HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1902-05-02, Page 6LIZA. COUSIN ANN� A2
ABSOLU X1Y MARY A. DE�_;'SONI 1 7 mlinu
Thare are to be sevor4,1 gentlemen in - the party, Be we will stand 4 chance to be taken care of, and, In some 6aes, no doubt; L rino
SE"LlUNITY, secure escort s. T I' I 11 Escorts !" alftiffed. 060in Ann Eliza -hat is th( airera
As if w( Sparks. 3 watitod bbem. You 1 n a lat -city
spent i
needn'tthink of putt,ingano escort off on 1 Cenuvine rant by t1iiee th
me. I'm not gping to be dl ndeut on any lunQhers. 1: takes
41). hours t6 dig6t a fr
The fine scorn with which i1shb,uttered the I soft bo led; ti ree. hours to tigest a
word of masculine iroporV wal something e
Carter's m - . � EIPP11 umpi i n three h6i�rs' to
superb to any bn5 not i� , quainted with
frest r In fact, ithree 11
L y
st ble
Cousin Ann Eliz*. She wi very fair, very
about he t1i ne �6quired I o digf
fat and quite forty,. if no�
^,n PUIS inclining over
ch. T
avera twep e iiiinute lu� e Livv * somewhat to the shady sideilof those famous numerals, with a brigh �augh ject of he 4 ty lunch is tp let th
t eyeJ a marry I t t6 his offide work
man g and no dignity to speak ot, certainly nons I Must Rear Signature of when t e bi�a n i� active, t�he ston
to apare. She had, howevet, inherited con
inactiv for ja:& bf necessA bloo
siderable indepandenoo.of J1obarseter from her father's side of the Umi'y, and appearid natura consequence is iii( gestio,
indige ion n$ the dow- to. Ina
to covg1der nian qft]
t)�rfluous :f&Qtor ope in the world, often a&) i ag #he bid no pati- eases.. In
t ed by, the use
In estion is cm
encei with people who neein,od to think they
see F&c_SrnW Wrapper EWow- must ha�,e a man forever : aggins, at their PierceP Golden: Medica1l. Disc
sPittaville was a remarki$ly* pretty ciby,
and we, the inhabitants thereof. were justly
proud of its many points ofillintereeb. Borne
one said that it was, in $31118 respeota, a
lesser Washington, with its"wide driveways,
its leafy Equares and spa I cious mansions,
which speech had Get one pArtioular clique
all -agog to visit the capital of the nation,
Mrs. Kate Ingalig,LWhose 1husband was an
influential man at PfbtavillO, remarked that
it would be comparatively 4sy to make up
a party ; that as there was, to be some dem-
onstration about to take place in theCapital,
we would avail ourselves Of the dub rates
.which mres4ise"e'sof the stomai
other organs Of digestion �a'nd nut
and enables, the perfect digesdio
assimil, tion of fo Qd. "It is Nith heartfelt 1�mtitud� that I m
testimot ial wJiich I 1wish you to publi:
my nan e and addr"s,11 writes! Mr. wil
iiian. of Washijpgtontille, Orauke Co., N
badston tach tilouble froutchildhood atid�
with it more ot less as I grerr 01). At thi
26 1 was � brokq n down with dy�pepsia.
feriugmastev�ible. Could n6t1eat with,
tress. Gould nly eat a few c61-taiu thir
was not ne 1�ver
I tried c reiief. I
finall ersuaded mq to try Dr'Pierce's
MeNy Di ind '!?leR�aut Pqlt
� si- 1��t-t--,�seovthe I Goldew Medical
t ials of Dr. PierCt!'s Picasa
ry at 0
I w y
CURE SICK HEADACHE. and have an enjoyable t�m� in the bargain. 11'..l.heu It -so well that Istoppod
al months hakre passed
So we set ourselves about opganizing as soon m( 'r
n do lie ha�rdest kind of work, can,'e
VETERINARY aswe found others interes�ted in the pro- IM
thing t at is t before me an4 enjoylt
jected excaral oil. �d
VGFIN GRIEVE, V. S,, honor graduate of Ontaxio 27 years old a this is the first time I fia
A 1disesses of Domeati Several of ur number a$18'embled in Mrs. been c 11 o Veterinary College.
animals brealved. Calls promptly attended to an Deacon Cole's hauddome pa lors one pleas- F, -c 1)
Pierce's Common
rL db.&rges moderate. Veterinary Dentstry a specialt, ant afternoov. Cole �waa an artist, Aledi I AdTiser in paper �covers i
one doo
Offloe'and reeldence on off Dr ScoWe offloe Seaforth. 1112 -if iee receJ1 en s n
I 0 � 31 one-. a
Her parlor was also her studia,
where she paye ensei of customs an4mailitif
sketched'and painted when she was in the LEGAL or 50 statn�s for. cloth- olmd vo
Ihumor. Addr s Dr.� R. V. Pierce, Buffalo,
We. had coe upon our hostess unawares. JAMES L. KILLORAN, In her sketching coatume,i her- blue a like to yes f not
III. ghoul
arrieber Solicitor, Conveyancer and Notary sparkling and her hair ol se curling to a go abou
Oublic. Money, to loan. Office over Piaksrd' Golf." "'Ore beautifully shaped head; tanding by her is) i (&in Street, Seafortb. 1628 t who on I and I
.4 ps re y easel, surrounded by a� harmonious ard slid 0 sin. Ann Eliza. "l glory
luxurious warinbli of color, she looked ever'
R. S_ HAYSI Y a)ilify places and t9ings ind
whit an artiit. ei itly.
]�,%rrlbter, Solicitor Couireyancer and Notary Public. caA go whe�e I oboes
We beggtd her not to atop; hub to go a crow
�olleftr for the Dominion l3ank. Dffi;�e—ia rear of musty be forevei-fol
pomittion Bank, Seaforth. Money to loan. - 1235 right en, as the -business in band could be somebo I ad, like a tai, fastenee
c6nduotbd without bindranc6 td any partio.;
piece of good . Thank the Lord I a
4 M. REST Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, ular work, and some of our artists in Notary Fublio Offices up stairs, over 0. W. tc be in row chaperone
apdt's bookstore, X�in Strect, Seaforth, Ontario. worsted bad brought. their rocheb needles ''Th a Ppoin ad day arx*ive and a
1627 pIrty A wa that tbe:,car
uder how many havle consented to
pleasant an shiny morning� ' They
ENRY BENTTIE, Bsrribter, Solicitor, &c. go, thus far ?" asked Mrs. Kate Ingalls. 1111.
y's, Block, Sea. gather, or al the world liks�so many
Money to loan. Office—.,ad tying the strings of her bon at ad 'Betting. ial fl remarked
4. la
Shen sin
rth. 1679-tt
Ann hliz
her shawl back on her ra
I p6 in oui o�the other the many a
There'll ba about. twenty in a s%id tin
N ARROW & GARROW, Barristers, Solicitors, &a. riod sig ta to be seen on either side
�X Cor. Hain-tton St. and Square, Goderich, Out. Mrs. Cole, sa she put the fioishing touohes
I b d ad oh0tered shared Ic
a g a
o� a
J� T. G-AaRow, Q. 0. bit of black satin intebded for� a bag 11.676 CuAimits GAPitow, L. L. B. 0 a an prof saed at, the en� of the j,)
with a very -dainty paint; brush, " and I tit.
iat it. ad b an delightfullani they
FHOLMESTEI), successor to %hoL late ftM of think we shall aDjoy it. I don'� imaging not- in t a le 8181 tire
. McCaughey & Holmooted, Barrister, Solicitor we shall get in each other'a way. etter 1,11 W had t�ke one !of theae. h
for the Can "!�ou mon'b be troubled much with me," Qoaveyancer, and Notaty . Solicitor t rum one of heae entlemOn said,!,, and aha
oUn Bank of Commerce. Money to lend.
said Cousin Ann Eliza, w two or three t#z sale. Office In Soott's Block, 'Main Street expe a a cars aire ova
T crowded a
mental exclamation points, &a she sat mak. r, a d, b sides we would have to c
ing out- a list of eatables to be carried on t0l.
ice or t a hotel is all of three
the journey. " I am abundantly able to ice, yy
take care of myself, and shall just go about I --
N t I " ad Cousin Ano Eliza.
on my own hook, as the ' - " le� or common saying is. I
b a6n e� tia e1r amped up too long
F,, -W. TWEDDLE, Of course, it will be a plea sure t' be in 9�
no 110 6arriagp r car- Just giv
your company he much as I oan,'Ibub no. 8 Atieet plain, and shall leet
qr�du%tcQf Roj&I College of Dental Surgeons of On body shall say I am an incumbranee in any
�rlo, pos giada.ta cour-e in crown anti bridice work 01 m two foet almost as a on all yet
Local anastheti way, Shape or manner. P not blind, a a my1mone 41 Elasktll'a S:!houl, Chicago. ci for she added, sagely, ana Pp1I)g a pa rataless extrwHtoa of; teetb. Office over Dominion ir of ex. Y u can't do iti,'� said Colquel Edg
Reaforib, Lrmtny occupied by 0. F. Bel6m. pressive g gank., ray eyEs, " nor dea!, and I've got oat gru jr. We'had &� times th
IL761 spLa�ing tongue i i my head, I an Englih
phould I �= th, Col nel was a little, s*eet on au(7h 4Y couldulb go to the ends of A n E iza V any one to �sea him lo
R. F. A. SELLERY, Dentist, graduate of the
D the earth with6tit any need of an - escort helir,no; z have laughed at the
Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Tgronto 'also onor graduate of Department of Dentistry, Toronto whatever. It positively makes me ill t,3 sTe I niversiby. Offioe. In the Patty block, Hsnmll. strong, he3lth women a6 dependent as they Ivaiii1wea triedtochan berresol
y Ik g�w buld, trusting her 11
III vlait Zurich every Monday, commencing Mon.
are. . The moment gir a are �out of �school t( YJ 0
7 day, June 1587
inue and her 11 two fee .11
they begin looking foi -an a cort,just as a Tlhe �rest of our party arri' d t our
ve a
R. R. R. ROSS, bODtlfit (supoestor to F. W. lanie man looks aboui for ae. Well, withini the �hour and waited &while
Twaddle), graduate of Royal College of Dental thank heaven, I never � my D A' , "nrid 0,11 no! Co&in burgeonti olf oneario; firat class honor gradua un Eliz.% In A
to of friends are fully aware of it. J shoul I! er 7ap
roronto University ; crown and bridge, work, saw d like a
&nee to gold work in a' I Its totals: All the most modern know why a Nvoma can* takel. Cara of a is certain
ly loat!'j,
methods for PaLtniess, filling and painless extraction of herself'?" said the
06 they�left tabl
teeth. All. c�perations carefully performed. - 3 ffice eon a wife
She glanced vviDh a ild diefiauce, round the I inner
Tvreddlo�s old stand, over Dill's grocery, Sesforth. 1�6e hour, I'and to be I Cat in a
1640 'the room at the small compa' assembled, but nobody seemed to t hink r1y worth their Well, certainly it is 'her own f
while to' answer her qaest�ion. Some of MXDIOAL. Ml was t1he udanimous verdi0t,i but stil
them knew Cousin An iza's methods of re hneae
we , p 680 of us
artioularly Lh
taking care of herself. Dr. John McGinnis, did not various a
The deacon's wife ve tured Ito. say in the go:to any of the, &to London Western University,, member 1110IIES11of the evening. Anxiety! deE-
gon. Gradu oftest, sweetast of ton a thatahe thought into f Surgeons. was a kind of f oar hathe clock-struak nine, thei
io b4v6 a man to ca and Residenoo--Fornifirly cocupicd by Mr. Wm. and stillAhare came 0 0ofusin Ann
Ontario College of Physicians and xt to the Catholic Church e n d, u p o n f�G� r cjocom� r 0 re PWkArd Victoria Street, no urne a and 1�the like.
*NiW�t calls- attended promptly. 1453x12 Mel 9,,n Mrs. Lord, a voluble Boaton Woman
But, wh, n. w a the';respause, and wi Big ( I nie of �he party,. told atoriee, of p
II there was Filence. 10A 11 DRS- RETHINE & ROSS I shall ut my lunc ia '4 paper box,'� nlNewXorktha curiled the blo
p our veius' id Cousin Ann Eljz%, fter sibine moments Office over Johnona Hardware Store, 36 Nrhapsl they have ken ber t
eaforth. o thought, a pencil etwee# her teeth, station bou-' said then, you see, there's o lug e
ing a basket Ii. H. Ross, M. 13, a ut. You can dispoao of 4 apar box by Tiey w
ould have a bard- time, of it
throwiqg it away. Did! you may we ah%ll
11;igbt calls attended. to at the cfflee. Cousit Ann E;iz!L,!' wa� tho, resp
No I think pe -stop over night in New il'o'rk rbaps, 61I6 hs go
I believe tobat is t� some't eatre by herself. §he is
e in apab
DR. F. J. BURROWSy telntion of the i mT'It t. co �pe -in charge, eakid on of the en- oe�to resident Physician and Surgeon, Toronto Gen. Y�g it 1 would just b� like! her,'
I Hospital. Honor graduate Trinity University, thusiast�ic group that �'ad, gathered about he dea6on's w the d aoon'i young w-ife.1 $'I :.qball
in Labor of the College of Physicians and Surgeons t ife to ins at her last . work.
!Ontario. Coroner for the County of Hurcn. 70 h4r up iiill after �midnlght. You
&' We shall atop for a �night �and till the 9" Office and Residenoe—Goderich Street, East of the her bo4st is that she is �'either, dp�f
afternoon train of the n�xo d' t see the
a6ttiodlai; Church, 1elephone 46. ablind, and has an, Engliall tongue[ I
sights." 'o head. I do hope they wonti go allTin. �proces_ sion, like the charity ohildren,"i.tsaid Ib was half -past ten before C' uslin
DRS. SCOTT & MacKAY, Cousin Ann Elizg. 11 I give you fair vl'yarni�g that Eliza n�ade �er appearance, an ex e 91si
I shan't go with you if I 0. bravad:) mad u f r the pecasid, Dcl"-Orich siraet, opposite Methodist church,genforth I shall i on p be
tudy up the city well b6fyMt, start. If thei : reNneols �of her eyes.:' Abe
iciott 2 Is picture 1. G. 800TT, graduate Victoria and Ann Arber, and' there is anything 1 -do dote lol' �te imined atelyl surrotioded �and tuepti
rig�t a dlef(. I =amber ot:tarfo College of Physicians and g4llolies, espaci4lly.if tbay� have plenty of Surgeons.. Coroner for County of Huron. the old master' W ie're ays I been ? 'w4er
s: I reallk don't care for Why, -gradnalo Trinityj University, mu Is, dry good d 611 that, y
0.111,&oKAY, honor -i ch else—jewe youthink I a been? � Ever whege!' I
gold medalist Trixiityaedical College. Member sorttof thing. I hope we 2"a --stop at a my sul per r dinner, wbioliever you
College of FlasIchine and Burgeons, Ontario. hotel near some of the 'art Call1it, at a estaurant, and' then,100ke
hibitions. 1488 However, I've no doubt I Ca 0 ahq'p w ndows—well, a fi'd my way, the eloctiio �ligbt
Wherever they are," bi ev rythilug—but I'm a�tfully tired.
MCLEOD'S, "I dare say, we sball get allon Rome- le 'to ad. ne a 9' ystem Renov ow, somebody said, " though'Ithe Jeeling 8 a i t tell me what actually
S in a strange city, alone, ii somethingAr'e'ad- &ppe
ator h '' n, id ; �hat she had logi' her way E
being opithe right� road sevefal tin
—AND OTHER— pal, AV that a � runken man had frightened her,
TESTED - REMEDIES. tha%, at last, �she had been compelled to
A apealfto and antidote for impure, Weak and Ini dance of a polli��e offi
Let it �r herself nder4hegui
r riabed Blood, Dyspepalk slooplessnem, palp&t&. wliq fo ad a Cab for her,for wbich', she
olle of the Heart, Live; Complaint, Neuralgia, Lou charged twic4 the regular fare,� it b�iug a
of Xemary, Bronchitis, 4jonsumption, Gall Sionet, Jaundice, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitne hours, No wonder she did zriot wA'nt 't
Daiuos, Female Irre-gularteles and General Debility. qua UQued. i LABORATORY--Goderlob, Ontario. neA�. -.M6rnJiVg cl me an( - Coil in Abin E
nJ.11A. McLEOD, Po etor and Manu waked t p ear�y read a chEipte' in
a Bible after dressing, then she found
PH Scott's EmUlSi�h isi:'not fact4rer. wayto the-p�rlor. 160J.80WBy J S. R�BERTs, Seaforbh. goad medicine fo'r fiit f olks. "Of course, they'd ri the bell
breakfast," sh.8 aaid$ sea in erself oomf
havL- never tried giVina it ably lin m e4sy chair, and then Bho loo
out �n tie busy street be to a reatfat persoo don ? coming 00 m
4 !'t absorbe� in the various
ing -
dare. You ee Scott's' lErnul- she forg)t the passage, Of time, An he
Irleming's Fietniaand Poll Evil can C ured two hours Aaw by. CouMin A�n E
i4 a now, so cort-ai S 011 build,-.- flesh. Fat looked a - the silver watch that bd al w
n remedy. new
N0 COST IF IT FAILS. In 15 to carried Ion-, her chatelaine, It as
%T te today rap taper I A taut e1M1ap_X0.b6o people don't jv,-Int it. Strong ocioak 10-LEMING BROS., Cherinisib, 30 Days I's Wi 36 Front St.. West. Toronto. ortt. i�, wh4t can it mean ?" she as
Val People dont need, I t. herself."I 11 ow unkind that no�ody
Co 14 ee af er me. � G%n '# be po�4i
BLIt if you are fhhl� Scott's, meto ?1y � t b a. tir, It, h e vite t RED CEDAR SHINGLES. i brea fast Go I
Emulsioa is the mediq'n� fbr A sur rise exclamation itause(j ter
The uderafg7ned -isheq to announce to the public turn are ad. !There in the aoorway at(
W4 having bought % large quantity of the three best you. It doesiA tirC NI[OU Ouf the do w1fe. brands of red cedar shingles, and by getting a liberal I L.
discount for cash, id prepared to sell then, to Neo �:t the world ha�ie you bee
h Oil
tDulers at Prices that defy competition. cus- is nostrain. Thq' 1york the I I Atte aek�d, coming foliward. an up yogr room—there 'Was! no
0. LAMB'S Lumber Yard,Seaforth. is - i natural �nd eas You 8 t be
an up
there, an
HEMLOCKUML13F.R. an we !supposed youlbad gone
9xving In stock at the Seaf�rth Lumber t Yard a i us t tak lie medici,gc and walking." ,t4 1. ' 3
ver3t largequantityof all the differeat lengths and Couisi a never vOalk before breakfast,' 6
,,,id ,, is prepared to fill"any bill that is preseted that's all there is to it. Ann Eliza. "It's a tmost ! daug
very beat quadIty, of Hemlock. ous habib, Cat time do they breakf
LAMITS Lumber Yard, Seaforth Th next thino� knOW here PIN& 61 We had ouir breakfast two he Having ht� a large quantit of pine from a voll feel better—you eat urs ag
bouq, �etter said'the ther, after we had givea
bot o firm in iMEtakoka, I aill getting pine dreased y
one aide, for aldlug, flooring, sides or and you nriore. It is up- wide Plank foT water troughs; spruce and C=nzh n4we r heard the bell ring," us id Co
for gravel boxes. 11ght and durable. Also white aquiet worker' in Ann Eliza,�aatonishment� in her g
cedar ehIngIe3.XX_,CX and XXX and XX of best makc. In btuskoka. I i a .Arge stock- always on hand. �e iend for ftee sample. course, you didn't; ; the dori t ri
S. LAM BS Lumber Yard, Seaforth. SCOTT & DOXVN-F Toronto, Canada. anybellshere. �Yougorigh 1776 wc and $r.00; all &ii I t into the di
irking room any time from eight to ten g
c 01
HVRO,14 EXIJ?081 OR M All 2 1 9 1902-- What yqu wolat and pay for at. If yo had the south, ind thii hat rack. *as placed by traced a number of th age 190-ealliad been boo last night to tea, you would have the book-oase. phrases through b-alf,& drizen Isagus8lk1ftZ undersood, A all, but, yofi know, you would At- one o'clock the pictures were down, their beginning. �It4e is a Partial -b It to not come . with us.')- - and the man had hit his thumb with the. them fee, VVqll, what have I got to do tow 0 11 hammer, and Was owearing he'd never move He's a brick .1"—Thie pbrase, asked Qousin Ann Eliz%, tears of ve4ation again, thoggh tbe skies fell. At cne.tl irty a good fellow, has been t�aced to ta four centurie'a B.' ngiog to' he -T eyes. "I never all so the'pioture's were back in ifferent piama Spar A king to Uric Acid in the blood C. A -visitor'' zurnikryjin my life."; Unhealthy ki dneys are th 111,And_ the dc-ik was -in ptocevq of being moved Lacedaemania, the parta a . .1 - hAr - I soppose, if you will go down to the to the nort side of the room, that spot surprised to find the aity� n c p1tCl cause of the acid bein . withoub Cafe yoti can got your breakfast, late as It having been recommendied by the office boy. asked the king whait �e i 3,e tittle' Would do-ine&
ie, said the deacon's wife. there. If the kidn6ysacte At three the man telephoned for some invasiov. restau- I as they should they woul '* SP&rta� 1has _50 ' 000 "Alllbymyself? Oh,dear,"Aighed:Cone- womenfrf ndtocomdaud advise him re- I replied the king,, eve an ousand strain the 'Uric Acid ou P �ry In three in Ann Miza. of the system and rheuma- gardiqg his den. At four these friends had I brick." I i
B0 you like to go by youreli,, you arrived, %no the desk was being moved back 1, "Togive the coli aboulder.)P_it !sh �ggy kno*,".. wam the merciless answer. You tism wouldn't occur. Rbeut to thei wes� corner, while the table was 0 - nee the custom n nboiled snatism Is a Kidney Dist digest would 09 by yourself last night." ease. Dodd's Kidney Pills placed next the book.ease,, the hat -rack near had out,stayed his welcome, to nerva Wbare are the rest ours is of the party ?" have made a great part. ot the door, aid the rocking chair Dear the with a cold shoulder Of Mutter irilteJ4 4 asked 0ousin Ann Eliza, ignoring t a re- fire -pi
st the their reputation curing see i Then the positions of the pie- bob roast as a gentle 4i, t for hitn,to,20, m ized. To kick thebuc
he ob. proof. ai she proceeded to malke her m�:y to Rhou atism. -- So get tures were oritiL � k, 'A e, man said he was tired as a back to the tim- a r e busy the dinliDg room. thecause of those fearP3 ' b five t� Queen Elizabeth. But 11 All� gone night -seeing. They shooting pains and stiffo dog. and w.ouldn't.move another thing to shoemakr named -Hawkins committed and w �ited for you, but at - lest, ta�iiag ib save the lives of his whole family. At five- cide by itanding on aeb is Bill jLching Joints. There ii q bucket pls'ced for gra0ted that you -had made othor ar. thirty the dank qompl6ted the circuit ot the table to raise hl ari d. The but one sure 7a -7 miself !to a Convenienb rangembints, they went.- I do not lbelive room by going an the eait side while the To kick the bucket was of course n, and that y0h could come, ith of I him." other piecon of furniture danceh a stately act on erth. bis ny dis- 0, I sh n e6" 'Oul 1 Oh� n �t eaylt It," said minuet, as,ib.were. T�eee changes were the Catching a Taprt4 —Duri6g the. p Cousin Ann Eliz%, in a voice that a so ppiog b of Dr. result of.& jeonfiereace with the charwoman. etween Russia and re( .6 turtle might have einvfa4. ',' Th k H S_ ry, sa "'n. And it wax nearly eight o'clock thab even- soldier efled out, ,, C five 040* ove -before z he man looked the door of his of- a Tartar The �of I have., learned to ftind open istelf— �h and ad him -ter
iiog behind him. bring hit prisoner for, varO. - e only I wish I had known sboub this reak. 'fie .rition faab buoiness. Some one mi$hb have t Id rile P. the soldier shotited. back and
n and r, C idn a
me, e a Tarta W-02 h
66 If uestiox� Answered. g tion showed that� tl!I back his captor. An net Flower still has the largest you bad seen us hu�ting rotiDd to I md this you Apple-pie order. —A cerW 5h with sale of any� medicine in the civilized world. 11 lis Sea- would �have allowed that we took� some "Merton, in Puritan�,ti es, was in mo�hers land grandmothers never Y. "i paine, but cee,'you didn'b find Tour room, said the i other,
register' when we Pi Your w1fered did, and it took some time even for the thought 01 using anything else for Indigesa j�of baking two or tbt-,ee dM,.n pple pift Lageof tion or Biliousness. Doctors we [every Saturday,' whi ih were to Jam;
my suf- clerk t6lind your room. When we 101u, It and they I edldom heard of Appendicitio i family through the! Wi wk.
out dis- was e4ty. Here is theAining rool�. Do the plainest of plai �Ehe tgs an n language. She'll miss Nervous 1�roptrs�ion, or Heart Failure, etc: in her pantry, la,b6lh 9 one - or more
d you 6 in with you?" her lunob, too. What will she do when she They used Augueb Flower to clean out the 'each day of the week[)
-v thin ;a��t me to g for The pantry thus
�vwi e indeed," sqld Cousin Ann Eliza,§ as gets there?" system an4 stop fermentation of undigested 'oarranged Was said to ])a in aPple.lpie doiden she looked down the rows of bare !tables. "The Lord only knows," said the Colonel, I 6
food, reg+te the action of the liver, stimu. 'Afeatherinoxi3 cap."—Itwaso4o8a Discov- 4' I shal: get on very well by myself. Bub moodily, and then began laughing as he late the nervous and organic action of the custom in, their wars ith the Turks for tbi lit Pet- Why �)) ar,e you not eight -seeing with -the recalled the bonnet. ribbons and her sacred LRangwians to wear a featber in
am, and that is all they took when feel- their osps takin rest face, I Gy"t
.4 all a4d�bad with headaches and other �,for each Turk they ha -A killed. and I've been over the ground so often She had landed in the smoking car, ing d " Blackguards.11— VV hen the Horge Guar4
at any- - achea. Y6h only need a few doses of Green's �i . lam you knew New York is my native. city, he said. 11 I suppose she came late and all August FIlower, in liquid form, to make you �psrade in St. James' Park, L,)ndon a rowa ve ever was th.e'an3wer, 11 so I stsyed at homro." the carriages were full. Well, he has an �of bootblacks alwaye I
satibfied t ele if] nothing seriousl' the mat- I _�rowd about to bla&
y 1 Although the hour was late,-Cousia Ann English tongue in her head, as she'sIond of 1heir boots and dot er Inenial work. Thejl�l Sense El'z:h1w breakfasb was quibe satisfactory, boasting. I hope she'll have the good -sense ter with you. You can �get Dr. G. G.'Green a ndants at the d mount hav
s sent ir�liable ir�medies at J. S.. Robert's drug ilttl and, ' king all haste, she arrayed herself to to wait in the depot in Waabingbon till we ips store, Seaf �gone by the 1014
go,out-an see t eGig ta.. come. " I " Deadhead. "—tn Pompti-i peeple.w,ho, 071 PI"8e do remember, Cousin Ann� " eaid rly an hour, late. on accounti igained admitla=6 0
P . We were nea ; Boyless� Town. entertainment lume. theldea'con's wife, " that 'we start this after- of side-tracking, but on going into the wait- M I without p%yiag ad i i N. Y. noou a�t four, shat p. I am really afraid to iog room, there sat Cousin Ann Eliza, end- A croos old woman of! long ago 4111B 'On wer-0 called dead,
heads, because thelch cks need for adminica have you go by yourself, for fear goine s6c- dled among her shawls and bundles, fast Dee a -ed that she listed noise ; .9 [were small ivory doe 7a heads.
The town would be so pleas int, you kncw, b my- cidenti might happen." asleep. Wheo we aroused her, she turned I if o�ly thcre were no boys." Np�iqsense," was the rejbiner, with a on us all an iojured look,. and she said with he soeldf-d and ftelted about It till h H :a gre ff heavy as lead, diffe cheerfiil little laugh. 11 I've got a iwato Follow thB E� a pathos quite inimitable, " I believe I am -Ye ab2tPle of the .!Fie 10 and all" English Fpt!aking tongue, the h for the most unfortunabe being &live. To think Ana tp(.n 0 a suddtnithe tonn grjwEt 8 of in my I en �who Now
epend- ug Ff ri &'I the toys,had fled. UJ* the matter of that, I did wish I knew Gar- of my fin3ing the train to Washington, and i i i DIAMONI) DYES.
e,uith man or Italian lasb nigbb, when I wo� atk- yet getting the wrong one. And I had to And �11 tbrough th�_ l6ng and dusty street fa view; lowing ing my way back, for every man I in t wall pay extra, too ; I could not make them un- hcra wasn't a boy I It is safe to follow �t the example -of ,,tht on � eitherIone or the obber. But, don't worry deratand. T c � siball lot where they u*3ed t3 meet �nillions of wise W -0111f who have made the
m able about me' ; I always come but all right. I'll We were maguanious enough to spare --W aeigtttomak6yaUbl..,e, The rasawsajAkrawin oneve-ybase,, Oiamond Dyes their c osen and only dyes
be on time." her, and did all that was porsible in the way An the path that the runnera m3d.e�;_ for home coloring. ' The faith of all gleeful We W'etit to� 411 places of 'interest; the of consolation, but it took some time to For t ete wun't a so 'I In all the place Is 20�
knew how t --e 1112 was pl;3-eJ. fir hedin the e-tcelleace r that gallerigs of art, Central Park and everything reconcile her to the situation, and to prove if ths, W )Diamond Dyf s that they would not ute sat to. worth � tiLking in, and at three o'clock in to her how impopeible ib was to get her The erries rotted &�d we6t to w&Et.-- �My oth.er make, even if they Were given th crows the afternoon we sat down to dinner, minus money back. Th(jre was no one t07� climb the tracs dol
Ani Fobody had a bingle. taste' Omon and- imitatio dyes fiee of ch one of. our party ; I need nob ea who* it Cousin Ann Eliza's memory was, how. as y 8 v,- lyfthe birds 'and bees Valuable goods and:: r ments should -not is- " , , (ILI
ad va- wap. ever, one of the elastic kind. As soon as Th'e'r wasn't a me3sage boy—not one— risked with- poor and .4intried dyer, Raiii, of th� "Oficourse she will be hare," wa;s the & grievance wasjairly ever she resumed To ipcAasgu�,hmsismgersesn; general, verdict, but we could not quite con- her old habits and was a law unto herself. If re pie wanted the �rrand Cone lowof money and --bad te nobe- mper I e Bum
urney e8al 011i aneasidess. Th y s:nt f6r a meTn;er mn. 0sult. Time would fail to relate her various I Vote thatowe stop worrying aboup IV' eacpades in Washington. How she was lost Mrs. R. F. SwaIw eli, 108 Haris streek were Tbe- was little, I ween of frolic and noise, Imcouver, B. C. isaid Mrs. Kate Ingaiii, as w� prtp%ir d to in the capital for hours, locked up in the Th re wrs leas of c6o'r and ni'rth - says I have great many of the Dia lood Des an(j heive ac'ks," leave t�e table, "'I don't think we are Called Congressional library, and only rescued by Th,� 0-A old town, since it lacked its bO3 s, W" the dreaiiest, pl"�e on eorth d M036 f4tisfactQry resalts. I re the upon lose eibher our Kappetite. or our per- the jai3itor's remembrance of some wearing The 00or old womaR "gin to weep, 'y a h
t this I 80nal ornfort on account of' Cousin Ann apparel left behiiijd. The various clerks of Th�n woke with a sudden a iream �arvte dyed ailks,� droseeo, 'mea, clotheg, � Etiza. Ais long as she shall be ot,a �u ins ad any quanjity of wool oodis t*
hangs 1 the different departments Vill never forget Deor me I" bho oried I have been asleep, �y 0 atir, a as miles !enough! to Igo off i0lf ully by herself, able rays her questions and crom -questions, her imL AnPI 0, what a horrid drewfil!" e a tisfactiom?, i only herself to tha:nk -if she misses ill the portunity concerhiag ways in and ways —St. Nicholas M&Zazl# is I've 'Ipleasur6a of the tri'�. I, for one, sin �eter- ont. —0 Spanked the Wrong Boy. in ed �o I A Detroit pan was travelling with 1fi.
to go hj9h put ber!quite out of my thoughtr." "I want to find room '31," she said to PAIN41, I'S' CELERY COMPOUND I -
a me advice w1a all strove to fotlpw,' but one of these patient employees in the Treas- G;on and w1e4i g t tr
0 usact: some bneintat
a of *ith the coriductor, h E&W, Wow, Willie there us, I think, succeeded, who t, who was on his way to the THE O��L' Y MEDIC41LNE THAT CAN I'm going to be away just a' will !hour for taking the car came and CEia vaults with stacks! of money. few - minutes, peAr. PROMPTLY -AND PERMANENTLY iere and don't move a bit.. It ;,Ann E!izi had no6 yet ma�e bar ap' 64 What room 31 ?" was- the questimii,g on sit right I -WASTING AND On cl d. o erton, ance. reply. BANISH ALL I o I'll pank yo od and bar
oug�t 11 This train starts' in fifteen minutes," " Why, there isn't -more than one, is bANGEROUS DISEASES. on1b stick "your headu ut I of the wmdow. ouglu a-kil Colonel Sta leton, pashing -his gray there ? ou might have it t -an; tiff , if you do;; ok at hair back from his hea1ed brow. 11 I,have 11 Madam: there are four floors above this en you wouldn't has and ozed.
idea. been through aWtbe waiting rooms—ld'okeh one in this building, and every floor has a Rest -ores Lost Health 'When t a 110king besides ation; everywhere, and1li8a Sparks is nowhere to room 31 was his reply. rThe father wen A�V��T, to find the eon. Physici ase ngliah . be found," t Then where do I want to go?" she ask. ble. 4uCtor. After for minutes he ome neura Maybe she hat taken the otbe r, in, a(], hopelessly. back. hotel said theildeacon's wife. Who do - you wish to see ?" the young There was littli. Wil ie, just big feet indr 'Mor� likely;
but 4 she'll miss. us b It is &pringtim�,younj pe6ple—young and the seat of his tro�weri stioking in throii&
lost." said the Colonel. 11 11 , ly ge ting man asked, edging away. pear. 11 -.90 fogg Why, a gentleman from our city—I 01"et with promptness, wisdom and de. the window. H-elappe e . tiolbe more out- the expri6s, howaVer. 'Ib is horift1b] or wd-. rgef his.name, I only know that he isin eivion, suffering, agony: and misery would 6�de than ineide, ind m en6vet a talegriLpih dea' ed. room 31.1 I thought I could -find it easy never be' carried into the summer months. pole whizked by and lo).ke,. 'Ospeciall climm. for b y The loo traffil w of enough." make a �lung( 8 at 9 as just on the oia,� To delay the work bf: banishing disease, he would as if trying to-
gr.ea,t !moving, OK the C o �onel gave one op4em,j The young man amil�d and depaite regulating the nervea,� purifying t a blood tch it. I d on h 0 ,searching! glance walking rapidly basid� it.� his errand, and Con and restoring perfect aigestion is a serious The father� did i4ot h sitato. uddenly� i sin Ann Eliza bad a He made . �somethifig attracted- his al�ten-.' ood time of it that day, as heir pride would ault", 's mistake. for the bo_y just thb )atter made Ii.
we 1 tion. Su�e.ly th�t I was Cousin Anal El�zals not allow'her to ret' When the blood is eltiggi8h, impure and age for the pole H urn and get the correct pulleid him in by.
�bonn in t a ove who �o et distance, the flattering 851 logo information from, the colonel, who could poisoned, when the nervous system is un- a heels', laid.bi his� �nees- and beg4f I f blue atteamin out. He rushed to A have directed her just where to,go., 8tiob ia deranged, and T'40 little -felkow muse- ere balanced, when digc t fulfil his pror6ise
yo led ' W ie h pined jit wah. It did seem when we started io return to the appetite poor and variable, be assured and yelled vii almost drown -
"All abo� shouted the conductor. New York as if Cousin Ann Etiz%'a troubles your condition is critical and calls for in- e4 ou� the noise -ai- ten, l 0 loll in 0� - the wai but during s� lize. Colonel,.for pib 'a seike, what. am I toAo: were about over, but, as usual, she etanb attention before the summer months the uproanthe f ktbe 1eard salickst, y got Bep- i
d y down an&
who I couldn't find the rest of the ps� ty,and arated fcom our party at Jersey City, aku bring additional &Dgeri. behind him. He aid ;he t# I in her burry and anxiety took the wrong at t meant.
eople !they are all moki here. Itspomtiyey At tbis tie the use :'of Pkinels. se w1i i
vile. by g in Celery ped round to od in mo d t don't Ithey get on ?" The t car ferry boat, so that when we arrived in New Compaund will do a maxvellona - work for I'Thers, two seats bth d and acrots tHp
ell I i
o the v6 stoip. d . Yorkbere was no Aunt Ann El:z.% to be every rundown, sick and, d-;seaeed mcn and a'?Ie, was big sov, and we fingersatuffed � in . got ith womev. �` the Colonel. wrong train," jshou�ted -seen. ' Of course somebody had te'take the his mouth to keep his , erriment in. The 5c t move," an sh6 sprs�ing unenviable task of hunting her u Its life-giving work fi6t commences with man rubbed big eyes �� d loo�wd gain�but.
with 1up from bar sea). 11 You'll have to go colonel volunteered. Ib was an all day the blood, which is madei clean and pure ; t4ere was no mistake. on3e. Ithrough no.11 seart;h, but he finally carne upon h then the nerves are kly se' in girder, JHe looked at t4e boy in h4 lap. Behind, er in one L
ne to to But they told me -it was for Washi g- of the elevated cars, where she sat, ruefully digestive vigor is fu[7y lreatoQ, the ap- the tears was- a fabe ha. had iiiever seen be. Ha had.-sp' she �.waiNd, piteously, as the ar waiting to be petite is made natural, aleep ii refreshing inke orn* other msn?�s-
le of I*rried up town.- fore. d
son.—Galeston bail istarted at hLe d the desponding heartiis made light ana ws� I - .91 Oh, Colohel," *she cried, brokenly, �u y so it 18—express," he said runn�rg C9 J0 ons. said 1 I what a blessed sight you are he train, pitying her, her f. nob along with 't ce The colonel was too angry and tired It is well to bear in mind that Paine's earink I QAicklY-Restored. was so whAe and seared. k. Celg§ry Compound - owes its origin to the know spea 11 And. y"ou have got my ticket," P;he it Do you know, I had my pocket )8� distinguished ' Ph�ySkiall whether long -atan-ling or nor -picked, m( that this screamed. can 1 her on that horiible steamboat, containing 8,11 Amdiican ctntinent ever produced, and his wb anontly ared by
I 6aven 04tarrhozone, ich ne r f i even in tke- b houted the Colonel, in my namEs, memorandum and some money,J) marvellous prescriptim is publicly indorsed W&st cues. Thei pleas at s4ented vapor ef No' Ann 'trum toi6es- " rhe deacon has all �he he half sobbed, " and I have been Walking by our beat and ableeb physicia ticketpoet I b, 6ve to pay. Pub in y4ur everywhere, mking everybody a3l sorts of If, C4tarrhozone alla3l�g -in mm tion, prevento on of L aven . a 1 ake, the train is eff " 1 611 sufferers who have beek.n� lying bead fpr,b', idiotic queetions, ti(l I happened to think of ad ii the past will p _�'B`PP010t- and cures the Catarr &I ondition that- start with ea gas deafness and r vet right -aws
V" Ian a directory, where I found the name of our mpound, they will be a T was Her oleo I as b 1, I d in answer but as Paili"'s Celery Co E_ y__ -
echo in the far detsirice. tonis usands have prov. th� vifloiency *fT
oned ho'el. Bow lucky I thought of it."; had and de)ighted wth the speed WiLh C The Colo�el Caine back just in time, sca�nt h 0 arrhe ,4 valuable mm. -
of breath a#d as Irch in th pit 6 Madam, the fact of the matter said whi6 this- wonderful remedy is able to call d Wi6in easy reach t ere is no longer ny a- do e'face as a boiled the Colonel, grimly, you want a 'mail to a halt to wasting and dangerous diseaseS. re on for lobster. That be �vaa mad, downright, ti�- f I
got take care of you, unless you really enjoy it is'now In -people to remain -deaf. Catarrh-
akiOR tens �f t,housands well and oz ne is recommended also mi,stakably �'mad, �thire was no need of (I ties. getting into scrapes. an r and fitting them to eni9v the Gum- Oaarrh and Bronchi'tiE Complete
may - d keeping everybod Nt 009, for Coughfi,colds,
tiMiDg. I y
d in on the qui vive as to your whereabouts I mar months wh Cb, to th-e� well and strong, $�14'00 ; t outfitv,
I " Plague1ake h&t woman I he I rial size, 25c. iold by I. V. Fear,
said, sa. really think," he added bluntly, " thaC you are pleasurable and hap py. dr, H4 gg�st r O�' Polgon & CO. Do agely, as hei gob hboard. "I If it were in have destroyed more than half the an * rtforj Seaforth, o for her inferna JOY- , Con.n., U. S.., rKingston, blundering I should n�ltl ment of the whole prt-y." Slang Phrases Thataro Antique.
mpud at she was dare how Now, at 6 Cousin Ann Miza, felt that she was ;tat'iub- Many of the fa Hamilton's Pills Cure Con�atip&tlon.
bad will have miliar phrases of the day a iouspees ---------- 1 ------ fter to.pay 'full fare to Washington, bed and probably the add d Can have been in use since remote antiquity. and I just ImaAilnel her haggling and ex. that she fully deserved it. Many A learned German phild,logiat has recently MrS- Martin's P
as ; Plaining to the 1 c�nduotor. BY Jove, I sat there subdued, speechless, quietly let- Ma +_1 - portunity. and wouldn't be"- niml fdr a small farm dow3 ting We fears fall and winking and thinking rtin was tal ing st the dinner
Put East. I wonder! it she has gob money all -the way to the hotel. - For her there table, in his usual clever-! manner, imbout the,
a r, enough ?" I were no more es-lapades. She inclonsistenoy of women. was allowed ber- 1 " Yen, she has plenty of inoney with her self to be advised, directed and aided fou These youn 'will protest that iber the 9 women
when travelliEg ; that's one of her good reminder of the journey, even to the th4, are never going to arry !" he broke -
be car- I _pointe," said the 6acon's wife. " It eervep rying of her bundles with a submissio ouk "' Everyone knows they will bele
n that her right toi lose i , Itoo. I placed the III- was almost angelic. Writ 6 Us their own words at the vOry fir-st opportun- gasity of hir be n'g Iwith us before her in She even, I ity2) "a a i in one or two the instances. asked He paused, and evidn ly hoped that Mrs., he -for advice with a demeanor so childlike ad y Mtn' Ue bland that we all' tboughb the lesson *as r Any Lad Martin would come to tke rscue of her for learned that he might in the f u ture distrust a sexi; but that discreet woman held bar- 64 her own judgmentiocca8ionally. too no. o intm6n is at preEent preparing be ked Cousin Ann Eliz main Why, Mary he continued you re-
uch to go on a tour abroad, but it will be uudbr r how it was with 1 youraelf. I have
hat 1�t Is Anttisevtie'� cleanstn1w and ue,l the 8uperintendance and in the copany of heard You say more th�n once that you. limm—BeautiAes: the the colonel as his wife. We all concur in wouldn"b marry the best man aiive." ur, SL-Ilm and Cure� the opinion tha s no . danger under If you have any need in the "Mell, I didn't," sai4 . Mrs. hlartin.-- 11:Z9, pinlvle�§, Blffi�e]--headv and Irritat4 Tit -Bibs, ays ed. Itching lSklu. the circumstances that Cousin Anti Etzi jewelry line, however small, --------- ten e escort any needl.bes There Is; no siIngic preparation yo trouble In the in %tter of sight seel g, as 4he just A PERMANENT CURB. 6aii na in write us about it., a that Is :more useful in th is no longer etifficient u ted hOule tna,4 nto herself. Dr. bhse's 01ritment, an has It ja so clean, reflned and creamY tha THE END. Our Catalogue contains After Four YeaO Mr, Brown ble It _'deaervv� a pace in everY 16,dies' Photographs of many f w�ars tliat he haa 4ot isince had
toilet, I
Cure That Cough hundreds of our choicest a sign of his Old Trouble.
It Is Pieces, and will bo sent' to a deughlful] appliedtion fo and Works off The Cold. you freer. lam- pril 28.h, (Special)—Tno
od rough, red skin. 0imples, -blackheads� OTTAwA. And irritated, Itebiriz skin. It prornpt� Laxative Erdmo Quinine Tablets cure aone 5 age of Joseph Brown, of the -'Oshaw* n.)) 1Y heqls ch�pped lips and hands, btirns) cold in one day. No Cure, No 'Pay. Pr ce We guarantee7safe delivery Mal�eable Iron Works, �bsv proven two Ne bruises and woulidb of all -kinds. 25 cents. things - d !During the hot': —prapply chArges and cheer. First—That Dodd's Md6ey Vills are tho.
y 1 "reather Dr, Chase"' Mt Ointinent'is in cbristant demand fol most I wonderful remedy e r offered to the chaflng and sealding, flesby PeoPle es Ladies Will Appreciate This. i fully refund money if I YOU 80 tiek And suffering, mud pecially, flaiding It, invaluable. Moth After a man has done a little housewo -k desire. Sewad—That the Curiae ffected by Dodd's aid ers use it for their ba'bles;� as It doe on his own account he haslem than usual �o Kidney Pills are not, I t
er- not clog *1i6 pores Of the skin 11'ke poW say about the fussiness of women emporsty M
ast ders do. I ermanent, 0
ONR 11 C, �te. and satisfae-
There was one the other morning, for i i. . &L 'if bub ,japl IThen it iriust be remembered that b& stance, who moved in'toF a new office, At. 1 aft 1[Lh�e4,1654. own I
0, aldos boing,a skin bk,aut1f1cr,Dr. Chase'A 0 swoln statA ment that he has on Ointment has o'clock he had Lbe rugi down, the furoittwe 'mot been off work a sy ace DOWWRid-
-v�onderful medicinat arranged tobi'll-stisfaeflo qualities, thoroughly curing each and n-aud the pictuma ney Pais cared his elp] - paralylifis four
ue- every forrn, of Pc2!elna, Salt Rheum artistically hung. Ab -noon the tamibiwe Ry'rie 'Br'os,, years ago is the strongest ird of evidence.
Baby Ecze,rba, Scald Head and was all out in the lobby a eparato !V Itchin gair.4 pr y Skin Dlse6t�e. Sixty cc e�ad Adolede ste, el
i kA. J 91
lits box, al to Changing it around, in,obedinoe to t e Home IbR` nee.
dealers, or,po!gtpata from Edmanson Suggestion of a frfend, who had pene'd 0 119 Dates & co:inpany,l Toronto. Sow'ef Albis women! are formigg a 00me drop in. By the new arrangement the de k O-RONTOW war Home, Early club for their husboade. I!Vs� et i to go In the weebi Corner instead of 112
about four feet long &ad ab stped Ilke a bme-
ball tat. Albla. lowi. We
T'he Isto o- d- - Th43
There tre ma
saw$ of which !
torns -which are
jer,or and. aserib
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,I the h,6%rt b
ellned to -StOP alowl and y�au you should ts
;v*rld. sn-3 tbal.
fqn,k P -ills for I
that "-.the diet,
act's normally -
the vallue I ws and in 'would ome -at
muder a good xi,
,.ired relief - 11,
least exertion 1
ajly I had to A
this ,coadition E
Dr. Williams']
r,upply. � They
my clwely.and V9
WAS ag4ta� en�
he'd Do sign of A
zbeerfuflY Vee -v
Blood troabb by -these fam0a
head iz
diseases -Or S11Y
pure coadiUbn,,
ara what Von p,urgafive, -and
like me in theit natute,
-blood vith evei
.Fnd --atirgugth A
sufrf.ye.ri.. Rnt
,which alway-a I
- Viak PA
box. Sold by I
,at 50 , cents a tlx�
a-ddreasing the �
Brockville, Oal
Good men vx
capi can aireet it. An Amerioal.
WE timo to vot'A
:Givetlie Von
-country of the 'I
We Wt bet
out forthe 1UP
bank t4=
A rx xite ia this -age There is m�io_il
ing as PtCr&8Ft
A m4n 40 co i
lawyer to haviq
An 'folly of -hie c4ildreu do.- A man shoal.
ation, know wl
abythitig for _p.
There is eno:;
weight in gold,
cover a multii
It is -an eaq
.gested controvi
parties 1:8 righ�
The trouble til -they get inj
Wben you w -
is right', be eoi
bat wou't get;
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thing' fortne tj
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This is the to use aia-V Of Some Mereha
-profiT,$. W -h(
& '14 IMP
Ur hais the 11<
buttet. Brici
tint given. by i
f's Indp-ro ved - 13
to your buttei
that w4k-es PTI,
Wre. Rom atarch with h
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four -ounces ol
,ed over hot W
Augar ; ta4-e 1
spoonful j6f w
wturn -at Duce i
to zoo]. $eri
from. the follu
inilk and TO iourk
.lak's 1X-AtI79
druggiats ref,
NV. Grove
N6 P-1 I
A little CaF
whiaperiniz i
asked : -_
11 whst;t - E
toyoo when
Thp iittle 1C.
lalent.� and th
looked in - W_ '11 —the :1
That Is the ri,
kidutYa, auxth
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And the most P
-sign of backae,
Chaae 't Kidney
Mrs. TaLet Mean
parent. Da(
to feel and vc
be abqvo Aec,
a'at -1 binge is
the !lightest
AB A rule, thl