ilrterest in thp, wor 0,11(i not a rull-f . play u the,,4igged f fis of Geniux. prentice6hip IIA shooting on 414, f -p(, heights O' a tall mou ain hor 6asier --- ------------------------ title deed in pei �tuit.v. Tory would The Uln 'who wrote ` twinkle, ther'd� ranch, where as a lad h 1745 clothes V than thC3 strike into the ich I0 -6y care- t] e stiA " had the satis-. the c, be purchaser of a home i., bt' twinkle lit t)nstant companion of t4 ful bout the � tiL lo'W. 'The bird which Ilies 11 arest to V le deed.i Mien a Ile little star foi- quero W' , -ched uiclj�_ s and hunters, whom I Landsborough, illan is about t6 buy a, hout; the 4un ll.as its in -s 3coi _q low his insti, h 1sorn e, he has lictions. their own craft- qxcelled at Spring you er than he little wood robin cool- S will ni2ed Ills own lawy r 110 county happiness was vouchsafed Both foj,-his own diversion. A Ila neccality 0 I nX its tlirot4 by� the Dimintain somethi gel Vr f he records. e�tortainment of his frien ake, a that ll send Your SpriogrIathe3 it Y.Op building and I the liffior of -R04 on, thou dark strea m. P f,' the night are Itn Ye The ttorn-ey traces last &Visult o the -mAFORT Y --l- lie songs 0, the �k`story of d dectin, �-ol WiniSter still practices sho eling the, weetest of- all so 11rs. 6tiriM A tired, list ess te rou ht that land from. owner hey are o r 1 4EAF0 a WOM-8 bact to owner the e(Itially deTightd home ho. uses a very qku he -ongs sung ��y a I'll, all r1fr4,`. until he comes, to the or1lidnal set- '*elltle 41n Nylib 'cordially said, "Illow terh beigclogre dotboWmirde t2 iook ke new oken heart. 11 on y the sys Old it Dyeing nd Wh _m tl to a delicate peAr of pist4ls, , -buti d ntlem Vl . . . . . . . ONTARIO 111alli Of thr text gains a I)Iow, 4 cunng0ladfuiland tler who bought the land from the "lou winter wln�s b a for-. weo,,pon -he has, ols Oothes a spedW -1 d b. losing g with. which atiqlaction gm� -4136,1 Iroodo 0 st in Ue w�i th riteed. AU r( 9 and g or tile 11I C thei4e is illy Raw oul, hq unkeiinels and U1.1- 0. -gal r antcedtogiveg afaction n shcrt.st vd1T&_ It' his c wn I iedord is a. Fr A h rWe DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF life �nte finei� with mpuritie§ which' have I I la ed dtirin' the win -ter. Shx% Is. en , ina, eta at �demto pri,cs. 4040 in any 44e�, tile accum t made In Paris MI. 91i@1,D*n 9 - me 16 Cal). Battbf and eggs,'Sken le�xshes the bloophounds of his lower do not fell to �'ve Wolild be buyer Muses tol"Piurchase. Sabbath. tions. No prof tgola Hilo Twein'let.ii century\ oe urdock Blo6d Bitters is the FURNITURE,, p4ssions. He enters into lie &ays to himA11% a ontract in exchauge f. work. 'lye Li1re told that the I' t d ever did mora exact or delic + afraid would v future gF, be I I - -require. 'th � sNatlLn the sarne as iie ng k L, to �-& m ill Ol jomp lea e anOt4 reried, XRi a promissol"V not to 11 s -credi- tivilizfttion 'of t h'e tw ieth con- thly. ac 6 It you atI eiLaundrTl Kcr�h HL111 04'ert, Children iai i�nt tILOile co les to tilry" roquir(s that `, �Lbbi�th observ- and his fr It h,Ls no equal as �a spring 17'92 opposit PHOLSTERINC i�t 111 - 1, this propL I or. As a merc 400 fl J11 ILI 6 rty taken from tih�m after and Salbth make qua-druple t49 Jnd6W IA 9,, r 41# sh uld be am dead. I wl hiln ance questional(ble prd)positi'�,n. He aws fe- :Nay, this i t:� if 04P oula n i k ows th medici ie. It ll�Ls bee' i sed by rho jg a Fift —AND�- titl , e is not-perfeet."' not J Y. The if greoi profit. I axed. is t� ne reason ceivef as a dplOm&tj# - Why th Ivo 001 a �Llld be iliainta ned and quafter of y sh( travel abqvt on t ousa i s or w 11 accrue, that if But." says ISO he §t me one, possess ',,ell gt ened. At ihai, whel: jai is a life ititere&t in the w i does what, this 4luesLioimble -wopoi- -e the Afmq-. Zra4l-1 06tt6q�s DERTAKINC S with unelualled or her means a very great deal. T11i tion demands hei must i Practice de- abbat I law Was re-Procl, il� ed did hus6arid's skili b h4d, JL a FARM -AMR i 180LAED TOWN ilk those TT brevc MO-1V1111Z on at or a 4ueirtor 91 a do lari bet aatj,�, r - i C41t. lie lies 4 two oll -three tle succesq. aLwake! I *601, pholstering a, Specialty, tored aWay I - PROPERTY1 ONL,* IN$,URED and np- all �,thO klolieY r three m�les till houl., lleed a law to fingers a V' Stateg!�Itreasury! ni ho g coverincre ht try1nx to! Isterin al*ays on hand, decid wh'etl-, er or Protect ",the -------- against an 6verstr&in m. Think of Possessing the jewels no P, 0. Thovat 0 ay, 8 fitted and PUt of Englan and Germ EIERE IS Iso Window hade At ast,. In hiore thAn the engine f will be di�hones . ers� _:d The Art of rinswile. UZ PROO a-ny Lpd Wissia th,. n1dnigU lio�ur, h6"yields He who driiVe their Iron dragons. a\mile A financier is a man w1io nikkes F rnwft T to 0 do t,l:Bmftfid1Vr. 0.--, Thom" V. lilinu W th hnd o lThir�k of ir pr4tctj cally C lis 8 and. p, hi �kl;ing yot a -p-, I 0.1 W. 0. BMS4. Urt i i ata into his bed a n the thr6ttle, lots of money,, isn't he, fa S. T. Skin'e bf Sh le I I igalvake, Que r a -in Poles, Pictuies Slid Picture lardrobes filTed with tj t1i t of ropm. W1, "No, Freddy; fl 'qs Jos ing! he g eye on Ithe track every power alert? a nancier is a an r t es I have tiged Burdock gloo" F ncy dresses now being made it'!Ahe.lr soLys: "Non d' lig go, I 01 resolved to 4d those doen farmers Ose who gets hold of lots Of Motiey:oth- ,litters a. a sprit W. G. Dr IW&fw& Ablin 0. PrIeve VVI tablishments of tli' from w4 Ig fo tile flast W110110'a made right in every de- es e Parisian ijjo� be! dik honest. I ntend Ito be a. Shy, plowingj�bee ]Plislia was called 7er People make," Cour yearian George &i 6'� SeXfor h ; Joho Ilenn� 0 - 0 to\ b d don't t Iiink there is R4 equ-111- Dub ames ZvAqs distes ! Think of all *)hu%b; Reechwo, 1%; John wau, new b6n- loqk and demand the ftill pound of. a pro 0&rJ L 111#111ent o our work ai Otir e:Kpe11S1 nets one could hat dtroivs tired al�d have no o* Thorn" re oade John 19. *o- onio't 11e*h earest An heart. 7 Warning. B Give gion a ir odern Plowing bee of. 18,- to e6afl get 'a bottle of B .13 e could drive, all the st hin yachts As L XX d builihs tip tile. con- t ie bl3od on nd I am Willing to self did thwie faraiers, 90-98iPing as th4Y ItaRing'00"Ut honor in i rer thana4 which would ride t I Ilia su ccess, a Hewitt—That fellow sin, aliclibir in front Y04 illy soul.. 111hen a Mali comes kePt ste�) wifti. their slow oxen, need little thlogs. other reincdV." Yen ITOIWW �ndertaking Branch, of One's summer home �ideed, it tolsueh a decisi4n as Ville P. XK rcue hat, ha ha- a-Sabb4th lyore 1han. the nRpan i Jew0tt—I'm glev,d You -told me;i I'n fe in eN(� thw �ste! audl6on as though, to have a ter- wer part of r Saw -mills, who Iwnranaee or t#&W-- *a have. a large, and isried assortment looL tutall let s 1,00.96 t1e O' illy eye on my uinbraila en wh orh which to choo-se: ia U M6 of need, and at est in the world'is 11,4 nature As 4' merchant he be- a hundred thousand feet of J0 prl4ea thati have beea a mat -ter of agreeable 'lot to �e' despjs� aw eftel a is around. pat businow ed e V�en though ; we must �;,surrender a m re money m king nirich- I umb �er dt y, nd -------- Having need lily biedin lWation In isay iritllkrAb"ove _! Qs* A"Ires"d 0 '"' to all. who have -It with u,. 111TYst' Watch the g per i at J. Dor. ing circu'. )r dea A a a lawer� who political swif ce'ri for un, anyoo6 xvithing pure brcd Barred TwL i te hearses on hand for stir kilt at the brink of Ina' ,.ran ilk respeca" VM o�600_ mer and lar- saw, lest it Depressed and Discouraged. F lym Guth B ockegga c" nbw have them 0 centa Satan's offer is not �o libertLl profen nM+, be becomes. an Aaroll take olic o witter use. Night Oalla ab my residea f t lein for a, log? Did the it is reniarkable h9w tho Setting a H AITZEL, Ecafort), or at J eel rig ti i D gor. roughly the whole sketem er P e0r' 'Or co-ttage in rear of Dominion Bank t h ;es.tiniate Dorrane MnPlOYCE of Eoaz, where capital said i'��\thrown Out of order when the nerves become J'w*( ak wil, be, Promptly responded to. tile I'mults. The Other V% I 3 I I . Was while there othing in this to labor, "I'lie Lord be with you, �04exbau8bad- All energy owd ambition ae' MICITEAL MURDIE, I eeve. M brop P. to tho M� i W1 0 , ep B, arepresenta-41vo of a wo�ld that: can ble co ared in value and I& )cw answered "The 41 the mind wanders, memo I Fy.411s: aud,doe* JORN S. BROWV, 6 3 &V r�h P.9. ILord 8�ppftr, TRA SFER OF LIOE NISE, d &I �OU aijY. � I sai I to an imm ort 1, bless t e, Sabbath I on 0110Y reigne supreuiwi. Dx. Chale's Neive Focd JAMES gremt lire insurance, cOmp I � OHARLra LITTLE, gutclmor N UNDSIROROUG text does h rquire aVV hiul- gel gives I Is hereby notified that I 1 ave.4pEed 0TOU611LIN: Conn- II 'r. wood 10Lve a horro o not ilo'Ry that il a intan his for Prot ction of servwx1ts more tha ARCHIBALD olr� a wc� n Puts new vini hul energy Into the brain, nerves "d "I NeGREGOR, Cot n 9AFORTH, ONT tolhh: Men Comminioneri of South: lurpn for a jolIN 5fk and helpess., )111 to Christ 1-i "Y Jnthft P. I do ot wanf sc shall have r othing it is reql� iced by the millions of em- odyi,builds up the system :and prever 1p9jaiyal transfer of esse of the River uct.-J, bayftald MORRISON., 01i 0 lie' DAVID X. RON9 Trea wrer, V1 intbriop P. -0. -day, wih.ose m4l,ggir is Inei- to be a worn-out Lilliste Who has but poverty !lid. hun IJ ion,[ prosttation And ineanity. to Ge tho P1 oyes t or J. SHANNC N, J� 11 "im UqWW# E Groenalw3e. 179 THOS. 19T�PH�a buu "d fain Wn. If ub I X 0. en tbi thlAVIV avd4be4 lam" Auxed� 0013" mixed its kie L* ae-Vill � ,Ite, 01 Urns