HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1902-05-02, Page 51902 RE are out: too, nada of the lea vy etteugh ere., we haver $1,.:to and but ear beet and sbaeIy stoak before forth n time to time atretchee of side street% havird th e. err eeely trimmed, ,ppearance, and • iple was geners -near Mitchell, iting her Eider, ,Tremaine, pro - plant, Exeter, —Mrs Wilflani a fine stretch makes a good : strong._. home for the ot Seaforth,. 7day last„—ale. returned to our ley had been for more of Here - lady in Seaforth a. Site shoe for scea in cur north nd haw bok at for womeo„ hut the 11. WiUi, Sclicrth, 4it kiud. 1794-1 k flag serviee in now in full .ity-four ticket -e been sold dur, Efere are a few :oing to distant rsaM Kra.us- `roniu and J-ohn Geeam,Petrolia ; 'Marton; Rev. -.es Bergin and . Latham, Chat- - rve York city ; eas New York. b have the can ople of Seaforth in favor of our „ry many lettere .nd Seaforth in !emend for cattle exceedingly selling at war )eople assert that re, except when moore—Eighty- and Hibbert in- 5efore last. The -etween the Flan- te Huron Road at their ape shovels., post - were eet gotng afore enneetk on clewalk four feet snow line, ex - mail crane and or bend, to the 572 yedele. Dar - al' the incoming eel long continued all the willing snded with loud and caps. F pleaeant event ltr Port Hope, on when Mr. Michael united /El mat - The eeremony e's home, by Rev. Ones of a number sremony the re - pleasantly spent many frienda of unite with us in Elford a. loncancl pretty but quiet residence of Mn a Tuesday, April ughter, Ada, was ot matrimony to rosperous young ship. The inter - formed by Rev. , in the preeence ads crf the con- -was becombagly n, -trimmed with y Miller, of Clin- e Joaeph Mocsop ourrg couple are eemed, and their 'ring them a long °thing. front. r st.oQk now. 1"::, for 50 eauit. )0.1 ORT 111 News Notes —Dr. Herbed's, the Burford Pro:Boeri no eels sentenced to twelve menthe' im- Prisonment, for shooting a fellow villager, 4. to be released, as a result of a very largely eigned petition asking the Minh ter of 3ue- 4i0e to commute his eentence. —Dr. Jamea Stewart, of Montreal, was on Thursday elected president of the Anode - Von of American Phyeicians, at Washing - n 0. - , —Oa Thursday, 1,100 men went out on strike in Toronto. They COneiotof wood, wire and metal lathers; oarriage and wagon workers; carpenters and joiners; wood 'working machinists and bricklayers. I --Premier &Alba left Winnipeg on Thurs- day for the east, and sails on May 7th, On the Majestic, to attend the coronation cere- monies. —While working on O'Keefe and Drew's inew building, in Chatham'on Thursday, iGeorge Maynard, a tinsmith, of that city, 'teen thirty feet to the sidewalk, fracturiog lhia skull. He died shortly afterwards. He Ierives a -widow end three ye Jag children. —At the convention of Foreseen in Los [,Angelea, Dr. Oronlivatekha wars re-elected ;supreme chief ranger by acclamation. Judge Wericlerburn, of New Brunswick, was le -elected past supreme chief ranger by ac- clamation. —Richard -Gowliog, the oldest resident of Bespeler, passed away early Monday morsieg, in hie, 90th year. 1>eehsad was native of Cumberland county, England, and had lived in Respeler for about 35 years. —A bull broke away Monday morning, in Brantford, while being led along Dalhousie street, and ended by bureting into the kit- ohen at the back ot J. B. bit's store. It overturned the stove, a cupboard, tables wed chairs, and then bolted to a neighboring yard, where it was captured. --The house of Jean Baptiste Monchem, .a French butcher'residing in $t. Norbert settlement, near Wineipeg, was destroyed by fire Saturday night; and the family ef five young children, four girls and one boy, bumped to death. Another daughter is dy- ing, and the father and mother are in a seri- ous condition. The blaze started while the inmates were sale. p. --lion. Dr. Bordon, Minihter of Militia and Defence, was struck by a bicyclist at the corner of Sperke and Elgin streets, . Ot- tawa, last Ftiday morning. He was thrown about ten feet and struck heavily on the pavement, the Minister's right hand was badly bruised, and the wrist was sprained. The heavy, stiff hat which he was wearing saved hia head from injury. —Oa February 25th, Henry Wilkins, a Belleville by, drank a quatitity of carbolic acid in Smith's Fells, where he had been working. The reason aesigned wee a mis- understanding with hie sweetheart, Miss Muriel Jarvis, of Smith's Falls. The boy was brought horne, and recovered. The affair hae been happliy ended by the mar- riage of young Wilkins and Miss Jarvis, at Christ church, Belleville, by Rev. W. B. Heeney. —The lee ge brick flouring mills' owned and run by Mr. John Brawn, ofDunn- ville, were completely burned early Tuesday mornine. The efffee alone was Bayed, with the book and papers. The fire originated in the basement of the mill, from some un- known cause. There was from ten to twelve thousend dollars worth of flower, wheat and other grain burned. The build- ing and meehinery were insured for $10,000 and the contents for $7,500. —Wellington Lsevrcrice, a lad 14 -years of age, who lives at Toronto Junction, was killed Thursday morning, while working in the factory of the Canada Cycle and Motor Company. There was no one around when the accident occurred, but as he was work. ing on the elevator, it is supposed his head got caught between the elevator and the posts and he was dragged up two flights before the elevator stopped. It was the bay's firat day at work. —A terrible tragedy occurred in a King- ston public) school, on M onday afternoon. Erie Sharp, a young lad, about 15 years of age, shot a 14 year old girl, named Beatrice Holland. The girl had been teasing the boy, and when angry he said to be careful or he would shoot her. Be pulled a revolver out of bis pocket and shot the girl in the temple, and, she died almost instantly. The lad fled and was not found till late in the evening. He was ahnost crazed over the affeir, and could give no reason for his het, as he had no intention of shooting the girl. His companions say Sharp had been carry- ing a revolver for some time and used ittto ahoot froge. The families concerned are both highly respected. The judge Acquitted the lad as he did not know the revolver was loaded. northern, grinding in transiti,I1 Millfeed—The market is ateAdy at $18.50 t $19,50 for cars to $l0.50 shorts, and $15.50 for br n in bulk mid- dle freights. Manitoba mill'eed is steady at $22 for care of shorts, and: $19 for bran, sacks incl ded, Toronto heights, Baled Hay—Demand is steady and offerings are liberal. Tho market is quiet at $10 for No. 1 timothy On traok here. Baled Straw—Is steady with a fair demand and -liberal offer- ings at $5 on traok here. 1 ' , Live Stook Markets. LONDOlk; England, Alltril 28 -United States cattle, 74,1 ,• elteep, 7.0‘ ; danadiart ' eettle, 7d. , LIVERPOOL, April 28 —Canadian (tattle, 8Rd to 7d ; supplies short ; ',trade firrn, MONTREAL, April 29 -:-The butehers were out strong and trade was good at about the same rate as prevailed here last weeir. Prime beeves sold at from 5,/. to 610 per pound, a few (tholes ones bringing 60 per pound ; pretty - good cattle sold let from 4i to 5-ia, and the common stoele at from 3 to 40 per pound. Calves sold at from $L50 to $7 each ; old sheep sold at from 4i to 5a'; spring lambs are still rather scarce, and pretty high in price, or from $3 to $5.50 each. Fat hogs sold at from 6Je to Ro per pound for good lots, weighed off the cars, BUFFALO, April 29-0attle—Prinie heavy ethers, $7 ; choice to extra, $6.50 to $6.90 ; good to choice shipping, ,, $5,85 to $6 25 ; fair to medium. $5.60 to $5,80 ; choice fat cow, $4 90 to $5 25 ; fair to good, 1 $4.40 to canners, $3 to $4 25 ; mixed butch - era' lots, $4 75 to $5.25ohoite -heifers, $5.75 to 86.; common to geed, $4 th $5.50 ; export bulls, $5 to $5.25 g good butchers', $4.15 to $4. 75 ; sausage, $50 to $4 ; fresh cows and springers slave; choice, $50 to 865; OOMMOn to good, $25 to $45 ; choice feeders, 850 to 950 pounds ,! $4.75 to $5.25; others, $350 to 84.60; stolkers. $4 to .$5 ; stook heifers, $3 to •$3.75. Veals—Tops, $6.25 to $6 50, ooramon to light, $4..50 to $5.25. Hogs—Slow and' veeaker for York - era and light grades • °theta in fair, demand; Yorkers, $7.05 to $7:15 ; tlrght do.., $6.75 to 8.85; mixed peckers, $7.25 to $7.40; chtice heavy, $7.45 to $7.55; piga, to $6:65 ; stags, $5 to .1.5.5o. :sheep and Lambs -L -Fairly good demaod, but 5 to 15o lower ; clarice to fancy lernhe $7.35 to $7.50; common to choieh, $6.4 to $725; oldie to fair'$5,65 to $3 50 Ceheep, choice handy wetirers. $6,60 to $6 75; common to extra mixed, $5.75 to $6 40 ; cal And com- mon, 13.25 to $5.60; clipped sheep, mixed, 85.59 to $5.75; other8,$3 to $5 25; clipped lambs, tops, $6.60 to $t70; others, 81.50 to $6 50 ; yearlings, $5.70 tcr$6 25. TORONTO, April 30--t-Clatt1e4-Export-- Good loads of heavy shipkrers are worth 86 to $6 50; medium exporters, $5.40 to $5 75 per owl, Export Bullse-Choice heavy ex- port bulls sold at $4.50 ilia $5; light export ' bulls sold at $4 25 t0 $4.35 ' per cwt., Export Cows—Export aims .14od at $4 40 to 84.85 per owt. Butchers' Oattle-Choice picked lots of butcher' cattle, (final ia quality to the best exi-trters, 1,100 to 1,150 pounie each, sold at $3 40 to $5.75 per cwt. ; choice picked lots of butchers' heifers and steers, 925 to 1,025 pounds eaeh, sold at $5.15 to $5 40 per owt; loads of good but- chers' sold nt $4 85 to 81,35 per !owt; i loads of medium butebterie, $475 to $5 ' • COIIIMOU bUtOhero' cows, at $4.25, to $4 75per cwt. Exporters and. Butcher' Mixed—Loads of mixed butchers and experters sold at $5.25 to$5.60 per owt. m Feede a—Feeders' steers, i weighing fro900 to . ,000 pounds each, eold at $4.25 to $5 pr cwt. , Stockers- Well•bred thrifty young steers, 400 to 600 pounds each, sold at $3.30 to $3.60 per cwt.; steers, 700 to 800 pound* each, Sold at $3 ie to $4 per owt; ciff-eelor. illibred isteere and heifers sold at a.bont $2.78 to $3 per cwt. Milch Cows—Eight milch cows and springers sold ati $30 tb $45 eaah. Calves—Thirty , veal naives sold at to $l0 $10 each, or from $4 to $6 per !cwt. Lambs -re -Yearling Iambs acid at $5 50 tb $6 50 per cwt. Spring Lambe—Spring !lambs are worth $2 50 to $5 each. Sheep —Prices at $4 to $5 '[ for evres, and the bucks at $3 50 to $4 per cwt. Hogs—Bet select bacon hogs, not less than 160 pound, nor more than 2C0 pounds each, off cars,sol,k1 at $6.75 per owt. ; lights at $6 50, and fats at $6.50 per cwt. li Sows, $5 per cwt1., aid stags, $3 per owt. 1 - SP From SPEC! throe ; Depar The Ceara ring T rr prOst, continues nto our UMMER OESSION h 4Iy and August in all to tool our Splenditi School, There are bers inay centinue , dozen Tea mechii es i,, 368 em usiness TORONTO, College, o vaeations ad mem- enter at any me and or any detired 4erm. A hers, eighty typewriting iad a, daily roll call of sirs this month t indicate the charachr and reputatien of our College. Write for oirculare. Addread W. II. SHAW, Principal. yonge and errar sta.. Toronto. 1588-52 &LVES Tuesd Commercial Prom 10 to HIJOH RIC 101JSE tor Mute, Elea 43. a comf ood ga.rde ()PRICE. Bixeter. J. G. Starahury, B. A., Barrister, Selicitor Notary, Conveyancer, money to loan, Exeter, Ont At Hensall every Tuesday. 1792 Bayfield. John Fraser, Conveyancer, Notary P Agent fee Cain:also Expreze Money Orders. A amount of money to loan at current rates of int Priva.te funds, 179 i OR SALE. -4 will be at lieleall on IN6th, at one o'cl ok, and at the , Seaforth, on F,iday, May 9th, ook, with a load of good °aloft,. ) , Nearry. 17040C1 y4 Ma Rote .1 o'e MO OR S ALE OR TO RET. -For sale or nt t h honor near the Cellegiate L3. th, tmwined by lireikiell able tae on°, wit h in c oneotion4 Apply ery. The house 1 cianveniences. at the EXPOSITOR 1794x4 Mary break iv tie mirth wid nt ISHITER GROIGAN On House Clean ng. , PlIen ihad her usual shpriug out- ouseselainin' laaht Wake, an I had °Anne to dishpIace me t'umb nail ok hammer whoile superintendin thhrepla ambit iv tie Axmini ihtec ca.rput on tie' flare iv ou besht room, 'nerally known as th' parlor, 1 This unfortu ate casuality,! Whoile ib relAvei me fur t ' tame heirs ,1 from till duties inco.mbint o me as hid iv th' hovels, such Ere supermte ublic I arge (-red, 1-tf MARKETS: SRATORTEI. May 1 Tall Wheat (new), Standard.... Oste per brothel Pees per _ Barley per bushel... Better, No. 1, locee_- _ natter, tub— _ _ _ • Eoga per doz-- Flour, per 100 Is • • ma Hey per %on new__ _ _ Hides per I00 _ of, Seeep Skins. - Potetoes per -b"ush (new), ....— Salt (retail) per barrsi- W aod per oord (long)._ _ W ood par (lord (short). •• Apples per bag_._ ______;__ Clo ier Seed__ _ _ Timothy_ - Pork, Per 160 las..e • 1962 .... SO 71. to 80 73 O 39 tO 039 O 76 to 075 • 0 50 to 050 O 16 to 015 0 15 to 016 0 11 to 012 2 16 to 2 15 8 00 to 850 5 00 to 500 O 30 to 0 40 O 13 to 014 O 35 to 0 40 1 10 to 11.0 4 00 to 425 2 00 to 2 26 1. 43 to 1 60 4 60 to 500 2 00 to a-oo 7 60 to 800 04 to G05 * in' th' removal iv mattlishes' tie flagillation iv °emits, etl, eitterY, eteittery, etsittery, vents me frortt wroitin' wid an' ongbong pwong whative was me good I fortune to aht good fr nd 0 to Kwitt th' ether day an' he tould Me he had jist compered a beautiful poem Whoile laborite under a sleight attack iv timporar insenity superind000ed by house-cilaini . He said I oud have it fur tin chits ca , or fifty oi4s an' charge an' I tould m I wird let him have it some- toime Woo av I hed lec poet, fan' I command i become as Longfelly what ailed cleaning. nt shtill ibprel e usual fluind that manes. It amble across me ma. • Taiaee per Dairy Markets. TORONTO, April 29—Butt er—Q Ito t ations are still very 'unsatisfactory in dairies, though slight improvement is noticeable daily. Creameries are in good demand. All choice grades of creamery or dairy bring good prices. The market is steady. Wo quote --Creamery print", 22 to 233 ; solids,' 21 to 22e ; dairy pound rolls, choice, 17 to 18e; large rolls, choice, 17 to 18.3; medium tiud1 low, 10 to 121c. Eggs --The market remaits firm at 12e. Offerings are large and the demand is strong. Potatoes. Tonoseo, April 29—The demand is still very atrong and offerings are liberal. Prices are steady at 70 to 75c for cars on track here. Potetoes out of store sell at 85 to 90e per bag. ... - 1111•1111111111IMM=.1111111111.1.18 : I Da letnong ' wri Und Ka bed Und raie abo 'Lind 1 s as al MoCANN--In Toledo, (lito,.lbn April 25th, the wife of Mr. ?awes McCann, formerly of Seaforth, cit a dough er. 1 1 FLANNERY--In Tuckersrelth, on Aoril 29th, the wife of Mr. Wm. Fl-imerry, of a daughter. , WRIGHT-ln Scaforth, on ,April 20h, the wife' of Mr. J. Wesley Wight, Of a BM). HU HER -1n Cranbrook, on Apr 11,9th, the wi:e of r. Wm. Huether, of a -In Ow n Sonid, o4 April 13th, the wife of r. T. A. R.eid,fo-m,.rly1Gf Morris, of a daughter. ELLIOTT-In Wingham, on April 210, the wife -of Mr. Wm. Elliott, of a ado. , ANDERSON -In Exeter, DO April 28rd, the wife of Mr. FL N. Anderson, olla.3-claugbter. HOLMES-In Clinton, oar April 19th, the wife of Robert Holmes, M. 1'., of a sbs. PEETRIE-At the MAIM, Wingharn, cn Apr'l 18th, the wife cf Rev. D. re le of a son, (still-boin). ON -At Wol it ley, 4th, the v.efe of ' Bells ScheaTes), o REI De cat ha ids 1 Mehl do fri De poor he Urrcl sp may, Mein lungs eyes Und do mor Von I get tine Den Ka dose FERGTJ Apr .11is - 1 I 0 I NO Pila-43r iii_ Sriecials for *his weeks 1 We quot sortie very -low gripes this we -,.I for goods which are in deman-d, which should interest close cash buyers.: New Prints, 'fast colors, regtilar 7c for 5c. New Print, in light and daik ., fast colors, wide Width, gdod value at 100 for 7i -e. Art Muslin.s, with borders, new patterns, in !light and dark colors, regular 8c for 5c. New Ginghams, in blue and white chlecks and bright plaids, fast colors, very special 5c. Printed Muslins, yard wide, fast, colors, good value at 1213-c for 91-e. White Muslin, in stripes.and checks', at 50. Lathe ! Ribbed Cotton Hose, fast black, seamless, it good Value at 12i -o for 10o. adies' Heavy Ribbed and Plain Cotton Hose, fast black, regular price 15, 2 p ir for 25c. A very special line of ladies' black al! -wool Cashmere Hose, wide and narrow ribbed, with plain ankles, good value at 450 for 30e. Ladies' Vests, great value at 5e, 8s, 10c, 15c and 25e. Crash Towelling, 118 inches wide, a snap at 4c. Men's heavy all -wool Socks, seamless, ribbed tops, regular price 18c, 2 pair for 26c. Ladies' colored Under- skirts, in full ra4age of colors and patterns, very special at 50e. ' Don't buy CarpetS or Curtains till you have seen our stock, we down them all on Carpets and Lace Curtains. Butterick's fashion sheets' free. Ask for one. Deline- ators for'sale at the Dress Goods counter. Chrishttnes Or inebby later on . Mishter 1wit.t is a born •udn'tt wend a.v he had my th' English langtrage he moight ishtingoished-i as Tinnyson or mesilf who ,knows? This is im : Dem dr1ibble� rrut house - Otto Kwitt; himself. tried, dot's vot I y days haf aboucl, r rta she vas tdating ub de car - Midis oud, :1 Cabe in cheneral mit dings de house, , et got to craW1 around so eilence ouse, Northwest Ter r.toryi on r. JOhn Ferguson, (pee a daughter. . • 1 ,i . MarriageS. BARWICK-STOREY-04 Aprii 29th, at the III Ii3E0, McKillop, by Rev. P. MusgraVe, Mr_ Solomon J. Baowick, to Miss Se.raill Ellel8torey, daughter of Mr, Wm. Storey, all ot afelti Inp. ' ELFORD-NOTT-At thelbridels home, in Wticaine, I near Port Hope, on Aril 23ol, by Rev. K. L. Edwards, Mr. lidi:haell Elford, of Elimville, to 1 Mre.1 Alice Note. •i HILLTFORD-At the residence of the loride'd par - en s, Stephen, on April 23rd, by Rev. C. W. Broan, B. A. Mr.1Fred , J. Hill, to MI $ Lilla Maud, setiond daughter of Mr, James Ford. • ANDREW -HICKS -At tlee residence of the bride's , patents, on April 15th, by ReV. W. J. Waddell, ' Mr, John Homey Andecw, tWATiss.Mary Elizabeth Hlks, both cf libber °. MiceCORMICK-KEYS-0 Apr4 15th, at Christ clutrch pa.sonage, E. eter, by• Rev. J.. El. Moor - house, Mr. Albert E. McCoriniek, cf Londein, to Miss Annie F. Keys, cif Crediton. . BROWN -TAYLOR -At the reeidence of the ltde's mother, Mrs. Thanes , Bissott, sr., Exete!en April 17th, by Veva 0, W. BrOwn, B. A., 1.1r1.1 Ala. reborn Broon, c,f Mur ette, Michiga.e,to Mise Wil - 1 met Taylor. • DpaERTY-C.RuYSDALE-on Anrit 36th, at the 1 CrdrlYn Memorial church, London, by the meter, • Rev. C C. Owen, M. A., 11:sa Elizabeth, kl 1 rest d .ughter r f the late 4ilf,:ed Orio3e tale. ef Popler i Villa, Whiteley 13,idgie, YorloShire, England, to I Roo. W. D.letr4, B. A. , incumbent . .f HInsill • and SA ffa ARGENT -EAST -At St. Faure church rettory, Clinton, on April 2's1, by lief% C. Gunne, Ms. Arita Elet, to Mr. 1iFraderick Argent, both of liu 1. t BROWN -LLOYD -At Lite residence of the itiride's `.. • motbi r, pe April 16,11, by Rev. Wm. Pento 11, Mr. John J. die en; 'of Arr4n. to Anse - 8eli11a • LT •yd,daugheer el Mr a. John White, of Blyih. :- Ven de eal eph I know, I Mie.a.m/•••••••••••••••21•WINWIsli ANIC31•TM 13.13I01EL MoKINNOiN & CO., 131iTEEt. BABY CA.tRIAGrES, EXPRES WAGONS, FOOTBALLS, BASE BALLS, PING PONG-, LA.013•OSSE 'A.n.cl. other Siporting Goods. ttAttti,tc„64,t The Closest Prices and the 13est assortro.ent is at skipped alretty oud und runned avo.y, ' vas speeding holidays mit s in Harburhey, ga couldn'e stay around und er tear und rip, edimes I clink may be to dat I `L also skip. vas filled nue mit:rapes und mein vas filled mit tears, 's been de ri.rne old adory for as forty yeers, 1 ot tired felling uad. dot epring fever fit, , rine say, 4 Here Otto, smash carbet ub it,12' y, muddy ih3dder comes dot's and L FAX. WILSON, II ,FIRST DOOR ORT.11 SEAFORTH. OF PICK ARD'S, Corner Main and Market Sreets Seaforth, Ontario. Horse Market. Truro -ego, April 30—Thirty-one horses were sold by auction at Grand's to -day. These were mainly general purpone animals, although a few of them could almost be classed as heavy drafts. The range in there was from $90 to $150 per head. Some second-hand horses, which had been used around town more or less, but were still in fair workable condition, fetched $24 to $71 .per head. . Yen Ch nivary blizirds blow, und .'4ero vas Ued icl!a .! s But hou sea elow, clay sad in August,ven de vedder hots e-oleenicg1Jfavs. I bet you, vas de est ef de lo As Misirter Kwitt negi about Shoes in his m peae it i wurds by The Willi th' fore, a shoe s c *ill soon make r wearin Grain, etc. ToRONTO, April 29—Wheat—The market was firm early to -day, and odd cars of red and white sold to millers outside at 75e, but at the close 74e was the highest price quoted. On call No, 2 red was offered at 74e middle freights en route to Portland. Goose is quoted at 661.3 for No. 2 east. Spring is easier at 73o for No. 2 eaat. Mani- toba wheat is steady at 89c for No. 1 hard, -e0e for No. 1 northern, and 83c for No. 2 Deaths-. GORDON-In M..Ktll p, On May let, C atharine Men- zies,. wire of Mr.; 114h Gordon, tiger' 42 years end 7 months. • - CONVERSE -In( ler-eland. Ohl, on A; ril 271h, ag• nes blargaret Toyed, Nolte of Mr. D. a converse, age% 20 years and 1L.fl3flth3. CARMI0HAEL-111 1101411, on April 213th, Georgina Certnichael, daughter of Mr. John Cartniehael, aged iS rounth3 audi5 days. CRVICKS1I 4N KS -In. Morerie,' oa Apt 11 SOtb, Annie r. and Mrs. Jam( s Crutok. 9 if:writhe and 17 dap. e, cn April 17th, Ji ss'e !de- lete Wm. Chisholm, aged 55 Mary, darigha r cf M, er auks, aged 2 yeare CHISHOLM-1'n Colbor GI corer, red, t cf the veers and 7 menthe COn April 18th, Eliza Mit- icted te say annytding shterly effort, i aup- niosaryfur me to say a few way iv a oiod up, so to spake. me Agricri tural shoe is ehtill to no wondel • Wid th' Williams a ape n' b4so dear th' farmers ave ito mov their Fears back a bit am fur th' leasant smiles they do thoSe daye, GROGAN'. icharelsOi& Sole gents fOE' The Withal:Els Pitt nt Plow Shoes for ?Gni PoP The fe HUNTER -In ranbreo ,l Season. of chill, relict of the 14C Frank Hueter, in her Slat 3 CIV.. BOX -In Stephen, on April 22 d, Alexander Box, aged 27 years, 2 months and 4 days. • EDWARD -In Grey, or April 23rd, Satoh Wilson, wife of Mr. Geerge Edward, aged 74 years. • LAR STALLIONS BALDNESS Thin Hair Discolored Hair. Prof. gorenvvend Coming ,He will be at the i COMMERCIAL HOTEL, 'SIFI_EA..T-101Ra`TET TUESDAY, MAY 13th, 19021 oug This Larg•st Dry Goods a d t -W Cloog Conceits in Fur Counties: ACE NEGOTI 10 Are .still pending, and we hope will soon be concluded. We hay' e been as stubborn as the Boer, for we agreed. to no treaty of peace until we weria nized. leaders of Dry Goods and_ Clothing' in Western Ontario'. People who read. our an- nouncements find every stateMent co pletely ' dislike her aur for the verified when they visit our store. W to $ay too much about (bur stock, ra customers see and judge for themselve Special values in every department month of May. Dress Goods Depari4lient. Our stock of wash goods embraces on a wide scale.the World's noveities in all materials. We will mention beloW a few special lines : Linen batiste in plain and fancy stripes, from 15c to 00c a yard. merlawns, organdy mustins in all the -mew Ishads. Special value in wool delaines at 03c and 40c. Special line of English silk, regular 50c goods, specilai at 430 a yard. In Parasols some extra values wil be found in our parasol stock this - With hair goods, ladies' and gents' wigs, toupee.s, bangs, wavy and plain fronts, switches f every cleserip ion, etile. He cars improve your personal appearance. Plain features and diefigured heado, caused through the loss of hair, made perfection. Thousands owe their fine looks to' the skill of Prof. Ddrenwend. Human hair adorns and protects the head. Datila fail to: see his new patent hair structure patented all over the world. Private apartments hecured at hotel. Remember, for only one day. First-class cut hair, especially grey and white hair, taken in exchange. It will pay you ,to wait for the REAT OPENING Fear's Drug Store, in, Papst's old stand, opposite Dominion Bank, year, in both plain and fancy. Carpet Departnint. , 1 1 Our values are telling. Every one is telling us oFevalues are better than can be procured anywhere. Specials -will be found this week in short lengths of carpet, lace curtain samplesi, sampli3 ends of 1 Brussels, wools and n. , I uniocarpets. Special values in rugs, mattings, linoleums int all widths, etc. ATUR IAY, Mai 10th. *Atte*** Tliere will be a hirlwind of bargains, many lines at less Ladies' Dopartmlent SPECIALS IN THIS DEF1ARTMENT Our Spring line of whitewear isj the most attractive we have ever aGr- e , Every article is perfect satisfaction guaranteed. A fem, specials below 7. A muslin gown in Mother Ilubard style, yoke with tucks, to tell at 55e. A. muslin gown in 1other Hubbard style, yoke with twO rows insertion between tucks and sleeves, edged with lerabroidery, to sell at $1.00. We have a special line which We call our leader. This 4own has a eail- or collar effect, edged with embroidery!, sleeves to match, hemetitched tucks ain. front, special at 75c. Other specials in gowns at $1.10, $1,50, .12 and nRwards. We have the largest assortmer.t of -white underskirts,! corset covers, drawers, etc., that we have ever had iifthis linea -values A pretty assortment of ladies' silk collars at 25e each, in a varlety of I shades. . Also a.line with raw silk edging and chiffon, to aell at 60re each.- See our special line of ladies' hose, hermsdorf dye, twe pairs Rix' 25e. ttaan Mr. Papst's cost price. See list in Window, rciake notei of date', and.don't ie late. -M owing edicine will 'travel during the , 902 as followEnt PR11NOEI of 1IDLOTHIAN. JAMBS LEIB It, Proprietor. ! Monday May 6th, ri on. -Will leave his own 4tab1e, Lo 10, 0.niecsiioli 11, Hulletti, and proceed to John B 'gham's for ote hour; thor.ce t 1 Blyth for tth s night. Tuqeday.-W 91 proceed north to Sloan's erneo, tun east to co. Jackson's for noon ; t once td hie town stable, by the Tovn Line and I arloek, oheee he will remain unlit Thursday lording.. Tburaclay.--Villt go to Kinburn for noon ; ence ba k to hie own stibl f the night.Friday. - m Will pr aid east, th m south to Hugh 110331 for 01500 tb noe south to ft xboeo, then weet to Fr snk etee's or the nioht. Saturday. -Will prmeed West to 1 h ones Feat'a le _noon ; (hence east to his o vn etatee whem he wilt -nein until the fellowieg • 1 . onday mrsling. . 17 94 4 , erei 1 SUNLIGHIT I. (306). . & J. MeGAvm, reprietors, ..-Wil' le :Ye his own stable, Lob 22, 0311- , MaKillop, and Igr eei.d to Oftii Watt's, Le noou ; therii to George S (pile ason's Kf ratight TueSd-igy.-TO John 241o0owoll'e, f . 0313 ' to Wit'ITot-1, Seafoith, s for SALE REGISTER. - On Tar sday, May 6th, at 1 o'clock p. m., on Lot 29, Concesaion 2, H. R. S., Tueker- emith, opposite Turner's church, Farm Stock and Implements. Arthur Catatelon, Proprieter ; Thomas Brown, Auctioneer On Saturday, May 3rd, in Hensall, at 2 p. m., a two story dwelling, stable and lot, situated on Queen street, adjoining the Presbyterian churah property. For parti- culars, apply to Wm. Laramie an Jane Lammie, proprietors ; B. S. Philli ss auc- tioneer. 9 \ Mond stion arlock, Kinbiid.r„.0, n ght. 1.Vednesday.-To trace Kerr's, north gravel road, McKillop. for nopre; then to his own steble for nig t. 1,Thursday.-To W.Diana T 'Heed, Con• c salon 16, 0t4ly, for noo4 ; thence to Central Hotel, llru,aelR for night. Frlday.-§outh to Jarbes Mo - Donald' , gravel road, for poon 1 theoce to his own stable for the night, and tamale nail the fill -ming - 1 HACK 0. 30235111791-2 onday morning. is„---,-.--.-Ett), N ,t JOSEPH HtroiLL, Proprietor. i The Standard bred andrezisterei, trotting etallion wilier , No. 30235, AO VIII , Vol. 14, will etand ming the siaion of 1902 atthip own stable, Lot 85, onceeSion h, Melcilltp, Far ne lig'. le c4rd and . ther inIformstion addraS13.JOs Pil HUG ILL, Seaterth,1 • 1 , 1794 4 , nt. ! • Silt AIJTER. 1 iNias & HoR okT, Proprietor. eionday.-ew ill leave his own stable, Lot 7, Con - mien. 12, Tir ketemith, and proceed north to John ampbell's, 3t relics north of Strong's Hotel, for , loon : thence to Seafort Tuesly.-Weet along , Clark' , Alma, for noo corner then west into Et Wednesday, -West to isnitooeocionnp;il there south to Stanle : for night. night. Josep Line - his o f! ro :III wher Ilior ing, ' • FEAR, the Druggist S_A_PCD1R,'1111.. , T09,E 1011, SALE in Belerave, euitable for gro- jy eerie.% four aod feed. Will excharge for private prortrity, Wingharn, Blyth or Clinton P.C. Mired. A. , 11A.SLA.M. • • • 1792x3 Purdon & Chariton, —AGENTS FOR PROVAN'S PATENT pARRIERSI FORK -AND SLANGS. latored Hera ir.1 bull, " Kr Jeer" Ncl, 106481, on Lot - LI IT., Conees.i n 9, Ilullett. Terius.4-31.26, payable IO errvice thia season the A-nerican•reg- SR . VICE -The tociersigoed will Jenuary, 190 Also yrung Ferefo. dostock for sale any tin. E. L. FARNHAM., gonstaloce, Ont. Supplied with ei:her the angle iron, round 3791-0 doubt tho best machines f;b4fainable at any rod or wood track.s. ,These are withou %..;NEY TO L oan at 4-e per sent on to JAS. L. KILLORA ! Money o ity. A p ety forth. TRA The publio to the Lieeee ransf, r of t 'to George E:preemlate. 1791-2 1 THOI. STEPHENS. AN ood farm scour price. . Sarrister,-Sca] I Was awarded the only ane 1712.tf given on Hay Forks at; the 1 , Chicago. Supplies may be had 'at smith shop, Exeter. 1794 8 PURDON & dHARLTON.' SFER OF LI ENSE. s hereby notified tha4 I have applied Commiseioners of South Huron for a o liceese of the Rivet Hotel, Bayfield, BarriFd Plymouth Are unexcelled as ss inter layere fowl bring inOch inore money than We have a pen sulected from our hens mated with a fine, large, well bred from a persistent laying stra eetting of 15.1 1792x7 SMILLIF, BROS. In the *urrogate Co , Middleton's oor then' south to Varna, at Blake's Hotel, for the Friday.-Soutli • by Way of Pair Line to Hudson% for neon ; then east Monk. the Town etween Hay and Stanley, by way of IKippen, to n stable Lot 7,,Concession 12, Macrons -Alf, ht. Saturday. -BY way of the 12th Conceesioh bbert to the 'Whams boundary at Janies n's (or noon ; then back to his own stable be wUl remain until the foliew ng Monday 1794-2. at Dick's Hot i 1 for night. ' he Huron road to Me =in ; .then wed to ftanstord's' llett to 8. Glew's1for night.' otin Lindsay's, Colborne, for lex.• Innis', Concession 2,' hursolay.--West to George er, Goderich Township, for Rocks. and as dressed common stook. est winter laying arked cock, also o. Eggs, $1 per Bluevale, Ont. rt of the County of Hu on. I Notice is hereby given that all r mons havirsrany e1alm a gnat the estate of Georg Dorrance, late of the Townehip of MeKillop, in the ounty of Huron, Yeoman, who died on or about th s 5th day of April, 1932, arc renuired on or befeee th s 21st deo of May, 1902, to send or deliver to the undersigned Solicitor for the EX0011t1r8 of said deeeleed, fill particulars of their claim au:lithe security (if any) hold by them, duly verified by affidavit. And f rther take notice, that after the esid 21st day of tay, 1902, the Ex. eoutora will proceed to distribute the 'est, te among the parties entitled thereto, havinir reference only to claims of which they shall then Wore received notice, and after such dietribution, the xceutors w111 not be responeible for any claim ef o latch they shall not have recthed notice. This noti e is given pursuant to the statute in that behalf. t. S. HAYS, Solicitor f r the Exeeutore. Dated at Seaforth this 25% day of April, 1902. 1 4. 1794.3 al and diploma World's Fair, ussell's black - GRAND TRUNK TVIrEt; *A************# Special,Saturday Night Sale (ill May the 3rd. .4-144.14++ STAPLE DEPARTMENT Our stock at this season was never larger, nor iitEriisd, or the prices based on a smaller margin of profit. We are at all ti es on the alert for bar- gains and special lines in this department. A few spec als mentioned below : Twenty-five pieces only of American venise foulards,33 inches wide, choice patterns, perfectly fast colors, regular value 25c a bargain for 13c a yard. A collection of remnants, where all odd lengths are gathered. It will I pay you to see these. . Thirty only linen table covers, from 90e up. Two special lines of table linen, two yaids wide, guaranteed all linen, . i for 37c a yard. Black and. white duck, special -line at Ole a yar 1 THE "Royal Muskoka" MUSKOKA LA ES DIS- TRICT OF CAIVADA. Clothing Departrilent. - I\To store in Seaforth, or we may say in Wst. in Ontario, has such a large and varied stook as we have. .This department )elieves in -expansion. It is continually reporting substantial increase in volume of business. There is no magic about its success, only plain;matter-of-fatt busi ess. Every customer is guaranteed satisfaction, is guaranteed the very E...t aloes olnainable in the market, is always sure of seeing t1ic very latest in styks., Our low prices and big values are the parents of our popularity. We li ve 1 this week placed. in ; stock four lines of worsted suits—what we call cleari g lines, purchased fp)ra manufacturers at much below the cost of manufacture and will, be sold to our customers at $6, $7, $8.50 and. $10 a suit. - I Also many other clearing lines in fancy Worste3s, tweeds, etc. -- Special clearing lines of boys' suits, sizes from 5 to 8 Only, goods worth from $2 to $4, your choice far $1 40. 1 Eleva,ntly furniehed fine anisice, beautiful surroundings, 1,000 feet above sea level. MOST CHARMING SUMMER RE- SORT REGION INI AMERICA. For full particulars, illirstrated descrip- tive literature, rates, maps, and all in- formation, apply to • M. C. DICKSON, Diatria Passenger Agt. WM. SOME VILLE, Agent, - - Sbaforth. re_ Clothi g to glen eNtTe have all the latest no elties in stook. SeeOur new coronation nit - lugs. Also special values in black ancl blue worsted4 • 1 , All the latest styles and novelties in hats, s111rtS,ties, etc., always in stock. .144011-4033404$43 Highest prices Ipaid for and Wools 0 1 --H,--- WS. MORD 4%; \ Opposite Town ,Building, Corner Men and i 1riElat gts., Seaforth, DIRECT • 'IMPORTERS